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Reaction and Friction Units: Classroom Manual Objectives Shop Manual Objectives

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Chapter 9 Reaction and Friction Units

Upon completion and review of this chapter, the student should be able to: Classroom Manual Objectives

Shop Manual Objectives

Describe the purpose and operation of the common reaction members. Explain how a bra e band wor s and what its purpose is. !dentif" the basic components in a h"draulic servo and describe their function. Describe the different t"pes of one#wa" clutches used in automatic transmissions. Explain how a roller#t"pe or spra$#t"pe, one#wa" clutch wor s. !dentif" the components in a h"draulic multiple disc clutch and describe their function. Describe the conditions re%uired for automatic shiftin$. &ist the conditions that ma" have an effect on shift feel. Explain the purpose and operation of an accumulator and modulator valve.

!nspect and replace bands and drums. 'd(ust bands, internall" and externall". !nspect and replace servo includin$ bore, piston, seals, pin, sprin$, and retainers and repair or replace as necessar". !nspect an accumulator bore, piston, seals, sprin$, and retainers, while the transmission is in or out of the vehicle. !nspect and service clutch drum, piston, chec #balls, sprin$s, retainers, seals, and friction and pressure plates. )easure and ad(ust clutch pac clearance. 'ir test the operation of the clutch pac and servo assemblies. !nspect and service roller and spra$ clutch, races, rollers, spra$s, sprin$s, ca$es, and retainers.

+his chapter in both manuals covers the construction, purpose, and service of the various clutches and bra es used in transmissions and transaxles.

Reading Assignments
Classroom )anual, pa$es ,-.#/01hop )anual, pa$es /2.#30/

Terms to Know Cantilever Fulcrum 1plit#band


Clutch volume index 4C5!6 Coast Dual band

*ver#center sprin$ 7ressure plate 1elective servo appl" pins

1teel discs 1teels +ransmission tune#up

&ecture *utline and 8otes

I. Objectives
Review the chapter9s ob(ectives.

II. Reaction Members

Discuss the importance of reaction members with re$ard to $ear ratio chan$es in the planetar" $earset.


riction and Reaction !nits

Discuss the purposes of clutches and bra es and explain how each of them wor s to connect or hold members of the planetar" $earset.

I". #ra$e #ands

A. %urpose and Construction .. Describe the different t"pes of bands used and explain their applications. ,. Describe how bands are used and their operation. #. #and Service .. Describe $eneral inspection of the bands. ,. Describe band ad(ustment. /. Describe how drums should be chec ed.

". Servo and Accumulator

A. %urpose and Construction .. Describe the operation of a servo. ,. Describe the accumulator and its use. #. Servo and Accumulator Service .. Describe the disassembl" of the accumulator. ,. Describe how to disassemble the servo. /. Describe inspection of the servos and accumulators. 3. Describe the reassembl" procedure. :. Describe the method of measurin$ for the correct selective servo pin. ;. Discuss seal removal and inspection.

"I. One&'a( Clutches and #ra$es

'. Describe an overrunnin$ clutch and its use. <. Describe and discuss the wa"s to chec a roller clutch.

60 Instructors Guide to Accompany Todays Technician: Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles 3E

C. Describe and discuss the wa"s to chec a spra$ clutch.

"II.Multiple& riction )isc Clutch and #ra$e Assemblies

A. Multiple& riction )isc %ac$s Describe the purpose of the multiple#disc pac s found in transmissions, emphasi=e that the" can be used to connect and bra e $earset members, and describe how their purpose can be identified b" their placement in the transmission. #. Construction .. Describe the individual parts that ma e up a multiple#disc pac . ,. Describe the different t"pes of sprin$ used in multiple#disc pac s. C. Service .. Describe the disassembl" of the multiple#disc pac assembl". ,. Describe the $eneral inspection of multiple#disc pac s. /. Describe the reassembl" procedure. 3. Describe how to ma e clearance chec s on a multiple#disc pac assembl". :. Describe how to air test a multiple#disc pac assembl" and servos. ). Clutch "olume Inde* Discuss C5! in terms of efficienc".

"III. +ear Changes

A. Shi,t eel Describe the necessit" for proper shift feel and how it is accomplished. #. Shi,t -ualit( .. Describe what is meant b" shift %ualit". ,. Describe the wa"s shift %ualit" can be chan$ed.

I.. Summar(
Review the material covered, emphasi=in$ the main points and e" words.

Chapter 9 'nswers to Review >uestions

C&'11R**) )'8U'&, 7'?E1 /0-#/.0

Short Answer /ssa(s

0. Reaction members are those parts of a planetar" $earset that are held in order to produce an output motion. *ther members of the planetar" $earset react a$ainst the stationar" or held member.

Instructors Guide to Accompany Todays Technician: Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles 3E 61

1. <ecause of the location of the servo and band anchor, the band becomes self#ener$i=ed and wraps itself around the drum in the same direction as drum rotation. +his self#ener$i=in$ effect reduces the force that the servo must produce to hold the band. 2. ' multiple#disc pac also contains one or more return sprin$s, return sprin$ retainers, seals, one or more pressure plates, and snap rin$s. +he seals hold in the h"draulic pressure durin$ application of the pac . ' pressure plate is a heav" metal plate that provides the clampin$ surface for the plates and is installed at one end or both ends of the pac . +he snap rin$s are used to hold the parts in the pac to$ether. !n a t"pical pac , the appl" piston at the rear of the drum is held in place b" the return sprin$s and a sprin$ retainer secured b" a snap rin$. @"draulic pressure moves the piston a$ainst return sprin$ pressure and clamps the plates a$ainst the pressure plate. +he friction between the plates loc s them to$ether, causin$ them to turn as a unit. 3. +he multiple#friction disc pac can be used to drive or hold a member of the planetar" $earset b" connectin$ the member to the transmission9s case or to a clutch drum. 4. +wo t"pes of sin$le#wrap bands are commonl" used in transmissions toda". *ne t"pe is made of li$ht and flexible steel and the other t"pe is made of heav" and more ri$id cast iron. +he heav" bands are t"picall" made with a metallic linin$ material that can withstand lar$e $rippin$ pressures. &i$ht bands are lined with a less#abrasive material that helps limit drum wear. 5. ' <elleville sprin$ acts to improve the clampin$ force of the assembl", and as a piston return sprin$. +he sprin$ is loc ed into a $roove inside the drum b" a snap rin$. 's the piston moves to appl" the pac , it moves the inner ends of the <elleville sprin$ fin$ers into contact with the pressure plate to appl" the assembl". +he sprin$9s fin$ers act as levers a$ainst the pressure plate and increase the application force of the pac . Ahen h"draulic pressure to the piston is stopped, the sprin$ relaxes and returns to its ori$inal shape. +he piston is forced bac , and the pac is released. 6. 'ccumulators rel" on the action of a piston or a valve to dela" the deliver" of hi$h pressure to a clutch or band. 'n accumulator wor s li e a shoc absorber and cushions the application of servos and disc pac s. 'n accumulator cushions sudden increases in h"draulic pressure b" temporaril" divertin$ some of the appl" fluid into a parallel circuit or chamber. +his allows the pressure to $raduall" increase and provides for smooth en$a$ement of a bra e or clutch. 7. B1hift FeelC is controlled b" the pressure at which each reaction member is applied or released, the rate at which each is pressuri=ed or exhausted, and the relative timin$ of the appl" and release of the members. !t is also affected b" fluid t"pe, the momentar" en$a$ement of a component in a different circuit, pulsed pressures, the clearance of the appl" devices, and man" more desi$n features of the various transmission models. 8. ' roller clutch utili=es roller bearin$s held in place b" sprin$s to separate the inner and outer races of the clutch assembl". 'round the inside of the outer race are several cam#shaped indentations. +he rollers and sprin$s are located in these poc ets. Rotation of one race in one direction loc s the rollers between the two races, causin$ both to rotate to$ether. Ahen a race is rotated in the opposite direction, the roller bearin$s move into the poc ets and are not loc ed between the races. ' one#wa" spra$ clutch consists of a hub and a drum separated b" fi$ure# ei$ht#shaped metal pieces called spra$s. +he spra$s are shaped in such a manner that the" loc between the races when a race is turned in one direction onl". <etween the inner and outer races of the clutch are the spra$s, ca$es, and sprin$s. +he spra$s are lon$er than the distance between the two races. +he ca$es eep the spra$s e%uall" spaced around the diameter of the races. +he sprin$s hold the spra$s at the correct an$le and maintain contact of the spra$s with the races for instantaneous en$a$ement. Ahen a race turns in one direction, the spra$s tilt and

62 Instructors Guide to Accompany Todays Technician: Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles 3E

allow the races to move independentl". Ahen a race is moved in the opposite direction, the spra$s strai$hten up and loc the two races to$ether. 09. ' band is applied h"draulicall" b" a servo unit. +he servo contracts the band when h"draulic pressure pushes a$ainst the servo9s piston and overcomes the tension of the servo9s return sprin$. +his action moves an operatin$ rod toward the band, which s%uee=es the band around the drum.

0. 1un, rin$ 1. Double#wrap, sin$le#wrap 2. ?overnor, throttle, throttle 3. Centrifu$al chec ball relief 4. Coil, small coil, <elleville 5. 1trai$ht, lever, cantilever 6. Drivin$ 7. 1urface area 8. Drivin$ device, splined, splined, to$ether, the same speed 09. Reaction members

Multiple Choice
0. C 1. ' 2. ' 3. C 4. ' 5. ' 6. C 7. < 8. C 09. C

1@*7 )'8U'&, 7'?E1 30/#303

AS/&St(le Review -uestions

0. < 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C

Instructors Guide to Accompany Todays Technician: Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles 3E 63

5. < 6. D 7. ' 8. C 09. <

AS/ Challenge -uestions

0. ' 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. '

64 Instructors Guide to Accompany Todays Technician: Automatic Transmissions & Transaxles 3E

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