Soft Drink Beverage Project
Soft Drink Beverage Project
Soft Drink Beverage Project
Water in the plant shall come from the nearby source and stored in the Reservoir, before ensuring production raw material (clean water) is treated in the water treatment plant. The process involves is
known as the coagulation process. Chemicals used in this process are calcium hydroxide, chlorine and calcium sulphate. Initially water is treated with the chemicals in the chemical tank and become turbid. Turbidity is not only an aesthetic problem in water. Water with a high turbidity can be very difficult or impossible to properly disinfect. As a result, the maximum allowable level of turbidity in water is 0.5 NTU, while the recommended level is about 0.1 NTU. (NTU, or TU, stands for nephelometric turbidity units, a measurement of the turbidity of water.) Turbidity and color are much more common in surface water than in groundwater. As surface water flows over the ground to streams, through streams, and then through rivers, the water picks up a large quantity of particles. As a result, while aeration is more commonly required for groundwater, treatment involving coagulation and flocculation is typical of surface water. Impurities get settled at the base and remove the turbidity. Next it is sent to a sand filter to remove the turbidity from where the water is sent to CARBON TANK where all the micro organism and chlorine is removed the water so obtained is completely free from any kind of impurity and is ready to be used in further processing the maximum alkalinity is maintained. BOTTLING UNIT The Automatic conveyor machine takes the empty bottle to the machine. A person is required to put the empty bottle on the roller conveyor. Used bottle from the market are stealthy. It is completely outer process which takes place within a machine. The machine has three compartments. Bottles for washing placed on conveyor comes inside the machine and get successive treatment. Bottles are treated with caustic soda in the first compartment in the frost compartment. Thereafter, bottles are again washed with cleaning agent in the second compartment. In the third compartment Bottles are treated with soft ware. SYRUP ROOM Syrup room shall be equipped to prepare syrup from filtered water, sugar and the concentrate. The room is well equipped with several tanks and filter process. The first one is heating tank in which syrup is actually prepared. Calculated amount of sugar, concentrate and water is heated upto 850C. Thus a saturated solution is prepared. The filled bottles are crowned with metallic caps to protect the impurity of content. Then the bottles are given the batch no. bottling date with the help of laser machine. The filled bottles are lifted from the conveyor belt and placed manually in crates. The bottling of beverage is carried out at 240bottles per minute.
PACKAGED REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS AGUAPURO offers the State-of-the-Art Packaged Reverse Osmosis Systems complete with Pre & Post Treatment equipments offering Very Pure Water from Brackish or Saline water. Water Produced using Reverse Osmosis Technology is of very Low TDS & free from Particulate, Organic and Colloidal matter. These Systems comprise of Raw Water Feed Pump, Multi Media Filter Unit, Activated Carbon Filter Unit, Anti Scalent Dosing Unit, (Optional-Water Softener) Micron Bag and/or Cartridge Filter and Reverse Osmosis Unit with Optional UV Sterilizer unit at the outlet of RO unit. These systems are used for water having TDS up to 2000 ppm. Systems for Higher TDS are custom Designed and offer for the same can be procured from the manufacturer. Manufacturers offers wide range of capacities in this series, ranging from 2 M3/hr to 30 M3/hr and more. Special Features
Pre Assembled, Factory Tested Systems, Compact, easy to Install, Operate and Maintain Anti corrosive FRP vessels and Pressure Tubes (SS-optional), SS 304 Skid for mounting units System requires only Water, Electrical and Drain supply and can be installed in a day. Multi Port Control valve for easy operation of Filtration and Electrical Controls with all interlocks ASTM Scheduled Heavy Duty UPVC Piping & SS Piping for RO High Pressure Piping TDS Monitor to check Raw & Treated Water Quality, Solenoid Valves & Pr Switch for Safety Controls Micron Bag and Micron Cartridge Filter Unit Beverage & Food processing Units FILTER HOUSINGS / CARTRIDGES
Micron Filter Housings are available in different modes of constructions, viz., Poly Propylene, HDPE, SS 304 and SS 316. SS 304 / 316 Filter Housings are available with Threading or Dairy End Fittings or TC Fittings. Filters are either used alone or installed in series to obtain better results and optimum life. We also provide SS housing for some special applications like Pharmaceutical and Food & Beverage use (Code & Cartridge and Housings)
1. Water Treatment Plant complete with Pre and Post Treatment with Reverse Osmosis 2. Blow Moulding Machines to make PET Bottles 3. Syrup Room Equipments (Sugar Syrup Tanks, Mixing Tanks etc) 4. Blending Tanks and Juice Holding Tanks 5. Chilling Plant
6. Carbonator Machine 7. Homogeniser and Pasteuriser Machine 8. Rinsing, Filling & Capping Machine 7. Coolers and Warmer Units 8. Labelling Machine 9. Shrink Wrap and Carton sealer Machines