Arnica and Aconite - Homeopathic Newborn Care
Arnica and Aconite - Homeopathic Newborn Care
Arnica and Aconite - Homeopathic Newborn Care
c. Place two pellets in water and dab vider, for example, prior birth trauma on the baby's pulse points frequently. or not trusting a homebirth. A baby who is unable to take any- 6. Babies and mothers who retain urine thing by mouth probably needs this at birth. remedy more than any other baby. 7. Newborns with invasive and painful procedures done in the postpartum will require a dose after each intervention, Aconite 1M especially if the birth was traumatic. Aconite is a remedy that can be given to both mothers and babies for the follow- Potency and Dosage. I highly suggest ing situations: a lM potency for babies and mothers in 1. Precipitous birthsmothers and babies the postpartum period, as it most closely resembles the energy state of highly vibrant who can't catch their breath. -1. Fear of dyingmothers who are afraid and charged people. A lM potency means they are going to die and babies who are that the source (a plant called Monkshood) born into a room in which everyone is has been diluted and succussed 1000 times from the mother tincture. afraid they will die, including: a. presence of meconium Repeat one to three times per day for b. non-reassuring fetal heart tones the first two days and then watch to see whether the symptom picture changes. If c. cesarean birth other symptoms, such as a high level of d. shoulder dystocia e. resuscitation of all kinds and restlessness, clenching of eyes, jaw and fists, retention of urine in mother or babe, etc., levels which are still within the description of f Group B Strep (GBS)-positive the remedy, continue on with less frequent babies administration. 3. Babies who clench when born: eyes shut tight,fistsclenched, jaw clenched. Tiley scream and are unable to settle. Arnica 200C 4. Sexual abuse survivorsmothers who Arnica is the remedy that usually converts dissociated during the birth and con- people into believers of homeopathy. It tinue on into the postpartum period. almost magically works to assist in the rapid 5. High level of fear in the room from mother, father or significant care proContinued on page 66
rnica and aconite are two homeopathic remedies used to treat the symptoms of shock, fright and bruising. They are invaluable in assisting women and babies in the immediate postpartum. Midwives are capable of using and, most importantly, are in the right time and place to most effectively use these remedies. Both remedies can cause an almost instant response to birth trauma and will reduce the impact of shock and fright so that physical healing can occur in a straightforward
How to Give a Homeopathic Remedy to a Newborn 1. Use "poppy seed" sized pellets if ai all possible. (Hahnemann Labs [] is a highly effective brand of homeopathic remedies, is available online and comes in poppy seed pellet format.) 2. Three methods may be used to give a newborn a remedy: a. Place a poppy seed size pellet in the baby's mouth. (This will depend on how calm the baby is and whether the parents are comfortable with homeopathy.) b. Place two pellets in 1/8 cup of waterpellets do not need to dissolve to charge the waterand give the newborn a teaspoon of the mixture.
Summer 2009
Midwifery Today
With a few minutes to recover strength, Hannah felt ready to hold her daughter and to name her. Tlie name they chose was Anisa. Mansoor and Hannah shared that it was not easy to find names that had significance in both Hebrew and Arabic, but Anisa meant grace ^n friendly. Anisa brought grace into that room, just as her parents brought grace into such a sad moment. We gave the couple a chance to spend some time alone with their sweet daughter. When I came back in the room, they asked me if I would like to hold Anisa. My heart filled with love and respect. Hannah pointed out how her legs were shaped exactly Uke her dad's. She had the most perfect legs. The mystery of life and death stood in front of me with respect and honor.
insufficient probiotics. Other supplements that may be helpful are digestive enzymes, a good quality multivitamin and mineral, or a calcium/magnesium and vitamin D supplement. Mothers also can do some simple things to help the process. They can expose nipples and bras to sunlight, air-dry nipples after feedings, avoid plastic-Uned pads and change pads at each feed, use only cotton bras (and wash them in very hot water), boil pump parts daily, eliminate pacifiers, and use a vinegar or baking soda rinse on nipples after feeds. A new mother may be overwhehned by all of this and may think that switching to artificial feeding would be easier. We need to let her know that to quit breastfeeding will not fix the yeast problem but will just create a new set of feeding problems. We have a responsibility to educate her and As I left the hospital, part of me help her through this setback, as well as to felt no different than I would after any ensure that these yeast infections are treated other birth 1 witness. I was transformed, appropriately from the outset. enlightened and changed forever. Despite the sadness of Anisa's short '^Tj^^^ Jacobsen is the mother to six homelife, she gave us an enormous gift. Her ^- =- born and extensively breastfed children. short life inside her precious mother was She is a childbirth educator, LLL leader (28 years), filled with love. Her birth was deeply pro- a certified lactation consultant (21 years) and found and filled with so much respect- now a midwife (eight years). She is the owner not just for her but for humankind, for of peace and for a better and loving world that we all work together to achieve. References:
Bleeding. Two pellets twice a day for the first week postpartum will assist a new mother to feel more mobile and less bruised and will generally lessen bleeding. It will support healing of tears, episiotomies and cesarean incisions. Bruisingand Hematomas. This is very effective for babies and mothers. All levels ofbruising can be addressed with Arnica, including that caused by: * Shoulder dystocia " Injuries during birth ' Molding Malpresentation injuries Give two pellets three times a day for thefirstfivedays and reduce to twice a day for the following five days. Then assess and give as needed. Hemorriiage. If a woman has been susceptible to hemorrhage in the past I suggest giving her a dose of Arnica 200C and a dose of Phosphorus lM immediately following the birth to minimize the risk of recurrence. Give both remedies every 15 minutes from the time of the birth until one hour postpartum. Questions? Please feel free to visit my Web site at www Ihere are a number of options to have your questions addressed: E-books are available online; I can schedule personal midwifery consults or alternatively you can e-mail me with straightforward questions.
Ana Paula Market, ICCE, CD (DONA), is the mother of four children. Having experienced two cesarean births, a medicated vaginal birth and a natural birth (in that order), she discovered a passionate interest in the childbirth process. Her goal is to assist mothers and families to explore the many options available in childbirth and to take responsibility for their choices. Ana Paula has taught a fun and active childbirth class in Los Angeles for the past seven years and has supported hundreds of families during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Candida versus Breastfeeding Continued from page 27
Murray, Michae!, and Joseph Pizzorno. 1991. fncycopeco of Notural Medicine. Rocklin California : Prima Publishing, p. 178. Leaven. 34(5), Oct-Nov 1998, p. 91-96. Hales, Thomas. 2008. Bostfeeding Medicine. 2{3)3. p, 187. Piper Martin, B.Ed., DS Horn. Med., is a Murray and Pizzorno, p. 179. classically trained homeopath who speKaufman, Doug A. 2003. The Fungus Link. Vol. 2. Texas: Media Trition, p. 153. cializes in the care of women throughout pregIbid., p-145. nancy, birth and the postpartum. She also has O'Hara, Mary Ann. 2008. Candida Controversies, ta Leche a special interest in homeopathic newborn care. League Area Conference, Redmond, Washington. See note 3 above. Piper is the mother of three vibrant boys born Kaufman, p. 190. with the Loving support of midwives. She is a 10. Ibid., p. 224. II. Pitchtord, Paul. 1993, Healing with Whole Foods. Berkeley strong advocate for midwifery care and gentle California: North Atlantic Books.
entrances for all babies. To learn more about how homeopathy can support your family please visit her Web site at: In My Opinion Continued from page 31
healing of bruising, hematomas, injury and strain to muscles, and shock. It plays a central role in the postpartum kit of remThe book Healing with Whole Foods pro- edies I suggest for women for the first week vides indepth coverage of the diet.(11) after birth. A 200C potency is an effective The third step is to repopulate the gut with choice for the following situations: goodflora.Many good probiotics are on the Shakes. Two pellets given to the mother market now and are easy to obtain in capsule immediately after the birth will ground her or liquid form. Some people suggest eating and baby and stop the shakes that often yogurt every day, but this alone provides follow birth.
sense of the entire reproductive cycle, then the imperative to prevent birth trauma is more important than concerns of healing old trauma. As midwives, we can be scrupulous about doing no harm and simply drop our concerns about healing. If healing occurs, the credit goes not to our actions
5ummer 2009
Midwifery Today