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GA For Optimal PI in DC Voltage Regulation of D-STATCOM

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol.1, No.2, December 2011, pp.

110~118 ISSN: 2088-8708


GA For Optimal PI in DC Voltage Regulation of D-STATCOM

K. Ranjith Kumar, P. Sadanandam
Vaagdevi College of Engineering/JNTU, HYD Warangal, Andhrapradesh, India e-mail: [email protected], [email protected],

The performance of DSTATCOM depends on a DC capacitor voltage regulation.The regulation of DC capacitor voltage based on optimal PI coefficients. The conventional method to determine PI coefficients is trial and error method. In this paper Genetic Alogorithem is applied for exact calculation of optimized PI coefficients can carried out to reduce disturbances in DC link voltage. Optimizations and simulations are worked out in MATLAB environment. Keywords: DSTATCOM, Nonlinear controller, optimized PI coefficients, Genetic Algorithem (GA)

Introduction Static Compensators (STATCOMs) are based on shunt Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices that can regulate line voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC), balance loads or compensate load reactive power by producing the desired amplitude and phase of inverter output voltage which is connected to a DC capacitor[1]. Generally, a transformer leakage reactance is located between STATCOM and transmission network. The STATCOM connected in distributed system is called as DSTATCOM. There are many possible configurations of Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) and consequently many different configurations of DSTATCOM [2-3]. Many different strategies such as Proportional-Integral controller, sliding mode controller [4] and nonlinear controller have been suggested to control DSTATCOM. Because of nonlinear operation of DSTATCOM, nonlinear controller is preferred in comparison with linear method [5]. Moreover, four chosen sets of PI parameters may not be suitable for all ranges of operating points and finding these values are very time consuming and complex. Vectorcontrolled techniques are used to control the converters currents leading to fast reactive current control [6-7]. In nonlinear controller, the Generalized Averaged Method [8] has been used to determine the nonlinear time invariant continuous model of the system [9-11]. This model has been applied to implement a nonlinear control law based on exact linearization via feedback for STATCOM [12]. This technique is particularly interesting because it transforms a nonlinear system into a linear one in terms of its input-output relationship. In the literature [9-10], only q axis current was regulated, but it should be noted that unlike other shunt compensators, large energy storage device that have almost constant voltage, makes DSTATCOM more robust and it also enhances the response speed. Therefore, there are two control objectives implemented in DSTATCOM. First is q-axes current and the second is capacitor voltage in DC link [13]. Fortunately, q-axes current tracks its corresponding reference value perfectly, but capacitor voltage is not fixed on reference ideally because of presence of a proportional-integral controller between the reference of the d-axis current and DC link voltage error. In other words, the performance indices (settling time, rise time and over shoot) have notable values. Thus, the optimized and exact determination of PI gains can lead to reduction in disturbances of system responses. In this Paper, one of the powerful and famous optimization algorithms (e.g. Genetic Algorithm [14-15]) is applied to find optimized values of PI gains. Two objective functions are defined. The new PI coefficients, calculated in these ways, are implemented in controller to demonstrate the improvement of convergence speed, reduction of error, the overshoot in capacitor voltage and other circuit parameters. The results are compared with trial and error method.



Configuration of DSTATCOM In this paper, a simplified DSTATCOM configuration is considered. It is shown in Fig. (1). It consists of a voltage inverter, a capacitor C and an inductance L and a resistor Rs on the AC side, L represents the leakage inductance of the transformer and the line, Rs represents the inverter and transformer conduction losses. The line voltages are called Va, Vb, Vc, Ea, Eb, Ec are the inverter output voltages and Vdc is the DC voltage. The angular velocity of the AC voltage and current vectors is equal to . Let us consider a system of reference (d, q) rotating at the same speed, and let us note is the angle between d axis and line voltage vector E. The system equations are [9],

Received Aug7th, 2011; Revised Oct 9th, 2011; Accepted Nov 9th, 2011


ISSN: 2088-8708


Fig (1): The representation of DSTATCOM

The model of the AC side in this system of reference is given by equation (1), The powers are expressed by equation (2)

If is chosen by zero, the Eq voltage is equal to zero and the reactive power becomes proportional to EdIq. To control the reactive power Q, it is sufficient to control Iq

By writing the equation (2) for capacitor voltage and substituting equation (4) in it third equation is added to equation (1)

By applying the average model used for control only fundamental harmonic of inverter output voltage is considered. The influence of all other harmonics is ignored. The control variable is the firing angle with reference to the network voltage Ej zero crossing. In this case, this model is used for simulation purpose, but not to choose and tune the controller. A generalized Averaging method [8] is used to get a continuous time invariant model of the converter.

The averaged equations are:

GA For Optimal PI in DC Voltage Regulation of D-STATCOM (K. Ranjith Kumar)


ISSN: 2088-8708


Non linear control scheme for DSTATCOM The nonlinear control law is based on the theory of exact linearization via feedback [12]. The system has to be described by equations (6 & 7). It is relative degree r if equations (9 & 10) are verified for all X and all K<(r-1). Lfh(x) is called h(x) derivative along f; it is defined by (8).

For at least one 1 j m In DSTATCOM system, because of compensating the reactive power and eliminating the undesired internal dynamic, Q and Vdc are chosen as output control variables. Consequently, the modulation index (m) and are chosen as two control inputs variables. A MIMO system is obtained as follows:


is the state vector

is the control vector The system described by (11)-(12) has a relative degree of r= {1, 1}, and a fairly standard form. By solving the problem of reproducing a reference output, the following control law can be obtained:

Where V1 and V2 are output reference. V1, V2 are the new inputs and Y1, Y2 are their corresponding outputs. Two proportional controllers are chosen to construct the new inputs (V1 and V2) and an external PI controller is chosen to regulate dc link voltage (All details are shown in Fig. (2)), thus the system with nonlinear control law and three controllers is described. Considering the Iq channel, the equivalent closed loop transfer function can be expressed as

Where determines the response speed of reactive current. By substituting Eq.(13) in Eq.(11) and considering Eq.(14), the following Eq. is given

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By solving this differential equation, xi tends to its reference (xi*).

Fig (2). The detail structure of DSTATCOM controller


Genetic Algorithem A genetic algorithm (GA) is a learning algorithm that imitates the evolution of organisms. In the natural evolution process of organisms, the reproduction of a set of individuals that forms a certain generation (i.e., the population) is such that those individuals with fitness to environmental adaptation survive with high probability. Reproduction that is based on the degree of conformity of an individual in a GA as an artificial model that imitates the evolution process of such an organism is performed, and the next-generation population is generated through crossover and mutation. The process is carried out by repeating such genetic operations, and if the individual of the last generation that fulfills end conditions can be found, the semi-optimal solution in question may be determined. The flow of the basic operation of the GA shown in Fig. (3) is explained below. 1) Initialization: individuals with random chromosomes are generated that set up the initial population. 2) Reproduction: the degree of conformity of each object is calculated and an individual is reproduced under a fixed Rule depending on the degree of conformity. Here, some individuals with a low degree of conformity will be screened, while individuals with a high degree of conformity will increase. 3) Crossover: new individuals are generated by the method of intersection that has been set up. 4) Mutation: this is performed by an operation determined by the installed mutation probability or mutation, and a new individual is generated. 5) End judging: if end conditions are fulfilled, the best individual thus obtained is the semi-optimal solution in question .Otherwise, return to 2) [17]. A. Objective Function ITAE criterion, i.e. integral time absolute error is widely adopted to evaluate the dynamic performance of the control System [16]. The index ITAE is expressed in (16),

Where the upper limit T is a finite time chosen so that the integral approaches a steady-state value and is usually chosen as the setting time Ts. For the DSTATCOM system, the adopted objective function is:


fi is a performance index corresponding to the No. i objective. mi is a weighted factor corresponding to the objective.
Ej (t) is the error between the real value of the No.j controlled variable and its desired value. wi is the weighted factor corresponding to the No.j controlled variable. Vector z=[z1,z2,zn] is the control system parameters, i.e. PI parameters. For the DSTATCOM objective function, the objective function deduced by (16) is expressed in:

GA For Optimal PI in DC Voltage Regulation of D-STATCOM (K. Ranjith Kumar)


ISSN: 2088-8708

Fig (3). Flowchart of algorithm

The Eq. (19) is used when the goal is controlling the Vdc and Id. Instead, the Eq. (20) is used when Vdc is individually regulated. Simulation Results The case study parameters of distribution system and DSTATCOM are as follows: C=4900 (F), F=50 Hz, Rs=.28 (), L= 0.0013 (H), Va=110rms (L-L) (V), Vdc=200 (V), Initial voltage= 200V the reference Iq has a step change from zero to 15A at t=0.02S. 1 and 2 are selected equal to 1000. First of all, the effect of PI gains on voltage regulation is shown in following figures by offering unsuitable PI gains. Then PI gains, computed through trial and error method, are compared with ones computed by GA to study the operation of DSTATCOM. Randomly, zero and ten are selected for Kp and KI, respectively. 5.

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ISSN: 2088-8708


Fig.(4). shows the voltage response of capacitor.

These values cause divergence of DC voltage from steady state quantity. Fig. 5 shows the Id response.

Fig (5). The d-axis current response to first random PI gains

It is obvious that these values are improper for controllingthe DSTATCOM and consequently, PI coefficients cannot be determined randomly. The normal solution for determination of PI gains is trial and error method. Many pairs should be tested. Best of them are selected. Some benchmarks such as Steady state error and fluctuations are effective in choosing PI gains. Every one may select a unit pair and there is no guaranty for them. Here, a set of forty pairs are studied and finally PI gains are given as Kp =1 and KI =70. Due to being certain of optimized PI gains, GA as a powerful, famous and applicable method is applied. The numbers of generation and iteration are 1000 and 500 respectively. The objective function is defined as two types. The first one focuses on capacitor voltage to regulate it independently and the second type according to the fluctuations of Id and M attempts to insert Id into objective function. So, both Id and Vdc are regulated in a same weighted factor. The run time in a normal personal computer is about ten minutes. Since, the calculations are offline, the time of run is not important. The first type of objective function leads to Kp=617.9668 and KI=39.1076 and the second type of objective function leads to Kp=1.7748 and KI=150. The above three obtained PI coefficients are implemented to DSTATCOM. The corresponding time domain simulation plots for some variables including Vdc, Id, M and are compared in figures (6-9). As it is shown in Fig. 6, the best regulation of Vdc is carried out by GA with double-objective function. The overshoot is very small and voltage is fixed on 200V. The presence of high frequency fluctuations causes M and Id to reach to their corresponding nominal values with high frequency fluctuations (the red color of Figs. 7 and 9). Thus, if the objective is controlling the Vdc only, this method is very effective and should be chosen, but if the objective is to reduce oscillations in addition to voltage regulation, the double-objective function has to be chosen. The results of implementing double-objective function are shown with black color in Figs. (6-9). It completely removes high frequency oscillations from Id and M responses but as it is predicted, the dynamic characteristics of Vdc become poorer than single-objective function status. However, double-objective function technique is the preferred option rather than trial and error method because the overshoot and rise time of the system decrease. All methods have a nearly same and Iq responses (Figs. 8 and 10).

GA For Optimal PI in DC Voltage Regulation of D-STATCOM (K. Ranjith Kumar)


ISSN: 2088-8708

Fig (6). The capacitor voltage responses to three pairs of PI gains

Fig (7). The d-axis current responses to three pairs of PI gains

Fig (8). The phase difference responses to three pairs of PI gains

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ISSN: 2088-8708


Fig (9). The Modulation Index responses to three pairs of PI gains

Fig (10). The q-axis current responses to three pairs of PI gains

Conclusions The nonlinear control method of the DSTATCOM which is based on the exact linearization via feedback uses one proportionalintegral controller. The PI values have a remarkable influence on responses of system variables such as line current, Modulation Index and DC link voltage. Normal way to calculate these coefficients is using trial and error method. In this paper, Genetic Algorithm with two types of objective function is suggested. This method leads to a better regulation of DC link voltage, d and q axis currents and other circuit parameters. Actually, the time of reaching to steady state value, the fluctuations and overshoot decrease. Acknowledgements We express our profund sense of gratitude to Vaagdevi College of engineering management for their financial support and encouragement to complete this work. We wish to thank and respect Proff. K.Prakash, Head of the department for his generous support and constant encouragement through out this work.


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GA For Optimal PI in DC Voltage Regulation of D-STATCOM (K. Ranjith Kumar)

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Bibliography of authors K. Ranjith Kumar P.G.Scholar of Power Electronics in Vaagdevi Engineering College, Bollikunta, Warangal. Areas of interests are Power Electronic control of drives, FACTS controllers and Power Quality. Quality

P. Sadanandam received Bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from

Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Sciences, affliated to Kakatiya University, Warangal and Masters in Power Electronics from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. Now He is currently with Associate Professor at Vagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal in Department D of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. His research interests are in the areas of Power Electronics, , Distributed Genearation systems, Microgrids, FACTS Controllers, Power Quality, analysis modeling, design and control of power converters for industrial motor drives, soft switching converters.

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