Promotion Strategy of Grameen Phone
Promotion Strategy of Grameen Phone
Promotion Strategy of Grameen Phone
The cell phone was a luxury: a flouting accessory for the select elite. The mass could not contemplate mobile telephony as being part of their lives. Grameenphone started its ourney with the !illage "hone program: a pioneering initiative to empower rural women of Bangladesh. The name Grameenphone translates to #$ural phone%. &tarting its operations on 'arch (), *++,, the -ndependence .ay of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has come a long way. Promotional Strategy Of Grameen Phone Grameenphone uses promotional strategies that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it. Grameenphone succeeded to ac/uire more than *0 million customers as of .ecember (00) not only providing good service but also using high fre/uency promotional activities. Grameenphone uses most of the promotional tools to give message for its customers on the new product 1 existing product and product features. Grameenphone Promotional Tools: Advertising Sales Promotion Public Relation 6vents &ponsorship Personal Selling -nside &ales 7orce
Advertising The advertising tools that grameenphone uses as a media to communicate with the existing and potential customers are:
Newspaper: 2ewspaper covers all sorts of information about grameenphones product. -t mainly covers the informative and reminder advertising.
Television: Television is an effective media for good mass4mar5et coverage. Television telecasts messages about new product and it is mostly used for persuasive advertisement.
Sales promotions Grameenphone uses sales promotions that consist of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to simulate /uic5er or greater purchase of particular products or service by consumers or the trade. They are:
Price pac!s: Nokia handset festival @ GPCs Grameenphone 9td. 5ic5ed off the first handset bundled promotion at its Grameenphone 8enters around the country. :nder this promotion free G" connections and bonus tal5 time, T5.))0 to T5.(000 depending on handset, were being offered with selected popular 2o5ia models.
"ash Refund Offers: ;thank you) than5 you is Grameenphone way of expressing their gratitude, because not only has consumer loyalty touched them but has also made grameenphone the preferred mobile operator. Grameenphones ;than5 you< program provides consumer with a number of rewards that ma5es consumer mobile phone experience with gramophone even more satisfying. Public relations:
"ublic relation is one of the grameenphone strategic promotion tools building good relations with the companys various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good #corporate image%. They are:
#vents: Grameenphone arranges some special event to draw attention to new products or companies activities. &ome special events that grameenphone arranges fre/uently:
Sponsorship: Grameenphone promote their brands and corporate name by sponsoring sport and cultural events and highly regarded causes. &ome current sponsorship by grameenphone are:
Grameenphone sponsors -nternational 8onference on -8T. Grameenphone was official sponsor of Bangladesh 8ric5et.
Grameenphone personal selling is a good way to communicate the target customers. -t focuses on more creative types of selling and the processes of building and managing an effective sale forces.
$nside Sales %orce: Grameenphone mainly focus on inside sales forces that conduct business from their customer care centre via telephone or visits from prospective buyers.
Banglalin5 was the last addition to the G&' family of >T?. -n &eptember (00@, >T? ac/uired mobile services company, &heathe in Bangladesh with a nationwide G&' license valid until (0**. &ince then, >T? has installed new management, upgraded the networ5 and re4branded the company as Banglalin5. Banglalin5 has rapidly deployed new networ5 infrastructure, set up a distribution networ5 and points of sale, and designed complete commercial plans to offer high /uality voice and data telecommunications services at competitive prices to the people of Bangladesh. -t is also worth mentioning that an unprecedented success of sales results followed the 8ommercial launch of Banglalin5 on the *0th of 7eb 0A.The mobile phone mar5et is a part of the consumer service industry. Banglalin5, li5e any other successful company dealing with consumer commodity, has to 5eep a continual tap with the prevailing and potential subscribers. .ue to this reason, Banglalin5 has to underta5e intensive promotional activities to facilitate the attainment of short4term organizational goals and long4term ob ectives.
Banglalin5 became a leader in terms of its advertising /uality and setting very high standards for competition and others. To campaign their product most effectively, Banglalin5 uses combination of different media to reach the highest percentage of the customers the combination would include
-t is the habit of our people to go through some 5ind of newspapers or magazines and Banglalin5Bs eye catching newspaper ads has attracted a lot of customers for the company.
Television The corporate T! commercial of C ;din bodol< based on the theme Cma5ing a difference in peopleBs lives touched everyone throughout the country and was ad udged the best T!8 of the year according to the leading dailies of the country li5e "rothom Dlo and 2ew Dge. This T! 8ommercial has become a matter of national pride for Bangladesh as it has been nominated for the best T! advertisement of the year with @ other international television commercials at the G&'D Dward (00,. G&'D Dward is considered to be the >scar of mobile industry. &illboards: Billboards are the cheapest and easiest way to catch the attention of the moving people of the city. The billboards of Banglalin5 are hung beside the busiest of roads and streets of the city. Ehere people travel fre/uently such as Gulshan, Banani, .hanmondi, uttara etc. Transit Advertising >ne of the most popular ways of advertising today is transit advertising, which are the ads on body of the big buses as ma ority of the people of the country uses them for traveling.
(ealth lin! They provide (@ hours health lin5 service or telemedicine for Banglalin5 customers by dialing,F+. Social services Banglalin5 continues to play an active role in the area of corporate social responsibility. Banglalin5 has given .ha5a -nternational Dirport4the gateway of Bangladesh a completely new loo5. "rovision of high /uality passenger trolleys, phone booths, emergency charging station and beautification of the premises is an exemplary initiative which no other multinational has ta5en. Banglalin5 also contributed to an important tiger conservation pro ect in the &undarbans, and continues to support the 8oxBs Bazaar beach cleaning program.
Teletal! Teletal5, began its operation in (00@ as being the second last operator, long after the Telecom industry has been established in Bangladesh. -t now has a subscriber base of around *(4*@ la5hs which is around G.AH of the total subscribers. Promotional Strategy Of Teletal!
Advertising : Teletal5 will have to pursue an aggressive advertising campaign, as it will provide unsought services. "rinting, electronic and some other 'edia will be used for this purpose. Print 'edia 2ewspaper 'agazines #lectronic 'edia Television $adio -nternet >thers 2ewspaper Tri !ision
Print 'edia
Newspaper4 Teletal5 posts its advertisements in The )aily Star* The)aily Prothom Alo etc to communicate with the target groups. 'aga+ines4 Teletal5 advertises in magazines too. #lectronic 'edia
Television4 Television advertising is certainly the most effective communication strategy. Ddvertising for Teletal5 is done on DT2 Bangla, #8hannel i% etc. in their prime hours on a relatively regular basis.
Radio4 Ds the 7' radios are emerging rapidly as a strong media, there are some radio advertisement to cover the necessity based target group. This will also helps to build the way when Teletal5 are planning to penetrate other areas of Bangladesh.
$nternet4 Teletal5 developed a strong web page. .eveloping a web page and its maintenance is not expensive. The page contains attractive and at the same time important information about Teletal5.
Transit $ecently Teletal5 has advertised in BEVCO buses covering the whole bus with Teletal5 themes and ads. -t will publish some attractive ads and use it in some private and mass transits li5e Volvo and Premium bus service. This type of advertising will increase the visibility of Teletal5..
&illboard4 &ome billboards will be placed on busy and important roads in .hanmondi, Gulshan, Banani, :ttara, and 2ew 'ar5et areas.