Every Central Bank For Itself

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Every Central Bank for Itself

By John Mauldin | April 12, 2014
Every Central Bank for Itself
The QE-Induced Bubble Boom in Emerging Markets
Anatomy of a Balance of Payments Crisis
The Taper Reveals What QE Was Hiding
Rajan Shows His Cards
Whats a Country to Do?
Amsterdam, Brussels, Geneva, and San Diego
Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. Mike Tyson
For the last 25 days Ive been traveling in Argentina and South Africa, two countries whose
economies can only be described as fragile, though for very different reasons. Emerging-market
countries face a significantly different set of challenges than the developed world does. These
challenges are compounded by the rather indifferent policies of developed-world central banks,
which are (even if somewhat understandably) entirely self-centered. Argentina has brought its
problems upon itself, but South Africa can somewhat justifiably express frustration at the developed
world, which, as one emerging-market central bank leader suggests, is engaged in a covert currency
war, one where the casualties are the result of unintended consequences. But the effects are
nonetheless real if youre an emerging-market country.
While I will write a little more about my experience in South Africa at the end of this letter, first I
want to cover the entire emerging-market landscape to give us some context. Full and fair disclosure
requires that I give a great deal of credit to my rather brilliant young associate, Worth Wray, whos
helped me pull together a great deal of this letter while I am on the road in a very busy speaking tour
here in South Africa for Glacier, a local platform intermediary. They have afforded me the
opportunity to meet with a significant number of financial industry participants and local
businessman, at all levels of society. It has been a very serious learning experience for me. But more
on that later; lets think now about the problems facing emerging markets in general.
Every Central Bank for Itself
Every general has a plan before going into battle, which immediately begins to change upon contact
with the enemy. Everyone has a plan until they get hit and emerging markets have already taken a
couple of punches since May 2013, when Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke first signaled his intent to
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taper his quantitative easing program and thereby incrementally wean the markets off of their
steady drip of easy money. It was not too long after that Ben also suggested that he was not
responsible for the problems of emerging-market central banks or any other central bank, for that
As my friend Ben Hunt wrote back in late January, Chairman Bernanke turned a single data point
into a line during his last months in office, when he decided to taper by exactly $10 billion per
month. He established the trend, and now the markets are reacting as if the Fed's exit strategy has
officially begun.
Whether the FOMC can actually turn the taper into a true exit strategy ultimately depends on how
much longer households and businesses must deleverage and how sharply our old-age dependency
ratio rises, but markets seem to believe this is the beginning of the end. For now, thats what matters
Under Fed Chair Janet Yellens leadership, the Fed continues to send a clear message to the rest of
the world: Now it really is every central bank for itself.
The QE-Induced Bubble Boom in Emerging Markets
By trying to shore up their rich-world economies with unconventional policies such as ultra-low rate
targets, outright balance sheet expansion, and aggressive forward guidance, major central banks have
distorted international real interest rate differentials and forced savers to seek out higher (and far
riskier) returns for more than five years.
This initiative has fueled enormous overinvestment and capital misallocation and not just in
advanced economies like the United States.
As it turns out, the biggest QE-induced imbalances may be in emerging markets, where, even in the
face of deteriorating fundamentals, accumulated capital inflows (excluding China) have nearly
DOUBLED, from roughly $5 trillion in 2009 to nearly $10 trillion today. After such a dramatic rise
in developed-world portfolio allocations and direct lending to emerging markets, developed-world
investors now hold roughly one-third of all emerging-market stocks by market capitalization and also
about one-third of all outstanding emerging-market bonds.
The Fed might as well have aimed its big bazooka right at the emerging world. Thats where a lot of
the easy money ran blindly in search of more attractive real interest rates, bolstered by a broadly
accepted growth story.
The conventional wisdom a particularly powerful narrative that became commonplace in the media
suggested that emerging markets were, for the first time in a long time, less risky than developed
markets, despite their having displayed much higher volatility throughout the past several decades.
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As a general rule, people believed emerging markets had much lower levels of government debt,
much stronger prospects for consumption-led growth, and far more favorable demographics. (They
overlooked the fact that crises in the 1980s and 1990s still limited EM borrowing limits until 2009
and ignored the fact that EM consumption is a derivative of demand and investment from the
developed world.)
Instead of holding traditional safe-haven bonds like US treasuries or German bunds, some strategists
(who shall not be named) even suggested that emerging-market government bonds could be the new
safe haven in the event of major sovereign debt crises in the developed world. And better yet, it was
suggested that denominating these investments in local currencies would provide extra returns over
time as EM currencies appreciated against their developed-market peers.
Sadly, the conventional wisdom about emerging markets and their currencies was dead wrong. Herd
money (typically momentum-based, yield-chasing investors) usually chases growth that has already
happened and almost always overstays its welcome. This is the same disappointing boom/bust
dynamic that happened in Latin America in the early 1980s and Southeast Asia in the mid-1990s.
And this time, it seems the spillover from extreme monetary accommodation in advanced countries
has allowed public and private borrowers to leverage well past their natural carrying capacity.
Anatomy of a Balance of Payments Crisis
The lesson is always the same, and it is hard to avoid. Economic miracles are almost always too
good to be true. Whether were talking about the Italian miracle of the 50s, the Latin American
miracle of the 80s, the Asian Tiger miracles of the 90s, or the housing boom in the developed world
(the US, Ireland, Spain, et al.) in the 00s, they all have two things in common: construction (building
booms, etc.) and excessive leverage. As a quick aside, does that remind you of anything happening in
China these days? Just saying
Broad-based, debt-fueled overinvestment may appear to kick economic growth into overdrive for a
while; but eventually disappointing returns and consequent selling lead to investment losses, defaults,
and banking panics. And in cases where foreign capital seeking strong growth in already highly
valued assets drives the investment boom, the miracle often ends with capital flight and currency
Economists call that dynamic of inflow-induced booms followed by outflow-induced currency crises
a balance of payments cycle, and it tends to occur in three distinct phases.
In the first phase, an economic boom attracts foreign capital, which generally flows toward
productive uses and reaps attractive returns from an appreciating currency and rising asset prices. In
turn, those profits fuel a self-reinforcing cycle of foreign capital inflows, rising asset prices, and a
strengthening currency.
In the second phase, the allure of promising recent returns morphs into a growth story and attracts
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ever-stronger capital inflows even as the boom begins to fade and the strong currency starts to drag
on competitiveness. Capital piles into unproductive uses and fuels overinvestment, overconsumption,
or both; so that ever more inefficient economic growth increasingly depends on foreign capital
inflows. Eventually, the system becomes so unstable that anything from signs of weak earnings
growth to an unanticipated rate hike somewhere else in the world can trigger a shift in sentiment and
precipitous capital flight.
In the third and final phase, capital flight drives a self-reinforcing cycle of falling asset prices,
deteriorating fundamentals, and currency depreciation which invites more even more capital flight.
If this stage is allowed to play out naturally, the currency can fall well below the level required to
regain competitiveness, sparking run-away inflation and wrecking the economy as asset prices crash.
(To those of you whove been reading me for a while, this may sound suspiciously similar to the
Minsky cycle we often use to describe the leverage process. If you caught that, you get extra credit.)
In order to avoid that worst-case scenario, central bankers often choose to spend their FX reserves or
to substantially raise domestic interest rates to defend the currency. Although it comes at great cost to
domestic growth, this kind of intervention often helps to stem the outflows but it cannot correct the
core imbalances. The same destructive cycle of capital flight, falling asset prices, falling growth, and
currency depreciation can restart without warning and trigger even years after a close call an
outright currency collapse if the central bank runs out of policy tools.
The Taper Reveals What QE Was Hiding
That worst case is the looming risk for many emerging markets today, particularly in the externally
leveraged Fragile Five: Brazil, India, Turkey, Indonesia, and South Africa (where I am as I finish
this letter). Together they account for more than $3.3 trillion of the total $10 trillion of developed-
country assets currently invested in emerging markets. Not only have those countries amassed a
disproportionate share of total inflows to emerging markets, each has its own insidious combination
of structural and political obstacles to long-term growth. And their own central banks are seriously
constrained in the run-up to national elections between now and October 2014.
After a brief reprieve from taper-induced capital flight, the most externally leveraged emerging
economies have had some time to breathe easy; but the crisis is far from over. This one, as all such
booms and busts do, will end in tears.
Although countries like India and Indonesia have taken positive steps toward reducing their external
imbalances, real reforms take time; and balance-of-payments episodes will recur until the core
imbalances have been resolved.
A sudden rise in real interest rates abroad which could arise purely from a miscue in FOMC
forward guidance could slam a long list of emerging markets simply by reducing the real risk
premium over safe assets. Even a 200-basis-point move in US rates could create a strong incentive
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for less productive capital in compromised or overvalued markets to rush for the exits in headlong
capital flight.
It may sound like an extreme case, but even a moderate rise in real interest rates abroad would be
enough to trigger disorderly and destructive currency adjustments across the emerging world.
Rajan Shows His Cards
A little over two months ago, I argued that Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan was
stepping forward as the unofficial spokesman for an entire group of emerging-market central bankers
struggling to manage what he calls capital-flow-induced fragility.
(I spent several days on a speaking tour with Rajan, and he is a very serious academic and critical
thinker. As a central banker, he will be a force to be reckoned with. I wonder how often that
marvelously sly sense of humor that I saw will be allowed to come out during the crisis that is
brewing in India. I havent seen much of it in his last interviews and speeches. This is a man who
understands the seriousness of his situation.)
Developed-market observers like to criticize emerging-market policymakers first for complaining
about excessive capital inflows into their economies and then for throwing a tantrum when
supposedly unwanted flows slow or start to reverse but Rajan took that tendency to task in a
January 30, 2014, interview with Bloombergs Vivek Law. (You can watch Governor Rajans
January appeal to rich-world investors here. Even if you have already seen it several times, I
encourage you to watch it again and this time play close attention to his body language.)
In the real world, Rajan explained, FX volatility can be downright traumatic for emerging markets.
We complain when it goes out for the same reason when it goes in. It distorts our
economies. And the money coming in made it more difficult for us to do the
adjustment which would lead to sustainable growth and prepare for the money going
You see, the nostrum amongst economists here is "Let the prices adjust and things
will be fine. Let the exchange rate move; let the money flow out; and you will figure it
out. That is often a reasonable prescription for an economy that has its fundamentals,
as well as its institutions, well-anchored. But when those aren't anchored, what
happens is the volatility feeds on itself. Exchange rates fall. Stop loss limits are hit.
More selling takes place. Then some firms get into difficulty because they have
unhedged exposures. Government budgets get hit because they're not hedged against
currency fluctuations. There are also second- and third-round effects which happen
in a country which is not as advanced or industrialized.
This week Governor Rajan upped the ante by presenting an explosive and controversial paper at the
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Brookings Institution literally right in front of former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke entitled,
Competitive Monetary Easing: Is it yesterday once more? (Please note that this is the same Ben
Bernanke who basically told emerging-market central banks that the US was not responsible for their
problems, not all that long ago when he was chairman of the Fed. This was the central bankers
equivalent of saying, Go pound sand!)
In his paper and oral presentation, Rajan worries openly about the consequences for the rest of the
world as advanced-economy interest rates start to normalize. His comments offer us critical insights
into the coming climax and resolution of the global debt drama (emphasis mine).
Ultra accommodative monetary policy [in advanced economies] created enormously
powerful incentive distortions whose consequences are typically understood only after
the fact. The consequences of exit, however, are not just to be felt domestically,
they could be experienced internationally.
Perhaps most vulnerable to the increased risk-taking in this integrated world are
countries across the border. When monetary policy in large countries is
unconventionally accommodative, capital flows into recipient countries tend to
increase local leverage; this is not just due to the direct effect of cross-border
banking flows, but also the indirect effect, as the appreciating exchange rate and rising
asset prices, especially in real estate, make it seem that borrowers have more equity
than they really have
Recipient countries should adjust, of course, but credit and flows mask the
magnitude and timing of needed adjustment. For instance, higher collections from
property taxes on new houses, sales taxes on new sales, capital gains taxes on
financial asset sales, and income taxes on a more prosperous financial sector may all
suggest that a countrys fiscal house is in order, even while low risk premia on
sovereign debt add to the sense of calm. At the same time, an appreciating nominal
exchange rate may also keep down inflation. The difficulty of distinguishing the
cyclical from the structural is exacerbated in some emerging markets where
policy commitment is weaker, and the willingness to succumb to the siren calls of
populist policy greater
Ideally, recipient countries would wish for stable capital inflows, and not flows
pushed in by unconventional policy. But when source countries move to exit
unconventional policies, some recipient countries are leveraged, imbalanced, and
vulnerable to capital outflows.
Given that investment managers anticipate the consequences of the future policy path,
even a measured pace of exit may cause severe market turbulence and collateral
damage. Indeed the more transparent and well-communicated the exit is, the
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more certain the foreign investment managers may be of changed conditions, and
the more rapid their exit from risky positions.
So, Rajan is clearly lining out a framework for understanding the QE-induced bubble boom
and the balance of payments crises that could follow in overexposed countries.
Unconventional monetary policy pushes far more capital into emerging markets than would
naturally flow there in a normalized rate environment, and the easy money tends to lull
elected officials into inaction.
Following the classic balance-of-payments boom/bust cycle, capital overflows appear to
boost growth for a while as leverage grows and policymakers have an increasingly difficult
time distinguishing between cyclical and structural forces in the economic data making it
virtually impossible to intervene at the appropriate time. The bubble builds up until the
source country decides to exit its unconventional policies, wrecking asset prices globally
and damaging overexposed recipient countries.
The problem for emerging markets is that there are no conventional tools for blocking this
kind of knock-out punch except for much-reviled exchange rate interventions and capital
Considering the available options, it is very clear that Rajan intends to do whatever it takes to
defend the Indian rupee; but he would obviously like to avoid trade sanctions in the process.
Thats why he argues so forcefully that emerging markets find themselves pushed up against
a new kind of constraint equivalent to the zero bound.
Emerging economies have to work to reduce vulnerabilities in their economies, to get
to the point where, like Australia, they can allow exchange rate flexibility to do much
of the adjustment for them to capital inflows. But the needed institutions take time to
develop. In the meantime, the difficulty for emerging markets in absorbing large
amounts of capital quickly and in a stable way should be seen as a constraint,
much like the zero lower bound, rather than something that can be altered
Expanding on that argument, Governor Rajan argues that there are essentially two kind of
unconventional policy: policies that hold rates at near zero for long and balance sheet
policies such as quantitative easing or exchange intervention, that involve altering central
bank balance sheets in order to affect certain market prices.
In other words, Rajan is arguing that quantitative easing, which aims to lower real rates at the
zero bound, is essentially identical to exchange-rate intervention, which aims to explicitly
target an exchange rate to maintain or regain competiveness. And that our attitudes
towards [either approach] should be conditioned by the size of their spillover effects
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rather than by any innate legitimacy of either form of intervention.
For better or worse, Governor Rajan is clearly broadcasting his intent to employ explicit exchange-
rate intervention (probably some form of currency peg) or outright capital controls to protect the
Indian rupee.
I think a lot of emerging-market central banks will follow suit, and harder currency pegs will follow.
Otherwise, as Rajan says,
The lesson some emerging markets will take away from the recent episode of turmoil is (1)
dont expand domestic demand and run large deficits, (2) maintain a competitive exchange
rate, and (3) build up large reserves, because when trouble comes, you are on your own.
Notice in the chart below that the currency exchange-rate regimes for countries change all the time. I
would expect that volatility to increase in the next few years as emerging markets respond to what is
in effect a developed-market currency war, currently led by Japan, though I expect it to heat up
everywhere within a few years.
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Whats a Country to Do?
One of the significant differences Ive noticed this time in South Africa is just how remarkably cheap
(for the traveler) everything seems to be that has no, or very little, international component in its
makeup things like food and wine. The rand has depreciated significantly since I was last here; and
while that is good for tourists, it is hard on the locals. I had more than a few South African financial
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industry participants tell me they wished they could come to our conference in San Diego but that the
rand had fallen too much to make it affordable. I joked about how I feel the same about travel in
Europe, but that was hollow consolation.
I spoke some eight times in four days here, plus media interviews, and at each of the venues there
was a considerable question-and-answer period. The most difficult questions centered around how
South Africa should respond to the actions of the developed-world central banks and especially the
US Federal Reserve and what South Africa should do to improve its own current situation? These
difficulties are compounded by the fact that a general election will be held here in less than a month.
The ruling party, the African National Congress, is beset by serious charges of corruption and an
economy that is clearly not hitting on all cylinders, yet it appears the ANC will still get at least 60%
of the vote.
South Africans are quite passionate about their country and their desire to see it do better. They
genuinely wanted to hear some answers from me, but that didnt make coming up with them any
The problem is that there is not much South Africa can do about the policies of central banks other
than their own. As I described above, it truly is every central bank for itself. But the South African
central bank has local problems that compound its problems. Unemployment is roughly where it was
4-5 years ago, at 24%. Inflation is high and seemingly rising, and the rand is weakening (see chart
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The South African inflation rate has been relatively stable the last few years at around 6%,
after rising to almost 11% in late 2008 and dropping to well below 4% in late 2010.

Treasury bill yields are somewhat lower than the current inflation rate, just as they are in much of the
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world. But clearly the central bank felt it needed to raise rates in a world where the rand was

From my friends at moneyweb.com, based here in South Africa:
Record low interest rates in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, along with the U.S. Federal
Reserves multi-trillion dollar quantitative easing programs, caused $4 trillion of speculative
hot money to flow into emerging market investments over the last several years. A global
carry trade arose in which investors borrowed cheaply from the U.S. and Japan, invested the
funds in high-yielding emerging market assets, and earned the interest rate differential
or spread. Soaring demand for emerging market investments led to a bond bubble and ultra-
low borrowing costs, which resulted in government-driven infrastructure booms, dangerously
rapid credit growth, and property bubbles in countless developing nations across the globe.
The emerging markets bond bubble helped to push South Africas 10-year government bond
yield down to a record low of 5.77 percent after the global financial crisis:
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South Africas external debt now totals $136.6 billion or 38.2 percent of the countrys GDP
the highest level since the mid-1980s due in large part to the emerging markets bond bubble
that boosted foreign demand for the countrys bonds. South Africas external debt-to-GDP
ratio was 25.1 percent just five years ago. $60.6 billion of South Africas external debt is
denominated in foreign currencies, which exposes borrowers to the risk of rising debt burdens
if the South African rand currency depreciates significantly, such as the currencys 15 percent
decline against the U.S. dollar in the past year. To make matters worse, over 150
percent worth of South Africas foreign exchange reserves are required to roll over its
external debt that matures in 2014.
Unsecured loans, or consumer and small business loans that are not backed by assets, are the
fastest growing segment of South Africas credit market and are essentially the countrys own
version of subprime loans. Unsecured loans have grown at a 30 percent annual compounded
rate since their introduction in 2007, when the National Credit Act was signed into law.
Unsecured lending has become popular with banks because they are able to charge up to 31
annual interest rates, making these riskier loans far more profitable than mortgage and car
loans in the low interest rate environment of the past half-decade. The unsecured credit
bubble is estimated to have boosted South Africas GDP by 219 billion rand or U.S. $20.45
billion from 2009 to mid-2013.
Like U.S. subprime lenders from 2002 to 2006, South Africas unsecured lenders target
working class borrowers who have limited financial literacy, which has contributed to the
countrys growing household and personal debt problem. A 2012/2013 report from the
National Credit Regulator showed that South Africas 20 million citizens carried an
alarming 1.44 trillion rand or U.S. $140 billion worth of personal debt equivalent to 36.4
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percent of the GDP. In addition, household debt now accounts for three-quarters of South
Africans disposable incomes.
Whats a central bank to do when faced with such a situation? There is very little else it can do other
than try to mitigate the damage if there are significant currency outflows. The rest the heavy lifting
will have to be done by the government. Which is somewhat problematical, given that the
government under current president Zuma has essentially done very little for the last five years.
Seven years ago I wrote a very optimistic piece about South Africa called Out Of Africa. Many of
the reasons for that optimism remain, including the basic spirit and willingness of South Africans to
work and the significant financial-community expertise that is available.
But the similarities between then and now end there. Now the South African equity markets are
rather fully valued. And the government, which I had hoped would cut through the red tape hindering
business, has in fact added to it. Admittedly, there have been some positive changes, and an
encouraging document outlining a decade-long economic plan has been developed, but there has
been no implementation whatsoever.
The policy recommendations I outlined to Zuma in our meetings a number of years ago remain the
same. The country must be structured for higher exports and the production that makes them
possible. This will require significant labor reform or at least the introduction of commercial business
loans with labor-law terms that will allow foreign direct investment to feel comfortable in coming to
South Africa.
South Africa must realize that its competing with every other country in the world when it seeks
foreign direct investment. And with regard to manufacturing for the African continent, while the
scope of the competition might narrow to other countries in Africa, the competitive principle remains
the same.
One of the remarkable things I notice as I travel around the world is the business acumen of the
South African diaspora. South African expatriates always seem to be running businesses and
conducting entrepreneurial activities. Their skills are highly sought after.
Those same entrepreneurial skills and desires are found in abundance in South Africa, and that, not
gold or platinum or diamonds, is the greatest resource of this country. A restructuring of the rules
surrounding the formation of businesses would unleash a South African renaissance in less time than
you might think, given the predatory activities of major central bankers fighting currency wars.
Free-trade zones, a completely revamped education system that is freely available and teaches skills
based upon needs of the future rather than upon academic training suited to the past, and a thorough
cleansing of the climate of corruption in the country would also help. This last real problem requires
the creation of institutions free from the manipulation of the ruling government that can tackle the
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problems of corruption. The rule of law must be upheld. Political corruption and crony capitalism
must both be done away with, root and branch. (And that goes double for the United States!)
On a personal note, South Africa remains one of my very favorite countries to visit. I find the people
friendly and engaging; the scenery varies from exotic to breathtakingly beautiful (Cape Town gets
my vote for most beautiful city in the world); and the culture is most pleasant. I have high hopes for
the country and hope to be invited back often. Perhaps after this upcoming election the leadership
will find the courage to take on the entrenched powers and move the country forward.
Amsterdam, Brussels, Geneva, and San Diego
I will be flying back to Dallas via London in a few hours. It is a long trip, and I must admit that after
25 days on the road I will be glad to be home. I will try to limit travel for a little over two weeks
before heading to Europe on another speaking tour. I will be in Amsterdam, then Brussels, and on to
Geneva. Then I am back home for a few days before hopping over to San Diego for my Strategic
Investment Conference, where you really should join me! And at some point in the next few weeks, I
have to begin making plans to return to Italy for the first few weeks of June.
I think that rather than making my normal personal comments, I will just go ahead and hit the send
button, as I need to shower and check out of the hotel and make my way to the airport. In addition to
trying to work through my once-again massive backlog of emails, I think I will take the opportunity
on this flight to round up a little science fiction on my iPad. After the last few weeks I need a little
break. Have a great week. I look forward to your comments and thank you for taking the time to
make me part of your life.
Your ready to relax and enjoy the plane ride analyst,

John Mauldin

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also is the President of Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC (MWA) which is an investment advisory firm registered with
multiple states, President and registered representative of Millennium Wave Securities, LLC, (MWS) member FINRA,
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advisory firm registered with multiple states. John Mauldin is a registered representative of Millennium Wave Securities,
LLC, (MWS), an FINRA registered broker-dealer. MWS is also a Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) and a Commodity
Trading Advisor (CTA) registered with the CFTC, as well as an Introducing Broker (IB). Millennium Wave Investments is
a dba of MWA LLC and MWS LLC. Millennium Wave Investments cooperates in the consulting on and marketing of
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Management Group; Absolute Return Partners, LLP; Fynn Capital; Nicola Wealth Management; and Plexus Asset
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experL !ohn Mauldln. ?ou can learn more and geL your free subscrlpLlon by vlslLlng www.mauldlneconomlcs.com

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MANAGER. Alternative investment performance can be volatile. An investor could lose all or a substantial amount of his
or her investment. Often, alternative investment fund and account managers have total trading authority over their funds
or accounts; the use of a single advisor applying generally similar trading programs could mean lack of diversification
and, consequently, higher risk. There is often no secondary market for an investor's interest in alternative investments,
and none is expected to develop.
All material presented herein is believed to be reliable but we cannot attest to its accuracy. Opinions expressed in these
reports may change without prior notice. John Mauldin and/or the staffs may or may not have investments in any funds
cited above as well as economic interest. John Mauldin can be reached at 800-829-7273.

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