Ascended Master Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya On Laughter
Ascended Master Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya On Laughter
Ascended Master Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya On Laughter
"his information may be shared #ith other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted and the source of the information be ac$no#ledged% "o purchase this channeling on C& or to find out more about Michelle ' "he Light#ea(er please (isit ###%thelight#ea(er%co%)a *lease note that reading this information #ill ha(e an effect on you% +ou #ill energetically be lin$ed #ith the Channeling being and a similar process faciltated #ith you% ,t is not e-actly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master. ho#e(er the effects are /ust as po#erful% &o not concern yourself too much regarding time lines gi(en to the participants in the channeling% +ou #ill be ta$en through a similar one in accordance #ith your &i(ine *lan."iming ' *urpose% 0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , am Kuthumi can , come for#ard upon the 1ays of Lo(e and 2isdom. to greet you at this time to bring unto you. the blessings of de(elopment. of understanding. of grounding and further initiation% 3reetings belo(ed ones% And it is #ith great /oy and pleasure in our hearts that #e may gather #ith each one of you upon this day as #e hold all of you firmly #ithin the heart of Christ. and securely upon the hands of 3od% 4elo(ed ones. as #e prepare the energy for the presence of Lord Maitreya. to come for#ard and to be #ith you 5cell phone ringing6. and to dance to the little tune. he is bringing you all #ith /oy and humour today. perhaps this is a good start 5laughter64elo(ed ones as #e prepare this energy. each of you #ill be supported in coming into a deeper le(el of understanding. as to ho# precisely the art of /oy and laughter. the art of humour. and seeing life from the perspecti(e of light heartedness. ma$es dramatic changes in your life% E(erything you e-perience is coloured by your perception. your perspecti(e and your attitude to the situation specifically% 7o# one handles any challenge presented depends on the attitude to#ard it% "he choice to embrace /oyful li(ing. the choice to see the lighter side of life certainly eases ones ability. it lightens the load. and supports one to ma$e use of ones ability to respond rather than react negati(ely%"he grids of light created by Lord Maitreya. #ho is *rinciple of the Ascension *rograms for this current time line and ascension process. are being reacti(ated for each of you% +ou are acti(e to a degree already% "his is in accordance #ith your personal /ourney of de(elopment and a#a$ening. and this #eb #ill no# continue to build in strength. and mo(e in accordance #ith the de(elopment #ith your personal cha$ric system. and further contribute to your personal ability to adapt to that #hich comes your #ay. specifically in the ne# consciousness 8pirit has introduced you to% 8o no# , shall step bac$. ma$ing #ay for Lord Maitreya to deli(er his message% 4lessings be #ith each of you. Adonai% I am Maitreya of Divine Christed ser(ice presenting the presence of Christ light% 2elcome% 9ur gathering here today is for the &i(ine purpose and plan of a#a$ening to a deeper inner clarity. relating to the purpose of All that ,s% "he purpose you came to earth for and the purpose for #hich all is connected% "he #orld you occupy is made up of hundreds and thousands of aspects of e-perience. each e-perience offering an opportunity to learn. an opportunity to e-plore the uni(erse you chose to e-perience an integrated process #ith% "he integrated processes , refer to are those lin$ed to e(ery /ourney you ha(e e(er ta$en. lin$ed to
e(ery #orld you ha(e e(ery occupied. e(ery le(el of consciousness you ha(e e(er dappled in% "he collecti(e energy of all that you are #hich is a part of all that is. stirs deep #ithin you to sho# you the many faces of truth that e-ist% :o lie;s e-ist. e(er% 9nly truths e-ists% E(ery le(el of consciousness has its truth% 9ne #ho defines that truth as a lie stands in /udgment of that le(el of consciousness% 2hen no /udgment e-ists. no lie e-ists% "he illusion is (ery different to a lie% "ruth has many languages% "ruth has many definitions% ,t is an energy that ne(er needs defending because it has the inherent ability to al#ays sho# the face of truth to the le(el of consciousness gra(itating to#ard the truth of that e-perience% E(ery li(ing being is li(ing his or her truth% "ruth changes all the time. because the /ourney changes% Choice is #hat gi(es you the opportunity to e-perience any number of truths% Joy is a truth as much as sadness is% 8o choosing to e-perience a limited le(el of consciousness may perpetuate many e-periences re(ol(ing around grief and sadness% <rom your ele(ated perspecti(e. from the sense of being a soul. ha(ing chosen a different dimension of e-perience. percei(es the souls e-perience as something different to yours% +our lo#er ego;s /udgment that they are not li(ing the truth could perhaps be reflecting a truth you are denying% A /udgment is the manifestation of proof a denial e-ists #ithin you% +ou are meant to lead by e-ample% +ou ha(e been created in the image of the <orce of Creati(ity that brought into manifestation. a force of energy. e-pressed in a &i(ine manner. embodying the highly sophisticated mechanisms and technologies of all the #orlds #ithin your current =ni(erse and #ithin all uni(erses you ha(e inhabited% 8eeing e(ery persons /ourney as uni>ue. as connected to e(erything #ithin you and around you #ill gi(e you the inner clarity and deeper understanding. that #hat you once created by your thought forms. is still being li(ed out by another soul. #ho has chosen to e-perience a dimension you ha(e chosen to mo(e out of. a little longer than you% 8ome souls may choose to remain in #hat you remain in #hat you choose to percei(e a denser (ibration for the duration of a life time% "his does not mean you ha(e the po#er to /udge their /ourney% +ou ha(e the po#er to discern. but certainly not to lay /udgment% "he purpose , deli(er this message for is to sho# you ho# /udgment depri(es you of a /oyful e-istence% 7o# in(esting (aluable energy in interfering in another persons /ourney depri(es you of fully en/oying the full life e-perience and the >uality life e-perience your higher self desires you to e-perience% 8tanding in the truth you are creating is the only place you need be% Leading by e-ample #ill pro(ide a #ay for others to follo# #hen they are ready% 2hen a person is ready to find a ne# #ay. you #ill be found or. through di(ine inter(ention. and through the manifestation of the persons; indi(idual intention. to change their circumstance you result in them attracting you into their space% "hat is #hen you indulge in the e-perience of relating life e-periences% *ushing your belief system onto another #ithout their re>uest results in in(ading another;s; &i(ing 8pace% 1especting e(ery soul on the planet is a (ital process in manifesting self respect% ,. Lord Maitreya. manifestation of the 1ay of Christed Consciousness. bring to each of you the opportunity today. to consciously embrace another aspect of your Christed consciousness% "he Christ Light is manifested in the form of a#areness #ithin your consciousness% "he manifestation of the Christed consciousness in the form of po#er is e-pressed through you by the choice to lead your life as a responsible manifestation of energy. light and sound% "hat creation in it self opens more a(enues of life e-perience% "he alignment process you currently ha(e created for yourself. by your choice to participate in today;s initiation. is #or$ing in &i(ine alignment #ith your !th and ?th dimensional bodies of Christ energy% "his Christ energy feeds the cha$ric system of your bodies@ this aligns your consciousness #ith the uni(ersal mind. the 3od mind. of #hich all >uantum consciousness is a part of% "he desire to manifest peace. harmony. balance and tran>uility in ones life. is a natural process@ purposefully encoded in your inner being to ensure e(ery soul;s e(entual return to source% "he source #ithin you #ill al#ays magnetically manifest and reflect the >uality of resources you tap into to feed your life force% 2hen the
cha$ric system is not functioning in a balanced manner. one cannot e-pect to be full of life force% My son of Light. Kuthumi. my other son of Light. Jesus. and my third son of Light. El Morya. ha(e de(eloped many uni>ue systems of a#a$ening for planetary consciousness% Each of you ha(e aligned your consciousness #ith one of those systems% +ou #ill begin to define for yourself #hich of these systems you are moti(ated by% "he in(estment of energy in the program. these Emissaries of the Light created. resonated #ith an inner >uality and need for de(elopment #ithin you #hich dre# you to the path#ays you ha(e #al$ed% El Morya is the Chohan of the first ray of 2ill and *o#er% 7e #as often referred to as the destroyer% 9ne #ho infiltrated systems perpetuating illusions of an old age of consciousness. and through the adepts and the upcoming initiates. structures #here destroyed. ne# foundations laid. and ne# structures created% El Morya has #or$ed primarily through the leaders of go(ernment and through leaders in the field of business% 7e has #or$ed through many of entrepreneurial consciousness to bring about different strands of creati(e and intellectual intelligent thought% ,ntelligent and creati(e thought are (ital tools of manifestation% Creati(ity lac$ing intelligence has no#here to go% ,ntellect or intelligence lac$ing creati(ity is also idle% "hey feed one another and therefore create a #orld of e-perience% "he time of balance is already #ith you% ,t is not coming% "he ray of 2ill and *o#er has been brought into full acti(ation. therefore El Morya. Chohan of the <irst 1ay. is presenting the #orld #ith an opportunity To reclaim their ability to use their power by finding their will. "his #ill may be something as simple as the #ill to li(e. the #ill to be. the #ill to change. the #ill to accept. the #ill to let go. or the #ill to integrate. e(erything you e-perience is moti(ated by a desire. better $no#n as your #ill% 2hen one pushes ones #ill onto another. one beha(es abusi(ely% 2hen a personAs #ill is o(er po#ered and they adopt the #ill of another. they create an identity based on the creation of the society or community as #ell as the en(ironment that created the original structure. #hich in itself has the desire and #ill to o(er po#er e(erything in its en(ironment% When the will is broken, the power to create is lost. our first step into the chamber higher consciousness, I !ord Maitreya have developed with the assistance of my sons of light, re"uires that you define your will, claim your power and use it. 2hen #ill and po#er are not used. it becomes a stagnant energy% "his is #hy you ha(e on occasion heard. Bif you don;t use it. you #ill loose itB% ,t falls asleep%The second re"uirement to fully step into the grid we have created is to embrace your current truth related to Divine !ove and Wisdom. All of you embody #isdom% All of you embody lo(e% 7o# do you define Lo(e. and ho# do you define 2isdomC 7o# do you go about gaining #isdom and ho# do you use your #isdomC &o you use your #isdom to o(er po#er the #ill of othersC &o you use your #isdom to emanate the po#er of lo(e. and in so doing. leading your life. and so doing. sho#ing the #ay of the true manifestation of po#er as a result of the utili)ation of one;s &i(ine 2ill% 2ill you ta$e a step in the ne# direction. #ill you ta$e responsibility for the life you ha(e created. #ill you choose to climb the spiral stair#ay to hea(en. #ill youC +ou only #ill if you #ill it% ,f you #ill embrace the #ill to do it% Without will you wont. As$ing the >uestion. B#ill youCB in fact triggers the coding #ithin one to respond to the ability to use ones #ill and effect change% 2hen one responds@ BI can or wont", you begin to see #here the lac$ of #ill po#er e-ists% "his obser(ation must ne(er hold /udgment% ,t must embody compassion@ therefore the obser(ation is moti(ated by lo(e and #isdom% Ac$no#ledging a persons inability to ta$e action at any gi(en moment humbles the soul. it places the soulAs consciousness in a point of perception. a point of empathy that reflects bac$ to the obser(er personal past e-perience or. if not e-perienced the opportunity to #itness the absence of #ill and po#er% 2hen one is #illing to ma$e change it #ill certainly change and the re>uired #isdom and lo(e necessary to bring the changes into being. #ill manifest naturally% "hat is the la# of >uantum energy%Kuthumi is the Chohan of the 8econd 1ay of &i(ine Lo(e and 2isdom% ,t is no longer the yello# ray@ it is no# the #olden $ay of !ove and Wisdom% "he <irst 1ay of &i(ine 2ill
and *o#er. for those in !th dimension. are no longer e-periencing the red ray. they e-perience the Dst 1ay as the 1uby 1ay% The %rd step each of you need to take to complete the integration of the grid created is to accept into your life as the Christ presence% ,n other #ords to simply ac$no#ledge the Christ you are. present #ithin you% 4eing supported by the Christ that is of. and in All the ,s% "his masters of illusion are #ho bring you into the deeper le(el understandings of the light you carry. and this is #here you can truly embrace the &i(ine 1ight of the true path of spirituality% "he true path of spirituality that you #illingly empo#er yourself to lo(ingly follo# and gain further #isdom from% 7ere you are guided by Master Jesus. Chohan of the Eth 1ay #ho is currently stepping out of this role #hich Mary Magdalene #ill continue to (ibrate through% "his is #here Master &esus becomes Chohan of the 'th dimensional %rd $ay of (ctive )piritual Intelligence% Many people ha(e learnt (ery po#erful lessons and gained a (ast amount of #isdom through the Christian path% ,t has truly been the dar$est and most challenging of the *iscean age% "he dar$ness of that challenge #as simply through the manifestation and perpetuation of ignorance% "he soulAs ignorance to its po#er% "he disempo#ering /ourney of the *iscean age is o(er% +ou all stand in the empo#ering age of 3olden Consciousness% 3olden consciousness is created through the second ray of Lo(e and 2isdom% ,t becomes the foundation upon #hich the future Emissaries of Light #ill be in a position to utili)e the 1uby energy of &i(ine 2ill and *o#er. to create the structures of acti(e spiritual intelligence #hich becomes the feminine platinum consciousness of the e(ol(ed dimensions of ! and up#ards. to stand along side the creation of 3olden consciousness% 8tanding upon these rays brings you into the space of >uantum consciousness% "his is the space #here you recognise for the first time the truth regarding creation. your ability to coFcreate #ith 8pirit% Energy #ill gro# #here a focus is held% 9ne #ill automatically create a form embodying the consciousness that created it because you are created from the image of the grand creator of all that is% "he point comes #here you must reali)e that you play a ma/or role in ho# you e-perience your life% :ot only are you a player. you are a creator% +our #rite the script. you cast the actors. you select the props% "he scenes created enhance the game or the drama% "he moment of inner reali)ation regarding this fact is #hat brings one into another state of humility% Ac$no#ledging ones po#er to create. is one of the many (ital steps to be ta$en in the direction of attaining full enlightenment and self mastery% +ou #ill not e-perience self mastery until you fully ac$no#ledge your po#er to create. as #ell as the fact that you ha(e created the /oy and the pain you ha(e e-perienced to date% =niting ones consciousness #ith the uni(ersal mind is a (ery responsible process. for this ta$es you e(en deeper into your ability to consciously coFcreate. therefore indulging your energy in destructi(e limited thought means that you are consciously creating imbalance and destruction in your life% "hat is irresponsible% Choosing the path of consciousness means being conscious% 8urrendering to the path of consciousness opens #orlds of ne# e-perience% Laughter is one of the most po#erful tools of healing% Laughter penetrates the most po#erful #alls of defense% Any person #rapped up in laughter cannot entertain the debilitating energies manifested by fear and #orry% "he ability to laugh at yourself is a path to#ard selfFmastery 0 5End of tape D. side D658ide 267umour changes the (ibration of a situation% "here are certain situations #hich may initially be difficult to bring humour into. especially in the case of death% According to current human #ays of relating to death. it is considered disrespectful%%% ,n this case. #e propose focusing on the lighter side of the indi(iduals; life% "he fact that they ha(e simply passed onto another dimension is initially difficult to bring into the e>uation. but by ac$no#ledging their light side. humorous things one remembers them doing. or being a part of. e(en an infant child. it ma$es the process of release and grie(ing so much easier% 7umour triggers the creati(e side of the brain% ,t releases endorphins into the system #hich are natural antibiotics% Endorphins strengthen the immune system% "he firing of neurons ta$ing place in the right hemisphere of the brain. stimulates the release of other hormones #hich are
responsible for an accelerated healing e-perience. be it physical. emotional or mental% "hat #ould be largely determined by #hat the indi(idual need is% ,n order to fully understand the po#er of humour. commit to ta$ing one day of your life. and seeing it as a cartoon net#or$ of energy% E(ery person you interact #ith associate a cartoon character to that person. if such a cartoon character does not e-ist. create your o#n% ,f you had to create a cartoon character that had to represent one of these people. #hat #ould the characteristics beC 7o# #ould you dra# them. ho# #ould you animate them. then do the same #ith yourself% *erhaps that is #here you need to begin% "he moment you associate yourself #ith a cartoon character. it becomes difficult to ta$e things too seriously% *erhaps li$e. the cartoon character. al#ays getting himself blo#n up regardless of #hat precautions it ta$es. usually it has forgotten to loo$ abo(e. belo#. behind. or beside% "here is al#ays something that is not being seen% &oes this not reflect lifeC &o your sel(es a fa(our. #atch a cartoon. anyone of your choice. be spontaneous in your selection% +ou #ill be highly amused to see ho# it reflects your life% *inpoint the other cartoon characters representing members of your family. or your social group% "his #ill help the association process to humour% 2hene(er you find yourself ta$ing life to seriously or becoming #rapped up in the mundane day to day responsibilities of your life. the responsibilities #eighing hea(ily upon yourself. and you find it difficult to see any positi(e change. ta$e ninety minutes and #atch a cartoon. or any other comedy you are spontaneously dra#n to% "his is #here the po#er of the media comes into play% +ou can begin to use it as a tool% "his #as the original role that fairy tales played% E(ery fairy tale. e(er #ritten that you ha(e come to $no#. reflects. symbolises and represents the /ourney of life% Laughing at life immediately raises your energy (ibration% ,t aligns your cha$ras. it releases the debilitating sense you ha(e created about life around you% ,t automatically ta$es your adult. adolescent and inner child;s state of being and unites them as one% "his is a (ery (aluable tool to let the inner child heal in order to remo(e the inner child from its arrested state of de(elopment% 7o# many times ha(e you reflected upon a story of the past #hich you ha(e related to others and found yourself laughing until your belly hurtsC ,t is usually in hind sight that one is able to see the humour% "he ne-t time you find yourself in angry conflict #ith another and you see the situation is going no #here. imagine your nostrils are flaring. smo$e is coming from your ears. your face as red as a beetroot. all puffed up li$e a balloon fish. #aiting to e-plode. imagine the /ob of to pull yourself together after ha(ing e-plodedG 58creeches of laughter6% 8ee your so called ri(al perhaps as the bear #ith the sore head or the bull #aiting to charge the red cloth. nostrils flaring. huffing and puffing. smo$e coming from all orifice% ,t is (ery difficult to remain in the lo#er state of ego beha(iour #ith such imagining% &o you agreeC +esG 5more laughter62hen you see others in conflict see the animation playing out% +ou could in fact ta$e it a step further and loo$ beyond the animation. and see the t#o inner children in conflict #ith one another% *erhaps your fa(ourite child cartoon character. &ennis the Menace (ersus 4art 8impson% ,t ta$es one;s consciousness into a completely different state of being and difuses the situation% E(en in grief. one can add humour% 4etrayal is also a (ery appropriate e-perience to use animated humour in% *lease place the betrayer in a protecti(e shield of #hite light and then cartoon animate all you #ant% "his gi(es the inner child the opportunity to (ent% "he only reason #hy the adult is acting in the manner it is. is because the inner child has not had the room to (ent. therefore has not de(eloped the s$ills necessary to constructi(ely deal #ith conflict and create #inF#in solutions%4elo(ed light #or$ers. you are all manifestations of Christ% "he coming of the Christ is in fact the Christ #ithin you stepping into a conscious state of being% "his #ill indeed manifest the manifestation of a being #ho #ill be recognised as the Christ. ho#e(er. the recognition of this being. #ill be present #ithin e(ery person% +ou #ill recognise the Christ #ithin e(erything and yet there #ill come a time. #hen those of you #ho ha(e mo(ed beyond the limited #orld. and utili)e >uantum energy. and li(e in >uantum consciousness #ill
see all the aspects of Christ in higher states of being% Jesus is of the Christ% "his #as one of the errors in translations #here he #as named Jesus the Christ% +ou are all of the Christ. therefore #e can call you Carol of the Christ. &ouglas of the Christ. 8amantha of the Christ because that is #hat and #ho you are% 7o# you manifest your Christed self. is up to you% , must no# ta$e my lea(e. ho#e(er be at peace and en/oy $no#ing that ,. Lord Maitreya. the Christ presence. is #ith you. #ithin you and all around you% All you need to do is ac$no#ledge it and , am e(er present% 8hine. allo# yourself to be the light unto the #orld you #ere created to be% 4lessings and fare#ell% 5participants6 "han$ you 0% , am Kuthumi and , return (ery briefly belo(ed ones. to also remind you. to bare in mind that. that #hich Lord Maitreya has presented to you upon this day. is most certainly a part of the initiation you ha(e e-perienced% ,n the transmission by Lord Maitreya. he e-pressed at a point that each of you ha(e learned through the lessons that , Kuthumi. that the Lord Jesus. and Lord El Moreya. ha(e brought to your planet and that it is your responsibility to define #here e-actly it is that you fit into the process% "herefore. this reminder is for the purpose of helping you understand on a deeper le(el. #hy you e-perienced certain. perhaps. destructi(e e-periences that lead to grief. pain. limitation and sadness. because it is through the o(er coming of that #hich plagued you that you manifest the healing tools that #ill assist others to mo(e beyond #hat they ha(e created% ,t has truly been a /oy and an honour to obser(e the energy that has been presented to you by Lord Maitreya on this day% And , shall ta$e great pleasure in assisting you all in creating your animated net#or$ of Light and humour. so be alert. be conscious. and be /oyful% , am Kuthumi. Lord of Lo(e and 2isdom. and , greet