On Site Testing For PIM
On Site Testing For PIM
On Site Testing For PIM
Introduction: About Rosenberger Section I: PIM Basics
What is PIM? Why test for PIM? What causes PIM? PIM source examples How they work dBm or dBc? Receiver noise floor and residual PIM Measurement uncertainty and residual PIM Control Panel and display Set-up for test Perform test Save data and create report Remote operation Component PIM test Cable system PIM test Total system PIM test Trouble shoot
Founded Founded 1958 1958 Hans Hans Rosenberger Rosenberger Sr. Sr. Headquarters Headquarters Germany Germany and and China China 14 14 Manufacturing Manufacturing Facilities Facilities Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Sales Sales 345 345 Million Million USD USD
Site Solution Products Coaxial Connectors & Adaptors Cable and Cable Assemblies Fiber Optic Cable Systems Test and Measurement Products
13 yrs rack mount PIA Now site portable PIA
Site Portable PIM Analyzer
Automotive Connectors
Coax Jumpers Fiber Distribution Power Dividers Mounting Hardware Main Feeder Coaxial/Optical Fiber
Installation Tools
Remote PC operation and direct graphical report Limit alarm (pass/fail) Accessories included
Low PIM load & PIM standard Three Low PIM test cables plus connector adaptors Replaceable test port connector Torque and adjustable back up wrenches Cleaning kit and other
IM generated by passive components is PIM Transmission line systems include many metal-to-metal junctions Metal-to-metal junctions exhibit either linear or non-linear behavior Non-linear
Loose contact with sandwiched oxides/contaminates simulate diode Rough contacting surfaces alter electron flow at voids (tunneling)
Linear by design: highly conductive non-magnetic materials, uniform high contact pressure, smooth surface finish, low current density, durability Non-linear in service: workmanship, faulty installation, contamination, damage, over stressed, poor solder joint, environmental effects, aging Any connected transmission line component is a potential PIM source External (non-connected) PIM sources can also exist if excited by EM fields
Lower IMs
Frequency of lower odd IM Products FIM3= 2(F1) F2 FIM5= 3(F1) 2(F2) FIM(O)= m(F1) n(F2)
where O = Order = m + n For upper odd IMs interchange F1 & F2
Regulatory block pairing precludes low order IM in Rx band (>5th), but new bands under limited spectrum are jeopardizing this coordination ability Test for IM3easiest to detect
IM order significance
Lowest odd orderhighest powerclosest to fundamentals (potential Rx band) IM bandwidth spreads = fundamental bandwidth multiplied by IM order number Increases PIM vulnerability for advanced wide band architectures
Receiver Sensitivity
Min S/N
Noise Rise
Receiver inherent thermal noise, noise floor, limits recognition and processing of weak signals Receiver sensitivity is minimum input signal that can be processed to produce a specified output The required minimum signal strength above noise floor is generally expressed as S/N ratio System performance depends on signal strength above receiver sensitivity PIM raises the noise floor thus desensitizing the receiver
DTF, RL, and IL tests do not detect PIM Quickly and easily validate linearity of as-built infrastructure
Isolate PIM sources Corrective actions restore systems performance capabilities
Demonstrated effectiveness in finding cause for illusive service problems Degraded performance = dissatisfied customers = lost revenue
Threshold = 5dB
TP A Tx Off
lex Dup
Test Point A
Test Point B
y Onl x R
Anywhere there is loose or non-uniform metal contact and/or contamination can be PIM source Connectors are common faultworkmanship/contamination/loose or non-uniform contact PIM is very sensitiveworkers tools or keys can be a PIM source During testing with antenna, workers should stand still and either be above or below antenna PIM sources can be external if impinging radiated field intensity is sufficiently high External PIM sources are most difficult to identify but sometimes obvious
ABa nd C
arr i
nd a B B-
r rie r Ca
Rusty Roof Vent Replacing vent restored diversity balance and service quality
Acknowledgement- Scott Semone, MTS Engineer Verizon Wireless, who cooperated in providing data and findings included in this presentation
Tx -Filter
Tx -Filter
P2 P3
Rx Filter
Signal Source
System Hardware
Two generated signals (test tones) of different frequencies and monitored power levels (operator set within transmit band) are output to the DUT. When a non-linear junction is encountered, a multitude of resulting PIM signals propagate both in forward and reverse directions. The analyzer selects only that reflected PIM signal which is in accordance with set IM order and then displays/records its power level and frequency. In 2-tone mode there is only one PIM frequency. With sweep mode multiple frequencies are possible and will be displayed in accordance with start/stop settings.
Watts= 10x
dB= 10
dBc is the dB down from the test tone power Example: Test tone power= +43dBm and IM3= -100dBm Then dB= +43 - (-100)= 43 + 100= 143dB A negative sign is used to designate dB below test tone; i.e. -143dBc Industry test standard specifies 2x20W (2x43dBm) Stresses PIM source to operational power levels IM products do not change 1:1 with test tone power (3dB:1dB) Provides level playing field for comparisons
Analyzer residual PIM is its internal PIM level Analyzer receiver noise floor can limit residual PIM Before taking PIM data check residual PIM and noise floor
Use test standard settings: 2 x 20W (2 x 43dBm) Both should be <-125dBm (-168dBc) at instrument test port Port extension cable can degrade residual PIM
= 11dB
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Residual PIM (dB below true PIM value of DUT) add error difference error
Example PIM criterion for DUT is <-150dBc. PIM analyzer has residual PIM of -155 dBc (5 dB below criterion). Error Range: from -146 to -157dBc. To assure -150dBc criterion is met, limit needs to be -157dBc. With Rosenberger typical residual PIM (spec< -168dBc) we are ~20dB below criterion: irrelevant error!
Setting up Analyzer
Turn on AC power switch15 minute warm up is recommended Use menu and soft keys to preset parameters
dBm or dBc, Date & Time, IM order, alarm limits, & step size
For sweep mode use hard keys to set start and stop frequencies for F1 & F2
Sweep mode test consists of two sweepsone up and one down The up sweep is F1 start to F1 stop while holding F2 at its start The down sweep is F2 start to f2 stop while holding F1 at is start Recommend leaving sweep at its default settingassures max PIM products
View set-up screen to verify all settingsif set up screen is not being displayed
Hit soft esc key to return from menu or any key to return (escape) from other modes
Verify noise floor and residual PIM at test port <-168dBc (-125dBm) 2x20W
Perform if test port extension cable not used or results with cable are suspect
Attach appropriate test port extension cable terminated into low PIM load
Check connectors to be sure undamaged and clean of debris Use toque wrench to tighten connectors
Last setup before powering down, will be initial setup when powering back up
Caution: Avoid bumping low PIM load when connected directly to test port Do not confuse PIM standard for DIN adaptor AC power on but RF off (no 2-tone or sweep test): <-168dBc (-125dBm) 2 x 20W (2 x 43dBm)
Caution: Avoid bumping low PIM load when connected directly to test port Do not confuse PIM standard for DIN adaptor AC and RF power on (2-tone or sweep test): <-168dBc (-125dBm) 2 x 20W (2 x 43dBm)
PIM Reference
Caution: Avoid bumping low PIM load when connected directly to test port Do not confuse PIM standard for DIN adaptor 2-tone or sweep test: Compare with PIM reference level within 2dB, 2 x 20W (2 x 43dBm)
Perform 2-tone or sweep mode test: Increased residual PIM indicates deterioration of test cable affecting measurement accuracy in accordance with table in a previous slide Verify dynamic stability of test cable Take care of test cable, avoid excessive and frequent bending near connectors Note/verify receiver noise floor level as described in previous slide
Test Methodology
Ground test tower top components including antenna
Antenna ground tests require special treatment to avoid false positive Support antenna above ground away from metal objects pointing to clear sky Set antenna perpendicular to unavoidable near-by metal objects (chain link fence) Verify no interference- compare noise floor into load against into antenna
Noise floor rise with antenna connected is interference Antenna PIM test accuracy will be limited by noise floor rise
Identify possible external PIM sourceorient antenna for lowest PIM level Antenna should not be hypersensitive to realistic dynamic test
PIM test cable system PIM test complete system Trouble shoot cable system
Isolate by changing location of load and test point Be suspicious of any metal/metal junction, especially connectors Perform tap and dynamic tests monitoring stability of PIM level