ISCL Case Study 1
ISCL Case Study 1
ISCL Case Study 1
IT Management SuperTech s IT "epartment is manage" by 2amo"aran (popular by his call name 22 )! 3hief 7inancial 6fficer (376) an" IT 2irector# 22 has been )ith the company for %8 years# 9is e"ucation an" e/perience are concentrate" primarily in the areas of accounting an" finance# 22 )as promote" to 376 t)o years ago# At that time! he also assume" the role of IT 2irector# 9e spen"s the 'ast ma:ority of his time in "ealing )ith 376 relate" issues! as his financial
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Backup and Recovery SuperTech performs )eekly incremental backups of its ser'ers an" monthly full system backups# Incremental backups sa'e all files that ha'e been up"ate" since the last incremental backup# A full backup sa'es all "ata# T)o copies of the backup tapes are ma"e# 6ne copy is maintaine" in a fireproof 'ault in the corporate offices an" the secon" copy is sent 'ia courier to the sales "ealership at 4olkata# 7urthermore! the 4olkata ser'er can be use" as a backup ser'er in the e'ent one of the corporate ser'ers becomes una'ailable#
Application Development and Maintenance 2e'elopment of ne) applications an" changes to e/isting applications are submitte" to 2amo"aran (22)# 22 re'ie)s the re,uests for appropriateness an" compliance )ith corporate IT strategies! then for)ar"s the re,uests to Partho (the programmer)# $hen making mo"ifications to e/isting programs! Partho first copies the applicable source co"e from the pro"uction en'ironment! mo"ifies the co"e 'ia his "esktop computer an" then sen"s the mo"ifie" source co"e to the test ser'er# 6nce in the test ser'er! Partho an" <anesh (Testing an" Support) compile the mo"ifie" co"e an" test
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%# What are the inherent risks associated with Super Tech's IT environment?
%. Ideally, what controls would you recommend to mitigate each inherent risk just identified? (# What are the control risks associated with Super Tech s IT en!ironment?
ow wou!d "ou test the effectiveness of e#isting contro!s surrounding SuperTech's IT environment?
What specific control changes and impro!ements would you recommend to manage the residual risk associated with SuperTech s IT en!ironment?
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