Coosh's Bayou Rouge Menu

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wkere reryey is Heri qres!

wAR|l|0: 0orsur|rg raW or urdercoo|ed reats, seafood or pou|tr] ra] |rcrease ]our r|s| of foodborre |||ress.
Join us }or
FrIed FIcRIes
Sered W|t| rrou|ade - b.99
\our c|o|ce of buffa|o, buffa|o b|eu 0|eese,
Ier|]a||, hore] bb, hot bb, lrjected ard
0oos|'s hot buffa|o Sauce - 8.99
BoudIn LInR
lor| r|ce sausage...a 0ajur de||cac]. Sered
W|t| rrou|ade - b.99
OnIon PIns
Var|rated, t||r|] s||ced or|ors fr|ed cr|sp] ard
sered W|t| rrou|ade - b.99

CLeese FrIes
0ajur fr|es topped W|t| s|redded c|eddar
c|eese ard sered W|t| rarc| dress|rg - 4.b9
Add bacor - .OO

Cajun FrIes

FrIed CrawnsL
Sered W|t| rrou|ade - 8.99

FeeI & Eat 8LrImp
/2 |b. of e\tra |arge s|r|rp, bo||ed |r lou|s|ara
seasor|rg. Sered W|t| coc|ta|| sauce - 9.49
FrIed Gator
w|er aa||ab|e. Sered W|t| rrou|ade - 8.99
Loaded CLeese FrIes
0|eese fr|es topped W|t| red bears, ja|aperos
ard or|ors. Sered W|t| sour crear - 8.49
Sered W|t| fres| tort|||a c||ps - 8.99
Lxtro Dressing 50c
Bayou 8aIad
A cr|sp bed of fres| greers, toratoes
ard s|redded c|eddar c|eese
topped W|t| ]our c|o|ce:
0||c|er (gr|||ed or fr|ed) - 9.49
buffa|o lr|ed 0||c|er - 9.49
S|r|rp (gr|||ed or fr|ed) - 9.99

Bourbon 8treet CLIcRen
A|| W||te reat c||c|er gr|||ed to perfect|or ard
g|ated W|t| a bourbor d|jor sauce - 9.49
FrIed CrawnsL 8aIad
A cr|sp bed of fres| greers, toratoes ard
s|redded c|eddar c|eese topped W|t| fr|ed
craWfs| ta||s, sered W|t| rerou|ade - O.99

CLIcRen Caesar 8aIad
Str|ps of c||c|er tossed W|t| rora|re |ettuce,
croutors ard parresar c|eese r|\ed W|t|
a test] 0aesar dress|rg - 9.99
Add S|r|rp - .OO
Loan CLIcRen 8aIad
lo 0arb! A|| W||te reat c||c|er
gr|||ed to perfect|or ard dur|ed |r
buffa|o sauce. lrc|udes coo|ed or|ors,
c|eddar c|eese, r|\ed greers, toratoes
ard ]our c|o|ce of dress|rg - 9.99
Subst|tute S|r|rp - .OO
CLIcRen & 8ausae
JambaIaya Fasta
FuIIed ForR
Cajun 8tapIes
Fat`s 8eaIood Gumbo
S|r|rp ard crab gurbo sered W|t|
steared r|ce.
large - 8.99
Regu|ar - b.99
0up - 4.29
Stra|g|t fror 0orta|es, lA...t|e
!arba|a]a 0ap|ta| of t|e wor|d.
Sered W|t| a s|de sa|ad - 8.99
Ped Beans & PIce
S|oW coo|ed a|| da] W|t| tasso ard
sro|ed sausage.
large |s sered W|t| a s|de sa|ad.
large - 8.99
Regu|ar - b.99
0up - 4.29
BoIIed CrawnsL
Seasora| - Var|et lr|ce
CrawnsL touIIe
lee|ed craWfs| ta||s s|rrered |r a
r|c| sauce of or|ors, be|| peppers,
ce|er], gar||c ard rore. Sered oer
r|ce W|t| a s|de sa|ad - O.99
CLIcRen & 8ausae
0||c|er ard 0ajur sausage
sered W|t| steared r|ce.
large - 8.99 Regu|ar - b.99
0up - 4.29
Cajun 8ampIer
A sarp|e of ar] t|ree 0ajur stap|es -
Cajun 8uper 8ampIer
A sarp|e of a|| fe 0ajur stap|es -
Fasta & FIates
All posto served with o side solod.
JambaIaya Fasta
0ajur sro|ed sausage, ju|c] c|ur|s
of c||c|er breast ard
egetab|es |r a r|c| crear sauce W|t|
perre pasta - 2.99

8LrImp & GrIts
0rear] c|eese gr|ts topped W|t| a
|a]er of sauted 0u|f s|r|rp ard
sro|ed sausage |r a saor] crear
sauce - .99

8eaIood Fasta
lee|ed craWfs| ta||s ard s|r|rp
s|rrered |r a r|c| crear] sauce of
or|ors, be|| peppers, ce|er], gar||c ard
Sered W|t| perre pasta - 4.99
CaptaIn AI
A bed of r|ce ard fr|ed catfs|
srot|ered W|t| our
0raWfs| ltouffe - 3.99
GrIIIed 8LrImp over
All plotes served with two sides ond breod.
5ides: Coleslow, Jombologo, ed ueons 5 ice, iries ond 5ide 5olod

Ierder St. lou|s st]|e, sro|ed ard
||g|t|] brus|ed W|t| 0oos|'s |ouse
rade bb sauce.
lu|| Rac| - 2.99 ha|f Rac| - 4.99
FuIIed ForR
S|oW sro|ed W|t| 0oos|'s sp|ce ard
|ouse rade
bb sauce - 9.99
Hot 8ausae
0ajur sro|ed sausage - 9.99
Coosh's Hot 5pecioties
wAR|l|0: 0orsur|rg raW or urdercoo|ed reats, seafood or pou|tr] ra] |rcrease ]our
r|s| of foodborre |||ress.

All o'uogs served with }ries. Hot ressed ovoiloble upon request.
5ubstitute o House 5olod I.00 Add Cheese to ong o'uog I.00
Loan Fo`Boy
buffa|o gr|||ed c||c|er, |ettuce, torato ard
ra]o topped W|t| logar
or|ors ard s|redded c|eddar - 8.99
CLIcRen Fo`Boy
\our c|o|ce of gr|||ed or fr|ed c||c|er. 0ressed
W|t| |ettuce, torato ard ra]o - 7.99
8LrImp or CatnsL
\our c|o|ce,dressed W|t| |ettuce,
torato ard ra]o - 9.99
Hot 8ausae
0ajur sro|ed sausage gr|||ed W|t|
or|ors. 0ressed W|t| |ettuce, torato
ard rustard - 9.99
Sered p|a|r - 8.99
FrIed Oyster
0ressed W|t| |ettuce, torato ard ra]o - O.99
Sered p|a|r - O.99
FrencL DIp
warr roast beef ard proo|ore c|eese,
sered W|t| au jus - 9.49
FrIed CrawnsL or Gator
0ator |s subject to aa||ab|||t]. 0ressed W|t|
|ettuce, torato ard rrou|ade - O.99
Bourbon 8treet CLIcRen
0r|||ed c||c|er g|ated W|t| bourbor sauce,
|ettuce ard torato. we recorrerd t||s ore
pressed W|t| proo|ore c|eese - 8.99
Poast BeeI
0oered |r gra], just |||e |r |aW||rs! - 8.99
wor|d farous! - 7.99
All boskets served with }ries ond hushpuppies.
Hove it uu}}olo 5tgle odd 50c
Add Lxtro Dressing 50c
0]sters, catfs| ard s|r|rp - O.99
CLIcRen 8trIps
FrIed CrawnsL
w|er aa||ab|e - O.99
Faw CLarIIe`s BI Easys
Loosen gour belt...this is o DCUuLL CDL o} the big bosket! Just the wog ow Chorlie likes
it...don't be scored! Hove it uu}}olo 5tgle odd 50c
0]sters, catfs|, s|r|rp ard craWfs| - 24.99

CLIcRen 8trIps
w|er aa||ab|e - 22.99
wAR|l|0: 0orsur|rg raW or urdercoo|ed reats, seafood or pou|tr] ra] |rcrease ]our r|s| of foodborre |||ress.
Ask gour
server obout
our house
BucRet o` Beer
Bayou BIeu Burer
BreaRIast at
5erved with }ries. A quorter ond hol} ore served with one portion o} }ries
ond o whole is served with two portions o} }ries. A whole is o whole lot!
Cuorter 8.99 Hol} I.99 whole 2.99
5ubstitute o 5olod I.00

5olomi, hom, provolone, 5wiss ond on olive topenode on
}resh boked Itolion breod. ressed ond wormed through.

All o} our burgers ore hol} pound ongus chuck ond served on o }resh irench
boguette with }ries on the side.
leose ollow I2I5 minutes to cook }or medium well ond well.
5ubstitute o House 5olod I.00
Bayou BIeu Burer
bacor ard SW|ss c|eeseburger
dressed W|t| 0oos|'s b|eu c|eese
dress|rg, |ettuce ard torato - 9.99

Burer oI tLe MontL
barbecue bacor c|eddar
c|eeseburger W|t| or|or r|rgs to top |t
off. So good We Warted to |eep |t for
|orger t|ar a rort|! - 9.99

!u|c] burger topped W|t|
c|eese ard sered W|t| |ettuce,
torato ard ra]orra|se - 9.99
|o 0|eese - 8.99

8Ioany Burer
I||s ore |as a b|t of a ||c|! Iopped
W|t| d|ced or|ors ard ja|aperos ard
fr|s|ed off W|t| 0oos|'s hot Sauce
ard c|eddar c|eese - 9.99

5erved with }ries.
BuIIaIo CLIcRen Wrap
\our c|o|ce of fr|ed
or gr|||ed c||c|er - 7.99

8yd Caesar Wrap
\our c|o|ce of fr|ed or gr|||ed- 7.99

Bourbon 8treet CLIcRen
0r|||ed c||c|er, |ettuce, toratoes
parresar c|eese
ard bourbor sauce - 8.99

CrawnsL Wrap
Rerou|ade, |ettuce, toratoes ard
c|eddar c|eese - O.99

8LrImp Wrap
0r|||ed s|r|rp, |ettuce, toratoes ard
c|eddar c|eese - 8.99

Loan CLIcRen Wrap
Sered W|t| ra]o, |ettuce,
toratoes, logar or|ors
ard c|eddar c|eese - 8.99

BreaRIast at CoosL`s
wedresda] - Surda]s
8:OO a.r. - :OO a.r.
!o|r us!

wAR|l|0: 0orsur|rg raW or urdercoo|ed reats, seafood or pou|tr] ra] |rcrease ]our r|s|
of foodborre |||ress.
TLe Bayou Poue
"WLere Everyday Is MardI Gras!"
0urand "0oosh" Willis and his wiIe Margaret are the owner-
operators oI 0oosh's Bayou Rouge. Both are Louisiana
transplants. 0oosh grew up in 0onzales, the 1ambalaya 0apital
oI the World, located a stone's throw Irom the banks oI the
Mississippi River between New 0rleans and Baton Rouge.

Margaret is a Baton Rouge belle, born and raised. 0espite
growing up only miles apart, they actually met in 0olorado on a
ski trip during Mardi 0ras break Irom LS0. 1he spring Bing
turned into much more and the couple wed in 1986. 1hey have
three children - Logan, Sloan and Sydney.

1he restaurant bug rst bit 0oosh during his college years
working as a waiter Ior one oI Louisiana's nest seaIood
establishments, Ralph and Kacoo's. Since then, he has
managed or owned a variety oI restaurants Irom national
chains like 0hili's and Wendy's to local eateries.

Long-time residents oI 1allahassee will remember the well-
loved restaurant, the Mill Bakery, Eatery and Brewery, best
known Ior it's mammoth and delicious muIns. 0oosh was co-
owner and operator oI 1he Mill during the 1990's

Fulling a dream to bring authentic south Louisiana Iood
to 1allahassee, 0oosh and Margaret opened Bayou Rouge
in 2001. 0iners can enjoy 0ajun Iavorites like 0rawsh
touIIe, 1ambalaya or Red Beans & Rice in a Iriendly,
laid back environment.

All 0ajuned out? 1ry the best burger in town,
ribs, chicken wings or maybe a healthy
salad but make sure to save room Ior a special
dessert like Margaret's Honkin' 0hocolate 0ake.

0oosh's Bayou Rouge...good Iood, good Iolks, good
times...Laissez Les Bon 1emps Roulezl

626? 0ld Water 0ak Road - 1allahassee, FL 32312

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