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User Manual for MMV- Therapy, Cem-Tech Super

Preface....................................................................................... 4 1. Before you start...................................................... 5 2. The Instrument....... 6 3. Quick guide............ 4. Program 1 and 2..... ! 4.1 Program 1 " #i$$imeter Thera%y..... & 4.2 Program 2 " '(I Thera%y........ & 4.2.1 #ore information a)out '(I*thera%y...1+ 5. ,tructured -ater ................ ...... 12 6. (ecommended .ea$th Programs/ ,te% )y ,te%............ 13 6.1 0nti*stress Treatment................. 13 6.2 1eto2 ste% )y ste%...................................... 14 6.2.1 1eto2 of urinary system.................. 14 6.2.2 1eto2 of intestines....... 15 6.2.3 1eto2 of $i3er ......................... 15 6.2.4 1eto2 of )$ood.... 16 6.3 0cti3ation of different )ody systems......... 16 6.3.1 ,%ina$ acti3ation............. 16 6.3.2 4nergetic centers acti3ation........ 1 6.3.3 5euroendocrine system acti3ation.. 1 6.3.4 Immune system acti3ation...................................... 1! . 6ther Programs7Thera%ies for 3arious ty%es of sym%toms..1& !. #ore information a)out #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y/2+ &. (esearch resu$ts .......... 25

Cem-Tech Manual

#i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y 9##:; is a re3o$utionary ne- techno$ogy used in hea$th care. It -as de3e$o%ed )y %rominent (ussian researchers under the guidance of 5.1. 1e3atko3/ 0cademy mem)er/ and Professor ,.P. ,itko. #i$$imeter -a3es ha3e the same fre<uencies as the ce$$s that communicate -ithin our )odies. Im)a$ances in these -a3es are a )asic cause for hea$th %ro)$ems. 8ith the %o-erfu$ de3ice of =4#*T4=./ -hich %roduces mi$$imeter -a3es/ you esta)$ish contact -ith the fre<uencies of the )ody and thus correct the im)a$ances -hich create i$$ hea$th. The resonances -hich are created )y these fre<uencies in the )ody ha3e 3ery $o- radiation $e3e$s e3en though they %roduce resu$ts. The mi$$imeter -a3e thera%y does not cure any i$$nesses/ )ut reinforces the hea$ing forces of the )ody itse$f. These hea$ing forces of the )ody are restored )y strengthening the ce$$ mem)rane/ -hich is the ce$$ area contact to the rest of the )ody. This method has undergone c$inica$ tests for many years/ -hich ha3e %ro3en great$y successfu$. (ussian tests sho- that >regard$ess of the kind of i$$ness/ the mi$$imeter -a3es ha3e a norma$i?ing effect on the %arameters of the immune system/ increase micro circu$ation/ )a$ance the meta)o$ism of the )ody/ retard aging and e2tend $ength of $ife/ $o-er the risk for onto$ogica$ diseases/ strengthen the %o-er of medicine and offset its ad3erse side effects/ shorten the %eriod of treatment/ im%ro3e the hea$th status for %atients -ith infarcts and strokes/ s%eed u% the hea$ing of fractures )y t-o to three times and has an undis%uted %ain*re$ie3ing effect>. By using the same fre<uencies and strengths/ -hich the ce$$s of the )ody themse$3es em%$oy/ the treatment %roduces no side*effects. .o- fast the resu$ts cou$d )e seen/ de%ends u%on the e2tent of the %ro)$em and the state of the %atient. 5e- in@uries ha3e a faster hea$ing than o$d ones and young %eo%$e ha3e a more s%eedy reco3ery than o$der ones. 9See Section 8 More Information on MMV and Section 9 Research Results 'on (esonance (ecording 9'(I; is a se%arate moda$ity of #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y/ -hich ena)$es you to >record> ne- fre<uencies and to return the information to the )ody. It o%erates $ike a kind of e$ectronic homoeo%athy and is a uni<ue method of thera%y. 9(ead more a)out '(I*thera%y under Section !"# $ro%ram # &RI Therapy;.

'" To consider (efore you start the therapy

43ery treatment is thera%y for the )ody. 8hen you start a c$ean*u%/ the )ody starts to dis%ose of to2ins. These can cause 3arious ty%es of reactions/ e.g. fatigue/ indis%osition/ diarrhea/ fe3er/ headaches/ %ers%iration. These effects are in no -ay dangerous )ut can )e arduous. 8e/ therefore/ recommend a time of treatment not e2ceeding 3+ minutes a day 9$ess for e$der$y and chi$dren;. 'or '(I*thera%y there is no time $imit. :arious ty%es of other treatments/ as -e$$ as chemica$s in the food -e eat/ may -eaken7reinforce the resu$ts. Therefore/ fo$$o- the recommendations after each section. 4ach treatment ought to )e started -ith the )ntistress pro%ram *Section +"' in order to %re%are and ca$m the )ody and make it rece%ti3e to the %ending treatment. 'or an effecti3e 9tota$; treatment/ regard$ess of sym%toms at hand/ -e recommend that you start out -ith a c$eaning %rocedure descri)ed in tota$ under Section + ,Recommended -ealth $ro%rams, Step (y Step," Treatment of se3ere i$$nesses #A,T )e conducted under the su%er3ision of a doctor. In such cases the treatment -ith the ##: de3ice shou$d )e considered more as an ad@unct in a com%$e2 hea$ing %rocedure. 8e/ therefore/ recommend continuing medication according to the doctorBs directions.

#" ./uipment
In order to make the #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y more efficient/ the ne- mode$ of =em*Tech has a modu$ation mode of thera%y for 3arious kinds of hea$th issues. In addition to the )asic and '(I*%rogram/ there are & 2

%rograms -ith different modu$ated fre<uencies and time settings de%ending u%on hea$th issues. These o%tions are a3ai$a)$e on$y in the ne- C,u%erD =em*Tech mode$. The C,u%erD =em*Tech mode$ is a %orta)$e unit e<ui%%ed -ith t-o channe$s and re%$acea)$e crysta$s. It has a dis%$ay for the %rogram se$ected and time. It is o%erated )y t-o 1.5 3o$t 00*)atteries and has a )ui$t*in indicator that f$ashes -hen the $e3e$ of )attery is $o-.

'" Main unit #" 0isplay 1" $ro%ram choice *$ush here to select pro%ram !" 2n3off 4" 5ires to detectors +" 0etectors 6" $ro%ram on3off 8" 7attery compartment *# pcs" '"4 Volt )) 0IS$8)9 .:$8);)TI2;< 5hen you choose a pro%ram" '" Sho=s pro%ram chosen #" Sho=s num(er of seconds - 5hen you ha>e started the pro%ram< 1" Sho=s time used !" Indicator, detector ' 4" Indicator, detector # =em*Tech is e<ui%%ed -ith 2 %cs -hite7ye$$o- detectors. 6ther co$ors are a3ai$a)$e for different thera%ies. ,ee )e$o-. These other co$ors are not inc$uded in )ase %ackage and ha3e to )e ordered se%arate$y. 9ello=3=hite !#-'?? @-A, - 6, ' - 1 mm Red, !#,1 @-A, 6,' mm @reen, 41, 8 @-A, 4, + mm 7lue, +1 @-A, !, 9 mm Eenera$ thera%y 0cti3ates haemog$o)in to )ring o2ygen to the ce$$s. 1eto2 $ym%h and c$ears )$ockages 4ndocronica$ system/ hormona$ )a$ance

1" BuicC %uide of ho= to operate the C.M-Tech

Reminder< )l=ays start =ith pro%ram 1, )nti-Stress Therapy, (efore proceedin% to other pro%rams *See Section +"' The =4#*Tech has three s-itches on the frontF *$ress first the ri%ht arro= s=itch to start the de>ice" $ress until you see searched num(er on the display" &or=ard =ith the ri%ht arro= and (acC=ard =ith the left" *Then press the round s=itch to start the C.M-Tech *Use the =hite3flat side of the crystal a%ainst the sCin =hen maCin% therapy 3


you =ant to turn off the C.M-Tech (efore the pro%ram is completed, press a%ain on the round s=itch )>aila(le pro%rams $ro%ram ' @eneral3local treatment *directly on area of pro(lem or on points of acupuncture $ro%ram # &RI-Therapy $ro%ram 1 )nti-Stress Treatments $ro%ram ! Mouth and Throat support $ro%ram 4 -eart and Vascular support $ro%ram + Respiratory 2r%an support $ro%ram 6 Stomach and Intestine support $ro%ram 8 )rms and 8e%s support $ro%ram 9 SeDual 2r%an support $ro%ram '? SCin support $ro%ram '' Immune System support See Ta(le in Section 6 to find out -hich acu%uncture %oints shou$d )e treated in res%ecti3e %rograms in the ta)$e.

!" $ro%ram ' )nd $ro%ram #

=4#*Tech has 11 %rograms/ of -hich & are $inked to 3arious hea$th concerns. These are descri)ed se%arate$y in Section 6 *2ther $ro%rams3Therapies for >arious types of symptoms " 0%art from the acu%uncture %oints recommended in the Ta)$e/ you cou$d direct$y a%%roach the %ro)$em area -ith the a%%ro%riate %rogram. #i$$imeter 8a3es are transmitted -ith %rogram 1. Ase this %rogram for genera$ treatment -hen you -ish to fortify the )ody/ either )y $oca$$y addressing 3arious organs7areas or focusing direct$y on acu%uncture %oints or if you -ish to treat a issue that is not co3ered in any of the %rograms. 9(ead more a)out ##8s under Section 8 *,More information a(out Millimeter 5a>e Therapy, " Through Program 2/ '(I*thera%y/ the =4#*Tech co%ies fre<uencies from s%ecific %$aces in the )ody and stores the information in the crysta$. 8hen you disconnect the cord from the crysta$/ the information is transmitted )ack to the )ody -hen %$aced on the area that the information -as taken from thus it is treated -ith its o-n fre<uency/ $ike homeo%athy. The '(I*thera%y is a ne- and re3o$utionary method that has end$ess %ros%ects. Gimits are set on$y )y your o-n fantasyH 9(ead more a)out the '(I*thera%y and its %ros%ects under Section !"# ,$ro%ram # &RI-Therapy and Section 9 EResearch Results, "

!"'$ro%ram ' - Therapy of Millimeter 5a>es *-o= you start

0s you run %rogram 1/ a timer is acti3ated. The timer is %rogrammed to run for 1+ minutes and you can see the e$a%sed time on the dis%$ay. The time is counted from 6++ seconds do-n. The =4#*Tech gi3es signa$s during the treatment and is automatica$$y shut off -hen time is u%. The time of the treatment de%ends on the issue and the %atientIs status. 5oteF a$-ays start -ith an 0nti*stress treatment. 9(ead more under Section + >)nti-Stress Treatment>;. ,tart the %rogram this -ayF Press the right arro- s-itch once for %rogram. 0 num)er 1 is sho-n on the dis%$ay. Press the round s-itch 9start7off; once. The =4#*Tech starts. 5o- you treat acu%uncture %oints or $oca$$y on organs7areas of %ain. P$ace the -hite/ f$at side of the crysta$ against the )ody -hen treating.

!"# $ro%ram # &RI-therapy *-o= you start

8hen starting Program 2 a timer -i$$ start. This is %rogrammed for 6+ seconds and the time can )e seen on the dis%$ay. The time is sho-n from 6+ seconds do-n. 8hen recording * the =4#*Tech -i$$ )ee%/ and is automatica$$y shuts do-n -hen time is o3er. .o- often you co%y information de%ends on ho- >o$d> the 4

%ro)$em is. =hronic %ro)$ems shou$d )e co%ied a fe- times e3ery 24 hours. 'or acute in@uries you may reim%rint information e3ery fifteen minutes/ as the %rocess of hea$ing is faster and so there -i$$ )e more ra%id changes 6ther Programs7Thera%ies for 3arious ty%es of sym%toms of the information in the )ody. 27S.RV.H To ha3e the crysta$ start sending the information )ack you must -ithdra- the crysta$ from the cord and %$ace it on the area of the )ody to )e addressed. (emem)er to em%ty the crysta$ of information )efore you treat another area. Ase the %rogram the fo$$o-ing -ayF Jee%7ta%e the crysta$/ -hite side against the skin/ on the s%ot -here you -ish to co%y information. Press t-ice on the right arro- s-itch 9for %rogram;. 0 num)er 2 is sho-n on the dis%$ay. Press once on the round s-itch 9on7off;. The =4#*Tech -i$$ start. 0ft 6ther Programs7Thera%ies for 3arious ty%es of sym%toms er 6+ seconds the =4#*Tech has co%ied information onto the crysta$. 5o- disconnect the cord from the crysta$ in order to send )ack information to the )ody7-ater etc. To c$ean the crysta$ $ift it u% in the air/ %ress the right arro- s-itch t-ice and %ress the round s-itch once 9same as a)o3e;.

!"#"'" More information a(out &RI-therapy

'on (esonance (ecording 9'(I*thera%y; is a se%arate )ranch of the #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y/ -hich makes it %ossi)$e to >record> fre<uencies and transmit the information recorded to the )ody. The detacha)$e crysta$/ -hich is used for the '(I*function/ consists of a semiconductor crysta$/ an in3ention )y (ussian scientists/ -ithout %ara$$e$ in the -or$d. The crysta$ acts as a hard disc in a com%uter. Kou can store fre<uency information from %eo%$e/ anima$s/ %$ants/ food/ medicines etc. 8hen the recording stage is o3er you remo3e the crysta$ from the cord/ and the crysta$ sends )ack the information that it recorded. If you record fre<uencies for 6+ seconds/ the crysta$ can store the information for at $east fi3e years. In order to erase the information you run the same %rogram again -ith the crysta$ u% in the air. It is im%ortant to c$ear the crysta$ if =4#*Tech is )eing used -ith different %atients. '(I*thera%y acts as a kind of homeo%athy. The crysta$ ad@usts itse$f automatica$$y to e3ery %athogenic 9disease creating factor/ e.g. a 3irus;/ -hich has in3aded the )ody or %ain areas of 3arious kinds/ and registers a kind of >disease %hoto>. The crysta$ does not care -hat kind of 3irus or germ is harming the )ody. It does not kno- -hat it is >%hotogra%hing>. Therefore/ it is the task of human )eings to find the ?one -hich is the o%tima$ for the crysta$. The rest is done )y the crysta$ itse$f * it takes %ictures and inf$uences the %ain s%ot -ith the same fre<uencies as it has a)sor)ed. This natura$ 3i)ration e2changes the characteristics of the disease in the )ody and destroys them. The $ength of the treatment de%ends on ho- far the disease has de3e$o%ed. .ea$thy ce$$s a$so res%ond to the radio -a3es )ut )ecause of their great num)ers this inf$uence is restricted com%ared -ith the effects on the %athogenica$$y micro*organisms -hich are s%read throughout the )ody. 'or hea$thy ce$$s they are @ust a -ho$esome stimu$us. The %rinci%$es )ehind this method are -e$$ researched and c$inica$$y confirmed )y many years of in3estigation in (ussian hos%ita$s and other %$aces. The =4#*Tech under-ent a num)er of c$inica$ tria$s )efore it -as a%%ro3ed and certified )y the .ea$th 1e%artment in (ussia. The =4#*Tech is %resent$y used )y medica$ staff/ 3eterinarians and )io$ogists in (ussia and other countries. The $a- of homeo%athy is that $ike effects $ike. .omeo%athic medicine is di$uted and has an effect on$y in the case that the homeo%ath se$ects @ust the right remedy. '(I*thera%y acts according to the same %rinci%$e/ )ut is easier to hand$e as the information is co%ied direct$y from the )ody and therefore $itt$e mistakes can )e made. The information is recorded on the crysta$ from the )ody itse$f and then it is re$eased from the cord and is ta%ed direct$y on the s%ot of the )ody -hich shou$d )e hea$ed.

Kou can a$so charge -ater )y %$acing the same crysta$ on thin %$astic fo$io co3ering the surface of -ater in a @ug. 6ne minute is enough for one a ha$f $iter of -ater. 1rink the -ater during the day. This is an additiona$ method used to get the fre<uencies into the )ody. Imagine that you ha3e throat %ain. 'irst/ you co%y the fre<uencies from you throat )y %ressing the crysta$ against the %ainfu$ area. Then/ charge the -ater -hich you -i$$ drink and then ta%e the crysta$ to the throat. (echarge the crysta$ e3ery other hour in order to u%date the information that corres%onds to the actua$ hea$ing %rocess of your throat. The information is %resent in a$$ )ody f$uids/ such as sa$i3a/ tears/ urine and e3en e2crements. To get this information into the crysta$/ %$ace some )ody f$uid under a thin %$astic fo$io/ in order not to stain or -et the crysta$/ then >record> it onto the crysta$. Arine and sa$i3a are 3ery effecti3e as they carry a$$ fre<uencies of the )ody. ,a$i3a cou$d )e usefu$ -hen curing an inf$uen?a/ other-ise urine is most effecti3e. 8hen you ha3e eye issues/ tears are to )e recommended/ )ut fre<uencies can a$so )e recorded from acu%uncture %oints associate -ith the eyes. Kou can a$so s$ee% -ith crysta$s direct$y on the eye $ids/ after information from the eyes has )een recorded. Inf$ammation is the natura$ -ay for the )ody to fight micro*organisms/ )ut as an inf$ammation )ecomes chronic/ the )ody is de%ri3ed of much energy to fight it. Through '(I*thera%y/ the )ody gets the energy to hea$ t-ice as fast. =o%y the fre<uencies from the strugg$e that is ongoing in the )ody/ and )y sending )ack the fre<uencies to the )ody/ its resistance is reinforced. The '(I*thera%y can )e used for a$$ ty%es of issues. There are no kno-n side*effects. This techno$ogy has un$imited a%%$ications. ,ome of them areF Informati3e reading of i$$nesses such as common %ain/ sources of infections/ 3iruses/ %arasites and )acteria -hich $ater cou$d )e traced )ack to the source. Bio*resonance destroys the %atho$ogy and restores the ce$$s of the )ody and their norma$ function. 43en a hard*tack$ed 3irus such as Bore$$i cou$d ad3antageous$y )e restored )y the =4#*Tech. 'e3er and inf$ammations cou$d disa%%ear in 3 to 4 days. It is %ossi)$e to re$ie3e the %ain a$most at once. It is kno-n that %ain creates changes in magnetic fre<uencies in defected ce$$s. The crysta$ reads this change and restores the ce$$s to their hea$thy radiation. In this -ay the %atho$ogic information to the ner3e rece%tors sto% and there is no $onger any %ain. It is successfu$ in &+ to &5 %er cent of a$$ treatments.

4" Structured =ater

0$$ the )iochemica$ reactions of the )ody are acti3ated through the )ody f$uids. 'rom the )eginning our f$uids are structured/ )ut the structure -i$$ gradua$$y decrease due to age and stressors in $ife. The #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y structures the f$uids of the )ody as -e$$ as -ater )y using the =em*Tech. ,tructured -ater $ifts the $e3e$ of energy in genera$ and strengthens the effect of a$$ treatments. The more structured -ater -e drink/ the )etter. In addition/ it makes the f$uids of the )ody structured/ -hich contri)utes to making the communications of the ce$$s more effecti3e. The taste of -ine and fruit @uices can )e im%ro3ed )y using this same method. ,tructured -ater is fresh for a)out 24 hours. Therefore/ a$-ays structure ne- -ater e3ery day. 1o it the fo$$o-ing -ayF Program 1 Time 1 minute =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$o:o$ume of -ater 1.5 $iter 'i$$ a @ar -ith -ater. =o3er it -ith %$astic fo$io touching the -ater surface. Put the crysta$ on the %$astic co3er 9it must a)so$ute$y not )e -et;. ,tart the %rogram. 0fter 1 minute sto% )y %ressing the round )utton. The 6

structure %rocess of the -ater is no- com%$eted. 9Kou can structure the -ater )y e2tending the time to more than 1 minute; Recommendation< To reach the )est resu$t you shou$d a$-ays use structured -ater -hen using the =4#*Tech. Kou can a$so use/ -ith good resu$ts/ structured -ater -hen treating anima$s and %$ants/

+" Recommended -ealth $ro%ram Step 7y Step

43ery ste% of the treatment must )e carried out se%arate$y. Recommendation< The %rograms )e$o- cou$d )e done once a year as %re3ention.

+"' )nti-stress Treatment

0$$ =em*Tech treatments are started out -ith an anti*stress treatment in order to ca$m the )ody do-n and make it more rece%ti3e to the %ending treatment/ regard$ess of the %rogram7issue. ProgramF 3 Points of acu%uncture #= 6 9right side; T( 5 9right side; Time 5 minutes 91+ at occasions -ith much stress; =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$o-/ 0ccessory Brace$et

,tart the %rogram this -ayF 0ttach the crysta$ on )oth sides of the forearm 9three fingers from the -rist fo$d/ in the center;. A%%er side arm L T(5/ $o-er side armL#=6. 0 s%ecia$ )race$et cou$d )e used a$so. Press 3 times on the right arro- s-itch. 0 figure 3 is sho-n on the dis%$ay. Press once the round s-itch. The =4#*Tech starts.

+"# 0etoDification of the 5hole 7ody

This c$eaning shou$d )e done )y e3ery)ody to strengthen the )ody once a year. 4ach ste% of the treatment is done se%arate$y. ,e3era$ deto2ifications must 56T )e done simu$taneous$y.

+"#"'" Cleansin% 2f the Urine System

This is done in order to c$ean the )ody from hard meta$s/ <uicksi$3er/ radioacti3ity/ -aste %roducts/ %arasites/ etc. Program 2 Time 4 minutes a day for 5 days =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$o,tructured -ater 1.5 $iters (ecord information from the morning urine 9em%ty stomach; )y co3ering the urine -ith %$astic fo$io and %$ace the crysta$ on the %$astic. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and %$ace it on a %$astic fo$io attached to a @ar -ith 1.5 $iter structured -ater. Gea3e it for t-o minutes. =$ean the crysta$. 1rink the -ater during the day. (e%eat the c$eansing for 5 days. Recommendation< Physica$ action faci$itates the re$ease of -aste %roducts. It he$%s to drink urine urging tea 1 to 2 g$asses a day.

+"#"# Cleansin% 2f Intestines

In order to c$ean the )ody from %arasites/ infections/ funga$ gro-th/ candida/ etc. Program 2 Time 4 minutes day for 5 days =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$o,tructured -ater 1.5 $iters (ecord information from morning feces 9the )o-e$ %refera)$y in the morning; )y co3ering the e3acuation -ith %$astic fo$io and %$ace the crysta$ on to% of the %$astic. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and %$ace it on the %$astic fo$io on to% of a @ug fi$$ed -ith 1.5 $iters structured -ater. Gea3e it for t-o minutes. =$ean the crysta$. 1rink the -ater during the day. (e%eat the c$eansing for 5 days. Recommendation< (educe consum%tion of sugar and sim%$e car)ohydrates during the c$eansing %eriod and engage in some sort of %hysica$ acti3ity each day.

+"#"1 Cleansin% 2f the 8i>er

ProgramF 2 Time !*12 hours7night for 5 nights =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$oAse ta%e to fasten the crysta$ on the area of the $i3er 9on the right side @ust )e$o- the ri)s;. Ase ta%e to attach the crysta$. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and ha3e the crysta$ stay o3ernight 9at $east ! hours;. Thereafter/ c$ean the crysta$. (e%eat the c$eansing for 5 nights. RecommendationF In order to faci$itate c$eansing of the $i3er take ga$$ dri3ing medicine e3ery morningM one ta)$es%oon of o$i3e oi$ mi2ed -ith one ta)$es%oon of $emon @uice.

+"#"! Cleansin% 2f the 7lood

ProgramF 2 Time !*12 hours a day during 5 nights =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$oTime of day #orning7midday (ecord information from morning urine 9em%ty stomach; )y co3ering the urine -ith %$astic fo$io and %$ace the crysta$ on to% of the %$astic. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and attach the crysta$ -ith ta%e on a )$ood 3ein 9%refera)$y on the arm fo$d;. Get the crysta$ stay in %$ace at $east through the day 9not $ess than ! hours;. Thereafter/ c$ean the crysta$. (e%eat the c$eansing during 5 nights. Recommendations< 'or a more effecti3e resu$t drink +.5 to 1.+ $iter mi2ture red )eet @uice 9173; and carrot @uice 9273;.

+"1 )cti>atin% Various Systems of the 7ody

0fter the c$eansing of the )ody it he$%s if you continue to acti3ate the 3arious systems of the )ody to gain o%tima$ hea$th.

+"1"' )cti>atin% the Spine

#any hea$th %ro)$ems are re$ated to the s%ine. The c$eansing e$iminates tensions from musc$es and inf$ammations originating from the s%ine and s%eeds u% the hea$ing %rocess. ProgramF 1 Time 6* minutes for 5 days =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$oTime of day any time !

Treat the )ack in three ste%sF start -ith the midd$e of the s%ine/ %$ace the crysta$ on the to% %art of the s%ine and mo3e it s$o-$y do-n-ards 9a)out t-o minutes;. Then/ treat the $eft side 9the si?e of one thum); from the center the same -ay. =onc$ude -ith the right side in the same -ay. (e%eat the treatment for5 days. Recommendation< The resu$t -i$$ )e )etter -ith a $ight massage e3ery other day. If no he$% is a3ai$a)$e to treat the )ack/ use the )ack of your hand/ according to the %icture in the 0TG0,.

+"1"# )cti>atin% + .ner%etic Centers

ProgramF 1 TimeF 6.* minutes for 5 days =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$oTime of dayF 0ny time (un %rogram 1 as )e$o-F P$ace the crysta$ on acu%uncture %oint :E 2+ for 3+seconds P$ace the crysta$ on acu%uncture %oint := 22 for 6+ seconds P$ace the crysta$ on acu%uncture %oint := 1 for 6+ seconds P$ace the crysta$ on acu%uncture %oint := 14 for 6+ seconds P$ace the crysta$ on acu%uncture %oint := ! for 6+ seconds P$ace the crysta$ on acu%uncture %oint := 1 for 6+ seconds Recommendation< 'or )est resu$t/ focus on the center you are -orking -ith.

+"1"1 )cti>atin% the ;euro-endochrine System

This system )a$ances the right and $eft )rain and the hormone system. ProgramF 2 TimeF !*12 hours a day for 16 days =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$o- or )$ue Time of the day 43ening7night ;i%ht '< 'asten your crysta$ on your $eft tem%$e. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and $et the crysta$ stay o3er night 9at $east ! hours;. =$ean the crysta$. ;i%ht #< 'asten your crysta$ -ith ta%e on your right tem%$e. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and $et the crysta$ stay o3er night 9at $east ! hours;. =$ean the crysta$. (e%eat this treatment for ! days/ 4 days on the $eft side and 4 days on the right side.

;eDt step< Thyroid @lands ;i%ht '< 'asten the crysta$ -ith ta%e on the $eft thyroid g$and. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and $et the =rysta$ stay o3er night 9at $east ! hours;. =$ean the crysta$. ;i%ht #< 'asten the crysta$ -ith ta%e on the right thyroid g$and. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and $et the =rysta$ stay o3er night 9at $east ! hours;. =$ean the crysta$. (e%eat the &

c$eansing for ! days/ a$ternate 4 days on $eft side and 4 days on right side.

+"1"! )cti>ation of the Immune System

ProgramF '(I Time !*12 hours a day for ! nights =o$or of crysta$ Ke$$o- or red Time of the dayF 43ening7night P$ace the crysta$ on your Thymus. 'asten the crysta$ -ith ta%e. (un %rogram 2 96+ seconds;. (e$ease the crysta$ from the cord and $et the crysta$ stay o3er night 9at $east ! hours;. (e%eat the c$eansing for ! nights.

6" 2ther pro%rams" Therapy for >arious types of symptoms

8hen you use the 3arious %rograms a timer is acti3ated. The timer is %rogrammed according to the time needed for the time in <uestion and you can fo$$o- the time count do-n on the dis%$ay. Time is measured in seconds. 4ach %rogram according to the ta)$e )e$o-/ is in o%eration for 1+ days and can )e re%eated 2*3 times/ )ut -ith a rest %eriod of 5 days in )et-een treatments. R.M.M7.R (efore any period of treatment al=ays start =ith pro%ram 1, anti-stress-treatmentF Press the right arro- s-itch and search for the se$ected %rogram. Press on the round s-itch once. The =4#*Tech starts o%erating. Treat the items according to the Ta)$e )e$o-. It is recommended that you se$ect the time that is recorded7%rogrammed in the Ta)$e )e$o-. Ase the -hite7f$at side of the crysta$. Therapy of or%ans or or%an systems =ith patholo%ical issues =ith the C.M-Tech model ESuper use the follo=in% ta(le<
2r%ans or systems =ith patholo%ical chan%es" $ro%ram G )cupuncture points Time in min 0etector color

)nti-stress pro%ram $sycho-emotional distur(ances *;eurasthenia , sleepin% difficulties, 0epression Mouth and3or throat pro(lems *Inflammation, infection m"m" -eart< other circulation pro(lems *dystonic, hypertonic, hypotonic 7reathin% pro(lems *cold, asthma,

1 ! 4

MC + *ri%ht hand side TR 4 *ri%ht hand side @I '' VC #? @I '4, MC + . 1+, R$ +

4 '? '?

yello= yello= yello=


Inflammation in (ronchiHs Stomach- and intestinal pro(lems *hemorrhoids, hepatitis, sensiti>e stomach 0ysCinesia *arthritis, arthro, osteochondro 0ischar%e< and %enital pro(lems *nephritis, inflammation of (ladder, prostate, etc" SCin pro(lems *aller%ies, dermatitis etc" 5eaC immune system

VC #?, @I ! @I #?, $6 . 1+, C 6, &'1 V7 19, R$ !, R$ +, V+ V +#, V7 1!,@I !, V7 #?, V +?, V #8 R +, . #4, R$ +, R 6 C 6, $ 6 MC +, . 1+


6 8

'? '? ! 1 '?

yello= yello= yello= yello= yello=

9 '? ''

8" More Information a(out MMV

Millimeter 5a>e Therapy - a modern health treatment for all 'or 3+ years #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y -as -e$$*researched in (ussia )ased on hundreds of in3estigations and thousands of references. ##: o%erates on a natura$ )asis/ -ith 3ery effecti3e resu$ts and no re%orted side effects. It remo3es sym%toms and restores organs/ and system structures * a %recondition for a $asting resu$t of the treatment. In the year 2+++ (ussian scientists and researchers em%$oying the #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y in the fie$ds of )io$ogy and medicine/ -ere a-arded the most %restigious state %ri?e in (ussia 9e<ui3a$ent to the 5o)e$ Pri?e in the 8estern 8or$d;. 5hat are millimeter =a>esI #i$$imeter -a3es are the $anguage that our ce$$s use for intercommunication. 4ach ce$$ is acti3e and 3i)rates on a certain fre<uency. ,uch 3i)rations create -a3e mo3ements. It is %ro3en that e3ery structure in the -or$d is %ermeated -ith such >mini> 3i)rations/ -hich makes it %ossi)$e to understand the e2istence of/ and the future for/ the de3e$o%ment of the )ody. 0ccording to <uantum mechanica$ mode$s/ e3ery o)@ect is dou)$e*natured/ it has one materia$ and one e$ectromagnetic com%onent/ -here e3erything 3i)rates and e3ery ce$$ is a %art of an o3er$a%%ing conte2t. #i$$imeter -a3es 9Lradio -a3es; ha3e fre<uencies )et-een 42.3 and 1++ E.? 9gigahert?;. It is according to these -a3es the mem)ranes of our ce$$s 3i)rate and intercommunicate. Im)a$ances in these -a3es create hea$th issues. The mi$$imeter -a3es instruments generate -a3es -ith the same strength as the )odyIs/ a)out 1+ to the %o-er of *1+ m-7cm s<uare/ -hich is a )i$$ion times $ess than the radiation from a mo)i$e te$e%hone. -o= does a Millimeter 5a>e Therapy functionI It is -e$$ kno-n that the )ody consists of ce$$s and that each ce$$ acts $ike a factory -hich recei3es nourishment and o2ygen and dis%oses of -aste %roducts. This is done through the mem)ranes of the ce$$s. The mem)rane charge is 6+*&+ m: 9mi$$i3o$t;. If the strength is $o-er or higher/ the ce$$ is acting -ith $ess ca%acity. The instrument for the mi$$imeter -a3es %roduces the same fre<uencies as the mem)ranes of the ce$$s. 8hen the fre<uency gets in touch -ith the )ody/ a resonance is created -hich reinforces the 3i)rations of the ce$$. In this -ay the mi$$imeter -a3es increase the charge of the mem)ranes of the ce$$. The charge is ke%t steady -ith the he$% of the mi$$imeter fre<uencies. 8hen these fre<uencies are changed/ the charge is changed and the functions of the ce$$s according$y. This is the first effect of the inf$uence of the mi$$imeter -a3es. 0 second effect is re$ated to rece%tors. 43ery ce$$ has rece%tors -hich recei3e information from outside. If the rece%tors ha3e reduced sensiti3ity to hormones and signa$ su)stances/ the ce$$s are $ess efficient. 11

0 rece%tor can )e more or $ess acti3e. The mi$$imeter -a3es acti3ate the rece%tors so that they )ecome more sensiti3e and recei3e information more efficient$y. The third effect of the mi$$imeter -a3es is im%ro3ement of the communication of the ce$$s. The human )ody consists of 1+ to the %o-er of 16 num)er of ce$$s. In order to ha3e such a com%$icated system function -ithout distur)ances/ a certain mechanism to synchroni?e the functions of the )ody is needed. =em*Tech modu$ates the fre<uencies of the )ody -ithin the area -hich is treated and acts as a synchroni?ing mechanism. It restores the >hea$thy rhythmD of the )ody -hich -as $ost during the sickness. In this -ay the interna$ system for information f$o- of the )ody is %rotected. 6ne of the strong effects of the mi$$imeter -a3es is the di$ution of the )$ood. This is of great im%ortance %articu$ar$y for e$der$y %eo%$e. #i$$imeter -a3es are s%read throughout the )ody )y e2trace$$u$ar $i<uids/ skin rece%tors and energetic meridians/ -hich through resonance restore the 3i)rations of the mem)ranes. This im%ro3es the functions of the ce$$s and their communications. .ffects of Millimeter =a>e therapy Tests conducted in (ussia sho- that/ >regard$ess of the kindD of the disease/ mi$$imeter -a3es norma$i?e the %arameters of the immune system/ increase microcircu$ation/ )a$ance the meta)o$ism of the )ody/ retard aging and %ro$ong $ife/ %re3ent the de3e$o%ment of diseases and the %re3ent acute diseases from )ecoming chronic/ reduce the risk of i$$ness -ith onco$ogica$ diseases/ increase the efficiency of medication and reduce their to2icity and side effects/ shorten treatment time and im%ro3es hea$th status for %atient suffering from heart infarcts and strokes/ s%eed u% the hea$ing of fractures 2.5 to 3 times and/ in addition/ ha3e a %ain*re$ie3ing effect. 0s the mi$$imeter -a3es acti3ate the rece%tors of the ce$$s/ -hich )ecome more sensiti3e to hormones and en?ymes/ it cou$d )e an ad3antage a$so for the use in cosmetic treatment to stimu$ate the skin and reduce -rink$es. The skin )ecomes $ess moist -ith age/ )ut )y strengthening the ce$$ mem)rane and im%ro3ing )$ood circu$ation the 3igor can )e restored. Tests that ha3e )een %erformedF The instruments for #i$$imeter -a3e thera%y ha3e undergone e2tensi3e c$inica$ tests for more than ! years at $eading (ussian hos%ita$s. Nust in (ussia the c$inica$ efficiency of #T has )een studied on 2+/6!+ %atients during 1&&3*2+++. In these cases &6.&4O sho-ed %ositi3e resu$ts 9reco3ery * great im%ro3ement/ im%ro3ement;. The thera%eutic effect fai$ed for on$y 3.+6O of the %artici%ants. The #T instruments are recommended for use )y the #edica$ .ea$th #inistry of the (ussian 'ederation and are certified. The methods of treatment are ratified )y the same authority.
Type of illness 8ar%e impro>ement =ircu$ation organs 36.1 ,ke$eton and musc$es 25. 1igesti3e organs 3.4 (es%iratory systems 3 . 5eura$ system 66.4 4ar*nose*throat 6&.4 ,kin 42.4 ,urgica$ i$$nesses &3.1 1amages on ske$eton/ Gigaments and musc$e systems 2 .3 1amages on discharge and ,e2ua$ systems 14.3 Impro>ement 61.2 2. 24.1 53.4 33.2 3+.6 54.6 6.& 63.6 !5. 4'"9 ;o chan%e 2. 1.6 2.5 !.& +.4 * 3.+ * &.1 * 1"+ 5orsenin% * * * * * * * * * * -



#TIs inf$uence on the mem)ranes of the )$ood ce$$s has )een thorough$y in3estigated. 0n im%ro3ement in the )$ood structure has )een noted/ increased content of $ym%hocytes in genera$ and of T*$ym%hocytes 9Im%ortant factors in immune %rotection; in %articu$ar/ and an increase of antio2idants and )io$ogica$$y acti3e su)stances. #T norma$i?es im%ortant indicators of )$ood coagu$ation in heart* and 3ascu$ar diseases/ among them 3ascu$ar s%asm heart infarct. In addition/ it stimu$ates the )$ood formation/ -hich is the reason for its use 12

-hen treating of onco$ogica$ %atients. #T a$so inf$uences the fi$$ing of )$ood 3esse$s/ the dynamics of the $ym%h stream and the trans%ortation of 3arious su)stances and gases. The use of the c$assica$ #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y de%ends on a$$ systems of the )ody/ such as )$ood/ $ym%h systems/ etc. ha3ing resonance fre<uencies -ithin the ##: inter3a$. ,tudies ha3e. )een conducted on the hemog$o)in of the )$ood and on the magnetic resonance $e3e$ of the nuc$eus. The hemog$o)in is acti3ated at 42.1&4 E.?/ -hich increases the a)i$ity of the red )$ood ce$$s to for-ard o2ygen u% to three times. This s%eeds u% the hea$ing of damaged tissues and the deto2ification of the )ody. Therefore/ treatment -ith this fre<uency has a common function in a num)er of %atho$ogica$ %rocesses. Thanks to this effect/ this method is most effecti3e -hen treating areas and ?ones -ith a)undant f$o- of )$ood/ as arteries and 3eins. 6ne of the most im%ortant mechanisms in #T is the acti3ation of endor%hins * the hormones of @oy. It inf$uences the %ain syndrome %ositi3e$y/ the reconstruction of the tissues/ the tones of the 3esse$s and the microcircu$ation. #T has a c$ear$y stimu$ating effect on the immune system. The acti3ation of the antio2idant system of the )ody/ -hich takes %$ace at #T/ )$ocks the o2idi?ing %rocesses of the $i%ids/ -hich %$ays a ro$e in the a%%earance of certain diseases and their deterioration. #T has %ro3ed to )e irre%$acea)$e for reha)i$itation after heart infarct and stroke/ and * -hich is most im%ortant * for the %re3ention of these state of diseases. .igh efficiency/ reduction of the use of medications and the a)sence of side effects/ -hich are %ro3en )y many years of c$inica$ research/ means that #T can )e recommended for treatment in a )road range of a%%$ications and as use in %re3enting 3arious diseases. The %rinci%$es )ehind the methodo$ogies are e$a)orate$y researched and c$inica$$y confirmed )y in3estigations o3er years at (ussian hos%ita$s and institutions. The =4#*Tech has undergone numerous c$inica$ tests )efore it -as a%%ro3ed and certified )y the .ea$th 1e%artment in (ussia. The =4#*Tech is %resent$y em%$oyed )y medica$ staff/ 3eterinarians and )io$ogists in (ussia and other countries. The resonance crysta$/ -hich is the heart of the techno$ogy/ -as in3ented )y Professor 0. Jo?hem@akin. This crysta$ can )e o%erated in 3arious fre<uency areas. These crysta$s are ca%a)$e of recording information from a$$ concei3a)$e )io$ogica$ o)@ects and kee%ing this information -ith no time restrictions. Cem-Tech- ) Uni/ue Means To Stay -ealthy =em*Tech * the =4#*Tech using #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y/ -ith its crysta$ -ith semiconductor 9ga$$ium arsenide; o%erates $ike a hard disc on a com%uter. The =4#*Tech has three outstanding forms of thera%y. The first is a uni<ue function/ so ca$$ed '(I*thera%y 9'on (esonance (adiation;. The crysta$ can store information from human )eings/ %$ants/ food or other o)@ects. 8hen the storing is com%$eted the crysta$ starts to ref$ect the recorded information )ack to the )ody or -ater in the form of e2treme$y -eak radio -a3es. 1uring this %rocess/ functions of )acteria and microorganisms are o%%ressed/ and they die -ithin a short time. In this -ay/ an e$ectromagnetic com%onent of resistance for the %o-er of the )ody is created/ -hich com%$etes the immunity against inocu$ations. The hea$thy ce$$s a$so res%ond to the radio -a3es )ut o-ing to their great num)ers this inf$uence is sma$$ com%ared to the effect on %athogenic micro*organisms -hich are dis%ersed through the )ody. 'or hea$thy ce$$s it is nothing other than -ho$esome stimu$ation. The '(I*thera%y thus acts as a kind of e$ectronic homoeo%athy/ as )oth thera%ies start from the assum%tion that $ike inf$uences $ike and function according to the same %rinci%$e. The ad3antage -ith the '(I*thera%y is that the information is co$$ected direct$y from the )ody and/ thus/ the risk to >dose> -rong$y is e2c$uded. Information can a$so )e transferred from 3arious e2cretions from the )odyF sa$i3a/ urine/ tears and e3en e3acuation 9a$$ that is recorded on the crysta$ can )e transferred to drinking*-ater as the -ater has the a)i$ity to recei3e and store information and the -ater then drunk in order get a further homoeo%athic effect;. The second function is c$eaning of organs/ -hich is considera)$y more efficient than other forms of treatment. The third function is $oca$ treatment on the %ain s%ot. 13

The com)ination of #i$$imeter 8a3e Thera%y and '(I*thera%y in the same =4#*Tech de3ice offers uni<ue %ossi)i$ities for %eo%$e to im%ro3e their hea$th and %re3ent i$$ness in a natura$ -ay. The different a%%$ications are many and the areas of use are in %rinci%$e un$imited. 6ne of the greatest ad3antages of using the =4#*Tech is its a)i$ity to e$iminate %arasites/ )acteria/ 3iruses and infections. Through )io*resonance %atho$ogy is destroyed and norma$ functions of the )ody ce$$s are restored. 43en such a hard*tack$ed 3irus as Bore$$i is ad3antageous$y e$iminated -ith the he$% of the a%%aratus. 'e3er and inf$ammations are e$iminated -ithin 3*4 days. It is hard to find any more effecti3e thera%y for treatment of infections and %arasites. It is possi(le to relie>e pain almost at once. It is kno-n that the magnetic fre<uencies in damaged ce$$s are changed -hen %ain is at hand. The crysta$ reads this change and effects the ce$$s in -ay that the sound radiation is restored. Asing ade<uate resonance thera%y the ner3e rece%tors do not recei3e any %atho$ogica$ information and the %erson does not suffer from %ain any more. This is the case in &+*&5O of a$$ treatments. 0cute %ain is recommended to )e treated first/ -ith '(I*thera%y.

9" Research Results< Result of treatment =ith Cem-Tech

0 thera%ist used this method for si2 years since 2++1 and found the fo$$o-ing resu$t. 1. A$cer and u$cers on duodenumF The hea$ing of the u$cer for &!O of the cases/ good hea$th status during fi3e years after treatment for &O. 2. =hronic )ronchitis and asthmaF Im%ro3ed status for ! O/ good state of hea$th for t-o years and more for 6!O. 3. =om%$ications )ecause of dia)etes ty%e 1F .ea$ing of grey cataract for !O/ hea$ing of kidney %ro)$ems for 52 O/ hea$ing of heart*and 3esse$ %ro)$ems for 5!O. 13O of chi$dren treated -ith insu$in cou$d sto% intake insu$in 9under contro$ of endocrino$ogists;. Im%ro3ements in their hea$th status -ere confirmed )y $a)oratory tests. 'or !&O com%$ications disa%%eared )ecause of sta)i$i?ed hea$th status. Eenera$ im%ro3ement of hea$th for &6O/ continued good stats for a year or more for 45O. 4. .y%ertonicF ,ta)$e status -ith $o-er )$ood %ressure in connection -ith $ess taking of medications for !2O/ sta)i$i?ing of status for !&O/ continued good state of hea$th for one year or more for 5O. 5. .eart and 3esse$ diseasesF (eduction of num)er of acute %eriods for !2O/ reduction of dai$y intake of medicine for &4O/ continued hea$th status for !2O. 6. Gi3er diseasesF 9cirrhosis/ he%atitis/ he%toses;F Im%ro3ement of )iochemica$ %arameters of the $i3er function for !2O/ norma$i?ing of the structure the organs 9according to u$trasonic sound e2amination and com%uter tomogra%hy; for 5!O/ continued im%ro3er state for a year or more for 3O. . 1iseases in the fema$e re%roduction systemF im%ro3ements for !3O continued im%ro3ed state for a year or more for 4O. !. 1iseases in the ma$e re%roduction systemF Im%ro3ed state for 2O continued im%ro3ed state for a year or more for 6!O. &. 1iseases of mo3ementF Im%ro3ed state for !6O/ continued im%ro3ed hea$th state a year or more for 2O. 1+. 0$$ergiesF Im%ro3ed state for !4O continued im%ro3ed state for a year or more for 62O.

It is ;ecessary to repeat treatment t=ice or more"

5oteF The 3a$ues sho- %atients -ho sho-ed an im%ro3ement after ##: thera%y/ in %ercentage.


Cem Worl USA


(917)776-5410 or (917)484-6601 e-mai: cem ec!usa"#mail.com

1$5 %cea&a 'ri(e )as * $-+

+roo,l-&* ./ 11$05



The device Antistress CEM TECH is based on modern technology of producing materials with controlled energy structure with use of special semi-conductor crystals. The device Antistress analy es and bloc!s pathological electromagnetic radiation which always accompanies illness. Ad"ustment of the device Antistress CEM TECH on the resonant characteristic of a pathogenic factor is performed in automatic mode by creation of #photo$ of the illness in EH% &A'(E) including all its spectral components. At influence of bac!ground *natural+ radiation of such spectrum replacement of illness spectrum in the organism is performed) its oppression and destruction. ,uration of treatment depends on the degree of illness development. The device Antistress was developed sub"ect to the analysis of !nown technical analogues and results of medicobiological researches with reference to a wide class of techni-ues in area of physio-) refle.o- and nosodotherapy. The device Antistress is honored with diplomas of &ospatent) the diploma and a silver medal of the e.hibitions #Eure!a-/000$ in 1russels) #2'3E4$ 3ittsburg) Gold medal of EWEI. The device Antistressis effectively used for treatment in medical practice) and also in home conditions. The fastest clinical effect is achieved when pathological process is accompanied by e.pressed painful syndrome or local manifestation) has no e.pressed organostructural changes and is located in tissues. 2ndications for application5 3ainful syndrom of any locali ation Articulary pathology ,iseases of spinal column 6ounds) burns

Allergic diseases accompanies by s!in manifestations

Treatment of the illness can be carried out in home conditions) using the device as the only or a helpful means Technical characteristics

6eight5 700g *including / batteries+ 8nit ,imensions5 90mm *6+ . 7:0mm *;+ . /<mm *H+ =torage environment5 -70>C?@A0>C) less than B<C &H Dperating environment5 Dperating environment5 @70>C?@:0>C) less than E<C &H 3ower source5 AA 7)<F . / batteries

The complete set of delivery and Accessories5 Main unit) 2nstruction Manual) AA 7)<F . / batteries) Additional irradiating heads or cables *when ordered separately+.

The front view 7. /. G. :. <. A. 9. E. B. 70. 77. 7/. 7G. 7:. 7<. 7A. 79. 7E. 7B. /0. /7. 3ulmonary disturbances (astritis ;iver disorders (allbladder diseases Abnormalities in small intestine Abnormalities in large intestine Hidney diseases Changes in hip "oint Changes in !nee-"oint ,iseases of urinary bladder =yndrome of stenocardia Cardiac insufficiency Cardiac ischemia ,iseases of spleen Abnormalities in pancreas ,iseases of prostate) urinary bladder Abnormalities in sigmoid colon =e.ual disorders ,iminished digestive function ,isorders in se.ual sphere Fisual acuity loss

The rear view 7. /. G. :. <. A. 9. E. B. 70. 77. 7/. 7G. 7:. 7<. 7A. 79. 7E. 7B. /0. /7. Dsteochondrosis of cervical part of spinal cord Cardiac abnormalities ,iseases of spleen =tomach ulcer Abnormalities in pancreas ,iseases of stomach Abnormalities in large intestine &enal disorders =e.ual disturbances Changes in hip "oint Abnormalities in ureter ,iseases of urinary bladder (allbladder diseases ,iseases of bile duct 3ulmonary abnormalities ;iver disorders ,iseases of adrenal glands Abnormalities in small intestine ,isease of organs of small pelvis Changes in !nee-"oint Abatement of !nee-"oint ligaments

//. ,iseases of stomach

//. Abnormalities in rectum

,irect 2nfluence on Iones of Drgan 3ro"ections with the ,evice CEM TECH Anti-stress Juic! guide of how to operate the CEM-Tech &emember5 Always start with program G) anti stress therapy) before proceeding to other programs. CEM-Tech has three switches on the front5


3ress first the right arrow switch to start the device. 3ress until you see searched number on the display. %orward with the right arrow and bac!ward with the left. Then press the round switch to start the CEM-Tech 8se the whiteKflat side of the crystal against the s!in when ma!ing therapy 2f you want to turn off the CEM-TECH before the program is completed) press again on

Available Programs 3rogram 7 3rogram / 3rogram G 3rogram : 3rogram < 3rogram A 3rogram 9 3rogram E 3rogram B 3rogram 70 3rogram 77

(eneralKlocal treatment %&2-therapy Anti-stress treatment Mouth- and throat problem Heart- and vascular problems &espiratory organs =tomach and intestine problems Arms and legs =e.ual organs =!in problems 2mmune defense

A00sec. A0sec. G00 sec. A00sec. A00sec. G00sec. A00sec. A00 sec. /:0 sec. 7E0 sec. A00 sec.

8ser Manual - Cem Tech 'E6.doc *7E<<+ Program 1 and Program The CEM-Tech has 77 programs of which B are lin!ed to various health problems. Lou could locally approach directly the problem area with appropriate program. Millimeter waves are transmitted with program 7. Lou use this program for general treatment when you wish to fortify the body) either by locally addressing various organsKareas or focusing directly on points of acupuncture or if you wish to treat a problem that is not covered in any of the programs. Through 3rogram /) %&2-therapy) the CEM-Tech copies fre-uencies from) e.g.) the body and stores the information in the crystal. 6hen you) thereafter) disconnect the cord from the crystal) the information starts to be transmitted bac! and the body could in this way be treated with its own fre-uency) li!e homeopathy. The FRI-therapy is a new and revolutionary method that has endless prospects. Limits are set only by your own imagination! Program 1 ! Thera"# of Millimeter Waves $how #o% get started& As you run program 7) a timer is activated. The timer is programmed to run for 70 minutes and you can see elapsed time on the display. Time is counted from A00 seconds down. The CEM-TECH gives signals during the treatment and is automatically put off when time is up. Time of treatment depends on problem and the status of the patient. 'ote that you always should start with an anti-stress treatment. *program G+ =tart the program this way5

3ress once the right arrow switch *for program+. A figure 7 is shown on the display. 3ress once the round switch *startKoff+. The CEM-TECH starts. 'ow you treat acupuncture points or locally on organsKareas of pain. 8se the white) flat side of the crystal against the body when treating

6hen starting 3rogram / a timer will start. This is programmed to A0 seconds and time can be seen on the display. Time is shown from A0 seconds down. 6hen recording - the CEM-TECH will peep) and is automatically closed when time is over. How often you shall copy information depends on how MoldM the problem is N chronically problems will be copied a few times every /: hrOs) on urgent in"uries you may reload every fifteen minutes. ,ue to the fact that the process of healing is faster on a new in"ury and because of that there will be a more rapid change of the information in the body. D1=E&FEP To have the crystal start sending the information bac! you must withdraw the crystal from the cord. When there are serio%s "roblems d%ration sho%ld be in'reased to to ( wee)s.

3lease remember that there are cases that are more complicated then others and we must never abandon the medical care andKor medication that were proscribed by the ,octor.


6e must treat ourselves reasonably) guided by the principle - do no harmP The device and the procedureOs that where stated in this article give an opportunity to restrict the use of drugs and greatly facilitate the patientQs condition.



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