Lesson Plan 4

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Diana Berlanga Professor Mcdougall ED 321 02 Lesson Plan: Exploration- Are the heroes or !

illains" #ontext: #lass Particulars $arget Language: %panish &' (th graders Description of learners: %tudent spea)ing le!el is no!ice *id' +ritten le!el is no!ice *id' reading le!el is no!ice *id' and listening le!el is no!ice *id, %tudents are a-le to use the target language to ans+er si*ple .uestions and to +rite short sentences, $he are a-le to do this - recalling past learned !oca-ular +ords and gra**ar structures, %tudents ha!e no experience in co*paring and contrasting t+o historical e!ents in %panish, $he ha!e ne!er read an thing a-out /ernan #ortes, /o+e!er' the ha!e read and learn a lot a-out #hristopher #olu*-us, Bac)ground )no+ledge and Experiences: %tudents +ill get *ore infor*ation a-out #hristopher #olu*-us arri!al in their other classes, This lesson will be a two day lesson plan. Desired 0esults: 1oals Areas2 $argeted 3ational and %tate %tandards: 4orld Language %tandards %tandard 1,1: %tudents engage in con!ersations' pro!ide and o-tain infor*ation' express feelings and e*otions' and exchange opinions, %tandard 1,2: %tudents understand and interpret +ritten and spo)en language on a !ariet of topics, %tandard 2,1: %tudents de*onstrate an understanding of the relationship -et+een the practices and perspecti!es of the culture studied, 2,1,A,/,a Anal 5e the i*pact of *a6or historic e!ents on the culture of co**unities or countries in +hich the language is spo)en, 1,3,3,%,a Present songs' poe*s or stories in the target language, #o**on #ore %tandards ##%%,ELA-Literac ,4,(,2 4rite infor*ati!e2explanator texts to exa*ine a topic and con!e ideas' concepts' and infor*ation through the selection' organi5ation' and anal sis

of rele!ant content, ##%%,ELA-Literac ,4,(,2,- De!elop the topic +ith rele!ant' +ell-chosen facts' definitions' concrete details' .uotations' or other infor*ation and exa*ples, ##%%,ELA-Literac ,0&,(,2 Deter*ine a central idea of a text and anal 5e its de!elop*ent o!er the course of the text' including its relationship to supporting ideas7 pro!ide an o-6ecti!e su**ar of the text, 8-6ecti!es: %tudents +ill -e a-le to co*pare and contrast t+o %paniard explorers, %tudents +ill -e a-le to +rite a-out /ernan #ortes and #hristopher #olu*-us, %tudents +ill -e a-le to anal 5e each explore and decide if the are heroes or !illains, Materials Print reading assign*ents for each student Print copies of the pop .ui5 Lin) to short clip Accepta-le E!idence $o pro!e students ha!e achie!e the learning goals' students +ill ha!e +riting acti!ities related to #hristopher #olu*-us and /ernan #ortes, %tudents +ill ha!e to co*pare and contrast -oth explorers, %tudents +ill +rite this co*paring and contrasting +riting assign*ent in %panish and English, $hen' students +ill -e practicing their %panish spea)ing s)ills +ith a partner, $he +ill practice their %panish spea)ing s)ills discussing a-out +hether the consider /ernan #ortes and #hristopher #olu*-us a hero or a !illain, 8!erall' this lesson plan +ill help students to starting thin) if #hristopher #olu*-us +as a !illain or hero, Learning Experiences 8n the first da of this lesson' & +ill state the learning targets to the students, %tudents +ill ha!e an idea on +hat the +ill -e learning in the next t+o da s, $he +ill learn a-out t+o %paniard explorers, $hese explorers are #hristopher #olu*-us and /ernan #ortes, The purpose of stating the learning goals is to inform students what they are expected to learn for this lesson. In addition, students might feel more motivated to learn if they know what they are going to learn. /o+e!er' first students +ill ta)e a %panish !oca-ular pop .ui5 related #hristopher #olu*-us !o age,

The purpose of this pop quiz is to know if students have mastered the Spanish vocabulary words related to hristopher olumbus. In addition, students will know where they are in this unit and if they are learning Spanish. $hen' students +ill ha!e t+o readings one a-out #olu*-us and the other of #ortes,$hese readings are in English and the +ill ha!e 39 *inutes to read, The purpose of these two reading is for students to know that hristopher olumbus was not the only Spaniard explorer. In addition, students will have someone to compare and contrast to and this will help them figure out if hristopher olumbus was a villain or hero. %tudents +ill ha!e to +rite a paragraph in English and %panish su**ari5ing the reading of #olu*-us onl , The purpose of writing a summary about the reading of hristopher olumbus is this will help them not only in my Spanish class but also in their !ath, "nglish and #istory class. The summary will help the analysis the question$ %as hristopher olumbus a hero or villain& $hen' student +ill ha!e the rest of the hour to +rite a one page paper in %panish to co*pare and contrast #hristopher #olu*-us and /ernan #ortes, The purpose of this writing assignment is to give student the opportunity to compare and contrast two Spaniard explorers in Spanish. 8n the second da ' +e +ill re!ie+ as a class +hat the +rote on their paper, $hese papers are the one:s +here the co*pared and contrasted /ernan #ortes and #hristopher #olu*-us, The purpose of reviewing the reading and the writing assignments is to assure each student understands the differences and similarities between olumbus and ortez. $hen' & +ill sho+ a short clip a-out /ernan #ortes, The purpose of this short clip is for students to see a visual interpreting of the historical event. ;inall ' +e +ill ha!e a class discussion +here students +ill co**ent +hether the thin) /ernan #ortes or #hristopher #olu*-us is a hero or !illain, $his discussion +ill last the +hole hour, The purpose of this class discussion is to set student engagement to the final writing assignment dealing with the question$ %as hristopher olumbus is a hero or villain&

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