The document is an admit card for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2013 that provides details for a candidate such as their roll number, examination center, and examination schedule. It also lists important instructions for candidates regarding bringing the admit card and a black ballpoint pen to the exam, entering the exam hall 20 minutes before the start time, and the consequences for violating exam rules.
The document is an admit card for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2013 that provides details for a candidate such as their roll number, examination center, and examination schedule. It also lists important instructions for candidates regarding bringing the admit card and a black ballpoint pen to the exam, entering the exam hall 20 minutes before the start time, and the consequences for violating exam rules.
The document is an admit card for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2013 that provides details for a candidate such as their roll number, examination center, and examination schedule. It also lists important instructions for candidates regarding bringing the admit card and a black ballpoint pen to the exam, entering the exam hall 20 minutes before the start time, and the consequences for violating exam rules.
The document is an admit card for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2013 that provides details for a candidate such as their roll number, examination center, and examination schedule. It also lists important instructions for candidates regarding bringing the admit card and a black ballpoint pen to the exam, entering the exam hall 20 minutes before the start time, and the consequences for violating exam rules.
e-ADMIT CARD You are admitted to the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination , 2013 Roll No:- Name:- Father's Name:- Mother's Name:- Centre:- VAISHNAVI M 302309 MURALIDHARAN R LATHA M Venue of Examination:-
Controller of Examination 8W H|4 8| W4|B, 0|H91 #|38, H|#H#| 1|s, B FH| - 110069 -9H 9 W94| 8H 8| ( 9|1R4 ) 91|H| , 1^11 4 HV 9H 4| B4| #1 B|R:- NB4R|4 :- 9| 4| B|R :- R|| 4| B|R :- 45 :- 91|H| 4| |1|& :- 1K R , 1^11 Date of Examination:- 26th May , 2013 91|H| 4| T|B / Please see instruction on page 2 91|H| B44 / 494| BH 9* 1 91 &1 MADURAI CSP/302309/11314975664/40/010/2252013 GOVERNMENT (GIRLS) HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, MAHABOOBPALAYAM, MADURAI- 625010 8R4 8|1H| :- Time Table :- Paper - II (Code : 02) 9tB 9 - 1 (4|s : ^1) Paper - I (Code : 01) 9tB 9 - 1 (4|s : 01) : ^k.1^ 4H 9|#B 8 11.1^ 4H 9|#B : 09.30 A.M. to 11.30 A.M. : ^1.1^ 4H N91|#B 8 ^8.1^ 4H N91|#B : 02.30 P.M. to 04.30 P.M. 3FR||1| 4| 8H|# | H|| # 4| 91|H| #|H R 4|H| 4|H 9| 9B H41 W4 1 CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO BRING BLACK BALL POINT PEN TO THE EXAMINATION HALL . Page 1 of 2 6. 91|H| W1R #|B 4 B0|1 8R4 8 20 RB 9 91|H| RB R 9H 41 1 Important Instructions 1. Check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancies, if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately. 2. Mention your Name, Roll Number,Registration ID and Name & Year of the Examination in all the correspondence with UPSC. 3. Bring this e-Admit Card in each session to secure admission to Examination Hall. 5. Candidates are advised to bring BLACK BALL POINT PEN to the Examination Hall. 4. You are responsible for safe custody of the e-Admit Card and in the event of any other person using this e-Admit Card , the onus lies on you to prove that you have not used the service of any impersonator. 6. Enter the Examination Hall 20 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the examination. 7. You will not be admitted to the examination if you report 10 minutes after the scheduled commencement of the examination . 8. If you appear at a centre / sub-centre other than the one indicated by the Commission in your e-Admit Card , your answer scripts will not be evaluated and your candidature is liable to be cancelled. 9. Read the "Special Instructions for candidates admitted to the examination " given in "Rules for the Examination" Published in the Employment News and "Poster" containing instructions displayed outside the Examination Hall. 10. Your candidature to the examination is provisional. 11. Mobile Phones,Calculators or any of the IT Gadgets are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any Infringements of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations. 12. There will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the objective type Question Papers. 1. -9H 9 4| 8|0|B| 94 H|V 41 | 8B4|, 4 4| #|, 1 8W H|4 8| W4|B 4 I4|B R H|V 1 2. 8W H|4 8| W4|B 4 8| N9B 89H 9 4#|1 R N9B| B|R, NB4R|4, 9H|41H 8C4| | 91|H| 4 B|R W1 4| 3FH& 411 3. 91|H| #|H R 9H 41B 4 HV 8 -9H 9 4| 944 8 R 8| H|V 1 4. -9H 9 4| 81H| 4| HFR|1| W94| # W1 4 4| N4 44 8 -9H 9 4| TR|H 41| # 4 4# 9R|H 41B 4| |4 W94| # 4 W9B 48| 9F90|14 4| 8| B#| H| # 1 7. 4 W9 91|H| W1R #|B 4 B0|1 8R4 4 10 RB 4| W # 4 W94| 91|H| R 4B 4| NBR B#| | H|VB| 1 8. 4 W9 N9B -9H 9 R B* 45 4 NH|| 48| N4 45 / 3945 91 91|H| # 4 W94 31-94 4| H|V B#| 4| H|VB| W1 W94| 3FR||1| 1 41 | H|VB| 1 9. 494| 1|HB|1 8R|V|1 9 R 94|H "91|H| 4| B4R|H|" W1 91|H| RB 4 4|#1 9H "9|T1" H8R NBH| 4| 3FH& 44| B4| #, 4| 9$ 1 10. 91|H| 4 HV W94| 3FR||1| NBR # 1 11. H#| 91|H| W4|H 4| H| 1#| # 38 9181 R R|4|H 9|B,4H4H1 N| 48| N4 8V|1 3941H 4 TR|H 4| NBR B#| # 1 B NBH| 4| 3FHWB 4V H|B 91 NBH|8B4 4|1| 4| H|VB| W1 R*4 4| 91|H|W 8 H 41 4| H|VB| 1 R#9H NBH 12. TB* 4TR 4 9tB 9 R 3FR||1 q|1| BH 31 N4 4V H|B 91 s (H|R4 N4B) 4| H|VB| 1 assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard. 14. Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items to the Examination Halls, as safe keeping of the same can not be 13. Answers other than those made by BLACK BALL POINT PEN would not be evaluated. 84@ R #V B48|B 4 HV W4|B HFR|1 B#| #|B| 1 14. 3FR||1| 4| 8H|# | H|| # 4 4|R| RF4|B 8|R|B 91|H| RB R B H|V 44|4 3B4| 81H| 8BtV B#| 4| H| 84| 1 8 13. 4|H 4|H 9| 9B 4 NH|| 48| N4 9B / 98H 8 N4 4V BV 31| 4| RF4|4B B#| 44| H|VB| 1 15. Candidates who do not have clear photographs on the e-admit card/signatures on the Scannable Attendance Lists will have to bring a photo identity proof viz. Adhar Card, Driving Licence, Passport,Voter I Card etc. and two passport size photographs for appearing in 5. 3FR||1| 4| 8H|# | H|| # 4| 91|H| #|H R 4|H| 4|H 9| 9B H41 W4 1 the examination with an undertaking. 8| V4 9|| 9#V|B 9 9R|H H8 4 W0|1 4|s , |B H|88, 9|89|, |1 W 4|s 4| V | 9|89| 8|$ 9|| H|B #|B 1 15. 3FR||1 HB4| 9|| 9H 9 91 / #T|H1 T4B4H 39T 94 91 T9* B#| # 3# 91VB 41 91|H| R H|RH #|B 4 HV N9B Page 2 of 2