Soli Sorabjee Lectures

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Soli J Sorabjee Former Attorney eneral !or In"ia
[Lecture at NLSIU Bangalore 05th April 2014]

The concept of the Rule of La

ha! "ifferent facet! an" ha! #eant

"ifferent thing! to "ifferent people at "ifferent ti#e!$ It ha! e%o&e" !harpl' "i%ergent reaction!$ To !o#e legal hi!torian! it i! (the un)ualifie" hu#an goo"*$ +ther! characteri,e Rule of La a! -a "e%ice that ena.le! the !hre "/ the calculating/ an" the ealth' to #anipulate it! for# to their o n a! -an a"%antage0$ 1rofe!!or Brian Ta#anaha ha! "e!cri.e" Rule of La

e2cee"ingl' elu!i%e notion gi%ing ri!e to a ra#pant "i%ergence of un"er!tan"ing! an" analogou! to the notion of the 3oo" in the !en!e that e%er'one i! for it/ .ut ha%e contra!ting con%iction! a.out 1ro.a.l' that i! 4enning!/ to characteri,e Rule of La a! (an unrul' hor!e*$ It #a' .e "ifficult to "efine Rule of La La ith !cientific preci!ion .ut hat it i!0$ hat pro#pte" the con!titutional hi!torian/ Sir I%or

it cannot .e "i!#i!!e" a! an elu!i%e notion or a! an unrul' hor!e$ Rule of i! not a #eaningle!! rituali!tic legal !logan en"le!!l' chante" at in e!!ence e#.o"ie! a loft' !e#inar! an" uni%er!it' lecture!$ Rule of La

concept$ It "enote! co##it#ent to certain principle! an" %alue!$

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An e!!ential principle of Rule of La i! that e%er' e2ecuti%e action/ if it i! to operate to the pre5u"ice of an' per!on #u!t ha%e legi!lati%e authorit' to !upport it$ An echo of thi! principle i! foun" in the ancient ca!e of Entick %$ Garrington "eci"e" in 1975$ T o #e!!enger! of the :ing ha" .ro&en into ;ntic&*! hou!e an" !ei,e" hi! paper! in pur!uance of arrant! i!!ue" .' the Secretar' of State$ In the action .rought .' ;ntic& for tre!pa!! the Secretar' of State conce"e" that no !pecific legal authorit'/ either in the co##on la or in !tatute/ per#itte" hi# to i!!ue the arrant! !i#ilar argu#ent! arrant!$ <i! "efence a! that the ere nece!!ar' in or"er to protect the intere!t! of the !tate an" that arrant! ha" .een u!e" in the pa!t ithout )ue!tion$ The!e ere re5ecte"$ In a !e#inal ruling the =ourt hel" that go%ern#ent arrant! ere illegal an" %oi" the

nee"e" !pecific legal authorit' to arre!t people an" clai#! of !tate nece!!it' ere in!ufficient$ Since the general generall' accepte" in Britain$ The !a#e principle a! reiterate" in 1>81 .' Lor" At&in/ in the ith the :ing*! #e!!enger! coul" .e !ue" for tre!pa!!$ Thi! principle ha! .een

cele.rate" 5u"g#ent of the 1ri%' =ouncil in the ca!e of Eshugbayi Eleko/ hen it "eclare" that -no of the e2ecuti%e can interfere li.ert' or propert' of a Briti!h !u.5ect e2cept on the con"ition that he can !upport the legalit' of hi! action .efore a =ourt of 4u!tice0$ Although there i! no #ention of the Rule of La in the 1ri%' =ouncil opinion it lai" the !ee"! for the future "e%elop#ent of the "octrine of Rule of La $ The %ital i#portance of the Rule of La fun"a#ental li.ertie! of a per!on i! a piece of
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6

in !afeguar"ing the a! i#pri!one" for an"

ell .rought out in an anec"ote ho!e author he "i" not &no

attri.ute" to ?oltaire/ the great @rench thin&er$ ?oltaire riting he "i" not rite/
1age 2


ho!e !enti#ent! he "i" not !hare$ <i! i#pri!on#ent ar.itrar'

a! on account of the

hi# an" caprice of the ruling authoritie! in @rance$ Bhen he hi# an"

e!cape" an" ca#e to Lon"on hi! fir!t o.!er%ation a! -here I .reathe the air of free"o# .ecau!e in thi! countr' #en are rule" .' la / not .' caprice/ in other or"! not .' ar.itrar' rule0$ Thu! hen 4ohn A"a#! u!e" the hi!toric phra!e/ -a go%ern#ent of a! not in"ulging in a rhetorical flouri!h$ <e a! containing rule! of general applica.ilit' an" not

la ! an" not of #en0/ he e#pha!i,ing that la

in"i%i"ual hi#!icalit'/ !houl" go%ern the con"uct an" affair! of people$ There i! an in!tructi%e pa!!age in Ro.ert Bolt*! pla' (A Can for all Sea!on!* hich portra'! the character of Sir Tho#a! Core$ It pertain! to an inci"ent hen Sir Tho#a! Core a! urge" .' hi! "aughter Cargaret an" hi! !onAinAla Roper to arre!t a #an ho# the' regar"e" a! e%il$ Cargaret !ai"/ -@ather/ that #an*! .a"$0 Core replie"/ -There i! no la hi#$ I &no hat*! legal/ not hat*! right an" I again!t that$0 An" hat i! legal$ I oul" not .e Roper !ai"/ -There i! 3o"*! la $0 Core then !ai"/ -Then 3o" can arre!t ill !tic& to a# not 3o"$ The current! an" e""ie! of right an" rong hich 'ou fin" !uch plain !ailing/ I cannot na%igate$ I a# not a %o'ager$0 Roper appea!e" an" he le%ele" the charge that Core oul" e%en gi%e the "e%il hi! in

"ue$ Core !ai"/ -De!/ hat oul" 'ou "oE =ut a .ri"ge roa" through the la to get e%en after the "e%ilE0 Roper retorte"/ -I*" cut "o n e%er' la ;nglan" to "o that$0 An" that pro#pte" Core to !a'/ -+hF An" la!t la RoperE Thi! countr' i! plante" thic& hen the

a! "o n an" the "e%il turne" roun" on 'ou/ here oul" 'ou hi"e/ ith la ! fro# coa!t to coa!t/ #an*!

la !/ not 3o"*!/ an" if 'ou cut the# "o n/ "o 'ou reall' thin& 'ou can

Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6

1age 8


!tan" upright in the

in"! that

oul" .lo

thenE De!/ I*" gi%e the "e%il the

.enefit of la for #' o n !afet'*! !a&e$0 4o!eph 1 La!h in hi! .iographical e!!a' on the US Supre#e =ourt 5u"ge @eli2 @ran&furter !tate! that in 1>72 the Au!tralian A#.a!!a"or to the Unite" State!/ Sir <o ar" Beale per!ua"e" @ran&furter to go hi! ith hi# an" ith the ife to !ee Ro.ert Bolt*! pla'$ Bhen Core counter! Roper

!tate#ent I ha%e )uote"$ @ran&furter coul" not contain hi#!elf an" &ept hi!pering in the "ar& -That i! the point/ that*! it/ that*! itF0 That in"ee" i! the e!!ential #e!!age an" rationale of the Rule of La $ Ala!/ it i! con!tantl' "i!regar"e"$ It nee"! to .e e#pha!i!e" that there i! nothing reach an" "i#en!ion$ Rule of La "e#ocratic !ocietie!*/ .e the' ea!tern or li.ert' ithout hich la i! t'rann' e!tern or ea!tern or

northern or !outhern a.out the un"erl'ing principle of Rule of La $ It ha! a !'#.oli,e! the )ue!t of ci%ili,e" e!tern/ to co#.ine that "egree of ithout hich

ith that "egree of la

li.ert' .eco#e! licence$ In the or"! of the great 4u!tice ?i%ian Bo!e of our Supre#e =ourt/ Rule of La / -i! the heritage of all #an&in" .ecau!e it! un"erl'ing rationale i! .elief in the hu#an right! an" hu#an "ignit' of all in"i%i"ual! e%er' here in the orl"$0 Rule of La pro%i"e! a potent anti"ote to e2ecuti%e la le!!ne!!$ It i! here%er la en"!/ t'rann' .egin!$ Than&! to the no a"#ini!trator or official can arre!t or "etain a

a !alutar' re#in"er that pre%alence of Rule of La

per!on unle!! there i! legi!lati%e authorit' for !uch action$ Again a 1olice =o##i!!ioner or an' other pu.lic functionar' cannot .an a #eeting or the !taging of a pla' or the !creening of a #o%ie .' pa!!ing a "epart#ental or"er
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age 4 12A04A2014

or circular

hich i! not .ac&e" .' la $ Li&e i!e no per!on can .e "epri%e" ithout the authorit' of la $ Rule of La en!ure! certaint'

of hi! propert'

an" pre"icta.ilit' a! oppo!e" to hi#!icalit' an" ar.itrarine!! !o that people are a.le to regulate their .eha%iour accor"ing to a!he" !tan"ar" again!t hich to #ea!ure an" 5u"ge the legalit' of official action$ ;2perience te!tifie! that a.!ence of Rule of La lea"! to e2ecuti%e high han"e"ne!! an" ar.itrarine!! an" e#ergence of 1olice Ra5$ Rule of La run! li&e a gol"en threa" in our =on!titution$ 1art III of or

the =on!titution guarantee! certain fun"a#ental right!$ @or e2a#ple/ Article 14 !tate! -The State !hall not "en' to an' per!on e)ualit' .efore the la the e)ual protection of the la ! ithin the territor' of In"ia0$ No

fun"a#ental right in the =on!titution i! a.!olute$ Rea!ona.le re!triction! can .e i#po!e" on the e2erci!e of the %ariou! fun"a#ental right! guarantee" un"er Article 1> .ut the pri#ar' re)uire#ent i! that the re!triction #u!t .e pre!cri.e" .' la / not .' a"#ini!trati%e nonA!tatutor' in!truction! or circular!$ =on!e)uentl' free"o# of !peech an" e2pre!!ion an" free"o# of the pre!! cannot .e re!tricte" !a%e .' enacte" la $ Again/ no ta2 can .e le%ie" or collecte" e2cept .' authorit' of la la $ In it! uni)ue "eci!ion in the ca!e of Keshavananda Bharati our Supre#e =ourt rule" in April 1>98 that e%en a con!titutional a#en"#ent can .e !truc& "o n a! uncon!titutional if it a.rogate" an' e!!ential feature! of the =on!titution an" it i! !ignificant that the =ourt con!i"ere" Rule of La a! one of the e!!ential feature! of the =on!titution$ In a !u.!e)uent Nine .ench "eci!ion in 4anuar' 2009 in the ca!e of I.R. Coelho %!$ State of Tamil
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age 5 12A04A2014

GArticle 275H$ Article 800A

!tipulate! that no per!on can .e "epri%e" of hi! propert' !a%e .' authorit' of

adu Rule of La

i! regar"e" a! part of the .a!ic !tructure of the cannot .e a.oli!he" e%en .' a

=on!titution$ =on!e)uentl' Rule of La Rule of La

con!titutional a#en"#ent$ Thi! #anife!t! the high !tatu! accor"e" to the in In"ian con!titutional 5uri!pru"ence$ An"/ #in" 'ou/ that i! not #erel' in theor'$ In practice our Supre#e =ourt ha! %igorou!l' enforce" the Rule of La $ A re#ar&a.le in!tance i! the in%ali"ation of a con!titutional a#en"#ent .' the Supre#e =ourt in it! 5u"g#ent in the ca!e of Indira Gandhi %$ Ra! arain "eli%ere" on 19th 1>>5$ Let #e pro%i"e a! !o#e .ac&groun" fact! of thi! 5u"g#ent$ Cr!$ In"ira 3an"hi*! election

challenge" .' her political ri%al/ the fei!t' Ra5 Narain/ in the Allaha.a" <igh =ourt on the groun" of co##i!!ion of certain allege" electoral #alpractice!$ The <igh =ourt in%ali"ate" Cr!$ 3an"hi*! election on that groun"$ An appeal a! preferre" to the Supre#e =ourt .' Cr!$ 3an"hi$ In or"er to get o%er the <igh =ourt 5u"g#ent =lau!e! 4 an" 5 of Article 82>AA ere intro"uce" in the =on!titution .' the Thirt' Ninth A#en"#ent of the =on!titution on 10th Augu!t 1>95$ Thi! !puriou! e#ergenc' hich a! "one "uring the operation of the a! foi!te" on the people of In"ia$ =lau!e 4

e2e#pte" the "i!pute" election of 1ri#e Cini!ter In"ira 3an"hi fro# the re!traint! of all election la ! an" "eclare" her election a! %ali" not ith!tan"ing an' 5u"g#ent of an' court$ =lau!e 5 further or"aine" that an' appeal pen"ing .efore the Supre#e =ourt !hall .e "i!po!e" of on the a!!u#ption that the fin"ing! containe" in the 5u"g#ent un"er appeal again!t Cr!$ In"ira 3an"hi ne%er ha" an' e2i!tence in the e'e of the la an" that the election "eclare" %oi" .' the 5u"g#ent of the <igh =ourt !hall continue to .e %ali" in all re!pect!$ It i! incre"i.le that !uch .latantl' "i!cri#inator' an"
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age 7 12A04A2014

ar.itrar' pro%i!ion! coul" .e enacte" in the =on!titution of the "e#ocratic repu.lic of In"ia$ But regretta.l' "uring the perio" of e#ergenc' "e#ocrac' ha" !uffere" a te#porar' "e#i!e$ The!e pro%i!ion! .efore the Supre#e =ourt hich ere a!!aile" ere "e!cri.e" .' 4u!tice =han"rachu" of the

Supre#e =ourt of In"ia/ a! -calculate" to "a#age or "e!tro' the Rule of La 0 an" a! -the %er' negation of the Rule of La 0$ The appeal of Cr!$ 3an"hi a! ho e%er allo e" on other groun"!$ +ur Supre#e =ourt ha! rule" in #ore than one "eci!ion that an' e2ecuti%e action pre5u"icial to a per!on #u!t ha%e the !anction of la $ There are !e%eral in!tance! 1un5a. here the Supre#e =ourt of In"ia ha! !tea"fa!tl' enforce" the Rule of La $ In a ca!e .efore the Supre#e =ourt ari!ing fro# ho!e police official! &no n for their no non!en!e approach ha" forci.l' thro n out unauthori,e" occupant!/ tre!pa!!er! in fact/ fro# go%ern#ent pre#i!e!$ The =ourt !truc& "o n the action .ecau!e the State a! una.le to point out at that ti#e an' legal authorit' to 5u!tif' forci.le e%iction ithout recour!e to a court of la $ The =ourt ho a! rightl' not ere forci.l' i#pre!!e" .' the State*! fer%ent plea that the per!on! e%icte" ere ran& tre!pa!!er! an" "e!er%e" no !'#path'$ The Supre#e =ourt enforce" the Rule of La pri!oner! in the ca!e of 1a&i!tani ere 'et &ept a! that 1a&i!tani

ho ha" !er%e" their full ter# of i#pri!on#ent .ut

in 5ail .' In"ian authoritie!$ The !tan" of the go%ern#ent

authoritie! ha" #ete" out the !a#e treat#ent to In"ian pri!oner!$ The =ourt .ru!he" a!i"e that argu#ent an" o.!er%e" that in In"ia - e enforce the Rule of La hich applie! to citi,en! an" nonAciti,en! ali&e0$

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1age 9


All thi! #a' appear !trange to !o#e people an" i! certainl' ir&!o#e to a"#ini!trator!$ But that i! the price e ha%e to pa' for a "e#ocratic !ociet' .a!e" on the Rule of La $ An" one lit#u! te!t of our .elief in principle! i! to appl' the# to ca!e! ith hich e ha%e no !'#path' at all$ Another #a5or pre#i!e of the Rule of La i! that la !hall .e e)ual in it! application$ Thu! there i! an e!!ential lin& .et een the Rule of La an" the principle of e)ualit'$ The .a!ic tenet of Rule of La a! articulate" .' the poet Tho#a! @uller an" a"opte" .' court! i!# -ho e%er high 'ou #a' .e the la i! a.o%e 'ou0$ Therefore 'ou #a' .e the 1ri#e Cini!ter or the Spea&er hoe%er/ of the lan" .ecau!e -I in our "e#ocratic or the I#a# or the Arch.i!hop or the San&arachar'a or a 5u"ge or all are e)uall' !u.5ect to the la

polit' here the Rule of La reign! no one J ho e%er highl' place" he #a' .e J can clai# i##unit'/ #uch le!! a.!olute i##unit' fro# the la 0$ Accor"ing to our Supre#e =ourt the "octrine of e)ualit' .efore the la nece!!ar' corollar' to the high concept of Rule of La $ Bhat i! the po!ition a! .elie%e" that La $ But it hen an enacte" la confer! "i!cretionar' i! a

po er! on pu.lic official!E At one ti#e un"er Kice'*! per%a!i%e influence it i"e "i!cretionar' po er! ere antithetical to the Rule of elfare a! !oon reali!e" that "i!cretionar' po er! are nee"e" in

a"#ini!tration e!peciall' in i#ple#entation of !ocioAecono#ic legi!lation$ Bhat Rule of La

#ea!ure!$ A pla' in the 5oint! i! re)uire" for effectuating !ocioAecono#ic fro n! upon i! the conferral of a.!olute upon hich our unfettere" "i!cretion$ +ur Supre#e =ourt in it! "eci!ion in "aisinghani*! ca!e in 1>79 rule" that -the fir!t e!!ential of the rule of la hole con!titutional !'!te# i! .a!e" i! that "i!cretion/ e2ecuti%e authoritie!/ #u!t .e confine"
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age L

hen conferre" upon

ithin clearl' "efine" li#it!0$ The


=ourt reaffir#e" thi! po!ition an" rule" in 1>95 in Khudiram*! ca!e that -in a go%ern#ent un"er la / there can .e no !uch thing a! unfettere" unre%ie a.le "i!cretion0$ The =ourt referre" to the fa#ou! !tate#ent of 4u!tice Kougla! of the US Supre#e =ourt that -La #o#ent! ha! reache" it! fine!t hen it ha! free" #an fro# the unli#ite" "i!cretion of !o#e ruler

I A.!olute "i!cretion i! a ruthle!! #a!ter$ Bhere "i!cretion i! a.!olute/ #an ha! al a'! !uffere"0$ The concept of Rule of La In thi! conte2t I La 4uri!t!$ At it! conference in Ne ha! recei%e" an e2pan!i%e interpretation$ of the International =o##i!!ion of Kelhi in 1>5> it "eclare" that the Rule of

oul" refer to the %ie

-i! not #erel' to !afeguar" an" a"%ance ci%il an" political right! of the

in"i%i"ual in a free !ociet'/ .ut al!o to e!!h !ocial/ econo#ic/ e"ucational an" cultural con"ition un"er hich hi! legiti#ate a!piration! an" hu#an "ignit' #a' .e reali,e"0$ Thu!/ Rule of La hich ta&e! ithin it! all hu#an right! inter"epen"ent$ Koe! the concept of Rule of La enact#ent of a la / or i! it al!o concerne" of La #u!t not .e confu!e" fin" it! fulfill#ent .' the #ere ith the content an" )ualit' of i! a "'na#ic concept/ hich are in"i%i!i.le an" are

the la E ;nact#ent of a la i! no "ou.t e!!ential .ut i! that !ufficientE Rule ith Rule .' la $ +ther i!e Rule of La oul" .eco#e an in!tru#ent of oppre!!ion an" gi%e legiti#ac' to la ! gro!!l' %iolati%e of .a!ic hu#an right!$ The cru2 of the #atter i! that there i! a certain core co#ponent ithout hich a go%ern#ent cannot reall' .e !ai" to .e .a!e" on the Rule of La $ That core co#ponent i! re!pect for the .a!ic hu#an right! of the people an" for hu#an "ignit'$ +ther i!e co##i!!ion of atrocitie! an" gro!! %iolation of hu#an right! coul" .e 5u!tifie" .' pointing
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age > 12A04A2014

to the #ere e2i!tence of a la $ +n thi! interpretation/ Rule of La al!o purporte"l' 5u!tif' raciall' "i!cri#inator' legi!lation of the &in" torture or cruel an" unu!ual puni!h#ent pur!uant to a la it$ The horrific %iolation! of hu#an right! of ;urope hich

oul" hich

a! enacte" "uring the aparthei" regi#e in South Africa or infliction of hich per#itte"

hich happene" in large part! ere itne!!e" the

ere un"er !u.5ugation of the t'rannical Na,i regi#e

purporte"l' pur!uant to la ! pa!!e" .' the regi#e$ Be

#i"night &noc& on the "oor/ the #'!teriou! "i!appearance!/ confe!!ion! e2tracte" .' torture/ concentration ca#p! an" the ga!!$ In Na,i 3er#an' the pro.le# a! not a.out lac& of la !$ Co!t of the action! of the Na,i State Rule of La re5ecte"$ It i! !ignificant that the Uni%er!al Keclaration of <u#an Right! 1>4L/ "e!cri.e" .' Cr!$ ;leanor Roo!e%elt a! the Cagna =arta of #an&in"/ "eclare! in it! 1rea#.le that it i! e!!ential that hu#an right! !houl" .e protecte" .' the Rule of La $ An"re 1u.lic La Le Sueur an" Caurice Sun&in in the e2cellent treati!e on ith the Rule ere pur!uant to la ! #a"e .' the regi#e$ <o e%er the!e la ! hich lea"! to that interpretation an" con!e)uence! #u!t .e ere patentl' %iolati%e of hu#an right!$ A for#ali!tic narro concept of the

ha%e aptl' !u##ari,e" the #ain i"ea! a!!ociate"

of La a! follo !M G1H Com#liance $ith the la$M li&e citi,en!/ go%ern#ent an" pu.lic .o"ie! #u!t act in accor"ance ith the la an" #u!t ha%e legal authorit' for action! hich i#pinge on the right! of other!$
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G2H The re%uirement of rationalityMMThe rule of la rea!on rather than ar.itrar' po er or

i#plie! rule .'

hi#$ In or"er to co#pl'

ith the rule of la / "eci!ion! #u!t .e properl' an" logicall' rea!one" in accor"ance ith !oun" argu#ent$ G8H The rule of la$ and fundamental rightsM the rule of la re)uire! the protection of the fun"a#ental right! of citi,en! again!t go%ern#ent$ Therefore hen e !pea& of la / it #u!t !ati!f' at lea!t the

prere)ui!ite that it guarantee! .a!ic hu#an right! an" hu#an "ignit' an" en!ure! their i#ple#entation .' "ue proce!! through an in"epen"ent 5u"iciar' e2erci!ing po er of 5u"icial re%ie $ A.!ent the!e re)uire#ent! Rule of La oul" .eco#e a !hallo !logan$ In the #e#ora.le or"! of Lor" 4u!tice Stephen Se"le' of the =ourt of Appeal in U: -the irre"uci.le content of the rule of la i! a !afet' net of hu#an right! protecte" .' an oul" li&e to !tre!! that to enforce the Rule of in"epen"ent legal !'!te#0$ I 5u"iciar'

La an in"epen"ent 5u"iciar' i! a #u!t$ In"ia ha! .een fortunate in ha%ing a hich ha! e2cept for occa!ional a.erration! pro%e" to .e a goo" i! #eaningle!! an" hu#an right! are 5u"icial !entinel an" protecte" the hu#an right! of the people$ Bithout an in"epen"ent 5u"iciar'/ Rule of La #ere highA!oun"ing #oral platitu"e!$ I oul" li&e to #ention a.out the !courge of terrori!# fro# hich

In"ia ha! !uffere" o%er the 'ear! cul#inating in the terrori!t attac&! in in 200L$ There i! no )ue!tion that terrori!# nee"! to .e fought rigorou!l' an" relentle!!l'$ <o e%er antiAterrori!t la ! #u!t not contain pro%i!ion! hich "e!tro' or i#pair .a!ic hu#an right!$ A la / hich
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age 11 12A04A2014

per#it! &illing of per!on! !u!pecte" to .e terrori!t! or

hich ena.le! their

in"efinite "etention in the a.!olute "i!cretion of the e2ecuti%e i! "e!tructi%e of the Rule of La $ @a&e encounter! an" (encounter !peciali!t!* ha%e no place in a go%ern#ent profe!!e"l' .a!e" on the Rule of La $ The purporte" 5u!tification that there i! a (gra%e e#ergenc'* to fight the ( ar on terror*/ o%erloo&! the .a!ic fact that the en" "oe! not 5u!tif' the #ean!$ Thi! article of faith free "e#ocratic !ociet' cannot ha%e recour!e to #ea!ure! %er' e!!ence of the Rule of La $ In the #e#ora.le not a! an ith the @ather of our Nation/ Cahat#a 3an"hi$ A State in a hich %iolate the or"! of 4u!tice Ste%en!

of the US Supre#e =ourt/ -if thi! nation i! to re#ain true to it! i"eal! it #u!t iel" the tool! of t'rant! e%en to re!i!t an a!!ault .' the force! of e !houl" al a'! the i!e or"! of t'rann'0$ In thi! conte2t

4u!tice Bran"ie! in hi! 5u"g#ent in &lmstead %!$ 'nited States # -=ri#e i! contagiou!$ If the go%ern#ent .eco#e! a la A.rea&er/ it .ree"! conte#pt for la N it in%ite! anarch'$ To "eclare that in the a"#ini!tration of the cri#inal la the en" 5u!tifie! the #ean! i! to "eclare that the go%ern#ent #a' oul" .ring co##it cri#e! in or"er to !ecure the con%iction of a cri#inal terri.le retri.ution0$ +ur Supre#e =ourt in it! cele.rate" "eci!ion in (.K. Basu %$ State of )est Bengal rule" that -cu!to"ial %iolence/ inclu"ing torture an" "eath in the loc&Aup!/ !tri&e! a .lo at the rule of la / hich "e#an"! that the .ut al!o that po er! of the e2ecuti%e !houl" not onl' .e "eri%e" fro# la

the !a#e !houl" .e li#ite" .' la $ =u!to"ial %iolence i! a #atter of concern$ It i! aggra%ate" .' the fact that it i! co##itte" .' per!on! ho are !uppo!e" to .e protector! of the citi,en!$ It i! co##itte" un"er the !hiel" of unifor# an" authorit' in the four all! of a police !tation or loc&Aup/ the %icti# .eing
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age 12 12A04A2014

totall' helple!!$ I It cannot .e !ai" that a citi,en (!he"! off* hi! fun"a#ental right to life the #o#ent a police#an arre!t! hi#$ Nor can it .e !ai" that the right to life of a citi,en can .e put in (a.e'ance* on hi! arre!t$ I If the functionarie! of the 3o%ern#ent .eco#e la to .ree" conte#pt for la an" oul" ha%e the ten"enc' to .eco#e la .rea&er!/ it i! .oun" oul" encourage la le!!ne!! an" e%er' #an unto hi#!elf there.' lea"ing to

anarch'$ No ci%ili,e" nation can per#it that to happen$ The Supre#e =ourt a! the cu!to"ian an" protector of the fun"a#ental an" the .a!ic hu#an right! of the citi,en! cannot to terrori!#$ That i!h a a' the pro.le#$ I State terrori!# i! no oul" onl' pro%i"e legiti#ac' an! er to terrori!#$ State terrori!# for the Rule of La 0$ It #u!t .e re#e#.ere" that the Rule of La i! not a one a' traffic$ It place! re!traint! .oth on go%ern#ent! an" in"i%i"ual!$ If the un"erl'ing principle! of Rule of La are to .eco#e a realit' in go%ernance a! al!o in culture i! i#perati%e$ The onl' true can re!t i! it! illing acceptance .' e culture at a' of life$ Therefore our li%e! no "ou.t la ! are nece!!ar' .ut the' alone are not !ufficient$ In a""ition fo!tering of the Rule of La foun"ation on hich the Rule of La

oul" .e .a" for the State/ the co##unit' an" a.o%e all

the people until it .eco#e! part of their o n !houl" !tri%e to in!till the Rule of La

te#pera#ent/ Rule of La

ho#e/ in !chool! an" college!$ Be !houl" !tri%e for the uni%er!ali,ation of it! .a!ic principle!$ +ur effort !houl" .e to con!tantl' ai# at the e2pan!ion of the Rule of La to #a&e it a "'na#ic concept hich not #erel' place! con!traint! on e2erci!e of official po er .ut facilitate! an" e#po er! progre!!i%e #ea!ure! in the area of !ocioAecono#ic right! of the people$ That in"ee" i! the #oral i#perati%e for the =i%ili,e" Borl"$ Dou #a'
Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6 1age 18 12A04A2014



h'E The an! er/ recalling the e .elie%e in hu#an

or"! of 4u!tice ?i%ian Bo!e/ i! that ith our


orth an" "ignit'$ Becau!e/ on anal'!i! an" a' to li%e at peace an" a#it' a' to li%e in

reflection/ it i! the onl' !ane neigh.our! in thi! co#ple2 an or"ere" !ociet'0$

orl"$ Becau!e it i! the onl' !ane

I for one eagerl' loo& for ar" to the "a'

hen the )uinte!!ential

principle! of the Rule of La / na#el' the protection an" pro#otion of all hu#an right! an" hu#an "ignit' of all hu#an .eing! i! uni%er!all' accepte"$ C' ar"ent hope i! that in a !trife Rule of La orl" torn .' %iolent !ectarian an" religiou! ith it! capaciou! "'na#ic content .eco#e! the !ecular

religion of all nation! .a!e" on tolerance an" #utual re!pect$ That no "ou.t appear! Utopian$ Ca' .e$ But that progre!! i! the reali!ation of Utopia!$ Be #u!t earne!tl' !tri%e to reali,e thi! Utopia i#perati%e for the ci%ili,e" orl"$ I$$ hich i! a #oral

Soli 4 Sora.5ee 6222178747$"oc6

1age 14


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