Hadith Al Jaami2
Hadith Al Jaami2
Hadith Al Jaami2
By Imam Al Bukhari
Volume 2 2.1: Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) sayin ! "#e ($uslims) are the last (to %ome) but (&ill be) the 'oremost on the (ay o' )esurre%tion thou h the 'ormer nations &ere i*en the Holy +%riptures be'ore us. And this &as their day (,riday) the %elebration o' &hi%h &as made %ompulsory 'or them but they di''ered about it. +o Allah a*e us the uidan%e 'or it (,riday) and all the other people are behind us in this respe%t: the -e&s' (holy day is) tomorro& (i.e. +aturday) and the .hristians' (is) the day a'ter tomorro& (i.e. +unday)." 2.2: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "Anyone o' you attendin the ,riday (prayers) should take a bath." 2.1: Narrated Ibn /0mar: #hile /0mar bin Al23hattab &as standin and deli*erin the sermon on a ,riday! one o' the %ompanions o' the 4rophet! &ho &as one o' the 'oremost $uha5irs (emi rants) %ame. /0mar said to him! "#hat is the time no&6" He replied! "I &as busy and %ould not o ba%k to my house till I heard the Adhan. I did not per'orm more than the ablution." 7hereupon /0mar said to him! "(id you per'orm only the ablution althou h you kno& that Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) used to order us to take a bath (on ,ridays)6" 2.8: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "7he takin o' a bath on ,riday is %ompulsory 'or e*ery male ($uslim) &ho has attained the a e o' puberty." 2.9: Narrated Abu +a/id: I testi'y that Allah's Apostle said! "7he takin o' a bath on ,riday is %ompulsory 'or e*ery male $uslim &ho has attained the a e o' puberty and (also) the %leanin o' his teeth &ith +i&ak! and the usin o' per'ume i' it is a*ailable." /Amr (a sub2narrator) said! "I %on'irm that the takin o' a bath is %ompulsory! but as 'or the +i&ak and the usin o' per'ume! Allah kno&s better &hether it is obli atory or not! but a%%ordin to the Hadith it is as abo*e.") 2.:: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "Any person &ho takes a bath on ,riday like the bath o' -anaba and then oes 'or the prayer (in the 'irst hour i.e. early)! it is as i' he had sa%ri'i%ed a %amel (in Allah's %ause); and &hoe*er oes in the se%ond hour it is as i' he had sa%ri'i%ed a %o&; and &hoe*er oes in the third hour! then it is as i' he had sa%ri'i%ed a horned ram; and i' one oes in the 'ourth hour! then it is as i' he had sa%ri'i%ed a hen; and &hoe*er oes in the 'i'th hour then it is as i' he had o''ered an e . #hen the Imam %omes out (i.e. starts deli*erin the 3hutba)! the an els present themsel*es to listen to the 3hutba." 2.<: Narrated Abu Huraira: #hile /0mar (bin Al23hattab) &as deli*erin the 3hutba on a ,riday! a man entered (the mos=ue). /0mar asked him! "#hat has detained you 'rom the prayer6" 7he man said! "It &as only that &hen I
heard the Adhan I per'ormed ablution ('or the prayer)." >n that /0mar said! "(id you not hear the 4rophet sayin : 'Anyone o' you oin out 'or the -umua prayer should take a bath'6". 2.?: Narrated +alman2Al2,arsi: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "#hoe*er takes a bath on ,riday! puri'ies himsel' as mu%h as he %an! then uses his (hair) oil or per'umes himsel' &ith the s%ent o' his house! then pro%eeds ('or the -umua prayer) and does not separate t&o persons sittin to ether (in the mos=ue)! then prays as mu%h as (Allah has) &ritten 'or him and then remains silent &hile the Imam is deli*erin the 3hutba! his sins in2bet&een the present and the last ,riday &ould be 'or i*en." 2.@: Narrated 7a&us: I said to Ibn /Abbas! "7he people are narratin that the 4rophet said! '7ake a bath on ,riday and &ash your heads (i.e. take a thorou h bath) e*en thou h you &ere not -unub and use per'ume'." >n that Ibn /Abbas replied! "I kno& about the bath! (i.e. it is essential) but I do not kno& about the per'ume (i.e. &hether it is essential or not.) 2.1A: Narrated 7a&us: Ibn /Abbas mentioned the statement o' the 4rophet re ardin the takin o' a bath on ,riday and then I asked him &hether the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) had ordered per'ume or (hair) oil to be used i' they %ould be 'ound in one's house. He (Ibn /Abbas) replied that he did not kno& about it. 2.11: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: /0mar bin Al23hattab sa& a silken %loak (bein sold) at the ate o' the $os=ue and said to Allah's Apostle! "I &ish you &ould buy this to &ear on ,ridays and also on o%%asions o' the arri*als o' the dele ations." Allah's Apostle replied! "7his &ill be &orn by a person &ho &ill ha*e no share (re&ard) in the Herea'ter." Bater on similar %loaks &ere i*en to Allah's Apostle and he a*e one o' them to /0mar bin Al23hattab. >n that /0mar said! "> Allah's ApostleC Dou ha*e i*en me this %loak althou h on the %loak o' Atarid (a %loak mer%hant &ho &as sellin that silken %loak at the ate o' the mos=ue) you passed su%h and su%h a remark." Allah's Apostle replied! "I ha*e not i*en you this to &ear". And so /0mar bin Al23hattab a*e it to his pa an brother in $e%%a to &ear. 2.12: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "I' I had not 'ound it hard 'or my 'ollo&ers or the people! I &ould ha*e ordered them to %lean their teeth &ith +i&ak 'or e*ery prayer." 2.11: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle I said! "I ha*e told you repeatedly to (use) the +i&ak. (7he 4rophet put emphasis on the use o' the +i&ak.) 2.18: Narrated Hudhai'a: #hen the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ot up at ni ht ('or the ni ht prayer)! he used to %lean his mouth . 2.19: Narrated /Aisha: /Abdur2)ahman bin Abi Bakr %ame holdin a +i&ak &ith &hi%h he &as %leanin his teeth. Allah's Apostle looked at him. I re=uested /Abdur2)ahman to i*e the +i&ak to me and a'ter he a*e it to me I di*ided it! %he&ed it and a*e it to Allah's Apostle. 7hen he %leaned his teeth &ith it and (at that time) he &as restin a ainst my %hest. 2.1:: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet used to re%ite the 'ollo&in in the ,a5r prayer o' ,riday! "Ali'! Bam! $im! 7anEil" (+urat2 as2+a5da F12) and "Hal2ata2ala2l2Insani" (i.e. +urah2Ad2(ahr F<:). 2.1<: 2
Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 'irst -umua prayer &hi%h &as o''ered a'ter a -umua prayer o''ered at the mos=ue o' Allah's Apostle took pla%e in the mos=ue o' the tribe o' /Abdul Gais at -a&athi in Bahrain. 2.1?: Narrated Ibn /0mar: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin ! "All o' you are Huardians." Dunis said: )uEai= bin Hukaim &rote to Ibn +hihab &hile I &as &ith him at #adi2al2Gura sayin ! "+hall I lead the -umua prayer6" )uEai= &as &orkin on the land (i.e. 'armin ) and there &as a roup o' +udanese people and some others &ith him; )uEai= &as then the Ho*ernor o' Aila. Ibn +hihab &rote (to )uEai=) orderin him to lead the -umua prayer and tellin him that +alim told him that /Abdullah bin /0mar had said! "I heard Allah's Apostle sayin ! 'All o' you are uardians and responsible 'or your &ards and the thin s under your %are. 7he Imam (i.e. ruler) is the uardian o' his sub5e%ts and is responsible 'or them and a man is the uardian o' his 'amily and is responsible 'or them. A &oman is the uardian o' her husband's house and is responsible 'or it. A ser*ant is the uardian o' his master's belon in s and is responsible 'or them.' I thou ht that he also said! 'A man is the uardian o' his 'ather's property and is responsible 'or it. All o' you are uardians and responsible 'or your &ards and the thin s under your %are." 2.1@: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin ! "Anyone o' you %omin 'or the -umua prayer should take a bath." 2.2A: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: Allah's Apostle said! "7he takin o' a bath on ,riday is %ompulsory 'or e*ery $uslim &ho has attained the a e o' puberty." 2.21: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said "#e are the last (to %ome amon st the nations) but (&ill be) the 'oremost on the (ay o' )esurre%tion. 7hey &ere i*en the Holy +%ripture be'ore us and &e &ere i*en the Gur'an a'ter them. And this &as the day (,riday) about &hi%h they di''ered and Allah a*e us the uidan%e ('or that). +o tomorro& (i.e. +aturday) is the -e&s' (day)! and the day a'ter tomorro& (i.e. +unday) is the .hristians'." 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) remained silent ('or a &hile) and then said! "It is obli atory 'or e*ery $uslim that he should take a bath on%e in se*en days! &hen he should &ash his head and body." Narrated Abu Huraira throu h di''erent narrators that the 4rophet said! "It is Allah's ri ht on e*ery $uslim that he should take a bath (at least) on%e in se*en days." 2.22: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "Allo& &omen to o to the $os=ues at ni ht." 2.21: Narrated Ibn /0mar: >ne o' the &i*es o' /0mar (bin Al23hattab) used to o''er the ,a5r and the /Isha' prayer in %on re ation in the $os=ue. +he &as asked &hy she had %ome out 'or the prayer as she kne& that /0mar disliked it! and he has reat haira (sel'2respe%t). +he replied! "#hat pre*ents him 'rom stoppin me 'rom this a%t6" 7he other replied! "7he statement o' Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) : '(o not stop Allah's &omen2sla*e 'rom oin to Allah s $os=ues' pre*ents him." 2.28: Narrated $uhammad bin +eereen: >n a rainy day Ibn /Abbas said to his $u'adh2dhin! "A'ter sayin ! 'Ash2hadu anna $uhammadan )asulullah' (I testi'y that $uhammad is Allah's Apostle)! do not say 'Haiya 'Alas2+alat' (%ome 'or the prayer) but say '4ray in your houses'." (7he man did so). But the people disliked it. Ibn /Abbas said! "It &as done by one &ho &as mu%h better than I (i.e. the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ). No doubt! the -umua prayer is %ompulsory but I dislike to put you to task by brin in you out &alkin in mud and slush." 2.29: Narrated Aisha: 1
(the &i'e o' the 4rophet) 7he people used to %ome 'rom their abodes and 'rom Al2/A&ali (i.e. outskirts o' $edina up to a distan%e o' 'our miles or more 'rom $edina). 7hey used to pass throu h dust and used to be dren%hed &ith s&eat and %o*ered &ith dust; so s&eat used to tri%kle 'rom them. >ne o' them %ame to Allah's Apostle &ho &as in my house. 7he 4rophet said to him! "I &ish that you keep yoursel' %lean on this day o' yours (i.e. take a bath)." 2.2:: Narrated Dahya bin +a/id: I asked /Amra about takin a bath on ,ridays. +he replied! " Aisha said! '7he people used to &ork ('or their li*elihood) and &hene*er they &ent 'or the -umua prayer! they used to o to the mos=ue in the same shape as they had been in &ork. +o they &ere asked to take a bath on ,riday.' " 2.2<: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet used to o''er the -umua prayer immediately a'ter midday. 2.2?: Narrated Anas bin $alik: #e used to o''er the -umua prayer early and then ha*e an a'ternoon nap. 2.2@: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet used to o''er the prayer earlier i' it &as *ery %old; and i' it &as *ery hot he used to delay the prayer! i.e. the -umua prayer. 2.1A: Narrated Abu /Abs: I heard the 4rophet sayin ! "Anyone &hose 'eet are %o*ered &ith dust in Allah's %ause! shall be sa*ed by Allah 'rom the Hell2,ire." 2.11: Narrated Abu Huraira: heard Allah's Apostles (p.b.u.h) sayin ! "I' the prayer is started do not run 'or it but 5ust &alk 'or it %almly and pray &hate*er you et! and %omplete &hate*er is missed. " 2.12: Narrated /Abdullah bin Abi Gatada on the authority o' his 'ather: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "(o not stand up ('or prayer) unless you see me! and obser*e %almness and solemnity". 2.11: Narrated +alman Al2,arsi: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "Anyone &ho takes a bath on ,riday and %leans himsel' as mu%h as he %an and puts oil (on his hair) or s%ents himsel'; and then pro%eeds 'or the prayer and does not 'or%e his &ay bet&een t&o persons (assembled in the mos=ue 'or the ,riday prayer)! and prays as mu%h as is &ritten 'or him and remains =uiet &hen the Imam deli*ers the 3hutba! all his sins in bet&een the present and the last ,riday &ill be 'or i*en." 2.18: Narrated Ibn -urai5: I heard NaEi' sayin ! "Ibn /0mar! said! '7he 4rophet 'orbade that a man should make another man to et up to sit in his pla%e' ". I said to Na'i/! 'Is it 'or -umua prayer only6' He replied! ",or -umua prayer and any other (prayer)." 2.19: Narrated As2+aib bin DaEid: In the li'etime o' the 4rophet! Abu Bakr and /0mar! the Adhan 'or the -umua prayer used to be pronoun%ed &hen the Imam sat on the pulpit. But durin the .aliphate o' /0thman &hen the $uslims in%reased in number! a third Adhan at AE2Iaura' &as added. Abu /Abdullah said! "AE2Iaura' is a pla%e in the market o' $edina." 2.1:: Narrated As2+aib bin DaEid: 8
7he person &ho in%reased the number o' Adhans 'or the -umua prayers to three &as /0thman bin /A''an and it &as &hen the number o' the ($uslim) people o' $edina had in%reased. In the li'etime o' the 4rophet I there &as only one $u'adh2dhin and the Adhan used to be pronoun%ed only a'ter the Imam had taken his seat (i.e. on the pulpit). 2.1<: Narrated Abu 0mama bin +ahl bin Hunai': I heard $ua&iya bin Abi +u'yan (repeatin the statements o' the Adhan) &hile he &as sittin on the pulpit. #hen the $u'adh2dhin pronoun%ed the Adhan sayin ! "Allahu2Akbar! Allahu Akbar"! $ua&iya said: "Allah Akbar! Allahu Akbar." And &hen the $u'adh2dhin said! "Ash2hadu an la ilaha illal2lah (I testi'y that none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah)"! $ua&iya said! "And (so do) I". #hen he said! "Ash2hadu anna $uhammadan )asulullah" (I testi'y that $uhammad is Allah's Apostle)! $ua&iya said! "And (so do) I". #hen the Adhan &as 'inished! $ua&iya said! "> people! &hen the $u'adh2dhin pronoun%ed the Adhan I heard Allah's Apostle on this *ery pulpit sayin &hat you ha*e 5ust heard me sayin ". 2.1?: Narrated As2+a'ib bin DaEid I : /0thman bin /A''an introdu%ed the se%ond Adhan on ,ridays &hen the number o' the people in the mos=ue in%reased. 4re*iously the Adhan on ,ridays used to be pronoun%ed only a'ter the Imam had taken his seat (on the pulpit). 2.1@: Narrated AE2Iuhri: I heard As2+aib bin DaEid! sayin ! "In the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle! and Abu Bakr and /0mar! the Adhan 'or the -umua prayer used to be pronoun%ed a'ter the Imam had taken his seat on the pulpit. But &hen the people in%reased in number durin the %aliphate o' /0thman! he introdu%ed a third Adhan (on ,riday 'or the -umua prayer) and it &as pronoun%ed at AE2Iaura' and that ne& state o' a''airs remained so in the su%%eedin years. 2.8A: Narrated Abu HaEim bin (inar: +ome people &ent to +ahl bin +a/d As2+a/idi and told him that they had di''erent opinions re ardin the &ood o' the pulpit. 7hey asked him about it and he said! "By Allah! I kno& o' &hat &ood the pulpit &as made! and no doubt I sa& it on the *ery 'irst day &hen Allah's Apostle I took his seat on it. Allah's Apostle sent 'or su%h and su%h an Ansari &oman (and +ahl mentioned her name) and said to her! '>rder your sla*e2%arpenter to prepare 'or me some pie%es o' &ood (i.e. pulpit) on &hi%h I may sit at the time o' addressin the people.' +o she ordered her sla*e2%arpenter and he made it 'rom the tamarisk o' the 'orest and brou ht it (to the &oman). 7he &oman sent that (pulpit) to Allah's Apostle &ho ordered it to be pla%ed here. 7hen I sa& Allah's Apostle prayin on it and then bo&ed on it. 7hen he stepped ba%k! ot do&n and prostrated on the round near the 'oot o' the pulpit and a ain as%ended the pulpit. A'ter 'inishin the prayer he 'a%ed the people and said! 'I ha*e done this so that you may 'ollo& me and learn the &ay I pray.' " 2.81: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: 7he 4rophet used to stand by a stem o' a date2palm tree (&hile deli*erin a sermon). #hen the pulpit &as pla%ed 'or him &e heard that stem %ryin like a pre nant she2%amel till the 4rophet ot do&n 'rom the pulpit and pla%ed his hand o*er it. 2.82: Narrated +alim: $y 'ather said ! "I heard the 4rophet deli*erin the 3hutba on the pulpit and he said! '#hoe*er %omes 'or the -umua prayer should take a bath (be'ore %omin ).' " 2.81: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to deli*er the 3hutba &hile standin and then he &ould sit! then stand a ain as you do no&2a2days. 9
2.88: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: >ne day the 4rophet sat on the pulpit and &e sat around him. 2.89: Narrated /Amr bin 7a hlib: +ome property or somethin &as brou ht to Allah's Apostle and he distributed it. He a*e to some men and i nored the others. Bater he ot the ne&s o' his bein admonished by those &hom he had i nored. +o he lori'ied and praised Allah and said! "Amma ba'du. By Allah! I may i*e to a man and i nore another! althou h the one &hom I i nore is more belo*ed to me than the one &hom I i*e. But I i*e to some people as I 'eel that they ha*e no patien%e and no %ontentment in their hearts and I lea*e those &ho are patient and sel'2%ontent &ith the oodness and &ealth &hi%h Allah has put into their hearts and /Amr bin 7a hlib is one o' them." /Amr added! By AllahC 7hose &ords o' Allah's Apostle are more belo*ed to me than the best red %amels. 2.8:: Narrated Aisha: >n%e in the middle o' the ni ht Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &ent out and prayed in the mos=ue and some men prayed &ith him. 7he neJt mornin the people spoke about it and so more people athered and prayed &ith him (in the se%ond ni ht). 7hey %ir%ulated the ne&s in the mornin ! and so! on the third ni ht the number o' people in%reased reatly. Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) %ame out and they prayed behind him. >n the 'ourth ni ht the mos=ue &as o*er&helmed by the people till it %ould not a%%ommodate them. Allah's Apostle %ame out only 'or the ,a5r prayer and &hen he 'inished the prayer! he 'a%ed the people and re%ited "7ashah2hud" (I testi'y that none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah and that $uhammad is His Apostle)! and then said! "Amma ba'du. Verily your presen%e (in the mos=ue at ni ht) &as not hidden 'rom me! but I &as a'raid that this prayer (4rayer o' 7aha55ud) mi ht be made %ompulsory and you mi ht not be able to %arry it out." 2.8<: Narrated Abu Hummaid As2+a/idi >ne ni ht Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) stood up a'ter the prayer and re%ited "7ashah2hud" and then praised Allah as He deser*ed and said! "Amma ba'du." 2.8?: Narrated Al2$is&ar bin $akhrama: >n%e Allah's Apostle ot up 'or deli*erin the 3hutba and I heard him a'ter "7ashah2hud" sayin "Amma ba'du." 2.8@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: >n%e the 4rophet as%ended the pulpit and it &as the last atherin in &hi%h he took part. He &as %o*erin his shoulder &ith a bi %loak and bindin his head &ith an oily banda e. He lori'ied and praised Allah and said! "> peopleC .ome to me." +o the people %ame and athered around him and he then said! "Amma ba'du." ",rom no& on&ard the Ansar &ill de%rease and other people &ill in%rease. +o anybody &ho be%omes a ruler o' the 'ollo&ers o' $uhammad and has the po&er to harm or bene'it people then he should a%%ept the ood 'rom the bene*olent amon st them (Ansar) and o*erlook the 'aults o' their &ron 2doers." 2.9A: Narrated /Abdullah Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet used to deli*er t&o 3hutbas and sit in bet&een them. 2.91: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "#hen it is a ,riday! the an els stand at the ate o' the mos=ue and keep on &ritin the names o' the persons %omin to the mos=ue in su%%ession a%%ordin to their arri*als. 7he eJample o' the one &ho enters the mos=ue in the earliest hour is that o' one o''erin a %amel (in sa%ri'i%e). 7he one %omin neJt is like one o''erin a %o& and then a ram and then a %hi%ken and then an e
respe%ti*ely. #hen the Imam %omes out ('or -umua prayer) they (i.e. an els) 'old their papers and listen to the 3hutba." 2.92: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: A person entered the mos=ue &hile the 4rophet &as deli*erin the 3hutba on a ,riday. 7he 4rophet said to him! "Ha*e you prayed6" 7he man replied in the ne ati*e. 7he 4rophet said! "Het up and pray t&o rak/at." 2.91: Narrated -abir: A man entered the $os=ue &hile the 4rophet &as deli*erin the 3hutba. 7he 4rophet said to him! "Ha*e you prayed6" 7he man replied in the ne ati*e. 7he 4rophet said! "4ray t&o rak/at." 2.98: Narrated Anas: #hile the 4rophet &as deli*erin the 3hutba on a ,riday! a man stood up and said! ">! Allah's ApostleC 7he li*esto%k and the sheep are dyin ! so pray to Allah 'or rain." +o he (the 4rophet) raised both his hands and in*oked Allah ('or it). 2.99: Narrated Anas bin $alik: >n%e in the li'etime o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) the people &ere a''li%ted &ith drou ht ('amine). #hile the 4rophet &as deli*erin the 3hutba on a ,riday! a Bedouin stood up and said! ">! Allah's ApostleC >ur possessions are bein destroyed and the %hildren are hun ry; 4lease in*oke Allah ('or rain)". +o the 4rophet raised his hands. At that time there &as not a tra%e o' %loud in the sky. By Him in #hose Hands my soul is as soon as he lo&ered his hands! %louds athered like mountains! and be'ore he ot do&n 'rom the pulpit! I sa& the rain 'allin on the beard o' the 4rophet. It rained that day! the neJt day! the third day! the 'ourth day till the neJt ,riday. 7he same Bedouin or another man stood up and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7he houses ha*e %ollapsed! our possessions and li*esto%k ha*e been dro&ned; 4lease in*oke Allah (to prote%t us)". +o the 4rophet I raised both his hands and said! "> AllahC )ound about us and not on us". +o! in &hate*er dire%tion he pointed &ith his hands! the %louds dispersed and %leared a&ay! and $edina's (sky) be%ame %lear as a hole in bet&een the %louds. 7he *alley o' Ganat remained 'looded! 'or one month! none %ame 'rom outside but talked about the abundant rain. 2.9:: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "#hen the Imam is deli*erin the 3hutba! and you ask your %ompanion to keep =uiet and listen! then no doubt you ha*e done an e*il a%t." 2.9<: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) talked about ,riday and said! "7here is an hour (opportune time) on ,riday and i' a $uslim ets it &hile prayin and asks somethin 'rom Allah! then Allah &ill de'initely meet his demand." And he (the 4rophet) pointed out the shortness o' that time &ith his hands. 2.9?: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: #hile &e &ere prayin (-umua 3hutba K prayer) &ith the 4rophet (p.b.u.h)! some %amels loaded &ith 'ood! arri*ed ('rom +ham). 7he people di*erted their attention to&ards the %amels (and le't the mos=ue)! and only t&el*e persons remained &ith the 4rophet. +o this *erse &as re*ealed: "But &hen they see +ome bar ain or some amusement! 7hey disperse headlon to it! And lea*e you standin ." (:2.11) 2.9@: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: Allah's Apostle used to pray t&o rak/at be'ore the Iuhr prayer and t&o rak/at a'ter it. He also used to pray t&o rak/at a'ter the $a hrib prayer in his house! and t&o rak/at a'ter the /Isha' prayer. He ne*er
prayed a'ter -umua prayer till he departed ('rom the $os=ue)! and then he &ould pray t&o rak/at at home. 2.:A: Narrated +ahl bin +a/d: 7here &as a &oman amon st us &ho had a 'arm and she used to so& +il= (a kind o' *e etable) on the ed es o' streams in her 'arm. >n ,ridays she used to pull out the +il= 'rom its roots and put the roots in a utensil. 7hen she &ould put a hand'ul o' po&dered barley o*er it and %ook it. 7he roots o' the +il= &ere a substitute 'or meat. A'ter 'inishin the -umua prayer &e used to reet her and she &ould i*e us that 'ood &hi%h &e &ould eat &ith our hands! and be%ause o' that meal! &e used to look 'or&ard to ,riday. 2.:1: Narrated +ahl: As abo*e &ith the addition: #e ne*er had an a'ternoon nap nor meals eJ%ept a'ter o''erin the -umua prayer. 2.:2: Narrated Anas: #e used to o''er the -umua prayer early and then ha*e the a'ternoon nap. 2.:1: Narrated +ahl: #e used to o''er the -umua prayer &ith the 4rophet and then take the a'ternoon nap. 2.:8: Narrated +hu'aib: I asked AE2Iuhri! "(id the 4rophet e*er o''er the ,ear 4rayer6" AE2Iuhri said! "I &as told by +alim that /Abdullah bin /0mar I had said! 'I took part in a holy battle &ith Allah's Apostle I in Na5d. #e 'a%ed the enemy and arran ed oursel*es in ro&s. 7hen Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) stood up to lead the prayer and one party stood to pray &ith him &hile the other 'a%ed the enemy. Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) and the 'ormer party bo&ed and per'ormed t&o prostrations. 7hen that party le't and took the pla%e o' those &ho had not prayed. Allah's Apostle prayed one rak/a (&ith the latter) and per'ormed t&o prostrations and 'inished his prayer &ith 7aslim. 7hen e*eryone o' them bo&ed on%e and per'ormed t&o prostrations indi*idually.' " 2.:9: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar said somethin similar to $u5ahid's sayin : #hene*er ($uslims and non2$uslims) stand 'a%e to 'a%e in battle! the $uslims %an pray &hile standin . Ibn /0mar added! "7he 4rophet said! 'I' the number o' the enemy is reater than the $uslims! they %an pray &hile standin or ridin (indi*idually).' " 2.::: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: >n%e the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) led the 'ear prayer and the people stood behind him. He said 7akbir (Allahu2Akbar) and the people said the same. He bo&ed and some o' them bo&ed. 7hen he prostrated and they also prostrated. 7hen he stood 'or the se%ond rak/a and those &ho had prayed the 'irst rak/a le't and uarded their brothers. 7he se%ond party 5oined him and per'ormed bo&in and prostration &ith him. All the people &ere in prayer but they &ere uardin one another durin the prayer. 2.:<: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: >n the day o' the 3handa= /0mar %ame! %ursin the disbelie*ers o' Guraish and said! "> Allah's ApostleC I ha*e not o''ered the /Asr prayer and the sun has set." 7he 4rophet replied! "By AllahC I too! ha*e not o''ered the prayer yet. "7he 4rophet then &ent to Buthan! per'ormed ablution and per'ormed the /Asr prayer a'ter the sun had set and then o''ered the $a hrib prayer a'ter it." 2.:?: Narrated Anas bin $alik:
Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) o''ered the ,a5r prayer &hen it &as still dark! then he rode and said! 'Allah AkbarC 3haibar is ruined. #hen &e approa%h near to a nation! the most un'ortunate is the mornin o' those &ho ha*e been &arned." 7he people %ame out into the streets sayin ! "$uhammad and his army." Allah's Apostle *an=uished them by 'or%e and their &arriors &ere killed; the %hildren and &omen &ere taken as %apti*es. +a'iya &as taken by (ihya Al23albi and later she belon ed to Allah's Apostle o &ho married her and her $ahr &as her manumission. 2.:@: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: /0mar bou ht a silk %loak 'rom the market! took it to Allah's Apostle and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7ake it and adorn yoursel' &ith it durin the /Id and &hen the dele ations *isit you." Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) replied! "7his dress is 'or those &ho ha*e no share (in the Herea'ter)." A'ter a lon period Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) sent to /0mar a %loak o' silk bro%ade. /0mar %ame to Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &ith the %loak and said! "> Allah's ApostleC Dou said that this dress &as 'or those &ho had no share (in the Herea'ter); yet you ha*e sent me this %loak." Allah's Apostle said to him! "+ell it and 'ul'ill your needs by it." 2.<A: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) %ame to my house &hile t&o irls &ere sin in beside me the son s o' Buath (a story about the &ar bet&een the t&o tribes o' the Ansar! the 3haEra5 and the Aus! be'ore Islam). 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) lay do&n and turned his 'a%e to the other side. 7hen Abu Bakr %ame and spoke to me harshly sayin ! "$usi%al instruments o' +atan near the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) 6" Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) turned his 'a%e to&ards him and said! "Bea*e them." #hen Abu Bakr be%ame inattenti*e! I si naled to those irls to o out and they le't. It &as the day o' /Id! and the Bla%k people &ere playin &ith shields and spears; so either I re=uested the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) or he asked me &hether I &ould like to see the display. I replied in the a''irmati*e. 7hen the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) made me stand behind him and my %heek &as tou%hin his %heek and he &as sayin ! ".arry onC > Bani Ar'ida!" till I ot tired. 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) asked me! "Are you satis'ied (Is that su''i%ient 'or you)6" I replied in the a''irmati*e and he told me to lea*e. 2.<1: Narrated Al2Bara': I heard the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) deli*erin a 3hutba sayin ! "7he 'irst thin to be done on this day ('irst day o' /Id ul Adha) is to pray; and a'ter returnin 'rom the prayer &e slau hter our sa%ri'i%es (in the name o' Allah) and &hoe*er does so! he a%ted a%%ordin to our +unna (traditions)." 2.<2: Narrated Aisha: Abu Bakr %ame to my house &hile t&o small Ansari irls &ere sin in beside me the stories o' the Ansar %on%ernin the (ay o' Buath. And they &ere not sin ers. Abu Bakr said protestin ly! "$usi%al instruments o' +atan in the house o' Allah's Apostle C" It happened on the /Id day and Allah's Apostle said! "> Abu BakrC 7here is an /Id 'or e*ery nation and this is our /Id." 2.<1: Narrated Anas bin $alik!: Allah's Apostle ne*er pro%eeded ('or the prayer) on the (ay o' /Id2ul2,itr unless he had eaten some dates. Anas also narrated: 7he 4rophet used to eat odd number o' dates. 2.<8: Narrated Anas: 7he 4rophet said! "#hoe*er slau htered (his sa%ri'i%e) be'ore the /Id prayer! should slau hter a ain." A man stood up and said! "7his is the day on &hi%h one has desire 'or meat!" and he mentioned somethin about his nei hbors. It seemed that the 4rophet I belie*ed him. 7hen the same man added! "I ha*e a youn she2 oat &hi%h is dearer to me than the meat o' t&o sheep." 7he 4rophet permitted him to slau hter it as a sa%ri'i%e. I do not kno& &hether that permission &as *alid only 'or him or 'or others as &ell. 2.<9: @
Narrated Al2Bara' bin /AEib: 7he 4rophet deli*ered the 3hutba a'ter o''erin the prayer on the (ay o' Nahr and said! "#hoe*er o''ers the prayer like us and slau hters like us then his Nusuk (sa%ri'i%e) &ill be a%%epted by Allah. And &hoe*er slau hters his sa%ri'i%e be'ore the /Id prayer then he has not done the sa%ri'i%e." Abi Burda bin Niyar! the un%le o' Al2Bara' said! "> Allah's ApostleC I ha*e slau htered my sheep be'ore the /Id prayer and I thou ht today as a day o' eatin and drinkin (not al%oholi% drinks)! and I liked that my sheep should be the 'irst to be slau htered in my house. +o slau htered my sheep and took my 'ood be'ore %omin 'or the prayer." 7he 4rophet said! "7he sheep &hi%h you ha*e slau htered is 5ust mutton (not a Nusuk)." He (Abu Burda) said! "> Allah's ApostleC I ha*e a youn she2 oat &hi%h is dearer to me than t&o sheep. #ill that be su''i%ient as a Nusuk on my behal'6 "7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "Des! it &ill be su''i%ient 'or you but it &ill not be su''i%ient (as a Nusuk) 'or anyone else a'ter you." 2.<:: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: 7he 4rophet used to pro%eed to the $usalla on the days o' Id2ul2,itr and Id2ul2Adha; the 'irst thin to be in &ith &as the prayer and a'ter that he &ould stand in 'ront o' the people and the people &ould keep sittin in their ro&s. 7hen he &ould prea%h to them! ad*ise them and i*e them orders! (i.e. 3hutba). And a'ter that i' he &ished to send an army 'or an eJpedition! he &ould do so; or i' he &anted to i*e and order! he &ould do so! and then depart. 7he people 'ollo&ed this tradition till I &ent out &ith $ar&an! the Ho*ernor o' $edina! 'or the prayer o' Id2ul2Adha or Id2ul2,itr. #hen &e rea%hed the $usalla! there &as a pulpit made by 3athir bin As2+alt. $ar&an &anted to et up on that pulpit be'ore the prayer. I ot hold o' his %lothes but he pulled them and as%ended the pulpit and deli*ered the 3hutba be'ore the prayer. I said to him! "By Allah! you ha*e %han ed (the 4rophet's tradition)." He replied! "> Abu +a/idC Hone is that &hi%h you kno&." I said! "By AllahC #hat I kno& is better than &hat I do not kno&." $ar&an said! "4eople do not sit to listen to our 3hutba a'ter the prayer! so I deli*ered the 3hutba be'ore the prayer." 2.<<: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: Allah's Apostle used to o''er the prayer o' /Id2ul2Adha and /Id2ul2,itr and then deli*er the 3hutba a'ter the prayer. 2.<?: Narrated Ibn -urai5: /Ata' said! "-abir bin /Abdullah said! '7he 4rophet &ent out on the (ay o' /Id2ul2,itr and o''ered the prayer be'ore deli*erin the 3hutba! Ata told me that durin the early days o' Ibn AE2Iubair! Ibn /Abbas had sent a messa e to him tellin him that the Adhan 'or the /Id 4rayer &as ne*er pronoun%ed (in the li'e time o' Allah's Apostle) and the 3hutba used to be deli*ered a'ter the prayer. Ata told me that Ibn /Abbas and -abir bin /Abdullah! had said! "7here &as no Adhan 'or the prayer o' /Id2ul2,itr and /Id2ul2A=ha." /Ata' said! "I heard -abir bin /Abdullah sayin ! '7he 4rophet stood up and started &ith the prayer! and a'ter it he deli*ered the 3hutba. #hen the 4rophet o' Allah (p.b.u.h) 'inished (the 3hutba)! he &ent to the &omen and prea%hed to them! &hile he &as leanin on Bilal's hand. Bilal &as spreadin his arment and the ladies &ere puttin alms in it.' " I said to Ata! "(o you think it in%umbent upon an Imam to o to the &omen and prea%h to them a'ter 'inishin the prayer and 3hutba6" /Ata' said! "No doubt it is in%umbent on Imams to do so! and &hy should they not do so6" 2.<@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: I o''ered the /Id prayer &ith Allah's Apostle! Abu Bakr! /0mar and /0thman and all o' them o''ered the prayer be'ore deli*erin the 3hutba. 2.?A: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle! Abu Bakr and /0marC used to o''er the t&o /Id prayers be'ore deli*erin the 3hutba. 2.?1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 1A
7he 4rophet o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer on the (ay o' Id ul ,itr and he did not pray be'ore or a'ter it. 7hen he &ent to&ards &omen alon &ith Bilal and ordered them to pay alms and so they started i*in their earrin s and ne%kla%es (in %harity). 2.?2: Narrated Al2Bara' bin /AEib: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "7he 'irst thin that &e should do on this day o' ours is to pray and then return to slau hter the sa%ri'i%e. +o anyone &ho does so! he a%ted a%%ordin to our +unna (tradition)! and &hoe*er slau htered the sa%ri'i%e be'ore the prayer! it &as 5ust meat &hi%h he presented to his 'amily and &ould not be %onsidered as Nusuk." A person 'rom the Ansar named Abu Burda bin Niyyar said! "> Allah's ApostleC I slau htered the Nusuk (be'ore the prayer) but I ha*e a youn she2 oat &hi%h is better than an older sheep." 7he 4rophet I said! "+a%ri'i%e it in lieu o' the 'irst! but it &ill be not su''i%ient (as a sa%ri'i%e) 'or anybody else a'ter you." 2.?1: Narrated +a/id bin -ubair: I &as &ith Ibn /0mar &hen a spear head pier%ed the sole o' his 'oot and his 'oot stu%k to the paddle o' the saddle and I ot do&n and pulled his 'oot out! and that happened in $ina. Al2Ha55a5 ot the ne&s and %ame to in=uire about his health and said! "AlasC I' &e %ould only kno& the man &ho &ounded youC" Ibn /0mar said! "Dou are the one &ho &ounded me." Al2Ha55a5 said! "Ho& is that6" Ibn /0mar said! "Dou ha*e allo&ed the arms to be %arried on a day on &hi%h nobody used to %arry them and you allo&ed arms to be %arried in the Haram e*en thou h it &as not allo&ed be'ore." 2.?8: Narrated +a/id bin /Amr bin +a/id bin Al2/Aas: Al2Ha55a5 &ent to Ibn /0mar &hile I &as present there. Al2Ha55a5 asked Ibn /0mar! "Ho& are you6" Ibn /0mar replied! "I am all ri ht!" Al2Ha55a5 asked! "#ho &ounded you6" Ibn /0mar replied! "7he person &ho allo&ed arms to be %arried on the day on &hi%h it &as 'orbidden to %arry them (he meant Al2Ha55a5)." 2.?9: Narrated Al2Bara': 7he 4rophet deli*ered the 3hutba on the day o' Nahr (/Id2ul2Adha) and said! "7he 'irst thin &e should do on this day o' ours is to pray and then return and slau hter (our sa%ri'i%es). +o anyone &ho does so he a%ted a%%ordin to our +unna; and &hoe*er slau htered be'ore the prayer then it &as 5ust meat that he o''ered to his 'amily and &ould not be %onsidered as a sa%ri'i%e in any &ay. $y un%le Abu Burda bin Niyyar ot up and said! ">! Allah's ApostleC I slau htered the sa%ri'i%e be'ore the prayer but I ha*e a youn she2 oat &hi%h is better than an older sheep." 7he 4rophet said! "+lau hter it in lieu o' the 'irst and su%h a oat &ill not be %onsidered as a sa%ri'i%e 'or anybody else a'ter you." 2.?:: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet said! "No ood deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these ('irst ten days o' (hul Hi55a)." 7hen some %ompanions o' the 4rophet said! "Not e*en -ihad6" He replied! "Not e*en -ihad! eJ%ept that o' a man &ho does it by puttin himsel' and his property in dan er ('or Allah's sake) and does not return &ith any o' those thin s." 2.?<: Narrated $uhammad bin Abi Bakr Al27ha=a'i: #hile &e &ere oin 'rom $ina to /Ara'at! I asked Anas bin $alik! about 7albiya! "Ho& did you use to say 7albiya in the %ompany o' the 4rophet6" Anas said: "4eople used to say 7albiya and their sayin &as not ob5e%ted to and they used to say 7akbir and that &as not ob5e%ted to either. " 2.??: Narrated 0m /Atiya: #e used to be ordered to %ome out on the (ay o' /Id and e*en brin out the *ir in irls 'rom their houses and menstruatin &omen so that they mi ht stand behind the men and say 7akbir alon &ith them and in*oke Allah alon &ith them and hope 'or the blessin s o' that day and 'or puri'i%ation 'rom sins. 11
2.?@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: >n the day o' /Id2ul2,itr and /Id2ul2Adha a spear used to be planted in 'ront o' the 4rophet I (as a +utra 'or the prayer) and then he &ould pray. 2.@A: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet used to pro%eed to the $usalla and an 'AnaEa used to be %arried be'ore him and planted in the $usalla in 'ront o' him and he &ould pray 'a%in it (as a +utra). 2.@1: Narrated $uhammad: 0m 'Atiyya said: ">ur 4rophet ordered us to %ome out (on /Id day) &ith the mature irls and the *ir ins stayin in se%lusion." Ha'sa narrated the abo*e mentioned Hadith and added! "7he mature irls or *ir ins stayin in se%lusion but the menstruatin &omen had to keep a&ay 'rom the $usalla." 2.@2: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: I (in my boyhood) &ent out &ith the 4rophet on the day o' /Id ul ,itr or Id2ul2Adha. 7he 4rophet prayed and then deli*ered the 3hutba and then &ent to&ards the &omen! prea%hed and ad*ised them and ordered them to i*e alms. 2.@1: Narrated Al2Bara': 7he 4rophet &ent to&ards Al2Ba=i (the ra*eyard at $edina) on the day o' Id2ul2Adha and o''ered a t&o2rak/at prayer (o' /Id2ul2Adha) and then 'a%ed us and said! ">n this day o' ours! our 'irst a%t o' &orship is the o''erin o' prayer and then &e &ill return and slau hter the sa%ri'i%e! and &hoe*er does this %on%ords &ith our +unna; and &hoe*er slau htered his sa%ri'i%e be'ore that (i.e. be'ore the prayer) then that &as a thin &hi%h he prepared earlier 'or his 'amily and it &ould not be %onsidered as a Nusuk (sa%ri'i%e.)" A man stood up and said! ">! Allah's ApostleC I slau htered (the animal be'ore the prayer) but I ha*e a youn she2 oat &hi%h is better than an older sheep." 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said to him! "+lau hter it. But a similar sa%ri'i%e &ill not be su''i%ient 'or anybody else a'ter you." 2.@8: Narrated /Abdur )ahman bin /Abis: Ibn /Abbas &as asked &hether he had 5oined the 4rophet in the /Id prayer. He said! "Des. And I %ould not ha*e 5oined him had I not been youn . (7he 4rophet %ame out) till he rea%hed the mark &hi%h &as near the house o' 3athir bin As2+alt! o''ered the prayer! deli*ered the 3hutba and then &ent to&ards the &omen. Bilal &as a%%ompanyin him. He prea%hed to them and ad*ised them and ordered them to i*e alms. I sa& the &omen puttin their ornaments &ith their outstret%hed hands into Bilal's arment. 7hen the 4rophet alon &ith Bilal returned home. 2.@9: Narrated Ibn -urai5: /Ata' told me that he had heard -abir bin /Abdullah sayin ! "7he 4rophet stood up to o''er the prayer o' the /Id ul ,itr. He 'irst o''ered the prayer and then deli*ered the 3hutba. A'ter 'inishin it he ot do&n ('rom the pulpit) and &ent to&ards the &omen and ad*ised them &hile he &as leanin on Bilal's hand. Bilal &as spreadin out his arment &here the &omen &ere puttin their alms." I asked /Ata' &hether it &as the Iakat o' /Id ul ,itr. He said! "No! it &as 5ust alms i*en at that time. +ome lady put her 'in er rin and the others &ould do the same." I said! (to /Ata')! "(o you think that it is in%umbent upon the Imam to i*e ad*i%e to the &omen (on /Id day)6" He said! "No doubt! it is in%umbent upon the Imams to do so and &hy should they not do so6" Al2Hasan bin $uslim told me that Ibn /Abbas had said! "I 5oin the 4rophet! Abu Bakr! /0mar and /0thman in the /Id ul ,itr prayers. 7hey used to o''er the prayer be'ore the 3hutba and then they used to deli*er the 3hutba a'ter&ards. >n%e the 4rophet I %ame out ('or the /Id prayer) as i' I &ere 5ust obser*in him &a*in to the people to sit do&n. He! then a%%ompanied by Bilal! %ame %rossin the ro&s till he rea%hed the &omen. He re%ited the 'ollo&in *erse: '> 4rophetC #hen the belie*in &omen %ome to you to take the oath o' 'ealty to you . . . (to the end o' the *erse) (:A.12).' A'ter 'inishin the re%itation he said! "> ladiesC Are you 'ul'illin your %o*enant6" None eJ%ept one &oman said! "Des." Hasan did not kno& &ho &as that 12
&oman. 7he 4rophet said! "7hen i*e alms." Bilal spread his arment and said! "3eep on i*in alms. Bet my 'ather and mother sa%ri'i%e their li*es 'or you (ladies)." +o the ladies kept on puttin their ,atkhs (bi rin s) and other kinds o' rin s in Bilal's arment." /Abdur2)aEa= said! " ',atkhs' is a bi rin &hi%h used to be &orn in the (4re2Islami%) period o' i noran%e. 2.@:: Narrated Aiyub: Ha'sa bint +eereen said! ">n Id &e used to 'orbid our irls to o out 'or /Id prayer. A lady %ame and stayed at the pala%e o' Bani 3hala' and I &ent to her. +he said! '7he husband o' my sister took part in t&el*e holy battles alon &ith the 4rophet and my sister &as &ith her husband in siJ o' them. $y sister said that they used to nurse the si%k and treat the &ounded. >n%e she asked! '> Allah's ApostleC I' a &oman has no *eil! is there any harm i' she does not %ome out (on /Id day)6' 7he 4rophet said! 'Her %ompanion should let her share her *eil &ith her! and the &omen should parti%ipate in the ood deeds and in the reli ious atherin s o' the belie*ers.' " Ha'sa added! "#hen 0m2/Atiya %ame! I &ent to her and asked her! '(id you hear anythin about so2and2so6' 0m2/Atiya said! 'Des! let my 'ather be sa%ri'i%ed 'or the 4rophet (p.b.u.h). (And &hene*er she mentioned the name o' the 4rophet she al&ays used to say! 'Bet my 'ather be' sa%ri'i%ed 'or him). He said! 'Vir in mature irls stayin o'ten s%reened (or said! '$ature irls and *ir ins stayin o'ten s%reened22Aiyub is not sure as &hi%h &as ri ht) and menstruatin &omen should %ome out (on the /Id day). But the menstruatin &omen should keep a&ay 'rom the $usalla. And all the &omen should parti%ipate in the ood deeds and in the reli ious atherin s o' the belie*ers'." Ha'sa said! ">n that I said to 0m2/Atiya! 'Also those &ho are menstruatin 6' " 0m2/Atiya replied! "Des. (o they not present themsel*es at /Ara'at and else&here6". 2.@<: Narrated 0m2/Atiya: #e &ere ordered to o out ('or /Id) and also to take alon &ith us the menstruatin &omen! mature irls and *ir ins stayin in se%lusion. (Ibn /Aun said! ">r mature *ir ins stayin in se%lusion)." 7he menstruatin &omen %ould present themsel*es at the reli ious atherin and in*o%ation o' $uslims but should keep a&ay 'rom their $usalla. 2.@?: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to Nahr or slau hter sa%ri'i%es at the $usalla (on /Id2ul2Adha). 2.@@: Narrated Al2Bara' bin /AEib: >n the day o' Nahr Allah's Apostle deli*ered the 3hutba a'ter the /Id prayer and said! "Anyone &ho prayed like us and slau htered the sa%ri'i%e like &e did then he a%ted a%%ordin to our (Nusuk) tradition o' sa%ri'i%in ! and &hoe*er slau htered the sa%ri'i%e be'ore the prayer! then that &as 5ust mutton (i.e. not sa%ri'i%e)." Abu Burda bin Naiyar stood up and said! "> Allah's ApostleC By Allah! I slau htered my sa%ri'i%e be'ore I o''ered the (Id) prayer and thou ht that today &as the day o' eatin and drinkin (nonal%oholi% drinks) and so I made haste (in slau hterin ) and ate and also 'ed my 'amily and nei hbors." Allah's Apostle said! "7hat &as 5ust mutton (not a sa%ri'i%e)." 7hen Abu Burda said! "I ha*e a youn she2 oat and no doubt! it is better than t&o sheep. #ill that be su''i%ient as a sa%ri'i%e 'or me6" 7he 4rophet replied! "Des. But it &ill not be su''i%ient 'or anyone else (as a sa%ri'i%e)! a'ter you." 2.1AA: Narrated Anas bin $alik: Allah's Apostle o''ered the prayer on the day o' Nahr and then deli*ered the 3hutba and ordered that &hoe*er had slau htered his sa%ri'i%e be'ore the prayer should repeat it! that is! should slau hter another sa%ri'i%e. 7hen a person 'rom the Ansar stood up and said! "> Allah's ApostleC be%ause o' my nei hbors (he des%ribed them as bein *ery needy or poor) I slau htered be'ore the prayer. I ha*e a youn she2 oat &hi%h! in my opinion! is better than t&o sheep." 7he 4rophet a*e him the permission 'or slau hterin it as a sa%ri'i%e. 2.1A1: Narrated -undab: 11
>n the day o' Nahr the 4rophet o''ered the prayer and deli*ered the 3hutba and then slau htered the sa%ri'i%e and said! "Anybody &ho slau htered (his sa%ri'i%e) be'ore the prayer should slau hter another animal in lieu o' it! and the one &ho has not yet slau htered should slau hter the sa%ri'i%e mentionin Allah's name on it." 2.1A2: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: >n the (ay o' /Id the 4rophet used to return (a'ter o''erin the /Id prayer) throu h a &ay di''erent 'rom that by &hi%h he &ent. 2.1A1: Narrated /0r&a on the authority o' /Aisha: >n the days o' $ina! (11th! 12th! and 11th o' (hul2Hi55ah) Abu Bakr %ame to her &hile t&o youn irls &ere beatin the tambourine and the 4rophet &as lyin %o*ered &ith his %lothes. Abu Bakr s%olded them and the 4rophet un%o*ered his 'a%e and said to Abu Bakr! "Bea*e them! 'or these days are the days o' /Id and the days o' $ina." /Aisha 'urther said! ">n%e the 4rophet &as s%reenin me and I &as &at%hin the display o' bla%k sla*es in the $os=ue and (/0mar) s%olded them. 7he 4rophet said! 'Bea*e them. > Bani Ar'idaC (%arry on)! you are sa'e (prote%ted)'." 2.1A8: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet &ent out and o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer on the (ay o' /Id ul ,itr and did not o''er any other prayer be'ore or a'ter it and at that time Bilal &as a%%ompanyin him. 2.1A9: Narrated Ibn /0mar: >n%e a person asked Allah's Apostle about the ni ht prayer. Allah's Apostle replied! "7he ni ht prayer is o''ered as t&o rak/at 'ollo&ed by t&o rak/at and so on and i' anyone is a'raid o' the approa%hin da&n (,a5r prayer) he should pray one rak/a and this &ill be a &itr 'or all the rak/at &hi%h he has prayed be'ore." Na'i/ told that /Abdullah bin /0mar used to say 7aslim bet&een (the 'irst) t&o rak/at and (the third) odd one in the &itr prayer! &hen he &anted to attend to a %ertain matter (durin that inter*al bet&een the rak/at). 2.1A:: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: >n%e I passed the ni ht in the house o' $aimuna (his aunt). I slept a%ross the bed &hile Allah's Apostle and his &i'e slept len th2&ise. 7he 4rophet slept till midni ht or nearly so and &oke up rubbin his 'a%e and re%ited ten *erses 'rom +urat "Al2/Imran." Allah's Apostle &ent to&ards a leather skin and per'ormed ablution in the most per'e%t &ay and then stood 'or the prayer. I did the same and stood beside him. 7he 4rophet put his ri ht hand on my head! t&isted my ear and then prayed t&o rak/at 'i*e times and then ended his prayer &ith &itr. He laid do&n till the $u'adh2dhin %ame then he stood up and o''ered t&o rak/at (+unna o' ,a5r prayer) and then &ent out and o''ered the ,a5r prayer. (+ee Hadith No. 1?1! Vol. 1) 2.1A<: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : 7he 4rophet said! "Ni ht prayer is o''ered as t&o rak/at 'ollo&ed by t&o rak/at and so on! and i' you &ant to 'inish it! pray only one rak/a &hi%h &ill be &itr 'or all the pre*ious rak/at." Al2Gasim said! "+in%e &e attained the a e o' puberty &e ha*e seen some people o''erin a three2rak/at prayer as &itr and all that is permissible. I hope there &ill be no harm in it." 2.1A?: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to pray ele*en rak/at at ni ht and that &as his ni ht prayer and ea%h o' his prostrations lasted 'or a period enou h 'or one o' you to re%ite 'i'ty *erses be'ore Allah's Apostle raised his head. He also used to pray t&o rak/at (+unna) be'ore the (%ompulsory) ,a5r prayer and then lie do&n on his ri ht side till the $u'adh2dhin %ame to him 'or the prayer. 2.1A@: Narrated Anas bin +eereen: 18
I asked Ibn /0mar! "#hat is your opinion about the t&o rak/at be'ore the ,a5r (%ompulsory) prayer! as to prolon in the re%itation in them6" He said! "7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to pray at ni ht t&o rak/at 'ollo&ed by t&o and so on! and end the prayer by one rak/a &itr. He used to o''er t&o rak/at be'ore the ,a5r prayer immediately a'ter the Adhan." (Hammad! the sub2narrator said! "7hat meant (that he prayed) =ui%kly.)" 2.11A: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle o''ered &itr prayer at di''erent ni hts at *arious hours eJtendin ('rom the /Isha' prayer) up to the last hour o' the ni ht. 2.111: Narrated /Aisha : 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to o''er his ni ht prayer &hile I &as sleepin a%ross in his bed. #hene*er he intended to o''er the &itr prayer! he used to &ake me up and I &ould o''er the &itr prayer too. 2.112: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "$ake &itr as your last prayer at ni ht." 2.111: Narrated +a/id bin Dasar: I &as oin to $e%%a in the %ompany o' /Abdullah bin /0mar and &hen I apprehended the approa%hin da&n! I dismounted and o''ered the &itr prayer and then 5oined him. /Abdullah bin /0mar said! "#here ha*e you been6" I replied! "I apprehended the approa%hin da&n so I dismounted and prayed the &itr prayer." /Abdullah said! "Isn't it su''i%ient 'or you to 'ollo& the ood eJample o' Allah's Apostle6" I replied! "Des! by Allah." He said! "Allah's Apostle used to pray &itr on the ba%k o' the %amel (&hile on a 5ourney)." 2.118: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet used to o''er (Na&a'il) prayers on his )ahila (mount) 'a%in its dire%tion by si nals! but not the %ompulsory prayer. He also used to pray &itr on his (mount) )ahila. 2.119: Narrated $uhammad bin +eereen: Anas &as asked! "(id the 4rophet re%ite Gunut in the ,a5r prayer6" Anas replied in the a''irmati*e. He &as 'urther asked! "(id he re%ite Gunut be'ore bo&in 6" Anas replied! "He re%ited Gunut a'ter bo&in 'or some time ('or one month)." 2.11:: Narrated /Asim: I asked Anas bin $alik about the Gunut. Anas replied! "(e'initely it &as (re%ited)". I asked! "Be'ore bo&in or a'ter it6" Anas replied! "Be'ore bo&in ." I added! "+o and so has told me that you had in'ormed him that it had been a'ter bo&in ." Anas said! "He told an untruth (i.e. "&as mistaken!" a%%ordin to the Hi5aEi diale%t). Allah's Apostle re%ited Gunut a'ter bo&in 'or a period o' one month." Anas added! "7he 4rophet sent about se*enty men (&ho kne& the Gur'an by heart) to&ards the pa ans (o' Na5d) &ho &ere less than they in number and there &as a pea%e treaty bet&een them and Allah's Apostles (but the 4a ans broke the treaty and killed the se*enty men). +o Allah's Apostle re%ited Gunut 'or a period o' one month askin Allah to punish them." 2.11<: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet re%ited Gunut 'or one month (in the ,a5r prayer) askin Allah to punish the tribes o' )al and (hak&an. 2.11?: Narrated Anas: 7he Gunut used to be re%ited in the $a hrib and the ,a5r prayers. 2.11@: Narrated /Abbas bin 7amim's un%le: 19
7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) &ent out to o''er the Istis=a' prayer and turned (and put on) his %loak inside out. 2.12A: Narrated Abu Huraira; #hene*er the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) li'ted his head 'rom the bo&in in the last rak/a he used to say: "> AllahC +a*e /Aiyash bin Abi )abi/a. > AllahC +a*e +alama bin Hisham. > AllahC +a*e #alid bin #alid. > AllahC +a*e the &eak 'aith'ul belie*ers. > AllahC Be hard on the tribes o' $udar and send ('amine) years on them like the 'amine years o' (4rophet) -oseph ." 7he 4rophet 'urther said! "Allah 'or i*e the tribes o' Hhi'ar and sa*e the tribes o' Aslam." Abu AE2Iinad (a sub2narrator) said! "7he Gunut used to be re%ited by the 4rophet in the ,a5r prayer." 2.121: Narrated $asru=: #e &ere &ith /Abdullah and he said! "#hen the 4rophet sa& the re'usal o' the people to a%%ept Islam he said! "> AllahC +end ('amine) years on them 'or (se*en years) like the se*en years (o' 'amine durin the time) o' (4rophet) -oseph." +o 'amine o*ertook them 'or one year and destroyed e*ery kind o' li'e to su%h an eJtent that the people started eatin hides! %ar%asses and rotten dead animals. #hene*er one o' them looked to&ards the sky! he &ould (ima ine himsel' to) see smoke be%ause o' hun er. +o Abu +u'yan &ent to the 4rophet and said! "> $uhammadC Dou order people to obey Allah and to keep ood relations &ith kith and kin. No doubt the people o' your tribe are dyin ! so please pray to Allah 'or them." +o Allah re*ealed: "7hen &at%h you ,or the day that 7he sky &ill brin 'orth a kind >' smoke 4lainly *isible ... VerilyC Dou &ill return (to disbelie') >n the day &hen #e shall seiEe Dou &ith a mi hty rasp. (88.1A21:) Ibn $as/ud added! "Al2Batsha (i.e. rasp) happened in the battle o' Badr and no doubt smoke! Al2Batsha! Al2BiEam! and the *erse o' +urat Ar2)um ha*e all passed . 2.122: Narrated /Abdullah bin (inar: $y 'ather said! "I heard Ibn /0mar re%itin the poeti% *erses o' Abu 7alib: And a &hite (person) (i.e. the 4rophet) &ho is re=uested to pray 'or rain and &ho takes %are o' the orphans and is the uardian o' &ido&s." +alim's 'ather (Ibn /0mar) said! "7he 'ollo&in poeti% *erse o%%urred to my mind &hile I &as lookin at the 'a%e o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) &hile he &as prayin 'or rain. He did not et do&n till the rain &ater 'lo&ed pro'usely 'rom e*ery roo'2 utter: And a &hite (person) &ho is re=uested to pray 'or rain and &ho takes %are o' the orphans and is the uardian o' &ido&s . . . And these &ere the &ords o' Abu 7alib." 2.121: Narrated Anas: #hene*er drou ht threatened them! /0mar bin Al23hattab! used to ask Al2Abbas bin /Abdul $uttalib to in*oke Allah 'or rain. He used to say! "> AllahC #e used to ask our 4rophet to in*oke Dou 'or rain! and Dou &ould bless us &ith rain! and no& &e ask his un%le to in*oke Dou 'or rain. > Allah C Bless us &ith rain."(1) And so it &ould rain. 2.128: Narrated /Abdullah bin Iaid: 7he 4rophet turned his %loak inside out on Istis=a. 2.129: Narrated /Abdullah bin Iaid 7he 4rophet &ent to&ards the $usalla and in*oked Allah 'or rain. He 'a%ed the Gibla and &ore his %loak inside out! and o''ered t&o rak/at. 2.12:: Narrated +harik bin /Abdullah bin Abi Namir: I heard Anas bin $alik sayin ! ">n a ,riday a person entered the main $os=ue throu h the ate 'a%in the pulpit &hile Allah's Apostle &as deli*erin the 3hutba. 7he man stood in 'ront o' Allah's Apostle and said! '> Allah's ApostleC 7he li*esto%k are dyin and the roads are %ut o''; so please pray to Allah 'or rain.' " Anas added! "Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) raised both his hands and said! '> AllahC Bless us &ith rainC > AllahC Bless us &ith rainC > AllahC Bless us &ith rainC' " Anas added! "By Allah! 1:
&e %ould not see any tra%e o' %loud in the sky and there &as no buildin or a house bet&een us and (the mountains o') +ila." Anas added! "A hea*y %loud like a shield appeared 'rom behind it (i.e. +ila' $ountain). #hen it %ame in the middle o' the sky! it spread and then rained." Anas 'urther said! "By AllahC #e %ould not see the sun 'or a &eek. NeJt ,riday a person entered throu h the same ate and at that time Allah's Apostle &as deli*erin the ,riday's 3hutba. 7he man stood in 'ront o' him and said! '> Allah's ApostleC 7he li*esto%k are dyin and the roads are %ut o''! please pray to Allah to &ithhold rain.' " Anas added! "Allah's Apostle I raised both his hands and said! '> AllahC )ound about us and not on us. > AllahC >n the plateaus! on the mountains! on the hills! in the *alleys and on the pla%es &here trees ro&.' +o the rain stopped and &e %ame out &alkin in the sun." +harik asked Anas &hether it &as the same person &ho had asked 'or the rain (the last ,riday). Anas replied that he did not kno&. 2.12<: Narrated +harik: Anas bin $alik said! "A person entered the $os=ue on a ,riday throu h the ate 'a%in the (aril2 Gada' and Allah's Apostle &as standin deli*erin the 3hutba (sermon). 7he man stood in 'ront o' Allah's Apostle and said! '> Allah's Apostle! li*esto%k are dyin and the roads are %ut o''; please pray to Allah 'or rain.' +o Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) raised both his hands and said! '> AllahC Bless us &ith rain. > AllahC Bless us &ith rain. > AllahC Bless us &ith rainC" Anas added! "By Allah! there &ere no %louds in the sky and there &as no house or buildin bet&een us and the mountain o' +ila'. 7hen a bi %loud like a shield appeared 'rom behind it (i.e. +ilas $ountain) and &hen it %ame in the middle o' the sky! it spread and then rained. By AllahC #e %ould not see the sun 'or a &eek. 7he neJt ,riday! a person entered throu h the same ate and Allah's Apostle &as deli*erin the ,riday 3hutba and the man stood in 'ront o' him and said! '> Allah's ApostleC 7he li*esto%k are dyin and the roads are %ut o''; 4lease pray to Allah to &ithhold rain.' " Anas added! "Allah's Apostle raised both his hands and said! '> AllahC )ound about us and not on us. > AllahC' >n the plateaus! on the mountains! on the hills! in the *alleys and on the pla%es &here trees ro&.' " Anas added! "7he rain stopped and &e %ame out! &alkin in the sun." +harik asked Anas &hether it &as the same person &ho had asked 'or rain the pre*ious ,riday. Anas replied that he did not kno&. 2.12?: Narrated Gatada: Anas I said! "#hile Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &as deli*erin the ,riday 3hutba (sermon) a man %ame and said! '> Allah's ApostleC )ain is s%ar%e; please ask Allah to bless us &ith rain.' +o he in*oked Allah 'or it! and it rained so mu%h that &e %ould hardly rea%h our homes and it %ontinued rainin till the neJt ,riday." Anas 'urther said! "7hen the same or some other person stood up and said! '> Allah's ApostleC In*oke Allah to &ithhold the rain.' >n that! Allah's Apostle I said! '> AllahC )ound about us and not on us.' " Anas added! "I sa& the %louds dispersin ri ht and le't and it %ontinued to rain but not o*er $edina." 2.12@: Narrated Anas: A man %ame to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) and said! "Bi*esto%k are destroyed and the roads are %ut o''." +o Allah's Apostle in*oked Allah 'or rain and it rained 'rom that ,riday till the neJt ,riday. 7he same person %ame a ain and said! "Houses ha*e %ollapsed! roads are %ut o''! and the li*esto%k are destroyed. 4lease pray to Allah to &ithhold the rain." Allah's Apostle (stood up and) said! "> AllahC (Bet it rain) on the plateaus! on the hills! in the *alleys and o*er the pla%es &here trees ro&." +o the %louds %leared a&ay 'rom $edina as %lothes are taken o'' . 2.11A: Narrated Anas bin $alik: A man %ame to Allah's Apostle and said! "> Allah's ApostleC Bi*esto%k are destroyed and the roads are %ut o''. +o please in*oke Allah." +o Allah's Apostle prayed and it rained 'rom that ,riday to the neJt ,riday. 7hen he %ame to Allah's Apostle I and said! "> Allah's ApostleC Houses ha*e %ollapsed! roads are %ut o'' and the li*esto%k are destroyed." +o Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) prayed! "> AllahC (Bet
it rain) on the tops o' mountains! on the plateaus! in the *alleys and o*er the pla%es &here trees ro&." +o the %louds %leared a&ay 'rom $edina as %lothes are taken o''. 2.111: Narrated Anas bin $alik I p man %omplained to the 4rophet about the destru%tion o' li*esto%k and property and the hun er o' the o''sprin . +o he in*oked (Allah 'or rain. 7he narrator (Anas) did not mention that the 4rophet had &orn his %loak inside out or 'a%ed the Gibla. 2.112: Narrated Anas bin $alik A man %ame to Allah's Apostle and said! "> Allah's ApostleC Bi*esto%k are destroyed and the roads are %ut o''; so please in*oke Allah." +o Allah's Apostle prayed 'or rain and it rained 'rom that ,riday till the neJt ,riday. 7hen a man %ame to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7he houses ha*e %ollapsed! roads are %ut o'' and the li*esto%k are destroyed." +o Allah's Apostle said! "> Allah C (Bet it rain) on the tops o' the mountains! on the plateaus! in the *alleys and o*er the pla%es &here trees ro&." +o the %louds %leared a&ay 'rom $edina as %lothes are taken o''. 2.111: Narrated $asru=: >ne day I &ent to Ibn $as/ud &ho said! "#hen Guraish delayed in embra%in Islam! the 4rophet I in*oked Allah to %urse them! so they &ere a''li%ted &ith a ('amine) year be%ause o' &hi%h many o' them died and they ate the %ar%asses and Abu +u'yan %ame to the 4rophet and said! '> $uhammadC Dou %ame to order people to keep ood relation &ith kith and kin and your nation is bein destroyed! so in*oke Allah I 6 +o the 4rophet I re%ited the Holy *erses o' +irat2Ad2(ukhan: '7hen &at%h you ,or the day that 7he sky &ill Brin 'orth a kind >' smoke 4lainly *isible.' (88.1A) #hen the 'amine &as taken o''! the people rene ade on%e a ain as nonbelie*ers. 7he statement o' Allah! (in +ura "Ad2 (ukhan"288) re'ers to that: '>n the day &hen #e shall seiEe Dou &ith a mi hty rasp.' (88.1:) And that &as &hat happened on the day o' the battle o' Badr." Asbath added on the authority o' $ansur! "Allah's Apostle prayed 'or them and it rained hea*ily 'or se*en days. +o the people %omplained o' the eJ%essi*e rain. 7he 4rophet said! '> AllahC (Bet it rain) around us and not on us.' +o the %louds dispersed o*er his head and it rained o*er the surroundin s." 2.118: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle I &as deli*erin the 3hutba (sermon) on a ,riday &hen the people stood up! shouted and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7here is no rain (drou ht)! the trees ha*e dried and the li*esto%k are destroyed; 4lease pray to Allah 'or rain." +o Allah's Apostle said t&i%e! "> AllahC Bless us &ith rain." By Allah! there &as no tra%e o' %loud in the sky and suddenly the sky be%ame o*er%ast &ith %louds and it started rainin . 7he 4rophet %ame do&n the pulpit and o''ered the prayer. #hen he %ame ba%k 'rom the prayer (to his house) it &as rainin and it rained %ontinuously till the neJt ,riday. #hen the 4rophet started deli*erin the ,riday 3hutba (sermon)! the people started shoutin and said to him! "7he houses ha*e %ollapsed and the roads are %ut o''; so please pray to Allah to &ithhold the rain." +o the 4rophet smiled and said! "> AllahC )ound about us and not on us." +o the sky be%ame %lear o*er $edina but it kept on rainin o*er the outskirts (o' $edina) and not a sin le drop o' rain 'ell o*er $edian. I looked to&ards the sky &hi%h &as as bri ht and %lear as a %ro&n. 2.119: Narrated /Abbas bin 7amim that his un%le (&ho &as one o' the %ompanions o' the 4rophet) had told him! "7he 4rophet &ent out &ith the people to in*oke Allah 'or rain 'or them. He stood up and in*oked Allah 'or rain! then 'a%ed the Gibla and turned his %loak (inside out) and it rained." 2.11:: Narrated /Abbas bin 7amim 'rom his un%le &ho said! "7he 4rophet &ent out to in*oke Allah 'or rain. He 'a%ed the Gibla in*okin Allah. He turned o*er his %loak (inside out) and then o''ered t&o rak/at and re%ited the Gur'an aloud in them." 1?
2.11<: Narrated /Abbas bin 7amim 'rom his un%le! "I sa& the 4rophet on the day &hen he &ent out to o''er the Istis=a' prayer. He turned his ba%k to&ards the people and 'a%ed the Gibla and asked Allah 'or rain. 7hen he turned his %loak inside out and led us in a t&o rak/at prayer and re%ited the Gur'an aloud in them." 2.11?: Narrated /Abbas bin 7amim 'rom his un%le &ho said! "7he 4rophet in*oked Allah 'or rain and o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer and he put his %loak inside out." 2.11@: Narrated /Abbas bin 7amim 'rom his un%le &ho said! "7he 4rophet &ent out to the $usalla to o''er the Istis=a' prayer! 'a%ed the Gibla and o''ered a t&o2 rak/at prayer and turned his %loak inside out." Narrated Abu Bakr! "7he 4rophet put the ri ht side o' his %loak on his le't side." 2.18A: Narrated /Abdullah bin Iaid Al2Ansari: 7he 4rophet &ent out to&ards the $usalla in order to o''er the Istis=a' prayer and &hen he intended to in*oke (Allah) or started in*okin ! he 'a%ed the Gibla and turned his %loak inside out. 2.181: Narrated Anas bin $alik 7he 4rophet ne*er raised his hands 'or any in*o%ation eJ%ept 'or that o' Istis=a' and he used to raise them so mu%h that the &hiteness o' his armpits be%ame *isible. (Note: It may be that Anas did not see the 4rophet raisin his hands! but it is narrated that the 4rophet used to raise his hands 'or in*o%ations other than Istis=a. +ee Hadith No. ?A< K ?A? and also see Hadith No. :12! Vol. 9). 2.182: Narrated Aisha: #hene*er Allah's Apostle sa& the rain! he used to say! "> AllahC Bet it be a stron 'ruit'ul rain." 2.181: Narrated Anas bin $alik: In the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) the people &ere a''li%ted &ith a ('amine) year. #hile the 4rophet &as deli*erin the 3hutba (sermon) on the pulpit on a ,riday! a Bedouin stood up and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7he li*esto%k are dyin and the 'amilies (o''sprin ) are hun ry: please pray to Allah to bless us &ith rain." Allah's Apostle raised both his hands to&ards the sky and at that time there &as not a tra%e o' %loud in they sky. 7hen the %louds started atherin like mountains. Be'ore he ot do&n 'rom the pulpit I sa& rain&ater tri%klin do&n his beard. It rained that day! the neJt day! the third day! the 'ourth day and till the neJt ,riday! &hen the same Bedouin or some other person stood up (durin the ,riday 3hutba) and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7he houses ha*e %ollapsed and the li*esto%k are dro&ned. 4lease in*oke Allah 'or us." +o Allah's Apostle raised both his hands and said! "> AllahC Around us and not on us." #hi%he*er side the 4rophet dire%ted his hand! the %louds dispersed 'rom there till a hole (in the %louds) &as 'ormed o*er $edina. 7he *alley o' Ganat remained 'lo&in (&ith &ater) 'or one month and none! %ame 'rom outside &ho didn't talk about the abundant rain. 2.188: Narrated Anas: #hene*er a stron &ind ble&! anJiety appeared on the 'a%e o' the 4rophet ('earin that &ind mi ht be a si n o' Allah's &rath). 2.189: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet said! "I &as ranted *i%tory &ith As2+aba and the nation o' 'Ad &as destroyed by Ad2 (abur (&esterly &ind) . 2.18:: Narrated Abu Huraira:
7he 4rophet said! "7he Hour (Bast (ay) &ill not be established until (reli ious) kno&led e &ill be taken a&ay (by the death o' reli ious learned men)! earth=uakes &ill be *ery 're=uent! time &ill pass =ui%kly! a''li%tions &ill appear! murders &ill in%rease and money &ill o*er'lo& amon st you." (+ee Hadith No. ?9 Vol 1). 2.18<: Narrated Ibn /0mar: (7he 4rophet) said! "> AllahC Bless our +ham and our Demen." 4eople said! ">ur Na5d as &ell." 7he 4rophet a ain said! "> AllahC Bless our +ham and Demen." 7hey said a ain! ">ur Na5d as &ell." >n that the 4rophet said! "7here &ill appear earth=uakes and a''li%tions! and 'rom there &ill %ome out the side o' the head o' +atan." 2.18?: Narrated Iaid bin 3halid Al2-uhani: Allah's Apostle led the mornin prayer in Al2Hudaibiya and it had rained the pre*ious ni ht. #hen the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) had 'inished the prayer he 'a%ed the people and said! "(o you kno& &hat your Bord has said6" 7hey replied! "Allah and His Apostle kno& better." (7he 4rophet said)! "Allah says! 'In this mornin some o' $y &orshipers remained as true belie*ers and some be%ame non2belie*ers; he &ho said that it had rained &ith the blessin and mer%y o' Allah is the one &ho belie*es in $e and does not belie*e in star! but he &ho said it had rained be%ause o' su%h and su%h (star) is a disbelie*er in $e and is a belie*er in star.' " 2.18@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "3eys o' the unseen kno&led e are 'i*e &hi%h nobody kno&s but Allah . . . nobody kno&s &hat &ill happen tomorro&; nobody kno&s &hat is in the &omb; nobody kno&s &hat he &ill ain tomorro&; nobody kno&s at &hat pla%e he &ill die; and nobody kno&s &hen it &ill rain." 2.19A: Narrated Abu Bakra: #e &ere &ith Allah's Apostle &hen the sun e%lipsed. Allah's Apostle stood up dra in his %loak till he entered the $os=ue. He led us in a t&o2rak/at prayer till the sun (e%lipse) had %leared. 7hen the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "7he sun and the moon do not e%lipse be%ause o' someone's death. +o &hene*er you see these e%lipses pray and in*oke (Allah) till the e%lipse is o*er." 2.191: Narrated Abu $as/ud: 7he 4rophet said! "7he sun and the moon do not e%lipse be%ause o' the death o' someone 'rom the people but they are t&o si ns amon st the si ns o' Allah. #hen you see them stand up and pray." 2.192: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet said! "7he sun and the moon do not e%lipse be%ause o' the death or li'e (i.e. birth) o' someone but they are t&o si ns amon st the si ns o' Allah. #hen you see them o''er the prayer." 2.191: Narrated Al2$u hira bin +hu/ba: "7he sun e%lipsed in the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle on the day &hen (his son) Ibrahim died. +o the people said that the sun had e%lipsed be%ause o' the death o' Ibrahim. Allah's Apostle said! "7he sun and the moon do not e%lipse be%ause o' the death or li'e (i.e. birth) o' someone. #hen you see the e%lipse pray and in*oke Allah." 2.198: Narrated /Aisha : In the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) the sun e%lipsed! so he led the people in prayer! and stood up and per'ormed a lon Giyam! then bo&ed 'or a lon &hile. He stood up a ain and per'ormed a lon Giyam but this time the period o' standin &as shorter than the 'irst. He bo&ed a ain 'or a lon time but shorter than the 'irst one! then he prostrated and prolon ed the prostration. He did the same in the se%ond rak/a as he did in the 'irst and then 'inished the prayer; by then the sun (e%lipse) had 2A
%leared. He deli*ered the 3hutba (sermon) and a'ter praisin and lori'yin Allah he said! "7he sun and the moon are t&o si ns a ainst the si ns o' Allah; they do not e%lipse on the death or li'e o' anyone. +o &hen you see the e%lipse! remember Allah and say 7akbir! pray and i*e +ada=a." 7he 4rophet then said! "> 'ollo&ers o' $uhammadC By AllahC 7here is none &ho has more haira (sel'2 respe%t) than Allah as He has 'orbidden that His sla*es! male or 'emale %ommit adultery (ille al seJual inter%ourse). > 'ollo&ers o' $uhammadC By AllahC I' you kne& that &hi%h I kno& you &ould lau h little and &eep mu%h. 2.199: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Amr : "#hen the sun e%lipsed in the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle an announ%ement &as made that a prayer &as to be o''ered in %on re ation." 2.19:: Narrated /Aisha: (the &i'e o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) In the li'etime o' the 4rophet the sun e%lipsed and he &ent to the $os=ue and the people ali ned behind him. He said the 7akbir (startin the prayer) and prolon ed the re%itation ('rom the Gur'an) and then said 7akbir and per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in ; then he (li'ted his head and) said! "+ami allahu liman hamidah" (Allah heard him &ho sent his praises to Him). He then did not prostrate but stood up and re%ited a prolon ed re%itation &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst re%itation. He a ain said 7akbir and then bo&ed a prolon ed bo&in but shorter than the 'irst one and then said! "+ami/a l2lahu Byman hamidah )abbana &alak2lhamd! (Allah heard him &ho sent his praises to Him. > our +ustainerC All the praises are 'or Dou)" and then prostrated and did the same in the se%ond rak/a; thus he %ompleted 'our bo&in and 'our prostrations. 7he sun (e%lipse) had %leared be'ore he 'inished the prayer. (A'ter the prayer) he stood up! lori'ied and praised Allah as He deser*ed and then said! "7he sun and the moon are t&o o' the si ns o' Allah. 7hey do not e%lipse be%ause o' the death or the li'e (i.e. birth) o' someone. #hen you see them make haste 'or the prayer." Narrated AE2Iuhri: I said to '0rsa! "#hen the sun e%lipsed at $edina your brother (/Abdullah bin AE2 Iubair) o''ered only a t&o2rak/at prayer like that o' the mornin (,a5r) prayer." '0rsa replied! "Des! 'or he missed the 4rophet's tradition (%on%ernin this matter)." 2.19<: Narrated Aisha: (the &i'e o' the 4rophet) >n the day &hen the sun 3hasa'at (e%lipsed) Allah's Apostle prayed; he stood up and said 7akbir and re%ited a prolon ed re%itation! then he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in ! then he raised his head and said! "+ami/a l2lahu Byman Hamidah!" and then remained standin and re%ited a prolon ed re%itation &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst. 7hen he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst. 7hen he prostrated and prolon ed the prostration and he did the same in the se%ond rak/a as in the 'irst and then 'inished the prayer &ith 7aslim. By that time the sun (e%lipse) had %leared He addressed the people and said! "7he sun and the moon are t&o o' the si ns o' Allah; they do not e%lipse (Dakhsi'an) be%ause o' the death or the li'e (i.e. birth) o' someone. +o &hen you see them make haste 'or the prayer." 2.19?: Narrated Abu Bakra: Allah's Apostle said: "7he sun and the moon are t&o si ns amon st the si ns o' Allah and they do not e%lipse be%ause o' the death o' someone but Allah 'ri htens His de*otees &ith them." 2.19@: Narrated /Amra bint /Abdur2)ahman: A -e&ess %ame to ask /Aisha (the &i'e o' the 4rophet) about somethin . +he said to her! "$ay Allah i*e you re'u e 'rom the punishment o' the ra*e." +o /Aisha ' asked Allah's Apostle "#ould the people be punished in their ra*es6" Allah's Apostle a'ter seekin re'u e &ith Allah 'rom the punishment o' the ra*e (and thus replied in the a''irmati*e). 7hen one day! Allah's Apostle rode to o to some pla%e but the sun e%lipsed. He returned in the 'orenoon and passed throu h the rear o' the d&ellin s (o' his &i*es) and stood 'or the (e%lipse) prayer! and the people stood behind him. He stood up 'or a lon period and then per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst bo&in . 21
7hen he raised his head and prostrated. 7hen he stood up ('or the se%ond rak/a) 'or a lon &hile but the standin &as shorter than that o' the 'irst rak/a. 7hen he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst one. 7hen he raised his head and prostrated. 7hen he stood up 'or a lon time but shorter than the 'irst. 7hen he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in but shorter than the 'irst. 7hen he raised his head and prostrated and 'inished the prayer and (then deli*ered the sermon and) said as mu%h as Allah &ished. And then he ordered the people to seek re'u e &ith Allah 'rom the punishment o' the ra*e. 2.1:A: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Amr #hen the sun e%lipsed in the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle and an announ%ement &as made that the prayer &as to be held in %on re ation. 7he 4rophet per'ormed t&o bo&in in one rak/a. 7hen he stood up and per'ormed t&o bo&in in one rak/a. 7hen he sat do&n and 'inished the prayer; and by then the (e%lipse) had %leared /Aisha said! "I had ne*er per'ormed su%h a lon prostration." 2.1:1: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Abbas: 7he sun e%lipsed in the li'etime o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) . Allah's Apostle o''ered the e%lipse prayer and stood 'or a lon period e=ual to the period in &hi%h one %ould re%ite +urat2al2Ba=ara. 7hen he bo&ed 'or a lon time and then stood up 'or a lon period &hi%h &as shorter than that o' the 'irst standin ! then bo&ed a ain 'or a lon time but 'or a shorter period than the 'irst; then he prostrated t&i%e and then stood up 'or a lon period &hi%h &as shorter than that o' the 'irst standin ; then he bo&ed 'or a lon time &hi%h &as shorter than the pre*ious one! and then he raised his head and stood up 'or a lon period &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst standin ! then he bo&ed 'or a lon time &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst bo&in ! and then prostrated (t&i%e) and 'inished the prayer. By then! the sun (e%lipse) had %leared. 7he 4rophet then said! "7he sun and the moon are t&o o' the si ns o' Allah. 7hey e%lipse neither be%ause o' the death o' somebody nor be%ause o' his li'e (i.e. birth). +o &hen you see them! remember Allah." 7he people say! "> Allah's ApostleC #e sa& you takin somethin 'rom your pla%e and then &e sa& you retreatin ." 7he 4rophet replied! "I sa& 4aradise and stret%hed my hands to&ards a bun%h (o' its 'ruits) and had I taken it! you &ould ha*e eaten 'rom it as lon as the &orld remains. I also sa& the Hell2'ire and I had ne*er seen su%h a horrible si ht. I sa& that most o' the inhabitants &ere &omen." 7he people asked! "> Allah's ApostleC #hy is it so6" 7he 4rophet replied! "Be%ause o' their un rate'ulness." It &as asked &hether they are un rate'ul to Allah. 7he 4rophet said! "7hey are un rate'ul to their %ompanions o' li'e (husbands) and un rate'ul to ood deeds. I' you are bene*olent to one o' them throu hout the li'e and i' she sees anythin (undesirable) in you! she &ill say! 'I ha*e ne*er had any ood 'rom you.' " 2.1:2: Narrated ,atima bint Al2$undhir: Asma' bint Al Bakr said! "I %ame to /Aisha the &i'e o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) durin the solar e%lipse. 7he people &ere standin and o''erin the prayer and she &as also prayin too. I asked her! '#hat has happened to the people6' +he pointed out &ith her hand to&ards the sky and said! '+ubhan2Allah'. I said! 'Is there a si n6' +he pointed out in the a''irmati*e." Asma' 'urther said! "I too then stood up 'or the prayer till I 'ainted and then poured &ater on my head. #hen Allah's Apostle had 'inished his prayer! he thanked and praised Allah and said! 'I ha*e seen at this pla%e o' mine &hat I ha*e ne*er seen e*en 4aradise and Hell. No doubt! it has been inspired to me that you &ill be put to trial in the ra*es like or nearly like the trial o' ($asih) Ad2(a55al. (I do not kno& &hi%h one o' the t&o Asma' said.) (7he an els) &ill %ome to e*eryone o' you and &ill ask &hat do you kno& about this man (i.e. $uhammad). 7he belie*er or a 'irm belie*er (I do not kno& &hi%h &ord Asma' said) &ill reply! 'He is $uhammad! Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &ho %ame to us &ith %lear e*iden%es and uidan%e! so &e a%%epted his tea%hin s! belie*ed and 'ollo&ed him.' 7he an els &ill then say to him! '+leep pea%e'ully as &e kne& surely that you &ere a 'irm belie*er.' 7he hypo%rite or doubt'ul person (I do not kno& &hi%h &ord Asma' said) &ill say! 'I do not kno&. I heard the people sayin somethin so I said it (the same).' " 2.1:1: 22
Narrated Asma: No doubt the 4rophet ordered people to manumit sla*es durin the solar e%lipse. 2.1:8: Narrated /Amra bint /Abdur2)ahman: A -e&ess %ame to /Aisha to ask her about somethin and then she said! "$ay Allah i*e you re'u e 'rom the punishment o' the ra*e." +o /Aisha asked Allah's Apostle! "#ould the people be punished in their ra*es6" Allah's Apostle asked Allah's re'u e 'rom the punishment o' the ra*e (indi%atin an a''irmati*e reply). 7hen one day Allah's Apostle rode (to lea*e 'or some pla%e) but the sun e%lipsed. He returned on the 'orenoon and passed throu h the rear o' the d&ellin s (o' his &i*es) and stood up and started o''erin the (e%lipse) prayer and the people stood behind him. He stood 'or a lon period and then per'ormed a lon bo&in and then stood strai ht 'or a lon period &hi%h &as shorter than that o' the 'irst standin ! then he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst bo&in ! then he raised his head and prostrated 'or a lon time and then stood up ('or the se%ond rak/a) 'or a lon &hile! but the standin &as shorter than the standin o' the 'irst rak/a. 7hen he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in &hi%h &as shorter than that o' the 'irst one. He then stood up 'or a lon time but shorter than the 'irst! then a ain per'ormed a lon bo&in &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst and then prostrated 'or a shorter &hile than that o' the 'irst prostration. 7hen he 'inished the prayer and deli*ered the sermon and) said &hat Allah &ished; and ordered the people to seek re'u e &ith Allah 'rom the punishment o' the ra*e. 2.1:9: Narrated Abu $as/ud: Allah's Apostle said! "7he sun and the moon do not e%lipse be%ause o' someone's death or li'e but they are t&o si ns amon st the si ns o' Allah! so pray &hene*er you see them." 2.1::: Narrated /Aisha: In the li'etime o' the 4rophet the sun e%lipsed and the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) stood up to o''er the prayer &ith the people and re%ited a lon re%itation! then he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in ! and then li'ted his head and re%ited a prolon ed re%itation &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst. 7hen he per'ormed a prolon ed bo&in &hi%h &as shorter than the 'irst and then li'ted his head and per'ormed t&o prostrations. He then stood up 'or the se%ond rak/a and o''ered it like the 'irst. 7hen he stood up and said! "7he sun and the moon do not e%lipse be%ause o' someone's li'e or death but they are t&o si ns amon st the si ns o' Allah &hi%h He sho&s to His &orshipers. +o &hene*er you see them! make haste 'or the prayer." 2.1:<: Narrated Abu $usa: 7he sun e%lipsed and the 4rophet ot up! bein a'raid that it mi ht be the Hour (i.e. (ay o' -ud ment). He &ent to the $os=ue and o''ered the prayer &ith the lon est Giyam! bo&in and prostration that I had e*er seen him doin . 7hen he said! "7hese si ns &hi%h Allah sends do not o%%ur be%ause o' the li'e or death o' somebody! but Allah makes His &orshipers a'raid by them. +o &hen you see anythin thereo'! pro%eed to remember Allah! in*oke Him and ask 'or His 'or i*eness." 2.1:?: Narrated Al2$u hira bin +hu/ba : >n the day o' Ibrahim's death! the sun e%lipsed and the people said that the e%lipse &as due to the death o' Ibrahim (the son o' the 4rophet). Allah's Apostle said! "7he sun and the moon are t&o si ns amon st the si ns o' Allah. 7hey do not e%lipse be%ause o' someone's death or li'e. +o &hen you see them! in*oke Allah and pray till the e%lipse is %lear." 2.1:@: Narrated Abu Bakra: In the li'etime o' the 4rophet the sun e%lipsed and then he o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer. 2.1<A: Narrated Abu Bakra:
In the li'etime o' the Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) the sun e%lipsed and he &ent out dra in his %lothes till he rea%hed the $os=ue. 7he people athered around him and he led them and o''ered t&o rak/at. #hen the sun (e%lipse) %leared! he said! "7he sun and the moon are t&o si ns amon st the si ns o' Allah; they do not e%lipse be%ause o' the death o' someone! and so &hen an e%lipse o%%urs! pray and in*oke Allah till the e%lipse is o*er." It happened that a son o' the 4rophet %alled Ibrahim died on that day and the people &ere talkin about that (sayin that the e%lipse &as %aused by his death). 2.1<1: Narrated Aisha: 7he 4rophet led us and per'ormed 'our bo&in in t&o rak/at durin the solar e%lipse and the 'irst rak/a &as lon er. 2.1<2: Narrated /Aisha: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) re%ited (the Gur'an) aloud durin the e%lipse prayer and &hen he had 'inished the e%lipse prayer he said the 7akbir and bo&ed. #hen he stood strai ht 'rom bo&in he &ould say "+ami 'al2l2ahu Byman hamidah )abbana &a laka l2hamd." And he &ould a ain start re%itin . In the e%lipse prayer there are 'our bo&in and 'our prostrations in t&o rak/at. Al2AuEa'i and others said that they had heard AE2Iuhi 'rom '0rsa 'rom /Aisha sayin ! "In the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle the sun e%lipsed! and he made a person to announ%e: '4rayer in %on re ation.' He led the prayer and per'ormed 'our bo&in and 'our prostrations in t&o rak/at." Narrated Al2#alid that /Abdur2)ahman bin Namir had in'ormed him that he had heard the same. Ibn +hihab heard the same. AE2Iuhri said! "I asked ('0rsa)! '#hat did your brother /Abdullah bin AE2Iubair do6 He prayed t&o rak/at (o' the e%lipse prayer) like the mornin prayer! &hen he o''ered the (e%lipse) prayer in $edian.' '0rsa replied that he had missed (i.e. did not pray a%%ordin to) the 4rophet's tradition." +ulaiman bin 3athir and +u'yan bin Husain narrated 'rom AE2Iuhri that the prayer 'or the e%lipse used to be o''ered &ith loud re%itation. 2.1<1: Narrated /Abdullah bin $as/ud : 7he 4rophet re%ited +uratan2Na5m (1A1) at $e%%a and prostrated &hile re%itin it and those &ho &ere &ith him did the same eJ%ept an old man &ho took a hand'ul o' small stones or earth and li'ted it to his 'orehead and said! "7his is su''i%ient 'or me." Bater on! I sa& him killed as a non2belie*er. 2.1<8: Narrated Abu Huraira: >n ,ridays the 4rophet used to re%ite Al' Bam $im 7anEil2As2+a5da (in the 'irst rak/a) and Hal ata'alal2lnsani i.e. +uratad2(ahr (BLLVI) (in the se%ond rak/a)! in the ,a5r prayer. 2.1<9: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he prostration o' +a/d is not a %ompulsory one but I sa& the 4rophet prostratin &hile re%itin it. 2.1<:: Narrated /Abdullah bin $as/ud: 7he 4rophet re%ited +urat2an2Na5m (91) and prostrated &hile re%itin it and all the people prostrated and a man amon st the people took a hand'ul o' stones or earth and raised it to his 'a%e and said! "7his is su''i%ient 'or me. Bater on I sa& him killed as a Nobel e*er. " 2.1<<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet I prostrated &hile re%itin An2Na5m and &ith him prostrated the $uslims! the pa ans! the 5inns! and all human bein s. 2.1<?: Narrated /Ata' bin Dasar: I asked Iaid bin 7habit about prostration on &hi%h he said that he had re%ited An2Na5m be'ore the 4rophet! yet he (the 4rophet) had not per'ormed a prostration. 2.1<@: Narrated Iaid bin 7habit: 28
I re%ited An2Na5m be'ore the 4rophet! yet he did not per'orm a prostration. 2.1?A: Narrated Abu +alma: I sa& Abu Huraira re%itin Idha2+ama' un2+ha==at and he prostrated durin its re%itation. I asked Abu Huraira! "(idn't I see you prostratin 6" Abu Huraira said! "Had I not seen the 4rophet prostratin ! I &ould not ha*e prostrated." 2.1?1: Narrated Ibn /0mar: #hen the 4rophet re%ited a +ura that %ontained the prostration he &ould prostrate and &e &ould do the same and some o' us (be%ause o' the hea*y rush) %ould not 'ind a pla%e 'or prostration. 2.1?2: Narrated Ibn /0mar! #hen the 4rophet re%ited +urat As2+a5da and &e &ere &ith him! he &ould prostrate and &e also &ould prostrate &ith him and some o' us (be%ause o' the hea*y rush) &ould not 'ind a pla%e ('or our 'oreheads) to prostrate on. 2.1?1: Narrated )abi/a: /0mar bin Al23hattab re%ited +urat2an2Nahl on a ,riday on the pulpit and &hen he rea%hed the *erse o' +a5da he ot do&n 'rom the pulpit and prostrated and the people also prostrated. 7he neJt ,riday /0mar bin Al23hattab re%ited the same +ura and &hen he rea%hed the *erse o' +a5da he said! "> peopleC #hen &e re%ite the *erses o' +a5da (durin the sermon) &hoe*er prostrates does the ri ht thin ! yet it is no sin 'or the one &ho does not prostrate." And /0mar did not prostrate (that day). Added Ibn /0mar "Allah has not made the prostration o' re%itation %ompulsory but i' &e &ish &e %an do it." 2.1?8: Narrated Abu )a'i/: I o''ered the /Isha' prayer behind Abu Huraira and he re%ited Idhas2+ama' 0n2+ha==at! and prostrated. I said! "#hat is this6" Abu Huraira said! "I prostrated behind Abul2Gasim and I &ill do the same till I meet him." 2.1?9: Narrated Ibn /0mar. #hene*er the 4rophet re%ited the +ura &hi%h %ontained the prostration o' re%itation he used to prostrate and then! &e! too! &ould prostrate and some o' us did not 'ind a pla%e 'or prostration. 2.1?:: Narrated Ibn /Abbas : 7he 4rophet on%e stayed 'or nineteen days and prayed shortened prayers. +o &hen &e tra*el led (and stayed) 'or nineteen days! &e used to shorten the prayer but i' &e tra*eled (and stayed) 'or a lon er period &e used to o''er the 'ull prayer. 2.1?<: Narrated Dahya bin 'Is2ha=: I heard Anas sayin ! "#e tra*eled &ith the 4rophet 'rom $edina to $e%%a and o''ered t&o rak/at ('or e*ery prayer) till &e returned to $edina." I said! "(id you stay 'or a &hile in $e%%a6" He replied! "#e stayed in $e%%a 'or ten days." 2.1??: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: I o''ered the prayer &ith the 4rophet! Abu Bakr and /0mar at $ina and it &as o' t&o rak/at. /0thman in the early days o' his %aliphate did the same! but later on he started prayin the 'ull prayer. 2.1?@: Narrated Haritha bin #ahab: 7he 4rophet I led us in the prayer at $ina durin the pea%e period by o''erin t&o rak/at. 2.1@A: Narrated /Abdur )ahman bin DaEid: 29
#e o''ered a 'our rak/at prayer at $ina behind Ibn /A''an . /Abdullah bin $as/ud &as in'ormed about it. He said sadly! "7ruly to Allah &e belon and truly to Him &e shall return." And added! "I prayed t&o rak/at &ith Allah's Apostle at $ina and similarly &ith Abu Bakr and &ith /0mar (durin their %aliphates)." He 'urther said! "$ay I be lu%ky enou h to ha*e t&o o' the 'our rak/at a%%epted (by Allah)." 2.1@1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet and his %ompanions rea%hed $e%%a in the mornin o' the 8th (hul2Hi55a re%itin 7albiya (> AllahC #e are obedient to your orders! &e respond 8 to your %all) . . . intendin to per'orm Ha55. 7he 4rophet ordered his %ompanions to assume the lhram 'or 0mra instead o' Ha55! eJ%eptin those &ho had Hadi (sa%ri'i%e) &ith them. 2.1@2: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet said! "A &oman should not tra*el 'or more than three days eJ%ept &ith a (hi2$ahram (i.e. a male &ith &hom she %annot marry at all! e. . her brother! 'ather! rand'ather! et%.) or her o&n husband.)" 2.1@1: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet said! "A &oman should not tra*el 'or more than three days eJ%ept &ith a (hi2$ahram." 2.1@8: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "It is not permissible 'or a &oman &ho belie*es in Allah and the Bast (ay to tra*el 'or one day and ni ht eJ%ept &ith a $ahram." 2.1@9: Narrated Anas bin $alik : o''ered 'our rak/at o' Iuhr prayer &ith the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) at $edina and t&o rak/at at (hul2 Hulai'a. (i.e. shortened the /Asr prayer). 2.1@:: Narrated /Aisha: "#hen the prayers &ere 'irst en5oined they &ere o' t&o rak/at ea%h. Bater the prayer in a 5ourney &as kept as it &as but the prayers 'or non2tra*elers &ere %ompleted." AE2Iuhri said! "I asked /0r&a &hat made Aisha pray the 'ull prayers (in 5ourney)." He replied! "+he did the same as /0thman did." 2.1@<: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: "I sa& Allah's Apostle delayin the $a hrib prayer till he o''ered it alon &ith the /Isha' prayer &hene*er he &as in a hurry durin the 5ourney." +alim narrated! "Ibn /0mar used to do the same &hene*er he &as in a hurry durin the 5ourney." And +alim added! "Ibn /0mar used to pray the $a hrib and /Isha' prayers to ether in Al2$uEdali'a." +alim said! "Ibn /0mar delayed the $a hrib prayer be%ause at that time he heard the ne&s o' the death o' his &i'e +a'iya bint Abi /0baid. I said to him! '7he prayer (is due).' He said! 'Ho on.' A ain I said! '7he prayer (is due).' He said! 'Ho on!' till &e %o*ered t&o or three miles. 7hen he ot do&n! prayed and said! 'I sa& the 4rophet prayin in this &ay! &hene*er he &as in a hurry durin the 5ourney.' /Abdullah (bin /0mar) added! "#hene*er the 4rophet &as in a hurry! he used to delay the $a hrib prayer and then o''er three rak/at (o' the $a hrib) and per'orm 7aslim! and a'ter &aitin 'or a short &hile! I=ama used to be pronoun%ed 'or the /Isha' prayer &hen he &ould o''er t&o rak/at and per'orm 7aslim. He &ould ne*er o''er any optional prayer till the middle o' the ni ht (&hen he used to pray the 7aha55ud)." 2.1@?: Narrated /Abdullah bin 'Amir 'rom his 'ather &ho said: I sa& the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) o''erin the prayer on his mount ()ahila) &hate*er dire%tion it took. 2.1@@: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah! 7he 4rophet used to o''er the Na&a'il! &hile ridin ! 'a%in a dire%tion other than that o' the Gibla. 2:
2.2AA: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar (&hile on a 5ourney) used to o''er the prayer and the &itr on his mount ()ahila). He said that the 4rophet used to do so. 2.2A1: Narrated /Abdullah bin (inar: >n tra*elin ! /Abdullah bin /0mar used to o''er the prayer on his $ount by si ns &hate*er dire%tion it took. /Abdullah said that the 4rophet used to do so. 2.2A2: Narrated 'Amir bin )abi/a! I sa& the 4rophet on his $ount prayin Na&a'il by noddin his head! &hate*er dire%tion he 'a%ed! but Allah's Apostle ne*er did the same in o''erin the %ompulsory prayers. Narrated +alim: At ni ht /Abdullah bin /0mar used to o''er the prayer on the ba%k o' his animal durin the 5ourney and ne*er %ared about the dire%tion he 'a%ed. Ibn /0mar said! "Allah's Apostle used to o''er the optional prayer on the ba%k o' his $ount 'a%in any dire%tion and also used to pray the &itr on it but ne*er o''ered the %ompulsory prayer on it." 2.2A1: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah 7he 4rophet used to pray (the Na&a'il) on his $ount 'a%in east and &hene*er he &anted to o''er the %ompulsory prayer! he used to dismount and 'a%e the Gibla. 2.2A8: Narrated Anas bin +eereen: #e &ent to re%ei*e Anas bin $alik &hen he returned 'rom +ham and met him at a pla%e %alled 'Ain2 at27amr. I sa& him prayin ridin the donkey! &ith his 'a%e to this dire%tion! i.e. to the le't o' the Gibla. I said to him! "I ha*e seen you o''erin the prayer in a dire%tion other than that o' the Gibla." He replied! "I' I had not seen Allah's Apostle doin it! I &ould not ha*e done it." 2.2A9: Narrated Ha's bin /Asim: Ibn /0mar &ent on a 5ourney and said! "I a%%ompanied the 4rophet and he did not o''er optional prayers durin the 5ourney! and Allah says: 'VerilyC In Allah's Apostle you ha*e a ood eJample to 'ollo&.' " (11.21) 2.2A:: Narrated Ibn /0mar : I a%%ompanied Allah's Apostle and he ne*er o''ered more than t&o rak/at durin the 5ourney. Abu Bakr! /0mar and /0thman used to do the same. 2.2A<: Narrated Ibn Abu Baila: >nly 0m Hani told us that she had seen the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) o''erin the (uha ('orenoon prayer). +he said! ">n the day o' the %on=uest o' $e%%a! the 4rophet took a bath in my house and o''ered ei ht rak/at. I ne*er sa& him prayin su%h a li ht prayer but he per'ormed per'e%t prostration and bo&in . Narrated /Abdullah bin Amir that his 'ather had told him that he had seen the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) prayin Na&a'il at ni ht on the ba%k o' his $ount on a 5ourney! 'a%in &hate*er dire%tion it took. 2.2A?: Narrated +alim bin /Abdullah: Ibn /0mar said! "Allah's Apostle used to pray the Na&a'il on the ba%k o' his $ount (%arria e) by si ns 'a%in any dire%tion." Ibn /0mar used to do the same. 2.2A@: Narrated +alim's 'ather: 7he 4rophet used to o''er the $a hrib and /Isha' prayers to ether &hene*er he &as in a hurry on a 5ourney. Narrated Ibn /Abbas: Allah's Apostle used to o''er the Iuhr and /Asr prayers to ether on 5ourneys! and also used to o''er the $a hrib and /Isha' prayers to ether. 2<
Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet used to o''er the $a hrib and the /Isha' prayers to ether on 5ourneys. 2.21A: Narrated AE2Iuhri: +alim told me! "/Abdullah bin /0mar said! 'I sa& Allah's Apostle delayin the $a hrib prayer till he o''ered it alon &ith the /Isha prayer &hene*er he &as in a hurry durin the 5ourney.' " +alim said! "Abdullah bin /0mar used to do the same &hene*er he &as in a hurry durin the 5ourney. A'ter makin the %all 'or I=ama! 'or the $a hrib prayer he used to o''er three rak/at and then per'orm 7aslim. A'ter &aitin 'or a short &hile! he &ould pronoun%e the I=ama 'or the /Isha' prayer and o''er t&o rak/at and per'orm 7aslim. He ne*er prayed any Na&a'il in bet&een the t&o prayers or a'ter the /Isha' prayers till he ot up in the middle o' the ni ht ('or 7aha55ud prayer)." 2.211: Narrated Anas: Allah's Apostle used to o''er these t&o prayers to ether on 5ourneys i.e. the $a hrib and the /Isha'. 2.212: Narrated Anas bin $alik: #hene*er the 4rophet started a 5ourney be'ore noon! he used to delay the Iuhr prayer till the time o' /Asr and then o''er them to ether; and i' the sun de%lined (at noon) he used to o''er the Iuhr prayer and then ride ('or the 5ourney). 2.211: Narrated Anas bin $alik: #hene*er the 4rophet started the 5ourney be'ore noon! he used to delay the Iuhr prayer till the time 'or the /Asr prayer and then he &ould dismount and pray them to ether; and &hene*er the sun de%lined be'ore he started the 5ourney he used to o''er the Iuhr prayer and then ride ('or the 5ourney). 2.218: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle prayed in his house &hile sittin durin his illness and the people prayed behind him standin and he pointed to them to sit do&n. #hen he had 'inished the prayer! he said! "7he Imam is to be 'ollo&ed and so &hen he bo&s you should bo&; and &hen he li'ts his head you should also do the same." 2.219: Narrated Anas bin $alik: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) 'ell do&n 'rom a horse and his ri ht side &as either in5ured or s%rat%hed! so &e &ent to in=uire about his health. 7he time 'or the prayer be%ame due and he o''ered the prayer &hile sittin and &e prayed &hile standin . He said! "7he Imam is to be 'ollo&ed; so i' he says 7akbir! you should also say 7akbir! and i' he bo&s you should also bo&; and &hen he li'ts his head you should also do the same and i' he says: +ami/a l2lahu liman hamidah (Allah hears &hoe*er sends his praises to Him) you should say: )abbana &alakal2Hamd (> our BordC All the praises are 'or Dou.") (+ee Hadith No. :9: Vol. 1). 2.21:: Narrated /Imran bin Husain: (&ho had piles) I asked Allah's Apostle about the prayin o' a man &hile sittin . He said! "I' he prays &hile standin it is better and he &ho prays &hile sittin ets hal' the re&ard o' that &ho prays standin ; and &hoe*er prays &hile Byin ets hal' the re&ard o' that &ho prays &hile sittin ." 2.21<: Narrated /Abdullah bin Buraida: /Imran bin Husain had piles. >n%e Abu $a mar narrated 'rom /Imran bin Husain had said! "I asked the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) about the prayer o' a person &hile sittin . He said! 'It is better 'or one to pray standin ; and &hoe*er prays sittin ets hal' the re&ard o' that &ho prays &hile standin ; and &hoe*er prays &hile Byin ets hal' the re&ard o' that &ho prays &hile sittin .' " 2.21?: Narrated /Imran bin Husain: 2?
had piles! so I asked the 4rophet about the prayer. He said! "4ray &hile standin and i' you %an't! pray &hile sittin and i' you %annot do e*en that! then pray Byin on your side." 2.21@: Narrated Aisha: (the mother o' the 'aith'ul belie*ers) I ne*er sa& Allah's Apostle o''erin the ni ht prayer &hile sittin eJ%ept in his old a e and then he used to re%ite &hile sittin and &hene*er he &anted to bo& he &ould et up and re%ite thirty or 'orty *erses (&hile standin ) and then bo&. 2.22A: Narrated /Aisha: (the mother o' the 'aith'ul belie*ers) Allah's Apostle (in his last days) used to pray sittin . He &ould re%ite &hile sittin ! and &hen thirty or 'orty *erses remained 'rom the re%itation he &ould et up and re%ite them &hile standin and then he &ould bo& and prostrate. He used to do the same in the se%ond rak/a. A'ter 'inishin the 4rayer he used to look at me and i' I &as a&ake he &ould talk to me and i' I &as asleep! he &ould lie do&n. 2.221: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hen the 4rophet ot up at ni ht to o''er the 7aha55ud prayer! he used to say: Allahumma lakal2hamd. Anta =aiyimus2sama&ati &al2ard &a man 'ihinna. #alakal2hamd! Baka mulkus2sama&ati &al2ard &a man 'ihinna. #alakal2hamd! anta nurus2sama&ati &al2ard. #alakalhamd! anta2l2ha= &a &a'duka2l2 ha=! &a li=a'uka Ha=! &a =ualuka Ha=! &al25annatu Han &an2naru Ha= &annabiyuna Ha=. #a $uhammadun! sallal2lahu'alaihi &asallam! Ha=! &as2sa'atu Ha=. Allahumma aslamtu Baka &abika amantu! &a 'Alaika ta&akkaltu! &a ilaika anabtu &a bika khasamtu! &a ilaika hakamtu 'a h'ir li ma =addamtu &ama akh2khartu &ama as2rartu &ama'a lantu! anta2l2mu=addim &a anta2l2mu akh2khir! la ilaha illa anta (or la ilaha hairuka). (> AllahC All the praises are 'or you! Dou are the Holder o' the Hea*ens and the Marth! And &hate*er is in them. All the praises are 'or Dou; Dou ha*e the possession o' the Hea*ens and the Marth And &hate*er is in them. All the praises are 'or Dou; Dou are the Bi ht o' the Hea*ens and the Marth And all the praises are 'or Dou; Dou are the 3in o' the Hea*ens and the Marth; And all the praises are 'or Dou; Dou are the 7ruth and Dour 4romise is the truth! And to meet Dou is true! Dour #ord is the truth And 4aradise is true And Hell is true And all the 4rophets (4ea%e be upon them) are true; And $uhammad is true! And the (ay o' )esurre%tion is true. > Allah C I surrender (my &ill) to Dou; I belie*e in Dou and depend on Dou. And repent to Dou! And &ith Dour help I ar ue (&ith my opponents! the non2belie*ers) And I take Dou as a 5ud e (to 5ud e bet&een us). 4lease 'or i*e me my pre*ious And 'uture sins; And &hate*er I %on%ealed or re*ealed And Dou are the >ne &ho make (some people) 'or&ard And (some) ba%k&ard. 7here is none to be &orshipped but you . +u'yan said that /Abdul 3arim Abu 0maiya added to the abo*e! '#ala haula #ala =u&ata illa billah' (7here is neither mi ht nor po&er eJ%ept &ith Allah). 2.222: Narrated +alim's 'ather: In the li'etime o' the 4rophet &hosoe*er sa& a dream &ould narrate it to Allah's Apostle. I had a &ish o' seein a dream to narrate it to Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) I &as a ro&n up boy and used to sleep in the $os=ue in the li'etime o' the 4rophet. I sa& in the dream that t&o an els %au ht hold o' me and took me to the ,ire &hi%h &as built all round like a built &ell and had t&o poles in it and the people in it &ere kno&n to me. I started sayin ! "I seek re'u e &ith Allah 'rom the ,ire." 7hen I met another an el &ho told me not to be a'raid. I narrated the dream to Ha'sa &ho told it to Allah's Apostle. 7he 4rophet said! "Abdullah is a ood man. I &ish he prayed 7aha55ud." A'ter that /Abdullah (i.e. +alim's 'ather) used to sleep but a little at ni ht. 2.221: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to o''er ele*en rak/at and that &as his prayer. He used to prolon the prostration to su%h an eJtent that one %ould re%ite 'i'ty *erses (o' the Gur'an) be'ore he &ould li't his head. He used to pray t&o rak/at (+unna) be'ore the ,a5r prayer and then used to lie do&n on his ri ht side till the %all2maker %ame and in'ormed him about the prayer. 2@
2.228: Narrated -undab: 7he 4rophet be%ame si%k and did not et up ('or 7aha55ud prayer) 'or a ni ht or t&o. 2.229: Narrated -undab bin /Abdullah : Habriel did not %ome to the 4rophet ('or some time) and so one o' the Guraish &omen said! "His +atan has deserted him." +o %ame the (i*ine )e*elation: "By the 'orenoon And by the ni ht #hen it is stillC Dour Bord (> $uhammad) has neither ,orsaken you Nor hated you." (@1.121) 2.22:: Narrated 0m +alama: >ne ni ht the 4rophet ot up and said! "+ubhan AllahC Ho& many a''li%tions Allah has re*ealed toni ht and ho& many treasures ha*e been sent do&n (dis%losed). Ho and &ake the sleepin lady o%%upants o' these d&ellin s up ('or prayers)! perhaps a &ell dressed in this &orld may be naked in the Herea'ter." 2.22<: Narrated /Ali bin Abi 7alib >ne ni ht Allah's Apostle %ame to me and ,atima! the dau hter o' the 4rophet and asked! "#on't you pray (at ni ht)6" I said! "> Allah's ApostleC >ur souls are in the hands o' Allah and i' He &ants us to et up He &ill make us et up." #hen I said that! he le't us &ithout sayin anythin and I heard that he &as hittin his thi h and sayin ! "But man is more =uarrelsome than anythin ." (1?.98) 2.22?: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to i*e up a ood deed! althou h he lo*ed to do it! 'or 'ear that people mi ht a%t on it and it mi ht be made %ompulsory 'or them. 7he 4rophet ne*er prayed the (uha prayer! but I o''er it. 2.22@: Narrated /Aisha! the mother o' the 'aith'ul belie*ers: >ne ni ht Allah's Apostle o''ered the prayer in the $os=ue and the people 'ollo&ed him. 7he neJt ni ht he also o''ered the prayer and too many people athered. >n the third and the 'ourth ni hts more people athered! but Allah's Apostle did not %ome out to them. In the mornin he said! "I sa& &hat you &ere doin and nothin but the 'ear that it (i.e. the prayer) mi ht be en5oined on you! stopped me 'rom %omin to you." And that happened in the month o' )amadan. 2.21A: Narrated Al2$u hira: 7he 4rophet used to stand (in the prayer) or pray till both his 'eet or le s s&elled. He &as asked &hy (he o''ered su%h an unbearable prayer) and he said! "should I not be a thank'ul sla*e." 2.211: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Amr bin Al2/As: Allah's Apostle told me! "7he most belo*ed prayer to Allah is that o' (a*id and the most belo*ed 'asts to Allah are those o' (a*id. He used to sleep 'or hal' o' the ni ht and then pray 'or one third o' the ni ht and a ain sleep 'or its siJth part and used to 'ast on alternate days." 2.212: Narrated $asru=: I asked /Aisha &hi%h deed &as most lo*ed by the 4rophet. +he said! "A deed done %ontinuously." I 'urther asked! "#hen did he used to et up (in the ni ht 'or the prayer)." +he said! "He used to et up on hearin the %ro&in o' a %o%k." 2.211: Narrated Al2Ashath: He (the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ) used to et up 'or the prayer on hearin the %ro&in o' a %o%k. 2.218: Narrated /Aisha: In my house he (4rophet (p.b.u.h) ) ne*er passed the last hours o' the ni ht but sleepin . 1A
2.219: Narrated Gatada: Anas bin $alik said! "7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) and Iaid bin 7habit took their +uhur to ether. #hen they 'inished it! the 4rophet stood 'or the (,a5r) prayer and o''ered it." #e asked Anas! "#hat &as the inter*al bet&een their 'inishin the +uhur and the startin o' the mornin prayer6" Anas replied! "It &as e=ual to the time taken by a person in re%itin 'i'ty *erses o' the Gur'an." 2.21:: Narrated Abu2#ail: /Abdullah said! ">ne ni ht I o''ered the 7aha55ud prayer &ith the 4rophet and he kept on standin till an ill2thou ht %ame to me." #e said! "#hat &as the ill2thou ht6" He said! "It &as to sit do&n and lea*e the 4rophet (standin )." 2.21<: Narrated Hudhai'a : #hene*er the 4rophet ot up 'or 7aha55ud prayer he used to %lean his mouth (and teeth) &ith +i&ak. 2.21?: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : A man said! "> Allah's ApostleC Ho& is the prayer o' the ni ht6" He said! "7&o rak/at 'ollo&ed by t&o rak/at and so on! and &hen you apprehend the approa%hin da&n! o''er one rak/a as &itr." 2.21@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he prayer o' the 4rophet used to be o' thirteen rak/at! i.e. o' the ni ht prayer. 2.28A: Narrated $asru=: I asked Aisha about the ni ht prayer o' Allah's Apostle and she said! "It &as se*en! nine or ele*en rak/at besides the t&o rak/at o' the ,a5r prayer (i.e. +unna). " 2.281: Narrated /Aisha! 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to o''er thirteen rak/at o' the ni ht prayer and that in%luded the &itr and t&o rak/at (+unna) o' the ,a5r prayer. 2.282: Narrated Anas bin $alik +ometimes Allah's Apostle &ould not 'ast ('or so many days) that &e thou ht that he &ould not 'ast that month and he sometimes used to 'ast ('or so many days) that &e thou ht he &ould not lea*e 'astin throu hout that month and (as re ards his prayer and sleep at ni ht)! i' you &anted to see him prayin at ni ht! you %ould see him prayin and i' you &anted to see him sleepin ! you %ould see him sleepin . 2.281: Narrated Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle said! "+atan puts three knots at the ba%k o' the head o' any o' you i' he is asleep. >n e*ery knot he reads and eJhales the 'ollo&in &ords! '7he ni ht is lon ! so stay asleep.' #hen one &akes up and remembers Allah! one knot is undone; and &hen one per'orms ablution! the se%ond knot is undone! and &hen one prays the third knot is undone and one ets up ener eti% &ith a ood heart in the mornin ; other&ise one ets up laEy and &ith a mis%hie*ous heart." 2.288: Narrated +amura bin -undab: 7he 4rophet said in his narration o' a dream that he sa&! "He &hose head &as bein %rushed &ith a stone &as one &ho learnt the Gur'an but ne*er a%ted on it! and slept i norin the %ompulsory prayers." 2.289: Narrated /Abdullah : A person &as mentioned be'ore the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) and he &as told that he had kept on sleepin till mornin and had not ot up 'or the prayer. 7he 4rophet said! "+atan urinated in his ears." 2.28:: 11
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! ">ur Bord! the Blessed! the +uperior! %omes e*ery ni ht do&n on the nearest Hea*en to us &hen the last third o' the ni ht remains! sayin : "Is there anyone to in*oke $e! so that I may respond to in*o%ation6 Is there anyone to ask $e! so that I may rant him his re=uest6 Is there anyone seekin $y 'or i*eness! so that I may 'or i*e him6" 2.28<: Narrated Al2As&ad: I asked /Aisha "Ho& is the ni ht prayer o' the 4rophet6" +he replied! "He used to sleep early at ni ht! and et up in its last part to pray! and then return to his bed. #hen the $u'adh2dhin pronoun%ed the Adhan! he &ould et up. I' he &as in need o' a bath he &ould take it; other&ise he &ould per'orm ablution and then o out ('or the prayer)." 2.28?: Narrated Abu +alma bin /Abdur )ahman: I asked /Aisha! "Ho& is the prayer o' Allah's Apostle durin the month o' )amadan." +he said! "Allah's Apostle ne*er eJ%eeded ele*en rak/at in )amadan or in other months; he used to o''er 'our rak/at22 do not ask me about their beauty and len th! then 'our rak/at! do not ask me about their beauty and len th! and then three rak/at." Aisha 'urther said! "I said! '> Allah's ApostleC (o you sleep be'ore o''erin the &itr prayer6' He replied! '> /AishaC $y eyes sleep but my heart remains a&ake'C" 2.28@: Narrated /Aisha: I did not see the 4rophet re%itin (the Gur'an) in the ni ht prayer &hile sittin eJ%ept &hen he be%ame old; &hen he used to re%ite &hile sittin ! and &hen thirty or 'orty *erses remained 'rom the +ura! he &ould et up and re%ite them and then bo&. 2.29A: Narrated Abu Huraira: At the time o' the ,a5r prayer the 4rophet asked Bilal! "7ell me o' the best deed you did a'ter embra%in Islam! 'or I heard your 'ootsteps in 'ront o' me in 4aradise." Bilal replied! "I did not do anythin &orth mentionin eJ%ept that &hene*er I per'ormed ablution durin the day or ni ht! I prayed a'ter that ablution as mu%h as &as &ritten 'or me." 2.291.1: Narrated Anas bin $alik >n%e the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) entered the $os=ue and sa& a rope han in in bet&een its t&o pillars. He said! "#hat is this rope6" 7he people said! "7his rope is 'or Iainab &ho! &hen she 'eels tired! holds it (to keep standin 'or the prayer.)" 7he 4rophet said! "(on't use it. )emo*e the rope. Dou should pray as lon as you 'eel a%ti*e! and &hen you et tired! sit do&n." 2.291.1: Narrated /Aisha: A &oman 'rom the tribe o' Bani Asad &as sittin &ith me and Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) %ame to my house and said! "#ho is this6" I said! "(+he is) +o and so. +he does not sleep at ni ht be%ause she is en a ed in prayer." 7he 4rophet said disappro*in ly: (o ( ood) deeds &hi%h is &ithin your %apa%ity as Allah ne*er ets tired o' i*in re&ards till you et tired o' doin ood deeds." 2.292: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Amr bin Al2/As: Allah's Apostle said to me! "> /AbdullahC (o not be like so and so &ho used to pray at ni ht and then stopped the ni ht prayer." 2.291: Narrated '0bada bin As2+amit: 7he 4rophet "#hoe*er ets up at ni ht and says: 22 'Ba ilaha il2lallah #ahdahu la +harika lahu Bahu2 l2mulk! &aBahu2l2hamd &ahu&a 'ala kullishai'in Gadir. Al hamdu lil2lahi &a subhanal2lahi &a la2ilaha il2lal2lah &a2l2lahu akbar &a la ha&la #ala Gu&ata il2la2bil2lah.' (None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah. He is the >nly >ne and has no partners . ,or Him is the 3in dom and all the praises are due 'or Him. He is >mnipotent. All the praises are 'or Allah. All the lories are 'or Allah. And none 12
has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah! And Allah is Hreat And there is neither $i ht nor 4o&er MJ%ept &ith Allah). And then says: 22 Allahumma! I h'ir li (> AllahC ,or i*e me). >r in*okes (Allah)! he &ill be responded to and i' he per'orms ablution (and prays)! his prayer &ill be a%%epted." 2.298: Narrated Abu Huraira 7hat on%e Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "Dour brother! i.e. /Abdullah bin )a&aha does not say obs%ene (re'errin to his *erses): Amon st us is Allah's Apostle! &ho re%ites His Book &hen it da&ns. He sho&ed us the uidan%e! a'ter &e &ere blind. #e belie*e that &hate*er he says &ill %ome true. And he spends his ni hts in su%h a &ay as his sides do not tou%h his bed. #hile the pa ans &ere deeply asleep." 2.299: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar said! "In the li'etime o' the 4rophet I dreamt that a pie%e o' silk %loth &as in my hand and it 'le& &ith me to &hi%he*er part o' 4aradise I &anted. I also sa& as i' t&o persons (i.e. an els) %ame to me and &anted to take me to Hell. 7hen an an el met us and told me not to be a'raid. He then told them to lea*e me. Ha'sa narrated one o' my dreams to the 4rophet and the 4rophet said! "Abdullah is a ood man. #ould that he o''er the ni ht prayer (7aha55ud)C" +o a'ter that day /Abdullah (bin /0mar) started o''erin 7aha55ud. 7he %ompanions o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to tell him their dreams that (Baila2tul2Gadr) &as on the 2<th o' the month o' )amadan. 7he 4rophet said! "I see that your dreams a ree on the last ten ni hts o' )amadan and so &hoe*er is in sear%h o' it should seek it in the last ten ni hts o' )amadan." 2.29:: Narrated /Aisha; Allah's Apostle o''ered the /Isha' prayer (and then ot up at the 7aha55ud time) and o''ered ei ht rak/at and then o''ered t&o rak/at &hile sittin . He then o''ered t&o rak/at in bet&een the Adhan and I=ama (o' the ,a5r prayer) and he ne*er missed them. 2.29<: Narrated /Aisha: 7he 4rophet used to lie do&n on his ri ht side! a'ter o''erin t&o rak/at (+unna) o' the ,a5r prayer. 2.29?: Narrated /Aisha : A'ter o''erin the +unna o' the ,a5r prayer! the 4rophet used to talk to me! i' I happen to be a&ake; other&ise he &ould lie do&n till the I=ama %all &as pro%laimed ('or the ,a5r prayer). 2.29@: Narrated /Aisha: A'ter o''erin the t&o rak/at (+unna) the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to talk to me! i' I happen to be a&ake; other&ise he &ould lie do&n. 2.2:A: Narrated /Aisha: 7he 4rophet &as ne*er more re ular and parti%ular in o''erin any Na&a'il than the t&o rak/at (+unna) o' the ,a5r prayer. 2.2:1: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to o''er thirteen rak/at in the ni ht prayer and on hearin the Adhan 'or the mornin prayer! he used to o''er t&o li ht rak/at. 2.2:2: Narrated /Aisha: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to make the t&o rak/at be'ore the ,a5r prayer so li ht that I &ould &onder &hether he re%ited Al2,atiha (or not). 2.2:1: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah :
7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) used to tea%h us the &ay o' doin Istikhara (Istikhara means to ask Allah to uide one to the ri ht sort o' a%tion %on%ernin any 5ob or a deed)! in all matters as he tau ht us the +uras o' the Gur'an. He said! "I' anyone o' you thinks o' doin any 5ob he should o''er a t&o rak/at prayer other than the %ompulsory ones and say (a'ter the prayer): 22 'Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi'ilmika! #a asta=diruka bi2=udratika! #a as'alaka min 'adlika Al2/aElm ,a2innaka ta=diru #ala a=diru! #a ta'lamu #ala a'lamu! #a anta 'allamu l2 huyub. Allahumma! in kunta ta'lam anna hadha2l2 amra 3hairun li 'i dini &a ma'ashi &a'a=ibati /Amri (or 'a5ili /Amri &a'a5ilihi) ,a=dirhu &a yas2sirhu li thumma barik li ,ihi! #a in kunta ta'lamu anna hadha2lamra shar2run li 'i dini &a ma'ashi &a'a=ibati /Amri (or 'i'a5ili /Amri &a a5ilihi) ,asri'hu anni &as2ri'ni anhu. #a=dir li al2khaira haithu kana 7humma ardini bihi.' (> AllahC I ask uidan%e 'rom Dour kno&led e! And 4o&er 'rom Dour $i ht and I ask 'or Dour reat blessin s. Dou are %apable and I am not. Dou kno& and I do not and Dou kno& the unseen. > AllahC I' Dou kno& that this 5ob is ood 'or my reli ion and my subsisten%e and in my Herea'ter22(or said: I' it is better 'or my present and later needs)227hen Dou ordain it 'or me and make it easy 'or me to et! And then bless me in it! and i' Dou kno& that this 5ob is harm'ul to me In my reli ion and subsisten%e and in the Herea'ter22(or said: I' it is &orse 'or my present and later needs)227hen keep it a&ay 'rom me and let me be a&ay 'rom it. And ordain 'or me &hate*er is ood 'or me! And make me satis'ied &ith it). 7he 4rophet added that then the person should name (mention) his need. 2.2:8: Narrated Abu Gatada bin )abi Al2Ansari; 7he 4rophet said! "I' anyone o' you enters a $os=ue! he should not sit until he has o''ered a t&o2 rak/at prayer." 2.2:9: Narrated Anas bin $alik Allah's Apostle led us and o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer and then &ent a&ay. 2.2::: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar Abu! I o''ered &ith Allah's Apostle a t&o rak/at prayer be'ore the Iuhr prayer and t&o rak/at a'ter the Iuhr prayer! t&o rak/at a'ter -umua! $a hrib and /Isha' prayers. 2.2:<: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : #hile deli*erin a sermon! Allah's Apostle said! "I' anyone o' you %omes &hile the Imam is deli*erin the sermon or has %ome out 'or it! he should o''er a t&o rak/at prayer." 2.2:?: Narrated $u5ahid: +omebody %ame to the house o' Ibn /0mar and told him that Allah's Apostles had entered the 3a/ba. Ibn /0mar said! "I &ent in 'ront o' the 3a/ba and 'ound that Allah's Apostle had %ome out o' the 3a/ba and I sa& Bilal standin by the side o' the ate o' the 3a/ba. I said! '> BilalC Has Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) prayed inside the 3a/ba6' Bilal replied in the a''irmati*e. I said! '#here (did he pray)6' He replied! '(He prayed) Bet&een these t&o pillars and then he %ame out and o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer in 'ront o' the 3a/ba.' " Abu /Abdullah said: Abu Huraira said! "7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ad*ised me to o''er t&o rak/at o' (uha prayer (prayer to be o''ered a'ter sunrise and be'ore midday). " Itban (bin $alik) said! "Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) and Abu Bakr! %ame to me a'ter sunrise and &e ali ned behind the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) and o''ered t&o rak/at." 2.2:@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: I o''ered &ith the 4rophet t&o rak/at be'ore the Iuhr and t&o rak/at a'ter the Iuhr prayer; t&o rak/at a'ter $a hrib! /Isha' and the -umua prayers. 7hose o' the $a hrib and /Isha' &ere o''ered in his house. $y sister Ha'sa told me that the 4rophet used to o''er t&o li ht rak/at a'ter da&n and it &as the time &hen I ne*er &ent to the 4rophet." 2.2<A: 18
Narrated /Amr: I heard Abu Ash2sha'tha' -abir sayin ! "I heard Ibn /Abbas sayin ! 'I o''ered &ith Allah's Apostle ei ht rak/at (o' Iuhr and /Asr prayers) to ether and se*en rak/at (the $a hrib and the /Isha' prayers) to ether.' " I said! "> Abu Ash2shathaC I think he must ha*e prayed the Iuhr late and the /Asr early; the /Isha early and the $a hrib late." Abu Ash2sha'tha' said! "I also think so." (+ee Hadith No. 91? Vol. 1). 2.2<1: Narrated $u&arri=: I asked Ibn /0mar "(o you o''er the (uha prayer6" He replied in the ne ati*e. I 'urther asked! "(id /0mar use to pray it6" He (Ibn /0mar) replied in the ne ati*e. I a ain asked! "(id Abu Bakr use to pray it6" He replied in the ne ati*e. I a ain asked! "(id the 4rophet use to pray it6" Ibn /0mar replied! "I don't think he did." 2.2<2: Narrated /Abdur )ahman bin Abi Baila: >nly 0m Hani narrated to me that she had seen the 4rophet o''erin the (uha prayer. +he said! ">n the day o' the %on=uest o' $e%%a! the 4rophet entered my house! took a bath and o''ered ei ht rak/at (o' (uha prayers. I had ne*er seen the 4rophet o''erin su%h a li ht prayer but he per'ormed bo&in and prostrations per'e%tly . 2.2<1: Narrated /Aisha: I ne*er sa& the 4rophet o''erin the (uha prayer but I al&ays o''er it. 2.2<8: Narrated Abu Huraira: $y 'riend (the 4rophet) ad*ised me to do three thin s and I shall not lea*e them till I die! these are: 7o 'ast three days e*ery month! to o''er the (uha prayer! and to o''er &itr be'ore sleepin . 2.2<9.1: Narrated Anas bin +eereen: I heard Anas bin $alik al2Ansari sayin ! "An Ansari man! &ho &as *ery 'at! said to the 4rophet! 'I am unable to present mysel' 'or the prayer &ith you.' He prepared a meal 'or the 4rophet and in*ited him to his house. He &ashed one side o' a mat &ith &ater and the 4rophet o''ered t&o rak/at on it." +o and so! the son o' so and so! the son o' Al2-aruid asked Anas! "(id the 4rophet use to o''er the (uha prayer6" Anas replied! "I ne*er sa& him prayin (the (uha prayer) eJ%ept on that day." 2.2<9.2: Narrated Ibn /0mar: I remember ten rak/at o' Na&a'il 'rom the 4rophet! t&o rak/at be'ore the Iuhr prayer and t&o a'ter it; t&o rak/at a'ter $a hrib prayer in his house! and t&o rak/at a'ter /Isha' prayer in his house! and t&o rak/at be'ore the ,a5r prayer and at that time nobody &ould enter the house o' the 4rophet Ha'sa told me that the 4rophet used to o''er t&o rak/at a'ter the %all maker had made the Adhan and the day had da&ned. 2.2<:: Narrated Aisha: 7he 4rophet ne*er missed 'our rak/at be'ore the Iuhr prayer and t&o rak/at be'ore the ,a5r prayer. 2.2<<: Narrated /Abdullah Al2$uEni: 7he 4rophet said! "4ray be'ore the $a hrib (%ompulsory) prayer." He (said it thri%e) and in the third time! he said! "#hoe*er &ants to o''er it %an do so." He said so be%ause he did not like the people to take it as a tradition. 2.2<?: Narrated $arthad bin /Abdullah Al2DaEani: I &ent to /0=ba bin 'Amir Al2-uhani and said! "Is it not surprisin that Abi 7amim o''ers t&o rak/at be'ore the $a hrib prayer6" /0=ba said! "#e used to do so in the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle." I asked him! "#hat pre*ents you 'rom o''erin it no&6" He replied! "Business." 19
2.2<@: Narrated $ahmud bin Ar2rabi' Al2Ansari! that he remembered Allah's Apostle and he also remembered a mouth'ul o' &ater &hi%h he had thro&n on his 'a%e! a'ter takin it 'rom a &ell that &as in their house. $ahmud said that he had heard /Itban bin $alik! &ho &as present &ith Allah's Apostle in the battle o' Badr sayin ! "I used to lead my people at Bani +alim in the prayer and there &as a *alley bet&een me and those people. #hene*er it rained it used to be di''i%ult 'or me to %ross it to o to their mos=ue. +o I &ent to Allah's Apostle and said! 'I ha*e &eak eyesi ht and the *alley bet&een me and my people 'lo&s durin the rainy season and it be%omes di''i%ult 'or me to %ross it; I &ish you &ould %ome to my house and pray at a pla%e so that I %ould take that pla%e as a prayin pla%e.' Allah's Apostle said! 'I &ill do so.' +o Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr %ame to my house in the (neJt) mornin a'ter the sun had risen hi h. Allah's Apostle asked my permission to let him in and I admitted him. He did not sit be'ore sayin ! '#here do you &ant us to o''er the prayer in your house6' I pointed to the pla%e &here I &anted him to pray. +o Allah's Apostle stood up 'or the prayer and started the prayer &ith 7akbir and &e ali ned in ro&s behind him; and he o''ered t&o rak/at! and 'inished them &ith 7aslim! and &e also per'ormed 7aslim &ith him. I detained him 'or a meal %alled "3haEir" &hi%h I had prepared 'or him.22("3haEir" is a spe%ial type o' dish prepared 'rom barley 'lour and meat soup)22 #hen the nei hbors ot the ne&s that Allah's Apostle &as in my house! they poured it till there &ere a reat number o' men in the house. >ne o' them said! '#hat is &ron &ith $alik! 'or I do not see him6' >ne o' them replied! 'He is a hypo%rite and does not lo*e Allah and His Apostle.' >n that Allah's Apostle said! '(on't say this. Ha*en't you seen that he said! 'None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah 'or Allah's sake only.' 7he man replied! 'Allah and His Apostle kno& better; but by Allah! &e ne*er sa& him but helpin and talkin &ith the hypo%rites.' Allah's Apostle replied! 'No doubt! &hoe*er says. None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah! and by that he &ants the pleasures o' Allah! then Allah &ill sa*e him 'rom Hell." $ahmud added! "I told the abo*e narration to some people! one o' &hom &as Abu Aiyub! the %ompanion o' Allah's Apostle in the battle in &hi%h he (Abu Aiyub) died and DaEid bin $u'a&iya &as their leader in )oman 7erritory. Abu Aiyub denoun%ed the narration and said! 'I doubt that Allah's Apostle e*er said &hat you ha*e said.' I 'elt that too mu%h! and I *o&ed to Allah that i' I remained ali*e in that holy battle! I &ould ( o to $edina and) ask /Itban bin $alik i' he &as still li*in in the mos=ue o' his people. +o &hen he returned! I assumed Ihram 'or Ha55 or /0mra and then I pro%eeded on till I rea%hed $edina. I &ent to Bani +alim and /Itban bin $alik! &ho &as by then an old blind man! &as leadin his people in the prayer. #hen he 'inished the prayer! I reeted him and introdu%ed mysel' to him and then asked him about that narration. He told that narration a ain in the same manner as he had narrated it the 'irst time." 2.2?A: Narrated Ibn /0mar! Allah's Apostle said! ">''er some o' your prayers in your houses and do not make them ra*es." 2.2?1: Narrated GuEa'a: I heard Abu +a/id sayin 'our &ords. He said! "I heard the 4rophet (sayin the 'ollo&in narrati*e)." He had parti%ipated in t&el*e holy battles &ith the 4rophet. Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "(o not set out on a 5ourney eJ%ept 'or three $os=ues i.e. Al2$as5id2AI2Haram! the $os=ue o' Allah's Apostle ! and the $os=ue o' Al2A=sa! ($os=ue o' -erusalem)." 2.2?2: Narrated Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle said! ">ne prayer in my $os=ue is better than one thousand prayers in any other mos=ue eJ%eptin Al2$as5id2AI2Haram." 2.2?1: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar ne*er o''ered the (uha prayer eJ%ept on t&o o%%asions:
(1) #hene*er he rea%hed $e%%a; and he al&ays used to rea%h $e%%a in the 'orenoon. He &ould per'orm 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and then o''er t&o rak/at at the rear o' $a=am Ibrahim. (2) #hene*er he *isited Guba! 'or he used to *isit it e*ery +aturday. #hen he entered the $os=ue! he disliked to lea*e it &ithout o''erin a prayer. Ibn /0mar narrated that Allah's Apostle used to *isit the $os=ue o' Guba (sometime) &alkin and (sometime) ridin . And he (i.e. Ibn /0mar) used to say! "I do only &hat my %ompanions used to do and I don't 'orbid anybody to pray at any time durin the day or ni ht eJ%ept that one should not intend to pray at sunrise or sunset." 2.2?8: Narrated /Abdullah bin (inar: Ibn /0mar said! "7he 4rophet used to o to the $os=ue o' Guba e*ery +aturday (sometimes) &alkin and (sometimes) ridin ." /Abdullah (Ibn /0mar) used to do the same. 2.2?9: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet used to o to the $os=ue o' Guba (sometimes) &alkin and sometimes ridin . Added Na'i/ (in another narration)! "He then &ould o''er t&o rak/at (in the $os=ue o' Guba)." 2.2?:: Narrated /Abdullah bin Iaid Al2$aEini: Allah's Apostle said! "Bet&een my house and the pulpit there is a arden o' the ardens o' 4aradise." 2.2?<: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "Bet&een my house and my pulpit there is a arden o' the ardens o' 4aradise! and my pulpit is on my 'ountain tank (i.e. Al23authar)." 2.2??: Narrated GaEa'a $aula: ('reed sla*e o') Iiyad: I heard Abu +a/id Al2khudri narratin 'our thin s 'rom the 4rophet and I appre%iated them *ery mu%h. He said! %on*eyin the &ords o' the 4rophet. (1) "A &oman should not o on a t&o day 5ourney eJ%ept &ith her husband or a (hi2$ahram. (2) No 'astin is permissible on t&o days: /Id2ul2,itr and /Id2ul2Adha. (1) No prayer a'ter t&o prayers! i.e. a'ter the ,a5r prayer till the sunrises and a'ter the /Asr prayer till the sun sets. (8) (o not prepare yoursel' 'or a 5ourney eJ%ept to three $os=ues! i.e. Al2$as5id2AI2Haram! the $os=ue o' A=sa (-erusalem) and my $os=ue." 2.2?@: Narrated 3uraib $aula Ibn /Abbas: /Abdullah bin /Abbas said that he had passed a ni ht in the house o' $aimuna the mother o' the 'aith'ul belie*ers ! &ho &as his aunt. He said! "I slept a%ross the bed! and Allah's Apostle alon &ith his &i'e slept len th&ise. Allah's Apostle slept till midni ht or sli htly be'ore or a'ter it. 7hen Allah's Apostle &oke up! sat! and remo*ed the tra%es o' sleep by rubbin his hands o*er his 'a%e. 7hen he re%ited the last ten *erses o' +urat2Al /Imran (2). 7hen he &ent to&ards a han in leather &ater2 %ontainer and per'ormed a per'e%t ablution and then stood up 'or prayer." /Abdullah bin /Abbas added! "I ot up and did the same as Allah's Apostle had done and then &ent and stood by his side. Allah's Apostle then put his ri ht hand o*er my head and %au ht my ri ht ear and t&isted it. He o''ered t&o rak/at! then t&o rak/at! then t&o rak/at! then t&o rak/at! then t&o rak/at! then t&o rak/at and then o''ered one rak/a &itr. 7hen he lay do&n till the $u'adh2dhin %ame and then he prayed t&o li ht rak/at and &ent out and o''ered the early mornin (,a5r) prayer." 2.2@A: Narrated /Abdullah: #e used to reet the 4rophet &hile he &as prayin and he used to ans&er our reetin s. #hen &e returned 'rom An2Na5ashi (the ruler o' Mthiopia)! &e reeted him! but he did not ans&er us (durin the prayer) and (a'ter 'inishin the prayer) he said! "In the prayer one is o%%upied (&ith a more serious matter)." 2.2@1: 1<
Narrated /Abdullah 7he same as No. 2@A. 'rom the 4rophet. 2.2@2: Narrated Iaid bin Ar=am: In the li'etime o' the 4rophet &e used to speak &hile prayin ! and one o' us &ould tell his needs to his %ompanions! till the *erse! 'Huard stri%tly your prayers (2.21?) &as re*ealed. A'ter that &e &ere ordered to remain silent &hile prayin . 2.2@1: Narrated +ahl bin +a/d: 7he 4rophet &ent out to a''e%t a re%on%iliation bet&een the tribes o' Bani /Amr bin /Au' and the time o' the prayer be%ame due; Bilal &ent to Abu Bakr and said! "7he 4rophet is detained. #ill you lead the people in the prayer6" Abu Bakr replied! "Des! i' you &ish." +o Bilal pronoun%ed the I=ama and Abu Bakr led the prayer. In the meantime the 4rophet %ame %rossin the ro&s (o' the prayin people) till he stood in the 'irst ro& and the people started %lappin . Abu Bakr ne*er looked hither and thither durin the prayer but &hen the people %lapped too mu%h! he looked ba%k and sa& the 4rophet in the ('irst) ro&. 7he 4rophet &a*ed him to remain at his pla%e! but Abu Bakr raised both his hands and sent praises to Allah and then retreated and the 4rophet &ent 'or&ard and led the prayer. (+ee Hadith No. 2@9 K 2@:) 2.2@8: Narrated /Abdullah bin $as/ud: #e used to say the reetin ! name and reet ea%h other in the prayer. Allah's Apostle heard it and said:22"+ay! 'at2tahiyyatu lil2lahi &as2sala&atu &at2taiyibatu . Assalamu 'Alaika aiyuha2n2Nabiyu &a2 rahmatu2l2lahi &a2barakatuhu. N Assalamu alaina &a2'ala 'ibadi2l2lahi as2salihin.. Ashhadu an la ilaha illa2l2lah &a ashhadu anna $uhammadan /Abdu hu &a )asuluh. (All the %ompliments are 'or Allah and all the prayers and all the ood thin s (are 'or Allah). 4ea%e be on you! > 4rophet! and Allah's mer%y and blessin s (are on you). And pea%e be on us and on the ood (pious) &orshipers o' Allah. I testi'y that none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah and that $uhammad is His sla*e and Apostle.) +o! &hen you ha*e said this! then you ha*e surely sent the reetin s to e*ery ood (pious) &orship per o' Allah! &hether he be in the Hea*en or on the Marth . " 2.2@9: Narrated Abu Huraira : 7he 4rophet said! "7he sayin '+ub Han Allah' is 'or men and %lappin is 'or &omen." (I' somethin happens in the prayer! the men %an in*ite the attention o' the Imam by sayin "+ub Han Allah". And &omen! by %lappin their hands). 2.2@:: Narrated +ahl bin +a/d! 7he 4rophet said! "7he sayin '+ub Han Allah' is 'or men and %lappin is 'or &omen. 2.2@<.1: Narrated Anas bin $alik: #hile Abu Bakr &as leadin the people in the mornin prayer on a $onday! the 4rophet %ame to&ards them suddenly ha*in li'ted the %urtain o' /Aisha's house! and looked at them as they &ere standin in ro&s and smiled. Abu Bakr tried to %ome ba%k thinkin that Allah's Apostle &anted to %ome out 'or the prayer. 7he attention o' the $uslims &as di*erted 'rom the prayer be%ause they &ere deli hted to see the 4rophet. 7he 4rophet &a*ed his hand to them to %omplete their prayer! then he &ent ba%k into the room and let do&n the %urtain. 7he 4rophet eJpired on that *ery day. 2.2@<.2: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "A &oman %alled her son &hile he &as in his hermita e and said! '> -urai5' He said! '> Allah! my mother (is %allin me) and (I am o''erin ) my prayer (&hat shall I do)6' +he a ain said! '> -urai5C' He said a ain! '> Allah C $y mother (is %allin me) and (I am o''erin ) my prayer (&hat shall I do)6' +he a ain said! '> -urai5' He a ain said! '> AllahC $y mother (is %allin me) and (I am o''erin ) my prayer. (#hat shall I do6)' +he said! '> AllahC (o not let -urai5 die till he sees the 1?
'a%es o' prostitutes.' A shepherdess used to %ome by his hermita e 'or raEin her sheep and she a*e birth to a %hild. +he &as asked &hose %hild that &as! and she replied that it &as 'rom -urai5 and that he had %ome out 'rom his hermita e. -urai5 said! '#here is that &oman &ho %laims that her %hild is 'rom me6' (#hen she &as brou ht to him alon &ith the %hild)! -urai5 asked the %hild! '> Babus! &ho is your 'ather6' 7he %hild replied! '7he shepherd.' " (+ee Hadith No ::2. Vol 1). 2.2@?: Narrated $u'ai=ib: 7he 4rophet talked about a man le*elin the earth on prostratin ! and said! "I' you ha*e to do so! then do it on%e." 2.2@@: Narrated Anas bin $alik: #e used to pray &ith the 4rophet in s%or%hin heat! and i' someone o' us %ould not put his 'a%e on the earth (be%ause o' the heat) then he &ould spread his %lothes and prostrate o*er them. 2.1AA: Narrated Aisha: I used to stret%h my le s to&ards the Gibla o' the 4rophet &hile he &as prayin ; &hene*er he prostrated he tou%hed me! and I &ould &ithdra& my le s! and &hene*er he stood up! I &ould restret%h my le s. 2.1A1: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet on%e o''ered the prayer and said! "+atan %ame in 'ront o' me and tried to interrupt my prayer! but Allah a*e me an upper hand on him and I %hoked him. No doubt! I thou ht o' tyin him to one o' the pillars o' the mos=ue till you et up in the mornin and see him. 7hen I remembered the statement o' 4rophet +olomon! '$y Bord C Besto& on me a kin dom su%h as shall not belon to any other a'ter me.' 7hen Allah made him (+atan) return &ith his head do&n (humiliated)." 2.1A2: Narrated Al2AEra= bin Gais: #e &ere at Al2Ah&aE 'i htin the Al2Haruriya (tribe). #hile I &as at the bank o' a ri*er a man &as prayin and the reins o' his animal &ere in his hands and the animal &as stru lin and he &as 'ollo&in the animal. (+hu/ba! a sub2narrator! said that man &as Abu BarEa Al2Aslami). A man 'rom the 3ha&ari5 said! "> AllahC Be harsh to this sheik." And &hen the sheik (Abu BarEa) 'inished his prayer! he said! "I heard your remark. No doubt! I parti%ipated &ith Allah's Apostle in siJ or se*en or ei ht holy battles and sa& his lenien%y! and no doubt! I &ould rather retain my animal than let it return to its stable! as it &ould %ause me mu%h trouble. " 2.1A1: Narrated /Aisha: >n%e the sun e%lipsed and Allah's Apostle stood up 'or the prayer and re%ited a *ery lon +ura and &hen bo&ed 'or a lon &hile and then raised his head and started re%itin another +ura. 7hen he bo&ed! and a'ter 'inishin ! he prostrated and did the same in the se%ond rak/a and then said! "7hese (lunar and solar e%lipses) are t&o o' the si ns o' Allah and i' you see them! pray till the e%lipse is o*er. No doubt! &hile standin at this pla%e I sa& e*erythin promised to me by Allah and I sa& (4aradise) and I &anted to plu%k a bun%h (o' rapes) there'rom! at the time &hen you sa& me steppin 'or&ard. No doubt! I sa& Hell &ith its di''erent parts destroyin ea%h other &hen you sa& me retreatin and in it I sa& /Amr bin Buhai &ho started the tradition o' 'reein animals (set them 'ree) in the name o' idols." 2.1A8: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet sa& some sputum on the &all 'a%in the Gibla o' the mos=ue and be%ame 'urious &ith the people o' the mos=ue and said! "(urin the prayer! Allah is in 'ront o' e*eryone o' you and so he should not spit (or said! 'He should not eJpe%torate')." 7hen he ot do&n and s%rat%hed the sputum &ith his hand. Ibn /0mar said (a'ter narratin )! "I' anyone o' you has to spit durin the prayer! he should spit to his le't." 1@
2.1A9: Narrated Anas: 7he 4rophet said! "#hene*er anyone o' you is in prayer! he is speakin in pri*ate to his Bord and so he should neither spit in 'ront o' him nor on his ri ht side but to his le't side under his le't 'oot." 2.1A:: Narrated +ahl bin +a/d: 7he people used to o''er the prayer &ith the 4rophet &ith their &aist2sheets tied round their ne%ks be%ause o' the shortness o' the sheets and the &omen &ere ordered not to li't their heads till the men had sat strai ht. 2.1A<: Narrated /Abdullah: I used to reet the 4rophet &hile he &as in prayer and he &ould return my reetin ! but &hen &e returned ('rom Mthiopia) I reeted the 4rophet (&hile he &as prayin ) but he did not return the reetin ! and (a'ter 'inishin the prayer) he said! "In the prayer one is o%%upied (&ith a more serious matter)." 2.1A?: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: Allah's Apostle sent me 'or some 5ob and &hen I had 'inished it I returned and %ame to the 4rophet and reeted him but he did not return my reetin . +o I 'elt so sorry that only Allah kno&s it and I said to mysel'!! '4erhaps Allah's Apostle is an ry be%ause I did not %ome =ui%kly! then a ain I reeted him but he did not reply. I 'elt e*en more sorry than I did the 'irst time. A ain I reeted him and he returned the reetin and said! "7he thin &hi%h pre*ented me 'rom returnin the reetin &as that I &as prayin ." And at that time he &as on his )ahila and his 'a%e &as not to&ards the Gibla. 2.1A@: Narrated +ahl bin +a/d: 7he ne&s about the di''eren%es amon st the people o' Bani /Amr bin /Au' at Guba rea%hed Allah's Apostle and so he &ent to them alon &ith some o' his %ompanions to a''e%t a re%on%iliation. Allah's Apostle &as delayed there and the time 'or the prayer be%ame due. Bilal %ame to Abu BakrC and said! "> Abu BakrC Allah's Apostle is detained (there) and the time 'or the prayer is due. #ill you lead the people in prayer6" Abu Bakr replied! "Des! i' you &ish." +o Bilal pronoun%ed the I=ama and Abu Bakr &ent 'or&ard and the people said 7akbir. In the meantime! Allah's Apostle %ame pier%in throu h the ro&s till he stood in the ('irst) ro& and the people started %lappin . Abu Bakr! &ould ne*er look hither and thither durin the prayer but &hen the people %lapped mu%h he looked ba%k and sa& Allah's Apostle. 7he 4rophet be%koned him to %arry on. Abu Bakr raised both his hands! praised Allah and retreated till he stood in the ro& and Allah's Apostle &ent 'or&ard and led the people in the prayer. #hen he had 'inished the prayer! he addressed the people and said! "> peopleC #hy did you start %lappin &hen somethin happened to you in the prayer6 .lappin is 'or &omen. #hene*er one is %on'ronted &ith somethin unusual in the prayer one should say! '+ub Han Allah'." 7hen the 4rophet looked to&ards Abu Bakr and asked! "#hat pre*ented you 'rom leadin the prayer &hen I be%koned you to %arry on6" Abu Bakr replied! "It does not be'it the son o' Al Guha'a to lead the prayer in the presen%e o' Allah's Apostle. 2.11A: Narrated Abu Huraira: It &as 'orbidden to keep the hands on the hips durin the prayer. (7his is narrated by Abu Huraira 'rom the 4rophet.) 2.111: Narrated Abu Huraira: It &as 'orbidden to pray &ith the hands o*er one's hips. 2.112: Narrated /0=ba bin Al2Harith: I o''ered the /Asr prayer &ith the 4rophet and a'ter 'inishin the prayer &ith 7aslim he ot up =ui%kly and &ent to some o' his &i*es and then %ame out. He noti%ed the si ns o' astonishment on the 'a%es o' 8A
the people %aused by his speed. He then said! "I remembered &hile I &as in my prayer that a pie%e o' old &as Byin in my house and I disliked that it should remain &ith us throu hout the ni ht! and so I ha*e ordered it to be distributed." 2.111: Narrated Abu Huraira! Allah's Apostle said! "#hen the Adhan 'or the prayer is pronoun%ed! then +atan takes to his heels passin &ind so that he may not hear the Adhan and &hen the $u'adh2dhin 'inishes! he %omes ba%k; and &hen the I=ama is pronoun%ed he a ain takes to his heels and &hen it is 'inished! he a ain %omes ba%k and %ontinues remindin the prayin person o' thin s that he used not to remember &hen not in prayer till he 'or ets ho& mu%h he has prayed." Abu +alama bin /Abdur2)ahman said! "I' anyone o' you has su%h a thin ('or ettin the number o' rak/at he has prayed) he should per'orm t&o prostrations o' +ahu (i.e. 'or et'ulness) &hile sittin ." Abu +alama narrates this 'rom Abu Huraira. 2.118: Narrated Abu Huraira: 4eople say that I narrate too many narrations o' the 4rophet; on%e I met a man (durin the li'etime o' the 4rophet) and asked him! "#hi%h +ura did Allah's Apostle s re%ite yesterday in the /Isha' prayer6" He said! "I do not kno&." I said! "(id you not attend the prayer6" He said! "Des! (I did)." I said! "I kno&. He re%ited su%h and su%h +ura." 2.119: Narrated /Abdullah bin Buhaina : Allah's Apostle on%e led us in a prayer and o''ered t&o rak/at and ot up ('or the third rak/a) &ithout sittin (a'ter the se%ond rak/a). 7he people also ot up &ith him! and &hen he &as about to 'inish his prayer! &e &aited 'or him to 'inish the prayer &ith 7aslim but he said 7akbir be'ore 7aslim and per'ormed t&o prostrations &hile sittin and then 'inished the prayer &ith 7aslim. 2.11:: Narrated /Abdullah bin Buhaina : Allah's Apostle ot up a'ter the se%ond rak/a o' the Iuhr prayer &ithout sittin in bet&een (the se%ond and the third rak/at). #hen he 'inished the prayer he per'ormed t&o prostrations (o' +ahu) and then 'inished the prayer &ith 7aslim. 2.11<: Narrated' /Abdullah: >n%e Allah's Apostle o''ered 'i*e rak/at in the Iuhr prayer! and somebody asked him &hether there &as some in%rease in the prayer. Allah's Apostle said! "#hat is that6" He said! "Dou ha*e o''ered 'i*e rak/at." +o Allah's Apostle per'ormed t&o prostrations o' +ahu a'ter 7aslim. 2.11?: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet led us in the /Asr or the Iuhr prayer and 'inished it &ith 7aslim. (hul2Dadain said to him! "> Allah's ApostleC Has the prayer been redu%ed6" 7he 4rophet asked his %ompanions in the a''irmati*e. +o Allah's Apostle I o''ered t&o more rak/at and then per'ormed t&o prostrations (o' +ahu). +a/d said! "I sa& that '0rsa bin AE2Iubair had o''ered t&o rak/at in the $a hrib prayer and 'inished it &ith 7aslim. He then talked (and &hen he &as in'ormed about it) he %ompleted the rest o' his prayer and per'ormed t&o prostrations! and said! '7he 4rophet prayed like this.' " 2.11@: Narrated Abu Huraira. >n%e Allah's Apostle o''ered t&o rak/at and 'inished his prayer. +o (hul2Dadain asked him! "Has the prayer been redu%ed or ha*e you 'or otten6" Allah's Apostle said! "Has (hul2Dadain spoken the truth6" 7he people replied in the a''irmati*e. 7hen Allah's Apostle stood up and o''ered the remainin t&o rak/at and per'ormed 7aslim! and then said 7akbir and per'ormed t&o prostrations like his usual prostrations! or a bit lon er! and then ot up. 2.12A: Narrated +alama bin 'Al=ama:
I asked $uhammad (bin +eereen) &hether 7ashah2hud should be re%ited a'ter the t&o prostrations o' +ahu. He replied! "It is not (mentioned) in Abu Huraira's narration . " 2.121: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet o''ered one o' the e*enin prayers (the sub2narrator $uhammad said! "I think that it &as most probably the /Asr prayer") and he 'inished it a'ter o''erin t&o rak/at only. He then stood near a pri%e o' &ood in 'ront o' the $os=ue and put his hand o*er it. Abu Bakr and /0mar &ere amon st those &ho &ere present! but they dared not talk to him about that (be%ause o' eJ%essi*e respe%t 'or him)! and those &ho &ere in a hurry &ent out. 7hey said! "Has the prayer been redu%ed6" A man &ho &as %alled (hul2Dadain by the 4rophet said (to the 4rophet)! "Has the prayer been redu%ed or ha*e you 'or otten6" He said! "Neither ha*e I 'or otten! nor has the prayer been redu%ed." He said! ".ertainly you ha*e 'or otten." +o the 4rophet o''ered t&o more rak/at and per'ormed 7aslim and then said 7akbir and per'ormed a prostration o' +ahu like his ordinary prostration or a bit lon er and then raised his head and said 7akbir and then put his head do&n and per'ormed a prostration like his ordinary prostration or a bit lon er! and then raised his head and said 7akbir. 2.122: Narrated /Abdullah bin Buhaina Al2Asdi: (the ally o' Bani /Abdul $uttalib) Allah's Apostle stood up 'or the Iuhr prayer and he should ha*e sat (a'ter the se%ond rak/a but he stood up 'or the third rak/a &ithout sittin 'or 7ashah2hud) and &hen he 'inished the prayer he per'ormed t&o prostrations and said 7akbir on ea%h prostration &hile sittin ! be'ore endin (the prayer) &ith 7aslim; and the people too per'ormed the t&o prostrations &ith him instead o' the sittin he 'or ot. 2.121: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "#hen the %all 'or prayer is made! +atan takes to his heels passin &ind so that he may not hear the Adhan and &hen the %all is 'inished he %omes ba%k! and &hen the I=ama is pronoun%ed! +atan a ain takes to his heels! and &hen the I=ama is 'inished he %omes ba%k a ain and tries to inter'ere &ith the person and his thou hts and say! ")emember this and that (&hi%h he has not thou ht o' be'ore the prayer)"! till the prayin person 'or ets ho& mu%h he has prayed. I' anyone o' you does not remember &hether he has o''ered three or 'our rak/at then he should per'orm t&o prostrations o' +ahu &hile sittin . 2.128: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "#hen anyone o' you stands 'or the prayers! +atan %omes and puts him in doubts till he 'or ets ho& many rak/at he has prayed. +o i' this happens to anyone o' you! he should per'orm t&o prostrations o' +ahu &hile sittin . 2.129: Narrated 3uraib: I &as sent to Aisha by Ibn /Abbas! Al2$is&ar bin $akhrama and /Abdur2)ahman bin AEhar . 7hey told me to reet her on their behal' and to ask her about the o''erin o' the t&o rak/at a'ter the /Asr prayer and to say to her! "#e &ere in'ormed that you o''er those t&o rak/at and &e &ere told that the 4rophet had 'orbidden o''erin them." Ibn /Abbas said! "I alon &ith /0mar bin Al23hattab used to beat the people &hene*er they o''ered them." I &ent to Aisha and told her that messa e. /Aisha said! "Ho and ask 0m +alama about them." +o I returned and in'ormed them about her statement. 7hey then told me to o to 0m +alama &ith the same =uestion &ith &hi%h t sent me to /Aisha. 0m +alama replied! "I heard the 4rophet 'orbiddin them. Bater I sa& him o''erin them immediately a'ter he prayed the /Asr prayer. He then entered my house at a time &hen some o' the Ansari &omen 'rom the tribe o' Bani Haram &ere sittin &ith me! so I sent my sla*e irl to him ha*in said to her! '+tand beside him and tell him that 0m +alama says to you! "> Allah's ApostleC I ha*e heard you 'orbiddin the o''erin o' these (t&o rak/at a'ter the /Asr prayer) but I ha*e seen you o''erin them." I' he &a*es his hand then &ait 'or him.' 7he sla*e irl did that. 7he 4rophet be%koned her &ith his hand and she &aited 'or him. #hen he had 'inished the prayer he said! "> dau hter o' Bani 0maiyaC Dou ha*e 82
asked me about the t&o rak/at a'ter the /Asr prayer. 7he people o' the tribe o' /Abdul2Gais %ame to me and made me busy and I %ould not o''er the t&o rak/at a'ter the Iuhr prayer. 7hese (t&o rak/at that I ha*e 5ust prayed) are 'or those (missed) ones. 2.12:: Narrated +ahl bin +a/d As2+a/idi : 7he ne&s about the di''eren%es amon st the people o' Bani /Amr bin /Au' rea%hed Allah's Apostle and so he &ent to them alon &ith some o' his %ompanions to a''e%t a re%on%iliation bet&een them. Allah's Apostle &as delayed there! and the time o' the prayer &as due. Bilal &ent to Abu Bakr and said to him! "Allah's Apostle has been delayed (there) and the time o' prayer is due. +o &ill you lead the people in prayer6" Abu Bakr said! "Des! i' you &ish." Bilal pronoun%ed the I=ama and Abu Bakr! &ent 'or&ard and said 7akbir 'or the people. In the meantime Allah's Apostle %ame %rossin the ro&s (o' the prayin people) and stood in the ('irst) ro& and the people started %lappin . Abu Bakr! &ould ne*er lan%e side&ays in his prayer but &hen the people %lapped mu%h he looked ba%k and (sa&) Allah's Apostle . Allah's Apostle be%koned him to %arry on the prayer. Abu Bakr raised his hands and thanked Allah! and retreated till he rea%hed the ('irst) ro&. Allah's Apostle &ent 'or&ard and led the people in the prayer. #hen he %ompleted the prayer he 'a%ed the people and said! "> peopleC #hy did you start %lappin &hen somethin unusual happened to you in the prayer6 .lappin is only 'or &omen. +o &hoe*er amon st you %omes a%ross somethin in the prayer should say! '+ubhan2Allah' 'or there is none &ho &ill not turn round on hearin him sayin +ubhan2Allah. > Abu BakrC #hat pre*ented you 'rom leadin the people in the prayer &hen I be%koned you to do so6" Abu Bakr replied! "Ho& dare the son o' Abu Guha'a lead the prayer in the presen%e o' Allah's Apostle 6" 2.12<: Narrated Asma': I &ent to /Aisha and she &as standin prayin and the people! too! &ere standin (prayin ). +o I said! "#hat is the matter &ith the people6" +he be%koned &ith her head to&ards the sky. I said! "(Is there) a si n6" +he nodded intendin to say! "Des." 2.12?: Narrated /Aisha the &i'e o' the 4rophet: Allah's Apostle durin his illness prayed in his house sittin ! &hereas some people 'ollo&ed him standin ! but the 4rophet be%koned them to sit do&n. >n %ompletion o' the prayer he said! "7he Imam is to be 'ollo&ed. +o! bo& &hen he bo&s! and raise your head &hen he raises his head." (+ee Hadith No. :9< Vol 1 'or takin the *erdi%t). 2.12@: Narrated Abu (har: Allah's Apostle said! "+omeone %ame to me 'rom my Bord and a*e me the ne&s (or ood tidin s) that i' any o' my 'ollo&ers dies &orshippin none (in any &ay) alon &ith Allah! he &ill enter 4aradise." I asked! "M*en i' he %ommitted ille al seJual inter%ourse (adultery) and the't6" He replied! "M*en i' he %ommitted ille al seJual inter%ourse (adultery) and the't." 2.11A: Narrated /Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said! "Anyone &ho dies &orshippin others alon &ith Allah &ill de'initely enter the ,ire." I said! "Anyone &ho dies &orshippin none alon &ith Allah &ill de'initely enter 4aradise." 2.111: Narrated Al2Bara' bin /AEib: Allah's Apostle ordered us to do se*en thin s and 'orbade us to do other se*en. He ordered us: to 'ollo& the 'uneral pro%ession. to *isit the si%k! to a%%ept in*itations! to help the oppressed! to 'ul'ill the oaths! to return the reetin and to reply to the sneeEer: (sayin ! "$ay Allah be mer%i'ul on you!" pro*ided the sneeEer says! "All the praises are 'or Allah!"). He 'orbade us to use sil*er utensils and dishes and to &ear olden rin s! silk (%lothes)! (iba5 (pure silk %loth)! Gissi and Istabra= (t&o kinds o' silk %loths). 2.112: Narrated Abu Huraira: 81
I heard Allah's Apostle sayin ! "7he ri hts o' a $uslim on the $uslims are to 'ollo& the 'uneral pro%essions! to a%%ept in*itation and to reply the sneeEer. (see Hadith No 111) 2.111: Narrated /Aisha : Abu Bakr %ame ridin his horse 'rom his d&ellin pla%e in As2+unh. He ot do&n 'rom it! entered the $os=ue and did not speak &ith anybody till he %ame to me and &ent dire%t to the 4rophet! &ho &as %o*ered &ith a marked blanket. Abu Bakr un%o*ered his 'a%e. He knelt do&n and kissed him and then started &eepin and said! "$y 'ather and my mother be sa%ri'i%ed 'or you! > Allah's 4rophetC Allah &ill not %ombine t&o deaths on you. Dou ha*e died the death &hi%h &as &ritten 'or you." Narrated Abu +alama 'rom Ibn /Abbas : Abu Bakr %ame out and /0mar ! &as addressin the people! and Abu Bakr told him to sit do&n but /0mar re'used. Abu Bakr a ain told him to sit do&n but /0mar a ain re'used. 7hen Abu Bakr re%ited the 7ashah2hud (i.e. none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah and $uhammad is Allah's Apostle) and the people attended to Abu Bakr and le't /0mar. Abu Bakr said! "Amma ba'du! &hoe*er amon st you &orshipped $uhammad! then $uhammad is dead! but &hoe*er &orshipped Allah! Allah is ali*e and &ill ne*er die. Allah said: '$uhammad is no more than an Apostle and indeed (many) Apostles ha*e passed a&ay be'ore him ..(up to the) rate'ul.' " (1.188) (7he narrator added! "By Allah! it &as as i' the people ne*er kne& that Allah had re*ealed this *erse be'ore till Abu Bakr re%ited it and then &hoe*er heard it! started re%itin it.") 2.118: Narrated 3hari5a bin Iaid bin 7habit: 0m Al2/Ala'! an Ansari &oman &ho a*e the pled e o' alle ian%e to the 4rophet said to me! "7he emi rants &ere distributed amon st us by dra&in lots and &e ot in our share /0thman bin $aE'un. #e made him stay &ith us in our house. 7hen he su''ered 'rom a disease &hi%h pro*ed 'atal &hen he died and &as i*en a bath and &as shrouded in his %lothes! Allah's Apostle %ame I said! '$ay Allah be mer%i'ul to you! > Abu As2+a'ibC I testi'y that Allah has honored you'. 7he 4rophet said! 'Ho& do you kno& that Allah has honored him6' I replied! '> Allah's ApostleC Bet my 'ather be sa%ri'i%ed 'or youC >n &hom else shall Allah besto& His honor6' 7he 4rophet said! 'No doubt! death %ame to him. By Allah! I too &ish him ood! but by Allah! I do not kno& &hat Allah &ill do &ith me thou h I am Allah's Apostle. ' By Allah! I ne*er attested the piety o' anyone a'ter that." 2.119: Narrated Al2Baith as abo*e. 2.11:: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : #hen my 'ather &as martyred! I li'ted the sheet 'rom his 'a%e and &ept and the people 'orbade me to do so but the 4rophet did not 'orbid me. 7hen my aunt ,atima be an &eepin and the 4rophet said! "It is all the same &hether you &eep or not. 7he an els &ere shadin him %ontinuously &ith their &in s till you shi'ted him ('rom the 'ield). " 2.11<: Narrated Abu Huraira! Allah's Apostle in'ormed (the people) about the death o' An2Na5ashi on the *ery day he died. He &ent to&ards the $usalla (prayin pla%e) and the people stood behind him in ro&s. He said 'our 7akbirs (i.e. o''ered the ,uneral prayer). 2.11?: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet said! "Iaid took o*er the 'la and &as martyred. 7hen it &as taken by -a'ar &ho &as martyred as &ell. 7hen /Abdullah bin )a&aha took the 'la but he too &as martyred and at that time the eyes o' Allah's Apostle &ere 'ull o' tears. 7hen 3halid bin Al2#alid took the 'la &ithout bein nominated as a %hie' (be'ore hand) and &as blessed &ith *i%tory." 2.11@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas. A person died and Allah's Apostle used to *isit him. He died at ni ht and (the people) buried him at ni ht. In the mornin they in'ormed the 4rophet (about his death). He said! "#hat pre*ented you 'rom 88
in'ormin me6" 7hey replied! "It &as ni ht and it &as a dark ni ht and so &e disliked to trouble you." 7he 4rophet &ent to his ra*e and o''ered the ('uneral) prayer. 2.18A: Narrated Anas: 7he 4rophet said! "A $uslim &hose three %hildren die be'ore the a e o' puberty &ill be ranted 4aradise by Allah due to his mer%y 'or them." 2.181: Narrated Abu +a/id: 7he &omen re=uested the 4rophet! "4lease 'iJ a day 'or us." +o the 4rophet prea%hed to them and said! "A &oman &hose three %hildren died &ould be s%reened 'rom the Hell ,ire by them!" Hearin that! a &oman asked! "I' t&o died6" 7he 4rophet replied! "M*en t&o (&ould s%reen her 'rom the (Hell) ,ire. " And Abu Huraira added! "7hose %hildren should be belo& the a e o' puberty. " 2.182: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "No $uslim &hose three %hildren died &ill o to the ,ire eJ%ept 'or Allah's oath (i.e. e*eryone has to pass o*er the brid e abo*e the lake o' 'ire)." 2.181: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet passed by a &oman &ho &as sittin and &eepin beside a ra*e and said to her! ",ear Allah and be patient." 2.188: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya al2Ansariya: Allah's Apostle %ame to us &hen his dau hter died and said! "#ash her thri%e or 'i*e times or more! i' you see it ne%essary! &ith &ater and +idr and then apply %amphor or some %amphor at the end; and &hen you 'inish! noti'y me." +o &hen &e 'inished it! &e in'ormed him and he a*e us his &aist2sheet and told us to shroud the dead body in it. 2.189: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya Allah's Apostle %ame to us and &e &ere i*in a bath to his (dead) dau hter and said! "#ash her three! 'i*e or more times &ith &ater and +idr and sprinkle %amphor on her at the end; and &hen you 'inish! noti'y me." +o &hen &e 'inished! &e in'ormed him and he a*e us his &aist2sheet and told us to shroud her in it. Aiyub said that Ha'sa narrated to him a narration similar to that o' $uhammad in &hi%h it &as said that the bath &as to be i*en 'or an odd number o' times! and the numbers 1! 9 or < &ere mentioned. It &as also said that they &ere to start &ith the ri ht side and &ith the parts &hi%h &ere &ashed in ablution! and that 0m 'Atiyya also mentioned! "#e %ombed her hair and di*ided them in three braids." 2.18:: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya: Allah's Apostle ! %on%ernin his (dead) dau hter's bath! said! "+tart &ith the ri ht side! and the parts &hi%h are &ashed in ablution." 2.18<: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya : #hen &e &ashed the de%eased dau hter o' the 4rophet! he said to us! &hile &e &ere &ashin her! "+tart the bath 'rom the ri ht side and 'rom the parts &hi%h are &ashed in ablution." 2.18?: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya: 7he dau hter o' the 4rophet eJpired! and he said to us! "#ash her three or 'i*e times! or more i' you see it ne%essary! and &hen you 'inish! noti'y me." +o! (&hen &e 'inished) &e in'ormed him and he un'astened his &aist2sheet and told us to shroud her in it. 2.18@: Narrated $uhammad:
0m 'Atiyya said! ">ne o' the dau hters o' the 4rophet died and he %ame out and said! '#ash her three or 'i*e times or more! i' you think it ne%essary! &ith &ater and +idr! and last o' all put %amphor (or some %amphor) and &hen you 'inish! in'orm me.' " 0m Atiyya added! "#hen &e 'inished &e in'ormed him and he a*e us his &aist2sheet and said! '+hroud her in it.' " And 0m 'Atiyya (in another narration) added! "7he 4rophet said! '#ash her three! 'i*e or se*en times or more! i' you think it ne%essary.' " Ha'sa said that 0m 'Atiyya had also said! "#e ent&ined her hair into three braids." 2.19A: Narrated Ha'sa bint +eereen: 0m 'Atiyya said that they had ent&ined the hair o' the dau hter o' Allah's Apostle in three braids. 7hey 'irst undid her hair! &ashed and then ent&ined it in three braids." 2.191: Narrated Ibn +eereen: 0m 'Atiyya (an Ansari &oman &ho a*e the pled e o' alle ian%e to the 4rophet ) %ame to Basra to *isit her son! but she %ould not 'ind him. +he narrated to us! "7he 4rophet %ame to us &hile &e &ere i*in bath to his (dead) dau hter! he said: '#ash her three times! 'i*e times or more! i' you think it ne%essary! &ith &ater and +idr! and last o' all put %amphor! and &hen you 'inish! noti'y me.' " 0m 'Atiyya added! "A'ter 'inishin ! &e in'ormed him and he a*e us his &aist sheet and told us to shroud her in it and did not say more than that." 2.192: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya: #e ent&ined the hair o' the dead dau hter o' the 4rophet into three braids. #aki said that +u'yan said! ">ne braid &as ent&ined in 'ront and the other t&o &ere ent&ined on the sides o' the head." 2.191: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya: >ne o' the dau hters o' the 4rophet eJpired and he %ame to us and said! "#ash her &ith +idr (&ater) 'or odd number o' times! i.e. three! 'i*e or more! i' you think it ne%essary! and in the last! put %amphor or (some %amphor on her)! and &hen you 'inish! noti'y me." +o &hen &e 'inished &e in'ormed him. He a*e his &aist2sheet to us (to shroud her). #e ent&ined the hair (o' the de%eased irl) in three braids and made them 'all at her ba%k. 2.198: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle &as shrouded in three Demenite &hite +uhuliya (pie%es o' %loth) o' %otton! and in them there &as neither a shirt nor a turban." 2.199: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hile a man &as ridin (his $ount) in /Ara'at! he 'ell do&n 'rom it (his $ount) and broke his ne%k (and died). 7he 4rophet said! "#ash him &ith &ater and +idr and shroud him in t&o pie%es o' %loth! and neither per'ume him! nor %o*er his head! 'or he &ill be resurre%ted on the (ay o' )esurre%tion sayin ! 'Babbaik!' (i.e. like a pil rim)." 2.19:: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hile a man &as at /Ara'at ('or Ha55) &ith Allah's Apostle the 'ell do&n 'rom his $ount and broke his ne%k (and died). +o Allah's Apostle said! "#ash him &ith &ater and +idr and shroud him in t&o pie%es o' %loth and neither per'ume him nor %o*er his head! 'or Allah &ill resurre%t him on the (ay o' )esurre%tion and he &ill be sayin 'Babbaik." 2.19<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: A man &as killed by his %amel &hile &e &ere &ith the 4rophet and he &as a $uhrim. +o the 4rophet said! "#ash him &ith &ater and +idr and shroud him in t&o pie%es o' %loth and neither per'ume him nor %o*er his head! 'or Allah &ill resurre%t him on the (ay o' )esurre%tion and he &ill be sayin 'Babbaik' . " 2.19?: 8:
Narrated Ibn /Abbas: A man 'ell 'rom his $ount and died &hile he &as &ith the 4rophet at /Ara'at. 7he 4rophet said! "#ash him &ith &ater and +idr and shroud him in t&o pie%es o' %loth and neither per'ume him nor %o*er his head! 'or he &ill be resurre%ted on the (ay o' )esurre%tion sayin ! 'Babbaik'." 2.19@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: #hen /Abdullah bin 0bai (the %hie' o' hypo%rites) died! his son %ame to the 4rophet and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 4lease i*e me your shirt to shroud him in it! o''er his 'uneral prayer and ask 'or Allah's 'or i*eness 'or him." +o Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) a*e his shirt to him and said! "In'orm me (#hen the 'uneral is ready) so that I may o''er the 'uneral prayer." +o! he in'ormed him and &hen the 4rophet intended to o''er the 'uneral prayer! /0mar took hold o' his hand and said! "Has Allah not 'orbidden you to o''er the 'uneral prayer 'or the hypo%rites6 7he 4rophet said! "I ha*e been i*en the %hoi%e 'or Allah says: '(It does not a*ail) #hether you (> $uhammad) ask 'or i*eness 'or them (hypo%rites)! or do not ask 'or 'or i*eness 'or them. M*en thou h you ask 'or their 'or i*eness se*enty times! Allah &ill not 'or i*e them. (@.?A)" +o the 4rophet o''ered the 'uneral prayer and on that the re*elation %ame: "And ne*er (> $uhammad) pray ('uneral prayer) 'or any o' them (i.e. hypo%rites) that dies." (@. ?8) 2.1:A: Narrated -abir: 7he 4rophet %ame to (the ra*e o') /Abdullah bin 0bai a'ter his body &as buried. 7he body &as brou ht out and then the 4rophet put his sali*a o*er the body and %lothed it in his shirt. 2.1:1: Narrated /Aisha: 7he 4rophet &as shrouded in three pie%es o' %loth &hi%h &ere made o' +uhul (a type o' %otton)! and neither a shirt nor a turban &ere used. 2.1:2: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle &as shrouded in three pie%es o' %loth and neither a shirt nor a turban &ere used. 2.1:1: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle &as shrouded in three pie%es o' %loth &hi%h &ere made o' &hite +uhul and neither a shirt nor a turban &ere used. 2.1:8: Narrated +a/d 'rom his 'ather: >n%e the meal o' /Abdur2)ahman bin /Au' &as brou ht in 'ront o' him! and he said! "$ustab bin /0mar &as martyred and he &as better than I! and he had nothin eJ%ept his Burd (a bla%k s=uare narro& dress) to be shrouded in. HamEa or another person &as martyred and he &as also better than I and he had nothin to be shrouded in eJ%ept his Burd. No doubt! I 'ear that the re&ards o' my deeds mi ht ha*e been i*en early in this &orld." 7hen he started &eepin . 2.1:9: Narrated Ibrahim: >n%e a meal &as brou ht to /Abdur2)ahman bin /Au' and he &as 'astin . He said! "$ustab bin /0mar &as martyred and he &as better than I and &as shrouded in his Burd and &hen his head &as %o*ered &ith it! his le s be%ame bare! and &hen his le s &ere %o*ered his head ot un%o*ered. HamEa &as martyred and &as better than I. No& the &orldly &ealth ha*e been besto&ed upon us (or said a similar thin ). No doubt! I 'ear that the re&ards o' my deeds mi ht ha*e been i*en earlier in this &orld." 7hen he started &eepin and le't his 'ood. 2.1::: Narrated 3habbab: #e emi rated &ith the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) in Allah's %ause! and so our re&ard &as then surely in%umbent on Allah. +ome o' us died and they did not take anythin 'rom their re&ards in this &orld! and amon st them &as $ustab bin /0mar; and the others &ere those &ho ot their re&ards. $ustab 8<
bin /0mar &as martyred on the day o' the Battle o' 0hud and &e %ould et nothin eJ%ept his Burd to shroud him in. And &hen &e %o*ered his head his 'eet be%ame bare and *i%e *ersa. +o the 4rophet ordered us to %o*er his head only and to put idhkhir (a kind o' shrub) o*er his 'eet. 2.1:<: Narrated +ahl: A &oman brou ht a &o*en Burda (sheet) ha*in ed in (border) to the 4rophet! 7hen +ahl asked them &hether they kne& &hat is Burda! they said that Burda is a %loak and +ahl %on'irmed their reply. 7hen the &oman said! "I ha*e &o*en it &ith my o&n hands and I ha*e brou ht it so that you may &ear it." 7he 4rophet a%%epted it! and at that time he &as in need o' it. +o he %ame out &earin it as his &aist2sheet. A man praised it and said! "#ill you i*e it to me6 Ho& ni%e it isC" 7he other people said! "Dou ha*e not done the ri ht thin as the 4rophet is in need o' it and you ha*e asked 'or it &hen you kno& that he ne*er turns do&n anybody's re=uest." 7he man replied! "By Allah! I ha*e not asked 'or it to &ear it but to make it my shroud." Bater it &as his shroud. 2.1:?: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya: #e &ere 'orbidden to a%%ompany 'uneral pro%essions but not stri%tly. 2.1:@: Narrated $uhammad bin +eereen: >ne o' the sons o' 0m 'Atiyya died! and &hen it &as the third day she asked 'or a yello& per'ume and put it o*er her body! and said! "#e &ere 'orbidden to mourn 'or more than three days eJ%ept 'or our husbands." 2.1<A: Narrated Iainab bint Abi +alama: #hen the ne&s o' the death o' Abu +u'yan rea%hed 'rom +ham! 0m Habiba on the third day! asked 'or a yello& per'ume and s%ented her %heeks and 'orearms and said! "No doubt! I &ould not ha*e been in need o' this! had I not heard the 4rophet sayin : "It is not le al 'or a &oman &ho belie*es in Allah and the Bast (ay to mourn 'or more than three days 'or any dead person eJ%ept her husband! 'or &hom she should mourn 'or 'our months and ten days." 2.1<1: Narrated Iainab bint Abi +alama : I &ent to 0m Habiba! the &i'e o' 4rophet! &ho said! "I heard the 4rophets sayin ! 'It is not le al 'or a &oman &ho belie*es in Allah and the Bast (ay to mourn 'or any dead person 'or more than three days eJ%ept 'or her husband! ('or &hom she should mourn) 'or 'our months and ten days'." Bater I &ent to Iainab bint -ahsh &hen her brother died; she asked 'or some s%ent! and a'ter usin it she said! "I am not in need o' s%ent but I heard Allah's Apostle sayin ! 'It is not le al 'or a &oman &ho belie*es in Allah and the Bast (ay to mourn 'or more than three days 'or any dead person eJ%ept her husband! ('or &hom she should mourn) 'or 'our months and ten days.' " 2.1<2: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet passed by a &oman &ho &as &eepin beside a ra*e. He told her to 'ear Allah and be patient. +he said to him! "Ho a&ay! 'or you ha*e not been a''li%ted &ith a %alamity like mine." And she did not re%o niEe him. 7hen she &as in'ormed that he &as the 4rophet . so she &ent to the house o' the 4rophet and there she did not 'ind any uard. 7hen she said to him! "I did not re%o niEe you." He said! "Verily! the patien%e is at the 'irst stroke o' a %alamity." 2.1<1: Narrated 0sama bin Iaid: 7he dau hter o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) sent (a messen er) to the 4rophet re=uestin him to %ome as her %hild &as dyin (or &as aspin )! but the 4rophet returned the messen er and told him to %on*ey his reetin to her and say: "#hate*er Allah takes is 'or Him and &hate*er He i*es! is 'or Him! and e*erythin &ith Him has a limited 'iJed term (in this &orld) and so she should be patient and hope 'or Allah's re&ard." +he a ain sent 'or him! s&earin that he should %ome. 7he 4rophet ot up! and so did +a/d bin '0bada! $u/adh bin -abal! 0bai bin 3a/b! Iaid bin 7habit and some other men. 7he %hild 8?
&as brou ht to Allah's Apostle &hile his breath &as disturbed in his %hest (the sub2narrator thinks that 0sama added: ) as i' it &as a leather &ater2skin. >n that the eyes o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) started sheddin tears. +a/d said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hat is this6" He replied! "It is mer%y &hi%h Allah has lod ed in the hearts o' His sla*es! and Allah is mer%i'ul only to those o' His sla*es &ho are mer%i'ul (to others). 2.1<8: Narrated Anas bin $alik: #e &ere (in the 'uneral pro%ession) o' one o' the dau hters o' the 4rophet and he &as sittin by the side o' the ra*e. I sa& his eyes sheddin tears. He said! "Is there anyone amon you &ho did not ha*e seJual relations &ith his &i'e last ni ht6" Abu 7alha replied in the a''irmati*e. And so the 4rophet told him to et do&n in the ra*e. And so he ot do&n in her ra*e. 2.1<9: Narrated /Abdullah bin '0baidullah bin Abi $ulaika: >ne o' the dau hters o' /0thman died at $e%%a. #e &ent to attend her 'uneral pro%ession. Ibn /0mar and Ibn /Abbas &ere also present. I sat in bet&een them (or said! I sat beside one o' them. 7hen a man %ame and sat beside me.) /Abdullah bin /0mar said to /Amr bin /0thman! "#ill you not prohibit %ryin as Allah's Apostle has said! '7he dead person is tortured by the %ryin o' his relati*es.6" Ibn /Abbas said! "/0mar used to say so." 7hen he added narratin ! "I a%%ompanied /0mar on a 5ourney 'rom $e%%a till &e rea%hed Al2Baida. 7here he sa& some tra*elers in the shade o' a +amura (A kind o' 'orest tree). He said (to me)! "Ho and see &ho those tra*elers are." +o I &ent and sa& that one o' them &as +uhaib. I told this to /0mar &ho then asked me to %all him. +o I &ent ba%k to +uhaib and said to him! "(epart and 'ollo& the %hie' o' the 'aith'ul belie*ers." Bater! &hen /0mar &as stabbed! +uhaib %ame in &eepin and sayin ! "> my brother! > my 'riendC" (on this /0mar said to him! "> +uhaibC Are you &eepin 'or me &hile the 4rophet said! "7he dead person is punished by some o' the &eepin o' his relati*es6" Ibn /Abbas added! "#hen /0mar died I told all this to Aisha and she said! '$ay Allah be mer%i'ul to /0mar. By Allah! Allah's Apostle did not say that a belie*er is punished by the &eepin o' his relati*es. But he said! Allah in%reases the punishment o' a non2belie*er be%ause o' the &eepin o' his relati*es." Aisha 'urther added! "7he Gur'an is su''i%ient 'or you (to %lear up this point) as Allah has stated: 'No burdened soul &ill bear another's burden.' " (19.1?). Ibn /Abbas then said! ">nly Allah makes one lau h or %ry." Ibn /0mar did not say anythin a'ter that. 2.1<:: Narrated /Aisha: (the &i'e o' the 4rophet) >n%e Allah's Apostle passed by (the ra*e o') a -e&ess &hose relati*es &ere &eepin o*er her. He said! "7hey are &eepin o*er her and she is bein tortured in her ra*e." 2.1<<: Narrated Abu Burda: 7hat his 'ather said! "#hen /0mar &as stabbed! +uhaib started %ryin : > my brotherC /0mar said! '(on't you kno& that the 4rophet said: 7he de%eased is tortured 'or the &eepin o' the li*in '6" 2.1<?: Narrated Al2$u hira: I heard the 4rophet sayin ! "As%ribin 'alse thin s to me is not like as%ribin 'alse thin s to anyone else. #hosoe*er tells a lie a ainst me intentionally then surely let him o%%upy his seat in Hell2,ire." I heard the 4rophet sayin ! "7he de%eased &ho is &ailed o*er is tortured 'or that &ailin ." 2.1<@: Narrated Ibn /0mar 'rom his 'ather: 7he 4rophet said! "7he de%eased is tortured in his ra*e 'or the &ailin done o*er him." 2.1?A: Narrated +hu/ba: 7he de%eased is tortured 'or the &ailin o' the li*in ones o*er him . 2.1?1: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah :
>n the day o' the Battle o' 0hud! my 'ather &as brou ht and he had been mayhemed and &as pla%ed in 'ront o' Allah's Apostle and a sheet &as o*er him. I &ent intendin to un%o*er my 'ather but my people 'orbade me; a ain I &anted to un%o*er him but my people 'orbade me. Allah's Apostle a*e his order and he &as shi'ted a&ay. At that time he heard the *oi%e o' a %ryin &oman and asked! "#ho is this6" 7hey said! "It is the dau hter or the sister o' /Amr." He said! "#hy does she &eep6 (or let her stop &eepin )! 'or the an els had been shadin him &ith their &in s till he (i.e. the body o' the martyr) &as shi'ted a&ay." 2.1?2: Narrated /Abdullah: the 4rophet said! "He &ho slaps his %heeks! tears his %lothes and 'ollo&s the &ays and traditions o' the (ays o' I noran%e is not one o' us." 2.1?1: Narrated 'Amir bin +a/d bin Abi #a==as: 7hat his 'ather said! "In the year o' the last Ha55 o' the 4rophet I be%ame seriously ill and the 4rophet used to *isit me in=uirin about my health. I told him! 'I am redu%ed to this state be%ause o' illness and I am &ealthy and ha*e no inheritors eJ%ept a dau hter! (In this narration the name o' 'Amir bin +a/d is mentioned and in 'a%t it is a mistake; the narrator is /Aisha bint +a/d bin Abi #a==as). +hould I i*e t&o2thirds o' my property in %harity6' He said! 'No.' I asked! 'Hal'6' He said! 'No.' then he added! '>ne2 third! and e*en one2third is mu%h. Dou'd better lea*e your inheritors &ealthy rather than lea*in them poor! be in others. Dou &ill et a re&ard 'or &hate*er you spend 'or Allah's sake! e*en 'or &hat you put in your &i'e's mouth.' I said! '> Allah's ApostleC #ill I be le't alone a'ter my %ompanions ha*e one6' He said! 'I' you are le't behind! &hate*er ood deeds you &ill do &ill up rade you and raise you hi h. And perhaps you &ill ha*e a lon li'e so that some people &ill be bene'ited by you &hile others &ill be harmed by you. > AllahC .omplete the emi ration o' my %ompanions and do not turn them rene ades.' But Allah's Apostle 'elt sorry 'or poor +a/d bin 3haula as he died in $e%%a." (but +a/d bin Abi #a==as li*ed lon a'ter the 4rophet (p.b.u.h).) 2.1?8: Narrated /Abdullah: 7he 4rophet said! "He &ho slaps the %heeks! tears the %lothes and 'ollo&s the tradition o' the (ays o' I noran%e is not 'rom us." 2.1?9: Narrated /Abdullah: 7he 4rophet said! "He &ho slaps the %heeks! tears the %lothes and 'ollo&s the traditions o' the (ays o' I noran%e is not 'rom us." 2.1?:: Narrated /Aisha: #hen the 4rophet ot the ne&s o' the death o' Ibn Haritha! -a/'ar and Ibn )a&aha he sat do&n and looked sad and I &as lookin at him throu h the %hink o' the door. A man %ame and told him about the %ryin o' the &omen o' -a/'ar. 7he 4rophet ordered him to 'orbid them. 7he man &ent and %ame ba%k sayin that he had told them but they did not listen to him. 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! ",orbid them." +o a ain he &ent and %ame ba%k 'or the third time and said! "> Allah's ApostleC By Allah! they did not listen to us at all." (/Aisha added): Allah's Apostle ordered him to o and put dust in their mouths. I said! (to that man) "$ay Allah sti%k your nose in the dust (i.e. humiliate you)C Dou %ould neither (persuade the &omen to) 'ul'ill the order o' Allah's Apostle nor did you relie*e Allah's Apostle 'rom 'ati ue. " 2.1?<: Narrated Anas: #hen the re%iters o' Gur'an &ere martyred! Allah's Apostle re%ited Gunut 'or one month and I ne*er sa& him (i.e. Allah's Apostle) so sad as he &as on that day. 2.1??: Narrated Anas bin $alik:
>ne o' the sons o' Abu 7alha be%ame si%k and died and Abu 7alha at that time &as not at home. #hen his &i'e sa& that he &as dead! she prepared him (&ashed and shrouded him) and pla%ed him some&here in the house. #hen Abu 7alha %ame! he asked! "Ho& is the boy6" +he said! "7he %hild is =uiet and I hope he is in pea%e." Abu 7alha thou ht that she had spoken the truth. Abu 7alha passed the ni ht and in the mornin took a bath and &hen he intended to o out! she told him that his son had died! Abu 7alha o''ered the (mornin ) prayer &ith the 4rophet and in'ormed the 4rophet o' &hat happened to them. Allah's Apostle said! "$ay Allah bless you %on%ernin your ni ht. (7hat is! may Allah bless you &ith ood o''sprin )." +u'yan said! ">ne o' the Ansar said! '7hey (i.e. Abu 7alha and his &i'e) had nine sons and all o' them be%ame re%iters o' the Gur'an (by heart).' " 2.1?@: Narrated Anas: 7he 4rophet said! "7he real patien%e is at the 'irst stroke o' a %alamity." 2.1@A: Narrated Anas bin $alik: #e &ent &ith Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) to the bla%ksmith Abu +ai'! and he &as the husband o' the &et2nurse o' Ibrahim (the son o' the 4rophet). Allah's Apostle took Ibrahim and kissed him and smelled him and later &e entered Abu +ai''s house and at that time Ibrahim &as in his last breaths! and the eyes o' Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) started sheddin tears. /Abdur )ahman bin /Au' said! "> Allah's Apostle! e*en you are &eepin C" He said! "> Ibn /Au'! this is mer%y." 7hen he &ept more and said! "7he eyes are sheddin tears and the heart is rie*ed! and &e &ill not say eJ%ept &hat pleases our Bord! > Ibrahim C Indeed &e are rie*ed by your separation." 2.1@1: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : +a/d bin '0bada be%ame si%k and the 4rophet alon &ith /Abdur )ahman bin /Au'! +a/d bin Abi #a==as and /Abdullah bin $as/ud *isited him to in=uire about his health. #hen he %ame to him! he 'ound him surrounded by his household and he asked! "Has he died6" 7hey said! "No! > Allah's Apostle." 7he 4rophet &ept and &hen the people sa& the &eepin o' Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) they all &ept. He said! "#ill you listen6 Allah does not punish 'or sheddin tears! nor 'or the rie' o' the heart but he punishes or besto&s His $er%y be%ause o' this." He pointed to his ton ue and added! "7he de%eased is punished 'or the &ailin o' his relati*es o*er him." /0mar used to beat &ith a sti%k and thro& stones and put dust o*er the 'a%es (o' those &ho used to &ail o*er the dead). 2.1@2: Narrated Aisha: #hen the ne&s o' the martyrdom o' Iaid bin Haritha! -a/'ar and /Abdullah bin )a&aha %ame! the 4rophet sat do&n lookin sad! and I &as lookin throu h the %hink o' the door. A man %ame and said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7he &omen o' -a/'ar!" and then he mentioned their %ryin . 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ordered him to stop them 'rom %ryin . 7he man &ent and %ame ba%k and said! "I tried to stop them but they disobeyed." 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ordered him 'or the se%ond time to 'orbid them. He &ent a ain and %ame ba%k and said! "7hey did not listen to me! (or "us": the sub2narrator $uhammad bin Haushab is in doubt as to &hi%h is ri ht). " (/Aisha added: 7he 4rophet said! "4ut dust in their mouths." I said (to that man)! "$ay Allah sti%k your nose in the dust (i.e. humiliate you)." By Allah! you %ould not (stop the &omen 'rom %ryin ) to 'ul'ill the order! besides you did not relie*e Allah's Apostle 'rom 'ati ue." 2.1@1: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya: At the time o' i*in the pled e o' alle ian%e to the 4rophet one o' the %onditions &as that &e &ould not &ail! but it &as not 'ul'illed eJ%ept by 'i*e &omen and they are 0m +ulaim! 0m Al2/Ala'! the dau hter o' Abi +abra (the &i'e o' $u/adh)! and t&o other &omen; or the dau hter o' Abi +abra and the &i'e o' $u/adh and another &oman. 2.1@8: Narrated 'Amir bin )abi/a:!
7he 4rophet said! "#hene*er you see a 'uneral pro%ession! stand up till the pro%ession oes ahead o' you." Al2Humaidi added! "7ill the %o''in lea*es you behind or is put do&n." 2.1@9: Narrated 'Amir bin )abi/a: 7he 4rophet said! "I' any one o' you see a 'uneral pro%ession and he is not oin alon &ith it! then he should stand and remain standin till he ets behind it! or it lea*es him behind! or the %o''in is put do&n be'ore it oes ahead o' him . " 2.1@:: Narrated +a/id Al2$a=buri: 7hat his 'ather said! "#hile &e &ere a%%ompanyin a 'uneral pro%ession! Abu Huraira ot hold o' the hand o' $ar&an and they sat do&n be'ore the %o''in &as put do&n. 7hen Abu +a/id %ame and took hold o' $ar&an's hand and said! "Het up. By Allah! no doubt this (i.e. Abu Huraira) kno&s that the 4rophet 'orbade us to do that." Abu Huraira said! "He (Abu +a/id) has spoken the truth." 2.1@<: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri 7he 4rophet said! "#hen you see a 'uneral pro%ession! you should stand up! and &hoe*er a%%ompanies it should not sit till the %o''in is put do&n." 2.1@?: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : A 'uneral pro%ession passed in 'ront o' us and the 4rophet stood up and &e too stood up. #e said! '> Allah's ApostleC 7his is the 'uneral pro%ession o' a -e&." He said! "#hene*er you see a 'uneral pro%ession! you should stand up." 2.1@@: Narrated /Abdur )ahman bin Abi Baila: +ahl bin Hunai' and Gais bin +a/d &ere sittin in the %ity o' Al2Gadisiya. A 'uneral pro%ession passed in 'ront o' them and they stood up. 7hey &ere told that 'uneral pro%ession &as o' one o' the inhabitants o' the land i.e. o' a non2belie*er! under the prote%tion o' $uslims. 7hey said! "A 'uneral pro%ession passed in 'ront o' the 4rophet and he stood up. #hen he &as told that it &as the %o''in o' a -e&! he said! "Is it not a li*in bein (soul)6" 2.8AA: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri : Allah's Apostle said! #hen the 'uneral is ready and the men %arry it on their shoulders! i' the de%eased &as ri hteous it &ill say! '4resent me (hurriedly)!' and i' he &as not ri hteous! it &ill say! '#oe to it (me)C #here are they takin it (me)6' Its *oi%e is heard by e*erythin eJ%ept man and i' he heard it he &ould 'all un%ons%ious." 2.8A1: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "Hurry up &ith the dead body 'or i' it &as ri hteous! you are 'or&ardin it to &el'are; and i' it &as other&ise! then you are puttin o'' an e*il thin do&n your ne%ks." 2.8A2: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri 7he 4rophet said! "#hen a 'uneral is ready and the men %arry the de%eased on their ne%ks (shoulders)! i' it &as pious then it &ill say! '4resent me =ui%kly'! and i' it &as not pious! then it &ill say! '#oe to it (me)! &here are they takin it (me)6' And its *oi%e is heard by e*erythin eJ%ept mankind and i' he heard it he &ould 'all un%ons%ious." 2.8A1: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: Allah's Apostle o''ered the 'uneral prayer 'or An2Na5ashi and I &as in the se%ond or third ro&. 2.8A8: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) in'ormed his %ompanions about the death o' An2Na5ashi and then he &ent ahead (to lead the prayer) and the people lined up behind him in ro&s and he said 'our 7akbir. 92
2.8A9: Narrated Ash2+haibani: Ash +hu/bi said! "I &as in'ormed by a man &ho had seen the 4rophet oin to a ra*e that &as separate 'rom the other ra*es and he ali ned the people in ro&s and said 'our 7akbir." I said! "> Abu /AmrC &ho narrated (that) to you"6 He said! "Ibn /Abbas. " 2.8A:: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : 7he 4rophet said! "7oday a pious man 'rom Mthiopia (i.e. An Na5ashi) has eJpired! %ome on to o''er the 'uneral prayer." (-abir said): #e lined up in ro&s and a'ter that the 4rophet led the prayer and &e &ere in ro&s. -abir added! I &as in the se%ond ro&." 2.8A<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: Allah's Apostle passed by a ra*e o' a de%eased &ho had been buried at ni ht. He said! "#hen &as this (de%eased) buried6" 7he people said! "Desterday." He said! "#hy did you not in'orm me6" 7hey said! "#e buried him &hen it &as dark and so &e disliked to &ake you up." He stood up and &e lined up behind him. (Ibn /Abbas said): I &as one o' them! and the 4rophet o''ered the 'uneral prayer. 2.8A?: Narrated Ash2+haibani: Ash2+hu/bi said! "+omebody &ho passed alon &ith your 4rophet (p.b.u.h) by a ra*e that &as separate 'rom the other ra*es in'ormed me (sayin )! "7he 4rophet led us (in the prayer) and &e ali ned behind him." #e said! "> Abu /AmrC #ho told you this narration6" He replied! "Ibn /Abbas." 2.8A@: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar &as told that Abu Huraira said! "#hoe*er a%%ompanies the 'uneral pro%ession &ill ha*e a re&ard e=ual to one Girat." Ibn /0mar said! "Abu Huraira talks o' a too enormous re&ard." Aisha attested Abu Huraira's narration and said! "I heard Allah's Apostle sayin like that." Ibn /0mar said! "#e ha*e lost numerous Girats." 2.81A: Narrated Abu Huraira: that Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "#hoe*er attends the 'uneral pro%ession till he o''ers the 'uneral prayer 'or it! &ill et a re&ard e=ual to one Girat! and &hoe*er a%%ompanies it till burial! &ill et a re&ard e=ual to t&o Girats." It &as asked! "#hat are t&o Girats6" He replied! "Bike t&o hu e mountains." 2.811: Narrated 'Amir: Ibn /Abbas (&ho &as at that time a boy) said! "Allah's Apostle %ame to a ra*e and the people said! 'He or she &as buried yesterday.' " Ibn /Abbas added! "#e ali ned behind the 4rophet and he led the 'uneral prayer o' the de%eased." 2.812: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle in'ormed about the ne&s o' the death o' An2Na5ash (3in o' Mthiopia) on the day he eJpired. He said! "Ask Allah's 'or i*eness 'or your brother. " Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet made them ali n in ro&s at the $usalla and said 'our 7akbir. 2.811: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : 7he -e& brou ht to the 4rophet a man and a &oman 'rom amon st them &ho ha*e %ommitted (adultery) ille al seJual inter%ourse. He ordered both o' them to be stoned (to death)! near the pla%e o' o''erin the 'uneral prayers beside the mos=ue." 2.818: Narrated /0r&a: 91
Aisha said! "7he 4rophet in his 'atal illness said! 'Allah %ursed the -e&s and the .hristians be%ause they took the ra*es o' their 4rophets as pla%es 'or prayin ."' Aisha added! "Had it not been 'or that! the ra*e o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) &ould ha*e been made prominent but I am a'raid it mi ht be taken (as a) pla%e 'or prayin . 2.819: Narrated +amura bin -undab: I o''ered the 'uneral prayer behind the 4rophet 'or a &oman &ho had died durin %hildbirth and he stood up by the middle o' the %o''in. 2.81:: Narrated +amura bin -undab I o''ered the 'uneral prayer behind the 4rophet 'or a &oman &ho had died durin %hildbirth and he stood up by the middle o' the %o''in. 2.81<: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle in'ormed about the ne&s o' the death o' An2Na5ash on the day he died. He &ent out &ith us to the $usalla and &e ali ned in ro&s and he said 'our 7akbirs 'or An2Na5ashi's 'uneral prayer. 2.81?: Narrated -abir: 7he 4rophet o''ered the 'uneral prayer o' As2Hama An2Na5ash and said 'our 7akbir. 2.81@: Narrated 7alha bin /Abdullah bin /Au': I o''ered the 'uneral prayer behind Ibn /Abbas and he re%ited Al2,atiha and said! "Dou should kno& that it (i.e. re%itation o' Al2,atiha) is the tradition o' the 4rophet $uhammad. 2.82A: Narrated +ulaiman Ash2+haibani: I heard Ash2+hu/bi sayin ! "I &as told by a man &ho had passed &ith the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) by a ra*e that &as separate 'rom the other ra*es that he (the 4rophet ) led them in the prayer and they prayed behind him." I said! "> Abu /AmrC #ho narrated that to you6" He replied! "Ibn /Abbas." 2.821: Narrated Abu Huraira: A bla%k person! a male or a 'emale used to %lean the $os=ue and then died. 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) did not kno& about it . >ne day the 4rophet remembered him and said! "#hat happened to that person6" 7he people replied! "> Allah's ApostleC He died." He said! "#hy did you not in'orm me6" 7hey said! "His story &as so and so (i.e. re arded him as insi ni'i%ant)." He said! "+ho& me his ra*e." He then &ent to his ra*e and o''ered the 'uneral prayer. 2.822: Narrated Anas: 7he 4rophet said! "#hen a human bein is laid in his ra*e and his %ompanions return and he e*en hears their 'oot steps! t&o an els %ome to him and make him sit and ask him: #hat did you use to say about this man! $uhammad 6 He &ill say: I testi'y that he is Allah's sla*e and His Apostle. 7hen it &ill be said to him! 'Book at your pla%e in the Hell2,ire. Allah has i*en you a pla%e in 4aradise instead o' it.' " 7he 4rophet added! "7he dead person &ill see both his pla%es. But a non2belie*er or a hypo%rite &ill say to the an els! 'I do not kno&! but I used to say &hat the people used to sayC It &ill be said to him! 'Neither did you kno& nor did you take the uidan%e (by re%itin the Gur'an).' 7hen he &ill be hit &ith an iron hammer bet&een his t&o ears! and he &ill %ry and that %ry &ill be heard by &hate*er approa%hes him eJ%ept human bein s and 5inns." 2.821: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he an el o' death &as sent to $oses and &hen he &ent to him! $oses slapped him se*erely! spoilin one o' his eyes. 7he an el &ent ba%k to his Bord! and said! "Dou sent me to a sla*e &ho does not &ant to die." Allah restored his eye and said! "Ho ba%k and tell him (i.e. $oses) to pla%e his hand o*er the 98
ba%k o' an oJ! 'or he &ill be allo&ed to li*e 'or a number o' years e=ual to the number o' hairs %omin under his hand." (+o the an el %ame to him and told him the same). 7hen $oses asked! "> my BordC #hat &ill be then6" He said! "(eath &ill be then." He said! "(Bet it be) no&." He asked Allah that He brin him near the +a%red Band at a distan%e o' a stone's thro&. Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "#ere I there I &ould sho& you the ra*e o' $oses by the &ay near the red sand hill." 2.828: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) o''ered the 'uneral prayer o' a man one ni ht a'ter he &as buried! he and his %ompanions stood up ('or the 4rayer). He had asked them about him be'ore standin ! sayin ! "#ho is this6" 7hey said! "He is so and so and &as buried last ni ht." +o all o' them o''ered the 'uneral prayer. 2.829: Narrated /Aisha: #hen the 4rophet be%ame ill! some o' his &i*es talked about a %hur%h &hi%h they had seen in Mthiopia and it &as %alled $ariya. 0m +alma and 0m Habiba had been to Mthiopia! and both o' them narrated its (the .hur%h's) beauty and the pi%tures it %ontained. 7he 4rophet raised his head and said! "7hose are the people &ho! &hene*er a pious man dies amon st them! make a pla%e o' &orship at his ra*e and then they make those pi%tures in it. 7hose are the &orst %reatures in the +i ht o' Allah." 2.82:: Narrated Anas: #e &ere in the 'uneral pro%ession o' the dau hter o' Allah's Apostle and Allah's Apostle &as sittin near the ra*e and I sa& his eyes 'ull o' tears. He said! "Is there anyone amon st you &ho did not ha*e seJual relations &ith his &i'e last ni ht6" Abu 7alha replied in the a''irmati*e. And so Allah's Apostle told him to et do&n in her ra*e and he ot do&n in her ra*e and buried her. 2.82<: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: 7he 4rophet %olle%ted e*ery t&o martyrs o' 0hud in one pie%e o' %loth! then he &ould ask! "#hi%h o' them had (kne&) more o' the Gur'an6" #hen one o' them &as pointed out 'or him! he &ould put that one 'irst in the ra*e and say! "I &ill be a &itness on these on the (ay o' )esurre%tion." He ordered them to be buried &ith their blood on their bodies and they &ere neither &ashed nor &as a 'uneral prayer o''ered 'or them. 2.82?: Narrated /0=ba bin 'Amir: >ne day the 4rophet &ent out and o''ered the 'uneral prayers o' the martyrs o' 0hud and then &ent up the pulpit and said! "I &ill pa*e the &ay 'or you as your prede%essor and &ill be a &itness on you. By AllahC I see my ,ount (3authar) 5ust no& and I ha*e been i*en the keys o' all the treasures o' the earth (or the keys o' the earth). By AllahC I am not a'raid that you &ill &orship others alon &ith Allah a'ter my death! but I am a'raid that you &ill 'i ht &ith one another 'or the &orldly thin s." 2.82@: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : 7he 4rophet buried e*ery t&o martyrs in o' 0hud in one ra*e. 2.81A: Narrated -abir: 7he 4rophet said! "Bury them (i.e. martyrs) &ith their blood." (that &as) >n the day o' the Battle o' 0hud. He did not et them &ashed. 2.811: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : Allah's Apostle shrouded e*ery t&o martyrs o' 0hud in one pie%e o' %loth and then he &ould ask! "#hi%h o' them kne& more Gur'an6" #hen one o' them &as pointed out he &ould put him 'irst in the ra*e. He said! "I am a &itness on these." 7hen he ordered them to be buried &ith blood on their bodies. Neither did he o''er their 'uneral prayer nor did he et them &ashed. (-abir bin /Abdullah added): Allah's Apostle used to ask about the martyrs o' 0hud as to &hi%h o' them kne& more o' the
Gur'an." And &hen one o' them &as pointed out as ha*in more o' it he &ould put him 'irst in the ra*e and then his %ompanions. (-abir added): $y 'ather and my un%le &ere shrouded in one sheet. 2.812: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet said! "Allah has made $e%%a a san%tuary (sa%red pla%e) and it &as a san%tuary be'ore me and &ill be so a'ter me. It &as made le al 'or me (to 'i ht in it) 'or a 'e& hours o' the day. None is allo&ed to uproot its thorny shrubs or to %ut its trees or to %hase its ame or to pi%k up its 'allen thin s eJ%ept by a person &ho announ%es it publi%ly." >n that Al2Abbas said (to the 4rophet)! "MJ%ept Al2 Idhkhir 'or our oldsmiths and 'or our ra*es." And so the 4rophet added! "MJ%ept Al2Idhkhir. " And Abu Huraira narrated that the 4rophet said! "MJ%ept Al2Idhkhir 'or our ra*es and houses." And Ibn /Abbas said! ",or their oldsmiths and houses." 2.811: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: Allah's Apostle %ame to /Abdullah bin 0bai (a hypo%rite) a'ter his death and he has been laid in his pit ( ra*e). He ordered (that he be taken out o' the ra*e) and he &as taken out. 7hen he pla%ed him on his knees and thre& some o' his sali*a on him and %lothed him in his (the 4rophet's) o&n shirt. Allah kno&s better (&hy he did so). /Abdullah bin 0bai had i*en his shirt to Al2Abbas to &ear. Abu Harun said! "Allah's Apostle at that time had t&o shirts and the son o' /Abdullah bin 0bai said to him! '> Allah's ApostleC .lothe my 'ather in your shirt &hi%h has been in %onta%t &ith your skin.' ' +u'yan added! "7hus people think that the 4rophet %lothed /Abdullah bin 7ubal in his shirt in lieu o' &hat he (Abdullah) had done ('or Al /Abbas! the 4rophet's un%le.)" 2.818: Narrated -abir: #hen the time o' the Battle o' 0hud approa%hed! my 'ather %alled me at ni ht and said! "I think that I &ill be the 'irst amon st the %ompanions o' the 4rophet to be martyred. I do not lea*e anyone a'ter me dearer to me than you! eJ%ept Allah's Apostle's soul and I o&e some debt and you should repay it and treat your sisters 'a*orably (ni%ely and politely)." +o in the mornin he &as the 'irst to be martyred and &as buried alon &ith another (martyr). I did not like to lea*e him &ith the other (martyr) so I took him out o' the ra*e a'ter siJ months o' his burial and he &as in the same %ondition as he &as on the day o' burial! eJ%ept a sli ht %han e near his ear. 2.819: Narrated -abir: A man &as buried alon &ith my 'ather and I did not like it till I took him (i.e. my 'ather) out and buried him in a separate ra*e. 2.81:: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: 7he 4rophet %olle%ted e*ery t&o martyrs o' 0hud (in one ra*e) and then he &ould ask! "#hi%h o' them kne& the Gur'an more6" And i' one o' them &as pointed out 'or him as ha*in more kno&led e! he &ould put him 'irst in the Bahd. 7he 4rophet said! "I &ill be a &itness on these on the (ay o' )esurre%tion." 7hen he ordered them to be buried &ith their blood on their bodies and he did not ha*e them &ashed. 2.81<: Narrated Ibn /0mar: /0mar set out alon &ith the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) &ith a roup o' people to Ibn +aiyad till they sa& him playin &ith the boys near the hillo%ks o' Bani $u hala. Ibn +aiyad at that time &as nearin his puberty and did not noti%e (us) until the 4rophet stroked him &ith his hand and said to him! "(o you testi'y that I am Allah's Apostle6" Ibn +aiyad looked at him and said! "I testi'y that you are the $essen er o' illiterates." 7hen Ibn +aiyad asked the 4rophet (p.b.u.h)! "(o you testi'y that I am Allah's Apostle6" 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) re'uted it and said! "I belie*e in Allah and His Apostles." 7hen he said (to Ibn +aiyad)! "#hat do you think6" Ibn +aiyad ans&ered! "7rue people and liars *isit me." 7he 4rophet said! "Dou ha*e been %on'used as to this matter." 7hen the 4rophet said to him! "I ha*e kept somethin (in my mind) 'or you! (%an you tell me that6)" Ibn +aiyad said! "It is Al2(ukh 9:
(the smoke)." (2) 7he 4rophet said! "Bet you be in i nominy. Dou %annot %ross your limits." >n that /0mar! said! "> Allah's ApostleC Allo& me to %hop his head o''." 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "I' he is he (i.e. (a55al)! then you %annot o*erpo&er him! and i' he is not! then there is no use o' murderin him." (Ibn /0mar added): Bater on Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) on%e a ain &ent alon &ith 0bai bin 3a/b to the date2palm trees ( arden) &here Ibn +aiyad &as stayin . 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) &anted to hear somethin 'rom Ibn +aiyad be'ore Ibn +aiyad %ould see him! and the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) sa& him lyin %o*ered &ith a sheet and 'rom &here his murmurs &ere heard. Ibn +aiyad's mother sa& Allah's Apostle &hile he &as hidin himsel' behind the trunks o' the date2palm trees. +he addressed Ibn +aiyad! "> +a' C (and this &as the name o' Ibn +aiyad) Here is $uhammad." And &ith that Ibn +aiyad ot up. 7he 4rophet said! "Had this &oman le't him (Had she not disturbed him)! then Ibn +aiyad &ould ha*e re*ealed the reality o' his %ase. 2.81?: Narrated Anas: A youn -e&ish boy used to ser*e the 4rophet and he be%ame si%k. +o the 4rophet &ent to *isit him. He sat near his head and asked him to embra%e Islam. 7he boy looked at his 'ather! &ho &as sittin there; the latter told him to obey Abul2Gasim and the boy embra%ed Islam. 7he 4rophet %ame out sayin : "4raises be to Allah #ho sa*ed the boy 'rom the Hell2'ire." 2.81@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: $y mother and I &ere amon the &eak and oppressed. I 'rom amon the %hildren! and my mother 'rom amon the &omen. 2.88A: Narrated Ibn +hihab: 7he 'uneral prayer should be o''ered 'or e*ery %hild e*en i' he &ere the son o' a prostitute as he &as born &ith a true 'aith o' Islam (i.e. to &orship none but Allah Alone). I' his parents are $uslims! parti%ularly the 'ather! e*en i' his mother &ere a non2$uslim! and i' he a'ter the deli*ery %ries (e*en on%e) be'ore his death (i.e. born ali*e) then the 'uneral prayer must be o''ered. And i' the %hild does not %ry a'ter his deli*ery (i.e. born dead) then his 'uneral prayer should not be o''ered! and he &ill be %onsidered as a mis%arria e. Abu Huraira! narrated that the 4rophet said! "M*ery %hild is born &ith a true 'aith (i.e. to &orship none but Allah Alone) but his parents %on*ert him to -udaism or to .hristianity or to $a ainism! as an animal deli*ers a per'e%t baby animal. (o you 'ind it mutilated6" 7hen Abu Huraira re%ited the holy *erses: '7he pure Allah's Islami% nature (true 'aith i.e. to &orship none but Allah Alone)! &ith &hi%h He has %reated human bein s.' " (1A.1A). 2.881: Narrated Abu Huraira : Allah's Apostle said! "M*ery %hild is born &ith a true 'aith o' Islam (i.e. to &orship none but Allah Alone) but his parents %on*ert him to -udaism! .hristianity or $a ainism! as an animal deli*ers a per'e%t baby animal. (o you 'ind it mutilated6" 7hen Abu Huraira re%ited the holy *erses: "7he pure Allah's Islami% nature (true 'aith o' Islam) (i.e. &orshippin none but Allah) &ith &hi%h He has %reated human bein s. No %han e let there be in the reli ion o' Allah (i.e. 5oinin none in &orship &ith Allah). 7hat is the strai ht reli ion (Islam) but most o' men kno&! not." (1A.1A) 2.882: Narrated +a/id bin Al2$usaiyab 'rom his 'ather: #hen the time o' the death o' Abu 7alib approa%hed! Allah's Apostle &ent to him and 'ound Abu -ahl bin Hisham and /Abdullah bin Abi 0maiya bin Al2$u hira by his side. Allah's Apostle said to Abu 7alib! "> un%leC +ay: None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah! a senten%e &ith &hi%h I shall be a &itness (i.e. ar ue) 'or you be'ore Allah. Abu -ahl and /Abdullah bin Abi 0maiya said! "> Abu 7alibC Are you oin to denoun%e the reli ion o' /Abdul $uttalib6" Allah's Apostle kept on in*itin Abu 7alib to say it (i.e. 'None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah') &hile they (Abu -ahl and /Abdullah) kept on repeatin their statement till Abu 7alib said as his last statement that he &as on the reli ion o' /Abdul $uttalib and re'used to say! 'None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah.' (7hen Allah's Apostle said! "I &ill keep on askin Allah's 'or i*eness 'or you unless I am 'orbidden (by 9<
Allah) to do so." +o Allah re*ealed (the *erse) %on%ernin him (i.e. It is not 'ittin 'or the 4rophet and those &ho belie*e that they should in*oke (Allah) 'or 'or i*eness 'or pa ans e*en thou h they be o' kin! a'ter it has be%ome %lear to them that they are %ompanions o' the 'ire (@.111). 2.881: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet on%e passed by t&o ra*es! and those t&o persons (in the ra*es) &ere bein tortured. He said! "7hey are bein tortured not 'or a reat thin (to a*oid). >ne o' them ne*er sa*ed himsel' 'rom bein soiled &ith his urine! &hile the other &as oin about &ith %alumnies (to make enmity bet&een 'riends). He then took a reen lea' o' a date2palm tree split it into t&o pie%es and 'iJed one on ea%h ra*e. 7he people said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hy ha*e you done so6" He replied! "I hope that their punishment may be lessened till they (the lea') be%ome dry." 2.888: Narrated /Ali: " #e &ere a%%ompanyin a 'uneral pro%ession in Ba=i2I2Hhar=ad. 7he 4rophet %ame to us and sat and &e sat around him. He had a small sti%k in his hand then he bent his head and started s%rapin the round &ith it. He then said! "7here is none amon you! and not a %reated soul! but has pla%e either in 4aradise or in Hell assi ned 'or him and it is also determined 'or him &hether he &ill be amon the blessed or &ret%hed." A man said! "> Allah's ApostleC +hould &e not depend on &hat has been &ritten 'or us and lea*e the deeds as &hoe*er amon st us is blessed &ill do the deeds o' a blessed person and &hoe*er amon st us &ill be &ret%hed! &ill do the deeds o' a &ret%hed person6" 7he 4rophet said! "7he ood deeds are made easy 'or the blessed! and bad deeds are made easy 'or the &ret%hed." 7hen he re%ited the Verses:22 "As 'or him &ho i*es (in %harity) and is Allah2'earin And belie*es in the Best re&ard 'rom Allah. " (@2.92:) 2.889: Narrated 7habit bin Ad2(ahhak: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "#hoe*er intentionally s&ears 'alsely by a reli ion other than Islam! then he is &hat he has said! (e. . i' he says! 'I' su%h thin is not true then I am a -e&!' he is really a -e&). And &hoe*er %ommits sui%ide &ith pie%e o' iron &ill be punished &ith the same pie%e o' iron in the Hell ,ire." Narrated -undab the 4rophet said! "A man &as in'li%ted &ith &ounds and he %ommitted sui%ide! and so Allah said: $y sla*e has %aused death on himsel' hurriedly! so I 'orbid 4aradise 'or him." 2.88:: Narrated Abu Huraira2: 7he 4rophet said! "He &ho %ommits sui%ide by throttlin shall keep on throttlin himsel' in the Hell ,ire ('ore*er) and he &ho %ommits sui%ide by stabbin himsel' shall keep on stabbin himsel' in the Hell2,ire." 2.88<: Narrated /0mar bin Al23hattab : #hen /Abdullah bin 0bai bin +alul died! Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &as %alled upon to o''er his 'uneral prayer. #hen Allah's Apostle stood up to o''er the prayer! I ot up =ui%kly and said! "> Allah's ApostleC Are you oin to pray 'or Ibn 0bai and he said so and so on su%h and su%h o%%asions6" And started mentionin all that he had said. Allah's Apostle smiled and said! "> /0marC Ho a&ay 'rom me." #hen I talked too mu%h he said! "I ha*e been i*en the %hoi%e and so I ha*e %hosen (to o''er the prayer). Had I kno&n that he &ould be 'or i*en by askin 'or Allah's 'or i*eness 'or more than se*enty times! surely I &ould ha*e done so." (/0mar added): Allah's Apostle o''ered his 'uneral prayer and returned and a'ter a short &hile the t&o *erses o' +urat Bara' &ere re*ealed: i.e. "And ne*er (> $uhammad) pray 'or any o' them &ho dies . . . (to the end o' the *erse) rebellion (@.?8)" 22 (/0mar added)! "Bater I astonished at my darin be'ore Allah's Apostle on that day. And Allah and His Apostle kno& better." 2.88?: Narrated Anas bin $alik! :
A 'uneral pro%ession passed and the people praised the de%eased. 7he 4rophet said! "It has been a''irmed to him." 7hen another 'uneral pro%ession passed and the people spoke badly o' the de%eased. 7he 4rophet said! "It has been a''irmed to him". /0mar bin Al23hattab asked (Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) )! "#hat has been a''irmed6" He replied! "Dou praised this! so 4aradise has been a''irmed to him; and you spoke badly o' this! so Hell has been a''irmed to him. Dou people are Allah's &itnesses on earth." 2.88@: Narrated Abu Al2As&ad: I %ame to $edina &hen an epidemi% had broken out. #hile I &as sittin &ith /0mar bin Al23hattab a 'uneral pro%ession passed by and the people praised the de%eased. /0mar said! "It has been a''irmed to him." And another 'uneral pro%ession passed by and the people praised the de%eased. /0mar said! "It has been a''irmed to him." A third ('uneral pro%ession) passed by and the people spoke badly o' the de%eased. He said! "It has been a''irmed to him." I (Abu Al2As&ad) asked! "> %hie' o' the belie*ersC #hat has been a''irmed6" He replied! "I said the same as the 4rophet had said! that is: i' 'our persons testi'y the piety o' a $uslim! Allah &ill rant him 4aradise." #e asked! "I' three persons testi'y his piety6" He (the 4rophet) replied! "M*en three." 7hen &e asked! "I' t&o6" He replied! "M*en t&o." #e did not ask him re ardin one &itness. 2.89A: Narrated Al2Bara' bin /AEib : 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "#hen a 'aith'ul belie*er is made to sit in his ra*e! then (the an els) %ome to him and he testi'ies that none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah and $uhammad is Allah's Apostle. And that %orresponds to Allah's statement: Allah &ill keep 'irm those &ho belie*e &ith the &ord that stands 'irm . . . (18.2<). 2.891: Narrated +hu/ba: +ame as abo*e and added! "Allah &ill keep 'irm those &ho belie*e . . . (18.2<) &as re*ealed %on%ernin the punishment o' the ra*e." 2.892: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet looked at the people o' the &ell (the &ell in &hi%h the bodies o' the pa ans killed in the Battle o' Badr &ere thro&n) and said! "Ha*e you 'ound true &hat your Bord promised you6" +omebody said to him! "Dou are addressin dead people." He replied! "Dou do not hear better than they but they %annot reply." 2.891: Narrated /Aisha: 7he 4rophet said! "7hey no& realiEe that &hat I used to tell them &as the truth. "And Allah said! 'VerilyC Dou %annot make the dead to hear (i.e. bene'it them! and similarly the disbelie*ers) nor %an you make the dea' hear. (2<.?A). 2.898: Narrated $asru=: /Aisha said that a -e&ess %ame to her and mentioned the punishment in the ra*e! sayin to her! "$ay Allah prote%t you 'rom the punishment o' the ra*e." /Aisha then asked Allah's Apostle about the punishment o' the ra*e. He said! "Des! (there is) punishment in the ra*e." /Aisha added! "A'ter that I ne*er sa& Allah's Apostle but seekin re'u e &ith Allah 'rom the punishment in the ra*e in e*ery prayer he prayed." 2.899: Narrated Asma' bint Abi Bakr : Allah's Apostle on%e stood up deli*erin a sermon and mentioned the trial &hi%h people &ill 'a%e in the ra*e. #hen he mentioned that! the $uslims started shoutin loudly. 2.89:: Narrated Anas bin $alik:
Allah's Apostle said! "#hen (Allah's) sla*e is put in his ra*e and his %ompanions return and he e*en hears their 'ootsteps! t&o an els %ome to him and make him sit and ask! '#hat did you use to say about this man (i.e. $uhammad)6' 7he 'aith'ul Belie*er &ill say! 'I testi'y that he is Allah's sla*e and His Apostle.' 7hen they &ill say to him! 'Book at your pla%e in the Hell ,ire; Allah has i*en you a pla%e in 4aradise instead o' it.' +o he &ill see both his pla%es." (Gatada said! "#e &ere in'ormed that his ra*e &ould be made spa%ious." 7hen Gatada &ent ba%k to the narration o' Anas &ho said;) #hereas a hypo%rite or a non2belie*er &ill be asked! "#hat did you use to say about this man." He &ill reply! "I do not kno&; but I used to say &hat the people used to say." +o they &ill say to him! "Neither did you kno& nor did you take the uidan%e (by re%itin the Gur'an)." 7hen he &ill be hit &ith iron hammers on%e! that he &ill send su%h a %ry as e*erythin near to him &ill hear! eJ%ept -inns and human bein s. (+ee Hadith No. 822). 2.89<: Narrated Abi Aiyub: >n%e the 4rophet &ent out a'ter sunset and heard a dread'ul *oi%e! and said! "7he -e&s are bein punished in their ra*es." 2.89?: Narrated $usa bin /0=ba: (,rom the dau hter o' 3halid bin +a id bin Al2/Asi) &ho said that she had heard the 4rophet seekin re'u e &ith Allah 'rom the punishment in the ra*e. 2.89@: Narrated Abu Huraira : Allah's Apostle used to in*oke (Allah): "Allahumma ini a/udhu bika min 'adhabi2l2Gabr! &a min 'adhabi2nnar! &a min 'itnati2l2mahya &a2lmamat! &a min 'itnati2l2masih ad2da55al. (> AllahC I seek re'u e &ith you 'rom the punishment in the ra*e and 'rom the punishment in the Hell 'ire and 'rom the a''li%tions o' li'e and death! and the a''li%tions o' Al2$asih Ad2(a55al." 2.8:A: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet on%e passed by t&o ra*es and said! "7hey (the de%eased persons in those ra*es) are bein tortured not 'or a reat thin to a*oid." And then added! "Des! (they are bein punished 'or a bi sin)! 'or one o' them used to o about &ith %alumnies &hile the other ne*er sa*ed himsel' 'rom bein soiled &ith his urine." (Ibn /Abbas added): 7hen he took a reen lea' o' a date2palm) and split it into t&o pie%es and 'iJed one pie%e on ea%h ra*e and said! "$ay their punishment be abated till these (t&o pie%es) et dry." 2.8:1: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : Allah's Apostle said! "#hen anyone o' you dies! he is sho&n his pla%e both in the mornin and in the e*enin . I' he is one o' the people o' 4aradise; he is sho&n his pla%e in it! and i' he is 'rom the people o' the Hell2,ire; he is sho&n his pla%e there2in. 7hen it is said to him! '7his is your pla%e till Allah resurre%t you on the (ay o' )esurre%tion." 2.8:2: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri : Allah's Apostle said! "#hen the 'uneral is ready ('or its burial) and the people li't it on their shoulders! then i' the de%eased is a ri hteous person he says! '7ake me ahead!' and i' he is not a ri hteous one then he says! '#oe to it (me)C #here are you takin it (me)6' And his *oi%e is audible to e*erythin eJ%ept human bein s; and i' they heard it they &ould 'all do&n un%ons%ious . " 2.8:1: Narrated Anas bin $alik Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "Any $uslim &hose three %hildren died be'ore the a e o' puberty &ill be ranted 4aradise by Allah be%ause o' His mer%y to them." 2.8:8: Narrated Al2Bara':
#hen Ibrahim (the son o' 4rophet) eJpired! Allah's Apostle said! "7here is a &et2nurse 'or him in 4aradise." 2.8:9: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &as asked about the %hildren o' ($ushrikeen) pa ans. 7he 4rophet replied! "+in%e Allah %reated them! He kno&s &hat sort o' deeds they &ould ha*e done." 2.8::: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet &as asked about the o''sprin o' pa ans ($ushrikeen); so he said! "Allah kno&s &hat sort o' deeds they &ould ha*e done." 2.8:<: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "M*ery %hild is born &ith a true 'aith o' Islam (i.e. to &orship none but Allah Alone) and his parents %on*ert him to -udaism or .hristianity or $a ianism! as an animal deli*ers a per'e%t baby animal. (o you 'ind it mutilated6" 2.8:?: Narrated +amura bin -undab: #hene*er the 4rophet 'inished the (mornin ) prayer! he &ould 'a%e us and ask! "#ho amon st you had a dream last ni ht6" +o i' anyone had seen a dream he &ould narrate it. 7he 4rophet &ould say: "$a sha'a2llah" (An Arabi% maJim meanin literally! '#hat Allah &ished!' and it indi%ates a ood omen.) >ne day! he asked us &hether anyone o' us had seen a dream. #e replied in the ne ati*e. 7he 4rophet said! "But I had seen (a dream) last ni ht that t&o men %ame to me! %au ht hold o' my hands! and took me to the +a%red Band (-erusalem). 7here! I sa& a person sittin and another standin &ith an iron hook in his hand pushin it inside the mouth o' the 'ormer till it rea%hed the 5a&bone! and then tore o'' one side o' his %heek! and then did the same &ith the other side; in the meantime the 'irst side o' his %heek be%ame normal a ain and then he repeated the same operation a ain. I said! '#hat is this6' 7hey told me to pro%eed on and &e &ent on till &e %ame to a man Byin 'lat on his ba%k! and another man standin at his head %arryin a stone or a pie%e o' ro%k! and %rushin the head o' the Byin man! &ith that stone. #hene*er he stru%k him! the stone rolled a&ay. 7he man &ent to pi%k it up and by the time he returned to him! the %rushed head had returned to its normal state and the man %ame ba%k and stru%k him a ain (and so on). I said! '#ho is this6' 7hey told me to pro%eed on; so &e pro%eeded on and passed by a hole like an o*en; &ith a narro& top and &ide bottom! and the 'ire &as kindlin underneath that hole. #hene*er the 'ire2'lame &ent up! the people &ere li'ted up to su%h an eJtent that they about to et out o' it! and &hene*er the 'ire ot =uieter! the people &ent do&n into it! and there &ere naked men and &omen in it. I said! '#ho is this6' 7hey told me to pro%eed on. +o &e pro%eeded on till &e rea%hed a ri*er o' blood and a man &as in it! and another man &as standin at its bank &ith stones in 'ront o' him! 'a%in the man standin in the ri*er. #hene*er the man in the ri*er &anted to %ome out! the other one thre& a stone in his mouth and %aused him to retreat to his ori inal position; and so &hene*er he &anted to %ome out the other &ould thro& a stone in his mouth! and he &ould retreat to his ori inal position. I asked! '#hat is this6' 7hey told me to pro%eed on and &e did so till &e rea%hed a &ell2'lourished reen arden ha*in a hu e tree and near its root &as sittin an old man &ith some %hildren. (I sa&) Another man near the tree &ith 'ire in 'ront o' him and he &as kindlin it up. 7hen they (i.e. my t&o %ompanions) made me %limb up the tree and made me enter a house! better than &hi%h I ha*e e*er seen. In it &ere some old men and youn men! &omen and %hildren. 7hen they took me out o' this house and made me %limb up the tree and made me enter another house that &as better and superior (to the 'irst) %ontainin old and youn people. I said to them (i.e. my t&o %ompanions)! 'Dou ha*e made me ramble all the ni ht. 7ell me all about that I ha*e seen.' 7hey said! 'Des. As 'or the one &hose %heek you sa& bein torn a&ay! he &as a liar and he used to tell lies! and the people &ould report those lies on his authority till they spread all o*er the &orld. +o! he &ill be punished like that till the (ay o' )esurre%tion.
7he one &hose head you sa& bein %rushed is the one &hom Allah had i*en the kno&led e o' Gur'an (i.e. kno&in it by heart) but he used to sleep at ni ht (i.e. he did not re%ite it then) and did not use to a%t upon it (i.e. upon its orders et%.) by day; and so this punishment &ill o on till the (ay o' )esurre%tion. And those you sa& in the hole (like o*en) &ere adulterers (those men and &omen &ho %ommit ille al seJual inter%ourse). And those you sa& in the ri*er o' blood &ere those dealin in )iba (usury). And the old man &ho &as sittin at the base o' the tree &as Abraham and the little %hildren around him &ere the o''sprin o' the people. And the one &ho &as kindlin the 'ire &as $alik! the atekeeper o' the Hell2'ire. And the 'irst house in &hi%h you ha*e one &as the house o' the %ommon belie*ers! and the se%ond house &as o' the martyrs. I am Habriel and this is $i%hael. )aise your head.' I raised my head and sa& a thin like a %loud o*er me. 7hey said! '7hat is your pla%e.' I said! 'Bet me enter my pla%e.' 7hey said! 'Dou still ha*e some li'e &hi%h you ha*e not yet %ompleted! and &hen you %omplete (that remainin portion o' your li'e) you &ill then enter your pla%e.' " 2.8:@: Narrated Hisham's 'ather: Aisha said! "I &ent to Abu Bakr (durin his 'atal illness) and he asked me! 'In ho& many arments &as the 4rophet shrouded6' +he replied! 'In three +uhuliya pie%es o' &hite %loth o' %otton! and there &as neither a shirt nor a turban amon them.' Abu Bakr 'urther asked her! '>n &hi%h day did the 4rophet die6' +he replied! 'He died on $onday.' He asked! '#hat is today6' +he replied! '7oday is $onday.' He added! 'I hope I shall die sometime bet&een this mornin and toni ht.' 7hen he looked at a arment that he &as &earin durin his illness and it had some stains o' sa''ron. 7hen he said! '#ash this arment o' mine and add t&o more arments and shroud me in them.' I said! '7his is &orn out.' He said! 'A li*in person has more ri ht to &ear ne& %lothes than a dead one; the shroud is only 'or the body's pus.' He did not die till it &as the ni ht o' 7uesday and &as buried be'ore the mornin ." 2.8<A: Narrated Aisha: A man said to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h)! "$y mother died suddenly and I thou ht that i' she had li*ed she &ould ha*e i*en alms. +o! i' I i*e alms no& on her behal'! &ill she et the re&ard6" 7he 4rophet replied in the a''irmati*e. 2.8<1: Narrated /Aisha: (urin his si%kness! Allah's Apostle &as askin repeatedly! "#here am I today6 #here &ill I be tomorro&6" And I &as &aitin 'or the day o' my turn (impatiently). 7hen! &hen my turn %ame! Allah took his soul a&ay (in my lap) bet&een my %hest and arms and he &as buried in my house. 2.8<2: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle in his 'atal illness said! "Allah %ursed the -e&s and the .hristians! 'or they built the pla%es o' &orship at the ra*es o' their prophets." And i' that had not been the %ase! then the 4rophet's ra*e &ould ha*e been made prominent be'ore the people. +o (the 4rophet ) &as a'raid! or the people &ere a'raid that his ra*e mi ht be taken as a pla%e 'or &orship. 2.8<1: Narrated Abu Bakr bin /Aiyash : +u'yan at27ammar told me that he had seen the ra*e o' the 4rophet ele*ated and %on*eJ. 2.8<8: Narrated /0r&a: #hen the &all 'ell on them (i.e. ra*es) durin the %aliphate o' Al2#alid bin /Abdul $alik! the people started repairin it! and a 'oot appeared to them. 7he people ot s%ared and thou ht that it &as the 'oot o' the 4rophet. No one %ould be 'ound &ho %ould tell them about it till I (/0r&a) said to them! "By Allah! this is not the 'oot o' the 4rophet but it is the 'oot o' /0mar." Aisha narrated that she made a &ill to /Abdullah bin Iubair! "(o not bury me &ith them (the 4rophet and his t&o %ompanions) but bury me &ith my %ompanions (&i*es o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ) in Al2Ba=i as I &ould not like to be looked upon as better than I really am (by bein buried near the 4rophet)." 2.8<9: :2
Narrated /Amr bin $aimun Al2Audi: I sa& /0mar bin Al23hattab (&hen he &as stabbed) sayin ! "> /Abdullah bin /0marC Ho to the mother o' the belie*ers Aisha and say! /0mar bin Al23hattab sends his reetin s to you!' and re=uest her to allo& me to be buried &ith my %ompanions." (+o! Ibn /0mar %on*eyed the messa e to /Aisha.) +he said! "I had the idea o' ha*in this pla%e 'or mysel' but today I pre'er him (/0mar) to mysel' (and allo& him to be buried there)." #hen /Abdullah bin /0mar returned! /0mar asked him! "#hat (ne&s) do you ha*e6" He replied! "> %hie' o' the belie*ersC +he has allo&ed you (to be buried there)." >n that /0mar said! "Nothin &as more important to me than to be buried in that (sa%red) pla%e. +o! &hen I eJpire! %arry me there and pay my reetin s to her (/Aisha ) and say! /0mar bin Al23hattab asks permission; and i' she i*es permission! then bury me (there) and i' she does not! then take me to the ra*eyard o' the $uslims. I do not think any person has more ri ht 'or the %aliphate than those &ith &hom Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &as al&ays pleased till his death. And &hoe*er is %hosen by the people a'ter me &ill be the %aliph! and you people must listen to him and obey him!" and then he mentioned the name o' /0thman! /Ali! 7alha! AE2Iubair! /Abdur2)ahman bin /Au' and +a/d bin Abi #a==as. By this time a youn man 'rom Ansar %ame and said! "> %hie' o' the belie*ersC Be happy &ith Allah's lad tidin s. 7he rade &hi%h you ha*e in Islam is kno&n to you! then you be%ame the %aliph and you ruled &ith 5usti%e and then you ha*e been a&arded martyrdom a'ter all this." /0mar replied! "> son o' my brotherC #ould that all that pri*ile es &ill %ounterbalan%e (my short %omin s)! so that I neither lose nor ain anythin . I re%ommend my su%%essor to be ood to the early emi rants and realiEe their ri hts and to prote%t their honor and sa%red thin s. And I also re%ommend him to be ood to the Ansar &ho be'ore them! had homes (in $edina) and had adopted the ,aith. He should a%%ept the ood o' the ri hteous amon them and should eJ%use their &ron doers. I re%ommend him to abide by the rules and re ulations %on%ernin the (himmis (prote%tees) o' Allah and His Apostle! to 'ul'ill their %ontra%ts %ompletely and 'i ht 'or them and not to taJ (o*erburden) them beyond their %apabilities." 2.8<:: Narrated /Aisha : 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "(on't abuse the dead! be%ause they ha*e rea%hed the result o' &hat they 'or&arded." 2.8<<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas.: Abu Bahab! may Allah %urse him! on%e said to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h)! "4erish you all the day." 7hen the (i*ine Inspiration %ame: "4erish the hands o' Abi BahabC And perish heC" (111.1). 2.8<?: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7hy 4rophet sent $u/adh to Demen and said! "In*ite the people to testi'y that none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah and I am Allah's Apostle! and i' they obey you to do so! then tea%h them that Allah has en5oined on them 'i*e prayers in e*ery day and ni ht (in t&enty2'our hours)! and i' they obey you to do so! then tea%h them that Allah has made it obli atory 'or them to pay the Iakat 'rom their property and it is to be taken 'rom the &ealthy amon them and i*en to the poor." 2.8<@: Narrated Abu Aiyub: A man said to the 4rophet "7ell me o' su%h a deed as &ill make me enter 4aradise." 7he people said! "#hat is the matter &ith him6 #hat is the matter &ith him6" 7he 4rophet said! "He has somethin to ask. (#hat he needs reatly) 7he 4rophet said: (In order to enter 4aradise) you should &orship Allah and do not as%ribe any partners to Him! o''er prayer per'e%tly! pay the Iakat and keep ood relations &ith your 3ith and kin." (+ee Hadith No. 12! Vol ?). 2.8?A: Narrated Abu Huraira: A Bedouin %ame to the 4rophet and said! "7ell me o' su%h a deed as &ill make me enter 4aradise! i' I do it." 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "#orship Allah! and &orship none alon &ith Him! o''er the ('i*e) pres%ribed %ompulsory prayers per'e%tly! pay the %ompulsory Iakat! and 'ast the month o' )amadan." :1
7he Bedouin said! "By Him! in #hose Hands my li'e is! I &ill not do more than this." #hen he (the Bedouin) le't! the 4rophet said! "#hoe*er likes to see a man o' 4aradise! then he may look at this man." 2.8?1: Narrated Abu Iur'a: ,rom the 4rophet the same as abo*e. 2.8?2: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: A dele ation o' the tribe o' /Abdul Gais %ame to the 4rophet and said! "> Allah's ApostleC #e are 'rom the tribe o' )abi/a! and the in'idels o' the tribe o' $udar stands bet&een us and you; so &e %annot %ome to you eJ%ept durin the +a%red $onths. 4lease order us to do somethin (reli ious deeds) &hi%h &e may %arry out and also in*ite to it our people &hom &e ha*e le't behind." 7he 4rophet said! "I order you to do 'our thin s and 'orbid you 'our others: (I order you) to ha*e 'aith in Allah! and %on'ess that none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah! (and the 4rophet estured &ith his hand like this (i.e. one knot) and to o''er prayers per'e%tly and to pay the Iakat! and to pay one2 'i'th o' the booty in Allah's .ause. And I 'orbid you to use (ubba'! Hantam! Na=ir and $uEa''at (all these are the names o' utensils used 'or preparin al%oholi% drinks)." 2.8?1: Narrated Abu Huraira: #hen Allah's Apostle died and Abu Bakr be%ame the %aliph some Arabs rene ade (re*erted to disbelie') (Abu Bakr de%ided to de%lare &ar a ainst them)! /0mar! said to Abu Bakr! "Ho& %an you 'i ht &ith these people althou h Allah's Apostle said! 'I ha*e been ordered (by Allah) to 'i ht the people till they say: "None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah! and &hoe*er said it then he &ill sa*e his li'e and property 'rom me eJ%ept on trespassin the la& (ri hts and %onditions 'or &hi%h he &ill be punished 5ustly)! and his a%%ounts &ill be &ith Allah.' " Abu Bakr said! "By AllahC I &ill 'i ht those &ho di''erentiate bet&een the prayer and the Iakat as Iakat is the %ompulsory ri ht to be taken 'rom the property (a%%ordin to Allah's orders) By AllahC I' they re'use to pay me e*en a she2kid &hi%h they used to pay at the time o' Allah's Apostle . I &ould 'i ht &ith them 'or &ithholdin it" 7hen /0mar said! "By Allah! it &as nothin ! but Allah opened Abu Bakr's %hest to&ards the de%ision (to 'i ht) and I %ame to kno& that his de%ision &as ri ht." 2.8?8: Narrated -arir bin /Abdullah ! I a*e the pled e o' alle ian%e to the 4rophet 'or o''erin prayer per'e%tly! i*in Iakat! and i*in ood ad*i%e to e*ery $uslim. 2.8?9: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "(>n the (ay o' )esurre%tion) %amels &ill %ome to their o&ner in the best state o' health they ha*e e*er had (in the &orld)! and i' he had not paid their Iakat (in the &orld) then they &ould tread him &ith their 'eet; and similarly! sheep &ill %ome to their o&ner in the best state o' health they ha*e e*er had in the &orld! and i' he had not paid their Iakat! then they &ould tread him &ith their hoo*es and &ould butt him &ith their horns." 7he 4rophet added! ">ne o' their ri hts is that they should be milked &hile &ater is kept in 'ront o' them." 7he 4rophet added! "I do not &ant anyone o' you to %ome to me on the (ay o' )esurre%tion! %arryin o*er his ne%k a sheep that &ill be bleatin . +u%h a person &ill (then) say! '> $uhammadC (please inter%ede 'or me!) I &ill say to him. 'I %an't help you! 'or I %on*eyed Allah's $essa e to you.' +imilarly! I do not &ant anyone o' you to %ome to me %arryin o*er his ne%k a %amel that &ill be runtin . +u%h a person (then) &ill say "> $uhammadC (please inter%ede 'or me)." I &ill say to him! "I %an't help you 'or I %on*eyed Allah's messa e to you." 2.8?:: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "#hoe*er is made &ealthy by Allah and does not pay the Iakat o' his &ealth! then on the (ay o' )esurre%tion his &ealth &ill be made like a baldheaded poisonous male snake &ith t&o bla%k spots o*er the eyes. 7he snake &ill en%ir%le his ne%k and bite his %heeks and say! 'I am your :8
&ealth! I am your treasure.' " 7hen the 4rophet re%ited the holy *erses:22 'Bet not those &ho &ithhold . . .' (to the end o' the *erse). (1.1?A). 2.8?<: Narrated Abu +a/id: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "No Iakat is due on property mountin to less than 'i*e 0=iyas (o' sil*er)! and no Iakat is due on less than 'i*e %amels! and there is no Iakat on less than 'i*e #as=s." (A #as=s e=uals :A +a's) K (1 +aO1 3 ms App.) 2.8??: Narrated Iaid bin #ahab: I passed by a pla%e %alled Ar2)abadha and by %han%e I met Abu (har and asked him! "#hat has brou ht you to this pla%e6" He said! "I &as in +ham and di''ered &ith $ua&iya on the meanin o' (the 'ollo&in *erses o' the Gur'an): '7hey &ho hoard up old and sil*er and spend them not in the &ay o' Allah.' (@.18). $ua&iya said! '7his *erse is re*ealed re ardin the people o' the s%riptures." I said! It &as re*ealed re ardin us and also the people o' the s%riptures." +o &e had a =uarrel and $u'a&iya sent a %omplaint a ainst me to /0thman. /0thman &rote to me to %ome to $edina! and I %ame to $edina. $any people %ame to me as i' they had not seen me be'ore. +o I told this to /0thman &ho said to me! "Dou may depart and li*e nearby i' you &ish." 7hat &as the reason 'or my bein here 'or e*en i' an Mthiopian had been nominated as my ruler! I &ould ha*e obeyed him . 2.8?@: Narrated Al2Ahna' bin Gais: #hile I &as sittin &ith some people 'rom Guraish! a man &ith *ery rou h hair! %lothes! and appearan%e %ame and stood in 'ront o' us! reeted us and said! "In'orm those &ho hoard &ealth! that a stone &ill be heated in the Hell2'ire and &ill be put on the nipples o' their breasts till it %omes out 'rom the bones o' their shoulders and then put on the bones o' their shoulders till it %omes throu h the nipples o' their breasts the stone &ill be mo*in and hittin ." A'ter sayin that! the person retreated and sat by the side o' the pillar! I 'ollo&ed him and sat beside him! and I did not kno& &ho he &as. I said to him! "I think the people disliked &hat you had said." He said! "7hese people do not understand anythin ! althou h my 'riend told me." I asked! "#ho is your 'riend6" He said! "7he 4rophet said (to me)! '> Abu (harC (o you see the mountain o' 0hud6' And on that I (Abu (har) started lookin to&ards the sun to 5ud e ho& mu%h remained o' the day as I thou ht that Allah's Apostle &anted to send me to do somethin 'or him and I said! 'DesC' He said! 'I do not lo*e to ha*e old e=ual to the mountain o' 0hud unless I spend it all (in Allah's %ause) eJ%ept three (inars (pounds). 7hese people do not understand and %olle%t &orldly &ealth. No! by Allah! Neither I ask them 'or &orldly bene'its nor am I in need o' their reli ious ad*i%e till I meet Allah! 7he Honorable! 7he $a5esti%." ' 2.8@A: Narrated Ibn $as/ud: I heard the 4rophet sayin ! "7here is no en*y eJ%ept in t&o: a person &hom Allah has i*en &ealth and he spends it in the ri ht &ay! and a person &hom Allah has i*en &isdom (i.e. reli ious kno&led e) and he i*es his de%isions a%%ordin ly and tea%hes it to the others." 2.8@1: Narrated Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle said! "I' one i*e in %harity &hat e=uals one date2'ruit 'rom the honestly earned money and Allah a%%epts only the honestly earned money 22Allah takes it in His ri ht (hand) and then enlar es its re&ard 'or that person (&ho has i*en it)! as anyone o' you brin s up his baby horse! so mu%h s that it be%omes as bi as a mountain 2.8@2: Narrated Haritha bin #ahab : I heard the 4rophet sayin ! "> peopleC Hi*e in %harity as a time &ill %ome upon you &hen a person &ill &ander about &ith his ob5e%t o' %harity and &ill not 'ind anybody to a%%ept it! and one (&ho &ill be re=uested to take it) &ill say! "I' you had brou ht it yesterday! &ould ha*e taken it! but today I am not in need o' it." 2.8@1: :9
Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "7he Hour ((ay o' -ud ment) &ill not be established till your &ealth in%reases so mu%h so that one &ill be &orried! 'or no one &ill a%%ept his Iakat and the person to &hom he &ill i*e it &ill reply! 'I am not in need o' it.' " 2.8@8: Narrated /Adi bin Hatim: #hile I &as sittin &ith Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) t&o person %ame to him; one o' them %omplained about his po*erty and the other %omplained about the pre*alen%e o' robberies. Allah's Apostle said! "As re ards stealin and robberies! there &ill shortly %ome a time &hen a %ara*an &ill o to $e%%a ('rom $edina) &ithout any uard. And re ardin po*erty! 7he Hour ((ay o' -ud ment) &ill not be established till one o' you &anders about &ith his ob5e%t o' %harity and &ill not 'ind anybody to a%%ept it And (no doubt) ea%h one o' you &ill stand in 'ront o' Allah and there &ill be neither a %urtain nor an interpreter bet&een him and Allah! and Allah &ill ask him! '(id not I i*e you &ealth6' He &ill reply in the a''irmati*e. Allah &ill 'urther ask! '(idn't send a messen er to you6' And a ain that person &ill reply in the a''irmati*e 7hen he &ill look to his ri ht and he &ill see nothin but Hell2'ire! and then he &ill look to his le't and &ill see nothin but Hell2'ire. And so! any (ea%h one) o' you should sa*e himsel' 'rom the 'ire e*en by i*in hal' o' a date2'ruit (in %harity). And i' you do not 'ind a hall date2 'ruit! then (you %an do it throu h sayin ) a ood pleasant &ord (to your brethren). (+ee Hadith No. <@1 Vol. 8). 2.8@9: Narrated Abu $usa: 7hy 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "A time &ill %ome upon the people &hen a person &ill &ander about &ith old as Iakat and &ill not 'ind anybody to a%%ept it! and one man &ill be seen 'ollo&ed by 'orty &omen to be their uardian be%ause o' s%ar%ity o' men and reat number o' &omen. " 2.8@:: Narrated Abu $as/ud: #hen the *erses o' %harity &ere re*ealed! &e used to &ork as porters. A man %ame and distributed ob5e%ts o' %harity in abundan%e. And they (the people) said! "He is sho&in o''." And another man %ame and a*e a +a (a small measure o' 'ood rains); they said! "Allah is not in need o' this small amount o' %harity." And then the (i*ine Inspiration %ame: "7hose &ho %riti%iEe su%h o' the belie*ers &ho i*e in %harity *oluntarily and those &ho %ould not 'ind to i*e in %harity eJ%ept &hat is a*ailable to them." (@.<@). 2.8@<: Narrated Abu $as/ud Al2Ansar: #hene*er Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) ordered us to i*e in %harity! &e used to o to the market and &ork as porters and et a $udd (a spe%ial measure o' rain) and then i*e it in %harity. (7hose &ere the days o' po*erty) and today some o' us ha*e one hundred thousand. 2.8@?: Narrated /Adi bin Hatim heard the 4rophet sayin : "+a*e yoursel' 'rom Hell2'ire e*en by i*in hal' a date2'ruit in %harity." 2.8@@: Narrated Aisha: A lady alon &ith her t&o dau hters %ame to me askin ('or some alms)! but she 'ound nothin &ith me eJ%ept one date &hi%h I a*e to her and she di*ided it bet&een her t&o dau hters! and did not eat anythin hersel'! and then she ot up and &ent a&ay. 7hen the 4rophet %ame in and I in'ormed him about this story. He said! "#hoe*er is put to trial by these dau hters and he treats them enerously (&ith bene*olen%e) then these dau hters &ill a%t as a shield 'or him 'rom Hell2,ire." (+ee Hadith No. 28! Vol. ?). 2.9AA: Narrated Abu Huraira: A man %ame to the 4rophet and asked! "> Allah's ApostleC #hi%h %harity is the most superior in re&ard6" He replied! "7he %harity &hi%h you pra%ti%e &hile you are healthy! ni ardly and a'raid o' ::
po*erty and &ish to be%ome &ealthy. (o not delay it to the time o' approa%hin death and then say! 'Hi*e so mu%h to su%h and su%h! and so mu%h to su%h and su%h.' And it has already belon ed to su%h and su%h (as it is too late)." 2.9A1: Narrated /Aisha: +ome o' the &i*es o' the 4rophet asked him! "#ho amon st us &ill be the 'irst to 'ollo& you (i.e. die a'ter you)6" He said! "#hoe*er has the lon est hand." +o they started measurin their hands &ith a sti%k and +auda's hand turned out to be the lon est. (#hen Iainab bint -ahsh died 'irst o' all in the %aliphate o' /0mar)! &e %ame to kno& that the lon hand &as a symbol o' pra%ti%in %harity! so she &as the 'irst to 'ollo& the 4rophet and she used to lo*e to pra%ti%e %harity. (+auda died later in the %aliphate o' $ua&iya). 2.9A2: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "A man said that he &ould i*e somethin in %harity. He &ent out &ith his ob5e%t o' %harity and unkno&in ly a*e it to a thie'. NeJt mornin the people said that he had i*en his ob5e%t o' %harity to a thie'. (>n hearin that) he said! "> AllahC All the praises are 'or you. I &ill i*e alms a ain." And so he a ain &ent out &ith his alms and (unkno&in ly) a*e it to an adulteress. NeJt mornin the people said that he had i*en his alms to an adulteress last ni ht. 7he man said! "> AllahC All the praises are 'or you. (I a*e my alms) to an adulteress. I &ill i*e alms a ain." +o he &ent out &ith his alms a ain and (unkno&in ly) a*e it to a ri%h person. (7he people) neJt mornin said that he had i*en his alms to a &ealthy person. He said! "> AllahC All the praises are 'or you. (I had i*en alms) to a thie'! to an adulteress and to a &ealthy man." 7hen someone %ame and said to him! "7he alms &hi%h you a*e to the thie'! mi ht make him abstain 'rom stealin ! and that i*en to the adulteress mi ht make her abstain 'rom ille al seJual inter%ourse (adultery)! and that i*en to the &ealthy man mi ht make him take a lesson 'rom it and spend his &ealth &hi%h Allah has i*en him! in Allah's %ause." 2.9A1: Narrated $a'n bin DaEid: $y rand'ather! my 'ather and I a*e the pled e o' alle ian%e to Allah's Apostle. 7he 4rophet ot me en a ed and then ot me married. >ne day I &ent to the 4rophet &ith a %omplaint. $y 'ather DaEid had taken some old %oins 'or %harity and kept them &ith a man in the mos=ue (to i*e them to the poor) But I &ent and took them and brou ht them to him (my 'ather). $y 'ather said! "By AllahC I did not intend to i*e them to you. " I took (the %ase) to Allah's Apostle . >n that Allah's Apostle said! "> DaEidC Dou &ill be re&arded 'or &hat you intended. > $anC #hate*er you ha*e taken is yours." 2.9A8: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "+e*en people &ill be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day &hen there &ill be no shade eJ%ept His. 7hey are: (1) a 5ust ruler; (2) a youn man &ho has been brou ht up in the &orship o' Allah! (i.e. &orship Allah (Alone) sin%erely 'rom his %hildhood)! (1) a man &hose heart is atta%hed to the mos=ue (&ho o''ers the 'i*e %ompulsory %on re ational prayers in the mos=ue); (8) t&o persons &ho lo*e ea%h other only 'or Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's %ause only; (9) a man &ho re'uses the %all o' a %harmin &oman o' noble birth 'or an ille al seJual inter%ourse &ith her and says: I am a'raid o' Allah; (:) a person &ho pra%ti%es %harity so se%retly that his le't hand does not kno& &hat his ri ht hand has i*en (i.e. nobody kno&s ho& mu%h he has i*en in %harity). (<) a person &ho remembers Allah in se%lusion and his eyes et 'looded &ith tears." 2.9A9: Narrated Haritha bin #ahab Al23huEa/i: :<
I heard the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) sayin ! "(> peopleC) Hi*e in %harity ('or Allah's %ause) be%ause a time &ill %ome &hen a person &ill %arry his ob5e%t o' %harity 'rom pla%e to pla%e (and he &ill not 'ind any person to take it) and any person &hom he shall re=uest to take it! I &ill reply! 'I' you had brou ht it yesterday I &ould ha*e taken it! but today I am not in need o' it." 2.9A:: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle said! "#hen a &oman i*es in %harity some o' the 'oodstu'' (&hi%h she has in her house) &ithout spoilin it! she &ill re%ei*e the re&ard 'or &hat she has spent! and her husband &ill re%ei*e the re&ard be%ause o' his earnin ! and the storekeeper &ill also ha*e a re&ard similar to it. 7he re&ard o' one &ill not de%rease the re&ard o' the others . " 2.9A<: Narrated Abu Huraira : 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "7he best %harity is that &hi%h is pra%ti%ed by a &ealthy person. And start i*in 'irst to your dependents." 2.9A?: Narrated Hakim bin HiEam 7he 4rophet said! "7he upper hand is better than the lo&er hand (i.e. he &ho i*es in %harity is better than him &ho takes it). >ne should start i*in 'irst to his dependents. And the best ob5e%t o' %harity is that &hi%h is i*en by a &ealthy person ('rom the money &hi%h is le't a'ter his eJpenses). And &hoe*er abstains 'rom askin others 'or some 'inan%ial help! Allah &ill i*e him and sa*e him 'rom askin others! Allah &ill make him sel'2su''i%ient." 2.9A@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: I heard Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &hile he &as on the pulpit speakin about %harity! to abstain 'rom askin others 'or some 'inan%ial help and about be in others! sayin ! "7he upper hand is better than the lo&er hand. 7he upper hand is that o' the i*er and the lo&er (hand) is that o' the be ar." 2.91A: Narrated /0=ba bin Al2Harith: >n%e the 4rophet o''ered the /Asr prayer and then hurriedly &ent to his house and returned immediately. I (or somebody else) asked him (as to &hat &as the matter) and he said! "I le't at home a pie%e o' old &hi%h &as 'rom the %harity and I disliked to let it remain a ni ht in my house! so I ot it distributed . " 2.911: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet &ent out 'or the /Id prayer on the /Id day and o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer; and he neither o''ered a prayer be'ore it or a'ter it. 7hen he &ent to&ards the &omen alon &ith Bilal. He prea%hed them and ordered them to i*e in %harity. And some (amon st the &omen) started i*in their 'orearm ban les and earrin s. 2.912: Narrated Abu Burda bin Abu $usa: that his 'ather said! "#hene*er a be ar %ame to Allah's Apostle or he &as asked 'or somethin ! he used to say (to his %ompanions)! "Help and re%ommend him and you &ill re%ei*e the re&ard 'or it; and Allah &ill brin about &hat He &ill throu h His 4rophet's ton ue." 2.911: Narrated Asma: 7he 4rophet said to me! "(o not &ithhold your money! ('or i' you did so) Allah &ould &ithhold His blessin s 'rom you." 2.918: Narrated /Abda: 7he 4rophet said! "(o not &ithhold your money by %ountin it (i.e. hoardin it)! ('or i' you did so)! Allah &ould also &ithhold His blessin s 'rom you." 2.919: :?
Narrated Asma' bint Abu Bakr: that she had one to the 4rophet and he said! "(o not shut your money ba ; other&ise Allah too &ill &ithhold His blessin s 'rom you. +pend (in Allah's .ause) as mu%h as you %an a''ord. " 2.91:: Narrated Abu #ail: Hudhai'a said! "/0mar said! '#ho amon st you remembers the statement o' Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) about a''li%tions'6' I said! 'I kno& it as the 4rophet had said it.' /0mar said! 'No doubt! you are bold. Ho& did he say it6' I said! 'A man's a''li%tions (&ron deeds) %on%ernin his &i'e! %hildren and nei hbors are eJpiated by (his) prayers! %harity! and en5oinin ood.' (7he sub2narrator +ulaiman added that he said! '7he prayer! %harity! en5oinin ood and 'orbiddin e*il.') /0mar said! 'I did not mean that! but I ask about that a''li%tion &hi%h &ill spread like the &a*es o' the sea.' I said! '> %hie' o' the belie*ersC Dou need not be a'raid o' it as there is a %losed door bet&een you and it.' He asked! '#ill the door be broken or opened6' I replied! 'No! it &ill be broken.' He said! '7hen! i' it is broken! it &ill ne*er be %losed a ain6' I replied! 'Des.' " 7hen &e &ere a'raid to ask &hat that door &as! so &e asked $asru= to in=uire! and he asked Hudhai'a re ardin it. Hudhai'a said! "7he door &as /0mar. "#e 'urther asked Hudhai'a &hether /0mar kne& &hat that door meant. Hudhai'a replied in the a''irmati*e and added! "He kne& it as one kno&s that there &ill be a ni ht be'ore the tomorro& mornin ." 2.91<: Narrated Hakim bin HiEam: I said to Allah's Apostle! "Be'ore embra%in Islam I used to do ood deeds like i*in in %harity! sla*e2manumittin ! and the keepin o' ood relations &ith 3ith and kin. +hall I be re&arded 'or those deeds6" 7he 4rophet replied! "Dou be%ame $uslim &ith all those ood deeds (#ithout losin their re&ard)." 2.91?: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle said! "#hen a &oman i*es in %harity 'rom her husband's meals &ithout &astin the property o' her husband! she &ill et a re&ard 'or it! and her husband too &ill et a re&ard 'or &hat he earned and the storekeeper &ill ha*e the re&ard like&ise." 2.91@: Narrated Abu $usa : 7he 4rophet said! "An honest $uslim storekeeper &ho %arries out the orders o' his master and pays 'ully &hat he has been ordered to i*e &ith a ood heart and pays to that person to &hom he &as ordered to pay! is re arded as one o' the t&o %haritable persons." 2.92A: Narrate Aisha : 7he 4rophet said! "I' a &oman i*es in %harity 'rom her husband's house .." 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) also said! "I' a lady i*es meals (in %harity) 'rom her husband's house &ithout spoilin her husband's property! she &ill et a re&ard and her husband &ill also et a re&ard like&ise. 7he husband &ill et a re&ard be%ause o' his earnin s and the &oman be%ause o' her spendin ." 2.921: Narrated /Aisha: 7he 4rophet said! "#hen a &oman i*es in %harity 'rom her house meals in Allah's .ause &ithout spoilin her husband's property! she &ill et a re&ard 'or it! and her husband &ill also et the re&ard 'or his earnin s and the storekeeper &ill et a re&ard like&ise." 2.922: Narrated Abu Huraira : 7he 4rophet said! "M*ery day t&o an els %ome do&n 'rom Hea*en and one o' them says! '> AllahC .ompensate e*ery person &ho spends in Dour .ause!' and the other (an el) says! '> AllahC (estroy e*ery miser.' " 2.921: Narrated Abu Huraira : :@
7he 4rophet said! "7he eJample o' a miser and an alms i*er is like the eJample o' t&o persons &earin iron %loaks." Allah's Apostle also said! "7he eJample o' an alms i*er and a miser is like the eJample o' t&o persons &ho ha*e t&o iron %loaks on them 'rom their breasts to their %ollar bones! and &hen the alms i*er &ants to i*e in %harity! the %loak be%omes %apa%ious till it %o*ers his &hole body to su%h an eJtent that it hides his 'in ertips and %o*ers his 'ootprints (obliterates his tra%ks). (1) And &hen the miser &ants to spend! it (the iron %loak) sti%ks and e*ery rin ets stu%k to its pla%e and he tries to &iden it! but it did not be%ome &ide. 2.928: Narrated Abu Burda: 'rom his 'ather 'rom his rand'ather that the 4rophet said! "M*ery $uslim has to i*e in %harity." 7he people asked! "> Allah's 4rophetC I' someone has nothin to i*e! &hat &ill he do6" He said! "He should &ork &ith his hands and bene'it himsel' and also i*e in %harity ('rom &hat he earns)." 7he people 'urther asked! "I' he %annot 'ind e*en that6" He replied! "He should help the needy &ho appeal 'or help." 7hen the people asked! "I' he %annot do that6" He replied! "7hen he should per'orm ood deeds and keep a&ay 'rom e*il deeds and this &ill be re arded as %haritable deeds." 2.929: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya: A sheep &as sent to me (Nusaiba Al2Ansariya) (in %harity) and I sent some o' it to /Aisha. 7he 4rophet asked /Aisha 'or somethin to eat. /Aisha replied that there &as nothin eJ%ept &hat Nusaiba Al2Ansariya had sent o' that sheep. 7he 4rophet said to her! "Brin it as it has rea%hed its pla%e." 2.92:: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri : Allah's Apostle said! "7here is no Iakat on less than 'i*e %amels and also there is no Iakat on less than 'i*e A&a= (o' sil*er). (9 A&a= O 22 ,ransa )iyals o' Demen or 2AA (irhams.) And there is no Iakat on less than 'i*e A&su=. (A spe%ial measure o' 'ood2 rains! and one #as= e=uals :A +a's.) (,or old 2A! (inars i.e. e=ual to 12 Huinea Mn lish. No Iakat 'or less than 12 Huinea (Mn lish) o' old or 'or sil*er less than 22 ,ransa )iyals o' Demen.) 2.92<: Narrated Abi +a/id Al23hudri : I heard the 4rophet sayin (as abo*e22No. 92:) 2.92?: Narrated Anas: Abu Bakr &rote to me &hat Allah had instru%ted His Apostle (p.b.u.h) to do re ardin the one &ho had to pay one Bint $akhad (i.e. one year2old she2%amel) as Iakat! and he did not ha*e it but had ot Bint Babun (t&o year old she2%amel). (He &rote that) it %ould be a%%epted 'rom him as Iakat! and the %olle%tor o' Iakat &ould return him 2A (irhams or t&o sheep; and i' the Iakat payer had not a Bint $akhad! but he had Ibn Babun (a t&o year old he2%amel) then it %ould be a%%epted as his Iakat! but he &ould not be paid anythin . 2.92@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas : I am a &itness that Allah's Apostle o''ered the Id prayer be'ore deli*erin the sermon and then he thou ht that the &omen &ould not be able to hear him (be%ause o' the distan%e)! so he &ent to them alon &ith Bilal &ho &as spreadin his arment. 7he 4rophet ad*ised and ordered them to i*e in %harity. +o the &omen started i*in their ornaments (in %harity). (7he sub2narrator Aiyub pointed to&ards his ears and ne%k meanin that they a*e ornaments 'rom those pla%es su%h as earrin s and ne%kla%es.) 2.91A: Narrated Anas: Abu Bakr &rote to me &hat &as made %ompulsory by Allah's Apostle and that &as (re ardin the payments o' Iakat): Neither the property o' di''erent people may be taken to ether nor the 5oint property may be split 'or 'ear o' (payin more! or re%ei*in less) Iakat. 2.911: <A
Narrated Anas: Abu Bakr &rote to me &hat Allah's Apostle has made %ompulsory (re ardin Iakat) and this &as mentioned in it: I' a property is e=ually o&ned by t&o partners! they should pay the %ombined Iakat and it &ill be %onsidered that both o' them ha*e paid their Iakat e=ually. 2.912: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: A Bedouin asked Allah's Apostle about the emi ration. 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "$ay Allah ha*e mer%y on youC 7he matter o' emi ration is *ery hard. Ha*e you ot %amels6 (o you pay their Iakat6" 7he Bedouin said! "Des! I ha*e %amels and I pay their Iakat." 7he 4rophet said! #ork beyond the seas and Allah &ill not de%rease (&aste) any o' your ood deeds." (+ee Hadith No. 2:A Vol. 9). 2.911: Narrated Anas: Abu Bakr ! &rote to me about the Iakat &hi%h Allah had ordered His Apostle to obser*e: #hoe*er had to pay -ahda (-ahda means a 'our2year2old she2%amel) as Iakat 'rom his herd o' %amels and he had not ot one! and he had Hi==a (three2year2old she2%amel)! that Hi==a should be a%%epted 'rom him alon &ith t&o sheep i' they &ere a*ailable or t&enty (irhams (one (urham e=uals about 1P8 +audi )iyal) and &hoe*er had to pay Hi==a as Iakat and he had no Hi==a but had a -adha! the -adha should be a%%epted 'rom him! and the Iakat %olle%tor should repay him t&enty (irhams or t&o sheep; and &hoe*er had to pay Hi==a as Iakat and he had not ot one! but had a Bint Babun (t&o2year2old she2%amel)! it should be a%%epted 'rom him alon &ith t&o sheep or t&enty (irhams; and &hoe*er had to pay Bint Babun and had a Hi==a! that Hi==a should be a%%epted 'rom him and the Iakat %olle%tor should repay him t&enty (irhams or t&o sheep; and &hoe*er had to pay Bint Babun and he had not ot one but had a Bint $akhad (one2year2old she %amel)! that Bint $akhad should be a%%epted 'rom him alon &ith t&enty (irhams or t&o sheep. 2.918: Narrated Anas: #hen Abu Bakr; sent me to (%olle%t the Iakat 'rom) Bahrain! he &rote to me the 'ollo&in :22 (In the name o' Allah! the Bene'i%ent! the $er%i'ul). 7hese are the orders 'or %ompulsory %harity (Iakat) &hi%h Allah's Apostle had made obli atory 'or e*ery $uslim! and &hi%h Allah had ordered His Apostle to obser*e: #hoe*er amon st the $uslims is asked to pay Iakat a%%ordin ly! he should pay it (to the Iakat %olle%tor) and &hoe*er is asked more than that (&hat is spe%i'ied in this s%ript) he should not pay it; 'or t&enty2'our %amels or less! sheep are to be paid as Iakat; 'or e*ery 'i*e %amels one sheep is to be paid! and i' there are bet&een t&enty2'i*e to thirty2'i*e %amels! one Bint $akhad is to be paid; and i' they are bet&een thirty2siJ to 'orty2'i*e (%amels)! one Bint Babun is to be paid; and i' they are bet&een 'orty2siJ to siJty (%amels)! one Hi==a is to be paid; and i' the number is bet&een siJty2one to se*enty2'i*e (%amels)! one -adha is to be paid; and i' the number is bet&een se*enty2siJ to ninety (%amels)! t&o Bint Babuns are to be paid; and i' they are 'rom ninety2one to one2hundred2 and t&enty (%amels)! t&o Hi==as are to be paid; and i' they are o*er one2hundred and2t&enty (%amels)! 'or e*ery 'orty (o*er one2hundred2and2t&enty) one Bint Babun is to be paid! and 'or e*ery 'i'ty %amels (o*er one2hundred2and2t&enty) one Hi==a is to be paid; and &ho e*er has ot only 'our %amels! has to pay nothin as Iakat! but i' the o&ner o' these 'our %amels &ants to i*e somethin ! he %an. I' the number o' %amels in%reases to 'i*e! the o&ner has to pay one sheep as Iakat. As re ards the Iakat 'or the ('lo%k) o' sheep; i' they are bet&een 'orty and one2hundred2and2t&enty sheep! one sheep is to be paid; and i' they are bet&een one2hundred2and2t&enty to t&o hundred (sheep)! t&o sheep are to be paid; and i' they are bet&een t&o2hundred to three2hundred (sheep)! three sheep are to be paid; and 'or o*er three2hundred sheep! 'or e*ery eJtra hundred sheep! one sheep is to be paid as Iakat. And i' somebody has ot less than 'orty sheep! no Iakat is re=uired! but i' he &ants to i*e! he %an. ,or sil*er the Iakat is one2'ortieth o' the lot (i.e. 2.9Q)! and i' its *alue is less than t&o2hundred (irhams! Iakat is not re=uired! but i' the o&ner &ants to pay he %an.' 2.919: Narrated Anas:
Abu Bakr &rote to me &hat Allah had ordered His Apostle (about Iakat) &hi%h oes: Neither an old nor a de'e%ted animal! nor a male2 oat may be taken as Iakat eJ%ept i' the Iakat %olle%tor &ishes (to take it). 2.91:: Narrated Abu Huraira: Abu Bakr said! "By AllahC I' they (pay me the Iakat and) &ithhold e*en a she2kid &hi%h they used to pay durin the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle! I &ill 'i ht &ith them 'or it." /0mar said! "It &as nothin but Allah #ho opened Abu Bakr's %hest to&ards the de%ision to 'i ht! and I %ame to kno& that his de%ision &as ri ht." 2.91<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hen Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) sent $u/adh to Demen! he said (to him)! "D>0 are oin to people o' a ((i*ine) Book. ,irst o' all in*ite them to &orship Allah (alone) and &hen they %ome to kno& Allah! in'orm them that Allah has en5oined on them! 'i*e prayers in e*ery day and ni ht; and i' they start o''erin these prayers! in'orm them that Allah has en5oined on them! the Iakat. And it is to be taken 'rom the ri%h amon st them and i*en to the poor amon st them; and i' they obey you in that! take Iakat 'rom them and a*oid (don't take) the best property o' the people as Iakat." 2.91?: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri : Allah's Apostle said! "No Iakat is imposed on less than 'i*e A&su= o' dates; no Iakat is imposed on less than 'i*e A&a= o' sil*er! and no Iakat is imposed on less than 'i*e %amels." 2.91@: Narrated Abu (har: >n%e I &ent to him (the 4rophet ) and he said! "By Allah in #hose Hands my li'e is (or probably said! 'By Allah! eJ%ept #hom none has the ri ht to be &orshipped) &hoe*er had %amels or %o&s or sheep and did not pay their Iakat! those animals &ill be brou ht on the (ay o' )esurre%tion 'ar bi er and 'atter than be'ore and they &ill tread him under their hoo*es! and &ill butt him &ith their horns! and (those animals &ill %ome in %ir%le): #hen the last does its turn! the 'irst &ill start a ain! and this punishment &ill o on till Allah has 'inished the 5ud ments amon st the people." 2.98A: Narrated 'Is2ha= bin /Abdullah bin Al 7alha: I heard Anas bin $alik sayin ! "Abu 7alha had more property o' date2palm trees ardens than any other amon st the Ansar in $edina and the most belo*ed o' them to him &as Bairuha arden! and it &as in 'ront o' the $os=ue o' the 4rophet . Allah's Apostle used to o there and used to drink its ni%e &ater." Anas added! "#hen these *erses &ere re*ealed:22'By no means shall you Attain ri hteousness unless Dou spend (in %harity) o' that #hi%h you lo*e. ' (1.@2) Abu 7alha said to Allah's Apostle '> Allah's ApostleC Allah! the Blessed! the +uperior says: By no means shall you attain ri hteousness! unless you spend (in %harity) o' that &hi%h you lo*e. And no doubt! Bairuha' arden is the most belo*ed o' all my property to me. +o I &ant to i*e it in %harity in Allah's .ause. I eJpe%t its re&ard 'rom Allah. > Allah's ApostleC +pend it &here Allah makes you think it 'easible.' >n that Allah's Apostle said! 'Bra*oC It is use'ul property. I ha*e heard &hat you ha*e said (> Abu 7alha)! and I think it &ould be proper i' you a*e it to your 3ith and kin.' Abu 7alha said! I &ill do so! > Allah's Apostle.' 7hen Abu 7alha distributed that arden amon st his relati*es and his %ousins." 2.981: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri >n /Id ul ,itr or /Id ul Adha Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) &ent out to the $usalla. A'ter 'inishin the prayer! he deli*ered the sermon and ordered the people to i*e alms. He said! "> peopleC Hi*e alms." 7hen he &ent to&ards the &omen and said. "> &omenC Hi*e alms! 'or I ha*e seen that the ma5ority o' the d&ellers o' Hell2,ire &ere you (&omen)." 7he &omen asked! "> Allah's ApostleC #hat is the reason 'or it6" He replied! "> &omenC Dou %urse 're=uently! and are un rate'ul to your husbands. I ha*e not seen anyone more de'i%ient in intelli en%e and reli ion than you. > &omen! some o' you %an lead a %autious &ise man astray." 7hen he le't. And &hen he rea%hed his house! Iainab! the &i'e o' <2
Ibn $as/ud! %ame and asked permission to enter It &as said! "> Allah's ApostleC It is Iainab." He asked! '#hi%h Iainab6" 7he reply &as that she &as the &i'e o' Ibn $as'ub. He said! "Des! allo& her to enter." And she &as admitted. 7hen she said! "> 4rophet o' AllahC 7oday you ordered people to i*e alms and I had an ornament and intended to i*e it as alms! but Ibn $as/ud said that he and his %hildren deser*ed it more than anybody else." 7he 4rophet replied! "Ibn $as/ud had spoken the truth. Dour husband and your %hildren had more ri ht to it than anybody else." 2.982: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "7here is no Iakat either on a horse or a sla*e belon in to a $uslim." 2.981: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "7here is no Iakat either on a sla*e or on a horse belon in to a $uslim." 2.988: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri : >n%e the 4rophet sat on a pulpit and &e sat around him. 7hen he said! "7he thin s I am a'raid o' most 'or your sake (%on%ernin &hat &ill be'all you a'ter me) is the pleasures and splendors o' the &orld and its beauties &hi%h &ill be dis%losed to you." +omebody said! "> Allah's ApostleC .an the ood brin 'orth e*il6" 7he 4rophet remained silent 'or a &hile. It &as said to that person! "#hat is &ron &ith you6 Dou are talkin to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) &hile he is not talkin to you." 7hen &e noti%ed that he &as bein inspired di*inely. 7hen the 4rophet &iped o'' his s&eat and said! "#here is the =uestioner6" It seemed as i' the 4rophet liked his =uestion. 7hen he said! "Hood ne*er brin s 'orth e*il. Indeed it is like &hat ro&s on the banks o' a &ater2stream &hi%h either kill or make the animals si%k! eJ%ept i' an animal eats its 'ill the 3hadira (a kind o' *e etable) and then 'a%es the sun! and then de'e%ates and urinates and raEes a ain. No doubt this &ealth is s&eet and reen. Blessed is the &ealth o' a $uslim 'rom &hi%h he i*es to the poor! the orphans and to needy tra*elers. (>r the 4rophet said somethin similar to it) No doubt! &hoe*er takes it ille ally &ill be like the one &ho eats but is ne*er satis'ied! and his &ealth &ill be a &itness a ainst him on the (ay o' )esurre%tion." 2.989: Narrated /Amr bin Al2Harith: Iainab! the &i'e o' /Abdullah said! "I &as in the $os=ue and sa& the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) sayin ! '> &omen C Hi*e alms e*en 'rom your ornaments.' " Iainab used to pro*ide 'or /Abdullah and those orphans &ho &ere under her prote%tion. +o she said to /Abdullah! "#ill you ask Allah's Apostle &hether it &ill be su''i%ient 'or me to spend part o' the Iakat on you and the orphans &ho are under my prote%tion6" He replied "#ill you yoursel' ask Allah's Apostle 6" (Iainab added): +o I &ent to the 4rophet and I sa& there an Ansari &oman &ho &as standin at the door (o' the 4rophet ) &ith a similar problem as mine. Bilal passed by us and &e asked him! 'Ask the 4rophet &hether it is permissible 'or me to spend (the Iakat) on my husband and the orphans under my prote%tion.' And &e re=uested Bilal not to in'orm the 4rophet about us. +o Bilal &ent inside and asked the 4rophet re ardin our problem. 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) asked! "#ho are those t&o6" Bilal replied that she &as Iainab. 7he 4rophet said! "#hi%h Iainab6" Bilal said! "7he &i'e o' /Abdullah (bin $as/ud)." 7he 4rophet said! "Des! (it is su''i%ient 'or her) and she &ill re%ei*e a double re&ards ('or that): >ne 'or helpin relati*es! and the other 'or i*in Iakat." 2.98:: Narrated Iainab!: (the dau hter o' 0m +alama) $y mother said! "> Allah's ApostleC +hall I re%ei*e a re&ard i' I spend 'or the sustenan%e o' Abu +alama's o''sprin ! and in 'a%t they are also my sons6" 7he 4rophet replied! "+pend on them and you &ill et a re&ard 'or &hat you spend on them." 2.98<: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) ordered (a person) to %olle%t Iakat! and that person returned and told him that Ibn -amil! 3halid bin Al2#alid! and /Abbas bin /Abdul $uttalib had re'used to i*e Iakat." 7he 4rophet said! "#hat made Ibn -amil re'use to i*e Iakat thou h he &as a poor man! and &as made <1
&ealthy by Allah and His Apostle 6 But you are un'air in askin Iakat 'rom 3halid as he is keepin his armor 'or Allah's .ause ('or -ihad). As 'or /Abbas bin /Abdul $uttalib! he is the un%le o' Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) and Iakat is %ompulsory on him and he should pay it double." 2.98?: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: +ome Ansari persons asked 'or (somethin ) 'rom Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) and he a*e them. 7hey a ain asked him 'or (somethin ) and he a ain a*e them. And then they asked him and he a*e them a ain till all that &as &ith him 'inished. And then he said "I' I had anythin . I &ould not keep it a&ay 'rom you. ()emember) #hoe*er abstains 'rom askin others! Allah &ill make him %ontented! and &hoe*er tries to make himsel' sel'2su''i%ient! Allah &ill make him sel'2su''i%ient. And &hoe*er remains patient! Allah &ill make him patient. Nobody %an be i*en a blessin better and reater than patien%e." 2.98@: Narrated Abu Huraira : Allah's Apostle said! "By Him in #hose Hand my li'e is! it is better 'or anyone o' you to take a rope and %ut the &ood ('rom the 'orest) and %arry it o*er his ba%k and sell it (as a means o' earnin his li*in ) rather than to ask a person 'or somethin and that person may i*e him or not." 2.99A: Narrated AE2Iubair bin Al2/A&&am: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "It is better 'or anyone o' you to take a rope (and %ut) and brin a bundle o' &ood ('rom the 'orest) o*er his ba%k and sell it and Allah &ill sa*e his 'a%e ('rom the Hell2,ire) be%ause o' that! rather than to ask the people &ho may i*e him or not." 2.991: Narrated /0r&a bin AE2Iubair and +a/id bin Al2$usaiyab: Hakim bin HiEam said! "(>n%e) I asked Allah's Apostle ('or somethin ) and he a*e it to me. A ain I asked and he a*e (it to me). A ain I asked and he a*e (it to me). And then he said! "> HakimC 7his property is like a s&eet 'resh 'ruit; &hoe*er takes it &ithout reediness! he is blessed in it! and &hoe*er takes it &ith reediness! he is not blessed in it! and he is like a person &ho eats but is ne*er satis'ied; and the upper ( i*in ) hand is better than the lo&er (re%ei*in ) hand." Hakim added! "I said to Allah's Apostle ! 'By Him (Allah) #ho sent you &ith the 7ruth! I shall ne*er a%%ept anythin 'rom anybody a'ter you! till I lea*e this &orld.' " 7hen Abu Bakr (durin his %aliphate) %alled Hakim to i*e him his share 'rom the &ar booty (like the other %ompanions o' the 4rophet )! he re'used to a%%ept anythin . 7hen /0mar (durin his %aliphate) %alled him to i*e him his share but he re'used. >n that /0mar said! "> $uslimsC I &ould like you to &itness that I o''ered Hakim his share 'rom this booty and he re'used to take it." +o Hakim ne*er took anythin 'rom anybody a'ter the 4rophet till he died. 2.992: Narrated /0mar: Allah's Apostle used to i*e me somethin but I &ould say to him! "&ould you i*e it to a poorer and more needy one than l6" 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said to me! "7ake it. I' you are i*en somethin 'rom this property! &ithout askin 'or it or ha*in reed 'or it take it; and i' not i*en! do not run 'or it." 2.991: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: 7he 4rophet said! "A man keeps on askin others 'or somethin till he %omes on the (ay o' )esurre%tion &ithout any pie%e o' 'lesh on his 'a%e." 7he 4rophet added! ">n the (ay o' )esurre%tion! the +un &ill %ome near (to! the people) to su%h an eJtent that the s&eat &ill rea%h up to the middle o' the ears! so! &hen all the people are in that state! they &ill ask Adam 'or help! and then $oses! and then $uhammad (p.b.u.h) ." 7he sub2narrator added "$uhammad &ill inter%ede &ith Allah to 5ud e amon st the people. He &ill pro%eed on till he &ill hold the rin o' the door (o' 4aradise) and then Allah &ill eJalt him to $a=am $ahmud (the pri*ile e o' inter%ession! et%.). And all the people o' the atherin &ill send their praises to Allah. 2.998: Narrated Abu Huraira: <8
7he 4rophet said! "7he poor person is not the one &ho asks a morsel or t&o (o' meals) 'rom the others! but the poor is the one &ho has nothin and is ashamed to be 'rom others." 2.999: Narrated Ash2+hu/bi: 7he %lerk o' Al2$u hira bin +hu/ba narrated! "$ua&iya &rote to Al2$u hira bin +hu/ba: #rite to me somethin &hi%h you ha*e heard 'rom the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ." +o Al2$u hira &rote: I heard the 4rophet sayin ! "Allah has hated 'or you three thin s: 21. Vain talks! (useless talk) that you talk too mu%h or about others. 22. #astin o' &ealth (by eJtra*a an%e) 21. And askin too many =uestions (in disputed reli ious matters) or askin others 'or somethin (eJ%ept in reat need). (+ee Hadith No. 9@1! Vol. Ill) 2.99:: Narrated +a/d (bin Abi #a==as) : Allah's Apostle distributed somethin ('rom the resour%es o' Iakat) amon st a roup o' people &hile I &as sittin amon st them! but he le't a man &hom I %onsidered the best o' the lot. +o! I &ent up to Allah's Apostle and asked him se%retly! "#hy ha*e you le't that person6 By AllahC I %onsider him a belie*er." 7he 4rophet said! ">r merely a $uslim (#ho surrender to Allah)." I remained =uiet 'or a &hile but %ould not help repeatin my =uestion be%ause o' &hat I kne& about him. I said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hy ha*e you le't that person6 By AllahC I %onsider him a belie*er. " 7he 4rophet said! ">r merely a $uslim." I remained =uiet 'or a &hile but %ould not help repeatin my =uestion be%ause o' &hat I kne& about him. I said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hy ha*e you le't that person6 By AllahC I %onsider him a belie*er." 7he 4rophet said! ">r merely a $uslim." 7hen Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) said! "I i*e to a person &hile another is dearer to me! 'or 'ear that he may be thro&n in the Hell2'ire on his 'a%e (by rene in 'rom Islam)." 2.99<: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "7he poor person is not the one &ho oes round the people and ask them 'or a mouth'ul or t&o (o' meals) or a date or t&o but the poor is that &ho has not enou h (money) to satis'y his needs and &hose %ondition is not kno&n to others! that others may i*e him somethin in %harity! and &ho does not be o' people." 2.99?: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet said! "No doubt! it is better 'or a person to take a rope and pro%eed in the mornin to the mountains and %ut the &ood and then sell it! and eat 'rom this in%ome and i*e alms 'rom it than to ask others 'or somethin ." 2.99@: Narrated Abu Humaid As2+a/idi: #e took part in the holy battle o' 7abuk in the %ompany o' the 4rophet and &hen &e arri*ed at the #adi2al2Gura! there &as a &oman in her arden. 7he 4rophet asked his %ompanions to estimate the amount o' the 'ruits in the arden! and Allah's Apostle estimated it at ten A&su= (>ne #asa= O :A +a's) and 1 +a'O 1 k . approJimately). 7he 4rophet said to that lady! ".he%k &hat your arden &ill yield." #hen &e rea%hed 7abuk! the 4rophet said! "7here &ill be a stron &ind toni ht and so no one should stand and &hoe*er has a %amel! should 'asten it." +o &e 'astened our %amels. A stron &ind ble& at ni ht and a man stood up and he &as blo&n a&ay to a mountain %alled 7aiy! 7he 3in o' Aila sent a &hite mule and a sheet 'or &earin to the 4rophet as a present! and &rote to the 4rophet that his people &ould stay in their pla%e (and &ill pay -iEya taJation.) (1) #hen the 4rophet rea%hed #adi2al2 Gura he asked that &oman ho& mu%h her arden had yielded. +he said! "7en A&su=!" and that &as &hat Allah's Apostle had estimated. 7hen the 4rophet said! "I &ant to rea%h $edina =ui%kly! and &hoe*er amon you &ants to a%%ompany me! should hurry up." 7he sub2narrator Ibn Bakkar said somethin &hi%h meant: #hen the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) sa& $edina he said! "7his is 7aba." And &hen he sa& the mountain o' 0hud! he said! "7his mountain lo*es us and &e lo*e it. +hall I tell you o' the best amon st the Ansar6" 7hey replied in the a''irmati*e. He said! "7he 'amily o' Bani2n2Na55ar! and <9
then the 'amily o' Bani +a/ida or Bani Al2Harith bin Al23haEra5. (7he abo*e2mentioned are the best) but there is oodness in all the 'amilies o' Ansar." 2.9:A: Narrated +alim bin /Abdullah 'rom his 'ather: 7he 4rophet said! ">n a land irri ated by rain &ater or by natural &ater %hannels or i' the land is &et due to a near by &ater %hannel 0shr (i.e. one2tenth) is %ompulsory (as Iakat); and on the land irri ated by the &ell! hal' o' an 0shr (i.e. one2t&entieth) is %ompulsory (as Iakat on the yield o' the land)." 2.9:1: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri : 7he 4rophet said! "7here is no Iakat on less than 'i*e A&su= (o' dates)! or on less than 'i*e %amels! or on less than 'i*e A&a= o' sil*er." (22 Demeni )iyals ,aransa). 2.9:2: Narrated Abu Huraira : (ates used to be brou ht to Allah's Apostle immediately a'ter bein plu%ked. (i''erent persons &ould brin their dates till a bi heap %olle%ted (in 'ront o' the 4rophet). >n%e Al2Hasan and Al2Husain &ere playin &ith these dates. >ne o' them took a date and put it in his mouth. Allah's Apostle looked at him and took it out 'rom his mouth and said! "(on't you kno& that $uhammad's o''sprin do not eat &hat is i*en in %harity6" 2.9:1: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet had 'orbidden the sale o' dates till they &ere ood (ripe)! and &hen it &as asked &hat it meant! the 4rophet said! "7ill there is no dan er o' bli ht." 2.9:8: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : 7he 4rophet had 'orbidden the sale o' 'ruits till they &ere ripe ('ree 'rom bli ht). 2.9:9: Narrated Anas bin $alik: Allah's Apostle 'orbade the sellin o' 'ruits until they &ere ripe. 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) added! "It means that they be%ome red ." 2.9::: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: /0mar bin Al23hattab a*e a horse in %harity in Allah's .ause and later he sa& it bein sold in the market and intended to pur%hase it. 7hen he &ent to the 4rophet and asked his permission. 7he 4rophet said! "(o not take ba%k &hat you ha*e i*en in %harity." ,or this reason! Ibn /0mar ne*er pur%hased the thin s &hi%h he had i*en in %harity! and in %ase he had pur%hased somethin (unkno&in ly) he &ould i*e it in %harity a ain. 2.9:<: Narrated /0mar: >n%e I a*e a horse in Allah's .ause (in %harity) but that person did not take %are o' it. I intended to buy it! as I thou ht he &ould sell it at a lo& pri%e. +o! I asked the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) about it. He said! "Neither buy! nor take ba%k your alms &hi%h you ha*e i*en! e*en i' the seller &ere &illin to sell it 'or one (irham! 'or he &ho takes ba%k his alms is like the one &ho s&allo&s his o&n *omit." 2.9:?: Narrated Abu Huraira : Al2Hasan bin /Ali took a date 'rom the dates i*en in %harity and put it in his mouth. 7he 4rophet said! "MJpel it 'rom your mouth. (on't you kno& that &e do not eat a thin &hi%h is i*en in %harity6" 2.9:@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas : 7he 4rophet sa& a dead sheep &hi%h had been i*en in %harity to a 'reed sla*e2 irl o' $aimuna! the &i'e o' the 4rophet . 7he 4rophet said! "#hy don't you et the bene'it o' its hide6" 7hey said! "It is dead." He replied! ">nly to eat (its meat) is ille al." 2.9<A: <:
Narrated Al2As&ad: /Aisha intended to buy Barira (a sla*e2 irl) in order to manumit her and her masters intended to put the %ondition that her Al2&ala &ould be 'or them. /Aisha mentioned that to the 4rophet &ho said to her! "Buy her! as the "#ala" is 'or the manumitted." >n%e some meat &as presented to the 4rophet and /Aisha said to him! "7his (meat) &as i*en in %harity to Barira." He said! "It is an ob5e%t o' %harity 'or Barira but a i't 'or us." 2.9<1: Narrated 0m 'Atiyya Al2Ansariya : 7he 4rophet &ent to /Aisha and asked her &hether she had somethin (to eat). +he replied that she had nothin eJ%ept the mutton (pie%e) &hi%h Nusaiba (0m 'Atiyya) had sent to us (Buraira) in %harity." 7he 4rophet said! "It has rea%hed its pla%e and no& it is not a thin o' %harity but a i't 'or us." 2.9<2: Narrated Anas: +ome meat &as presented to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) and it had been i*en to Barira (the 'reed sla*e2 irl o' Aisha) in %harity. He said! "7his meat is a thin o' %harity 'or Barira but it is a i't 'or us." 2.9<1: Narrated Abu $a/bad!: (the sla*e o' Ibn /Abbas) Allah's Apostle said to $u/adh &hen he sent him to Demen! "Dou &ill o to the people o' the +%ripture. +o! &hen you rea%h there! in*ite them to testi'y that none has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah! and that $uhammad is His Apostle. And i' they obey you in that! tell them that Allah has en5oined on them 'i*e prayers in ea%h day and ni ht. And i' they obey you in that tell them that Allah has made it obli atory on them to pay the Iakat &hi%h &ill be taken 'rom the ri%h amon them and i*en to the poor amon them. I' they obey you in that! then a*oid takin the best o' their possessions! and be a'raid o' the %urse o' an oppressed person be%ause there is no s%reen bet&een his in*o%ation and Allah." 2.9<8.1: Narrated /Abdullah bin Abu /Au'a : #hene*er a person %ame to the 4rophet &ith his alms! the 4rophet &ould say! "> AllahC +end your Blessin s upon so and so." $y 'ather &ent to the 4rophet &ith his alms and the 4rophet said! "> AllahC +end your blessin s upon the o''sprin o' Abu /Au'a." 2.9<8.2: Narrated Abu Huraira 7he 4rophet said! "A man 'rom Bani Israel asked someone 'rom Bani Israel to i*e him a loan o' one thousand (inars and the later a*e it to him. 7he debtor &ent on a *oya e (&hen the time 'or the payment o' the debt be%ame due) but he did not 'ind a boat! so he took a pie%e o' &ood and bored it and put 1AAA diners in it and thre& it into the sea. 7he %reditor &ent out and took the pie%e o' &ood to his 'amily to be used as 'ire2&ood." (+ee Hadith No. 8?? B! Vol. 1). And the 4rophet narrated the narration (and said)! "#hen he sa&ed the &ood! he 'ound his money." 2.9<9: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "7here is no %ompensation 'or one killed or &ounded by an animal or by 'allin in a &ell! or be%ause o' &orkin in mines; but 3humus is %ompulsory on )ikaE." 2.9<:: Narrated Abu Humaid Al2+a/idi: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) appointed a man %alled Ibn Al2Butbiya! 'rom the tribe o' Al2Asd to %olle%t Iakat 'rom Bani +ulaim. #hen he returned! (a'ter %olle%tin the Iakat) the 4rophet %he%ked the a%%ount &ith him. 2.9<<: Narrated Anas: +ome people 'rom /0raina tribe %ame to $edina and its %limate did not suit them! so Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) allo&ed them to o to the herd o' %amels ( i*en as Iakat) and they drank their milk and urine <<
(as medi%ine) but they killed the shepherd and dro*e a&ay all the %amels. +o Allah's Apostle sent (men) in their pursuit to %at%h them! and they &ere brou ht! and he had their hands and 'eet %ut! and their eyes &ere branded &ith heated pie%es o' iron and they &ere le't in the Harra (a stony pla%e at $edina) bitin the stones. (+ee Hadith No. 218! Vol. 1) 2.9<?: Narrated Anas bin $alik: I took /Abdullah bin Abu 7alha to Allah's Apostle to per'orm 7ahnik 'or him. (7ahnik &as a %ustom amon the $uslims that &hene*er a %hild &as born they used to take it to the 4rophet &ho &ould %he& a pie%e o' date and put a part o' its 5ui%e in the %hild's mouth). I sa& the 4rophet and he had an instrument 'or brandin in his hands and &as brandin the %amels o' Iakat. 2.9<@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle en5oined the payment o' one +a' o' dates or one +a' o' barley as Iakat2ul2,itr on e*ery $uslim sla*e or 'ree! male or 'emale! youn or old! and he ordered that it be paid be'ore the people &ent out to o''er the /Id prayer. (>ne +a' O 1 3ilo rams approJ.) 2.9?A: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle made it in%umbent on all the sla*e or 'ree $uslims! male or 'emale! to pay one +a' o' dates or barley as Iakat2ul2,itr. 2.9?1: Narrated Abu +a/id: #e used to i*e one +a' o' barley as +ada=at2ul2,itr (per head). 2.9?2: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: #e used to i*e one +a' o' meal or one +a' o' barley or one +a' o' dates! or one +a' o' %otta e %heese or one +a' o' )aisins (dried rapes) as Iakat2ul2,itr. 2.9?1: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: 7he 4rophet ordered ($uslims) to i*e one +a' o' dates or one +a' o' barley as Iakat2ul2,itr. 7he people re&arded t&o $udds o' &heat as e=ual to that. 2.9?8: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: In the li'etime o' the 4rophet &e used to i*e one +a' o' 'ood or one +a' o' dates or one +a' o' barley or one +a' o' )aisins (dried rapes) as +ada=at2ul2,itr. And &hen $ua&iya be%ame the .aliph and the &heat &as (a*ailable in abundan%e) he said! "I think (obser*e) that one $udd (o' &heat) e=uals t&o $udds (o' any o' the abo*e mentioned thin s). 2.9?9: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet ordered the people to pay Iakat2ul2,itr be'ore oin to the /Id prayer. 2.9?:: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: In the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle ! &e used to i*e one +a' o' 'ood (edible thin s) as +ada=at2ul2,itr (to the poor). >ur 'ood used to be either o' barley! raisins (dried rapes)! %otta e %heese or dates. 2.9?<: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar said! "7he 4rophet made in%umbent on e*ery male or 'emale! 'ree man or sla*e! the payment o' one +a' o' dates or barley as +ada=at2ul2,itr (or said +ada=a2)amadan)." 7he people then substituted hal' +a' o' &heat 'or that. Ibn /0mar used to i*e dates (as +ada=at2ul2,itr). >n%e there &as s%ar%ity o' dates in $edina and Ibn /0mar a*e barley. 'And Ibn /0mar used to i*e +ada=at2ul2 ,itr 'or e*ery youn and old person. He e*en used to i*e on behal' o' my %hildren. Ibn /0mar used to i*e +ada=at2ul2,itr to those &ho had been o''i%ially appointed 'or its %olle%tion. 4eople used to i*e +ada=at2ul2,itr (e*en) a day or t&o be'ore the /Id. <?
2.9??: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle has made +ada=at2ul2,itr obli atory! (and it &as)! either one +a' o' barley or one +a' o' dates (and its payment &as obli atory) on youn and old people! and on 'ree men as &ell as on sla*es. 2.9?@: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Abbas : Al2,adl (his brother) &as ridin behind Allah's Apostle and a &oman 'rom the tribe o' 3hath'am %ame and Al2,adl started lookin at her and she started lookin at him. 7he 4rophet turned Al2,adl's 'a%e to the other side. 7he &oman said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7he obli ation o' Ha55 en5oined by Allah on His de*otees has be%ome due on my 'ather and he is old and &eak! and he %annot sit 'irm on the $ount; may I per'orm Ha55 on his behal'6" 7he 4rophet replied! "Des! you may." 7hat happened durin the Ha552al2#ida (o' the 4rophet ). 2.9@A: Narrated Ibn /0mar: I sa& that Allah's Apostle used to ride on his $ount at (hul Hulai'a and used to start sayin ! "Babbaik" &hen the $ount stood upri ht. 2.9@1: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : that Allah's Apostle started sayin ! "Babbaik" 'rom (hul2Hulai'a &hen his $ount stood upri ht %arryin him . 2.9@2: Narrated 7humama bin /Abdullah bin Anas: Anas per'ormed the Ha55 on a pa%ksaddle and he &as not a miser. Anas said! "Allah's Apostle per'ormed Ha55 on a pa%ksaddle and the same $ount &as %arryin his ba a e too." 2.9@1: Narrated Al2Gasim bin $uhammad: /Aisha said! "> Allah's ApostleC Dou per'ormed /0mra but I did not." He said! "> /Abdur2)ahmanC Ho alon &ith your sister and let her per'orm /0mra 'rom 7an/im." /Abdur2)ahman made her ride o*er the pa%ksaddle o' a she2%amel and she per'ormed /0mra. 2.9@8: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet &as asked! "#hi%h is the best deed6" He said! "7o belie*e in Allah and His Apostle." He &as then asked! "#hi%h is the neJt (in oodness)6" He said! "7o parti%ipate in -ihad in Allah's .ause." He &as then asked! "#hi%h is the neJt6" He said! "7o per'orm Ha552$abrur. " 2.9@9: Narrated /Aisha: (the mother o' the 'aith'ul belie*ers) I said! "> Allah's ApostleC #e %onsider -ihad as the best deed." 7he 4rophet said! "7he best -ihad ('or &omen) is Ha55 $abrur. " 2.9@:: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "#hoe*er per'orms Ha55 'or Allah's pleasure and does not ha*e seJual relations &ith his &i'e! and does not do e*il or sins then he &ill return (a'ter Ha55 'ree 'rom all sins) as i' he &ere born ane&." 2.9@<: Narrated Iaid bin -ubair: I &ent to *isit /Abdullah bin /0mar at his house &hi%h %ontained many tents made o' %otton %loth and these &ere en%ir%led &ith +uradik (part o' the tent). I asked him 'rom &here! should one assume Ihram 'or 0mra. He said! "Allah's Apostle had 'iJed as $i=at (sin ular o' $a&a=it) Garn 'or the people o' Na5d! (hul2Hulai'a 'or the people o' $edina! and Al2-uh'a 'or the people o' +ham." 2.9@?: Narrated Ibn /Abbas:
7he people o' Demen used to %ome 'or Ha55 and used not to brin enou h pro*isions &ith them and used to say that they depend on Allah. >n their arri*al in $edina they used to be the people! and so Allah re*ealed! "And take a pro*ision (&ith you) 'or the 5ourney! but the best pro*ision is the 'ear o' Allah." (2.1@<). 2.9@@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) made (hul2Huiai'a as the $i=at 'or the people o' $edina; Al2-uh'a 'or the people o' +ham; Garn2al2$anaEil 'or the people o' Na5d; and Dalamlam 'or the people o' Demen; and these $a&a=it are 'or the people at those *ery pla%es! and besides them 'or those &ho %ome thorou h those pla%es &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 and /0mra; and &hoe*er is li*in &ithin these boundaries %an assume lhram 'rom the pla%e he starts! and the people o' $e%%a %an assume Ihram 'rom $e%%a. 2.:AA: Narrated Na'i/: /Abdullah bin /0mar said! "Allah's Apostle said! '7he people o' $edina should assume lhram 'rom (hul2Hulai'a; the people o' +ham 'rom Al2-uh'a; and the people o' Na5d 'rom Garn." And /Abdullah added! "I &as in'ormed that Allah's Apostle had said! '7he people o' Demen should assume Ihram 'rom Dalamlam.' " 2.:A1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas : Allah's Apostle had 'iJed (hul Hulai'a as the $i=at 'or the people o' $edina; Al2-uh'a 'or the people o' +ham; and Garn 0l2$anaEil 'or the people o' Na5d; and Dalamlam 'or the people o' Demen. +o! these (abo*e mentioned) are the $a&a=it 'or all those li*in at those pla%es! and besides them 'or those &ho %ome throu h those pla%es &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 and /0mra and &hoe*er li*es &ithin these pla%es should assume Ihram 'rom his d&ellin pla%e! and similarly the people o' $e%%a %an assume lhram 'rom $e%%a. 2.:A2: Narrated +alim 'rom his 'ather &ho said!: "7he 4rophet had 'iJed the $a&a=it as 'ollo&s: (No. :A1) 2.:A1: Narrated +alim bin /Abdullah 'rom his 'ather: I heard Allah's Apostle sayin ! "7he $i=at 'or the people o' $edina is (hul2Hulai'a; 'or the people o' +ham is $ahita; (i.e. Al2-uh'a); and 'or the people o' Na5d is Garn. And said Ibn /0mar! "7hey %laim! but I did not hear personally! that the 4rophet said! "7he $i=at 'or the people o' Demen is Dalamlam." 2.:A8: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet 'iJed (hul2Hulai'a as the $i=at 'or the people o' $edina! Al2-uh'a! 'or the people o' +ham! Dalamlam 'or the people o' Demen! and Garn 'or the people o' Na5d. And these $a&a=it are 'or those li*in at those *ery pla%es! and besides them 'or those &ho %ome throu h those pla%es &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 and 0mra; and &hoe*er is li*in inside these pla%es %an assume lhram 'rom his o&n d&ellin pla%e! and the people o' $e%%a %an assume lhram 'rom $e%%a. 2.:A9: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) 'iJed (hul2Hulai'a as the $i=at 'or the people o' $edina! Al2-uh'a 'or the people o' +ham! Garn2al2$anaEil 'or the people o' Na5d! and Dalamlam 'or the people o' Demen; and these $a&a=it are 'or those li*in at those *ery pla%es! and besides them 'or those &hom %ome throu h them &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 and 0mra; and &hoe*er is li*in &ithin these $a&a=it should assume lhram 'rom &here he starts! and the people o' $e%%a %an assume Ihram 'rom $e%%a. 2.:A:: Narrated Ibn /0mar: ?A
#hen these t&o to&ns (Basra and 3u'a) &ere %aptured! the people &ent to /0mar and said! "> the .hie' o' the 'aith'ul belie*ersC 7he 4rophet 'iJed Garn as the $i=at 'or the people o' Na5d! it is beyond our &ay and it is di''i%ult 'or us to pass throu h it." He said! "7ake as your $i=at a pla%e situated opposite to Garn on your usual &ay. +o! he 'iJed (hatu2Ir= (as their $i=at)." 2.:A<: Narrated Na'i/ : /Abdullah bin /0mar' said! "Allah's Apostle made his %amel sit (i.e. he dismounted) at Al2Batha' in (hul2Hulai'a and o''ered the prayer." /Abdullah bin /0mar used to do the same. 2.:A?: Narrated Ibn /0mar : Allah's Apostle used to o ('or Ha55) *ia Ash2+ha5ara &ay and return *ia $uarras &ay; and no doubt! &hene*er Allah's Apostle &ent to $e%%a! he used to o''er the prayer in the $os=ue o' Ash2+ha5ara; and on his return! he used to o''er the prayer at (hul2Hulai'a in the middle o' the *alley! and pass the ni ht there till mornin . 2.:A@: Narrated /0mar: In the *alley o' Al2/A=i= I heard Allah's Apostle sayin ! "7o ni ht a messen er %ame to me 'rom my Bord and asked me to pray in this blessed *alley and to assume Ihram 'or Ha55 and /0mra to ether. " 2.:1A: Narrated $usa bin /0=ba: +alim bin /Abdullah's 'ather said! "7he 4rophet said that &hile restin in the bottom o' the *alley at $uarras in (hul2Hulai'a! he had been addressed in a dream: 'Dou are *erily in a blessed *alley.' " +alim made us to dismount 'rom our %amels at the pla%e &here /Abdullah used to dismount! aimin at the pla%e &here Allah's Apostle had rested and it &as belo& the $os=ue situated in the middle o' the *alley in bet&een them (the residen%e) and the road. 2.:11: Narrated +a/id bin -ubair: Ibn /0mar used to oil his hair. I told that to Ibrahim &ho said! "#hat do you think about this statement: Narrated As&ad 'rom /Aisha: As i' I &ere no& obser*in the litter o' the s%ent in the partin o' the hair o' the 4rophet &hile he &as $uhrim6" 2.:12: Narrated /Aisha: (the &i'e o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) I used to s%ent Allah's Apostle &hen he &anted to assume Ihram and also on 'inishin Ihram be'ore the 7a&a' round the 3a/ba (7a&a'2al2i'ada). 2.:11: Narrated +alim 'rom his 'ather: I heard that Allah's Apostle assumed Ihram &ith his hair matted to ether. 2.:18: Narrated +alim bin /Abdullah : I heard my 'ather sayin ! "Ne*er did Allah's Apostle assume Ihram eJ%ept at the $os=ue! that is! at the $os=ue o' (hul2Hulai'a. 2.:19: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: A man asked! "> Allah's ApostleC #hat kind o' %lothes should a $uhrim &ear6" Allah's Apostle replied! "He should not &ear a shirt! a turban! trousers! a head%loak or leather so%ks eJ%ept i' he %an 'ind no slippers! he then may &ear leather so%ks a'ter %uttin o'' &hat mi ht %o*er the ankles. And he should not &ear %lothes &hi%h are s%ented &ith sa''ron or #ars (kinds o' 4er'umes) . " 2.:1:: Narrated '0baidullah bin /Abdullah: Ibn /Abbas' said! "0sama rode behind Allah's Apostle 'rom /Ara'at to Al2$uEdali'a; and then Al2,adl rode behind Allah's Apostle 'rom Al2$uEdali'a to $ina." Ibn /Abbas added! "Both o' them said! '7he 4rophet kept on re%itin 7albiya till he did the )ami o' -amrat2Al2/A=aba.' " ?1
2.:1<: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Abbas: 7he 4rophet &ith his %ompanions started 'rom $edina a'ter %ombin and oilin his hair and puttin on t&o sheets o' lhram (upper body %o*er and &aist %o*er). He did not 'orbid anyone to &ear any kind o' sheets eJ%ept the ones %olored &ith sa''ron be%ause they may lea*e the s%ent on the skin. And so in the early mornin ! the 4rophet mounted his $ount &hile in (hul2Hulai'a and set out till they rea%hed Baida'! &here he and his %ompanions re%ited 7albiya! and then they did the %eremony o' 7a=lid (&hi%h means to put the %olored arlands around the ne%ks o' the Budn (%amels 'or sa%ri'i%e). And all that happened on the 29th o' (hul2Ga'da. And &hen he rea%hed $e%%a on the 8th o' (hul2Hi55a he per'ormed the 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and per'ormed the 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a. And as he had a Badana and had arlanded it! he did not 'inish his Ihram. He pro%eeded to&ards the hi hest pla%es o' $e%%a near Al2Hu5un and he &as assumin the Ihram 'or Ha55 and did not o near the 3a/ba a'ter he per'ormed 7a&a' (round it) till he returned 'rom /Ara'at. 7hen he ordered his %ompanions to per'orm the 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and then the 7a&a' o' +a'a and $ar&a! and to %ut short the hair o' their heads and to 'inish their Ihram. And that &as only 'or those people &ho had not arlanded Budn. 7hose &ho had their &i*es &ith them &ere permitted to %onta%t them (ha*e seJual inter%ourse)! and similarly per'ume and (ordinary) %lothes &ere permissible 'or them. 2.:1?: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet o''ered 'our rak/at in $edina and then t&o rak/at at (hul Hulai'a and then passed the ni ht at (hul2Hulai'a till it &as mornin and &hen he mounted his $ount and it stood up! he started to re%ite 7albiya. 2.:1@: Narrated Abu Gilaba: Anas bin $alik said! "7he 4rophet o''ered 'our rak/at o' the Iuhr prayer in $edina and t&o rak/at o' /Asr prayer at (hul2Hulai'a." I think that the 4rophet passed the ni ht there till mornin . 2.:2A: Narrated Anas: 7he 4rophet o''ered 'our rak/at o' the Iuhr prayer in $edina and t&o rak/at o' the /Asr prayer in (hul2Hulai'a and I heard them (the %ompanions o' the 4rophet) re%itin 7albiya to ether loudly to the eJtent o' shoutin . 2.:21: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : 7he 7albiya o' Allah's Apostle &as : 'Babbaika Allahumma labbaik! Babbaika la sharika Baka labbaik! Inna2l2hamda &an2ni'mata Baka &almulk! Ba sharika Baka' (I respond to Dour %all > Allah! I respond to Dour %all! and I am obedient to Dour orders! Dou ha*e no partner! I respond to Dour %all All the praises and blessin s are 'or Dou! All the so*erei nty is 'or Dou! And Dou ha*e no partners &ith you. 2.:22: Narrated /Aisha: I kno& ho& the 4rophet used to say (7albiya) and it &as: 'Babbaika Allahumma Babbaik! Babbaika la sharika Baka labbaik! Inna2l2hamda &an2ni'mata Baka &almu Bk! Ba sharika Baka'. 2.:21: Narrated Anas bin $alik: Allah's Apostle o''ered 'our rak/at o' Iuhr prayer at $edina and &e &ere in his %ompany! and t&o rak/at o' the /Asr prayer at (hul2Hulai'a and then passed the ni ht there till it &as da&n; then he rode! and &hen he rea%hed Al2Baida'! he praised and lori'ied Allah and said 7akbir (i.e. Al hamdu2li l2lah and +ubhanallah(1) and Allahu2Akbar). 7hen he and the people alon &ith him re%ited 7albiya &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 and 0mra. #hen &e rea%hed ($e%%a) he ordered us to 'inish the lhram (a'ter per'ormin the 0mra) (only those &ho had no Hadi (animal 'or sa%ri'i%e) &ith them &ere asked to do so) till the day o' 7ar&iya that is ?th (hul2Hi55a &hen they assumed Ihram 'or Ha55. 7he 4rophet sa%ri'i%ed many %amels (slau hterin them) &ith his o&n hands &hile standin . #hile Allah's Apostle &as in $edina he sa%ri'i%ed t&o horned rams bla%k and &hite in %olor in the Name o' Allah." ?2
2.:28: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) re%ited 7albiya &hen he had mounted his $ount and &as ready to set out. 2.:29: Narrated Na'i/: #hene*er Ibn /0mar intended to o to $e%%a he used to oil himsel' &ith a sort o' oil that had no pleasant smell! then he &ould o to the $os=ue o' Al2Hulaita and o''er the prayer! and then ride. #hen he mounted &ell on his $ount and the $ount stood up strai ht! he &ould pro%laim the intention o' assumin Ihram! and he used to say that he had seen the 4rophet doin the same. 2.:2:: Narrated $u5ahid: I &as in the %ompany o' Ibn /Abbas and the people talked about Ad2(a55al and said! "Ad2(a55al &ill %ome &ith the &ord 3a'ir (non2belie*er) &ritten in bet&een his eyes." >n that Ibn /Abbas said! "I ha*e not heard this 'rom the 4rophet but I heard him sayin ! 'As i' I sa& $oses 5ust no& enterin the *alley re%itin 7albyia. ' " 2.:2<: Narrated Aisha: (the &i'e o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) #e set out &ith the 4rophet in his last Ha55 and &e assumed Ihram 'or 0mra. 7he 4rophet then said! "#hoe*er has the Hadi &ith him should assume Ihram 'or Ha55 alon &ith /0mra and should not 'inish the Ihram till he 'inishes both." I &as menstruatin &hen I rea%hed $e%%a! and so I neither did 7a&a' round the 3a/ba nor 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a. I %omplained about that to the 4rophet on &hi%h he replied! "0ndo and %omb your head hair! and assume Ihram 'or Ha55 (only) and lea*e the 0mra." +o! I did so. #hen &e had per'ormed the Ha55! the 4rophet sent me &ith my brother /Abdur2)ahman bin Abu Bakr to 7an/im. +o I per'ormed the /0mra. 7he 4rophet said to me! "7his /0mra is instead o' your missed one." 7hose &ho had assumed Ihram 'or /0mra (Ha552at7amattu) per'ormed 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a and then 'inished their Ihram. A'ter returnin 'rom $ina! they per'ormed another 7a&a' (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a). 7hose &ho had assumed Ihram 'or Ha55 and /0mra to ether (Ha552al2Giran) per'ormed only one 7a&a' (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a). 2.:2?: Narrated Ata: -abir said! "7he 4rophet ordered /Ali to keep on assumin his Ihram." 7he narrator then in'ormed about the narration o' +ura=a. 2.:2@: Narrated Anas bin $alik: /Ali %ame to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) 'rom Demen (to $e%%a). 7he 4rophet asked /Ali! "#ith &hat intention ha*e you assumed Ihram6" /Ali replied! "I ha*e assumed Ihram &ith the same intention as that o' the 4rophet." 7he 4rophet said! "I' I had not the Hadi &ith me I &ould ha*e 'inished the Ihram." $uhammad bin Bakr narrated eJtra 'rom Ibn -urai5! "7he 4rophet said to /Ali! "#ith &hat intention ha*e you assumed the Ihram! > /Ali6" He replied! "#ith the same (intention) as that o' the 4rophet." 7he 4rophet said! "Ha*e a Hadi and keep your Ihram as it is." 2.:1A: Narrated Abu $usa: 7he 4rophet sent me to some people in Demen and &hen I returned! I 'ound him at Al2Batha. He asked me! "#ith &hat intention ha*e you assumed Ihram (i.e. 'or Ha55 or 'or 0mra or 'or both6") I replied! "I ha*e assumed Ihram &ith an intention like that o' the 4rophet." He asked! "Ha*e you a Hadi &ith you6" I replied in the ne ati*e. He ordered me to per'orm 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a and then to 'inish my Ihram. I did so and &ent to a &oman 'rom my tribe &ho %ombed my hair or &ashed my head. 7hen! &hen /0mar %ame (i.e. be%ame .aliph) he said! "I' &e 'ollo& Allah's Book! it orders us to %omplete Ha55 and 0mra; as Allah says: "4er'orm the Ha55 and 0mra 'or Allah." (2.1@:). And i' &e 'ollo& the tradition o' the 4rophet &ho did not 'inish his Ihram till he sa%ri'i%ed his Hadi." ?1
2.:11: Narrated Al2Gasim bin $uhammad: ' Aisha said! "#e set out &ith Allah's Apostles in the months o' Ha55! and (in) the ni hts o' Ha55! and at the time and pla%es o' Ha55 and in a state o' Ha55. #e dismounted at +ari' (a *illa e siJ miles 'rom $e%%a). 7he 4rophet then addressed his %ompanions and said! "Anyone &ho has not ot the Hadi and likes to do 0mra instead o' Ha55 may do so (i.e. Ha552al27amattu/) and anyone &ho has ot the Hadi should not 'inish the Ihram a'ter per'ormin ' /0mra). (i.e. Ha552al2Giran). Aisha added! "7he %ompanions o' the 4rophet obeyed the abo*e (order) and some o' them (i.e. &ho did not ha*e Hadi) 'inished their Ihram a'ter 0mra." Allah's Apostle and some o' his %ompanions &ere resour%e'ul and had the Hadi &ith them! they %ould not per'orm 0mra (alone) (but had to per'orm both Ha55 and 0mra &ith one Ihram). Aisha added! "Allah's Apostle %ame to me and sa& me &eepin and said! "#hat makes you &eep! > Hantah6" I replied! "I ha*e heard your %on*ersation &ith your %ompanions and I %annot per'orm the 0mra." He asked! "#hat is &ron &ith you6' I replied! ' I do not o''er the prayers (i.e. I ha*e my menses).' He said! ' It &ill not harm you 'or you are one o' the dau hters o' Adam! and Allah has &ritten 'or you (this state) as He has &ritten it 'or them. 3eep on &ith your intentions 'or Ha55 and Allah may re&ard you that." Aisha 'urther added! "7hen &e pro%eeded 'or Ha55 till &e rea%hed $ina and I be%ame %lean 'rom my menses. 7hen I &ent out 'rom $ina and per'ormed 7a&a' round the 3a/ba." Aisha added! "I &ent alon &ith the 4rophet in his 'inal departure ('rom Ha55) till he dismounted at Al2$uhassab (a *alley outside $e%%a)! and &e too! dismounted &ith him." He %alled ' /Abdur2)ahman bin Abu Bakr and said to him! ' 7ake your sister outside the san%tuary o' $e%%a and let her assume Ihram 'or ' /0mra! and &hen you had 'inished ' /0mra! return to this pla%e and I &ill &ait 'or you both till you both return to me.' " ' Aisha added! " +o &e &ent out o' the san%tuary o' $e%%a and a'ter 'inishin 'rom the ' /0mra and the 7a&a' &e returned to the 4rophet at da&n. He said! 'Ha*e you per'ormed the ' /0mra6' #e replied in the a''irmati*e. +o he announ%ed the departure amon st his %ompanions and the people set out 'or the 5ourney! and the 4rophet: too le't 'or $edina.'' 2.:12: Narrated Al2As&ad: ' Aisha said! #e &ent out &ith the 4rophet ('rom $edina) &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 only and &hen &e rea%hed $e%%a &e per'ormed 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and then the 4rophet ordered those &ho had not dri*en the Hadi alon &ith them to 'inish their Ihram. +o the people &ho had not dri*en the Hadi alon &ith them 'inished their Ihram. 7he 4rophet's &i*es! too! had not dri*en the Hadi &ith them! so they too! 'inished their Ihram." /Aisha added! "I ot my menses and %ould not per'orm 7a&a' round the 3a/ba." +o &hen it &as the ni ht o' Hasba (i.e. &hen &e stopped at Al2$uhassab)! I said! '> Allah's ApostleC M*eryone is returnin a'ter per'ormin Ha55 and /0mra but I am returnin a'ter per'ormin Ha55 only.' He said! '(idn't you per'orm 7a&a' round the 3a/ba the ni ht &e rea%hed $e%%a6' I replied in the ne ati*e. He said! 'Ho &ith your brother to 7an/im and assume the Ihram 'or /0mra! (and a'ter per'ormin it) %ome ba%k to su%h and su%h a pla%e.' >n that +a'iya said! 'I 'eel that I &ill detain you all.' 7he 4rophet said! '> 'A=ra Hal=aC (idn't you per'orm 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba on the day o' sa%ri'i%e6 (i.e. 7a&a'2al2i'ada) +a'iya replied in the a''irmati*e. He said! (to +a'iya). '7here is no harm 'or you to pro%eed on &ith us.' " /Aisha added! "(a'ter returnin 'rom /0mra)! the 4rophet met me &hile he &as as%endin ('rom $e%%a) and I &as des%endin to it! or I &as as%endin and he &as des%endin ." 2.:11: Narrated /Aisha: #e set out &ith Allah's Apostles (to $e%%a) in the year o' the 4rophet's Bast Ha55. +ome o' us had assumed Ihram 'or /0mra only! some 'or both Ha55 and /0mra! and others 'or Ha55 only. Allah's Apostle assumed Ihram 'or Ha55. +o &hoe*er had assumed Ihram 'or Ha55 or 'or both Ha55 and /0mra did not 'inish the Ihram till the day o' sa%ri'i%e. (+ee Hadith No. :11! :1:! and :1@). 2.:18: Narrated $ar&an bin Al2Hakam:
I sa& /0thman and /Ali. /0thman used to 'orbid people to per'orm Ha552at27amattu/ and Ha552al2 Giran (Ha55 and /0mra to ether)! and &hen /Ali sa& (this a%t o' /0thman)! he assumed Ihram 'or Ha55 and /0mra to ether sayin ! "Bubbaik 'or /0mra and Ha55!" and said! "I &ill not lea*e the tradition o' the 4rophet on the sayin o' somebody." 2.:19: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he people (o' the 4re2Islami% 4eriod) used to think that to per'orm /0mra durin the months o' Ha55 &as one o' the ma5or sins on earth. And also used to %onsider the month o' +a'ar as a 'orbidden (i.e. sa%red) month and they used to say! "#hen the &ounds o' the %amel's ba%k heal up (a'ter they return 'rom Ha55) and the si ns o' those &ounds *anish and the month o' +a'ar passes a&ay then (at that time) /0mra is permissible 'or the one &ho &ishes to per'orm it." In the mornin o' the 8th o' (hul2 Hi55a! the 4rophet and his %ompanions rea%hed $e%%a! assumin Ihram 'or Ha55 and he ordered his %ompanions to make their intentions o' the Ihram 'or /0mra only (instead o' Ha55) so they %onsidered his order as somethin reat and &ere puEEled! and said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hat kind (o' 'inishin ) o' Ihram is allo&ed6" 7he 4rophet replied! ",inish the Ihram %ompletely like a non2$uhrim (you are allo&ed e*erythin )." 2.:1:: Narrated Abu $usa: %ame to the 4rophet ('rom Demen and &as assumin Ihram 'or Ha55) and he ordered me to 'inish the Ihram (a'ter per'ormin the /0mra). 2.:1<: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Ha'sa the &i'e o' the 4rophet said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hy ha*e the people 'inished their Ihram a'ter per'ormin /0mra but you ha*e not 'inished your Ihram a'ter per'ormin /0mra6" He replied! "I ha*e matted my hair and arlanded my Hadi. +o I &ill not 'inish my Ihram till I ha*e slau htered (my Hadi). " 2.:1?: Narrated +hu/ba: Abu -amra Nasr bin /Imran Ad2(uba'i said! "I intended to per'orm Ha552at27amattu/ and the people ad*ised me not to do so. I asked Ibn /Abbas re ardin it and he ordered me to per'orm Ha552at2 7ammatu'. Bater I sa& in a dream someone sayin to me! 'Ha552$abrur (Ha55 per'ormed in a%%ordan%e &ith the 4rophet's tradition &ithout %ommittin sins and a%%epted by Allah) and an a%%epted /0mra.' +o I told that dream to Ibn /Abbas. He said! '7his is the tradition o' Abul2Gasim.' 7hen he said to me! '+tay &ith me and I shall i*e you a portion o' my property.' " I (+hu/ba) asked! "#hy (did he in*ite you)6" He (Abu -amra) said! "Be%ause o' the dream &hi%h I had seen." 2.:1@: Narrated Abu +hihab: I le't 'or $e%%a 'or Ha552at27amattu/ assumin Ihram 'or /0mra. I rea%hed $e%%a three days be'ore the day o' 7ar&iya (?th (hul2Hi55a). +ome people o' $e%%a said to me! "Dour Ha55 &ill be like the Ha55 per'ormed by the people o' $e%%a (i.e. you &ill lose the superiority o' assumin Ihram 'rom the $i=at). +o I &ent to /Ata' askin him his *ie& about it. He said! "-abir bin /Abdullah narrated to me! 'I per'ormed Ha55 &ith Allah's Apostle on the day &hen he dro*e %amels &ith him. 7he people had assumed Ihram 'or Ha552al2I'rad. 7he 4rophet ordered them to 'inish their Ihram a'ter 7a&a' round the 3a/ba! and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a and to %ut short their hair and then to stay there (in $e%%a) as non2$uhrims till the day o' 7ar&iya (i.e. ?th o' (hul2Hi55a) &hen they &ould assume Ihram 'or Ha55 and they &ere ordered to make the Ihram &ith &hi%h they had %ome as 'or /0mra only. 7hey asked! 'Ho& %an &e make it /0mra (7amattu/) as &e ha*e intended to per'orm Ha556' 7he 4rophet said! '(o &hat I ha*e ordered you. Had I not brou ht the Hadi &ith me! I &ould ha*e done the same! but I %annot 'inish my Ihram till the Hadi rea%hes its destination (i.e. is slau htered).' +o! they did (&hat he ordered them to do)." 2.:8A: Narrated +a/id bin Al2$usaiyab: ?9
/Ali and /0thman di''ered re ardin Ha552at27amattu/ &hile they &ere at '0s'an (a 'amiliar pla%e near $e%%a). /Ali said! "I see you &ant to 'orbid people to do a thin that the 4rophet did6" #hen /Ali sa& that! he assumed Ihram 'or both Ha55 and /0mra. 2.:81: Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah : #e %ame &ith Allah's Apostle (to $e%%a) and &e &ere sayin : 'Babbaika Allahumma Babbaik' 'or Ha55. Allah's Apostle ordered us to per'orm /0mra &ith that Ihram (instead o' Ha55). 2.:82: Narrated /Imran: #e per'ormed Ha552at27amattu/ in the li'etime o' Allah's Apostle and then the Gur'an &as re*ealed (re ardin Ha552at27amattu/) and somebody said &hat he &ished (re ardin Ha552at27amattu/) a%%ordin his o&n opinion. 2.:81: Narrated Na'i/: >n rea%hin the san%tuary o' $e%%a! Ibn /0mar used to stop! re%itin 7albiya and then he &ould pass the ni ht at (hi27u&a and then o''er the ,a5r prayer and take a bath. He used to say that the 4rophet used to do the same. 2.:88: Narrated Na'i/: ' Ibn /0mar said! "7he 4rophet passed the ni ht at (hi27u&a till it &as da&n and then he entered $e%%a." Ibn /0mar used to do the same. 2.:89: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle used to enter $e%%a 'rom the hi h 7haniya and used to lea*e $e%%a 'rom the lo& 7haniya. 2.:8:: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle entered $e%%a 'rom 3ada' 'rom the hi hest 7haniya &hi%h is at Al2Batha' and used to lea*e $e%%a 'rom the lo& 7haniya. 2.:8<: Narrated /Aisha: #hen the 4rophet %ame to $e%%a he entered 'rom its hi her side and le't 'rom its lo&er side. 2.:8?: Narrated /Aisha': In the year o' the %on=uest o' $e%%a! the 4rophet entered $e%%a 'rom 3ada' and le't $e%%a 'rom 3uda! 'rom the hi her part o' $e%%a. 2.:8@: Narrated /Aisha: In the year o' the %on=uest o' $e%%a! the 4rophet entered $e%%a 'rom 3ada' at the hi her pla%e o' $e%%a. (Hisham! a sub2narrator said! " /0r&a used to enter ($e%%a) 'rom both 3ada' and 3uda and he o'ten entered throu h 3ada' &hi%h &as nearer to his d&ellin pla%e.)" 2.:9A: Narrated Hisham: /0r&a said! "7he 4rophet entered $e%%a in the year o' the %on=uest o' $e%%a 'rom the side o' 3ada' &hi%h is at the hi her part o' $e%%a." /0r&a o'ten entered 'rom 3ada' &hi%h &as nearer o' the t&o to his d&ellin pla%e. 2.:91: Narrated Hisham 'rom his 'ather : In the year o' the %on=uest o' $e%%a! the 4rophet entered $e%%a 'rom the side o' 3ada. /0r&a used to enter throu h both pla%es and he o'ten entered throu h 3ada' &hi%h &as nearer o' the t&o to his d&ellin pla%e. 2.:92: ?:
Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: #hen the 3a/ba &as built! the 4rophet and /Abbas &ent to brin stones ('or its %onstru%tion). Al /Abbas said to the 4rophet! "7ake o'' your &aist sheet and put it on your ne%k." (#hen the 4rophet took it o'') he 'ell on the round &ith his eyes open to&ards the sky and said! "Hi*e me my &aist sheet." And he %o*ered himsel' &ith it. 2.:91: Narrated /Aisha: (the &i'e o' the 4rophet) that Allah's Apostle said to her! "(o you kno& that &hen your people (Guraish) rebuilt the 3a/ba! they de%reased it 'rom its ori inal 'oundation laid by Abraham6" I said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hy don't you rebuild it on its ori inal 'oundation laid by Abraham6" He replied! "#ere it not 'or the 'a%t that your people are %lose to the 4re2Islami% 4eriod o' i noran%e (i.e. they ha*e re%ently be%ome $uslims) I &ould ha*e done so." 7he sub2narrator! /Abdullah (bin /0mar ) stated: /Aisha 'must ha*e heard this 'rom Allah's Apostle 'or in my opinion Allah's Apostle had not pla%ed his hand o*er the t&o %orners o' the 3a/ba opposite Al2Hi5r only be%ause the 3a/ba &as not rebuilt on its ori inal 'oundations laid by Abraham. 2.:98: Narrated /Aisha: I asked the 4rophet &hether the round &all (near 3a/ba) &as part o' the 3a/ba. 7he 4rophet replied in the a''irmati*e. I 'urther said! "#hat is &ron &ith them! &hy ha*e they not in%luded it in the buildin o' the 3a/ba6" He said! "(on't you see that your people (Guraish) ran short o' money (so they %ould not in%lude it inside the buildin o' 3a/ba)6" I asked! "#hat about its ate6 #hy is it so hi h6" He replied! "Dour people did this so as to admit into it &home*er they liked and pre*ent &home*er they liked. #ere your people not %lose to the 4re2Islami% 4eriod o' i noran%e (i.e. they ha*e re%ently embra%ed Islam) and &ere I not a'raid that they &ould dislike it! surely I &ould ha*e in%luded the (area o' the) &all inside the buildin o' the 3a/ba and I &ould ha*e lo&ered its ate to the le*el o' the round." 2.:99: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle said to me! "#ere your people not %lose to the 4re2Islami% period o' i noran%e! I &ould ha*e demolished the 3a/ba and &ould ha*e rebuilt it on its ori inal 'oundations laid by Abraham ('or Guraish had %urtailed its buildin )! and I &ould ha*e built a ba%k door (too)." 2.:9:: Narrated DaEid bin )uman 'rom /0r&a: /Aisha said that the 4rophet said to her! "> AishaC #ere your nation not %lose to the 4re2Islami% 4eriod o' I noran%e! I &ould ha*e had the 3a/ba demolished and &ould ha*e in%luded in it the portion &hi%h had been le't! and &ould ha*e made it at a le*el &ith the round and &ould ha*e made t&o doors 'or it! one to&ards the east and the other to&ards the &est! and then by doin this it &ould ha*e been built on the 'oundations laid by Abraham." 7hat &as &hat ur ed Ibn2AE2Iubair to demolish the 3a/ba. -aEE said! "I sa& Ibn2AE2Iubair &hen he demolished and rebuilt the 3a/ba and in%luded in it a portion o' Al2Hi5r (the unroo'ed portion o' 3a/ba &hi%h is at present in the 'orm o' a %ompound to&ards the north&est o' the 3a/ba). I sa& the ori inal 'oundations o' Abraham &hi%h &ere o' stones resemblin the humps o' %amels." +o -arir asked DaEid! "#here &as the pla%e o' those stones6" -aEE said! "I &ill 5ust no& sho& it to you." +o -arir a%%ompanied DaEid and entered Al2Hi5r! and -aEE pointed to a pla%e and said! "Here it is." -arir said! "It appeared to me about siJ %ubits 'rom Al2Hi5r or so." 2.:9<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: >n the (ay o' the .on=uest o' $e%%a! Allah's Apostle said! "Allah has made this to&n a san%tuary. Its thorny bushes should not be %ut! its ame should not be %hased! and its 'allen thin s should not be pi%ked up eJ%ept by one &ho &ould announ%e it publi%ly." 2.:9?: Narrated '0sama bin Iaid: ?<
I asked! "> Allah's ApostleC #here &ill you stay in $e%%a6 #ill you stay in your house in $e%%a6" He replied! "Has /A=il le't any property or house6" /A=il alon &ith 7alib had inherited the property o' Abu 7alib. -a'ar and /Ali did not inherit anythin as they &ere $uslims and the other t&o &ere non2belie*ers. /0mar bin Al23hattab used to say! "A belie*er %annot inherit (anythin 'rom an) in'idel." Ibn +hihab! (a sub2narrator) said! "7hey (/0mar and others) deri*ed the abo*e *erdi%t 'rom Allah's +tatement: "VerilyC those &ho belie*ed and Mmi rated and stro*e &ith their li'e And property in Allah's .ause! And those &ho helped (the emi rants) And a*e them their pla%es to li*e in! 7hese are (all) allies to one another." (?.<2) 2.:9@: Narrated Abu Huraira: #hen Allah's Apostle intended to enter $e%%a he said! ">ur destination tomorro&! i' Allah &ished! &ill be 3hai' Bani 3inana &here (the pa ans) had taken the oath o' 3u'r." (A ainst the 4rophet i.e. to be loyal to heathenism by boy%ottin Bani Hashim! the 4rophets 'olk) (+ee Hadith No. 221 Vol. 9) 2.::A: Narrated Abu Huraira: >n the (ay o' Nahr at $ina! the 4rophet said! "7omorro& &e shall stay at 3hai' Bani 3inana &here the pa ans had taken the oath o' 3u'r (heathenism)." He meant (by that pla%e) Al2$uhassab &here the Guraish tribe and Bani 3inana %on%luded a %ontra%t a ainst Bani Hashim and Bani /Abdul2$uttalib or Bani Al2$uttalib that they &ould not intermarry &ith them or deal &ith them in business until they handed o*er the 4rophet to them. 2.::1: Narrated Abu Huraira: 7he 4rophet;; said! "(hus2+u&ai=a2tain (literally: >ne &ith t&o lean le s) 'rom Mthiopia &ill demolish the 3a/ba." 2.::2: Narrated /Aisha: 7he people used to 'ast on 'Ashura (the tenth day o' the month o' $uharram) be'ore the 'astin o' )amadan &as made obli atory. And on that day the 3a/ba used to be %o*ered &ith a %o*er. #hen Allah made the 'astin o' the month o' )amadan %ompulsory! Allah's Apostle said! "#hoe*er &ishes to 'ast (on the day o' 'Ashura') may do so; and &hoe*er &ishes to lea*e it %an do so." 2.::1: Narrated Abu +a/id Al23hudri: 7he 4rophet said "7he people &ill %ontinue per'ormin the Ha55 and /0mra to the 3a/ba e*en a'ter the appearan%e o' Ho and $a o ." Narrated +hu/ba eJtra: 7he Hour ((ay o' -ud ment) &ill not be established till the Ha55 (to the 3a/ba) is abandoned. 2.::8: Narrated Abu #ail: (>ne day) I sat alon &ith +haiba on the %hair inside the 3a/ba. He (+haiba) said! "No doubt! /0mar sat at this pla%e and said! 'I intended not to lea*e any yello& (i.e. old) or &hite (i.e. sil*er) (inside the 3a/ba) undistributed.' I said (to /0mar)! 'But your t&o %ompanions (i.e. 7he 4rophet and Abu Bakr) did not do so.' /0mar said! 7hey are the t&o persons &hom I al&ays 'ollo&.' " 2.::9: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet said! "As i' I &ere lookin at him! a bla%k person &ith thin le s plu%kin the stones o' the 3a/ba one a'ter another. " 2.:::: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "(hus2+u&ai=atain (the thin le ed man) 'rom Mthiopia &ill demolish the 3a/ba." 2.::<: Narrated /Abis bin )abi/a: ??
/0mar %ame near the Bla%k +tone and kissed it and said "No doubt! I kno& that you are a stone and %an neither bene'it anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissin you I &ould not ha*e kissed you." 2.::?: Narrated +alim that his 'ather said! "Allah's Apostle! 0sama bin Iaid! Bilal! and /0thman bin abu 7alha entered the 3a/ba and then %losed its door. #hen they opened the door I &as the 'irst person to enter (the 3a/ba). I met Bilal and asked him! "(id Allah's Apostle o''er a prayer inside (the 3a/ba)6" Bilal replied in the a''irmati*e and said! "(7he 4rophet o''ered the prayer) in bet&een the t&o ri ht pillars." 2.::@: Narrated Na'i/: #hene*er Ibn /0mar entered the 3a/ba he used to &alk strai ht keepin the door at his ba%k on enterin ! and used to pro%eed on till about three %ubits 'rom the &all in 'ront o' him! and then he &ould o''er the prayer there aimin at the pla%e &here Allah's Apostle prayed! as Bilal had told him. 7here is no harm 'or any person to o''er the prayer at any pla%e inside the 3a/ba. 2.:<A: Narrated Isma'li bin Abu 3halid: /Abdullah bin Abu /Au'a said! "Allah's Apostle per'ormed the /0mra. He per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and o''ered t&o rak/at behind the $a=am (Abraham's pla%e) and &as a%%ompanied by those &ho &ere s%reenin him 'rom the people." +omebody asked /Abdullah! "(id Allah's Apostle enter the 3a/ba6" /Abdullah replied in the ne ati*e. 2.:<1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hen Allah's Apostle %ame to $e%%a! he re'used to enter the 3a/ba &ith idols in it. He ordered (idols to be taken out). +o they &ere taken out. 7he people took out the pi%tures o' Abraham and Ishmael holdin AElams in their hands. Allah's Apostle said! "$ay Allah %urse these people. By Allah! both Abraham and Ishmael ne*er did the ame o' %han%e &ith AElams." 7hen he entered the 3a/ba and said 7akbir at its %orners but did not o''er the prayer in it. 2.:<2: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hen Allah's Apostle and his %ompanions %ame to $e%%a! the pa ans %ir%ulated the ne&s that a roup o' people &ere %omin to them and they had been &eakened by the ,e*er o' Dathrib ($edina). +o the 4rophet ordered his %ompanions to do )amal in the 'irst three rounds o' 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and to &alk bet&een the t&o %orners (7he Bla%k +tone and Demenite %orner). 7he 4rophet did not order them to do )amal in all the rounds o' 7a&a' out o' pity 'or them. 2.:<1: Narrated +alim that his 'ather said: I sa& Allah's Apostle arri*in at $e%%a; he kissed the Bla%k +tone .orner 'irst &hile doin 7a&a' and did ramal in the 'irst three rounds o' the se*en rounds (o' 7a&a'). 2.:<8: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : 7he 4rophet did )amal in ('irst) three rounds (o' 7a&a')! and &alked in the remainin 'our! in Ha55 and 0mra. 2.:<9: Narrated Iaid bin Aslam 'rom his 'ather &ho said: "/0mar bin Al23hattab addressed the .orner (Bla%k +tone) sayin ! 'By AllahC I kno& that you are a stone and %an neither bene'it nor harm. Had I not seen the 4rophet tou%hin (and kissin ) you! I &ould ne*er ha*e tou%hed (and kissed) you.' 7hen he kissed it and said! '7here is no reason 'or us to do )amal (in 7a&a') eJ%ept that &e &anted to sho& o'' be'ore the pa ans! and no& Allah has destroyed them.' /0mar added! '(Ne*ertheless)! the 4rophet did that and &e do not &ant to lea*e it (i.e. )amal).' 2.:<:: Narrated Na'i/: ?@
Ibn /0mar. said! "I ha*e ne*er missed the tou%hin o' these t&o stones o' 3a/ba (the Bla%k +tone and the Demenite .orner) both in the presen%e and the absen%e o' %ro&ds! sin%e I sa& the 4rophet tou%hin them." I asked Na'i/: "(id Ibn /0mar use to &alk bet&een the t&o .orners6" Na'i/ replied! "He used to &alk in order that it mi ht be easy 'or him to tou%h it (the .orner +tone)." 2.:<<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas.: In his Bast Ha55 the 4rophet per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba ridin a %amel and pointed a bent2headed sti%k to&ards the .orner (Bla%k +tone). 2.:<?: Narrated +alim bin /Abdullah that his 'ather said: "I ha*e not seen the 4rophet tou%hin eJ%ept the t&o Demenite .orners (i.e. the ones 'a%in Demen)." 2.:<@: Narrated Iaid bin Aslam that his 'ather said: "I sa& /0mar bin Al23hattab kissin the Bla%k +tone and he then said! (to it) 'Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissin you! (stone) I &ould not ha*e kissed you.' " 2.:?A: Narrated AE2Iubair bin 'Arabi: A man asked Ibn /0mar about the tou%hin o' the Bla%k +tone. Ibn /0mar said! "I sa& Allah's Apostle tou%hin and kissin it." 7he =uestioner said! "But i' there &ere a thron (mu%h rush) round the 3a/ba and the people o*erpo&ered me! (&hat &ould I do6)" He replied an rily! "+tay in Demen (as that man &as 'rom Demen). I sa& Allah's Apostle tou%hin and kissin it." 2.:?1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba &hile ridin a %amel! and &hene*er he %ame in 'ront o' the .orner! he pointed to&ards it (&ith somethin ). 2.:?2: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba ridin a %amel! and e*ery time he %ame in 'ront o' the .orner (ha*in the Bla%k +tone)! he pointed to&ards it &ith somethin he had &ith him and said 7akbir. 2.:?1: Narrated /0r&a: /Aisha said! "7he 'irst thin the 4rophet did on rea%hin $e%%a! &as the ablution and then he per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and that &as not /0mra (alone)! (but Ha552al2Giran). /0r&a added: Bater Abu Bakr and /0mar did the same in their Ha55." And I per'ormed the Ha55 &ith my 'ather AE2 Iubair! and the 'irst thin he did &as 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba. Bater I sa& the $uha5irin (Mmi rants) and the Ansar doin the same. $y mother (Asma') told me that she! her sister (/Aisha)! AE2Iubair and su%h and su%h persons assumed Ihram 'or /0mra! and a'ter they passed their hands o*er the Bla%k +tone .orner (o' the 3a/ba) they 'inished the Ihram. (i.e. A'ter doin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and +a/i bet&een +a'a2$ar&a. 2.:?8: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : #hen Allah's Apostle per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba 'or Ha55 or /0mra! he used to do )amal durin the 'irst three rounds! and in the last 'our rounds he used to &alk; then a'ter the 7a&a' he used to o''er t&o rak/at and then per'ormed 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a. 2.:?9: Narrated Ibn /0mar: #hen the 4rophet per'ormed the 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! he did )amal durin the 'irst three rounds and in the last 'our rounds he used to &alk and &hile doin 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a! he used to run in the midst o' the rain &ater passa e. 2.:?:: Narrated 0m +alama: @A
(the &i'e o' the 4rophet) I in'ormed Allah's Apostle that I &as ill. +o he said! "4er'orm the 7a&a' &hile ridin behind the people." I did so! and at that time the 4rophet &as prayin beside the 3a/ba and re%itin +urat2at27ur. 2.:?<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hile the 4rophet &as per'ormin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! he passed by a person &ho had tied his hands to another person &ith a rope or strin or somethin like that. 7he 4rophet %ut it &ith his o&n hands and said! "Bead him by the hand." 2.:??: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet sa& a man per'ormin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba tied &ith a strin or somethin else. +o the 4rophet %ut that strin . 2.:?@: Narrated Abu Huraira: In the year prior to the last Ha55 o' the 4rophet &hen Allah's Apostle made Abu Bakr the leader o' the pil rims! the latter (Abu Bakr) sent me in the %ompany o' a roup o' people to make a publi% announ%ement: 'No pa an is allo&ed to per'orm Ha55 a'ter this year! and no naked person is allo&ed to per'orm 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba.' (+ee Hadith No. 1:9 Vol. 1) 2.:@A: Narrated /Amr: #e asked Ibn /0mar: "$ay a man ha*e seJual relations &ith his &i'e durin the 0mra be'ore per'ormin 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a6" He said! "Allah's Apostle arri*ed (in $e%%a) and %ir%umambulated the 3a/ba se*en times! then o''ered t&o rak/at behind $a=am Ibrahim (the station o' Abraham)! then per'ormed 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." Ibn /0mar added! "VerilyC In Allah's Apostle you ha*e a ood eJample." And I asked -abir bin /Abdullah (the same =uestion)! and he replied! "Dou should not o near your &i*es (ha*e seJual relations) till you ha*e 'inished 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a. " 2.:@1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet arri*ed at $e%%a and per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and +a/i bet&een +a'a and $ar&a! but he did not o near the 3a/ba a'ter his 7a&a' till he returned 'rom /Ara'at. 2.:@2: Narrated 0m +alama: (the &i'e o' the 4rophet) I in'ormed Allah's Apostle (about my illness). (7hrou h other sub2narrators! 0m +alama narrated that &hen Allah's Apostle &as at $e%%a and had 5ust de%ided to lea*e ($e%%a) &hile she had not yet done 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba (and a'ter listenin to her). 7he 4rophet said! "#hen the mornin prayer is established! per'orm the 7a&a' on your %amel &hile the people are in prayer." +o she did the same and did not o''er the t&o rak/at o' 7a&a' until she %ame out o' the $os=ue. 2.:@1: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet rea%hed $e%%a! %ir%umambulated the 3a/ba se*en times and then o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer behind $a=am Ibrahim. 7hen he &ent to&ards the +a'a. Allah has said! "Verily! in Allah's Apostle you ha*e a ood eJample." 2.:@8: Narrated /0r&a 'rom Aisha: +ome people per'ormed 7a&a' (o' the 3a/ba) a'ter the mornin prayer and then sat to listen to a prea%her till sunrise! and then they stood up 'or the prayer. 7hen Aisha %ommented! "7hose people kept on sittin till it &as the time in &hi%h the prayer is disliked and a'ter that they stood up 'or the prayer." 2.:@9: Narrated /Abdullah: I heard the 4rophet 'orbiddin the o''erin o' prayers at the time o' sunrise and sunset. @1
2.:@:: Narrated Abida bin Humaid: /Abdul! /AEiE bin )u'a/i said! "I sa& /Abdullah bin AE2Iubair per'ormin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba a'ter the mornin prayer then o''erin the t&o rak/at prayer." /Abdul /AEiE added! "I sa& /Abdullah bin AE2Iubair o''erin a t&o rak/at prayer a'ter the /Asr prayer." He in'ormed me that Aisha told him that the 4rophet used to o''er those t&o rak/at &hene*er he entered her house." 2.:@<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: Allah's Apostle per'ormed 7a&a' (o' the 3a/ba) endin a %amel (at that time the 4rophet had 'oot in5ury). #hene*er he %ame to the .orner (ha*in the Bla%k +tone) he &ould point out to&ards it &ith a thin in his hand and say! "Allahu2Akbar." 2.:@?: Narrated 0m +alama: I in'ormed Allah's Apostle that I &as si%k. He said! "4er'orm 7a&a' (o' the 3a/ba) &hile ridin behind the people." +o! I per'ormed the 7a&a' &hile Allah's Apostle &as o''erin the prayer beside the 3a/ba and &as re%itin +urat2at27ur. 2.:@@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Al /Abbas bin /Abdul2$uttalib asked the permission o' Allah's Apostle to let him stay in $e%%a durin the ni hts o' $ina in order to pro*ide the pil rims &ith &ater to drink! so the 4rophet permitted him. 2.<AA: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: Allah's Apostle %ame to the drinkin pla%e and asked 'or &ater. Al2Abbas said! "> ,adlC Ho to your mother and brin &ater 'rom her 'or Allah's Apostle ." Allah's Apostle said! "Hi*e me &ater to drink." Al2Abbas said! "> Allah's ApostleC 7he people put their hands in it." Allah's Apostle a ain said! 'Hi*e me &ater to drink. +o! he drank 'rom that &ater and then &ent to the IamEam (&ell) and there the people &ere o''erin &ater to the others and &orkin at it (dra&in &ater 'rom the &ell). 7he 4rophet then said to them! ".arry onC Dou are doin a ood deed." 7hen he said! "#ere I not a'raid that other people &ould %ompete &ith you (in dra&in &ater 'rom IamEam)! I &ould %ertainly take the rope and put it o*er this (i.e. his shoulder) (to dra& &ater)." >n sayin that the 4rophet pointed to his shoulder. 2.<A1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: I a*e IamEam &ater to Allah's Apostle and he drank it &hile standin . 'Asia (a sub2narrator) said that /Ikrima took the oath that on that day the 4rophet had not been standin but ridin a %amel. 2.<A2: Narrated /Aisha: #e set out &ith Allah's Apostle in the year o' his Bast Ha55 and &e mended (the Ihram) 'or /0mra. 7hen the 4rophet said! "#hoe*er has a Hadi &ith him should assume Ihram 'or both Ha55 and /0mra! and should not 'inish it till he per'orms both o' the them (Ha55 and /0mra)." #hen &e rea%hed $e%%a! I had my menses. #hen &e had per'ormed our Ha55! the 4rophet sent me &ith /Abdur2)ahman to 7an/im and I per'ormed the /0mra. 7he 4rophet said! "7his is in lieu o' your missed /0mra." 7hose &ho had assumed Ihram 'or /0mra per'ormed 7a&a' (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a) and then 'inished their Ihram. And then they per'ormed another 7a&a' (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a) a'ter returnin 'rom $ina. And those &ho had assumed lhram 'or Ha55 and /0mra to et her ( Ha552Giran ) per'ormed only one 7a&a' (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a). 2.<A1: Narrated Na'i/: /Abdullah bin /Abdullah bin /0mar and his ridin animal entered the house o' Ibn /0mar. He (the son o' Ibn /0mar) said! "I 'ear that this year a battle mi ht take pla%e bet&een the people and you mi ht be pre*ented 'rom oin to the 3a/ba. I su est that you should stay here." Ibn /0mar said! ">n%e Allah's Apostle set out 'or the pil rima e! and the pa ans o' Guraish inter*ened bet&een him and the @2
3a/ba. +o! i' the people inter*ened bet&een me and the 3a/ba! I &ould do the same as Allah's Apostle had done . . . "Verily! in Allah's Apostle you ha*e a ood eJample." 7hen he added! "I make you a &itness that I ha*e intended to per'orm Ha55 alon &ith /0mra." A'ter arri*in at $e%%a! Ibn /0mar per'ormed one 7a&a' only (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a). 2.<A8: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar intended to per'orm Ha55 in the year &hen Al2Ha55a5 atta%ked Ibn AE2Iubair. +omebody said to Ibn /0mar! "7here is a dan er o' an impendin &ar bet&een them." Ibn /0mar said! "Verily! in Allah's Apostle you ha*e a ood eJample. (And i' it happened as you say) then I &ould do the same as Allah's Apostle had done. I make you &itness that I ha*e de%ided to per'orm /0mra." 7hen he set out and &hen he rea%hed Al2Baida'! he said! "7he %eremonies o' both Ha55 and /0mra are similar. I make you &itness that I ha*e made Ha55 %ompulsory 'or me alon &ith /0mra." He dro*e (to $e%%a) a Hadi &hi%h he had bou ht 'rom (a pla%e %alled) Gudaid and did not do more than that. He did not slau hter the Hadi or 'inish his Ihram! or sha*e or %ut short his hair till the day o' slau hterin the sa%ri'i%es (1Ath (hul2Hi55a). 7hen he slau htered his Hadi and sha*ed his head and %onsidered the 'irst 7a&a' (o' +a'a and $ar&a) as su''i%ient 'or Ha55 and /0mra. Ibn /0mar said! "Allah's Apostle did the same." 2.<A9: Narrated $uhammad bin /Abdur2)ahman bin Na&'al Al2Gurashi: I asked /0r&a bin AE2Iubair (re ardin the Ha55 o' the 4rophet ). /0r&a replied! "Aisha narrated! '#hen the 4rophet rea%hed $e%%a! the 'irst thin he started &ith &as the ablution! then he per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and his intention &as not /0mra alone (but Ha55 and /0mra to ether).' " Bater Abu Bakr I per'ormed the Ha55 and the 'irst thin he started &ith &as 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and it &as not /0mra alone (but Ha55 and /0mra to ether). And then /0mar did the same. 7hen /0thman per'ormed the Ha55 and the 'irst thin he started &ith &as 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and it &as not /0mra alone. And then $ua&iya and /Abdullah bin /0mar did the same. I per'ormed Ha55 &ith Ibn AE2Iubair and the 'irst thin he started &ith &as 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and it &as not /0mra alone! (but Ha55 and /0mra to ether). 7hen I sa& the $uha5irin (Mmi rants) and Ansar doin the same and it &as not /0mra alone. And the last person I sa& doin the same &as Ibn /0mar! and he did not do another /0mra a'ter 'inishin the 'irst. No& here is Ibn /0mar present amon st the peopleC 7hey neither ask him nor anyone o' the pre*ious ones. And all these people! on enterin $e%%a! &ould not start &ith anythin unless they had per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! and &ould not 'inish their Ihram. And no doubt! I sa& my mother and my aunt! on enterin $e%%a doin nothin be'ore per'ormin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! and they &ould not 'inish their lhram. And my mother in'ormed me that she! her sister! AE2Iubair and su%h and su%h persons had assumed lhram 'or /0mra and a'ter passin their hands o*er the .orner (the Bla%k +tone) (i.e. 'inishin their 0mra) they 'inished their Ihram." 2.<A:: Narrated /0r&a: I asked /Aisha : "Ho& do you interpret the statement o' Allah!. : VerilyC (the mountains) As2+a'a and Al2$ar&a are amon the symbols o' Allah! and &hoe*er per'orms the Ha55 to the 3a/ba or per'orms /0mra! it is not harm'ul 'or him to per'orm 7a&a' bet&een them (+a'a and $ar&a.) (2.19?). By AllahC (it is e*ident 'rom this re*elation) there is no harm i' one does not per'orm 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." /Aisha said! ">! my nephe&C Dour interpretation is not true. Had this interpretation o' yours been %orre%t! the statement o' Allah should ha*e been! 'It is not harm'ul 'or him i' he does not per'orm 7a&a' bet&een them.' But in 'a%t! this di*ine inspiration &as re*ealed %on%ernin the Ansar &ho used to assume lhram 'or &orship pin an idol %alled "$anat" &hi%h they used to &orship at a pla%e %alled Al2$ushallal be'ore they embra%ed Islam! and &hoe*er assumed Ihram ('or the idol)! &ould %onsider it not ri ht to per'orm 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a. #hen they embra%ed Islam! they asked Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) re ardin it! sayin ! "> Allah's ApostleC #e used to re'rain 'rom 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." +o Allah re*ealed: 'Verily; (the mountains) As2+a'a and Al2$ar&a are amon the symbols o' Allah.' " Aisha added! "+urely! Allah's Apostle set the tradition o' 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a! so nobody is allo&ed to omit the 7a&a' bet&een them." Bater on I (/0r&a) told Abu Bakr bin /Abdur2)ahman (o' /Aisha's narration) and he @1
said! 'I ha*e not heard o' su%h in'ormation! but I heard learned men sayin that all the people! eJ%ept those &hom /Aisha mentioned and &ho used to assume lhram 'or the sake o' $anat! used to per'orm 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a. #hen Allah re'erred to the 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and did not mention +a'a and $ar&a in the Gur'an! the people asked! '> Allah's ApostleC #e used to per'orm 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a and Allah has re*ealed (the *erses %on%ernin ) 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and has not mentioned +a'a and $ar&a. Is there any harm i' &e per'orm 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a6' +o Allah re*ealed: "Verily As2+a'a and Al2 $ar&a are amon the symbols o' Allah." Abu Bakr said! "It seems that this *erse &as re*ealed %on%ernin the t&o roups! those &ho used to re'rain 'rom 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a in the 4re2 Islami% 4eriod o' i noran%e and those &ho used to per'orm the 7a&a' then! and a'ter embra%in Islam they re'rained 'rom the 7a&a' bet&een them as Allah had en5oined 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and did not mention 7a&a' (o' +a'a and $ar&a) till later a'ter mentionin the 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba.' 2.<A<: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar said! "#hen Allah's Apostle per'ormed the 'irst 7a&a' he did )amal in the 'irst three rounds and then &alked in the remainin 'our rounds (o' 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba)! &here as in per'ormin 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a he used to run in the midst o' the rain&ater passa e!" I asked Na'i/! "(id /Abdullah (bin /0mar) use to &alk steadily on rea%hin the Demenite .orner6" He replied! "No! unless people &ere %ro&ded at the .orner; other&ise he &ould not lea*e it &ithout tou%hin it." 2.<A?: Narrated /Amr bin (inar: #e asked Ibn /0mar &hether a man &ho! &hile per'ormin /0mra! had per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba; and had not yet per'ormed 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a! %ould ha*e seJual relation &ith his &i'e! Ibn /0mar replied "7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) rea%hed $e%%a and per'ormed the se*en rounds (o' 7a&a') o' the 3a/ba and then o''ered a t&o2rak/at prayer behind $a=am Ibrahim and then per'ormed the se*en rounds (o' 7a&a') bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." He added! "VerilyC In Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) you ha*e a ood eJample." #e asked -abir bin /Abdullah (the same =uestion) and he said! "He (that man) should not %ome near (his &i'e) till he has %ompleted 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." 2.<A@: Narrated /Amr bin (inar: I heard Ibn /0mar sayin ! "7he 4rophet arri*ed at $e%%a and per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and then o''ered a t&o2rak/at prayer and then per'ormed 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." Ibn /0mar then re%ited (the *erse): "VerilyC In Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) you ha*e a ood eJample. " 2.<1A: Narrated /Asim: I asked Anas bin $alik: "(id you use to dislike to per'orm 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a6" He said! "Des! as it &as o' the %eremonies o' the days o' the 4re2Islami% period o' i noran%e! till Allah re*ealed: 'VerilyC (7he t&o mountains) As2+a'a and Al2$ar&a are amon the symbols o' Allah. It is there'ore no sin 'or him &ho per'orms the pil rima e to the 3a/ba! or per'orms /0mra! to per'orm 7a&a' bet&een them.' " (2.19?) 2.<11: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: Allah's Apostle per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and the +a/i o' +a'a and $ar&a so as to sho& his stren th to the pa ans. 2.<12: Narrated /Aisha: I &as menstruatin &hen I rea%hed $e%%a. +o! I neither per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! nor the 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a. 7hen I in'ormed Allah's Apostle about it. He replied! "4er'orm all the %eremonies o' Ha55 like the other pil rims! but do not per'orm 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba till you et %lean ('rom your menses)." 2.<11: @8
Narrated -abir bin /Abdullah: 7he 4rophet and his %ompanions assumed Ihram 'or Ha55 and none eJ%ept the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) and 7alha had the Hadi (sa%ri'i%e) &ith them. /Ali arri*ed 'rom Demen and had a Hadi &ith him. /Ali said! "I ha*e assumed Ihram 'or &hat the 4rophet has done." 7he 4rophet ordered his %ompanions to per'orm the /0mra &ith the lhram &hi%h they had assumed! and a'ter 'inishin 7a&a' (o' 3a/ba! +a'a and $ar&a) to %ut short their hair! and to 'inish their lhram eJ%ept those &ho had Hadi &ith them. 7hey (the people) said! "Ho& %an &e pro%eed to $ina ('or Ha55) a'ter ha*in seJual relations &ith our &i*es6" #hen that ne&s rea%hed the 4rophet he said! "I' I had 'ormerly kno&n &hat I %ame to kno& lately! I &ould not ha*e brou ht the Hadi &ith me. Had there been no Hadi &ith me! I &ould ha*e 'inished the state o' lhram." /Aisha ot her menses! so she per'ormed all the %eremonies o' Ha55 eJ%ept 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! and &hen she ot %lean ('rom her menses)! she per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba. +he said! "> Allah's ApostleC (All o' you) are returnin &ith the Ha55 and /0mra! but I am returnin a'ter per'ormin Ha55 only." +o the 4rophet ordered /Abdur2)ahman bin Abu Bakr to a%%ompany her to 7an/im and thus she per'ormed the /0mra a'ter the Ha55. 2.<18: Narrated Ha'sa: (>n /Id) #e used to 'orbid our *ir ins to o out ('or /Id prayer). A lady %ame and stayed at the 4ala%e o' Bani 3hala'. +he mentioned that her sister &as married to one o' the %ompanions o' Allah's Apostle &ho parti%ipated in t&el*e HhaEa&ats alon &ith Allah's Apostle and her sister &as &ith him in siJ o' them. +he said! "#e used to dress the &ounded and look a'ter the patients." +he (her sister) asked Allah's Apostle ! "Is there any harm 'or a &oman to stay at home i' she doesn't ha*e a *eil6" He said! "+he should %o*er hersel' &ith the *eil o' her %ompanion and she should take part in the ood deeds and in the reli ious atherin s o' the belie*ers." #hen 0m 'Atiyya %ame! I asked her. "(id you hear anythin about that6" 0m 'Atiyya said! "Bi Abi" and she ne*er mentioned the name o' Allah's Apostle &ithout sayin "Bi Abi" (i.e. 'Bet my 'ather be sa%ri'i%ed 'or you'). #e asked her! "Ha*e you heard Allah's Apostle sayin so and so (about &omen)6" +he replied in the a''irmati*e and said! "Bet my 'ather be sa%ri'i%ed 'or him. He told us that unmarried mature *ir ins &ho stay o'ten s%reened or unmarried youn *ir ins and mature irls &ho stay o'ten s%reened should %ome out and take part in the ood deeds and in the reli ious atherin s o' the belie*ers. But the menstruatin &omen should keep a&ay 'rom the $usalla (prayin pla%e)." I asked her! "7he menstruatin &omen6" +he replied! "(on't they present themsel*es at /Ara'at and at su%h and su%h pla%es6" 2.<19: Narrated /Abdul /AEiE bin )u'ai: I asked Anas bin $alik! "7ell me &hat you remember 'rom Allah's Apostle (re ardin these =uestions): #here did he o''er the Iuhr and /Asr prayers on the day o' 7ar&iya (?th day o' (hul2 Hi55a)6" He relied! "(He o''ered these prayers) at $ina." I asked! "#here did he o''er the /Asr prayer on the day o' Na'r (i.e. departure 'rom $ina on the 12th or 11th o' (hul2Hi55a)6" He replied! "At Al2 Abtah!" and then added! "Dou should do as your %hie's do." 2.<1:: Narrated /Abdul /AEiE: I &ent out to $ina on the day o' 7ar&iya and met Anas oin on a donkey. I asked him! "#here did the 4rophet o''er the Iuhr prayer on this day6" Anas replied! "+ee &here your %hie's pray and pray similarly." 2.<1<: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar : Allah's Apostle o''ered a t&o2rak/at prayer at $ina. Abu Bakr! /0mar and /0thman! (durin the early years o' his %aliphate) 'ollo&ed the same pra%ti%e. 2.<1?: Narrated Haritha bin #ahab Al23huEa/i: 7he 4rophet led us in a t&o2rak/at prayer at $ina althou h our number &as more than e*er and &e &ere in better se%urity than e*er. 2.<1@: @9
Narrated /Abdullah bin $as/ud: I o''ered (only a) t&o rak/at prayer &ith the 4rophet (at $ina)! and similarly &ith Abu Bakr and &ith /0mar! and then you d o''ered in opinions. #ish that I &ould be lu%ky enou h to ha*e t&o o' the 'our rak/at a%%epted (by Allah). 2.<2A: Narrated 0m Al2,adl: 7he people doubted &hether the 4rophet &as obser*in the 'ast on the (ay o' /Ara'at! so I sent somethin 'or him to drink and he drank it. 2.<21: Narrated $uhammad bin Abu Bakr Al27ha=a'i: I asked Anas bin $alik &hile &e &ere pro%eedin 'rom $ina to /Ara'at! "#hat do you use to do on this day &hen you &ere &ith Allah's Apostle 6" Anas said! "+ome o' us used to re%ite 7albiya and nobody ob5e%ted to that! and others used to re%ite 7akbir and nobody ob5e%ted to that." 2.<22: Narrated +alim: /Abdul $alik &rote to Al2Ha55a5 that he should not di''er 'rom Ibn /0mar durin Ha55. >n the (ay o' /Ara'at! &hen the sun de%lined at midday! Ibn /0mar %ame alon &ith me and shouted near Al2 Ha55a5's %otton (%loth) tent. Al2Ha55a5 %ame >ut! &rappin himsel' &ith a &aist2sheet dyed &ith sa''lo&er! and said! "> Abu /Abdur2)ahmanC #hat is the matter6" He said! I' you &ant to 'ollo& the +unna (the tradition o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) ) then pro%eed (to /Ara'at)." Al2Ha55a5 asked! "At this *ery hour6" Ibn /0mar said! "Des." He replied! "4lease &ait 'or me till I pour some &ater o*er my head (i.e. take a bath) and %ome out." 7hen Ibn /0mar dismounted and &aited till Al2Ha55a5 %ame out. +o! he (Al2Ha55a5) &alked in bet&een me and my 'ather (Ibn /0mar). I said to him! "I' you &ant to 'ollo& the +unna then deli*er a brie' sermon and hurry up 'or the stay at /Ara'at." He started lookin at /Abdullah (Ibn /0mar) (in=uirin ly)! and &hen /Abdullah noti%ed that! he said that he had told the truth. 2.<21: Narrated 0m Al2,adl bint Al Harith: >n the day o' /Ara'at! some people &ho &ere &ith me! di''ered about the 'astin o' the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) some said that he &as 'astin &hile others said that he &as not 'astin . +o I sent a bo&l 'ull o' milk to him &hile he &as ridin his %amel! and he drank that milk. 2.<28: Narrated +alim bin /Abdullah bin /0mar: /Abdul2$alik bin $ar&an &rote to Al2Ha55a5 that he should 'ollo& /Abdullah bin /0mar in all the %eremonies o' Ha55. +o &hen it &as the (ay o' /Ara'at (@th o' (hul2Hi55a)! and a'ter the sun has de*iated or has de%lined 'rom the middle o' the sky! I and Ibn /0mar %ame and he shouted near the %otton (%loth) tent o' Al2Ha55a5! "#here is he6" Al2Ha55a5 %ame out. Ibn /0mar said! "Bet us pro%eed (to /Ara'at)." Al2Ha55a5 asked! "-ust no&6" Ibn /0mar replied! "Des." Al2Ha55a5 said! "#ait 'or me till I pour &ater on me (i.e. take a bath)." +o! Ibn /0mar dismounted (and &aited) till Al2Ha55a5 %ame out. He &as &alkin bet&een me and my 'ather. I in'ormed Al2Ha55a5! "I' you &ant to 'ollo& the +unna today! then you should shorten the sermon and then hurry up 'or the stay (at /Ara'at)." Ibn /0mar said! "He (+alim) has spoken the truth." 2.<29: Narrated $uhammad bin -ubair bin $ut/im: $y 'ather said! "(Be'ore Islam) I &as lookin 'or my %amel .." 7he same narration is told by a di''erent sub2narrator. -ubair bin $ut/im said! "$y %amel &as lost and I &ent out in sear%h o' it on the day o' /Ara'at! and I sa& the 4rophet standin in /Ara'at. I said to mysel': By Allah he is 'rom the Hums (literally: stri%tly reli ious! Guraish &ere %alled so! as they used to say! '#e are the people o' Allah &e shall not o out o' the san%tuary). #hat has brou ht him here6" 2.<2:: Narrated /0r&a:
(urin the 4re2Islami% period o' I noran%e! the people used to per'orm 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba naked eJ%ept the Hums; and the Hums &ere Guraish and their o''sprin . 7he Hums used to i*e %lothes to the men &ho &ould per'orm the 7a&a' &earin them; and &omen (o' the Hums) used to i*e %lothes to the &omen &ho &ould per'orm the 7a&a' &earin them. 7hose to &hom the Hums did not i*e %lothes &ould per'orm 7a&a' round the 3a/ba naked. $ost o' the people used to o a&ay (disperse) dire%tly 'rom /Ara'at but they (Hums) used to depart a'ter stayin at Al2$uEdali'a. /0r&a added! "$y 'ather narrated that /Aisha had said! '7he 'ollo&in *erses &ere re*ealed about the Hums: 7hen depart 'rom the pla%e &hen%e all the people depart22(2.1@@) /0r&a added! "7hey (the Hums) used to stay at Al2$uEdali'a and used to depart 'rom there (to $ina) and so they &ere sent to /Ara'at (by Allah's order)." 2.<2<: Narrated /0r&a: 0sama &as asked in my presen%e! "Ho& &as the speed o' (the %amel o') Allah's Apostle &hile departin 'rom /Ara'at durin the Ha55atul #ada/6" 0sama replied! "7he 4rophet pro%eeded on &ith a modest pa%e! and &hen there &as enou h spa%e he &ould (make his %amel) o *ery 'ast." 2.<2?: Narrated 0sama bin Iaid: As soon as the 4rophet departed 'rom /Ara'at! he &ent to&ards the mountain pass! and there he ans&ered the %all o') the prayer is ahead o' you (i.e. at asked! "> Allah's ApostleC #ill you o''er the prayer here6" He replied! "(7he pla%e o') the prayer is ahead o' you (i.e. at Al2$uEdali'a)." 2.<2@: Narrated Na'i/: /Abdullah bin /0mar used to o''er the $a hrib and /Isha' prayers to ether at -am' (Al2$uEdali'a). But he used to pass by that mountain pass &here Allah's Apostle &ent! and he &ould enter it and ans&er the %all o' nature and per'orm ablution! and &ould not o''er any prayer till he had prayed at -am.' 2.<1A: Narrated 0sama bin Iaid: I rode behind Allah's Apostle 'rom /Ara'at and &hen Allah's Apostle rea%hed the mountain pass on the le't side &hi%h is be'ore Al2$uEdali'a he made his %amel kneel and then urinated! and then I poured &ater 'or his ablution. He per'ormed li ht ablution and then I said to him: (Is it the time 'or) the prayer! > Allah's ApostleC" He replied! "7he (pla%e o') prayer is ahead o' you (i.e. at Al2 $uEdali'a)." +o Allah's Apostle rode till he rea%hed Al2$uEdali'a and then he o''ered the prayer (there) . 7hen in the mornin (1Ath (hul2Hi55a) Al2,a=l (bin /Abbas) rode behind Allah's Apostle. 3uraib! (a sub2narrator) said that /Abdullah bin /Abbas narrated 'rom Al2,adl! "Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) kept on re%itin 7albiya (durin the 5ourney) till he rea%hed the -amra." (-amrat2Al2/A=aba) 2.<11: Narrated Ibn /Abbas. : I pro%eeded alon &ith the 4rophet on the day o' /Ara'at (@th (hul2Hi55a). 7he 4rophet heard a reat hue and %ry and the beatin o' %amels behind him. +o he be%koned to the people &ith his lash! "> peopleC Be =uiet. Hastenin is not a si n o' ri hteousness." 2.<12: Narrated 0sama bin Iaid: Allah's Apostle pro%eeded 'rom /Ara'at and dismounted at the mountainous pass and then urinated and per'ormed a li ht ablution. I said to him! "(+hall &e o''er) the prayer6" He replied! "7he prayer is ahead o' you (i.e. at Al2$uEdali'a)." #hen he %ame to Al2$uEdali'a! he per'ormed a per'e%t ablution. 7hen I=ama 'or the prayer &as pronoun%ed and he o''ended the $a hrib prayer and then e*ery person made his %amel kneel at his pla%e; and then I=ama 'or the prayer &as pronoun%ed and he o''ered the (/Isha') prayer and he did not o''er any prayer in bet&een them (i.e. $a hrib and /Isha' prayers). 2.<11: Narrated Ibn /0mar:
7he 4rophet o''ered the $a hrib and /Isha' prayers to ether at -am' (i.e. Al2$uEdali'a) &ith a separate I=ama 'or ea%h o' them and did not o''er any optional prayer in bet&een them or a'ter ea%h o' them. 2.<18: Narrated Abu Aiyub Al2Ansari : Allah's Apostle o''ered the $a hrib and /Isha' prayers to ether at Al2$uEdali'a. 2.<19: Narrated /Abdur2)ahman bin DaEid: /Abdullah;2 per'ormed the Ha55 and &e rea%hed Al2$uEdali'a at or about the time o' the /Isha' prayer. He ordered a man to pronoun%e the Adhan and I=ama and then he o''ered the $a hrib prayer and o''ered t&o rak/at a'ter it. 7hen he asked 'or his supper and took it! and then! I think! he ordered a man to pronoun%e the Adhan and I=ama ('or the /Isha' prayer). (/Amr! a sub2narrator said: 7he inter*enin statement 'I think'! &as said by the sub2narrator Iuhair) (i.e. not by /Abdur2)ahman). 7hen /Abdullah o''ered t&o rak/at o' /Isha' prayer. #hen the day da&ned! /Abdullah said! "7he 4rophet ne*er o''ered any prayer at this hour eJ%ept this prayer at this time and at this pla%e and on this day." /Abdullah added! "7hese t&o prayers are shi'ted 'rom their a%tual times 22 the $a hrib prayer (is o''ered) &hen the people rea%hed Al2$uEdali'a and the ,a5r (mornin ) prayer at the early da&n." /Abdullah added! "I sa& the 4rophet doin that." 2.<1:: Narrated +alim: /Abdullah bin /0mar used to send the &eak amon his 'amily early to $ina. +o they used to depart 'rom Al2$ash'ar Al2Haram (that is Al2$uEdali'a) at ni ht (&hen the moon had set) and in*oke Allah as mu%h as they %ould! and then they &ould return (to $ina) be'ore the Imam had started 'rom Al2 $uEdali'a to $ina. +o some o' them &ould rea%h $ina at the time o' the ,a5r prayer and some o' them &ould %ome later. #hen they rea%hed $ina they &ould thro& pebbles on the -amra (-amrat2Al2 /A=aba) Ibn /0mar used to say! "Allah's Apostle a*e the permission to them (&eak people) to do so." 2.<1<: Narrated Ibn /Abbas : Allah's Apostle had sent me 'rom -am' (i.e. Al2$uEdali'a) at ni ht. 2.<1?: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: I as amon those &hom the 4rophet sent on the ni ht o' Al2$uEdali'a early bein amon the &eak members o' his 'amily. 2.<1@: Narrated /Abdullah: (the sla*e o' Asma') (urin the ni ht o' -am'! Asma' ot do&n at Al2$uEdali'a and stood up 'or (o''erin ) the prayer and o''ered the prayer 'or some time and then asked! "> my sonC Has the moon set6" I replied in the ne ati*e and she a ain prayed 'or another period and then asked! "Has the moon set6" I replied! "Des." +o she said that &e should set out ('or $ina)! and &e departed and &ent on till she thre& pebbles at the -amra (-amrat2Al2/A=aba) and then she returned to her d&ellin pla%e and o''ered the mornin prayer. I asked her! "> youC I think &e ha*e %ome (to $ina) early in the ni ht." +he replied! "> my sonC Allah's Apostle a*e permission to the &omen to do so." 2.<8A: Narrated /Aisha : +auda asked the permission o' the 4rophet to lea*e earlier at the ni ht o' -am'! and she &as a 'at and *ery slo& &oman. 7he 4rophet a*e her permission. 2.<81: Narrated /Aisha: #e ot do&n at Al2$uEdali'a and +auda asked the permission o' the 4rophet to lea*e (early) be'ore the rush o' the people. +he &as a slo& &oman and he a*e her permission! so she departed ('rom Al2 $uEdali'a) be'ore the rush o' the people. #e kept on stayin at Al2$uEdali'a till da&n! and set out
&ith the 4rophet but (I su''ered so mu%h that) I &ished I had taken the permission o' Allah's Apostle as +auda had done! and that &ould ha*e been dearer to me than any other happiness. 2.<82: Narrated /Abdullah: I ne*er sa& the 4rophet o''erin any prayer not at its stated time eJ%ept t&o; he prayed the $a hrib and the /Isha' to ether and he o''ered the mornin prayer be'ore its usual time. 2.<81: Narrated /Abdur2)ahman bin DaEid I &ent out &ith /Abdullah ! to $e%%a and &hen &e pro%eeded to am' he o''ered the t&o prayers (the $a hrib and the /Isha') to ether! makin the Adhan and I=ama separately 'or ea%h prayer. He took his supper in bet&een the t&o prayers. He o''ered the ,a5r prayer as soon as the day da&ned. +ome people said! "7he day had da&ned (at the time o' the prayer)!" and others said! "7he day had not da&ned." /Abdullah then said! "Allah's Apostle said! '7hese t&o prayers ha*e been shi'ted 'rom their stated times at this pla%e only (at Al2$uEdali'a); 'irst: 7he $a hrib and the /Isha'. +o the people should not arri*e at Al2$uEdali'a till the time o' the /Isha' prayer has be%ome due. 7he se%ond prayer is the mornin prayer &hi%h is o''ered at this hour.' " 7hen /Abdullah stayed there till it be%ame a bit bri hter. He then said! "I' the %hie' o' the belie*ers hastened on&ards to $ina 5ust no&! then he had indeed 'ollo&ed the +unna." I do not kno& &hi%h pro%eeded the other! his (/Abdullah's) statement or the departure o' /0thman . /Abdullah &as re%itin 7albiya till he thre& pebbles at the -amrat2Al2 /A=aba on the (ay o' Nahr (slau hterin ) (that is the 1Ath o' (hul2Hi55a). 2.<88: Narrated /Amr bin $aimun: I sa& /0mar! o''erin the ,a5r (mornin ) prayer at -am'; then he ot up and said! "7he pa ans did not use to depart ('rom -am') till the sun had risen! and they used to say! 'Bet the sun shine on 7habir (a mountain).' But the 4rophet %ontradi%ted them and departed 'rom -am' be'ore sunrise." 2.<89: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet made Al2,a=l ride behind him! and Al2,adl in'ormed that he (the 4rophet ) kept on re%itin 7albiya till he did the )ami o' the -amra. (-amrat2Al2/A=aba.) 2.<8:: Narrated '0baidullah bin /Abdullah: Ibn /Abbas said! "0sama bin Iaid rode behind the 4rophet 'rom /Ara'at to Al2$uEdali'a; and then 'rom Al2$uEdali'a to $ina! Al2,adl rode behind him." He added! "Both o' them (0sama and Al2,adl) said! '7he 4rophet &as %onstantly re%itin 7albiya till he did )ami o' the -amarat2Al2/A=aba." 2.<8<: Narrated Abu -amra: I asked Ibn /Abbas about Ha552at27amattu/. He ordered me to per'orm it. I asked him about the Hadi (sa%ri'i%e). He said! "Dou ha*e to slau hter a %amel! a %o& or a sheep! or you may share the Hadi &ith the others." It seemed that some people disliked it (Ha552at27amattu/). I slept and dreamt as i' a person &as announ%in : "Ha55 $abrur and a%%epted $ut'ah (Ha552at27amattu/)" I &ent to Ibn /Abbas and narrated it to him. He said! "Allah is Hreater. (7hat &as) the tradition o' Abu Al2Gasim (i.e. 4rophet). Narrated +hu/ba that the %all in the dream &as. "An a%%epted /0mra and Ha552$abrur. " 2.<8?: Narrated Abu Huraira' : Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) sa& a man dri*in his Badana (sa%ri'i%ial %amel). He said! ")ide on it." 7he man said! "It is a Badana." 7he 4rophet said! ")ide on it." He (the man) said! "It is a Badana." 7he 4rophet said! ")ide on it." And on the se%ond or the third time he (the 4rophet ) added! "#oe to you." 2.<8@: Narrated Anas: 7he 4rophet sa& a man dri*in a Badana. He said! ")ide on it." 7he man replied! "It is a Badana." 7he 4rophet said (a ain)! ")ide on it." He (the man) said! "It is a Badana." 7he 4rophet said thri%e! ")ide on it." @@
2.<9A: Narrated Ibn /0mar: (urin the last Ha55 (Ha552al2#ada/) o' Allah's Apostle he per'ormed /0mra and Ha55. He dro*e a Hadi alon &ith him 'rom (hul2Hulai'a. Allah's Apostle started by assumin Ihram 'or /0mra and Ha55. And the people! too! per'ormed the /0mra and Ha55 alon &ith the 4rophet. +ome o' them brou ht the Hadi and dro*e it alon &ith them! &hile the others did not. +o! &hen the 4rophet arri*ed at $e%%a. he said to the people! "#hoe*er amon you has dri*en the Hadi! should not 'inish his Ihram till he %ompletes his Ha55. And &hoe*er amon you has not (dri*en) the Hadi &ith him! should per'orm 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and the 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a! then %ut short his hair and 'inish his Ihram! and should later assume Ihram 'or Ha55; but he must o''er a Hadi (sa%ri'i%e); and i' anyone %annot a''ord a Hadi! he should 'ast 'or three days durin the Ha55 and se*en days &hen he returns home. 7he 4rophet per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba on his arri*al (at $e%%a); he tou%hed the (Bla%k +tone) %orner 'irst o' all and then did )amal ('ast &alkin &ith mo*in o' the shoulders) durin the 'irst three rounds round the 3a/ba! and durin the last 'our rounds he &alked. A'ter 'inishin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! he o''ered a t&o rak/at prayer at $a=am Ibrahim! and a'ter 'inishin the prayer he &ent to +a'a and $ar&a and per'ormed se*en rounds o' 7a&a' bet&een them and did not do any deed 'orbidden be%ause o' Ihram! till he 'inished all the %eremonies o' his Ha55 and sa%ri'i%ed his Hadi on the day o' Nahr (1Ath day o' (hul2Hi55a). He then hastened on&ards (to $e%%a) and per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and then e*erythin that &as 'orbidden be%ause o' Ihram be%ame permissible. 7hose &ho took and dro*e the Hadi &ith them did the same as Allah's Apostle did. 2.<91: Narrated Na'i/: /Abdullah (bin /Abdullah) bin /0mar said to his 'ather! "+tay here! 'or I am a'raid that it (a''li%tion bet&een Ibn Iubair and Al2Ha55a5) mi ht pre*ent you 'rom rea%hin the 3a/ba." Ibn /0mar said! "(In this %ase) I &ould do the same as Allah's Apostle did! and Allah has said! 'Verily! in Allah's Apostle! you ha*e a ood eJample (to 'ollo&).' +o! I make you! people! &itness that I ha*e made /0mra %ompulsory 'or me." +o he assumed lhram 'or /0mra. 7hen he &ent out and &hen he rea%hed Al2 Baida'! he assumed Ihram 'or Ha55 and /0mra (to ether) and said! "7he %onditions (re=uisites) o' Ha55 and /0mra are the same." He! then brou ht a Hadi 'rom Gudaid. 7hen he arri*ed (at $e%%a) and per'ormed 7a&a' (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a) on%e 'or both Ha55 and /0mra and did not 'inish the lhram till he had 'inished both Ha55 and /0mra. 2.<92: Narrated Al2$is&ar bin $akhrama and $ar&an: 7he 4rophet set out 'rom $edina &ith o*er one thousand o' his %ompanions (at the time o' the 7reaty o' Hudaibiya) and &hen they rea%hed (hul2Hulai'a! the 4rophet arlanded his Hadi and marked it and assumed Ihram 'or /0mra. 2.<91: Narrated /Aisha: I t&isted &ith my o&n hands the arlands 'or the Budn o' the 4rophet &ho arlanded and marked them! and then made them pro%eed to $e%%a; Det no permissible thin &as re arded as ille al 'or him then. 2.<98: Narrated Ha'sa: I said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hat is &ron &ith the people! they ha*e 'inished their Ihram but you ha*e not6" He said! "I matted my hair and I ha*e arlanded my Hadi! so I &ill not 'inish my Ihram till I 'inished my Ha55 ." 2.<99: Narrated /Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to send the Hadi 'rom $edina and I used to t&ist the arlands 'or his Hadi and he did not keep a&ay 'rom any o' these thin s &hi%h a $uhrim keeps a&ay 'rom. 2.<9:: Narrated /Aisha: 1AA
I t&isted the arlands 'or the Hadis o' the 4rophet and then he marked and arlanded them (or I arlanded them) and then made them pro%eed to the 3a/ba but he remained in $edina and no permissible thin &as re arded as ille al 'or him then . 2.<9<: Narrated /Abdullah bin Abu Bakr bin /Amr bin HaEm: 7hat /Amra bint /Abdur2)ahman had told him! "Iaid bin Abu +u'yan &rote to /Aisha that /Abdullah bin /Abbas had stated! '#hoe*er sends his Hadi (to the 3a/ba)! all the thin s &hi%h are ille al 'or a (pil rim) be%ome ille al 'or that person till he slau hters it (i.e. till the 1Ath o' (hul2Hi55a).' " /Amra added! /Aisha said! 'It is not like &hat Ibn /Abbas had said: I t&isted the arlands o' the Hadis o' Allah's Apostle &ith my o&n hands. 7hen Allah's Apostle put them round their ne%ks &ith his o&n hands! sendin them &ith my 'ather; Det nothin permitted by Allah &as %onsidered ille al 'or Allah's Apostle till he slau htered the Hadis.' " 2.<9?: Narrated /Aisha: >n%e the 4rophet sent sheep as Hadi. 2.<9@: Narrated /Aisha: I used to make the arlands 'or (the Hadis o') the 4rophet and he &ould arland the sheep (&ith them) and &ould stay &ith his 'amily as a non2$uhrim. 2.<:A: Narrated Aisha: I used to t&ist the arlands 'or the sheep o' the 4rophet and he &ould send them (to the 3a/ba)! and stay as a non2$uhrim. 2.<:1: Narrated /Aisha: I t&isted (the arlands) 'or the Hadis o' the 4rophet be'ore he assumed Ihram. 2.<:2: Narrated /Aisha: I t&isted the arlands o' the Hadis 'rom the &ool &hi%h &as &ith me. 2.<:1: Narrated /Ikrima: Abu Huraira said! "7he 4rophet sa& a man dri*in a Badana (sa%ri'i%ial %amel). 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said (to him)! ')ide on it.' He replied! 'It is a Badana.' 7he 4rophet a ain said! ')ide on itC' Abu Huraira added! '7hen I sa& that man ridin it! sho&in obedien%e to the 4rophet (p.b.u.h)! and a shoe &as (han in ) 'rom its ne%k.' " 2.<:8: Narrated Abu Huraira: ,rom the 4rophet: (as abo*e). 2.<:9: Narrated /Ali: Allah's Apostle ordered me to i*e in %harity the skin and the %o*erin s o' the Budn &hi%h I had slau htered. 2.<::: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar intended to per'orm Ha55 in the year o' the Ha55 o' Al2Hara&riya durin the rule o' Ibn AE2 Iubair. +ome people said to him! "It is *ery likely that there &ill be a 'i ht amon the people! and &e are a'raid that they mi ht pre*ent you ('rom per'ormin Ha55)." He replied! "Verily! in Allah's Apostle there is a ood eJample 'or you (to 'ollo&). In this %ase I &ould do the same as he had done. I make you &itness that I ha*e intended to per'orm /0mra." #hen he rea%hed Al2Baida'! he said! "7he %onditions 'or both Ha55 and /0mra are the same. I make you &itness that I ha*e intended to per'orm Ha55 alon &ith /0mra." A'ter that he took a arlanded Hadi (to $e%%a) &hi%h he bou ht (on the &ay). #hen he rea%hed ($e%%a)! he per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and o' +a'a (and $ar&a) and did 1A1
not do more than that. He did not make le al 'or himsel' the thin s &hi%h &ere ille al 'or a $uhrim till it &as the (ay o' Nahr (sa%ri'i%e)! &hen he had his head sha*ed and slau htered (the sa%ri'i%e) and %onsidered su''i%ient his 'irst 7a&a' (bet&een +a'a and $ar&a)! as a (+a/i) 'or his Ha55 and /0mra both. He then said! "7he 4rophet used to do like that." 2.<:<: Narrated /Amra bint /Abdur2)ahman: I heard /Aisha sayin ! ",i*e days be'ore the end o' (hul2Ga'da &e set out 'rom $edina in the %ompany o' Allah's Apostle &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 only. #hen &e approa%hed $e%%a! Allah's Apostle ordered those &ho had no Hadi &ith them to 'inish their lhram a'ter per'ormin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and (+a/i) and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." /Aisha added! ">n the day o' Nahr (slau hterin o' sa%ri'i%e) bee' &as brou ht to us. I asked! '#hat is this6' 7he reply &as! 'Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) has slau htered (sa%ri'i%es) on behal' o' his &i*es.' " 2.<:?: Narrated Na'i/: /Abdullah (bin /0mar)! used to slau hter (his sa%ri'i%e) at the $anhar. ('0baidullah! a sub2narrator said! "7he $anhar o' Allah's Apostle.") 2.<:@: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar used to send his Hadi 'rom -am' (to $ina) in the last third o' the ni ht &ith the pil rims amon st &hom there &ere 'ree men and sla*es! till it &as taken into the $anhar (slau hterin pla%e) o' the 4rophet . 2.<<A: Narrated +ahl bin Bakkar: 7he narration o' Anas abrid ed! sayin ! "7he 4rophet slau htered se*en Budn (%amels) &hile standin ! &ith his o&n hands. >n the day o' /Id2ul2Adha he slau htered (sa%ri'i%ed) t&o horned rams! bla%k and &hite in %olor. 2.<<1: Narrated Iaid bin -ubair: I sa& Ibn /0mar passin by a man &ho had made his Badana sit to slau hter it. Ibn /0mar said! "+lau hter it &hile it is standin &ith one le tied up as is the tradition o' $uhammad." 2.<<2: Narrated Anas : 7he 4rophet o''ered 'our rak/at o' Iuhr prayer at $edina; and t&o rak/at o' /Asr prayer at (hil2 Hulai'a and spent the ni ht there and &hen (the day) da&ned! he mounted his $ount and started sayin ! "None has the ri ht to be &orshipped but Allah! and Hlori'ied be Allah." #hen he rea%hed Al2 Baida' he re%ited 7albiya 'or both Ha55 and /0mra. And &hen he arri*ed at $e%%a! he ordered them (his %ompanions) to 'inish their Ihram. 7he 4rophet slau htered se*en Budn (%amel) &ith his o&n hands &hile the %amels &ere standin He also sa%ri'i%ed t&o horned rams (bla%k and &hite in %olor) at $edina. 2.<<1: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet (p.b.u.h) o''ered 'our rak/at o' Iuhr prayer at $edina and t&o rak/at o' /Asr prayer at (hul2Hulai'a. Narrated Aiyub: "A man said: Anas said! "7hen he (the 4rophet passed the ni ht there till da&n and then he o''ered the mornin (,a5r) prayer! and mounted his $ount and &hen it arri*ed at Al2Baida' he assumed Ihram 'or both /0mra and Ha55." 2.<<8: Narrated /Ali: 7he 4rophet sent me to super*ise the (slau hterin o') Budn (Hadi %amels) and ordered me to distribute their meat! and then he ordered me to distribute their %o*erin sheets and skins. 'All added! "7he 4rophet ordered me to super*ise the slau hterin (o' the Budn) and not to i*e anythin (o' their bodies) to the but%her as &a es 'or slau hterin ." 2.<<9: 1A2
Narrated /Ali: 7he 4rophet ordered me to super*ise the (slau hterin ) o' Budn (Hadi %amel) and to distribute their meat! skins and %o*erin sheets in %harity and not to i*e anythin (o' their bodies) to the but%her as &a es 'or slau hterin . 2.<<:: Narrated /Ali: 7he 4rophet o''ered one hundred Budn as Hadi and ordered me to distribute their meat (in %harity) and I did so. 7hen he ordered me to distribute their %o*erin sheets in %harity and I did so. 7hen he ordered me to distribute their skins in %harity and I did so. 2.<<<: Narrated Ibn -urai5: /Ata' said! "I heard -abir bin /Abdullah sayin ! '#e ne*er ate the meat o' the Budn 'or more than three days o' $ina. Bater! the 4rophet a*e us permission by sayin : 'Mat and take (meat) &ith you. +o &e ate (some) and took (some) &ith us.' " I asked /Ata'! "(id -abir say (that they &ent on eatin the meat) till they rea%hed $edina6" /Ata' replied! "No." 2.<<?: Narrated /Amra: I heard /Aisha sayin ! "#e set out ('rom $edina) alon &ith Allah's Apostle 'i*e days be'ore the end o' (hul2Ga'da &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 only. #hen &e approa%hed $e%%a! Allah's Apostle ordered those &ho had no Hadi alon &ith them to 'inish the lhram a'ter per'ormin 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba! (+a'a and $ar&a). /Aisha added! "Bee' &as brou ht to us on the (ay o' Nahr and I said! '#hat is this6' +omebody said! '7he 4rophet has slau htered (%o&s) on behal' o' his &i*es.' " 2.<<@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet &as asked about a person &ho had his head sha*ed be'ore slau hterin (his Hadi) (or other similar %eremonies o' Ha55). He replied! "7here is no harm! there is no harm." 2.<?A: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: A man said to the 4rophet "I per'ormed the 7a&a'2al2I'ada be'ore the )ami (thro&in pebbles at the -amra)." 7he 4rophet replied! "7here is no harm." 7he man said! "I had my head sha*ed be'ore slau hterin ." 7he 4rophet replied! "7here is no harm." He said! "I ha*e slau htered the Hadi be'ore the )ami." 7he 4rophet replied! "7here is no harm." 2.<?1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet &as asked by a man &ho said! "I ha*e done the )ami in the e*enin ." 7he 4rophet replied! "7here is no harm in it." Another man asked! "I had my head sha*ed be'ore the slau hterin ." 7he 4rophet replied! "7here is no harm in it." 2.<?2: Narrated Abu $usa: I %ame upon Allah's Apostle &hen he &as at Al2Batha. He asked me! "Ha*e you intended to per'orm the Ha556" I replied in the a''irmati*e. He asked! ",or &hat ha*e you assumed lhram6" I replied!" I ha*e assumed Ihram &ith the same intention as that o' the 4rophet ." 7he 4rophet said! "Dou ha*e done &ellC Ho and per'orm 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a." 7hen I &ent to one o' the &omen o' Bani Gais and she took out li%e 'rom my head. Bater! I assumed the Ihram 'or Ha55. +o! I used to i*e this *erdi%t to the people till the %aliphate o' /0mar. #hen I told him about it! he said! "I' &e take ('ollo&) the Holy Book! then it orders us to %omplete Ha55 and /0mra (Ha552at2 7amattu/) and i' &e 'ollo& the tradition o' Allah's Apostle then Allah's Apostle did not 'inish his lhram till the Hadi had rea%hed its destination (had been slau htered). (i.e. Ha552al2Giran). (+ee Hadith No. :1A) 2.<?1: Narrated Ibn /0mar:
Ha'sa said! "> Allah's ApostleC #hat is &ron &ith the people; they 'inished their Ihram a'ter per'ormin /0mra! but you ha*e not 'inished it a'ter your /0mra6" He replied! "I matted my hair and ha*e arlanded my Hadi. +o! I %annot 'inish my Ihram till I slau hter (my Hadi). " 2.<?8: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) ( ot) his head sha*ed a'ter per'ormin his Ha55. 2.<?9: Narrated /Abdullah bin /0mar: Allah's Apostle said! "> AllahC Be mer%i'ul to those &ho ha*e their head sha*ed." 7he people said! "> Allah's ApostleC And (in*oke Allah 'or) those &ho et their hair %ut short." 7he 4rophet said! "> AllahC Be mer%i'ul to those &ho ha*e their head sha*ed." 7he people said! "> Allah's ApostleC And those &ho et their hair %ut short." 7he 4rophet said (the third time)! "And to those &ho et their hair %ut short." Na'i/ said that the 4rophet had said on%e or t&i%e! "> AllahC Be mer%i'ul to those &ho et their head sha*ed!" and on the 'ourth time he added! "And to those &ho ha*e their hair %ut short." 2.<?:: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said! "> AllahC ,or i*e those &ho et their heads sha*ed." 7he people asked. "Also those &ho et their hair %ut short6" 7he 4rophet said! "> AllahC ,or i*e those &ho ha*e their heads sha*ed." 7he people said! "Also those &ho et their hair %ut short6" 7he 4rophet (in*oke Allah 'or those &ho ha*e their heads sha*ed and) at the third time said! "also ('or i*e) those &ho et their hair %ut short." 2.<?<: Narrated /Abdullah: 7he 4rophet and some o' his %ompanions ot their heads sha*ed and some others ot their hair %ut short. Narrated $ua&iya: I %ut short the hair o' Allah's Apostle &ith a lon blade. 2.<??: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: #hen the 4rophet %ame to $e%%a! he ordered his .ompanions to per'orm 7a&a' round the 3a/ba and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a! to 'inish their Ihram and et their hair sha*ed o'' or %ut short. 2.<?@: Narrated /Aisha: #e per'ormed Ha55 &ith the 4rophet and per'ormed 7a&a'2al2i'ada on the (ay o' Nahr (slau hterin ). +a'iya ot her menses and the 4rophets desired 'rom her &hat a husband desires 'rom his &i'e. I said to him! "> Allah's ApostleC +he is ha*in her menses." He said! "Is she oin to detain us6" #e in'ormed him that she had per'ormed 7a&a'2al2I'ada on the (ay o' Nahr. He said! "(7hen you %an) depart." 2.<@A: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet &as asked about the slau hterin ! sha*in (o' the head)! and the doin o' )ami be'ore or a'ter the due times. He said! "7here is no harm in that." 2.<@1: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he 4rophet &as asked (as re ards the %eremonies o' Ha55) at $ina on the (ay o' Nahr and he replied that there &as no harm. 7hen a man said to him! "I ot my head sha*ed be'ore slau hterin ." He replied! "+lau hter (no&) and there is no harm in it." (Another) man said! "I did the )ami (o' the -imar) a'ter midday." 7he 4rophet replied! "7here &as no harm in it." 2.<@2: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Amr : Allah's Apostle stopped ('or a &hile near the -imar at $ina) durin his last Ha55 and the people started askin him =uestions. A man said! "I norantly I ot my head sha*ed be'ore slau hterin ." 7he 4rophet replied! "+lau hter (no&) and there is no harm in it." Another man said! "0nkno&in ly I slau htered the Hadi be'ore doin the )ami." 7he 4rophet said! "(o )ami no& and there is no harm 1A8
in it." +o! on that day! &hen the 4rophet &as asked about anythin (about the %eremonies o' Ha55) done be'ore or a'ter (its stated time) his reply &as! "(o it (no&) and there is no harm." 2.<@1: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Amr bin Al2/As: I &itnessed the 4rophet &hen he &as deli*erin the sermon on the (ay o' Nahr. A man stood up and said! "I thou ht that su%h and su%h &as to be done be'ore su%h and su%h. I ot my hair sha*ed be'ore slau hterin ." (Another said)! "I slau htered the Hadi be'ore doin the )ami." +o! the people asked about many similar thin s. 7he 4rophet said! "(o it (no&) and there is no harm in all these %ases." #hene*er the 4rophet &as asked about anythin on that day! he replied! "(o it (no&) and there is no harm in it." 2.<@8: Narrated /Abdullah bin /Amr bin Al2/As: Allah's Apostle stopped &hile on his she2%amel (the sub2narrator then narrated the Hadith as abo*e! i.e. <@1). 2.<@9: Narrated /Ikrima: Ibn /Abbas said: "Allah's Apostle deli*ered a sermon on the (ay o' Nahr! and said! '> peopleC (7ell me) &hat is the day today6' 7he people replied! 'It is the 'orbidden (sa%red) day.' He asked a ain! '#hat to&n is this6' 7hey replied! 'It is the 'orbidden (+a%red) to&n.' He asked! '#hi%h month is this6' 7hey replied! 'It is the 'orbidden (+a%red) month.' He said! 'No doubtC Dour blood! your properties! and your honor are sa%red to one another like the san%tity o' this day o' yours! in this (sa%red) to&n ($e%%a) o' yours! in this month o' yours.' 7he 4rophet repeated his statement a ain and a ain. A'ter that he raised his head and said! '> AllahC Ha*en't %on*eyed (Dour $essa e) to them'. Ha*en't I %on*eyed Dour $essa e to them6' " Ibn /Abbas added! "By Him in #hose Hand my soul is! the 'ollo&in &as his &ill (4rophet's &ill) to his 'ollo&ers:22It is in%umbent upon those &ho are present to %on*ey this in'ormation to those &ho are absent Be&are don't rene ade (as) disbelie*ers (turn into in'idels) a'ter me! +trikin the ne%ks (%uttin the throats) o' one another.' " 2.<@:: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: I heard the 4rophet deli*erin a sermon at /Ara'at. 2.<@<: Narrated Abu Bakra: 7he 4rophet deli*ered to us a sermon on the (ay o' Nahr. He said! "(o you kno& &hat is the day today6" #e said! "Allah and His Apostle kno& better." He remained silent till &e thou ht that he mi ht i*e that day another name. He said! "Isn't it the (ay o' Nahr6" #e said! "It is." He 'urther asked! "#hi%h month is this6" #e said! "Allah and His Apostle kno& better." He remained silent till &e thou ht that he mi ht i*e it another name. He then said! "Isn't it the month o' (hul2Hi55a6" #e replied: "DesC It is." He 'urther asked! "#hat to&n is this6" #e replied! "Allah and His Apostle kno& it better." He remained silent till &e thou ht that he mi ht i*e it another name. He then said! "Isn't it the 'orbidden (+a%red) to&n (o' $e%%a)6" #e said! "Des. It is." He said! "No doubt! your blood and your properties are sa%red to one another like the san%tity o' this day o' yours! in this month o' yours! in this to&n o' yours! till the day you meet your Bord. No doubtC Ha*en't I %on*eyed Allah's messa e to you6 7hey said! "Des." He said! "> AllahC Be &itness. +o it is in%umbent upon those &ho are present to %on*ey it (this in'ormation) to those &ho are absent be%ause the in'ormed one mi ht %omprehend it (&hat I ha*e said) better than the present audien%e! &ho &ill %on*ey it to him. Be&areC (o not rene ade (as) disbelie*ers a'ter me by strikin the ne%ks (%uttin the throats) o' one another." 2.<@?: Narrated Ibn /0mar: At $ina! the 4rophet (p.b.u.h) said! "(o you kno& &hat is the day today6" 7he people replied! "Allah and His Apostle kno& it better." He said! "It is the 'orbidden (sa%red) day. And do you kno& &hat to&n is this6" 7hey replied! "Allah and His Apostle kno& it better." He said! "7his is the 'orbidden 1A9
(+a%red) to&n ($e%%a). And do you kno& &hi%h month is this6" 7he people replied! "Allah and His Apostle kno& it better." He said! "7his is the 'orbidden (sa%red) month." 7he 4rophet added! "No doubt! Allah made your blood! your properties! and your honor sa%red to one another like the san%tity o' this day o' yours in this month o' yours in this to&n o' yours." Narrated Ibn /0mar: >n the (ay o' Nahr (1Ath o' (hul2Hi55a)! the 4rophet stood in bet&een the -amrat durin his Ha55 &hi%h he per'ormed (as in the pre*ious Hadith) and said! "7his is the reatest (ay (i.e. 1Ath o' (hul2Hi55ah)." 7he 4rophet started sayin repeatedly! "> AllahC Be #itness (I ha*e %on*eyed Dour $essa e)." He then bade the people 'are&ell. 7he people said! "7his is Ha55at2al2#ada/)." 2.<@@: Narrated Ibn /0mar: 7he 4rophet permitted the people &ho pro*ided the pil rims &ith &ater to stay at $e%%a durin the ni hts o' $ina. 2.?AA: Narrated Ibn /0mar 7hat the 4rophet allo&ed people &ho pro*ided the pil rims &ith &ater to stay at $e%%a durin the ni hts o' $ina. 2.?A1: Narrated Ibn /0mar: Al2Abbas asked the permission 'rom the 4rophet to stay at $e%%a durin the ni hts o' $ina in order to pro*ide &ater to the people! so the 4rophet allo&ed him. 2.?A2: Narrated #abra: I asked Ibn /0mar! "#hen should I do the )ami o' the -imar6" He replied! "#hen your leader does that." I asked him a ain the same =uestion. He replied! "#e used to &ait till the sun de%lined and then &e &ould do the )ami (i.e. on the 11th and 12th o' (hul2Hi55a)." 2.?A1: Narrated /Abdur2)ahman bin DaEid: /Abdullah! did the )ami 'rom the middle o' the *alley. +o! I said! ">! Abu /Abdur2)ahmanC +ome people do the )ami (o' the -amra) 'rom abo*e it (i.e. 'rom the top o' the *alley)." He said! "By Him eJ%ept &hom none has the ri ht to be &orshipped! this is the pla%e 'rom &here the one on &hom +urat2al2Ba=ara &as re*ealed (i.e. Allah's Apostle) did the )ami." 2.?A8: Narrated /Abdur2)ahman bin DaEid: #hen /Abdullah! rea%hed the bi -amra (i.e. -amrat2ul2A=aba) he kept the 3a/ba on the le't side and $ina on his ri ht side and thre& se*en pebbles (at the -amra) and said! "7he one on &hom +urat2al2 Ba=ara &as re*ealed (i.e. the 4rophet) had done the )ami similarly." 2.?A9: Narrated /Abdur2)ahman bin DaEid: I per'ormed Ha55 &ith Ibn $as/ud ! and sa& him doin )ami o' the bi -amra (-amrat2ul2A=aba) &ith se*en small pebbles! keepin the 3a/ba on his le't side and $ina on his ri ht. He then said! "7his is the pla%e &here the one on &hom +urat2al2Ba=ara &as re*ealed (i.e. Allah's Apostle ) stood." 2.?A:: Narrated Al2A/mash: I heard Al2Ha55a5 sayin on the pulpit! "7he +ura in &hi%h Al2Ba=ara (the %o&) is mentioned and the +ura in &hi%h the 'amily o' /Imran is mentioned and the +ura in &hi%h the &omen (An2Nisa) is mentioned." I mentioned this to Ibrahim! and he said! /Abdur2)ahman bin DaEid told me! 'I &as &ith Ibn $as/ud! &hen he did the )ami o' the -amrat2ul2A=aba. He &ent do&n the middle o' the *alley! and &hen he %ame near the tree (&hi%h &as near the -amra) he stood opposite to it and thre& se*en small pebbles and said: 'Allahu2Akbar' on thro&in e*ery pebble.' 7hen he said! 'By Him! eJ%ept #hom none has the ri ht to be &orshipped! here (at this pla%e) stood the one on &hom +urat2al2Ba=ra &as re*ealed (i.e. Allah's Apostle).' " 2.?A<: 1A:
Narrated +alim: Ibn /0mar used to do )ami o' the -amrat2ud2(unya (the -amra near to the 3hai' mos=ue) &ith se*en small stones and used to re%ite 7akbir on thro&in e*ery pebble. He then &ould o ahead till he rea%hed the le*el round &here he &ould stand 'a%in the Gibla 'or a lon time to in*oke (Allah) &hile raisin his hands (&hile in*okin ). 7hen he &ould do )ami o' the -amrat2ul2#usta (middle -amra) and then he &ould o to the le't to&ards the middle round! &here he &ould stand 'a%in the Gibla. He &ould remain standin there 'or a lon period to in*oke (Allah) &hile raisin his hands! and &ould stand there 'or a lon period. 7hen he &ould do )ami o' the -amrat2ul2A=aba 'rom the middle o' the *alley! but he &ould not stay by it! and then he &ould lea*e and say! "I sa& the 4rophet doin like this." 2.?A?: Narrated +alim bin /Abdullah: /Abdullah bin /0mar used to do )ami o' the -amrat2ud2(unya &ith se*en small pebbles and used to re%ite 7akbir on thro&in ea%h stone. He! then! &ould pro%eed 'urther till he rea%hed the le*el round! &here he &ould stay 'or a lon time! 'a%in the Gibla to in*oke (Allah) &hile raisin his hands. 7hen he &ould do )ami o' the -amrat2ul2#usta similarly and &ould o to the le't to&ards the le*el round! &here he &ould stand 'or a lon time 'a%in the Gibla to in*oke (Allah) &hile raisin his hands. 7hen he &ould do )ami o' the -amrat2ul2A=aba 'rom the middle o' the *alley! but he &ould not stay by it. Ibn /0mar used to say! "I sa& Allah's Apostle doin like that." 2.?A@: Narrated /Abdur2)ahman bin Al2Gasim: I heard my 'ather &ho &as the best man o' his a e! sayin ! "I heard /Aisha sayin ! 'I per'umed Allah's Apostle &ith my o&n hands be'ore 'inishin his Ihram &hile yet he has not per'ormed 7a&a'2al2 I'ada.' +he spread her hands (&hile sayin so.)" 2.?1A: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: 7he people &ere ordered to per'orm the 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba (7a&a'2al2#ada/) as the lastly thin ! be'ore lea*in ($e%%a)! eJ%ept the menstruatin &omen &ho &ere eJ%used. 2.?11: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet o''ered the Iuhr! /Asr! $a hrib and the /Isha' prayers and slept 'or a &hile at a pla%e %alled Al2$uhassab and then rode to the 3a/ba and per'ormed 7a&a' round it . 2.?12: Narrated /Aisha: +a'iya bint Huyay! the &i'e o' the 4rophet ot her menses! and Allah's Apostle &as in'ormed o' that. He said! "#ould she delay us6" 7he people said! "+he has already per'ormed 7a&a'2al2I'ada." He said! "7here'ore she &ill not (delay us)." 2.?11: Narrated /Ikrima: 7he people o' $edina asked Ibn /Abbas about a &oman &ho ot her menses a'ter per'ormin 7a&a'2 al2I'ada. He said! "+he %ould depart ('rom $e%%a)." 7hey said! "#e &ill not a%t on your *erdi%t and i nore the *erdi%t o' Iaid." Ibn /Abbas said! "#hen you rea%h $edina! in=uire about it." +o! &hen they rea%hed $edina they asked (about that). >ne o' those &hom they asked &as 0m +ulaim. +he told them the narration o' +a'iya (?12). 2.?18: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: A menstruatin &oman &as allo&ed to lea*e $e%%a i' she had done 7a&a'2al2I'ada. 7a&us (a sub2 narrator) said 'rom his 'ather! "I heard Ibn /0mar sayin that she &ould not depart. 7hen later I heard him sayin that the 4rophet had allo&ed them (menstruatin &omen) to depart." 2.?19: Narrated /Aisha:
#e set out &ith the 4rophet &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 only. 7he 4rophet rea%hed $e%%a and per'ormed 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a and did not 'inish the Ihram! be%ause he had the Hadi &ith him. His %ompanions and his &i*es per'ormed 7a&a' (o' the 3a/ba and bet&een +a'a and $ar&a)! and those &ho had no Hadi &ith them 'inished their Ihram. I ot the menses and per'ormed all the %eremonies o' Ha55. +o! &hen the Ni ht o' Hasba (ni ht o' departure) %ame! I said! "> Allah's ApostleC All your %ompanions are returnin &ith Ha55 and /0mra eJ%ept me." He asked me! "(idn't you per'orm 7a&a' o' the 3a/ba (0mra) &hen you rea%hed $e%%a6" I said! "No." He said! "Ho to 7an/im &ith your brother /Abdur2)ahman! and assume Ihram 'or /0mra and I &ill &ait 'or you at su%h and su%h a pla%e." +o I &ent &ith /Abdur2)ahman to 7an/im and assumed Ihram 'or /0mra. 7hen +a'iya bint Huyay ot menses. 7he 4rophet said! " 'A=ra Hal=aC Dou &ill detain usC (idn't you per'orm 7a&a'2al2I'ada on the (ay o' Nahr (slau hterin )6" +he said! "Des! I did." He said! "7hen there is no harm! depart." +o I met the 4rophet &hen he &as as%endin the hei hts to&ards $e%%a and I &as des%endin ! or *i%e2*ersa. 2.?1:: Narrated /Abdul2AEiE bin )u'ai: I asked Anas bin $alik! "7ell me somethin you ha*e obser*ed about the 4rophet %on%ernin &here he o''ered the Iuhr prayer on the (ay o' 7ar&iya (?th (hul2Hi55a)." Anas replied! "He o''ered it at $ina." I said! "#here did he o''er the /Asr prayer on the (ay o' Na'r (day o' departure 'rom $ina)6" He replied! "At Al2Abtah!" and added! "Dou should do as your leaders do." 2.?1<: Narrated Anas bin $alik: 7he 4rophet o''ered the Iuhr! /Asr! $a hrib and /Isha' prayers and slept 'or a &hile at a pla%e %alled Al2$ahassab and then he rode to&ards the 3a/ba and per'ormed 7a&a' (al2#ada/). 2.?1?: Narrated /Aisha: It (i.e. Al2Abtah) &as a pla%e &here the 4rophet used to %amp so that it mi ht be easier 'or him to depart. 2.?1@: Narrated Ibn /Abbas: +tayin at Al2$ahassab is not one o' the %eremonies (o' Ha55)! but Al2$ahassab is a pla%e &here Allah's Apostle %amped (durin his Ha55at2al2#ida). 2.?2A: Narrated Na'i/: Ibn /0mar used to spend the ni ht at (hi27u&a in bet&een the t&o 7haniyas and then he &ould enter $e%%a throu h the 7haniya &hi%h is at the hi her re ion o' $e%%a! and &hene*er he %ame to $e%%a 'or Ha55 or /0mra! he ne*er made his she %amel kneel do&n eJ%ept near the ate o' the $as5id (+a%red $os=ue) and then he &ould enter (it) and o to the Bla%k (stone) .orner and start 'rom there %ir%umambulatin the 3a/ba se*en times: hastenin in the 'irst three rounds ()amal) and &alkin in the last 'our. >n 'inishin ! he &ould o''er t&o rak/at prayer and set out to per'orm 7a&a' bet&een +a'a and $ar&a be'ore returnin to his d&ellin pla%e. >n returnin (to $edina) 'rom Ha55 or /0mra! he used to make his %amel kneel do&n at Al2Batha &hi%h is at (hul2Hulai'a! the pla%e &here the 4rophet used to make his %amel kneel do&n. 2.?21: Narrated 3halid bin Al2Harith: '0baidullah &as asked about Al $ahassab. '0baidullah narrated: Na'i/ said! 'Allah's Apostles! /0mar and Ibn /0mar %amped there." Na'i/ added! "Ibn /0mar used to o''er the Iuhr and /Asr prayers at it (i.e. Al2$ahassab)." I think he mentioned the $a hrib prayer also. I said! "I don't doubt about /Isha' (i.e. he used to o''er it there also)! and he used to sleep there 'or a &hile. He used to say! '7he 4rophet used to do the same.' " 2.?22: Narrated Ibn ' /Abbas :
(hul2$a5aE and /0kaE &ere the markets o' the people durin the 4re2Islami% period o' i noran%e. #hen the people embra%ed Islam! they disliked to do bar ainin there till the 'ollo&in Holy Verses &ere re*ealed:22 7here is no harm 'or you I' you seek o' the bounty >' your Bord (durin Ha55 by tradin ! et%.) (2.1@?) 2.?21: Narrated ' Aisha: +a'iya ot her menses on the ni ht o' Na'r (departure 'rom Ha55)! and she said! "I see that I &ill detain you." 7he 4rophet said! "A=ra Hal=aC (id she per'orm the 7a&a' on the (ay o' Nahr (slau hterin )6" +omebody replied in the a''irmati*e. He said! "7hen depart." ((i''erent narrators mentioned that) /Aisha said! "#e set out &ith Allah's Apostle ('rom $edina) &ith the intention o' per'ormin Ha55 only. #hen &e rea%hed $e%%a! he ordered us to 'inish the Ihram. #hen it &as the ni ht o' Na'r (departure)! +a'iya bint Huyay ot her menses. 7he 4rophet said! "Hal=a A=raC I think that she &ill detain you!" and added! "(id you per'orm the 7a&a' (Al2I'ada) on the (ay o' Nahr (slau hterin )6" +he replied! "Des." He said! "7hen depart." I said! "> Allah's ApostleC I ha*e not (done the 0mra)." He replied! "4er'orm /0mra 'rom 7an/im." $y brother &ent &ith me and &e %ame a%ross the 4rophet in the last part o' the ni ht. He said! "#ait at su%h and su%h a pla%e."