Eee 312 9

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" # PHOTOTRANSISTOR AND LED CHARACTERISTICS O$%e&"i'e( 1. To demonstrate the operation of a phototransistor 2. To demonstrate the operation of a typical LED. 3. To measure some of the important characteristics of phototransistors and LEDs. PART A I!"r)*+&"i)! In this part of the experiment you will observe the operation of a typical a!s" LED which emits a visible red li#ht. $ou will also observe the relationship between the LED%s forward current and forward volta#e. Then you will repeat experiment with a &i and a e diode. E,+ip e!"( 1. Experimental board ED'2(() with LED "hototransistor 2. &e* e diode 3. +icro'ammeter* +ulti'meter 15 , D. 6 /2 14 ,('12 ,

/2 I/2 "hototransistor

/1 14

15 , D.

Lamp 12,


-i#'1 Pr)&e*+re(


1. .onstruct the circuit shown in -i# 1. /ecord the forward volta#e 0,-1 across the LED for different values of forward current I-. 2. /epeat the above procedure for &i and e diode also. Rep)r"( 1. Draw the ,- vs. I- curve for LED* &i and e diode. 2. 2hy the threshold volta#e of LED is hi#h3 PART B I!"r)*+&"i)!( In this part of the experiment you will vary the amount of li#ht applied to a phototransistor and a li#ht dependent resistor and observe how the resistance of the devices chan#es with li#ht intensity.

E,+ip e!"( 1. Electronic Desi#n 7oard 8 ED 21(( with "hototransistor* a li#ht dependent resistor and an ordinary resistor of 1(9* (.25 watts. 2. Lamp 81 3. 7readboard :. Transistor 7. 1(;* 7D 135 5. "hototransistor <. 1(( 9 resistor. 612, /2 6 I/2 LD/ ('12 , Lamp ' -i#'3 Pr)&e*+re( 1. .onstruct the circuit shown in -i# 2. The lamp must be placed so that the top of the lamp and the lens of the phototransistor are approximately one centimeter apart. T-e ')."/0e 1)+r&e 2i.. $e +1e* ") &)!"r). "-e ')."/0e /* ") "-e ./ p 1+&- "-/" "-i1 ')."/0e !e'er ex&ee*1 )re "-/! 12 ')."1. 2. &hield the phototransistor with a heavy sheet of paper so that no li#ht can enter into the phototransistor. In this condition measure the volta#e across /2 and calculate the current I/2 flowin# throu#h the phototransistor. 3. =ow unshield the phototransistor and put the lamp at a distance of one centimeter with 12, applied across it. In this condition measure the volta#e across /2 and calculate the current I/2 throu#h the phototransistor. :. .onstruct the circuit shown in -i# 3. This time use a li#ht dependent resistor on place of a phototransistor. /epeat steps 2 and 3 and determine volta#e across /2 and current throu#h the li#ht dependent resistor in both cases. 5. construct the circuit shown in -i# : in a breadboard. &ee how the intensity of the lamp varies with phototransistor shielded and unshielded. Rep)r"( 1. Explain why the volta#e across the resistor /2 chan#es when li#ht is applied to the phototransistor and the li#ht dependent resistor respectively. 2hich one has hi#her sensitivity to li#ht and why3 2. Explain the operation of the circuit shown in -i# :. -i#': 12, 15 , D. 1((9 7. 1(; 7D135 Lamp

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