2 Part Women Lit
2 Part Women Lit
2 Part Women Lit
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Take a look at Ruth Elaine Schram's arrangements. Many of them are unison
with an optional Part II. I attended an elementary music teachers' reading
session of her work last week, and here are her pieces from the session that
I think would be appropriate for a festival (my personal favorites are noted
with an asterisk):
America the Beautiful*
Oh Shenandoah*
Picture a Playground (very touching--"Picture a playground filled with
the happy sound of children who dream and explore with no thought of
May the Road Rise to Meet You (very beautiful)*
Gloria and Alleluia (a cappella)*
For the Beauty of the Earth
Gift of Life (beautiful!)*
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Peace Like a River
My World (environmental theme)
Jacob's Ladder
Ubi Caritas
1. "My Own Song "by Crystal LaPoint Kowalski, Published by Hinshaw= 2pt.
absolutely beautiful and meaningful to girls.
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ChoralNet 3/5/02 6:37 PM
Take a look at our web site under Prep I (and even Prep II)
literature. You'll get lots of ideas.
Visit our web site. We have many outstanding SA and unison children's
pieces. They are filed under "children."
Barbara Harlow
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ChoralNet 3/5/02 6:37 PM
Neat speech piece called "Too Many Cats" in two parts. Forget the composer's
name. "Manx Lullaby" by Lori Ann Dolloff is a beautiful unison piece.
Compiled by,
Jennifer Price
Granite Falls, Washington
[email protected]
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