CCMT SC ST Format Format
CCMT SC ST Format Format
CCMT SC ST Format Format
FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY A CANDIDATE BELONGING TO SCHEDULED CASTE OR SCHEDULED TRIBE This is to certify that Shri S!t" #$!" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% So& Da$'hter of Shri %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%of (i))a'e To*&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%i& District Di(isio& %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% of the State U&io& Territory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +e)o&'s to the %%%%%%%%%%%%% caste Tri+e, *hich is reco'&i-e. as a Sche.$)e Caste Sche.$)e. Tri+e $&.er" The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950. The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)(Union Territory) order, 1951. The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territory) order, 1951. (As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Modi ication) !rder 195", the #ombay $eor%ani&ation Act, 19"0, the 'un(ab $eor%ani&ation Act, 19"", The State o )imachal 'radesh Act, 19*0, the +orth ,astern Areas ($eor%ani&ation Act, 19*1) and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes orders (Amendment) Act, 19*".) -The constitution (.ammu / 0ashmir) Scheduled Caste !rder, 195"1 -The Constitution (Andaman and +icobar 2slands) Scheduled Tribes, 1959, as amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes orders (Amendment) Act. 19*"1 -The Constitution (3adra and +a%ar )a4eli) Scheduled Castes !rder 19"51 -The Constitution (3adra / +a%ar )a4eli) Scheduled Tribes !rder, 19"51 -The Constitution ('ondichery) Scheduled Castes !rder, 19"61 -The Constitution (Uttar 'radesh) Scheduled Tribes !rder, 19"*1 -The Constitution (7oa, 3aman / 3ieu) Scheduled Castes !rder, 19"81 -The Constitution (7oa, 3aman / 3ieu) Scheduled Tribes !rder, 19"81 -The Constitution (+a%aland) Scheduled Tribes !rder, 19*01 -The Constitution (Si99im) Scheduled Castes !rder, 19*81 -The Constitution (Si99im) Scheduled Tribes !rder, 19*81 -The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) !rders (Amendment) Act, 1990. -The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) !rder, (Amendment) !rdinance, 1991. -The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) !rder, (Second Amendment) Act, 1991. -The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) !rdinance, 199" This certificate is iss$e. o& the +asis of the Sche.$)e. Castes Sche.$)e. Tri+es Certificate iss$e to Shri %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Father of Shri %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%of (i))a'e to*&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% i& District Di(isio& %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% of the State UT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%*ho +e)o&'s to the %%%%%%%%%%%% caste Tri+e *hich is reco'&i-e. as a SC ST i& the State U&io& Territory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% iss$e. +y the %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /&a!e of the 0rescri+e. iss$i&' a$thority1 (i.e their No" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .ate. %%%%%%%%%%%%% or Shri %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% a&. or his her fa!i)y or.i&ari)y resi.e/s1 i& 2i))a'e To*& %%%%%%%%%%%%%of %%%%%%%%%%%% District Di(isio& of the State U&io& Territory of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
P)ace%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Date%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Si'&at$re%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Desi'&atio& %%%%%%%%%%%% /3ith sea) of Office1 NOTE4 5 The ter!s or.i&ari)y resi.e/s1 $se. here *i)) ha(e the sa!e !ea&i&' as i& Sectio& 67 of the Re0rese&tatio& of the Peo0)e Act, 89:7" LIST OF AUTHORITIES EMPO3ERED TO ISSUE CASTE TRIBE CERTIFICATE4 1. 3istrict Ma%istrate:Additional 3istrict Ma%istrate:Collector:3e;uty Commissioner :Additional 3e;uty Commissioner:3y. Collector: 1st Class Sti;endiary Ma%istrate:Sub 3i4isional Ma%istrate:,<tra Assistant Commissioner:Talu9a Ma%istrate:,<ecuti4e Ma%istrate. 5. Chie 'residency Ma%istrate:Additional Chie 'residency Ma%istrate:'residency Ma%istrate.
=. 6. $e4enue ! icers not belo> the ran9 o Tehsildar. Sub?3i4isional ! icers o the area >here the candidate and:or his amily normally resides.