36th Conference on OUR WORLD IN CONCRETE & STRUCTURES: 14 - 16 August 2011, Singapore
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36 Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures Singapore, August 14-16, 2011
Abstract. Formwork is significantly important activity for concreting. Good quality of formwork can contribute a great to good quality of concrete. It not only holds the concrete during its wet stage but has many other important functions in this activity of concreting. Bad formwork has often yielded failures of minor as well as major magnitude. It is also fairly popular as shuttering. Its functional as well as financial share in the entire concreting activity cant be ignored. Many types of formwork exist across the globe. Many dimensions are attached to this activity. It is desired to touch upon some normal facts about formwork in this paper. An effort is made here to bring them before you in understandable manner. Let us begin this small trip of understanding about formwork which is like a preparation for big journey to concreting. Lot of people tend to think that formwork is a semi skilled occupation. To be fair there are a lot of guys who start off as labourers and finish up as formwork carpenters without any formal training. It is a fair bit of hard manual labour involved, but it is a very tricky job and it takes just as much know how to do it properly as any other jobs in the building trade. The best form carpenters are ones who plan to strip before they plan to build.
1.0. WHAT IS FORMWORK: As a definition, Formwork is an ancillary construction, used as a mould for a structure. Into this mould, fresh concrete is placed only to harden subsequently. Shutters or forms are the terms used for made up sections that actually touch the concrete. The surface finish of the form is reflected on the surface of the finished concrete. Good formwork should satisfy the following requirements: 1. It should be strong enough to withstand all types of dead and live loads. 2. It should be rigidly constructed and efficiently propped and braced both horizontally and vertically, so as to retain its shape. 3. The joints in the formwork should be water-tight against leakage of cement grout.
Chirag K. Baxi 4. Erection of formwork should permit removal of various parts in desired sequences without damage to the concrete. 5. The material of the formwork should be cheap, easily available and should be suitable for reuse. 6. The formwork should be set accurately to the desired line and levels. It should have plane surface. 7. It should be as light as possible. 8. The material of the formwork should not warp or get distorted when exposed to the elements. 9. It should rest on firm base. 2.0. MATERIALS FOR FORMWORK. Formwork can be made out of timber, plywood, steel, precast concrete or fibre glass used separately or in combination. Steel forms are used in situation where large numbers of re-use of the same forms are anticipated. For small works, timber formwork proves useful. Fibre glass made of precast concrete and aluminum are used in cast-in-situ construction such as slabs or members involving curved surfaces. (A) Timber Formwork: Timber for formwork should satisfy the following requirement: It should be 1. well seasoned 2. light in weight 3. easily workable with nails without splitting 4. free from loose knots Timber used for shuttering for exposed concrete work should have smooth and even surface on all faces which come in contact with concrete. Normal sizes of members for timber formwork: Sheeting for slabs, beam, column side and beam bottom Joints, ledges Posts 25 mm to 40mm thick 50 x 70 mm to 50 x 150 mm 75 x 100mm to 100 x 100 mm
Wooden formwork a pictorial view (B) Plywood Formwork Resin bonded plywood sheets are attached to timber frames to make up panels of required sizes. The cost of plywood formwork compares favorably with that of timber shuttering and it may even prove cheaper in certain cases in view of the following considerations:
Chirag K. Baxi 1. It is possible to have smooth finish where cost in surface finishing is involved. 2. By use of large size panels it is possible to effect saving in the labour cost of fixing and removal. 3. Number of reuses is more as compared with timber shuttering. For estimation purpose, number of reuses can be taken as 20 to 25. 4. If you have holes in your ply, plug them up, or else accept ugly lumps and loss of fines on your finished concrete surface. 5. Apart from the nails fixing ply to make up forms, the rest of the nails on a formwork job are never driven home fully. They are left, or bent over so that they can be pulled out easily with a claw hammer or pinch bar when it comes time to strip the forms. (C) Steel Formwork This consists of panels fabricated out of thin steel plates stiffened along the edges by small steel angles. The panel units can be held together through the use of suitable clamps or bolts and nuts. The panels can be fabricated in large number in any desired modular shape or size. Steel forms are largely used in large projects or in situation where large number reuses of the shuttering is possible. This type of shuttering is considered most suitable for circular or curved structures. If the form is rusty, you might get rust on the surface of your concrete. Steel forms compared with timber formwork: 1. Steel forms are stronger, durable and have longer life than timber formwork and their reuses are more in number. 2. Steel forms can be installed and dismantled with better ease and speed as compared to timber formwork. 3. Steel formwork does not absorb moisture from concrete. 4. Steel formwork does not shrink or warp.
Steel Formwork a pictorial view (D) Plastic Formwork Re-usable plastic formwork: These interlocking and modular systems are used to build widely variable, but relatively simple, concrete structures. The panels are lightweight and very robust. They are especially suited for low-cost, mass housing schemes. (i) Permanent Insulated Formwork: This formwork is assembled on site, usually out of insulating concrete forms (ICF). The formwork stays in place after the concrete has cured, and provides advantages in terms of speed, strength, superior thermal and acoustic insulation, space to run utilities within the EPS layer, and integrated furring strip for cladding finishes. (ii) Stay-In-Place structural formwork systems: This formwork is assembled on site, usually out of prefabricated fiber-reinforced plastic forms. These are in the shape of hollow tubes, and are usually used for columns and piers. The formwork stays in place after the concrete has cured and
Chirag K. Baxi acts as axial and shear reinforcement, as well as serving to confine the concrete and prevent against environmental effects, such as corrosion and freeze-thaw cycles. (E) Corrugated & Flat Permanent Formwork Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete (GRC) has been extensively used as permanent formwork for the past twenty years, corrugated or flat to suit all supporting beam design. The extent of its success and its practical application can be illustrated by the fact that more than 45 000 square metres were used on various bridge and tunnel works. GRC permanent soffit formwork, produced specifically to suit all forms of structures, provides both a practical and economical way of supporting freshly poured in-situ concrete in composite bridge decks. Dependent upon the depth of the concrete deck formwork, spans up to 1200mm do not require temporary support. However, in the case of steel beam designs requiring greater spans, a specialized system for supporting the GRC formwork can be used. In either event, GRC panels - whether flat or corrugated - are designed to meet the stringent conditions laid down in codes. Formwork manufactured from GRC is capable of supporting various slab thicknesses over a variety of spans between main bridge beams. In addition, it's characteristics allow it to behave as a composite part of the in-situ concrete under normal in-service dynamic loading. Available in thin panels, in either flat sheet or corrugated form, GRC formwork remains in contact with and becomes bonded to the in-situ concrete over the full surface area of the panel. Available in a standard range of panel sizes or produced specifically to suit individual projects, GRC formwork is delivered to site ready to use. Features GRC formwork has excellent performance characteristics and its inherent material properties provide the specifier and contractor with a permanent surface skin to the bridge deck concrete which: has a thin cross section, yet provides durability and steel protection equal to much thicker concrete cover has a high resistance to fire and will not emit toxic fumes eliminates spalling of exposed faces provides flexibility for pouring sequences and concreting schedules, which can reduce construction time enables the final appearance of the deck structure to be assessed on-site before concrete is poured 3.0. TYPES OF FORMWORK 3.1. Foundation Formwork Foundation formworks can be designed in various ways. Basically there is a difference between formwork for individual foundations, normally designed as socket foundations, and formwork for strip foundations. The type of design is dictated by the size, mainly by the height of the foundation formwork. The formwork for individual foundations is similar to column formwork and the formwork for strip foundations is similar to the formwork. Normally sheeting panels with formwork bearers in the form of wall clamps are used for foundation formwork. Individual foundations are also secured by means of wall clamps but of rim type. Bracing is by squared and round timbers as well as boards diagonally arranged. Tie wires as well as metal screws are used as formwork ties. 3.2. Wall Formwork Wall formwork consists of vertically arranged upright timbers (formwork bearers) to which sheeting boards are nailed at the concrete side. The upright timbers are diagonally braced by means of boards at both sides. On cleats situated at every third upright timber, there are horizontally arranged wall clamps. The opposite wall clamps are tied at specified distances. Prefabricated sheeting panels may also be used instead of sheeting boards. Cleaning holes are to be provided at the foot of the formwork. 3.3. Ceiling Formwork Ceiling formwork is the type of formwork mostly found in structures/buildings. The formwork sheeting may consist of sheeting boards or prefabricated sheeting panels. The formwork sheeting may consist of sheeting boards or prefabricated sheeting panels. The formwork sheeting lies on squared timber formwork bearers which are arranged on main bearers carrying off the forces to round
Chirag K. Baxi timber columns. With smaller rooms, the main bearer together with two columns, form a trestle. Diagonal board bracings are provided to take up horizontally acting forces. The round timber columns are placed on double wedges which serve as stripping aid and correction device. 3.4. Beam Formwork Beam formwork has prefabricated formwork sheeting parts (sheeting bottom and side sheeting panels). Such individual parts are manufactured based on the beam dimensions specified in the project. For prefabrication of the formwork sheeting parts, a special preparation table must be manufactured on site. The sheeting bottom and the side panels consist of sheeting boards nailed together by means of cover straps. Depending on the size of beam, the width of sheeting bottom is dimensioned so as to accept, at both sides of the width of the reinforced concrete column, the thickness of the sheeting and cover straps and the width of a thrust-board (approximately 100 mm). The sheeting bottom can be placed on a pedestal support (a trestle formed by a wall clamps connected with two columns by means of cleats) or on a round timber column also supporting a wall clamps with cleat connection. In the latter case, the round timber column is located under the centre of the beam. By diagonal board bracing the round timber column and the wall clamps above it, a composite triangle is formed. The side sheeting is erected on the sheeting bottom and held by a thrust-board. At the upper edge of the side sheeting a wall clamps is mounted at both sides holding together the formwork by wire or spindle ties. A stull-batten is to be nailed on the formwork immediately above the ties to ensure that the projected beam width is kept when tying the formwork. The wall clamps and the columns are additionally braced by diagonal boards. 3.5. Column Formwork Similar to beam formworks, the sheeting of column formworks are prefabricated according to the column dimensions from sheeting boards connected by cover straps. The sheeting panels are placed in a foot rim which is anchored in the soil by steel bolts. The foot rim consists of double-nailed boards. The foot rim must be exactly measured-in because it is decisive for the exact location of the column. It has the same functions as the thrust-board for foundation or beam formwork. When the sheeting panels have been inserted in the foot rim, vertical arch timbers are placed to take up the forces from the cover straps of the formwork sheeting. Around the arch timbers, which have the function of walers, column clamps of flat steel are clamped with wedges or a rim of boards is arranged similar to the foot rim. Additional formwork tieing by tie wires or steel screws is not necessary. The distances of the clamps are specified in the formwork project. Normally they are approximately 700 mm. The column in the formwork is laterally tied by diagonal board braces.
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A lateral cleaning hole is to be provided at the foot of the formwork for removal of any impurities in the form-work before the concrete is placed. If a steel reinforcement is to be erected in the column formwork, two sides of the column only are to be provided with formwork first to permit easy erection of the reinforcement. After erection of the reinforcement, the remaining two sides of the column formwork can be mounted. The two sides mounted first are to be arranged cornerwise to ensure provisional stability.
Wet concrete delivers hydrostatic pressure. Simply put, when concrete is wet, or as the engineer's say in a fluid state, it acts like any other liquid in spite of all the extra stuff in it. So that the deeper the concrete pour, the greater the pressure at the bottom of the forms. Forms which are holding the edge of a 100mm thick pavement slab have hardly any sideways protection for them. If that same slab was 1M thick it would be a different story. So particular attention is to be paid to holding the bottom of the formwork. As a general rule, if the bottom holds, so will the rest. Blowouts invariably happen at the bottom of a deep pour. The picture on top shows a column form that will be poured about 3m deep. Notice that the column clamps are close spaced at the bottom and wider at the top. Also because the column is wide, precaution is taken of putting in through bolts to stop the bottom column clamps bending. A collapse could bring down a few tones of material with disastrous results. Nail everything. Don't just wedge it in tight and say it's OK. When the concrete is being poured there is a heck of a lot of vibration going on and things that are not fixed in position can and do shake loose. Say you get a large load of concrete dropped on a suspended slab. The formwork in the immediate area bows downwards and the bit in the next section can lift up a touch. If the props are not fixed at the top or otherwise braced, they can fall out and leave a section of the slab unsupported. For this reason the formwork must be closely watched during the pour to check props, braces etc. Just to catch any possible movement before it gets too bad. It is good to have someone not physically involved in the concreting work, just watching out for the odd little things that happen. It is always good practice to have a removable panel in lowest part of the formwork. This is to facilitate the removal of rubbish. This panel gets lifted out just before the pour and the formwork can be blown out, shifting all the bits of sawdust, nails and tie wire without any trouble. Don't forget to
Chirag K. Baxi replace the panel before pouring. Keep the formwork neat and with tight joints. Gaps as small as 3mm will let out the fines and cement juice leaving ugly and weak patches in the concrete finish. When formwork under the pressure of wet concrete moves, it is most times impossible to push it back. An extra small timber brace might stop the form from moving in the first place, but once the form has pushed out of line, no amount of pushing with steel props will get it back which is usually not possible because of steel. So, make sure it doesn't move in the first place. Make it stronger than you need. As soon as the formwork is stripped, clean It and oil the ply with proper recommended form oil. There are many different standards, or codes of practice governing the construction of concrete formwork. o o o o o Check out your local conditions, at the least think about the following points:The need for edge protection. Access, and platforms for workers. Protection from falling objects. Wind bracing for walls. The final bracing of walls, due to be poured, is (or should be) well inside the requirements for wind loadings, but think about keeping temporary braces on anything high enough to cause hurt to a worker if it falls down due to a gust of wind.
Don't cut timber to exact size unless it is necessary. Formwork by it's nature is temporary. The finished job is the concrete. That has to look straight and true. The look of the formwork is not critical. If you can let timbers lap, or fly over at the ends and not cut them to length, do it. Hence, don't cut timber unless it is necessary. You might need that extra length next time. 5.0. ORDER AND METHOD OF REMOVING FORMWORK: The sequence of orders and method of removal of formwork are as follows: 1. Shuttering forming the vertical faces of walls, beams and column sides should be removed first as they bear no load but only retain the concrete. 2. Shuttering forming soffit of slabs should be removed next. 3. Shuttering forming soffit of beams, girders or other heavily loaded shuttering should be removed in the end. Table: Period of removal of formwork S. No. Description of structural member 1 2 3 4 Walls, columns and vertical sides of beams Slabs (props left under) Beam soffits (props left under) Removal of props to slabs (a) For slabs spanning upto 4.5 m (b) For slabs spanning over 4.5 m Removal of props to beams and arches (a) Spanning upto 6 m (b) spanning over 6 m
6.0. THINK FORMWORK - REDUCE COSTS Every project has unique features, requirements and challenges. As the design of structural concrete projects becomes more and more complex, a simple method for reducing the cost of construction is frequently overlooked. The most common approach to reduce the cost of a structure was solely to search for ways to reduce the amount of permanent material - "lesser the better". However, this approach overlooks the most important component in concrete structure cost which is the concrete formwork. Concrete formwork consists not only of formwork materials, but also the cost of the labor required to use this material.
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Cost of concreting activity Concrete formwork cost is significant. The cost of formwork ranges from 40 to 60% of the cost of a concrete structure. The cost of concrete formwork and labor can exceed the combined total cost of concrete and reinforcement materials and labor. Formwork materials are only a small percentage of the total concrete formwork cost. The major cost is the formwork labor - the costs associated with the installation and removal of the formwork. Therefore, any effort to reduce the costs of a concrete structure must include the construction process. The concrete structural design engineer must be aware of the cost of construction and design the structure accordingly. A well designed structure utilizes optimum concrete formwork, which obtains fast paced construction while keeping costs at a minimum. A structure that is easy to build reduces the required labor and leads to potential cost savings. 6.1. Designing For Cost Savings Due to amount of concrete form-work required for the floor system, it is the potential source for cost saving. From a concrete formwork point of view, the most economical system is the flat slab or constant soffit. In this system, the formwork has limited interruptions, and is easily assembled and removed. Any drop below the soffit elevation, causes a break in the formwork operation. The formwork must stop at this point, possibly change direction and cut to fit. Any change in operation leads to a decrease in formwork productivity and an increase in cost. Deep beams also require additional beam side formwork not needed in the level soffit design. A variable height structure may require different vertical formwork in the floor support, and also different column and wall forms. An optimum design eliminates these vertical drops completely by increasing the reinforcement spearheads in the floor slab. If the drop-heads cant be avoided, size the vertical drop such that standard dimensions may be utilized. Drainage slopes also have different costs on concrete formwork. A drainage slope which is only on the top surface, maintains the constant soffit elevation is the most cost effective. The added concrete required for a top surface slope is far less costly than constructing a one way or two way sloped formwork system. If it is necessary to use a one way slope, also slope the beams to maintain a constant beam side dimension. A two way slope, where both the top and bottom of the slab slopes with valleys and ridges in two directions, has to be carefully reviewed for formwork costs. Columns are another area in the structural design where potential cost savings can be obtained by limiting the different size columns in the structure. Review the possibility of increasing the concrete strength and reinforcement instead of increasing the column size to carry the higher loads at the lower levels. Alternately, limit the reduction in size of the columns at the upper levels, even if additional concrete is required. This additional concrete is usually minor in cost as compared to changing the column formwork. By limiting the different column sizes in the structure, the same formwork may be used for every column and reduces the corresponding material cost. Column layout can also influence concrete formwork costs. Columns which are aligned as to provide an open area for gang formwork
Chirag K. Baxi systems is another way where the structural design can reduce construction costs. Even maintaining consistent column orientation to the building grid will reduce the formwork cost. 6.2. Minimal Considerations In order to obtain economy in concrete formwork, four basic considerations must be contemplated. The concrete formwork must be simple. This concept is based on the formwork being simple to erect, use, and dismantle. An overly complex formwork system leads to reduced production and higher costs. Use the simplest formwork that will do the job. The concrete formwork must be easy to handle. The concrete formwork must be of a size and weight that can be easily handled. If the formwork is to be man handled, a light weight, ergonomic system will lead to increased productivity and cost saving. Furthermore, if the formwork is to be crane handled, a structure designed for easy formwork movement reduces costs by increasing the reuse potential. The concrete formwork must be standardized. If the concrete formwork utilizes industry standard sizes, assembly costs are minimized. If custom or special sized formwork is avoided, material cost is held to a minimum. The concrete formwork must be reusable. If the design permits concrete formwork to be easily removed and repositioned, costs are again minimized. A designed structure that requires little formwork modification and limits potential formwork damage saves construction time and costs. Another option to provide an economical design is to base the design around a concrete formwork system. This method of design frequently is utilized in the design-build project delivery system. A working partnership with the owner, design engineer, and the contractor often leads to an optimum concrete structure design. The contractor is aware of potential cost savings which may be obtained through the various formwork systems in the market-place. A project designed to capture the increased productivity of various formwork systems leads to an economical structure. There are multiple ways to design a concrete structure. However, by selecting a design scheme which recognizes the potential cost savings from a productive formwork system, an economical project can be delivered to the owner. Specialized formwork systems, such as tunnel form where the concrete walls and floor are cast simultaneously or column mounted where all floor shoring is suspended from the columns, are prime examples where the concrete engineer designs the structure based on the formwork system going to be used in the construction. Ultimately the structural engineer must design the concrete structure to serve the required functions with a structural system that offers an economical cost while meeting all load requirements. Concrete formwork plays a major role in the cost considerations of the structure. A structural engineer who is aware of the cost of complexity and is aware of potential formwork costs has the advantage to pursue a structure that obtains the aesthetics, quality, and function at a reduced cost - a benefit to the owner, engineer and contractor.