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Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 74 (2011) 369e371

Case Report

Nosocomial nasal myiasis in an intubated patient

Yi-Tzu Lee a,b, Te-Li Chen b,c,*, Yi-Chun Lin d,e, Chang-Phone Fung b,c, Wen-Long Cho b,f
a Department of Medicine, Chutung Veterans Hospital, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University School of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC c Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC d Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC e Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC f Department of Medicine, Mackay Medical College, New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC b

Received March 19, 2010; accepted December 14, 2010

Abstract We report a case of nasal myiasis caused by Sarcophaga spp., noted during hospitalization. A 74-year-old man was admitted with non-STelevation myocardial infarction. The patient underwent coronary arterial bypass surgery and was then mechanically ventilated by means of a nasotracheal tube for the next 8 days. After extubation, a total of seven maggots were retrieved from both nostrils. The larvae were removed and reared to mature ies, which were identied as Sarcophaga peregrina. From the clinical course and the ys life cycle, it was concluded that the infestation was hospital-acquired. Copyright 2011 Elsevier Taiwan LLC and the Chinese Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Myiasis; Nosocomial infection; Sarcophaga

1. Introduction Myiasis occurs when tissues, organs, and body cavities of humans or animals are invaded and infested by the larval stage of nonbiting ies of the order Diptera.1 The y larvae that cause myiasis can live as parasites in the skin, soft tissues, mouth, stomach, intestines, urogenital system, nose, ears, and eyes.2 In the general community, naso-pharyngeal sites are classic but seem to be much rarer than infestations of skin wounds.3 Nasal myiasis is far more prevalent in tropical and developing countries.4 Here we report on a case of nasal myiasis originating in a hospital. 2. Case report A 74-year-old man was admitted to the cardiovascular department on July 30, 2004 owing to non-ST-elevation
* Corresponding author. Dr. Te-Li Chen, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 201, Section 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei 112, Taiwan, ROC. E-mail address: [email protected] (T.-L. Chen).

myocardial infarction. The patient had a history of coronary arterial diseases, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. On admission, the patient was in a clear state of consciousness. Since triple-vessel disease was diagnosed by means of cardiac catheter examination, coronary arterial bypass surgery was performed 11 days after admission. A nasal endotracheal tube was inserted by means of broscopic guide instead of an oral endotracheal tube because of difcult intubation. The nasotracheal tube was placed through the right nostril, whereas a nasogastric tube was placed through the left nostril. After the operation, the patient was mechanically ventilated and remained in the cardiovascular surgical intensive care unit. Seven days after the operation, the patient was transferred to the respiratory care unit and successfully weaned from mechanical ventilation on the second day. However, a total of seven maggots were noted in both nostrils after extubation. Nasal endoscopy revealed slight inammation of the nasal mucosa, but no additional maggots were observed. Computed tomography (CT) of the sinuses showed clear paranasal sinuses and no evidence of tissue destruction. Subsequently, the patient had an uneventful recovery. Five years after

1726-4901/$ - see front matter Copyright 2011 Elsevier Taiwan LLC and the Chinese Medical Association. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcma.2011.06.001


Y.-T. Lee et al. / Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 74 (2011) 369e371

hospitalization, the patient was free of symptoms attributable to myiasis. Environmental sanitation was reinforced in the hospital. To date, no additional cases of myiasis have been identied in this hospital. The larvae (Fig. 1A) were preserved in a nutrient-rich environment to complete their life cycle. First, they transformed to pupae (Fig. 1B) and then completed their metamorphosis by transforming into adult ies (Fig. 1C). The ies were identied as Sarcophaga peregrina (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830). 3. Discussion Of the order Diptera, the most common families responsible for myiasis are the Oestridae (bot ies), Calliphoridae (screwworm ies, blowies), and Sarcophagidae (carrion ies), the family of ies identied in the present case.5 The Sarcophaga species within the family Sarcophagidae are large, gray, and scavenging ies that are found distributed worldwide. Females are larviparous; that is, they deposit rstinstar larvae instead of laying eggs. Larvae are deposited in batches of 40e60 on decaying carcasses, rotting food, human and animal excreta, and sometimes in wounds.1 There are three instars of larval maturation, and complete development takes only 3e6 days.6 Given the length of time of the patients hospitalization and the developmental stage of the larvae found, it is considered that the infestation was hospitalacquired. Hospital-acquired nasal myiasis caused by Sarcophaga sp. has been previously reported only in Turkey.7 Nasal myiasis in the community setting is seen more often in tropical and developing countries and is commonly seen in patients who have atrophic rhinitis and patients of poor socioeconomic status and/or living under poor hygienic conditions.8 Nosocomial nasal myiasis, however, has been reported in midsummer in developed countries and is predisposed by immobility, debilitation, and/or a comatose status.6,9e13 Reviewing the literature regarding nosocomial nasal myiasis, the use of nasotracheal tubes has only been mentioned for one patient for whom maggots were noticed around the tube with visibly purulent drainage.9 The present case differs in which maggots were noted in both nostrils after removal of the nasotracheal tube. Interestingly, our patient acquired the parasites in his nose while both nostrils were occupied. In a review of 252 cases of nasal myiasis in India, it was observed that the most common complications were septal and palatal perforations, followed by erosion of the nasal bridge, adjacent areas of face, and the orbit as well as facial cellulites and ulceration of the tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall.14 Nevertheless, in our patient, as well as other cases reported9,11,12, there was no evidence of tissue destruction or invasion resulting from nasal myiasis. The differences between the various species of y larvae as they relate to their ability to invade tissue and restrictions on host selection may inuence the clinical outcome. The larval stages of some y species have been shown to be exceptionally aggressive. For instance, the larvae of Cochliomyia hominovirax invade live tissues and may destroy the nasal pyramid3 and penetrate the

Fig. 1. Life cycle of Sarcophaga peregrina. (A) S peregrina larvae removed from the patient. Actual size: 12 mm. (B) S peregrina pupa. Incubation: Day 6. Actual size: 10 mm. (C) S peregrina adult. Incubation: Day 16. Actual size: 11 mm.

Y.-T. Lee et al. / Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 74 (2011) 369e371


sinuses and cribiform plate to reach brain.15 Because of the differences between species, species identication is essential to help clinicians to predict the patients outcome. Furthermore, a CT scan may be used to determine whether inammation or other changes are present in the paranasal sinuses and to evaluate the extent of bony destruction and tissue invasion. In conclusion, although rare, nasal myiasis can occur in a hospital setting and Sarcophaga spp. could be the etiologic agent. Fly species identication is warranted, and a CT scan may be useful to evaluate the extent of bony destruction and tissue invasion. Prevention of nosocomial nasal myiasis could require controlling y populations in the hospital environment by sanitary and efcient waste disposal, reducing odors of decomposition, and more radical approaches such as insecticide sprays. Other prevention measures include protection of patients at risk by physical barriers such as screens or sealed windows, and attention to the hygiene of the patients. Acknowledgments We thank Shipher Wu, PhD, in the Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan for the identication of the y species. References
1. Service M. Flies and myiasis. In: Service M, editor. Medical entomology for students. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2008. p. 152e63.

2. Jiang C. A collective analysis on 54 cases of human myiasis in China from 1995e2001. Chin Med J (Engl) 2002;115:1445e7. 3. Couppie P, Roussel M, Rabarison P, Sockeel MJ, Sainte-Marie D, Marty C, et al. Nosocomial nasal myiasis owing to Cochliomyia hominivorax: a case in French Guiana. Int J Dermatol 2005;44:302e3. 4. Badia L, Lund VJ. Vile bodies: an endoscopic approach to nasal myiasis. J Laryngol Otol 1994;108:1083e5. 5. Diaz JH. Myiasis and tungiasis. In: Gerald L, Mandell JEB, Dolin Ralphael, editors. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennetts principles and practice of infectious diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone; 2010. p. 3637e9. 6. Smith DR, Clevenger RR. Nosocomial nasal myiasis. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1986;110:439e40. 7. Turk M, Afsar I, Ozbel Y, Sener AG, Uner A, Turker M. A case of nasomyiasis whose agent was Sarcophaga sp. Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2006;30:330e2. 8. Sood VP, Kakar PK, Wattal BL. Myiasis in otorhinolaryngology with entomological aspects. J Laryngol Otol 1976;90:393e9. 9. Beckendorf R, Klotz SA, Hinkle N, Bartholomew W. Nasal myiasis in an intensive care unit linked to hospital-wide mouse infestation. Arch Intern Med 2002;162:638e40. 10. Josephson RL, Krajden S. An unusual nosocomial infection: nasotracheal myiasis. J Otolaryngol 1993;22:46e7. 11. Yoshitomi A, Sato A, Suda T, Chida K. Nasopharyngeal myiasis during mechanical ventilation. Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi 1997;35: 1352e5. 12. Jacobson JA, Kolts RL, Conti M, Burke JP. Hospital-acquired myiasis. Infect Control 1980;1:319e20. 13. Ryckman RE, Halstead BW. Report of a case of human nasal myiasis by the green-bottle y, Phaenicia sericata, in San Bernardino County, California. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1952;1:711e2. 14. Sharma H, Dayal D, Agrawal SP. Nasal myiasis: review of 10 years experience. J Laryngol Otol 1989;103:489e91. 15. Debord BA. Rapid extermination of nasal myiasis. Trans Am Laryngol Rhinol Otol Soc 1959;1959:523e5.

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