Week 1
Week 1
Week 1
*hat is the definition of the word +oo, *hat do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential uestion, !ssess"ent Pro"#t $%: #dentify the multiple-meanings for the word +oo.
!cti&atin' (trate'):
*ntroduce the stor): Students will draw an d write a short story using the two definitions of the word +oo. Students will get into groups and share their stories.
1eachin' (trate'ies:
4ow do writers support their opinions, *hat do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential uestion, !ssess"ent Pro"#t $%: #dentify reasons that will support an opinion about the 5uestion of whether or not to keep 4alitosis from the story Dog Breath by 6a0e .ilkey.
!cti&atin' (trate'):
*ntroduce the stor): Students will pre0iew the story Dog Breath by 6a0e .ilkey and use the prediction handout to predict what the conflict in the story might be see &ttachment &: 7ad 7reath 6ebate .reparation). $he teacher should walk around the room with the book and say to the students, 1Look at the co0er and think about the title to make your predictions.2 & student8s predictions could say, 1# think that 99999999999 because999999.2
1eachin' (trate'ies:
$hink-.air-Share, $hink &loud, ;odeling, 6ifferentiated <se of =raphic :rgani+ers, 6irectional >eighbors
4ow are reasons and e0idence identified and used to support claims that defend a position, *hat do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential uestion, !ssess"ent Pro"#t $%: Locate and identify position, claims, and 0erifiable reasons3e0idence that can be used to support the claims made. !ssess"ent Pro"#t $<: 4ow are reasons and e0idence identified and used to support claims that defend a position,
!cti&atin' (trate'):
#n groups, students will sort words into different categories B1organi+ed debate2 and 1unorgani+ed debate.2 See &ttachment !: *hat ;akes a =ood 6ebate, 6ebrief &cti0ating Strategy by asking students to summari+e the difference between a structured, organi+ed debate and an unorgani+ed free-for-all. 7ecause many students may not ha0e e0er seen a debate, the teacher may need to pro0ide some background knowledge e.g., presidential debates). !lternati&e E 4a0e students do a wordsplash for the word 1debate.2
1eachin' (trate'ies: $hink-.air-Share, $hink &loud, ;odeling, 6ifferentiated <se of =raphic :rgani+ers, 6irectional >eighbors
*ntroducin' 1er"s Position? 8lai"s? and /easons@E&idence: <se the following paragraphs see teacher note below) to complete this part of the lesson: a. Labradoodles make the best pets. @irst of all, they are the perfect si+eBnot too big but not some little 1poofy2 dog either. $hey are also 0ery lo0ing. ;y Labradoodle sleeps with me e0ery night, and # Aust lo0e cuddling up with him. .resident and ;rs. :bama were going to get a Labradoodle, but they got a .ortugese *ater 6og instead. Still, if it was good enough for the .resident to consider, it8s good enough for me. #n fact, # named my Labradoodle 17o2 after the .resident8s dog. b. Labradoodles do not make good pets. @irst of all, you can ne0er be sure of a Labradoodle8s temperament. This is because any time you cross two breeds, such as a .oodle and a Labrador, you cannot be 1GGH sure about the genetic mix. So, although most Labradors tend to be gentle, many .oodles are 1high-strung2 and the S.!& does not recommend them to families with young children. @urthermore, Labradoodles can de0elop lots of health problems. #n fact, 0eterinarians and breeders note that both .oodles and Labrador %etrie0ers ha0e a tendency to de0elop hip and eye problems. *ith today8s troubled economy, no one wants to spend all their money to treat a pet8s medical conditions, which can cost thousands of dollars. c. Labradoodles make the best pets. & Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador %etrie0er and a .oodleD that is why they are called a 1hybrid.2 $hey are good family dogs because they ha0e the peaceful disposition of a Labrador. #n fact, the S.!& recommends them for families with young children. $hey are also good for people who ha0e allergies to dog hair because like a .oodle, they don8t shed much. $hat means there are fewer allergens to bother people who ha0e allergic reactions to pet hair dander. >o wonder they ha0e become one of the most popular dogs o0er the past ten years. d. Labradoodles do not make good pets. @irst of all, they are big dogs so they eat a lot and need a lot of room to run. $hat can spell trouble for pet owners. @or example, my neighbor had a Labradoodle, and he was always running away. @inally, one day he escaped, and they found him later dead on the side of the road. 1eacher note: $eachers can replace abo0e paragraphs with topics appropriate for their students. $he idea is to stick with the topic of animals or to introduce the idea of animal rights.