Growth Fantastic
Growth Fantastic
Growth Fantastic
Sleepily she turned over in her bed, eeling the heavy weight o her breasts slide across each other as she shi ted. She lay on her bac! or a moment, scrunching her eyes closed and running her hands bac! through her hair until her mom tapped on the door in passing. "Get up, honey," came the call, already hal way down the hallway. Penny sighed and sat hersel up into a sitting position, then gave a smir! as her pendulous breasts continued the motion be ore settling heavily against her stomach and thighs. The t#shirt she slept in, long enough to go to her !nees, had parachuted out and now dri ted bac! into place against the tops o her breasts. She turned, lightly swinging her legs over the edge o the bed, and nearly sprung onto her eet. $t was always a chore getting out o bed, which was the reason or the alarm being on the other side o the room, but once she was moving it was hard to slow her down. She stepped across the loor and shut o the alarm, grabbing her brush along the way, which she was already using to run a ew pre#emptive stro!es through her long, shiny auburn hair. %nce the tangles were sorted out, she shuc!ed the t#shirt o and glanced in the mirror. $t should have been a glance but, or whatever reason, Penny elt compelled to si&e her na!ed orm up or a bit longer this morning. 'er reshly#washed hair didn't loo! li!e it would need much more brushing a ter she was dressed, that was or sure( it ell in copper sheets down rom her head, thic! and lustrous. 'er bright green eyes twin!led rom beneath the bangs she had decided to go with, )ust above her small and sharp nose, oval ace and small but )uicy lips. *nd below her ace was+ well, but that would be getting ahead o hersel , wouldn't it, 'er avorite part o being her. She instead let her hands travel downwards, lightly running her ingers over her hips, cupping her bottom. -ven without her avorite eatures, Penny would still be a girl classi ied with curves. .ith her /0#inch hips on her 1'/" body, some 2)ealous3 people would o ten describe her as pear#shaped, although they would be greatly e4aggerating. 5p rom her irm and rounded bottom, which she was considering showing o in a tight pair o s!inny )eans, was her thin waist and taut stomach. *nd mostly obscuring that thin smoothness were her at, round, bouncing breasts. Penny too! her right breast in both o her hands and he ted it up, eeling its weight, watching how it sloshed and )iggled in the mirror. $t was so heavy, and she also thought she saw some strange muscle bulge in her na!ed arms as she li ted the load, but then it disappeared and she immediately orgot about it. She was too wrapped up in how it elt, her lone breast, bigger than the globe in her 'istory teacher's classroom, being held and con orming to the shape o her hands. She would also have noticed that they were sun! into the lesh, her ingers nearly disappearing, had she not been so distracted by the wonder ul eelings. She almost couldn't remember what it had been li!e be ore they sprung up, growing and growing, irst bigger than her grandmother's seemingly huge breasts, then bigger than her own mom's. They probably hadn't been as sensitive bac! then, because she remembered her irst time masturbating and it hadn't been 2as bi&arre as it seemed now3 purely rom nipple#play. But then, you probably orgot some things as time went by.
$t was only then that Penny reali&ed, in her musings, that she had been stro!ing and ingering both o her nipples, which were now 6uite engorged and tingling iercely. She chastised hersel , orcing her mind to other things, li!e the 6ui& that was surely coming up in her *lgebra class, but the damage was done( the weight on her bac! was already a little heavier than it had been be ore, and it elt li!e tiny shots o electricity were arcing into her body rom her so t beach ball boobs. Penny cursed, but not be ore win!ing at hersel in the mirror. 'ell, maybe it would be un to go through today loo!ing a little bigger than normal. $t's not li!e it hadn't happened be ore. She )ust couldn't get carried away until school was done. Finally able to tear hersel away rom the mirror, Penny scrounged through her dresser or a bra slightly bigger than normal, but not ull#on#heat#mode si&ed. The couple bras she had in that si&e could have ta!en up an entire drawer on their own, and it was always impossible to ind the good ol' -#cups that she was loo!ing or that morning, which she was sure, rom the he t in her hands, would it her swollen, beach# ball#si&ed tits per ectly. %nce her underpants had been retrieved and slipped on, the bu4om girl decided on a nice blue spaghetti# strap top, made o a stretch material that almost made her s6ueal with pleasure when it rubbed her nipples through her thic! bra, and a tight pair o capris. * ter stepping into a pair o sandals with slight heels, and running her brush through her hair a ew more times, Penny was at last ready to go. 'er mom tutted as Penny entered the !itchen and grabbed a granola bar, sha!ing her matronly head at Penny's larger#than#normal chest. "7ou better watch out, honey," she warned. "7ou'll end up li!e your great grandmother, trapped in a wheelchair." Penny rolled her eyes, her per ect hair gently waving with the motion. "Mom, there's no way that could happen to me, $'m not nearly as big as G#Mom's mom was." "True," Mrs. Parson said, "but $'ve seen you in your heat#cup si&e, and grandmother didn't get nearly that big when she was+" "5gh, Mom, please8" Penny said, covering her ears. "$ don't need to hear that8" "Me neither, 9ina8" came the voice o Penny's grandma rom the other room. She wal!ed through the !itchen carrying a load o dirty laundry. "$t was embarrassing enough, bac! in '11, when my mother couldn't wal! around due to si&e o her bosom, and $ don't need my own daughter grossing me out with thoughts o her heat#cups8" The old woman win!ed at Penny be ore trouncing out o the room, her own smaller :#cup breasts lopping a bit beneath her loose t#shirt, ma!ing Penny blanch at the image o de lated soccer balls. "Fine, mother," Mrs. Parson said, but there was a note o amusement in her voice. She heaved hersel up rom the table, her ;#cups, both appro4imately the si&e o slightly more in lated bas!etballs, ollowing behind. There was a hon! rom out ront. "There's 'annah," Penny said, shoving the banana in her mouth a bit unbecomingly and grabbing her bac!pac!. Penny's mom shoo! her head. "$ can't believe that girl can drive. 7ou need to ta!e over or her, Pen." "$t's not li!e she's getting any bigger." "That's what we thought about you, and now loo! at you8"
Penny rolled her eyes again and pec!ed her mom on the chee!. "But she's been this big since the si4th grade, mom. She'll be ine. Bye8" "That poor girl," Penny heard as the door closed behind her. <oo!ing at her waving best riend in the driver's seat, the blonde grinning iercely through the window, it was hard to e6uate the sentiment to the cheer ul, tiny girl. Then again, maybe tiny wasn't the right word. 'annah was only a hair over 1 oot, it's true, and was a thin, it girl, but her status as a matron le t her a bit bigger than she would be otherwise. $n act, Penny had to give it to her mom, it was a bit o a wonder 'annah could reach the steering wheel. * ter all, her huge breasts, bulging with so much mil! that she had to ta!e lactation brea!s twice a day, had to bloc! out at least hal o her vision, undoubtedly obscuring the speedometer. $t wouldn't have been so bad, her breast si&es nicely being e6uated to gallon mil! )ugs, i her huge, au4#pregnant belly wasn't pushing them directly into her ace. $t was a well#!nown act that 'annah had to put the driver's seat as ar bac! as possible while still being able to reach the pedals, or she wouldn't have been able to it her giant, round stomach into the car. "'ow's it going, shortround," Penny as!ed, sliding into the passenger seat. 'annah giggled and pulled away rom the house, careening down the street. She de initely wasn't loo!ing at the speedometer, her eyes not even nearing the crimson cloth that made up her enormous blouse. "$t's going. $ bought some new shorts8" "$ can see that," Penny said, loo!ing down to see the very short !ha!i shorts, their button held together with a rubber band. "$t loo!s li!e you shopped outside o your department again." "7ou !now $ can't help it. The 'matron' section is so... so..." "Family# riendly," "$ was going to say prudish." Penny couldn't help but smile at the pout on her "smaller" riend's ace. "$t's not li!e it would stop every boy in school rom wanting to do you," she laughed. "$t's )ust because they want to suc! on my titties," 'annah said. ".ith you they actually thin! you're se4y." ".ell," Penny said, in a a!e lo ty voice, "who could blame them, But seriously, 'annah," she continued, in a more play ul tone, "$'m pretty sure that you !now e4actly how se4y you are." She reached over and stro!ed a hand along 'annah's curving belly, eeling the taut s!in puc!er with goose bumps at her touch. Penny cac!led internally at 'annah's suddenly un ocused eyes, the blonde's tongue darting around her lips as she shivered with a small wave o pleasure. "* ter all," Penny said, her voice dropping another octave as she leaned in closer, "how many times have you let me suc! you dry+" ".e're here8" 'annah announced loudly, )ust as Penny's over ull breasts brushed against the side o her bulging stomach. She turned to Penny, hal #serious anger on her ace. "7ou can't do that to me8 7ou !now what'll+ oh, great8" Telltale wet spots were dar!ening the obvious nipple#bulges in 'annah's blouse, spreading out as they got wetter. "7ou started me early8"
The little girl popped out o the driver's seat li!e a cor! and slammed the door behind her be ore waddling to the high school both girls attended. "See you second period8" she called behind her as Penny gathered her things. That huge belly o 'annah's was even visible rom behind= i Penny didn't !now better, she would have guessed the girl was pregnant with triplets. But then, she would have been pregnant since middle school. Sha!ing her head at the sudden mood whiplash 2and sending a cascade o lovely auburn hair down her bac!3, Penny ollowed her disappeared riend into the crowds. She was a bit con used( wasn't that what they always did, 'adn't she and 'annah grown together, discovering their new bodies at the same time, Penny came out o her daydreaming in time to reali&e that everyone was staring at her, )ust be ore remembering that they did every single day. * ter all, she was the most beauti ul girl in school. She may not have had the biggest breasts= that trophy lay with >eronica Green, who almost, li!e G#Mom's mom, needed a wheelchair to haul hersel around, and even >eronica paled in comparison to <auryn ?eyser, a girl who had )oined the ran!s o the $mmobiles bac! in eighth grade a ter a tumultuous, growth# illed year= Penny wasn't an o icial pear, so she didn't have the curviest butt= her boobs didn't have any special tric!s, li!e 'annah and other matrons= no, Penny had the best all#around pac!age( the hair, the eyes, the ace, the mouth, the tits, the ass, the legs. -very stare and ga&e was one o either )ealousy or lust or a mi4ture o both. $t was no real surprise that ?eith .histler, captain o the ootball team, approached Penny at her loc!er. 'e did almost every day. "'ey," he said, by way o traditional greeting. "7ou loo! gorgeous today." "7ou say that every day," Penny said, the same as she said every day. ".ell, you loo! gorgeous every single uc!ing day, Pen." 9ormally she would turn the large, handsome boy down, but today elt strangely di erent. There was that amiliar tingle in her chest as she glanced at his )eans and saw a bulge there that reached hal way to his !nee. 'e must have had se4 with 'annah, she theori&ed vacantly. ";o you thin!," she began slowly, be ore ta!ing his big hand in her small, manicured one, "you could tell me that somewhere in private," "5h, de initely," he said, staggering a ter her as she led him down the hall. *lready she could eel the e ects o her increased horniness happening. The lightheadedness, the vague moistness in her crotch, but especially the tightness in her brassiere. She would have to do something 6uic!, or she would )ust !eep getting more and more aroused, until something very embarrassing, even in today's progressive world, happened. "'ere we are," Penny said, closing the door to the strangely abandoned band room. She didn't even 6uestion where band practice was happening instead as she stripped o ?eith's )eans and underwear, revealing an erection ar bigger than the one the boy Penny had lost her virginity to owned. 'er crush rom middle school, @ason 'artman, couldn't compare to ?eith .histler. 9ow that his pants were o , ?eith turned into the dominant orce, pushing Penny to the ground as he pulled her top over her head. Most o her bra came with it, her boobs lopping ree and onto the rough carpet. Penny elt them swelling as her breath increased, but her capris and panties were already gone,
?eith was already !neeling over her, his raging coc! already penetrating her sensitive pussy lips. The overripe teen screamed and writhed in pleasure as he pumped out o her and bac! in while one hand massaged one o her tits. They were both as large as couch cushions and still plumping up as she orgasmed again and again, the heat passing through her and illing her up while she clamped onto her dream man, her antasy complete and she didn't even !now it+she screamed again+ *nd Penelope Parson, age AB, wo!e up. ":ome on, Penny, you're going to be late or school," Mrs. Parson's voice came through the door. Penny sat bolt upright in bed, sweat lying rom her ace as she did so. The sheets were all wrin!led around her, some o them still grasped in her ists, and her shirt was absolutely soa!ed. ".hat a dream," Penny panted, out#o #breath rom the dream se4 she had been having. The dream se4 with ?eith .histler8 .hat an imagination she had. Penny slid out o bed, sha!ing her head and sending her !in!y lyaway hair everywhere, the tangles and crin!les undoubtedly orming a bright red u&&ball around her ace. She pu ed a stray strand out o her eyes as she stripped her shirt over her head and gave hersel a wry, hal #pitying loo! in the mirror. $n real li e, Penny was nowhere near a !noc!out. 'er hair, as already stated, was almost eternally a mess, a bright obno4ious color that lit her up li!e a tra ic cone. 'er ace was a pleasant shape, even she had to admit, but there was )ust something about it that was unappealing. Maybe it was the rec!les. They weren't cute, slight sprin!ling across#the#chee!s rec!les, but where#does#the# rec!le#end rec!les, especially in the summer. 'er eyes weren't even the bright green o the dream, but a muddy brownish# green color. *nd, the worst part, the part that she had the hardest time dealing with, was her chest. The only decoration on it, aside rom two little nipples, was another spray o rec!les. The problem, Penny thought, )ust as with every morning, as she hitched up a pair o )eans and tied them tight with a belt, was that she had no curves whatsoever to spea! o . $ she had any, )ust any, she wouldn't be such a rea!. But in the world that Penny lived in, a lac! o curves was the opposite o the norm. ".hat's wrong, honey," Penny's mom as!ed as the teen slumped into the !itchen. The older woman was peering over her breasts at the newspaper while guiding a spoon o corn la!es to her mouth. "%h, )ust glanced in the mirror, is all," Penny said, )ealously watching as a ew crumbs spilled rom her mom's mouth and bounced on the woman's shel o a bosom. They were absent#mindedly brushed o . "$t'll happen someday," Mrs. Parson said in a bored tone. $t was a pretty common conversation. "Maybe she should be than! ul that it hasn't yet8" came the almost triumphant voice o Mrs. Parson's mother rom the laundry room. The old woman wal!ed by with a laundry bas!et, her :#cups bouncing merrily away under her shirt. "* ter all, she could end up li!e my own mother, trapped in+" ".e !now, we !now, trapped in a wheelchair, horribly embarrassed bac! in '11," Penny's mom interrupted, waving her hand.
G#Mom tilted her head in ac!nowledgement. "$ !now, but it's true8 $t could happen. $ mean, $ thought that $ was a decently large si&e, and was relieved $ didn't get as big as her, but now loo! at you8 .hat i it's a trend, and Pen gets as big," She started olding the laundry onto the !itchen table be ore turning to Penny. "But seriously, 9othing," Penny's head nearly dipped into her cereal bowl in disappointment. "Still lat as a board." The old woman's hand came down reassuringly on Penny's shoulder. "$t will happen, soon. $t has to." There was the hon! rom out ront. "There's 'annah," Penny said, all o it eeling vaguely amiliar. .as it li!e this in the dream, Penny's mom shoo! her head. "$ can't believe that girl can drive. 7ou need to ta!e over or her, Pen." "$t's not li!e she's getting any bigger." "'ope ully not," G#Mom said, hal #grave. "*s lu4urious as it is, being mutation immobili&ed is probably pretty boring." "Better than not being anything at all," Penny muttered as she pec!ed her mom on the chee!. She was surprised when Mrs. Parson grabbed her into a ull body#hug, her ;#cup breasts smashing between the two ladies. "@ust !eep your chin up, Penny," Mrs. Parson said. "7ou'll come into your own." 'annah was nearly leaning on the horn, or at least as leaned as she could get, by the time Penny was out the door. ":ome on, slowpo!e8" she called. Penny snorted as she slid into the passenger seat. "7ou're the slowpo!e," she said, giving 'annah's prodigious belly a po!e o its own. "'a, not when $'m in this car $'m not8" the would#be#tiny girl said, stomping on the gas. Penny suddenly had a lash o her dream, and nearly burst out laughing at the thought o 'annah as some !ind o slut, using her "special talents" to have the pic! o the boys at school. * preggo 2or "matron" as se4#ed had taught them the proper name was3 li!e 'annah may produce mil! that does some really weird stu to guys' dic!s, but 'annah )ust wasn't the !ind o person who would do that. <i!e Penny, she was a part o that special group at school that was never very popular, never got pic!ed or anything, and was barely glanced at. *ll this despite her e4tremely li!able personality, e4tremely cute ace, and body that would have been o the charts. 7ou !now, i she didn't loo! permanently nine#months pregnant with triplets. Penny still remembered the e4citement she had elt when 'annah had irst started to show, way bac! in the i th grade. %h, she had been e4cited or 'annah, sure( o the our main "mutations" that girls had been e4periencing since the mid# i ties, along with the greatly increased breast si&es, the matron mutation was considered the most honorable one to get. * ter all, it was a permanent sign o ertility that had even been worshiped in many civili&ations, at one point or another. *nd, as 'annah grew more and more, irst her belly orming a small pot, then a big, he ty belly, and inally settling on the massive si&e she sported today, Penny's eyes grew and grew with it. Because, along with her stomach, 'annah's breasts grew, too.
*s her best riend le t the girl cup si&es behind and started wearing the smaller woman's si&es, Penny elt relieved. $ even 'annah had boobs that were big enough to call average then Penny, who was a good three inches taller, would de initely get breasts at least that big, maybe even as big as G#Mom's8 This small relie aded as the years went on, while 'annah stayed her average si&e. "7ou wouldn't want them anyway," 'annah had said once during a mil!ing session. She was a modest girl, but she didn't mind i Penny watched. "$ hate doing this." She was leaning over the sin! and loo!ing at Penny while she tal!ed. 'er heavy breasts hung toward the basin and she wor!ed them steadily, streams o mil! shooting rom the taut, swinging )ugs. "$'m not so sure you'd be saying that rom this side o the ence," Penny grumbled as she wiped up a spilled drop with her inger. "Something is better than nothing." "7ou thin! this is u+ don't lic! that8" 'annah's breasts bounced and )iggled as she slapped Penny's mouth away rom the girl's dripping digit. "$ haven't mil!ed mysel in a ew days and this stu is potent8 ;o you want to put on twenty pounds, People will thin! you're a eeder8" "*t least $'d be something," Penny said. "*nd hey, eeders are pretty respected." 'annah snorted as she resumed pulling at her nipples. "-4cept in this case you'd )ust be at. People can tell." %nce more Penny ound hersel loo!ing at 'annah's engorged, mil!# illed breasts as they rode in the car to school. Maybe a ew pounds wouldn't hurt, Penny thought. Then again, it would probably go somewhere weird and not at all attractive, li!e her calves or nec! or something. By the time she had sha!en the thoughts rom her head, the girls had arrived at school, and 'annah was already heaving hersel out o the driver's side. ":ome on, slowpo!e," she said as she straightened her long denim s!irt. Penny sighed while she caught up to her riend who was waddling towards the crowds around the school, trying to loo! anywhere but at the other girls and only managing to ocus on the curves o the overly pregnant girl. * ter they had entered the ront door and 'annah had turned down a hall or her irst period, Penny reali&ed she would have to end or hersel and not )ust ride in the wa!e o her best riend, and at last turned her sights up to the rest o the student body's aces. $n her dream, Penny had been able to ignore all o the other girls in the school. The ones that she remembered had much smaller breasts than her, and they were all )ealous o her stunning good loo!s and luc! with the boys. Ceality, though, was sadly reversed. Breasts, breasts, breasts. Boobs. 'ooters. *ll o them were around her, all the time, all o them ighting to escape rom the blouses and shirts that contained them, all o them so huge Penny didn't even thin! to compare her own tiny bumps o nipples to them. $t's not that she wasn't in the same league, it's that she didn't even have all o the re6uisite parts. *ccording to her Social 'istory class, which nicely tied in with Se4 -d, Penny wouldn't have stood out so badly bac! in the i ties. .hen G#Mom was only a girl was when this had all started. %ne day, women everywhere reali&ed that their brassieres were no longer itting so loosely, that their buttons were starting to get tight down their ronts. Bras in the larger si&es started to sell more and more, be ore women were calling in or actually visiting the companies that made them, demanding that larger cups with smaller bands were made.
They called it the :up Si&e -pidemic, and some reporters snar!ily called it B#;ay, and by now most people thought o it as "bac! when boobs were smaller," but at the time is was cra&y. Breasts, one o two areas that must never be seen in civili&ed public, were commonly being tal!ed about, popping out o their clothes as they swelled, huge sales happening at the strangest stores to try to !eep women com ortable as they grew. $t seemed to happen very 6uic!ly, according to grandma( one day everyone was "normal," or at least what G#Mom thought o as normal, the ne4t everyone was huge. $n act it too! over three years or the last ully#grown, documented woman to stop growing, and even then girls in puberty continued to grow, with new girls starting all the time. By the time the changing period was over, the world was completely made over. 9ot only were enormous, sin!# illing breasts the new norm, but hypertrophy beyond that wasn't as rare as it had been be ore. There were other changes, as well, which became !nown as "mutations" in the vernacular. *bout one in every nine or ten girls would change in even more radical terms, such as growing enormous round bellies and mil!#spurting breasts, as i the girl's body thought it was very, very pregnant. Modern high schoolers were amused to learn that what was now thought o as the "girl" si&e scale was in act the old scale or measuring breasts, rom when you were twelve to si4ty#three. The giggles that went through the classroom at the reali&ation that a woman's scale *#cup, which could still at least ill a hand decently, was at one time identical to a girl's *#cup, which was, in essence, a lat chest. So one can see how Penny didn't even imagine hersel comparable to her classmate's si&es. She didn't even reach what was the commonly#thought minimum or a emale who had gone through puberty= ar rom the standard hormonal hyperbole teenage girls o ten succumb to, Penny's thoughts that she could have the smallest breasts in the world were very plausible, indeed. The poor teen's distraught ga&e )umped rom chest to chest as she waded through the so t sea to her loc!er. 'ere went a girl in her class, the logo on her t#shirt stretched ridiculous across her bowling#ball si&ed tits. 'ere came a tall member o the girls' bas!etball team, one o the ew that wasn't a li ter, swinging her du el#bag#li!e sports bra over her shoulder while her huge, )iggly tits bounced ree along the edges o her )ersey, their natural shapes li!e ive#gallon#teardrops. *nd, God damnit, here came a reshman, her dar!, per!y nipples clearly showing through a buttoned#down shirt that was clearly ar too small or her, what with her rac! already larger than her head. Penny's ace burned as she moved through the crowd, the odd gaggle o girls seeing her and turning to snic!er at each other. *t last she reached her loc!er and was able to turn away rom the staring, piercing eyes. "'eya Pen," @ason 'artman, Penny's somewhat#annoying riend said, popping up at her elbow. Bac! in middle school Penny had the biggest crush on @ason, so much so that once at a party, reshman year, she had been nearly bursting with happiness when @ason had lead both o them on a drun!en wal! that had ended in an empty bedroom, both o their virginities lost orever. But then Penny had matured as high school had gone on, and @ason had mysteriously not. 'e had also stopped growing, managing to be shorter than Penny's already pretty measly 1'/". Penny sighed. "'i @ason." @ason, as everyone who hung out with Penny did, brushed the sigh aside. "*re you coming to the la!e this wee!end," he as!ed, leaning casually against a loc!er. 'is spi!y blonde hair glistened with gel, but nobody was buying his attempt at cool.
*nother sigh escaped rom Penny's mouth as she retrieved her boo!s and binders rom her loc!er. "%h, $ don't !now, @ason. 9obody who li!es me will be there..." She clutched the pile o noteboo!s to her chest as tightly as possible, too! a breath, and turned away rom the loc!er, steeling hersel or the rest o the day+ "+ure they will, $ mean, 'annah's probably coming, and $'ll be there+" +and nearly ran right into >eronica Green. To be e4act, she nearly ran into >eronica Green's right breast. By all rights, >eronica should have been, li!e great grandma, con ined to a wheelchair. The rumor was that >eronica had a very slight li ter mutation, which gave her the necessary muscle to hold hersel upright and wal! around, but or whatever reason being a li ter was out o style at the moment so it would be embarrassing or the e4tremely busty girl to admit as much. *ll Penny !new was that when she loo!ed at >eronica her own bac! started hurting. ".atch it, latty8" >eronica sneered, the laughter o her constant train o riends ollowing her as she slowly wal!ed away. 'er enormous breasts, each the appro4imate si&e o a smaller beanbag chair, were held irmly )ust below her waist by one o those bras that had e4tra straps around the hips, and were probably )ust under three eet wide+each. <i!e most girls whose breasts grew to larger#than#average proportions, >eronica's nipples had scaled up with them. *s the huge teats swung rom side to side with >eronica's ponderous gait, Penny caught glimpses o the almost constantly#hard co ee cup#si&ed protrudences, which was 6uite a eat, considering they had to po!e through a canvas bra, a t#shirt, and a cardigan sweater. Penny had never had P- with >eronica, but she had heard that, bra#less and in the showers, those huge tits only san! a oot or so, and o ten needed help with soaping up. "Penny, you're drooling," @ason said. $t was his turn to sigh. "<oo!, you're already beauti ul. Forget about boobs and stu and )ust come to the la!e8 $t'll be great." Penny turned and stormed o , eeling unbidden and une4pected tears come to her eyes as she barreled away rom her loc!er. .hat did he !now about how she elt, She literally was the lattest girl above the age o twelve that anyone she had ever met had ever seen. She should never have admitted to @ason her e4tremely in erior eelings about hersel , should never have told him about her antasies o growing a chest large enough to rival everyone at the school. She had hoped, deep down inside, that losing her virginity would !ic!#start whatever process in her body hadn't happened yet, but that had been almost three years ago. 9ot a single change since. 9ot a swelling in her breasts, not a rounding o her hips li!e a pear, no swollen belly li!e a preggo, no sudden weight gain li!e a eeder, not even une4pected#developing muscles li!e a li t+ %nce more Penny ound hersel bumping into someone much larger than hersel . ".oah there, Miss Parson8" Ms. Gimble said, irmly grabbing the thin girl's arm as she nearly ell over. "7ou don't have to be that e4cited about homeroom." .ith Penny sa ely attended to, the e4tremely well# muscled teacher crossed her arms over her chest, her huge biceps rippling and le4ing. *s usual when around anyone that Penny considered to be abnormally gi ted, she was somewhat in awe o Ms. Gimble. :oach o both the girl's bas!etball and ootball teams, she was a mammoth o a woman, regularly li ting 1DDlb weights without brea!ing a sweat. 'er arms were her main eature, both o them as
big around as Penny, but her chest was )ust as great as the rest o her, with her breasts probably a very nicely#si&ed :#cup, i it weren't or the act that she was so incredibly thic! with muscle around her upper torso that it made her drop a cup si&e. She always wore tight tan!tops and barely#buttoned blouses that would show o her shel o pectoral muscles and bunched steel abs. *ll o the other li ters at the school loo!ed up to her, both or not caring about the current ad to loo! down on "muscled women" and or being the strongest one there. The cra&y thing was that Penny !new she was only about average or a li ter= Ms. Gimble could at least it through doors8 "9#not in too big o a rush, Ms. Gimble," Penny stammered, doing her best to hold in her teared#up eyes. She ailed, as her homeroom teacher's eyes turned rom vaguely amused to concerned. ".ait a second, what's wrong, .as someone ma!ing un o you again," She leaned in, her globes swaying and pitching orward, drawing Penny's )ealous eyes. The )unior sni led. "9ot too much more than usual." She set her )aw. -ven i she wasn't as strong as Ms. Gimble, she could at least act li!e she was, couldn't she, "$'ve put up with worse." "That's more li!e it." The coach straightened bac! up, her pylon#li!e legs straining at her shorts. "7ou can go inside, i you want." She )er!ed a thumb over her shoulder and Penny reali&ed they were standing outside o the room they used or homeroom. Penny duc!ed her head in than!s and hurried inside. "'i Penny," greeted the s6uea!y voice o <aney, even be ore Penny had seen her. 9ot that it mattered( <aney was always in the homeroom when Penny got there. $t wasn't that <aney was unpopular( ar being rom it, she was actually 6uite happily ac6uainted with most o the !ids at the school. She claimed to Penny that it was because she pre erred the peace and 6uiet o a mostly empty classroom, but it was pretty obvious to Penny why the eeder got there so early( it was so she wouldn't bump into !ids on the way to her des!, orcing them all to evacuate their seats while she navigated the aisle. Penny not#so#secretly wished that she had a problem li!e that, but i you heard <aney tal! about it you would assume it was one o the worst things in the world. "Most o the time $ )ust wish $ was atter, so $ could get a <arge des!," she had admitted to Penny on more than one occasion. There was a speci ic threshold o mass that a girl had to be over or the school to allocate plus#si&ed e6uipment, and <aney was )ust under it at EB1 lbs. "$t's hard or eeders to gain past their personal limit, though, so $ can't really orce it." 9ice problem to have, Penny snorted to hersel . <aney was still very popular, and very pretty( her round ace, bouncing golden curls, lovely plump lips. *nd her tits, probably ;;'s or even -'s despite her thic! torso, sat heavily on her des! every day. Cight now they cushioned a bag o big pret&els, which <aney was ishing around in. Penny's eyes ollowed the hypnotic bouncing and )iggling o the huge, at# illed breasts, contained poorly in a very thing spaghetti#strap top. %nce <aney ound a pret&el, she leaned slightly bac! in her chair, as ar as she could go, and her breasts tried to ollow. There wasn't very much e4tra room, however, so they )ust ended up slightly nestled in the short drop between des! edge and belly, at least B1F o the lour bag#si&ed loads still covering the wooden top. ".hat's up, buttercup," <aney chirped between crunches. "$ have something on my ace," "9o," Penny sighed, and plun!ed down the row to her des!. She got out her noteboo! and pencil and leaned into her palm, ga&ing wist ully out the window. *s she watched the cheerleaders in the middle o the ield doing their morning routine, breasts swaying and bouncing in their light sweaters, the boys trac! team's eyes were magnetically attached to their chests. They were all used to such a display, it was true, but that didn't stop them rom loo!ing. $t never did. Penny's mind, as usual, dri ted into daydreams o someday having such a chest as could attract any boy at the school.
:lass started a ter i teen minutes o such thoughts, and Penny duti ully opened her noteboo! and wrote down most o the things that Ms. Gimble told them. $t was useless, homeroomy#type lu , but Penny did her best to be good at S%M-T'$9G, at least. $ she couldn't win in loo!s, or boys, or sports, she could at least ma!e an e ort to be good at school. The rest o the day passed with general listless la&iness. Penny did her best to pay attention in every class, but would always ind her eyes wandering around the girls around her, pee!ing down shirts, ogling cleavage, spying on nipples and prominent aureole. The problem with big boobs and wanting them, Penny complained to hersel , was that they were everywhere. She could not get away rom them. The girls with mutations were almost worse. *s they all !new that they were e4ceptionally di erent, most o them were either too modest about what gi ts their genetics had bestowed upon them, li!e 'annah, or annoyingly blasG about them, li!e <aney. Those two mutations, that is, the preggos and the eeders, were the ones that tended to get the huge boobs, too. Pears and li ters tended to get the sha t with their slightly lesser breasts, although they still tended to be larger#than#average, which means they were still in initely larger than Penny's. Plus, she didn't really have any good pear riends, and absolutely no li ter riends, so their commiseration, no matter how poorly placed, wouldn't have helped either way. By the end o the day Penny was e4hausted, as was her normal state. *ctually, she was a bit more e4hausted than normal, because a ter lunch she had been stuc! in the hall on the way to class behind one o the pears and had to stare at that per ect behind or about i teen minutes while the tra ic congestion at some loc!ers had cleared up. <aney had been beside her, chattering away while shoving cupca!es into her mouth, and 'annah's irm stomach had been pressing into her bac!, and there was a wall on the other side, so Penny had nothing to do. 9othing to do but stare at :aroline @ameson's big, bouncy bac!side. Penny almost drooled. Those 1D# inch hips were s6uee&ed into a pair o !nee#length !ha!i shorts, so tly rounding to :aroline's smooth waist be ore bounding out against her sil! blouse that housed her ;; breasts. 'er shiny, curly, per ect blac! hair cascaded down her bac!, her brown s!in shiny with sweat in the crowded hall. Penny wasn't her riend. :aroline didn't li!e her and she didn't li!e :aroline, and she also didn't li!e how rich her amily was. She did not li!e their cabin at the la!e, she was not attending their party on Saturday, and she de initely did not li!e envying her womanly curves. But damnit, she )ust couldn't loo! away. So she was very e4hausted by the end o the day. Much more than usual. "'ow was your day, Sweet Pea," Mrs. Parson as!ed rom her o ice a ter 'annah had driven hapha&ardly away. "-4hausting. *s usual." "$'m sure it was, honey," Grandma said with a pec! on Penny's head. "But you have that party Saturday, don't you, $t'll be a great way to hang out with your riends8" Penny shoo! her head, ri&&y red hair lying everywhere. "$ don't thin! $'m going." "'mm." Grandma sat bac! on the couch, brushing aside her granddaughter's usual negativity. ".ell, maybe you'll eel di erently about it tomorrow. 9ow do you have any homewor!," HHH
Penny didn't eel any di erent about it the ne4t day, either. $t was with an e4tra#sullen ace that she got up, got dressed, ate brea! ast, and rode to school with 'annah ne4t to her. Partly to blame was her sad attempt to dress better. Maybe inspired by her dream rom the other night, maybe not, Penny had tried to pull o those olive capris that were hiding in the bottom o her drawer, but they )ust loo!ed di erently on her than they did on dream#Penny. They didn't loo! se4y or cute or even hip#hugging. They )ust loo!ed li!e short pants. The spaghetti#strap top, $t )ust made her loo! li!e a seven# year#old. Penny's sad re lection depressed her too much to even change into less stupid#loo!ing clothes, and she had continued on her way. 'annah had sensed the e4tra#poor mood o her best riend and had !ept her mouth shut, but that hadn't stopped Penny's eyes rom ra!ing over her heavy, mil!#engorged breasts, so poorly contained in her e4tra#large maternity top. The ride would have been aw!ward i not or the act that Penny was o ten li!e this. 'omeroom came and passed by at a crawl as Ms. Gimble called roll and Penny poised over her noteboo!. She was ully prepared to get hersel out o the un! by paying e4tra#attention in school that day. 9aturally, the under#developed girl's mind wandered a ter a period o writing down dates o upcoming holidays and school events, and, when the bell rang announcing the end o homeroom, she was startled rom her doodle o two very amiliar#loo!ing round shapes. 'er pencil )ostled rom her hand and landed on the ground in the aisle, soon stepped over by ten !ids who ignored her, )ust as they always did. .ith her usual sigh, Penny waited or the snea!ers to clear out o the way, then leaned out o her des! and pic!ed up the pencil. $t was the most ridiculous eeling she elt, as her ingers pinched over the smooth yellow paint o the pencil. *lmost li!e a tightening o her right arm. *nd then, as she li ted the thin rod o wood, there was suddenly the eeling o much more resistance than there should have been, as i the pencil's mass was ten or more times its previous mass. 7et, despite this brie pause and strange eeling, Penny pulled the pencil up rom the loor )ust as she normally would. ".hat was+" Penny started, be ore reali&ing how peculiar she was being. She absent#mindedly reached or the ront cover o her noteboo! with her le t hand to pull it close. She did so success ully, but not be ore eeling another weird twinge in her arm, another weird rush and strain as she pulled at the cover. But nothing else happened( the cover closed, )ust ine. .hat was going on, She wasn't sure. $t didn't e4actly hurt, not right then, at least, it )ust elt li!e... li!e everything was wor!ing e4tra hard. She stood up rom the des! and elt another series o twangs and pulls throughout her legs and hips, then her abdominals and torso as she reached down or her things, and her arms again as she gathered them up into her chest. Brow urrowed, Penny wal!ed irmly out o the room, much too distracted to be shy or peeved as Ms. Gimble gave her a curious loo!. The peculiar eelings in her legs and lower body continued with each new e4ertion as Penny wal!ed down the hall, turning corners and navigating to her irst period class. .as she sic!, Some strange disease, ;id she rea!ily pull every muscle in her body, Maybe she was dying. Maybe this was what dying elt li!e. Then again, it elt !ind o good, she had to admit. <i!e she sometimes elt a ter running a mile, i she managed to do it without completely e4hausting hersel . *nd this time she wasn't getting tired at all, )ust constantly springing and &apping all over as she ound her des! in the <iterature class. $t was only with
some relie that Penny sat down and elt the last o the little tightenings in her legs. The rest o her !ind o wished they had continued. So it was with a little e4citement that Penny got out her copy o The Great Gatsby and ound that, by turning the pages, she could activate those muscular pulses in her upper arms. First her right arm to turn one page, then her le t arm to turn the ne4t. $t was a catch#up reading day, so Penny turned page a ter page as she read through the classic piece o *merican literature. * ter lipping through the boo! three times, though, she reali&ed that the resistance she was getting was decreasing until the small burst o energy at each page turn was almost negligible. Maybe the pages were too light, ;isappointed, and not even reali&ing that her blue un! rom earlier in the day had completely evaporated, Penny pulled up her pencil 2that at least gave her the same sproing in her arm, although less than be ore3 and started scratching out answers on her wor! page+only to ind out that each stro!e on the page, each push and pull o the pencil lead, wor!ed her orearms. She wrote all over the sheet, ta!ing her time to spell out the essay 6uestions with as much detail as possible, then pulled out more wor! rom other classes. .hen the resistance had started to lessen with her right hand, she had un writing with her le t. *lmost subconsciously she started li ting the boo! in her right hand up and down, eeling the imaginary e4tra mass that the boo! had gained, eeling her entire right side wor! to move it all. By the time the bell signaling the end o irst period rang, Penny reali&ed she was drenched in sweat, and all o the muscles in her body were aching as i she had )ust gotten out o P-. She stood up rom her des! and pulled her boo!s and noteboo!s with her, eeling her arms le4 and wor! at them, and it all clic!ed together. $maginary mass. The muscles in her body wor!ing overtime. The sudden eelings o strength, even though she wasn't doing anything out o the ordinary. Penny loo!ed down at her arms and reali&ed that, ar rom the usual thin stic!s she would see, she saw lean and lightly de ined muscles standing out all along them, li!e a gymnast's. She wasn't dying. She wasn't sic!. 'er body had )ust been politely in orming her that, rom now on, she was probably going to be gaining muscle mass a lot more easily than most other people. She would grow stronger and bigger by hardly doing anything at all. Penny had a mutation. Penny was a li ter. She was almost surprised at hersel or not screaming in delight, or not racing through the halls shouting at everyone. * ter all, this wasn't I5$T- what she wanted( she wanted breasts. But then again, breasts almost always got bigger i a girl developed a mutation, even i you were )ust a li ter. 'er breaths started coming even aster. 'er eyes elt li!e she was two miles rom the loor. Penny's thoughts were racing, but one happy loo! remained on her ace. $t was the loo! o someone who didn't care that li ters were out o ashion, who didn't care that this would probably get her teased more than i she had )ust inally gained a cup si&e. $t was the loo! o someone who had inally gotten a taste o being special+and not in a bad way. Surely, Penny thought giddily as she almost pranced to her loc!er, this meant that an actual bra was on its way. Penny's humming as she si ted through her loc!er was bro!en by 'annah's voice. ".hat's gotten into you, 7ou were ;ebbie ;owner as usual, this morning." The preggo was leaning ne4t to Penny, and had somehow managed to snea! her huge bul! up without being noticed. Then again, Penny was a little
distracted. "'ello, 7ou in there," 'annah leaned in to the unresponsive redhead and snapped her ingers in ront o Penny's eyes. $t was less the snapping and more the eeling o a very taut belly and two very so t breasts digging into Penny's side that wo!e her up. "$ thin! $'m a li ter," Penny said, turning sharply enough that 'annah bac!ed up a step in surprise. %nce balance was regained she put her hands on her hips and coc!ed a blond eyebrow. "Ceally." "9o, seriously8" Penny said. ";on't thin! $'m )ust cra&y, please8 $ it all o the symptoms, starting, li!e, two hours ago8" She li ted up an arm and le4ed. *nd, oh. Fle4ing elt goooooood. Be ore today i Penny had le4ed it would eel li!e, well, li!e turning on a switch. $t would be either she was not le4ing 2and loo!ed li!e a shapeless stic!3 or she was le4ing 2and loo!ed li!e a curled, shapeless stic!3. But with this le4 it was less li!e lic!ing a switch and more li!e gradually opening a door. She started le4ing, but then she put more and more and more tension into it, greater and greater. $t was li!e biting slowly down on a really good piece o udge, or crunching more and more leaves with heavy boots. $t was satis ying and tingly at the same time. Plus, with her spaghetti#strap top, she could even see her bicep. *nd what was orming there with the le4 was de initely more muscle than had been there yesterday. 9amely, any muscle at all. "*lright, honey," 'annah said, patting Penny on the shoulder as she waddled past. ".ell, prove it in P-." "'annah, you can't see this," Penny said, )ogging to catch up, still le4ing her right arm. "@ust loo!8" *nd she le4ed her le t arm, too. 'er breath hitched and her eyes lic!ered a bit as the strength passed through her entire arm, all o the muscles in it. The good eeling was almost indescribable. *lmost. Penny was no stranger to se4 dreams, but that was really where her se4ual activity stopped. Sure, li!e most girls, once she had reali&ed that she had a vagina she had stro!ed it and petted it and ound her clitoris and even put some things beyond tampons into it. But, aside rom those e4plorations, a ew very cra&y nights o masturbation and that one time with @ason, she hadn't had any se4ual e4periences, and even those ew had maybe two o them eel good. *nd this, well. This elt !ind o li!e those two times. 'annah )ust grabbed Penny's upright arm and pulled her toward the gym. ":ome %9, you loo! li!e a goober." Penny changed as sel #consciously as she usually did into her gym clothes, and only noticed as she was pulling her thin white t#shirt over her stupid training bra that she probably wouldn't have to be so embarrassed in a ew months. %r maybe even a ew wee!s, i she really wor!ed at it8 She had heard o li ters that had gone rom normal to the biggest in their school within a couple months= i that happened to her she would probably be loo!ing awesome, or at least bearable, by ne4t Friday8 That was pretty ridiculous, though a girl could dream. Still, the weird way that the shirt was sitting on Penny's shoulders in no way distracted her rom the bounty o breasts around her. She 6uic!ly reminded hersel that nothing guaranteed her boobs would
grow with her muscles= she might end up some rea! with arms li!e re rigerators and no tits whatsoever. *s usual, there was the hal #wish that >eronica Green was in her gym class, so Penny could get a glimpse at those gorgeous monsters na!ed, and hal e4treme than!s to whoever was in charge that >eronica wasn't. Penny could only put up with so much stress. The ogling commenced as it always did. Breasts the si&e o gallon )ugs slipping out o bra cups that could ma!e ruit bas!ets, nipples li!e thumbs and thimbles sitting on dar! areolae sometimes as wide as dinner plates, round and curvy hips slipping out o hugging s!irts and itted pants and slipping into the dar! blue shorts o the school. Penny pretended to be distracted by the hair band she was tying her lyabout hair bac! with, but she was instead pee!ing under her arms at every single girl around her. Penny wanted them all. She wanted it all. *nd while growing more muscular wasn't e4actly what she wanted, it was something, at least. ".ell, $ guess something might loo! di erent about you," 'annah said, trying to tug her shirt down over her belly button and ailing. 'er regulation shorts were scrunched down under her tummy and her huge tits were sa ely contained in her white shirt. Penny decided not to comment. * ter wal!ing out onto the gym loor, 'annah waddled bac! to the stands while Penny started to )og laps. :lass always started with a ew laps, with 'annah and the others incapable o running without in)ury sitting o to the side. Penny normally hated this part, and almost never ran the re6uisite number o laps or the mile that :oach 'asher pre erred. Today, though, was di erent. -ach step that Penny )ogged was another burning, laring warmth in her legs. $t was a delicious, pleasurable eeling almost e4actly li!e the one she had been e4periencing all day in her arms. * ter one lap she reali&ed she was nearly sprinting, her chest was heaving, her arms were pumping, but her legs were on ire with that awesome burn. $t was almost addictive. *nd then she reali&ed that no one was on the gym loor anymore, and Penny was running her twenty# ourth lap. She saw that 'annah was tapping her toe by the bleachers and slowed down as she rounded her last corner, eeling the muscles in her legs that had been burning stay )ust as tightened as they were. "'oly shit, Penny8" 'annah said. "7ou )ust sprinted our miles8 *nd in, li!e, i teen minutes8 That's got to be a record or someone who isn't a li ter8" "Than!s or believing me," Penny panted, leaning over and resting her hands on her thighs. They de initely elt di erent. Firmer, maybe. *nd her shorts' pant legs elt almost tight. She would have to loo! in a mirror to be sure. She whipped her head up and grinned at her pregnant#loo!ing riend. "<et's go li t some weights8" %n Fridays P- was always something super#easy, li!e tae#bo or dodge ball. Today it was the weight room. <ess able girls such as 'annah were almost re6uired to put in a certain amount o e4ercise in there, to ma!e up or their lac! o ability in places li!e running. "$t's not li!e $ don't li t a weight around with me all day," 'annah would o ten grumble, but she put up with it, doing easy things with light barbells or toe# li ts. Penny wal!ed in and bee#lined to a ree weight resistance machine. $t was an all#inclusive one, with bench#presses, shoulder#li ts, chest lies, everything. She sat down at the butter ly section and chec!ed the
weight( 0D lbs. "%!ay," she said, eeling 'annah's eyes on her. "That's about twice as much as usual, but let's try it." She slipped into the seat, pulled her arms into position, and pushed against the big pads. *t irst there was no movement, almost li!e pushing against a bric! wall, but then Penny elt that awesome, energi&ing eeling, li!e magma lowing into her chest and upper arms. The weights behind her li ted as she pressed the pads orward and Penny elt no sha!es or pain, only a straight#laced adrenaline rush li!e she hadn't elt yet. .hen the bars on the bac! o the pads were almost touching, she stopped, then gently, oh#so# gently, let her arms bac!, eeling the burn and tingle o the resistance. The weights wanted her arms to snap bac! into position, but she wouldn't let them, and that meant she was winning. %nce her arms were bac! into the neutral position, Penny reveled in the eeling o laming tightness across her chest and shoulders, and pushed against the pads again. $t was easier this time. * ter ten reps, Penny too! a brea! and grinned at 'annah, who was staring in wide#eyed disbelie . "Ceally, $t's that easy," ".ell," Penny shrugged, "it's hard or about hal o a second, but then my body ad)usts or something." ":ould you go heavier, <i!e JD or so," "$ guess $ probably could tr+" But 'annah was already leaning way over, breasts bobbling against the irm top o her belly, to move the resistance to JD lbs. "Try that." *nd Penny did, with little problems. Then KD. Finally, at ADD pounds, she elt her upper#body muscles getting tired, eeling a strain or the irst time that day. "7ou )ust li ted as much as you weigh," 'annah said, now absent#mindedly li ting a ive pound dumbbell in one hand. Penny could only smile, sweat glistening across her nec!, not rom e4ertion, but rom that oddly se4ual pleasure. ".hat about your arms," So Penny li ted with the bicep li ter or ten minutes, orty pounds per arm. Then with the abs machine, crunching seventy# ive. Then her lats, pulling down AED pounds a ter hoo!ing her legs under her. Then her legs. 'er calves. 'er triceps. 'er bac!. -ach muscle group Penny pounded, starting with as much as she thought she could easibly li t and then adding on rom there. She only 6uit when her arms 2or legs or related limbs3 were sha!ing with that wonder ul rushing eeling, that li6uid gold running through her veins more than she could stand. $t was nearing the end o the period when Penny reali&ed that :oach 'asher was watching her bench# press. She had returned to her chest group only a ter everything else had been used up in the hopes she would brea! her weight record with the butter ly machine. True enough, she was li ting way more than that( the weights rising and alling steadily with her li ts were totaling A1D pounds. -ach li t and retraction brought yet more burning to Penny's chest, the heat building up and building up until it was spreading all through her body. 'er teeth gritted, her eyes pressed closed as stars burst behind them.
She li ted again and her hips buc!ed. Penny reali&ed that her pussy was clenched tight, a weird moist eeling pervading her panties. There was that heat rom her chest, and then there was a di erent !ind o heat, !ind o deep in her stomach. *s she li ted and pulled bac! again, and the bright ire ignited across her muscles, she elt that heat grow as her hips buc!led a second time. She reali&ed what was happening with her inal li t, but it was too late( a wave, a bright, happy, burning wave erupted rom that spot below her stomach and raged across her body. $t elt li!e every muscle in her body, the muscles li ting the bench#press included, was tensing and rela4ing all at once. The weights smac!ed bac! down into each other as she let go, but Penny didn't notice( she was too busy reveling in the ama&ing eeling she was e4periencing. .ave a ter wave roc!ed her body, her eyes rolled bac! into their soc!ets, her torso hal #sitting up, her hands uselessly on her stomach. *t last her eyes rolled bac! down and she sat up. Penny glanced around to ma!e sure that what she had )ust elt 2and it must have been an orgasm that was e4actly how everyone had described an orgasm holy shit did she )ust3 and didn't see anyone, not even 'annah, paying attention. But there. $n the corner. Mr. 'asher. 'e could have played po!er with the e4pression on his ace as he wal!ed over. ".e need to go see the nurse, Miss Parson. School regulations." Penny's eyes opened wide. .hat, Cegulations, She scanned the room a little more rantically than be ore and at last spotted 'annah in the corner, chatting with some girl rom her Geography class. Too ar away to help... "Miss Parson," :oach 'asher's voice came again. "$'m sorry, but we need to go. :lass is almost over and you'll need to get to your ne4t one." "7es sir," Penny said, standing up. They le t the weight room and headed down the hall. 'e must have seen. 'e must have noticed the... the big %. The orgasm that Penny had somehow achieved )ust by li ting weights. .hat a rea! she was8 -ven as a li ter she couldn't it in, she had to get o rom li ting. .hat a )o!e. :oach 'asher le t her in a nurse's room and wordlessly le t, leaving Penny sitting on that weird tissue paper that covers all doctor's o ice beds. %r were they tables, Penny could never igure it out. She ocused on this stupid triviality, ma!ing her mind not thin! about what weird tal!s the psychologist would have to have with her, until the door opened and the school nurse came in. Mrs. .ight wasn't a small lady, but she was !ind o the school mother. *s much as anybody could tell, she wasn't a eeder( she was )ust at. 'er modest breasts, probably only B#cup melons, were clasped tightly within her white turtlenec!. "%h, Penny," she said. "$'m so glad that you're inally growing up8 *nother li ter8 *nd Mr. 'asher says he saw you li ting things he hasn't even seen ?elly Cegal li t8" Penny was a bit put bac!. "?elly+ who,"
"The star linebac!er on the girls' ootball team," the larger lady e4plained as she started lipping through a clipboard and scribbling on it. "7ou must not !eep up with sports very well8 .ell, you should now, i Mr. 'asher's guess is right." "*nd what's his guess," Penny as!ed, scooting a little orward. The smile on the dimpled ace was in ectious. "That you'll get big and strong, o course8 7ou already loo! so much di erent than yesterday8" "$ do," Penny loo!ed around and saw there was a huge mirror behind her. She slipped o o the table and turned to loo! at hersel . $t was true, even with an easy glance li!e this8 'er legs were such a pleasing, smooth shape now, now those weird stic! things she had earlier. There were lines and very slightly muscular bulges through them, easily seen in the short 2and almost tight3 school shorts. 'er arms were shapely, too, and as she le4ed she saw modest but brand new biceps appear in them. Penny li ted up the white e4ercise shirt and loo!ed at her stomach, admiring the new, smooth curve in rom her hips to her slightly visible si4#pac!, then let it drop and marveled at how )ust a ew changes made her uni orm loo! completely di erent and, dare she say, pleasing. <i!e a non#mutant gymnast, even. Mrs. .ight's head appeared over Penny's shoulder. ";idn't $ tell you, dear, *nyway, as you !now, the government re6uires a register o all girls with ma)or mutations, and i you're a li ter, and $ can give my stamp o approval on that notation )ust rom these observations, you belong on it8" ".ow." Penny said. "So it's o icial." ":an't get more o icialler8" She was, without a doubt, a li ter. The evidence was right there in ront o her. HHH By the end o the day, Penny was absolutely bouncing. The congratulations and handsha!es came rom all around. She had stopped in the bathroom a ter changing into her normal clothes to see how much her loo! had improved since that morning. The spaghetti#strap top now showed o something in her shoulders and upper#chest, and the capris hugged her hips in a way that showed the pleasing lines o her legs. *ll in one day8 Penny was ecstatic. She even was thin!ing about actually going to the la!e the ne4t day. @ason's out#o #breath cheer had embarrassed Penny, but not enough to ma!e her completely write it o . * ter all, now she had a reason to wear a bathing suit, even i she had to ill it out in unorthodo4 ways. 'annah hon!ed as Penny waved goodbye rom her ront door, which she opened to ind her mother in the !itchen, wor!ing on some !ind o cra t. "%h, hello, honey8" "'i Mom8" Penny beamed, standing in the entrance. She stood there or a good minute, waiting or her mom to actually loo! at her. The elder Parson inally did, raising an eyebrow. "Something up, !iddo," she as!ed, be ore loo!ing bac! down the paintbrush. Penny spread her hands. ";on't $ loo! di erent,"
Mrs. Parson's head li ted a little bit slower, a little bit more deliberately this time. ";i erent," she repeated. She loo!ed at her daughter or a moment, and a wide smile spread across her ace. "7ou do8 %h my God, you loo! di erent8" She bounded out o her chair and across the room and enveloped her daughter in a bac!#brea!ing hug. "$ can't believe it8 7ou do8" she cried. "7ou inally got your breasts8" "'ahaha, no, Mom, $'m a li ter8 $'m a li ter8" The two women were pushed apart by Mrs. Parson's arms. ".hat do you mean, 'ave you loo!ed at yoursel ," "% course $ have, mom, $ mean..." But then Penny did loo! at hersel . She loo!ed, or the irst time that day, at her chest. There, unprotected by the thic! material o a brassiere, Penny saw that she had developed two mounds o thin but so t tissue. Breast tissue. "'oly shit," she breathed. *s she e4haled the words, her chest moved inward, and the pair o gently pointed curves ollowed suit. 'er tight top was even stretching slightly between them, creating that regular rise in her torso's cartography that Penny had longed or the past decade. "'oly shit8" she repeated, this time le4ing her arms so that her chest was thrust out with her slightly bulging pectorals. Penny, at last, had tits. The ne4t morning she wo!e up bright and early at eight *M, the teen's head bu&&ing with e4citement and the )oy o living. She bounced out o bed, eeling a very slight tingle as she used her arms and abs to move hersel , ripped her nightshirt over her head, and stared at hersel in her underwear as she li ted one o her improvised dumbbells with her right arm. G#Mom had made them, mostly so Penny could prove )ust how strong she was getting, and because Penny desperately wanted something more practical to li t repeatedly than, say, their huge, old T> set. -ach dumbbell was composed o two old gallon mil! )ugs illed with water be ore being strapped to a thic! dowel. She watched her entire body le4 and bulge as she li ted( irst with )ust her elbow, then rom the shoulder, then over her head. She switched arms. 'er boobs were de initely bigger today. 9ot super big, not even regular big, but almost *#cups. Maybe. Still8 Penny's mom had said that she would give her some cash today and she and 'annah could go to the mall, pic! up some bras and some new clothes. -specially something cute to wear to the la!e, which Penny was de initely going to, now. 9othing would stop her rom showing o her new body, out o ashion or not. She even loo!ed a little bigger everywhere else today. Maybe. 'er arms were de initely bigger than they had ever been be ore, even when not le4ing them, but maybe they had been that way on Friday. She li ted the dumbbell again, le4ing with all o her might, eeling that heat low out o her bicep as it swelled up to a nice little hand ul o muscle. %h god, it eels so good to be alive, Penny thought as she put the dumbbell down and started in with some sit#ups.
"'ere's a i ty," Mrs. Parson said. She !issed Penny on the head while her daughter munched on cereal with one hand, li ted her dumbbell with the other. "*ctually, here's a second one," she added a ter some thought, dropping another bill ne4t to the cereal bowl. Penny loo!ed up to see an e4tremely proud light shining in her mother's eyes. The smile on her ace was one o a warmth Penny didn't thin! she had ever e4perienced be ore. "7ou're inally a woman, Penny." Penny snorted at the cheesiness o the line. "Maybe when $ stop growing8" "7ou want to stop growing," G#Mom said rom the couch, eying Penny over her novel. "Those B#cups are )ust ine or you8" "B#cups," Penny said. "These are hardly *#cups8 Maybe in a girl's si&e, or when you were little." The elder Mrs. Parson harrumphed. ".ell, maybe so. But still. $ would buy a bra a little bit bigger than you thin! you need. 7ou never !now." Penny could only laugh and that's what she still was doing, our hours later and in 'annah's car. The shopping was done and they were heading or the la!e, hal #an#hour outside o town. 'er hair was out and lying in the wind o 'annah's open window, her modest bust and lightly muscles torso were out and displayed in a new bi!ini top, and her butt was loo!ing mighty ine in some tight denim shorts. ;id she say shorts, Because she meant short shorts. "$t's so cra&y, you're li!e a di erent person8 * di erent, e6ually awesome person, but still," 'annah said. She tilted her small head sideways, ta!ing her eyes o o the road yet again. "Then again, the old Penny wouldn't have tal!ed me into, you !now, buying this." She gestured at the shirt that was stretched tightly over her burgeoning chest and stomach. Cather, she gestured at what was underneath it. Penny grinned. ":ome on, it'll be great8 $ $ can't be sel #conscious about my body anymore, neither can you." "%h, come on," the pregnant#loo!ing girl whined. "7ours is cool, mine is embarrassing. 7ou won't have to mil! yoursel three times be ore we go home tomorrow." .ith a moc! sigh, Penny brushed a stray ri&& o hair out o her eyes. "7ou're right, mine is super#cool." She smiled even wider and le4ed her arms over her head, turning toward her riend. ":ome on, 'an# nah," she said in a deep, a!e *ustrian accent. "<et me pohmp you ahp8" "9o," 'annah said, obviously hiding a smile. Penny )ust leaned orward, le4ing harder. ":ome aahn, let me8" Giggles, now. "9o8" Penny le4ed even hard, this time eeling the rush as her biceps bulged into her upper arms. "'aaaaaan# aaaaaaaaaaaa+" she started yelling in her au4 accent, tightening her arms as much as she could. That burning ire started up with an e4plosion in both arms, her head lightening, her vision turning a bright yellow+ "9oooooooooooo+" 'annah )oined in with the chorus, the smile splitting her ace apart, unaware o the ecstasy her passenger was e4periencing )ust rom le4ing.
"*******************" "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" Screaming, yelling, and giggling, the pair o girls continued down the road to the cabin, the la!e, and the wee!end o their lives. HHH The cabin was a huge one, something rich people bought and !ept on retainer )ust so they could use it or a ew wee!ends every summer. The @amesons were rich, all right, and :aroline had managed to tal! her parents into leaving her and as many people as she could invite virtually unsupervised or the entire night. $t seemed li!e the entire school was there, too, or at least the entire )unior class. Penny and 'annah saw !ids all over, rom all !inds o cli6ues, as they slammed the door to 'annah's tiny car. Penny breathed in, loving the smells o the pines and sap, eeling the nice bree&e across her mostly na!ed torso. Penny be ore yesterday, lat#chested, normal Penny, would have been embarrassed to have so little clothes on. She would be scampering or a bathroom or a closet or something, anywhere to hide her burning red ace. But new Penny, li ter Penny, she )ust stood there, ists on her hips, chest pu ed out, and she inhaled the lovely air. ":ome on, butt#munch, grab your stu . 7ou can't let the pregnant girl carry everything." 'annah bumped a hip into her posing riend as she passed by, !noc!ing Penny o #balance. "7ou're not even pregnant, 'annah," Penny laughed, but she grabbed their du el bags and the cases o soda, loving the burn they put into her arms, add ollowed the preggo into the cabin. * ter dodging a ew sprinting boys and several large clumps o giggling girls, the pair made their way into the !itchen area. $nside, you would never !now that the house was supposed to be a cabin( e4pensive tile, wood paneling, big screen T>s. -verything was up# ront about its e4pense. :aroline was at the ront counter, sorting through ood and drin!s, and lashed the girls a huge, white grin. "%h, great, you're here8 *nd you brought soda, too8 That's per ect. $'m sure not ->-C7%9-'S going to want to get wasted," she said as they approached. To Penny's surprise, she sounded sincere, without the slightest bit o sarcasm. "*nd wow, Penny8" :aroline continued. "7ou're loo!ing ama&ing8 $ heard you were a li ter, but you !now, you hear stu 8" She positively beamed at the girls as they set down their ood. "*nyway, eel ree to put your things down anywhere, then get in the la!e or the hot tub or something, start the party8" "5m, than!s," Penny mumbled as they wal!ed away, already eeling li!e old Penny again. "That was weird," she said to 'annah once they were out o earshot. "$ thought she hated me." 'annah rolled her eyes. "5h, no. 7%5 hated '-C, with your ridiculous spouts o )ealousy." "Ceally," Penny thought, inally thin!ing bac! over the years. She had assumed :aroline was a )er!, loving to show o her gi ts to everyone around, but now that she thought about it, she never wore anything s!an!y to show o her ama&ing ass, and always had pretty high nec!lines despite her very respectable rac!. 'ell, even now, in the !itchen, even though she had every reason to be wearing a swimsuit, :aroline had her tits hidden away in a loose tan! top and her hips obscured in a long, lowing s!irt. ".eird."
"Finally, you get S%M-T'$9G," 'annah said. They dumped their bags in a side room be ore returning to the party. $t turned out @ason had been right( everyone .*S there. The bas!etball team 2who made a point to tell Penny she should try out or ne4t year3, the yearboo! club, the pretty girls, the outcast boys, and everyone in between. She did her best to mingle and did a pretty good )ob o ma!ing small tal! or a ew hours. $t was pretty easy, what with showing o her new body, being reassured that ads about "what mutation is in" were stupid, li ting a ew do&en reps o something heavy, and compliments that it somehow it her personality. -vening was inally passing be ore Penny, still an introvert at heart, reali&ed how e4hausted she was rom all o the social interaction and escaped to the bac! porch or some peace and 6uiet. 'annah, o course, shadowed her as best a ADD#pound girl with 1D pounds o tits and belly can shadow someone. The bac! porch was ama&ing. Sitting a good i teen eet above the la!e, and e4tending at least twenty eet over it, it a orded Penny an ama&ing view o the la!e and the sun setting beyond it. She and 'annah stopped or a moment to stare at the glittery water, both appreciating the 6uiet rom the pounding music and the yelling voices. "Pretty, isn't it," as!ed a voice behind them, and they both turned to see <aney and another eeder Penny wasn't amiliar with seated at a table, both o them munching through a pile o ood. ".e got tired o the boys bugging us, too, and came out here. This is ?rista, by the way." Penny and 'annah nodded at the girl, who probably had i ty pounds on the EB1 <aney, as well as a cherubic ace and long, lovely blac! hair. Penny didn't doubt that the boys were giving her a lot o trouble. "*re you guys hungry," <aney as!ed. ".e grabbed a stac! o the pi&&as as soon as they got here, eel ree." She brushed a bag o potato chips o o the stac! o white bo4es and opened it up, revealing si&&ling pepperoni. *s soon as the smell hit Penny's nose she reali&ed that she was absolutely amished and began digging into the pi&&a. <aney's eyes shined with laughter. "%h yeah, $ bet you're hungry. 7ou've been getting your mutation8" "Ceally," ?rista said, giving Penny an e4amining eye be ore nodding once. "$ have the per ect cure or the growing munchies. .hen $ went through it last year it was the best solution." She reached under her chair, her globular orm straining her sundress, and pulled out a si4#pac! o silver cans. Beer, Penny reali&ed, and also suddenly !new why she hadn't recogni&ed ?rista( )ust a year be ore, she had been a tall, rail#thin girl with pretty average breasts, almost unremar!able. 9o wonder Penny hadn't !nown who she was. ?rista tapped the cans and win!ed. "Positively illed with calories, and ma!es things more un, to boot." "$'ve heard that it helps," 'annah chipped in, biting into a slice o pi&&a. ".as pretty young to try it when $ developed preggo's disease, though," she chortled. Penny wasn't so sure. "$ don't !now, $'ve never had beer be ore." The other girls' smiles split into wide grins. Three beers and hal o a pi&&a later, she could no longer claim to be a beer virgin. ?rista had been absolutely right( the strange hunger that had been gnawing at the newly#born <i ter's body was sla!ed. Penny even noticed, through a very ha&y, wobbly og, that she didn't have so much as a shade o a belly or all o the ood she had consumed. 'er body must have absorbed it immediately.
She hiccupped. "So, are we going to go swimming, or what," she as!ed, then punched 'annah in the arm, bringing out a wince. "$ made you buy that swimsuit or nothing, i we don't." ".e totally should8" 'annah giggled. She had drun! an entire si4#pac! hersel , claiming that her larger body mass and slightly larger e4perience at alcohol increased her tolerance, but it was clear that she was pretty ar gone, even to the inebriated Penny. The pregnant girl immediately stood up, or at least tried to be ore !noc!ing her chair over, and stumbled out o her sweatpants. She had more trouble with her t#shirt, with her enormous )ugs lopped and bouncing all around, but eventually stood on the dec! in her relatively s!impy two#piece, bared or the world. 'annah was normally so sel #conscious that even in the loc!er room she ound empty corners to change in, but here she was, almost na!ed. 'er enormous belly was a wide, smooth sphere, re lecting the colored and dancing lights rom the party. *s she pirouetted, Penny saw that the bottoms were snug against her tight butt, something nearly obscured rom the ront by her burgeoning stomach. *nd her breasts, well, they were )ust barely held in place by the wide straps o the top, and only held together by a single tied string. Penny's eyes got lost in the oot o cleavage a orded to her, and 'annah laughed and giggled drun!enly at the way her loose, mil!# illed breasts )ostled. "<et's swim, guys8" she said, and in a lash was on top o the railing, almost as i she wasn't drun! and dealing with the world's greatest balance issues. .ith a cry o "cannonball8" 'annah disappeared over the side, accompanied by a great big splash. *pplause and laughter bro!e out rom the small crowd on the shoreline. The three girls ran a ter their riend to the railing and loo!ed over, seeing a igure below her in the water waving her hands over her buoyant breasts. ":ome on8" 'annah called, be ore bac!stro!ing away. "$'ll go," <aney said, stripping o her shirt to reveal that she was only wearing a tan!ini. She was a bit more care ul, maneuvering over the rail to stand on the other side, be ore swan#diving into the la!e. :heers o )oy came rom 'annah and the onloo!ers. 'annah turned to ?rista, who saw the loo! on her ace and started bac!ing away. "%h, nuh#uh. $ don't swim, and $ de initely don't )ump." "<oo!s li!e you are tonight," Penny said, reveling in surprise at her own orwardness. She lunged at the bigger girl, wrapping both arms as best she could around ?rista's very round waist, and li ted... Be ore that moment, maybe the most Penny had deadli ted at a time was ADD pounds. That was a hec! o a lot, and that was with barbells in a controlled environment. ?rista, by all the loo!s o her, was well over three times that, and was also struggling and de initely a lot harder to get a handle on. But Penny held on, and strained with all o the muscles in her body= she pulled with her bac!, and her arms, and her legs. *nd, as she did, she elt a golden burn light all o her muscles on ire, li!e all o them were e4ploding with pleasurable agony. 'er pecs, her biceps, her glutes, all o them wor!ing to deadli t this unimaginable load. *nd they li ted an inch. *nd then a oot. *nd then Penny was holding the huge girl to her rippling, le4ing chest and was stepping to the railing. She gave one inal heave, and every particle in her body heaved with it, and ?rista was lying out over the water, alling, alling, SP<*S'. Penny stood there, panting, not hearing the cheers and laughter and applause. She was in her own world, orgasming over and over at the wor!out she had )ust given her body.
">ery nice," came a sarcastic voice rom the door. "$'m sure all o the people who also have tiny boobs care." 'annah turned around, her tongue still hanging out, to see none other than >eronica Green standing on the dec!. She was wearing a pair o bi!ini bottoms and a very loose, lowing top, which almost loo!ed li!e a toga considering how much abric was in it. $t was blowing in the bree&e, a ording Penny brie pee!s and glances at the yards o breast underneath it. *nd, as Penny turned around, she saw a loo! o astonishment cross >eronica's ace. "%h," she said, be ore regaining her composure. ".ell, $ see that you're )oining the ran!s o the normal, Penny. $t's too bad no one will li!e you, still. *nd it's too obvious that you have no idea how to si&e a bra, which is a shame. $'m sure some middle schoolers could give you lessons." Penny was too con used to be insulted. Si&e a bra, 'er top it ine. But as she loo!ed down, she reali&ed that no, it did not it ine( a crease o lesh was po!ing over her top. $n act, she loo!ed her body over in the lamplight to see that her li ting through the day, and probably her spontanous li t record )ust a ew moments be ore, had already made a change across her body. She could bet that, by the end o the wee!end, she wouldn't )ust be mista!en or a gymnast anymore. 'er arms were bigger, irmer, even had some veins running through them. 'er abs below her boobs 2and they must have been past *#cups by now, probably enough or a small hand to ill83 weren't )ust irm but were positively cut. *nd, as she le4ed... *n impatient oot tapped on the wood. "'ello, someone's trying to tal! to you here," >eronica said, )ust as the door slid open to reveal :aroline and a ew other party members. "$t doesn't sound li!e you're trying to tal! to anyone, >eronica. @ust be a )er!," :aroline said as !ids poured onto the dec!. Boys started diving o o the railing, girls started s6uealing. $t was a party, a ter all. Penny reali&ed she didn't care what >eronica Green thought. "Maybe i your boobs weren't illing up your vision, you would see that nobody cares how big they are," Penny said, getting some laughter rom the crowd and an appreciative smile rom :aroline. >eronica )ust umed, sputtered, and the s6uee&ed hersel through the doorway. The party immediately orgot that the overdeveloped teen had ever been there. ";id you really pic! up ?rista 'orwic!," one person as!ed, and it turned out to be @ason. 'e was s!inny and wet in a swimsuit. "$ did," Penny beamed, trying not to notice that :aroline had pulled o her clothes to reveal a string bi!ini. 'er wide, delicious hips curved lovingly up to her thin waist, and as she wal!ed across the dec!, laughing with some party#goers, her bottom bounced and )iggled with each movement. Penny !new that she shouldn't have to stare and lust a ter other girls anymore, but it was going to be a hard habit to brea!. ".ell, what else can you li t," @ason as!ed, his eyes gleaming. 9ow, this 6uestion caught Penny's attention, and she tore her eyes bac! to her small riend. 'e grinned. "There's a weight set downstairs." Be ore she !new it, Penny had a small crowd gathered around her as she tried weight a ter weight. 9ow that she had done it, a /DD barbell was easy enough, and she got twenty reps out o it be ore someone tac!ed on i ty more pounds. Then i ty more. Penny couldn't say no= with each li t, more and more energy ran through her body, igniting all o her senses and hotspots. She did her best to hide the amount o pleasure she was eeling, but someone surely noticed that her eyes were rolling bac!, that she was panting continuously, that her bi!ini bottom 2and how had she lost her shorts,3 was soa!ing despite her not swimming. *nd yet they !ept adding weights on, cheering along with her.
She inally hit 1B1 and could go no more. 'er arms were burning and twitching and swollen, her legs on ire, somehow even her stomach and chest eeling )ust as wor!ed out as her bac!. -veryone was loo!ing on( <aney and ?rista, 'annah, rubbing her stomach, @ason with a strangely satis ied loo! on his ace, even >eronica Green in the bac!, sitting on a bench with her breasts piling up under her chin. The crowd loo!ed sad that she had hit her pea!, but Penny only win!ed at them as she bent over her !nees, her swimsuit now eeling e4tremely tight across her chest, the e ects o the alcohol still coating her mind in a warm u&&y blan!et. "Bet $ can do three#hundred pull#downs," she said, and another cheer went through the crowd as more beer was handed to the newly#christened li ter. HHH Penny wo!e up lying on an un amiliar bed, the sound o mu led so t roc! seeping through the walls. * warm body had its small arms wrapped around Penny's torso, and she could eel some very hot, almost hard ob)ects pressing into her. * ter sha!ing her head and wa!ing ully up, these mystery ob)ects revealed themselves to be 'annah. The preggo's bi!ini top was strained to its ma4imum, mil! weeping rom the pea!s o 'annah's very prominent nipples. Penny sleepily stro!ed her riend's stomach, letting her inger trace around the protruding belly button, be ore reali&ing what this meant. "'annah, wa!e up, or you're going to hate yoursel in a bit," Penny said, sha!ing 'annah on the shoulder. * ter a ew tries and some gentle scolding, she managed to get the lea!ing preggo to the bathroom, where the sounds o tiny )ets o mil! spraying into a toilet greeted her. 9ow that she was awa!e, Penny saw that she was wearing someone else's shirt. * girl's 2than! goodness3, and someone who was a an o the :hicago :ubs. $t was a little big on Penny, but she ound that she was absolutely bra#less underneath, so she put E and E together and decided it was probably :aroline's, lent to Penny a ter some mishap the night be ore. .hat '*; happened, She remembered li ting more and drin!ing a lot more and being the absolute li e o the party, an idea that was pretty much oreign. She had an image o crawling into bed, absolutely e4hausted, and 'annah curling up ne4t to her, but nothing to really connect the two events. Surely more had gone on that night than Penny li ting weights a ter weights, She pulled the t#shirt o and gaped in the mirror. Maybe there '*; been nothing else... Penny's day 2only one,3 o having small but strong muscles were gone( she was a certi iable li ter, no doubt about it. 'er arms were bulging, her biceps li!e elongated so tballs, her triceps hardened clubs. 'er pectorals were big enough to be very visible behind her breasts, the pair well#blended and actually bulging a bit away rom her chest instead o )ust being well#de ined shapes. She had a de inite si4#pac!, leading down her body to a pair o cut, body#builder legs. 'er ass was even bigger, the muscle pac!ing into it probably helping and, as she turned around, she saw ridges and cords cut all over her bac!. She crab le4ed and en)oyed the visual o her shoulders popping up a hal #inch, maybe more, o all o her absolutely bulging rom where it had been be ore. *nd, as or her breasts, she spotted the remains o her top on the ground. $t was snapped, right down the middle. $t may have )ust been her chest growing too wide or the /D#inch top, but then again... Penny put
her hands over her breasts and ound that they were de initely illed, so t breast lesh s6uee&ing and playing beneath her ingers. "So," 'annah said, emerging rom the bathroom, paying no attention to her riend's na!edness. "'ave a good time last night," Penny grinned. "Best party ever." G#Mom was less#than#pleased at the news that her granddaughter had ruined her new swimsuit with a showy display o strength, but the pride was unmista!able. The only worry that showed through was in wonder about how 6uic!ly Penny was growing, as!ed )ust be ore Mrs. Parson burst through and hugged her daughter, eeling all o her muscles, and being about as reassuring as anyone could be. $t was luc!y that Penny had listened to her elders and bought clothes a ew si&es bigger than she had thought, but Monday morning they were already eeling tight. Penny loved how she loo!ed, and would have carried a mirror around with her everywhere i it could be socially acceptable, but instead she had to ma!e do with odd re lections in pots and windows. She grinned at hersel in the oven door, not even noticing how silly her ri&&y red hair loo!ed, only seeing the body#builders arms, the inally#appearing breasts. They were de initely an *B#cup, according to her bra, although G#Mom !ept insisting on calling them :'s. School was no longer a horror# est. $nstead, Penny wal!ed through the halls as i she loved being there, and everyone there treated her as a real person. She wondered, brie ly, i they had treated her li!e that the entire time and she was )ust too stupid to notice, be ore brushing the thought aside. She chatted amicably with @ason at her loc!er, then met up with <aney and wal!ed to homeroom together. They relived the best moments o the party and gushed over cute boys, and Penny didn't even have any depressing thoughts about how the boys would never notice her. $nstead she thought about how her )eans made her ass loo! awesome, how her t#shirt was )ust tight enough. Ms. Gimble greeted them at the door, as usual, and gave a very obvious double#ta!e at Penny. "Miss Parson8" she bar!ed. "$ see you've )oined our ran!s8" "*nd still ran!ing up8" Penny cheer ully shouted bac!, be ore she and <aney sat down in the classroom. *t lunch Penny was starving and ate two lunches on her own, wol ing them down, be ore ad)ourning to the weight room. She spent all o her ree time there li ting, listening to 'annah tal! about the usual gossip, or at least pretending to. $nstead she was pushing hersel to the absolute limit, eeling the 6uic!silver o her li ts strengthen her muscles, giving hersel that e4tra energy to add a little more weight, to s6uee&e a little bit more. 9ot )ust because she wanted to get as big as possible, not )ust because she was praying to get even bigger than the li ters at her school. $t was mostly because she came every single time. $t was curious to note, Penny thought as the bell rang and she changed out o her sopping wet gym shorts, that she was still getting such a reaction rom li ting. 'er biology classes taught her that they rarely lasted this strong. She also ound it ridiculous 2awesome, but ridiculous3 at how 6uic!ly she was growing. Getting to her "cap" growth should ta!e months, maybe even years. But she was already bigger than hal o the li ters she !new. .as she )ust growing abnormally 6uic!ly, or+and a shiver ran through her+was she going to grow this 6uic!ly or that length o time, .hat scared her wasn't that thought, but that she was so e4cited by it. 9one o Penny's clothes it the ne4t morning but an ancient pair o sweatpants.
'er new schedule was tighter than a drum, and Penny stuc! to it every day. Best were days when she had P-, because she could get multiple wor!outs per day. -very night she would eat a dinner meant or our, be ore retiring to her room to li t her increasing loads. Soon there was nothing in the house that she could improvise into a practical weight, so she went into the garage and li ted up the car. First rom the ront bumper... then by pressing underneath... inally by rigging up a pulley system with some very thic! chains and li ting it with one arm in a massive downward trust. She laid in bed under the moonlight, eeling the springs crea! underneath her, and elt her muscles twitch with strain and )oy, massaging her growing breasts and masturbating uriously, despite orgasming more times than she could count during her wor!outs. That Friday, Penelope Parson had a hard time itting through the door. The day be ore she had ound that she could no longer wal! through them straight on( her arms and shoulders would scrape against the rame. $nstead she had turned hersel sideways, crab#wal!ing through. But that morning her breasts, combined with her enormous pectorals, were too much. She was over two and a hal # eet wide sideways. ".hat do $ do," she as!ed G#Mom. "Get a breast reduction." ">ery unny8" The old woman shrugged, her own breasts lopping with the motion. ":an't you, you !now," She grabbed her bosom to demonstrate. "S6uee&e them in8" Penny did )ust that, pressing her hands against the pillows o her breasts. *t last measure they were technically only :#cups, but that was mostly due to the enormous e4panse o her bac!. Then again, their growth had slowed down considerably as the wee! went on, inally stopping at this si&e that was about as large as a good, s6uishy soccer ball. Penny was ine with that. She pushed her boobs to her chest, the already tight material o her tan! top mushrooming outward into the tiny crevice the space between her biceps and orearms created, and managed to )ust barely s6uee&e through the door. "Phew8 Than!s, G#Mom." The old woman )ust gave her a piercing loo!. "7ou're ma!ing yoursel grow too ast, girl. This isn't right." Penny )ust rolled her eyes and stomped down the hall, each oot all almost ma!ing the entire house sha!e. "$'m going to get as big as $'m going to get, G#Mom. That's how things wor!." $n the bathroom, she ran a brush through her hair and brushed her teeth. "$'m not !idding, Penny. <oo! at yoursel ." Penny did. She loo!ed every morning, noon, and night. *nd, as usual, she almost drooled at the site o hersel .
The tightly pac!ed sandbags o her arms le4ed and pulsated with each movement o the brush, both o them bigger than her head. 'er shoulder muscles were rising up around her nec!, a irm plat orm that you could par! a lunch tray on i you wanted. $n ront o her, her two breasts, the only so t things about her, swung bac! and orth steadily, pulling the nec! o her tan! top down ar enough to show the bunched up and bulging chest o her. "$ loo!... awesome, grandma." G#Mom grumbled, but was drowned out by Penny's mother. "<eave her alone, mom. Be happy or her." $t was )ust so hard or Penny to be pessimistic. 'ell, the idea that she surely wouldn't it through her own bedroom door upon coming home turned her on. *ll o the tiny concessions that had to be made or her, in act, turned her on. The rein orced chair that she sat at or brea! ast, all o the hoo!s in her bra, the way that 'annah's car dipped so low on the passenger side when she got in. "7ou are scary, girl," 'annah giggled. "Beauti ul, but scary." "Than! you," Penny grinned bac!. *t least the school was mutation# riendly. -very door was e4tra#wide, every person glad to see her and ready to marvel at how large she was growing. $t had only been a wee!, but it was already routine to catch a number o boys loo!ing at her bac!side as she ollowed 'annah through the halls. $t was the reason she had opted to wear nylon shorts that day. ;i iculties with doors, however, translated to di iculties with des!s. ".ell, Miss Parson," Ms. Gimble said, "loo!s li!e it's time or you to see the nurse and get certi ied as past the <arge threshold." Penny agreed= she was already bigger than her li ter homeroom teacher, so it had only been a matter o time. She nearly s!ipped through the halls. Mrs. .ight immediately put her on a scale. "@ust eying you, o course, you loo! li!e you it the re6uirements, but it has to be on record. 7up, there we go, a hair over /EA. 'ey, that's a nice number8" She beamed at Penny and Penny beamed right bac!, eeling her chest swell with almost enough pride to split her top. They were cut rom their smiling session when there was a !noc! at the door. The nurse answered it to ind that Ms. Gimble had ollowed Penny down. The teachers shared a brie smile be ore Mrs. .ight e4cused hersel , shutting the door behind her large bottom. "$ wanted to tal! to you, Penny, about )oining the team," Ms. Gimble said, and Penny smiled to hersel . She had !nown this was coming, but she didn't li!e ootball, and was already too big or the bas!etball team. "*nd $ mean the weightli ting team." Penny's negative answer died in her mouth. ".e have a weightli ting team," she as!ed. The coach coc!ed an eyebrow. "9ot that you'd !now it. .orst in the district. *ll o our good li ters want to be on our ootball team, o course. But you are a born li ter, and $ mean that in the physical sense. 7ou're probably going to be ar bigger than anyone in this school, and $ thin! you will be very good at it." Penny didn't !now what to say. $n the past wee!, she had only one thought running through her head( that being a li ter had given her li e meaning. That ma!ing her muscles big and strong was her li e goal. *nd now Ms. Gimble was o ering her a golden !ey.
".hen do $ start training," Training meant access to what amounted to the holy grail o weightli ting rooms. $t was old and dusty, but Ms. Gimble had it all cleaned up in about a hal #hour, revealing weight machines beyond Penny's wildest dreams. The ma4imum weight on nearly all o them was an old, aded "ED!". "'ow much have you li ted in one go," Ms. Gimble as!ed. "7ou're probably not even ready or some o these machines." "$'m not sure," Penny said levelly. "$'ve been li ting our sedan." "7our sedan," Ms. Gimble spat. ".ith one hand." ".ith one hand8," *lmost wordlessly Ms. Gimble handed the !ey to Penny, leading her bac! to class with a simple "we'll o icially start ne4t wee!." Penny vowed to start uno icially that night. HHH $t was true= she couldn't it through the ront door. ".hy are you so sweaty," Mrs. Parson as!ed, while tugging on Penny's arm. By itsel it too! up nearly hal o the width o the doorway, and she !new that it was a lost battle. "$ )ogged home," Penny said. "$ told 'annah to go without me. $ got access to the private wor!out room or the weightli ting team8" "7ou're on the weightli ting team, That's great8 7ou really should have let us !now you'd be home a ter dar!, though." "Sorry," Penny said, inally pulling hersel bac! outside. They contractor who was widening the doors wouldn't be there until the ne4t day, so they had to ta!e their sliding bac! windows o o their trac!s to give enough space or Penny to crawl through. She couldn't help but notice that there was a slight loss o mobility in her arms as she pulled hersel into the window 2putting crac!s into the plaster while she did3, and this thought made her panties wet yet again. "%h, Penny, we're so proud o you," G#Mom said, and the three women shared a massive bear hug, although to the onloo!er it would seem li!e two tiny women were clinging to a mountain o muscle that )ust happened to be their height. Penny could hardly sleep, thin!ing about that ama&ing weight room. 'er body was )ittering, vibrating across her collapsed bed with the thought o those dreamy weights. Ms. Gimble said that they were there purely as a precaution, )ust so the manu acturer could claim the weight sets would wor! or any li ter. But Penny had to prove them wrong. * ter a brea! ast that would eed an army, Penny )ogged bac! to the school at the brea! o dawn and began her wor!out.
She wor!ed everything, and that meant ->-C7T'$9G. She did butter ly presses, pull#ups, pull#downs, bench presses, dumbbells, barbells, legs, lats, glutes, abs. -verything elt the burn, and to an e4treme Penny had not elt be ore. $t wasn't )ust li!e her irst day as a li ter, only a wee! be ore, when she had irst elt that golden ire low through her veins( now it was covering her, seeping into her body, illing her limbs and muscles and ingers and head. She was alone in the entire school, and so she let the school !now it( her moans and cries o )oy reverberated against the walls and ceiling. Sometimes she would !eep her eyes i4ed on the mirrors that surrounded the room, watching her entire body le4 and wane with each rep. Most o the time she couldn't stop them rom rolling into the bac! o her head as her body shoo! in eeling. >aguely she recalled returning home or lunch, the )og only ta!ing a short time as her eet pounded across the pavement. 'er ront door was a double#wide hole, a small construction crew wor!ing double#time. Maybe they loo!ed at her, chec!ing her out, eyeing up her heaving and bouncing bosom in her sweat# drenched shirt while she downed several gigantic sandwiches and two bags o chips. She couldn't remember. *ll that she could thin! about was li ting. She may have even slept there. Sunday morning she was e4tra#hungry, more than usual, but she pushed it rom her mind. *ll that mattered was li ting. She had done 1DDD pounds in a deadli t the day be ore, today her goal was to do KDDD by the time she went home. She did that, then passed it. She rotated through every machine as many times as possible, not bothering to notice that her shirt had torn itsel o hours be ore, that her shorts were straining in the swelling muscles o her thighs and butt. She moaned and cried out in )oy with every li t, every press, and when she passed li ting ten#thousand pounds, she screamed in urious )oy. The door opened at some point and two pairs o eet entered. Penny hardly noticed, at irst( she was benching AK!, her entire body heaving. %nly E! to go to brea! that record, to prove that this weight room wasn't enough or her. She had to do it. "Penny," a voice said. She at last bro!e out o her moans and loo!ed over. @ason and 'annah were standing there, both o them loo!ing aw!ward, their eyes the si&e o dish plates. ".hat are you guys doing here," she as!ed, her voices strained. 'oly hell was she hungry. "$t's Monday," 'annah said. Penny couldn't believe it. She sat up, noticing that it elt strangely di icult to do so. ".hat, Monday, 9o, it's Sunday. 7ou're early." "7our mom and grandma are worried sic!, Penny," 'annah said. "They said they trust you, that they !now this is important to you, but... but gee&e." "Gee&e what," Penny as!ed. @ason bar!ed a laugh. "*re you !idding," 'e pointed at the wall o mirrors, and Penny, with agoni&ing slowness, turned. 'oly hell. 9o wonder she had such trouble moving. $t wasn't a girl with muscles in the mirror= it was a pile o muscles with a girl stu ed inside.
'er second thought was on doors. The weight room only had double doors= she would need a much bigger space to get out, providing she could wal! more than a ew do&en yards. Penny's head was tiny, perched in the middle o a vast e4panse o muscles. Shoulder muscles bigger than beer !egs towered over and behind it, while her pecs and the surrounding areas oamed up in ront o her, cushioning her chin and nearly brushing her chee!s. She couldn't move her arms down to her sides( there was too much in the way. .as it her biceps, the si&e o lay#L#boys, Maybe her deltoids, the si&e o loveseats, The veins that ran all over and through her arms loo!ed wider than thumbs, all o them pulsating and pumping with her heart. She couldn't move her arms down at all, no, but she could le4 them, and she did so, eliciting a gasp rom her riends as her arms tensed up with a low rumble, con iguring themselves to almost double in si&e, her enormous biceps s6uee&ing into her breasts. Breasts, i they could count as that. Smooth and thin e4panses o at were stretched over her huge, rounded pecs, the ripped and chorded muscle visible beneath them. 'er nipples had stretched wider, or maybe )ust grown bigger, both o them li!e pu y pin! dinnerplates, the only thing on her body that wasn't her head and could still be counted as so t. 'er abdominals )utted up beneath them, no longer a smooth, streamlined grouping o coiled steel but a bunched, bulging mess o round, shapes, each o them bigger than a pillow and de initely harder. They were so big, so obscenely heavy and muscular, that they a orded Penny some privacy in covering her pubic mound, although her legs e4ploded out rom underneath them. Thighs that were li!e baby whales, )utting out#out#out be ore olding in to her tiny, delicate !neecaps, then mushrooming bac! out or her calves. 'er legs were probably wider than they were long. ;ammit, Penny hersel was probably wider than she was tall, i you didn't count the e4tra two eet her shoulders gave her. She !new that she should have been monstrous. That any right#minded person would be disgusted as the mass o lesh and muscle seated on the super#rein orced bench. But instead, a tear o )oy came rom Penny's eye, )ust be ore her stomach grumbled. "So hungryyyyy," she moaned, trying to reach her stomach to hold it and reali&ing she couldn't reach around her breasts. Besides, she would have had to get through a hal #yard o abs to reach her belly. She heaved hersel o o the bench, eeling her legs li t the weight o her body easily. They would have to, wouldn't they, She had been pacing around the entire room all wee!end. .ith each step sha!ing the e6uipment, she started toward the door, be ore seeing her riends again and remembering that they were there. "7ou can't go out li!e this, Penny," 'annah said. "7ou're na!ed8" ".hat am $ going to wear, 'annah," Penny whined. "9othing can really it me. Besides," she pointed to the obvious erection in @ason's )eans. "'e li!es it8 <oo!, $ )ust need to go out and ind some... some... ood..." 'er eyes loc!ed on 'annah's chest. There, her bulging, gigantic breasts were obviously ull to the brim, over lowing her bra clearly through the care ully buttoned blouse. *nd, as Penny watched, a dar! patch ormed where one pea!ing nipple was located. "%h, no," 'annah said, ta!ing a single step bac! as Penny precariously stal!ed orward. "9o no, we've tal!ed about this." But Penny could hear the hal #heartedness in her reply, and @ason only stepped aside to ma!e room or the mountain o a girl. >ery, very gently, impossibly so tly, Penny laid a hand on her riend's shoulder, running it through her hair. .ith the other, she undid each button separately, starting rom the top, until the massive, blue#
veined boobs in their pale peach bra were laid bare over her beach ball o a belly. Then Penny !nelt down, one !nee at a time, her leg muscles only barely having enough room to allow that degree o movement, be ore she laid down on her bac!. .ith her head still three eet in the air, 'annah only needed to lean over a little bit to put a at, ull breast into Penny's mouth. *nd then, she suc!led. $t was warm, and sweet, and li!e nothing Penny had ever tasted. $t was li!e drin!ing li6uid gold, gold that warmed her entire body rom the inside out. 5nbidden, moans o happiness and need seeped out o her mouth around the taut nipple, moans that were echoed by 'annah. 'annah who was soon stripping o her s!irt with her ree hand and stro!ing hersel inside her panties, her hips buc!ing and swaying. .hen Penny elt li!e she had drun! enough to survive or at least ive seconds, she too! her mouth away, gasping, and shot her eyes at @ason. ".hy aren't you na!ed, Get the hell inside o me." @ason obeyed, throwing his clothes o and pushing her enormous legs apart as much as possible be ore they s6uee&ed in on him and his erect penis, thrusting him inside o her. 'e cried out in surprise as her vagina muscles massaged and s6uee&ed against his member with erocity and strength, and Penny cried out in ultimate pleasure. Penny !new where she had tasted 'annah's mil! be ore. She reali&ed it )ust as she inished the one breast and 'annah swapped it or the other dripping one. $t was the same way she elt when she was wor!ing out, when she was li ting. $t meant only one thing. The mil! lowed through Penny, and as it lowed she elt hersel growing or what would prove to the be the last time. 'er arms straightened out completely, and she could eel the cold cement underneath them as the muscles ran out o room and started creeping along the loor. 'er head started to rise as her bac! and shoulder muscles got into it. 'er breasts, already so stretched out despite their high volume o at, started to rise )ust beyond her sight, under the curve o 'annah's emptying boob. @ason started screaming in earnest as her legs closed in on him, and she could eel him not 6uite getting crushed. She would do her best to !eep him sa e. Finally, the huge teat empty, 'annah drew it away to gasp and pant as Penny's chest muscles bulged up, growing into her chin. 'er nec! le4ed to !eep her mouth ree, and Penny gasped or both air and )oy. She grew higher and higher, rounder and veinier and le4ier and, above all, stronger. There was almost no way or her to use her strength, as her muscles couldn't bend out o the way enough, but Penny !new. She elt it in her arms, now wider around than semis. She elt it in her abs, each o them bigger than 'annah. She elt it in her legs, both o them li!e carved redwoods. She elt it in her chest, a magma low ro&en in time. She even elt it in her womb, as @ason spurted his agreement into her and she elt another orgasm coming on. She was the strongest person in the world, and also the irst $mmobile li ter. *nd, as she came yet again and her entire body shoo! and le4ed and grew even bigger, she !new that she was satis ied. ...and, soa!ed in sweat and covered in wrin!led blan!ets, Penny Parson wo!e up. $t was Friday, the day be ore the party at the la!e. HHH ".hat has you down, dear," Mrs. Parson as!ed in the !itchen. "9othing," Penny said. "@ust a stupid dream."
"*nother one, Cemember it this time," "9o," Penny lied. *s a matter o act, she could remember all o it. -very stin!ing detail. The pride in G#Mom's voice, the attention at the party, the wee! o muscle growth and power, the threesome between with her two riends, the overwhelmingly good eeling o putting strain on her muscles... *ll o it some stupid antasy that Penny had made up, to tric! hersel into thin!ing that, maybe, she would inally be normal, or even better than normal. '*PP7, that was it. But nope. 9ot or her. 9ot or lat, normal Penny. 9o mutation, no growth, and especially( no breasts. She sighed into her cereal, pac!ed up her bag, and waited or 'annah to arrive. $t was so strange, though. *ll through the rest o the day, it was almost as i Penny was waiting or something to happen. But no( when she pic!ed up her pencil, a ter absent#mindedly dropping it on the loor, there was no rush o energy and pressure on her arms. .hen she turned the pages in The Great Gatsby, no lovely golden eeling spread rom her ingertips. *nd when she tried to wor! out in the weight room, to 'annah's con usion, there was no orgasmically good e4plosion o pleasure. By the end o the day, Penny was almost mad. *nd so, when 'annah and @ason as!ed i she decided to go the cabin, to their surprise, she said yes. She was going to go. She had a irmly set )aw, clenched ists, and gritted teeth, but she was going to go. Gosh darnit, she was going to have un. HHH $t was the worst wee!end ever. First there was the odd eeling o dG)M vu when Penny saw that <aney and her other eeder riend, ?rista, was there. @ust li!e rom Penny's dream, and )ust li!e in the dream she was crac!ing down beers and lirting 2success ully3 with every guy she laid eyes on. Penny shoo! it o , sure that she these acts about ?rista had )ust been buried in her subconscious. She also shoo! o the act that, yes, :aroline @ameson was modest and e4tremely riendly and so, so pretty. .hen she inally stepped out o her long s!irt and pulled o her loose tan! top, revealing her plump, coconut#brown breasts and bottom nearly over lowing her bright blue bi!ini, she )ust laughed at Penny's )ealous gaping and patted Penny on the arm. "7ou're already pretty, girl," she said. "Stop obsessing over everybody else8" So it wasn't the act that nobody there li!ed Penny that made it the worst, because lots o people there did li!e her. *nd it wasn't the act that no boys hit on her in her lime green, one#piece swimsuit that bugged her, because they never did no matter what. 9o, it was good old >eronica Green that did it. $t was li!e she had made it her personal mission to drive Penny insane. She even seemed to wait until nobody was around to bac! Penny up in order to swoop in 2as grace ully as a girl with breasts that si&e can3 and ma!e snide comments. "$ can't believe you bothered to show up," she would sneer. %r "$ you laid down people could serve hors d'oeuvres on you and not notice that you weren't a table." %r even "5ntil $ saw you in a swimsuit $ wasn't sure you weren't a boy."
*nd, unli!e in her dreams, Penny could never come up with a good comebac! against these assaults. $nstead she would stand there, li!e a dolt, unable to tear her eyes away rom the sway and bob o >eronica's tits. $t culminated in several giant, ree&ing cold !eg being brought onto the dec!. Penny had been able to hide at the bac! o the group, mee!ly sipping her blue cup while everyone around her got trashed. 'annah had disappeared to mil! hersel , @ason was passed out on the couch, <aney and ?rista were beyond drun! since a ew hours prior. * third !eg was being brought out, dripping with perspiration, when >eronica pushed past Penny, her cherry#red lips nearly brushing the lat girl's ears. ".atch this, sugar," >eronica breathed be ore ma!ing her way through the crowd with an icy smile. "$'ll serve the drin!s," she announced to the drun! crowd, and a ew cheers went up at her sashaying bac!side, her steps per ectly timed to allow the most swing rom her chest. *nd swing they did, side to side with each oot all, o ering almost as good a ew rom the bac! as they did rom the ront. She reached the !eg, now stationed on a table, and, with one long motion, pulled her huge shirt o . Beneath was a bi!ini that, despite consisting o little more than two triangles o cloth and a ew heavy#duty straps, probably had more material to it than any single article o clothing Penny owned. The toga#li!e top was tossed into the crowd, where it was snatched up by a number o hands, boys and girls ali!e, while >eronica stepped rather lightly up the table where the !eg was, her pert butt inally visible in the matching bi!ini bottom. She turned around, breasts swaying and )umping, and plopped hersel behind the !eg. She would have been straddling it i only her huge breasts, both o them about the same si&e o the !eg, weren't in the way. The cold perspiration rom the !eg pushed against the two leshy masses around it, and, li!e a switch was turned on, ist#si&ed nipples sprung to the sur ace o the bi!ini. "9ow," >eronica said, a purr in her voice, "who wants a drin!," 'ands and cups surged orward, some o them completely missing the !eg or >eronica's hands and )ust mashing into the so t sur ace o her chest. From her perch, she a i4ed a trite smile on her ace and stared Penny right in the eyes. "This is what $ have, and you never will," the stare said. Penny ran bac! to her guest room, crying. $t was no use e4plaining it to Mom and G#Mom when she got bac! on Sunday. $nstead Penny stuc! to the couch, eating )un! ood or doing her homewor!, while the T> bla&ed. *ll that was !nown in the Parson household was that "it was bad," and this intel came rom 'annah when she had dropped her riend o . The Parson women were used to this !ind o behavior, though, and so they let Penny be. Penny hersel wasn't thin!ing much o anything. $mages !ept lashing through her mind, images o boobs and butts and thighs and boys. *t least in her dream, as un ashionable as li ters are, she had belonged somewhere. $t had been in that weight room, illing hersel up with muscle mass and orgasm a ter orgasm, but it was somewhere. She polished o a pint o ice cream that G#Mom had thought ully le t her be ore going to bed. 'ell, school the ne4t day couldn't be worse than that party, could it, HHH
Something was o rom the minute that Penny wo!e up, but she could not put her inger on what it was. 'er stomach was rumbling, which was !ind o unusual, but everything else was normal. She hopped into the shower, humming to hersel , be ore the events o the previous two days came looding bac!. "God, what a bitch8" Penny clenched her ists and nearly punched the tiled wall, be ore remembering )ust how badly that would hurt. .ell, i she actually '*; been a li ter, >eronica would need to watch hersel , because Penny would )ust tear her in two. %r maybe three( )ust rip that gigantic rac! right o o her. Then again, even or Penny that was a little bit e4treme in terms o revenge. She brushed her hair 2as best she could= the ri&&y mess seemed even ri&&ier than normal3, dried the rest, and went to her room to get changed. That's where the problem revealed itsel . Penny didn't eel li!e stic!ing out that much on Monday, in the hopes that anybody who saw her tear ul retreat at the party Saturday night would orget about it, so she was )ust going to wear a pair o )eans and a grey sweatshirt. But the )eans wouldn't come on= she would get them about hal way up her thighs be ore they would re use to move, li!e Penny was too big or them. "Figures," she said, throwing them to the ground in disgust. "$ inally put on some weight right a ter $ eat everything in the house in depression." She pulled sweatpants on that matched her top, then ollowed her grumbling belly to the !itchen, where she 6uieted it down with two bowls o cereal. 'er mom loo!ed over the newspaper at Penny. "Feeling better," she as!ed. "-h," Penny grunted, and Mrs. Parson nodded in understanding, )ust as 'annah's horn hon!ed rom the street. "Better get going, dear," G#Mom said be ore leaning over and giving Penny a !iss on the head. She meant well by it, but Penny barely elt her grandmother's lips( she was too ocused on the so t eeling o G# Mom's pendulous breasts. $n a hu , the teenager grabbed her bac!pac! and stomped to the ront door. The stupid thing was, putting on weight the old# ashioned way was well and good and everything, but everyone could tell that you weren't a eeder or a pear. There was something in the way that the body ormed, in how the plumpness and at loo!ed. The rate at which one put on weight also mattered, o course, but genetic tests had proven in the nineties that mutation#born at was completely di erent than normal at. Plus, mutants normally had other biological unctions change so that being so at was actually possible and even healthy. 9on#mutants didn't get any such bene its+they were )ust obese. So, maybe Penny would put on a ew pounds o water#weight or whatever, round out her butt and, i she was luc!y, her boobs. But everyone would !now, and, with her luc!, she would loo! li!e an idiot with even ive more pounds o at. She went through school stony# aced, only opening up to teachers during class, or riends i they spo!e to her in private. The plan otherwise was to !eep a low pro ile and hope that nobody recogni&ed her as the crying girl. By lunch, it appeared to be wor!ing, although 'annah and <aney were being pretty annoying. They tal!ed rather loudly about how they heard >eronica wasn't at school because she had thrown up all over her parents' couch, been ound out about her drin!ing at the party, and was now grounded or
months. They gossiped about how :aroline's parents had been very cool and understanding about the party, even apparently supplying the drin!s, and that they hoped to let :aroline throw another one soon, with certain people not invited. They even tal!ed about how good Penny was loo!ing, how there was something di erent about her. Penny didn't listen. $nstead she ate, and then went bac! or seconds without even really noticing. * ter school Penny dropped her bag in the !itchen and headed or the couch, noteboo!s in hand to do her homewor!, when her mom loo!ed up rom the sewing machine. "*ren't you a little big or those sweatpants, dear," she as!ed. ".hat," Penny as!ed, sha!en rom her sel #indulgent depression. She loo!ed down at hersel . "They )ust loo! a little tight around your rear end, is all." Tight around her rear end, 9o way. These were by no means loose sweatpants, in act they had been mar!eted as a )ogging and yoga sweat suit, but that always e6ualed "baggy" in terms o Penny. She bent her head around her shoulder and loo!ed at her behind, and saw that, yes, it did loo! tight. 9ot )ust tight( itted. .hat was going on, Penny rushed upstairs to her room, this time eeling what had been bugging her all day( the very slight bounce bounce bounce o her bac!side with every step. %nly, with her rushed legs and bounds she now elt it li!e B%59:- B%59:- B%59:- as her eet hit the ground. %nce in her room she slammed the door behind her, biting her lip in anticipation. .ith slow, steady steps, Penny wal!ed to her ull#length mirror and stood in ront o it. She loo!ed... almost normal. *lmost. But now that she put her hands on her hips, gently rubbing down her to thighs, she ound the di erence( gone was the bony, smooth and straight sur ace. * gentle curve met her hand, and she brought it around to the bac! to eel the so t sweatpants material clinging to the curves o her bottom. :urves8 She stripped o the pants, then pulled the sweatshirt over her head when she reali&ed it obscured the view o her lower hal . She turned in the mirror, admiring her butt. Be ore her panties had )ust seemed li!e another article o clothing, loosely hanging onto her waist. 9ow it hugged her hips, curving out o sight around her butt chee!s. They were so t and curvy and wonder ul8 Then Penny saw that, now that she was only wearing a t#shirt and her underwear, there was something e4tra under the shirt, too. She pulled it o and ound two na!ed breasts, both o them maybe almost an *# cup. Penny cupped them in her hands and s6uealed in delight at the gently give o lesh between her ingers. The dream had been some !ind o awesome harbinger o good news, oreshadowing Penny growing into a woman. *nd here she was8 The dream. %h, no, this couldn't be a dream, too, could it, * ter all, it wasn't li!e this was unrealistic or anything. But Penny had to ta!e it into account. $t could de initely be a dream. *nd in dreams, once you reali&ed it was a dream, you started wa!ing up. *nd she wasn't wa!ing up8 But no, that wasn't enough. She had to try to orce it, at least, to try to ma!e this awesome, beauti ul discovery go away. *nd i it wasn't a dream, well, she could celebrate all she wanted.
Giggling, still holding her budding breasts 2neither o them 6uite illing her palms3, Penny closed her eyes and thought hard. "$ need to wa!e up. $ am going to wa!e up in my bed. $ will not have a nice, round butt, or inally be growing boobs. $ will wa!e up." She pee!ed out o one eye. * moderately attractive girl, rec!les dotting her tiny boobs and the tops o her curving hips, pee!ed bac! at her. Penny threw some clothes on, grinning the entire time, and went downstairs to spread the good news. HHH There was a lot o )oy ul shouting, some e4cited phone calls to 'annah, and several e4tra helping at dinner, be ore Penny had inally been told to go to bed the previous night. $nstead o sleeping, though, she had laid there, running her hands over her na!ed body, imagining the things in store or her. The ne4t day she would go shopping or clothes, maybe, or at least one o those ad)ustable bras or girls inally growing. She would donate all o her old pants that no longer it to charity. She would hide hersel under some baggy tops until her tits were so huge she couldn't wal! and then she would reveal hersel to >eronica Green in one show o boob# lesh. .ell, maybe a ew o those wouldn't happen. But she was de initely going to school a di erent girl. The thing was, she was going to wear those same sweatpants the ne4t day, this time ma!ing sure to launt how great they loo!ed on her, when she reali&ed there was no way she was going to be able to get them on. They wouldn't even come up to the bottom o her butt chee!s, let alone completely cover hersel . She held them up against her legs, loo!ing at hersel in the mirror. * girl in nothing but a stretchy thong, holding up what now loo!ed li!e a girl's pair o sweatpants against her womanly hips. She had grown this big overnight, Measuring tape rom her sewing !it wrapped around Penny's hips and butt, and she couldn't believe the number they told her. /18 * /1#inch hipline8 :ompared to the si&e A sweatpants, which stretched to a ma4imum o /E wide, no wonder she couldn't get them on8 So she had gained three inches since she had ta!en o the sweatpants, maybe more, That was ridiculous. But the numbers were staring her in the ace( her butt was still getting bigger. 9o way. She giggled and grinned at her se4y, ama&ing re lection, be ore inding some nice stretching leggings and si&ing up her bust line. Probably didn't grow at all overnight, although it would be impossible to tell without !eeping trac! o her measurements. Penny pulled on the single bra that she had in case o emergency growth, noted that it was even a little tight in the cups, ound a nice top that matched her leggings, and bounced down the stairs. Really bounced. School was ama&ing. Boys turned around to appreciate her a ter she wal!ed by, girls complimented her on non#body#related things and thus ensured she understood that she was loo!ing hot, even teachers seemed to be paying more attention.
"9o sign o a mutation, then," 'annah as!ed as she emptied her tits into a sin!. Penny was perched on the counter, loving the way that her butt created a nice, small cushion below her. "Mutation," Penny echoed. ".hy," 'annah shrugged, a poor idea that messed up her aim. 'annah 6uic!ly wiped up the spill. ".ell, you might be a eeder or a pear. 9o harm in chec!ing." Penny mumbled a reply and didn't bother trying to e4plain that she didn't want it to be a mutation. 'aving an intense, lengthy dream about one mutation and then wa!ing up a ew days later with another was )ust too unrealistic. :ouldn't she )ust be se4y and hot and beauti ul, with a nice pair o tits, .as that too much to as!, Seeing the consternation on her riend's ace, 'annah shrugged again. "9o need to get wor!ed up about it. $ it's a mutation, you'll igure it out eventually. $ it isn't, hey, what do $ !now," By the end o the day, Penny wasn't so sure that she wasn't )ust inally putting weight on in the right places. She was still eating at least double at every meal, her stomach was still grumbling a bit earlier than normal, and then, at her last period, disaster struc!. 'er bra had been, bit by bit, growing tighter and tighter with every passing hour. That was to be e4pected, and was also pretty awesome. .hat was not awesome was that her tights were ollowing the same route. $t seemed li!e every minute that passed made her legs eel even more li!e tightly encased sausages. .hen she wal!ed to her last period, Penny could almost eel the elastic abric growing thinner around her butt chee!s, and so she too! e4tra#small steps to avoid them rom tearing. She got a strange loo! rom <aney as her larger riend passed by, but soon she was in class and inding a des!. Sitting was what did her in. .ith a barely#audible rip, starting )ust as Penny bent at the waist and ending )ust as her ass hit the chair, the leggings tore in more than a ew places along her rear end. There was a pu o air down her crac!, and a bright blush bloomed across the teenager's ace. ":an $ go to the nurse," she s6uea!ed almost immediately. "5m, sure," said Mr. 'endric!s, the history teacher. Penny eased hersel rom the des! and, in a not# 6uite#subtle move, held her boo!s over her bac!side. She shu led down the aisle to the door, the swing and sway o her hips no longer e4citing her but embarrassing her, and avoided the loo!s o every student, concerned or amused. %nce in the hall, Penny reali&ed that, though she had no plans to actually visit the nurse, it was probably time. She needed to be chec!ed or mutations. "%h hi, Penny, $ was wondering i $'d see you today8" Mrs. .ight said. "$'d heard rumors, o course." "Cumors," Penny as!ed rom her seat on the e4amination table. She could eel the cold paper beneath her strained leggings, cooling down her warm bottom. "$ have spies everywhere," came the conspiratorial reply. The plump nurse produced a tiny plastic cup and a tell#tale unnel. "$'ll need a urine sample, $'m a raid."
Penny's brows !nitted together. "For what," The nurse laughed. ".hy, to test or mutations, o course8 ;id you thin! $'d )ust be able to loo! at you and !now, 7ou should !now that special hormones ma!e the mutations happen, and we can sense them all in your urine8" "Great," Penny groaned, ma!ing her shu ling way to the toilet. She could eel the matronly woman's eyes on her torn pants, and wondered what the results would be. Ten minutes later, she had them. "Says right here, darling8" Mrs. .ight was practically singing. "7ou're going to be needing bigger pants, it loo!s li!e8 *lthough $ imagine you'll be 6uite popular with the boys, since there aren't many pears at the school8" Penny's heart san! at irst, loo!ing at the computer printout in Mrs. .ight's hand. "Posterior Mutation," it said, "commonly !nown as 'pear'." 'er heart san!, and then she reali&ed there was absolutely no reason to be sad. She had a mutation8 * popular, se4y, awesome mutation. $t wasn't a dream, as she had demonstrated that morning, and, rom the eel o pinching on her chest, she was going to get even bigger boobs. Suddenly, Penny elt as high as a !ite. "Than! you, Mrs. .ight8" she said, snatching up the paper. ":an $ go, School's almost out." "% course, dear," she beamed, and Penny made her escape rom the school. HHH Penny waved goodbye to 'annah rom her ront door and walt&ed into her house. The tear in her bottom was completely orgotten, and was, in act, wider than be ore. 'er mom was at the !itchen table, wor!ing on some !ind o cra t. "%h, hi, honey8" she said. "'i, Mom8" Penny beamed. "Guess what, $'m o icially a pear8" G#Mom loo!ed up in interest, and be ore Penny !new it the three women were encased in a big group hug. "This is such wonder ul news, Penny8" Mrs. Parson said, her voice mu led through Penny's thic! hair. ".e always !new you were something special." 'er grandmother pushed Penny away and held her at arm's#length, casting a discerning eye over the grinning teen. "7ou're de initely going to need new clothes," she concluded, "and a ew new bras, $'ll bet." She spun Penny around and cluc!ed her tongue at the sad site o her leggings. "Tights aren't e4cuses or pants, young lady, and now that you've spent all day with your sad e4cuse or panties hanging out, $ hope you'll remember it." Penny's mom chuc!led and grabbed the car !eys. "$ suppose we should hit the shops be ore they close." "Great8" Penny said, )ust as her stomach rumbled. "5m, can we eat out, too," They got an entire new wardrobe or Penny, mostly with things in an e4tra#stretchy, "one#si&e# its#all" category. G#Mom didn't want to get a whole bunch o new tops and pants that would be outgrown in the ne4t ew wee!s, and Penny sadly agreed, be ore reali&ing )ust how e4citing the idea o outgrowing even these clothes was. *s outlandish as the idea sounded 2one pair o sweatpants it her per ectly and claimed to stretch up to si&e 1D3, she couldn't help thin!ing about how 6uic!ly she was growing. * ter all, that
morning she had measured at /1 inches, but now the lady at the clothing shop said she was nearing on /K. Tac! on to that the act that she had apparently outgrown her si&e B sweatpants, and that was about si4 inches+in a single day8 'er guardians did let her get a ew s!irts, as long as they didn't ride too low. The pac!et o in ormation that Mrs. .ight had sent Penny home with said that most pears 2or "posterior mutated girls"3 didn't gain too much in the waist department, so as long as the s!irt had enough material, they would stretch to still it. Penny was o!ay with that= she loved pleats. She even wore one o her new s!irts to the lingerie department, loving the tiny hints o her now large#si&ed behind that the s!irt gave her in mirrors. She also could not sha!e the )oy ul eeling rom her mind. 9ow that it was o icial that she was going to have an even bigger butt, each step weighed heavily on her, ma!ing it so that it was almost li!e her bouncing rear# end elt li!e a separate being rom her, a caboose tagging along behind. Penny giggled. ":aboose." The three Parsons let up a tiny cheer at the news that Penny was now o icially an *#cup. There were a ew grumbles rom G#Mom about "bac! in my day" and "loo!s li!e a :#cup to me," but all Penny !new was that she could inally wear a real bra, and that she inally had cleavage. :leavage8 They only got a ew new tops, but Penny made sure to pic! ones out that all had low nec!lines, to underscore the bat she was inally swinging with. They also grabbed a ew bras in a larger cup#si&e, )ust in case. Penny tried hard not to loo! at them, gaw!ing at the si&e she would have to be )ust to ill a B#cup, but it was very, very di icult. * ter stopping at a restaurant 2all you can eat, at Penny's re6uest3 the three women drove home. Penny's mother and grandmother's conversation inally turned rom pants and panties and brassieres to the normal small tal!, but Penny's mind could not be sha!en rom her own body. -ven sitting in the car, her hands continually ran over her hips, eeling the so t at now cushioning slightly out to the sides o her, coming up to cup her boobs through her shirt, running her inger around her waistband. This eeling o discovering her new body, o iguring out her changes, was addicting. She !ind o hoped it would never stop. Then again, in her dream last wee!, it never had. But that was )ust a dream, and besides, she was a li ter in it. :ompletely o #base. @ust a weird dream that she had trouble sha!ing. The ne4t morning Penny too! the liberty o measuring her hips again and nearly dropped her measuring tape in surprise. 01 inches8 * B#inch increase since the previous a ternoon, $mpossible8 Penny turned and loo!ed at her butt in the mirror. 9o, it de initely was a lot bigger than the day be ore. Two per ect globes o creamy lesh hung at the bottom o her bac!, 6uivering and bouncing with every tiny movement. She gently stro!ed them with her hands, eeling their weight, be ore abruptly !neading the doughy lesh. $t was so so t, and elt so good to touch. Penny had no idea how she was going to !eep her hands o o hersel . 'umming, Penny pulled on the single dress they had bought the day be ore, a sundress with a great nec!line and a lot o e4tra abric down below, and bounced downstairs to eat as many panca!es as possible. *t school, Penny elt li!e more than the center o attention. She elt li!e the center o the universe. -very eye was on her, or at least on her bac!, and more than a ew were appreciative loo!s down her chest. She )ust smiled and wal!ed along with 'annah, or once wal!ing ne4t to her riend instead o behind her.
$t was during lunch that Penny decided she was o icially in love with her mutation. First had been on the way to the lunchroom. Penny's stomach was putting up 6uite a roar, and she was not one to disagree with it, pushing her way through as many students as she could to get to the doors. 'er trip too! her right past :aroline @ameson's loc!er, and :aroline lagged her down. "'ey, gorgeous8" the other pear beamed. Penny gave a happy smile bac!, her love o being a pear temporarily overshadowing her love o satis ying her hunger. She stopped and ound hersel giving a mental si&e#up o :aroline, only instead o the usual "$ wish $ had that," it was more o a "$ ;% have that" comparison. True, :aroline still had much bigger breasts, probably a ; i Penny's memory o them being nearly na!ed served her right, but her butt was at least comparable. Today :aroline was wearing )eans, which tightly encased her wide hips and created a very nice, deep hori&ontal crease below her bac!side. The riendly girl pulled Penny close and they hugged. "$t's so nice to see another one o us in this school8" 'er voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "9adine, the pear senior, She's a bitch. But not li!e us8" The bigger girl held Penny out and loo!ed her over in a manner eerily similar to G#Mom. "Mmmhmm, you are loo!ing ine, Penny," she at last said. "Than!s," Penny replied, now eeling embarrassed at the attention the clearly prettier girl was paying her. "7ou have clothes, right, .hen $ irst started $ totally underestimated what si&e $ would need, and !ept orgetting things to get. 7ou made sure to get new gym shorts," Gym shorts8 "9o, $ didn't8" Penny said, slapping her orehead. "There's no way $'ll it into the same ones rom Monday8" "Monday," :aroline echoed with a laugh in her voice. "7ou're growing 6uic!8 .ell, here." She reached into her loc!er and pulled out a pair o blue shorts. "$ have gym on TuesdayNThursday, so $'ll pic! up a pair tonight. Besides, they're a little tight on me, and you loo! li!e you're, what, si&e AK," "ED, actually," Penny said, ta!ing the shorts. "Than!s8" "9o problem, girl8" :aroline said, punching her in the arm. ".e pears have to stic! together8" They started wal!ing to the ca eteria. "$n act, you should come over some time, we can trade clothes8 *ssuming you don't get bigger than me," she )o!ed. "That would be great8" * warm eeling rose up through Penny, li!e a bubble o )oy. Trade clothes8 She hadn't had a riend to trade clothes with since elementary school, be ore 'annah had developed her preggo mutation. *nd then... he appeared. ?eith .histler. :aptain o the boys' ootball team. :aroline must have seen something in his eyes, because she gave a brie "Bye8" and disappeared. Penny did her best to oggle him rom a ar, already planning a route around the stationary, muscular boy, but instead he stopped her with a steady hand. "Penny, right," he as!ed. 'e !new her name, 'e !new her name8 This boy, this boy she dreamt about and daydreamed about and antasi&ed about, this boy who she hardly even saw in the halls more than twice a month, because he was
so popular and surrounded by other popular people, this boy who had his pic! o any o the girls in the school, he !new her name8 "'i," she s6uea!ed. "$ was wondering i you were going to the spring dance with anyone," he said. "5m, no," she said. .hy would he want to !now i she had a date, .hy would he care, "$ don't have a date yet, either." 'is huge blue eyes were staring right at her. 'e didn't have a date, 9o way. 9ot in a million years. *nd he didn't have one... and she didn't have one... ".ould you go with me," he inally inished. Penny almost ainted. $nstead, her brain too! over, and she nodded, dumbly. 'e gave a brie smile, then bent over and le t her with a pec! on the chee!. "$'ll pic! you up ne4t Friday, then." *nd he was gone, leaving a stunned 'annah and @ason in his place. ";id he )ust as! you to the dance," @ason as!ed, his )aw dropped. Penny nodded again. 'annah s6uealed and )umped up and down, her breasts and belly lying everywhere, but Penny )ust touched her chee!, where the captain o the ootball team had !issed her. "'e )ust as!ed me to the dance." .hen gym inally rolled around, the shorts it almost per ectly. They were )ust the tiniest bit too tight. HHH *t the end o the wee!, Penny was putting her biggest sweatpants to the test. They were huge when she held them out and stretched them as ar as they could go, but when she pulled them up her thighs, past that point where they were loose, eeling her legs wedge the waistband wide and wider until it at last slipped to her waist, they elt positively tiny. The tag said "Ma4 Si&e 1D", and they weren't lying( her measuring tape claimed that she was BJ#inches around that Friday morning. She de initely loo!ed it( huge and round and oh#so#)iggly, her butt chee!s bulged out at the sweatpants seams. Penny put a hand against one o them and marveled at how small her palm loo!ed, )ust be ore pressing her ingers into the s6uee&able lesh. 'er eyes rolled up in pleasure. This was the best part o her day, right here. Be ore turning to the sweatpants, Penny had given one o the s!irts that she had been so e4cited about one last try. She had )ust barely gotten the hoo!s together be ore reali&ing that, even though she was able to wear it, you could clearly see the bottoms o her panties po!ing out rom underneath. There was )ust too much butt to go around. $t should have depressed Penny, really, it should have( all o those clothes were a waste, and now there was no hope o ever trading clothes with :aroline. But instead it made her wet, a problem she too! care o with some ervor. Masturbating at the thought o getting bigger was one o a ew new habits that Penny had managed to pic! up in the tail end o that wee!, along with massaging her ass when she was thin!ing, or wal!ing around her room topless so that her boobs would bounce along with her butt. They were de initely still growing, too, and her B#cup bra was now ull up, ready to be replaced with a BB or maybe a B:. She could no longer hold the entire boob in one hand= instead lesh would s6uee&e out between or around her ingers. She was almost normal8 *lmost.
There was another drawbac! to still growing, o course, one that she only brie ly paid attention to be ore brushing it aside( there was no way in hell she was going to be able to get a dress or the dance that she wouldn't be splitting open by the ne4t Friday. *nd her growth was so unpredictable, there was no real way to plot how big she would need to buy, either. .ith luc!, her mom would be willing to ta!e her out shopping the night be ore, and she would still it into it E0 hours later. *nd so what i she couldn't, Penny gave hersel a wol ish grin as she admired the straining sweatpants in the mirror, tracing her deep panty#lines. *ll the more pear#shape or her, she supposed. 'annah nearly )umped with e4citement at the news that Penny needed to buy more clothes, a poor choice o actions in the tiny car. ":an $ come with, this time, %h, $ love clothes, and $'ve never had a reason to go into the Posteriors section8" "7ou're a lot more e4cited than my grandma was," Penny said. "She thin!s $'m growing too ast." "P t," 'annah blew out some air. "9o way8 7ou deserve it8 This way you don't have to wait months and months, wondering when you'll stop. Trust me, i $ could have blown up to this si&e in a matter o days, $ would have been so much happier." Penny nodded and bit her lip. %h, how she wanted to proclaim that she prayed it wasn't )ust a " ew days" thing, how she wanted to !eep growing and growing. She wanted the world to !now. She wouldn't have thought it )ust a wee! be ore, but apparently Penny wanted nothing more than to be an $mmobile( one o those luc!y, luc!y girls whose mutation made them so large that they couldn't even move. The most common $mmobiles were eeders, i you could call any !ind o $mmobile common, which happened to something li!e A in 1 million eeders, most amously to 'arriet Fischer, who Penny saw on T> giving speeches and announcing boo! releases all the time. Pears and preggos were a lot less li!ely to happen, only A in AE million or so, with non#mutation $mmobiles ran!ing somewhere in the middle, weighed down permanently by gigantic breasts. Penny had never even heard o a li ter $mmobile, much less thought about it, until her dream a wee! ago. So i being a pear was a A#in#E1 chance 2according to what she remembered o her se4#ed classes3, and there was a A#in#ED million chance o any pear becoming immobili&ed, that meant there was only a A#in# 1DD million chance o any given girl turning $mmobile. Maybe A1 luc!y women in the world. But Penny wanted it. These were the !inds o thoughts that Penny dealt with throughout the day, along with the other apparently normal parts o being a pear. .hen Penny brushed past someone in the hall, they no longer hit her elbows, but her hips. .hen she sat down, it was more o a tas! o positioning her behind and then letting her weight drop. .hen she went through doorways, she elt a strange eeling o vertigo every time be ore reali&ing that there was a good 0 inches o space le t on either side. K inches that she hoped to overcome, and overcome soon. She also could not !eep her hands o o hersel . *t one point she was called on to answer a 6uestion and she reali&ed that her right hand was in her sweatpants, under her panties, resting gently on the huge cushion o her ass. She had yan!ed it out and crossed her arms on her ront, ace burning red, and answered the 6uestion. .hen the attention at last turned rom her, Penny reali&ed that she was now cupping her tits in her hands, their weight pushing down on her through the over lowing bra.
Gym would have been a nightmare even i she wasn't so turned on by her growing handicap. Penny had to return the borrowed shorts to :aroline a ter a single use, and instead was orced to ta!e one o the "loaner" pairs, normally given to eeders who had split their shorts. They were huge and stretchy, but, to Penny's surprise, it li!e a glove around her hips. *nd )ogging, o course, )ust made her more e4cited. -ach step was another pair o bounces, both on her chest and her bac!. The sweatpants didn't tear going bac! on a ter gym, but Penny could eel their seams pulling. "*nother ew inches," she sang to hersel , getting a strange loo! rom 'annah. HHH *t the store the ne4t day, Penny was inally wal!ing around over the ADD#inch mar!, sitting nicely at AD1. She was wearing a s!irt that her mom had thrown together the previous night, )ust a ter dinner. $t was on her third helping that the sweatpants had given up the ghost, ripping open with a loud tearing noise that had sent G#Mom over the edge with laughter. .ith 'annah in tow, and the help o a ellow pear who wor!ed there, Penny sorted through the clothes and pic!ed out a good selection. "*ny idea o where you might end up, hon," as!ed the riendly woman. She was much bigger than Penny, her hips stic!ing out twice as wide as the rest o her body. .hen Penny told her that she had gained about ED inches since that time the day be ore she had dropped the clothes she was holding in shoc!. ":an you grow that ast," she as!ed, be ore ad)usting her glasses and si ting through the clothes even aster. "$ !now, right," 'annah grinned at Penny. ".ell," the lady said, "i you're going to get a lot bigger, you'd better start getting items bigger in the waist, too. Bigger pears start putting it on there." * thrill went through Penny's stomach. "Bigger pears." @ust li!e Penny. They wal!ed away with an even bigger selection o pants than the time be ore, all o them stretchable in one way or another. Penny's previously loose tops were now all straining at her breasts, so they had un pic!ing out bigger and bigger ones be ore Penny at last put her oot down on silliness and cut their selection in hal . Finally, the bra# itting had shown her to be a mid#si&ed :#cup. "$ )ust can't believe they got this big so ast," Penny said, he ting the na!ed breasts in her hands and not even noticing 'annah's bright red ace and averted eyes. The lingerie lady was o inding things to try on, leaving the two girls alone or a bit. Penny bounced her hands, watching the at, )iggly breasts undulate up and down. $t was li!e trying to palm a big, rotten cantaloupe, only one that was warm and so t and elt good both to touch and to be touched. %n a whim, Penny bought the :, a ::, and an insanely#huge ;; cup si&e. $ they got this big this ast, they could get even bigger aster, she reasoned.
By the end o the wee!end Penny was glad she did. 'er huge tits, both o them now as large as watermelons, more than obscured her eet when she tried loo!ing down. @ust wal!ing with them made her bump into things, and she o ten ound hersel putting her arms under them to get a good grip. % course, she was usually distracted by the )iggling and bouncing rom the rear. 'er growth rate was still shooting up, s!yroc!eting into the stratosphere. %n Saturday she went shopping a ter lunch with a measurement o AD1. %n Sunday she went to bed with a measured A0A. The it through her door had inally been a s6uee&e, both o her hips needing to be pushed in be ore ma!ing it through. .hen she wo!e up Monday morning, her panties were cutting into her, and the new nightshirt she wore to bed was hi!ed up to her waist and re used to be pulled down over her hips. A1J inches around, the measuring tape read, and it was 6uic!ly running out o tape. AJ whole inches in one night. "Mom," Penny called as she heaved down the stairs. "$ had to turn sideways to get through my door. 7ou need to call contractors." "Than! god or government subsidies on mutation )obs," G#Mom grumbled, but, as usual, both older women hugged the teen, now both o them leaning ar over to actually reach her. The ront door had been opened up by the time Penny got home rom school. She was out o breath, the irst big change o the day. Moving around was actually getting tiring, heaving that huge sac! o at around. She had also 6uali ied or the <arge section, inally, a ter a measurement by Mrs. .ight and a step on the scales. Penny had !nown that di erent mutations had di erent weight thresholds to pass be ore 6uali ying, but was still shoc!ed when the scales stopped at E1D( her new boobs and butt had more than tripled her weight8 The shorts she had chosen to wear had started o the day slightly loose, as Penny was attempting to compensate more and more, but by the end o the day she could eel a bree&e blowing across the bottom o her ass chee!s, a sure sign that she was )ust getting too big. The even surer sign was when she sat down at the !itchen table or a snac!. *t irst her butt completely slipped over the sides o the chair, more than oot o at hanging o either end, be ore the chair completely collapsed below her. -mbarrassed and both crying and laughing at the same time, Penny let her mom lead her to the couch, where she grate ully too! a brea! and did her homewor!. %ne thing she didn't tell anyone was that, by now, she could almost eel things growing tighter on her. *t nearly our eet wide, and gaining almost an inch wider per day, the idea that she might be an $mmobile soon )ust seemed to it into the e6uation. She heaved hersel up rom the couch, e4cused hersel through the hole the construction crew had put into the bathroom doorway, closed the curtain that they had thought ully installed, and masturbated wildly. The ma)orly important doors were all done by the ne4t day, but Penny !new that the one to her room was useless( the stairs were )ust getting to be too hard, and besides, the upstairs hallway was only a bit wider than the doors there. That Tuesday night was probably her last night in her room. Penny celebrated by stripping completely na!ed and going over her entire body in the mirror, one loving stro!e and caress at a time. 'er mom's industrial#length measuring tape read her hips at AKJ around, a number so massive that Penny hadn't been able to picture it until )ust now, loo!ing at hersel in the mirror. $t was so wide that she
couldn't see the sides o both butt chee!s at the same time, instead having to lean way over, which would cause her to overbalance, which would create a resounding crash throughout the house. $nstead she had to turn around and let one hal o her ta!e up the entire mirror. 'er s!in was so t and smooth and pale and )ust lightly dusted with rec!les around her ass. .hat astounded Penny the most was that, rom behind, she didn't even seem to have thighs anymore. @ust two huge lobes o at, hanging down to )ust above her !nees. 'er thighs were there, don't be mista!en, they were gigantic and merging with her butt. %ne chee! was+she mashed and pushed it with her hands thought ully+bigger than any beach ball she had ever played with. Maybe E and a hal eet wide. She shivered and ran her hands down her sides, over the slight roll o at that was accumulating at her waist, then stopping on the shel o her hips and butt. .hen she wore her bac!pac!, it now mostly )ust rested on her behind, right at the point where her waistband would get pulled bac! to. She had a bit o a permanent plumbers#crac! on the smaller items in her wardrobe, which now included, gasp8 most o her wardrobe. *s or her tits, Penny had been somewhat disappointed when they stopped growing, or at least slowed down. $t was now easy to estimate that they were going to end in the ;;#range, which she already owned the bra or. They were positively breathta!ing, and Penny li!ed to gather them in her arms and bury her ace into over a oot o cleavage. .atermelons paled in comparison to Penny's tits, but they were still overshadowed by her giant, huge, awesome, ama&ing, beauti ul butt. There was no 6uestion in anyone's mind i Penny was going to be an $mmobile. The only remaining answer was when. Penny ell asleep with one hand stro!ing her pussy and the other attempting to it around her breasts. HHH $t was the night be ore the dance when Penny reali&ed she could no longer stand up. 'er suspicions had been growing that this would happen sooner rather than later. .hen she had wo!en up on .ednesday to a colossal growth, over twenty inches overnight, she !new that it would not be long at all. -ven her widened door was a challenge, and she had to turn sideways and then get Mom and G#Mom to help s6uee&e her butt up against her body in order to it through the door and down the hall. 'er boobs had been mashed in her ace, and she could eel warm lesh pressing up against her bac!. *nd still, her tummy rumbled. She was still growing. School had been so e4hausting that Penny too! multiple brea!s )ust wal!ing between classes. >eronica Green, who had returned to school that Monday, spotted Penny at one o these times and tried to ma!e un o her, but had been shouted down and pushed away by many o Penny's new admirers. 'annah )o!ingly o ered to " eed" Penny, nervously he ting one o her lea!ing breasts, but had shied away at the hungry loo! Penny gave her. The ne4t day had been ever worse. Maybe not worse( harder. Penny loved what her body was doing. She nearly got wet )ust at the act that she was struggling to move, to get to classes, to it into the plus#si&ed des!. She had spent the night sleeping on the couch, and had wo!en to ind that her hips were touching both o the armrests. She had lurched to her eet, panting and ma!ing her boobs ly all over, then trundled to the !itchen to gorge hersel . The panties she was wearing were a huge pair that she and 'annah had )o!ingly bought, both o them collapsing in its o giggles at the site o them. 9ow that she was over E1D inches around and J eet wide, Penny didn't ind it unny any longer, but erotic. S% erotic. 'er ass was monstrous, two gigantic spheres
o at that olded over the bac!s o her !nees and pressed against the tops o her calves. The shorts that she was wearing was the only article o clothing that she owned that it anymore, something G#Mom had rushed to the store to pic! up, although Penny's mother said she could easily ma!e any number o s!irts that Penny needed. The rest o her body was inally putting on a little bit o weight, too. 'er tummy was so t, ready to be caressed, and her arms were even a bit heavier. But all o her loo!ed positively stic!#thin compared to her butt. *nd so when Penny ell asleep on Thursday night, her arms resting on the at that was piling up around her, her hips s6uee&ed between the armrests, she !new that it was over. Friday morning she wo!e up and could not move her legs more than a ew inches. The shorts were already split, and Penny watched as the tear grew wider and wider, threads pulling apart minute by minute. Finally, with one 6uic! ripping sound, the side tore open, revealing the light blue panties that were desperately trying to hold in the increasing bul!. "%h my god, Penny," Penny heard rom the !itchen, and she turned to see her mother in a bathrobe. $t must have been early. Penny didn't reply, instead she )ust continued massaging the at that was all around her, the yards and yards o butt. 'er mom collapsed onto her, crying tears o )oy. ".e're so proud o you, Penny. So proud." "Than!s, Mom," Penny at last said, patting her mother on the bac!. "$ didn't really do anything. $t's )ust luc!." 'er mom stood bac!, tears streaming down her ace. "But it's your luc!, Penny. 7ours all along." .hat Penny li!ed most about being stuc! was that, while the wheels were set in motion to get her o icially designated $mmobile, she didn't have to do anything but satis y her urge to eat and admire hersel . *ll o Friday, that was all she did. She ate and ate, scar ing down munchies and real ood. The T> was on, but she didn't pay attention. 9or did she pay attention when ?eith .histler showed up with her corsage and pinned it to her shirt, saying that he wouldn't be dancing with anybody else that night. 9or she did pay attention when G#Mom announced that they had been called by the man rom the government who dealt with $mmobiles and said he would be there the ollowing Monday. She was too distracted. ;istracted by the wonder ul eeling that her hands le t on her s!in, the reali&ation that her panties were growing pain ully tight, the idea that her body was processing the ood she was eating even be ore her stomach was completely illed. @ust a ter ?eith le t, his tu4edo neatly pressed, Penny noticed that she could no longer eel the armrest pressing up against her hip. $nstead it was pressing into the bottom o her butt= she must have grown over it. *round midnight she do&ed o , then wo!e up against when her shins bumped the co ee table. She ad)usted the way she was sitting the best she could, and when she wo!e up Saturday morning she igured out that she was no longer sitting on the couch completely( instead she was sitting across the couch and the loor and somewhat on the table. She continued to eed.
.ith no school and no ability to move beyond some body wiggles, Penny's entire world collapsed into a grey, pleasurable ha&e. She ate and she elt hersel and she slept. She thought that at one point a crew o people helped get her o o the couch and the table, and she was vaguely grate ul as the odd shapes had been cutting into the bottom o , well, o her, but she didn't really notice. She even came out o her stupor at one point to reali&e that her panties were long gone. 'er massive, pillowy thighs were permanently pressed together, though, and any modesty the panties might have tric!ed her into eeling was completely unnecessary. She was simply too at to really be na!ed rom the waist down. She ate, and grew, and was completely com ortable. .ho needed cushions, She was her own cushion. She leaned bac! into a nice crevice o butt, her eet dangling a ew eet o o the ground. -very once in a while she slipped a hand under her small, plump belly and brushed against her constantly damp nethers, but generally she continued to eat rom the pile o ood that was !ept well#stoc!ed by her mother, or grandmother, or one o the other helpers they had roped in. $t was )ust around the point when the walls pressed in on her that Penny stopped eating. $t was light out, but the grayish sort o light that meant early morning. 'ad she been up all night eating, She couldn't remember. She had a strange lashbac!, a dG)M vu o a similar situation to this. %nly... only it was completely di erent. $nstead o being so t, she had been hard, in some manner. Coc! hard. She shoo! the idea rom her head, and instead observed her surroundings. *h, yes( the walls. They were pressing in on her butt. The walls were pressing in on her butt. She could eel the pressure against them, the idea that )ust a ew inches one way or the other would be )ust too much orce, and would bring the wall down. @esus, how much had she grown, 'er reverie was interrupted by a voice. "Penny," $t was little @ason, always showing up at the most annoying times. *nd yet, she elt some hands on a tiny bit o overstu ed lesh, and a shiver ran through her mountainous rump. "$'m here, @ason," she said, be ore reali&ing the stupidity o the statement. "$'m awa!e." "$ igured," he said, as his touch le t her. She heard the sound o the sliding glass door to the bac!yard, and later he appeared in a doorway in ront o her. $'m so huge that he has to wal! around the house to get around me, Penny thought, disbelieving. "$ heard that the government's coming to certi y you," he continued as i there hadn't been a thirty#second brea! in his sentence, "and wanted to see you or mysel ." ".hat do you thin!," Penny as!ed, blushing or the irst time in days. 'is eyes and gaping mouth told her everything she needed to !now. ".ow," was all he said as he wal!ed closer. "So you li!e it," She shuddered with a strange eeling as her riend, her riend she had lost her virginity to, loo!ed all over her body. <e t... then right... then up... 5p. Penny suddenly elt it, on the tops o her butt chee!s. She was still growing8 * tiny bit, a miniscule bit, probably still digesting the ood she had only recently 6uit ramming in her mouth. She could eel the smooth coolness o the ceiling on her butt. "%h, god," she moaned, wiggling her eet and toes and inding
that the at had almost engul ed all o her legs, even with both o them stic!ing straight out( there was the barest hint o a !nee, and then two very heavy calves, topped with tiny, chubby eet. They, li!e the rest o her, were resting on giant bulges o at that all originated at the base o her spine. "$ li!e it a lot," @ason breathed, both o his !nees touching her ass, even though he was standing in ront o her. 'e began crawling onto her body until they were ace to ace. "$ li!e you, Penny. -ven be ore this." "$ don't care," she said, grabbing his head with both arms and !issing him as deeply as she could. The small boy's body pressed against her two tits, her hard nipples ra!ing against his chest through her stained shirt. She could eel his erection, his tiny erection compared to the si&e o '-C, through his )eans. *nd she needed it. "Stop )ust being %9 me," she growled, "and get $9 me." 5sing her remaining mobility, Penny pulled her shirt over her head while @ason tripped out o his )eans. She giggled, then loo!ed down at the two huge breasts which now sat, ree, heavy, and beauti ul, on her lap. They loo!ed so lucious and so t and ama&ing. @ust li!e her, she thought with another chuc!le. The pale so t s!in was so inviting, Penny stro!ed it or a moment while @ason got himsel prepared to please her beyond their wildest dreams, be ore she pinched it. There was a pric! o pain, real pain. *nd then, sweaty and soa!ed, Penny wo!e up. HHH "9o," she said. "9%8" She punched her pillow. 'er pillow was the enemy. 'er pillow put these stupid ideas into her head that something was going to happen or her. "Get it all out, honey," her mother said rom the hall. $t was Monday. The previous Monday, the one )ust a ter the party. She was still depressed and pissed about what had happened at it. She was still ull rom eating all o that )un! ood the day be ore. *nd she was still, still, ST$<< as lat as a board and as narrow as a stic!. "Fuc! dreams," Penny spat, then got up and got dressed. Strangely enough, though, as Penny brushed her teeth and tried to brush her hair, she elt her anger and rustration melt away, )ust li!e a bad dream. She remembered being pissed at the world the day be ore, and it still elt li!e the day be ore, but it also elt li!e over a wee! had passed since. Two wee!s, even. Two wee!s o growing and being popular and being happy. *nd no matter how depressing the reality was that she returned to, no matter how annoying the act that her dreaming brain had now tric!ed her twice, she couldn't help but let some o that happiness seep bac! into her. Penny even hummed as she wal!ed down the stairs. "7ou're a welcome change this morning," G#Mom grumbled rom the !itchen counter. The redhead shrugged. "$ guess $ reali&ed how childish $ was being. 9obody even noticed me at the party, so what's to be embarrassed about," Penny's mom gave her a sideways hug. "That's the spirit, dear."
$t was, wasn't it, But that spirit was so much harder to !eep up when she was actually con ronted with school. 5nli!e in her dream, >eronica Green was in school that Monday morning, boisterous and as annoying as ever. She didn't even need to say anything to Penny to launt her superiority= a simple win! and slight sway o her shoulders was enough to remind Penny who was boss around there( her enormous breasts, today encapsulated in a blouse that could it a hippopotamus, swung out to the le t and the right as she passed Penny and 'annah, hitting about ive people along the way. *s she le t, Penny could see the straps o the bra digging deep ravines into >eronica's bac!, but it was clear the bigger girl didn't care at all( she was en)oying being the best too much. "Bitch," 'annah said, turning to waddle past Penny and go to her irst class. The overly pregnant )unior almost obscured Penny's vision so much that she didn't see who was wal!ing past in the other direction. ?eith .histler. $t was strange that Penny had been dreaming about him on and o or the past wee! or so, and she hadn't even seen him in maybe two. But it was clear that her memory was per ect( that per ect hair, those wide, strong shoulders, that chiseled )aw. 'e was laughing and tal!ing along with a riend, both o them oblivious to Penny's adoring stare. .hat a per ect morning. She had been ine, over the horrible wee!end, and then the two people who would remind her that her dreams would never come true showed up and wal!ed past( >eronica Green and ?eith .histler. But then... For a split second, )ust behind 'annah's springy blonde hair, Penny saw it. ?eith glanced her way. *nd irewor!s e4ploded behind Penny's eyes. She staggered to homeroom in a da&e. ?eith .histler, captain o the ootball team, had loo!ed at her8 %nly or a second, true, but their eyes had met. <i!e lightning8 <i!e an electric shoc!. Blindly, Penny ound her des! in homeroom, sat down, and san! her head into her arms, sighing a dreamy sigh. "5h, you're in the wrong section, Penny," a amiliar voice laughed. Penny )er!ed her head up. The wrong section, Then again, this chair did eel strange. She loo!ed around and reali&ed that, in her puppy#love#soa!ed daydream, she had wandered bac! into the <arge section o des!s. Probably a holdover rom that stupidly vivid dream, she reasoned. $t was <aney who was laughing at her rom a ew des!s over. "Maybe when you've doubled your weight or something, girl," she said. 'er riend ?rista was also there, lounging against a des!. They were probably recounting the events o the party.
".ell," Penny said, getting up rom the des! and inding her actual seat, "what are you doing in the < des!s, then," <aney grinned with pride. "Graduated up today8 Somehow managed to put on twenty pounds this wee!end." She and ?rista collapsed into giggles. "$t couldn't have been the party," she said, waggling her eyebrows, "nor any alcoholic drin!s $ imbibed." "Then again," ?rista added, chortling, "$ put on a ew, too. Maybe there was something in them8" 9ow that she had said it, Penny did detect something di erent about <aney. 'er t#shirt was de initely a bit tight, digging into her arms, and her boobs did loo! li!e they were laying across the des! urther than usual. 'ec!, were her hips wider, $t was hard to tell in that scaled#up des!. .ith now two strange dreams about getting a mutation having passed, both o them seeming to last or wee!s, Penny almost elt li!e she was still in a dream. Maybe she was, she thought. $t was getting so hard to tell reality rom iction, she couldn't reason i <aney and ?rista suddenly gaining weight li!e that was normal or not. She tried to sha!e it o , but was sha!ing it or the rest o the day. .hen Penny ran into :aroline sometime a ter lunch, she wanted to than! the pear or letting Penny borrow her gym shorts, but remembered that had only happened in the dream. $nstead she than!ed her or the invitation or the party, and even managed to lie about having a great time. :oncern showed on :aroline's ace, and ear struc! Penny's heart that the wealthy girl remembered what Penny had acted li!e when >eronica had started showing o , but the loo! disappeared in a moment. ";on't worry about it, girl8" she instead cried, slapping a riendly hand against Penny's shoulder. "$ thin! everyone had a good time." She disappeared into the crowd, her at bottom bobbing with her steps. Penny was in such a cloud that she wasn't even sel #conscious about watching the rhythm o the pear's steps. By the ne4t day, a ter a good night o dreamless sleep, Penny was at last throwing the cloud o o hersel . ;e initely no dreams that night, and she gave hersel a good pinch to ma!e sure that she wasn't dreaming this one. 9ope( still the real world. The reality was getting depressing again, though, especially by lunch. ":ome on, go to the dance with me," @ason whined across the table. "$ mean, :aroline's party wasn't too bad," he added be ore getting a swi t glare rom 'annah. Penny was too distracted to thin! about reprimanding him or bringing up a pain ul sub)ect. She was bac! to her old habits, and was absolutely entranced with watching 'annah eat. -ach bite, each small chewing motion, sent earth6ua!es through the rest o her body. 'er bulging stomach would bob and bounce, o course, and Penny got a pretty good view o that on the other side o the table, especially in 'annah's overly#tight blouse, but what she was mostly watching were her riend's boobs. They seemed even bigger than normal, i anything. $t might have been the tight blouse, though, or the act that 'annah hadn't mil!ed hersel all morning. Tight and straining, the two bowling balls )iggled and swayed, shoo! and wobbled, with every movement that the preggo made. 'er oversi&ed nipples were both hard and po!ing against the abric, proudly )utting or everyone to see, and the lines rom her tight maternity bra were showing or the entire world.
$t wasn't that Penny hadn't ever seen them, or had never seen them this ull. $t was the act that she could clearly, distinctly remember having boobs li!e that. Bigger, even8 Big and so t and wonder ul, hanging rom her chest, putting pressure on her shoulders and bac!. Penny !new how wonder ul they elt, how so t and ragile and sensitive. *nd especially how great they made her eel when they were growing, swelling up, lowing over the seams o her clothes. But it had never happened. -ver. "9o, @ason," she said at last. "$'m not going to the dance. *nd $'m not going with you8" Suddenly overcome with wrath, Penny slammed her lunch tray down and stormed to the bathroom. * ew minutes later, a ter she had shed most o her tears, 'annah )oined her. 'er best riend's orehead was absolutely wrin!led with concern, and as she loc!ed the door and unbuttoned her shirt she loc!ed eye contact with Penny's own pu y ace. "$'m worried about you, Pen," the preggo said. Penny didn't say anything, instead choosing to silently watch her riend out o the corner o her eye as she undid her bra and let her mil!#engorged breasts sag onto her stomach. 'annah too! up her right boob in her hands and began mil!ing at it, s6uee&ing so tly as she pulled her hand along the swollen areola. Mil! immediately shot rom the thimble#li!e nipple in a sharp )et, hitting the sin!. $t wasn't until she was reaching or the breast that Penny even noticed she had inched across the stained linoleum loor, that her mouth was open and her tongue was running along her top lip. The redhead ro&e, but the sudden motion caught 'annah's eye, and she instantly stopped mil!ing, her eyes shooting open. "Please, 'annah," Penny ound hersel saying, the words a ecting a whiny tone not unli!e @ason's earlier begging. "Please." 'annah's eyes were ull o pity. "God, Penny8 This is what $'m tal!ing about8" Ceali&ing what she was saying, Penny dropped her hand and collapsed to the loor. "$'m sorry8" she cried through the tears. "$'m sorry8 $ )ust+ $ )ust want to be normal." .ith a warm dampness, Penny ound hersel being hugged by the tiny but round girl. *nd though it com orted her, the eeling o that irm and huge stomach, o those two giant breasts still aching to be mil!ed, only illed her with a hot )ealousy. HHH $t was all business as usual by .ednesday. 'umpday. *s usual, she rolled out o bed, glared at her horribly depressing igure in the mirror, dressed, and moped downstairs. She even pinched hersel on the arm, )ust in case. $t was turning into a habit, but the brie eeling o pain always seemed to reassure her, in its pessimistic way( yes, this was the real world. 9o e4citing discoveries today. Brea! ast, car, avoiding eyes in the halls, homeroom, avoiding conversation with <aney. The usual. Penny was bac! to the old, shy, anti#social butter ly that she had always been. The grumbling rom her stomach should really have told her something was up. She had a ull brea! ast, a ter all. $nstead Penny )ust glanced at her watch to con irm she wasn't getting at all close to her period be ore sighing and stealing a chip or two rom <aney's unattended bag. The ew mouth uls o grease and salt seemed to 6uench her urges, and Penny continued through the day.
%ne class. Two classes. By third period, Penny was watching the cloc! once more, counting down the minutes until lunch. 'er belly was constantly growling, getting her a ew strange loo!s rom the !ids nearby who could hear it. Penny )ust blushed and san! down in her chair, unable to stop her eyes rom darting around the room or anything that she could use to 6uell the violent storm within. *t last the bell rang and she nearly dashed through the halls to the ca eteria, where she loaded up a tray with the most illing things there( mashed potatoes, a ew rolls, a hamburger. %rdinarily she would say that she was pic!ing them because they were the nearest items, but they )ust seemed to )ump out at her as the tastiest#loo!ing. $t all was very vaguely amiliar, but Penny couldn't put her inger on why. 'er riends )ust watched as she wol ed down the ood, loo!ing on with various concerns. "7ou trying to turn yoursel into a eeder, Penny," @ason )o!ed. Penny gave him a sardonic smir! be ore continuing with her binge est. She was only hal way done with the ood when, li!e a light switch, her hunger turned o . 'al way embarrassed, hal way relieved, Penny leaned bac! in her chair and lightly patted her stu ed belly. "Ta!ing a brea!," 'annah was giving her best riend a peculiar loo! over her own hamburger, clenched between her small hands. "9o," Penny admitted. "@ust ull." "'mm," the preggo said mysteriously. Penny wasn't ooled. ".hat, .hat is it," 'annah )ust shoo! her head, letting her short blond ponytail whip bac! and orth. "Probably nothing. *w, shit." She had spilled !etchup across the wide e4panse o t#shirt her breasts made, and everyone at the table had soon orgotten Penny's behavior with the bouncing and )iggling that accompanied a cleanup attempt. $t came bac! to Penny when, lunch inally inished, she bent over to get her bag and elt an odd pressure on her torso. $t was her slightly#less#in lated stomach, )ust barely digging into the waistband o her )eans. *t a sudden eeling o premonition, Penny stu ed the remaining rolls into her )ac!et poc!ets be ore heading to class. 7ou never !new... Two periods later those sudden hunger pangs struc! again, almost out o nowhere( one second Penny was content and happy, listening to a history lecture, and the ne4t her stomach was calling out to her in panic. * ter e4cusing hersel to the bathroom, she devoured the rolls be ore leaning bac! against the toilet and breathing a sigh o relie . Strange, she thought. 'er stomach was pooched out a bit again. 9ot very much, not enough or anyone else to notice. But it was there. *lmost two periods a ter lunch, and Penny still had a tiny, irm belly.
She started hyperventilating. This was how 'annah had started8 @ust li!e this8 -very once in a while, at irst maybe once a day and then every ew hours, she would get sudden hunger pangs, which was really her stomach telling her it wanted to be stu ed, absolutely. She would and it would 6uiet down or a while, but it would be noticeably bigger. This continued or months and months, until she was inally at the si&e she was now( huge. Penny might get huge. Penny was a preggo. * matron. * mutant. NO. .ait. 9o. Penny had allen or this trap be ore. Penny had to remember that this was a dream. $t had to be. $t de initely was. Then again, she had pinched hersel that morning. That was how she was stopping hersel rom dreaming those wild antasies. $t had bro!en her out o her last dream, a ter all. Maybe she had allen asleep in class, though. %r maybe she was only dreaming now that it had hurt be ore, and it really hadn't. Penny reached her hand across hersel to her mostly#bare le t arm, and she saw that her hand was sha!ing. She was in control o hersel , she reasoned. *nd i this didn't hurt, or it didn't wa!e her up, this was real. She and her best riend were going to be preggos together8 She pinched. $t hurt. She remained on the cold toilet, in the sterile bathroom, with her tiny, tiny stomach )ust barely ma!ing an impression against her shirt. $t wasn't a dream8 Penny cheered silently to hersel or a moment, almost standing up and doing a dance, be ore reali&ing what a ool she was being. $t may not be a dream, but it might not be a mutation, either. $t was best to wait and see. The car ride home was silent and somewhat aw!ward, punctuated with tiny growls and whimpers rom Penny's stomach. .ith each one a small smile passed across her ace, and she reali&ed she was subconsciously rubbing her tiny swollen pooch every ew minutes. They were nearly home when Penny at last loo!ed at 'annah and saw a very annoying, !nowing loo! in her riend's eyes. ".hat is it," she as!ed, not able to contain a smile. "Something up, 'anners," "$ don't !now," 'annah said, also grinning. ";o you thin! there is," "Maaaaaaybe," she drew out. "$'d eel li!e an idiot i it wasn't, though." 'annah nodded. "*greed. .e both would."
"So we'll assume it isn't." ":orrect." They pulled in ront o Penny's home and sat silently or a moment, be ore both teens s6uealed and hugged iercely. ".e can't be sure, though8" Penny called as she wal!ed to the ront door. "Maybe in a ew days8" ".hat can't we be sure about, honey," Mrs. Parson as!ed rom her wor! des!. Penny )ust grinned. "%h, nothing. @ust dumb school stu ." 'er tummy gave another rumble. "5m, when's dinner," HHH The ne4t morning, a ter Penny awo!e, she was 6uite sure o what was happening. $t started be ore her eyes had even opened. The alarm was going o , but she lay with them closed, enraptured in her warm com orter and the hal #memory o maybe a dream she had had. There was something nice that she was loo!ing orward to, but she couldn't remember it. Then there was that weird tight, itchy eeling on her chest. <i!e she had a rash, and the long t#shirt she slept in was )ust irritating it. She reached up to scratch while rolling out o bed and nearly died o shoc!. There was something T'-C-. 5nder her ingernails, on her chest, and it wasn't )ust her nipples. $t was so t. 'er eyes wide, Penny yan!ed the nec! o the shirt as ar as it would go and ga&ed down at her na!ed torso. Two tiny domes, )ust barely breasts i you could begin to thin! o them that way, were cheerily loo!ing bac! at her, capped by her nipples. %nly they weren't '-C nipples( Penny's nipples were tiny and pin!. These were a dar! red, and, well, normal#si&ed. *nd then, rising behind her new breasts 2'-C breasts3 was a third hal #dome, bigger and irmer#loo!ing. 9ot super#big, not pregnant big, but there, li!e a wide, shallow bowl was underneath Penny's s!in, slung between her hips. She sighed in )oy and relie and let the t#shirt all bac! to her body, be ore loo!ing over at the mirror to admire the new loo!. $t was there that she had her third and inal discovery( her shirt was wet. $n two spots, directly over her tits, there were two patches o damp cloth, both maybe a 6uarter in diameter. %nly lactation could cause that to happen. .hich meant that Penny was lactating. *nd since she wasn't pregnant, having not had se4 outside o her dreams in over a year, there was only one e4planation. Penny pinched hersel on the arm. 'ard. *gain and again. -ach time her ingernails bit into her s!in, each time it was a pain ul bite. She was a preggo. She wasn't dreaming. But it was still a dream come true. $t was strange, Penny thought a hal #hour later while she sat in the !itchen, waiting or 'annah and attempting to tame her hair. The whole revelation with her mom and G#Mom should have been a huge
thing or her, should have been e4citing and new. But a ter the dreams leading up to her reali&ation that she was a preggo, a ter going through it twice, it )ust wasn't that interesting. She wondered, i there had been more dreams, she would have even remembered to bother telling them. 9ot that she was sad she had. There had been tears o pride, promises o new clothes, wishes or the uture. But she elt li!e she had seen it all be ore, even though she hadn't. 9ot or real. .hen 'annah arrived there was more e4cited s6uealing and )umping up and down. "This is so awesome8" 'annah spewed or the eleventh time on the drive to school. "$ $ hadn't been, you !now, twelve when $ irst started showing, $ would totally pull out all o my old clothes and we would have a total yard sale. But it's !ind o even better that you're older, you !now, Because you get way cooler clothes, and they'll last a lot longer8" She gave a sly loo! at Penny. "That is, unless you totally outgrow me." Penny blushed and grinned. "<i!e that would happen8 $'d have trouble moving at all." But her mind dri ted to her dreams, both o which had le t her completely $mmobile. 9o way were they promising that, too, But they were )ust too weird8 She had to tell someone8 So why not her best riend, "'annah, $ have to tell you something cra&y that's been happening to me or the last wee!..." .hen the complete stories o both dreams were told, they had been sitting in the school par!ing lot or a good ten minutes. 'annah had wanted all o the details, and Penny, her ace completely red rom embarrassment, had given as many as she could. 'ow eeling super#strong had elt, the weird golden rush o muscle growth, the secret training gym, the discovery that she was a pear, the popped seams and heavy steps, the ama&ing eeling o not being able to get up rom the couch. *ll o it. ".ell, don't you see what this means," 'annah e4ploded when it was over. "7ou !new8 Somewhere deep down, you !new that you had a mutation8" "Then why didn't $ dream about being a preggo, 'annah," "Because you're goddamn luc!y, that's why8 7ou got to e4perience the other ones be ore you came to your true 2and, by the way, totally awesome3 mutation8" Penny ound hersel nodding. "$ guess that ma!es sense, in a dumb sort o way." 'annah )ust grinned even wider. ".elcome to the way o the preggos, chic!8 7ou'll love it here." The newly#christened preggo ollowed her riend into the school, watching the way that her s!irt and billowing blouse shoo! and swayed with each waddling step, the way that her round, beach ball o a belly lead her everywhere, and couldn't help agreeing that she would. "Cight this way, !iddo," a warm voice said, ta!ing hold o Penny's arm and yan!ing her o o the path. Be ore she !new it, she was in the white o ice o Mrs. .ight. "Got a call rom your mom this morning, and it loo!s li!e you're )oining the ran!s, am $ right," Penny's mouth was almost hurting rom smiling so much that morning, but she still returned the wide, so t grin o the nurse. "9eed me to prove $'m not really pregnant, right, 9eed to pee in a cup,"
"9ot 6uite," the large woman admitted as she pulled out a unnel and a cup. "7ou have the irst part right, but then we still need to prove you have the mutation, so $'ll need to ta!e a pric! o blood." *t Penny's crest allen e4pression Mrs. .ight laughed. "@ust a pric!8 .hat, did you thin! we'd somehow be able to e4amine your genes rom your urine, :ome on, into the bathroom." 'al an hour later Penny had a note e4cusing her rom being late to homeroom and a signed paper saying that she was, indeed, a matron. She !new it was )ust a paper, that it was )ust certi ying something she !new already, but it still illed her heart with something warm. *nd spea!ing o illing her heart, her stomach was already complaining again, so she stopped by at the vending machine to pic! something up or hersel . 'ave to eed the beast, Penny thought to hersel , happily. HHH The rest o Penny's day was bro!en up mostly by eeding sessions. The 'unger 2as she capitali&ed it3 would stri!e almost on the dot every hour and a hal , and she did her best to ma!e sure that a pastry or a ruit pie or doughnuts were there to compensate as 6uic!ly as possible. The only real hiccup came )ust be ore the end o the day, during her class with 'annah. There was a tightness in her chest, li!e a band was pressing down on her boobs, and it was gradually growing tighter and tighter... * ter surreptitiously trying to brush whatever it was o o hersel a ew times, Penny reali&ed what this was( the tell#tale signs o needing to be mil!ed. $t was a stupid thing to need, she thought to hersel , with tits that wouldn't even ill hal o an *#cup, but this was something she was going to need to get used to. .ith a thrill, she caught 'annah's eye and they both e4cused themselves to the bathroom, their teacher giving them both !nowing loo!s. "%!ay," Penny said as she started unbuttoning her short sleeved shirt, "how do $ do this," "$t's harder when you have small boobs, because there isn't too much to get a hold o ." 'annah was also ta!ing her tent#li!e blouse o , probably )ust to ma!e Penny more com ortable with her toplessness= it wor!ed. 'owever, it prevented Penny rom loo!ing at much other than those two huge balloons, both o them slightly bulging out o their maternity brassiere. *t last she turned her attention to her own chest and ound a surprise or two waiting there. "They're bigger already," Penny said, not 6uite able to believe it. But it was true( they were bigger. So much bigger that, i they had been that si&e this morning, there would have been no 6uestion o breasts being there. Still not an *#cup, not or a little while, but big enough to at least somewhat ill Penny's hands. Maybe a girl's B, or a girl's BB, ;o they even ma!e girl si&es that speci ically, She didn't !now, but she could cup them a bit, and could see gravity having somewhat o an a ect. So it was true. These weren't )ust two tiny pads o at on her chest. They were real breasts. *nd they were also ull o mil!. Following 'annah's instructions, Penny cupped her right breast in a way that le t her at, dar! nipple po!ing out between her thumbs and ingers, and began a so t, slowly mil!ing motion, !eeping pressure against her breast. $t didn't ta!e very long at all, maybe two stro!es, be ore something that she had never seen happen be ore started( a thin stream o mil! beaded at her own nipple, )ust be ore dribbling o and into the sin!.
$t only too! a ew more sad little streams be ore Penny elt that her right tit was empty, so she swapped and mil!ed her le t one. $t didn't eel e4actly good, per se, but it was strangely satis ying and com orting. She ound hersel humming with the second breast, a deep rela4ation coming over her. * ter she was done, Penny gave hersel another loo! in the mirror be ore buttoning her shirt up over her braless chest. Funny= 'annah's boobs always loo!ed noticeably smaller a ter she mil!ed hersel , but Penny's loo!ed identical to when she had irst disrobed. She loo!ed over them with pride, then patted her irm little pot belly and returned to class. That night was a blur o clothes and stores and advice rom all over. 'annah tagged along with Penny's mom and G#Mom as they litted between store, stoc!ing up on things with elastic waistbands and maternity shirts, bras with those stupid little windows in all si&es, even an e4ercise ball so that Penny could be sure to !eep her bac! strong, although Penny almost put her oot down at that one. "Preggos are genetically built to carry their weight on their stomach and chests, Mom8" she said, stomping and silently loving the unny eeling o gravity on her own stomach and chest. "@ust because you had problems with me when you were pregnant doesn't mean $ will when $'m 9%T pregnant8" There was a whispered con erence with 'annah that revealed that they were not only un, but more com ortable to sit on than normal chairs at times, be ore Penny allowed it. "But )ust this one thing8" :arrying bags o all shapes and colors, utterly e4hausted, and, above all, ull, Penny inally was allowed to retire. She mil!ed hersel irst, o course, hearing an echo o 'annah's voice in her head to always mil! be ore bed. "Soggy sheets," 'annah had promised. %ne inal time Penny bas!ed in her re lection, loving the irm and round, )ust#almost *#cup breasts on her chest, the se4y curve o her little belly. 'er irst real day as a matron was over, and she couldn't be happier. HHH The e4citement or Penny really started pic!ing up the ollowing lunch, the Friday be ore the dance. @ason was still needling her about needing a date, and Penny was inally starting to give in. * ter all, with her elevated status as a girl with a pregnancy mutation, she was inally getting noticed around the school( boys were giving her loo!s, girls were giving her )ealous glances. "$t's incredible," 'annah gasped between huge bites o her sandwich, than! ully ta!ing Penny's mind o o the prospect o going to a dance with @ason. "7ou already loo! li!e a threety." "* /#;," Penny as!ed. ".hat's that," "7our stomach. 7ou loo! maybe three months pregnant. 7ou're growing super# ast, )ust li!e in your dreams." "$n her dreams," @ason as!ed, but nobody answered. Penny was too busy loo!ing down at her belly, now sa ely hidden beneath a long wrap#loo!ing )obby. $t was stic!ing out, though, irm and ull o ood. "$s it because $'m eating so much," Penny as!ed, but 'annah shoo! her head.
"9o, that's )ust or the growth energy. 7ou metaboli&e it super# ast, rom what $ remember them telling me. %therwise $'d be eating twice my weight in ood every day, or something." Penny coc!ed an eyebrow, because it almost seemed li!e 'annah ;$; eat that much per day, but she let it slide. "My boobs are s!yroc!eting, too," she admitted, admiring the shadows they were casting on her shirt. "$ noticed," 'annah said. "7ou wa!e up past the *#:up threshold, or what," "@ust past it8" Penny grinned. 'er boobs were now good its or her hands, de initely passing the pencil test, and with nice rounded tops rom all o the mil!. 'annah had been right( mil!ing was way easier now that they were bigger. @ason abruptly stood up rom the table, his eyes )umping rom chest to chest. "$, um, have to go," he said, and disappeared out the door, leaving the two girls collapsing into laughter. "*ctually," 'annah said, "$ should go, too. 9eed to meet with my art group about our pro)ect. $'ll tal! to you later8" Penny waved goodbye, sad to be le t alone at the table, but not depressed li!e she used to be. 9o, she was happy )ust to be alone and be hersel . 'er growing, beauti ul sel . * boy sat down across rom Penny. $t was ?eith .histler. "'ey," he said, as casually as any boy could say. Penny's heart almost stopped. "Ghhl," she said in response. 'e grinned, and then dropped the bomb. "So, $ have a dumb 6uestion, but you don't happen to have a date to the dance ne4t wee!, do you," %h god. %h god. $t was )ust li!e her dream. %nly it wasn't a dream( ?eith .histler was as!ing her out8 %n a date8 Penny ound her tongue. "9o8 9o, $ don't. 9ot at all. $ wasn't even sure $ was going." 'is brows arched. "%h, $ hope you decide to. Because $ thin! you're really cute, and $ had that class with you last year and you seemed really cool+" 2Penny sometimes still daydreamed about that class3 "+but $ was too nervous to say anything." ?eith .histler, Too nervous to tal! to her, *s i 8 More li!e he suddenly noticed her growing tits and se4y, round stomach and reali&ed no guy would have moved in yet8 But... but she couldn't say no. 9ot even i his reasons were completely cheap. *nd besides, he loo!ed so earnest... "$wouldlovetogotothedancewithyou," she blurted, )ust be ore her chee!s erupted into burning ire. ?eith grinned. "Great8 5m, $ have to go to class, but $'ll tal! to you later, Maybe we could hang out this wee!end, get to !now each other be ore the dance,"
"That'd be ama&ing," Penny breathed, and he )otted a number down on a scrap o paper be ore disappearing into the school. "'oly shit, did he )ust as! you out," a )oy ul voice nearly shouted in Penny's ear. $t was :aroline Greene, somehow snea!ing up behind Penny. Then again, maybe Penny had been sitting there clutching the phone number or the past ten minutes and )ust hadn't noticed time passing. :aroline slid into the seat ne4t to Penny. "*ma&ing ama&ing ama&ing8 $ !new you had it in you, girl8" Then, be ore Penny could respond, they had shared a hug and :aroline had slid bac! out o the seat and nearly s!ipped in )oy away. 'abits being hard to brea!, especially in Penny's da&ed state, her eyes ollowed the pear's bouncing behind as it le t, and noticed something strange about it. She had been watching :aroline's rear or years, ever since it had made its irst big appearance, and there was something o today. 'er pants, normally )ust tight, loo!ed painted#on, straining at the seams, and there was even a tiny mu in o at around her waistline. But who cared about that8 Penny had ?eith .histler's number. They were going on an o icial date ne4t Friday, and maybe an uno icial date tomorrow8 <i e could not be better. HHH Penny awo!e the ne4t morning li!e a switch had been lic!ed. 'er arms were wrapped around her belly, now big enough to create a irm edge on the underside, and her breasts were aching to be mil!ed. She sprang to the bathroom and s6uirted her ill into the sin!, appreciating the new growth that she was seeing there( her hands were almost completely illed with tight, mil!y s!in, their bulbous shapes itting her palms per ectly. She had called ?eith the night be ore, unable to contain her e4citement, and they had set a date or that a ternoon. .ell, not a date#date. %r maybe it was= Penny was hopeless in these situations. They were seeing a movie, at least, and then "hanging out" or the rest o the evening be ore he dropped her bac! home or dinner. "'anging out" hope ully translated to "ma!ing out", but there was no way to tell. *nd she only had about ive hours to get ready8 9ot nearly enough time. First there was the shower, then the pic!ing out o clothes, then brea! ast, then choosing the actual out it, then removing the necessary components to mil! hersel , then getting dressed again, then doing her ma!eup, then wrestling with her hair. To Penny's surprise, she was able to get her hair into decent order or once in her li e+maybe all o the rich ood was doing something to it, but she was able to get it somewhat brushed and slee!#loo!ing. +then lunch then ma!eup again because she messed it up then some twea!s to her out it then '%<7 :C*P '- .*S T'-C-. .ith two pec!s on the chee! each or G#Mom and her mother, Penny was out the door and in the car o the captain o the ootball team. "'ey Penny," he said, leaning bac! with his hand on the steering wheel. "'i, ?eith .histler," Penny stammered, and he laughed. $t was a rich, welcoming laugh. "?eith is ine," he said, and Penny nervously smoothed her shirt 2two layers, one a long#sleeved blouse and the other a loose tan!#top that showed o her new, but still small, breasts and belly3 and tried to old
her hands over her s!irt 2a nice cream#colored, pleated )ob, that would hope ully it her well at any stomach si&e3 but )ust ended up wrapping her hands around the bottom o her stomach again. .ell, that was alright, too. $n no time they were at the movie theater, and, as ?eith too! her hand and lead her through the lines, Penny stumbled a ter him in her one#inch heels, still not sure i it was a dream. They stared and loo!ed at the listings or a while, be ore ?eith turned and shined his mil!y#white smile at her. "7ou !now, none o these loo! good. $'d much rather )ust tal! to you. 7ou want to get out o here," * more grate ul nod had never been made in the history o earth. * hal #hour later they were out on a hill, overloo!ing the town, sitting at a wooden picnic table. ?eith had )ust inished telling her a brie history o how he was a complete dor! in middle school be ore reali&ing he was good at sports, and Penny had done her best to laugh at all the right places. She was instead too enraptured with the twin!le in his eye, or the way his muscles moved beneath his shirt, and also with the irm, warm s!in o her belly beneath her hands, and the way her breasts were absolutely aching to be mil!ed. Mil!ed8 She needed to be mil!ed, big time. She didn't even notice that ?eith's arm had mysteriously moved around her shoulders, that they were leaning their heads against each other, be ore Penny's eyes were darting around or an outhouse, a private spot, anything8 * tree, maybe8 "Something wrong," ?eith as!ed, and Penny tried to sha!e her head and loo! normal, but instead her hands )ust gravitated to her chest, holding onto her breasts as i or dear li e. "5hm," ?eith said, his ace turning scarlet. "7ou don't need to+" "$ do8" Penny s6uea!ed. "$'m sorry8" she s6uea!ed again. "$'m still not used to scheduling this sort o thing." 9ow they were both loo!ing around, everywhere but at each other, or some !ind o place she could sa ely relieve the pressure, but there was nothing in sight( they were on an empty, green hill, able to see or miles in any direction. "$ could )ust, you !now, loo! away," ?eith o ered, and she turned to see that he was biting his lip and loo!ing at the s!y. Biting his lip... $nstantly Penny elt something shi t inside her as she saw his per ect lip, pursed and moist. She gulped and her whole body shi ted in a strange direction( her nipples became super#hard, diamonds scraping against her bra which now elt super#tight. -ven her panties elt strange, li!e they needed to come o , come o 9%.. "Maybe you could ta!e care o it or me," Penny said in a hus!y voice that didn't sound at all li!e her own. She too! two steps toward ?eith, and her hips swayed in an almost drun!en way, ma!ing the weight o her belly swing le t and right. * panic!ed loo! lew across ?eith's ace and he too! a step bac! be ore bumping against the table. "9o no no, see, this is why $ didn't want to get involved with a preggo girl8 $ you thin! preggos are hotter than normal girls, everyone )ust thin!s you're into them or the chance to get your dic! lengthened a bit."
";o you not want it bigger," Penny as!ed, pushing him bac! against the table. $nternally, she was shoc!ed at hersel ( bossing around the captain o the ootball team, totally acting the part o the slut. But, as her stomach pressed into his, that shoc! gave way to the lust the rest o her was eeling. "$ wouldn't mind," he admitted, )ust be ore their lips met. .hen at last they bro!e away, minutes or maybe hours later, he continued as i nothing had happened. "But $ mean, that's why $ stayed away rom your 'annah riend, even though she's really, really hot. But now you're apparently a preggo and $ )ust can't+" their lips met again, and this time their tongues. Beneath her belly, Penny elt his roc!#hard erection trying its best to brea! through ?eith's )eans. "7ou really li!e preggo girls, don't you, ?eith," 'e nodded. "*nd, while $ thin! it's pretty strange you thin! $'m hotter than 'annah, one o the cutest girls $ !now, $ can't ault you or pic!ing me." *s she said this, she lashed bac! to the other day, when she had spotted him pee!ing at her when passing in the hall. The thought disappeared rom her mind when ?eith gave another nod, this one more tentative. "So, $'ll as! you )ust one more time( will you please, please, suc! on my tits, $ !now they're small, and $ !now you might get made un o or having a huge, awesome coc!, but please, help me this one time." 'e couldn't say no. $t wasn't Penny's irst se4ual e4perience, especially counting the strange ones in her dreams, but it was de initely her most erotic one( grinding and dry humping ?eith .histler's raging boner while he pulled and suc!led at her heaving, lea!ing breasts, the warm, delicious mil! tric!ling down his throat, and all the while Penny's round and ull belly was stu ed between them. The best eeling, the absolutely best one that Penny would ever remember and could ever imagine, was the eeling o warm, wet suction on her aching, burning nipples. The eeling o a brush o his tongue, combined with the wonder ul eeling that mil!ing in general gave her+it was too much. She would never mil! hersel again, she vowed. 9o way. Then they switched to the other tit and )ust !ept going. *nd when that was inished, she leaned down and their lips loc!ed and didn't let go or another good hour. * terwards, sitting in the car, both o them panting and trying to recover, Penny inally as!ed what she had been wondering. "So... when will it grow," "$ don't !now," ?eith admitted, once more his cool sel . 'e shi ted into drive and started bac! down the dirt road that had led them there. "$ haven't really done this be ore." 'e shot a grin at her, and she returned it. ".ell," she said, li ting an eyebrow, "$'d be interested in seeing the results. %r maybe scheduling you or a second appointment," 'e chuc!led. "7ou !now or a act that $'d love to, but we'll have to see i it its into my schedule. %r, you !now, into my pants." She laughed all the way home. 'al way there, her stomach started growling again. HHH
Most o Sunday was a blur. 'annah called her up early in the morning, rousing Penny rom dreams she couldn't remember but she was sure were the hottest things around, to announce they needed to get dresses or the dance. "$ don't thin! $'ll it into anything that we get, by Friday," Penny said, not without e4citement in her voice. She cast an eye over her re lection and made a 6uic! diagnosis( her )ust#past#B#cup tits, round and bulging with her morning mil!, were now com ortably bigger than she could hold in one hand= her stomach was now stic!ing out a ew good inches, and a smooth seam was even orming where the curve o her belly met her hips. *t this rate, assuming she'd !eep growing, by the ollowing Friday Penny would probably have trouble moving with ull reedom, let alone itting into anything she bought nearly a wee! be ore. "$ have a plan," 'annah assured her. *s it turned out, the plan consisted o not getting a ull#on dress, but rather a nice s!irt and then a ew tops that matched it, each in di erent, increasingly circus#tent#li!e si&es. -ven though she had been picturing hersel as big as a blimp that morning in her attempt to get out o this charade, Penny was still loored by the si&e o the tops that 'annah piled into their cart. "'ow do we even !now that these will it my boobs," she as!ed, arms outstretched as the blouse she was trying on 2"to ma!e sure it matches your hair"3 dragged the loor. "Good point," 'annah said, and she bent over her own spherical tummy to begin li ting the sheets o cloth bac! over her riend's head. "But it loo!s li!e you're stic!ing to SPP." Penny blushed at her ellow preggo's calculating ga&e and covered her brassiere#covered breasts as best she could with her arms. "SPP," she as!ed. "Standard Preggo Proportions," 'annah grinned. "Most preggo's boobs stay about the same si&e relative to their belly. -4ample, moi," and she presented her boobs with a classic >annah .hite lourish. "Both o these babies are around AN/ the si&e o my ama&ing, se4y stomach." Penny eyeballed her riend's assets and couldn't help but nod. "$ guess $ see what you're saying." "*nd you, my inductee into the hall o big#ass bellies, appear to be ollowing along the same lines. So we can plan or that, at least. .e may not !now how big you'll get, but we can guess how good you'll loo! doing it." <ater, on the ride home, Penny had a ew other things bugging her. She put down the mil!sha!e she was suc!ing on, something 'annah had unironically told her was )ust the thing to re uel a ter mil!ing, and cast a wary eye at the various articles o clothing in the bac!seat( s!irts, tops, giant brassieres, panties, shoes. "Some o those tops won't even it you, 'annah. 'ow big do you thin! $'m going to get," $t was a baited 6uestion, whether 'annah !new it or not, and the silent, toothy grin that Penny got bac! was enough to send an erotic lame down her bac!. @ust wait until ?eith saw her on dance night. ?eith. ?eith .histler. :aptain o the ootball team. $t had been li!e a mantra, running through Penny's mind all day, ma!ing everything blend into each other. She could hardly remember what the out its they had bought loo!ed li!e, what stores they had been to, what they ate or lunch. *ll she could picture was him.
.hen they had escaped to a bathroom to mil! themselves, their cart sa ely in the hands o a nearby security guard, Penny had been orced to come to terms that having someone "assist" her with mil!ing was not going to be a common thing, despite her promise the day be ore to hersel . She had made do with )ust imagining ?eith there, his lips loc!ed around her areola, his hand gently massaging her breast, his mil!#soa!ed tongue gently brushing against her nipple+needless to say, she had gotten a little caught up in her antasy and had nearly came. 'er mom and G#Mom had wanted a preview o what Penny would loo! li!e the ollowing Friday, and so she agreed to try on the smallest o the tops that she had, along with the entire rest o the out it, be ore dinner. -verything was green, a dar! green that 'annah had sworn would loo! great on Penny despite Penny never having worn it be ore, and she had to admit, once she was all assembled, her riend was right( it per ectly complemented her pale s!in and bright red hair. The s!irt, made o a loose and lowy material and alling to )ust above her !nees, was the e4act same shade as all o the tops. "$ you put it on right, no one will !now that this isn't a real dress," 'annah swore. $t also had a un!y waistline, one that was a lot higher in bac! than in ront, which 'annah said would ma!e a lot more sense once her bump was big enough. The top itsel was sleeveless, with thin straps that elegantly wrapped down into the bust, and then had an absolute e4plosion o abric, enough to encompass the entire world, it seemed. $t also had a sash, which Penny supposed would, ideally, mas! the separation between the two garments. Cight now it loo!ed silly( the nec!line was so low that you could see most o her boobs, and the ront hung down almost to the hemline o the s!irt. But by Friday... 'annah had called this the "twinner" top, bought in case she only continued to grow out or a ew more days. She was already a "si4er". *nd those other, tent#li!e tops were now care ully hanging in her closet, two o them reaching to the loor. She brushed her hair and slipped into her low heels and wal!ed down the stairs to the applause o her mom and grandma. % course she loo!ed good. *nd she would only loo! better as the dance approached. -specially as the sharp pang o hunger abruptly stopped the modeling session or a 6uic! change into sweatpants and a devoured meal. HHH ".e have to stop meeting li!e this," Penny )o!ed when she and ?eith's lips at last unloc!ed. They were in a stall in the boy's bathroom, bent at an aw!ward angle over the toilet. "$'m sorry," he gasped or air. "But $ )ust saw you and..." Penny had to admit that she elt the same way about him. 'ell, she elt the same way loo!ing in a mirror( her boobs were getting huge, a :#cup this morning, the si&e o two over#ripe melons that pu ed up another hal #cup every ew hours, and her belly was now de initely its own being, a sphere o lesh that sat irmly on her hips. She had spent the morning masturbating a ter her mil!ing turned into another erotic antasy, although pleasuring hersel had been di icult as she wanted at least one hand on her belly and one on her boobs. 9ow she had an e4tra pair, and both were slipped into her shirt 2an e4tra large t#shirt today3 rom di erent angles, ondling all the right parts.
" big are you today," ?eith inished his meandering thought. ";o you want waistline measurements, or what," she as!ed, luttering her eyelashes. ?eith moc!# scowled. "7ou loo! almost big enough to, well, to have a baby," he said. "9ot 6uite," Penny said. "My mom guessed me at about seven months. But seeing as how it's now late a ternoon, $'m probably eight by now." "7ou grow that ast," She smir!ed. "Maybe even aster." She pushed hersel against him, li ting a leg to mold hersel to his side and let him eel the ull pressure o her ull stomach. 'er shirt was li ted up, and the tight, pale s!in o her belly was hot and smooth against his )ersey. 'er leg also elt something else in his )eans. "'oly crap, you did grow, too8" she said. ?eith blushed. "%nly an inch or so. Still a surprise yesterday morning, though." *t the thought o a ripe penis, an erection throbbing with adoration and lust, Penny's mind nearly shut down. "$ need it," she whispered in his ear. ?eith shuddered in delight and hunger, but then gently pushed her away. "$n a bathroom stall," "Then tonight," she pleaded, but he shoo! his head again. "$ can't," he e4plained. "Football practice, and then my parents have this thing+" "Tomorrow, then," she almost growled, and then she bent closer to his ear, letting her tongue gently lic! against his lobe as she whispered. "*nd then, a ter $ drain you dry, you can drain M-." The promise was nearly enough to ma!e both o the teens strip each other na!ed right there, but they had class to get to, and ?eith was still level#headed enough to not let them go missing rom class. 'e le t the bathroom irst, then tapped on the door when it was sa e or Penny to come out. They traded !isses, as well as a brie ly ondle, and parted ways, )ust as the bell rang. >eronica Green was waiting around the corner, her arms olded over the mass e4panse o breasts in ront o her. There was an odd loo! on the rich girl's ace as she loo!ed over Penny, which the preggo put o to )ealousy. $t was obvious( she wanted the ootball captain or hersel . "'aving un being the center o attention," the blonde spat. There was also something strange about her entire air. Something about her arms... "@ust having un not being the laughing stoc!. <et me !now how that wor!s out or you," Penny said, pushing past the bigger girl. She missed on her aim, however, and instead o pushing >eronica's shoulder, she irmly planted into one o the giant and so t breasts o her rival. Both girls stumbled, >eronica nearly alling to the ground rom the sudden weight o her own wheelbarrow#load o a chest, combined with a gaining preggo. Penny, blushing in genuine embarrassment or the irst time in a wee!, shot o down the hallway, only distantly reali&ing that her )og was now more o a ast waddle.
"7ou're a )er!, Penny Pearson8 Some day you'll reali&e it8" >eronica called a ter her. Memories o the encounter soon aded as Money turned into Tuesday. Penny's schedule was becoming increasingly loaded( planning or the dance, daydreaming about ?eith, mil!ing sessions that were increasing in length, antasi&ing about ?eith, tal!ing with 'annah about being a preggo, ma!ing out with ?eith... By the a ternoon Penny was hot an uncom ortable in a million di erent ways. 'er belly, now as round and as ull as a teen mother's, ready to give birth, was pulling both her shirt apart at the seams and her stretchy maternity )eans. 'er boobs were doing )ust as good a )ob, both o them ull and ready to be mil!ed and even bigger than they had been that morning when she had put on her irst ;#cup bra. 'er panties were soa!ed with longing or ?eith's undoubtedly engorged erection, her mouth was constantly salivating, and her heart, oh, her heart. $t absolutely ached with young love. The inal bell rang. *s ast as her eet could carry her, Penny waddled to the door, not even glancing at her riends. ?eith was waiting in his car, and they drove, nay, they sped to the meadow that had given them such privacy the previous wee!end. "$'ve been+" ?eith started when they at last pulled to a stop, but he was immediately shut up by Penny's )umping embrace. She straddled the boy, the seat than! ully reclining as ar bac! as it could go, so that her ull belly could rest com ortably on his. * strip o lesh two inches wide po!ed out between her shirt and the elastic waist o her pants, and a tiny#seeming belly button mar!ed the center o her maternity bump. Be ore ?eith could try to say another word, they were lip#loc!ed again. Penny shrugged out o her t#shirt, then let the boy unhoo! her bra himsel , which he did so with surprising ease. 9e4t, between !isses, was his shirt, and they came together again, the only thing between their torsos still counting as part o Penny. She loved the contrast that the two o them made( his hard and carved chest and stomach, compared to her irm but still so t and )iggly breasts, and her hard but curved belly. Somehow they got their pants o . Penny sat there or a second, loo!ing at ?eith's member. .hen she and @ason had lost their virginity, she hadn't ta!en much time to consider the penis in 6uestion( it had )ust been a tool, a way to inally get through that threshold o adulthood. But now this was something she lusted a ter, had been dreaming about or not )ust the past ew days, but years. She let it sit against the curve o her belly, eeling its red# hot temperature against her already warm torso. $t was de initely bigger than @ason's, but not that large( ?eith must have had a pretty average si&e be ore last wee!. She giggled at ?eith's strained e4pression. "Please," he said, his chest hitching. "%!ay," she teased, li ting hersel up with his help. *s she rode him, gently at irst and then with building speed, she reali&ed that they weren't wearing protection and that she wasn't on the pill. .ouldn't it be ridiculous be an actually pregnant preggo, $t was already hard enough to tell preggos apart rom non#preggo#but#still#preggo women. 'ow big would she get, @ust a tiny bit bigger, to account or the baby, *s big as a house,
'er irst orgasm started building up, and, be ore she reali&ed what she was doing, Penny was leaning down and popping her bulging, mil!# illed breast into her boy riend's waiting mouth. The low started immediately, and she came along with it. <ater, with both her breasts and his balls completely drained to their limit, they lay in each other's embrace, na!ed as the days they had been born. "$ guess you'll be getting bigger now," Penny said sleepily. "$ hope you don't mind." "$ have to !eep up with you somehow," ?eith shrugged, and they both laughed. $t was nice, she thought. *lmost too nice. She reluctantly started pulling on underwear and clothes, ?eith electing to )ust watch her umble. She didn't mind( there was something stupidly erotic in the way that it was di icult to bend over to pull on her )eans, in the ight to pull her t#shirt over her bulbous boobs. 'e ran a hand over that wide strip o visible s!in that her shirt had no hope o covering. $t seemed wider than be ore, and Penny's breath caught at the idea that maybe she had managed to grow that much in )ust the past hour. But no. That was impossible. "'ow big is too big," she as!ed ?eith. "$'ve seen them pretty big," he said. "%n the internet. Pictures rom guys who married preggos. They )ust can't resist the drive to get bigger. %r the mil!, $ guess." $t too! her a second to reali&e that he was still tal!ing about himsel , at the coc! lying on his thigh that was mostly li!ely already growing, at least on the microscopic scale. By the ne4t morning it would be bigger, probably a much greater amount than the last time, considering how much mil! she had orced down his throat. *nd then Penny reali&ed that what he had said applied to both o them. "Bigger is better," she said irmly. "$n pretty much all cases." She was )ust glad that, inally, it was applying to hersel , and not )ust to her stupid dreams or antasies. HHH .ith two days to go until the dance, Penny pulled on the top that she had attempted to model or her mom and grandma three days prior, and ound that it was too small. She wasn't a twinner. .hich meant that, soon, she would be even bigger than 'annah. 'er best riend, the preggo that Penny had always thought was mind#bogglingly big or a matron, would soon be smaller than her in more ways than height. Penny chuc!led and tied the sash, li!ing the way that her tits were ighting to pop out o the nec!. The -# cup bra's straps were wider than the straps o the dress, and she igured that it was supposed to be bra# less, but she would save that surprise or dance night. $nstead she admired the way that they loo!ed, two ull spheres, both as big as her head. Mil!ing them had been ama&ing, the ull weight o )ust one sitting in her hands as she stro!ed and pushed on it a mind#blowing e4perience. $t was so heavy and so big, and it was part o '-C. @ust li!e her belly. $t was wide enough to see it sloping out to the sides i she turned around. $n act, she couldn't help admiring how her butt was also growing a slight curve to it, her )eans showing o a nicely shaped bottom and hipline. $t wasn't li!e she had put on weight there 2her pear dream had been enough to
orever amiliari&e hersel with that sight3, more li!e it had )ust recon igured itsel . .as it the overall lean o her body that did that, %r )ust a part o being a preggo, .histling to hersel , Penny wal!ed slowly to the door and manouvered down the stairs, said goodbye to her mom, and le t or school. .hen she came bac!, her top was undoubtedly ruined. Several inches o round belly was showing rom underneath, the nec! was being pulled apart by her huge breasts 2which were undoubtedly lowing around her tiny bra3, and threads had already popped on the sides. "By tomorrow, $'ll be bigger than 'annah," she announced, a gleam in her eye. ".atch what you wish or," G#Mom warned. Penny sco ed, but then accepted the help o the old lady up the stairs. %n Thursday morning she de initely was bigger than 'annah. "%ne day until the dance," Penny repeated to hersel . $t helped her get out o bed instead o )ust sitting there or hours, her huge stomach pushing her legs apart. Pushing her legs apart. Mar! that down or another thing Penny never thought she would have to deal with. $t was getting obscene, Penny thought to hersel as she waddled around the room, gathering up clothing implements. 7esterday had started a new trend o loo!ing bac! over her shoulder to ind things, most o the time, and today mar!ed the start o her body actually forcing her to do that( there was )ust no way o loo!ing past her huge tits, stic!ing at least a oot in ront o her ace, and her enormous belly, stic!ing almost two eet out. 'er panties sa ely on, the ront o them pushed almost down to her groin by the low#hanging curve o her stomach, Penny waddled out the door to the bathroom and mil!ed hersel . The sin! was nearly impossible to shoot or anymore, seeing as how the counter would )ust cut into her torso, so she instead sat heavily on the edge o the bathtub and shot into its smooth porcelain side. Then she waddled bac! to her room 2her stomach hitting irst the edge o one door, and then the ne4t3 and dress hersel . The bra and top were the easiest, the pants more tric!y, but she made do, and eventually orced on some sweatpants. -ach staggered step, each swing o the weight, each bobble o her boobs, each brush against anything, nearly sent Penny into an orgasmic masturbation# est. 'er arms didn't swing ne4t to her, or attempt to steady hersel , as she made her way around the house getting reading. $nstead they were almost constantly under her shirt, rubbing against the taut s!in there. 'er belly button was almost beyond reach, but it was un running her ingers over it and eeling the popped#out bundle o s!in there bounce against them. "7ou're loo!ing more beauti ul every day," her mom said, mu led in Penny's hair as she !issed the top o her head. "Than!s, Mom," Penny responded. "?eith thin!s so, too." ".hen do we get to meet this hun!," G#Mom as!ed rom her usual spot at the table. "$ guess he'll pic! me up tomorrow, assuming $ can it through the door."
Mrs. Pearson snapped her ingers. "Than!s or reminding me. $'ll call the renovators today. Than! god or +" "+government subsidies, yeah, yeah," Penny inished or her, getting a curious loo!. 'annah nearly rea!ed out at the si&e o Penny, even though she had seemed pretty used to the idea at the end o the previous day. Penny was )ust in a ha&e. The dance. The dance. The dance. -ven her brie meetup with ?eith, s6uee&ed in be ore 'istory, was strangely blurry. Several sloppy !isses, some caresses, a very short appreciation o the bulge running down his )eans 2had he said two inches the day be ore, or three, Bottom line, it was huge3, then they were parted. There was too much to do, too many eelings and emotions and loving touches to eel. .hen she got home, she scar ed down ood, mil!ed hersel , collapsed onto her bed, reached around her gigantic belly or her groin, and masturbated into e4hausted sleep. HHH Friday. Friday. Friday. The dance. The big day. *nd by big, Penny certainly meant big. She was huge. -normous. $mpossible. The door to her room was a s6uee&e that le t red mar!s down the si&e o her na!ed stomach. She giggled at the thought that her boobs were even too big, but no, she was able to maneuver the right one up and slightly over the le t one, as they sloshed and vibrated with heavy, creamy mil!. * ter mil!ing them into the bathtub, this time illing it a good inch or so, and rubbing some lotion onto the sides o her belly, Penny was able to it through the door with a bit more ease. Then it was bac! into her room, to get dressed. She caught a glimpse o hersel waddling through the room in her mirror, and couldn't believe how ar bac! she was leaning, to compensate or her belly and chest. *nd :hrist, was a chest it was. She hadn't really noticed it when mil!ing, being too caught up in the eeling, but now that Penny loo!ed, her tits were ginormo. 'er hand couldn't it around a nipple, instead )ust wrapping around the dus!y, co!e#can#thic! bump. Both areolae protruded out li!e smaller breasts on their own, much dar!er than they had ever been, and wider, too( cereal bowl#shaped, almost, but bumpy and sensitive. *nd they both capped her )ugs. 'er mams. Those two huge sac!s o mil! and lovely, lovely lesh that sat on her shel o a belly. %h lord, her belly. Penny tried sitting down to help her pull on some stretchy pants, but the weight o it )ust orced her legs apart, settling down into her lap and putting delicious pressure on her crotch. She )umped up be ore it turned into yet another masturbation marathon, but the weight was ridiculous and she spent a good ten seconds bouncing and )iggling to a rest. .hen she inally was still, Penny reali&ed that she had been rubbing her hands over and over the taught s!in o her stomach, only able to reach a small percentage o the sur ace area. 'er belly button was out there, somewhere, ar beyond where her arms could touch.
She inally got dressed, by some miracle, and went to school. $t was all a blur o admiring loo!s and compliments and help ul movements, drowned out by the constant )oy Penny elt at her condition, combined with anticipation o the dance. -ven the revelation that she now 6uali ied or a <arge des! )ust went right over Penny's head. Then again, she had done it twice be ore, really( nothing new. *t home she vacuumed down ood, mil!ed hersel , and then showered. The shower was something else. Penny hadn't been bathing as o ten as she should have, what with all o the commotion, but one either showers be ore a dance or doesn't go. So she stepped into the bathtub, pulled the curtain closed, and had twisted the !nobs behind her be ore reali&ing that, even standing straight and loo!ing orward, both the shower curtain and the tiled wall were pressing in against the sides o her belly and breasts. Giggling and shivering in delight, Penny let the hot water and suds wash over her. The doors to the bathroom and bedroom had already been widened, so Penny didn't have to worry about her "dress" getting torn or stretched. .ell, at least not stretched by the door( the largest top that she had now elt tight, even be ore she tied the sash. Then bac! to the bathroom, to put on ma!eup and do her hair. She was surprised that the trend she had noticed the wee! be ore continued, and Penny's hair, or the irst time in her li e, cooperated with e4actly what she wanted. $t pinned bac! where she wanted, !notted in )ust the right ways, and then even let the strands that she le t loose hang into her eyes per ectly. Penny admired hersel in the mirror and, or perhaps the irst time in her entire li e, loved everything about how she loo!ed. 'er rec!les, dusted across her nose and chee!s and the tops o her bulging, revealed breasts= her vibrant hair now made up in a very elegant, chopstic!ed bun= her ama&ing, still# growing body. *ll o it was per ect. *ll o it was waiting or the per ect guy. 'e showed up a hal #hour be ore the dance started. Penny had been in the living room, piriouetting as best she could or G#Mom, who, or once, was appreciative o Penny's state. "7ou're absolutely beauti ul, child," the old lady had gasped at the sight o Penny slowly staggering down the stairs. "7ou don't thin! it's too revealing," Penny said, unable to hide her grin. There was at least a oot and a hal o cleavage curving along the top o her breasts, directly in ront o her ace. "7ou could be wearing a 6uilted com orter and it would be revealing on you, Pen," G#Mom had said, )ust be ore bursting into laughter. But now the doorbell was ringing and Penny was waddling to the ront, !eeping care ul balance on her low heels. "$'ll be home really late, probably8" she called. 'er mom hugged and !issed her at the door. "Be care ul and sa e," she said, with strange emphasis on the latter. Penny nodded and waved, be ore opening the door to reveal ?eith. ?eith was... breathta!ing. 'is tu4edo was a per ect it, the so t green o his vest and tie a per ect match to Penny's, and the corsage that he presented or her to put on her wrist complemented them both. *nd yet there was something eerily amiliar to him, something that gave Penny dG)M vu be ore she promptly orgot it. They got into the car and drove, slowly and with lots o !issing and petting, to the dance. Penny had to put the seat all the way bac!.
The dance was a madhouse. The entire gymnasium loor was ta!en up with girls o all shapes and si&es, all o them dragging along their e4pensively#dressed dates. Sta chaperones were either cra&ily dashing around, doing their best to discourage public displays o over a ection, or were absolutely oblivious to all about them, bobbing their heads to the ;@'s music and sipping at punch. * bit o the old Penny po!ed through at the sight. "$, um, )ust reali&ed that $ don't !now how to dance at all, and especially not li!e this." "Then we can mingle," ?eith reassured her, giving Penny a s6uee&e o his hand. "*nd i there's a song that )ust seems per ect, let me !now." *nd so they mingled. "<ove your dress8" a bunch o girls shouted at Penny as they passed by, and Penny blushed and did her best to stammer a response. She elt li!e an absolute whale or the irst time in the past ew wee!s, constantly bumping into people's bac!s or sides. 9ot that she didn't have an e4cuse( Penny did stic! out two or three eet in ront o hersel . But still, it was embarrassing to see dancers whip around, angry at whoever had thrown o their groove, only to suddenly brea! out into a smile and a blush at the sight o Penny. "$ told you nobody would !now it wasn't a dress," there came a murmur in Penny's ear. She immediately grabbed the spea!er in a bear hug, and their twin pregnant bellies pressed against each other. "7ou're absolutely right," she said to 'annah, and they grinned at each other. "'ey, hey, don't crush my date," @ason said rom behind the slightly smaller girl. Penny loo!ed rom riend to riend, not sure what to ma!e o this. "7ou agreed to go with him," she inally as!ed 'annah, who shrugged. "'e seemed pathetic." There was a 6uiet cough rom behind Penny, and then ?eith stepped orward, his hand e4tended. "'i, $'m ?eith .histler. 7ou're 'annah, right," 'annah immediately lost her voice and burned a bright red, but they shoo! hands and managed to share a ew small tal!s be ore @ason, a )ealous loo! on his ace, put an arm around 'annah and led her o . Penny watched them go, a very strange eeling in the pit o her stomach at the pair o them that she couldn't 6uite place. Then they were o mingling again. >irtually everyone in Penny's li e was there, it seemed( <aney dragging around a cute boy who didn't seem to !now what to do with almost 0DD pounds o e4cited girl= >eronica with her entourage o girls in this strange toga#li!e dress, which made her already huge tits loo! li!e they were dragging on the loor= :aroline in an uncharacteristically orm# itting dress bumping hips with almost anyone who passed by. Suddenly the song ended and the lights turned to a dar! purple, )ust be ore a slow acoustic guitar started. Penny recogni&ed it as a per ect slow#dance song, and she couldn't put the opportunity away. "*lright, lover#boy," she sighed, ta!ing ?eith's hand. "<et's try this."
To her surprise, ?eith didn't try or any traditional ways o dancing that would have only embarrassed them. 9o standing ace#to# ace with his arms wrapping around her belly, no hands aw!wardly held on shoulders. $nstead he )ust led her out into the crowd and then pulled her bac! into his chest, olding his arms across her ront. $t was genius, really( it let them slowly roc! bac! and orth to the beat, as close to each other as possible, and still elt li!e dancing. Penny leaned her head bac! into his chest, en)oying the weight o his arms on her shoulders and the tops o her boobs. -ven though she must have had more mass than him, she elt com ortable and sa e there. ?eith leaned his head orward and !issed the side o her mouth, then they met ull#on the lips. Penny let hersel all even more bac!ward, putting all o her weight onto her boy riend, and elt a red hot gun dig into her bac!. 'oly crap, was that his dic!, 'e must be wearing industrial#strength underwear to hold that thing in8 Then again, her erect nipples should, by all means, have been cutting through her bra and sil!y top. They roc!ed bac! and orth, alone in their world. *nd when the music stopped and a more upbeat song came on, ?eith whispered. "7ou want to get out o here," "%h god, yes." HHH Five minutes later they were hal #na!ed, ma!ing out in the old weight#li ting room. "'ow did you !now this place e4isted," ?eith as!ed, but Penny re used to e4plain. By all rights, she shouldn't have( that was in a dream. She didn't have time to bother trying to )usti y it to hersel , though( she wanted to be having se4 with her per ect lover. *nd so they did. .ith ?eith's help, Penny's straining bra came o and hit the loor in a bundle. Thic! blue veins ran through them, and she could tell rom the pu iness o her nipples and the pressure building that she would need to be mil!ed soon. "<ater," she giggled, and used her weight to pull ?eith to the loor. 'is pants came o ne4t, revealing that there was indeed a ba&oo!a in his bo4ers. "'oly crap," Penny gasped, !neeling orward so that her stomach rolled across the ground and her hands reached or the elastic. "'ow much bigger did you say," "$'m at li!e AD and a 6uarter," he said, gritting his teeth as she pulled o his underwear. $t loo!ed so much bigger than that( this was ar di erent rom last wee!, with his si4 inches o pride, and a world di erent rom @ason's roll o 6uarters. This seemed to scream P-9$S, )utting out rom a trimmed patch o pubic hair. $t was as thic! as Penny's wrist, an angry purple in the dim lights, sitting above two big, )uicy balls. "$ thin! they're getting bigger, too," ?eith grunted at her stare. "%h, god, $ don't care," Penny said. "$ want it in me." She crawled on top o him, her hot stomach slipping across his smooth, sweaty s!in. Then a hot tongue hit the underside o her huge belly, distracting her rom her lust or his penis. The tongue was met by two hands, running across her stomach and rubbing it, pleasuring it. Penny's eyes rolled bac! into her head, and, be ore she !new it, she was rolling sideways o o ?eith. 'e cradled her stomach, spooning it, letting his red hot dic! press up against it as he worshipped her belly. Then he was moving up, up, lic!ing and petting, pulling Penny into a !neeling position again, until he was removing her hands that had been busy massaging her engorged breasts and he was ta!ing over. Pressing and brushing and twea!ing, then lic!ing around her areolae, wetting her down, lic!ing up the sweat. Then latching onto a tit+ "9o8" Penny said, lightly slapping his hand. "9ot yet8 First uc!, then suc!8"
?eith )ust laughed and gave her a long, drawn#out !iss, be ore moving behind her and gently pushing orward. Penny rolled onto her belly again, letting it ta!e all o the weight, and ound that her tits, heavier than bowling balls, bigger than globes, and unrestrained by her bra, were )ust brushing the ground. She gasped when he entered her, and then cried out a tiny bit when it moved rom a pleasant sensation to a pain ully con ined one. 'e was )ust so thic!, so cra&ily thic!, and there was )ust so much o him. 'e slowly, care ully pushed in, )ust letting her ta!e a little at a time, and it was almost too much. *lmost. Through the pain, Penny couldn't help eeling a ul illment. * deep#seeded longing or more. *nd even though it hurt, hurt in a way she had never elt, she elt a strange disappointment when she elt ?eith's thighs meet hers, elt his hands on her hips slightly unclench. But then they were roc!ing together, the burning heat inside her starting to slip in and out, and it stopped hurting so much. *nd it )ust started eeling ama&ing. Stars were bursting in ront o Penny's eyes, and her breaths were coming out in ragged gasps that were only met by ?eith's, and her stomach beneath her was burning in a mind#wipingly good ire. *nd, inally, ?eith was erupting within her, a hot, gooey mess spraying the inside o Penny li!e a spurting ire hose. She elt his gun! dripping out o her, alling li!e napalm on her calves. Then she was lipped over, her breasts rolling o o her chest and resting on the loor, and ?eith was on her, too, his lips loc!ed as best they could around one massive teat, his hands wor!ing the lesh. *nd Penny was lost to the world. Some time later she came to. They were both na!ed, spooning on a wor!out mat that was still stic!y with semen and spilt mil!. ?eith's limp penis was somehow caught between Penny's thighs, and she could eel something so t pressing into the small o her bac!. She sleepily elt around behind her and ound that it was so t, taught lesh. $t linched at her touch, and then ?eith's hand was holding hers. "$ guess it pales in comparison to you," he said. ".hat is it," ".ell, $ !ind o dran! everything you had. *lmost every drop. $'m !ind o ull." Penny giggled and scooted away rom him as best she could be ore pushing hersel to a sitting position. $t was so much harder to do than it had been earlier, but she attributed it to her e4haustion rom the night o uc!ing. She turned to loo! at her boy riend, still lying on the mat, and saw his own bulging stomach. "%h my god," she gasped. "7ou're going to get so huge." "$s that e4citement $ detect in your voice," Penny growled. "7ou betcha." She glanced at the cloc! and saw that it was almost three o'cloc!. ":ome on, my mom is going to !ill me." * ter a brie struggle to stand, ?eith helped Penny pull on her top, revealing another surprise( it didn't it. $t didn't )ust not it well. $t was ar too small.
".ell, $ !new it would only temporarily wor!, anyway," she said, lippant, but there was another thrill o e4citement through her. Growth was pic!ing up. 'oo boy, was growth pic!ing up. HHH Snea!ing up the stairs had been ne4t to impossible, especially with her belly scraping both the wall and the banister, and the it through her door had been wide enough, and her bed had only complained somewhat loudly, but Penny had made it home alright and had managed to avoid a screaming match. .hen she inally wo!e up at noon, though, she !new that ever snea!ing anywhere would be impossible. "Mom," she called downstairs, "you better call the $mmobile people." There was a crash o dishes, and ootsteps tearing upstairs, and Penny ound hersel ace#to# ace with her mother and grandma. *nd what they saw was the sight that had greeted Penny upon wa!ing. * huge, elongated sphere was stretched out be ore the preggo, covering her lap and most o her legs. $t pressed out to the sides o her as well, a ew inches hanging o o the side o the bed. Penny was sitting up, but her ace was almost being smothered by her breasts, which seemed to have at last slowed down some o their growth. She was holding them down and out o the way o her mouth, but it seemed the pressure was )ust orcing mil! out in streams. *nd Penny sat there, grinning. *t G#Mom's insistence, the two elder women helped Penny to her eet, and the three o them shu led to the door, but Penny's guess that she wouldn't it through proved true, so they retreated bac! to the bed, where Penny rested and ate or the remainder o the day. Sometime around dinner, a ter a very lengthy conversation with the "$mmobile people," there was a rantic !noc!ing at the ront door, ollowed by it bursting open and sprinting up the stairs. ?eith nearly tripped in the doorway to her room, be ore he spied Penny and his eyes grew to the si&e o dish plates. By that point she was even bigger. 'er belly was reaching almost to her outstretched eet, and her legs had almost permanently allen asleep. Penny !new that i she wasn't going to be su ocated by her boobs, she would have to move sideways to let her belly rest on the loor. She was pretty occupied, however, with the constant eeling o growing and stretching bigger, and the constant eating, and the constant mil!ing. ?eith saw this scene and his pants tore a seam rom his orming erection. "'i ?ei+" Penny started, trying to ma!e a sardonic grin, be ore she spied the bulge running down his leg. $t almost distracted rom the huge, uncom ortable#loo!ing mound crammed into his pants below his belly. "'is balls," she thought distantly. The door closed and loc!ed behind ?eith, and the two teens came together again. Separate hours melted together into an orgy o lic!ing, nibbling, suc!ing, !issing, and everything in between. ?eith ed her, constantly running his hands over her growing bul!y o a tummy, he ting her breasts, and she ed him( by the time he had been there an hour his stomach was once more popping out above his pants.
But under his pants was where the real surprise hid( almost two eet o burning hot dic!, ready to stro!e across her body, to wedge between her at breasts, to be held and pulled by her hands. *nd it, li!e her, would )ust be getting bigger. ;id they sleep, .ho !new. There was so much se4 and ood and mil! that maybe they )ust stayed up all night, watching Penny grow bigger together, gasping as ?eith's limp penis at last touched the loor while he sat on the bed. She was sitting up when a !noc! came at the door Sunday a ternoon+sitting by necessity( even in that position, with her stomach resting irmly on the loor, it was taller than her, pushing out across the room. 'er arms were permanently olded in ront o her, holding down her breasts which were too wide to reach around. Giggled, ?eith was lic!ing up along one tit, cleaning the loose mil! o o her. ".ho is it," she as!ed, her voice 6uivering. %h god, she could eel hersel creeping across the loor, eel dirty clothes being pushed by her belly. She was still growing, growing wider and bigger. 9ow she was bumping up against the opposing wall... "Penny Parson, $'m rom the 9ational $mmobile *gency," the emale voice on the other side o the door said. Penny was trying to pay attention, she was, but now ?eith was straddling her rom behind, his gigantic balls pushing up against her na!ed butt, his unraveling penis slowly getting harder and irmer as it straightened out along the side o her belly. "7es," Penny as!ed as her eyes rolled into her head. ".ell, miss, we need to ensure that you 6uali y or being classi ied as an $mmobile. %nce we have the necessary documents and measurements made, we can trans er you to our acility to oversee the remainder o your education, as well as ma!ing sure that you !eep healthy and happy." Penny moaned as her stomach hit another wall. She wasn't )ust creeping orward, now( she was absolutely blowing up, growing bigger and bigger. She let her ace get buried in her two hard, lea!ing breasts, and wrapped her arms around the near side o her stomach. "That does sound nice..." The voice remained calm and disconnected. "Good. But $ need you to let me into your room, so we can start this process. $ understand that you have a boy riend in there with you, and, i what his parents and your parents have told me is true, he might 6uali y or our male division soon enough. But $ need you to let me in." "'ow about $ bring down a wall or you," Penny moaned. The cold door!nob was pressing into her stomach at one end, at the other end she could eel her mirror being s6uee&ed against the wall. The room was ull, absolutely ull, o preggo belly, and Penny was orgasming again and again as she elt everything. She could eel the loor, three walls, and the ceiling against her stomach, and it was )ust pressing tight and tighter. She was illing the room up ADDF, and still growing, and all it elt li!e was heaven. *lthough, a strangely clear thought crept into her head. Shouldn't it be pinching, Sure, it elt good, growing always did, but when you're too big or the room you're illing, shouldn't your tummy eel pinched somewhat, Shit. Penny wo!e up in a seated position in her bed, s!inny as a rail and pissed beyond belie .
HHH "So you've been dreaming these, what, every night," 'annah as!ed at lunch. "9ot every night," Penny sighed. "$ mean, $'ve only had three. But they all seem so real. <i!e those nights last or wee!s. %nly they're getting more and more realistic, and lasting even longer. $n act, $ could have sworn that $ had told you about them, but that must have been in the last dream $ had." ".eird. .hy don't you pinch yoursel or something," Penny rolled her eyes. "Tried that last night. %ver and over again. $t seemed too good to be true, you !now, *nd it's not li!e $ wasn't sure $ was dreaming." "But that didn't wor!," "9ope. .o!e up with a line o pinch mar!s down my le t arm. $ must have elt the pinching and assumed $ wasn't dreaming." 'annah tapped her or! against her chee!, ga&ing across the ca eteria. 'er momentarily misty loo! a orded Penny another glance down her hal way unbuttoned blouse= that bra was de initely over lowing. "$'m not sure pinching yoursel to wa!e up wor!s that way..." ".ell, anyway," Penny continued, tearing her )ealous ga&e away rom her riend's chest, "that didn't wor!, but being pinched by something else did." "'ow so," "$ reali&ed that $ wasn't eeling anything, then $ guess it all clic!ed into place, and $ wo!e up." 'annah snapped her ingers. ".ell, there you go. $ am now your o icial pincher." She reached across the table, distracting Penny as her huge boobs smooshed against the plastic top, and pinched the unsuspecting girl on her rec!led arm. "%w8" Penny cried. "There you go. 9ot a dream." ".ell, o course it isn't," Penny responded to 'annah's grinning ace. "9othing awesome is happening. $'m )ust plain old me." "That's awesome enough," 'annah chided her, be ore pic!ing up her tray to go dump o . "$ need to mil! mysel be ore class. $ swear these babies are going to pop a ew buttons or something." "$ !now how that goes," Penny muttered, be ore reali&ing that, no, she didn't !now. She had only dreamt it. *nd that was how the rest o her day went. .hen wal!ing she would reali&e that she was leaning way bac!, ta!ing stupidly small steps. $n a ew o her classes she almost plun!ed down into a <arge des! be ore correcting hersel . .hen she saw ?eith .heeler in the hall, he only gave her a brie glance be ore moving on. 9othing more than he had ever given her.
-4cept or that one time. *ssuming that had been be ore she started dreaming. $t .*S .ednesday, right, Meaning gym. Gym where Penny was per ectly able to do all o the usual stu . Cunning. :runches. 9one o it came naturally to her, ueling a burning ire in her muscles. 9one o it made her ass )iggle and bounce without stopping. 9one o it was impossible to do on account o an ungodly amount o breast lesh. She was )ust Penny. "$'ve been thin!ing," 'annah said on the way home. "That's weird," came the automatic response rom Penny, which was 6uic!ly silenced by a loo!. "7ou said that you've only dreamt about each mutation once, right," She tic!ed them o on her ingers, no small eat to do while driving. "<i ter, pear, preggo." "Sure." ".ell, what about eeder, why haven't you dreamt about that," Penny rolled her eyes. "%h, don't )in4 it." 'er protests were drowned out, though, by a growling stomach. "See what you did, $ probably ell asleep in the car." There was a sharp pain in her arm, and she loo!ed up to see 'annah beaming at her. ";ream chec!8 'urt," "7eah," Penny admitted. "But $'m usually hungry by, you !now, dinner time." "@ust saying," 'annah sang. Penny had no idea what 'annah was supposed to be ")ust saying," though a small spar! o hope ignited in her. ;inner, however, went down li!e normal, satiating a disappointed Penny with the usual paltry o erings. HHH $t wasn't until the ne4t day, in the a ternoon, that Penny started wondering about the idea that her dreams had been building up to something. The loo! that 'annah had given her the previous evening had been bugging her. .hy had she been dreaming about the di erent mutations, .as it leading somewhere, .as her brain telling her something, *nd what was it, There was only one mutation le t, a ter all. Some o the girls saw eeders as !ind o the end#all o mutations( eeders got big hips, big bellies, and big boobs. The only mutation that misses out on is li ters, which nobody really li!ed, anyway. They were also the most li!ely to become $mmobile, since they put on weight aster and more commonly than other mutations. So it would ma!e sense or Penny to become a eeder, a ter those dreams. $t would be !ind o li!e preparation. -specially i she became an especially huge eeder. %ne that )ust never stopped growing. %ne that too! up an entire building on her own, an entire city bloc!8 'er huge tits, heavier than Greyhound busses, would
sit proudly on a belly too big to it inside the gymnasium. 'er arms would be unable to move anywhere beyond a ew inches, with the at in them orcing her to hold her hands almost straight out. 'er ass would spread out behind and to the side o her, massive and so t and round, completely overta!ing her legs. *ll over she would be a mountain o 6uivering, hot lesh, with ood being carted in rom all over the world to !eep her rom starving. *ll o it oreshadowed by her silly, ama&ingly realistic dreams. Penny bumped into :aroline, having completely orgotten that she was wal!ing to class, and nearly made the Pear drop her gym shorts. "%h hey, Pen8" the riendly girl said. ".hat's up, Fall asleep wal!ing," She placed a hand on one prodigious hip. "Something li!e that," Penny said, brushing a ri&& o hair out o her eyes. ".hat's with your gym shorts," The pair o bright blue shorts struc! a memory in Penny somewhere. 'ad she dreamt about them, Borrowing them, maybe, $t seemed li!e months ago. :aroline )ust rolled her eyes and waved them. "Grew out o them8 Guess $'m not done pac!ing on the inches )ust yet." This caused Penny to have yet another lash o dG)M vu. She had definitely dreamt about that, )ust last night. 9ot e4actly the bit about gym shorts, but :aroline's butt had loo!ed bigger when she wal!ed by. *nd now, loo!ing at it properly, she could see that there seemed li!e a bit more o a shel or :aroline's hand to sin! into. Ceali&ing she was staring, Penny blushed and loo!ed at the loor, drawing another laugh rom the pear. ";on't ret, $ !now $ loo! good." *nd, with that, :aroline turned and wal!ed away, ma!ing sure to bounce a bit with each step, causing her new, still tight gym shorts to reveal their e4tra#large enclosing. %h, yeah. :aroline was de initely bigger bac! there. So what did that mean, Penny didn't !now, but it was curious enough that she didn't even reali&e that she was eeding 6uarters into the vending machine, e4citedly waiting or her potato chips to drop. 'er stomach was growling again, an insistent hum against the bu&& o the day. $t was only that night, waiting impatiently or her mom to bring the lasagna to the table, that Penny loo!ed bac! over the day and reali&ed she had been eating constantly. She dug into her bag, still slung across the bac! o the chair, and reali&ed that it was ull o potato chip bags. 'ow had she not noticed, .as that possible, People don't )ust eat all day and not reali&e it, iling away the act into the bac!s o their minds. But Penny apparently had. She eyed the huge slice o lasagna she served hersel , paying no attention to the comments rom G#Mom, and dug in. $t illed her up completely, and it elt so good. There was no way. Penny was going to need a pinch rom 'annah the ne4t morning. HHH "%uch8"
"Still not a dream," 'annah sang be ore punching down on the accelerator. ".hy do you as!," "$'m not sure," Penny responded, rubbing her arm where it was still stinging. "$'ve )ust been eating an aw ul lot." That wasn't 6uite all, but Penny didn't want to admit anything out loud. The truth was that , )ust a ter wa!ing up, she had gone over every inch o her body in the mirror, and could have sworn that she had put on a tiny amount o weight. @ust the tiniest bit. But no, her clothes had it per ectly ine, and maybe she was )ust inally getting this "water weight" everyone always tal!ed about. $t would be stupid to mention to anyone else. "'mmm," 'annah said, in an annoyingly !nowing voice. $t was almost assuredly entirely in Penny's head. She was absolutely irm on this( there was no way that she was a eeder. The coincidence would be too much8 *nd yet, as the day went on, it was increasingly clear that her hunger was not letting up. $t seemed li!e her stomach was an empty well, getting small coins and o erings tossed into it, but still yawing wide. Maybe a hal #hour a ter she stu ed her mouth with greasy potato chips, maybe 01 minutes, she would eel that amiliar rumble again. $t made her eel stupid, how she continued to compare everything to her dumb, lying dreams, but they were the closest e4periences she had to this to loo! at, and they were )ust so easy to parallel( when she was a li ter, the need to eat only came a ter her wor!out sessions, probably to help her build up her muscle growth= when she was a preggo, it came in sharp waves every ew hours which probably, now that she thought about it, mirroring her need to mil! hersel . The only thing close to this constant need to eat was when she had been a pear, but that had only started toward the end o the dream, when she had been almost palpably growing. But those were dreams8 Penny had no idea what it was really li!e to be a pear or a li ter or a preggo, and she still had no idea what it was li!e to be a eeder. Maybe her metabolism was )ust !ic!ing into high gear, or some reason. *nd yet, there was still that double#crossing part o her that hoped that she was a eeder, that was desperate or it. Maybe not one that would be $mmobile, but at least a ew pounds. *t least enough so she and <aney could hang out, compare weight gains, go bra shopping together. So she and Penny could have mutations together, have another thing in common. So she could inally have something special about her, not something teased in dreams and sleep. <unch lew by, and Penny devoured everything on her tray, to @ason's astonishment and 'annah's delight. The rest o the day was a blur, punctuated by stinging hunger 6uelled by snac!s and )un! ood. .hen at last Friday was over and the !ids were released or the wee!end, Penny had a new idea. * two# pronged attac! against her rebellious mind, and also a way to ind out more about her predicament( Cesearch. $t was simple, really. She had seen it all the time in boo!s and movies and such( when you're dreaming, your brain obviously supplies everything in the dream( even boo!s and the internet were somehow ormed rom your subconscious. But i you hadn't actually read the boo!s in 6uestion, then there was no way to gain new in ormation8 Cight, So Penny would do some heavy#duty research on the history o mutations, try to ind i anyone had ever e4perienced these cra&y, realistic dreams to such a strange e4tent.
The chances o inding anything ruit ul were slim to none, but Penny didn't really have anything better to do. Saturday morning Penny wo!e up bright and early, threw on some com ortable pants and a loose shirt, and bi!ed to the library, where she chec!ed out everything she could ind on mutations. Most o the boo!s seemed pretty old, mostly rom the i ties and si4ties, but there were always new things being published and theori&ed and e4perimented on. There were a good amount o biographies by some o the more amous $mmobiles, including one by the most amous Feeder ever( 'arriet Fischer. Penny dropped all o them on a table and very gingerly opened the irst cover. She was almost scared to loo! at the page, as some nagging part o her brain insisted it would be blan!. Through s6uinting eyes, she pulled the lap o cardboard open, and revealed a page ull o words( a brie rundown o how the Mutations had irst started appearing. Sighing with relie , Penny dug in. HHH Several hours later, Penny had gained almost no ground in terms o her actual curiosity about her problem. The boo!s were ull o things she had pretty much !nown, in terms o the actual history o B# ;ay( the history o the increase o the brassier trade, the !nown scienti ic acts about the di erences in mutations, a lot o scienti ic gobbledegoo! in terms o genetics. 9othing about dreams or anything li!e that. The 'arriet Fischer autobiography was interesting. $t was entirely dictated, as, )udging by the picture on the bac! o the boo!, there was no way Mrs. Fischer would ever be able to type. She sat heavily on the bac! cover, her enormous body wrapped in an elegant dress that could double as a blan!et or a par!ing lot. Scale was nearly lost in the picture, but her tiny, beauti ul ace was sitting in a sea o green and red abric that must have been orty eet wide, her arms uselessly pushed to the side by her mountainous breasts and propped up by her end#&one#wide hips. 'arriet had apparently started growing when she was around Penny's age, waiting to be a senior in high school be ore discovering her mutation. 5nli!e Penny, she had already had a decently large pair o boobs be ore her mutation came to ruition, and that had actually been what clued her in that something was going on( when they started ballooning up again, along with her increasing and insatiable appetite. There was a single line that caught Penny's eye( "$ had literally dreamed or this moment my entire li e." "<iterally" was a strange word to use. ;id she really mean that dreams had oreshadowed her mutation's appearance, $mpossible to say, with how people threw that word around, nowadays. "-4cuse me," came a stern voice rom behind Penny, and the girl turned to see an e6ually#stern#loo!ing librarian behind her. ".e don't allow outside ood in here. 'ow long have you been eating that," "-ating what," Penny as!ed, be ore reali&ing that a bo4 o granola bars was in her lap, and an open one was hal way to her mouth. .hat the, .here had this even come rom, "$'m a raid $'m going to have to as! you to leave." *nd, be ore Penny !new it, she was being shoved to the door, her non se6uitur bo4 o granola bars clutched in her arms. $t was de initely a strange occurrence, but the act that the boo!s all were ull o in ormation seemed to point to this not being a dream. Besides, the granola bars were aw ully tasty, Penny concluded on the bi!e
ride home. *nyway, i she was a Feeder, would she really be ine with bi!ing around, .ouldn't it tire her out, The rest o the evening was spent with G#Mom and Mrs. Parson, eating everything that came within reach. $t must )ust be a growth spurt, Penny reasoned. HHH The ne4t morning she was wo!en by her cell phone ringing. "'ellooooooooo," came the cheer ul cry o 'annah through the spea!er. Penny winced and held the device at arm#length be ore bringing it bac! to her ear. "'annah, .hat do you want," ".e need to get dresses or the dance, silly8" Penny rolled her eyes. "But we're not going with anyone. .hy would we need dresses," "Because we'd loo! really dumb being the only girls without dresses, Pen8 ?eep up8" * sigh pushed itsel out o Penny's lungs as she tried to get her ri&&y hair out o her ace. "$ phrased that wrong. .hen $ said 'we're not going with anyone' $ meant that we're not going, perio+" "See you in i teen8 .e have a ull day ahead o us8" 'annah didn't lie. $t was, indeed, a ull day. They must have gone to i teen di erent stores, loo!ing at dresses all over, bac!trac!ing, trying on more, tal!ing about everything, stopping to ill bac! up on ood, and continuing. $t was the sort o stu that 'annah absolutely died or, but Penny couldn't really care less. *t every shop that they stopped at, 'annah would gather up armloads o clothes and combinations and dresses and disappear into the dressing room, all the while egging Penny on to try a ew hersel . Penny would )ust roll her eyes and insist that she was having un watching 'annah and helping her riend out. The truth was, all o the wee!s o dreams o getting clothes and trying them on were rather wearing her out. They stopped or a late lunch at E(DD and stoc!ed up on ood at a Mc;onald's, where Penny got a couple o Big Macs. ".hat do you !now about 'arriet Fischer," Penny as!ed through mouth uls, ignoring 'annah's amused glare. ".hat, li!e, the $mmobile, * eeder, right," "7eah." "$ don't !now. .hat, do you want how much she weighs, $'m not a wal!ing encyclopedia." * drop o !etchup landed on 'annah's stretched t#shirt and she did her best to dab it up, sending her watermelon breasts bobbling against her taut stomach.
Penny shrugged. "$ don't !now. $ was glancing through her biography and there wasn't much encouraging in there." 'annah stopped. "'er biography, Man, you are serious about this eeder thing, aren't you," * grin spread across the preggo's ace. "*nd you have been putting away the ood8" "That's )ust a coincidence," Penny said, blushing. "Probably" she added in a much smaller voice, but 'annah heard it li!e a scream. "'Probably', 7ou haven't weighed yoursel or anything, %h, we have to get you measured at the ne4t place we go to8" Be ore Penny !new it they were in a Macy's dressing room, pulling o Penny's sweatshirt and )eans, ma!ing Penny sweat that they would orce her shirt o and reveal that she hadn't even worn a bra to cover her no#chest. Than! ully, the woman with the measuring tape saved her modesty. ";enim we can't measure through, cotton we can," she said be ore pulling the tape around Penny. "<et's see here," she said measuring along, "that's a /D hip, a EJ waist, and, hmm, EO over and EK under is probably a really small /E **#cup or so." "**#cup," Penny as!ed. ".hat," 'er hands lew to her chest, giving her an odd eeling o amiliarity, and she almost started eeling hersel up be ore reali&ing that two e4tra sets o eyes were on her. The sta member gave a cough that sounded li!e a chuc!le be ore e4cusing hersel , her own heavy :#cups showing o si4 inches o cleavage. %nce the dressing room was empty Penny pulled her t#shirt over her head to stand in )ust her panties and once more prodded hersel in the chest. 'annah stooped down or a closer loo!, her own endowments swinging into Penny's stomach. * so t pad o lesh was hidden behind each o Penny's nipples, )ust barely ma!ing the s!in e4trude. "That's not normal or you, girl8" 'annah said, ma!ing no attempt to hide that what was "normal" or Penny was sadly lat. "9o, it isn't," Penny said. She also didn't dare mention the other part that wasn't normal( the slight curve o her belly over her waistline, and the way her panties actually it her smoothly instead o hanging o o her hips. * EJ#inch waist, That was about an inch more than normal, and /D hips were two more down there, too8 .hat was going on, $n the e4citement, the girls ailed to ever get Penny a dress, and it seemed li!e 'annah wal!ed out with two more out its than originally planned. But Penny's mind was swimming, lost in a ha&e o e4citement. $t had been building up to something. $t must have been8 Time would tell, she said to hersel , suc!ing down a soda rom a gallon cup. HHH The ne4t morning she was sure o it. Be ore going to bed, Penny had conducted what she had ritualistically done in so many dreams be ore. She pulled out her mirror and stood in ront o it, absolutely na!ed. 7es, there were de initely some changes. * very slight shadow beneath each breast, a slight curve to her hips that wasn't there be ore. But
the ne4t morning, upon rubbing sleep rom her eyes and giving hersel another loo!, the change was drastic. Gone were the stic! arms and bony legs. Gone was the lat chest and narrow stomach. $n their places stood Penny, the :urvy Girl8 Maybe "curvy" was an e4aggeration. The bottom line was, she loo!ed 'ealthy with a capital '. $n her sleep, probably while digesting the mountain o ood she had at dinner, Penny had grown a million tiny changes all over her body. 'er breasts were de initely e4istent, )iggling under her chin. ;e initely an ** now, maybe even *, they even had real lines underneath them8 Below that her waist so tly curved out to her hips, which were another inch or so rounder. $n act, "so ter" was the per ect description o how Penny loo!ed( her thighs were a tiny big plumper, her arms dimpling when she po!ed them, her belly button now in a gentle divot instead o )ust a round hole in her stomach. Penny loo!ed li!e virtually any other girl at school, minus the regular breasts. But she could eel them, ready to bulge out with the power o her dreams. Sure, her hair was still out o control, and her rec!les were ta!ing over her body, but somehow it was more bearable. Penny would handle it. "Mom8 G#Mom8" Penny called as she went downstairs, relishing the tiny changes in her gait. $t was nothing she hadn't done be ore, a ter all, but it was also completely new. "$ have boobs8 *nd $ might be a eeder8" "$ would hope so," G#Mom said rom the !itchen table, not even loo!ing up rom the paper. "The way you've been pac!ing away ood, we were worried that you were having sel #image problems." ".hat," Penny said, be ore receiving a pec! on the top o her head rom her mom as the larger Parson s6uee&ed past her daughter. "$t's nothing to worry about, we were )ust worried about you. But wow8 Penny8 <oo! at you8" Penny couldn't help smiling, eeling slight dimples appear on her chee!s. "$ !now8 *ll in one night8" "7our clothes still it," G#Mom as!ed. * very slight blush crossed Penny's ace as she pulled at the bottom o her shirt= about an inch around her waist was showing, and she couldn't say that it wasn't on purpose. "'eh, or now." She also neglected to add that she had to wear her biggest pair o )eans, and the shirt was already tight around her arms and chest. 'er mom chuc!led and patted Penny on the arm. "<et's get some ood in you be ore school, then8" Penny dug in with gusto. 'annah had greeted her best riend's changes with the standard enthusiasm, delivering a sharp pinch to the so ter lesh o Penny's arm. $t wasn't a dream. 9ope. Penny hugged her binder to her chest, eeling the lesh there as it pushed bac! against the cool plastic. $t must be real. $t had to be. 'er stomach rumbled, agreeing with her. * ter all, i it was a dream, would she eel this hungry,
The day passed by as school does, or at least as the new norm was or Penny( blindingly boring classes punctuated by eating and gorging in the halls and during lunch. @ason watched, open#mouthed, as Penny shoved burgers and ries into her own gaping gullet. The already small t#shirt Penny had put on that morning grew tighter and tighter around the middle as Penny's stomach illed, but she had to be e4tra# ull during the ne4t bloc! period, as the teacher wouldn't allow eating. "She was li!e that all wee!end," 'annah said to @ason, a !nowing eyebrow raised. "$ predict she'll pop." Penny orced a swallow. "*t least $'d die happy," she said. *nd it was true. *t the end o the school day Penny trudged out to 'annah's car, e4hausted by that day's P- class. She had no idea where all o the energy that had been built up in her that Saturday had disappeared to, but it was entirely gone. Plus, her pants were uncom ortably tight, her bra was cutting into her boobs, and her shirt was not only so small she would never get it on again but was also covered in ood stains rom when she had been a little too e4cited about eating. "Being a eeder is hard wor!," she complained to 'annah, who )ust rolled her eyes. "Try being a preggo, girl." "$ did. $t was awesome. ;o you have any snac!s in here," %nce bac! at home, Mrs. Pearson revealed that she had pic!ed up a new scale on the way home, and let Penny get on it to test it out. "A0D" the scale read. The last time Penny had weighed hersel , she had only been around AED. So maybe twenty pounds gained8 Probably more li!e i teen, but it was easier to )ust start rom one point. The high schooler loo!ed at hersel in the mirror again, memori&ing how she loo!ed. Because the ne4t time she loo!ed, it would be a whole new Penny loo!ing bac!. HHH "7ou need a STOOL SAMPLE," Penny nearly screamed, ma!ing Mrs. .ight wince. Penny already elt embarrassed enough, plopped onto the cold e4amination table wearing nothing but her borrowed *B#cup bra and her old and ar#too#small panties. The bra was already pinching at the shoulders and cups, and while Penny ound her na!ed and so t belly se4y, it was resting )ust slightly on top o her so t thighs and ma!ing her lush in... well, in e4citement. Still. The school nurse was as!ing her to poop in a cup. "@ust ta!e this with you, and when the urge comes, well, collect it8" the )ovial lady said, brandishing the sterile white cup "$ mean, $ !now you well enough to tell that this is ar rom water#weight, but the government doesn't, and they need something concrete8 *nd, believe it or not, that's in your stool8" Penny pretty much snatched the o ered cup and shoved it into her bag, be ore yan!ing on her pants. %r at least tried= they had been much looser that morning, when she had wo!en up to ind that AD more pounds had hopped onto the eeder train overnight. The tas! o getting the stretchy waist o her sweatpants over her hips complete, Penny ound yet more opposition getting her t#shirt to stay over her sagging stomach. 9o matter what she did, an inch or two o so t lesh po!ed out at the world, the tight elastic o her sweats digging into the pale s!in.
.ithout another word to the nurse, Penny trounced out the door and down the hall, a double#chocolate mu in that she had !ept stored in her bag already hal #eaten. Sliding bac! into her -nglish class, she was too lost in her thoughts to notice the eyes running over her new curves. Mostly what she was thin!ing about was <aney. .hen <aney's mutation had irst started to show, bac! in eighth grade, she had already been a somewhat heavyset girl. $t wasn't a massive change li!e it was or 'annah. But then it seemed li!e <aney's weight had doubled overnight, all o her clothes straining and popping o on what seemed li!e a daily basis. They hadn't been best riends at the time, but it was hard to miss a girl's blouse losing a ew buttons right in the middle o a history lecture. *nd now that Penny was going through it hersel , she couldn't help but wonder i <aney had worn those small clothes on purpose, relishing the eeling o brea!ing ree o them. The contrast o her own so t growth against the tightness o a pants seat, o holes po!ing through a shirt. Food or thought. *nd spea!ing o ood, where did those other mu ins go, <aney hersel was in Penny's ne4t class, sitting bac! in the <arge section o des!s with her riend ?rista. They both gave Penny a wave and a win! whenever she loo!ed at them, and Penny couldn't help the smile and blush that crept across her ace. Maybe in a month or two, she would get bac! there. $n act, i the way that her thighs rubbed against each other with each step, and the slight second roll o at orming over her already large belly, and the ever#growing tightness around her chest were any indication, Penny might end up bac! there sooner than she thought. By the end o the day she had that stool sample, and Mrs. .ight declared her a de inite eeder. "9ow, when did you start showing symptoms, dear," she as!ed benignly, peering over her glasses. "5m, Friday, maybe, That's when $ started getting hungry." "Friday, 9o, that can't be. 'ow much weight have you put on since you noticed," Penny swallowed the ruit pie in her mouth. "$ haven't measured since this morning, but $ don't !now, i ty pounds," $t was with pride that Penny watched Mrs. .ight's mouth open and close in astonishment. "My word," was all the at nurse could say. That's right, Penny thought. 7our word. 7ou )ust wait. $n a wee! $ won't be recogni&able. That night, despite a dinner that should have been or three other people being almost entirely consumed by Penny, she wo!e up )ust a ter midnight with the worst cravings ever. :lad in nothing but a straining pair o underpants, Penny trundled down the steps to raid the re rigerator. $t was then, bent over, her stomach pressing heavily into her legs, that Penny irst noticed that her na!ed breasts were now big enough to hang and swing as she oraged on the cold shelves. :lenching a chic!en leg in her mouth, Penny cupped her at, rec!led tits in her hands, eeling their weight and si&e. 'ow had they gotten that big without her noticing, They must be out o a B#cup range already, maybe a ull :. She let them drop and watched them bobble and bounce against the so t cushion o her stomach roll, and grinned to hersel . 9o way was this a dream. HHH
.ednesday saw a day dawn on a Penny that was )ust over EDD pounds. The new bra that G#Mom had pic!ed up early that morning it li!e a dream, as did the new s!irt and top. Maybe, Penny thought, with luc!, they wouldn't it by the end o the day. $n act, they were already eeling tight by lunch, when <aney and ?rista cornered Penny in the lunch line. ".hat happening, girl," ?rista said, boisterous as usual. "7ou are loo!ing good8" "Than!s," Penny said, blushing. "$t's not li!e it's my doing or anything." "Sure it is8 7ou could ight it, you !now. Try dieting." <aney shuddered. "5gh, $'ve heard the worst things about girls li!e that. $ guess in the KD's eeders weren't seen as 'in' or something." "$ guess $'ve )ust never thought that stopping your mutation was possible," Penny said. "Sure it is8" ?rista laughed. "7our body needs to get that energy rom somewhere8" She slapped a heavy hand on Penny's smaller bac!, nearly causing her to drop her ood tray. * passing 'annah waggled her eyebrows !nowingly be ore heading to their usual spot. ".ell," Penny said, hoping to wrap the conversation up rather 6uic!ly as it headed toward embarrassment town, "$ guess $'m )ust too hungry to thin! o doing something li!e that8" "%h, $ !now )ust how you eel," <aney spo!e up. "$'ve been eeling that coming bac! lately, now that you mention it. $ guess that's why $'m in the <arge section inally." Penny gave her an encouraging grin, despite a nagging eeling o dG)M vu. ":ongratulations, by the way8" ":ongratulations yoursel ," <aney returned. "Maybe you'll be in there soon8" "From the loo!s o it," ?rista )oined in, but Penny managed to pay or her lunch and get out o there be ore more bac!#slapping could happen. <aney was one o her best riends, but ?rista could be more than a little... well, too much. .hich wasn't that hard, considering her si&e. The glitter in her eye when Penny mentioned how hungry she was stuc! in Penny's mind, though. The eeling o something wrong )umped right bac! into play when Penny saw that someone unusual was standing at their usual table, getting the stin!#eye rom @ason. ?eith .histler. %h good, he must be as!ing 'annah to the dance, Penny thought be ore wondering where the hec! that idea came rom. Seeing ?eith spot her as she approached, Penny sel #consciously tried to balance her overloaded tray while pulling the bottom o her s!irt down her legs. $t ailed to move a single inch closer to her !nees. "'i, Penny," ?eith said. "$ don't !now i you !now me+" "'i ?eith8" she said as brightly as she could, stopping a stammer rom reaching her lips. .asn't she amiliar with him, 9onetheless, he appeared o #guard. "5h, right. .ell, $ was wondering i you had a date to the dance on Friday,"
"9#no," Penny responded, setting her tray down as ast as possible. @ason's glare became even stronger, but a loo! o wild wonder appeared on 'annah's ace as Penny and ?eith set up details. $t all seemed too amiliar, and also somehow wrong, but Penny couldn't put her inger on the why. .hen ?eith inally le t, 'annah loo!ed about ready to burst. "%h my god we need to get you a dress8" "'ere we go again," Penny sighed, )ust be ore digging into her our ba!ed potatoes. HHH The sun set on a E//#pound Penny Parson, one preparing a east o midnight snac!s to ta!e up to bed with her, and rose on a EKD#pound Penny Parson, one cleaning up the array o tin oil, wrappers, and plates. The scale told her that she was now much more than double her starting weight, although she hardly elt di erent than the day be ore. Maybe she bounced a bit more with each step, maybe her clothes were tighter, at least the elastic ones. Maybe her boobs were now a ull ;, two at bowling balls sliding on her stomach. But other than that, she elt healthy and happy. ;es!s at school were getting harder to s6uee&e into. 'er chubby ingers weren't bending as well as they used to around pencils. 'er ace in the mirror was getting to be completely di erent rom the old Penny( rounder, so ter, smoother. 'er chin was disappearing into her nec!, and her chee!s pu ing up. -ven her hair was changing, probably as a result o her ama&ingly healthy diet. $t was thic!er and much easier to brush. -ven though she hardly elt di erent, at the end o the day Penny !new that she was atter than be ore. Probably over the /DD mar! and an easy 6uali ier or a <arge des!. She made a mental note to mention this to Mrs. .ight or a teacher, )ust be ore getting whis!ed to a dress shop with 'annah. 'er ripe riend led her on almost the same merry chase that they had per ormed )ust our days ago, this time stic!ing to the eeder sections. .ith the dance only a day away, it should have been easy to get a dress that would it Penny in E0 hours, but 'annah wanted to be absolutely sure that it would, so they tried to guess how much bigger a dress Penny would need i she were even ADD pounds more. %ne. 'undred. Pounds. That would put her de initely into the "huge eeders" section o mutations. So huge8 -ven loo!ing at hersel in the mirror, admiring her own orm, Penny !new it would be better bigger. 'er hips, ballooning out rom her waist already, would be bigger, so ter. They would have trouble itting through doors, )ust li!e in her dream o being a pear. 'er belly, while probably maintaining the image o a ew very at olds that they had now, would still be similar to her dreams o being a preggo( big, so t, almost unmanageable. $t was almost always resting against her thighs, bulging out o her s!irts or pants at both the crotch and the waist, and with another hundred pounds her belly button would be deep enough to 2an internal giggle3 uc!. *nd her tits8 They would cap the lot. They were already so large that her bra cups were nearing the si&e o picnic bas!ets, with two loaves o rising dough pushing up over the tops. $n another wee!, or maybe another two days, they would be so large she wouldn't be able to reach her distended nipples. 7es. $t was clear now. Penny's dreams were preparing her or this, the ultimate o mutations. But then... i that were true... what was the li ter dream about,
'er thoughts were dashed rom her head when 'annah appeared with the per ect dress. $t was huge, it was lowing, it was a light yellow, it was easily ad)ustable, and, best o the best o the best, it loo!ed ama&ing on Penny. $n moments the rental agreement was signed and a celebratory pre#dinner east at the local burger place was held. HHH E0 long hours, 0 enormous meals, K giant snac!s, J class periods, and AEK pounds later, Penny was )ust barely contained within the dress. She could almost eel it getting tighter. -ach moment that she had it on, every breath she too!, every bite o any illing item, and the hemline rose, the nec!line stretched, the straps grew even tighter. Penny !new that, i she didn't want to pay or a ruined dress, she had to stop eating. But she )ust couldn't. She was doing so well at not spilling anything on it, at not shutting it in any doors, at very care ully li ting the s!irt when she wal!ed. But it was going to split a seam. 'er daydreams in the dressing room the day be ore had all come true. 'er belly had ballooned in the past day, orcing her emergency evacuation to a <arge#si&ed des! while she overtoo! <aney and ?rista in si&e. Then all o her clothes had, one#by#one, ripped every single seam in them. 'er huge boobs popping out was obviously going to happen, and the sides o her stretch pants were goners, but then her arms made an appearance by bursting out along the shoulder line, revealing s6uare ootage o pliable, rec!led bicep, and her soc!s popped their elastic due to her enormous calves, both o them thic!er than hams. 5nconstrained, her belly was hanging down over her !nees, which were themselves trying to hide in her enormous thighs. ;oors were, as predicted, getting di icult to wal! through, and or what elt li!e the millionth time Mrs. Parson pledged to call a contractor to have them widened. But the dress. Penny had worried, or a moment, that she would loo! li!e a mountain. <i!e a huge pile o lemons, or worse, yellow snow. Piled into a shiny heap, wal!ing around, banging into things, spreading her at everywhere. But instead it accentuated her eatures despite having almost no support anywhere other than the chest 2and boy did it ma!e her puppies pop, almost up to her double#chinned ace3. 'er mom did up her hair while G#Mom stood bac! and gave criti6ues. "'ow do you even !now this boy, 7ou've never mentioned him," the old woman said. "She's only had a crush on him since middle school, mother8" Penny's mom chuc!led bac!. Both women, despite their sniping, were grinning the widest grins Penny had ever seen, and she couldn't help mirroring them. $n between bites o pi&&a, that is. 'er hunger, despite her huge si&e, was still there, still illing her enormous tummy. She gave it a light pat, en)oying the way that it bounced and caromed around inside her dress, the way that the abric hugged all o the wide, sliding curves o her body. 9ew curves, that were only getting curvier as time went on. The dress on, and with ?eith only a ew minutes away, Penny as!ed or her mom's help in slipping on her new shoes, bright yellow to contrast against the muted daisy o her dress. -ven the shoes were eeling too tight, and Penny got a brie glimpses o some chubby little toes in the mirror be ore. They were relatively sturdy, three#inch heels, but Penny elt li!e she was absolutely tottering in them, what with her new center o gravity, and all o the e4tra momentum with her movements.
She could ma!e due, though. The doorbell rang )ust as G#Mom was giving some rather unwanted advice. "*nd i he touches you in a way that, you !now, you don't want to be touched+" "$'m seventeen, G#Mom. $ !now all about saying no." "*ll right, then," the old lady said, and then both elder Parsons leaned in to give the )unior a hug. $t was so strange( )ust a wee! earlier, such an act would have enveloped Penny in breasts and warm lesh, but now she was the one enveloping the , her irm, at boobs pressing against their, her heavy arms wrapping around their shoulders, her so t chee!s pressing onto her mom's hair 2or at least a little bit o it, considering how much lesh her mom had to crane over3. .hen they pulled bac!, Penny was surprised to see tears in Mrs. Parson's eyes. 'er mother caught her glance and 6uic!ly turned away. "7ou're )ust growing up, $ guess," she said, embarrassed, but Penny )ust smiled. "*nd out." "7ou are at that. %h, my word, you must be the strapping young man we've heard about," Penny's grandmother said as she opened the door to reveal a long#waiting ?eith. For the irst time in a while Penny elt abashed, and she had a hard time ma!ing eye#contact with him, instead umbling with the yellow boutonniere she had in her hands. .hen she inally did loo! up, brushing her glossy hair out o her eyes, she saw that ?eith himsel was having trouble not gaping at her. Finally he closed his mouth. "7ou're, wow, you're gorgeous, Penny." "Than!s," she grinned, and instantly both teens' aw!wardness ell away. "Be bac! be ore it's technically morning8" G#Mom called rom the door as they stepped down to ?eith's car. HHH The pair made some small tal! on the way to the school or the dance, although Penny had some strange eeling about it. She !ept wanting to blurt in with things she thought she !new about the captain o the ootball team, but they had never tal!ed be ore, right, She had )ust obsessed about him rom the sidelines. $nstead they tal!ed about school and the dance, and ?eith continually brushed against Penny's le t thigh every time he reached or the stic! due to the sheer width o his date. Meanwhile, her other side was s6uished against the passenger door while her breasts were being pushed into her ace, at least two solid eet o cleavage hiding beneath the nec!line o her dress. Penny managed to tear hersel away rom her new body and ogle ?eith or a bit. Tall, handsome, built. 'is suit it him very well, although her eyes !ept being dragged downward to his suit pants. There was a bulge down there, no doubt, but it was very strange or Penny to thin! about such things. ".ell, we're here," ?eith said, pulling into the par!ing lot. Penny elt a sigh o relie go through her, or some reason. Probably her growling stomach, e4cited to be illed with ree ood and munchies.
<i!e a gentleman, ?eith rushed around to Penny's door and opened it wide or her, o ering a hand that she 6uic!ly too! hold o and almost pulled him down. "Sorry, sorry," she gushed. "9ot used to, well, my weight." But ?eith, dashing boy that he was, laughed it o . "$t is no problem at all." .ith her thic! arm sa ely tuc!ed into his, they wal!ed into the dance. $t was the standard high school dance scene, something Penny had never been e4cited to go to be ore( swirling, lashing lights= peppy generic music= bodies intertwining, sometimes scandalously close, sometimes so ar apart you'd never guess a pair was there on a date. % to the side Penny saw her group o riends( 'annah and @ason, both loo!ing somewhat aw!ward and uncom ortable, both o them chatting to <aney and ?rista, both o whom were without dates. 9ow that she thought about it, Penny never saw those two apart anymore. Maybe they were gay, or at least bi, $t would e4plain why the two totally hot eeders seemed to be eternally without boy riends. * ter ma!ing sure ?eith was o!ay with holding o on dancing or a while, the two made their way across the dance loor to the group to the side. Penny was pleased to see that the oursome were within reaching distance to the re reshments. "%h my god, Penny, you loo! beauti ul8" <aney called out as soon as she spotted the newly#christened eeder, although Penny secretly wondered how it could have ta!en so long to spot someone as large as hersel . 9onetheless, she grace ully put up with the adorations o <aney and ?rista while 'annah smir!ed in sel #satis action rom the sidelines. "Gee&e, aren't you )ust pac!ing them on," Penny blushed. "7eah, $ guess so. $ wouldn't mind not being hungry or a while." "?eep at it," ?rista said, her eyebrow 6uir!ing. "7ou're only loo!ing better every day." -ven @ason had some compliments, despite his surly loo!s. "7eah, you really do loo! great," he said, be ore seeming to remember that he was supposed to be mad. "7ou all loo! ama&ing, too8" Penny said, trying to get the attention o o hersel . <aney was trying to show o her newer, slightly#larger sel in a strapless tur6uoise dress, and it did accomplish the )ob nicely= Penny had a ew do&en more pounds be ore her boobs would be nearly as big. ?rista, meanwhile, was stic!ing to her usual color scheme with a blac! dress and white sash, which nicely accented against her dar! hair and olive s!in. Finally, 'annah's blue dress was absolutely stretched over her belly, hugging down her huge bosom, over the curve o her enormous stomach, and bac! to her lithe legs. $n act, it didn't )ust hug, it loo!ed+ "'annah, have your boobs gotten bigger," 'annah cringed a tiny amount. "@ust a bit," she said, ringing her inger down one thic! strap. "$t's throwing me o . *ctually, $'m going to have to mil! mysel soon," she added as her eyes glanced towards the bathroom. "Maybe you should do it sooner rather than later," Penny suggested, and 'annah nodded be ore setting o across the loor. Some !ind o loo! passed between the two other eeders, and <aney mumbled something about helping 'annah be ore ollowing the waddling preggo.
The oddness o that situation 6uic!ly disappeared when Penny reali&ed that ?eith was trying his best to stri!e up a conversation with @ason about how boring it was when girls get tal!ing about clothes= @ason was having none o that and remained stone# aced, cup o )uice in#hand. Penny de used the situation by ta!ing ?eith by the elbow and as!ing him i he could go ind her something to snac! on be ore hitting the dance loor. "Sure, babe," he said, pec!ing her on the chee! and sending a thrill through her mountainous body be ore disappearing. .hich le t Penny, ?rista, and @ason alone. "So," Penny said to @ason. ";id you and 'annah come together," "?ind o ," he responded latly. "%nly because she had no one to go with." "%h, but you did," ?rista )umped in. $t was clear that this had come up prior to Penny's arrival, and @ason wisely chose not to continue arguing about it, instead letting his burning red ace disappear behind his cup. * ter a ew aw!ward moments ?eith came bac! with a couple cups o punch and a plate so loaded down it was a miracle that it wasn't alling apart. Penny gushed a than! you and began digging in, illing her ace with the many !inds o tarts, coo!ies, and pastries that he had ound. *s each item entered her mouth, she could eel her stomach illing up with ood. There was no way it had emptied on the ride over here, it would be impossible, considering the volume o her stomach. But still it elt li!e her dress was getting tighter around her middle. .hen the plate was at last empty, she reali&ed that none o the other three teens had said anything or the past ew minutes, and, blushing, she too! the o ered cup rom ?eith. She tried to ignore their eyes as she too! a meager sip. ".hat are you loo!ing at," she as!ed, sheepish. "'aven't you all seen me eat be ore," ?eith gave an embarrassed shrug. "$ suppose," he said. "But you have never loo!ed so beauti ul doing it." "Gee, than!s," Penny said, thin!ing she was playing along. "So $'ve never loo!ed beauti ul be ore $ was this at," "$ wouldn't put it that way," ?eith replied, trying his best to bac! away rom that direction o conversation. "@ust, you !now, $ never noticed be ore." "9ever noticed me," "$, um, $ guess. Maybe brie ly. But then this wee!, with your sudden mutation, $ reali&ed you were the most beauti ul girl in the world." Penny could see where he was going, what he was trying to say. But suddenly her entire body 2and there was an aw ul lot o it3 was illed with anger. So, what, he hadn't reali&ed her at all until she had tripled in si&e, 9ow that she was a mutation, a eeder, she was worth loo!ing at, Be ore she !new what she was doing, Penny's hand was lying orward, tossing the rest o her punch into ?eith's ace. 'e blin!ed slowly as the red )uice dripped, his mouth agape.
"Maybe ne4t time you should notice that a girl is attractive and li!es you before she balloons up, ?eith8" she said. $t was only then that Penny reali&ed )ust how brash and rude this was, how completely out#o # the#ordinary or her to act so rashly. But, to her surprise, ?eith nodded, duc!ing the loo!s o the staring crowd that had ro&en when the captain o the ootball team had been abruptly dun!ed, and slin!ed out o the gym. Sound returned as <aney )ogged up, her huge tits heaving. ".hat happened, .hat did $ miss," "Penny tossed her )uice into ?eith's ace8 7ou go, girl8" ?rista cried. "9o way8" <aney said, her mouth hanging open. "7ou did," "$ guess," Penny shrugged. "$ guess he's !ind o a )er!." ?rista too! the empty cup rom Penny's hands, win!ing at <aney. "'e's de initely a )er!. <et me get you more punch. :ome on, <aney." The pair sauntered bac! to the punch table, leaving )ust Penny and @ason. @ason, or his part, did not say "$ told you so," but Penny could read it all over his ace. "<oo!, $'m sorry, @ason." "For what," "For not coming with you. *t least you li!e M-, instead o )ust my body." For the irst time that night, @ason smiled. "'ey, be air. $ li!e both you *9; your body." Penny grinned bac!. "*nd there's a lot to love, now." She too! the o ered cup rom ?rista as the two eeders returned. "*nd soon more8" ?rista said in a sing#song voice. ";rin! on up, let's get this party started8" Penny elt at once suspicious, but she couldn't detect an alcohol#y scent in the punch, and so !noc!ed it bac!. There was an unusual taste in it... somehow it was thic!er, maybe more... creamy, $n a ew seconds she had drained the entire cup and elt li e return to her, her spirits li ting as a warm illed her entire, so t body rom her huge, bulbous stomach. Seeing the wondrous loo! on Penny's ace, <aney o ered her own cup, which was promptly downed. That golden warmth o com ort and happiness coursed through Penny, illing her absolutely up. She was about to suggest the our o them go out on the loor and dance as a group when a second hush came across the gym. $n wal!ed >eronica Green. ".al!ed" is maybe the wrong word. She positively lowed across the loor, acres o abric draping across her breasts and alling behind her. She was li!e an angel, or a long, beauti ul butter ly, pure white and gold as her eathered hair luttered behind her. $t seemed li!e she was only wearing the so t, almost transparent dress, but there must have been a supernatural orce holding her boobs up, as they belled out rom her chest and the tops almost stayed level with her shoulders or three or our eet be ore curving smoothly down to her thighs. 'er nipples protruded through the abric li!e rounded door !nobs, letting the world !now )ust how e4cited she was to be there.
'ips swaying, breasts swaying hal #a#minute in lag, she made her way across the dance loor, bee#lining to her goal( Penny Parson. $nstantly Penny didn't eel li!e a eeder anymore. She elt li!e she was three hundred pounds lighter, li!e her hair was a ri&&y, orgettable red, li!e her dress was made o an itchy brown wool. <i!e she was a boring, stupid girl compared to this absolute goddess o lesh and beauty. 'er riends had dropped bac! at the sight o >eronica, probably not in ear o catching some insults, but )ust in despair. 9o way would Penny have some !ind o comebac! to whatever >eronica was going to say. The smir! set, her nec! twisted, >eronica opened her mouth+ *nd a small hand was on Penny's shoulder. Penny turned to see 'annah. 'annah8 'er eternal side!ic!. :ompatriot in growing bigger. .ho could possibly bring Penny down with 'annah there, $t was li!e an immediate change came over her, and Penny elt li!e she was absolutely illing out her dress in con idence. 'er tits were huge, her hips were wide, and her belly was ready or some lovin'. But 'annah was saying something. ";id <aney give you something to drin!," "<aney, Sure. She got me some more punch a ter $ threw mine on ?eith." 'annah's mouth turned into a grim line. ".ell, then she probably snuc! in some o my mil!." "She what," There was a tapping sound coming rom >eronica's oot, and it seemed she had crossed her arms on top o her huge shel o a bosom and was loo!ing a little peeved. "-4cuse me, $ was going to say something," Penny rolled her eyes bac!. "%h, shove o , >er+" *nd it came to Penny's reali&ation that it wasn't con idence that was illing her up. $t was that warmth in her stomach. .hat had 'annah told her two wee!s be ore, "This stu is potent. * drop could ma!e you put on twenty pounds i you're unluc!y." But Penny was eeling very luc!y. The dress tightened along every seam instantly. $t wasn't supposed to be a tight dress, instead one somewhat similar to >eronica's, ironically( lowy, loose, gorgeous. But as she elt her hips widen out toward the edges, as her stomach bulged over her thighs, as her breasts rose li!e dough, Penny !new that it wouldn't last or long. >eronica's eyes grew wide, and the entire gymnasium was staring as Penny elt hersel blowing up. $t was li!e some weird, at version o >iolet Beuregarde, rom !harlie and the !hocolate "actory, only slower and heavier. Pounds were being pumped into Penny's body. $t elt li!e thousands and thousands o pounds, but it was only probably going to be a couple hundred. %nly a couple hundred8 .hat a silly thing to thin!. The seams holding the lovely olds in the dress were popping apart, and it was growing tighter and tighter around her. 'er butt was gaining in si&e and losing de inition when Penny elt her underwear give way and drop to the loor. .ith a sigh o relie , Penny !ic!ed o her shoes and touched the cold linoleum with her at, growing eet.
"5m, Penny, we need to ind you something to wear," 'annah hissed in her ear. "7ou will not be able to stay covered by that much longer." "Sure," Penny said. $t was li!e a dream= things were happening to her, and she didn't !now what to do, but didn't eel li!e trying to stop it. ;istantly she heard 'annah smac! ?rista and <aney be ore spurring @ason into action, and they set o to ind something to cover Penny with. The growing Penny. The irst rip started under Penny's right arm, and she li ted the slab o limb to reveal centimeters o lesh turning into inches between the tear. $t started as a slow rip, the threads pulling tightly against the huge roll o at under her arm 2it was hal #boob and hal belly, Penny laughed in her head3, be ore shooting down li!e lightning, travelling along the strained, sil!y abric right to her an!les. @ust as the dress ell away, 'annah tossed a tablecloth over Penny, who elt the growth#spurt end. She burped. HHH Getting home was an ordeal involving @ason's truc! and several helpers to get Penny into it, all o whom were unsure how to e4actly push on her to avoid embarrassment. Penny stayed silent or most o it, not wanting to let on that she was so e4cited by the changes, so turned on, that she needed to masturbate something ierce. She )ust wanted to get to her room, strip na!ed, and loo! at all o the bits o her that were impossible to see over her boobs and shoulders. Boobs and shoulders8 .ith a giddy eeling, Penny reali&ed that was all she would be seeing or a long, long time. Maybe, i she spread her tits apart, she could see the top o her belly, but she would need some room )ust to get her boobs apart. $t was impossible to say how big they were, but they were big. ;e initely bigger than <aney's by now, which put them somewhere in the F or G range. G#cup tits8 *nd they were warm and at and lovely. Penny hugged hersel to hersel , gathering as much lesh as she could in an embrace beneath her tablecloth, be ore collapsing into giggles in the bac! o the truc!. She was so at that she didn't even eel the night chill. The night was spent on the couch in the living room, with Penny doing her best to !eep on it without drooping any parts o , but it was so hard. <uc!ily, e4haustion and com ort put her to sleep ar aster than any rela4ation techni6ue, and she slept well into the ne4t day, ignoring the sounds o the construction crew. $t was her rumbling, gigantic stomach wo!e her. There was a si4#course brea! ast, ollowed by a light snac! o cold pi&&a, be ore Penny wor!ed up the energy to get up and maneuver into her temporary bedroom on the ground loor. She could still wal! )ust ine, which surprised everyone, but getting up stairs would be a problem. *lthough, considering that she was still starvation#level hungry, Penny imagined they wouldn't be a problem or long. Finally alone and na!ed, with a ew options as to what to wear, Penny loo!ed at hersel in a mirror. @esus, she was huge.
-ven aside rom the stomach that drooped below her virtually hidden !nees, even ignoring the butt that protruded behind her li!e a small trailer, the hips that were wider than most tables, even i you didn't see the thighs li!e curved redwoods which segued into calves li!e overstu ed pillows, the arms wider than Penny hersel used to be, the almost spherical ace. -ven i you didn't see any o that, you would not miss Penny or her huge, delicious tits. They were bigger than sandbags, probably bigger than G#cups, as big as laundry bas!ets, as at as stu ed walruses, as round as e4ercise balls. They weren't irm and per!y li!e 'annah's preggo#tits, but they were delicious and rec!led and Penny's. She pulled a huge sundress over her head, en)oying the way that it displayed a yard o cleavage, and stomped into the living room. That night, be ore she collapsed onto the couch, Penny was nearing BE1 pounds with no stop in sight. HHH -ven i you had seen her on the night o the dance, the Penny Parson that wal!ed into the school on Monday morning was nearly unrecogni&able. She was still moving o her own volition, but only barely so. 'er stomach was almost brushing the ground, her hips were s6uee&ing through double#doors, her double#chin pressing down against her breasts which threatened to bloc! her vision. Pride and ierce determination showed on her ace, though, and her loo! proved it( she wasn't wearing some simple muumuu, and no wheelchair would do or Penny. She was wal!ing purely by hersel , proud to show o her assets. 7es, she had needed her mother's help to get the new s!irt on, a s!irt that stretched underneath her stomach and only )ust barely seemed to cover the bottom o her bottom. 7es, that top was e4tra#stretchy and had been buttoned by her grandma, as there was no way Penny was able to reach over those !egs she called tits. 'er round ace was red with e4ertion, her chubby ingers clenching tightly, her steps heavy and slow. But Penny was ma!ing it. *nd she was beauti ul while she did it. 'er glossy red hair ramed eyes that were wide with e4citement, and her shirt ailed to cover a stomach that was rumbling with needs. Penny had almost made it to her irst class when she reali&ed that there was no way she would ma!e it through the day. .hen she irst sat down would be the last time she did. $nstead she turned the wrong corner and headed directly to the last place she had been in the school. ".hat, where are you going," 'annah as!ed, tagging along in her new top. "9eed... room to grow..." Penny panted. Penny staggered to the doors to the gym and threw them open. They banged roughly against the eeder's sides as she made her way through the doorway, but to Penny it was )ust a tap, a slight orce that she elt way ar away rom her at hips. $nstead she ocused on the spot in the middle o the gym where >eronica Green had irst stood upon entering, where everyone in the gym had stared in wonder. $t was there that Penny plopped. ":ould you get me something to eat," she as!ed a bewildered 'annah. "$ don't thin! $'ll be going anywhere or a while."
For the ne4t ew days Penny was in heaven. She needed no cushion to sit on, instead inding her butt the per ect cushion that continued to li t her higher every day. She didn't need any !ind o blan!ets or heater against the air conditioned gym. *nd ood8 She had so much ood. The ca eteria started going into ull alert, )ust or her, until her growth ound its way to an ending. *nd boy did it never end. She had started her time in the school's gym )ust over the ADDD pound mar!, and there was no end in sight or days. 'undreds upon hundreds o pounds continued to add up, with her best day, .ednesday, e4periencing an estimated total o 1DD pounds o ood disappearing into Penny's open, chewing mouth. $ all o that was converted into body at, with a minimal waste processing... 'er body grew. The irst shoc! was when her stomach touched the loor, although it shouldn't have been a surprise( her attening legs were continually pushing themselves apart, orcing her to do the splits more and more every day. 9ot that anyone would notice( her downright at eet themselves were being overta!en by her stu ed ull can!les. Then when Penny noticed that her arms were lat out to the sides and were still only hal way to the visible hori&on o her butt did she reali&e )ust how tremendous she was getting. The mirrors on the side o the huge room gave her some picture, when she s6uee&ed her le t arm down to see over her attening shoulder. *lthough, as predicted, she could normally only see her tits and arms hersel , through the mirror she could see the car#si&ed belly in ront o her, creeping across the loor, and )ust how mammoth her boobs were. Bigger than >eronica Green's, Try bigger than >eronica hersel . *nd the at )ust !ept piling into them, growing them larger and larger, getting more and more sensitive. 'er entire body was getting more sensitive, she reali&ed. S6uare yard a ter s6uare yard o na!ed, so t s!in could eel every tiny dra t in the entire gym, could eel the cold tiles pressing harder and harder into her ass. Penny couldn't bend her arms a ter the second day, but the re lection in the mirror showed what her ingers couldn't eel( that her ace was a pu y mass, bulging out beneath her smooth orehead. She )o!ed with 'annah that it was the only s!inny part o her anymore. *s neatly as could be, Penny's growth stopped )ust prior to the day that the $mmobile man was supposed to arrive. .eight estimates would have to be stalled until they could properly li t Penny onto a scale, but they were in the high thousands. $t was that Friday, ive ull days a ter Penny had irst sat down on the gym loor and one wee! since her almost#humiliation there, that her mom patted her thic!, useless hand rom her perch on Penny's leg. They were so wide now, probably ten or twenty eet on their own, that it was common or her riends to sit there, with their bac!s leaning against her high, gelatinous stomach. The bottom old o it, some twenty or thirty eet out in ront o Penny, had been pressing up against the wall or the past two days. "*m $ bigger than 'arriet Fischer, Mom," Penny as!ed. 9ow that she had stopped growing, it was nice to not have to eat as much anymore, although Penny was ama&ed at how di erent her voice sounded= probably a given considering how thic! her lips were, how hard it was to move her chee!s. She elt her mom shrug, and could only see the top o her head over the looming edge o at. "$ don't !now, honey. .e'll have to ind out what the government says8"
$n the distance there was the amiliar s6uea! o the gym door, and Penny !new who it was. "%h, god, pinch me, 'annah," she gasped, and 'annah obliged, a sharp po!e in Penny's distant, distant side. "7ou eel it," 'annah as!ed. "Most de initely," Penny said, orcing her heavy ace into a grin. "%h god, this is the happiest day o my li e. $ never want it to end. But it did. Because Penny wo!e up. HHH $t wasn't in anger, depression, or a lingering sadness that Penny went about getting ready or her day. $t wasn't even really with curiosity. The pinches were e4plained easily( )ust li!e be ore, apparently Penny was still )ust pinching hersel . %nly this time she was dreaming that it was someone else pinching her. So no, Penny didn't eel any o those particular eelings that Friday morning. $nstead she )ust elt resigned. This was her li e now( ridiculously rich dreams that told her how interesting li e would be i she had a mutation, how much better everyone would treat her, how much more popular she would be. Then she would wa!e up and ind li e had only advanced a ew more days. Maybe she would go insane. Maybe, a ter years o living in the real world and decades o living in dream worlds, she would inally snap and sin! into a delusion rom which she would never revive. $t would be certainly nicer than that punctured eeling o hope in her gut. This time it wasn't even hope, though. @ust her normal pre#brea! ast tummy rumbles. % course, 'annah !new nothing about this new resignation, and so Penny was greeted with a pinch the second she sat in the car. "%uch8" "Still not a dream8" 'annah sang be ore stomping on the accelerator, casting her in lated breasts bac! into her chin. "$ wouldn't be so sure," Penny said, then related as much o her dream rom the night be ore as she could remember. There was the hunger spi!es, then con irming she had a mutation, going to the dance, being tric!ed into drin!ing mil! 2".hat a horrible thing to do8" "Cight,"3, inally ending with her on the gym loor, ta!ing up almost all o the space in there, )ust be ore the 9ational $mmobile *gent got there. 'annah gave a huge sigh. ".hew. So that was all o them, huh," ".hat do you mean," "7ou've dreamt about all o the mutations8 So maybe you're done8" "$ guess." Penny wouldn't be sold on anything until she had a ull year o no dream#scares, she thought.
"%r maybe," and now 'annah's ace was lighting up with some !ind o idea, "this is all some sign8 7ou've had these epic dreams about all o the mutations, and they all mean something8" The lat and virtually eatureless teen rolled her eyes. "7ou said almost the e4act same thing in my dream, $'m pretty sure." "9o, $ said that same thing last night, a ter you were eating so much." Penny's brow urrowed. ".as that really last night, :ould have sworn that was in the dream..." But all 'annah would give her was an annoyingly superior loo! be ore she par!ed and waddled her way to school. For hope ully the inal time, Penny ound hersel getting used to being thin, boring Penny again. $t was really stupid, to be honest( she !new she was out o the dream, last night hadn't lasted any longer than any other night, and yet it was somehow throwing her o . 'er steps were small and mincing as i she had a huge weight to bear, and at least a do&en times she had an itch on her legs that she !new she could never reach until she re le4ively scratched and ound that, no, o course she was le4ible enough or it. *t lunch she was maybe a bit more hungry than usual, but who's to say what's normal and what isn't, Maybe she was )ust luctuating li!e teenagers do. $n the hallways ?eith .histler ignored her, as he should have. >eronica Green sneered and laughed at her bac!. @ason tried to ma!e small tal! but his heart wasn't in it, <aney was annoyingly cheer ul, and 'annah was her usual sarcastic sel . *ll bac! to normal. G#Mom and Penny's mother were all too help ul at dinner, trying to get Penny to eat more than she elt com ortable. Maybe a ter the previous day's impromptu binge they got optimistic, thin!ing some !ind o mutation was mani esting. But nope. 9othing out o the ordinary. Saturday came and went, then Sunday a ter that. -very morning Penny wo!e up wondering i she was dreaming, then assuming that, by the end o the day when nothing out o the ordinary had happened, she actually wasn't. $t was somewhat o a relie , but also somewhat o a disappointment. *nd she didn't even !now why= she had thought that the dreams were )ust getting boring and aggravating. .hat was to be disappointed by i she had stopped dreaming, *nd so it was that on Monday, with ive days le t or the school dance, when pulling on her t#shirt and discovered that her chest had two very slight growths where her eatureless breasts should be, Penny was both satis ied that her dreams were obviously continuing, and annoyed at hersel or having that satis action. HHH ":ome on8" 'annah said, her eyes nearly as big as her chest. "This is a big deal8 7ou inally have them8" She wasn't even loo!ing at the road, not that this was a surprise. Penny ran her hand across her almost lat torso while rolling her eyes twice as much as usual, nonetheless en)oying the slight speed bump on the way down. "9ot really. $'m at the level most ourth grade girls are."
"But that's something8 $t could mean anything8 -specially with your dreeeeaaams8" She drew the last syllable out with a mystical moan, and though it was in )est, Penny could tell that 'annah was seriously hope ul. "'onestly," she said, "this could easily still be a dream. There's no way to test it. Pinching didn't wor!, either rom you or orm me. :losing my eyes and trying really hard didn't wor!. .hat else is there," 'annah shrugged. "@umping o o a cli , ;rowning yoursel ," "Than!s, dumb#butt. $'m still uncertain, so those are pretty stupid ideas i $'m wrong." ".ell, $ don't !now, then. .henever $ suspect that $'m having a dream $ start noticing things wrong with it and then it all alls apart." "That's the problem with these dreams, they don't do that. $'ve 6uestioned i they're dreams so many times." She let her arms drop in e4asperation, then loo!ed down to en)oy the new landscape. @ust very slight hills, but they were something. 'annah waved her own hands. ".ell, maybe they aren't dreams, then. Maybe they're, li!e, 6uantum states or something. *lternate universes, what have you. *nd you're some travelling conscious between them." ".hat the hell are you tal!ing about," "Sci# i8 The #utterfly Effect8 *ll o those other movies8 <et me as! you a 6uestion( is there any weird detail that was out o place in those dreams that you )ust didn't notice at the time, There's always some !ind o thread that ma!es the whole thing unravel. $ you could ind that thread, then you could prove that this isn't a dream, or the wrong reality, or whatever it is8" "'uh," Penny said. "$ didn't thin! o that. Maybe there's something $ missed." "Thin! about it, babe." Penny tried, all day, to thin! about it. She thought about it in -nglish class, then on brea! when she had a snac!. She thought about it while changing or P- and, very brie ly, running her hands over her na!ed, newly# ormed breasts. She was thin!ing about it when lunch came, and )ust be ore @ason started bugging her about the dance. "Pleeeeaaaaeeeeeaaaeeeease, Please go with me, $t won't be a real date or anything." 'e was beyond pleading now. This was groveling. Penny was )ust about to blow him o when someone entering the ca eteria caught her eye and something in her head clic!ed. "'ey 'annah," she said, nodding her head toward the door. ".hat do you thin! o ?eith .histler," 'annah sco ed. "The captain o the ootball team, $ !now you've had a crush on him orever, but $ doubt he would go or it. 7our assets are new, but they aren't as good as they could be, i you !now what $ mean." "Than!s, )er!," Penny sneered, "but $ meant or you. $ have a eeling he li!es you." ".hat," 'annah s6uinted across the table, then turned around to loo! properly. This !ind o motion with her !ind o body caused a bit more o a commotion than she meant, with her heavy belly banging into the
bac! o the guy behind her. .hen it all settled down, both girls saw that ?eith was staring right at 'annah, and not in an annoyed or amused way. More o an interested way. She turned bac! ar more violently than be ore, this time with her ace growing a shade o magenta. "Penny," she said, "why is he loo!ing at me li!e that," "$'m serious," Penny said, digging into her spaghetti, "$ thin! he li!es you. The other day $ caught him staring at you rom behind, and stupidly thought he was loo!ing at me. Plus $ have this, um, eeling." She couldn't say out loud, but she had de initely dreamt that ?eith li!ed preggos, so why not give it a try, 'annah waggled her eyebrows, un!nowingly thin!ing right along the same lines. 9ormal color returned to her ace only to be replaced by a mischievous smir!. ".hy not," she said. $n a lash une4pected or a girl o her si&e and shape, 'annah was up rom the table and across the ca eteria. ".ait, $ wasn't+ ah, well," Penny said, watching rom a distance. 'annah wal!ed up to ?eith and they e4changed a ew words, all while ?eith, believe it or not, blushed harder and harder. Finally both o them were smiling, then e4changing numbers, and 'annah was wal!ing bac!, her ace brighter than the sun. "$ have no idea how you did it, girl, but you )ust got me a date with the most eligible man in the school," she beamed. Penny returned it. "Great, so now $ de initely don't have a date," @ason said. "Bah, $'ll go with you," Penny inally snapped, but she wasn't annoyed at all. This )ust elt right, in a way that it hadn't elt in months. %r was it days, HHH The night be ore the dance was when Penny decided that something was still up. The slight appearance o her chest was not )ust her new permanent loo!, it seemed. $nstead the two modest bumps had swollen into very thin mounds that almost 6uali ied or an *#cup bra, as she and 'annah discovered at the department store that they went shopping or dresses at. Penny had gone home with a dress itted or an **, with the cler! promising that it would loo! beauti ul whether she illed it completely out or not, but something was still nagging at the bac! o her head. ".ell, it's obvious," she inally said to her re lection the ollowing morning. "This is a dumb dream, )ust li!e the rest." Through her morning routine that Friday, she went over every single detail o every single dream she had thus ar had. First the one where she was a li ter( it started with that weird, happy, golden eeling, every time she li ted something, until she was virtually $mmobili&ed and still trying to grow bigger, be ore she wo!e up rom an intense orgasm. Then as a pear she had been so e4cited every time her pants snapped yet another seam, gradually outgrowing chairs and s!irts, until she had been wo!en by her own pinch. .hen she was a preggo, though, her pinches hadn't wo!en her, not until she was eeding ?eith gallons o mil! at a time and reali&ed that the room she was illing wasn't even putting any pressure on her. *nd inally, most recently, even while eeling pain rom a dream#'annah's pinch, even while sustaining her own pinches, even while de initely tasting every mouth ul and morsel that she consumed in her 6uest to grow $mmobile#y at+even then it was a dream.
She could remember every single detail o all our dreams, or at least she thought she could. $t was always so hard to tell( you'd thin! you had a dreamless sleep, then some strange action would spar! a memory and it would all lood bac!. .as there anything she was missing, *nything out o place, Sha!ing her head, sending her ri&&y red hair every which way, Penny pulled on some shorts, gave her chest one inal pu , and went downstairs to meet 'annah. 9ot to anyone's surprise, @ason was waiting to meet Penny at her loc!er. "'ey Pen8" he said, nearly vibrating out o his )eans. "So what color dress are you wearing because $+" "<oo!, @ason," she said, shutting her loc!er and turning to him. 'e instantly ell silent and his eyes loc!ed on her. Penny wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was that she was inally iguring out that she could it in with the sea o huge, enormous breasts constantly shi ting around her. -ven as she too! a breath to tell @ason o or being annoying, an erect nipple rom some girl in a tiny t#shirt was dragging across her arm, and a swollen, sweaty )ersey was being rubbed against her other shoulder. The hallway was absolutely crowded with tits big and bigger, and Penny couldn't compare to any o them, but she would. Someday. $t was time to put @ason in his place But her heart so tened at the sight o @ason's doe eyes. ".hat is it," he as!ed. "$t's )ust... you !now that you're really annoying, right, That's why $ waited until the day be ore the dance to say $'d go with you," To her eternal surprise, the boy loo!ed shoc!ed at this news. ".hat+ really," Penny nodded, clutching her boo!s to her 2so ter than usual3 chest. She suppressed the instinct to revel in the s6uishiness, in the way that a minute amount o cleavage was now pee!ing up out o her v#nec!. "'ow could you not !now, $t's, li!e, grating." "$ don't !now." 9ow a crimson blush was spreading across his chee!s. "$ guess that $ thought it was why you li!ed me. Spun!iness and all that." "@esus, @ason, maybe in middle school. $n act, PC%B*B<7 in middle school. But we're )uniors now. .e're going to be seniors in a ew months. Maybe it's time or both o us to grow up." She decided it was time to leave the conversation, no matter how aw!ward, and gave him a pat on the shoulder be ore elbowing her way through that sea o so t mammaries. "$'ll still see you tonight, right," she heard him call rom behind, and she turned 2nearly !noc!ing that reshman with the -#cups to the ground3 and gave him a bright, rec!ly grin. "% course8" 'e did indeed see her that night, arrive ive minutes early in his crappy station wagon to pic! her up. 'is suit was nicely pressed blac!, with a light pin! shirt underneath and a neat red tie, which clashed horribly with Penny's blue dress. She blamed hersel or not telling him the color, and to her continued surprise, there was no silly )o!e and ace, no stupid )umping and dancing and shouting at how stupid he was to ma!e up or it. $nstead @ason )ust o ered his arm and gave her a very wide, very toothy, very sincere smile.
Penny ound hersel smiling bac!, and Mrs. Parson was nearly in tears. "$ can't believe you two are going to the dance together, this is )ust per ect8" she gushed. "<et me get the camera8" "They'll be late," G#Mom said, leaning on the door rame and olding her arms beneath her huge, de lated chest. "9othing worse than being late or a dance. The camera was already clic!ing, though, and Penny did her best to loo! through her hair at the lens. $t had turned out to be impossible to tame the curly mess, so Penny had done her best with an improvised bun and had ended up leaving a lot o it hanging in her eyes. $t was stupid how di icult some things in li e were. 'er dress, meanwhile, it li!e a dream. She had no idea what the cler! at the store had told her( the chest must have it her per ectly. $t even made her loo! li!e she had a hipline, something that she ?9-. would mean she was dreaming. But or once Penny elt pretty, and she almost elt, well, per ect. She had a dashing 2i not short3 man at her elbow, driving her around, paying or tic!ets. She had a very thin bust line. *nd, as they wal!ed onto the dance loor, Penny tottering on her two#inch heels, she remembered that she had a number o very nice riends. <aney and ?rista were both in thrown#together ancy out its, clearly some !ind o attempt to be doubly# ironic, and were drun!enly slow#dancing o near a corner, their at tummies and breast pressing into one another. :aroline was strutting across the loor, chatting with anyone who cared= most did, as her strapless dress, while mostly being held up by her ;;#cup, watermelon#li!e breasts, was drawn in at the waist to give her e4tra#wide hips even more pop than usual, and she did ma!e them pop and bounce with every step. *nd there, near the center o the loor, 'annah and ?eith were slowly turning as she leaned into his chest, both o them so tly tal!ing and unable to stop grinning. ?eith's arms, Penny noted, were buried in the billowy top that 'annah had pic!ed out, lost somewhere between her swollen teats and round belly. ":are to dance, Ms. Parson," @ason said, acting the per ect gentleman. "$'d love to, Mrs. 'artman." So they did. $t would have been a great evening i it wasn't or the completely oreseeable arrival o >eronica Green. .ith a loud slam, the doors slammed open, letting setting sunlight stream into the dance hall, revealing a dar! and huge silhouette. $ Penny's li e had been a OD's movie, the record needle would have screeched. $nstead there was a screech o >eronica's voice across the echoey hall. "$'ve arrived," she announced, as the doors ell closed behind her. %nce she was inside, the harsh light o the sun no longer obstructed Penny's view, and she saw, with some strange disappointment, that >eronica was dressed completely unli!e she had been in Penny's dream the previous wee!. The eeder dream. *nd di erent rom her dress in the preggo dream. $nstead o some au4#angelic toga dress ensemble, lowing around hersel and pooling on the loor, >eronica's moti was much simpler( the <B;. * little blac! dress was harder to pull o with a girl >eronica's si&e, but it also meant she didn't have to worry about her waist or anything li!e that( the abric merely ell over her G#cup tits, tumbled the ew more inches to her thighs, and then swept bac! around to )ust past her butt. $t was tight enough that there was almost no chance o ever seen the undoubtedly# )umbo#strength blac! bra beneath it, but that also meant that her sti nipples loo!ed li!e co ee mugs on saucers, and were prominent and visible.
Penny's blood ran cold. 'ow had she been eeling good about hersel , .ith her stupid hair and her stupid rec!les and her completely lat chest. .ho cared i G#Mom said that it 6uali ied as a :#cup in her boo!, That was bac! in the 1Ds8 This was now, when >eronica Green ruled the streets, and Penny's chest was something twelve#year#olds rarely had. *nd >eronica Green was marching right toward her, swaggering with the beat o the music. ";idn't thin! you'd show your ace here, Parson," the blond sneered. 'er tits were nearly two steps behind her in terms o swaying. "Then again, $ guess there isn't much else to show." The rec!les on Penny's ace were 6uic!ly being hidden by a deep blush, and be ore she !new it, those huge, heavenly tits were pressing into her own dress. The smile on >eronica's ace grew wider, even as @ason's arm clung tighter to Penny's. "Thought that you had something, did you, But you don't measure up to a real woman at all. 9ot even with your lap dog here." Such con licting eelings were racing through Penny's mind. She was being made un o , sure. The obviousness o her humiliatingly small chest was also out there. But those tits were so inviting... those could o eet o cleavage boring a hole in Penny's mind... "$n act," >eronica said, eigning ignorance o Penny's drooling stare, "$'m surprised even such a scrawny !id li!e him would bother with someone li!e you. 'e should really ind someone better." * tiny growl came rom @ason's throat. "Penny's worth a hundred o you," he said, and, to his credit, it wasn't a s6uea! or a wavering shout. @ust a calm, angry statement. But >eronica laughed it o . "Penny doesn't have a one#hundredth o what $ have," she said, reaching her arms under her enormous bust and giving it a tiny heave. Finally, something snapped within Penny. She didn't !now what came over her. Maybe it was the revelation that @ason could be something other than completely aggravating. Maybe it was her own budding sel #con idence. Maybe it was that part, deep down in her brain, insisting that this had to be a dream. But she was pushing orward, pressing into >eronica's chest, her arms outstretching. "Then maybe," she said through her gritted teeth, and i she was snarling or grinning was anyone's guest, "you should share it." *nd or one split#second, that marvelous bust, those heavenly tits, were Penny's, and she held them in her arms and elt their weight and so tness and warmth, and she !new that, someday, they would be hers. The ne4t moment >eronica was shrie!ing and slapping Penny away, leaving bright hand prints and tiny ingernail mar!s all over her bare, rec!led shoulders and arms, be ore stal!ing out o the gym to shouts o laughter. -ven @ason was chuc!ling. ".hat was that about," he as!ed. Penny shrugged, then too! him by the hand. "$'m not sure. But $ guess it wor!ed." *nd she nearly, nearly !issed him. That one incident turned a great night into a per ect night. HHH
The rest o the wee!end was one happy, song# illed blur. She and @ason and 'annah and ?eith and all o the rest stayed at the dance ar longer than anyone had planned, then leaving to go get midnight snac!s. -veryone had laughed at Penny's appetite, )o!ing that it was her rage# illed hug that had wor!ed up a hunger. Penny thought di erently, though. %ne glance around the table at all o the at, )uicy tits there convinced her= some were resting on the hard top, some were tuc!ed underneath with their tops bulging up to their owner's nec!s, some were undoubtedly getting into their heat cups as their owners loo!ed at their dates with loving, horny eyes( all this would be Penny's. This was her big tit dream. She was dead sure o it. 'er need to eed wasn't abated or the ne4t two days, and she was 6uic! to satiate it. Sometimes while chatting with 'annah about how dreamy ?eith was and how awesome he was and how weirdly obsessed he seemed to be with running his hands over her belly. Sometimes with <aney as she giggled at the silly things celebrities got up to and all the new clothes she had bought a ter her recent growth#spurt and i maybe she did have eelings or ?rista. *nd sometimes with @ason as he chatted calmly and coolly about his interests and what colleges he was thin!ing o applying or and what had happened to him since middle school. $t was so weird. <i!e a new @ason. 9ot a dream @ason, even though this was de initely a dream. ;ream @ason would have miraculously put on thirty pounds o muscle and gained three inches in height and stopped nervously crac!ing his !nuc!les. 9o, it was )ust calm @ason, and Penny reali&ed that all o those times he had been hyperactive and e4citable it had been an act, supposedly to please her. But all o this was pushed aside Sunday evening, a ter dinner, when 'annah called on her to go clothes shopping. "$t eels li!e we go shopping every single day," Penny whined, but nonetheless stripped o her loose sleeping gown and tried to clasp her bra. The !ey word being "tried". $t was staring there in the mirror that Penny reali&ed that or the past two days she hadn't even worn a bra, instead electing to wear loose tops and munch on ood. But now, loo!ing at them bob and bounce on her chest, they must have positively ballooned up in the last 0K hours. She cupped them in her hands and ound that she couldn't even it them all in her ingers, and not only that, they were sensitive as hell. "* triple#* cup8," Penny breathed, watching her nipples bud up. "* triple#*8" She could eel the heat rising rom her torso, a moistening starting in her panties, and reali&ed i she didn't calm hersel she might swell up even bigger. 'eat cups8 She would de initely have to worry about that now. .ell, even i it was a dream, is elt really, really good. She buttoned a shirt on, loving the way that it elt tight on her chest, and bounced down to meet 'annah. ".hy do you even need new clothes, anyway," she as!ed her riend as they browsed through the matron section. 'annah shrugged, the standard motion sending waves through her swollen tits and bouncing stomach. "The usual. Shirts eeling a little tight, )eans harder to get up than usual." Penny gave her best riend a good loo! over and reali&ed that, yes, the big tan!#top she was dec!ed out in did loo! li!e it was cutting into her boobs, and there was a line o lesh around her prodigious middle that was visible. She coc!ed her head. "*re you still growing,"
"$ guess. %r $ put on a little weight. $t happens $ suppose." The shorter girl lashed her signature grin. "Maybe i $'m luc!y $'ll inally get a <arge classi ication." That struc! a amiliar chord within Penny. "@ust li!e <aney..." she said, be ore dri ting o into thought. That was strange, wasn't it, "But loo! at you8" 'annah said, abruptly dropping her pile o tops. "*ll needing a new bra and stu already8 'ave you thought about getting an emergency horny bra," Penny blushed. "%nly brie ly." ".hat," 'annah gasped. "This is important stu 8 $ mean, you could ill up this room, who the hell !nows, 7ou might be the world record holder or being a grower8 %r are you )ust going to be a shower," "'annah," Penny muttered, "shut up." But she could already eel the heat rising down under again, at the thought o spilling out o her clothes every time she got a little turned on. %h god, to eel her lesh )ust pile on and on as she grew and grew, then ta!ing hours to shrin! bac! down until she could wal!... There was a tightness in her chest, all o a sudden. * pain, but li!e the pain o scratching a really deep itch, or the onset o a huge orgasm. That burning heat in her chest, a lushness across her chee!s... *nd then it subsided. Penny loo!ed down and saw that the shirt she was wearing had only gotten a little bit tighter, the buttons only )ust starting to pull apart. She had maybe gained to a very small B, nothing more. But 'annah's grin was now nearly tearing her head in hal . "%h, come on," Penny said, grabbing the preggo by the arm. "Better get me measured while $'m still this si&e." She almost didn't notice that a matching grin was on her ace. HHH School the ne4t day was a remar!able change rom )ust a wee! be ore. .hen she had been ignored, loo!ed down on, or even made un o , now Penny was respected and the recipient o many appraising loo!s. She !new it was more a reaction to rumors o her ta!ing >eronica Green down a peg than her new, shiny *** bra, but it was nice to pretend that she was inally getting paid attention to or her loo!s. >eronica was only glimpsed once by Penny, but it was with a dar! loo! in the endowed#girl's eyes be ore she disappeared around a corner. $t was a ter P-, when Penny had inished soaping up and rinsing down her new, wonder ul breasts, that she ound that her new bra no longer it as it once had. $t elt tight around the underwire, the straps digging into her shoulders )ust the tiniest bit. Maybe she was a bit swollen rom the water, or maybe she had gotten a little too much into polishing the rounded, rec!ly lesh and had gotten a bit turned on. -ither way, there was a simple solution( the matching "heat#cups" version, in si&e *B, waited or her in her gym loc!er, and she gladly slipped it on. But by that night it hadn't loosened up. $n act, when she too! it o be ore sleeping, it had even been eeling a bit tight. By the ne4t morning it was no longer convenient to wear, and Penny was arranging or an a ter#school visit to the department store to return it.
The wee! continued in this manner, almost predictably( Penny would wa!e up to breasts that no longer it com ortably in a bra, go to school with it steadily growing tighter, until coming bac! home to put on a new one another raction o a si&e up. %n Tuesday it was an *BB, and by .ednesday a ull#on B, with Penny almost late to school due to the amount o time she stood in ront o her mirror, bouncing her large breasts in her hands and giggling at the lesh pushing between her ingers. ";o they hurt, growing that much," 'annah as!ed on Thursday morning when Penny sat down in the car with her chest heaving. The growing )unior's B:#cups were almost as large as her own head, their so t lesh pushing against the bottom o her brassiere most pleasantly. "*re they supposed to," 'annah shrugged. "Mine didn't, but it too! me a ew months to get up to this si&e, and you're already about to pass me." "'uh," Penny said, already orgetting what they were tal!ing about as she absent#mindedly stro!ed a nipple to aching sti ness. ":an $ as! you a 6uestion," "Go ahead." "'ow do you not $lay with them all the time," Both girls laughed at the absurdity o the 6uestion. "7ou get tired o them, trust me," 'annah said. "Be happy yours aren't lea!ing hal the time. My mil! production )ust too! another leap orward." "Ceally," Penny could distinctly remember orgasming more than a ew times )ust rom mil!ing, bac! when she was a preggo. "$ sure loved it." "Those were dreams, Penny," 'annah rolled her eyes as she par!ed. Cight. ;reams. Penny orgot, sometimes. But even in all o her dreams, where her tits too! almost as huge leaps orward as they were now, she couldn't remember it eeling this good. :ouldn't remember the )oy ul singing in her mind rom something simple li!e a brush against a loc!er door, or the di iculty o !eeping them below a des!. 'er tops were slowly stretching out with her e4panding bust line, the bottoms almost always li ting up to show a widening strip o belly. *nd Penny absolutely hated belly shirts+but when they were caused entirely rom the si&e o her breasts, )ust a glimpse in a mirror made her nearly start swelling out o her bra. "Getting her heat cups" was something else that was only somewhat problematic. Sure, it could be very inconvenient that a stray thought or accidental brush o the bust might cause her to start popping out at any moment, but it always elt so good that it )ust started a cascade o horniness that would leave Penny blushing and charging or the restroom to change her bra, where she would emerge with her top even tighter in her B+no, B:+no, :#cup bras. *t lunch on Thursday she was still in her heat#cups, her enormous tits smuggled beneath her shirt li!e twin watermelons, erect nipples prodding out li!e stumpy thumbs. Sure, it was embarrassing. * little. -nough to ma!e her ace almost permanently lushed, especially rom all o the loo!s and glances everyone gave her at her obvious erect state. But she inally it in. 9ow her chest was the si&e o almost every other girl at school, give or ta!e a ew inches. * part o the bouncing, )iggling, blouse# illing crowd. @ust, you !now, a little more e4cited at her state than most.
?eith and 'annah and @ason and <aney were already waiting or her at the table, more than enough ood to sate her still huge appetite sitting on her tray. She sat down between @ason and ?rista, pointedly ignoring the way that ?eith's arm was slung around 'annah's shoulder his hand resting between bulging right breast and belly. The chit#chat everyone made was complementary, hilarious, and utterly orgettable. *t least compared to the way that Penny sometimes lost crumbs down her cleavage, warranting an e4ploring hand. *nd it it8 Cight between her tits8 :ompletely enveloped8 *nd when @ason's hand rested on hers on the table, well. She didn't mind that, either. -ven i it did send another wave o warmth through her body, ensuring that her :#cup bra would be needed until the end o the school day. But then, by the time she was home and the swelling was down, she had already grown so much that the /D: it her pretty snuggly in her normal state. $t was Friday morning when Penny noticed the ne4t unusual thing in her continually strange li e. 'umming so tly to hersel , attempting to brush the tangles and curls out o her hair and ailing horribly, Penny got ready or school. 'er huge :#cup brassiere, a ancy lace red one with cups that were de initely big enough or those watermelons, was already on and tuc!ed away underneath a loose spaghetti#strap top. $t was a marvel o engineering, really, that Penny elt no strain on her bac! rom her growing tits, not even when her bras were too tight or too loose. .hat Penny loved about this bra, and what made her almost#!ind o wish that she would never grow out o it, was that it per ectly matched a ancy pair o red panties she already had. They were brand new, and so nice that even Penny's butt loo!ed good in them. They were almost magical, it seemed. That is, until Penny tried to draw up her )eans over them, and could not get them up her hips. $t was almost a eeling o dG)M vu that Penny elt wash over hersel as she loo!ed at her re lection in the mirror, bent#over, a oot o cleavage draping below her, with a pert and round bottom stuc! up behind her head. 'er pants would not come up. @ust li!e in the pear dream. But no. 9o. This wasn't a dream. $t couldn't be. But wasn't that what her mind had been saying the entire time, That nothing this good ever happened to her, She was bac! in the pear dream. $t was with a somewhat drooping heart that Penny dug through her closet or something that would it over her widened 2and assuredly widening3 hips. She had been so sure that she hersel believed this to be another dream, it was almost surprising that she was still disappointed. * ter all, hadn't she concluded that this could never happen to her, That she was destined to be lat, boring Penny, There was a nice white s!irt in her closet that had always been too loose to hang o o her narrow hips, but Penny was going to put it to good use today. She snapped it on and elt the abric sway around her thighs and almost immediately elt better. 'ell, maybe it was )ust a dream. But she sure loo!ed se4y in it. She bounced down the stairs whistling. ".hat's the deal with you," G#Mom as!ed, raising her eyebrow over her newspaper. "Sweet <ord, what si&e do you call that, 7ou in the 9s yet,"
"Shush, Mom, you're )ust )ealous she's going to be bigger than you," Penny's mom said. "7ou loo! pretty this morning, Pen8" "Than!s," Penny grinned. "$'m going to need some new pants !ind o 6uic!ly, $ thin!." HHH The rest o Friday was virtually unevent ul. 9ow assured that it was all a dream, Penny elt her con idence s!yroc!et even more than be ore. She answered as many 6uestions as possible in all o her classes. She s6uee&ed into her now undersi&ed gym shorts and tightening sports bra or another e4cellent day o gym. She had an encounter with >eronica Green in the hall and managed to escape without a word passing between them 2although >eronica was dressed in a strangely modest manner3. *nd yes, her ancy, pretty bra was de initely eeling tight around the edges when she pac!ed up at the end o the day. The s!irt had gotten her a lot o compliments, and Penny had silently decided to put o visiting the nurse's o ice until she was absolutely sure this wasn't another random growth spurt. @ust in case. $ it was a dream, she reasoned as she stu ed her boo!bag, might as well wait a while be ore inding out that it was. She shut her loc!er door to ind @ason there. "So," he said, trying to loo! casual. 'is arms swung a bit, then he seemed to reali&e he was swinging them too much and held them aw!wardly sti . "* wee! since the dance." "5h, yep," Penny said, holding her boo!s to her chest. They sun! in a ew delicious inches. "$ was wondering..." "7eah," 'is thumbs twiddled in a somewhat adorable manner. "$ you want to come over. 'ang out. My dad's gone or the night, and $ can give you a ride home whenever." Penny was more amused than anything. 'ere was her middle school crush, previously demoted to "most annoying guy in the world" be ore his recent redemption, now trying to ma!e an even more serious move on her. But then... he was really cute. ".hy not," 'al #an#hour later ound the pair o them sitting up on the edge o his old tree house, hanging their legs over the crac!ed wooden boards, and reminiscing about old times. "+and then 'annah tried to swing on the tire swing but got stuc!, so $ had to )ump down and save her8" "Man, you were good at climbing trees bac! then." ".ell, you !now8 $t was convenient, sometimes, not being weighed down by huge boobs or something, li!e every other girl." She blushed, strangely enough. $t was unny how almost every old story came bac! to 'annah being a preggo, or >eronica being bigger than their moms, or how Penny hadn't been blessed with such advantages. *n unusually cold bree&e blew across the yard, and Penny drew her !nees up, care ully holding her s!irt up with her hands and pressing her huge and so t bosom into her nec! and chin. "<oo! at all o the trouble 'annah got into, staggering around with that huge belly."
"7eah, well. Some guys li!e that, $ guess." $t was clear that he was thin!ing o ?eith .histler. ";o you li!e that," @ason shrugged. "$ don't !now. $ !now that, well, $ li!e you. But $ li!ed you be ore you became, you !now. Bigger." "That's nice to !now," Penny said sleepily. The sun was setting, and, despite hersel , she was leaning over onto @ason's arm, and he was leaning a bit bac!. ".hy do you li!e me," she as!ed, !nowing it was clearly a ish or compliments. "$ don't !now that, either," he said so tly. "$ li!e how your hair is always everywhere. $ li!e how your rec!les highlight your ace. $ li!e how ridiculously hardheaded you are about your stupid pessimism. $ li!e how you can go rom shy to bold in a matter o seconds." 'e !issed her through that impossibly ri&&y hair, and Penny reali&ed that his arm was around her shoulders, now. "7ou !now. The usual stu ." $t was unimaginably cheesy, but Penny could eel that her nipples were hard as steel, digging into her thighs, and that amiliar warmth was blossoming within each teat. *lready her legs were being orced, millimeters at a time, away rom her chest rom her e4panding breasts. "Those are, uh," she stammered, the heat also rising in her ace, "some nice things." *nd now @ason was turning her head with his hand, and now his lips were coming closer to hers, and now her top was getting so much tighter, the straps digging into her shoulders, and now+ Their lips had been loc!ed or minutes, maybe hours, be ore she reali&ed that the warmth on her na!ed thighs wasn't rom her burning hot breasts, but rom something else. Something wet and li6uid. <i!e a steel trap, Penny's legs shot down against the wooden dec! o the tree ort and her hands travelled around the e4panse o her bosom to the growing wet patches on the ront. ".hat's up, what's wrong," @ason as!ed. Penny couldn't believe it. "$'m lactating." HHH The wee!end absolutely crawled by, Penny made sure o it with every glance at the cloc!. The school was the best place to be tested or a mutation, her mom reassured her, as they had government computers or 6uic! access. So there was no use bugging anyone about getting tested this wee!end= she would )ust have to wait. *nd so Penny waited. She paced. She te4ted and chatted and $Med with 'annah, who was ecstatic that Penny might be a preggo. She apologi&ed over and over again to @ason about sprinting out on him li!e that, absolutely sure that she had loo!ed li!e an idiot running bac! home with her huge tits bouncing and sprin!ling mil! everywhere. @ason reassured her, again and again, that it was ine and she could have gotten a ride rom him, but she almost didn't hear him. *nd, o course, she grew. $nch by inch, hal #cup by hal #cup, Penny grew bigger. Saturday a ternoon Penny's ;#cup bra was already eeling tight= when she went to bed she couldn't wear it at all. Si&e comparisons were thrown around the
Parson house( big as beach balls, large as laundry bas!ets, atter than 'annah's stomach. *ll o them meant one thing to Penny( huge. By the time she laid hersel to sleep, Sunday night, she had gone through three di erent bras, mil!ed hersel our times, and was wearing si&e / sweatpants. $t was di icult to ind a sleeping position, even with the thoughts running through her brain about mutations, but Penny eventually settled or on her side, her breasts slipping and sliding over each other be ore resting across most o her body. The ollowing morning, her -#cup bra nestling those huge breasts that were now resting on 'annah's dashboard, Penny had one thought( the nurse. *lthough even that didn't stop her comparison to 'annah's belly, pee!ing out rom under her best riend's relentlessly#small top while the tiny blonde chattered mindlessly. 7es, her mom had been right( Penny's boobs were almost bigger than the preggo's bulging, triplet#si&ed stomach. "$ need you to test me or mutations," Penny said, bursting into Mrs. .ight's o ice. The loo! on the nurse's ace was mi4ed surprise and, strange, pity. "Miss Parson, breast growth is a per ectly normal part o a young girl's+" Penny shoo! her head, her hair lying and her enormous bust ollowing a terward. "7ou don't understand, $'ve been lactating all wee!end, and my butt !eeps getting bigger, and+" "%h, $ see," the nurse said, her demeanor changing in an instant as she too! Penny by the hand and lead her to the e4amination table. "$n that case, it's a simple enough process." Penny grimaced. "Blood test, right, *nd need me to pee in something," The laugh that pealed out was almost a girlish giggle. "Penny, it's EDAE. .e )ust need a ;9* sample." Penny's eyes ocused on the cotton swab in ront o her. "%h." .hile the machine was sending results o to the nearest processing center, Mrs. .ight said that she might as well ma!e it a proper e4amination and had Penny strip down to her panties, "even the bra o , dear," and measured virtually everything Penny had. There was the usual bust and chest and the e4pected hip measurements, but then the belly 2"probably to test or obvious preggo signs there," Penny reasoned3, and her individual legs, and her arms... all which Penny had a hard time )usti ying. But, a ter an eternity, the machine beeped. Mrs. .ight stared at the paper or a long time. ".hat is it," Penny inally as!ed, clipping her bra on and very brie ly noticing that her bac! hadn't hurt at all without it. "$t's most... unusual, dear," the at nurse inally said. "$'m not sure i $ should... well, $ guess they are 7%5C results." ".hat about them," 9ow the curiosity was mind#melting. ;id she not have a mutation, and was )ust really weird, Maybe she was a rea! with a preggo and a pear mutation, although a very se4y rea!. .hat new thing was her dreams hurling at her, now,
Mrs. .ight lipped the paper around, showing a huge amount o technical )argon and codi ied phrases. "$t says you have them all. 7ou're every mutation." HHH "-very mutation, 'ow can that happen," 'annah as!ed, her voice screeching to a tinny vibration over the phone. "$ have no idea," Penny said. "$ don't thin! $'ve been getting atter, either, and $'m pretty sure $ haven't been bul!ing up..." $t was Monday night, almost three wee!s since Penny had wo!en up rom her last dream. *nd now this stu was being thrown at her, something so unbelievable there was no way her subconscious e4pected her to believe it. The principal had sent her home a ter her test results came bac!, and scheduled a special meeting o the minds between Penny's mom, an e4pert being lown in, Mrs. .ight, and Penny hersel . "That is so weird. *nd $ thought $ was a rea! because $'ve been getting bigger, but now you're this cra&y all#mutations girl, 'ow can $ compete," "'ey," Penny said, "$'m not a rea+ .ait, what did you say, 7ou're getting bigger," 'annah's voice was wry. ".ell, $ didn't want to say anything and steal your thunder, but yeah, haven't you noticed, My boobs, this stomach. $ don't !now how much longer $ can drive us to school, !iddo." "$t's getting that bad, $ didn't even notice8 $'m so sorry." Penny elt horrible( so wrapped up in her own growth that she didn't even notice her own best riend. ";on't be8 ?eith loves it. *ctually, $ !ind o love it, too." 'annah's voice ell to a stage whisper. "$t eels so good when he stro!es it. Since you're maybe a preggo, too, you should try it, once you start pu ing up." Penny shrugged even though 'annah couldn't see her. "Maybe $ won't pu up. Maybe $'ll )ust need mil!ings or something. .ho !nows8 Maybe $'ll e4pand into a pile o at, muscle, butt, belly, and breasts, s6uirting mil! out constantly and unable to move8" "That does sound hot," 'annah giggled, "but $'d hope not." "9o," Penny said, already lost bac! in thought. 'annah was growing. 'urm. She said her goodbyes and hung up the phone, then punched in <aney's number. %nce she had her con irmation, she called up :aroline, too. Most curious, she thought to hersel while s6uirting some more mil! into the sin!. HHH The ne4t morning Penny was e4cused rom school again. The e4perts had all been lown in, and they were going to come over and e4amine Penny in her home. She sat on the couch, her breasts over lowing her lap and sitting hal way on the cushions beside her. By the time she was bac! in school on Friday, she would de initely be bigger than even >eronica Green. *ssuming they let her bac! in school, once she dropped the bomb.
$ntroductions were curt and precise. %ne doctor was amous or studying mutations and wor!ing closely with several $mmobiles including the amous 'arriet Fischer. 'er breasts were unusually small, barely bigger than hand uls in her B#cup bra. The other was, aw!wardly, a man, neat hair cut short and glasses hiding his eyes as he peered at Penny. Mrs. .ight reassured her that they were both big names in their ields, certi ied members o the 9$*, and Penny promptly orgot what those names even were. Tests were made, 6uestions were as!ed, more ;9* and this time blood samples were ta!en. Penny had almost here entire body po!ed and prodded, measured and pinched. .hen they were all done, the pair sat bac!, seemingly satis ied. "So," G#Mom as!ed. "So," the woman said, "the tests were correct." "*ll o them," Penny replied, momentarily sha!en. "Ceally, 'ow do you !now," The man stepped orward. "* number o things, but the easiest ones or you to recogni&e are all here. First, the lactation, which you yoursel e4perienced a ew hours ago. Then there is the matter o a very irm but slight growth here," and he prodded her belly," along with the very mutation#es6ue at growths along your rear and hipline. :ombine that with the slight labbiness along your waist here," po!e," which is also ree o cellulite and other non#mutation noti iers, and the layer o muscle in your arms and 6uite prominently appearing on your bac!," where he loo!ed several times thoroughly over his spectacles, "and, well, that's all o them. Plus the usual ;9* tags, hormone levels, and the rest." ".ow," Penny said, ta!en abac!. "$ndeed." Mrs. Parson clasped her hands. "So what now," The agents loo!ed at each other be ore the woman spo!e up. ".ell, normally studying o mutations doesn't happen until adulthood, and is entirely voluntary, anyway. 7ou'll receive the usual compensation in the mail, as well as a mutation $; card and such. 7ou'll 6uali y or a lot o scholarships, i you want to go to college8" "That's great," Penny said a ter pulling her top bac! on, "but there's something else you should !now." *ll ten eyes in the room trained on her, ma!ing her almost wish she hadn't spo!en up. "$ thin!... $ thin! $'m ma!ing other girls grow, too." Mrs. .ight gave Penny a unny loo! be ore a giggle escaped rom her lips, and soon there were chuc!les all around. Penny blushed a deep red, but the man gave her another piercing loo!. "'ow so," Penny gulped. ".ell, my best riend, she's a preggo+" "Matron, dear," Mrs. .ight plugged. "Cight, Matron. *nd she stopped growing years ago. But )ust a ew wee!s ago, right when $ started getting my breasts in, she started getting bigger, too, and had to start mil!ing even more." "$nteresting, but almost purely coincidental," he responded.
"Cight, but my eeder riend, <aney, she started getting atter, too. She passed the <arge re6uirements even though she's been sitting )ust under them or years." She had his attention, now. "*nd my pear riend, :aroline. -ven she's been growing, and we're not even that good o riends. She was the most recent to get her mutation, but she had de initely stopped be ore this school year, and now has put on so many inches that even $ noticed." "That is de initely something interesting," the man said, giving a meaning ul loo! at his colleague. She had inished pac!ing, and now everyone in the room was once more staring at Penny. ".e may have to chec! bac! with you in a while. *nd your riends+" "+will stay unbothered," the woman inished. "$t might mean nothing. $t's not li!e it's a second B#;ay or anything." "Cight," he said, doing nothing to calm Penny down. ";e initely not." They le t, and they le t Penny relieved that it was a dream. HHH Thursday night Penny was once more tossing and turning in her sleep, each maneuver causing her bed to sha!e and 6ua!e as her breasts realigned themselves, when her cell phone chirped. $t was @ason, as!ing i she wanted to tal!. "$t's !ind o late, @ason," she te4ted bac!. ".hat do you want to tal! about," ".ho else," he responded, and she couldn't really deny him that. $mmediately a ter her response there was a clun! at her window and it opened up, the cold night air causing her nipples, now both the si&e o small ists, to harden immediately beneath her PPPP< t#shirt. "@ason," she called out so tly, drawing her !nees up between her breasts. ".ho else," he as!ed again as he came in the window and shut it. .ithin a hal #hour she had relayed everything that had happened that day, including the oreboding denials o the scientists. "So is it a global event or something," he as!ed, but Penny shoo! her head. "They seemed pretty surprised at it. $t's )ust something happening here... and it might be coming rom me." 'e raised an eyebrow. "* little sel #centered, are we," Penny hit him with a pillow. "*s i 8 $t's )ust weird that all o them are my riends. 'ec!, $ don't thin! :aroline even tal!s to the other two. But they're also the only mutations $ have regular contact with."
".eird," @ason said. But it was clear he had other things on his mind. "So any mention o how big you're going to get," ".hat's this," Penny as!ed, eigning astonishment. "This coming rom the boy who claimed $ was beauti ul be ore this all started," "%h, but you were beauti ul," he said, a ecting a a!e $talian accent. "*nd now there is so much more beauty to behold, $ only wish that there may be even more." 'is hands were massaging the warm, pliable lesh o her breasts, and Penny's eyes were rolling bac! into her head. "*nd $ thin! you do, too," he whispered, inishing with a !iss on the lips. "$ do," Penny gasped, her t#shirt getting pain ully tight. "Then let's hope you get really big." *nd then his )eans were o , and somehow her panties, and her huge, swollen breasts were bare between them, laying on the bed, and a condom was on his dic!, and then they were reliving the night they had lost each others' virginities. 'is penis had seemed so big then, so erect, even though it was, li!e @ason, smaller than average. But now, compared to her huge, rec!led bust, it seemed tiny. $nsigni icant. -specially since she was so horny, and they had swollen so big+ "%h god," she moaned. "%h god $ igured it out." -ven while he was inside her. "Figured what out," he as!ed, not stopping his motion. "This isn't a dream. My god $'m not dreaming." ;espite the situation, he still gave a patented @ason smir!. ".hat clued you in," "My... my heat cups. $ didn't have them in my dreams. But now $ reali&e how completely absurd they ma!e this entire+ entire+ entire thing+" The combination o sensations, o @ason's hands !neading her breasts while he leaned in and !issed her, o her own hands wor!ing her over#sensitive nipples, o his pric! inside her, massaging her where even she rarely dared to tread, all combined with the new ound !nowledge that this was not a dream, not even her wildest one, sent Penny over the edge or the irst time. HHH @ason was gone by the ne4t morning, and Penny too! a long time loo!ing hersel over in the mirror be ore dressing in her G'#cup brassiere, and then the rest o her clothes. $t was ama&ing how all o the rest o her was now ta!ing a bac!seat to her tits and how she managed them. .ho could blame her, though, They hung enormous rom her chest, down to her hips unsupported, bigger than >eronica Green's ever would be by now. -ach individual one could be a medium#si&ed beanbag chair, i you didn't mind a girl screaming in orgasm when you sat down, and that's both )ust a ter a mil!ing and when she wasn't in her heat. Spea!ing o mil!ing, she wondered i @ason had been too tired the night be ore to remember the thin stream o mil! she had slipped into his mouth. $t was impossible to say, really. She didn't want him to be insulted. $t was her gi t to him, or being such a good riend.
* ter her breasts, her hips were now de initely wider than normal or a girl her age. 9earing on 0D#inches, they were wide and chubby, her bottom nicely ormed and round behind, even i sprayed with rec!les. *nd the doctor had been right( a irm little pot belly was orming at her waist, ovular and irm, and was combined with a very so t padding all around her. 'er arms were the tiniest bit chubby as well, and her calves. $t wasn't much, but it was curving her out. $t was also hiding the thin layer o muscle that seemed obvious to her when she loo!ed at her bac! and le4ed. %bvious, but subtle. @ust enough to help !eep her upright without a bra. Smiling and humming, Penny inished dressing. * big, lowy blouse. Some orm# itting )eans. Two#inch heels. .hy not, This wasn't a dream. True to her word, 'annah was not driving to pic! Penny up that morning. She was delegated to the bac!seat, where her belly now pressed all the way into the driver's seat and then some, pushing her huge, already#lea!ing !noc!ers into her ace. @ason was instead driving, and, to Penny's surprise, they were also )oined by ?eith .histler, who was sitting ne4t to 'annah, although you'd thin! they were attached at the chest. Penny pushed the passenger's seat as ar bac! as possible, apologi&ing or !noc!ing the captain o the ootball team's !nees, and s6uee&ed in ne4t to @ason. 'er breast managed to press up against the gear shi ter. "Sorry," she blushed, but @ason )ust laughed, copped a mighty eel, and drove them to school. Penny wal!ed through the halls, holding her laming head unusually high, and watched the reactions o those around her. She was so much bigger than she had been on Monday, and even then it had only been a brie appearance, that she was the tal! around school. "Bigger than >eronica Green," the whispers said. The school didn't have any !ind o breast# ocused monarchy, but i there had been a 6ueen o the school, >eronica would have been it. *nd now Penny was bigger. Penny, with her breasts bouncing o o her hips and thighs with every step, her lesh )iggling very, very slightly across her entire body, her bac! strong and !eeping her up, her bottom swaying. $t was Penny. %n the way to her irst period, a ter her now routinely aw!ward maneuvers at the loc!er, she passed :aroline in the hall. :aroline, whose hips now stuc! out a oot to either side i they stuc! out an inch, whose ass ormed a solid and sil!y shel behind her, and was grinning rom ear to ear almost constantly. Shortly behind her was <aney and ?rista, their arms intertwined, <aney now clearly much bigger than her girl riend, although both o them were over 0DD pounds, their so t bellies and breasts overlaying on top o each other, nearly bursting out o their clothes. *nd there, standing in the way between Penny and her irst period, was >eronica Green. She was wearing a giant bul!y sweatshirt, at least ive si&es too large, with a big hood pulled up over her head, but that long blond hair and those massive tits were unmista!able, as well as the angry loo! that she shot at Penny )ust be ore smothering it with nonchalance. But Penny didn't miss it. "'i >eronica," she said sweetly. -ti6uette demanded that >eronica respond, and she didn't let Penny down. "'ello, Penny." She had stopped, and her head was held high, but there was something reserved in her. .as it the act that her chest, previously thought to be huge li!e a god's, were now dwar ed by Penny's,
"$t's been a ew wee!s since $'ve seen you," Penny said. She tried to ignore the act that the hall had allen deadly silent. >eronica made an act o remembering. "Cight, since the dance." ";id you have a good time there," "Good enough." 'er eyes were shi ting, loo!ing or a way out. Penny had an instant o sympathy, remembering what it had been li!e to be cornered by >eronica not one month ago. She stepped aside, and relie looded >eronica's ace. ".ell," Penny said, reaching out a hand to pat her rival on the shoulder, "have a nice wee!end." But >eronica saw her hand reaching out and terror was etched in her eyes. She twisted out o the way, suddenly shrie!ing, but the twist did the damage( the bul!y sweatshirt was revealed not to be ive si&es too large, but )ust barely containing the muscle#bound li ter that >eronica had recently grown to be. .ith that twist and )ust the wrong le4, the thic! material grew tight and then burst open all along the huge muscles o her arms, shoulders and bac!. *s the top ell away, the ull e4tent o the changes >eronica had been going through became clear not )ust to Penny, but to the entire school. 'er bulging, meaty biceps, laced with veins, were li!e lour bags, her swollen deltoids and trape&iuses shielding up around her nec!. 'er bac! was li!e a chiseled statue, lines and tendons all along it, only hidden by her e4tremely loose bra +loose only because her giant tits were being li ted up on their own, probably due to her hidden but undoubtedly godly#strong pecs. She was li!e corded muscle, an image o the per ect li ter with two enormous breasts, even or that breast#laden world. Penny suddenly lashed bac! to the night at the dance, where she had grabbed onto >eronica and elt those two huge boobs. "Girls $'ve been in contact with," she muttered. ";on't loo! at me8 ;on't loo!8" >eronica said. But everyone was already loo!ing. *nd, to >eronica's surprise, they didn't care too much at all. HHH *s ar as Penny was concerned, >eronica was the last proo she needed to convince hersel that, somehow, girls she came in contact with had their mutations unloc!ed. 9ot to unlimited growth, as time would tell, but rather to some sort o second stage o their mutation. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Sometimes very gradual, ta!ing months and months to reali&e any change, and sometimes, as >eronica ound, very sudden. % the last month o her )unior year, Penny managed to spent two wee!s at her school be ore being deemed too large to it in the doors. $n those two wee!s, she managed to come into contact with KJ girls with mutations who were willing to get a little bit "more". *ll KJ showed some sort o reaction, with time, thus cementing proo . The later scientists who wor!ed with Penny agreed that her e4perimentation was dangerous, but ultimately harmless( none o the girls were unhappy with their lot. But on that Friday, on the Friday >eronica Green's new body was e4posed to the world, @ason too! Penny home again, where his ather made them a delicious dinner that Penny ate almost all o , be ore driving them out to the beach where they had the most delicious se4 Penny could imagine. @ason win!ed at her as he pulled out a slightly larger si&ed condom than the last time, and she tried to chase the image o a ?eith
.histler with a coc! so big he could hardly move around rom her mind, but even her dreams were sometimes hard to orget. Still, that night @ason did drin! such an aw ul lot o mil! out o her heaving breasts, breasts which nearly were pinning her to their blan!et. $n her orgasmic state, it was di icult to say )ust how much. So Penny continued to grow. She didn't get much atter 2although maybe enough to be pleasantly plump3, she didn't get much more muscular 2although even she was surprised at how long she was able to !eep wal!ing be ore giving into a wheelchair3, her butt didn't get too impossibly big 2although maybe JD inches )ust seemed small to her3, and she still wouldn't loo! pregnant to the casual viewer 2although maybe that was because getting a pee! at her stomach was nigh impossible3. But her breasts didn't give up. Maybe it was the combined power o the our mutations, or maybe Penny )ust had some loc!ed#away gene somewhere, but by summer she was classi ied as $mmobile and moved to a specialty school to inish up her education with tutors and government#regulated diet and e4ercise. 'er mother and grandmother visited Mondays and .ednesdays. @ason visited on the wee!ends, and they uc!ed li!e rabbits, although it became increasingly di icult or a number o reasons. The oremost was his own schooling, as he studied to get into the best colleges, but it also turned out that even the most mutated o vaginas can only contain so much coc!. @ason was able to it a surprising si4teen inches and some change into Penny's overta4ed and stretched hole, but that was the ma4imum, and so she stopped eeding him, no matter how good it elt or both o them. Besides, he reasoned as he stro!ed her messy, bushy hair one night, it was getting way too di icult to drin! )ust a little bit without bathing in it. Pants were getting e4pensive, too. But Penny still grew. * ew cup si&es a day, at her pea!, but those seemed li!e miniscule amounts by then. She did yoga and Pilates and aerobics, and her breasts were given huge massages to avoid bedsores. She was moved to di erent rooms as she grew bigger... and bigger... Finally, two years a ter it had all started, two long years o growth and unbelievable se4, Penny Parson wo!e up. HHH 'er alarm was playing some song by :a!e. ".hat time is it," she moaned. ".e have two hours," @ason said, leaning over and !issing her. "$ love you." "$ love you too," she smiled. .ho cared i she was shorter than her, 'e was big where it counted. $n his heart, and in his pants. .ell, i he could even get into his pants( trying to stu a dic! o that si&e into tight and e4pensive slac!s was a di icult tas!, especially a semi#erect one. Penny loved to watch him try to handle his huge coc!, marveling at the way that @ason's hands couldn't even reach hal way around the meaty, vein#covered member, salivating at the )uicy, smooth ostrich eggs that he li!ed to call balls that were always banging and )iggling down there. -ventually he wrestled it down into his underwear and under his pants, be ore &ipping himsel up. *nd, )ust li!e that, he was gone. Penny orced hersel up and began eeling around or her dress. -verything o importance in her new li e had to be within arm's#reach, or she would need pro essional help to get it on. Spea!ing o which... She pressed a bu&&er, and within three minutes an army o helpers came streaming in. They began un olding something massive, )ust outside o Penny's vision, and laying it out all around her. %r she assumed they were, rom what she could see.
'er two breasts, her two enormous, gigantic, monstrous, warehouse# illing, totally#real breasts !ind o bloc!ed her view. They towered up and over her, a canyon o cleavage tall enough to hide a semi truc! with in, and came to rest somewhere on the other side o the temporary housing the government had her in. She had needed to come here or the wedding, and so the government had provided. The government almost didn't turn down Penny Parson. .ith a rallying cry and a count o three, her breasts were li ted up by an army o hands. She came, )ust a little, rom the sensation, all while the top o her dress was slipped and slided underneath her behemoths. *t last she was laid down, and she elt her morning mil!ing welling up in her breasts rom the e4change. * ootball ield away 2or at least it seemed li!e it= she probably ell a ew do&en yards short3, one enormous droplet was orming at the tips o each o her nipples, and soon a hot#tub's worth o mil! would drip rom her truc!#si&ed mil!#dispensers. That would be all the mil! or at least eight hours, than! god. *bove her, the straps o her dress lipped down the mountainside o her breasts, the snaps alling within easy reach. She reached up, eeling the power ul muscles hidden within her so t arms contract, then pulled the straps down tightly to snap into her dress bottom. * ter stepping into some white heels and brushing her hair, then applying a bit o ma!eup, she was ready. "Than!s, everyone8" *n hour later they were loading her into a very, very wide trailer, and stopping access along certain roads, all so she could get to the ield where the wedding was ta!ing place. There she would be accompanied by her army o helpers, all o them armed with sil!en straps, so that she could wal! down the aisle. "$ don't see what the big deal is+" she had protested at this plan when it was irst brought up. "$t needs to be P-CF-:T," 'annah had shouted her down, tits heaving in ront o her ace, stomach rippling and bobbing. .ho was Penny to argue with that, *nd so, with wedding bells ringing, Penny wal!ed down the our#lane#wide aisle, blushing and trying not to stumble, while @ason held her arm. 'er mom and G#Mom were on the right, a bunch o people she didn't !now on the le t. 'er breasts, at some point, must have reached the altar, because they started turning, and Penny did her best to !eep up. @ason gave her arm a s6uee&e, she got one more glimpse o the monster in his trousers, and then he was out o sight while she slowly wal!ed orward, doing her best not to run into the sloped wall o hot, sensitive s!in in ront o her. .hen inally they turned completely around, she was at the altar. She too! a ew more steps to the le t... They set her down with a .'5MP that !ic!ed up more than a air bit o dust, but Penny at last could see the entire crowd, and she loo!ed through them as the other bridesmaids and groomsmen came in. She was the Maid o 'onor, but she agreed that it made the most sense to have her on the outside. First :aroline came, her buttoc!s nearly dragging on the red carpet as she he ted hersel over to stand ne4t to Penny. :aroline claimed that they stopped measuring "around" once you pass EDD inches and )ust start measuring width and depth. -ven i it weren't true, :aroline li!ed to tal! about being eight eet wide and our eet deep, and Penny was apt to believe her. The pear and 'annah had grown very close in college, Penny understood, and now that she !new that they weren't mortal enemies, she had developed a so t spot or her. 9e4t were <aney and ?rista, a pair as always. <aney had ar surpassed ?rista with her continued growth, now at enough that each step was a stagger that seemed to sha!e the ground. *t last report to Penny, she
was nearing her ADDDth pound, ar more than doubling her girl riend's 0KD. *nd why would <aney lie about something that made her so happy, -ven in her loose dress, it was easy to see that her belly was nearly brushing the ground in ront o her, that her butt, while not as ormed as :aroline's, was still bouncing rom her step ten paces ago, and that her breasts were big enough to need an e4tra#strength bra. Panting and smiling at Penny through her labby, round ace, <aney )oined them, with ?rista )oining the groomsmen side in her very loose blac! pantsuit. *nd inally, with an are and a standing audience, the bride came down the aisle. 'annah was dressed in a gorgeous white gown, one per ectly it to her shapely, swollen breasts and giant, round stomach. $t was almost miraculous how every curve o her belly was visible, and yet the wedding dress was loose enough to drag on the ground. % course, maybe it was the hidden device underneath her belly, pretty much a ancy s!ateboard strapped to her, that let 'annah move so reely down the aisle. ".hen you have the e6uivalent o a Smart :ar or a stomach," 'annah has said glee ully, "why not ma!e it smarter," Penny was more apt to say that her stomach was bigger than a Smart :ar, more li!e the si&e o a Mini, but why argue with a bride on her wedding day, .hen she was inally down the aisle, she gave an unscripted s6ueal o e4citement that sent the crowd chuc!ling while ?eith's grin grew bigger. $t was clear that he and 'annah were a little less restrained when it came to sharing preggo mil! than Penny and @ason( rather than slac!s, he was clad in a ormal !ilt, one that almost reached the ground, in order to hide his e4tremely oversi&ed and constantly swollen coc!. 'annah had shared with Penny in not#so#secret that he had a hard time moving around i it wasn't bound up in some e4tra#strong underwear, as it could trail two or three yards long, even when he was so t, and a couple eet thic!. She li!ed to use it as a pillow, 'annah had admitted, giggling. *s 'annah and ?eith said their vows, Penny reali&ed that she had missed someone important in the crowd. Penny would normally say that she was impossible to miss, but with the still#growing women o the world getting even bigger than!s to Penny's in luence, charities, lectures, and ;9* samples, women o her si&e were becoming slightly more common. But >eronica Green should have still been easy to spot, in the bac! row or not= her muscles, o epic proportions, made her pop up a ew more eet than anyone else. %ut o all o her contacts in that initial barrage o "Penny % erings," >eronica seemed to have changed the most. Starting as a stic!#thin girl and growing into a monstrous li ter, she had ended up the closest to any o the dreams Penny had been plagued with that spring in )unior year. 'er arms were as wide around as some couches. 'er chest was now so pumped up that even her prodigious breasts were stretching a little thing on top o it. 'er bac! and shoulders were raised up li!e sandbags around her nec!. >eronica Green was wearing possibly the loosest dress at the wedding, but even that didn't prevent her enormous, li ter mutation muscles rom pulling it tight. Penny loo!ed at every one o her riends 2or at least riendly ac6uaintances3 at the wedding. She loo!ed them over very hard. The li ter, with muscles so great and yet so addicting. The pear, with an impossible hipline and always a com ortable seat. The eeders, with so much so t lesh to caress and ondle. *nd the matron, with round ertile belly and li e#2and orgasm#3giving mil!. *ll o them were so un to be, so awesome to be a part o , to grow as. Penny could still remember how vivid her dreams were. She loved them so much that she still loved having groups o adolescent girls visit her, touch her, and start e4periencing their own changes. Sometimes she wondered i any o it had actually happened. Maybe, somewhere else in the multiverse, an identical Penny Parson was still so impossibly muscular that she couldn't even bend her arms, but instead used her time to counsel !ids on proper itness, and in the evenings le4 )ust to bring hersel to orgasm. %r
there was a pear Penny out there, one that travelled the world by an e4tra#large train car, her butt chee!s hidden in a s!irt that was made rom a amily#reunion#si&ed tent, while wor!ing on a great *merican novel. The preggo Penny would spend her days sunning hersel outside, her belly resting in a swimming pool and nearly displacing all o the water while warm mil! tric!led down on top o it, sometimes to be bottled up and o ered to rich business men who insisted on only the best penis enlargers. Finally, the eeder Penny probably did what the real Penny did( chatted with amous $mmobiles, wrote, read everything she possibly could, en)oyed her alone time, and didn't care about not moving too much. *ll o those Pennies, though, were missing three main things. %ne was that strange part o her that she li!ed to thin! had caused the dreams to happen, the one that prepared her or a li e o teaching other girls how to handle their newly increasing mutations, and had let her riends live out the dreams they didn't even !now they had= that pheromone or chemical or 6uir! o ;9* that had spar!ed what Time Maga&ine called a new era or mutations everywhere. The second thing was staring right at her rom across the alter, a horny loo! gleaming in his eyes as something sti and obscene ormed in his pants. @ason had been annoying, a side character at best throughout those tumultuous wee!s, but a constant orce that she had brushed aside or better antasies. She wouldn't trade the world or him, or his lovely, ama&ingly ripe and ready coc!. * coc! she gave him. *nd the third was a heat that she elt rising inside her chest, a tic!ling, pric!ly eeling that 6uic!ly spread out. 5p her tits, then over them, around them, all through all o her acres o lesh and breast tissue, inally reaching the tips o her mountains, two so t !iddy#pool wide nipples that were sti ening into pylons more than two meters long. Some people in the crowd were staring, but Penny didn't care. She was already in a pleasure eedbac! loop, started at )ust the hint o @ason uc!ing her hard a ter the reception. The dress, composed o hundreds o s6uare yards o abric, was getting tighter and tighter, stretching more and more as Penny started approaching her ully#turned#on state. She only grew a relatively small si&e in her heat# cups, but when two do&en cup#si&es is barely a splash in the pond, gaining several hundred can be shoc!ing. *nd shoc!ing it was( a pure electric current o orgasmic orce shoo! through Penny as she grew bigger, her panties soa!ed and dripping. 'er breasts smashed together in ront o her, then spread out to the sides, eating up eet o cold grass in seconds. 'er ace lushed, her chest heaving, Penny ell orward into the giving lesh, arms outstretched and bottom bouncing. She gasped in orgasm, )ust as the crowd gasped in mi4ed horror and wonder. "Penny8" 'annah shouted, but it was mostly with amusement. Penny didn't care. She wasn't living in a dream#land, that was or sure( things were still embarrassing, she still had completely unmanageable hair, and her body was still mostly one gigantic rec!le. But she was happy to be her, to be Penny Parson. -very single morning when she wo!e up.