FIB Europe Task Group 5-1 - SHM Guidelines

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fib Task Group 5.


Monitoring and Safety Evaluation of
Existing Concrete Structures
State-of-the-Art Report

Final draft, June 2002
The condition assessment of aged structures is becoming a more and more important issue for civil
infrastructure management systems. The continued use of existing systems is, due to environmental,
economical and socio-political assets, of great significance growing larger every year. Thus the extent
of necessary repair of damaged reinforced concrete structures is of major concern in most countries
today. Monitoring techniques may have a decisive input to limit expenditures for maintenance and
repair of existing structures.
Modern test and measurement methods as well as computational mechanics open the door for a wide
variety of monitoring applications. The need for quantitative and qualitative knowledge has led to the
development and improvement of surveillance techniques, which already have found successful
application in other disciplines such as medicine, physics and chemistry. The design of experimental
test and measurement systems is inherently an interdisciplinary activity. The specification of the
instrumentation to measure the structural response will involve the skills of civil engineers, electrical
and computer engineers.
The objective of this state of the art report is to summarize the most important inspection and
measuring methods, to describe the working process and to evaluate the applicability to structural
monitoring. Particular emphasis is placed upon non-destructive systems, lifetime monitoring, data
evaluation and safety aspects.
Many thanks are due to the contributing members of the task group and to a lot of researchers around
the world in this field. Special thanks go to Ulrich Santa and Claudia Honeger, which did a tremendous
amount of work taking together the various papers and examples.

Konrad Bergmeister
Following members have contributed to the work either by preparing
documents or by participating in the commission meetings:

A. Emin Aktan, USA
Konrad Bergmeister, Austria
Christian Bucher, Germany
Luis Dorfmann, Austria
Ekkehard Fehling, Germany
Rudolf P. Frey, Switzerland
Roman Geier, Austria
Olaf Huth, Germany
Daniele Inaudi, Switzerland
Johannes E. Maier, Switzerland
Ulrich Santa, Austria
Peter Schwesinger, Germany
Volker Slowik, Germany
Helmut Wenzel, Austria

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1 Introduction to Monitoring Concepts..................................................................... 1
1.1 Terminology....................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Economic Considerations ................................................................................ 3
1.3 Monitoring Concepts and Performance........................................................... 6
1.3.1 Typical Test Methods for Concrete Structures.......................................... 7
1.3.2 Performance Levels.................................................................................. 8
1.4 References ......................................................................................................... 8
2 Structures and Materials....................................................................................... 10
2.1 Structural Systems.......................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Bridges ................................................................................................... 10 Classification of Defects.................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Tendons.................................................................................................. 13 Grouted Tendons .............................................................................................. 14 Ungrouted Tendons .......................................................................................... 14 Tendon Deterioration ........................................................................................ 14 Voids.......................................................................................................................... 14 Tendon Corrosion..................................................................................................... 15 Anchorage Faults ..................................................................................................... 15 Damage Detection ............................................................................................ 16
2.2 Actions ............................................................................................................. 17
2.2.1 Loads...................................................................................................... 17 Dead Loads....................................................................................................... 18 Live Loads......................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Material Resistance ......................................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Concrete................................................................................................. 20 Compressive Strength....................................................................................... 20 Carbonation....................................................................................................... 21 Chloride Content ............................................................................................... 21 Voids and Inhomogeneities............................................................................... 21
2.3.2 Reinforcement ........................................................................................ 22 Metallic Reinforcement...................................................................................... 22 Fusion-bonded Epoxy-coated Reinforcement....................................................... 22 Galvanized Reinforcement ...................................................................................... 22 Stainless Steel Reinforcement ................................................................................ 23 Non-Metallic Reinforcement .............................................................................. 23
2.4 Static Load Tests............................................................................................. 24
2.4.1 Proof Load Testing ................................................................................. 25 Loading Methods............................................................................................... 25 Loading Truck, Research Project BELFA ...................................................... 28
2.4.2 Diagnostic Load Testing ......................................................................... 29
2.5 Dynamic Load Tests........................................................................................ 29
2.5.1 Ambient Vibration Testing....................................................................... 30
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14.06.2002 II System Identification for output-only Measurements ........................................ 32 Drawbacks of Ambient Vibration Testing .......................................................... 33
2.5.2 Forced Vibration Testing......................................................................... 33 Eccentric Rotating Mass Vibrators .................................................................... 34 Electrohydraulic Vibrators ................................................................................. 34 Impactors .......................................................................................................... 35 Drawbacks of Forced Vibration Testing ............................................................ 35
2.6 References ....................................................................................................... 36
3 The Visual Inspection............................................................................................ 38
3.1 Routine Inspection .......................................................................................... 39
3.1.1 Inspection of Concrete Members............................................................ 39 Crack Detection................................................................................................. 39 Detection of Delaminations .............................................................................. 40
3.1.2 Inspection of Steel and Iron Members .................................................... 40
3.2 In-Depth Inspection ......................................................................................... 41
3.2.1 Compressive Strength ............................................................................ 41 Testing Drill Cores............................................................................................. 41 Schlerometer Method........................................................................................ 42 Pull-out Test ...................................................................................................... 43
3.2.2 Tensile Strength...................................................................................... 44 Pull-off Test ....................................................................................................... 44
3.2.3 Carbonation Depth.................................................................................. 45
3.2.4 Chloride Determination........................................................................... 46
3.3 References ....................................................................................................... 46
4 NDE Inspection Techniques ................................................................................. 47
4.1 Reinforcement Detection ................................................................................ 47
4.1.1 Electro-magnetic Methods ...................................................................... 49
4.1.2 Radiography ........................................................................................... 50
4.1.3 Radar Methods ....................................................................................... 51
4.1.4 Concluding Remarks on the Detection of Reinforcement ....................... 52
4.2 Penetrant Testing ............................................................................................ 52
4.3 Magnetic Particle Testing ............................................................................... 53
4.4 Radiographic Testing...................................................................................... 54
4.5 Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Systems................................................... 54
4.6 Ultrasonic Pulse Echo..................................................................................... 56
4.7 Impact Echo Testing........................................................................................ 57
4.8 Acoustic Emission Monitoring....................................................................... 59
4.8.1 Application of AE for Crack Detection..................................................... 60
4.8.2 Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers................................................... 61
4.9 Infrared Thermography Imaging Systems..................................................... 61
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4.10 References .................................................................................................... 62
5 Measurement Methods.......................................................................................... 63
5.1 Geometrical Parameters ................................................................................. 63
5.1.1 Global Deformation, Deflection............................................................... 63 Relative Measurements .................................................................................... 64 Wire and Tape Extensometers ................................................................................ 65 Electrical Displacement Transducers .................................................................... 66 Potentiometer................................................................................................. 66 Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) ........................................... 67 Fiber Optic Sensors ................................................................................................. 68 Optical Fiber................................................................................................... 69 Transmitter ..................................................................................................... 69 Receiver ......................................................................................................... 70 Multiplexing Capability ................................................................................... 70 Interferometric Fiber Optic Sensors............................................................... 71 Mach-Zehnder Interferometer ................................................................. 72 Michelson Interferometer......................................................................... 72 Fabry-Prot Interferometer (FPI)............................................................. 74 Sagnac Interferometer............................................................................. 75 Intensity Modulated Fiber Optic Sensors....................................................... 75 Microbend Sensors ................................................................................. 76 Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors .................................................................. 77 Absolute Measurements ................................................................................... 77 Hydrostatic Leveling Systems (HLS)...................................................................... 77 Geodetic Measurements.......................................................................................... 79 Triangulation .................................................................................................. 79 GPS................................................................................................................ 80 Differential Phase GPS ........................................................................... 80 Structural Monitoring with GPS............................................................... 82 Laser Deflection Measurements .................................................................... 84 Coherent Laser Radar (CLR) .................................................................. 84 Slope Measurement....................................................................................... 85 Tiltmeter................................................................................................... 85 Inclinometer............................................................................................. 86 Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)......................................................... 87
5.1.2 Local Deformation Measurements.......................................................... 87 Short-term Strains ............................................................................................. 88 Long-term Strains.............................................................................................. 89 Measurement of Strain...................................................................................... 89 Interpretation of Strain Measurements .................................................................. 90 Mechanical Strain Gages......................................................................................... 90 Electrical Resistance Strain Gages ........................................................................ 90 Measuring Circuit ........................................................................................... 91 Strain Gage Arrangement .............................................................................. 93 Strain Gage Material ...................................................................................... 93 Vibrating Wire Strain Gages.................................................................................... 94 Fiber Optic Strain Gages ......................................................................................... 95
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14.06.2002 IV Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensors .............................................................. 95 Functionality of FBG Sensors ................................................................. 95 Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors for Structural Monitoring........................... 97
5.2 Force Measurements....................................................................................... 99
5.2.1 Load Cells............................................................................................... 99 Measurement Principle ..................................................................................... 99 Load Cell Applications..................................................................................... 100
5.2.2 Cable Stay Force Measurement ............................................................101 Acceleration Sensors ...................................................................................... 102 BRIMOS Method developed by VCE..................................................................... 102 Laser Vibrometer............................................................................................. 103
5.2.3 Weight in Motion (WIM) .........................................................................104 WIM Monitoring Equipment ............................................................................. 106 Bending Plate WIM Systems ................................................................................. 106 Piezoelectric WIM Systems ................................................................................... 108 Kistler WIM System................................................................................................ 109 Load Cell WIM Systems ......................................................................................... 110 Capacitive Mats....................................................................................................... 112 Fiber Optic Sensor for WIM Measurements......................................................... 112
5.2.4 Direct Stress Measurement ...................................................................115 Ultrasonic Measurement of Stress .................................................................. 115 X-Ray Diffraction............................................................................................. 116
5.3 Dynamic Parameters ..................................................................................... 117
5.3.1 Piezoelectric Sensors ............................................................................118
5.3.2 Piezoresistive and Capacitive Accelerometers ......................................118
5.3.3 Force-balance Accelerometers..............................................................119
5.4 Temperature................................................................................................... 120
5.4.1 Thermocouples......................................................................................120
5.4.2 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) ............................................122
5.4.3 Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors..........................................................124
5.5 Durability Monitoring..................................................................................... 125
5.5.1 Corrosion...............................................................................................125 Chloride Contamination................................................................................... 126 Carbonation..................................................................................................... 128 Corrosion Measurement.................................................................................. 128 Half-cell Potential Measurements ......................................................................... 130 Hand Held Equipment.................................................................................. 130 Embedded Reference Electrodes................................................................ 131 Galvanostatic Pulse Technique ............................................................................ 131 Measurements with Embedded Sensors ............................................................. 131 Potentiodynamic Polarization Methods........................................................ 132 Linear Polarization Resistance.............................................................. 132 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ........................................... 133 Electrochemical Sensor for Chloride- and Resistivity Measurements......... 134 Corrosion Macrocell Current Measurement................................................. 135
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14.06.2002 V Electrochemical Noise ................................................................................. 135
5.6 References ..................................................................................................... 135
6 Implementation Issues and Data Acquisition ................................................... 139
6.1 Measurement and Sensor Characteristics .................................................. 139
6.1.1 Electrical Signal Measurements.............................................................141
6.1.2 Signal Conditioning................................................................................142
6.1.3 Wiring and Noise Considerations...........................................................143
6.2 Instrumentation Issues ................................................................................. 144
6.3 Data Acquisition Hardware........................................................................... 144
6.4 Data Acquisition and Organization .............................................................. 147
6.5 References ..................................................................................................... 149
7 Evaluation and Interpretation of Measurement Data........................................ 150
7.1 Evaluation of Relative Deformation Measurements ................................... 150
7.2 Frequency Domain Procedures.................................................................... 153
7.2.1 The Complex Transfer Function ............................................................153 Time Domain................................................................................................... 153 Frequency Domain.......................................................................................... 153
7.2.2 Discrete Fourier Transform....................................................................156
7.2.3 Applications and Discussion ..................................................................156
7.3 Time Domain Procedures ............................................................................. 157
7.3.1 A Time Domain Technique (Ibrahim & Mikulcik) ....................................157
7.3.2 The Polyreference Time Domain Technique .........................................161 Derivation and Implementation ....................................................................... 162 Application and Discussion ............................................................................. 166
7.3.3 Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD) .............................167 Model of Dynamic System .............................................................................. 167 Determination of dynamic system parameters................................................ 170 Determination of signal space......................................................................... 171 Application and Discussion ............................................................................. 171
7.4 References ..................................................................................................... 173
8 System Analysis .................................................................................................. 175
8.1 System Modeling........................................................................................... 175
8.1.1 Linear and Non-Linear Analysis.............................................................176 Non-linear Analysis of Concrete Structures .................................................... 177 Shear Failure Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam....................................... 178
8.1.2 Damage Detection using a Minimum Rank Updating Theory ................179 Damage Detection: Location........................................................................... 179 Damage Detection: Extent .............................................................................. 181 Application and Discussion ............................................................................. 181
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8.1.3 Damage Detection by using the Changes in the Curvature of Mode
Shapes 183 Derivation........................................................................................................ 183 Application and Discussion ............................................................................. 183
8.2 Structural Reliability Analysis ...................................................................... 184
8.2.1 Basic Variables......................................................................................185
8.2.2 Classical Approach for a limited Quality of Data....................................188
8.2.3 Bayesian approach including prior knowledge.......................................188
8.2.4 Creation of Density Function..................................................................189
8.2.5 Safety Aspects.......................................................................................189
8.2.6 Parameter Identification.........................................................................190 Optimization by Sequential Quadratic Programming (NLPQL) ....................... 190 Application and Discussion .................................................................................. 191 Evolution Strategy and Genetic Algorithms..................................................... 191 Genetic Algorithms.......................................................................................... 192 Presentation of Solution........................................................................................ 193 Initialization............................................................................................................. 193 Fitness ..................................................................................................................... 193 Selection.................................................................................................................. 194 Recombination (Crossover) .................................................................................. 194 Mutation................................................................................................................... 194 Substitutions........................................................................................................... 194 Boundary Conditions............................................................................................. 194 Application and Discussion .................................................................................. 194
8.2.7 Database ...............................................................................................195 Investigation Results ....................................................................................... 196 Content and Structure of SARA Database...................................................... 197
8.2.8 Reliability Analysis Methods ..................................................................198 Monte-Carlo Method ....................................................................................... 199 Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS).................................................................... 200
8.3 References ..................................................................................................... 201
9 Conclusion........................................................................................................... 204
10 References ........................................................................................................... 205
11 Annex Case Studies ......................................................................................... 212
11.1 Road Bridge Tuckhude .............................................................................. 212
11.1.1 Task.......................................................................................................212
11.1.2 Structure of the Bridge...........................................................................212
11.1.3 Realization of Experiments ....................................................................213
11.1.4 Interpretation of Time Series..................................................................214
11.1.5 Optimization...........................................................................................215
11.1.6 Free Parameter......................................................................................216
11.1.7 Results...................................................................................................216
11.1.8 Acknowledgements................................................................................217
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11.2 Real Time Kinematic GPS Monitoring System for Hong Kongs Bridges218
11.2.1 Overview................................................................................................219
11.2.2 The Case for GPS-OSIS........................................................................220
11.2.3 System Description................................................................................221
11.2.4 Receiver Location..................................................................................221
11.2.5 GPS-OSIS Information Communication.................................................223
11.2.6 Processing and Analysis........................................................................224 Comparison with Level Sensing...................................................................... 224
11.2.7 Applying the Results..............................................................................225
11.2.8 Bridge Health Monitoring .......................................................................225 Wind Load and Response Monitoring............................................................. 225 Temperature Load and Response Monitoring................................................. 226 Highway Load and Response Monitoring ....................................................... 226 Railway Load and Response Monitoring......................................................... 227 Cable Force Monitoring................................................................................... 227 Stress Monitoring ............................................................................................ 227
11.2.9 Conclusion.............................................................................................228
11.2.10 Acknowledgements..........................................................................228
11.2.11 Manufacturers..................................................................................228
11.3 Structural Analysis and Safety Assessment of Existing Concrete
Structures................................................................................................................ 229
11.3.1 Introduction............................................................................................229
11.3.2 Concept of the Project SARA ................................................................229
11.3.3 Sampling Methods and Techniques.......................................................229
11.3.4 Material Database..................................................................................230 Concrete.......................................................................................................... 231 Reinforcement Steel........................................................................................ 232 Additional Sample Survey ............................................................................... 232
11.3.5 Stochastic Nonlinear Analysis of a Prestressed Concrete Bridge..........232 Material properties for the Stochastic Analysis ............................................... 234 Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and Selected Results................................ 235
11.3.6 Conclusions ...........................................................................................237
11.3.7 References ............................................................................................237
11.4 Structural Monitoring and Evaluation of the Colle Isarco Viaduct (A22,
Italy) 239
11.4.1 Introduction............................................................................................239
11.4.2 Instrumentation......................................................................................240
11.4.3 Deformation and Displacement..............................................................241
11.4.4 Durability Monitoring..............................................................................247
11.4.5 Data Acquisition.....................................................................................249
11.4.6 Data Interpretation and System Modeling..............................................250
11.4.7 Concluding Remarks .............................................................................252
11.4.8 References ............................................................................................252
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11.5 Case Study: TU Vienn, Eva Maria Eichinger............................................. 253
11.6 Bridge Classification Based Upon Ambient Vibration Monitoring......... 254
11.6.1 Abstract .................................................................................................254
11.6.2 Summary ...............................................................................................254
11.6.3 General ..................................................................................................255
11.6.4 Benchmark Tests...................................................................................255
11.6.5 Damage Assessment.............................................................................257
11.6.6 Trend Cards...........................................................................................258
11.6.7 BRIMOS Recorder.................................................................................258
11.6.8 Classification Scheme ...........................................................................259
11.6.9 Conclusions ...........................................................................................260
11.6.10 References ......................................................................................261
11.7 Case Study: A.E. Aktan.............................................................................. 262
11.8 Durability problem: is formwork the cause?............................................ 263
11.8.1 Process Problems..................................................................................263
11.8.2 Blowholes and other Surface Blemishes ...............................................264
11.8.3 Surface Contamination ..........................................................................264
11.8.4 Reduced Surface Cement Contents ......................................................264
11.8.5 Ineffective Curing...................................................................................265
11.8.6 Process Problems: Summary ................................................................265
11.9 Bridge Corrosion and Rehabilitation in Russia ....................................... 266
11.9.1 Introduction............................................................................................266
11.9.2 References ............................................................................................268
11.10 Repairing Deteriorated Bridge Decks ....................................................... 269
11.10.1 References ......................................................................................272
11.11 Evaluation of Historic Concrete Structure................................................ 273
11.11.1 George Rogers Clark Memorial .......................................................273

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14.06.2002 1
1 Introduction to Monitoring Concepts
The stock of structures such as bridges, tunnels, retaining walls, and many others has been
accumulating in developed countries over the years of civilization, especially in the last decades of our
century. Despite the many years of maintenance-free operation, the inherent level of safety of many
in-service structures can be shown to be inadequate relative to current design documents. Owners
and maintenance authorities are therefore in a difficult position in a world where public safety is
paramount and the financial and other consequences of failure are great. So far, the most commonly
applied concept of maintenance includes the periodical inspection, which usually starts with a visual
inspection. One main scope of this report is to focus on methods and techniques for monitoring with
instruments that can be used with a high degree of automation. Modern transducer and information
technologies allow more complex surveillance tasks to be realized with good cost effectiveness. Today
we can monitor highly instrumented structures continuously, or remotely, with a high degree of
versatility and flexibility.
The fundamental of structural integrity and durability aspects is to develop continuous monitoring
concepts for structural components and for the global behavior. A structure is said to have general
structural integrity if localized damage does not lead to widespread collapse. Structural integrity has to
be guaranteed by the structural safety under ultimate and serviceability conditions and by ductility as
well as redundancy of load paths.
An effective management system for structures is a crucial point in the development of a life extension
or replacement strategy for structures within normative and budgetary constraints. A key component of
such a system is a means of monitoring and determining the condition of an existing structure. In order
to gather information about the structures and their performance over a period of several years, an
adequate instrumentation and surveillance concept has to be realized. Determining the condition of a
structure includes the measurement of the physical quantities that are of interest and, in a second
step, the evaluation and interpretation of the measured data. The advances in todays hard- and
software technologies, in sensor and communication technologies appear to offer a convenient way to
implement highly flexible and complex instrumentation and monitoring applications by the use of
computer based components.
A central issue is the identification of the different types of measurement that should be implemented
for a global monitoring system. The following figure shows a classification of the main quantities that
might be of interest.
Fig. 1-1: Classification of Surveillance Techniques and Objectives
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The installation of sensing elements and of an automated data acquisition system to collect measured
data is only the start of monitoring field performance. Interpretation of the acquired data is equally
important. A crucial point of an interpretation is the comparison of measured and calculated data in
order to validate the model assumptions or to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the monitoring
system. The results of all measurements should be the basis for the condition assessment and the
safety evaluation of a bridge. Therefore a comparison of measured and analytically modeled behavior
may be necessary.
Finally, all observations should yield some safety ranges in order to facilitate replacement and/or
repair decisions.
In the following sections we will try to provide an outline for a global monitoring concept for concrete
structures such as bridges by the discussion of the different types of measurements that can be made.
1.1 Terminology
Terms and definitions according to ISO 2394 and ISO 13822:
set of activities performed in order to verify the reliability of an existing structure for future use
unfavorable change in the condition of a structure that can affect structural performance
process that adversely affects the structural performance, including reliability over time due to
- naturally occurring chemical, physical or biological actions
- repeated actions such as those causing fatigue,
- normal or severe environmental influences,
- wear due to use, or
- improper operation and maintenance of the structure
deterioration model
mathematical model that describes structural performance as a function of time, taking deterioration
into account
on-site non-destructive examination to establish the present condition o the structure
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collection and evaluation of information through inspection, document search, load testing and other
load testing
test of the structure or part thereof by loading to evaluate its behavior or properties, or to predict its
load-bearing capacity
routine intervention to preserve appropriate structural performance
material properties
mechanical, physical or chemical properties of structural materials
frequent or continuous, normally long-term, observation or measurement of structural conditions or
reference period
chosen period of time, which is used as a basis for assessing values of variable actions, time-
dependent material properties, etc. (NOTE: The remaining working life or the minimum standard
period for safety of an existing structure can be taken as reference period).
work required to repair, and possibly upgrade, an existing structure
remaining working life
period for which an existing structure is intended/expected to operate with planned maintenance
repair, verb
(of a structure) improve the condition of a structure by restoring or replacing existing components that
have been damaged
safety plan
plan specifying the performance objectives, the scenarios to be considered for the structure, and all
present and future measures (design, construction, or operation, such as monitoring) to ensure the
safety of the structure
structural performance
qualitative or quantitative representation of the behavior of a structure (e.g. load-bearing capacity,
stiffness) in terms of its safety and serviceability
target reliability level
level of reliability required to ensure acceptable safety and serviceability
modifications to an existing structure to improve its structural performance
utilization plan
plan containing the intended use (or uses) of the structure, and listing the operational conditions of the
structure including maintenance requirements, and the corresponding performance requirements
1.2 Economic Considerations
The condition assessment of aged structures is becoming a more and more important issue for civil
infrastructure management systems. The continued use of existing systems is, due to environmental,
economical and socio-political assets, of great significance growing larger every year. The
performance of many of these in-service structures has decayed over the years of utilization and the
inherent level of safety might be inadequate relative to current design documents. Structural integrity
has to be guaranteed by the structural safety under ultimate and serviceability conditions in order to
ensure the safety of the structure and its users. For the purpose of developing adequate life extension
and replacement strategies, issues such as whole-life performance assessment rules, target safety
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levels and optimum maintenance strategies must be formulated and resolved from a lifetime reliability
viewpoint and lifecycle cost perspective [5].
In order to maintain the health of a structure up to a given time into the future, a cost-effective
maintenance strategy has to be used. The optimal maintenance strategy will correspond to the
minimum expected life-cycle criterion. The optimization problem for existing structures consists of
minimizing the total expected cost under the reliability constraints as follows [5]:

= C
+ C
+ C
+ C

total expected cost
preventive maintenance cost
inspection and monitoring cost
repair cost
failure cost
|, |* structural and target reliability index
min (C
) ! |"|*
As indicated in Fig. 1-2, we can mainly differentiate between two types of interventions, namely
preventive and essential maintenance. While preventive maintenance is undertaken when the
structural performance is above the target reliability index, essential maintenance is undertaken when
the performance has violated the target value.
Fig. 1-2: Maintenance options and reliability index [6]

Structure-related life-cycle costs can be reduced at all levels of engineering work as follows [4]:
- Design (by eliminating components requiring labor-intensive or complex maintenance)
- Construction (by improving quality)
- Inspection (by more conclusive structural evaluation)
- Maintenance (by improving service and extending the structure useful life)
- Management (by accurate needs assessment, strategy selection and implementation)
Non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques can contribute in all of the above and, as a result, is
incorporated in current bridge management considerations [4]. A visual inspection may yield a first
qualitative, maybe purely intuitive impression. A better judgment would be based on the evaluation of
acquired quantitative information. Recent progress in the development of sensing technologies and
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material/structure damage characterization combined with current data processing techniques have
resulted in a significant interest in diagnostic tools to monitor structural integrity and to detect structural
degradation. Adequate monitoring techniques provide qualitative and quantitative knowledge that
facilitates more precise condition assessments and resulting maintenance interventions. This includes
the observation of mechanical parameters such as loads, strains, displacements and deformations as
well as environmentally induced processes such as corrosion [6]. The significant current development
is the transition from incidental to continual mode of operation. On-line sensor systems, capable of
continued remote monitoring of certain structure condition indicators, are becoming part of modern
structural design. [4]
In all of these cases the added first cost of the monitoring system and the perpetual cost of its
maintenance are expected to protect the much greater investment in the bridge construction and user
costs. The Health Monitoring of Structures international initiative can contribute greatly to this process
by integrating the growing variety of methods, techniques and research topics into a coherent and
comprehensive tool. [4]
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1.3 Monitoring Concepts and Performance
Engineering Structures
R - S >= 0
Safety Evaluation
Geometry Load

Typically the assessment process for an existing structure will consist of the following steps [6]:
- Preliminary on-site inspection (to ascertain location, condition, loadings, environmental
influences, necessity for further testing)
- Recovery and review of all relevant documentation, including loading history, maintenance
and repair and alterations
- Specific on-site testing and measurements, (e.g. proof loading)
- Analysis of collected data to refine the probabilistic models for structural resistance
- Accurate (re-)analysis of the structure with updated loading and resistance parameters
- Structural reliability analysis
- Decision analysis

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1.3.1 Typical Test Methods for Concrete Structures
Test methods for concrete structures [8]:
Property under investigation Test
Material Properties

Internal fracture
Penetration resistance
Rebound hammer
Concrete quality, durability and
Surface hardness
Ultrasonic pulse velocity
Neutron absorption
Relative humidity
Sulphate content
Air content
Cement type and content
Abrasion resistance
Corrosion Half-cell potential
Linear polarization resistance
A.C. Impedance
Cover depth
Carbonation depth
Chloride concentration
Integrity and performance Tapping
Dynamic response
Acoustic emission
Strain or crack measurement
Load test
Element Dimensions Reinforcement Location
Electromagnetic cover meters
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Deformation and Displacement Extensometer
Dial Gages
Fiber Optic Sensors
Geodetic Measurements
Strain Measurement
Heave or settlement of supports
Liquid Leveling Systems
Slope Measurement
Loads Dead loads + live loads
Load Cells
Dynamic Response Velocity and acceleration measurement
Dynamic Load Tests
1.3.2 Performance Levels
The International Standard ISO 13822 defines the following 3 structural performance levels for the
assessment of an existing structure in terms of its required future structural performance.
- Safety performance level,
which provides appropriate safety for the users of the structure.
- Continued function performance level,
which provides continued function for special structures such as hospitals, communication
buildings or key bridges, in the event of an earthquake, impact, or other foreseen hazard.
- Special performance requirements of the client related to property protection (economic loss)
or serviceability. The level of this performance is generally based on life cycle cost and special
functional requirements.
1.4 References
1. International Standard, ISO 13822, Bases for design of structures Assessment of existing
structures, first edition 2001-12-15
2. BRITE/EuRam BE96-3157, SIMCES, Synthesis Report, 1999-07-13
3. F-K. Chang, Structural Health Monitoring: A Summary Report on the First Stanford Workshop on
Structural Health Monitoring, Sept. 18 20, 1997
4. B. Yanev, Past Experience and Future Needs for Bridge Monitoring in New York City, 6

International Workshop on Material Properties and Design, Present and Future of Health
Monitoring, Bauhaus University, Sept. 2000, pp 93 108, AEDIFICATIO Publishers
5. D.M. Frangopol, 2000:Bridge Health Monitoring and Life Prediction based on Reliability and
Economy, International Workshop on the Present and Future in Health Monitoring, September
3rd-6th, 2000, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany.
6. U. Santa, K. Bergmeister, A. Strauss, Guaranteeing Structural Service Life Through Monitoring,
1st fib congress in Osaka 13-19 October 2002, Japan
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7. R.E. Melchers, Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, John Wiley, 1999.- XVIII, 437 pages
ISBN 0-471-98324-1
8. J.H. Bungey, S.G. Millard, Testing of Concrete in Structures, Chapman & Hall, 1996
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2 Structures and Materials
2.1 Structural Systems
2.1.1 Bridges
Table 2-1: Bridge Types
Arch Bridge

Beam Bridge

Cable Stayed Bridge

Suspension Bridge

Arch bridges use a curved structure, which provides a high resistance to bending forces. Unlike beam
bridges, both ends of an arch are fixed in the horizontal direction (i.e. no horizontal movement is
allowed in the bearing). Thus when a load is placed on the bridge horizontal forces occur in the
bearings of the arch and as a result arches can only be used where the ground or foundation is solid
and stable. The lighter weight of the cable-stayed bridge, though a disadvantage in a heavy wind, is an
advantage during an earthquake. However, should uneven settling of the foundations occur during an
earthquake or over time, the cable-stayed bridge can suffer damage. Long span suspension bridges
are strong under normal traffic loads, but vulnerable to wind forces. Thus special measures have to be
taken to assure that the bridge does not vibrate or sway excessively under heavy winds.
Basically, there are three subsystems used by bridge engineers that serve to divide a bridge into
distinct sections. These major subsystems are the foundation, the substructure, and the
superstructure. The foundation consists of the footings and piles used to distribute the load to the
ground elements. For single span bridges, the substructure consists of the bridge bearings, which are
the components that serve to transfer forces from the superstructure to the substructure, and the
abutments, which are a particular type of retaining wall that transfer forces from the superstructure to
the foundations (Barker and Puckett 1997). A bridges abutments are often integrated with the
foundation elements. Continuous or multi-span bridges have piers included in the substructure. The
bridge superstructure is referred to as the structural make-up of the bridge above the bearings. The
superstructure could consist of different types of details depending on the particular bridge design. The
superstructure often refers to the girders, which are the longitudinal supporting members, the deck,
and the diaphragms. Diaphragms are components that are transverse to the main longitudinal
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members and serve to transfer lateral wind loads to the deck, transfer dead and live load to the
girders, and support the girders during construction of the deck. [12]
For condition rating assessment a structure may be divided into the following sections and
corresponding elements [35]:
Components Sub-elements
Superstructure Slabs, voided slabs, girders, box girders,
transverse beams, etc
Substructure Piers, columns
Prestressing elements Cords and cables
Foundations Single or strip footings, piles, pile caps, caissons,
ground and rock anchors
Bearings Roller bearings, fixed bearings, reinforced
elastomeric bearings, pot bearings, etc
Road Joints Modular joints, rubber joints, waterproofing
membrane, etc
Carriage-way surface Sidewalk, curbs, sealing joints, etc
Caps (Bridge concrete surface) Slab, longitudinal girders, transverse beams,
cantilever slab; waterproofing layers, facings, etc.
Protective facilities Safety barriers, parapet walls, etc
Miscellaneous items Tailings, drainage systems, signs, etc Classification of Defects
Bridge structures accumulate damage during their service life. Whether this damage consists of
cracking, loss of prestress, pile scour, material fatigue or creep, or other factors, the outcome is the
same: the actual structure's response to loading is changed (degraded) from the predicted design
A review of the most frequent and relevant defects on the elements of a bridge structure is given in
this section, taken from [35]. These defects have a more or less great impact on the bridge condition,
and on the assessment of the condition. The review was made after examination of documents on this
subject from different countries. To some types of damages also a classification of intensity or severity
is suggested without any numerical values. This gradation would mostly depend on the experience of
inspection and condition assessment personnel as well as on national regulations [35].
Riverbanks, riverbed,

Erosion of riverbank
Erosion of riverbed
Erosion of embankments
Abrasion, deterioration of slope protection structures in riverbank
Abrasion, deterioration of riverbed protection structures
Abrasion, deterioration of slope protection structures on embankments
Scoured area beneath pier/abutment
Vegetation in riverbed and on riverbed and embankment slopes under
and in the near vicinity of the bridge structure
Substructure Lateral movements
Tilt, rotations
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Differential settlements
Superstructure Excessive vertical displacements
Concrete Poor workmanship (surface porosity, honeycomb, stratification,)
Mechanical damages (abrasion, delamination and spalling due to impact
load; delamination and spalling due to excessive load from temperature
effects, differential movements of closely spaced elements, post-
tensioning; small distance of the bearings from the free edge;)
Cracks and open joints between the segments (structural and non-
structural; with or without presence of water, exudation, efflorescence);
width of the cracks should be graded into three or four grades)
Deterioration (peeling, spalling and delamination of concrete cover due to
freezing and thawing, corrosion of the reinforcement, ASR, leakage
through concrete, constant presence of dirt, moss and other
vegetation;); to be graded with respect to the thickness of the spalled
concrete into three or four grades;
Wetting (wet exposed concrete surface in the tidal zone and in the
splashing zone of waves and driving cars, or, exposure to the marine
environment, leakage of water through concrete element due to the
damaged or missing waterproofing membrane, damaged joint sealings
on the sidewalk or edge beams,); to be graded into three or four
Concrete cover depth defects; to be graded into three or four grades with
the respect to the required minimum concrete cover depth for certain
environmental conditions.
Carbonation front in the concrete cover: to be graded into three or four
grades with reference to the concrete cover depth and the level of the
stirrups, main reinforcement and prestressed reinforcement.
Chloride penetration depth: to be graded into three or four grades
regarding total chloride content threshold level and with reference to the
concrete cover depth and the position of the stirrups, main reinforcement
and prestressed reinforcement. It is based on some measurements
performed on site or in the laboratory.

Corrosion of the stirrups and main reinforcement: to be graded into three
or four grades with reference to the reduced cross section of the
reinforcement with regard to typical dimension of the element cross
section. The assessment is made on the basis of special investigation.
Corrosion of the prestressed and post-tensioned tendons: to be graded
into three or four grades with reference to the amount and depth of the
pits of the prestressing steel and as the ultimate stage, the broken wires
or strands. The assessment is made on the basis of special investigation.
Corrosion of the ducts for post-the tensioned tendons: to be graded into
three or four grades with the respect to the amount of corrosion and
amount of the total chloride content in the grout. The assessment is
made on the basis of special investigation and measurements.
Corrosion of the anchorage elements and deviators for external
prestressing and for stay cables (including the deterioration of the
protective paint).
Damage of the protective cover of external tendons and stay-cables.
Ungrouted ducts
Bearings (steel, reinforced
concrete, reinforced
elastomeric, pot bearings,

Excessive deformations (displacements, rotations)
Deterioration (reinforced concrete, rubber)
Corrosion and/or deterioration of the protective coatings (steel bearings,
steel elements of the pot bearings, reinforced elastomeric bearings, fixing
Mechanical damage (broken bolts, broken or deformed steel elements,
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cracked welds due to impact load, damaged sliding surface, malfunction
of the bearings due to specific causes - dirt, uncleanliness, lack of grease
on sliding bearings,)
Construction defects (missing bolts, thin welds, welding imperfections,)
Expansion joints

Corrosion and/or deterioration of the protective coatings of steel
Mechanical damage (broken fixing bolts, broken or deformed steel
elements, cracked welds due to impact load, damaged rubber surface,
malfunction of the expansion joints due to specific causes - dirt,
Construction defects (missing fixing bolts, thin welds, welding
imperfections, missing waterproofing membrane, missing or malfunction
of expansion joint drainage system,)
Deterioration (rubber membrane - leakage; sealant along the expansion
joint; surface rubber; expansion joint sealant;)
Pavement with
waterproofing membrane
(asphalt and concrete
pavement of carriage ways
and sidewalks)

Cracks (single, several, congested)
Crushed surface (with or without visible reinforcement - sidewalk)
Wheel tracks: to be graded into three or four grades with the reference to
the width and/or depth of the track)
Damaged or missing waterproofing membrane (leakage through
concrete element)
Uneven approach on the bridge and/or over expansion joint

Curbs (made of concrete
or stone)

Crushed surface (with or without visible reinforcement - concrete curbs)
Deformations (transverse or vertical displacements)
Missing elements of the curbs (stone, concrete, steel edge profiles)
Safety barriers (steel and
concrete, on the bridge and
on the approach ramps)

Deterioration of concrete elements (due to freezing and thawing,
presence of de-icing salts,)
Deformations (transverse or vertical displacements)
Corrosion of steel elements
Mechanical damages due to impact loads (concrete and steel elements)

Joint sealing (between:
curb - sidewalk; sidewalk -
edge beam; on sidewalk;
between edge beam and
safety barrier sections)
Deterioration (light cracks, severe cracks, spalled sealing, totally
damaged; presence of vegetation in the cracks,)
Missing sealant
Protective devices (steel
railings, noise barriers with
steel or concrete support
elements and metal, plastic
or wooden filling panels)
Deterioration of the protective paint (steel, plastic, wood)
Deterioration of concrete elements
Mechanical damages due to impact load
Missing elements
Drainage systems
Mechanical damage, corrosion of the pipelines or fasteners, etc.)
2.1.2 Tendons
Most concrete bridges consist of prestressed concrete. The geometric cross sections and
design/construction procedures used represent a broad range of possible structural design
configurations. Common to all of these is the role of the prestressing reinforcement. In bridges, this
reinforcement element provides the concrete structure with a means for counteracting tensile stress
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resulting from service loads and with the needed capacity for the strength limit state. Consequently,
the prestressing reinforcement's quality and its protection against deterioration processes are
paramount to attaining functional and safety requirements.
Problems regarding durability of post-tensioning tendons have been discussed in IABSE Working
Commission 3 Concrete Structures and fib Commission 9 Reinforcing and prestressing materials
and systems. In this chapter a short overview is given on tendon types and related defects. Grouted Tendons
The cementitious grout surrounds the tendon in an alkaline environment that will inhibit corrosion of
the steel, and prevents the ingress and circulation of corrosive fluids. In case of break of a tendon, due
to the bond with the grout, part of the prestress remains transmitted to the concrete. Therefore grouted
tendons are less vulnerable than ungrouted tendons to local damage. However, grouted tendons can
not be visually inspected, mechanically tested or re-tensioned in the event of greater than expected
loss of prestress [13]. Ungrouted Tendons
Prestressing force is transmitted to the concrete, primarily, at the location of the anchorages.
Corrosion is prevented by organic petroleum based greases or corrosion inhibiting compounds. These
are either applied to the surface of the tendon prior to installation or injected into the tendon duct
following completion of the stressing sequence. Some countries use a combination of both coating and
injection. Tendons can be removed for visual inspection/replacement, mechanically tested in-situ, and
retensioned to maintain prestress. Ungrouted tendons are more vulnerable than grouted tendons to
local failure and corrosive fluids can circulate along the ducts. [13] Tendon Deterioration
The durability of post-tensioning systems is considerably influenced by the quality of execution, as for
example the grouting for sufficient corrosion protection. Design defects are therefore mainly linked to
construction defects or unsuitable techniques, or to the use o flow durability materials. Significant
faults regarding the post-tensioning system in bridges are large or interconnected voids, leakage,
water, chlorides and corrosion. Hence a management strategy is required for the control of such
defects. Depending on the severity of the faults, this seems likely to include monitoring and further
inspections but also regrouting. In the longer term some structures may be suitable for supplementary
post-tensioning. Design details and measures to protect the post-tensioning systems of new bridges
were described in Concrete Society Technical Report TR47, which was published in 1996 (Concrete
Society 1996). New procedures to improve grouting will be helpful, as will additional protection
systems [27]. Voids
Voids in grouted tendons that are sufficiently widespread to constitute an unbonded system or contain
water, chlorides or both present a severe threat to the long-term durability of the structure. This risk is
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related to how well sealed voids are from the atmosphere i.e. where there is leakage this ay provide a
path for water and chlorides to enter the ducts and corrode the tendons. Isolated voids in themselves
are not a major problem. Where the ducts are well sealed from the atmosphere, the presence of even
a thin layer of grout over the surface of the wires provides effective corrosion protection. [27] Tendon Corrosion
The two principal construction defects responsible for corrosion are poor waterproofing and incomplete
grouting of the prestressing ducts. Serious corrosion problems can occur where tendons are
inadequately protected whether due to poor detailing or poor workmanship exacerbated by inadequate
grouting. Corrosion is caused by the ingress of chlorides and other deleterious materials through
vulnerable areas such as anchorages, joints or cracks. The difficulty of detecting corrosion and the
absence of visual evidence of deterioration in most cases means that visual inspection alone is not
sufficient to determine the condition of these structures. Problems with externally bonded tendons
have occurred where chlorides have gained access into the concrete box section. Further durability
problems may occur with internal grouted tendons in the future as the corrosion protection provided t-
date begins to break down and moisture and chlorides gain access over time. It is possible to improve
the corrosion protection by using thick-walled ribbed PE-PP sheathings or more recently by electrically
isolating the tendons. [27]
Fig. 2-1: Significant corrosion of tendon and ruptured strands (PE pipe and grout removed), [34]

Due to delayed steel ruptures of quenched and tempered steel Sigma and Neptun the reputation of
the prestressed concrete construction was damaged. However, today it is known that in bridge
construction sufficient minimum ordinary reinforcement rather robustness reinforcement always exists
and the nowadays-approved prestressing steels do not react oversensitive to stress corrosion. [27] Anchorage Faults
In case of external post-tensioning the transfer of prestressing force is mostly performed via
brackets/disks. National and international regulations as well as the optimizing of the multifunctional
anchorage parts led to an approach of the different tensioning systems, see VSL, Freyssinet, SUSPA,
DSI etc. Even a prestressing possibility in the free length is given by special intermediate anchors. For
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all systems a possibility of removal must be feasible and proven [27]. In post-tensioned, ungrouted
systems, the tendons and anchorage components are normally protected from corrosion by a layer of
thick viscous grease, which is applied at the time of installation.
The presence of aggressive water in the ducts often results from bleeding. Bleeding is a separation of
fresh concrete, where the solid content sinks down and the displaced water rises or penetrates in inner
hollows. In the bleeding water significantly high contents of sulphates and increased quantities of
chlorides may be accumulated by leaching of the construction materials cement, aggregates and
water. The bleeding water penetrates into the ducts through poor sealed anchorages, couplings and
defects in the sheet and accumulates at the deepest points [27]. Thus consideration needs to be given
to encapsulation of anchorages in corrosion resistant materials, use of corrosion inhibitors in
surrounding concrete, and use of very low permeability, high performance concrete mixtures.
Fig. 2-2: Tendon anchorage after removal of sheath, [33]

Inspection results today indicate that, outside the anchorage zone of the rebar (generally the end
sections of the rebar), substantial loss of steel or bond do not necessarily reduce the element strength
significantly; ductility and stiffness are affected to a greater extent. In the anchorage zone, all
mechanical properties are more sensitive to corrosion damage. Damage Detection
A methodical, quantitative, field-applied engineering basis for evaluating and maintaining the
prestressed concrete bridge infrastructure's reliability has long been pursued. Availability of a
nondestructive testing or imaging technique could consolidate and simplify the application of periodic
measurements and inspections of prestressed concrete bridges [28].
The NCHRP Web Document 23 [28] documents the feasibility of various NDT systems based on
scientific examination of the state of the art. The report also presents an assessment of the technology
horizon with respect to promising nondestructive testing and evaluation concepts and documents the
research team's recommendations for future research.
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Overview on NDE Methods for Condition Evaluation of Prestressing Steel Strands in Concrete Bridges
- Ultrasonic Defect Detection
- Pulsed Eddy Current
- Acoustic Emission (Prestressing Wire Break Monitoring)
- Surface Spectral Resistivity Method
- Nonlinear Vibro-acoustic Method
- Electrical Time Domain Reflectrometry (ETDR)
- X-Ray Diffraction for Direct Stress Measurements
- Strain Relief for Prestress Measurements
- Imaging and Tomographic Systems
- Magnetostrictive Sensors
- Magnetic Flux Leakage
- Power Focusing Ground Penetrating Radar
Fig. 2-3: Bridge inspection, [33]

2.2 Actions
2.2.1 Loads
In general, loads can be considered to be primary or secondary. The sources of primary loading
include the materials from which the structure was built, traffic, and various weather conditions, as well
as unique loading conditions experienced during construction, extreme weather and natural
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catastrophes. Primary Loads are divided into two broad categories according to the way in which they
act upon the structure or structural element. These are dead loads and live loads.
Secondary loads are those loads due to temperature changes, construction eccentricities, shrinkage of
structural materials, settlement of foundations, or other such loads. Dead Loads
Dead Loads are those loads which are considered to act permanently; they are "dead," stationary, and
unable to be removed. The self-weight of the structural members normally provides the largest portion
of the dead load of a structure. Non-structural elements that are unlikely to vary during construction
and use such as parapets, kerbs etc. must also be included in the calculation of the total dead load.
Superimposed dead loads include the weight of non-structural elements that are likely to vary during
construction and use (road surfacing, pipes and utility services, etc). Live Loads
Live Loads are not permanent and can change in magnitude. They include loads due to the intended
use of the structure and loads due to environmental effects caused by the sun, earth or weather. Wind
and earthquake loads are put into the special category of lateral live loads due to the severity of their
action upon a structure and their potential to cause failure. The load due to traffic is in most cases the
dominating load in assessment of existing bridges and therefore plays an important role in the
probabilistic-based assessment.
The magnitudes of live loads are difficult to determine with the same degree of accuracy that is
possible with dead loads. The wind load used for the static design is estimated by a basic wind
velocity, correction factors, aerodynamic coefficients, and projection areas of structures. Traffic data
can be collected from weigh-in-motion systems (see Chapter 5.2.3), and a probability density function
can be constructed to describe the actual measured loads.
Fig. 2-4:

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This probabilistic, site specific loading model is then used in place of the deterministic, general loading
model provided in codes of practice, and gives a more accurate load rating for that specific bridge.
The traffic loads are often divided into populations such as, [36]:
- Ordinary traffic load with the main contribution from the largest loaded trucks with a weight of
40 60 t, depending on the regulations in the specific country
- Heavy transports with a special permission for passing over the bridge with a typical weight
from 50 150 t
Based on these populations the load combinations are set up.
Classes of loads for bridges:
- Dead loads:
weight of the structure itself plus non-structural elements that are unlikely to vary during
construction and use (parapets, kerbs, etc)
- Superimposed dead loads:
weight of non-structural elements that are likely to vary during construction and use (road
surfacing, pipes and utility services, etc)
- Traffic loads:
load caused by vehicles, pedestrians, trams,..; dynamic loads caused by the movement of
traffic on the bridge, centrifugal forces on curved bridges, braking forces, and collision loads
- Other live loads:
wind load, earthquake, collision, forces due to flowing water and debris, impact load, etc.
- Secondary loads:
thermal effects, friction forces in the bearings, shrinkage, creep and prestress forces in
concrete bridges, differential settlement of the supports, error due to manufacturing and
erection, etc.
Despite the fact that each and every load and loading combination should be considered in order to
reduce the chance of structural failure, the determination of the loading remains a statistical exercise.
Each and every load cannot be foreseen; thus, it is critical to determine the worst case that is
reasonable to assume to act upon the structure.
The loads due to permanent actions are in general modeled by normal distributions with added
contributions from model uncertainties. Variable loads are modeled by application of extreme
distributions (e.g. a Gumbel distribution) obtained by a 1-year reference period [36].
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2.3 Material Resistance
2.3.1 Concrete
Concrete is a highly versatile construction material, well suited for many applications. It is a mixture of
Portland cement, water, aggregates, and in some cases, admixtures. Strength, durability, and many
other factors depend on the relative amounts and properties of the individual components. However,
even a perfect mix can result in poor quality concrete if correct placement, finishing, and curing
techniques under the proper conditions of moisture and temperature are not used.
The following material properties affect the concrete resistance and are of importance for the safety
evaluation of concrete structures and need to be determined experimentally:
- Compressive strength
- Carbonation depth
- Chloride content
- Permeability
- Porosity
- Existence of voids and inhomogeneities
In some cases the modulus of elasticity and the specific fracture energy are of additional interest. If the
structure contains grouted tendon ducts the grouting mortar has to be investigated. For this material
the carbonation level and the chloride content are of interest. Compressive Strength
High strength concrete requires a low w/c and strong aggregate. The water/cement ratio (w/c) of the
mixture has the most control over the final properties of the concrete. Selection of a w/c ratio gives the
engineer control over two opposing, yet desirable properties: strength and workability. A mixture with a
high w/c will be more workable than a mixture with a low w/c.
The other important component for strength is the aggregate, the rock that is being bound by the
hardened cement. Aggregate is what makes the difference between hardened cement and the
structural material, concrete. Aggregate increases the strength of concrete.
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Fig. 2-5: Stress-strain curves for concrete of various grades

The compression testing of cores cut from hardened concrete is a well-established method for
strength estimation. Other physical properties, which can be examined from cores, include density,
water absorption, indirect tensile strength and movement characteristics including expansion due to
alkali-aggregate reactions. Cores are also frequently used as samples for chemical analysis following
strength testing. [25] Carbonation
During the hydration of the cement Ca(OH)
is formed resulting in the pH-value of the pore water
being about 12.6. For preventing corrosion of the steel reinforcement a minimum pH-value of 11.5 is
required. The Ca(OH)
reacts with the carbondioxide of the air resulting in a decrease of the pH-value:
+ CO
+ H
O Chloride Content
A high chloride content in concrete accelerates the corrosion process of the reinforcement. For the
safety evaluation of existing reinforced concrete structures the determination of the chloride content,
therefore, is an important part of the investigation. A high chloride content of the concrete in most of
the cases is caused by the use of de-icing salts. Therefore, predominantly concrete bridges are
affected. Voids and Inhomogeneities
Of special interest for the safety evaluation of concrete structures are poorly compacted spots in
concrete members, so called honeycombs. In most cases, these imperfections are located at the
concrete surface and can be found by visual inspection already. For finding voids inside the concrete
member non-destructive methods have to be utilised (see chapter 4).
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2.3.2 Reinforcement Metallic Reinforcement
In construction, steel reinforcement is the most effective and cost efficient and therefore the most
widely used reinforcing material in the world. However, it is well known that, under certain
environments, the corrosion of steel reinforcement poses a serious problem. In the European Union
countries alone, the annual cost of repair and maintenance of the infrastructure, as a result of
problems associated with corrosion, is estimated to be around 30 billion . [4]
There are several steps that can be undertaken at the design stage to overcome the problem of
corrosion. The first step is to improve the standards of workmanship on site as many of the problems
have been found to be associated with poor quality of construction. Workmanship plays a significant
role in the long-term behavior of reinforced concrete. The correct location of the reinforcement, to give
an adequate cover, is essential. The concrete must be adequately compacted, to give low
permeability. Exposed surfaces must be well cured, to avoid excessive drying out at early ages, which
leads to the development of cracks. However, in highly aggressive environments, improvements in
workmanship alone may not be sufficient to ensure adequate durability. Further steps will then be
necessary. There are many possible approaches, which may be outlined as follows [31]:
- Improving the concrete, which may include reducing the porosity, by including admixtures to
inhibit corrosion or by applying coatings to the surface to prohibit water ingress
- Cathodic protection of the reinforcement, either by means of an impressed current or by
sacrificial anodes;
- Using a coated reinforcement, such as a fusion bonded epoxy coating or galvanizing;
- Using a stainless steel;
- Using a non-ferrous reinforcement. Fusion-bonded Epoxy-coated Reinforcement
This method of protecting reinforcement from corrosion in aggressive environments has been in use
mainly in the US, since the early 1970s. The coating is an epoxy powder specially formulated to resist
impact and abrasion, and to possess a sufficient degree of flexibility to bending stresses in the
detailing of the bars, and to possess high bond to the surface of the rebars. The epoxy resin used is
defined as a thermosetting epoxy powder coating material consisting mainly of epoxy resin plus curing
agent and pigments. It is acknowledged that some damage will occur to the coating during
transportation, and during fixing, placing and compacting the concrete around the bars [30]. Galvanized Reinforcement
The object of galvanizing is to provide protection of the rebars in adverse conditions of exposure.
Galvanizing consists of coating the steel with zinc by either dipping the steel into tanks of molten zinc
or by electrodeposition from an aqueous solution. The corrosion protection provided by the zinc
coating is mainly dependent on the thickness of the coating [30].
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When concrete/mortar is placed around galvanized rebars there is a chemical reaction between the
zinc coating and calcium hydroxide in the hydrating cement paste. The rebar surface is passivated by
the formation of a layer of zinc hydroxide. However the presence of very small concentration of
chromate (about 0.002 % or 20 ppm) in the cement will inhibit the reaction between the cement paste
and the zinc and thus limit the formation of hydrogen [30]. Stainless Steel Reinforcement
Corrosion resistant stainless steel contains a minimum of 12 % chromium. On contact with air, the
chromium forms a thin oxide layer on the surface of the steel. The addition of other elements such as
nickel and molybdenum enhances the passivity and thus improves the corrosion resistance. This
passivity layer has the advantage of being self-repairing. Thus, if damage occurs during handling and
fixing, the passive oxide layer rapidly reforms and the corrosion resistance is not affected. However,
physical contact between stainless steel reinforcement and other embedded metal like normal carbon
steel reinforcing bars should be prevented. This is to avoid the phenomenon of bimetallic corrosion in
which the less noble metal will act as a sacrificial anode and will corrode more rapidly [31].
A variety of stainless steels with different mechanical properties and degrees of corrosion resistance
are available but with the addition of being significantly more expensive than standard reinforcement. Non-Metallic Reinforcement
In recent years, the use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) as structural reinforcement for concrete
structures has become a novel technique in construction. These FRP materials are advanced
composites made of continuous non-metallic fibers (glass, carbon,..) with high strength and stiffness
embedded in a resin matrix. Due to excellent properties such as e.g. high strength, low weight and non
susceptibility to galvanic corrosion, these FRP materials can be used for new structures (reinforced
and prestressed concrete) as well as for the rehabilitation of existing structures (external FRP sheet
bonding and FRP external post-tensioning). [3] There is a large number of types and shapes of FRP
reinforcement available and its use in construction is expanding rapidly. However, a major obstacle in
adopting FRP widely in construction is the lack of accepted Standards for design. [4]
- Woven fabric reinforcement systems
Fabrics consist of at least two independent fiber systems that might differ in material, strength
and fiber content and are in most cases woven orthogonal. Fabrics in structural engineering
are both impregnated and fixed on the concrete surface with epoxy resin. One field of
application for woven sheets is the sheathing of axial compression columns where the stirrup
reinforcement is already corrosive.
- Grid reinforcement systems
In the manufacturing process two orthogonal winding heads deposit the continuous carbon
fibers in a grid pattern. The lightweight and the environmental resistance of carbon grids make
them an attractive reinforcing element for adverse conditions. Due to the non-magnetic
properties, NEFMAC (New Fiber Composite Material for Reinforcing Concrete) grids have
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been applied as reinforcement for hospitals and in sensitive structures such as scientific
laboratories, further in coastal areas where rapid corrosion of steel reinforcement is a problem.
- Carbon lamella reinforcement system
Deterioration, misdesign or increased load-carrying requirements are some of the reasons
why a steel reinforced structure might become deficient. Instead of replacing the structure it
can be strengthened with externally applied carbon lamellas. Both prestressed and non-
prestressed carbon lamellas have proven to be successful in increasing the strength and
stiffness of reinforced concrete beams.
- Carbon fiber external and prestressed reinforcement elements
Due to their low weight, high tensile strength and good overall environmental durability, carbon
fiber tendons, wires, strands, ropes and cables are increasingly being used for reinforcement
of concrete structures like bridges and other large buildings. Carbon fiber tendons have shown
their effectiveness as partial substitute for conventional steel tendons in external prestressed
concrete bridges.
- Fiber reinforced concrete
Fiber reinforcement consists of short pieces of various materials and shows no preferred
reinforcing direction. The fibers reduce the shrinkage cracking, increase the stability of green
concrete, and in case of glass and plastic fibers increase the fire resistance period.
Applications can be found in industrial flooring, prefabricated concrete structures and air-
placed concrete.
Increased initial material costs for composite structural elements are offset by reduced transportation
and handling costs, reduced maintenance, and anticipated longer useful life of the entire structure.
Compared to steel reinforcement, the advantages of non-metallic reinforcement can be found in
- low weight and easy handling
- reduced concrete cover
- corrosion resistance
- durability
2.4 Static Load Tests
Bridge deterioration with time and ever increasing traffic loads raise concerns about reliability of aging
bridges. One of the ways to check reliability of aging bridges is proof load testing. A successful proof
load test demonstrates immediately that the resistance of a bridge is greater than the proof load.
Whereas analytical or predictive approaches used to determine load ratings may be overly
conservative. For example, the actual load carrying capacity of a bridge is often higher than the
predicted capacity, this may be due to system effects, load redistribution, etc. Thus a diagnostic or
proof load test may be more appropriate if
- Analytical analyses produces an unsatisfactory load rating; or
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- Analytical analysis is difficult to conduct due to deterioration or lack of documentation.
A diagnostic test may be used to verify or refine analytical or predictive structural models, whilst a
proof load test is used to assess the actual load carrying capacity of a bridge. [9]
The control of live load includes control of loads and load effects. Passive and active approaches have
to be considered. The problem can be approached from two directions: (a) detection and control of
overloaded vehicles, and (b) verification of the minimum load carrying capacity. Critical vehicles can
be identified by way-in-motion monitoring (see Chapter 5.2.3). Minimum required load carrying
capacity can be checked by proof loading. [6] Typical tests include torsional, bending, rotating
bending, axial, and combined load testing.
2.4.1 Proof Load Testing
A loading test involves the process of loading and observation of the related reactions of an existing
structure or a part of it for the purpose of assessment of its load bearing safety and serviceability. It is
characterized due to the fact that the testing load is increased following a fixed regime of loading and
unloading cycles until the ultimate testing load F
is reached. The ultimate testing load F
is defined as
the limit value of an acting load during the loading test, at which just no such damages occur that
would affect the bearing capacity and serviceability for the future lifetime of the structure. [7] A
reliability-based method may be used to determine the ultimate testing load. Such a method would be
based on a probabilistic framework that considers bridge age, deterioration, magnitude of proof loads,
test risk, updated bridge reliability (for prior service loading and proof loading) and associated
decision-making applications such as a risk-cost-benefit analysis. [9]
Load tests are essentially designed to investigate structural response under short-term loading. Thus
the selected instrumentation needs to respond accordingly and must provide sufficient sensitivity since
strains from live loads are likely to be relatively small. Items that can be investigated with live load
tests include impact factors, lateral load distribution, shear lag, and vertical deflections. [8] However, it
should also be recognized that there is a risk that the bridge will be damaged or not survive a proof
load test and so proof load testing may not always be cost-effective [9]. Loading Methods
Load testing involves the application of physical test loads to a structure or parts of it, measurement of
the response of the structure under the influence of the loads and interpretation of the results to make
recommendations for future courses of action. Although a load test of a full-scale structural element or
of a complete structure is a costly and time-consuming operation, it generally yields valuable results. A
single loading case may not be able to provide the range of information required and it may be
necessary to perform a series of tests to satisfy the technical requirements [26].
Loads may be applied using dead weight or by mechanical means and consideration need to be given
to any effect the loading method may have on the observed behavior. Materials, which can be used,
include building materials, water, cast-iron weights and loaded vehicles. Water is fairly easy to handle
by pumping but it has the disadvantage in terms of its low density compared with other materials. In
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the event of sudden failure it is possible for the water to be dispersed by pumping or puncturing the
water tanks [26].
Fig. 2-6: Static load test using water tanks, [32]

Other forms of dead weight used for testing in buildings require labor for handling and consequently
they can be slower and more expensive to use. Precise knowledge of applied load may be obtained by
using cast-iron weights, but costs of hiring and transporting these may be substantial [26].
Fig. 2-7: Reaction Frame, [29]

Where jacking systems are used, restraint provided to the structure by the system should be
minimized by using ball seatings and rollers. Jacking systems require heavy steel girders to be
connected on site to form a reaction frame. The load is applied to the structure by the use of hydraulic
jacks and a dead load of concrete blocks. The framework supplies a steady reference platform from
which the vertical deflection of the bridge can be measured. The response can be measured with
extensometers and strain-gages. The main problems with jacking systems is the requirement to
provide a reaction and the difficulty in generating distributed loads unless spreader frames or large
numbers of jacks are used [26].
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Fig. 2-8: Schedule for the static test force [20]

In order to avoid unnecessary damage to the structure due to the proof load, it is recommended to
increase the load gradually and to measure the deformations. Hence, the load is applied to the
structure in accordance to a loading schedule, and held for a certain time period. The deflection is then
noted and the next load increment applied. This is repeated for all the steps in the loading schedule.
The results can then be portrayed graphically as a load / displacement graph. Measurements may also
give a better insight into the behavior of the system. In general proof loads can not cover with long-
term effects. These effects should be compensated by calculation.
Fig. 2-9, Fig. 2-10: Proof Loading of a bridge over the river Ilm in Darnstedt
For steel and reinforced concrete structures the proof load test often is considered successful if the
eventual deformations of the structure are less than about 25 % of the maximum deformations,
suggesting that inelastic behavior of this magnitude is tolerable for the types of steel used. For modern
reinforced concrete using steels with less pronounced yield plateaus this may be optimistic.
Importantly, the proof-load test says nothing about how close the proof-load might have been to the
ultimate capacity of the structure, how much ductility remains, and whether there has not been some
damage caused by the test itself. [23]
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14.06.2002 28 Loading Truck, Research Project BELFA
Conventional methods of proof loading tests are time-consuming and lead to long-term road closings.
Furthermore, they result in a perforation of the bridge sealing, which protects the structure against
water penetration. Another possibility to apply loads to the structure is by placing trucks or locomotives
or even military tanks of known weights at various points of the structure. These tests can also be one
with incremental loads. Testing may also be carried out by passing the test vehicles over the bridge at
incremental speeds starting from static position.
In order to provide a more efficient method for the in-situ loading tests, the Hochschule Bremen, TU
Dresden, HTWK Leipzig and Bauhaus-University Weimar developed in cooperation with the
companies EGGERS and WEMO a special loading vehicle BELFA. The layout of the operation mode
of the loading vehicle is shown in Fig. 2-11.
Fig. 2-11: Operation Mode of Loading Vehicle BELFA

The loading vehicle BELFA is certified as a special vehicle and uses public roads (see Fig. 2-11: A).
Before the tractor reaches the structure to be tested, the rear axles are locked and the tractor pulls out
the front part (see Fig. 2-11: B). Additionally, the axle load of the tractor can be reduced by uploading
the last three axles. Thus, a damage-free passage of the tractor over the structure is ensured. Before
the wheels of the rear part approach the structure, they are locked again and the girder (yellow) is
pulled away from the rear part. Having crossed the bridge, the tractor is fixed to the chassis and all
axles are uploaded and fixed. Hydraulic jacks raise the vehicle and activate the entire mass for a
loading test (see Fig. 2-11: C). Now, the crane, which is installed on the girder and can be moved in
longitudinal direction is used for loading additional ballast. Water tanks can increase the total weight
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up to 100 t. Five hydraulic actuators with a maximum load of 500 kN each are moved to their test
position and will perform load cycles controlled by on-board electronic systems. The reactions of the
building are monitored by using an independently supported measuring base and are displayed on-line
on a computer. After the test loading, the vehicle is converted into its transport mode and will be ready
for a new application immediately. However it should be noted that the application of BELFA is limited
to road bridges up to a span (total or individual) of 18 m [10].
2.4.2 Diagnostic Load Testing
Diagnostic load testing involves driving pre-weighed trucks across a bridge along various transverse
paths at both a crawl speed (pseudo-static test) and at full speed (dynamic test). The weight of the
trucks is chosen to not exceed the bridges current rating level. Before testing starts, numerous fast-
mounting strain transducers, and in some cases other instruments such as displacement gages are
set up at predetermined locations on the bridge. Measurements are recorded as the test vehicle is
driven across the bridge. From the data collected during the diagnostic test, a number of significant
properties that affect the bridges actual load-carrying capacity can be determined. These properties,
which are typically estimated in order to perform a traditional load rating, include
- load distribution,
- support restraint,
- flexural resistance of the superstructure elements (cross-sectional properties including the
state of composite action), and
- effects of impact.
Furthermore, the recorded strain can also help indicate the level of other, more difficult to quantify,
sources of strength. By gathering enough response data, a more accurate structural model of the
bridge can be created and used in the final bridge rating.
It should be noted that diagnostic testing has the benefit of explaining why the bridge is performing
differently than assumed. The disadvantage to this method, as opposed to proof load testing, is that
the results are determined for service loads, and need to be extrapolated to ultimate load levels. [11]
2.5 Dynamic Load Tests
When the structural damage is small or it is in the interior of the system, its detection cannot be carried
out visually. A useful more elaborate non-destructive evaluation tool is dynamic testing. It relies on the
fact that the occurrence of damage or loss of integrity in a structural system leads to changes in the
dynamic properties of the structure. For instance, the degradation of stiffness due to the cracking of
the reinforced concrete, gives information on the position and severity of the damage that has
occurred [15].
A simple view of dynamic testing is to consider it as a procedure for determining the resonance
(natural) frequencies of a structure. The identified vibration mode shape for each natural frequency
corresponds to the defected shape when the structure is vibrating at that frequency. Each vibration
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mode is associated with a damping value, which is a measure of energy dissipation [14]. From the
measured dynamic response, induced by ambient or forced excitation, modal parameters (natural
frequencies, mode shapes and modal damping values) and system parameters (stiffness, mass and
damping matrices) can be obtained. These identified parameters can then be used to characterize and
monitor the performance of the structure [14].
Vibration testing can be used in a continuous or intermittent way. In a continuous monitoring system
typically a few sensors are installed on the structure whereas a large number of sensors can be used
in intermittent monitoring, for example to obtain detailed mode shape information [22].
Unfortunately, it is not only the health of a structure that influences its measurable dynamics, but also
the applied excitation and the changing temperature are important factors and may erode the damage
detection potential [22]. Normal environmental changes like the thaw-freeze cycles of bridge supports
may have a considerable influence on the changes in eigenfrequencies during the year and should
thus be taken into consideration during analysis.
2.5.1 Ambient Vibration Testing
Dynamic testing methods without any control on the input are classified as ambient vibration testing.
The popularity of this method is due to the convenience of measuring the vibration response while the
structure is under service loading. The loading could be from either wind, waves, vehicular or
pedestrian traffic or any other service loading. Thus, ambient sources represent the true excitation to
which a structure is subjected during its lifetime.
Since the input is unknown, certain assumptions have to be made about its nature [14]. The basic
assumption of the method is that the excitation forces are a stationary random process, having an
acceptably flat frequency spectrum [18]. If this assumption holds, then the vibration response of any
structure subjected to such effects will contain all the normal modes. Ambient vibration testing
implicitly assumes response data alone could be used to estimate vibration parameters [17,19].
The procedure of ambient vibration testing is straightforward. First a computational model of the
structure under surveillance is carried out and its natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes
are determined. Location of measurement points is selected in accordance with the geometric layout
of the structure, e.g. at the center and quarter points of a span. Accelerometers are used for the
simultaneous measurement of vertical, lateral and longitudinal vibration of the structure. [16,14]
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Fig. 2-12: Mobile monitoring system for ambient vibration testing [16]

The accelerations of a structure as a result of ambient excitation are typically very small and can vary
considerably during acquisition: the signals have a large dynamic range as shown in Fig. 2-13. This
causes challenges to the sensors, the acquisition system and the identification algorithms that need to
extract weakly excited modes from sometimes noisy data. [22]
Fig. 2-13: Ambient response data, acceleration time signal (top) and power spectrum (bottom) [22]

The developments of the last few years both on the acquisition side and also on the identification side
(e.g. the development of subspace identification methods) have greatly enhanced the use of ambient
vibration testing as a non-destructive health monitoring technique. [22]
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14.06.2002 32 System Identification for output-only Measurements
Several methods are available to extract the modal parameters of the structure from measurements
with unknown input. The detailed knowledge of the excitation is replaced by the assumption that the
system is excited by white Gaussian noise.
A widely used method in civil engineering to determine the eigenfrequencies of a structure is the rather
simple peak-picking method. In this method, the measured time histories are converted to spectra by a
discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The eigenfrequencies are simply determined as the peaks of the
spectra. Mode shapes can be determined by computing the transfer functions between all outputs and
a reference sensor. The major advantage of the method is its speed: the identification can be done on-
line allowing a quality check of the acquired data on site. Disadvantages are the subjective selection of
eigenfrequencies, the lack of accurate damping estimates and the determination of operational
detection shapes instead of mode shapes, since no modal model is fitted to the data. [36]
The simple and well-known frequency domain approach has been significantly improved, and a class
of parametric techniques called Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) has been developed. These
new techniques deal easily with noise contamination problems, closely spaced modes and complex-
valued mode shapes. [36]
The most general model of a linear time-invariant system excited by white noise is the so-called
ARMAV-model: the autoregressive term of the outputs is related to a moving average term of the white
noise inputs. Based on the measurements, the prediction error method is able to solve for the
unknown matrix parameters. Unfortunately, this method results in a highly non-linear minimization
problem with related problems such as: convergence not being guaranteed, local minima, sensitivity to
initial values and especially in the case of multivariable systems, an almost unreasonable
computational burden. One possible solution is to omit the moving average terms of an ARMAV-model
that cause the non-linearity and to solve a linear least-squares problem to find the parameters of an
ARV-model. A disadvantage is that since this model is less general, an over specification of the model
order is needed which results in a number of spurious numerical modes. [36]
The stochastic subspace system identification method shares the advantages of both the above-
mentioned methods: the identified model is a stochastic state-space model which is in fact a
transformed ARMAV-model, and as such more general than the ARV-model; the identification method
does not involve any non-linear calculations and is therefore much faster and more robust than the
prediction error method. [36]

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Fig. 2-14: Change of the frequency response function caused by increasing structural damage [20] Drawbacks of Ambient Vibration Testing
In most cases, the nature of the input excitation can only be described by statistical parameters or by
assuming the excitation spectrum to be concentrated within a frequency range. If the loading spectrum
is limited to a narrow band of frequencies, only a limited picture of the dynamics of the structure can
be monitored [17]. Inadequate knowledge of the input force also implies generalized mass and
stiffness cannot be derived.
Although reliable frequency and mode shape data can be obtained, estimated damping values are
prone to errors. The errors in the damping estimates are due to a combination of factors such as the
(possible) nonstationarity of the excitation process, signal processing and data analysis procedures
necessary to extract modal parameters and the insufficient excitation of some modes. The frequency
response function changes depending on the amplitude of the input excitation. This leads to variation
in damping estimates since damping depends on vibration amplitudes. Hence, results from low level
excitation might not be appropriate to predict the dynamic response to high level excitation. To achieve
better results, it is necessary to use higher energy excitation techniques, which approximate the
dynamic load levels likely to be encountered in the operating environment.
2.5.2 Forced Vibration Testing
Forced vibration testing incorporates those methods where the vibration is artificially induced.
Amplitude and frequency of the applied input excitation are under control by the use of properly
designed excitation systems. Forced vibration tests have the advantage of suppressing effects of
extraneous noise in the measured structural response. Tests on offshore structures using both
ambient and forced vibration methods have shown that damping and frequencies can be measured
more accurately with forced vibration and that the higher modes can only be excited to measurable
levels by forced excitation. [14]
The physical means through which the excitation is realized may be termed a vibrator, exciter or
shaker. It is a device used for transmitting a vibratory force into the structure. The excitation device
can be either of the contacting type, which means that the exciter stays in contact with the test
structure throughout the testing procedure, or of the noncontacting type such as impactors. Physically
mounted devices like vibrators are used for full-scale testing of large structures. Appropriate contacting
vibrators are usually of the eccentric rotating mass or electrohydraulic type. [14]
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Fig. 2-15: Installation of a reaction mass shaker

Fig. 2-16: Drop weight system, developed by K U
Leuven [22] Eccentric Rotating Mass Vibrators
The eccentric mass vibrator generates vibratory force by using a rotating shaft carrying a mass whose
center-of-mass is displaced from the center-of-rotation of the shaft. The vibrator can be operated at
different frequencies by changing the rotational speed of the shaft. The simplest reaction type machine
uses a single rotating mass. Machines with more than one rotating mass have the advantage of
generating forces in more than one direction. However, rotating mass vibrators are capable of
delivering only sinusoidally varying forces that are proportional to the square of the rotational speed so
that reliable excitation can only be achieved above 1 Hz. [14] Electrohydraulic Vibrators
The electrohydraulic vibrators can generate higher forces than the other types. The force is generated
through the reciprocating motion induced by the high-pressure flow of a liquid. In operation, the system
usually consists of a servocontrolled hydraulic actuator, which drives an attached mass. The weight of
the mass can be varied to obtain varying force magnitudes. The vibrators provide relatively high
vibration strokes and allow accurate excitation at different frequencies in bending or torsion. They also
have the advantage of being able to apply a static preload and complex waveforms to the test
structure. However, the attainable stroke reduces with increasing frequency. [14]
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The simplest means of applying an impact to a structure is by using an instrumented hammer or
suspended mass to deliver blows to the structure. The impulse delivered to the structure can be varied
by changing the mass of the impact device. The impact frequency range can also be varied by
changing the hammerhead type. The impulse function consists of a short duration broad-band
spectrum. The width of the function determines the frequency content while the height and shape
control the energy level of the spectrum. [14]
Nevertheless, an instrumented hammer is rarely used on large structures because of the large mass
of the latter and the risk of local damage, at the point of contact, to the structure when high force levels
are applied. Other special impact devices have been developed to excite large structures, such
methods include the use of a bolt-gun or dropping a weight onto the structure. Further possibilities to
apply an impulsive force to a structure initially at rest include vehicle impact, driving a vehicle over an
uneven surface, rocket impact or the controlled jumping of people. [14]
In step relaxation testing, excitation is achieved by releasing the structure from a statically deformed
position. The initial static deformation is obtained by either loading the structure with a wire or cable,
hydraulic rams or by continuous thrust from rocket motors. The response of the structure to this form
of excitation is strongly dominated by those modes whose deformed shapes resemble the statically
deformed configuration of the structure. Although step relaxation is probably the simplest and most
effective method of determining damping it is seldom used because of its difficulty in implementation.
[14] Drawbacks of Forced Vibration Testing
The number of reported forced vibration tests is less than that reported for ambient vibration testing. A
factor contributing to this is the difficulty in constructing suitable excitation systems that can generate
sufficient excitation forces at low frequencies [14]. For very large structures, for example long span
cable-stayed bridges, it becomes very difficult to apply sufficient artificial excitation to surpass the
vibration levels from the ambient excitation, which is always present. If a structure has low-frequency
(below 1 Hz) modes, it may be difficult to excite them with a shaker, whereas this is generally no
problem for a drop weight or ambient sources [22]. It is also possible that not all the vibration modes of
interest will be sufficiently manifested by transient excitation [14].
The use of artificial shaker or impact excitation is not very practical: in most cases at least one lane
has to be closed and secondary excitation sources, having a negative effect on the data quality,
cannot be excluded: traffic under/on the bridge, wind, micro tremors. Furthermore impact testing has
the disadvantage of potentially inducing localized damage on the test structure [14].
Eventually, if the cost of testing is a major concern, the use of shakers can be excluded. The price of a
shaker and the additional manpower needed to install it on a structure makes it not very cost-effective
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2.6 References
1. CEB Bulletin N243, Strategies for Testing and Assessment of Concrete Structures, CEB, May
2. K. Bergmeister, Safety evaluation on existing concrete structures in combination with an
inspection, CEB Commission 1 Task-Group 1.4 - Workshop, 16.-27.09.1996
5. A. Guggenberger, Carbon Fiber Reinforcement in Structural Engineering, PhD Dissertation,
Institute for Structural Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2001
7. P. Schwesinger, G. Bolle, EXTRA a new Experiment Supported Condition Assessment
Method for Concrete Bridges, SPIEs 5
International Symposium on Nondestructive
Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aging Infrastructure, Newport Beach, California USA, 5-9
March 2000
8. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Implementation Program
on High Performance Concrete, Guidelines for Instrumentation of Bridges, August 1996
9. M.H. Faber, V.V. Dimitri, M.G. Stewart, Proof load testing for bridge assessment and
upgrading, Engineering Structures 22 (2000), p. 1677-1689
11. M.J. Chajes, H.W. Shenton, D. O'Shea, Use of Field Testing in Delaware's Bridge
management Program, 8th International Bridge Management Conference, TRB, National
Research Council, Denver, Colorado, Vol I, B-4, 1-6, 1999
12. R.T. Prince, Evaluation of Field Tests performed on an Aluminum Deck Bridge, Master Thesis,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1998
13. hhtp://
14. O.S. Salawu, C. Williams, Review of full-scale dynamic testing of bridge structures,
Engineering Structures, Elsevier Science Ltd, 1995
15. J. Maeck, M. Abdel Wahab, B. Peeters, G. De Roeck, J. De Visscher, W.P. De Wilde, J.-M.
Ndambi, J. Vantomme, Damage identification in reinforced concrete structures by dynamic
stiffness determination, Engineering Structures 22, Elsevier Science Ltd, 2000, p 1339 1349
16. H. Wenzel, Quality Assessment and Damage Detection by Monitoring,
17. C. Williams, Testing of large structures using vibration techniques, Structural Integrity
Assessment, Elsevier Applied Science, London UK, 1992, p 290-229
18. L.A. Takov, Dynamic testing of bridge structures applying forced and ambient vibration
methods, Proc. Conf. On Civil Engineering Dynamics, Society for Earthquakes and Civil
Engineering Dynamics, London, UK, 1988, Paper 6
19. J.S. Bendat, A.G. Piersol, Engineering applications of correlation and spectral analysis, John
Wiley, New York USA, 1980
20. M. Ebert, V. Zabel, C. Bucher, Changes of dynamic structural parameters with progressive
structural damage, Proceedings of 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference,
Baltimore, USA, 13-16th June 1999
21. B. Peeters, G. De Roeck, Reference-based stochastic subspace identification for output-only
modal analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, V.6(3), 1999, p 855-878
22. B. Peeters, J. Maeck, G. De Roeck, Vibration-based damage detection in civil engineering:
excitation sources and temperature effects, Smart Materials and Structures 10, 2001, p. 518-
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14.06.2002 37
23. C. Krmer, C.A.M. De Smet, B. Peeters, Comparison of Ambient and Forced Vibration
Testing of Civil Engineering Structures, Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis
Conference, IMAC XVII, Kissimmee, FL, USA, 1999
24. R.E. Melchers, Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, John Wiley, 1999.- XVIII, 437
pages ISBN 0-471-98324-1
25. J.H. Bungey, S.G. Millard, Testing of Concrete in Structures, Chapman & Hall, 1996
26. FIP, Commission 10, Management, Maintenance and Strengthening of Concrete Structures
(Maintenance, Operation and Use), Technical Report, April 2000
27. fib CEB-FIP, Durability of post-tensioning tendons, bulletin 15, Workshop 15-16 November
2001, Ghent (Belgium)
28. A.T. Ciolko, H. Tabatabai, Nondestructive Methods for Condition Evaluation of Prestressing
Steel Strands in Concrete Bridges, Final Report, Phase I: Technology Review, NCHRP Web
Document 23 (Project 10-53), March 1999
29. K. Steffens, Experimentelle Tragsicherheitsbewertung von Bauwerken, Grundlagen und
Anwendungsbeispiele, Ernst & Sohn, September 2001
30. P.H. Perkins, Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures, E & FN SPON,
31. J.L. Clarke, Alternative Materials for the Reinforcement and Prestressing of Concrete, Blackie
Academic & Professional, 1993
32. J.A. Sobrino, M.D.G. Pulido, Towards Advanced Composite Material Footbridges, Structural
Engineering International 2/2002, IABSE Journal, Vol. 12 No. 2, p. 84-86
33. Vollrath, Tathoff, Handbuch der Brckeninstandhaltung, Beton-Verlag, 1990
34. J.O. Evans, H.T. Bollmann, Detensioning an external prestressing tendon, web publications at, September 2000
35. L. Bevc, B. Mahut, K. Grefstad, Review of current practice for assessment of structural
condition and classification of defects, BRIME PL97-2220, March 1999
36. I. Enevoldsen, Experience with Probabilistic-based Assessment of Bridges, Structural
Engineering International 4/2001, IABSE Journal, Vol. 11 No. 4, p. 251-260

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3 The Visual Inspection
The visual inspection is the first step necessary for the condition assessment of structures. By the
means of visual inspection an overall impression should be obtained of all symptoms of deterioration
including the identification of actual and potential sources of trouble. All the activities leading to the
final choice of a rehabilitation strategy for a damaged bridge are initiated at this stage.
In order to ensure an optimum collection of information an inspection concept is needed, including:
- Description of the structure
- Historical information, (including previous inspection reports)
- Access equipment needed (tower wagon or scaffold) lane closure, necessary downtimes
- Possible removal of everything that prevents good visual access
- Inspection equipment
- Competences & Responsibilities
When searching historical information of a construction special attention should be paid to all kinds of
modification the construction may have suffered. It is obvious that the research of historical information
does not only concern the time of construction, but its complete lifetime.
Inspections which may significantly interfere with normal traffic movement and which might affect the
safety of the inspectors must be coordinated with district personnel in order that appropriate traffic
control measures may be undertaken. Inspections of the underside of bridges that cannot be reached
by conventional ladders may be performed by the use of vehicles with under-bridge platforms. [2]
During the visual inspection special attention needs to be paid to various factors, including:
- Verification of information gathered during the planning of the assessment
- Old coatings, impregnations or protections
- The appearance of the original concrete surface
- Differences of the color of the concrete surface
- The presence of cracks, their appearance and pattern
- Superficial deterioration of the concrete skin
- Deterioration of the concrete itself
- Exposed rebars
- Deformations of the structure
- Presence of humidity or water, leakages, etc.
The findings must be described in detail as they form the basis for any consequent measures. In
addition, it may be useful to state the name of the inspector, as well as the names of all that may have
been in attendance.
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Visual Inspection is a primary component of both Routine and In-Depth Inspections
3.1 Routine Inspection
The routine inspection is a visual inspection of all visible parts of the structure. The inspection should
be carried out by a highly experienced bridge engineer. The purpose is to maintain an overview of the
general condition of the whole infrastructure stock, and to reveal significant damage in due time, so
that rehabilitation works can be carried out in the optimum way and at the optimum time, taking safety
and economic aspects into consideration.
One set of information generated during a routine inspection is a series of "condition ratings" assigned
to the various structural components. These condition ratings give an overall measure of the condition
of a structure by considering the severity of deterioration in the structure and the extent to which it is
distributed throughout each component. The ratings assigned to each element are based on a
standard set of definitions associated with numerical ratings.
The equipment needed for routine bridge inspections usually includes the following [2]:
- Cleaning tools including wire brushes, screwdrivers, brushes, scrapers, etc.
- Inspection tools including pocketknife, ice pick, hand brace, bit, and increment borer for boring
timber elements, chipping hammer, etc.
- Visual aid tools including binoculars, flashlight, magnifying glass, dye penetrant, mirror, etc.
- Basic measuring equipment including thermometer, center punch, simple surveying
equipment, etc.
- Recording materials such as appropriate forms, field books, cameras, etc.
- Safety equipment including rigging, harnesses, scaffolds, ladders, bosun chairs, first-aid kit,
- Miscellaneous equipment should include C-clamps, penetrating oil, insect repellant, wasp and
hornet killer, stakes, flagging, markers, etc.
3.1.1 Inspection of Concrete Members
Common concrete member defects include cracking, scaling, delamination, spalling, efflorescence,
popouts, wear or abrasion, collision damage, scour, and overload. The inspection of concrete should
include both visual and physical examination. [3] Crack Detection
Two of the primary deteriorations noted by visual inspections are cracks and rust stains. Cracking in
concrete is usually large enough to be seen with the bare eye, but it is recommended to use a crack
gage to measure and classify the cracks. Cracks are classified as hairline, medium, or wide cracks.
Hairline cracks cannot be measured by simple means such as pocket ruler, but simple means can be
used for the medium and wide cracks. Hairline cracks are usually insignificant to the capacity of the
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structure, but it is advisable to document them. Medium and wide cracks are significant to the
structural capacity and should be recorded and monitored in the inspection reports. Cracks can also
be grouped into two types: structural cracks and nonstructural cracks. Structural cracks are caused by
the dead- and live-load stresses. Structural cracks need immediate attention, since they affect the
safety of the bridge. Nonstructural cracks are usually caused by thermal expansion and shrinkage of
the concrete. These cracks are insignificant to the capacity, but these cracks may lead to serious
maintenance problems. For example, thermal cracks in a deck surface may allow water to enter the
deck concrete and corrode the reinforcing steel. The length, direction, and extent of the cracks and
rust strains should be measured and reported in the inspection notes. [3] Detection of Delaminations
Delamination occurs when layers of concrete separate at or near the level of the top or outermost
layer of reinforcing steel. The major cause of delaminations is the expansion or the corrosion of
reinforcing steel due to the intrusion of chlorides or salts. Hammer sounding is used to detect areas of
unsound concrete and usually used to detect delaminations. Tapping the surfaces of a concrete
member with a hammer produces a resonant sound that can be used to indicate concrete integrity.
Areas of delamination can be determined by listening for hollow sounds. The hammer sounding
method is impractical for the evaluation of larger surface areas. For larger surface areas, chain drag
can be used to evaluate the integrity of the concrete with reasonable accuracy. Chain drag surveys of
deck are not totally accurate, but they are quick and inexpensive. There are other advanced
techniques available for concrete inspection described in chapter 4. [3]
3.1.2 Inspection of Steel and Iron Members
Common steel and iron member defects include corrosion, crack, collision damage, and overstress.
Cracks usually initiate at the connection detail, at the termination end of a weld, or at a corroded
location of a member and then propagate across the section until the member fractures. Since all of
the cracks may lead to failure, bridge inspectors need to look at each and every one of these potential
crack locations carefully. [3]
The most recognizable type of steel deterioration is corrosion. The cause, location, and extent of the
corrosion need to be recorded. This information can be used for rating analysis of the member and for
taking preventive measures to minimize further deterioration. Section loss due to corrosion can be
reported as a percentage of the original cross section of a component. The depth of the defect can be
measured using a straightedge ruler or caliper. [3]
One of the important types of damage in steel members is fatigue cracking. Fatigue cracks develop in
bridge structures due to repeated loadings. Since this type of cracking can lead to sudden and
catastrophic failure, the bridge inspector should identify fatigue-prone details and should perform a
thorough inspection of these details. For painted structures, breaks in the paint accompanied by rust
staining indicate the possible existence of a fatigue crack. If a crack is suspected, the area should be
cleaned and given a close-up visual inspection. Additionally, further testing such as dye penetrant (see
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chapter 4.2) can be done to identify the crack and to determine its extent. If fatigue cracks are
discovered, inspection of all similar fatigue details is recommended. [3]
Symptoms of damage due to overstress are inelastic elongation (yielding) or decrease in cross section
in tension members, and buckling in compression members. The causes of the overstress should be
investigated. The overstress of a member could be the result of several factors such as loss of
composite action, loss of bracing, loss of proper load-carrying path, and failure or settlement of
bearing details. [3]
Similar to concrete members, there are advanced destructive and nondestructive techniques available
for steel inspection. Some of the nondestructive techniques are described in chapter 4.
Visual inspection is not confined to the surface, but may also include examination of bearings,
expansion of joints, drainage channels, post-tensioning ducts and similar features of a structure.
3.2 In-Depth Inspection
In-Depth Inspections are usually performed as a follow-up inspection to a Routine Inspection to better
identify any deficiencies found [2]. A testing program for reinforced concrete structures that
supplements visual observations may include obtaining and testing cores and samples for
compressive strength, chloride ion content, depth of carbonation, pH value, and petrographic
examinations. Load testing may also sometimes be performed as part of an In-Depth Inspection. [2]
3.2.1 Compressive Strength
The compressive strength of concrete in existing structures can be determined efficiently by testing
drill cores or non-destructively by performing sclerometer tests. Testing drill cores is the most direct
and reliable way of concrete strength testing. However this method is labour-intensive and partially
damaging the structure. After removing the drill core the remaining hole needs to be closed carefully in
order to avoid further damage. It is recommended to use epoxy or cement mortar. Alternatively pull-out
tests can be performed to estimate concrete strength. Testing Drill Cores
When testing the drill cores it has to be taken into account that the results are size and geometry
dependent. The smaller the core the higher the compressive strength.
Fig. 3-1 shows the compressive strength versus the size of the specimen. By using empirical
relationships like the one in Fig. 3-2 the compressive strength values obtained at different sizes can be
compared to each other.
Fig. 3-1: Influence of specimen size on
compressive strength (Schickert 1981)
Fig. 3-2: Influence of the slenderness ratio on
compressive strength (Schickert 1981)
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In addition, the compressive strength depends on the slenderness of the specimen. Fig. 3-2 shows the
compressive strength versus the specimen slenderness as obtained for different ratios of specimen
height to specimen diameter (slenderness ratio). Such curves can be used for transforming the
experimentally determined compressive strengths to a standard value for the slenderness ratio equal
to one.
The drill cores can be used for determining the modulus of elasticity and other mechanical properties
too. Sclerometer Method
A non-destructive technique for determining the compressive strength at concrete surfaces is the
sclerometer method, see Fig. 3-3. The metal bolt at the tip of the sclerometer is adjusted normal to the
concrete surface. Then, inside the device a certain weight is accelerated by a spring and hits the metal
bolt. The harder the concrete surface the more kinetic energy the bounced back weight will have. This
energy is measured by recording the distance the weight is moving backward against the spring.
A combination of the drill core and the sclerometer method is in most of the practical cases an efficient
way for determining the compressive strength. A small number of drill cores should be taken from the
structure. In addition, by using a sclerometer at a large number of different spots the homogeneity of
the material can be evaluated. In this way an overall information on the concrete strength is obtained.
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Fig. 3-3: Sclerometer (Hiese, Knoblauch 1988) Pull-out Test
The principle behind the test method is that the force required to pull a bolt or some similar device out
of concrete can be correlated with the concretes compressive strength. There are two basic
categories of pull-out test; those which involve an insert already cast into the concrete, and those
which offer the greater flexibility of an insert fixed into a hole drilled into the hardened concrete [1].
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Fig. 3-4: Pull-out Test [1]

From the peak tensile force recorded by the loading equipment, and by using an empirical correlation
chart, the equivalent concrete cube strength can be estimated. Although the results will relate to the
surface zone only, the approach offers the advantage of providing a more direct measure of strength
and at a greater depth than surface hardness testing by rebound methods, but still requires only one
exposed surface [1].
Furthermore, the concrete strength can be estimated by measuring the ultrasonic velocity. However,
this method should be applied in combination with a destructive method only since it does not provide
the required accuracy without calibration. The concrete member to be tested has to be accessible from
two opposite sides. For high strength concrete the sensitivity of the method is comparatively small.
The applicability of the ultrasonic strength evaluation is limited therefore to special cases only.
3.2.2 Tensile Strength
Different tests to determine concrete tensile strength are available, but most of these tests are
executed in a laboratory. Pull-off Test
This approach has been developed to measure the in-situ tensile strength of concrete by applying a
direct tensile force [1]. The test can easily be executed on site. The choice of the test locations can be
based on the results of the visual inspections or by the results of the concrete surface hardness test.
The results of the hammer sounding may indicate areas in which spalling occurs. In these areas pull-
off tests have no use at all. [5]
A circular steel disk is glued to the surface on which load is applied through a manually operated jack
that bears against the concrete surface through a reaction ring. The fracture surface will be below the
concrete surface and will thus leave some surface damage that must be repaired [1].
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Fig. 3-5: Pull-off Test [1]

A nominal tensile strength for the concrete is calculated on the basis of the disk diameter, and this
may be converted to compressive strength using a calibration chart appropriate to the concrete [1].
One key feature of this method is that small changes in compressive strength are easily detected. Also
concrete variables such as aggregate type do not significantly affect the correlation. In general, due to
relative differences in curing and compaction, concrete at the top of a pour is less strong than that at
the bottom, so strengths derived from testing the top surface may be considered to be conservative.
3.2.3 Carbonation Depth
For evaluating the possibility of corrosive damage to the surface it is necessary to measure the depth
at which the carbonation has decreased the pH-value below the critical level. There are two ways for
determining the carbonation depth:
1. A fracture surface (perpendicular to the external concrete surface) is sprinkled by a liquid
indicator, preferably Phenolphthalein. In the basic region the indicator changes its colour into a
pink shade. The line between the colourless and the pink surface marks the carbonation depth.
The fracture surface can be obtained by splitting a drill core. It is not advisable to use the surface
of the drill core because the Ca(OH)
is being smeared over the core surface during the wet drilling
Fig. 3-6: Determination of carbonation depth with Phenolphthalein, [6]

2. Using a standard drill bit some pulverised material is removed from the structure and preserved in
distinct portions according to the drilling depth. Then the material is mixed with water and the
mixtures pH-values are determined. The drill bit method is recommended for determining the pH-
value of the grouting mortar in tendon ducts too.
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3.2.4 Chloride Determination
For determining the chloride content a pulverised sample is given into an acid solution and than a
quantitative analysis is carried out. The acid solution is necessary for dissolving chlorides out of water
resistant salts. By doing this a conservative value of the chloride content is determined which even
after carbonation of the concrete will not be exceeded. The allowable value amounts to 0.4% of the
cement mass.
Fig. 3-7: Qualitative determination of Chloride ingress, [6]

3.3 References
1. J.H. Bungey, S.G. Millard, Testing of Concrete in Structures, Chapman & Hall, 1996
2. Texas Department of Transportation, Bridge Inspection Manual, December 2001
3. W.-F. Chen, L. Duan, Bridge Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, 2000
4. Texas Department of Transportation, Bridge Inspection Manual, December 2001
5. CEB-FIP, Strategies for Testing and Assessment of Concrete Structures, Bulletin 243, May
6. Vollrath, Tathoff, Handbuch der Brckeninstandhaltung, Beton-Verlag, 1990

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4 NDE Inspection Techniques
Bridges are checked for any sudden damage or deterioration such as signs of settlements or
displacements, damage on slabs, girders, railings, columns or piers due to impact from traffic, erosion
of slopes etc. For the registration of any kind of failure or damage observed, specially prepared forms
are filled in, photos taken and the material handed over to the responsible engineer for further action.
Currently available methods for evaluating bridge decks include inspecting the deck condition visually,
sounding a bare deck with a chain or hammer, measuring the half-cell potential of the deck, and taking
cores. All these methods may require lane closure and have limited ability to determine the internal
condition of the deck over the entire deck area. In addition, these methods are not effective in
accurately determining the exact location and extent of delaminations in a bridge deck, and they are
difficult to apply rapidly to a large number of bridge decks [4].
Typical techniques used for bridge inspection include:
- Visual Testing (VT)
- Penetrant Testing (PT)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MP)
- Radiographic Testing (RT)
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Impact Echo (IE)
- Acoustic Emission (AE)
- Eddy Current Testing (ET)
- Rebar Locator (RL)
4.1 Reinforcement Detection
Location and diameter of steel reinforcement can be determined destructively or non-destructively. As
a result of the rapid development in non-destructive testing during the last decade several reliable
methods have been proposed. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances a destructive investigation
may be more efficient. In order to minimise the damage to a structure it is advisable to search for
statically important and expected reinforcement only. In the case of a beam it is recommended that the
concrete along a small path on the under side is removed, see Fig. 4-1. Number, diameter and
concrete cover can be easily determined in this way. However, a possible second reinforcement layer
in most practical cases will not be detected by using this technique.
Fig. 4-1: Bottom view of a reinforced concrete beam
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For detecting the steel reinforcement in concrete slabs a combined destructive and non-destructive
procedure is recommended. First the position of steel bars in both directions is determined. This can
be done by using a simple electro-magnetic steel detector. Then, the concrete is removed in three
spots, according to Fig. 4-2. In this way it is possible to determine the steel diameters even if they are
Fig. 4-2: Bottom view of a concrete slab

For the non-destructive determination of location and diameter of steel reinforcement three major
groups of methods can be identified, see Table 1.
Table 1: Major non-destructive methods for the detection of steel reinforcement
Methods based on References
electro-magnetic fields Flohrer 1995; Mehlhorn et al. 1995; Ricken et al.
1995; Alldred et al. 1995; Ppel et al. 1995
radioactive radiation Merkblatt B1 1990; Kapphahn 1996; Thiele 1978
Radar Flohrer et al. 1993; Buyukozturk et al. 1995; Ppel
et al. 1995; Maierhofer et al. 1995

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4.1.1 Electro-magnetic Methods
Several electro-magnetic effects have been exploited for detecting and localising steel reinforcement
in concrete, see Table 2.
The effect of magnetic induction is the one which is predominantly used in commercial devices. State-
of-the-art products allow an easy scanning of the concrete surface and generate the results in an
image format, see Fig. 4-3.
Table 2: Electro-magnetic methods for detecting steel reinforcement
Physical effect What can be
location, concrete
The attractive power between the reinforcement and
a permanent magnet on the concrete surface is
location, concrete
cover, diameter
The magnetic flux is influenced by magnetic material
in the electro-magnetic field.
Scattering of a
magnetic field
location, concrete
cover, diameter
First the reinforcement is magnetized by a
permanent magnet. Then the magnetic field is
measured by using a hall probe. The steel
reinforcement causes a scattering of the field.

Fig. 4-3: Electro-magnetic scanning of a concrete surface
Prestressing elements
Concrete slab

The advantages of the electro-magnetic methods are:
- The concrete cover can be determined reliably, whereas the determination of the bar
diameters in practical cases sometimes causes problems.
- Results are obtained immediately. No time-consuming postprocessing is necessary.
- State-of-the art devices are cost-effective.
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There are some limitations of the electro-magnetic methods:
- The methods work reliably only up to a concrete cover of about 100 mm.
- For high reinforcement ratios the resolution of the method might be not sufficient. (Bars
located close to each other are detected as one bar.)
For most of the practical cases, however, the electromagnetic methods and the corresponding
commercial devices are the most effective tools.
4.1.2 Radiography
If gamma or x-rays penetrate a solid sample, a portion of the radiation passes the sample, a portion
will be absorbed and another part will be scattered in other directions. The absorbed portion depends
on the thickness and on the density of the sample as well as on the atomic number of the material.
Because of the large difference in density between concrete and steel the absorption of gamma or x-
rays can be used for detecting the steel reinforcement. If the radioactive source is located on one side
of the concrete member and a photographic film on the opposite side the projection of the
reinforcement will appear on the film, see Fig. 4. If both the concrete cover and the bar diameter are
unknown double exposure is a way for determining the unknowns.
Fig. 4-4: Schematics of radiography

For x-rays (200kV) the maximum concrete thickness is about 25 cm and for Co-60 gamma radiation
about 50 cm. The use of linear accelerators allows even larger concrete thickness to be studied.
Practical exposure times range from 3 to 20 min. If the thickness is more than the maximum thickness
mentioned above, the source can be placed in a drill hole, see Fig. 4-5. The same procedure is
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advisable if the structure is accessible from one side only. An additional effect of the drill hole
radiography is an improvement of radiation protection.
Fig. 4-5: Drill hole radiography

The disadvantages of the radiography are the comparatively high costs, caused by the work of
especially trained staff and the necessary radiation protection. In addition, no on-line information is
provided because of the necessity of the film development. On the other hand, the results have an
image format allowing an easy interpretation and documentation.
The radiography can be considered a possible option for detecting steel reinforcement, if no other
methods can provide the needed information. This is especially the case at heavily reinforced parts of
4.1.3 Radar Methods
Electromagnetic waves are reflected at interfaces between materials having different electrical
properties. This effect can be used for detecting steel reinforcement in concrete structures, see Fig.
Fig. 4-6: Radar method for detecting prestressed elements (Ppel, Flohrer 1995)
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The advantage of the Radar principle is that the maximum inspection depth is about 50 cm, that
means larger than for electro-magnetic methods. On the other hand, the interpretation of the data
obtained appears to be difficult and reinforcement close to the concrete surface cannot be identified
clearly. The Radar method, therefore, is beneficial in the case of large reinforcement diameters and
high concrete covers. A useful application is the localization of prestressing cables. In this case the
insensitivity against near surface reinforcement appears to be an advantage of the method. Usually
prestressed cables are located deeper inside the concrete members than the not prestressed
4.1.4 Concluding Remarks on the Detection of Reinforcement
For practical reasons, it is recommended that an in-situ investigation is started by using an electro-
magnetic reinforcement detection device. The removal of the concrete cover at certain points allows
the confirmation and completion of the information obtained non-destructively. Under certain
circumstances this combination of electro-magnetic and destructive methods does not provide the
required information. In these cases other, more costly methods can be used in addition:
Radiography for heavily reinforced structures and large concrete thickness
Radar for finding prestressed cables with large concrete cover
It should be mentioned that other techniques have been used for detecting reinforcement in concrete
structures too, among them the ultrasonic Impulse-Echo-Method and the Infrared Thermography.
However, these methods are more beneficial for solving other inspection problems and cannot be
recommended for the practical reinforcement detection.
4.2 Penetrant Testing
This method is used to locate and identify surface defects in nonporous materials. Further fields of
application are:
- Detection of cracking and porosity in welded joints
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- Detection of surface defects in castings
- Detection of fatigue cracking in stressed materials
Fig. 4-7: Liquid Penetrant Testing [3]

The surface of the part under evaluation is coated with a penetrant in which a visible or fluorescent
dye is dissolved or suspended. The penetrant is pulled into surface defects by capillary action.
After a waiting period to insure the dye has penetrated into the narrowest cracks, the excess
penetrant is cleaned from the surface of the sample. A white powder, called developer, is then
sprayed or dusted over the part. The developer lifts the penetrant out of the defect, and the dye
stains the developer. Then by visual inspection under white or ultraviolet light, the visible or
fluorescent dye indications, respectively, are identified and located, thereby defining the defect. [2]
4.3 Magnetic Particle Testing
Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) is an NDT technique for crack identification that relies on local or
complete magnetization of the component or surface being interrogated. It can only be applied to
Ferromagnetic components. When a crack is present on the surface, then some magnetic flux will leak
out from the sides of the crack (provided that the magnetic flow is in a suitable direction relative to the
Fig. 4-8: Magnetic Particle Testing [3]

In Fig. 4-8 a magnetic field is established in a component made from ferromagnetic material. The
magnetic lines of force or flux travel through the material, and exit and reenter the material at the
poles. Defects such as cracks or voids are filled with air that cannot support as much flux, and force
some of the flux outside of the part. Magnetic particles distributed over the component will be attracted
to areas of flux leakage and produce a visible indication [3]. If these particles are suitably colored, or
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the background is suitably colored, this concentration of particles will enhance the image of any
4.4 Radiographic Testing
Radiographic systems can be used for the detection of broken wires in cable-stayed bridges, imaging
of post-tensioning strands in concrete beams, and the detection of voids in the grouted post-tensioning
ducts [15]. The method may be used for detecting both surface and subsurface defects [4].
Fig. 4-9: Radiographic Testing [3]

The system essentially consists of passing x-rays or gamma rays through the member being tested
and creating an image on a photosensitive film. If there is a crack in the member or a void in the weld,
less radiation is absorbed by the steel and more radiation passes through that area to the film. Thus
the defects are shown on the film as dark lines or shaded areas, compared to the surrounding areas of
sound material. This method has an advantage of providing a permanent record for every test carried
out. However, it requires specialized knowledge in selecting the angles of exposure and also in
interpreting the results recorded on the films. It also requires access from both sides of the test area,
with the radiation source placed on one side and the film placed on the other side [4].
4.5 Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Systems
GPR is a pulse-echo method for measuring pavement layer thickness and other properties. It works
like ultrasound, but uses radio waves rather than sound waves to penetrate the pavement. [] In a
typical inspection application, GPR systems are used to locate structural components, like reinforcing
bars embedded in concrete, to avoid wakening the structure while collecting core samples for detailed
inspection. Advanced GPR, integrated with imaging technologies for use as a nondestructive
evaluation tool, can provide the capability to quickly locate and characterize construction flaws and
wear- or age-induced damage in these structures without the need for destructive techniques like
coring. The bridge deck and its wearing surface are the most vulnerable parts of a bridge to damage
from routine service, and they are particularly well suited for inspection using a vehicle-mounted
inspection system. [5] An advanced GPR system can reliably detect, quantify, and image
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delaminations in bridge decks. Such a system is designed to operate at normal highway speeds,
eliminating the need for lane closure.
A mobile Ground Penetrating Imaging Radar (GPIR) gathers data for high-resolution image
reconstruction of embedded defects and features. High quality image processing allows visualization
of internal structure, permitting evaluation of deck conditions from the collected data using ultra-wide-
bandwidth antennas and pulse generators. [5] The GPR testing technique can determine pavement
layer thickness as well as the presence of excessive moisture or excessive air voids in pavement
Fig. 4-10: GPR record of asphalt-overlaid concrete, showing evidence of full-depth patching in concrete

Fig. 4-11: GPR record showing transition in slab length from 30 to 20 meters []

The basic configuration of a mobile GPR equipment includes at least one radar antenna mounted on a
GPR vehicle with a data acquisition unit. The antenna transmits pulses of radar energy into the
pavement. These waves are reflected at significant layer interfaces and boundaries of dissimilar
materials in the pavement. The reflected waves are captured by the system and displayed as a plot of
reflection amplitude versus arrival time. The largest peak is the reflection from the pavement surface,
the amplitudes before the surface reflection are internally generated noise and may be removed from
the trace prior to signal processing. The reflections of significance to engineers are those that occur
after the surface echo. These represent significant interfaces within the pavement, and the measured
travel time is related to the thickness of the layer. Apart from determining the thickness of the surface
layers from GPR data, dielectric values of surface and base layers are of particular interest as they
indicate the presence of moisture and air voids in the pavement. Dielectric constants greater than 16
indicate layers saturated with water. Water has a dielectric constant of 81.
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4.6 Ultrasonic Pulse Echo
The ultrasonic Impulse-Echo-Method is based on measuring the time difference between sending of
an impulse and receiving the echo, see Fig. 4-12. In addition, the intensity of the echo is measured. An
electro-mechanical transducer is used to generate a short pulse of ultrasonic stress waves that
propagates into the object being inspected. Reflection of the stress pulse occurs at boundaries
separating materials with different densities and elastic properties. The reflected pulse travels back to
the transducer that also acts as a receiver.
Fig. 4-12: Ultrasonic Testing [3]

The received signal is displayed on an oscilloscope, and the round trip travel time of the pulse is
measured electronically. The results are displayed in a time-position-plot, see Fig. 4-13. If the
ultrasonic velocity is known, the time can be related to the location of the flaw causing the echo.
Fig. 4-13: Position-time plot obtained by using the Impulse-Echo-Method

The performance of the Impulse Echo-Method can be significantly increased by using an array of
sensors instead of a single sensor (Jahnson, Kroggel, Ratmann 1995).
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In nondestructive testing of metals, the ultrasonic pulse-echo (UP-E) technique has proven to be a
reliable method for locating cracks and other internal defects. Attempts to use UP-E equipment
designed for metal inspection to test concrete have been unsuccessful because of the heterogeneous
nature of concrete [Carino and Sansalone, 1984]. The presence of paste-aggregate interfaces, air
voids, and reinforcing steel results in a multitude of echoes that obscure those from real defects. [8]
However, for investigating the homogeneity in concrete walls or slabs with constant thickness the
measurement of the ultrasonic velocity has proved to be an efficient method.
4.7 Impact Echo Testing
Another method for finding imperfections in concrete is the Impact-Echo-Method. It is based on using
a short-duration mechanical impact to generate low frequency stress waves (2 to 20 kHz, typically)
that propagate into the structure and are reflected by flaws and external surfaces (Sansalone, Sreet
1995). The impact can be produced by tapping a steel ball against the concrete surface or by hitting
the surface by using a hammer, see Fig. 4-14.
Fig. 4-14: Schematics of the Impact-Echo-Method (Sansalone, Street 1995)

As the low frequency stress waves propagate through the structure, they are reflected by air interfaces
within the structure and the external surfaces of the structure. Possible air interfaces are:
delaminations, voids, and cracks. Multiple reflections of the stress waves, between the impact surface,
flaws, and/or other external surfaces, give rise to modes of vibration, which can be identified by
frequency and used to determine the geometry of a structure or the location of flaws. [9, 7, 8] A
receiver, located on the surface near the location of impact, monitors the surface displacements
caused by the arrival of the reflected waves. [7] The record of displacement versus time is transformed
into the frequency domain for ease of signal analysis. The presence and nature of any internal flaws or
external interfaces can be determined from analysis of the time-domain waveform and frequency
spectrum. [9]
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Fig. 4-15: Impact Echo Testing

Fig. 4-15 shows how the applied disturbance propagates through the solid as three different types of
stress waves: a P-wave, an S-wave, and an R-wave. The P-wave, which is associated with the
propagation of normal stress, and the S-wave, which is associated with shear stress, propagate into
the solid along spherical wave fronts. In addition, there is an R-wave that travels away from the impact
location along the surface. [8] Since stress wave propagation in a solid is affected directly by
mechanical properties, wave speeds can be calculated based on the Youngs modulus of elasticity,
Poissons ratio, and the density of the material.
When a stress wave traveling through material 1 is incident on the interface between a dissimilar
material 2, a portion of the incident wave is reflected at an amplitude depending on the angle of
incidence. The reflection coefficient, R, can be negative or positive depending on the relative values of
the acoustic impedance of the two materials. For instance a negative reflection coefficient, such as
would occur at a concrete-air interface, causes the sign of the stress in the reflected wave to be
opposite the sign of the stress in the incident wave. Thus it is possible to distinguishing between
reflection from a concrete-air interface and from a concrete-steel interface.
The P-wave produced by the impact undergoes multiple reflections between the test surface and the
reflecting interface. Each time the P-wave arrives at the test surface, it causes a characteristic
displacement. Thus the waveform has a periodic pattern that depends on the round-trip travel distance
of the P-wave. In frequency analysis of impact-echo results, the objective is to determine the dominant
frequencies in the recorded waveform. This is accomplished by using the fast Fourier transform
technique to transform the recorded waveform into the frequency domain. The transformation results
in an amplitude spectrum that shows the amplitudes of the various frequencies contained in the
waveform. For plate-like structures, the thickness frequency will usually be the dominant peak in the
spectrum. The value of the peak frequency in the amplitude spectrum can be used to determine the
depth of the reflecting interface. [8]
Typical applications of Impact-Echo Testing include [9]:
- Slab thickness measurements
- Detecting delaminations, cracks and voids
- Evaluating unconsolidated concrete
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- Locating voids in grouted tendon ducts
- Locating subgrade voids beneath foundation slabs
- Evaluating mine shafts and tunnel liners
- Finding voids in grouted masonry
- Evaluating distributed damage in concrete
4.8 Acoustic Emission Monitoring
Acoustic Emission (AE) refers to the generation of transient elastic waves during the rapid release of
energy from localized sources within a material. The source of these emissions in metals is closely
associated with the dislocation movement accompanying plastic deformation and the initiation and
extension of cracks in a structure under stress. Other sources of Acoustic Emission are: melting,
phase transformation, thermal stresses, cool down cracking and stress build up. [13]
The Acoustic Emission NDT technique is based on the detection and conversion of these high
frequency elastic waves to electrical signals. High-frequency acoustic energy is emitted by an object
when it is undergoing stress, such as when corrosion products formed on a corroding rebar push out
on the concrete surrounding it. The primary advantage acoustic emission monitoring offers over more
conventional non-destructive evaluation techniques is that it results directly from the process of flaw
growth. Slow crack growth in ductile materials produce few AE events, whereas rapid crack growth in
brittle materials produces large quantities of high amplitude AE events. Corrosion product buildup and
subsequent microcracking of the concrete represents the latter phenomenon. [12]
Fig. 4-16: Schematic AE sources during corrosion, stress-corrosion cracking (SCC), and corrosion-
fatigue processes [14]

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A typical AE monitoring system uses piezoelectric sensors acoustically coupled to the test object with
a suitable acoustic coupling medium, (grease or adhesive) and secured with tape, adhesive bonds or
magnetic hold downs. The output of each piezoelectric sensor is amplified through a low-noise
preamplifier, filtered to remove any extraneous noise and furthered processed by suitable electronic
equipment. The AE signal is of a high frequency, as expected for rapid crack growth and is shifted
between the transducers. Such a shift in the AE signals is due to the acoustic signal traversing down
the rebar and should allow source location of the AE event and rebar corrosion to be calculated. [12]
In addition, AE monitoring detects corrosion earlier than the galvanic current and the half-cell potential
measurements. [12]
Acoustic Emission sensors [13]:
- Wideband Sensors
- High Hydrostatic Pressure Sensors
- Nuclear Radiation Resistant Sensors
- Variable Aperture Sensors
- Intrinsically Safe Sensors
- Miniature Sensors
- Water Tight and Underwater Sensors
- Rolling Sensors (Dry Contact)
- Airborne Sensors
- Unidirectional Sensors
- AE Integral Preamp Sensors.
4.8.1 Application of AE for Crack Detection
The application of acoustic emission for the detection of fatigue or corrosion-fatigue cracks in steel
bridge members has been under development for over a decade. Physical Acoustics of New Jersey,
USA and DNL Technologies of Canada have tested their equipment on City ridges. In the early 90s
NYC DOT Bridge Inspections purchased DNL AE equipment, which essentially scans for signals in the
300 KHz range under ambient excitations. The main purpose was to determine whether repairs of
cracked components, such as bolted sandwich plates or drilled holes at crack tips, are effective in
arresting the crack propagation. It has been recommended to combine acoustic emission with other
types of monitoring, for instance, strain-gauging. Relying on AE as a first source of crack detection has
not proven feasible in New York City. Once crack locations are known, AE can monitor their activity.
One major difficulty in this methods application is the inability of vehicular traffic to generate a
meaningful response from the structure. [10]
Monitoring lower frequency sound waves, such as those generated by wire breaks has become
standard practice for investigating suspension and stay cables. [10]
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4.8.2 Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers
This strain measurement technology uses electromagnetic acoustic transducers that generate and
detect high-frequency stress waves in steel using electromagnetic fields. The system can measure the
strain in steel members by detecting the change in travel time of stress waves. The advantages of this
system are that it attaches magnetically to the steel member (very little surface preparation is required)
and dynamic stress measurements can be quickly taken. [11]
4.9 Infrared Thermography Imaging Systems
Infrared Thermography (IT) is a non-contact optical method, which utilizes differences in heat transfer
through a structure to reveal the locations of hidden defects. Typical types of defects that can be
located using IT include voids in the grout of masonry walls, delaminations in concrete slabs, and
excessive moisture in wall & roof insulation. Infrared Thermography is used for the evaluation of bridge
decks including the detection and quantification of delamination. However, infrared Thermography is
limited by environmental conditions and has difficulty evaluating decks with asphalt overlays. The dual-
band infrared Thermography using two different infrared wavelengths simultaneously overcomes some
of the operational problems (primarily surface emissivity variations) encountered with standard infrared
One of the methods selected for the bridge inspection is an active or transient Thermography. This
method is dissimilar to the conventional thermographic methods in the utilization of time-dependent
heating (or cooling) of the target. Depending on the type of defect and thermal characteristics of a
target, an external heating or cooling is applied in the form of short energy pulses. The created thermal
perturbation is then followed by a differential time-resolved infrared image analysis. [6]
Coating defects, such as blistering and sub-surface corrosion spots, or excessive corrosion of the
steel members can be detected in infrared images as a result of the differences in the thermal
diffusivity of the defective and nondefective areas. The temperature rise of the heated surface is
governed by the amount of energy deposited and the speed of application, combined with the thermal
properties of the surface material. As regards to the detection of defects, the amount of contrast
observed at either surface is a function of the defect's dimensions and depth from the observed
surface, the initial temperature rise and the material's thermal properties. [6]
The physical phenomena behind active infrared inspection can be visualized by following propagation
and detection of an induced thermal perturbation. An induced thermal "wavefront" can be imagined to
flow from the exposed surface into the material. For a defect-free, homogenous material, the
"wavefront" of heat passes through uniformly. However, where there are defects, such as
delaminations or cracks (filled with air or an oxide), these create a higher thermal impedance to the
passage of the "wavefront." Physically, when the defects are near to the surface, they restrict the
cooling rate due to an insulation blocking effect, and thereby produce "hot spots." When this surface is
viewed by a thermal imager, temperature differences arising from the defect's presence become
clearly visible shortly after the deposition of the heat pulse. [6]
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The equipment required to perform active Thermography falls into tow separate areas: the heating
source and the thermal imaging/analysis system. The typical heating sources utilized are pulsed
quartz lamps. Thermographic analysis can be also performed by cooling the target instead of heating.
The thermal/imaging analysis system typically includes IR thermographer integrated with PC-based
image acquisition and processing hardware. Additional hardware can include video recorder, color
printer and display monitor [6].
4.10 References
1. Texas Department of Transportation, Bridge Inspection Manual, December 2001
4. U. K Ghosh, Repair and Rehabilitation of Steel Bridges, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 2000
5. J.P. Warhus, S.D. Nelson, J.E. Mast, E. M. Johansson, Advanced Ground-Penetrating, Imaging
Radar for Bridge Inspection
6. G. Shubinsky, Visual & Infrared Imaging for Bridge Inspection, 1994
7. B. Jaeger, M. Sansalone, R. Poston, Using Impact-Echo to Assess Tendon Ducts, Concrete
International, Vol. 19' No. 2, February 1997 .
8. N.J. Carino, The Impact-Echo Method: An Overview, Proceedings of the 2001 Structures
Congress & Exposition, May 21- 23, 2001, Washington D.C., ASCE
10. B. Yanev, Past Experience and Future Needs for Bridge Monitoring in New York City, 6th
International Workshop on Material Properties and Design, Present and Future of Health
Monitoring, Bauhaus University, Sept. 2000, pp 93 108, AEDIFICATIO Publishers
11. Bridge and Structures Related Research Summary, Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of
Highway Bridges, June 1997
12. A.D. Zdunek, D. Prine, Z. Li, E. Landis, S. Shah, Early Detection of Steel Rebar Corrosion by
Acoustic Emission Monitoring, CORROSION95, the NACE International Annual Conference
and Corrosion Show, 1995
14. S. Yuyama, Fundamental Aspects of Acoustic Emission Applications to the Problems Caused
by Corrosion, Corrosion Monitoring in Industrial Plants Using Nondestructive Testing and
Electrochemical Methods, ASTM STP 908, ASTM STP 908, eds. G.C. Moran and P. Labine
(Philadelphia, PA: ASTM, 1986), pp. 4374.
15. G. A. Washer, Developing NDE Technologies for Infrastructure Assessment, Public Roads
16. W.-F. Chen, L. Duan, Bridge Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, 2000
17. CEB-FIP, Strategies for Testing and Assessment of Concrete Structures, Bulletin 243, May
18. J.H. Bungey, S.G. Millard, Testing of Concrete in Structures, Chapman & Hall, 1996
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5 Measurement Methods
The development of rational, cost effective strategies for the repair and rehabilitation of structural
components necessitates the acquisition of reliable information on level and rate of deterioration. The
relevant inspection techniques must show a reliable long-term performance, work in a non-destructive
way and provide an overall condition assessment of the structure [1]. Many sensors available in the
market or still being developed such as fiber optics, dielectric measurement sensors, piezoelectric
materials, and strain gages can be used for applications for health monitoring purposes [5].
The monitoring of a new or existing structure can be approached either from the material or from the
structural point of view. In the first case, monitoring will concentrate on the local properties of the
materials used (e.g., concrete, steel, timber, composite materials, etc) and observe their behavior
under load, temperature variations or aging. Short base length strain sensors are the ideal transducers
for this type of monitoring approach. If a very large number of these sensors are installed at different
points, it is possible to extrapolate information about the behavior of the whole structure from these
local measurements [13].
In the structural approach, the structure is observed from a geometrical point of view. By using long
gage length deformation sensors with measurement bases much larger than the characteristic
dimensions of the materials, it is possible to gain information about the deformations of the whole
structure and extrapolate on the global behavior of the construction materials. The structural
monitoring approach will detect material degradation like cracking or flow only if they have an impact
on the shape of the structure. This approach usually requires a reduced number of sensors when
compared to the material monitoring approach [13].
5.1 Geometrical Parameters
5.1.1 Global Deformation, Deflection
Deformation refers to an internal shape change of a structure, which can be the result of a variety of
direct or indirect agents. Examples include known forces applied to the structure to test it or unknown
forces like traffic, wind, earthquakes or snow. Deformations can also be the result of changes in the
materials constituting the structures like cracking, flow, relaxation or a change of temperature. A
deformation is usually accompanied by a change of the strain field. [13, 36] The measurement of
deformation can be approached either from the material or from the structural point of view. On the
one hand, observation of local material properties made by a series of short base-length strain
sensors can be extrapolated to the global behavior of the whole structure. While strain sensors on a
short base length are usually used for material monitoring rather than structural monitoring, long-gage
sensors give information on the behavior and response of the structure. However, material
degradations like cracking are only detected when they have an impact on the shape of the structure.
Further, longer base-lengths help to reduce misleading measurements stemming from material non-
homogeneities. [53] A deformation measurement will however concentrate on the geometrical
changes of the structure and not on the variation of its loading state. The measurement base could
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extend for many meters or even hundreds of meters for particular applications (e.g. geostructural
monitoring or long suspended bridges). [13, 36]
The serviceability of a bridge is generally analyzed by a comparison between the vertical deflections
expected by the engineer and those measured during a load test or in the long term [33]. Thus
changes of camber with time can be determined. The measurement of vertical deflections of long-span
girders is a task for which no simple method or sensing unit exists. Existing methods to measure
deflections, such as e.g. triangulation, hydrostatic leveling, laser beams, or mechanical
extensometers, etc., are often tedious to install and require an accurate elaboration. The determination
of deflection by the use of displacement transducers requires a stable accessible reference location for
each measurement and is, for most bridges, not practical. However, results can be achieved by
measuring the deflection at various points along the span relative to the ends of the girder and by
installing reference pins on the top of the girders [3]. The resulting complexity and costs limit the
temporal frequency of these traditional measurements. The spatial resolution obtained is in general
low, and only the presence of anomalies in the global structural behavior can be detected and warrant
a deeper and more precise evaluation [33].
Measurements of deflection must begin prior to detensioning and be obtained before and after every
significant event that affects the girder. Frequency of readings after completion of the structure should
be selected so that trends in the data are clearly discernable. Since changes in temperature gradients
and live loads influence measured deflections, it is important to eliminate their influence. Taking
readings early in the morning just before sunrise can minimize the effect of temperature gradients.
Temperature gradients should be measured at the same time, and if necessary, a correction can be
made for the temperature induced deflections. Life load effects on bridges can be eliminated or
minimized by closing the bridge to traffic, if practical, or taking readings when the traffic volume is light.
Failure to minimize these extraneous effects will increase scatter in the data. [3] Relative Measurements
More recent measurement techniques applied for the detection of vertical displacement and curvature
profile utilize a network of fiber optic deformation sensors and electrical inclinometers installed during
concrete pouring or placed on the surface of the structure. Most embedded deformation sensors
measure the relative displacement between two points inside the structure. The analysis of these
measurements, generally obtained with sensors placed horizontally in a bridge, is not straightforward.
In order to determine the overall displacement field of the structure from internal deformation
measurements, an algorithm using the relation between the vertical and the curvature of a linear
prismatic beam element is deployed. However to obtain information about rigid-body displacements in
space, internal sensors are obviously useless and other measurements relative to fixed eternal points
obtained using absolute sensors such as GPS, inclinometer, etc. should be carried out [33].
The minimum number of sensors to be placed in the structure depends on the number of parameters
needed to retrieve its curvature. One sensor is sufficient for the case of pure bending (constant
bending moment diagram), a couple of sensors are necessary for the case of bending combined with
axial force, and one additional sensor per section of beam is sufficient in the case of a linearly varying
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distributed load. In a real prestressed concrete bridge with varying moment of inertia, nonuniform load,
etc., it is necessary to determine the form of the curvature diagram (for example, through finite
element analysis). Generally, the curvature diagram can be approached by a second degree
polynomial function. To obtain the best results, sensors must be placed in regions where the curvature
values are the highest. The best suited length of sensors is determined by analyzing the behavior of a
virtual sensor, placed in the finite element mesh of the model and stretched or deformed under the
load present case. An increased number of sensors will enhance the measurement precision through
a least square fitting algorithm and add some redundancy useful in the case of sensor failures [33]. Wire and Tape Extensometers
Wire and tape extensometers are used to detect and monitor changes in the distance between two
reference points. Typical applications include monitoring of deformations in underground openings as
well as displacement monitoring of retaining structures, bridge supports, and other structures [67].
Fig. 5-1: Tape extensometer with reference points, developed by Slope Indicator

The reference points are permanently installed at measurement stations along the tunnel or structure.
To obtain a measurement, the tape or wire is stretched between two reference points, hooking the free
end of the tape/wire to one point and the instrument body to the other [67]. Maintaining a constant
tension throughout the use of the wire or tape extensometer is very important. In some portable
extensometers, the constant tensioning weight has been replaced by precision tensioning springs.
One should be careful because there are several models of spring tensioned extensometers on the
market, which do not provide any means of tension calibration. As the spring ages, these instruments
may indicate false expansion results unless they are carefully calibrated on a baseline of constant
length, before and after each measuring campaign.
If an extensometer is installed in the material with a homogeneous strain field, then the measured
change Al of the distance l gives directly the strain component c = Al/l in the direction of the
measurements. To determine the total strain tensor in a plane (two normal strains and one shearing),
a minimum of three extensometers must be installed in three different directions.
Wire extensometers use invar wires and special constant tensioning devices which, if properly
calibrated and used, can give accuracies of 0.05 mm or better in measurements of changes of
distances over lengths from about 1 m to about 20 m. Invar is a capricious alloy and must be handled
very carefully to avoid sudden changes in the length of the wire. When only small changes in
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temperature are expected or a smaller precision (0.1 mm to 1 mm) is required, then steel wires or
steel tapes are more comfortable to use.
The actual accuracy depends on the temperature corrections and on the quality of the installation of
the extensometer. When installing rods in plastic conduit (usually when installing in boreholes), the
friction between the rod and the conduit may significantly distort the extensometer indications if the
length of the extensometer exceeds a few tens of meters. The dial indicator readout may be replaced
by potentiometer or other transducers with digital readout systems. Electrical Displacement Transducers
Length change measurements require a reference rod with a very low coefficient of thermal
expansion. The rod must be fixed at one end and relative movement between the rod and the bridge
measured at the other end with a dial gage, linear potentiometer, or linear variable differential
transformer. Care must be taken to ensure that the rod is protected from damage or changes in
alignment. When electrical transducers are used to measure length changes, they must be electrically
stable over the duration and temperature range of the observation period.
Measurements of length changes are appropriate for long bridges without joints. However, little benefit
will be obtained by measuring length changes of individual girders because of the complications of
installing the reference rod [3]. Potentiometer
A potentiometer is a device that relates resistance to displacement. It consists of a resistance element
that is attached to the circuit by three contacts, or terminals. The ends of the resistance element are
attached to two input voltage conductors of the circuit, and the third contact, attached to the output of
the circuit, is usually a movable terminal that slides across the resistance element, effectively dividing
it into two resistors. Since the position of the movable terminal determines what percentage of the
input voltage will actually be applied to the circuit, the potentiometer can be used to vary the
magnitude of the voltage; for this reason it is sometimes called a voltage divider.
The linear potentiometer is a device in which the resistance varies as a function of the position of a
slider, as shown Fig. 5-2. With the supply voltage as shown, the output voltage will vary between zero
and the supply voltage. Angular potentiometers (see Fig. 5-3) are designed to measure angular
displacement of 3500 (multiple rotations) [35].

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Fig. 5-2: Linear Potentiometer, [35]

Fig. 5-3: Angular Potentiometer, [35]

Potentiometers are quite inexpensive, are readily available, and require no special signal conditioning.
Both linear and rotary potentiometers can be constructed to have a non-linear relationship between
displacement and output voltage for specialized applications. However potentiometer do have
significant limitations. Because of the sliding contact, they are subject to wear and may have lifetimes
of only a few million cycles. Furthermore, the output tends to be somewhat electrically noisy since the
slider-resistor contact point has some resistance, and this can affect the output in a somewhat random
manner [35]. Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
An LVDT is a non-contacting linear displacement transducer that works on the principle of mutual
inductance, producing an electrical signal that is proportional to the position of a separate moving
core. The transducer relates inductance to displacement by modifying the spatial distribution of an
alternating magnetic field.
Basically, an LVDT consists of a primary winding, two secondary windings, and a separate, moveable,
high-permeability core, as shown in Fig. 5-4. Driving the primary winding with an oscillating excitation
voltage creates an alternating magnetic field, which induces corresponding alternating voltages in the
two secondary windings, in proportion to the position of the moveable core [35].
Fig. 5-4: Schematic LVDT, [35]

When the core is displaced from this null position, the output amplitude on one secondary coil
increases, while the output amplitude on the other coil decreases. These voltages can be used
individually or combined to produce an output signal proportional to position, dependent upon the
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method of demodulation employed. The two main methods used are Ratiometric Operation and
Differential Operation.
The fundamental advantages of LVDTs are their high degree of robustness, infinite resolution, and
ability to operate at high temperatures and in extreme environments. They are available in ranges from
a few thousandths of a centimeter up to several centimeters. In principle, they can be made to any
size, but since the physical length is about three times the range, they are not the method of choice for
measurement of larger displacements [35]. Fiber Optic Sensors
Distributed fiber optic based sensing is a powerful sensing tool for monitoring and profiling a variety of
parameters, or 'measurand' fields, such as strain, temperature, force, optical index, and chemical
parameters along the length of a fiber cable.
An optical fiber, being a physical medium, is subjected to perturbation of one kind or the other at all
times. It therefore experiences geometrical (size, shape) and optical (refractive index, mode
conversion) changes to a larger or lesser extent depending upon the nature and the magnitude of the
perturbation. In fiber optic sensing, the response to external influences is deliberately enhanced so
that the resulting change in optical radiation can be used as a measure of the external perturbation.
The optical fiber also serves as a transducer and converts measurands like temperature, stress, strain,
rotation or electric and magnetic currents into a corresponding change in the optical radiation. Since
light is characterized by amplitude, phase, frequency and polarization, any one or more of these
parameters may undergo a change. The usefulness of the fiber optic sensor therefore depends upon
the magnitude of this change and our ability to measure and quantify the same reliably and accurately
Fiber optic instrumentation offers a number of benefits when compared to conventional electronic
instrumentation. The following advantages provide compelling justification for using fiber optic sensors
in various applications:
- Immune to EMI, RFI, and nuclear blast effects
- Immune to grounding problems and lightning strikes
- Inherently safe and suitable for use in highly explosive environments
- Tolerant of high temperatures and corrosive environments
- Wide Bandwidth
- Suitable for use in wet environments
- Geometric Versatility and Economy
- Lightweight and Compactness
In general, fiber optic sensors are characterized by high sensitivity when compared to other types of
sensors. Specially prepared fibers can withstand high temperature and other harsh environments [34].
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Basically fiber optic sensors can be classed according to the light modulation mechanisms as an
intensity, a phase, a frequency, or a polarization sensor [34]. Phase-modulated sensors compare the
phase of light in a sensing fiber to a reference fiber in a device called interferometer, these sensors
are also termed as interferometric sensors. In intensity-modulated sensors the perturbation causes a
change in received light intensity, which is a function of the phenomenon being measured [35]. From a
detection point of view the interferometric technique implies heterodyne detection/coherent detection.
Intensity sensors are basically incoherent in nature. Intensity or incoherent sensors are simple in
construction, while coherent detection (interferometric) sensors are more complex in design but offer
better sensitivity and resolution [34].
A fiber optic sensor in general will consist of a light source, a sensing and transmission fiber, a
photodetector, demodulator, processing and display optics and the required electronics. Optical Fiber
Optical fibers are thin, long cylindrical structures, which support light propagation through total internal
reflection over several kilometers. A typical optical fiber consists of a glass core, a cladding layer that
is typically made of silica glass or sometimes plastic, and an outer buffer layer of acrylate or other
material. These layers are in turn protected by cables similar to those used for wires.
Three types of fibers are in common use for fiber optic sensors. Multimode fiber, single mode fiber and
polarization preserving fiber are the three classes of fibers, which are used in the intensity type, the
interferometric type and the polarimteric type of sensors, respectively [34]. Light in a single mode fiber
essentially follows a single path to reach its destination, in multimode fiber applications light takes
many paths, which leads to a spreading of the pulse called dispersion. The multiple paths limit the
bandwidth of a signal traveling through a multimode link. The bandwidth can be increased by creating
a fiber that has an index of refraction is not constant over the cross section, but varies with a maximum
at the center and dropping off until it nearly reaches the index of refraction of the cladding. The graded
index core decreases dispersion, which increases bandwidth [40]. Transmitter
Multimode fiber systems optical transmitters need only be a light emitting diode (LED); whereas for
single mode applications a laser diode is necessary to achieve the wider bandwidth. LEDs are used as
source emitters in multimode transmission systems that typically are no larger than 50 Mbps/s since
they have large spectral width in comparison to laser diodes. Laser diodes and LEDs function by
releasing photons via the recombination of electron-hole pairs within a p-n junction. The e-h pairs are
separated in energy by an amount equal to the bandgap of the semiconductor at the p-n junction. The
recombination event produces a photon with energy equal to bandgap energy. A current is applied to
the device that drives this spontaneous emission. In laser diodes, the photons will then create other
photons by stimulated emission and the result is a beam of coherent light, where in LEDs the light
generated is incoherent [40].
In comparison to laser diodes, LEDs can generally be driven harder, are less expensive, have lower
power, larger emitting regions, and longer lifetimes. Lasers, unlike LEDs will not operate below a
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threshold current. Meaning, the diode will commence lasing (functioning) only when the threshold
current is reached. Further, LEDs and laser diodes are temperature sensitive when considering overall
lifetime [40]. Receiver
The receiver of an optical measurement system is comprised of a photodiode, which converts optical
energy into electrical energy [40]. Semiconductor photodiodes (PDs) and avalanche photodiodes
(APDs) are the most suitable detectors in fiber optic measurement systems. APD can sense low light
levels due to the inherent gain because of avalanche multiplication, but need large supply voltage
typically about 100 V. The various noise mechanisms associated with the detector and electronic
circuitry limit the ultimate detection capability. Thermal and shot noise are two main noise sources and
need to be minimized for good sensor performance. Detector response varies as a function of
wavelength. Silicon PD is good for visible and near IR wavelengths. Generally there is no bandwidth
limitation due to the detector as such, although the associated electronic circuits can pose some
limitations [34]. Multiplexing Capability
In most structures it is necessary to place a large number of strain and/or displacement sensors in
order to gain a complete understanding of the structural behavior. If a fiber optic connection is
necessary between the reading unit and each single sensor, the complexity of the monitoring system
increases rapidly with the number of sensors. In-line multiplexing offers a simple way to increase the
sensors that can be addressed along a single fiber line. In this case the sensors are paced in a chain
one after the other and the reading unit can access all sensors at a single or at both ends of the chain.
Even if the sensors are placed along a line, it is always possible to arrange this chain in order to
monitor a surface or even a volume with a single line. [36]
The techniques that are most commonly employed are time (TDM), frequency (FDM), wavelength
(WDM), coherence, polarization and spatial multiplexing [38]. Alternatively, it is more interesting to
exploit the inherent ability of certain fiber sensors to create unique forms of distributed sensing. For
example, optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) and distributed Bragg gratins sensors are two
such schemes in common use [34].
Time division multiplexing employs a pulsed light source launching light into an optical fiber and
analyzing the time delay to discriminate between sensors. This technique is commonly employed to
support distributed sensors where measurements of strain, temperature or other parameters are
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Fig. 5-5: Time Division Multiplexed Sensor Array using OTDR

Fig. 5-6: Multiplexed Sensor Array using WDM / Bragg grating principles Interferometric Fiber Optic Sensors
In a typical inteferometric sensor, light from a source with high coherence, such as a laser diode, is
split into two paths. One path (the reference leg) is isolated from the physical effect to be measured,
while the other (the sensor leg) is subjected to the effect. The sensor is engineered so that the applied
measurand effects a change in the optical path length of the sensor leg, either by elongation of the leg,
or by a change in the refractive index of the leg. At the output of the sensor, the light in the two legs is
combined. Since the light is coherent, the two paths interfere, with the state of the interference
depending on the relative phase difference between the interfering lightwaves; if the waves are in
phase, they interfere constructively, producing strong optical power, and if they are out of phase, they
interfere destructively, with a reduction in optical power.
Since the interferometer output changes dramatically for changes in optical path length of less than
the wavelength of light (on the order of 10
meter), the interferometer yields highly sensitive
measurements of fiber elongation or refractive index change. However, changes in optical path length
longer than a wavelength yields periodic changes in the power output by the sensor. The term
commonly used for each peak in intensity is a fringe. The periodic output of the interferometer
complicates the interpretation of the output, requiring additional equipment or algorithms to yield an
output that is a monotonically varying function of the applied measurand. Some of the techniques used
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include counting of fringes, and use of more than one wavelength to derive an unambiguous
measurement of the interference state.
Interferometric fiber optic sensors are by far the most commonly used fiber optic sensors since they
offer the best performance. They have found application as acoustic, rotation, strain, temperature,
chemical, biological and a host of other types of sensors [34]. Interferometric fiber optic sensors offer
an interesting means of implementing structural monitoring with internal or embedded sensors [13].
The precision requirements, the long gage lengths and the stability required by this application, point
to the use of interferometric schemes. However, due to their incremental nature, most interferometric
set-ups require continuous and uninterrupted monitoring, which is a major drawback for long-term
applications. Low-coherence interferometry offers most of the advantages of interferometric sensors
but features non-incremental operation allowing absolute measurements to be performed at any given
time [13].
An interferometric sensor is based on the detection of changes in the phase of light emerging out of a
single mode fiber [34]. Optical phase changes cannot be detected directly (optical waves have
frequencies in the range of a few hundred THz). In order to detect a phase difference it is necessary to
convert it into an optical intensity change [39]. This is achieved by using interferometric schemes like
Mach-Zehnder, Michelson, Fabry-Perot or Sagnac forms. Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
The fiber optic Mach-Zehnder interferometer is composed of two fiber beam splitters. In the first splitter
the optical wave is split and directed into two separate fibers. One fiber is exposed to the measurand
field, and is called measurement fiber. The other fiber is isolated from the surrounding and is called
reference fiber. If the measurement fiber is unperturbed, then the two fibers have exactly the same
length. The optical waves combined in the second splitter are therefore in phase and coherently add to
give a maximum intensity output. If the measurement fiber experiences a mechanically or thermally
applied strain, the optical length of the measurement fiber increases and the optical path difference
changes. The intensity output decreases due to destructive interference. The optical intensity at the
output of the interferometer is a function of the phase shift between the two optical waves [39].
Fig. 5-7: Schematics of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Michelson Interferometer
Another possible configuration of a two-beam interferometer is the Michelson Interferometer. In this
configuration the radiation of a light emitting diode (LED) is launched into a single-mode fiber and split,
by means of a monomode coupler (also used to recombine the waves), into a pair of fibers mounted
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on or embedded in the structure to be monitored. The measurement fiber is mechanically coupled to
the structure and follows its deformations, while the reference fiber is installed freely inside a pipe and
acts as a temperature reference. All deformations of the structure will then result in a change of the
length difference between these two fibers. The light is reflected by mirrors at the end of the fibers or
by a series of partial reflector pairs installed at different fiber locations, which allows the sensors to be
multiplexed in-line [36]. The coupler recombines the two light beams and directs them towards the
Fig. 5-8: Schematics of Michelson Interferometer

A good representative of long base-length fiber optic deformation sensors is the SOFO measurement
technique developed by Inaudi et Al. [36,13]. The measuring system shown in Fig. 5-9consists of a
double Michelson interferometer in a tandem configuration, based on the low-coherence interferometry
principle. This configuration allows for absolute measurement of the path unbalance between
measurement and reference fiber. Since the measurement fiber is pre-stressed to about 0.5% of the
sensor length, it is able to measure deformations in both, elongation and shortening. The reflected
light of these fibers is directed towards the analyzer interferometer. This second interferometer is also
made of two fiber lines and can introduce a well-known path difference between them by means of a
mobile mirror. On moving this mirror, a modulated signal is obtained on the photodiode only when the
length difference between the fibers in the analyzer compensates the length difference between the
fibers in the structure to better than the coherence length of the source. This type of sensor has
resolution and sensitivity of 2 microns and is, like most fiber optic devices, insensitive to temperature,
humidity, vibration, corrosion, and electromagnetic fields. Additionally, these sensors are easy and fast
to install, embeddable in concrete, mortars, surface mountable on concrete, metallic or timber
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Fig. 5-9: Deformation Sensor SOFO Fabry-Prot Interferometer (FPI)
Fabry-Perot interferometry is another approach to measuring displacement with high precision.
Basically, an FPI consists of two reflective surfaces or mirrors facing each other, the space separating
the mirrors being called the cavity length. When these surfaces are formed on facing ends of optical
fibers they are referred to as extrinsic fiber etalons. Intrinsic fiber etalons have the reflective surfaces
in a single fiber. [38] Light reflected in the FPI is wavelength-modulated in exact accordance with the
cavity length. As the cavity length changes, the frequencies at which it transmits light change
accordingly. By monitoring the optical transmission frequency, very small changes in the cavity length
can be resolved.
Fig. 5-10: Schematics of Fabry-Prot Interferometer

Fig. 5-10 shows the schematics of a Fabry-Prot Interferometer. The radiation of the laser diode is
coupled into the fiber and propagates through the coupler towards the end of the fiber. Then, one part
of radiation is reflected from the end face of the optical fiber and the other part of radiation is flashed
into the air, reflected from the mirror and returned back into the fiber. The optical beam reflected from
the end face of the fiber interferes with the beam reflected from the mirror. As a result the intensity of
the optical radiation at photodetector is periodically changed depending on the distance between the
fiber and mirror.
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Fabry-Prot sensors are used to measure strain or temperature. When strain measurements are made
in widely varying temperature conditions the temperature must be compensated for by taking an
independent temperature measurements or packaging the sensor to be thermally insensitive. [38]
The extrinsic Fabry-Perot fiber etalon sensors are mainly being used to support single point static
strain measurements. They have been used to support experiments on aircraft, to monitor
manufacturing processes for structures and bridges, and to measure pressure. [38]
The intrinsic Fabry-Perot fiber etalon sensors are being used principally to support time varying strain
measurement applications. This includes measuring strain on vibrating machinery and cylinder heads
operating at elevated temperatures, as well as measuring dynamic loads on railway bridges. [38] Sagnac Interferometer
Another type of fiber interferometer is the Sagnac Interferometer, often called fiber-optic or laser
gyroscope. This is probably the most developed interferometer. The Sagnac interferometer is primarily
used for rotation rate measurement, though it can be used for other dynamic measurements as well
Fig. 5-11: Sagnac Effect [39]

Essentially, the Sagnac principle is a phase modulation technique and can be explained as follows:
Two counter propagating beams, one clockwise (CW), and another counterclockwise (CCW), arising
from the same source, propagate inside an interferometer along the same closed path. At the output of
the interferometer the CW and CCW beams interfere to produce a fringe pattern, which shifts if a
rotation rate is applied along an axis perpendicular to the plane of the path of the beam. Thus, the CW
and CCW beams experience a relative phase difference, which is proportional to the rotation rate [34].
This difference is again detected by combination of optical waves in the beam splitter to achieve
maximum sensitivity of the system [39]. Intensity Modulated Fiber Optic Sensors
Intensity-based sensors are relatively simple to implement and widespread in application. In intensity
modulated sensors the perturbation causes a change in received light intensity, which is a function of
the phenomenon being measured. [35] Low-cost light sources such as light emitting diodes (LEDs)
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can be used, and simple photodetectors may be employed to determine the intensity of the optical
power in the sensor output.
The major problems associated with intensity sensors are random changes of transmissivity of optical
path and variations of the output power of the optical source, which directly affects the accuracy of the
sensor. Intensity sensors therefore need mechanisms that compensate for those changes. Microbend Sensors
Microbend fiber sensors are configured so that an environmental effect results in an increase or
decrease in loss through the transducer due to light loss resulting from small bends in the fiber. Light
may be lost from an optical fiber when the bend radius of the fiber exceeds the critical angle necessary
to confine the light to the core area and there is leakage into the cladding [38,34].
Fig. 5-12: Schematics of Microbend Fiber Optic Sensor

The typical layout of this sensor type consists of a light source, a section of optical fiber (multimode
fiber) positioned in a microbend transducer designed to intensity modulate light in response to an
environmental effect and a detector. In some cases the microbend transducer can be implemented by
using special fiber cabling or optical fiber that is simply optimized to be sensitive to microbending loss.
The Microbend sensor shown in Fig. 5-12 is designed using multimode fiber placed between two rigid
plates having an optimum corrugation profile such that the fiber experiences multiple bends. Due to
the microbending induced losses, the lower order guided modes are converted to higher order modes
and are eventually lost by radiation into the outer layers resulting in a reduction of the optical intensity
coming out of the fiber. A displacement of the plates causes a change in the amplitude of the bends
and consequently an intensity modulated light emerges from the fiber core [38,34]. A powermeter is
used to measure the remaining light at the sensors output end and a calibration is developed between
the measurand and the amount of output light.
Microbend based fiber sensors have been built to sense many different parameters including
pressure, temperature, acceleration, flow, local strain, and speed. The microbend fiber-optic sensor
technology is the least expensive of the fiber-optic sensor technologies currently available. Microbend
sensor systems are generally used when highly accurate measurements are not required and low cost
is of paramount importance.
A microbend strip sensor might be designed that would withstand the temperatures and pressures
encountered during paving with asphalt concrete. It could be put directly under the top mat during
construction and take the place of traffic sensing loops that are used for controlling traffic signals. The
same strip sensor could also be used to replace failed conventional loops. These applications would
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prevent the need to saw joints into the pavement for the placement of traditional loops, thereby
decreasing pavement problems [38]. Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
Very popular for structural health monitoring applications are Fiber Bragg gratings.
See chapter Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensors Absolute Measurements
The general procedures to monitor the deformation of a structure and its foundation involve measuring
the spatial displacement of selected object points (i.e., target points) from reference points,
themselves controlled in position. When the reference points are located in the structure themselves,
only relative deformation can be determined. Absolute deformation or displacement can be determined
if the reference points are located outside the actual structure, in the foundation or surrounding terrain.
Subsequent periodic observations are then made relative to these absolute reference points.
Assessment of permanent deformations requires absolute data. [56] Hydrostatic Leveling Systems (HLS)
The hydrostatic leveling system is based on the classical physical law of connected vessels [33]. The
HLS consists of two or more interconnected fluid filled cells mounted on a structure at approximately
the same elevation. One cell is designated to be the datum reference and is installed at a stable
location outside the area affected by settlement. The other cells are fixed to the structure at selected
locations. The fluid used for HLS is most often water (or water plus anti-freeze) due to the ease of its
handling, environmental friendliness, well known properties, and low cost. Relative vertical movement
of the cells causes fluid rearrangement in the circuit and consequently a level variation inside each
cell. Cell elevations are related to the datum reference that can be checked by topographical survey if
Hydrostatic leveling is used in a wide variety of applications, but typically only as static installations on
a very large scale [47]. Hydrostatic levels are usually implemented using one of three approaches: the
height-transfer method, which is the one commonly associated with hydrostatic leveling, the pressure-
transfer method, and the weight-comparison method. All three methods employ two vessels connected
by a flexible tube. A tube that connects the air volumes over the cell water surfaces is necessary in the
height-transfer and weight-comparison method. This ensures the atmospheric pressures over the cells
are equal and the water is then free to flow between the cells. Any change in the elevation between
the cells causes water to flow from one into the other, creating a new equilibrium surface. The surface
of the water at each cell will conform to the same gravitational equipotential surface or level surface.
With the height-transfer method, changes in the water level height relative to the container are
measured. [47] Since the water level within the connecting tubes always stays on a horizontal plane,
vertical displacements can be deduced from the difference of the water levels between the deformed
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and the initial position of the structure. Vibration generated by the traffic does not influence
measurements because of the great inertia of the HLS. [47]
The pressure-transfer method implements the principle that equipotential surfaces within the fluid
are at constant hydrostatic pressure to derive height difference information. Subsequent height
variations occurring between the datum point and the measuring points cause proportional variations
of the hydraulic pressure at each cell. A pressure transducer reads the fluid pressure at each cell. The
measured pressure is referred to the liquid level in the reference cell (datum point). [47]
The weight-comparison method employs weight or load sensor cells, which accurately determines
the weight of each cell. Since the height of the liquid column in each cell is a linear function of the
measured weight, elevation changes can be measured very accurately. [47]
Fig. 5-13: Settlement Gage developed by Roctest Telemac, [48]

The settlement gage shown in Fig. 5-13 is also a liquid level system that can be deployed in a
multipoint measurement system consisting of a series of interconnected fluid filled cells. In each cell, a
mass is suspended to a vibrating wire transducer. Changes in elevation of the water level in the cell
modify the buoyancy force acting on the mass, thus modifying the resonant frequency of the vibration
wire. [48]
Using conventional hydrostatic levels the error made on deflections for the overall system is of about
0,5 mm [33]. Pellissier developed a hydrostatic level, which can detect elevation differences even
with an accuracy of +/- 5m, the instrument incorporates several features that eliminate problems
common with hydrostatic leveling. Typical error sources are: bubbles in the fluid line, temperature
variations of the system, accelerations of the fluid, differing gas pressures above the cells, and
observational. If bubbles are present in the fluid line they can cause two types of problems. Either they
block the fluid tube if they are large or they can cause rapid variations of the fluid surface level due to
their ability to expand at a greater rate than water when temperature changes. However, the largest
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source of error is due to thermal gradients in the fluid tube that cause the density of the fluid to be non-
uniform. Hence, water of different temperature will form water columns of different heights. To alleviate
these problems, a pump can be implemented in order to circulate the water throughout the entire
system. Thereby a uniform temperature of the fluid can be forced and any bubbles will be pumped out
of the fluid line. [47]
Hydrostatic leveling systems are used for monitoring differential settlements in structures affected by
nearby excavation and tunneling. Further applications include the measurement of settlement or
heave of buildings, foundations, and other structures. Geodetic Measurements
Geodetic measurements are used to determine the geometrical configurations of a structure, this
serves for monitoring geometrical variations due to permanent and long-term structural actions such
as dead loads and super-imposed dead loads. Geodetic surveying cannot detect the structures
instant responses to transient and variable structural actions such as primary live loads. Triangulation
Measurements of movements in large structures can be made very accurately, in two dimensions, by
using triangulation and trilateration techniques. Inaccessible piers can be very accurately located by
triangulation if a good base can be laid out and favorable intersection angles are obtained. In
monitoring possible movements of structures, points on the structure must be related to points that
have been selected for stability, usually at some distance from the structure itself. These will be called
control points, and all movements of the structure will be related to one or more of them. It is important
that the control points do not move, and for this reason, they should be placed in geological stable
Triangulation and trilateration methods are similar in basic principle. In triangulation, the points are
located at the apexes of triangles, and one base line and all angles are measured. Additional base
lines are used when a chain of triangles, center point figures or quadrilaterals are required. All other
sides are computed. Angles used in computation should exceed at least 15
or preferably 30
to avoid
rapid change in sines for small angles. A trilateration system also consists of a series of joined or
overlapped triangles, but contrary to a triangulated system, a trilaterated system measures the lengths
of all the sides of the triangles and only enough angles and directions to establish azimuth.
Unless otherwise directed, measurement results established by triangulation and trilateration will be at
least third-order accuracy for most applications. When measurements are made of lines exceeding
600 m, a major source of error is the inability to determine accurately the refractive index along the
line. An error in temperature of 1 C or in pressure of 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) of Hg will cause an error in
length of 1 ppm. These errors may be minimized by considering the ratio of two lines that have been
measured within 30 minutes of each other. The errors of each line tend to be the same so that taking a
ratio greatly reduces the magnitude of the error. The adjusted angles determined from corrected ratios
are more accurate than the angles determined from the means of the lengths of the sides because
ratios are more accurate than the lengths of which they are composed. As in the case of triangulation,
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a base line is necessary to determine the scale when ratios are used. The scale, however, is only as
accurate as the mean of the two measurements of the baseline. GPS
There are several different methods for obtaining a position using GPS. The method used depends on
the accuracy required by the user and the type of GPS receiver available. Broadly speaking, the
techniques can be broken down into three basic classes [27]:
Autonomous Navigation using a single stand-alone receiver. Used by hikers, ships that are far out at
sea and the military. Position Accuracy is better than 100m for civilian users and about 20m for military
Differentially corrected positioning. More commonly known as DGPS, this gives an accuracy of
between 0.5-5m. Used for inshore marine navigation, GIS data acquisition, precision farming etc.
Differential Phase position. Gives an accuracy of 0.5-20mm. Used for many surveying tasks,
machine control etc.
All GPS positions are based on measuring the distance from the satellites to the GPS receiver on the
earth. This distance to each satellite can be determined by the GPS receiver. The basic idea is that of
resection, which many surveyors use in their daily work. If you know the distance to three points
relative to your own position, you can determine your own position relative to those three points. From
the distance to one satellite we know that the position of the receiver must be at some point on the
surface of an imaginary sphere, which has its origin at the satellite. By intersecting three imaginary
spheres the receiver position can be determined. The problem with GPS is that only pseudo ranges
and the time at which the signal arrived at the receiver can be determined. Thus there are four
unknowns to determine; position (X, Y, Z) and time of travel of the signal. Observing to four satellites
produces four equations, which can be solved, enabling these unknowns to be determined. [27]
There are several sources of error that degrade the GPS position from a theoretical few meters to tens
of meters. These error sources are: [27]
1. Ionospheric and atmospheric delays
2. Satellite and Receiver Clock Errors
3. Multipath
4. Dilution of Precision
5. Selective Availability (S/A)
6. Anti Spoofing (A-S) Differential Phase GPS
Many of the errors affecting the measurement of satellite range can be completely eliminated or at
least significantly reduced using differential measurement techniques. Differential Phase GPS is used
mainly in surveying and related industries to achieve relative positioning accuracies of typically 5-
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50mm. It is a differential technique, which means that a minimum of two GPS receivers is always used
simultaneously. The Reference Receiver is always positioned at a point with fixed or known
coordinates. The other receiver(s) are free to rove around. Thus they are known as Rover Receivers.
Various components of the GPS signal:
Carrier Phase: The sine wave of the L1 or L2 signal that is created by the satellite. The L1 carrier is
generated at 1575.42MHz, the L2 carrier at 1227.6 MHz.
C/A code: The Coarse Acquisition code. Modulated on the L1 Carrier at 1.023MHz.
P-code: The precise code. Modulated on the L1 and L2 carriers at 10.23 MHz.
The carrier waves are designed to carry the binary C/A and P-codes in a process known as
modulation. Modulation means the codes are superimposed on the carrier wave. The codes are binary
codes. Each time the value changes, there is a change in the phase of the carrier. The carrier phase is
used because it can provide a much more accurate measurement to the satellite than using the P-
code or the C/A code. The L1 carrier wave has a wavelength of 19.4 cm. If you could measure the
number of wavelengths (whole and fractional parts) there are between the satellite and receiver, you
have a very accurate range to the satellite. The majority of the error incurred when making an
autonomous position comes from imperfections in the receiver and satellite clocks. One way of
bypassing this error is to use a technique known as Double Differencing. If two GPS receivers make a
measurement to two different satellites, the clock offsets in the receivers and satellites cancel,
removing any source of error that they may contribute to the equation. [27]
Fig. 5-14: Carrier Modulation [27] The Reference Receiver
The Reference receiver antenna is mounted on a previously measured point with known coordinates.
The receiver that is set at this point is known as the Reference Receiver or Base Station. The receiver
is switched on and begins to track satellites. Because it is on a known point, the reference receiver
can estimate very precisely what the ranges to the various satellites should be. The reference receiver
can therefore work out the difference between the computed and measured range values. These
differences are known as corrections. The reference receiver is usually attached to a radio data link,
which is used to broadcast these corrections. The baseline(s) between the Reference and Rover
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receiver(s) are calculated. The basic technique consists of measuring distances to four satellites and
computing a position from those ranges. [27] The Rover Receiver
The rover receiver is on the other end of these corrections. The rover receiver has a radio data link
attached to it that enables it to receive the range corrections broadcast by the Reference Receiver.
The Rover Receiver also calculates ranges to the satellites. It then applies the range corrections
received from the Reference. This lets it calculate a much more accurate position than would be
possible if the uncorrected range measurements were used. Using this technique, all of the error
sources listed above are minimized, hence the more accurate position. It is also worthwhile to note
that multiple Rover Receivers can receive corrections from one single Reference. [27] Structural Monitoring with GPS
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is especially suited for structural deformation monitoring of large
structures like bridges. Satellite receivers are capable of determining positions to subcentimeter-level
accuracies under appropriate conditions. Recent advances in GPS receiver technology and data-
processing software have made GPS a much more cost-effective tool, which can be integrated into an
automated continuously operating system. [2]
In order to operate with GPS it is important that the GPS antenna has a clear view to at least 4
satellites. Sometimes, the satellite signals can be blocked by tall buildings, trees etc. Hence GPS
cannot be used indoors. It is also difficult to use GPS in town centers or woodland.
There are two system architectures for structural monitoring with GPS, one based on a fixed network
of sensors and the other based on mobile sensors. Stationary GPS Applications
Most conventional bridge monitoring systems rely on a fixed network of sensors that transmit their
data back to a central site for processing and analysis. This is also a useful architecture for GPS-
based systems. Sensor nodes are mounted on the structure at sites of interest. For measuring long-
term movement, such as foundation settlement, creep, stress relaxation, and others the sensor nodes
are mounted over the bridge piers. For measuring shorter term motion, such as that caused by wind or
traffic loading, the sensors are mounted between piers. Each sensor node consists of a GPS receiver,
microcontroller, and data radio. The GPS receiver tracks the satellite signals and computes the range
and phase measurements. These measurements are transmitted to the central processing site by the
data radios. The microcontrollers perform temporary data buffering, provide receiver control interfaces,
and manage network communications flow control. The central processing site consists of a data radio
and personal computer (PC) with software for system control, data communications and management,
data-quality checking, position computation, and movement analysis. [2] Mobile GPS Applications
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There is another implementation of GPS for bridge monitoring that does not apply to short-term motion
but can provide a very cost-effective means of periodically measuring long-term deformations. This
method consists of performing kinematic surveys of the bridge deck, using a combination of GPS and
analog sensors. Achievable accuracies are in the centimeter range for each data point, and a very
high spatial density of positions over the deck surface is produced. This allows for generation of three-
dimensional surface profiles that will show pier settlement and vertical deformations of the
superstructure. [2]
For this implementation, one or two GPS receivers are mounted on the side of a vehicle above its roof.
A wheel is mounted directly below the GPS antenna with an LVDT inserted into the coupling between
the wheel and the antenna. This will measure the effect of the vehicles suspension system so it can
be deleted from the position solutions. Inertial sensors such as accelerometers and gyros can be
added to the GPS antenna assembly to further increase positioning accuracy. [2]
With the stationary reference GPS receiver collecting and storing its data, the instrumented vehicle is
driven over the bridge several times in each traffic lane, collecting and storing its data for post-
processing. Data from the GPS receivers and other sensors are combined for position computation
and error analysis. The discrete positions are then filtered, and a three-dimensional surface profile is
generated, representing the current shape of the bridge deck. Comparing successive profiles over
time will show the extent and geometry of settlement or bending. This technique derives its high cost-
effectiveness from the fact that a few sensor packages can be used to monitor a large number of
bridges. The GPS reference receiver and instrumented vehicle could periodically survey every bridge
of interest in a wide region. [2] Accuracy of GPS Systems
There are two primary attributes required of a GPS receiver system to produce subcentimeter-level
positioning accuracy. First, the receiver itself must generate high-quality coherent phase data. Second,
the GPS antenna assembly must have a precise electrical phase center and adequate multipath
rejection capabilities. Because of imperfections in antenna element design and manufacturing
processes, the range to satellites in different parts of the sky will be measured from slightly different
points on the GPS antenna. The antennas electrical phase center is the region to which satellite
signals coming from different elevation and azimuth angles get referenced. A good survey-quality GPS
antenna will have a phase center size of 5 millimeters or less. Structural monitoring applications
involve relatively short GPS baselines, generally 2 kilometers or less. Under these conditions,
multipath, or signal reflection from nearby objects into the GPS antenna, is the dominant source of
error. Because phase multipath is zero mean (range multipath is not), its induced errors can be
successfully reduced by averaging over time. However, if the antenna assembly does not provide a
high degree of multipath rejection, averaging times of four to 24 hours may be needed to produce a
single position with subcentimeter accuracy. The most effective device for multipath mitigation at the
antenna is a choke ring. These groundplanes with concentric circular troughs reduce multipath through
successive rounds of destructive interference as the signal nears the antenna element. [2]
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For a typical bridge instrumentation scenario, the accuracy of each position computed lies at the
centimeter level. Averaging positions for each site over time increases accuracy to the millimeter level.
Under good tracking conditions, 1-millimeter accuracy is achievable. Assuming that the GPS receivers
produce high quality phase data and that distances between the reference GPS receiver and those on
the bridge (baselines) are kept short, positioning accuracy is mainly a function of the averaging time
used. This, in turn, depends on the type of motion that is being monitored. Foundation settlement,
creep, and other movement generally occur over relatively long periods of time. Therefore, averaging
times of a few hours can be used, producing positions with millimeter-level accuracy. Motion due to
wind loading is cyclic with frequencies of a few hertz. Because, therefore, little or no averaging can be
done, positioning accuracy is at the centimeter level. This restricts the utility of GPS for monitoring
short-term motion to more flexible structures. Also, to measure short-term effects, sampling rates must
be significantly increased, inducing heavier processing and data communication loads [2]. Laser Deflection Measurements
With the advent of laser equipment, geodesic surveying has gained high accuracy and excellent field
performance. Laser beam distance gauges have greatly facilitated and improved the essential bridge
inspection task of measuring clearances. [31] Coherent Laser Radar (CLR)
Bridge deflection measurement using coherent laser radar is an adaptation of a rapid inspection
system developed for NASA. The portable laser scanning system deployed under a bridge is able to
measure deflections at hundreds of individual points in a few minutes. The CLR is providing full field,
three dimensional measurements of the bridge deflections under a variety of loading conditions. It also
measures the vibration of the bridge and has the potential to facilitate the application of modal analysis
(a branch of structural analysis that uses measurements of the vibrations of a bridge with respect to
frequency, amplitude, shape, and decay with time to determine important structural properties of the
bridge and to detect damage) as a bridge-inspection tool. The CLR can measure ranges from 2 To 30
meters, with sub-millimeter accuracy, and requires no special targets or surface preparation.
Conventional deflection measurement devices require time consuming preparation to properly install
and often require access under the bridge structure, which in many cases means costly and
inconvenient traffic control. The laser system has the ability to measure these bridge deflections
quickly and with minimal setup time. A greater number of measurement locations can be obtained with
the laser system as compared with conventional systems and, where needed, the laser system can
make reliable measurements from a location, which would not require altering traffic.
The CLR directs a focused laser beam to a point on the structure to be measured and recaptures a
portion of the reflected light. The single large-aperture optical path maximizes signal strength and
stability. As the laser light travels to and from the target, it also travels through a reference path of
calibrated optical fiber in an environmentally controlled module. Heterodyne detection of the return
optical signal mixed coherently with the reference signal produces the most sensitive radar possible.
Extensive signal processing extracts the range-dependent signal frequency with great accuracy.
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Measurement of the signal intensity and signal-to-noise ratio provides a built-in check that confirms
measurement quality. The two paths are combined to determine the absolute range to the point.
Apart from deflection measurement, a potential application for laser-based position-sensitive
measurement technology is measurement of the dynamics of large constructions like bridges, towers,
buildings and masts and movement of other moving objects. Slope Measurement
The tilting or deflection of concrete structures resulting from external loads, temperature changes, or
deformation of the foundation is a vital piece of information for evaluating structural safety and stability.
The changes in slope can be measured with tiltmeters or inclinometers. The measurement of tilt is
usually understood as the determination of a deviation from the horizontal plane, while inclination is
interpreted as a deviation from the vertical. Thus the same instrument that measures tilt at a point can
be called either a tiltmeter or an inclinometer, depending on the interpretation of the results.
These instruments, most generally, are devices that are lowered through some sort of pipe, borehole,
or channel that has been constructed in the structure. The casing is flexible enough to deform as the
slope moves. The instrument is not fixed to the structure but moves through this channel taking
readings at desired locations through the structure.
- Deflection of bridge piers and abutments
- Monitoring of tilt on structures
- Slope stability
- Embankment and dam stability
- Heave/settlement and subsidence control
- Measuring mechanical response to applied loads Tiltmeter
The changes in slope can be measured with tiltmeters. There exist two types of tiltmeters. Biaxial
tiltmeters measure rotations in two orthogonal directions, with an accuracy from < 0,00001 to < 0,01.
Uniaxial tiltmeters are sensitive to only one direction. Tiltmeters can be mounted on either vertical or
horizontal surfaces and can be read either manually or with an automated data acquisition equipment.
These sensing devices can be used for both short-term and long-term measurements. The tiltmeter
consists of a reference plate, which is attached to the surface that is being monitored, and a sensing
device. A tiltmeter, unlike an inclinometer, measures only at a discrete, accessible point. Thus
deformation profiles of tall structures may be determined by placing a series of tiltmeters at different
levels of the structure.
There are many reasonably priced models of various liquid, electrolytic, vibrating wire, and pendulum
type tiltmeters that satisfy most of the needs of engineering surveys. Particularly popular are servo-
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accelerometer tiltmeters with a small horizontal pendulum. They offer ruggedness, durability, and low
temperature operation. The output signal (volts) is proportional to the sine of the angle of tilt. The
typical output voltage range for tiltmeters is 5 V, which corresponds to the maximum range of the tilt.
Thus the angular resolution depends on the tilt range of the selected model of tiltmeter and the
resolution of the voltmeter (typically 1 mV). There are many factors affecting the accuracy of tilt
sensing. A temperature change produces dimensional changes of the mechanical components,
changes in the viscosity of the liquid in the electrolytic tiltmeters, and changes of the damping oil in the
pendulum tiltmeters. Drifts of tilt indications and fluctuations of the readout may also occur. Therefore,
thorough testing and calibration are required even when the accuracy requirement is not very high.
Fig. 5-15: Schematics of EL Tiltmeter developed by Slope Indicator

Fig. 5-15 shows the EL tiltmeter developed by Slope Indicator. This tiltmeter consists of an electrolytic
tilt sensor housed in a compact, weatherproof enclosure. The tilt sensor is a precision bubble-level that
is sensed electrically as a resistance bridge. The bridge circuit outputs a voltage proportional to the tilt
of the sensor. The housing is fixed to the structure using two anchors and a mounting bracket. The
sensor is adjusted to near zero and then the initial reading is recorded. Changes in inclination are
found by comparing the current reading to the initial reading. This operation can be performed in the
data logger or in a spreadsheet [67]. Inclinometer
Inclinometers are used for measuring the tilt over a certain length.
Fig. 5-16: El Horizontal In-Place Inclinometer, developed by Slope Indicator

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Fig. 5-15 shows the in-place Inclinometer developed by Slope Indicator. The system consists of an
inclinometer casing and a string of electrolytic inclinometer sensors. The inclinometer casing controls
the orientation of the sensors. It is installed in a horizontal borehole, buried in a trench, or attached to
a structure, with one set of grooves oriented vertically. The string of sensors is positioned within the
casing. The sensors measure the inclination of the casing (tilt from horizontal). Changes in the
inclination readings indicate that the casing has been displaced by ground movement. The amount of
displacement is calculated by finding the difference between the current inclination reading and the
initial reading and then converting the result to a vertical distance. In most in-place inclinometer
applications, sensors are connected to a data acquisition system that continuously monitors
movements and can trigger an alarm when it detects a change, or rate of change, that exceeds a
preset value [67]. Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is a new approach to monitoring landslide and embankment
stability. Originally developed to locate breaks and faults in communication and power lines, TDR can
be used to monitor the movement of earth slopes. Data collection consists of simply attaching a TDR
cable tester to a coaxial cable grouted in a borehole, and taking a reading.
The basic principle of TDR is similar to that of radar. An electrical pulse is sent down the coaxial cable
grouted in a borehole. If the pulse encounters a change in the characteristic impedance of the cable, it
is reflected. This can be caused by a break or deformation in the cable. The cable tester compares the
returned pulse with the emitted pulse, and determines the reflection coefficient of the cable at that
point. The reflection shows as a "spike" on the characteristic cable signature. The relative magnitude
and rate of displacement, and the location of the zone of deformation can be determined immediately
and accurately.
TDR has some advantages over traditional inclinometers:
- lower installation costs
- no limits on hole depth
- immediate determination of movement
- remote data acquisition capability
When combined with in-place tiltmeters and a datalogger, TDR can be used to determine the depth
and direction of movement. Biaxial tiltmeters provide direction, while the TDR cable locates the depth
at which movement is occurring.
5.1.2 Local Deformation Measurements
The measurement of deformation from the material point of view includes the observation of local
material properties made by a series of short-base length strain sensors.
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Strain refers to the internal compressive and/or tensile state of a material and gives a measurement of
the loading of the structure at a given point. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a real strain sensor
(except for photoelasticity that is suited only for the study of some specific transparent materials). All
other so-called strain sensors are actually deformation sensors with a very short measurement base. If
it can be assumed that the strain state of the structure is almost constant along this short
measurement path L, the measured deformation AL will be given by:
L L c = A

By measuring AL, it is therefore possible to obtain an indirect measurement of c.
Strain sensors are best suited to monitor the local behavior of the materials rather than the global
behavior of the structure. Strain sensors will therefore be placed at critical points of the structure
where high strains are expected that could approach or surpass the material resistance [36].
When measuring deformations and strains it makes sense to differentiate short-term and long-term
strains. Short-term strains are those changes that can be observed over a period of hours whereas
long-term strains are those occurring over months or years. Short-term strains are generally caused by
changes in dead and live loads, daily temperature cycles, or wind loading. Long-term strains are
caused by seasonal temperature changes and creep and shrinkage in concrete structures. Both short-
term and long-term surface strains can be measured using fiber optical, mechanical, and electrical
resistance strain gages. Determining the changes in length between two points on the concrete
surface can be achieved by comparison with the length of a standard invar reference bar. Other
approaches use fiber optical sensors with comparable reference fibers or vibrating wires. Depending
on the sensitivity of the measuring devices to changes in temperature it might be necessary to take
into account the temperature of concrete surface and, e.g., standard reference bar temperatures when
using a mechanical strain gage. Depending on the nature of the measurement, considerations
regarding long-term stability, accuracy and reliability of the sensing device must be taken into account.
[3] Short-term Strains
Short-term strains can be measured using electrical resistance strain gages. Although these gages
can be attached directly to reinforcing steel in the field, this method requires attachment under field
conditions and is very difficult. Consequently, the gages should be attached to separate lengths of
reinforcement. This allows the gages to be attached to the bars under laboratory conditions and
permits proper attachment of leads and waterproofing. The gaged bars can be tied directly to the
reinforcement cage.
Independent of the type of used gage technology we will have to bring the lead wires to a readout unit
or a data acquisition system located at a convenient position. Whenever possible, the wires should be
protected from possible sources of damage by the use of appropriate sheathing. Electrical resistance
strain gages can be applied to hardened concrete surfaces. Depending on the character of a material
surface, special techniques are needed to prepare the surface prior to application of the gages.
Weldable electrical resistance strain gages are available for use on steel structures and large size
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reinforcing bars. These gages are produced with leads and waterproofing attached and only require
spot welding to the steel. However, the installation issues as described in this section do not only
apply to electrical resistance gages. The use of other types of sensors may prescribe other installation
considerations. Long-term Strains
Measuring long-term strains should be done with gages designed specifically for this purpose. While
electrical resistance gages may not be recommended for this purpose, there exist other gage
technologies (fiber optical sensors, Carlson strain meters, vibrating wire gages, etc.) that are designed
to have long-term stability, are robust for installation on site, and are provided with leads already
attached. The gages can be either installed directly in the structure or by casting them in concrete
blocks and then cast the blocks in the concrete structure. The latter method is discussed because
doubts about the effect of differential creep and shrinkage between the block and the concrete. Long-
term strain measurements are generally used to determine prestress losses. For this purpose, when
positioning the gages, it is necessary to consider distribution of the prestressing forces. Gages should
be placed at the center of gravity of the prestressing force close to midspan and parallel to the strand.
Measurements of long-term strains should begin as soon as the concrete is placed although readings
in fresh concrete may not be appropriate for the initial readings for data reduction. Initial readings
should be taken before and after every significant event that affects the stress in the structure. After
completion of the structure, it may only be necessary to obtain data every few months. Sufficient
readings should be obtained so that trends in the data are clearly discernable. [3] Measurement of Strain
Fundamentally, all strain gages are designed to convert mechanical motion into an electronic signal. A
change in capacitance, inductance, or resistance is proportional to the strain experienced by the
sensor. If a wire is held under tension, it gets slightly longer and its cross-sectional area is reduced.
This changes its resistance (R) in proportion to the strain sensitivity (S) of the wire's resistance. When
a strain is introduced, the strain sensitivity, which is also called the gage factor (GF), is given by:

The ideal strain gage would change resistance only due to the deformations of the surface to which
the sensor is attached. However, in real applications, temperature, material properties, the adhesive
that bonds the gage to the surface, and the stability of the metal all affect the detected resistance.
For structural monitoring, the most important requirement that strain sensors should meet is the long-
term stability of the output data, which can only be achieved by a quasi calibration free measuring
system. Whereas electrical strain gages appear to be not suitable for long-term measurements due to
the almost unavoidable "drift" of the strain readings, vibrating wire strain gages have proved to be
applicable for structural monitoring. Several strain measuring techniques based on fiber optics have
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also been used for such purposes, however, not all of them have exhibited sufficient long-term
stability. More recently, one of the most promising new technologies in fiber optics, the fiber Bragg
grating, has been employed for strain measurements. Interpretation of Strain Measurements
Measurements of strains must be corrected for the coefficient of thermal expansion of the gages and
the concrete if measurement of long-term strains is the objective. Determination of stresses from
short-term strains requires a determination of the modulus of elasticity of the concrete or steel.
Determination of stresses from long-term strains is considerably more complex and requires
information about creep and shrinkage of the concrete. Consequently, accurate interpretation of the
measured data requires information about the coefficients of thermal expansion of the gages and
concrete, modules of elasticity of concrete and steel, and creep and shrinkage of concrete. These data
can be calculated or may be available from previous projects. However, it is recommended that the
properties be determined from measurements on the actual concretes used in the instrumented
portions of the structure, which requires the manufacturing of separate test specimens. These
specimens should be cured and stored as long as practical with the actual structure prior to test. [25] Mechanical Strain Gages
Both short-term and long-term surface strains can be measured using mechanical strain gages. In this
method, the distance between two points on the concrete surface is compared with the length of a
standard invar reference bar. This approach requires the installation of special points on the concrete
surface, is labor intensive, and cannot be used easily with an automated data acquisition system. It is
particularly suitable for measurements of strand transfer length and as back up for long-term strain
measurements by other means. Measurements of concrete surface temperatures and standard
reference bar temperatures are also needed. [3] Electrical Resistance Strain Gages
In the past, the electrical resistance gage was the most common and reliable transducer for strain
measurements and still today it is of significant importance. Since the technology for this type of strain
sensor is well established, there exists a vast number of different configurations e.g.: single gages,
rectangular rosettes, equiangular rosettes, quarter-, half- and full-bridge configuration, etc.
The strain gage is a resistive elastic unit whose change in resistance is a function of applied strain.
The basic technique of strain gage (SG) measurement involves attaching (gluing) a metal wire or foil
to the element whose strain is to be measured. As stress is applied and the element deforms, the SG
material experiences the same deformation, if it is securely attached. Because strain is a fractional
change in length, the change in SG resistance reflects the strain of both the gage and the element to
which it is secured. When the strain gage is attached and bonded well to the surface of an object, the
two are considered to deform together. The strain of the strain gage wire along the longitudinal
direction is the same as the strain on the surface in the same direction.
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Fig. 5-17: Foil Strain Gage

A wire strain gage is made by a resistor, usually in metal foil form, bonded on an elastic backing
(usually plastic). The wire is composed of a uniform conductor of electric resistivity r with length l and
cross-section area A. Its resistance R is a function of the geometry given by
R =

When a load is applied to the surface, the resulting change in surface length is communicated to the
resistor and the corresponding strain is measured in terms of the electrical resistance of the foil wire,
which varies linearly with strain. The foil diaphragm and the adhesive bonding agent must work
together in transmitting the strain, while the adhesive must also serve as an electrical insulator
between the foil grid and the surface.
The resistance change rate is a combination effect of changes in length, cross-section area, and

+ =

2 Measuring Circuit
Since dR/R is very small and difficult to measure directly, electronic circuits are used to measure the
change in resistance rather than the resistance itself. Strain gage transducers usually employ four
strain gage elements electrically connected to form a Wheatstone bridge circuit. The Wheatstone
bridge is a divided bridge circuit used to measure very small changes in static or dynamic electrical
resistance. Fig. 5-18 shows a schematic diagram of a simple Wheatstone bridge circuit.
Fig. 5-18: Wheatstone bridge

As seen in the sketch, a supply voltage is provided across the bridge, which contains four resistors
(two parallel legs of two resistors each in series). The output voltage is measured across the legs in
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the middle of the bridge. In case the measuring device used to obtain the output voltage V
has an
infinite input impedance, and therefore has no effect on the circuit. The output voltage V
can be
calculated using Ohm's law, according to
) ( ) (
4 1 3 2
2 4 1 3
s o
+ +


The output voltage of the Wheatstone bridge is expressed in millivolts output per volt input. The
Wheatstone circuit is also well suited for temperature compensation. The total strain, or output voltage
of the circuit (V
) is equivalent to the difference between the voltage drop across R1 and R2. The
bridge is considered balanced when R1/R4 = R2/R3 and, therefore, V
equals zero. Any small change
in the resistance of the sensing grid will throw the bridge out of balance, making it suitable for the
detection of strain.
When the bridge is set up so that R2 is the only active strain gage, a small change in R2 will result in
an output voltage from the bridge. If the gage factor is GF, the strain measurement is related to the
change in R2 as follows:
GF R R Strain / ) 2 / 2 (A =

Fig. 5-19: Constant Current Circuit Schematic

Resistance can be measured by exciting the bridge with either a constant voltage or a constant current
source. Because R = V/I, if either V or I is held constant, the other will vary with the resistance. Both
methods can be used. While there is no theoretical advantage to using a constant current source as
compared to a constant voltage, in some cases the bridge output will be more linear in a constant
current system. Also, if a constant current source is used, it eliminates the need to sense the voltage
at the bridge; therefore, only two wires need to be connected to the strain gage element. The constant
current circuit is most effective when dynamic strain is being measured. This is because, if a dynamic
force is causing a change in the resistance of the strain gage (Rg), one would measure the time
varying component of the output (V
), whereas slowly changing effects such as changes in lead
resistance due to temperature variations would be rejected. Using this configuration, temperature drifts
become nearly negligible [37].
The output of a strain gage circuit is a very low-level voltage signal requiring a sensitivity of 100
microvolts or better. The low level of the signal makes it particularly susceptible to unwanted noise
from other electrical devices. Capacitive coupling caused by the lead wires' running too close to AC
power cables or ground currents are potential error sources in strain measurement. Other error
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sources may include magnetically induced voltages when the lead wires pass through variable
magnetic fields, unwanted contact resistances of lead wires, insulation failure, and thermocouple
effects at the junction of dissimilar metals. The sum of such interferences can result in significant
signal degradation. Strain Gage Arrangement
The number of active strain gages that should be connected to the bridge depends on the application.
For example, it may be useful to connect gages that are on opposite sides of a beam, one in
compression and the other in tension. In this arrangement, one can effectively double the bridge
output for the same strain. In installations where all of the arms are connected to strain gages,
temperature compensation is automatic, as resistance change due to temperature variations will be
the same for all arms of the bridge. In a four-element Wheatstone bridge, usually two gages are wired
in compression and two in tension. For example, if R1 and R3 are in tension (positive) and R2 and R4
are in compression (negative), then the output will be proportional to the sum of all the strains
measured separately. For gages located on adjacent legs, the bridge becomes unbalanced in
proportion to the difference in strain. For gages on opposite legs, the bridge balances in proportion to
the sum of the strains. Whether bending strain, axial strain, shear strain, or torsional strain is being
measured, the strain gage arrangement will determine the relationship between the output and the
type of strain being measured [37]. Strain Gage Material
When selecting a strain gage, one must consider not only the strain characteristics of the sensor, but
also its stability and temperature sensitivity. Unfortunately, the most desirable strain gage materials
are also sensitive to temperature variations and tend to change resistance as they age. Thus, when
strains are measured with electrical resistance strain gages or mechanical strain gages, temperatures
should be measured at the gage locations. Each strain gage wire material has its characteristic gage
factor, resistance, temperature coefficient of gage factor, thermal coefficient of resistivity, and stability.
Typical materials include Constantan (copper-nickel alloy), Nichrome V (nickel-chrome alloy), platinum
alloys (usually tungsten), Isoelastic (nickel-iron alloy), or Karma-type alloy wires (nickel-chrome alloy),
foils, or semiconductor materials. The most popular alloys used for strain gages are copper-nickel
alloys and nickel-chromium alloys. Semiconductor materials like germanium and silicon show gage
factors more than fifty times, and sensitivity more than a 100 times, that of metallic wire or foil strain
gages. Silicon wafers are also more elastic than metallic ones. After being strained, they return more
readily to their original shapes. However these materials exhibit substantial nonlinearity and
temperature sensitivity. Semiconductor strain gages that depend on the piezoresistive effects of silicon
or germanium measure the change in resistance with stress as opposed to strain. While the higher
unit resistance and sensitivity of semiconductor wafer sensors are definite advantages, their greater
sensitivity to temperature variations and tendency to drift are disadvantages in comparison to metallic
foil sensors. Another disadvantage of semiconductor strain gages is that the resistance-to-strain
relationship is nonlinear, varying 10-20% from a straight-line equation. With computer-controlled
instrumentation, these limitations can be overcome through software compensation [37].
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Finally, it should be said, that due to their low-level outputs and the inherent sensitivity to electrical
noise, these types of sensing elements require appropriate signal conditioning such as excitation,
amplification, filtering, etc. [52] Vibrating Wire Strain Gages
Vibrating wire strain gages show an excellent stability over time. Other benefits of this type of gage are
that cable length has virtually no effect on the measurements and the nature of the readings makes it
nearly impervious to electronic/radio noise. [30]
Fig. 5-20: Typical vibrating wire strain gage

The theory behind the vibrating wire strain gage is identical to that of a stringed musical instrument. A
thin stainless steel wire is stretched between two contact points, if the wire is struck it vibrates at a
frequency dependent on the wires length, mass per unit length, and tension. Since the length and wire
properties are known, a change in frequency can be associated directly with a change in tension. The
fundamental frequency (f) of vibration of a wire is related to its tension, length and mass by the
following equation:
L 2
f =

L length of the wire
F wire tension
m wires mass per unit length
A change in wire tension is related to a change in gage length (strain) and/or a change in temperature.
c =

wire strain
E Youngs Modulus of the wire
A cross sectional area of the wire
Therefore strain can be calculated directly from the measurement of the wires fundamental frequency
according to:
f mL 4
2 2
= c

Since the gage is sensitive to temperature each gage also contains a thermistor so that temperature
corrections can be easily and accurately applied. With the temperatures recoded at each gage
location, true strains can be calculated by the following relationship.
) T T ( C
0 m T
+ c = c

true (temperature corrected) strain
measured strain
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T temperature at the time of the strain reading
temperature at the time of the initial strain reading or some arbitrary base temperature
C coefficient of thermal expansion of the gage
In practice, the strain measurements from vibrating wire strain gages are made by causing the wire to
vibrate with an electromagnetic pulse. The vibration of the wire is then monitored and converted to an
electrical pulse by the same coil. The frequency or period of vibration is determined for the response
pulse by counting the number of pulses within a specified time interval. When the frequency is
determined, the value is squared and multiplied by the gage factor (4mL/EA)x10
to obtain a
measurement in terms of micro-strain. Since the measurement is based strictly on the frequency of the
pulse and not the magnitude, several thousand feet of cable can be used without effecting the
measurements. Gage lengths from 50 to 250 mm are commercially available with a measurement
range greater than 3000 c and a resolution better than 1 c.
The one drawback to this type of measurement is that the process of plucking the wire and the
measuring the period is relatively slow compared to other methods, such as a voltage measurement
as with resistive type strain gages. Measurement of each gage requires approximately 1 second.
Therefore this type of measurement is not suitable for dynamic applications where high frequency
readings are required. [30] Fiber Optic Strain Gages
Recent advances in fiber optic technologies led fiber optic strain sensors to become an alternative to
classical resistance gages. These sensors are widely immune against rough environmental conditions
and show good long term performance. Typical fiber optic strain sensors are fiber Bragg gratings and
external Fabry-Perot interferometers [36]. A general overview of fiber optic sensor technology has
been given in chapter, where basic types and operation principles of these sensors are
presented. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensors
Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are characterized by a very good long-term stability and a high
reliability. In addition, they have all the general advantages of glass fiber based sensors, such as
electromagnetic insensitivity, small dimensions and the possibility of long distances between sensor
and data acquisition device. Therefore, FBG based sensors are expected to be of significant influence
on the development of structural monitoring techniques. Furthermore, the small dimensions of fiber
Bragg gratings allow their utilization for "microsensors". By using them, new fields of application in
material science can be found. Functionality of FBG Sensors
Initially, in-line fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) were developed as frequency filters for optical
telecommunication systems. Their usability for measuring strains appeared to be a by-product. In
1989, Meltz et al. [14] produced fiber Bragg gratings by "burning" a series of equidistant lines into the
glass core of a standard single-mode telecommunication fiber by using an excimer laser, see Fig.
5-21. These lines comprising the Bragg grating are characterized by a refraction index different from
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the one of the regular fiber core. Light propagating in the glass fiber core will be reflected by the
interfaces between the regions having different refraction indices. The reflected light is generally out of
phase and tends to cancel. However, for a certain wavelength, the Bragg wavelength, the light
reflected by the periodically varying refraction index will be in equal phase and amplified,
Melle et al. [15].
Fig. 5-21: "Writing" of a fiber Bragg grating

This results in a characteristic peak at this wavelength in the transmission as well as in the reflection
spectrum, see Fig. 5-22. Since the peak wavelength depends on the spacing between the lines
forming the gratings (grating pitch), the latter can be used for measuring strains. If the optical fiber is
stretched, the Bragg wavelength increases.
Fig. 5-22: Transmission and reflection spectrum of a fiber Bragg grating

The length of a fiber Bragg grating, i.e. of the sensitive fiber part, amounts to approximately 0.5 mm.
It has to be taken into account that the Bragg wavelength depends on the temperature too. The Bragg
wavelength shift A is related to the strain c and to the temperature change AT by
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where p
and , are the strain-optic and the thermo-optic coefficient, respectively. Once these
coefficients are known for a specific type of FBG sensor, the method is quasi calibration free and
allows long-term measurements without a "drift" of the strain readings.
For measuring the Bragg wavelength shift a spectrum analyzer might be used. Whereas such devices
are suitable for laboratory experiments they are in most cases not designed for field applications.
However, an increasing number of special data acquisition systems for fiber Bragg grating sensors
utilizing different measuring principles is being developed and offered on the market.
The interest in using FBG sensors for structural monitoring is growing rapidly. In a number of cases,
structures were instrumented with strain sensors of this type. Saouma et al. [16] instrumented beams
and columns of a concrete frame structure. The predominant field of application for FBG sensors,
however, are bridges. Sennhauser et al. [17], Maaskant et al. [18], Vohra et al. [19], Idriss et al. [20],
Klink et al. [21] as well as Measures [22] reported on bridge monitoring utilizing FBG sensors. Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for Structural Monitoring
Sensors to be used for structural monitoring are expected to work reliably for the entire lifetime of the
structure. Therefore, special attention has been paid to the development of an appropriate technique
of sensor application. Basically there are three different ways of applying fiber Bragg grating sensors
to reinforced concrete structures:
- Application of the sensor fiber directly to the steel reinforcement
- Application of the sensor fiber directly to the concrete surface
- Usage of a sensor holder to be placed in fresh concrete and covering the sensor fiber
Whereas the first and the third application mode are applicable for newly built structures the second
one is of importance for the instrumentation of existing structures. When applying a sensor fiber
directly to steel reinforcement or to the concrete surface a glue showing extremely low creep
deformations and having a low reaction heat is needed. High temperatures during hardening of the
glue might result in varying strains along the sensitive part of the fiber and consequently in a smeared
wavelength spectrum not showing a distinctive peak at the Bragg wavelength. Furthermore, the sensor
fiber has to be protected in order to prevent mechanical damage and corrosive attack by the alkaline
environment. Fig. 5-23 shows the strains measured at a reinforced concrete beam under increasing
load. Two glass fibers containing FBG sensors were glued directly to the steel reinforcement. For
measuring compressive strains, at the top face of the beam 3 mm deep slits were cut into the concrete
surface. Afterwards, glass fibers were glued into these slits. For comparison, electrical strain gages
were also attached to the reinforcement as well as to the top face of the beam. An excellent
accordance between the results obtained electrically and optically, respectively, could be achieved.
Fig. 5-23: Load-strain curve obtained at a R/C beam by using FBG sensors and electrical strain gages
T p
A , + c =

) 1 (
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For the instrumentation of new structures the use of sensor holders is recommended. They can be
embedded in the concrete allowing an internal strain measurement. Sensor holders are supposed to
protect the glass fiber against mechanical damage during casting and against chemical attack. In
addition, they should provide sufficient bond to the surrounding concrete. Their stiffening effect on the
strain distribution in the concrete should be minimized in order to ensure a quasi feedback-free strain
measurement. Fig. 5-24 shows an example for a sensor holder, which has been designed, quite
similar to vibrating wire gages. It consists of a 150 mm long steel tube. The glass fiber is longitudinally
spanned inside. Outside the steel tube, a concrete-proof plastic hose protects the fiber and is attached
to the sensor holder by the connectors at each end. The profile of the steel tube and the end plates
provide sufficient bond with the surrounding concrete. By means of Finite-Element analyses, the
dimensions of the sensor holder were optimized for allowing a feedback-free strain measurement in
concrete having typical elastic properties.
Fig. 5-24: FBG sensor holder made of a steel tube

The placement of a FBG-Sensor with sensor holder can be seen in Fig. 5-25. Before casting it is fixed
to the steel reinforcement.
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Fig. 5-25: Placement of a FBG-Sensor

Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors work quasi calibration free and are therefore suitable especially for
the long-term strain monitoring of concrete structures. The procedures and techniques for the sensor
application as well as for the data acquisition require still more development. From the economical
point of view, the strain measurement by using FBG-sensors is generally more expensive than the use
of electric strain gages. This will probably limit the field of application for FBG-Sensors to long-term
measurements only.
5.2 Force Measurements
A major contributing factor to the deterioration of bridges are overloads. These overloads could be
caused by heavy trucks or a seismic event. [6] In the evaluation of structures, it is critical to determine
the distribution of loading and to evaluate the stress levels in load-carrying members of the structure.
Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) steel sensors can be used as a passive device to detect and
measure the maximum load experienced by a structure. This steel undergoes a permanent change in
crystal structure in proportion to peak strain. It changes from a nonmagnetic to a magnetic steel. This
change can be easily measured. [6]
5.2.1 Load Cells
Load cell designs can be distinguished according to the type of output signal generated (pneumatic,
hydraulic, electric) or according to the way they detect weight (bending, shear, compression, tension,
etc.) [43] Measurement Principle
Hydraulic load cells are force-balance devices, measuring weight as a change in pressure of the
internal filling fluid. In a rolling diaphragm type hydraulic load cell, a load or force acting on a loading
head is transferred to a piston that in turn compresses a filling fluid confined within an elastomeric
diaphragm chamber. As force increases, the pressure of the hydraulic fluid rises. [43] Hydraulic load
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cells may be used to measure compressive loads between structural members, e.g. at the junction
between a beam and the top of a pile, or can be applied to the measurement of tensile forces in
ground anchors, rock bolts and tie backs.
Two types of Hydraulic Load Cell are available:
- Solid cells for measurement of compressive forces
- Annular cells for monitoring tensile forces
Pneumatic load cells also operate on the force-balance principle. These devices use multiple
dampener chambers to provide higher accuracy than can a hydraulic device. In some designs, the first
dampener chamber is used as a tare weight chamber. Pneumatic load cells are often used to measure
relatively small weights in industries where cleanliness and safety are of prime concern. The
advantages of this type of load cell include their being inherently explosion proof and insensitive to
temperature variations. Disadvantages include relatively slow speed of response and the need for
clean, dry, regulated air or nitrogen. [43]
The Vibrating Wire Load Cell comprises a cylinder of high strength steel with several vibrating wire
strain gauges located around the circumference of the cell. Loads applied to the cell are measured by
the vibrating wire gauges and readings averaged to minimize the effects of uneven eccentric loading.
Vibrating wire load cells provide excellent long-term stability and can be used with long cables without
adversely affecting the output frequency. Further they are waterproof and have low temperature
coefficients. However, they are not able to measure dynamic loading.
Strain-gage load cells convert the load acting on them into electrical signals. The gauges themselves
are bonded onto a beam or structural member that deforms when weight is applied. In most cases,
four strain gages are used to obtain maximum sensitivity and temperature compensation. Two of the
gauges are usually in tension, and two in compression, and are wired with compensation adjustments.
When weight is applied, the strain changes the electrical resistance of the gauges in proportion to the
load. [43] High resistance strain gages are used to minimize cable effects.
In the area of new sensor developments, fiber optic load cells are gaining attention because of their
immunity to electromagnetic and radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI), suitability for use at elevated
temperatures, and intrinsically safe nature. Two techniques are showing promise: measuring the
micro-bending loss effect of single-mode optical fiber and measuring forces using the Fiber Bragg
Grating (FBG) effect. [43] Load Cell Applications
Custom load cells, either solid or annular are available to suit any application or range. Various
versions are available such as S type, shear, bending, shear pin, tension, donut (annular), diaphragm,
column and compression. Shear and bending load cells are commonly used in weighing systems.
Tension and S types can also be used in weight applications and to measure force.
The determination of prestressing forces prior to transfer can be measured with load cells by
positioning them on strand at either the dead end or jacking end in the prestressing bed. Although
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calibrated hydraulic jacks are used to stress strands, they only provide the force before their release.
For pretensioned members, load cells provide the force after release of the jack, during curing, and
immediately prior to detensioning of the strand. Load cells may also be used on the ends of unbonded
post-tensioning tendons and stay cables to measure the changes of force with time. In this context the
verification of the zero-position of the load cell has to be considered. As a minimum, readings should
be taken before and after stressing every strand and before and after detensioning every strand.
Readings at other times will indicate how the forces vary during concrete placement and curing. [3]
5.2.2 Cable Stay Force Measurement
The forces in the stay cables are an excellent indicator of overall structural health for these types of
bridges. The knowledge of the actual tensile forces in the ropes or cables of cable-stayed bridges, in
the suspenders of arched bridges or in external tendons is required for the assessment of these
elements themselves but also for the examination of the global stress of the structure. The
determination of these forces by lift-off tests is connected with considerable expenditures as well as
the danger of damages. The mounting works at the anchorages can unfavorably influence the
durability of these critical elements.
Therefore fast and non-destructive methods for the determination of the forces are required. The
measurement of the vibration characteristic is an approach for a solution because there is a simple,
quasi linear relation between the eigenfrequencies and the rope and cable forces.
The behavior of ropes and cables greatly differs from the theoretical concept. This practical behavior is
caused by numerous external conditions which give rise to pressure. The dynamic measurement gives
information on the actual behavior of these elements and quantifies the deviation from the target value
at the same time. Consequently a quick check is possible.
Fig. 5-26: Spectrum of a typical cable in civil engineering

Principally a control of the force with a new application of the pre-stressing jack is possible, but this
check is connected with a great logistic, time and therefore also financial expenditure. Furthermore
there is the danger that unintended damages at the cables are caused. For this reason modern, non-
destructive procedures present itself, which are based on the dynamic characteristic. In addition, this
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has the great advantage that the AVM enables a quick, flexible and safe determination of the cable
force. Acceleration Sensors
A useful, very accurate and at the same time economical determination of the cable force can be
carried out by means of the measurement of the eigenfrequencies of the basic and harmonic
oscillations. The cables are stimulated to oscillate by traffic or other environmental (ambient) reasons.
By recording the effective acceleration a subsequent conversion of the signals into frequency spectra
is possible, a simple Fourier Transformation (FFT) is applied here.
The spectrum, which represents the reaction (structural response) of the cable, very clearly shows the
individual frequencies of the basic and harmonic oscillations. As the higher frequencies always show a
multiple of the basic frequency, a determination of the cable force is exactly possible. The identified
eigenfrequency (f) is a function of the effective cable force (N), the length (l), the mass (m) of the cable
per meter and the marginal conditions.
N = 4 l
m + P
+ P
... is valid for the basic oscillation
An extension of the equation by influence parameters (P
) enables the application of this method
under varied conditions. For stay cables with great lengths it has proved that the flexural stiffness of
the cables can be neglected. BRIMOS Method developed by VCE

For the practical implementation of this method a notebook, which has to be equipped with specific
software, the respective data-logger and the acceleration sensors with the data cables are required. In
addition retaining consoles and mounting straps for a secure fastening of the sensors on the cables
are necessary. The complete equipment can be stowed in the boot of a normal motor car, which
proves the economic efficiency of the method. The power supply is provided by the power supply
system (230 V) or by batteries (12 V).
For the secure identification of the cable force an acceleration sensor has to be placed horizontally on
the cable to be checked if possible and to be connected with the data-logger via the cable. After
recording the measured data they are read in a special program, which automatically carries out the
evaluation of the eigenfrequencies. By applying the above-mentioned equation, a determination of the
effective cable force can be very quickly executed. The measuring interval usually amounts to
approximately five and a half minutes.
Fig. 5-27: Sensors at stay cables and external cables
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A usual measuring interval of the BRIMOS

technology lasts for about five and a half minutes, in

addition the time for mounting the acceleration sensor and the initializing of the system has to be
considered. Periods of about 15 to 20 minutes (incl. evaluation of the cable force) have to be
estimated for the check of a cable, which is a further advantage of this system.
In this context it should be mentioned that no closure or interruption of the traffic flow is necessary in
order to perform the dynamic tests. The equipment is small and easy to handle close to the bridge
cables. In fact, the main advantage of the measurement using acceleration sensors directly on the
cable is the high accuracy of the results up to the high frequency band (all modes of interest acquired)
as well as the possibility to obtain additional modal parameters such as modal damping and vibration
intensity for example. The assessment of modal damping is from major interest for calculation of
proneness of vibration from each cable concerning Galloping and Wind-Rain-Induced Vibrations.
Up to now numerous projects were completed with AVM where special questions concerning cables
had to be answered. Standing out examples for this are the bridge over the Danube in Tulln where all
cables were checked for the effective cable force and the susceptibility to vibrations. Furthermore the
Donaustadt bridge in Vienna has to be mentioned where inspections due to the vibration susceptibility
of a cable were ordered. A check of the cable forces of external pre-stressing elements was carried
out at the Mur bridge St. Michael at the Phyrn motorway. Laser Vibrometer
Dynamic analysis is the basis for a new approach to the quantitative measurement of forces in stay
cables. This innovative technique uses non-contact laser vibrometers to provide a rapid, low cost, yet
accurate method for force measurement.
A single laser vibrometer is used to measure low- level cable vibrations due to ambient (wind and
traffic) excitation. Laser vibrometers use optical interferometry to measure surface velocities ranging
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from 0 to 125 mm/s/V and from 0 to 30 MHz depending on equipment arrangements. The vibrating
surface orthogonal to the laser causes the frequency of a laser beam to be shifted due to the Doppler
effect. The shift in signal beam frequency is related to the velocity of the vibrating surface and the
wavelength () of the laser through the equation


where f
is the frequency shift of the beam and v is the vibrating surface velocity. The signal beam and
a known frequency reference beam are then combined to create an interference signal. This signal
contains the velocity of the measured system.
The force evaluation method is based on an algorithm relating the measured cable frequency to its
force. This formulation includes the effects of cable sag-extensibility, bending stiffness, various
boundary conditions, intermediate springs or dampers, etc.
Since the need for contact measurement is eliminated, the evaluation personnel, as well as the device,
can be stationed on the deck of the bridge, simply pointing the device to the cable. In addition to the
safety advantages associated with that, the vibrometer allows the evaluators to target more than one
cable from a single setup location. Contact sensors instead are more appropriate when long-term
remote monitoring is desired.
5.2.3 Weight in Motion (WIM)
While the dead load can be considered constant over the whole lifetime of a bridge, the traffic load
may vary over this period. The weight in motion method is used to register all vehicles in movement
passing the measuring device located in the roadway. A complete WIM study under normal traffic
would result in a count of total vehicles that cross the bridge, the lane traveled by each vehicle, the
time of arrival, the vehicle speed, the axle configuration and axle weights, and strains/stresses at
gauge locations. Thus one obtains a representative overview of the traffic occurring over a longer time
period. The registrated axle loads are dynamic values, because the vibrations of the vehicles are
included. The continuous collection of traffic loads on bridges by a state of the art equipment enables
us to classify load events into various categories (e.g. vehicle classes) and to compare them with
available regulations and requirements.
The measurement of the vertical forces is complicated by a number of factors, including the following
- Each sensor feels the vertical force of each axle for only a brief time.
- The weight applied to the sensor during that time period is normally not equal to the static
weight of that axle. This is because while the vehicle is in motion, the truck and its
components bounce up and down. If the truck mass is moving upward when an axle crosses
the WIM sensor, the weight applied by that axle is lower than the static value. If the truck
mass is landing, the weight applied is greater than the static value.
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- Some sensors (strip) feel only a portion of the tire weight at any given time. Because the
sensor is smaller than the footprint of the tire, the pavement surrounding the sensor physically
supports some portion of the axle weight throughout the axle weight measurement.
- The tread on some tires is so well defined that very high concentrations of force are generated
under those portions of the tread that are actually in contact with the ground. This is also
mostly a problem for strip sensors.
- Sensors must be capable of weighing more than one axle in quick succession. That is, the
scale must be able to recover quickly enough so that one axle weight does not affect the
measurement of the following axle.
- Roadway geometry (horizontal and vertical curves) can cause shifts in vehicle weight from
one axle to another.
- Vehicle acceleration or braking, torque from the drive axles, wind, the style and condition of
vehicles suspension system, and a variety of other factors can also cause shifts of weight
from one axle to another.
Fig. 5-28: Variation of Axle Forces with Distance and the Consequential Effect on WIM Scale Calibration,

The effects of many of these factors can be minimized through careful design of the WIM site. The site
should be selected and designed to reduce the dynamic motion of passing vehicles. However,
achieving these design controls requires restrictions on site selection, which means that WIM systems
cannot be placed as easily or as universally as other traffic monitoring equipment. [23]
WIM scales work most accurately when they are placed flush with the roadway. Sensors that sit on
top of the roadway cause two problems with WIM system accuracy: 1) They induce additional dynamic
motion in the vehicle, and 2) they can cause the sensor to measure the force of tire deformation
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(which includes a horizontal component not related to the weight of the axle) in addition to the axle
weight. This means that permanent installation of the sensors and/or frames that hold the sensors is
normally better for consistent, accurate weighing results. The use of permanently installed WIM
sensors is recommended as a means of improving the quality of the data. [23] WIM Monitoring Equipment
Choosing a weigh-in-motion system for a specific application or use can be a difficult task because
there are a number of technologies and systems available today. Each has its own set of advantages
and limitations. For example, not all WIM systems can operate at high speeds, some can be installed
in a few hours with relatively unskilled labor while others require several days of labor-intensive site
preparation, and some work great for traffic data collection purposes but are not recommended for
weight enforcement. [24] Bending Plate WIM Systems
Bending Plate WIM systems utilize plates with strain gages bonded to the underside. As a vehicle
passes over the bending plate, the system records the strain measured by the strain gage and
calculates the dynamic load. Bending plate scales can be portable or installed permanently with some
minor excavation into the road structure and consist of either one or two scales. The scale or pair of
scales is placed in the travel lane perpendicular to the direction of travel. When two scales are used in
a lane, one scale is placed in each wheelpath of the traffic lane so that the left and right wheels can be
weighed individually. The pair of scales is placed in the lane either side-by-side or staggered by five
meters. Bending plate systems with one scale placed in either the left or right wheelpath are usually
used in low volume lanes. [24]
Fig. 5-29: Bending Plate mounted in road [24]

Bending Plate WIM systems consist of at least one scale and two inductive loops. The scales are
placed in the travel lane perpendicular to the direction of travel. The inductive loops are placed
upstream and downstream from the scales. The upstream loop is used to detect vehicles and alert the
system of an approaching vehicle. The vehicle speed, which is used to determine the axle spacing,
can be determined by three methods: weigh pad to inductive loop, weigh pad to axle sensor, and
weigh pad to weigh pad, if the weigh pads are staggered. If an axle sensor is used to determine the
vehicle speed, it is placed downstream of the weigh pad. [24]
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There are two basic installation methods for a Bending Plate scale. In concrete roadways of sufficient
depth, a shallow excavation is made in the surface of the road (Quick Installation). The scale frame is
anchored into place using anchoring bars and epoxy. In asphalt roads or thin concrete roads, it is
necessary to install a concrete foundation for support of the frame (Vault Installation). [32]
Installing a complete lane of scales, loops and axle sensor can be accomplished in a day using the
shallow excavation method and in 3 days using the concrete vault. [32]
When properly installed and calibrated, the Bending Plate WIM system should be expected to provide
gross vehicle weights that are within 10% of the actual vehicle weight for 95% of the trucks measured.
Fig. 5-30: Common Configuration Bending Plate [32]

At six month intervals the following scheduled maintenance should be performed to ensure continued
scale operation [32].
- Visually inspect the scale installation.
- Maintain installation of the epoxy material / concrete vault.
- Re-torque and/or replace stainless steel cap screws.
- Replace frost plugs as required.
- Maintain installation of the silicon seal.
- Maintain all splices in the junction boxes as required.
- Measure signal cable resistance of scale.
- Recalibrate the scales.
- In case of a Vault Installation maintain the slot between the concrete vault and the existing
roadway with loop sealant.
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14.06.2002 108 Piezoelectric WIM Systems
Piezoelectric WIM systems utilize piezo sensors to detect a change in voltage caused by pressure
exerted on the sensor by an axle and measure the axles weight. As a vehicle passes over the piezo
sensor, the system records the electrical charge created by the sensor and calculates the dynamic
load [24].
The basic construction of the typical piezo sensor consists of a copper strand, surrounded by a
piezoelectric material, which is covered by a copper sheath. When pressure is applied to the
piezoelectric material an electrical charge is produced. The sensor is actually embedded in the
pavement and the load is transferred through the pavement. The characteristics of the pavement will
therefore affect the output signal [32].
For a complete data collection system, it is common to install two inductive loops and two piezoelectric
sensors in each lane, which is being monitored. Installation begins by making a relatively small cut in
the road into which the sensor will be installed perpendicular to the direction of travel. The sensor is
placed in the sawcut and secured in place by a fast curing grout. The piezo sensors may or may not
be encapsulated in an epoxy-filled metal channel, usually aluminum. The inductive loops are placed
upstream and downstream from the sensor. The upstream loop is used to detect vehicles and alert the
system of an approaching vehicle. The downstream loop is used to determine speed and axle
spacings based on timing. [24, 32]
Fig. 5-31: Piezoelectric sensor mounted in roadway [24]

A complete lane installation consisting of two sensors and two loops can be accomplished in less than
a full day, including curing time [32].
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Fig. 5-32: Common Configuration Piezoelectric WIM System

When properly installed and calibrated, a piezoelectric WIM system should be expected to provide
gross vehicle weights that are within 15% of the actual vehicle weight for 95% of the trucks measured
At six Month intervals the following Scheduled Maintenance should be performed to ensure continual
sensor operation [32].
- Visually inspect the piezo installation.
- Maintain the installation of the grout.
- Maintain all piezo cable splices as required.
- Visually inspect the BNC connector and replace if required.
- Measure the resistance and voltage output of the sensor. Kistler WIM System
The Kistler WIM consists of a light metal profile in the middle of which quartz disks are fitted under
preload. When force is applied to the sensor surface the quartz disks yield an electric charge
proportional to the applied force through piezoelectric effect. This electric charge is converted by a
charge amplifier into a proportional voltage, which can be then further processed as required. [32]
The sensors can be installed in combination with other traffic detectors like induction loops, switching
cables, etc. Kistler WIM sensors are easy to install both individually and in groups for comprehensive
recording over a wide roadway. [32]
Installation begins by making a relatively small cut in the road into which the sensor will be installed.
The size of the cut varies depending on the sensor being installed, but is generally 6 cm deep and 8
cm wide. The sensor is placed in the sawcut and secured in place by a fast curing grout. A complete
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lane installation consisting of eight one meter long sensors and two loops can be accomplished in less
than a day, including curing time. [32]
When properly installed and calibrated, the Kistler WIM system should be expected to provide gross
vehicle weights that are within 10% of the actual vehicle weight for 95% of the trucks measured.
Fig. 5-33: Common Configuration [32]

At six Month intervals the following Scheduled Maintenance should be performed to ensure continual
sensor operation.
- Visually inspect the Kistler sensor installation.
- Ensure no cracks are forming in grout or surrounding pavement.
- Ensure seal between grout and pavement.
- Maintain the installation of the grout.
- Maintain all Kistler sensor cable splices as required.
- Visually inspect the BNC connector and replace if required.
- Measure the resistance and voltage output of the sensor. Load Cell WIM Systems
Load Cell WIM systems utilize a single load cell with two scales to detect an axle and weigh both the
right and left side of the axle simultaneously. As a vehicle passes over the load cell, the system
records the weights measured by each scale and sums them to obtain the axle weight.
The typical Load Cell WIM systems consist of a single load cell and at least one inductive loop and
one axle sensor. The load cell is placed in the travel lane perpendicular to the direction of travel. The
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single load cell has two in-line scales that operate independently. Off-scale detectors are integrated
into the scale assembly to sense any vehicles off the weighing surface. The inductive loop is placed
upstream of the load cell to detect vehicles and alert the system of an approaching vehicle. If a second
inductive loop is used, it is placed downstream of the load cell to determine axle spacings, which is
used to determine the vehicle speed. The axle sensor is placed downstream of the load cell to
determine axle spacings and vehicle speed. [24]
Fig. 5-34: Load cell mounted in roadway [24]

The installation of a single load cell scale requires the use of a concrete vault. The roadway is cut and
excavated to form a pit. The frame is positioned in place and then is cast into the concrete to form a
secure and durable foundation for the scale. Installing a complete lane of scales, loops and axle
sensor can be accomplished in 3 days [32].
When properly installed and calibrated, the Single Load Cell WIM system should be expected to
provide gross vehicle weights that are within 6% of the actual vehicle weight for 95% of the trucks
measured [32].
Fig. 5-35: Common Configuration [32]

At six month intervals the following scheduled maintenance should be performed to ensure continued
scale operation.
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- Visually inspect the scale installation.
- Maintain installation of the concrete vault.
- Maintain the slot between the concrete vault and the existing roadway with loop sealant.
- Remove the load cell from the load cell cavity, retorque the four (4) mounting bolts in the load
cell cavity, check the splice, replace the antifreeze in the load cell cavity, replace the load cell,
load cell hatch, secure and reseal load cell hatch.
- Retorque and/or replace the eight (8) mounting bolts as required.
- Replace all frost plugs as required.
- Maintain the installation of the silicon sealant between the scale and frame.
- Maintain all splices in junction boxes as required.
- Measure the signal cable resistance of the scale.
- Recalibrate the scale. Capacitive Mats
A capacitive-based WIM system basically consists of two or more metal plates. When force is applied,
the bending action of the plates results in a change in the capacitance that is measured by sensors
mounted on the underside of the plate. Capacitive mat system layouts typically consist of two inductive
loops and one capacitive weight sensor per lane to cover a maximum of four traffic lanes. In a
portable setup, the inductive stick-on loops and the capacitive weight sensor are placed on top of the
road pavement and are meant to be used temporarily, sometimes up to 30 days. In a permanent
setup the sensors are placed in stainless steel pans, flush-mounted with the pavement. The mat is
installed perpendicular to the direction of the vehicle in the traffic lane. [24]
Fig. 5-36: Truck running over capacitive mat [24] Fiber Optic Sensor for WIM Measurements
A probabilistic concept to describe traffic loads and their effects to a bridge from acquired axle-load
data on the Brenner highway can be found in Bogath [12]. The measuring device used at the Brenner
highway is based on a monomer optical fiber. This fiber is double refractive, uncovered and lies
between two metal strips which are weld together. If the sensor is loaded with a transversal force, the
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optical quality changes. The reason is the photoelastic characteristic of the fiber core and the
surrounding material. Fig. 5-37 and Fig. 5-38 show the layer structure of the sensor.
Fig. 5-37: Fiber optic sensor to measure traffic loads, [12]

A light beam generated by a laser diode travels along in a transfer optical fiber. Between the laser
diode and the transfer fiber a polarization filter is situated, which converts the light into a linear
polarized light beam. After the light beam has passed the sensor input it is reflected by a mirror at the
end of the fiber. The reflected light beam travels back to the polarization filter where it is analyzed by a
photo diode. The weight acting on the sensor is changed in a series of polarimetric maximums and
minimums. By simply counting the maximums and minimums, the modification of the double refraction
is found out, which in turn can be related to the axle load. The layout of the measuring device is shown
in Fig. 5-38.
When a wheel passes the sensor a characteristic signature is recorded [12]:
- The first maxima-minima oscillation is equal to the increase of load
- The continuous signal refers to the pressure applied by the wheel in the middle of the sensor
- The second maxima-minima oscillation is equal to the reduction of load
Measurements at the Brenner highway gave the following results [12]:
- The period of the signal is inversely proportional to the vehicle velocity
- The number of maximal-minima raises with the wheel-weight
- Dual tire have a characteristic signal
- The system is insensitive against electric shocks and electromagnetic radiation
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Fig. 5-38: Simplified architecture of the fiber optic measurement device, [12]

In combination with measurement software the following data was recorded at the Brenner Highway:
- Weight of the moving vehicle per wheel
- Weight of the moving vehicle per axle
- Sum of the weights in motion per vehicle
- Velocity of the vehicle
- Distance between the axles
In a first utilization this registered axles are classified into vehicles and vehicles themselves are
classified into twelve vehicle groups according to Fig. 5-39.
For each registered vehicle the following data was recorded:
- Record time
- Distance to next vehicle
- Velocity of the vehicle
- Length of the vehicle
- Number of axles
- Vehicle group
- Single axle load
- Total load of the vehicle
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Fig. 5-39: Vehicle groups, [12]

WIM scale calibration must account for the vehicle dynamics at the data collection site. Because
vehicle dynamics are affected by pavement roughness, the correct calibration value for a scale is a
function of the pavement condition and the sensor installation at each site. Because pavement
conditions change over time, and because those changes affect WIM scale performance, even
permanently installed WIM sensors need to be periodically calibrated.
5.2.4 Direct Stress Measurement
Stress measurement is typically accomplished through the use of foil strain gages. However, these
gages require some surface preparation to install and are unable to measure the distribution of dead
load within the structure. [4] Alternatively, a few direct stress measurement techniques will be
described in this section. Ultrasonic Measurement of Stress
Since stress modifies the velocity of ultrasonic waves, it has often been suggested that an accurate
measurement of the velocity of sound in a component could be used to infer or even measure stress.
However, ultrasonic wave velocities can be affected by microstructural inhomogeneities and
temperature variations. Further there are difficulties in separating the effects of multiaxial stresses.
Changes in ultrasonic speed can be observed when a material is subjected to a stress, the changes
providing a measure of the stress averaged along the wave path. The acoustoelastic coefficients
necessary for the analysis are usually calculated using calibration tests. Different types of wave can be
employed but the commonly used technique is the critically refracted longitudinal wave method.
Ultrasonic stress measurement techniques are based on the relationship of wave speed in various
directions with stress. The most significant variation in travel-time with the strain was found for
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longitudinal waves, followed by the shear waves when the particles vibrate in the direction of the load.
The other waves do not show significant sensitivity to the deformation [61].
The relationship of measured L
wave travel-time change and the corresponding uniaxial stress is
given by [61]:

) (
t t t
A = o A

Ao change in stress
E Young's modulus
L acoustoelastic constant for longitudinal waves
t measured travel time
reference travel time
temperature effect on travel time

For stress measurement work, the LCR probes are arranged in a tandem fashion, with one probe
acting as the transmitter and the other as a receiver. In some cases, dual receivers are used. Distance
between the probes is kept constant by the rigid space bar, assuring that any change in travel-time
between the two probes is due to stress or material variations, and not a change in probe spacing. The
effects of stress, texture and temperature on the wave speed all contribute to the aggregate changes
in data collected [61].
A possible alternative to common NDE techniques for making the applied stress measurements is
ultrasonic techniques using noncontact electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs). This method
requires no time consuming surface preparation and is therefore easy to install. The bending stress in
the outer fibers of a bridge girder is a primary contributor to fatigue damage. Therefore, the EMATs
generate and detect Rayleigh waves (RW), which travel along the surface of the specimen. The
acoustoelastic effect will cause a change in time-of-flight of the RW as a result of applied stress due to
vehicle traffic. These stress fluctuations are relatively low, usually less than 14 MPa, and occur at
frequencies in the order of several Hertz.
With the use of ultrasonic measurement techniques, the state of stress in a steel bridge member and
the stress level in high-strength steel strand used in pre-stressed and post-tensioned concrete can be
evaluated [4]. More specific applications include rolled and welded steel and aluminum plate, pressure
vessels, turbine rotors, discs and blades and railroad rail and wheels [61]. X-Ray Diffraction
X-ray diffraction is a known method for the determination of surface stress in steel elements. When the
stress distribution across the section of a structural member is relatively uniform or well known, this
method can be useful in obtaining estimates of the stress in a loaded structure.
In this method, strains are estimated by measuring the elastic atomic lattice spacing (distance
between atomic planes). Using Bragg's law of diffraction the value of surface residual stress can be
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found by measuring the angle at which an X-ray beam diffracts from the surface of an analyzed
component. The method can be very helpful in detecting redistribution of stresses, designed to be
uniform. Then it is of value to obtain a relative stress reading even if the absolute value may be
questioned. A reliable calibration of a stress-free sample, comparable to the in-situ tested material, is
highly desirable, but not always possible. A good understanding of the elastic and plastic stress-strain
relationships in steel is indispensable. [31]
This method is a relatively simple and effective technique for measurement of prestressing levels in
wires. Brauss et al. (1998) present tests on bridge suspender cables and wire ropes (in the laboratory
and in the field) using the X-ray diffraction equipment. The authors conclude that this technique
provides quantifiable results, is nondestructive, and provides a measure of total stresses (applied plus
residual stresses). However, in case of enclosed elements such as PT tendons and stay cables, this
method would be partially destructive. In any case, if one needs to subtract residual stresses from
measured values, then a sample must be cut out from the cable. Also, in a multi-strand or multi-wire
cable, there may be significant variations between absolute strain values in different elements.
Therefore, a large number of tests may be required to obtain an average value as an estimate of total
force. [65]
5.3 Dynamic Parameters
The dynamic response of a structure concerning ambient vibrations (state of the art technology) can
be assessed by use of different methods, which could be measurements of motion, deformation or
forces along the points of interest. Concerning measurement of motion the most important methods
are acquisition of displacements, velocities or accelerations. Basically it does not play any role which
of these parameters is measured, because an integration respectively a differentiation can transform
one of these signals to each other. The current practice is use of accelerometers for dynamic testing,
because very accurate results can be obtained with this type of transducer. The following section
relates only to accelerometers, basically the same things are applicable also for velocity sensors.
In principal accelerometers are devices constituted by mass-spring-damper-systems that produce
signals proportional to the acceleration in a frequency band below their own resonance. Different
systems and working principles can be distinguished in the construction of an accelerometer, the
following main groups can be identified:
- Piezoelectric sensors
- Piezoresistive and capacitive sensors
- Force-balanced accelerometers
In the following section a short description of each sensor principle is done mainly according to the
technical descriptions from sensor provider.
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5.3.1 Piezoelectric Sensors
The following figure presents schematically the mechanical components of a piezoelectric
accelerometer for a configuration known as delta-shear. There are also some other configurations
possible such as planar-shear, compression and annular construction. The active part of the
accelerometer are the piezoelectric elements, which act as springs and connect the seismic masses to
the base of the accelerometer through a rigid center, suffering therefore slight shear deformations
when vibrating with the structure. These vibrations originate a charge which is proportional to the
acceleration of the seismic masses and consequently, proportional to the acceleration of the surface
where the sensor is located.
Fig. 5-40: Piezoelectric accelerometer

Compared to other types of accelerometers, piezoelectric accelerometers have several advantages,
such as (i) no external power source required (the accelerometers are designated as self-generating),
(ii) are very robust and stable in the long term and relatively insensitive to temperature changes and
(iii) characterized by high signal-to-noise ratios and finally (iv) are linear over a wide frequency and
dynamic range.
These transducers present however a serious inconvenience in applications involving large and
flexible structures with low level and frequency response, which has to do with a limitation in the lower
frequency range. Piezoelectric transducers are not capable of a true DC (0 Hz) response, as the
piezoelectric elements only produce charge when acted by dynamic forces. The actual low frequency
limit is determined by the preamplifier to which the sensor is connected and is in general > 1 Hz.
5.3.2 Piezoresistive and Capacitive Accelerometers
Piezoelectric sensors shown before have been defined as self-generating transducers, in the sense
that they generate an electrical charge proportional to the mechanical energy, which is then
conveniently amplified and transformed into an electrical energy. These devices can also be
designated as active transducers.
Piezoresistive and capacitive sensors are defined as passive sensors (compare to piezoelectric
sensors), requiring the supply of electrical energy. This energy modifies with the change of mechanical
energy, the difference to the input energy being proportional to the structural acceleration.
Piezoresistive accelerometers are composed of a bending beam with bonded strain-gages forming
part or all of an active Wheatstone bridge. The beam supports a seismic mass. As the beam deforms
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under acceleration of the seismic mass, the Wheatstone bridge is unbalanced and the differential
output (proportional to the beam strain) is a measure of acceleration.
Fig. 5-41: Piezoresistive accelerometer

Capacitive accelerometers comprehend a bending beam supporting a seismic mass in a scheme
similar to piezoresistive transducers. In this case, the seismic mass moves from its central support
between two electrodes. The measuring elements form a half-capacitive bridge, which is unbalanced
whenever the seismic mass moves, the differential output measured being proportional to the
structural acceleration.
Fig. 5-42: Capacitive accelerometer

Piezoresistive and capacitive accelerometers basically are adequate for Civil Engineering applications
for flexible structures since they can measure accelerations from DC level.

5.3.3 Force-balance Accelerometers
These sensors belong to the category of passive transducers and are composed, similar to the
piezoresistive and capacitive accelerometers, by mass-spring systems whose motion generates
modification of the DC voltage fed as input. Usually a central plate (mass) is supported on four
suspension beams that are anchored on their tips and acting like a spring. When the transducer
experiences acceleration, the central plate moves causing unequal capacitances between the central
multi-plate electrode and two fixed electrodes. The changes in capacitance are sensed and
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conditioned to generate a DC voltage that is fed back to the capacitor plates and electro statically
forces the central plate back to the equilibrium position. The voltage required to hold the central plate
in equilibrium provides the output signal. This signal is proportional to the structural acceleration.

Force-balance accelerometers have been available for a long time and constitute at present one of the
most employed types of transducers for Civil Engineering applications to large flexible structures.
These transducers have a set of characteristics that fit well the requirements for ambient vibration
testing of flexible structures, such as robustness, the high sensitivity, the operation in the low
frequency range (from DC to as much as 100 Hz) and a significant dynamic range.
5.4 Temperature
Most basic instrumentation programs include measurements of temperatures. Temperature
measurements are generally required for the correction of other measurements. Other applications of
temperature measurements are the determination of temperature gradients for superstructures or for
investigations on the effect of heat of hydration on concrete. Measurements of temperature to
determine the effects of the heat of hydration must be made during the concrete curing period.
Data acquisition for heat of hydration requires that measurements must begin as soon as the concrete
is placed and continue until the concrete temperatures fall to near ambient. Temperatures should be
recorded at 30-minute intervals during the first 24 hours to ensure measurement of the maximum
temperature. Data acquisition for temperature gradients need not begin until the bridge is complete
and need only be made in summer and winter. Temperature readings at hourly intervals will provide
sufficient information. Data acquisitions for freeze-thaw cycles need only be made from late fall to
early spring depending on geographic location. Temperature readings at 30-minute intervals should
provide sufficient information. [3]
5.4.1 Thermocouples
Thermocouples are the most widely used sensors for measuring temperature. They are based on the
Seebeck effect that occurs in electrical conductors that experience a temperature gradient along their
length. A Thermocouple basically consists of two dissimilar metals joined together at one end
(junction), which produce a small unique voltage. The developed Seebeck voltage is a function of the
temperature of the junction. In fact, it was found that the Seebeck voltage is the sum of two voltage
effects: the Peltier effect, generated at the junction, and the Thompson effect, which results from the
temperature gradient in the wires. Thus, the net thermoelectric voltage generated between the open
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ends depends on the temperature difference between junction (T
) and reference end (T
), the
relative Seebeck coefficient of the wire pair and the uniformity of the wire-pair relative Seebeck
coefficient. The reference temperature at the measurement junction can be established using ice
baths, electronically controlled reference temperature devices, compensated reference temperature
systems or zone boxes.
Fig. 5-43: Schematics of Simplest Thermocouple

The simplest thermocouple probe shown in Fig. 5-43 is simply a pair of wires twisted together at one
end with the other end connected to the terminals of a voltmeter.
Thermocouples are available in a variety of forms including different combinations of metals and
calibrations. It is possible to either purchase bulk thermocouple wires bought as spools of insulated
pairs and form a thermocouple junction by welding or soldering them together or to obtain wires with a
junction already formed by the manufacturer. The three most common thermocouple alloys for
moderate temperatures are Iron-Constantan (Type J), Copper-Constantan (Type T), and Chromel-
Alumel (Type K). Each alloy has a different temperature range and environment, although the
maximum temperature varies with the diameter of the wire used in the thermocouple. Chromel-Alumel
thermocouples generate electrical signals, while the wires are being bent, and should not be used on
vibrating systems, unless strain relief loops can be provided. Type T thermocouples are inexpensive
and very sensitive but corrode rapidly at temperatures over 400 C. Type K thermocouples are popular
for general use since they are moderately priced, reasonably corrosion resistant, and usable at
temperatures up to 1372 C. They also have a relatively linear output, which means that for
applications in which accuracy requirements are not too severe, the temperature can be computed by
assuming a linear relationship between temperature and voltage.
Prefabricated sheathed thermocouple probes are available with one of three junction types: grounded,
ungrounded or exposed. At the tip of a grounded junction probe, the thermocouple wires are physically
attached to the inside of the probe wall. This results in good heat transfer from the outside, through the
probe wall to the measurement junction. In an underground probe, the measurement junction is
detached from the probe wall. Response time is slowed down from the grounded style, but the
ungrounded type offers the advantage of electrical isolation. Ungrounded junction is used for
measuring in corrosive conditions. In the exposed junction style, the thermocouple protrudes out of the
tip of the sheath and is exposed to the surrounding environment. This type offers the fastest response
time, but is limited in use to non-corrosive and non-pressurized applications.
Fig. 5-44 shows a circuit for handling multiple thermocouples, in which each voltage is read
separately, including the reference temperature signal. If a dedicated temperature indicator is being
used, the reference temperature branch of the circuit need not be used, since the internal electronics
of the system will always add a correction to the thermocouple signal based on the thermocouple
connection panel temperature.
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Fig. 5-44: Multiple Thermocouples

When good spatial resolution or good transient response is required, a thermocouple is to be preferred
over other common temperature sensors.
[35, 43]
5.4.2 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD)
RTDs are wire wound and thin film devices that work on the physical principle of the temperature
coefficient of electrical resistance of metals. Materials for RTDs can be gold, silver, copper or platinum.
Platinum, however, has become the most-used metal for RTDs due to its linearity with temperature. Its
desirable characteristics include chemical stability, availability in a pure form, and electrical properties
that are highly reproducible. The electrical resistance of the RTD material changes as a function of
temperature. In this way, by measuring the resistance of the element, the temperature of the element
can be determined form tables, calculations or instrumentation. The relationship between resistance
and temperature can be approximated by the Callendar-Van Dusen equation:



| |


o o + =
100 100

T Temperature
R Resistance at temperature T
Resistance at the ice point
o, |, o Constants, dependent on the purity of the metal, which are determined by calibration

RTDs are generally more accurate and more stable over time than thermocouples. They are nearly
linear over a wide range of temperatures and can be made small enough to have response times of a
fraction of a second. They can be used to measure temperature directly, not simply relative
temperature as with thermocouples. On the other hand, RTD probes require an electrical current to
produce a voltage drop across the sensor that can be then measured by a calibrated read-out device.
Unavoidably, the measuring current generates heat in the RTD. A self-heating factor, S, gives the
measurement error for the element in C per milliwatt.
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Basically, an RTD probe is an assembly composed of a resistance element, a sheath, lead wire and a
termination or connection. The sheath, a closed end tube, protects the resistance element against
moisture and the environment to be measured.
Fig. 5-45: RTD, wire wound sensing element

There are a large number of configurations of RTD sensing elements. Wire wound elements (see Fig.
5-45) are made primarily by winding a very fine strand of platinum wire onto a glass or ceramic coil.
The coil is then inserted into a mandrel and powder is packed around it to prevent the sensor from
shorting and to provide vibration resistance. The outer coating prevents damage or contamination.
RTD elements can also be made by depositing platinum as a thin film on a ceramic substrate and then
encapsulating it with ceramic or glass. An advantage of the thin film sensor, shown in Fig. 5-46, is that
a greater resistance can be placed in a smaller area. The thin-film design is a newer technology and is
gaining favor due to lower cost. It is important in the design of RTD probes to minimize strain on the
platinum due to thermal expansion since strain also causes changes in resistance.
Fig. 5-46: RTD, thin film sensing element

As with strain gages, the Wheatstone bridge is an appropriate circuit to measure the resistance
change for an RTD. However, the lead wire used between the resistance element and the measuring
instrument has a resistance itself, this inaccuracy must be compensated. Thus, the optimum form of
connection for RTDs is a four-wire circuit (see Fig. 5-47). It removes the error caused by mismatched
resistance of the lead wires. A constant current is passed through A and C; between B and D the
voltage drop across the RTD is measured. With a constant current, the voltage is strictly a function of
the resistance and a true measurement is achieved. This design is slightly more expensive than two-
or three-wire configurations, but is the best choice when a high degree of accuracy is required.
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Fig. 5-47: Four-wire RTD circuit

[35, 43]
5.4.3 Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors
Several fiber optic sensing concepts have been used in measurement of temperature. These include
reflective, microbending, intrinsic, and other intensity- and phase-modulated concepts. [35]
One type of fiber optic temperature sensor based on the reflective concept measures the displacement
of a bimetallic element used as an indication of temperature variation.
Fig. 5-48: Reflective Fiber Optic Temperature Transducer

Another type of fiber optic temperature sensor consists of a temperature sensing component being
placed on the tip of the fiber optic's "free end". The other end is attached to a measuring system that
collects the desired radiation and processes it into a temperature value. The sensing component can
be made of liquid crystals, semiconductor materials, materials that fluoresce, and other materials that
can change spectral response.
The effects of temperature variations on a semiconducting crystal are well known and predictable.
When the crystals temperature increases, its transmission spectrum shifts to higher wavelengths. The
relationship between the temperature and the specific wavelength at which the absorption shift takes
place is very predictable. The position of the absorption shift is then analyzed and correlated back to
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Fig. 5-49: Schematics of Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement using a Semiconductor Crystal

In Fig. 5-49 a white light source injects light into one of the branches of the coupler. This light travels
down the probes optical fiber to the semiconducting crystal, which absorbs some of it. Unabsorbed
light is reflected by the dielectric mirror and returned down the fiber to the coupler, where it is directed
to a spectrometer.
The concept of microbending is also used for temperature measurement. Using thermal expansion of
a component structure, the sensor can measure the temperature by altering the fiber bend radius with
temperature. [35]
5.5 Durability Monitoring
Beside the solid mechanical quantities described above, there exist a variety of other physical and
chemical processes that take place. Thus, it might be necessary to measure temperatures, humidity
and other electrochemical phenomena to ensure a holistic surveillance concept.
5.5.1 Corrosion
Corrosion of reinforcing bars induces an early deterioration of concrete structures and reduces their
service life. [7] In particular the increased use of deicing salts in the northern climates and the attack
from sea salt in coastal areas has exacerbated concrete rebar corrosion [8]. It causes the reduction of
reinforcing bar section, the cracking of concrete cover produced by the expansion of corrosion
products, and the loss of composite interaction between steel and concrete due to bond deterioration
[7]. The ability to detect this deterioration in its early stages is critical in directing repairs to the most at-
risk bridges and will help optimize the use of limited funds.
The surface of the corroding metal acts as a mixed electrode upon which coupled anodic and cathodic
reactions take place. At anodic sites, metal atoms pass into solution as positively charged ions (anodic
oxidation) and the excess of electrons flow through the metal to cathodic sites where an electron
acceptor like dissolved oxygen is available to consume them (cathodic reduction). The electrons
created in the anodic reaction must be consumed elsewhere on the steel surface establishing the
corrosion reaction. The process is completed by the transport of ions through the aqueous phase,
leading to the formation of corrosion products at the anodic sites either soluble (e.g. ferrous chloride)
or insoluble (e.g. rust, hydrated ferric oxide). If the current caused by the electron flow could be
measured at all, the measured quantity, I
would represent a net effect of the partial currents
resulting from oxidation and reduction. [58]
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red ox net

The corrosion rate CR is proportional to the sum of the partial anodic currents (corrosion current)
causing metal dissolution. CR is defined as the loss of the corroding metal in micrometers per year
[m/a] and can be calculated by [58]:
d zF
M t i
Me a corr 6


corrosion current density [A/m
year in seconds (31557600 s/a)
molar weight of the metal (for iron 0.055847 kg/mol)
z number of electrons (for Fe z = 2)
F Faraday constant (96485 C/mol)
density of the metal (for iron d
= 7860 kg/m

The ferroconcrete system comprises reinforcing bars or reinforcement embedded in concrete, a
medium in which the high alkalinity of the concrete (pH value of 12-14) when cast produces a stable
film of passive oxides on the steel surface, which if maintained prevents any form of active corrosion
from ensuing. However, penetration of aggressive ions, as e.g. chloride from deicing salt or carbonate
from acid rain, will destroy the passivation of the embedded steel. In the presence of oxygen and the
right humidity level in the concrete, corrosion of the steel will start and develop continuously [49].
Corrosion in either carbonated or chloride contaminated concrete reduces the reinforcing bar section.
When steel corrodes it forms rust that occupies a volume much greater than the steel itself. This
exerts large expansive stresses on the surrounding concrete. Because the concrete is low in tensile
strength, these stresses can cause cracking and spalling, which, in turn, permits faster ingress of
water, oxygen and chlorides, accelerating corrosion further. Whereas homogenous attack penetration
at the bars occurs in carbonated concrete, chlorides usually produce localized attack and cause a
significant section decrease. [7] Chloride Contamination
Chloride ions are by far the most common contributor to premature corrosion in reinforced concrete
structures. Chloride contamination is mostly due to the penetration of chloride ions from the outside
[9]. Chloride is common in nature and may be introduced in concrete through admixtures, deicing
salts, industrial chemicals, seawater or contamination of concrete mix water or aggregates.
Chloride induced corrosion of steel in concrete is at least at the beginning characterized by a very
localized attack with the development of active/passive macrocells [51]. The coexistence of unattacked
(passive) and corroding areas on the same rebar network form a short circuited galvanic element with
a high corrosion current on the active area. This macrocell corrosion is by nature very much more
aggressive than the microcell corrosion that occurs in the case of carbonation leading to
depassivation. This is essentially because in macrocell corrosion the anode area is very small in
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relation to the total cathode area available, which leads to intense localized corrosion. In the fullness of
time the small pits will merge to form larger anodic sites, but there will always be alternate areas of
anode and cathode along the rebar. These most often exist with an excess of cathode over anode and
the attendant higher rates of corrosion that are so typical in the chloride environment. [57]
Fig. 5-50: Schematic representation of a corrosion marco cell [51]

Apart from the dominating influence of the concrete porosity and the pore size distribution the water
and chloride uptake is also strongly related to the humidity gradients present in the cover part of the
concrete structures [10]. The process of chloride ions building up until a corrosion-inducing limit value
has been reached depends on the supply of chloride from the ambient conditions outside on the one
hand and, to a substantial degree, on the concrete technology parameters influencing chloride
transport and the binding of chloride taking place during this. The cement type and the water cement
ratio are the essential influencing parameters in this context. As chloride corrosion of the
reinforcement can only be caused by free chloride ions available, the decisive factor in connection to
corrosion of the reinforcement is actually not the total chloride content, but rather the fraction of
uncombined, free chloride. [9]
Up till now the free chloride content could only be determined from pore water expression of cores, a
highly destructive and costly technique. In contrast to that, the quantitative determination of the total
chloride content of concrete, which is carried out by decomposition of the concrete meal in acid and
subsequent potentiometric titration using silver nitrate solution, is a relatively simple and safe
determination method. This is the reason why national and international sets of rules relate the critical
limit value to the total chloride content relative to cement. Evaluation of the literature on the critical
chloride content has shown that a lower corrosion-inducing critical total chloride content ranges at
around 0.2 % by mass relative to cement content [9].
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Carbonation can also reduce the alkalinity of concrete thereby permitting corrosion to occur.
Carbonation occurs when carbon dioxide from the air reacts with the concrete to reduce concrete's
pH. This process involves a chemical change in the concrete in which the calcium hydroxide hydration
compounds are converted into calcium carbonate compounds, hence the term carbonation. As a
consequence reinforcement steel is not protected any longer by passivity in high alkalinity.
Carbonation of concrete also induces additional shrinkage, which may cause crack formation.
The natural weathering process of carbonation should by design never be able to reach the
reinforcement during the expected lifetime of the structure. In practice perhaps the concrete cover or
quality can be compromised in construction and situations can arise in which the carbonation front has
reached the steel, in which case there will be a manifestation in the form of the cracking and spalling.
[57] Carbonation is normally a slow process, but can be accelerated by concrete cracking or
inadequate concrete cover. Corrosion Measurement
Several methods have been developed for detecting and evaluating the effects of steel corrosion in
concrete. These methods include visual inspection, chaining or sounding for delamination, pH level
determination, potential measurements, polarization techniques, and x-ray spectography. However,
many of these methods require concrete cores to be brought into the laboratory for testing. In addition,
the laboratory methods require significant technical expertise to perform them. Additionally, the
evaluation of the results from many of the tests rely on subjective or statistical interpretations from
previously reported tests. Further, different researchers use different methods of testing and
evaluating. In most instances no clearly reproducible results may be obtained, therefore an
unequivocal comparison of the results may not be possible. Due to the high complexity of the
phenomenon, reliable methods of corrosion detection and evaluation have developed slowly [51].
The easiest and most straightforward method for detecting steel corrosion in reinforced and
prestressed concrete structures is the visual inspection for rust staining and cracking [49]. Rust stains
that follow the line of reinforcement clearly indicate steel corrosion. When corrosion progresses
further, cracking of the steel concrete cover occurs. Direct or remote inspection techniques are used to
detect obvious signs of corrosion, such as physical damage in the form of spalling or cracking. Visual
observation can range from cursory examination to detailed mapping of the surface. Core sampling is
often performed if the visual observation suggests that further evidence is needed. However, visual
observation is subjective and provides corrosion detection only after significant corrosion has
occurred. Core sampling is destructive and requires repair of the concrete. [8]
Another approach is the chloride determination, a method that establishes the likelihood as to whether
or not corrosion is occurring. The significance of a chloride analysis lies within the spectrum of simply
determining that the concentration is sufficient to cause steel to change from a passive to an active
corrosion state. Beyond the threshold value of chloride concentration necessary to cause corrosion,
the rate of corrosion is a function of many variables, but in particular of moisture content. Therefore,
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even though a bridge slab may have more chlorides than the threshold value, it may not be in an
active state when considering ambient and environmental factors, which are necessary for corrosion.
Likewise, if a bridge deck is in an active corrosion state, additional amounts of chlorides may have little
effect on the corrosion [50].
Fig. 5-51: Corrosion Sensor Unit developed by Zimmermann, Schiegg, Elsener and Bhni [51,53]

Environmental factors such as the humidity content of the concrete, the chloride concentration or the
oxygen content of the adjacent pore solution are decisive for the rate of corrosion propagation.
Therefore the conductivity of the concrete cover, the chloride concentration or the pore water solution
and the corrosion current of rebars as well as the temperature are important parameters to be
monitored over an extended period of time [11]. Additional information about humidity gradients
occurring in the cover concrete and the extent of the humidity exchange zone (transport zone) would
be highly desirable to improve the prediction of the corrosion behavior of reinforced concrete
structures. [10]
Table 5-1: Methods for corrosion measurement [61]
Corrosion Measurements on the Actual Rebar:
Half-cell potential measurements
Galvanostatic pulse method
Visual inspection
Seismic method
Infrared Thermography
Acoustic emission
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Corrosion Measurements on Embedded Probes:
Potentiodynamic polarization methods
Localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Corrosion macrocell current measuring
Electrochemical noise
Acoustic emission
Radiography and radiometry Radar
Electrical resistivity of concrete
Electrical resistance method
Optical fibber sensors
Magnetic technique
Microwave based Thermoreflectometry Half-cell Potential Measurements
For an electrochemical mechanism such as galvanic corrosion to occur, there must be a potential
difference. Potential methods such as the half-cell potential method rely on this known condition for
corrosion detection. In particular, the half-cell potential method measures voltage gradients or drops
by use of a high-impedance voltmeter and a constant voltage reference cell. The half-cell consists of a
metal rod immersed in a solution of its own ions. The metal rod is connected with the reinforcement
steel by a voltmeter, and the ion solution is connected to the pore water via a moist porous plug.
Fig. 5-52: Principle of Half-cell potential measurement

The reference cell possesses a constant internal voltage, which allows voltage changes existing on
the reinforcement to be measured. The measuring method is based on many measurements of
potential and correlation of measured potentials with observed corrosion rate at reinforcement. This
method provides both an effective means for determining if corrosion is occurring and the extent of
corrosion distress. However, if corrosion has occurred and then was arrested by some means, the
method proves ineffective in detecting this [52]. Another reservation in applying this method is that
corrosion in rebars embedded in concrete decks is usually localized in certain areas, while other areas
remain free of it. This highly non-uniform condition is difficult to evaluate. The erratic nature of the
results can cast (sometimes unduly) doubt on the procedure. [31]
Nevertheless, this method is applicable for members regardless their size or the depth of cover over
the reinforcing steel. It can be used in structures which show no visible signs of distress to determine
when corrosion initiates, or in a structure which shows severe corrosion distress to determine the
extent of corrosion [52]. As a tool used in initial characterization, it is required to examine as much of
the structure as possible. Hand Held Equipment
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The half-cell is moved across the concrete surface to be investigated, and the electrode potentials are
measured at many points [61]. The measured potential is drawn as equipotential lines to identify the
corrosion areas [59]. Extra devices are constructed to accelerate measuring [60]. Embedded Reference Electrodes
Results obtained by means of the hand held equipment are not accurate, because there is a concrete
layer between half-cell and steel with variations in resistance and thickness. To avoid negative effects
of the concrete layer, half-cells can be embedded in concrete close to the reinforcing steel. Different
reference electrodes are commercially available. A potential between the steel and electrode can be
measured by using the half-cell. The advantage of the method is great sensitivity, which makes the
method suitable for measurements of pitting corrosion at the large concrete structures. [61] Galvanostatic Pulse Technique
In this technique a short time anodic pulse is applied galvanostaticially on the reinforcement, from a
counter electrode positioned on the surface of the concrete. The resultant rebar potential change is
monitored by means of a reference electrode, also located on the concrete surface, and the high
impedance voltmeter [62].
The slope of the potential vs. time curve, measured during the current pulse, has been used to provide
information on the rebar corrosion state. Passive rebar reportedly has a relatively high slope, while
rebar undergoing localized corrosion has a very small slope. In the latter case, the rebar potential only
shifts by a few millivolts under the applied current pulse [51]. The potential data has also been used to
obtain a measure of the concrete resistivity (for a given depth of cover) [51]. The technique is
reportedly very rapid and may facilitate more unambiguous information on the rebar corrosion state
than is possible by simple potential mapping [51]. Measurements with Embedded Sensors
Measuring with embedded probes may have several purposes. The type and number of probes will
depend on these aims. Examples of applications are to:
- Follow the effectiveness of a repaired structure or of a surface treatment.
- Monitor the advance of the carbonation front or of the chloride threshold.
- Detect the beginning of reinforcement corrosion.
- Control a cathodic protection installation.
The variables which can be measured at present by means of suitable electrochemical embedded
sensors are:
- Electrochemical potential
- Corrosion rate
- Resistivity and electrical resistance
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- Oxygen availability
- Temperature
- Macrocell current
- Chloride content and carbonation
- Humidity variations Potentiodynamic Polarization Methods
Polarization methods involve changing the potential of the working electrode and monitoring the
current, which is produced as a function of time or potential. Several methods may be used in
polarization of specimens for corrosion testing. Potentiodynamic polarization is a technique where the
potential of the electrode is varied at a selected rate by application of a current through the electrolyte.
It is probably the most commonly used polarization testing method for measuring corrosion resistance
and is used for a wide variety of functions [65]:
- Cyclic polarization tests
- Cyclic voltammetry
- Potentiostaircase method
- Electrochemical potentiodynamic reactivation (EPR)
- Linear polarization resistance (LPR) Linear Polarization Resistance
In the LPR technique, a potential (typically of the order of 10-20 mV) is applied to a freely corroding
sensor element and the resulting ("linear") current response is measured. This small potential
perturbation is usually applied step-wise, starting below the free corrosion potential and terminating
above the free corrosion potential [64]. The polarization resistance of a material is defined as the slope
of the potential-current density (AE/Ai) curve at the free corrosion potential, yielding the polarization
resistance R
that can be itself related to the corrosion current, according to:
R =

Polarization resistance (kO)
AE Potential response (mV)
Ai Applied current (mA)
Corrosion intensity (A/cm)
B Empirical polarization resistance constant, it can be related to the anodic/cathodic Tafel slopes

The measurement of polarization resistance has very similar requirements to the measurement of full
polarization curves. There are essentially four different methods of making the measurement
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according to whether the current or the potential is controlled and whether the current (or potential) is
swept smoothly from one value to another, or simply switched between two values. In addition the
measurement may be made between two nominally identical electrodes (a two-electrode system), or a
conventional three-electrode system (working, reference and counter) may be used [65].
Fig. 5-53: Half Cell embedded in concrete [65]

If linear polarization is used in corrosion monitoring then in new construction the measurement can be
made with an embedded half cell against a mild steel working electrode with one or more stainless
steel auxiliary electrodes, as shown in Fig. 5-53. The system has been designed to fit into the rebar
cage. A cable runs from the unit to a multipin socket fixed to the formwork. After casting and curing the
concrete, the formwork is removed, leaving the socket exposed for connection to a hand held or
permanently wired monitoring system [65]. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) uses polarization with alternating current.
Instrumentation for measurements is more sophisticated than for other polarization measurements,
consisting of a potentiostat and spectrum analyzer. Reinforcement is maintained at its corrosion
potential E
by the potentiostat, with application of a sinusoidal potential (10 to 20 mV) in a wide
frequency range. The response at input signal is also sinusoidal with phase shift relative to the input
signal. The EIS method in its basic formulation is very attractive because it can determine polarization
resistance and add extra information about the corrosion process. High frequency range can give
information about dielectric properties of concrete, and low frequency range information about
dielectric properties of passivity film on the steel [61]. However, EIS data generation and analysis
generally requires specialist electrochemical knowledge and can be rather lengthy, making it
unsuitable for rapid evaluation of corrosion rates [62].
Data obtained by the conventional EIS technique are averaged across the entire area of the sample,
and this technique isn't suitable for application for chloride induced pitting corrosion. To avoid
problems, localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (LEIS) is developed. The principles of
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LEIS are similar to those in conventional EIS, but LEIS combines both established direct current
scanning probe methods with alternating current impedance techniques [61]. Electrochemical Sensor for Chloride- and Resistivity Measurements
In Fig. 5-54 a chloride sensitive sensor element based on a solid AgCl (silver chloride) electrode for
use in cement paste, mortar and concrete is shown. The chloride sensor is mounted in a stainless
steel tube, which also allows to observe simultaneously the humidity conditions by measuring the
resistivity between different sensors. The central chloride sensitive element is a silver wire coated with
electrochemical deposited silver chloride (AgCl). The electrical insulation between the AgCl coated
wire and the stainless steel tube is obtained by a small, flexible Teflon tube. Finally an epoxy resin is
used as sealer to prevent ingress of solution into the stainless steel or Teflon tube. Each sensor has
two electrical connections, one to the silver wire (chloride sensor) and one to the stainless steel tube
for resistivity measurements. [10]

Fig. 5-54: Chloride sensitive sensor element

1 silver wire
2 AgCl coating
3 teflon tube
4 stainless steel tube
5 epoxy sealing
6 insulation

For field applications the sensors are casted into mortar cores or mounted in concrete cores taken
from the structure. The sensor element shall be placed at the same level as the steel rebar and
situated parallel to it. The potential of the chloride sensors and the rebars are measured versus an
reference electrode embedded in the surrounding concrete. [10]
This chloride and resistivity sensor for use in cement based materials has been developed and tested
at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zrich in Switzerland. The results show: [10]
- The potential depends linearly on the logarithm of the chloride concentration in the pore water
solutions and follows Nernst law with a good linearity in a large concentration range. The
sensors show an excellent stability and reproducibility.
- The chloride sensor allows to determine the free chloride concentration in pore water of
mortars. Depassivation of rebars in bulk pore water solution occurs when the Cl
- ratio is
> 1. In mortars depassivation takes already place at lower ratios most probably due to crevice
effect, therefore no critical threshold value exits.
- With resistance measurements between neighboring sensors the water uptake can
continuously be monitored in the cover zone. The water and chloride ingress occurs
differently. A significant time lag between the water and chloride front exists.
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- Sensor arrays in mortar and concrete cores for field application have been developed. Further
experiments to test the reliability of the sensor arrays and the electronic instrumentation of the
monitoring units have to be carried out. Corrosion Macrocell Current Measurement
During the corrosion process, corrosion macrocells are formed with a distribution of anodic and
cathodic areas. Voltage in a macrocell element equal to potential difference between active and
passive steel gives the corrosion current [61]. The macro cell current measured between embedded
rebar probes can serve as an indication of the severity of corrosion [62].
Interestingly, the concept of measuring a macro cell current as indicator of corrosion severity can also
be applied to probe elements of identical materials and exposed to the same environment. It may be
somewhat surprising that a significant current will flow between nominally identical probe elements but
this principle has been used in commercial corrosion monitoring and surveillance systems for many
years. It can be argued that such measurements are mainly relevant to detecting the breakdown of
passivity and the early stages of corrosion damage. If extensive corrosion damage is occurring on
both the probe elements, the macro cell current measured will not accurately reflect the severity of
attack [62]. Electrochemical Noise
Fluctuations of potential and current, generated spontaneously by the corrosion process, make
electrochemical noise. Analysis of fluctuations after spectral decomposition gives not only finding of
corrosion, but also characterization of the corrosion process [61]. For these measurements, three
nominally identical rebar probe elements can be conveniently embedded in the concrete [62].
Advantage of the electrochemical noise method is absence of external current or voltages supply
which perturbate system. Measured signals can be analyzed by mathematical analysis. In the case of
complicated kinds of corrosion, like metastabile pitting corrosion or corrosion inhibitor induced by
unstable passivation, mathematical analysis becomes unsuccessful, and some researchers suggest
application of chaos theory at corrosion electrochemistry [63, 61].
5.6 References
1. CEB Task Group 1/4, Y. Schiegg, B. Elsener, H. Bhni, Potential mapping on reinforced
concrete bridges, Workshop on the Evaluation and Monitoring of Existing Concrete Structures
2. K. Duff, M. Hyzak, Structural Monitoring with GPS, 1997
3. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Implementation Program
on High Performance Concrete, Guidelines for Instrumentation of Bridges, August 1996
4. G. A. Washer, Developing NDE Technologies for Infrastructure Assessment, Public Roads
5. F-K. Chang, Structural Health Monitoring: A Summary Report on the First Stanford Workshop
on Structural Health Monitoring, Sept. 18 20, 1997
6. Bridge and Structures Related Research Summary, Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of
Highway Bridges, June 1997
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14.06.2002 136
7. J. Rodrguez, L.M. Ortega, J. Casal, J.M. Dez, Assessing Structural Conditions of Concrete
Structures with Corroded Reinforcement, International Congress: Concrete in the Service of
Mankind, Conference No. 5 Concrete Repair Rehabilitation and Protection, Dundee, UK, June
8. A.D. Zdunek, D. Prine, Z. Li, E. Landis, S. Shah, Early Detection of Steel Rebar Corrosion by
Acoustic Emission Monitoring, CORROSION95, the NACE International Annual Conference
and Corrosion Show, 1995
9. W. Breit, Critical Corrosion Inducing Chloride Content State of the Art (Part 1),
Betontechnische Berichte, Beton 7/98
10. L. Zimmermann, Y. Schiegg, B. Elsener, H. Bhni, Electrochemical Techniques for Monitoring
the Conditions of Concrete Bridge Structures
11. Y. Schiegg, H. Bhni, Online-Monitoring der Korrosion an Stahlbetonbauwerken, Beton- und
Stahlbetonbau 95, 2000, Heft 2, Ernst & Sohn
12. H. Bogath, Verkehrslastmodelle fr Straenbrcken, Institute of Structural Engineering, PhD
Dissertation, 1997
13. D. Inaudi, S. Vurpillot, N. Casanova, P. Kronenberg, Structural monitoring by curvature
analysis using interferometric fiber optic sensors, Smart Mater. Struct. 7 (1998), 199-208
14. G. Meltz, W.W. Morey, W.H. Glenn, Formation of Bragg-Gratings in Optical Fibers by a
Transverse Holographic Method, Optics Letters, 14(1989)15, 823-825.
15. S. Melle ,M., K. Liu, R. Measures, Practical fiber-optic Bragg grating strain gage system,
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16. V.E. Saouma, D.Z. Anderson, K. Ostrander, B. Lee, V. Slowik, Application of fiber Bragg
grating in local and remote infrastructure health monitoring, Materials and Structures,
31(1998), 259-266.
17. U. Sennhauser, P. Brnnimann, P. Mauron, P.M. Nellen, Reliability of optical fibers and Bragg
grating sensors for bridge monitoring, International Workshop on Fiber Optic Sensors for
Construction Materials and Bridges, Newark, New Jersey (USA), May 3-6, 1998, Technomic
Publishing Company, Lancaster, 117-128.
18. R. Maaskant, A.T. Alavie, R.M. Measures, G. Tadros, S.H. Rizkalla, A. Guha-Thakurta, Fiber
optic Bragg grating sensors for bridge monitoring, Cement and Concrete Composites,
19(1997), 21-33.
19. S.T. Vohra, C.C. Chang, B.A. Danver, B. Althouse, M.A. Davis, R. Irdiss, Preliminary results
on the monitoring of an in-service bridge using a 32-channel fiber Bragg grating sensor,
International Workshop on Fiber Optic Sensors for Construction Materials and Bridges,
Newark, New Jersey (USA), May 3-6, 1998, Technomic Publishing Company, Lancaster, 148-
20. R. Idriss, K.R. White, J.W. Pate, S.T. Vohra, C.C. Chang, B.A. Danver, M.A. Davis, Monitoring
and evaluation of an interstate highway bridge using a network of optical fiber sensors,
International Workshop on Fiber Optic Sensors for Construction Materials and Bridges,
Newark, New Jersey (USA), May 3-6, 1998, Technomic Publishing Company, Lancaster, 159-
21. T. Klink, J. Meiner, V. Slowik, Dehnungsmessung an einer Spannbetonbrcke mit Faser-
Bragg-Gitter-Sensoren, Bautechnik, 74 (1997) 6, 401-405.
22. R.M. Measures, Bragg grating fibre optic sensing for bridges and other structures, Second
European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Oct. 12-14, 1994, Glasgow/UK,
SPIE Vol. 2361, 162-167.
23. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Policy
Information, Traffic Monitoring Guide, Executive Summary, May 1, 2001
24. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, States Successful
Practices Weigh-in-Motion Handbook, Dec. 1997
25. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Implementation Program
on High Performance Concrete, Guidelines for Instrumentation of Bridges, August 1996
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14.06.2002 137
29. S. Yuyama, Fundamental Aspects of Acoustic Emission Applications to the Problems Caused
by Corrosion, Corrosion Monitoring in Industrial Plants Using Nondestructive Testing and
Electrochemical Methods, ASTM STP 908, ASTM STP 908, eds. G.C. Moran and P. Labine
(Philadelphia, PA: ASTM, 1986), pp. 4374.
30. V. Saouma, Bridge Diagnostic Inc., Boulder, Colorado, ITLL Structural Monitoring System,
January 1997
31. B. Yanev, Past Experience and Future Needs for Bridge Monitoring in New York City, 6th
International Workshop on Material Properties and Design, Present and Future of Health
Monitoring, Bauhaus University, Sept. 2000, pp 93 108, AEDIFICATIO Publishers
32. International Road Dynamics Inc., Weigh-In-Motion Technology Comparisons, Technical Brief,
January 2001
33. S. Vurpillot, G. Krueger, D. Benouaich, D. Clment, D. Inaudi, Vertical Deflection of a Pre-
Stressed Concrete Bridge Obtained Using Deformation Sensors and Inclinometer
Measurements, ACI Structural Journal, V. 95, No. 5, September-October 1998
34. A. Selvarajan, A. Asundi, Photonics, Fiber Optic Sensors and their Applications in Smart
Structures, Journal of Non-destructive Evaluation, Vol. 15(2), pp. 41-56. 1995.
35. A. J. Wheeler, A. R. Ganji, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, Prentice-Hall Inc.,
36. D. Inaudi, S. Vurpillot, S. Lloret, In-line coherence multiplexing of displacement sensors: a
fiber optic extensometer, SPIE, Smart Structures and Materials, 1996, San Diego, USA
37. Transactions in Measurement and Control, Vol. 3, Force Related Measurements, OMEGA
38. E. Udd, W. Schulz, J. Seim, J. Corones, H.M. Laylor, Fiber Optic Sensors for Infrastructure
Applications, SPR 374, Report No. FHWA-OR-RD-98-18, February 1998
39. D. Donlagic, Fiber optic sensors: An introduction and overview
40. K.A. LaBel, C.J. Marshall, P.W. Marshall, P.J. Luers, R.A. Reed, M.N. Ott, C.M. Seidleck, D.J
Andrucyk, On the Suitability of Fiber Optic Data Links in the Space Radiation Environment: A
Historical and Scaling Technology Perspective, NSREC98 July, 1998.
41. J.P. Warhus, S.D. Nelson, J.E. Mast, E. M. Johansson, Advanced Ground-Penetrating,
Imaging Radar for Bridge Inspection
42. G. Shubinsky, Visual & Infrared Imaging for Bridge Inspection, 1994
44. B. Jaeger, M. Sansalone, R. Poston, Using Impact-Echo to Assess Tendon Ducts, Concrete
International, Vol. 19' No. 2, February 1997 .
45. N.J. Carino, The Impact-Echo Method: An Overview, Proceedings of the 2001 Structures
Congress & Exposition, May 21- 23, 2001, Washington D.C., ASCE
47. H.L. Imfeld, D. Plouffe, R. Ruland, Pellissier H5 Hydrostatic Level, Proceedings of the 5

International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment, 1997
49. S. Rostam, Assessment an repair strategies for deteriorating concrete bridges, 3

International Workshop on Bridge Rehabilitation, Darmstadt, (1992)
50. CEB TG 5.4, Strategies for testing and assessment of concrete structures, Bulletin
d'information No. 234, Lausanne, (1998)
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51. B. Elsener, H. Bhni, Potential mapping and corrosion of steel in concrete, Corrosion rate of
steel in concrete, ASTM STP 1065, Berke, N. S., Chaker, V., Whiting D., eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 143-156, (1990)
52. U. Santa, K. Bergmeister, Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Techniques in Structural
Health Monitoring, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Material Properties
and Design, Bauhaus University Weimar, Sept. 2000, AEDIFICATIO Publishers
53. L. Zimmermann, Y. Schiegg, B. Elsener, H. Bhni, Electrochemical techniques for monitoring
the conditions of concrete bridge structures, Repair of Concrete Structures, Proceedings of
Int. Conference, (1997)
54. U. Santa, K. Bergmeister, A. Strauss, Guaranteeing Structural Service Life Through
Monitoring, 1st fib congress in Osaka 13-19 October 2002, Japan
55. S. Vurpillot, K. Gaston, D. Benouaich, D. Clment, D. Inaudi, Vertical deflection of a pre-
stressed concrete bridge obtained using deformation sensors and inclinometer
measurements, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 95, No. 5, pp. 518, (1998)
56. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Design - Deformation Monitoring and Control
Surveying, Engineer Manual 1110-1-1004, 1994
57. R. van Es, J. Bennett, Galvanic Cathodic Protection, The Galvance System, July 2001
58. F. Pruckner, Corrosion and Protection of Reinforcement in Concrete Measurements and
Interpretation, PhD Thesis, May 2001
59. P.H. Moller, Potential Mapping - an Important Method of Measuring R.C. Structures,
Construction Maintenance & Repair, June 1992, pp. 21-23.
60. J.P. Broomfield, P.E. Langford, A.J. Ewins, The Use of Potential Wheel to Survey Reinforced
Concrete Structures, Corrosion Rates of Steel in Concrete, ASTM STP 1065, N.S. Berke, V.,
Chaker, D. Whiting, EDS, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,1990,
63. M. J. Katwan, T. Hodgkiess, P.D. Arthur, Electrochemical Noise Technique for the Prediction
of Corrosion Rate of Steel in Concrete Materials and Structures, Vol.29, June 1996, pp. 286-
66. A.T. Ciolko, H. Tabatabai, Nondestructive Methods for Condition Evaluation of Prestressing
Steel Strands in Concrete Bridges, Final Report, Phase I: Technology Review, NCHRP Web
Document 23 (Project 10-53), March 1999
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6 Implementation Issues and Data Acquisition
The next chapters will focus on techniques for the acquisition, the modeling, and the interpretation of
knowledge, which are common to most monitoring and measurement systems, regardless, the specific
testing and instrumentation methods which may be employed. This starts with the selection of
appropriate sensing elements and suitable data acquisition components and ends up with the
archiving and representation of the acquired data in well organized databases. Finally the system
modeling (see Chapter 8.1) and its linkage to measured data closes the loop of monitoring and
provides the basis for any analysis and decision making. [3]
A prerequisite for any efficient structural monitoring system is an elaborate conceptualization of the
object to instrument and a careful planning in order to guarantee the validity and accuracy of the
monitoring procedure. The definition of the objective of the instrumentation program usually follows the
realization that something about the structure is not known well enough and that measurements of a
number of quantities at a certain location would be desirable for the sake of economy or safety. The
first step is to reflect on all possible ways the construction might respond to externally induced actions
and to choose which quantities to measure, where to measure them, and to select adequate
instruments to do so. This requires an estimation of the magnitudes of changes in the quantities to be
measured, which allows the definition of the range, resolution, accuracy, and sensitivity of the
instruments selected to measure them. In much the same way, the temporal behavior of the observed
phenomena might be a criterion for the dynamic requirements for both the instruments and the data
acquisition and recording equipment. As next the instrument positions and the number of instrumented
sections have to be determined. Instruments can be installed in trouble spots, such as points where it
is expected that there will be large stress concentrations or points where it is supposed that
deficiencies have already initiated. Alternatively, the instruments can be placed at a number of
representative points or zones of the structure. Nevertheless, the phenomena that occur on a structure
like a bridge and resulting failures are not always the same and depend on the function and type of
structure of the bridge as well as on the used materials. Additionally, there exist a lot of different
sensors and testing methods each of them having its advantages and each of them requiring different
application considerations. The instrumentation and testing layout is finally strongly governed by the
expected problem and the specific interests of the executing engineers. [3]
6.1 Measurement and Sensor Characteristics
Generally speaking, instrument characteristics can be divided into two categories, static and dynamic
ones. The first one describes the parameters of an instrument when the output has settled to a steady
reading. These static characteristics have a fundamental effect on the quality of measurements.
Dynamic characteristics describe the dynamic response of an instrument between the time that a
measured quantity changes and the time when the instrument output attains a constant value. This
section gives a short overview of the most common characteristics that apply to most instruments and
have to be considered in this context [4,5,6].
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A measuring system must be designed to reflect accurately the sensed measurand within the
transducer. Accuracy quantifies the degree of correctness of a measurement. A highly accurate
measurement will have a very small error. However, accuracy does not necessarily include validity,
which represents a degree of faithful reproduction of the measurand as if the measurement system
was not there. The tolerance of an instrument is closely related to the term accuracy. It describes the
maximum deviation of an instrument to its specifications given by the manufacturer. Precision
describes a degree of random variations of an instrument when measuring a constant quantity. In this
sense, we identify an instrument to be precise, if the spread of a large number of readings is very
small. Precision is not to be intended as a synonym for accuracy. Highly precise instruments may have
low accuracy due to a bias, which is usually removable by recalibration of the instrument. In this
context we can frequently find the terms repeatability and reproducibility. They describe the closeness
of output readings when the same input is applied repetitively over a short period of time, they are an
alternative way to express the precision of an instrument. The sensitivity of measurement is a measure
of the change in the instrument output, which occurs when the quantity being measured changes by a
given amount. Resolution is a term that is closely related to the measurement sensitivity of an
instrument. The resolution is the lower limit on the magnitude of the change in the input quantity that
produces an observable change in the instrument output. Resolution is governed by the granularity of
the output scale, i.e. how finely its output scale is divided into subdivisions [5]. Beside the first type of
sensitivity there exists a second type of sensitivity, the sensitivity to disturbance that usually occurs
due to environmental changes that affect an instrument in two main ways, the zero drift and the
sensitivity drift. The latter defines the amount by which the measuring sensitivity varies as ambient
conditions change. The zero drift is the effect where the zero reading of an instrument drifts by a
change in ambient conditions, resulting e.g. in an erroneous offset of the measurement from the
measurand. The term bias describes a constant error over the full range of measurement of an
instrument and is usually removable by recalibration. Usually, measurement devices are calibrated to
behave according to the characteristics and specifications by the manufacturer. However, when using
the instrument over a certain period, the behavior of the instrument can diverge from these
specifications for a variety of different reasons, such as harsh environmental conditions. In this case it
is necessary to recalibrate the instrument back to the given specifications. This is usually done by a
second reference instrument that is assumed to meet the standard specifications. Calibration ensures
that the measuring accuracy of all instruments is known over the whole measurement range, provided
that the instruments are used in environmental conditions that are the same as those under which they
were calibrated. For evidence it is desirable, that the output reading of an instrument is linearly
proportional to the quantity being observed. The degree of non-linearity can be seen as the maximum
deviation of a single measurement to the theoretical linear relation between physical phenomenon and
the output of the measurement. Non-linearity is usually expressed as a percentage of full scale
readings. The hysteresis is an output characteristic of an instrument, where the output paths for cyclic
steadily increasing and decreasing do not coincide. It is usually caused by such effects as friction and
electrical capacitance. Instruments that suffer significant hysteresis exhibit a so called dead space,
which is defined as the range of different input values over which no change in the output value can be
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observed. A similar characteristic of an instrument is the threshold, the minimum level of an inputs
magnitude before a change on the instruments output can be detected.
When measuring we want the instruments to truly state the actual value of a measurand. In any
measurement system it is important to minimize errors in instrument readings to the minimum possible
level and to quantify the maximum error, which may exist. The deviation of a systems output and the
actual value of a system must be small enough so that the result can be used for the intended
purposes. Simply stated, all errors mentioned in the previous paragraphs are defined as the difference
between the measured value and the true value of the measurand [4,6]. Systematic errors describe
errors in the output readings that affect consistently only on one side of the correct reading. Common
sources of systematic errors are non-calibrated instruments, poor cabling and shielding practice, not
considering thermal effects, etc. Sometimes even the measurement itself can be a source of system
disturbance by influencing the measured quantity. Random errors are perturbations of the
measurement caused by random and unpredictable effects. Different from systematic error, random
errors affect the measurement in a non constant way and therefore detection and treatment might be
difficult. Errors that occur randomly can usually be eliminated by statistical methods. The examination
whether an observed error is systematic or random is important to identify and isolate the source of an
error and to apply the appropriate treatment. Finally, the overall behavior of a measurement system
and the total measurement system error are of interest. Measurement systems often consist of several
components, each of which is subject to systematic and random errors. Once the different sources of
errors are identified and quantified, we can calculate the total error of the measuring system by the
aggregation of the single error sources. To get a total error calculation it remains to investigate how
the errors associated with each component of a measurement system combine together.
6.1.1 Electrical Signal Measurements
Most of today's state-of-the-art systems for monitoring and process control are based upon our most
effective productivity machine - the computer. Even if these machines are offering a wide range of
capabilities, most real-world signals cannot be read directly by digital computers, they are represented
by analog signals distinguished by their continuum of levels, while computers recognize only digital
levels. Therefore, additional equipment is required, that translates real-world signals in a format that
digital computers can accept. The variety of sensors, measuring procedures and the underlying
physical realities leads to the necessity for a signal modification subsystem. The sensing element has
a significant physical characteristic that changes in response to changes in the measurand. The signal
modification subsystem changes the output of the sensing element in some way to make it more
suitable for the used indicating or recording devices. These three subsystems are quite obvious in
most measuring and monitoring systems. [3]
The most common way of implementing engineering measurement and monitoring applications is
based on sensing and data acquisition devices that use electrical signals to transmit information
between the components. The electrical properties of a device or one of its components are caused to
change by the measurand, either directly or indirectly. This is usually achieved by changes in a
resistance, capacitance, current or voltage. Even if the measurement principle of a sensor is not an
electrical one, the measurand value is usually mapped to and accessible by a standard electrical
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interface. In this case we speak of a signal conditioning unit that prepares the measuring output for
further use. Many transducers are based on a two stage architecture. In one stage, the measurand
causes a physical but not necessarily electrical change in a sensor. The second stage then converts
that physical change into an electrical signal. In this context we could define the first stage device as
the sensor, while the whole system could be defined as a transmitter. But signal conditioning does not
only mean the conversion of a non-electrical signal into an electrical one, there are many possible
functions for the signal conditioning stage [5].
6.1.2 Signal Conditioning
Transducer outputs must often be conditioned to provide a signal suitable for the following data
acquisition hardware. Amplification is the most common type of conditioning. The amplitude of analog
input signals can vary over a very wide range, but most sensing elements originally deliver almost low-
level outputs. On the one hand it is difficult to transmit such signals over wires of great length, on the
other hand most processing hardware is designed to work best when their inputs are in the range of
10V or 0 to 20 mA. For the highest possible accuracy, the signal must be amplified so that the
maximum voltage range of the conditioned signal equals the maximum input range of the A/D
converter. Very high resolution of the latter reduces the need for high amplification and provides wide
dynamic ranges. Ideally, an amplifier would have several choices of gain that is applied to the low-
level signals. The amplifier units should preferably be located close to the transducers, sending only
high-level signals to the A/D-converter, to minimize the effects of noise on the readings. In some cases
the output of a measuring unit will provide a voltage output with an amplitude that is higher than the
input range of the next component. In this case the signal must be reduced to a suitable level for
further elaboration. One method of attenuating signals by analog means is to use a potentiometer
connected in a voltage-dividing circuit. Nevertheless, dividing networks of this type might be affected
by some potential loading problems and attenuation can be frequency dependent [5]. Another issue in
signal conditioning is to isolate the transducer signals from the data acquisition and elaboration
hardware for safety purposes. The system that is subject to monitoring activities may contain high-
voltage transients that could damage a component of the measuring system. Another important
reason for needing isolation is to make sure that the readings are not affected by differences in ground
potentials or common-mode voltages. Signal filtering removes unwanted noise from a signal by
processing the signal so that a certain band of frequencies within the signal cannot pass. The band of
frequencies removed can be at the low-frequency end of the spectrum (lowpass), at high frequency
end (highpass), at both ends (bandpass), or in the middle of the frequency spectrum (bandstop).
There are two common reasons for filtering. The first one is the situation in which there is parasitic
noise (such as 50 Hz power-line noise) imposed on the signal. The second occurs when a data
acquisition system samples the signal at discrete times. In this case, filtering is necessary to avoid the
aliasing problem. Like the noise filter, the antialiasing filter is a lowpass filter. However, it has a very
steep cutoff rate, so that it almost completely removes all frequency components higher than the input
bandwidth of the data acquisition board. If these signals are not removed, they erroneously appear as
signals within the bandwidth of the acquisition board. Although filtering is usually achieved by the use
of hardware filters, they can be equally realized as software filters.
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If the output of a transducer has a non-linear relationship to the measured input quantity, a process
called linearization can convert this signal to a linear one by special operational amplifier
configurations. Many transducers, such as thermocouples, have a nonlinear response to changes in
the phenomenon being measured. To linearize the signal, the amplifier must be configured with an
equal and opposite non-linear relationship between the amplifier input and output terminals.
Many transducers, such as e.g. electrical resistance strain gages, require external voltage or current
excitation. Signal conditioning modules usually provide these signals. Additionally, many transducers
are resistance devices in a Wheatstone bridge configuration, which often require bridge completion
circuitry and well defined excitation sources.
Finally, signal conditioning includes processing techniques to manipulate signals. For instance, many
monitoring and control processes use current to transmit signals rather than voltage. Hence, a voltage
to current conversion is important. On the other side there exist a variety of transducers that produce
frequency-modulated signals. In this case converting a frequency signal to a voltage, current, or
resistance signal might be useful.
6.1.3 Wiring and Noise Considerations
Signals entering a data acquisition system include unwanted noise. Whether this noise is troublesome
depends on the signal-to-noise ratio and the specific application. In general, it is desirable to minimize
noise to achieve high accuracy. Digital signals are relatively immune to noise because of their discrete
and high-level nature. In contrast, analog signals are directly influenced by relatively low-level
disturbances. Unfortunately, measuring analog signals with a data acquisition circuitry is not always as
simple as wiring the signal source leads to the data acquisition board. Therefore, considerations with
regard to an accurate wiring, grounding, and shielding should help to reduce interference noise pick up
mechanisms. Signals come in two forms: referenced and non-referenced signal sources, or in other
terms, grounded and floating signal sources. Depending on the signal to be measured and the
available connecting possibilities (non referenced single ended, referenced single ended, differential)
offered by the data acquisition hardware, a convenient grounding and connecting solution has to be
selected so that different chassis- and grounding-potentials cannot affect the measurement.
One method of reducing errors due to capacitive coupling is to use a shield. The shield blocks the
interfering current and directs it to the ground. When using shielded wires, it is very important to
connect only one end of the shield to ground. The connection should be made at the data acquisition
system-end of the cable. Connecting both ends of the shield can generate significant errors by
inducing ground-loop currents. A shield can work in three different ways: bypass capacitively coupled
electric fields, absorb magnetic fields, and reflect radiated electromagnetic fields. Another approach is
to use twisted pairs. These cables offer several advantages. Twisting of the wires ensures a
homogeneous distribution of capacitances. Capacitances both to ground and to extraneous sources
are balanced. This is effective in reducing capacitive coupling while maintaining high common-mode
rejection. From the perspective of both capacitive and magnetic interferences, errors are induced
equally into both wires. The result is a significant error cancellation. The use of shielded or twisted-pair
wires is suggested whenever low-level signals are involved. With low impedance sensors, the largest
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gage-connecting wires that are practical should be used to reduce lead-wire resistance effects. On the
other hand, large connecting wires that are physically near thermal sensing elements tend to carry
heat away from the source, generating measurement errors. This is known as thermal shunting, and it
can be very significant in some applications. There is no direct answer to the question, what the
maximum allowable cable length should be. Signal source type, signal level, cable type, noise source
types, noise intensity, distance between noise source and cable, noise frequency, signal frequency
range and requested accuracy are just some of the variables to consider.
6.2 Instrumentation Issues
Although there are a variety of sensors available in the market, they may not be readily applicable to
monitoring the condition of large continuous structures. A network of distributed reliable and
economical sensors is required. Accordingly, key technology issues in the sensing are as follows [2]:
- Distributed sensors: Techniques will need to be developed to distribute a large array of
sensors in a network economically and effectively. This area is particular important for civil
infrastructures, because these structures are typically large.
- Remote sensing: Wireless communication between local sensors and a controller is needed.
As the number of sensors increases with the size of the structures, so does the number of
communication wires. The management and handling of hundreds and thousands of wires can
be difficult and challenging. With remote sensing capability, data could be gathered locally, but
the structures could be monitored remotely.
- Sensor reliability and integrity: The failure of sensors or actuators may result in fault signals or
make the systems useless. The integrity of sensors and actuators under various loading
conditions and environments for particular applications needs to be studied. The long-term
behavior of sensors and actuators and the interfacial strength between the sensors/actuators
and the host structures need also to be considered.

6.3 Data Acquisition Hardware
Data acquisition systems need to be selected based on the types and quantity of sensors. Output from
the sensing elements can generally be measured using manual-read-out boxes or automated data-
acquisition systems (ADAS). ADAS requires an investment in equipment and installation time but
greatly facilitates data acquisition particularly where a lot of readings are required in a short time. Data
reduction is also a lot easier and more timely. Manual readings are labor intensive to obtain and still
require input into a computer for data reduction and analysis. [1]
In the past, automatic data loggers were the accepted form of automation. Data loggers include strip-
chart recorders, printers, and tape or disk recorders. However, in an increasing number of
applications, data loggers and programmable controllers could not do everything that was desired. The
continually improving price/performance ratio of today's computers makes it convenient for scientists
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and engineers to use computer-based instrumentation technologies in monitoring and process control
environments. Unlike traditional instrumentation technologies that are often inflexible and cost
intensive, computers and appropriate peripheral accessories are a suitable tool for a very broad
spectrum of applications. Computers manage the acquisition of data from multiple sensors with high
sampling rates, save the data, manipulate and display the data, and, if required, make use of the
results to perform control functions [5]. Additionally, modern computer architectures support good
man-machine-interaction and are highly connective and flexible with regard to extensions, while
common black boxsolutions are very often limited in functionality and interactivity. Nevertheless,
additional data acquisition hardware is necessary to gap the bridge between the computer and the
signals delivered by the transducers or the signal conditioning modules as mentioned in 6.1.2. In spite
of the significant degree of standardization among PC and data acquisition hardware manufacturers,
there exists a wide variety of products of different architecture, performance, and levels of cost [4,5].
This starts from the number of supported channels, the types of inputs and outputs, conversion
accuracy, sampling rates, amplification and filtering, transmission protocols, and ends up with the
degree of spatial distribution of the inputs and outputs. In this sense, the right choice of suitable
peripherals depends on the requirements of the application and is one of the basic factors for a
successful implementation. When selecting the architecture and the components of an automated data
acquisition system, first the type of sensors and I/O signal types that should be used must be defined.
This selection is strongly related to the physical phenomenon to be measured. In much the same way,
the used data acquisition hardware must be designed to have the necessary channel count, input
range, resolution, and sampling rate. In this section we would like to address the most decisive
properties that characterize a data acquisition equipment [3].
Fig. 6-1: Components of a Distributed Data Acquisition Network

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The sampling rate specifies how often an A/D-conversion per channel can take place. Higher sampling
rates obviously lead to more points in a given acquisition time, providing a better representation of the
original signal. If the measurand is changing faster than the DAQ-System is digitizing, errors are
introduced into the measured data. In fact, data that is sampled too slowly can appear to be at a
completely different frequency. This distortion is referred to as aliasing. According to the Nyquist
theorem the sampling rate must be at least twice the rate of maximum frequency component in the
signal to measure. When using a multiplexing device, switching delays and settling times have to be
considered when selecting the desired sampling frequency. A multiplexer selects and routes one
channel to the A/D-converter for digitizing, then switches to another channel and repeats. Because the
same converter is sampling many channels, the effective rate of each individual channel is reduced in
proportion to the number of channels sampled. For measuring highly dynamic physical phenomena
data acquisition boards with sampling rates beyond 1 MS/s are available as stock items. [3]
The number of bits that the A/D-converter uses to represent the analog signal is the resolution. The
higher the resolution of the converter, the higher the number of divisions the voltage range is broken
into, and therefore, the smaller the detectable voltage changes. A typical conversion resolution of 16
bit divides the analog range into 2
divisions. Closely related to this topic is term of input range, which
refers to the minimum and maximum voltage levels that the converter can span. Most DAQ-boards
offer selectable ranges so that the converter is able to handle a variety of different voltage levels. [3]
An important aspect of creating DAQ-based systems is high-speed data throughput coupled with
simultaneous data processing. To carry out system level tasks, the processor should not be tied up
with the task of transferring data into RAM. The ISA bus uses special circuitry to perform direct
memory access (DMA). This feature is not available on PCI-bus based products, they can instead
make use of the improved mechanism of bus mastering. [3]
Due to the geometry and size of most civil infrastructures and the resulting spacing between
measurement locations of interest, monitoring applications usually introduce the need to distribute the
measurement functionality out into the field. It is almost difficult and inefficient to wire all signals to one
central connection box located somewhere on the structure. A more suitable approach is the
employment of a series of distributed DAQ-Modules that communicate via robust industrial network
technology. The most obvious benefit of such systems is the saving in signal wiring. In addition, noise
corruption problems that may occur when using long-distance analog signal wiring can be avoided by
local A/D-conversion and the transmission of digital signals, which are quite robust against noise on
the network links. The developments in industrial automation have resulted in a range of different
networking technologies and open industry standards such as Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422,
IEEE-488, and a series of Fieldbus-specifications. Nevertheless, the transfer rates of the network
communication may limit the available dynamic range in terms of sampling rates. [3]
DAQ-hardware without software is of little use, therefore the majority of products comes with a
dedicated driver software. This is a software layer located between hardware, operating system and
application software. It allows comfortable access to the functionality of the hardware by programming
its registers, managing its operation and its integration with the computer resources, such as
processor interrupts, DMA, and memory. The driver software hides the low-level, complicated details
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of hardware programming while preserving high performance. However, a driver does not perform any
measurement campaigns by its own, but it provides the interface to the application software where the
application logic is realized.
6.4 Data Acquisition and Organization
After installing and wiring the sensing elements with the DAQ-hardware, the taking of the readings and
their processing must be carried out in a systematic, organized way. The first issue that comes up is
the scheduling of the data acquisition, a process that is strongly related to the nature of the physical
phenomena and the capabilities of the acquisition system. This is usually done by defining the
acquisition speed and setting the time schedule for the collection of data from each sensor. However,
beside this synchronous type of data acquisition there exists another method of collecting data, the
event-driven acquisition. Depending on the nature of the monitored system it can often be of interest to
measure a series of quantities only when one critical measurand has gained a certain threshold value.
In this context phenomena of diverse nature may be measured at different speeds with different time
schedules. For the same reason a combination of various data acquisition subsystems may be used to
measure these phenomena. As these subsystems can significantly differ with respect to data formats
and functionality, the readings of all components have to be synchronized and integrated in a global
repository for raw data. Therefore it is essential to perform a clock synchronization for all subsystems
and to complete the measurements with a time stamp. An accurate structure and hierarchical
organization of this repository is indispensable for the further use of the raw data. Equally important is
an intuitive nomenclature for both the channel and file descriptions. It is usually not recommended to
integrate the raw data of all measurements directly into one database. On the one hand, different
phenomena need different post-processing and analysis methods. On the other hand, the volume of
the acquired data can usually be drastically reduced by appropriate post-processing methods without
any significant loss of information (e.g. statistical methods, mean values, variation, maximum and
minimum values, etc.). For the same reason it is recommended to archive raw data in a compressed
format. We can, e.g., imagine, that a digital sample of a time varying signal can be analyzed in the
frequency domain to obtain some modal data. The description of these modal parameters requires
disproportional less space than archiving the whole sample of data in the time domain. Once a certain
revision of data has been performed, it makes sense to integrate this reduced stock of data in one or
more central databases with a uniform and well specified data format. The technical basis for this data
organization are relational database concepts. This leads us to the next requisition.
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Fig. 6-2: Software Engineering Layers

The monitored data usually is of interest for a series of different addressees each of them requiring
dedicated means of representation and different levels of detail. Depending on how critical the yielded
data proves to be for the operational system, the outcome of the data evaluation may address different
recipients, following e.g. a hierarchical flow chart classified by the hazardousness, urgency,
responsibility, and other criteria. This situation demands different means of data representation and
user interfaces. Client-Server database systems like Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle offer the
advantage of central data administration by preventing inconsistency and redundancy of the archived
data. Different client applications can communicate with the relational database over the network by
being offered different rights of access, views and manipulation features. Beside the access to the
data from different machines in the Intranet, it might be of interest to have an additional interface for
the monitored data on the Internet. Web technologies with graphical browsers and high multimedia
capabilities have become more and more powerful recently. The technical basis for such an
implementation is currently the Microsoft Information Server, Active Server Page technology and
ActiveX Data Objects. In this context a variety of data presentation techniques may be implemented,
starting form simple data tables, enhanced reports, and ending up with sophisticated animations.
Beside this type of networking and remote data access, it is usually important to have also remote
access to the computer that actually performs the data acquisition. Civil infrastructures are usually
difficult to access and not located in the immediate neighborhood of the supervising engineers.
Therefore the DAQ-computer should be controllable remotely and has therefore to be approachable
via wireless or traditional line access. A prerequisite is therefore the presence of a modem and a
network protocol for controlling the data acquisition and for the file transfer. There exist several
products on the market which provide the functionality for this tasks, starting from classical FTP and
ending up with sophisticated programs for remote control such as pcAnywhere from Symantec, a
program which provides you complete control of the remote machine as if you were on site.
Moreover a PC-based implementation offers the platform for the integration of further functionality
beyond the narrower range for measurements of deformations, loads, and material deterioration.
Considering the case of highway infrastructures, the installation of visual traffic surveillance through a
network of video cameras could be one example for such extensions. Other candidates would be road
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weather stations for visibility measurements, detection of precipitation, fog and black ice, and an
according control of variable message and traffic signs on the highway. Therefore, whenever a
monitoring system is planned to match the actual requirements, it should anyhow be designed for easy
expandability and wide flexibility to extensions.
6.5 References
1. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Implementation Program
on High Performance Concrete, Guidelines for Instrumentation of Bridges, August 1996
2. F-K. Chang, Structural Health Monitoring: A Summary Report on the First Stanford Workshop
on Structural Health Monitoring, Sept. 18 20, 1997
3. U. Santa, K. Bergmeister, Techniques for the Acquisition, Modeling and Interpretation of
Knowledge in Monitoring Applications, Proceedings of the 6
International Workshop on
Material Properties and Design, Bauhaus University Weimar, September 2000
4. A.S. Morris, The essence of measurement, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1996
5. A.J. Wheeler, Introduction to engineering experimentation, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1996
6. C.P. Wright, Applied measurement engineering How to design effective mechanical
measurement systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1995
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7 Evaluation and Interpretation of Measurement Data
Installation of sensing elements and data acquisition is only the start of monitoring field performance.
Interpretation of data is equally important [1]. A quality network of sensors equipping the structure
does not increase by itself its safety if not accompanied by a comprehensive analysis of the
The data retrieved directly from sensors contain a lot of information, most of which are unusable and
irrelevant to the interest of the particular concern. Furthermore, the data can be highly corrupted by the
environment and noise, resulting in difficulties in interpretation [2]. These interferences may be
overcome by using signal processing techniques to filter and process sensor measurements.
The accuracy and reliability of the monitoring system strongly rely upon the accuracy and reliability of
the analysis for relating the sensor measurements to the physical changes in the structures. Sensor
measurements are point-wise in the continuous structures. Damage or an abnormal condition may not
appear at the location where the sensor is located. Therefore, sensor information needs to be
extrapolated for prediction of damage that appears at a distance away from the sensor locations.
Mathematically speaking, determination of the physical condition of a structure based on sensor
measurements is a nonlinear inverse problem. [2]
7.1 Evaluation of Relative Deformation Measurements
In a structure undergoing complex deformations, it is often necessary to install a large number of
sensors to obtain useful information. This presents two major difficulties: it is first necessary to decide
the number, size and position of the sensors to be installed and then to analyze the huge data flow
that results from the measurements. The deformations measured by each single sensor rarely give
useful information. Only an appropriate correlation between the values obtained by several sensors
generates data that can be correlated to observable quantities like the vertical displacement of a
bridge or the crack width in a concrete beam. Thus it is useful to subdivide a structure into a number of
macro-elements that undergo relatively simple deformations. Each section is supposed to have a
constant or continuously varying inertia, a constant load across its length and the introduction of local
forces and supports only at its ends. These sections can be further segmented into cells containing
only a few sensors or even a single one. If the behavior of the materials in a section can be considered
as homogeneous (e.g., no local cracking), the polynomial degree that best approximates its
deformation is determined either analytically or using finite-element programs. If a degree N + 2 is
found to approximate satisfactorily the deformation of the section, it will be subdivided into N cells. [18]
The vertical displacement and curvature profile can be measured by the use of a network of fiber optic
deformation sensors placed on the structure. In the method presented by Inaudi et Al. [18], the
structure is first subdivided into sections that undergo simple deformations and then further segmented
into cells that contain only a few sensors and where the structural behavior is assumed to be linear.
Information about the local and global behavior of the structure under test is obtained by combining
the measurements from the sensors of each cell section and finally of the whole structure [18].
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The following paragraph will shortly line out the fundamentals of the algorithm for the deformation
calculus, taken from [17].
Considering the plane section conservation law of Bernoulli, the vertical displacement of a uniformly
loaded beam on n spans is expressed as a sequence of n fourth degree polynomial with a C

continuity at their border. Each polynomial P
(x) domain includes a section of beam, which has a
constant inertia, a constant uniform load, and an introduction of end forces and moments only at its
extremities. The second derivative of the vertical displacement gives n second degree polynomials. To
determine the exact displacement functions, it is therefore necessary to retrieve the curvature
functions P
(x) on the beam sections and to integrate them twice guaranteeing the border continuity
. According to Bernoullis assumption, the elongational strain at any material fiber and the beam
curvature are related as
Eq. 7-1
x r
) (
) (
1 c
r curvature radius
x curvilinear abscissa
c elongational strain
y distance from the neutral axis
A relative displacement gage, installed parallel to the neutral axis, measures the elongational
deformation of a fiber of length L1. The integration of Eq. 7-1 gives
Eq. 7-2
1 2
0 0
1 1
) ( 1
) (
) (
1 ) (
) (
1 1
l y
l l
r y
dx x
l x r
l y
dx x
x r
l l

= = =
} }

mean radius of curvature
initial sensor fiber length
final sensor fiber length
Eq. 7-2 shows that a relative displacement gage, placed parallel to the neutral axis measures the
mean curvature r
of the element of the beam. In the case of combined bending and axial load and
temperature variations, it can be shown that a pair of relative displacement gages, placed at different
distances parallel to the neutral axis are required to measure the mean curvature of a beam element.
The curvature function of each beam is a second degree polynomial of the form
Eq. 7-3
c bx ax x P + + =
2 2
) (
Since the polynomial P(x) has three unknowns, only three independent measurements are necessary
to determine these three coefficients for a single beam section. With three relative displacement
sensors, we obtain
{ } 3 , 2 , 1 ] : [ :
" '
e i x x on curvature mean
i i

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where x
and x
denote the left and right limit of sensor i. The coefficients a, b, c are solutions of the
following linear system of equations:
{ } 3 , 2 , 1 ,
) (
' ' '
' '
e =

+ +
r x x
dx c bx ax
i i i

Eq. 7-3 gives the curvature function of the adjacent beam sections. We retrieve the displacement
functions by integrating them twice. Furthermore, the C
continuity of the displacement functions must
be guaranteed at the borders. The displacement functions are expressed as
{ } n i x dx x P x P
i i i i
,..., 2 , 1 ' ) ( ) (
2 4
e + + =
| o
Where the constants of integration o
and |
are obtained by enforcing the following continuity
conditions for displacement and slope of adjacent beam sections and zero displacement boundary
conditions at both ends of the beam: There are two unknowns for the displacement field of each of the
n beam sections. The above continuity and boundary conditions give 2n equations from which the ([n-
1]+[n-1])+2 = 2n unknowns can be obtained.
0 ) (
0 ) 0 (
) 0 ( ) (
) 0 ( ) (
] 1 ; 1 [
] 1 ; 1 [
= =
= =
= =
= = =
n i
n i
i i i
n i
i i i

Fig. 7-1: Strain, curvature and deflection for a beam section

The above general hypotheses follow Bernoulli-Navier beam theory and require the knowledge of the
boundary conditions of the whole beam. The Bernoulli hypothesis is usually satisfied under
serviceability condition, while the boundary conditions are known in general. Engineers are interested
in the beams internal forces. These forces are induced only by the relative displacements of the beam
with respect to its chord. This means that the above methodology is able to extract the deformation of
the beam but not its rigid-body displacements in space. To obtain information about these
displacements, internal sensors are obviously useless and other measurements relative to fixed
external points obtained using absolute sensors should be carried out. [17]
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7.2 Frequency Domain Procedures
7.2.1 The Complex Transfer Function
The theory of the complex transfer function is described in detail e.g. in [6], [16]. There exists a basic
relation between the input and the output signals of linear continuous system, which can be described
by the transfer function. In addition to the jump and impulse response functions in the time domain the
transfer function characterize the system in the frequency domain. Time Domain
A linear and time invariant continuous system with an input and output signal can be described its
response to a unit impulse force F(t) =o(t)

= o

= o 1 ) (
0 0
) ( t

The response is called impulse response function" h(t) of the system

t t t = d t h F t y ) ( ) ( ) (

t: start time of impulse
For a harmonic input signal F(t) is valid
Eq. 7-4:
e F t F

) (

the output signal becomes
Eq. 7-5
) cos sin ( ) (
) (
t B t A e e y t y
d d
wt wt j
e + e + =
| +

e circular frequency
damped circular frequency
A, B constants to be determined from initial conditions
Here y(t) can be physically interpreted as displacement and F(t) as applied force. Frequency Domain
To develop the complex transfer function H(e), it is necessary to carry out the Fourier transformation
of the time signals y(t) and F(t). If Eq. 7-4 is Fourier transformed, we obtain
Eq. 7-6
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14.06.2002 154

= e
dt e t F F
) ( ) (

and from Eq. 7-5
Eq. 7-7
} }


t t t = e
d t h F y ) ( ) ( ) (

Under the condition of stationarity in the system the homogeneous part in Eq. 7-5 vanishes. Eq. 7-7
can be described easier after transformation, which is derived in [6].

e = e
dt e t h F( y
) ( ) ) (

In this equation, the integral is the complex transfer function, which depends on the circular frequency
Eq. 7-8

= e
dt e t h H
) ( ) (

Since digitized measured data is used, H(e) is not a continuous function but a discrete function with a
finite number of values resulting from the finite length of the time series N At. Assume that the force is
applied at t = 0. Substituting e
= coset + sinet Eq. 7-6 has the following form
Eq. 7-9
e + e = e
dt t t t F F
)) sin( ) )(cos( ( ) (

and eq. 5.7
Eq. 7-10
e + e = e
dt t t t y y
)) sin( ) )(cos( ( ) (

maximum amplitude of half sine impulse
length of impulse
For example, if the input signal is described by a half sine impulse, Eq. 7-4 is given by
Eq. 7-11
t F t F
= sin ) (

and eq. 5.2 for phase I (forced damped vibration) becomes
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14.06.2002 155

e + e
e +





t y t
y v
t c t m k
c m k
t y
d d
imp imp imp imp
imp imp
cos sin
cos sin ) (
1 1

k stiffness of system
c coulomb friction
In the phase II (free damped vibration) there exists only the homogenous solution
Eq. 7-12

e + e
e +
t y t
y v
e t y
d d
cos sin ) (
1 1

Analogous to Eq. 7-9, Eq. 7-10 the Eq. 7-11 - Eq. 7-12 can be transformed into the frequency domain.
For the analysis of complex transfer function the complex division of Eq. 7-8 is carried out.
| | | |
2 2 2 2
)) ( (( )) ( (
) ( ) ( ) ( ) (
)) ( ( )) ( (
) ( ) ( ) ( ) (
) ( ) ( ) (
e e 9
e e 9 + e e 9
e e 9
e e + e 9 e 9
= e + e 9 = e
F y F y
F y F y

By taking the real part 9[H(e)] and imaginary part [H(e)] the magnitude M[H(e)] is calculated by

| | | | | |
2 2
) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ( e + e 9 = e H H H M

and the phase angle O, Chopra [5]

Eq. 7-13

e 9
= e O

1 1
) (
) (
tan ) (

= |
ratio between the circular frequency of input signal and the natural circular frequency of the
The first derivative of Eq. 7-13 at the resonance point (e = e
) is calculated as
e O 1 ) (

from which the damping ratio is obtained
) (


e = e O
e =

If the natural frequencies of the system are well separated, they can be located at the points where the
phase angle is equal t/2 and the real part 9[H(e)] is equal zero.
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14.06.2002 156
7.2.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
The Fourier Transformation is a powerful tool in the signal analysis of linear time invariant dynamic
systems. The Fourier Integral presents signals as weighted integrals of exponential functions.
} }




= d d f e e t f
jwt jwt
) (
) (

By the discretization of the Fourier-Algorithm the continuous spectrum is converted into a discrete
spectrum with only N e-functions.

A e A
e A
A =
) )( (
) (
) (
t n k j
t n f e

For equidistant time spacing the algorithm delivers results of spectral lines in a certain resolution,
which agrees with multiples of Ae.
t NA
= e A

The density of the spectral lines can be improved by an increased length of discrete time series NAt.
7.2.3 Applications and Discussion
The following example is the road bridge Tuckhude [8], for more detailed information see chapter 11.1.
This system was excited by an impulse function (approximately a half sine impact) and the system
response was recorded by accelerometers. The procedure of determining the complex transfer
function was performed and the results are shown for one measurement point in Fig. 7-2. The complex
transfer function can be used to extract modal parameters, namely the natural frequency, modal
damping, and mode shapes from different types of excitation. An important advantage of this
procedure is its robustness against noise influences. However, for higher damping ratios and closely
spaced natural frequencies the modal parameters cannot be clearly deduced. Another problem arises
with time series, which have only few sample points N. In this case the procedure delivers results with
insufficient frequency resolution (see section 7.2.2). So, in the next chapters time domain procedures
are presented, which are able to calculate the natural frequencies and damping ratios even in these
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14.06.2002 157
Fig. 7-2: Complex Transfer Function based on Measured Accelerations

7.3 Time Domain Procedures
7.3.1 A Time Domain Technique (Ibrahim & Mikulcik)
This procedure is developed in [9] and described in detail in [13]. Similar to the Polyreference
procedure, see chapter 7.3.2, this technique is formulated from the impulse response function h(t) and
may be obtained by taking the inverse Fourier transform F
of the frequency response function H(e).
) ( ) (
e =

H F t h

The impulse response function can be expressed as a function of the damped exponentials of the
system with the system pole s
+ je

Eq. 7-14

= =
= + =
t s
t s
t s
pqr pq
e A e A e A t h
1 1
) (

p measurement point
q reference point
r mode number
residue for mode r at point p due to an input at point q
complex conjugate of A

system damping for mode r
damped circular frequency for mode r
N number of modes in the frequency bandwidth of interest
For this case, h(t) is a discrete function, is valid:
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14.06.2002 158

t s
pqr k pq
k r
e A t h
) (

Since the impulse response functions h(t) (displacements, velocities or accelerations) from Eq. 7-14
tk k * DT
k * Dt sample time
k integer value
k r
t s

T k s

as column vectors are collected in the matrix T
N x 2N
, is obtained
Eq. 7-15
E M T =

M normalized modal matrix
N x N
t s t s t s
t s t s t s
t s t s t s
n n n n
e e e
e e e
e e e
2 2
2 2 2 2 1 2
2 2 2 2 1 2
2 1 2 1 1 1



Shifting the response function by the time interval At the following relationship is given
N x N
t t s t t s t t s
t t s t t s t t s
t t s t t s t t s
n n n n
e e e
e e e
e e e
2 2
2 2 2 2 1 2
2 2 2 2 1 2
2 1 2 1 1 1


= =
A + A + A +
A + A + A +
A + A + A +

Eq. 7-16
t s
If this procedure repeated, next displaced response function is formulated by
Eq. 7-17
t s
t 2
Combining equation Eq. 7-15 with Eq. 7-16 and Eq. 7-17 results in
1 1
+ =


= u

t s

+ =


= u
t s
t s

Since the matrix E is eliminated
1 2 2
u + + = u

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14.06.2002 159
after right multiplying by
+ u

can be written
Eq. 7-18
2 1
1 2
+ = + u u

Note that the matrices u
1,2(2N x 2N)
and +
1,2(2N x 2N)
are invertible, if two or more eigenvalues e
are not
equal. For the column vectors
of matrices +
, +
is valid in according to Eq. 7-18
r r
! !
2 1
1 2
= u u

and followed
t s
u = u
1 2
exist the matrices eigenvalue problem
1 2 1 1
u u = u = u
t s
! e !

t s
The elements of the matrix u are computed from the response functions and At is known. Hence the
eigenvalues e
are determined from the eigenvalues e
and the eigenvectors m
follows by the first
components of eigenvectors
. For the estimation by the least squares method time data "2 N are
used and the matrices T, T
, T
have size (2 N , "), 2 N = r; r :=rank of matrix TT
. The Gauss
Transformation leads to the following matrices eigenvalue problem.
Eq. 7-19
t s
t t
! e !
1 1
1 1 1 2
) )( (
= u u u u = u

The resonance frequency and damping values can be calculated by using the following equations.

= e
+ =
imag j
real j
imag j real j
imag j real j j
z z
z z z
, ,
) ln(

Application and Discussion
To demonstrate the capability a discrete time signal y(t) is simulated by At = 0.0001 and by a number
of time intervals N = 5000. The signal can formally be treated as an impulse response function.
Simulated values are available in digital computer precision of about = 10
Eq. 7-20
State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 160

+ t =
i i i t
" t f A y
exp * ) * * * 2 cos( *

It seems quite useful to carry out the rank estimation of the matrix TT
by the algorithm of singular
value decomposition (SVD).

0 0 0
: 1 , : 1 : 1 , : 1 : 1 , : 1 n r r r r n t

Table 7-1: Parameters of the Simulated Time Series
i amplitude A
phase |
damping values
frequency f

1 0.045 -1.57 6.70 14.00
2 0.055 -1.57 8.90 14.80

Fig. 7-3: Time Series and Fourier Spectrum F(e) of Simulated Signal
Fig. 7-4: Singular Values

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Table 7-2: Singular Values of the Matrix TT

i singular values
1 5.5508
2 2.122
3 0.0003186
4 9.3464e-06
5 1.1001e-15
6 9.1771e-16

Table 7-3: Results of extracted Modal Parameters
y = 10
y = 10

natural frequencies f
14.0 14.8 13.99 14.80 14.0 14.8
damping values

0.5 1.3 0.545 1.36 0.5 1.3
The higher singular values are assigned to the signal and the lower ones to the noise, see Fig. 7-4 and
Table 7-2. By comparing the singular values it is easy to see a considerably difference in magnitude
between signal and noise, see Table 7-2. In this case is rank r = 4 and the procedure is started with
. It is remarked that for the analysis in the columns 1, 2 of Table 7-3 one measurement point, in
the column 3 two measurement points (two time series) were used. The algorithm of FFT is not able to
separate the simulated parameters, because the natural frequencies and damping ratios are too
closely spaced. The natural frequencies deduced by the time domain technique have a good
agreement with the simulated data, but the damping ratios show a great bias. It seems that for
deducing all modal parameters a large length of the time signal is necessary. For the same type of
simulated signal with shorter duration (N = 500) an interpretation of data was not possible.
7.3.2 The Polyreference Time Domain Technique
The complete detailed theoretical explanation of the Polyreference Time Domain Technique is given in
[7]. The authors mention a two stage parameter estimation technique. In the first stage, the damped
natural frequencies and damping values are extracted from time signal data by using single or multiple
measurement points. In the second stage, the modal coefficients or eigenvectors are computed. Here
in short form the practical implementation of this algorithm is described. When only time data acquired
from a single measurement point are used for estimating frequencies and damping values, the
Polyreference Time Domain Technique is equal to the Least Square Complex Exponential [4]. This
technique is used to extract modal parameters from time data obtained by free decay or impulse
response function, see Eq. 7-14.
State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 162 Derivation and Implementation
There is a relationship between the residues and the eigenvectors
qr rp r pqr
m m Q A =

All residues can be expressed as a function of the residues of one particular reference.
scaling factor for the r-th mode
the r-th eigenvector for point p
the r-th eigenvector for point q

A =

W =

modal participation factor
q reference point
For every response point, a set of L (number of impulses) equations can be written.
Eq. 7-21


t s
r p r L k pL
t s
r p r k p
t s
r p k p
k r
k r
k r
e A W t h
e A W t h
e A t h
1 1
1 21 2
1 1
) (
) (
) (


Eq. 7-21 can be written in matrix notation.
Eq. 7-22
1 2 2 2 2
Nx p
N Nx N Lx pk
A Z W h


N Nx
2 2
0 0
0 0
0 0

t s
e z

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1 2
1 2
N p



N x L
12 12 11
312 312 311
212 212 211
2 ) 1 (

modal participation matrix
The system poles are the complex eigenvalues of the matrix polynomial (A matrix polynomial is a
polynomial which has matrices as coefficients instead of scalars). The number of eigenvalues in a
matrix polynomial is equal to the order of the polynomial times the dimension of the matrix coefficients.
The dimension of the matrix coefficients is equal to the number of measurement points or references
L, while the number of unknown poles is 2 N. The order of the matrix polynomial, p has to be:

Eq. 7-23


Thereby p must be defined as the smallest integer that satisfies Eq. 7-23. In the case of Eq. 7-23 pxL
eigenvalues will be found. Since pxL > 2N there will computational or numerical noise poles.
Generally, the matrix polynomial can be derived in different ways. In [7] the Prony method [15] is used
to obtain the matrix polynomial and in appendix of [7] the matrix coefficients are derived from a
relationship between the Laplace transform and the Z-transform. The polynomial will be shown in the
Eq. 7-24
0 = + + +
0 1
) ( 1 ) 0 ( WZ a WZ a WZ a p ) (
p- p

i-th matrix coefficient
The Prony algorithm makes use of the matrix coefficients and Eq. 7-22. to derive a set of equations.
So, a first equation is obtained by Eq. 7-22. at time t
or k is equal to 0+n and multiplying this
equation by the matrix coefficient a(p). The next equation is obtained by shifting the time by one time
interval (k is equal n+1). This is repeated p-1 times and the last equation at time t
is multiplied by
the coefficient matrix a(0), so a following equation system is given.
Eq. 7-25
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14.06.2002 164


+ +
s p n
s p n i
p n
p n i
n i
A (s) h (s)
A ) ( h ) (
A ) (p h ) (p
A (p) (p) h
0 0
1 ,
0 0
1 1
Z W a a
Z W a a
Z W a a
Z W a a

" "

Transformations of Eq. 7-25 are detailed described in [7].
p n i
s p n i
h h (s)


For each point i, a set of equation can be written by varying n from 0 to number of arbitrary number of
time intervals (N - 1). These sets of equations can be written as one equation in matrix notation.
Eq. 7-26:
R T B =

| |
N p i p i p i
h h h
1 , 1 , ,
, , ,
+ +
= # R


1 , 1 , 0 ,
3 , 1 , 2 ,
2 , 1 ,
N i i i
N p i p i p i
N p i p p i
h h h
h h h
h h h

The last row in the

submatrix is the initial part of the impulse response function, associated with
each measurement point. The second to last row is the same impulse response function, shifted over
one time sample (At) and so on. Note that the procedure of building the

submatrix is similar to
building the Hankel matrix (see chapter 7.3.3).
| |
pL x L
(p) , ), ( ), (

a a a B # 2 1 =

| |
mN x Lp
p p
, , , T T T T #
1 1

| |
mN x L
p p
, , , R R R R #
1 1

There are LxpL unknowns in Eq. 7-26. The number of equations is LxmN. By taking N such that mN is
equal to pL, there are as many equations as unknowns. The authors [7] recommend choosing N so
that mN is greater than pL. Therefore Eq. 7-26 is an over determined system and a least squares
solution of Eq. 7-26 can be found from the normal equations by using a Gaussian Elimination
State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 165
t t
T R T T B =
It is important for the quality of solution to find the rank of the matrix TT
. Application of the well-
established algorithm of SVD leads to:

0 0 0
: 1 , : 1 : 1 , : 1 : 1 , : 1 n r r r r n t

By using
n r : 1 , : 1
u = C B
and right multiplying with
r n : 1 , : 1
r is valid
t t t t
u = u u T T T T C
after transposing we obtain
| | | |
t t
t t

u = u u T T T T C

The least squares solution for C
can be found by using a simultaneous solution technique such as
Gaussian Elimination. The unknown coefficient matrices can be solved by re-transposing and right
multiplying with
r n : 1 , : 1
u = C B
Since the coefficient matrices have been estimated, the resonance frequency and damping values can
be calculated by Eq. 7-24.
0 ) (

s p
s Z W a

After multiplying by a unit vector contained all zeros except for unity at the position corresponding to
the extracted system pole we obtain
Eq. 7-27
0 ) (

z s W a

s p t s p-s
e z
= ) (

L x 1
column d of W
Since W
is a non zero vector, Eq. 7-27 is satisfied, if
Eq. 7-28
0 ) ( det

z s a

Eq. 7-27 can be formulated as a standard eigenvalue problem and for the matrix polynomial an
equation is obtained from Eq. 7-28 under consideration of a(0) = I.
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14.06.2002 166
Eq. 7-29
d d d
z x p z z W W a a a = + + + ) ( ) 2 ( ) 1 (
2 1

As in [7] is explained, the matrix polynomial can be converted into an standard eigenvalue problem.
For the building of the companion matrix, the following vectors are defined to enable (p - 1) identity
equations, written as
Eq. 7-30

= =

z az V
z az V
az V
az V

" " "

Using Eq. 7-30 the matrix equation can be formulated in according to Eq. 7-29 and is comparable to
Eq. 7-19.



0 0 0
0 0 0 0
) ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 (
" " " " ! " "
z x
p a p a a a

By using an appropriate solution algorithm, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this companion matrix
can be found. Fig. 7-5 provides a flow chart for the implementation of the Polyreference Procedure. Application and Discussion
According to Eq. 7-20a time series with At = 0.0001s and N = 5000 time intervals is simulated. This
signal is noised by
according to Table 7-4. Two impulses L = 1 on per two measurement points
m=2 were used for the analysis of the signal. For the analysis in the columns 1,2
State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 167
Fig. 7-5: Flow Chart of Polyreference Procedure

Table 7-4: Results of extracted Modal Parameters

= 10

= 10

= 10

natural frequencies f
14.00 14.80 14.00 14.80 14.00 14.80
damping values

6.701 8.905 6.919 9.107 6.65 9.39

of Table 7-4 N = 5000 time intervals, in the column 3 N = 500 time intervals were used. The natural
frequencies and the damping ratios have a good agreement with the simulated data, even if the signal
is disturbed by noise
= 10
, or the time series has fewer time intervals. It is noticed, the damping
ratios are better identified, then by the technique in chapter 7.3.2. Generally the damping ratios have a
greater bias with noisy signals than the natural frequencies.
7.3.3 Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD)
The basic idea of this concept [10] is the realization of a numerical computation model as a Black-Box
model with known (measured) input and output signals. This model is valid for time invariant dynamic
systems. If with the application of the GSVD the problem of noisy measured data is solved, then this
algorithm determines a particularly algebraic structure, with aim of this the unknown dynamic system
parameters can be obtained. Model of Dynamic System
With the assumption of linear material behavior and small deformations the equation of motion can be
written as
) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( t t t t
u Ky y D y M = + +
$ $ $

State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 168
Fig. 7-6: Black-Box Analysis of Dynamic System

M mass matrix
C damping matrix
K stiffness matrix
y , y y,
$ $ $
displacement-, velocity-, acceleration vector
u applied force vector
By taking equation
u u
$ $
I =

A conversion to state space is performed and the equation of motion, which is of second order, is
transformed into a differential equation of first order.
Eq. 7-31
) ( 1 1 1
0 0
t -
- -
D M K M y




$ $ $
- -

Eq. 7-31 can also be written by introducing a system matrix A and the input matrix B
(t) (t) (t)
By Ax x + =

This equation, called control equation, is combined with equation
| |
(t) (t) (t)
Cx x y = = 0 I

called, measure equation, with the output matrix C to the vector differential equation of first order. The
solution for the vector differential equation is known from system theory.
o + =
o + =
o + =

o o
o o
d e e
t t t t
(t) (t)
t (t) (t)
u B C x P
u Q P x P
u T x P y
0 0
) ( ) (
) ( 0
) , ( 0

State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 169
A special case in the state space representation is the Hankel Transformation, for time t
the state is
converted from the past to the future.
o = =

(t) (t)
u Q x x P y
) ( 0 0

For y
= P
is valid


+ =

+ =
$ $
) (
0 3
0 2
) (
0 2
0 1
) (
) (
! 2 ! 1
! 2 ! 1
t t t t
t t t t
x CA x CA x CA y
x CA x CA x CA y
x CA y

and for
o =

( ) ( 0
u Q x

# + o

+ o

+ o =
} } }



0 0 0
) (
0 2
) (
0 1
) (
! 2
) (
! 1
) (
t t t
# t
# t
d u B A u B A u B A x

At the time t
this can be written as block matrix formulation.
| |



$ $
) (
) (
) (
2 1 0
) (
) (
) (

This corresponds to
| | | | u PQ y =

P controllability matrix
Q observability matrix
The product of this both matrices P, Q leads to matrix with a special structure. This matrix is called
Hankel matrix
PQ H =

It is noticed that the rank of this Hankel matrix is equal to the dimension of matrix A.
Measurement of Hankel Matrix
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14.06.2002 170
The following equations refer to the discrete formulation of a dynamic system. The dynamic system is
excited by an impulse and the response of the system y is measured at discrete time intervals. Based
on the condition of time invariance the Hankel matrix can be built:

1 5 4 2 /
1 2 / 5 4 3
2 / 4 3 2
1 2 / 3 2 1
j j
y y y y
y y y y
y y y y
y y y y

If it is possible to find a decomposition of the Hankel matrix into the matrices A, B, C then a realization
of the dynamic system is found.
| | B B B B
2 / 2 1 0
2 /
) | | ) | ) | ) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
j t t t t
j t
e e e e

= !
" Determination of dynamic system parameters
Based on the time invariance it is possible to build further Hankel matrices.
A 0
1 1
) (
= =

A 1
2 2
) (
= =

In the ratio of matrices P
, P
with their linear independent columns the fundamental matrix (e

is contained. The parameter matrices BeR
, CeR
exist to the first p-rows and q-columns of the P,
Q block matrices. The algorithm of generalized singular value decomposition [14] enables the
determination of particular P
, P
, Q block matrix structure, with two Hankel matrices H
, H
. By the
factorization with the normal singular value decomposition the number of linear independent rows and
columns can be calculated.
1 1
= = E =


2 2
= = E =


Finally the parameter matrices are determined by
) : 1 , : 1 ( ) : 1 , : 1 ( n p n p
U P C = =

) : 1 , : 1 ( ) : 1 , : 1 ( q p q p
X Q B = =

= =

State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 171 Determination of signal space
Generally there are two accuracy categories of data. The realization of dynamic system is possible
immediately with simulated data having a precision = 2.22*10
. Real measured time series are
disturbed by noise produced by the measurement equipment. On the basis of digital-to-analog
converter the number of precision is in the range of = 2.44*10
. The QR-decomposition contained in
the QSVD is typically predefined on the basis of computer precision and is therefore unsuitable for
measured data. If the algorithm possesses the option of determining the required precision the internal
determination of the rank is possible. Lenzen [10] proposes for an external determination of rank of
complete Hankel matrix the algorithm of standard singular value decomposition (SVD), which can be
interpreted as a separation between signal and noise space. The border is defined in a first
approximation by o
, the computer precision multiplied by the maximum singular value.
| |


= + =
2 1

noise signal t measuremen

Table 7-5: Simulated and Identified Dynamic System Parameter of Time Series y

After the separation in the signal space the complete Hankel matrix H
is rebuilt according to
the significant singular values. Subsequently the shifted Hankel matrices can be determined from the
new complete Hankel matrix.
| |


0 0

1 1
signal Application and Discussion
In order to demonstrate the capability of the mentioned algorithm, the following signal y
with At =
0.0001s and N = 500, Eq. 7-20, in computer precision = 2,22*10
is simulated. This example is
taken from [11]. In Fig. 7-8 the singular values are plotted. It can be seen that the
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Fig. 7-7: Simulated Signal and Fourier Spectrum

rank of complete Hankel matrix is 25. The results of the identification are shown in Table 7-5.
Fig. 7-8: Singular Values of the complete Hankel Matrix for Signal y

The closely spaced natural frequencies with their corresponding damping ratios combined with a short
length of time signal represent heavy requirements on the identification algorithm. It is shown clearly,
see Fig. 7-7, that the FFT-algorithm is unable to analyze this signal. The previously mentioned time
algorithms are unable too. The algorithm by Lenzen yields results, which show an excellent
agreement. In the next step, for the comparability with the other mentioned time identification
procedures, a time series y
, by At = 0.0001s and N = 5000 is generated, Eq. 7-20. The time series is
treated as output signal from one measurement point.
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Fig. 7-9: Singular Values without and with noise
= 10
of complete Hankel matrix for signal y

Table 7-6: Results of extracted Modal Parameters

= 10

= 10
= 10

natural frequencies f
14.00 14.80 13.99 14.67 14.037 14.45
damping values

6.70 8.90 7.63 7.98 6.47 9.13
The dynamic parameters can be also deduced at a simulated noise level
= 10
and an accuracy
of = 10
, (column 1). With increased noise level the identified parameters deteriorate and cannot be
deduced if the noise level exceeds
= 10
It is shown in Fig. 7-9, how the level of noise
influences the singular values. Generally the increase of response amplitudes leads to an
improvement of signal/noise ratio. In column 3 of Table 7-6 two measurement points are used. It is
noticed that a disadvantage of this used procedure is the large computation time for the operations of
SVD and GSVD and because the memory space of the computers is limited. So on a typical
workstation for building the complete Hankel matrix only N = 1600 samples can be used. The following
tasks are necessary for a successful application in the measurement practice:
- Implementation of a reliable algorithm for the determination of number accuracy . In this
context is to clarify the relationship between internal and external determination of rank.
- The magnitudes of amplitudes, noise, damping ratios and the problem of closely spaced
natural frequencies influence the quality of identification. Parameter studies are necessary to
identify the range of applicability.
- The application in-situ requires the verification of currently used measurement equipment, for
instance a comparison between accelerometers and velocity meters.
7.4 References
1. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Implementation Program
on High Performance Concrete, Guidelines for Instrumentation of Bridges, August 1996
2. F-K. Chang, Structural Health Monitoring: A Summary Report on the First Stanford Workshop
on Structural Health Monitoring, Sept. 18 20, 1997
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14.06.2002 174
7. U. Santa, K. Bergmeister, Techniques for the Acquisition, Modeling and Interpretation of
Knowledge in Monitoring Applications, Proceedings of the 6
International Workshop on
Material Properties and Design, Bauhaus University Weimar, September 2000
3. V. Bayer, C. Bucher, M. Ebert, O. Huth, G. Purkert, J. Riedel, D. Roos, Y. Schorling, V. Zabel,
SLang - The Structural Language, Institut fr Strukturmechanik, Bauhaus Universitt Weimar,
4. D.L. Brown, R.J. Allemang, R. Zimmermann, M. Mergay, Parameter Estimation Technique for
Modal Analysis , S.A.E. paper number 790221, 1979
5. A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of structures: theory and applications to earthquake engineering,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
6. R.W. Clough, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1993
7. F. Deblauwe, D.L. Brown, R.J. Allemang, The Polyreference Time Domain Technique,
proceedings of the IMAC 1987, 832-845
8. O. Huth, J. Riedel, C. Bucher, Finite Element Optimierung einer Stahlbetonbrcke auf der
Grundlage von in-situ Experimenten, Proceedings of the DACH-Tagung Berlin November,
9. S.R. Ibrahim, E.C. Mikulcik, A Method for the direct identification of Vibration Parameters from
the Free Response, Shock and Vibration Bulletin 47, No.4, 1977, p. 183-198
10. A. Lenzen, Untersuchung von dynamischen Systemen mit der Singulrwertzerlegung.
Erfassung von Strukturvernderungen, Dissertation, Bochum 1994
11. A. Lenzen, H. Waller, Numerische Modellierung von dynamischen Systemen aus Messignalen
mit der verallgemeinerten Singulrwertzerlegung, 5. Tagung ber Dynamische Probleme -
Modellierung und Wirklichkeit am 10. und 11. Oktober 1996, Curt-Risch-Institut fr Dynamik,
Schall und Metechnik, Universitt Hannover
12. A. Lenzen, H. Waller, Anwendung der Singulrwertzerlegung zur Schadenserkennung und
lokalisation, IV. Kolloquium Technische Diagnostik, Dresden,Mrz 1996.
13. H.G. Natke, Einfhrung in Theorie und Praxis der Zeitreihen- und Modalanalyse, 3.
berarbeitete Auflage, Vieweg Verlag 1992
14. C.C.Paige, Computing the generalized Singular Value Decomposition, SIAMJ. Num. Anal. Vol.
18 No. 3, June 1981
15. R. Prony, Essai Experimental et analytique suer les Lois de la Dilabilte des Fluides Elastique
et sur Celles de la Force Expansisive de la Vapeur de l'eau et de la Vapeur de l'alkool, a
Differentes Temperatures, Journal de l'ecole Polytechnique, Paris, Vol 1,Cahier 2, Floreal et
Prairial an III (1795) p. 24-76
16. R. Unbehauen, Systemtheorie, R. Oldenburg Verlag Mnchen Wien 1993
17. S. Vurpillot, G. Krueger, D. Benouaich, D. Clment, D. Inaudi, Vertical Deflection of a Pre-
Stressed Concrete Bridge Obtained Using Deformation Sensors and Inclinometer
Measurements, ACI Structural Journal, V. 95, No. 5, September-October 1998
18. D. Inaudi, S. Vurpillot, N. Casanova, P. Kronenberg, Structural monitoring by curvature
analysis using interferometric fiber optic sensors, Smart Mater. Struct. 7 (1998), p. 199-208
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14.06.2002 175
8 System Analysis
8.1 System Modeling
In most fields of research, a good solution often depends on a good representation. The readings of
the single sensors do not immediately provide useful information on the behavior and the performance
of the system. Depending on the process of interest, it is usually necessary to combine and transform
a series of measurements to obtain the desired output. A simple example should illustrate this
If we are interested in determining the deflection of a beam, we can do this by installing different types
of sensing elements. One approach could be to use a series of pairs of strain gauges installed parallel
to the neutral axis of this beam. The elongational strain at any material fiber and the beam curvature
are related according to the Bernoulli-Navier beam theory, the curvature function of each beam section
is a second degree polynomial. The displacement functions can then be obtained by double
integration of the curvature functions for each instrumented section. Another approach would be to
install multiple tiltmeters on the beam. The rotation u
at each sensor caused by load application
reveals vertical deflections by the formula h
= l
sin u
, l
denoting the length of one instrumented
As we can see from these examples, the used sensing technology strongly governs the method of
modeling and analysis. Additionally, the combination of both methods could improve the measurement
system (in this case the determination of the rigid body motion). Further we can see, that a reading
from one single sensor is not valuable for the determination of the global behavior, accordingly we
differentiate the terms of data and information. Therefore an accurate modeling of the system and its
linkage to the measurements are a central issue in any monitoring system. For structural evaluation,
the most accepted mode for modeling and comparing measured and calculated data is the finite
element approach. According to the evaluation of the measured data, the finite element model is
subsequently improved to match as best the actual situation of the monitored structure. Once the finite
element model has gained a certain level of completeness and validity, it provides the basis for
analytical prediction and simulation.
However, for some instrumented processes it might not always be possible to formulate a well defined
analytical evaluation model. Corrosion processes on reinforced concrete structures are a complex
function of different variables like moisture, chloride concentration, oxygen content of the pore
solution, conductivity of the concrete cover, and many others [21]. The interpretation of these
parameters may be in part based on empirical experience and expert knowledge. Such systems are
therefore good candidates to be modeled and evaluated by knowledge based systems and inference
mechanisms. Again, the process of system modeling might underlie several steps of revision in order
to improve and validate the model assumptions or to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the
monitoring system.
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Fig. 8-1: System Modeling and Data Evaluation

An ultimate objective of any monitoring procedure is the decision making support for the assessment
and maintenance of the operational system [6]. Probabilistic reasoning and reliability-based
methodologies are very powerful approaches enhancing the treatment of the different types of
randomness in the monitored processes.
8.1.1 Linear and Non-Linear Analysis
The installation of sensing elements and of an automated data acquisition system to collect measured
data is only the start of monitoring field performance. Interpretation of the acquired data is equally
important, namely the comparison of measured and calculated data in order to validate the model
assumptions or to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the monitoring system. For this purpose a
finite element model of the monitored structure based on a linear or non-linear approach might be
build. Comparing measured and calculated data helps to analyze the causes of discrepancies. [22]
Fig. 8-2: Comparison of analytical and measured behavior

To calibrate the analytical state determination model (called mechanical model), the response of a
virgin bridge structure is first traced by the filament beam element to the ultimate load range. The initial
stiffness of the service load level can be estimated by the fundamental frequency of the bridge
structure obtained from vibration tests, static loading tests, and the major experimental information
collected by the continuous monitoring system. The calibration of the analytical model is then adapted
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to the load-deflection response of the existing bridge structure. Once a calibration has gained a certain
level of completeness, analytical prediction provides a quantitative knowledge and hence is a useful
tool to support structural evaluation, decision making, and maintenance strategies. [23] Non-linear Analysis of Concrete Structures
Fracture analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete structures can be successfully applied to
practical engineering problems. A constitutive model of crack propagation suitable for finite element
calculation is based on fracture mechanics. Recent work in the field of fracture mechanics of concrete
structures has resulted in the development of new concepts, which have found the way in design
standards and tools such as computer programs.
One of such tools is the computer program SBETA, it is able to simulate brittle fracture behavior using
a smeared crack concept. Within this chapter the theoretical background of fracture analysis as it was
implemented in this program is laid out, taken from [34]:
Fracture is one of the most important features of concrete behavior with a significant non-linear effect.
For its modeling the smeared crack concept has been adopted, in which the crack propagation is
based on the idea of a crack band within the finite element continuum, see Bazant and Oh (1983),
book of Bazant and Planas (1998), Rots (1988). The model was further enhanced by a refined
definition of the crack band, Cervenka et al. (1995) and is used in the program SBETA (1997). The
advantage of this formulation is that it can solve a problem of discontinuity due to cracks by the
standard finite element method, without re-meshing. In the smeared crack model a real discrete crack
is simulated by a strain localization in continuous displacement field. This localization is caused by the
negative stiffness of material softening [34].
The behavior of crack in concrete is idealized by the model of cohesive fictitious crack according to
Hillerborg et al. (1976) where crack opening law is governed by three parameters: tensile strength f
and the shape of the softening curve, see Fig. 8-3. The formulation implemented in SBETA uses
the exponential curve shape experimentally derive by Hordijk (1991) [34].
Fig. 8-3: Crack stress-crack opening law, Crack stress-strain law, [34]

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In the smeared crack model the crack width w is transformed into crack strains c
using the crack
band size L, Fig. 8-3. This transformations assure, that the same fracture energy is used regardless
the size of the finite element. Details of the crack band model can be found in Chapter 8 of the book by
Bazant and Planas (1998). A refined relation of the crack band size introduces the orientation factor ,
which is a function of the crack angle with respect to element sides and changes linearly between 1 to
1.5 [34].
In a general algorithm of concrete behavior the above described model of fracture is combined with a
model of compressive failure. For this purpose a damage-based model is used, Cervenka V. and Pukl
(1992), in case of plane stress analysis and the plasticity-based model, Cervenka J. et al. (1998), in
case of three-dimensional analysis with confinement effects. It should be realized that in many cases a
compression failure is as important as a tensile failure. Both compression and tension can exhibit
softening and their combination represents a significant theoretical and algorithmic problem [34]. Shear Failure Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam
A study of the shear failure of reinforced concrete beam tested by Leonhardt & Walther (1962) was
performed in order to examine the objectivity of the enhanced fracture-energy-based crack band
model. The simply supported beam with the span of supports 1.950 m is loaded by two forces. It has a
rectangular cross section 190x320 mm, it is reinforced by two bars 26 (total area 1060 mm) and
concrete cube strength is 35 MPa. There is no vertical reinforcement. The numerical model was made
only for the symmetrical half of the beam as shown in Fig. 8-4. Three cases of the finite element
meshes are analyzed. The load is applied as imposed displacement by increments. Iteration is
performed in each load step using Newton-Raphson method combined with line-search method in
order to restore equilibrium and satisfy the material laws. Computed and experimental crack patterns
are compared in Fig. 8-4 [34].
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Fig. 8-4: Calculated crack patterns compared with experiment, [34]

The simulation indicates the typical shear failure due to formation of a single diagonal crack followed
by a loss or resistance. It corresponds well to the experimentally observed failure. Cracks in the
graphical representation are depicted by lines in the middle of finite elements. The thickness of crack-
line is proportional to the crack width. The regions of thick cracks indicate the crack bands [34].
8.1.2 Damage Detection using a Minimum Rank Updating Theory
In the paper by Zimmermann & Kaouk a lot of references to the development of localization and
damage detection are given. Here emphasis is put on two aspects, i.e. location and extent of damage. Damage Detection: Location
It is assumed that an n-DOF finite element model of the undamaged structure exists and the equation
of motion is given as
0 = + + Kx x C x M
$ $ $

where M,C,K are the n * n analytical mass-, damping- and stiffness matrices and x is a displacement
vector of dimension n. FE-model and measured structure must be consistent, which requires the
dimension of both measured and analytical mode shapes to be equal. That is fulfilled, if either all FEM
degrees of freedom are measured (in practice this is not possible), or if algorithms for expansion
(Berman 1971 [5], Smith 1990 [11], Zimmermann 1992 [13]) or reduction (McGowan 1991 [8],
O'Callahan 1989 [7]) of dimensions of mode shapes can be used. The basic approach of Hurty-
Transformation also allows the reduction to modal measured degrees of freedom (Zheng 1996 [12]). In
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these cases the additional error may become significant as the ratio of measured to unmeasured
degrees of freedom decreases.
It is assumed that AM, AC, AK are the exact perturbation matrices, which reflect the structural damage.
The eigenvalue problem can now be written as
0 )] ( ) ( ) ( [
= A + A + A
di di di
v K K C C M M

For the localization of system changes it is sufficient, if p of n (p<<n) eigenvalues and mode shapes
are measured. The perturbation matrices on the right hand side are grouped, which defines a damage
vector d
Eq. 8-1:
di di di di di i
v K C M v Z d ) ( ) ( ) (
A + A + A = =

) (
di di di
+ +
The inspection of d
reveals that the j element of d
will be zero when the j rows of the perturbation
matrices are zero. The finite element model for the j degree of freedom is not directly affected by
damage or on the other side the degrees of freedom, which are affected by damage, can be
determined by inspecting the elements of d
. It is noticed, Eq. 8-1 is the Modal Force Criterion as
proposed by Ojalvo (1988) [9]. In specific cases, the damage vector defined by Eq. 8-1 can lead to
incorrect conclusions concerning the location of damage Gysin (1990) [6]. In an alternate view Eq. 8-1
can be written as
i di
di di
v z v z d u = cos

is the j component (j DOF) of the i damage vector,
is the j row of the matrix Z

is the angle between the vectors
and di
. In the case when the measurements are free of error,
a zero
corresponds to an
of ninety degrees, whereas a nonzero
corresponds to an

different than ninety degrees. It is possible to use the deviation of the angle from ninety degrees as an
indicator of damage.
Eq. 8-2:


u = o 90

It is remarked by using of Eq. 8-2 only the damaged DOFs take values substantially different from
zero degrees.
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14.06.2002 181 Damage Detection: Extent
For the necessary determination of the extent of structural damage Zimmermann & Kaouk have
proposed the following procedure based on the assumptions of an undamped system and negligible
effect of damage on the mass properties.
The extent algorithm can be summarized succinctly in two steps. At first the matrix B is calculated by
Eq. 8-3:
d d d d d
A = + A

Second, the perturbation matrices is calculated as
Eq. 8-4:
) (

= A

Eq. 8-5:
d d
) (

A = A

The extent algorithm defined by Eq. 8-3, Eq. 8-4 assume that B is of full column rank. For the case
that the experimental measurements produce not a full column rank of B is valid
p p
d d
B V K KV MV A = + A Application and Discussion
As an example a rectangular slab is modeled by finite elements
(1 The calculations were carried out using
the software package SL
) and the support conditions are fixed. It is assumed the material has the
properties of steel by elastic modulus E = 2.1e11N/m and one damaged element here expressed as
changing in elastic modulus by E = 1.0e11N/m .
The Fig. 8-6 presents the damage extent. On the x-axis the indices of the column vector are shown.
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Fig. 8-5: First 6 Modes of Undamaged Structure

constructed by storing the triangular portion of the stiffness matrix in a column vector. The y-axis on all
plots consists of the difference between the updated stiffness matrix and the original stiffness matrix
). The order of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which are necessary for
Fig. 8-6: Damage Vectors
corresponds to the Mode Shapes

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Fig. 8-7: Deterministic and by the Procedure of Zimmermann & Kaouk identified Damage Extent

validation of Eq. 8-4 is equal to the rank of R of matrix B. This rank is determined by using algorithm of
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). That means when using of finite elements, which have a high
rank in their element stiffness matrix, the rank R increases and consequently there is the need for
experimental determination of R eigenvalues and eigenvectors. For reasons of efficiency this
requirement is too strong, if R is of high order. It is remarked, that the rank criterion is not a sufficient
condition. For systems with a large number of degrees of freedom substantially more modal
parameters are needed for an accurate calculation of system changes.
8.1.3 Damage Detection by using the Changes in the Curvature of Mode
Shapes Derivation
In the paper by Pnadey et al. [10] the authors have proposed using the changes in the curvature mode
shapes for localization of system changes (here: mass or stiffness of system). This approach is
suitable for beam-like structures. Based on the displacement DOF of the mode shapes the curvature
of the i-the finite element can be approximated by using central difference method.
1 1
) 2 (
v v v
i i i
$ $

where h is the length of the elements or the distance between two measurement points. The
localization is possible even if the system has experienced only small changes. Application and Discussion
As an example a beam with rectangular cross section is modeled by finite beam elements. It is
assumed the material has the properties of steel with an elastic modulus E = 2.1e11N/m and one
damaged element (in the middle of this span) with slightly reduced elastic modulus of E =
2.09e11N/m. Fig. 8-9 curve clearly shows the change in the curvature of mode shapes.
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Fig. 8-8: Modeled Beam

Fig. 8-9: Curvature of the Mode Shapes 1 - 6

This result allows a predication about the location of the damage. A significant disadvantage of this
procedure is its restriction to one dimensional problems. In higher dimensioned problems the
significance due to participation of the neighboring elements in the load bearing behavior of the
structure is not obtained.
8.2 Structural Reliability Analysis
Procedures used in assessment of existing structures are in many aspects different from that taken in
designing new structures. In general assessment requires application of advanced methods, as a rule
beyond the scope of common design codes. The effects of the construction process and subsequent
life of the structure, during which it may have undergone alteration, deterioration, misuse, and other
changes to its original state, must be taken into account. [24]
Two approaches for the assessment of existing structures are known at present. The first approach
means the immediate evaluation of a structure based on results obtained during inspections by using
various types of classification methods. The second approach is reliability-based evaluation. This
evaluation method depends on the ability to express the influence of defects and deterioration on the
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global reliability of the whole structure [25]. Reliability theory provides a method for allowing for
variability in the major parameters governing the behavior of a structure. For example, a bridge may
be designed for a concrete strength of 40 MPa whereas in practice the actual strength of concrete
within a bridge is likely to have a range of values between say 35 and 50 M Pa. Similarly most other
parameters of strength, dimension and load can be more realistically modeled by a statistical
distribution of specified mean, standard deviation and type.
Uncertainties in the various mechanical models are described as random variables using their
probability density function (PDF). In the optimal case, all random variables are measured and real
data are available. Then a statistical assessment of this experimental data (e.g. data on strength of
concrete, modulus of elasticity, loads) is based on the selection of the most appropriate density
functions. In the case of some input parameters with no experimental evidence a decision based on
professional judgment and empirical knowledge should be accepted. With a sensitivity analysis (o-
factors) the most appropriate mechanical model may be defined. Important is also that the most
influencing random variable can likely be identified using a probabilistic approach (e.g. deformation).
After this identification the measured data has to be compared with the most appropriate mechanical
model [22].
The limit state function for probabilistic based structural identification may be described as follows:

Limit State function: g(x) = F
- F

Mechanical Model: F
X(1), X(2), X(i-1)
Behavioural Model (measured data). F
X( i).

= P[ F
, X
, ..., X
, a, b)]

8.2.1 Basic Variables
Checking for structural safety, e.g., traditionally follows deterministic patterns. In principle, a defined
value R
of the resistance of a structural component is derived from a number of characteristic values.
In a similar manner a defined value S
representing the action effects is derived from a number of
characteristic values of actions. In order to check for safety or failure these two single values R
are then compared. [26]
The deterministic form of the safety condition reads:
# S

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Fig. 8-10: The safety condition

However R and S depend on a number of quantities. Naturally, all these quantities depend in turn on
others. In many cases a comparison on the basis of R and S alone is possibly too inaccurate. On the
other hand, a fine division into many basic variables is more accurate but also more complicated and
cumbersome. Choosing the optimal basis of assessment therefore is always an issue to be
addressed. [26]
Since the majority of input data involved in such situations are of random nature a probabilistic
approach inevitably should be developed [1]. Reliability (or probabilistic) analysis includes information
from all resistance and loading variables influencing the assessment process (not just point estimates)
and so provides a rational criterion for the comparison of the likely consequences of decisions taken
under uncertainty [4].
To describe adequately the resistance properties of structural elements, Melchers [27] suggests to
collect information about the following:
- Statistical properties for material strength and stiffness
- Statistical properties for dimensions
- Rules for the combination of various properties
- Correlation effects between different properties and between different locations of members
and structure
- Influence of time (e.g. size changes, strength changes, deterioration mechanisms such as
fatigue, corrosion, erosion, weathering, marine growth effects)
- Influence of fabrication methods on element and structural strength and stiffness
- Influence of quality control measures such as construction inspection and in-service inspection
- Effect of proof loading, i.e. the increase in confidence resulting from prior successful loading

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The totality of observations of a quantity under the same conditions is termed a population. The
concrete in a building, e.g., is a population. Each arbitrarily selected zone is an element of this
population. Observations are necessarily limited to a number of cylindrical specimens drilled out
randomly form the concrete. This is the random sample. The observed property is, for example, the
compressive strength of the cylindrical specimen. [26]
The results drawn from a sample are then summarized in histograms or presented by the cumulative
Fig. 8-11: Presentation of sample data, histogram (left), cumulative frequency (right), [26]

The sample of experimental results is then replaced by a suitable distribution function. Typical
resistance variables for example are best represented with a log-normal distribution, since they appear
as a product of variables. Besides, negative resistances are hardly possible [26]. Detailed information
on R variables can be gathered from extensive material databases.
Fig. 8-12: Distribution Functions, top: Probability Density Function (PDF), bottom: Cumulative Distribution
Function (CDF), [26]

The advantage to replace the sample data with mathematically defined distribution functions lies in the
fact that further computations will be easier. The sampling data and the associated histograms can be
described by a few characteristic numerical values, so-called parameters. Parameters may,
alternatively, be replaced by so-called moments. The main moments of a sample are the mean, the
variance, the skewness, and the kurtosis [26]. The parameters of the corresponding continuous
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distribution functions include the median, the mode, the skewness and the kurtosis depending on the
type of distribution. A variety of techniques are available for the approximate determination of the
different parameters.
Measurement processes usually introduce a certain amount of variability or randomness into the
results, and this randomness can affect the conclusions drawn from measurements. In the next
chapter we shortly discuss this problem.
8.2.2 Classical Approach for a limited Quality of Data
= m
is the mean value of the sample results
is the coefficient depending on the number of results n
is the standard deviation of the results
is the characteristic value of measurement data
For the classical approach for a limited quality of data the characteristic value may be based on the
5% fractile. If there is a complete lack of knowledge about the standard deviation, the value k
has to
be taken from Table 8-1 for the case that the standard deviation is unknown. If on the other hand the
standard deviation is fully known from prior knowledge, the value of k
has to be taken from Table 8-1
for the case that the standard deviation is known. In the given procedure a normal distribution of the
test results is assumed.
Table 8-1: Values of kn based on a 5% fractile
3 4 6 8 10 20 30
Unknown 3,15 2,68 2,34 2,19 2,10 1,93 1,87 1,64
Known 2,03 1,98 1,92 1,88 1,86 1,79 1,77 1,64
8.2.3 Bayesian approach including prior knowledge
According to the Bayesian approach, the characteristic value in the case that a normal distribution of
the test results is assumed, equal to:

+ =
s t m R R R d
1 v q where t
is the coefficient of the Student distribution
The value of t
, follows from Table 8-2, where v = n-1. The product o| corresponds to a fractile P(u)
as indicated in Table 8-2. It is known that the Bayesian approach is sensitive for the value of the
standard deviation, especially if only a small number of test results are available. Too small or too
large standard deviations might result into unsafe or uneconomic design values. An advantage of the
Bayesian theory is that the prior knowledge can avoid unrealistic design values.
Table 8-2: Values of t

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P(u) v

2 3 5 7 9 19 29
1,64 0,05 2,92 2,35 2,02 1,89 1,83 1,73 1,70 1,64
8.2.4 Creation of Density Function
In order to find the density function of continuous measured data, the so called evaluation strategy or
other parameter identification techniques may be applied (see chapter 8.2.6). Essentially data is
classified into groups and subsequently the combined density functions are fitted by the use of
evolution strategies such as mutation, recombination, and selection. The idea is, that small variations
of the determining variables must lead to small changes in the evaluation of the fitness function. An
example for the fitting of measured load data is given in Fig. 8-13.
Fig. 8-13: Real axle-load and fitted density function

8.2.5 Safety Aspects
In this section a possible approach will be discussed in order to link the measured data to limits given
by thy design. The limit state function for monitoring is described by the following method:
Ultimate Limit State ULS (loads)
Monitoring data s Limits Serviceability Limit State SLS (deformations)
Durability Limit State DLS (chlorides)

= P[ F
, X
, ..., X
, a, b)]
| >

i i
m L

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Li Limits given at the ultimate limit state, serviceability or durability limit states
mi mean values of monitoring data
Si standard deviation of monitoring data

As the ULS-, SLS- and DLS-limits have already been applied in the design phase, we have to
guarantee that the measured data are in a safe range. Therefore some safety indices will be proposed
in the following table:
Table 8-3: Safety index |
| P
1,3 110
1,8 3,510
2 110
8.2.6 Parameter Identification
Available optimization procedures may be classified according to two categories. One class is based
on gradients of the objective function (or the Lagrangian), the other one is based on gradient-free
search strategies. In the following, representative methods are discussed with respect to the potential
merits in system identification. Optimization by Sequential Quadratic Programming (NLPQL)
The mathematical background of the NLPQL-algorithm is detailed described in Schittkowski [18], [19].
The optimization aims at solving the following problem
min ) ,..., , (
2 1

x x x f

where the objective function f:R
R is subjected to the equality and inequality constraints

= >
= =
e N l
e N k
m k x x x h
m k x x x g
, 1 0 ) ,..., , (
, 1 0 ) ,..., , (
2 1
2 1

The range of each of the variables x
is limited by upper and lower bounds. The algorithm
solves the optimization problem by a sequential quadratic approximation of both the objective function
and the augmented Lagrangian. The quadratic subproblems are solved exactly. The Hessian of the
Lagrangian is updated from the gradients during the iteration process. The gradients themselves have
to be provided by the user. If available on closed form (e.g. by analytical differentiation of the
Lagrangian) the method is extremely effective. However, in the context of Finite-Element based
system identification the gradients are usually evaluated by numerical differentiation. The handling of
constraints can be controlled by an active set-strategy.
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The solution obtained by gradient-based search methods satisfies local optimality criteria. For
situations in which multiple local optima exist, this may be unsatisfactory. Restarting the procedure
with different (e.g. randomly chosen) starting values can improve the chances of locating the global
optimum. Application and Discussion
The following example shows an application of the NLPQL-algorithm to a problem with a large number
of local optima.
Eq. 8-6:
) 5 sin( ) 2 sin( ) , ( y y x x y x f t + t =

The maximum f(x,y) is to be located within the boundaries: for 8.0 $ x $ 12.1 . 2.1 $ y $ 5.8.

Fig. 8-14: Quality Function and the Optimization Path

Fig. 8-14 shows the objective function and the search path of the NLPQL-algorithm. Within a small
number of steps, a local optimum is found. However, it is virtually impossible to reach the global
optimum. Hence the need for a procedure, which can leave" local optima during the iteration
becomes apparent. Evolution Strategy and Genetic Algorithms
Evolution strategy and genetic algorithms are both search procedures that use the mechanics of
natural selection and natural genetics. The algorithm design can start from an existing measurement
database or from randomly generated potential solutions. First a population of possible solutions to a
problem is developed. Next, the better solutions are recombined with each other to form some new
solutions. Finally the new solutions are used to replace the poorer of the original solutions and the
process is repeated. The methods used thereby are the same for both evolutionary and genetic
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Fig. 8-15: Search procedures, Monte Carlo (left), Evolutionary Algorithm (right), (Rechenberg 1973)

To evolve towards the next "generation" of generally better solutions, the EA selects the highest
performing candidates from the current generation using "survival-of-the-fittest" learning. It then
exchanges some parameter values or search coordinates between candidates through an operation
called "crossover" and introduces new values or coordinates through an operation called "mutation".
Evolution strategies imitate, in contrast to the genetic algorithms, the effects of genetic procedures on
the phenotype. Both techniques make use of past trial information for global optimality in a similarly
"intelligent" manner to a human designer. Genetic Algorithms
The class of Genetic Algorithms (GA) represents a First Order Strategy and is suitable for obtaining
the global optimum in a high dimensional non convex objective function space. The search strategy is
based on stochastics and objective-oriented elements, which are loosely based on concepts of
evolution in biology. It appears to be quite well suited for identification tasks. The GAs have the
following advantages in contrast to conventional gradient-based optimization procedures:
- A higher degree of independence from the starting point. This is a consequence of the
population approach combined with stochastic components.
- It is not necessary, that the objective function is continuously differentiable, since gradients
are not required.
The GAs have the following disadvantages:
- A proof of convergence to the global optimum is not available.
- The computational effort is considerably higher This disadvantage can reduced by suitable
computational implementation (parallelization) of the optimization problem.
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Fig. 8-16: Flow Chart of the Genetic Algorithm Presentation of Solution
The chromosomes can be coded in two different ways: either as binary vectors (Genetic Algorithm) or
as real vectors (Evolutionary Algorithm). Binary values take only two values, so of course it is not
possible to represent a real valued search variable by one bit. In dependence of number range and
needed precision of variable several bits are necessary.
for instance: number of range: 0..5; precision: 0.01; possible values: 5/0.01 = 500; needed bits:
= 256 < 500 < 2
= 512 9 bits
The sum of all bits, which represent one search variables, is called Gen". The sum of all genes
collected in a binary vector is called chromosome". The binary code has disadvantages if in high
dimensional problems real variables are coded in high precision. This leads to very long binary vectors
combined with large search spaces. By application of the real coding it is possible to avoid the
mentioned disadvantages. The search variables (gene) are saved as real numbers and subsequently
are collected in vectors (chromosomes). The disadvantage from this coding is that the classical
evolutionary procedure of crossover cannot be performed. Initialization
In this phase a starting population P(t = 0) of n individuals is stochastically generated based on
uniform probability within the given bounds. This ensures that the search for the optimum begins from
different points in the search space. In the binary coding the values get zero or one, in the real coding
the variables get a value between the upper or lower bound of the predefined variable range. Fitness
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The evaluation and interpretation of the objective function value (and the constraint conditions)
provides a measure for the fitness value". By means of the fitness value the selection probability p
the recombination is calculated. Selection
For the recombination n individuals are chosen from the current population. Two different kinds of
selection can be used: stochastic and deterministic selection. The possibility of choosing a single
individual more than once is given by the random selection. The selection probability p
is dependent
from the fitness value of an individual and from an additional selection pressure. The deterministic
selection is strictly based on the rank of an individual within the population. Recombination (Crossover)
Crossover presents an important operator with the aim to generate descendants based on proved
individuals from the last generation. Generally two steps are performed. At first individuals chosen for
the recombination are mixed and then two by two individuals are chosen as parents. In the second
step the parents' chromosomes are recombined according to different crossover schemes (Single-,
Point-, Multipoint-, Shuffle-Crossover). Mutation
The main task consists therein to find a new region of the search space and to avoid the convergence
to a suboptimum. Generally the selection of individuals leads to a homogenous population, in other
words the variety of genes is reduced. Hence the procedure of crossover has no influences on the
population. For the mutation a mutation rate is used, mostly by 3-5 %.
Binary Coding: Each bit is mutated and subsequently inverted with probability 0.5.
Real Coding: Each gene is mutated according to a uniform distribution. Substitutions
In general the population size is kept constant. Therefore it is necessary to decide which individuals
should survive or be substituted for the next generation. There are different kinds of substitutions
scheme (substitutions of complete generation, Elitism, slight Elitism, cancellation of n worst
individuals, cancellation of n stochastically chosen individuals, etc.). Boundary Conditions
In all practical optimization problems boundary conditions have to be considered, such as bounds for
the search variables or equality and inequality restraints. It is therefore necessary to provide a concept
for the treatment of invalid solutions in bounded search spaces. One direct method is to reprobate all
invalid solutions with the disadvantage of increased computation time. An alternative concept is the
implementation of so-called reparation functions" or penalty functions". Application and Discussion
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For the function Eq. 8-6 the maximum f(x,y) is searched by genetic algorithm within the bounds: for 8.0
s x s 12.1 . 2.1 s y s 5.8. The maximum value is found in the upper
Fig. 8-17: Quality Function and Location of Optimum

Fig. 8-18: History of Best Fitness during the Optimization Process

corner. It is noticed, the GA can easily locate the global optimum, quite in contrast to the NLPQL-
8.2.7 Database
The material database is an important tool for the analysis based on special sampling methods. The
concept causes the development of a database, which enables an easy application. Within the scope
of the research project SARA (see chapter 11.3) an extensive database was created. The concept of
this database is presented in the current chapter.
In addition to the statistical data and material models obtained from the literature, an exhausting
investigation was performed to get more detailed information about the hardening and curing terms of
concrete, (recommended by JCSS [31] and Melchers [27] for example), to get more detailed
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information about the statistical scatter of the stress strain behavior of concrete, (see Fig. 8-19) and to
get statistical information about the time-dependent behavior of concrete [28].
Topics of the investigations were first, the influence of the curing, the placing, the hardening conditions
and the testing conditions on the compressive strength of concrete. Secondly, the description of the
stress and strain scatter along the stress-strain line of concrete and finally the influence of the changes
of cement and the shape of aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete [28]. Investigation Results
The statistical parameters Y
can be described in more detail than recommended in JCCS
(LN(1.0,0.06)). The scatter of the stress and strain data of concrete shows that the initial branch of
scatter is increasing and that the end of the branch is decreasing. The mean values of the
compressive strength from experiments are generally higher than recommended in EC2. Additional to
the normal, log-normal and the Weibull, distributions like the gamma and the beta show sometimes
better results [28].
Fig. 8-19: Estimating of the statistical parameters along the stress-strain line for C25/30, [28]
Norm Distribution Plot

Weibull Distribution Plot

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For most of the data, fitting procedures, as the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test, Fig. 8-19, are employed
to get the best describing distribution type. Chosen distribution types for fitting the resistance are the
Beta, the Exponential, the LogNormal, the Gamma, the Normal and the Weibull distribution. For
simplicity and for flexible handling, the received data are included as an ASCI File in the existing code
cluster. The user interface is designed on Delphi surface and can be seen in Fig. 8-20. [28]
Fig. 8-20: Example of the Database Interface Content and Structure of SARA Database
We can distinguish three types of basic variables [28]:
- Environmental variables; like wind, snow, earthquake, temperature, etc. stationary, time
dependent stochastic processes.
- Structural variables; structural dimensions, structural materials, etc.
- Utilization variables; Live loads, traffic loads, crane loads etc.
For the structure of the database the basic variables are subdivided in R and S variables. The main
part of the database embraces the resistance data and models. The resistance entries are organized
in concrete, reinforcement, structural steel, steel for pre-stressing, carbon fiber and shotcrete. Each of
these chapters is further subdivided in General, Laboratory, Old and Special Properties like
hardening or curing of concrete. This structure should allow the user a choice of the statistical data for
his particular problem. The third level, a further distinction within the above-mentioned chapter, shows
the source of the data, like Concrete Properties from JCSS or Concrete Properties from Investigation.
Additional to these information in the footnote of the Window of the Database there are the references
to the chosen item, the number of specimens important for Bayesian updating and equations for
material models. Beside the material properties, the database contains also information about
uncertainties: Dimensions, Models, serviceability: Deformations, Cracks, Vibrations, safety indices
and proof loading. In the following some of the interesting PDF properties investigated and included in
the database are shown [28].
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Concrete: Compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, fracture energy, poison rate.
Distribution type: normal, log.-normal, Weibull. Parameters of influence: compaction, curing hardening,
aggregate types, specimen sizes, geometrical uncertainties, and degradation of concrete
Reinforcement Steel, Structural Steel, Prestressing Steel: Yield strength, ultimate strength, modulus of
elasticity, R5 strain, Poisson ratio. Distribution type: normal, log-normal, Weibull. Parameters of
Influence: steel type, geometries of steel, and diameter of steel bars
Geometrical Dimensions: Concrete cover, effective depth, dimensions of columns, slabs and beams.
Distribution Type: normal, Gumbel
Model Uncertainties
8.2.8 Reliability Analysis Methods
With all the known statistical properties for each of the variables, simulation methods are used to
generate sample distributions of resistance and action values describing the structural reliability
The classical reliability theory introduced the form of a response variable or safety margin as the
function of basic random variables X
Z = G(X
, .,X
The Xi represent the random variables, which describe both the problem and the requirements for a
particular basis of assessment. These variables are geometrical and material parameters, load,
environmental factors etc., generally uncertainties (random variables or random fields). These
quantities can be also statistically correlated [26,35].
In case that Z is a safety margin, G(.) is called a limit state function and can generally be written as:
G(X) = G(X
) # 0
Of interest in the present connection is the probability of failure p
. It can be defined as follows [35]:
Eq. 8-7: Failure probability p

i i f
dX dX dX X X X f p ,..., , ) ,..., , (
2 1 2 1

where D
represents failure region where G(X) < 0 and f(X
) is the function of marginal
probability density or random variables X = X
. Equality Z = 0 divides the multidimensional
space of basic random variables X
into safe and failure region. Probability of failure is the probability
that the limit state function is negative [35].
The methods for determining theses probabilities or the corresponding indices are classified according
to their degree of complexity, [26]:
- Level I: The variables X
are introduced by one single value only, e.g., by the mean value or
some other characteristic value. This is the level of the current codes. Statements about the
failure probability are not possible.
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- Level II: The variables X
are introduced by two moments or parameters, e.g., by the mean
value and the standard deviation. Statements about the probability of failure obtained on this
basis have a nominal character and can be used for comparison purposes.
- Level III: If the variables X
are introduced using suitable distribution functions, then the results
obtained can, given the adequacy of the input values, lead to results which, for all but rather
small probabilities, can be used in an extended context.
Explicit calculation of Eq. 8-7 is generally impossible therefore the application of a simulation
technique Monte Carlo type is the feasible alternative to estimate failure probability [35]. Monte-Carlo Method
With the Monte-Carlo method the approximate calculation of the probability density and of the
parameters of an arbitrary limit state function is replaced by statistically analyzing a large number of
individual evaluation of the function using random realizations x
of the underlying distributions X
. The
index k stands for the k-th simulation (k=1,2z) of a set of x
. Each set of the k realizations gives a
value [26]:
= G(x
, x
, x
, x
The heart of the method is a random number generator that produces random numbers a
between 0
and 1. Such a number is interpreted as a value of the cumulative distribution function F
) and
delivers the associated realization x
of the variable X
Fig. 8-21: Monte Carlo technique, [26]

The number of all realizations for which g
< 0, is counted. Thereby p
can be calculated according to
the frequency definition of probability as, [26]:

where z is the total number of all realizations of G.
In addition to counting z
and z, g
could be analyzed statistically, by determining the mean value m

and the standard deviation s
and, if of interest, higher moments too. From these two values the safety
index | can be determined, and from it an estimated value for the probability of failure p
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) ( | = u ~ ~ | u p

As can be seen, in this estimate it is assumed that the density of G is normally distributed.
In some computer programs the resulting values g
are continuously presented in a histogram, thus
giving immediately an idea of the probability density of the variable G [26].
In order to reduce the computational effort, a number of sampling methods have been developed,
such as importance sampling, adaptive sampling and Latin Hypercube sampling.
Fig. 8-22: Simulation procedure for member strength statistical properties, [27] Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS)
The Stratified Monte Carlo simulation called Latin Hypercube Sampling is a highly recommended
technique. It allows a small number of simulations under achieving of an acceptable accuracy. This
technique belongs to the category of advanced simulation methods [30]. Briefly, it is a special type of
Monte Carlo numerical simulation methods, which uses the stratification of the theoretical probability
distribution functions of input random variables. The idea of LHS is quite simple: The range (0;1) of the
probability distribution function of each random variable is divided into N
different non- overlapping
intervals of equal probability 1/N
. The centroids of these intervals are then usually used in a
simulation process representative values are obtained via the inverse transformation of a probability
distribution function. The centroids are selected randomly based on random permutations of integers
1,2,, j,, N
. The basic concept of LHS is sketched in Fig. 8-23.
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Fig. 8-23: LHS Technique, [34]

Every interval of each variable is used only once during the simulation process. By repetitive
calculations of the response function a set of response variables is obtained and evaluated by simple
statistics. In case of crude MCS such a process can be quite time consuming as thousands of
simulations are needed for acceptable good estimations. Using a smaller number of simulations (e.g.
less than hundred); LHS results in satisfactory estimates of basic statistical parameters of response. It
is valid mainly for the first and the second statistical moment, but quite good results can also be
obtained for the third moment (skewness) [28].
Fig. 8-24: Structure of statistical analysis, SARA [28]
1. Stochastical Models
Model Uncertainties
2. Input Parameter
3. Randomization
4. Performance
Complex Nonlinear
Solution of ATENA
Computational Model
5. Saving of Results
Structural Response
6. Statistic Evaluation
Structural Response
at the End of the
whole Simulation
Random Variables
m; CoV; pdf
Using LHS Sampling
Statistical Correlation is Imposed - Simulation Annealing
Empirical Cumulative pdf
Random Variables
m; CoV; pdf
n Iterations

8.3 References
1. P. Vokroj, B. Tepl, D. Novk, Z. Kerner, Corrosion and life-time prediction of a steel storage
tank, International Conference on Carrying Capacity of Steel Shell Structures, 1 - 3 October
1997, Brno, Czech Republic
2. Z. Kerner, D. Novk, B. Tepl, R. Rusina, Modelling of Deterioration of Concrete Structures by
Stochastic Finite Element Method, 7
International Conference on Structural Safety and
Reliability, Kyoto, Japan, November 24 28, 1997
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14.06.2002 202
3. B. Yanev, Past Experience and Future Needs for Bridge Monitoring in New York City, 6

International Workshop on Material Properties and Design, Present and Future of Health
Monitoring, Bauhaus University, Sept. 2000, pp 93 108, AEDIFICATIO Publishers
4. M.H. Faber, V.V. Dimitri, M.G. Stewart, Proof load testing for bridge assessment and upgrading,
Engineering Structures 22 (2000), p. 1677-1689
5. A. Berman, E.J. Nagy, Improvements of a Large Analytical Model Using Test Data, AIAA
Journal, Vol.21, No. 8, pp. 1481-1487, 1983
6. H. Gysin, Comparison of Expansion Methods for FE Modeling Error Localization, Proceedings
of the 8th International Modal Analysis Conference, Kissimmee, Fl. pp. 195-204, 1990
7. J.C. OCallahan, A Procedure for an Improved Reduced System (IRS) Model, Proceedings of
the Seventh International Modal Analysis Conference Williamsburg, VA, pp. 1174-1186, 1989
8. P.E. McGowan, Dynamic Test/Analysis Correlation Using Reduced Analytical Models, M.S.
Thesis, Engineering Mechanics, Old Dominion University, 1991
9. I.U. Ojalvo, D. Pilon, Diagnostics for geometrically Locating Structural Math Errors From Modal
Test Data, Proceedings of the 29th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials
Conference, Williamsburg, VA, pp. 1174-1186, 1988
10. A.K. Pandey, M. Biswas, M.M. Samman, Damage Detection from Changes in Curvature Mode
Shapes, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1991, 145(2), pp. 312-332
11. S.W. Smith, C.A. Beattie, Simultaneous Expansion and Orthogonalization of measured Modes
for Structure Identification, Proceedings of the AIAA dynamic Spezialist Conference, Long
Beach, CA, pp. 261-270, 1990
12. Zheng, M.Sc.Qian, Identifikation struktureller Parameter von Rechenmodellen mit Hilfe der
Schwingungsversuchsdaten von Teilstrukturen, Dissertation, Universitt Gesamthochschule
Kassel 1996
13. D.C. Zimmermann, W. Widengren, 1990, Model Correction Using a Symmetric Eigenstructure
Assignment Technique, AIAA Journal, Vol. 28, No.9, pp. 1670-1676
14. D.C. Zimmermann, M. Kaouk, Structural Damage Detection Using a Minimum Rank Updating
Theory, J. of Vibration and Acoustics, 116, 1994, pp. 1110-1115
15. O. Huth, J. Riedel, C. Bucher, Finite Element Optimierung einer Stahlbetonbrcke auf der
Grundlage von in-situ Experimenten, Proceedings DACH-Tagung Berlin November/1999
16. T. Krawzyk, Volumenoptimierung von Stahlprofilen unter Beachtung von Stabilittskriterien,
Diplomarbeit, Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar 1998
17. Z. Michalewicz, Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures= Evolutionary Programs, Springer Verlag
18. K. Schittkowski, The Nonlinear Programming Method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an
Augmented Lagrangian Type Line Search Function, Part 1: Convergence Analysis, Numer.
Math 38 1981, pp. 83-114
19. K. Schittkowski, The Nonlinear Programming Method of Wilson, Han, and Powell with an
Augmented Lagrangian Type Line Search Function, Part 2: An Efficient Implementation with
Linear Least Squares Subproblem, Numer. Math 38 1981, pp. 115-127
20. E. Schoeneburg, F. Heinzmann, S. Fedderssen, Genetische Algorithmen und
Evolutionsstrategien, Addisson-Wesley (Deutschland) GmbH, 1994
21. L. Zimmermann, Y. Schiegg, B. Elsener, H. Bhni, Electrochemical techniques for monitoring
the conditions of concrete bridge structures, Repair of Concrete Structures, Proceedings of Int.
Conference, (1997)
22. K. Bergmeister, Integrated Monitoring of Bridges, Colloquium of SFB 477, Technical University
Braunschweig, Germany, 22.06.2000
23. A.E. Aktan, D.N. Farhey, A.J. Helmicki, D.L Brown, V.J. Hunt , K.L. Lee, A. Levi, Structural
identification for condition assessment: experimental arts, Journal of Structural Engineering,
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14.06.2002 203
24. M. Holick, Advanced Methods of Structural Assessment, Proceedings of the 6
Workshop on Material Properties and Design, Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 2000, pp 21-38
25. L. Nad, Corrosion Monitoring Possibility or Necessity?, Proceedings of the 6
Workshop on Material Properties and Design, Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 2000, pp 21-38
26. J. Schneider, Introduction to Safety and Reliability of Structures, Structural Engineering
Documents, IABSE, 1997
27. R.E. Melchers, Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, John Wiley, 1999.- XVIII, 437
pages ISBN 0-471-98324-1
28. A. Strauss, Optimisation of non-linear FE Analysis and Reliability Assessment, Numerical
concepts and material models for existing concrete structure, submitted to the PhD symposium
in Munich 2002
29. ATENA, Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Cervenka
Consulting, Revision 05/2001
30. D. Novak, B. Teply, Z. Kersner, The Role of Latin Hypercube Sampling Method in Reliability
Engineering, Strucrural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR-97), Balkema, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, 1988
31. JOINT COMMITTEE ON STRUCTURAL SAFETY, Probabilistic Model Code, 12th draft, 10-11-
32. STRAUSS Modell ISARCO Bridge
33. K. Bergmeister, U. Santa, A. Strauss, Monitoring and Evaluation of Civil Infrastructure Systems,
Third world congress of monitoring 04-2002
34. V. Cervenka, Applied Brittle Analysis of Concrete Structures, ACI Fall Convention in Los
Angeles, October 26 1998, Finite Element Fracture Analysis of Concrete Structures, ACI
Committee 446/447
35. D. Novak, SARA: Structural Analysis and Reliability Assessment, General proposals for
development and implementation of efficient and feasible reliability tools into ATENA software

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14.06.2002 204
9 Conclusion
The continued use of existing structures is of great importance because the built environment is a
huge economic and political asset, growing larger every year. The assessment of existing structures is
now a major engineering task. The need to monitor the structural performance of our infrastructure
inventory has become an international issue that transcends national boundaries. Both public safety
and for maintenance and repair planning, structural monitoring is becoming increasingly important to
both authorities and owners of structures around the globe. Since civil infrastructures are huge in size
compared to any other structures and are exposed to harsh environments at all times, maintenance
and damage inspection of civil infrastructures can be costly and time-consuming. Any downtime could
cause a much more significant economic impact on the society than downtime with any other types of
structures. Regular inspection and condition assessment of engineering structures are necessary so
that early detection of any defect can be made and the structures updated safety and reliability can be
determined. Early damage detection and location allows maintenance and repair works to be properly
programmed and thereby minimizing the overall costs of ownership and maintenance.
Health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems is cost-effective and necessary since these systems
are generally the most expensive investments/assets in any country. Recent advances in sensing
technologies and material/structural damage characterization combined with current developments in
computations and communications have resulted in a significant interest in developing new diagnostic
technologies for monitoring the integrity of and for the detection of damage of both existing and new
structures in real time with minimum human involvement. Using distributed sensors to monitor the
health condition of in-service structures becomes feasible if sensor signals can be interpreted
accurately to reflect the in-situ condition of the structures through real-time data processing. The entire
system might be integrated and automated to perform real time inspection and damage detection.
Therefore, the essence of structural health monitoring technology is to develop autonomous systems
for the continuous monitoring, inspection, and damage detection of structures with minimum labor
involvement. The results of structural conditions might be reported through a local network or to a
remote center automatically by addressing different classes of recipients responsible for decision-
making. Clearly, the development of such systems involves many disciplines such as structures,
materials, computations, signal processing, etc.
The major benefits of monitoring systems are:
- real-time monitoring and reporting
- structural information on a continuous time basis (structural history)
- early detection of deteriorations and initializing deficiencies
- information for reliability based preventive maintenance operations
- saving in maintenance cost
- minimum human involvement
- reducing labor, visual inspection, downtime, and human error
- automation improving safety and reliability
- calibration data for analytical models for validation and verification
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11 Annex Case Studies
11.1 Road Bridge Tuckhude
Christian Bucher
Institute of Structural Mechanics
Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
11.1.1 Task
In context with non-destructive tests of existing structures a basic task is a realistic description of load
carrying and deformation behavior of structures. The solution of this task is a necessary condition for
the assessment of the effect of existing damage or reconstruction measures. In this case study the
example of a road bridge with small band width is used to show one possible procedure of adaptation
of FE-model based on dynamic experiments. The optimization is performed by Genetic Algorithm and
the identified parameters are presented.
11.1.2 Structure of the Bridge
The investigated road bridge Tuckhude (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany) with 7:24m span width
is built from 28 prefabricated reinforced concrete beams. The concrete has a quality corresponding to
B25 (according to DIN 1045) and a reinforcement steel quality category ST A-I with a statically
effective area A = 15:97cm per beam. The static system of the complete bridge is a hinge supported
Fig. 11-1: Photograph and FE-model of the road bridge

This system is modeled with finite elements using volume elements with 20 nodes for the concrete and
beam elements with 2 nodes for the steel bars. The model has two layers, one for the structure and
one for the road pavement.
Fig. 11-2: Cross section of the road bridge
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14.06.2002 213

11.1.3 Realization of Experiments
An impact system (see Fig. 11-3) was chosen to excite the bridge. Its advantage is its technical
simplicity and speed of measurement. For the measurements piezo-electrical accelerometers and
three dynamic PCB force transducer with a measure range 0.225 < f < 100 * 10 Hz were used.
Fig. 11-3: Position of the excitation and measurement points

The measurement data were recorded with a sampling interval At = 0.977ms. For the improvement of
the signal/noise ratio the experiments were repeated and averaged. During impact a maximum
excitation force of approximately F = 50kN and a maximum response acceleration a = 0.43m/s were
Fig. 11-4: Impact weight system and records of force-time and acceleration-time functions, excitation 2-2,
force transducer 3, acceleration transducer 2
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11.1.4 Interpretation of Time Series
The complex transfer function is detailed derived in chapter 7
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14.06.2002 215
Evaluation and Interpretation of Measurement Data. Here the results are presented from the
interpretation of the complex transfer function. Altogether 6 resonance frequencies with the
corresponding mode shapes could be identified, Table 11-1.
Table 11-1: Identified resonance frequencies and damping ratios

mean value of natural frequency
scatter range of natural frequency
mean value of the damping ratio
scatter range of the damping ratio

For the visualization of mode shapes (Fig. 11-5) the FE-model is statically condensed at the measured
degrees of freedom. The visualization is based on the spectral magnitudes together with the phase
angles. The mode shapes 1 (24.23 Hz), 2 (31.87 Hz), 5 (47.36 Hz) show a good agreement with the of
FE-model, so these mode shapes and their corresponding natural frequencies are considered in the
computation of the complex transfer function.
Fig. 11-5: Visualized mode shapes

11.1.5 Optimization
The optimization task consists in the minimization of the differences from measured and calculated
transfer functions. This leads to the determination of the free FE-model parameters. For the objective
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14.06.2002 216
function the differences are between the experimentally determined (H
) and the calculated (H
complex transfer functions at all measured degrees of freedom are calculated. The sum of second
vector norm of the difference vectors results in the objective function value J.

1 n

The free parameters of the FE-model describe material date (elastic modulus) and modal damping
ratios. The optimization is realized by using Genetic Algorithms. This procedure is shortly explained
with the correspondent references in chapter 8.2.6 Parameter Identification.
11.1.6 Free Parameter
The dynamic parameters of the FE-model are assembled in a chromosom. Some of these parameters
describe the elastic-modulus of steel and concrete elements. For reducing the dimensions of search
space, several elements are collected in groups (see Fig. 11-6). The concrete is described by 8, the
steel by 3 parameters. For the calculation of complex transfer function from model shapes 1, 2, 5 the
corresponding 3 modal damping ratios are included in the chromosom.
11.1.7 Results
Fig. 11-6: Comparison between measured and calculated complex transfer functions for all measured
degrees of freedom

After the optimization there is a very good agreement of complex transfer functions as shown in Fig.
11-6. The modal damping ratios show a good agreement between measurement
Table 11-2: Experimentally obtained and numerically identified damping ratios
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and computation as well (see Table 11-2). However, the determined material parameters are so
different in value that a physical interpretation appears not to be possible. One reason may be that
only few local material parameters describe the global dynamic behavior of structure. A different
(global) formulation of the free parameters, which allows a more realistic description of the structural
behavior is part of future research work.
Fig. 11-7: Distribution of elastic modulus for concrete and steel after the optimization process (values in
N/m )

11.1.8 Acknowledgements
The investigations are supported in part by the German Research Council (DFG) within the
Collaborative Research Center SFB 524 Materials and constructions for the revitalization of buildings"
at the Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar and by the Ministry of Research (BMB+F) within the cooperative
research project EXTRA II. The contribution of the laboratory for experimental statics, Hochschule
Bremen, to the measurements of the road bridge Tuckhude is acknowledged.
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11.2 Real Time Kinematic GPS Monitoring System for Hong Kongs

Kai-yuen Wong (Eur Ing, chartered engineer)
is senior engineer in the Bridge Health Section of Tsing
Ma Control Area Division, Highways Department,
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

King-leung Man and Wai-yee Chan (Ir, chartered
engineers) are engineers in the same
Bridge Health Section.
Hong Kongs Tsing Ma Bridge is the
worlds longest span suspension bridge
carrying both road and rail traffic. As
with other long-span cable-supported
bridges, it can move from several
centimeters to several meters under
different types of loading conditions.
Although these displacements or deformations may not create hazardous conditions for traffic actually
on the bridge, as they increase in size, they significantly affect the bridges structural integrity and
maintenance needs. Real-time measurement accuracy of GPS has improved to centimeter-level
precision recently, making it well-suited to monitor variations in three-dimensional bridge motion in
response to wind, temperature, and traffic loads. This article describes the layout and technical
performance requirements of such a system and discusses the results in bridge structural health
The Highways Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region designed the Wind and
Structural Health Monitoring System (WASHMS) for three large cable-supported bridges, Tsing Ma
Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, and Ting Kau Bridge, in the Tsing Ma Control Area (TMCA) of western
Hong Kong. Tsing Ma Bridge measures 1,377 meters across the Ma Wan shipping channel. Built at a
cost of approximately HK$ 7.2 billion (US$ 925 million), the suspension bridge provides high-speed rail
and road connections to Hong Kongs busy international airport. Ting Kau and Kap Shui Mun bridges,
1177 and 820 meters long, respectively, use cable-stayed construction.
Fig. 11-8: Receiver atop Tsing Ma Bridge tower, with Kap Shui Mun Bridge in the distance
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We saw an opportunity to improve
the efficiency and accuracy of the
existing monitoring system with
GPS technology, to monitor the
displacements of the main
suspension cables, decks, and
bridge towers. We use these
measured displacement values to
derive the relevant stress status
acting on major bridge
Displacement of bridge structure
serves as an effective indicator of
its structural performance
condition. We are establishing Finite Element Models (FEM) with reference to GPS measurement for
the three bridges; these models will enable us to identify critical structural components, for the purpose
of long-term inspection and maintenance.
The real-time GPS On-Structure Instrumentation System (GPS-OSIS) constitutes five sub-systems:
the GPS receivers themselves, local and global data acquisition systems, a computer system, and a
fiberoptic net-work. GPS-OSIS improves the efficiency and accuracy of WASHMS monitoring and
evaluation activities by:
- reporting displacements, reflecting loading and stress conditions
- providing more information to estimate distribution of stresses/strains in major bridge
- documenting abnormal loading incidents such as typhoons, earthquakes, traffic overloads,
and ship collisions with bridge piers
- detecting damage or accumulated damage in major bridge components
- estimating bridge load-carrying capacities and validating design assumptions and parameters
- providing information for planning and scheduling bridge inspection and maintenance
11.2.1 Overview
Structural design of cable-supported bridges is based on displacements. Displacements or
movements of cables, decks, and towers that deviate from the designs geometrical configurations will
redistribute stresses and strains among bridge components, affecting the load-carrying capacity of the
whole bridge.
During the initial WASHMS design stage in 1992, we considered other measuring technologies such
as infrared and laser for displacement monitoring. As these required visibility over a definite distance
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and could not operate fully under severe weather conditions, we dropped them from consideration. We
also considered and then dropped GPS, due to its less than requisite accuracy at that time. As real-
time accuracy of post-Selective Availability GPS for survey application has improved to approximately
20 millimeters vertically and 10 millimeters horizontally, the Highways Department (HyD) of Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) re-investigated GPS use for monitoring the bridges
geometrical configurations. The reported suitability of GPS as an all-weather system also became an
important factor in its adoption. This has yet to be fully demonstrated, although the impending typhoon
seasons should put it to the test.
Until recently, the WASHMS for Tsing Ma Bridge (TMB), Kap Shui Mun Bridge (KSMB) and Ting Kau
Bridge (TKB) consisted of 774 sensors in seven major types: anemometers, temperature sensors,
dynamic weigh-in-motion sensors, accelerometers, displacement transducers, level sensing stations,
and strain gages. The commissioning of GPS-OSIS in January, 2001, brought an additional 29
sensors into the overall sys-tem. Now fully operational, GPS-OSIS functions as an additional system
integral to the existing WASHMS for improving the efficiency and accuracy of bridge health monitoring
Fig. 11-9: Location of GPS rover receivers on Kap
Shui Mun Bridge
Fig. 11-10: Location of GPS rover receivers on Ting Kau

11.2.2 The Case for GPS-OSIS
In the past, level sensing stations and servo-type accelerometers monitored bridge responses in
TMCA. The level sensing stations, at a sampling rate of 2.56 Hz, provide real-time monitoring of
displacements, with a measurement accuracy of approximately 2 millimeters at typical deck sections
at vertical planes only. These level sensing stations are used only on the TMB and KSMB, but not on
TKB because the installation cost of pipeline systems along the bridge would be high (a level-sensing
system measures pressure changes in sensors installed along a network of flexible hoses). However,
they cannot measure the lateral and longitudinal displacements of the deck sections in the horizontal
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High precision servo-type accelerometers monitor the local vertical, lateral and rotational accelerations
of the decks, cables and bridge-towers of TMB, KSMB and TKB. Displacement monitoring requires
double-integration of the measured acceleration data to determine the three-dimensional motions of
the three cable-sup-ported bridges. Because the natural frequencies of the decks are of very low
values, double-integration of their acceleration data cannot reflect actual displacement values.
After trial tests on TMB in 1999 and 2000 demonstrated GPS applicability and the required accuracy
HyD decided to employ GPS with Real Time Kinematic (RTK) function to monitor displacements of the
three cable-supported bridges. GPS-OSIS monitors real-time motions of the main suspension cables,
decks, and bridge towers of TMB, KSMB, and TKB, derives the relevant stress status acting on the
major bridge components, and works with other WASHMS instrumentation systems to monitor overall
bridge health and schedule inspections and maintenance activities.
11.2.3 System Description

Fig. 11-11: GPS-OSIS structure
Fig. 11-11 shows the five major system
components. The GPS sensory system consists
of two base reference stations and 27 dual-
frequency, 24-channel, carrier-phase rover
stations, collecting data at a 10 Hz sampling rate,
with position latency less than 0.03 seconds.
The local data acquisition system consists of
three junction cabinets wit h fiberoptic
multiplexers, one on each bridge. One cabinet wit h fiberoptic multiplexers in the bridge monitoring
room constitutes the global data acquisition system. The GPS computer system comprises two
workstations and a custom software system. The fiberoptic network includes 6.5 kilometers of single
mode fiber and 18 kilometers of multimode fiber.
Real-time bridge monitoring with up to centimeter-level precision has a time delay of approximately
two seconds for display of bridge motions in the monitoring room due to data transmission,
processing, and graphical conversion times. As an integrity monitoring system, two base reference
stations monitor the quality of the RTK correction broadcast and RTK performance, including GPS
availability and geometry. GPS-OSIS operates 24 hours a day with automatic control for data
acquisition, processing, archiving, display, and storage. Post-processing the GPS data with relevant
data from other WASHMS sensors provides the structural evaluation needed by HyD engineers.
11.2.4 Receiver Location
We installed the rover receivers on bridge locations where we expect to see maximum displacements:
at the edges of deck sections at midspan and quarterspans, where applicable, and at towertops.
Fig. 11-12: Location of GPS rover receiver on Tsing Ma Bridge
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Fig. 11-12 shows TMB rover
locations and measured
displacements. Table 1 shows
normal bridge displacements. Most
GPS receivers are adjacent to level
sensing stations or to
accelerometers, so that we can
compare the GPS results with data
from other sensors. The reference
stations carried choke-ring antennas
with radomes to reduce interference,
RF jamming, and vibration. Because
of size and weight considerations,
rover positions used micro-band
antennas. To reduce signal interference from physical obstruction, we mounted all rovers with view
angles greater than 15 degrees, taking care to avoid obstructions caused by doubledecker buses and
high-body vehicles running in the slow vehicle lane closest to bridge edges.
TMB receivers. Four pairs on deck, one pair on main cables, one pair each at Tsing Yi and Ma Wan
KSMB receivers. One pair on bridge deck, one pair each at Ma Wan and Lantau towertops;
TKB receivers. Two pairs on bridge deck, one each at Tsing Yi, Central, and Ting Kau towertops
Reference stations. Two base reference stations sit atop the storage building adjacent to the bridge
monitoring room.
GPS-OSIS provides real-time motions of bridge decks at 10Hz, derives the variation in geometrical
configuration at centerlines of deck sections and
records the time-history motions of the bridges at
measuring locations, and performs similar
monitoring procedures for the towers.
Position latency in the GPS sensory system is less
than 0.03 seconds, significantly better than when
we first evaluated GPS systems in 1992. The RTK
technique measures bridge displacement even
when bridge components move at irregular speed, for instance, the aero-dynamic effects under
varying wind conditions. To fully monitor bridge structural health, we must be able to see structural
response to such conditions (whose time of occurrence is captured by other sensors) within this 30
millisecond timeframe. The raw GPS data captured by the RTK GPS meets our basic requirements
for real-time displacement monitoring. Processing and analysis by the computer system takes two
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seconds, then the system graphically displays the patterns of real-time information as shown in Fig.
11-13 to Fig. 11-16.
Fig. 11-13 and Fig. 11-14: Screen displays of instantaneous displacements of deck, cables and towertops
(left) and time series deck displacements (right) of Tsing Ma Bridge.
Fig. 11-15: Screen display of instantaneous
displacement of Kap Shui Mun bridge deck

Fig. 11-16: Time series displacement of Kap Shui
Mun bridge deck and towertops

11.2.5 GPS-OSIS Information Communication
The monitoring system must continue to function at full capability under the adverse weather or severe
environmental conditions that would validate the bridge structural design. Although it is unlikely that
the extreme design conditions would occur frequently during the 120-year design life for the three
bridges, a severe storm would induce higher stress/strain in the structural components, bringing them
closer to extreme design conditions. The corresponding stress/strain measurement of structural
responses in critical structural components can validate the design values of environmental loading
and design parameters, confirming the confidence level of safe operation.
For this reason, the stability and reliability of data transfer must meet higher than normal
specifications. GPS-OSIS therefore uses a stable, effective fiberoptic network for data transmission.
Optical fiber, insensitive to electromagnetic waves and lightning effects, provides high quality and
speed of data transmission under bad weather and severe environments such as the strong
electromagnetic field generated by high volt-age circuits. (High voltage power cables run along the
bridge service corridors, in the same cable ladder systems as the fiberoptic cable, on separated,
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higher level racks.) In addition, advanced fiber transceivers can detect any interruption of data
transmission and send an alarm to alert maintenance personnel and provide problem locations.
Each set of receivers uses three asynchronous serial ports for data collection, differential signals
transfer, and remote monitoring. Each port has a data transmission rate of 19,200 Baud. Multimode
fibers deliver the receiver signals to local data acquisition stations where they are converted to high
frequency signals and delivered to the global data acquisition station by high quality single-mode fiber.
The longest backbone fiber network, connecting local and global data acquisition centers, extends
about 3.5 kilometers. The longest branch fiber network, connecting receivers to local data centers,
measures about 1.5 kilometers. Replacing several hundred copper data transmission wires with one
single-mode fiber significantly improves data transmission efficiency and simplifies network
11.2.6 Processing and Analysis
The fiberoptic network delivers geodetic coordinates from the 27 rover stations synchronously to the
GPS computer system. The computer system uses one operational workstation, named GPS-OW, for
processing, archiving, storage, and graphical treatment to display the real-time bridge motions. The
GPS-OW also handles system operation and controls the GPS receivers, local data acquisition
stations, the global data acquisition station, and the fiberoptic network. When a problem occurs or the
measured data deviation exceeds preset parameters, the system alerts the operator.
A second workstation for analysis, GPS-AW, post-processes the GPS data and works with the other
WASHMS sensor data to evaluate current bridge health conditions. These two workstations are both
connected with other WASHMS workstations and servers. Should GPS-OW break down, GPS-AW
can assume its role to keep the GPS-OSIS operating normally. Comparison with Level Sensing
To verify GPS-OSIS accuracy and compatibility, the system compares its results with those from the
level sensing stations of the Lantau Fixed Crossing On-Structure Instrumentation System (LFC-
OSIS) for TMB and KSMB. Fig. 11-17 shows the vertical displacements from the two systems. The
level sensing stations sampling rate and accuracy are 2.56 Hz and 2 millimeters respectively. The
matching results indicate accuracy and compatibility of GPS-OSIS data to LFC-OSIS.

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Fig. 11-17: Comparison of vertical displacement measurement by GPS and level sensory system

11.2.7 Applying the Results
GPS-OSIS integrates with other structural analysis soft-ware to assess stress status in major bridge
components. The bridge health monitoring system currently evaluates the bridges in three aspects:
load-carrying capacity, serviceability and durability.
- Load-carrying capacity relates to structural stability and ultimate strength of materials.
Estimating load-carrying capacity targets quantification of the bridges actual safety capacity,
to avoid catastrophic damage.
- Serviceability relates to the deformation, crack and vibration of the bridge under normal
loading conditions.
- Durability assessment focuses on damage to the bridge, causes of damage, and its influence
on physical properties of materials.
Together, these three aspects will provide valuable information facilitating planning and scheduling of
inspection and maintenance activities.
The WASHMS, including GPS-OSIS, is not required to assist decision making regarding bridge
operations because a separate monitoring system produces reference information for operational
purposes, for example diverting wind-susceptible vehicles during severe weather conditions.
11.2.8 Bridge Health Monitoring Wind Load and Response Monitoring
In cable-supported bridge design, wind structure/parameters for stability analysis and windtunnel
testing are based on wind data collected by weather observation stations far from the bridge site.
Therefore we must observe wind conditions at the site itself to validate design assumptions and
parameters. WASHMS wind load and response monitoring has five main steps:
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record wind speeds in three orthogonal directions and responses of accelerations, displacements, and
- extract the parameters of hourly mean winds, three-second gust winds, roughness of terrain,
wind directions, wind incidences, wind turbulence intensities, and wind power spectra from the
wind data under both typhoon and non-typhoon conditions. These parameters will be
compared with the design extreme values for monitoring of wind loading on the bridges;
- plot the instant wind speeds against instant bridge motions at tower tops and mid mainspan
deck sections under typhoon conditions. We will compare these plots with similar plots from
aeroelastic windtunnel testing for design validation and wind response monitoring;
- plot bridge response spectra under typhoons to determine the mechanical magnification factor
or admittance function of the bridge structures;
- plot the stress demand ratio diagrams in key wind resisting components for wind loading
GPS-OSIS plays an important role in plotting wind speeds against bridge motion (third item, above)
because the GPS data can display the global motion over the full length of the bridge, which in the
past could not be accurately obtained by accelerometers. Temperature Load and Response Monitoring
Ambient temperature, wind speed fluctuations, material proper-ties, surface characteristics, and
section geometry all affect bridge thermal response. The range of vertical deflection at mid-span of
TMB is around 400 millimeters daily and can increase to more than one meter in seasonal variation
over the year.
WASHMS temperature load and response monitoring includes temperature measurements (including
effective bridge temperatures and differential temperatures in sections of decks, towers, and cables) in
air, structural steel sections, stainless steel sheets, concrete sections, and asphalt pavement, and
plotting measured temperatures against time and/or bridge displacements at instrumented locations.
Then computations predict critical temperature, estimate or calculate thermal-induced stresses in the
bridge superstructure, and assess the significance of thermal-induced stresses to serviceability and
ultimate load characteristics. GPS-OSIS measures thermal movements in suspension cables, decks,
and towers. These results will not only be used in computation of thermal induced stresses in decks,
but also in monitoring the performance of the polytetrafluoroethylene (a material with very low friction
coefficient, used to facilitate sliding movement) bearings supporting the TMB and KSMB decks. Highway Load and Response Monitoring
Traffic jams constitute the major design assumption in deriving the required intensity of vehicular traffic
loading for long-span bridges. This in turn relies on the traffic loaded length, which is based on the
number of traffic jams formed daily, the position, duration, and vehicle distribution of traffic jams, and
some assumptions about traffic flow at traffic jams.
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Traffic load and response monitoring in WASHMS first measures traffic flow and traffic loads using
dynamic weigh-in-motion sensors installed on the carriageways. Then the system estimates fatigue
damage in key structural components induced by vehicles, based on measured load results and
measured response results from strain gauges, level sensing stations, and GPS-OSIS. Railway Load and Response Monitoring
Two trains traveling in opposite directions can induce a 650 millimeter vertical deflection at mid-span
of TMB. Normal highway loadings are fairly nominal in comparison.
The railway trackforms of TMB and KSMB are supported by longitudinal I-girders installed under the
deck section cross-frames, distributing railway load to the deck-sections. As there is no bridge sensory
system to measure the dynamic train loading, railway load and response monitoring is carried out
indirectly with strain gauges installed in the longitudinal I-girders. The strain results then help plot the
influence lines induced by each set of multiple-axle loads, and the total train-loading is obtained by
superposition of individual influence lines. GPS-OSIS measurements at towertops, cables, and deck
sections will significantly improve the accuracy in estimating the structural effects, particularly for
fatigue damage, under dynamic train loading. Cable Force Monitoring
The bridges cable systems are the key components for load resistance, particularly for vertical loads.
For the TMB suspension bridge, GPS-OSIS measures the displacements of main suspension cables
and deck-sections. For the cable-stayed bridges, GPS-OSIS measures the displacements of deck-
sections and towers. In both cases, measured net displacements in cables are converted to cable
forces and then compared with their design values at both serviceability and ultimate limit states. Stress Monitoring
Structural design is usually based on structural idealization models, where components are idealized
as linear members at section centerlines. If a bridges axes of towers and deck deviate from those of
idealized models, its load-carrying capacity and internal force distribution may change as well.
Structural health evaluation work by GPS-OSIS starts with the input of the derived displacement
values to the computerized global structural models, which simulate the global stiffness of the whole
bridge. Matrix computations obtain the distribution of internal forces and apply the results to the
respective local structural models of key bridge components such as cross-frame and longitudinal
truss and connections at deck-tower and at cable-deck, to obtain more detailed information on
distribution of stress/strain. Stress/strain distributions in different structural components located at
different locations have different distribution patterns under the actions of dead and live loads.
Employing GPS-OSIS for displacement monitoring and other instrumentation systems (LFC-OSIS and
TKB-OSIS) for stress/strain and load monitoring can verify load-deformation relationships in key
components, and estimate or determine load-carrying capacities and potential damage locations in
key structural components.
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11.2.9 Conclusion
GPS monitors the motions of key bridge locations in real-time. By measuring these variations in
geometrical configurations and incorporating results from other sensors, we can more accurately and
reliably monitor and evaluate structural performance and health conditions of major cable-supported
bridge components. We can then apply the results to planning and implementing inspection and
maintenance activities.
11.2.10 Acknowledgements
The authors wish to express thanks to Mr. Y.C. Lo, Director of Highways, for his permission to publish
this paper. We also extend thanks to colleagues in TMCA Division of Highways Department for their
cooperation in GPS installation, to the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department for GPS
supervision work, to Leica Geosystems Limited for GPS installation work, and lastly to Dr. C.K. Lau,
former Deputy Director of Highways, for his support of GPS work in TMCA. Any opinions expressed or
conclusions reached in the text are entirely those of the authors.
11.2.11 Manufacturers
Leica Geosy tems AG (Heerbrugg, Switzerland) MC500 receivers serve as both rovers and reference
stations in the GPS-OSIS, with Leica AT504 choke-ring antennas on the reference stations. The
system also utilizes custom GPS software from Leica Geosystems, TC1885 and TC8108 fiberoptic
multiplexers from Nova Electronics , and two Silicon Graphics 540 workstations.
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11.3 Structural Analysis and Safety Assessment of Existing Concrete

Konrad Bergmeister (Professor) and Alfred Strauss (University Assistant)
Institute of Structural Engineering
University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Vladimir Cervenka (Project Manager) and Radomir Pukl (Project Manager)
Cervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic

Johann Kolleger (Professor) and Eva M. Eichinger (University Assistant)
Institute for Structural Concrete
Technical University, Vienna, Austria

Drahomir Novak (Professor)
Institute of Mechanics
Technical University, Brno, Czech Republic

11.3.1 Introduction
People rely on the professional care and expertise of those involved in the planning, design, analysis,
detailing, construction, and maintenance of structures. Every structure is exposed to a variety of
hazards from the natural and man made environments and from human activity and intervention.
People active in the above-mentioned fields, therefore have an enormous responsibility. The objective
of this project is to create an instrument that should help people involved in the planning, design,
structural detailing, and maintenance of structures, to make realistic probabilistic based statements
and assessments of structures.
11.3.2 Concept of the Project SARA
The project is based on a 2D/3D non-linear analysis program ATENA developed by Cervenka
Consulting. This FEM program will be adapted to a probabilistic analysis concept. The necessary
handling and treatment of the statistical data of structures loading and resistance in general - needs
special sampling methods. The examination and the inclusion of these methods in the existing non-
linear analysis program are main tasks of the project. Other major parts of the project, which are
responsible for the statistical data needed for the sampling methods, are the investigation of
stochastical models of materials (with and without degradation of strength), the investigation of proof
loading models (Permanent Load, Variable Load and Traffic Load) - and the recording and utilization
of Structural Monitoring Systems. The concept allows a reliable analysis of concrete structures
accompanied by a probabilistic structural identification.
11.3.3 Sampling Methods and Techniques
The multi-purpose probabilistic software for statistical, sensitivity and reliability analysis of engineering
problem FREET

[7] is based on efficient reliability techniques. The probabilistic methods utilized in the
program FREET were explained in more detail e.g. in [13]. They are summarized below.
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A special type of numerical probabilistic simulation called Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) makes it
possible to use only a small number of simulations [8]. The range of the cumulative distribution
function of each random variable is divided into N intervals of equal probability 1/N (N is the number of
simulations). The regularity of sampling over the range of the cumulative distribution function ensures
an efficient sampling of random variables.
Statistical correlation among random input variables can be considered. A special stochastic
optimization technique called simulated annealing is utilized to adjust random samples in such a way
that the resulting correlation matrix is as close as possible to the target (user-defined) correlation
matrix. Note that the approach allows working also with non-positive definite matrix on input, which
can be the result from lack of knowledge of the user. This technique generates samples as close as
possible to a positive definite matrix (mathematically and physically correct).
The programs FREET and ATENA are integrated in order to allow for a probabilistic fracture analysis
of engineering structures. The basic aim of statistical nonlinear fracture analysis is to obtain the
estimation of the structural response statistics (failure load, deflections, cracks, stresses, etc.). The
procedure can be itemized as follows:
1. Uncertainties are modeled as random variables described by their probability density functions
(PDF). The result of this step is the set of input parameters for ATENA computational model
random variables described by mean value, variance and other statistical parameters
(generally by PDF).
2. Random input parameters are generated according to their PDF using LHS sampling.
Statistical correlation among the parameters is imposed using simulated annealing.
3. Generated realizations of random parameters are used as inputs for ATENA computational
model. The complex nonlinear solution is performed and results (structural response) are
4. The previous two steps are repeated N-times (N is the number of simulations used). At the
end of the whole simulation process the resulting set of structural responses is statistically
evaluated. The results are: histogram, mean value, variance, and coefficient of skewness,
empirical cumulative probability density function of structural response.
11.3.4 Material Database
The material database is a support of the sampling methods. These concepts of probability calculation
and design based on FEM need suitable basic variables. We can distinguish three types of basic
variables: Environmental variables; like wind, snow, earthquake, temperature, etc. they are stationary,
time dependent stochastic processes. Structural variables; structural-like dimensions, structural
materials, etc. They are amenable to checking and can, if necessary, be improved by being replaced.
Utilisation variables: Live loads, traffic loads, crane loads etc. can be controlled by supervision. They
are generally time-dependent stochastic processes. Sometimes it is more suitable to subdivide the
basic variables in R variables and S variables.
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Generally a resistance model for concrete structures m
can be described by the basic variables of
concrete strength f
, steel strength f
, the steel section area A
and geometrical dimensions of cross
sections b, h. First, the challenge was to create a suitable database structure readable for the
sampling methods which contains the necessary basic variables as mentioned above. Concrete
For instance, this rough concept of basic variables must be expanded to fulfil the demand of JCSS
regarding the probabilistic model of concrete properties [1].
Table 1: Probabilistic Model of Concrete Properties [1]

( )
j ij co ij c
Y f t f
, 1 , ,
* * ) , (

t o = with

+ =
ij co
M U f )) exp((

i is a point in a given structure j
ij co
log-normal variable, independent of
, 1
M and
E distribution parameters
, 1
a log normal variable representing placing conditions,
curing conditions, hardening conditions of in-situ concrete
Thats why apart from establishing basic variables [2], [3], [4] studies are carried out to get more
detailed information on these variables.
The concrete strength f
for example, can be further subdivided: It is a function of the quality of the
gravel and cement, the water-cement ratio, the quality of pouring and compaction and the
temperatures in the hardening process. Thus our first investigation of basic variables concerns
concrete and takes care on the gravel and cement, the water-cement ratio, the curing process, the
quality of pouring and compaction and the temperatures in the hardening process. Beside the basic
variables of concrete strength other concrete properties like the tension strength, the modulus of
elasticity, the poison ratio and the fracture energy are included in the database [5]. The basic variables
of the database are parameters of a random sample and an associated histogram and can be
described by a few characteristic numerical values: In our case, the means, the variance (reps. the
standard deviation) and the type of distribution suffice. In a further step the degradation behaviour of
concrete and the effects on the above mentioned parameters will be examined.
Table 2: Investigation Program of Basic Variables of Concrete
Analysis of Influences on
Characteristic Numerical Values
Type of
Strain Rate on Compressive Strength C25/30 0.2N/mm. 0.6 N/mm - 1.0N/mm
Change of Cube Size C25/30 15/15/15 -> 20/20/20
Geometrical Error of Cubes C25/30 Al=+- 5mm
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Strain Rate on Compressive Strength C50/60 0.2N/mm. 0.6 N/mm - 1.0N/mm
Change of Cube Size C50/60 15/15/15 -> 20/20/20
Geometrical Error of Cubes C50/60 Al=+- 5mm
Change of Aggregate C25/30
Round shaped grain to sharp-edged
Environmental Conditions
during Hardening Process
storage under water and aerial,
influence of weather
Type of Compaction C25/30
jarring table
pitching compaction
Change of Cement C25/30 PZ 275 PZ 375
Aging of Shotcrete SpB25
24 h 7 d 28 d 56 d 90 d 120 d
180 d 365 d 5 a 10 a
Used functions for distribution fitting Normal, Log-Normal, Weibull Reinforcement Steel
Reinforcement steel is an important material for structural engineering. Information on basic variables
from various sources in literature, e.g. [1] and [11], has been evaluated and an evaluation of one year
steel productions of high frequently used steel grades (BSt 500, BSt 550 ) has been carried out in
order to get the above mentioned characteristic numerical values. Despite the received seasonal
variations the degradation of the steel is recorded by the inspection of existing old concrete structures. Additional Sample Survey
In the same way as for reinforcement steel characteristic numerical values for structural steel,
prestressed steel, carbon fibre, dimensions - model uncertainties and loads (permanent and variable)
are determined.
All these characteristic numerical values are inserted in a special form in the database, so that an easy
selection of material models and load models (type of concrete, type of steel etc. and additionally the
age of the materials) is possible.
11.3.5 Stochastic Nonlinear Analysis of a Prestressed Concrete Bridge
In the following an example dealing with the probabilistic approach to nonlinear analysis of concrete
structures is presented. The nonlinear finite element software ATENA developed by Cervenka
Consulting in Prague is used for the simulation of damage and failure in concrete and reinforced
concrete structures. It is based on advanced material models including damage concept, smeared
crack approach and crack band theory with fracture energy-related softening. The uncertainties of the
material properties as well as the loads, which form the input for the computational model, can
sometimes be large. I order to get realistic results it is desirable to consider these variables not as
deterministic values but as random variables taking into account their mean value, standard deviation
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14.06.2002 233
and distribution type. Thus, the programs FREET and ATENA were integrated in order to randomize
the fracture analysis of engineering structures as described in section 3 of this paper. The basic aim of
statistical nonlinear fracture analysis is to obtain an estimation of the structural response statistics
(failure load, deflections, cracks, stresses, etc.). Sensitivity and reliability analysis can be consequently
performed. The applicability of this advanced engineering method is shown by the stochastic
assessment of an existing pre-stressed bridge structure (Fig. 11-18).
Fig. 11-18: Single-span box-girder bridge in Vienna, Austria

The single span bridge to be assessed is located in Vienna, Austria and was built in 1977. It is a fully
post-tensioned box-girder bridge made of 18 segments each with a length of 2,485 m. The total length
of the bridge is 44.60 m, the width 6.40 m and the height 2.10 m (Fig. 11-19). The segmental joints are
filled with epoxy resin. Due to an ongoing construction project the bridge has to be demolished. Before
the demolition a range of non-destructive tests as well as a final a full-scale destructive load test will
be performed. The presented stochastic simulation is part of the predictive numerical study for
planning and optimizing the test setup. The segments were cast from concrete B500 and are
reinforced with mild steel St 50. The post-tensioning tendons consist of 20 strands St 160/180. The
bridge structure was analyzed using the stochastic nonlinear simulation package described above.
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Fig. 11-19: Box-girder Bridge in Vienna Material properties for the Stochastic Analysis
Mean values of the material parameters for concrete B500 were generated using ATENA defaults
(based on recommendations by CEB, fib, RILEM etc.).
Table 3: Statistical properties of random variables
Random variable description Symbol Units Mean value COV Distribution type Reference
Concrete grade B500
Modulus of elasticity E
GPa 36.95 0.15 Lognormal Database
Poisson's ratio - 0.2 0.05 Lognormal Estimation
Tensile strength f
MPa 3.257 0.18 Weibull Database
Compressive strength f
MPa 42.5 0.10 Lognormal Database, [9]
Specific fracture energy G
N/m 81.43 0.20 Weibull [10]
Uniaxial compressive strain c
- 0.0023 0.15 Lognormal Database
Reduction of strength c
- 0.8 0.06 Rectangular Estimation
Critical comp displacement w
m 0.0005 0.10 Lognormal Estimation
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Specific material weight MN/m3 0.023 0.10 Normal [11]
Prestressing strands
Modulus of elasticity E
GPa 200.0 0.03 Lognormal [1]
Yield stress f
MPa 1600.0 0.07 Lognormal [1]
Prestressing force F MN 21.85 0.04 Normal [11]
Area of strands A
0.0237 0.001 Normal [11]
The statistical properties of selected random variables considered in the study were collected from
several sources [1], [9], [10], [11] including the database described in section 2 of this paper. The
parameters are summarized in Table 3.
Statistical correlation among random variables was considered. Information on correlation of the
variables can e.g. be found in references [1], [9]. The prescribed correlation matrix for concrete
material is in the upper triangle of Table 4. The correlation matrix generated by simulated annealing for
8 samples is shown in the lower triangle of Table 4. The correlation matrix generated for 32 samples
contained almost the prescribed values.
Table 4: Correlation matrix for concrete properties
Variable E

1 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.9
0.77 1 0.8 0.9 0.6
0.83 0.82 1 0.6 0.9
0.69 0.83 0.75 1 0.5
0.84 0.77 0.83 0.69 1 Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and Selected Results
The finite element model of symmetrical half of the box-girder is shown in Fig. 11-20. The bridge was
pre-stressed and then loaded with prescribed displacement in the middle of the span. The ultimate
failure load and the descending branch were obtained.
Fig. 11-20: Finite element model of the box-girder bridge

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Fig. 11-21: Distribution of principal strains before failure

The bridge girder failed typically in the middle of the span. First the prestressing tendons yielded,
tensile cracks developed, and the concrete in the compression flange of the box girder crushed and
split. Fig. 11-21 shows a typical distribution of the principal strains shortly before failure on the
deformed structure. The deformations are enlarged by a factor of 10.
Two stochastic simulations - with 8 and 32 samples - were performed and the structural response was
evaluated (Fig. 11-22). The simulations resulted in an estimation of statistical characteristics of the
ultimate load (Table 5), i.e. resistance of the structure R.
For reliability analysis a proper analysis of the load S has to be done in order to work with the limit
state function g = R S. If g is normally distributed, the reliability index can be estimated from mean
value and standard deviation of g as | =
/ o
Fig. 11-22: left - Load-deflection curves (8 samples), right - Histogram of ultimate loads (32 samples)

Table 6: Estimation of basic statistical parameters of the ultimate load

Mean value Variance Standard deviation Coeff. of variation Number of samples
[MN] [MN] [MN] -
8 2.52 0.0707 0.266 0.105
32 2.51 0.0649 0.255 0.102
Under assumption of normal probability distribution for both R and S a simple possibility of utilization of
obtained statistical characteristics of ultimate load for reliability calculation can be drawn. Considering
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different levels of load S (mean values) and two alternatives of variability (coefficient of variation 0.1
and 0.2), reliability index is plotted in Fig. 11-23. The horizontal line represents target reliability index
as specified by Eurocode

[12] (4.7 for 1 year).
Fig. 11-23: Reliability Assessment

11.3.6 Conclusions
Considering realistic material parameters as well as load parameters allows the design engineer to be
much more precisely in the analysis of the overall behavior on an ultimate limit state. It can be
concluded that the reliability index for existing structures is not only dependent on the material and
load parameters but depends also on the mechanical model and the nonlinearity of the geometry and
the material. This innovative concept allows us to analyze the safety of a structure including material,
structural and stochastic nonlinearity. For the future a flexible safety margin of equal 2.5 4.7 for
existing structures may be proposed [14].
11.3.7 References
1. Joint Committee on Structural Safety: Probabilistic Model Code, 12th draft, 10-11-2000
2. Petersen, Ch.: Der wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische Aspekt der Bauwerkssicherheit im
Stahlbau; Deutscher Ausschuss fr Stahlbau, Deutscher Stahlbautag, 1977
3. Mirza, S.A. and MacGregor, J.G.: Variations in Dimensions of Reinforced Concrete Members,
Proc.ASCE, Journal of the Structural Division, Vol, No.ST4,1979
4. Vrouwenvelder, A.C:W:M. and Siemens, A.J.M.: Probabilistic calibration procedures for the
derivation of partial safety factors for the Netherlands Building Code; HERON, Vol.32, No. 4,
Stevin-Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 1987
5. Hordijk, A.: Local approach to fatigue of concrete, Thesis Technische Universiteit Delft.-With
ref. With summary in Dutch, ISBN 90-9004519-8, NUGI 833
6. V. Cervenka, J. Cervenka, and R. Pukl, ATENA - an Advanced Tool for Engineering Analysis
of Connections, Connections between Steel and Concrete, ed. R. Eligehausen, RILEM
Publications, Ens, France, pp. 658-667, 2001
7. D. Novk et al., FREET Feasible Reliability Engineering Efficient Tool, Program
documentation, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of
Structural Mechanics / %ervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic, 2002
State-of-the-Art Report STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING fib TG 5.1
14.06.2002 238
8. D. Novk, B. Tepl, and Z. Kerner, The Role of Latin Hypercube Sampling Method in
Reliability Engineering, Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR-97), Balkema, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands, 1998
9. S.A. Mirza, M. Hatzinikolas, and J.G. McGregor, Statistical descriptions of strength of
concrete, Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 105, N. 6, pp. 1021-1037, 1979
10. F.H. Wittmann, V. Slowik, and A.M. Alvaredo, Probabilistic aspects of fracture energy of
concrete, Materials and Structures, N. 27, pp. 499-504, 1994
11. A.S. Al-Harthy, and D.M. Frangopol, Reliability assessment of prestressed concrete beams,
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, N. 1, pp. 180-199, 1994
12. Eurocode Basis of structural design, CEN, Brussels, Belgium, (2001)
13. Novk, D., Vorechovsk, M., Cervenka, V. and Pukl, R., Statistical Nonlinear Analysis Size
Effect of Concrete Beams, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (FraMCoS 4), Eds. R.
de Borst, Balkema, The Netherlands, pp. 823-830, 2001
14. Ishida, T., Documentation report on the achievements in the Ph.D. thesis entitled An
integrated computational system of mass/energy generation, transport and mechanics of
materials and structures
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14.06.2002 239
11.4 Structural Monitoring and Evaluation of the Colle Isarco Viaduct
(A22, Italy)
Konrad Bergmeister, Ulrich Santa, Alfred Strauss
Institute of Structural Engineering, Vienna, AUSTRIA
11.4.1 Introduction
The condition assessment of aged structures is becoming a more and more important issue for civil
infrastructure management systems. The continued use of existing systems is, due to environmental,
economical and socio-political assets, of great significance growing larger every year. The
performance of many of these in-service structures has decayed over the years of utilization and the
inherent level of safety might be inadequate relative to current design documents. Structural integrity
has to be guaranteed by the structural safety under ultimate and serviceability conditions in order to
ensure the safety of the structure and its users. For the purpose of developing adequate life extension
and replacement strategies, issues such as whole-life performance assessment rules, target safety
levels and optimum maintenance strategies must be formulated and resolved from a lifetime reliability
viewpoint and lifecycle cost perspective [12].
In order to maintain the health of a structure up to a given time into the future, a cost-effective
maintenance strategy has to be used. The optimal maintenance strategy will correspond to the
minimum expected life-cycle criterion. The optimization problem for existing structures consists of
minimizing the total expected cost under the reliability constraints as follows [12]:
= C
+ C
+ C
+ C
(1) C
total expected cost
preventive maintenance cost
inspection and monitoring cost
repair cost
failure cost
|, |* structural and target reliability index
min (CE) ! |"|* (2)
As indicated in Fig. 11-24, we can mainly differentiate between two types of interventions, namely
preventive and essential maintenance. While preventive maintenance is undertaken when the
structural performance is above the target reliability index, essential maintenance is undertaken when
the performance has violated target value.
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Fig. 11-24: Maintenance options and reliability index

In front of this background we find the necessity to identify the key parameters and procedures to
verify and update the knowledge about the present condition of a structure with respect to a number of
aspects. A visual inspection may yield a first qualitative, maybe purely intuitive impression. A better
judgment would be based on the evaluation of acquired quantitative information. Recent progress in
the development of sensing technologies and material/structure damage characterization combined
with current data processing techniques have resulted in a significant interest in diagnostic tools to
monitor structural integrity and to detect structural degradation. Adequate monitoring techniques
provide qualitative and quantitative knowledge that facilitates more precise condition assessments and
resulting maintenance interventions. This includes the observation of mechanical parameters such as
loads, strains, displacements and deformations as well as environmentally induced processes such as
corrosion (Fig. 11-25). Therefore, the development of monitoring concepts on a continuous time basis
for structural components and for the global behavior is fundamental for guaranteeing structural
Fig. 11-25: Classification of monitoring techniques and objects

11.4.2 Instrumentation
The definition of the objective of the instrumentation program usually follows the realization that
something about the structure is not known well enough and that measurements of a number of
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quantities at a certain location would be desirable for the sake of economy or safety. The first step is to
reflect on all possible ways the construction might respond to externally induced actions and to choose
which quantities to measure, where to measure them, and to select adequate instruments to do so.
This requires an estimation of the magnitudes of changes in the quantities to be measured, which
allows the definition of the range, resolution, accuracy, and sensitivity of the instruments selected to
measure them. As next the instrument positions and the number of instrumented sections have to be
determined. Instruments can be installed in trouble spots, such as points where it is e.g. expected that
there will be large stress concentrations or points where it is supposed that deficiencies have already
initiated. Alternatively, the instruments can be placed at a number of representative points or zones of
the structure [3]. After testing, the taking of the readings and their processing and analysis must be
carried out in a systematic, organized way [11]. In the following sections we will describe the
monitoring equipment that was installed on Colle Isarco viaduct on the Italian Brennero-Highway A22
(Fig. 11-26). The overall length of the instrumented section is 378 m. The maximum height of the box
girders near the supports number 8 and 9 is 11 m, having a uniform width of 6 m. the arrangement for
each roadbed is approximately 11 m wide. The height of the 4 supporting piles No. 7, 8, 9 and 10 is
33m, 75m, 60m and 60m respectively. The bridge was built in 1969 and was upgraded through an
essential rehabilitation and maintenance intervention in 1999.
Fig. 11-26: Monitored section of the Colle Isarco Viaduct

11.4.3 Deformation and Displacement
When forces are applied to a structure, the components of the structure change slightly in their
dimensions and are said to be strained and they may even underlie a certain translational or rotational
displacement. Creep, shrinkage, and seasonal temperature changes may result in overall length
changes of a bridge or components of a bridge. The measurement of deformation can be approached
either from the material or from the structural point of view [3]. On the one hand, observation of local
material properties made by a series of short base-length strain sensors can be extrapolated to the
global behavior of the whole structure. While strain sensors on a short base length are usually used for
material monitoring rather than structural monitoring, long-gauge sensors give information on the
behavior and response of structure. However, material degradations like cracking are only detected
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when they have an impact on the shape of the structure. Further, longer base-lengths help to reduce
misleading measurements stemming from material non-homogeneities.
A good representative of long base-length fiber optic deformation sensors is the SOFO measurement
technique developed by Inaudi et Al. [1,2,3,4]. This measuring system is based on the principle of low-
coherence interferometry (Fig. 11-28). The infrared emission of a light emitting diode is launched into a
standard single mode fiber and directed, through a coupler, towards two fibers mounted on or
embedded in the structure to be monitored. The measurement fiber is in mechanical contact with the
structure itself and will therefore follow its deformations in both elongation and shortening. The second
fiber, called reference fiber, is installed free in the same pipe. Mirrors, placed at the end of both fibers,
reflect the light back to the coupler, which recombines the two beams and directs them towards the
analyzer. This is also made of two fiber lines and can introduce a well-known path difference between
them by means of a mobile mirror. On moving this mirror, a modulated signal is obtained on the
photodiode only when the length difference between the fibers in the analyzer compensates the length
difference between the fibers in the structure to better than the coherence length of the source. This
type of sensor has resolution and sensitivity of 2 microns and is, like most fiber optic devices,
insensitive to temperature, humidity, vibration, corrosion, and electromagnetic fields. Additionally,
these sensors are easy and fast to install, embeddable in concrete, mortars, surface mountable on
concrete, metallic or timber structures.
Fig. 11-27: Instrumentation setup of prestessing steel Dywidag #32 ST 85/105

In the present monitoring system, a network of this type of sensor was installed for strain and
deformation measurements. 96 fiber optical SOFO-Sensors with a base length of 10 m were installed
on the concrete surface parallel to the neutral axis of the box girders in order to determine the vertical,
horizontal, and torsional deformations. Sensors with a base length of 0,5 m were used to measure the
strains of 16 selected prestressing members (Dywidag #32 ST 85/105, Fig. 11-27, Fig. 11-29).
Another 24 sensors with a base length of 8 and 10 m were installed on the piles P7 and P8 (Fig.
The Fig. 11-29 shows the strain evolution for the period of approximately 6 months. By a continuous
observation of the strain evolution, eventual prestressing losses and associated failures should be
detectable in the domains of both short and long-term stresses. Due to a stroke of lightning the system
was out of order for a couple of weeks, as indicated by the vertical red line in Fig. 11-29. Nevertheless,
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the strain values beyond this hazard refer to the reference measurement campaign performed on the
28.05.01, 10:00 am.
The same evaluation of strain can be made for the 96 sensors installed parallel to the neutral axis on
the concrete surface of the box girders as well as for the 24 sensors installed on the piles P7 and P8.
In order to separate the influence of thermal gradients in the structure and other agents (traffic, snow,
wind), 60 thermocouples (T-Type, embedment depth 200 mm) have been installed in the girders and
on the piles P7 and P8. Further, 10 LVDTs have been installed to instrument movements on the
bearings (Fig. 11-34).
Fig. 11-28: Deformation sensor SOFO Fig. 11-29: Strain evolution of prestessing members
Dywidag #32 ST 85/105
The measurement of vertical deflections of long-span girders is a task for which no simple method or
sensing unit exists. Current methods to measure deflections, such as e.g. triangulation, hydrostatic
leveling, laser-based leveling, differential GPS, etc., are often tedious to install and require an accurate
elaboration. The determination of deflection by the use of displacement transducers requires a stable
accessible reference location for each measurement and is, for most bridges, not practical.
A more suitable method was developed by Inaudi et Al. [1,2,3,4], where the vertical displacement and
curvature profile can be measured by the use of a network of fiber optic deformation sensors placed
on the structure. The following paragraph will shortly line out the fundamentals of the algorithm for the
deformation calculus, taken from [1].
Considering the plane section conservation law of Bernoulli, the vertical displacement of a uniformly
loaded beam on n spans is expressed as a sequence of n fourth degree polynomial with a C

continuity at their border. Each polynomial P
(x) domain includes a section of beam which has a
constant inertia, a constant uniform load, and an introduction of end forces and moments only at its
extremities. The second derivative of the vertical displacement gives n second degree polynomials. To
determine the exact displacement functions, it is therefore necessary to retrieve the curvature
functions P
(x) on the beam sections and to integrate them twice guaranteeing the border continuity
. According to Bernoullis assumption, the elongational strain at any material fiber and the beam
curvature are related as
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curvature radius
curvilinear abscissa
elongational strain
distance from the neutral axis
x r
) (
) (
1 c
A relative displacement gauge, installed parallel to the neutral axis, measures the elongational
deformation of a fiber of length L1. The integration of Eq. (3) gives
1 2
0 0
1 1
) ( 1
) (
) (
1 ) (
) (
1 1
l y
l l
r y
dx x
l x r
l y
dx x
x r
l l

= = =
} }

mean radius of curvature
initial sensor fiber length
final sensor fiber length
Eq. (4) shows that a relative displacement gauge, placed parallel to the neutral axis measures the
mean curvature r
of the element of the beam. In the case of combined bending and axial load and
temperature variations, it can be shown that a pair of relative displacement gauges, places at different
distances parallel to the neutral axis are required to measure the mean curvature of a beam element.
The curvature function of each beam is a second degree polynomial of the form
c bx ax x P + + =
2 2
) (
Since the polynomial P(x) has three unknowns, only three independent measurements are necessary
to determine these three coefficients for a single beam section. With three relative displacement
sensors, we obtain
{ } 3 , 2 , 1 ] : [ :
" '
e i x x on curvature mean
i i

where x
and x
denote the left and right limit of sensor i. The coefficients a, b, c are solutions of the
following linear system of equations:
{ } 3 , 2 , 1 ,
) (
' ' '
' '
e =

+ +
r x x
dx c bx ax
i i i

Eq. (5) gives the curvature function of the adjacent beam sections. We retrieve the displacement
functions by integrating them twice. Furthermore, the C
continuity of the displacement functions must
be guaranteed at the borders. The displacement functions are expressed as
{ } n i x dx x P x P
i i i i
,..., 2 , 1 ' ) ( ) (
2 4
e + + =
| o
Where the constants of integration o
and |
are obtained by enforcing the following continuity
conditions for displacement and slope of adjacent beam sections and zero displacement boundary
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14.06.2002 245
conditions at both ends of the beam: There are two unknowns for the displacement field of each of the
n beam sections. The above continuity and boundary conditions give 2n equations from which the ([n-
1]+[n-1])+2 = 2n unknowns can be obtained.
Fig. 11-30: Strain, curvature and deflection for a beam section

0 ) (
0 ) 0 (
) 0 ( ) (
) 0 ( ) (
] 1 ; 1 [
] 1 ; 1 [
= =
= =
= =
= = =
n i
n i
i i i
n i
i i i

By applying this approach to the measurements taken on the box girders of the Colle Isarco Viaduct,
we obtain e.g. the 24 hour deflection behavior (07.06.01) for the cantilever beam ESP (Fig. 11-32):
Fig. 11-31: Instrumentation detail of girder ESP

Fig. 11-32: Vertical deflection 24h behavior of cantilever ESP on 07.06.2001
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Another approach that found application on the Colle Isarco Viaduct was the installation of 36 highly
accurate (resolution and threshold: 0.00005) LCF-100 inclinometers from WPI Instruments. These
sensing devices can be used for both short-term and long-term measurements [10]. On the one hand,
these inclinometers complete the fiber optical network with information on the rigid body
displacements of the structure. On the other hand, given a sufficient number of sensors, vertical
deflections can immediately be determined by the simplified relation h
, where h
denotes the
vertical deflection of a section i with length l
, where a rotation of t
was measured. Alternatively, a
similar algorithm as described above [1] might find application for a more precise representation.
Fig. 11-33: Inclinometer measurements: 1 week behavior of cantilever ESP (11.11.01 17.11.01)

Fig. 11-34: Temperature distribution and horizontal bearing movements on Pile P7
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11.4.4 Durability Monitoring
Steel embedded in good quality concrete is protected by the alkalinity of the concrete pore water.
However, penetration of aggressive ions, as e.g. chloride from deicing salt or carbonate from acid rain,
will destroy the passivation of the embedded steel. In the presence of oxygen and the right humidity
level in the concrete, corrosion of the steel will start and develop continuously [9]. This category of
measurements is based on the electrochemical nature of corrosive processes that is comparable to
the anode and cathode principle [5].
Several methods have been developed for detecting and evaluating the effects of steel corrosion in
concrete. These methods include visual inspection, chaining or sounding for delamination, pH level
determination, potential measurements, polarization techniques, and x-ray spectography. The easiest
and most straightforward method for detecting steel corrosion in reinforced and prestressed concrete
structures is the visual inspection for rust staining and cracking [9]. Rust stains that follow the line of
reinforcement clearly indicate steel corrosion. When corrosion progresses further, cracking of the steel
concrete cover occurs.
Another approach is the chloride determination, a method that establishes the likelihood as to whether
or not corrosion is occurring. The significance of a chloride analysis lies within the spectrum of simply
determining that the concentration is sufficient to cause steel to change from a passive to an active
corrosion state. Beyond the threshold value of chloride concentration necessary to cause corrosion,
the rate of corrosion is a function of many variables, but in particular of moisture content. Therefore,
even though a bridge slab may have more chlorides than the threshold value, it may not be in an
active state when considering ambient and environmental factors which are necessary for corrosion.
Likewise, if a bridge deck is in an active corrosion state, additional amounts of chlorides may have little
effect on the corrosion [7].
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Fig. 11-35: Corrosion Sensor Unit developed by Zimmermann, Schiegg, Elsener and Bhni [5,6]

For an electrochemical mechanism such as galvanic corrosion to occur, there must be a potential
difference. Potential methods such as the half cell potential method rely on this known condition for
corrosion detection. In particular, the half cell potential method measures voltage gradients or drops by
use of a high-impedance voltmeter and a constant voltage reference cell. The reference cell
possesses a constant internal voltage, which allows voltage changes existing on the reinforcement to
be measured. This method provides both an effective means for determining if corrosion is occurring
and the extent of corrosion distress. However, if corrosion has occurred and then was arrested by
some means, the method proves ineffective in detecting this. Nevertheless, this method is applicable
for members regardless their size or the depth of cover over the reinforcing steel. It can be used in
structures that show no visible signs of distress to determine when corrosion initiates, or in a structure
which shows sever corrosion distress to determine the extent of corrosion.
Fig. 11-36: Potential field map (Column 1)

On 4 selected columns of the Colle Isarco viaduct 12 electrochemical multiprobes have been installed
to determine the concentration of free chlorides, corrosion current and the electrochemical potentials
at different embedding levels (Fig. 11-35, Fig. 11-39). These multiprobes have been developed at the
IBWK/ETHZ by Zimmermann, Schiegg, Elsener, and Bhni [5,6]. After 18 month of measurements,
the results show, that the applied rehabilitation concept (cathodic protection through installation of a
zinced mesh) proves to work in the expected way.

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Fig. 11-37: Measured concrete temperature, corrosion current and potential

First of all, potential field measurements were performed by the use of a CSE reference electrode to
determine, whether the reinforcement of the columns is in an active or passive state (Fig. 11-36). This
and a laboratory chloride analysis led to the identification of good installation locations for the sensing
elements. The central chloride sensitive element in the electrochemical sensor shown in Fig. 11-39 is
a silver wire coated with electrochemically deposited silver chloride (AgCl). This coat wire is mounted
in a stainless steel tube. Each sensor has two electrical connections, one to the silver wire (chloride
sensor) and one to the steel tube for resistivity measurements.
Arrays of these sensors were installed in concrete cores (Fig. 11-35) taken from the structure, allowing
measurements at different embedding depths. Fig. 11-37 shows a sample of measured concrete
temperature, corrosion current and potentials. A chloride concentration measurement [mol/l] of a
selected region on column 2 can be seen in Fig. 11-38.
Fig. 11-38: Chloride concentration measurement [mol/l] Fig. 11-39: Chloride sensitive sensor element

1 silver wire
2 AgCl coating
3 teflon tube
4 stainless steel tube
5 epoxy sealing
6 insulation
11.4.5 Data Acquisition
When selecting the architecture and the components of an automated data acquisition system, first the
types of sensors and I/O signal types that should be used must be defined [13]. Many types of sensors
and signals must be conditioned before connecting them to a data acquisition device (DAQ). This
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includes the amplification of low-level signals, the isolation to avoid effects from environmental
potentials, and filtering to remove unwanted noise from signals. Additionally, certain sensors often
need external excitation. Finally, a linearization due to nonlinear responses of sensors to changes of a
physical phenomenon might be necessary. In this context some considerations about the used
sensors and their characteristics might be useful for an adequate selection. Criteria, such as accuracy,
acquisition rates, number of channels, flexibility, reliability, expandability, ruggedness, and computer
platform are used to determine the best DAQ-devices for the specific application. Finally, the choice of
appropriate device drivers and application and/or programming software closes the cycle of selecting
DAQ-components. Due to the geometry and size of most civil infrastructures and the resulting spacing
between measurement locations of interest, monitoring applications usually introduce the need to
distribute the measurement functionality out into the field. As in our case, it would have been almost
difficult and inefficient to wire all signals to one central connection box located somewhere on the
structure. A more suitable approach is the employment of a series of distributed DAQ-modules that
communicate via robust industrial network technology. Noise corruption problems that may occur
when using long-distance analog signal wiring can be avoided by local A/D-conversion and the
transmission of digital signals which are quite robust against noise on the network links. The
developments in industrial automation have resulted in a range of different networking technologies
and open industry standards such as Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422, IEEE-488, USB, and a
series of Fieldbus-specifications. Nevertheless, the transfer rates of the network communication may
limit the available dynamic range in terms of sampling rates. Finally, the readout-units that control
transducers delivering non-standard signals, as e.g., fiber optic devices, vibrating wires, etc., have to
be integrated in the data acquisition network via the specified hard- and software interfaces.
11.4.6 Data Interpretation and System Modeling
The installation of sensing elements and a data acquisition system to collect measured data is only the
start of monitoring field performance. Interpretation of the acquired data is equally important, namely
the comparison of measured and calculated data in order to validate the model assumptions [11].
Most available simulation packages are purely deterministic, and all geometrical, material and load
parameters are bound to crisp deterministic values. Consequently, simulation results such as
deflections, stresses, failure loads etc. are also deterministic. Explicit modeling of uncertainty is
therefore highly desirable for a proper reliability assessment. SARA (Structural Analysis and Reliability
Assessment) , a project related to the present monitoring program, is based on the 2D/3D nonlinear
analysis program ATENA developed by Cervenka Consulting. The fundamental FEM functionality is
enhanced by probabilistic analysis concepts.
The necessary handling and treatment of the statistical data of structures loading and resistance in
general needs special sampling methods. The probability distribution functions for the basic input
variables to these advanced simulation techniques can be obtained from stochastically models of
materials (with and without degradation of strength), stochastic models for proof loading (permanent
load variable and traffic load) and, related to the present monitoring program, from the comparison of
recorded structural monitoring data. The structural monitoring data is used to suit the stochastically
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models, for example with Bayesian updating, or for the derivation and validation of the numerical
model assumptions.
Fig. 11-40: Non-linear Analysis of the Colle Isarco Viaduct ATENA Interface

Once this tuning has led to a certain level of completeness and validity, analytical prediction provides a
quantitative knowledge and hence is a useful tool to support structural evaluation, decision making,
and maintenance strategies.
However, for some instrumented processes it might not always be possible to formulate a well-defined
analytical evaluation model. Corrosion processes on reinforced concrete structures are a complex
function of different variables like moisture, chloride concentration, oxygen content of the pore
solution, conductivity of the concrete cover, and many others [5, 6, 9]. The interpretation of these
parameters may be in part based on empirical experience and expert knowledge. Such systems are
therefore good candidates to be modeled and evaluated by knowledge based systems and inference
mechanisms (Fig. 11-41).
Fig. 11-41: System modeling and data evaluation

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11.4.7 Concluding Remarks
Monitoring continuously the decisive parameters of an existing structure provides the quantitative
basis for the condition assessment in order to ensure the safety of highway bridges with regard to life
extension and replacement strategies. In this paper we presented the instrumentation program
installed on the Colle Isarco viaduct. We have illustrated the performed deformation and displacement
measurements as well as first interpretations of the results. A special focus is given to the monitoring
of durability performance such as corrosion parameters. The output of the presented monitoring
activities serves as a basis for SARA, a project based on a probabilistic nonlinear FE analysis concept.
Comparison and combination of measured and analytically modeled behavior is useful to calibrate and
tune the mechanical and numerical model assumptions in order to facilitate analytical prediction.
Finally, structural monitoring and analysis should be the basis for decision-making support in order to
aid maintenance and repair interventions.
11.4.8 References
1. S. Vurpillot, K. Gaston, D. Benouaich, D. Clment, D. Inaudi, Vertical deflection of a pre-stressed
concrete bridge obtained using deformation sensors and inclinometer measurements, ACI
Structural Journal, Vol. 95, No. 5, pp. 518, (1998)
2. D. Inaudi, N. Casanova, P. Kronenberg, S. Vurpillot, Embedded and surface mounted sensors for
civil structural monitoring, Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego , SPIE Vol. 3044-23, (1997)
3. D. Inaudi, Long-gage fiber optic sensors for structural monitoring, Optical Measurement
Techniques and Applications, Editor Rastogi, P.K., Artech House, (1999)
4. D. Inaudi, Fiber optic smart sensing, Optical Measurement Techniques and Applications, Editor
Rastogi, P.K., Artech House, pp. 255-275, (1997)
5. L. Zimmermann, Y. Schiegg, B. Elsener, H. Bhni, Electrochemical techniques for monitoring the
conditions of concrete bridge structures, Repair of Concrete Structures, Proceedings of Int.
Conference, (1997)
6. B. Elsener, H. Bhni, Potential mapping and corrosion of steel in concrete, Corrosion rate of steel
in concrete, ASTM STP 1065, Berke, N. S., Chaker, V., Whiting D., eds., American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 143-156, (1990)
7. CEB TG 5.4, Strategies for testing and assessment of concrete structures, Bulletin d'information
No. 234, Lausanne, (1998)
8. K. Bergmeister, U. Santa, Global Monitoring Concepts for Bridges, Structural Concrete, Journal
of the fib, No. 2, March 2001, Thomas Telford Ltd., London, UK.
9. S. Rostam, Assessment an repair strategies for deteriorating concrete bridges, 3rd International
Workshop on Bridge Rehabilitation, Darmstadt, (1992)
10. O. Burdet, Load testing and monitoring of Swiss bridges, CEB Information Bulletin No. 219, Safety
and Performance Concepts, Lausanne, (1993)
11. A.E. Aktan, D.N. Farhey, A.J. Helmicki, D.L. Brown, V.J. Hunt, K.L. Lee, A. Levi, Structural
identification for condition assessment: experimental arts, Journal of Structural Engineering,
12. D.M. Frangopol, Bridge Health Monitoring and Life Prediction based on Reliability and Economy.
International Workshop on the Present and Future in Health Monitoring, September 3rd-6th, 2000,
Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany.
13. U. Santa, K. Bermeister, Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Techniques in Structural Health
Monitoring. International Workshop on the Present and Future in Health Monitoring, September
3rd-6th, 2000, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany.

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11.5 Case Study: TU Vienn, Eva Maria Eichinger

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11.6 Bridge Classification Based Upon Ambient Vibration Monitoring

Helmut Wenzel (Managing Director) and Roman Geier (Project Manager)
VCE Holding GmbH
Diesterweggasse 1
A-1140 Vienna, Austria

11.6.1 Abstract
Bridges are essential for the transportation infrastructure of any country. The peak of construction of
the European Transportation Infrastructure happened in the 1970s. It is estimated that nowadays
760,000 bridges are serving within the Trans-European Network (TEN) and the primary and secondary
road network. Owners of bridges expect that the critical age where rehabilitation and retrofit works at
bridges become essential starts after 30 years of service. Considering the time of construction a huge
peak of repair and retrofit investment is expected for the years starting from 2005 onwards. Studies
carried out show that the required effort could be more than tripled compared to present values. In
times of shrinking budgets, as prevailing now, alternative methods to deal with this problem are
Therefore different monitoring systems based on the analysis of the dynamic characteristic have been
developed recently. Owners of concrete bridges require assessment tools for those components which
cannot be inspected visually. BRIMOS provides additional information for the bridge inspector to carry
out an accurate assessment of the condition and the remaining lifetime of the bridge.
In the scope of the dynamic tests a classification system is established. This classification was drawn
up on the basis of experience gathered from more than 80 assessed bridge structures. The results of
artificial damages on real prestressed concrete and reinforced concrete bridges were integrated as an
important basis for the establishment of the system. From this classification system the urgency of any
required rehabilitation measures can be derived, which enables an optimum control of the existing
financial sources with simultaneous maintenance of a maximum safety level for the users.
11.6.2 Summary
Owners of structures realize the need for quality control tools to be applied for maintenance and
rehabilitation planning as well as lifetime assessment. Practicing engineers highly desire quality
control of construction and feedback from structures for more economic design and better
understanding of the performance. Researcher were always fascinated by the potential of full scale
dynamic tests of structures. These common aspects triggered the development of structural
monitoring. It is recently well-known that each structure has its typical dynamic behavior which may be
addressed as vibrational signature. Any changes in a structure, such as all kinds of damages leading
to decrease of the load carrying capacity have an impact on the dynamic response. This suggests the
use of the dynamic response characteristic for the evaluation of quality and structural integrity.
Monitoring of the dynamic response of structures makes it possible to get very quick knowledge of the
actual conditions and helps in planning of rehabilitation budgets.
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11.6.3 General
Monitoring the quality of structures comprises a wide field of engineering tasks. The most promising
recent developments has been achieved with Ambient Vibration Testing and dynamic System
Identification (SI) tools. Ambient Vibration Testing does not require a controlled excitation of the
structure. The structural response to ambient excitation is recorded in a large number of points. From
these ambient measurements the condition of the structure is derived.
As already mentioned, a huge peak of bridge construction happened in the 1970s, which are reaching
their critical age currently. Thus, an enormous maintenance and rehabilitation effort is coming towards
the road and bridge authorities (Fig. 11-42). To manage this problem, advanced technologies in bridge
priority ranking concerning maintenance actions are urgently required.
Fig. 11-42: Construction of bridges vs. maintenance costs estimated

11.6.4 Benchmark Tests
Prestressing steel with a yield strength of 145/160 kP/mm was used in early post-tensioned bridges
until the year 1965 in Germany and Austria. These tendons were called Sigma Oval and Neptun
N40. Tests performed on this steel quality raise doubts that specific early charges show a proneness
to stress-crack-corrosion. After a sudden spectacular failure of a prestressed beam of an industrial
building in Germany in 1993 detailed investigations have been done.
Due to an additional damage on a highway bridge in Austria in 2000 all structures built with the
specific type of prestressing steel were assessed very carefully. During these tests on 28 bridges in
Austria, 5 of them turned out to be in a critical condition. In the framework of an Austrian research
project VCE had the chance to introduce artificial damages to this 5 structures and study the effects to
the dynamic response.
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Fig. 11-43: Location of test structures in Austria

It was decided to replace the 5 critical structures because rehabilitation would have been to costly and
therefore not desired. The experience from the BRITE-EURAM project SIMCES was studied in detail
before the field tests have been planned. Such a possibility to apply artificial damages to 5 post-
tensioned structures in real scale is unique in the world until now. Thus, all tests have been planned
very carefully. Main focus was put to the identification of damages in prestressing tendons, which are
currently assessed by visual and very local inspection techniques, only.
A global assessment of a structure, pointing out prospective damages and damage locations, is
therefore urgently required. Before the structures were damaged an initial vibration test was
performed, using a sensor setup with high density. A second measurement sequence was performed
after removing the pavement in order to quantify the effect caused by the additional load. The
pavement only has influence on the natural frequency due to the additional load. There was no
stiffening effect recognizable.
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Fig. 11-44: Structural assessment of a bridge

The assessment of the capabilities of dynamic methods was done by introducing artificial damages to
the embedded tendons. This was performed by cutting the tendons which turned out to be a very
complicated and time-consuming task. Later on, the damages of the other projects were induced by
drilling cores to the structure. This was a very sensitive method for damaging tendons in a sequence.
Fig. 11-45: Cutting of prestressing tendons

11.6.5 Damage Assessment
System identification (SI) means extracting the dynamic characteristic of bridges or other civil
engineering structures from vibration data. The vibrational characteristic serves as input to modal
calibration and damage identification algorithms. Technical development work is carried out all over
the world on this subject. One of the recent projects was the BRITE-EURAM project SIMCES (System
Identification Methods for Civil Engineering Structures) which focuses on the subject of damage
identification based upon ambient vibration measurements.
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The major tools of the damage assessment are the natural frequencies, the mode shapes, damping
values, vibration intensities due to traffic as well as trend cards indicating the structural behavior over
11.6.6 Trend Cards
The development of so-called trend cards is a major outcome of the real scale damage tests
performed in 2001 in Austria. These cards represent the signal in a frequency-time diagram. Figure 6
shows typical trend cards as they are obtained from several ambient vibration measurements.
In order to distinguish the individual frequency peaks, a coloring of the card is required so that the
energy content of the oscillation and therefore the respective intensity can be determined. By this type
of representation, damages are already visible in their beginning phase in the frequency spectra. What
has to be mentioned, however, is that the basic frequencies with their long-wave vibration forms are
insensitive to local damage. Therefore the assessment and interpretation of the whole measured
frequency spectrum assumes greater significance.
Fig. 11-46: Trend of a structure in a good condition (left) and a damaged structure (right)

11.6.7 BRIMOS Recorder
One major result of the artificial damages is the knowledge that only one sensor, located at a specific
point of the structure, leads to a good impression about the structural performance. Using these
results a priority ranking of bridges can be done, leading to the classification if more detailed
investigations are necessary. For this purpose a compact monitoring and assessment system, the so-
called BRIMOS-Recorder, was developed which should give a first estimation about the structural
condition. Main assumption for design was, that a use of the system is possible for the bridge owners
and local authorities by themselves. Interpretation and assessment of the measurements has still to be
done by experts. This method makes the investigation of a large number of bridges in short time
possible, which leads to a higher safety level for the users. Locating the sensor is one of the major
tasks for a correct assessment and classification of the investigated structure. The best location was
found by assessing the results from the artificial damage tests. The following rule was defined for
placing the BRIMOS recorder to the structure.
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Fig. 11-47: Location of the BRIMOS recorder on the structure

4 . 0 L S =

A generalization with regard to the assessment of the respective frequency band is, however, not
admissible, as the behavior is strongly dependent on the respective structure type. Consequently also
local damages, for example at bigger structures, could bring about clear changes in natural
frequencies and the respective basic vibration forms. In order to assess the chronological
development of the structural condition it is required to carry out dynamic measurements of the
structure at periodic intervals. In this context a 6-monthly examination interval seems useful but at the
beginning of the measuring series a sufficient number of basic values has to be collected over a
shortened interval. Based on these basic values the chronological development of the condition can
be represented graphically by trend cards.
Fig. 11-48: BRIMOS recorder developed by VCE

11.6.8 Classification Scheme
Classification is used to identify structures which show distinct problems and urgently require
maintenance and rehabilitation efforts. A proper budget planning of the responsible bridge authority
can be done according to the time schedule set up based upon the measured results of the ambient
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vibration system. A classification of structures is possible and can be used as a basis for priorities. In
the following illustration the measuring results of 35 prestressed concrete bridges, which were built
between 1955 and 1965, are shown. The condition of the structures is reflected in the measuring
values and therefore clearly shows the need for any action required.
Fig. 11-49: Classification of structure according BRIMOS

Class A represents bridges which are in a very good condition and do not have any problems. Bridges
assigned to group B basically show a good condition, however some local problems and small
damages may be possible. These bridges are usually exposed to high traffic loads. Bridges classified
into C show a critical structural condition and urgently need rehabilitation measures or a total
From the practical point of view a combined assessment should consists of a rough check using the
BRIMOS-Recorder technology in order to classify the specific structure. This classification should be
the starting point for further detailed and costly assessment. In this way only the structures classified
as critical should be investigated in detail.
11.6.9 Conclusions
From the results it was derived that the failure of only few prestressing tendons can be found by the
use of the ambient vibration method. Recent assessment procedures failed because only the basic
frequencies and corresponding mode shapes had been observed. The tests showed that small
changes very often do not lead to a change of the fundamental frequencies in the range up to 10 Hz.
The frequencies in the high range as well as the damping values are very sensitive to changes or
damages of the prestressing tendons.
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The problems and failures with the assessment using the ambient vibration method in the last few
years could be caused by the circumstance that a numerical simulation of these effects is nearly
impossible. The infected mode shapes in reality are in a frequency range where the calculation results
in rough estimations of the frequency.
Bridge classification using the modal parameters natural frequencies, mode shapes, damping values,
vibration intensities as well as trend cards is a very effective tool for assessment and priority ranking of
the structures. It should be noted in this context that the assessment of all modal parameters together
as well as the assessment of the total frequency band of interest is very important. The Brimos
Recorder thus can help to increase safety in the traffic network considerably, at the same time
reducing the inspection and maintenance costs.
11.6.10 References
3. R. Geier, H. Wenzel, D. Pichler, BRIMOS Beurteilungsmethode fr den Brckenbau,
Publication for the Austrian Ministery of Infrastructure, 2001
4. B. Peeters, System Identification and Damage Detection in Civil Engineering, PhD Thesis,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2001
5. H. Bachmann, Vibration Problems in Structures Practical Guidelines, Birkhuser Verlag,
ETH Zrich, 1996
6. R. Geier, H. Wenzel, E. Eichinger, Untersuchungen anlsslich des Abbruches ausgewhlter
Tragwerke, Publication for the Austrian Ministery of Infrastructure, 2001
7. S. Agrati, Estimation of Structural Parameters form Ambient Vibration Test, Master Thesis,
Danish Technical University, 1994
8. C.P. Beards, Strucutral Vibration, Analysis and Damping, Halsted Press, ISBN 0 470 23586 1
9. A. Felber, An Introduction to Ambient Vibration Testing Course Manual, EMPA Report-No.
155715 Dbendorf
10. A. Felber, R. Cantieni, Introduction of a new Ambient Vibration Testing System Seven
Bridge Test, EMPA Report-No. 156521 Dbendorf.
11. H. Wenzel, R. Geier, Dynamic tests of real bridges till failure, Symposium Health Monitoring
and Retrofitting of Large Civil Engineering Structures, San Diego, 2001
12. J. Maeck, G. De Roeck, Damage assessment using vibration analysis of the Z24-bridge,
Symposium Health Monitoring and Retrofitting of Large Civil Engineering Structures, San
Diego, 2001
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11.7 Case Study: A.E. Aktan
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11.8 Durability problem: is formwork the cause?
David Wilson
Concrete Engineering, Volume 5 Number 2, Summer 2001
If when designing to EN206, the correct mix proportions and constituents are specified, then a durable
concrete should be achieved. However, to obtain the final shaped structure it is necessary to use
formwork and place, compact and cure the concrete. This is the stage at which the ability of the
concrete to resist environmental attack is usually reduced.
Fig. 11-50: Algae growth on surface (right) and blowholes on surface (left).

The formwork face contact material used is critical in determining the quality of the outer 20 mm of the
concrete surface. Until this problem of process is truly confronted, there will always be durability
problems with concrete.
11.8.1 Process Problems.
Process is concerned with the materials and workmanship used to produce the finished concrete
structure. Problems that can arise from process include, bat are not limited to, to the following:
1) Excess air and water trapped at the surface due to the use of impermeable formwork face contact
2) Contamination of the concrete surface due to the use of release agents.
3) Reduction in surface properties of the finished concrete arising from improper placing and
compaction methods.
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4) Improper and ineffective curing.
Process problems ca have a significant effect on the outer 20 mm of the concrete surface. During
compaction there is a movement of air and water to the concrete/formwork interface. The use of oiled
plywood/steel impermeable formwork face contact materials results in water gain, cement reduction
and trapped air bubbles.
11.8.2 Blowholes and other Surface Blemishes
Most blemishes that can occur on the concrete surface can be attributed to the air and water trapped
at the formwork interface. Appearance Matters 3 from the BCA describes these blemishes, which
1) Blowholes and pinholes.
2) Scouring.
3) Crazing.
4) Plastic cracking.
5) Dusting.
6) Retardation.
7) Oil discoloration.
11.8.3 Surface Contamination
Work at the LGA Institute of Biotechnology in Nrnberg has shown that some residues of the
oil/release agents used with conventional formwork can penetrate up to 5 mm into the concrete
surface. A good concrete surface initially has high alkalinity, which is not favorable to organic growth.
As it ages, alkalinity is reduced by carbonation and a surface with blowholes and contaminated with
release agent residues provides a suitable environment for biological growth to occur. The presence
of traces of release agent not only provides nourishment for bacteria and fungi, but may also
contaminate the water supply. Contaminations also known to affect the performance of applied
coatings or surface penetrants.
11.8.4 Reduced Surface Cement Contents
Water gain arising from the use of conventional steel/plywood face contact materials results in
reductions in cement content in the outer 20 mm of the surface. Field and laboratory testing carried
out by Dundee University as part of a UD government research contract has shown that across all
cement types and mix strengths and irrespective of admixture type and formwork orientation, cement
content is reduced by up to 40 Kg/m
below design values.
Reduced cement contents lead to increased surface porosity and increased susceptibility to chemical
attack, abrasion, carbonation and freeze-thaw action.
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11.8.5 Ineffective Curing
The Concrete Society Current Practice Sheet No. 112 on curing states that the practice is an important
part of producing a durable concrete structure; unfortunately, it is rarely carried out effectively. The
curing affected zone is though to vary between 20 and 50 mm depending upon the type and duration
of curing employed. Good curing can improve the performance of the concrete surface by reducing
porosity and increasing resistance to carbonation and abrasion. Curing is particularly beneficial for
concretes containing blended cements.
Increased porosity arising from the excess water trapped at the impermeable formwork face results in
immediate significant moisture loss from the surface on formwork removal. If there are inevitable time
delays between formwork removal and application of curing, the result will be less effective curing. In
hot/dry climates the quality and speed of application of curing are even more important.
11.8.6 Process Problems: Summary
Process problems relating to the type of formwork face contact material used, release agents and
curing are probably now the main cause of concrete durability problems. However, this aspect of the
construction process is rarely questioned. Since water gain at the surface is primarily a function of the
formwork type, it would appear to be a waste of time and money to try to solely treat the symptoms of
poor durability, by improving the product, rather than addressing the real cause, process. However,
the introduction of Controlled Permeability Formwork (CPF) is, for the first time, allowing engineers to
address and overcome process problems.
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11.9 Bridge Corrosion and Rehabilitation in Russia
Bjrn Lassen
11.9.1 Introduction
Major rehabilitation works and reconstruction become necessary in Russia in bridges that had
deteriorated, primarily as a consequence of lack of maintenance, inadequate design and poor
Large parts of the Russian infrastructure have been constructed with a limited amount of resources,
money and materials, based on an optimized design for industrial production of bridge components
that is more suited for (partial) replacement than for continuous repair. This combined with a lack of
funds for maintenance during the last few decades has meant a large and growing need for repair,
rehabilitation and reconstruction. Meanwhile, Russia is trying to complete a comprehensive program
to prepare its infrastructure for future demands. This program implies the rehabilitation and
improvement of a substantial number of bridges. A detailed investigations, assessment and
rehabilitation design for a number of bridges was completed for the Federal Highway Administration of
1) Structure. Many of the road bridges included in the rehabilitation were built in the 50s and 60s
and made of concrete. Their superstructures consist of simply supported spans composed of pre-
fabricated T-beams. The superstructure may be pile bents (concrete piles connected at the top by
a cap beam cast in-situ) and/or solid concrete piers. A bituminous waterproofing layer protects the
concrete structure. Sidewalks are made as precast elements placed on top of the beams.
The T-beams for the superstructure were pre-fabricated in factories, their relatively small
dimensions making it possible to transport and erect the elements without the need for heavy
equipment. On the bridge site, diaphragms, enabling the individual beams to work together,
connect the beams.
This construction method made it possible to build a large number of bridges in a short time, using
a minimum of resources. However, this effort to save resources at the construction stage,
together with a general lack of maintenance, forms the background to many of the problems
encountered today.
2) Cause of corrosion. Most of the problems are related to insufficient protection of concrete and
reinforcement from water and deicing salt. The detailing of the waterproofing at the edges of the
bridges and at expansion joints is not adequate to prevent water from seeping through the
structure, and the concrete cover on the reinforcement is insufficient. The typical problems found
with these bridges comprise:
a) Built-in defects due to poor supervision during construction (diaphragm connections, in-situ
cast concrete).
b) Heavy corrosion of reinforcement caused by the penetration of chloride contaminated water.
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c) Disintegration of concrete caused by freeze/thaw action.
The latter two types of damage are concentrated in the areas with insufficient protection against
water, particularly the sidewalk elements, the outermost beams of the superstructure and pier cap
beams below the expansion joints. In many cases the damage in these areas is beyond repair. A
widespread, though not necessarily as serious, type of damage is
d) General corrosion of reinforcement caused by insufficient and/or carbonated concrete cover.
This type of damage is typically located in the precast components in which the slender design
has neither left enough space for an adequate concrete cover nor for a proper execution of the
concrete casting. Porous concrete and honeycombs are common, due to insufficient compaction
of concrete.

In addition to these deficiencies, the bridges may need strengthening simply because the demands
have increased since the design of the bridges. Other bridges need to be widened, as they constitute
bottlenecks on the road.

The extent of corrosion and levels of neglect in both the concrete and the reinforcement are evident in
these photographs of Russian bridges.
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3) Rehabilitation. In direct contrast to former practice in Russia, the rehabilitation works have been
tendered out among contractors. The tendering is based on rehabilitation projects with the
general aim to upgrade the bridges to meet todays demands and with an expected service life of
at least 25 yrs.
The rehabilitation project for the above mentioned typical concrete bridge may comprise:
a) Replacement of sidewalk elements and the most damaged T-girders.
b) Removal of existing waterproofing layer.
c) Partial replacement of concrete damaged by freeze/thaw cycles.
d) Partial replacement and supplementing of corroded reinforcement.
e) Establishment of concrete cover where it is not sufficient.
f) Casting of a reinforced concrete layer on top of the bridge deck, anchored to the T-girders.
The purpose of this layer is to form a solid basis for the new waterproofing and to strengthen
the superstructure in general.
g) Elimination of expansion joints and, for the remainder, installation of high-quality expansion
joints to prevent future penetration of water into the girder ends and pier caps.
h) Application of a new bituminous waterproofing layer with special attention to the finishing
against edge beams and expansion joints.
i) Installation of a drainage system to prevent water form running over the sides of the bridge
11.9.2 References
1. Bjrn Lassen, Bridge Rehabilitation, Concrete Engineering, Volume 3 Number 5, June/July 1999,
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11.10 Repairing Deteriorated Bridge Decks
Birit Buhr, Ulrik Sloth, Erik Stolzener and Peter Shaw
Concrete Engineering , Volume 5 Number 3 Autumn 2001

1) Structure. The western Kollekolle Bridge (Fig. 11-51) is located in the northern part of Zealand in
Denmark. The Kollekolle Bridges were constructed in 1971 to carry the motorway M13 over a
road. Each bridge comprises a three span deck constructed from post tensioned reinforced
concrete, supported on reinforced concrete abutments and reinforced concrete columns. The total
length of each bridge is 100 m and the width is 14 m. The secondary reinforcement is carried out
with double reinforcement layers on the top and bottom of the deck. Waterproofing, consisting of
bitumen sheets and bitumen based surfacing, was applied on the bridge deck.
Fig. 11-51: Kollekolle Bridge, west elevation

2) Ambient. Denmark.
3) Damage. An area of approximately 25 m
was located where the membrane was defective.
Fig. 11-52: Soffit area with detective water proofing

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Fig. 11-52 and Fig. 11-53 show the soffit of the bridge deck below the area where the
Fig. 11-53: Soffit area, detail of detective waterproofing

waterproofing was defective. Many cracks perpendicular to the surface with white deposits were
visible, located below the void ducts. Chloride analyses on dust samples and on concrete cores
drilled from the top and soffit of the deck revealed that chloride had penetrated from the top all the
way through the 1 m thick deck. The chloride content measured at the depth of the top
reinforcement layer was up to 0.18% Cl
by weight of concrete. The chloride content in the interior
of the deck, below the area of the defective waterproofing was measured to be in the vicinity of
0.10% Cl
by weight of concrete. Macro-analyses on the cores revealed that the concrete had
been cast using reactive aggregate. Expansive alkali silica reactions had taken place and had
caused the concrete to crack. However, cracks had only formed where water had been present,
causing the alkali silica gel to expand. In this case, an efficient waterproofing is therefore crucial
to avoid future deterioration of the concrete. The deteriorated concrete containing chloride on the
top of the deck was chiseled to a depth of approximately 15 cm below the surface. The top layer
of reinforcement showed signs of pitting corrosion (Fig. 11-54) below the surface to a depth
Fig. 11-54: Top reinforcement mesh, with pitted corroded bars

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the two top layers of reinforcement. The second reinforcement layer on the top of the deck will,
however, still be embedded in concrete containing chloride. Therefore this layer will still have a
risk of corrosion in future, especially when the humidity decreases as a result of the application of
the mew waterproofing and when new concrete is cast, forcing the top layer into being a cathode
(non corroding).
There was concern about the condition of the post-tensioned strands in the bridge deck.
Ultrasonic measurements, X-ray measurements and breakouts were carried out on the strands to
verify that the injection with mortar had been properly undertaken and that no corrosion was
present. The measurements and the breakouts revealed that the post-tensioned cables were
embedded properly in mortar, and no fracture or evidence of corrosion could be observed on the
strands or ducts.
Potential mapping was conducted on the soffit using an Ag/AgCl reference electrode and the
concrete resistance was measured together with the potentials. The results revealed very low
potentials. ASTM C876-91, ref 1, suggests the following criteria for corrosion of chloride
contaminated bridge deck: above 200 mV CSE, 10% risk of ongoing corrosion, below 350 mV
CSE, 90% risk of ongoing corrosion, -200 to 350 mV CSE, uncertain risk of corrosion. However,
a breakout did not reveal ongoing corrosion, probably due to the high humidity content of the
concrete, where the reinforcement is unlikely to corrode. Once the humidity content decreases as
a result of new waterproofing the probability of corrosion increases.
4) Cause of corrosion. The use of bitumen sheets and bitumen based surfacing on bridge decks
improves the durability of the structure, protecting the concrete against corrosion caused by de-
icing salts. However on the Kollekolle Bridge the membrane was found to be defective and
deterioration had begun due to the chloride ingress in the concrete. Moreover the concrete had
been cast using reactive aggregate. Expansive alkali silica reactions had taken place and had
caused the concrete to crack where water had been present, causing the alkali silica gel to
5) Rehabilitation. The repair strategies chosen for the top of the deck was the cathodic protection.
It was decided to install anode strips under fiber concrete strips to protect the upper two
reinforcement layers against corrosion (Fig. 11-55). Reference electrodes were embedded both
Fig. 11-55: Installation of anode strips under fibre concrete strips to protect the upper two
reinforcement layers against corrosion
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near the construction joint (Fig. 11-56), drilled into the concrete close to the second reinforcement
layer, and adjacent to the top reinforcement layer. Measurements from the reference electrodes
will provide information about when to apply the installation, if it is not required immediately, and in
addition provide information on the efficiency of the system.
Fig. 11-56: Reference electrode located adjacent to the future construction joint

The repair strategies chosen for the soffit of the deck was the cathodic protection. A feasible
cathodic protection installation is to mount an anode mesh on the soffit and cast an approximately
25 mm shotcrete overlay.
11.10.1 References
1. ASTM C876-91, Standard test method for half cell potentials of reinforcing steel in concrete.
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11.11 Evaluation of Historic Concrete Structure
by Jerome P. OConnor, James M. Cutts, Grefory R. Yates, and Carlton A. Olson
Concrete International, Volume 19 Number 8, August 1997
11.11.1 George Rogers Clark Memorial
1) Vincennes, Indiana, is the home of a memorial built to commemorate the Revolutionary War
victory of George Rogers Clark over the British at Fort Sackville, which opened up the westward
expansion of the United States (Fig. 11-57).
Fig. 11-57: Overall view of the gorge Rogers Clark Memorial.

Built in the early 1930s, the facility includes a colonnaded monument building and a terrace
approximately 52 m square. Below the memorial and terrace are reinforced concrete support
slabs, beams, and columns. The facility is owned and managed by the NPS.
Shortly after completion of the facility, the terrace began to lead. Though many different attempts
have been made to stop the leaks, no repair has been successful in providing a long-term solution
to the problem. Water leakage has resulted in concrete deterioration as well as damage to
finishes in service areas, while rendering other areas under the terrace unsuitable for storage.
2) The evaluation revealed that the majority of the deterioration of the concrete support structure and
leakage through the terrace was adjacent to construction joints running through the structural
elements (Fig. 11-58). Deterioration in these areas of the structure included corrosion damage to
concrete beams and slabs. Away form the construction joints, damage was much less extensive.
To assess the condition of the terrace waterproofing systems, areas of topping concrete and stone
work were removed. A waterproofing membrane present on top of the structural slab was found to
be brittle and discontinuous.
Results of the evaluation showed the following:
a) Deterioration of the concrete was present in the terrace structure in the form of corroded
reinforcement with subsequent delamination and spalling of cover concrete.
b) Deterioration was concentrated along construction joints that were present at regular intervals
throughout slabs and beams.
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c) Leakage through the terrace occurred at random cracks in the support slabs but was
especially severe at construction joints. Stalactites had formed at cracks and joints.
d) Covermeter surveys verified reinforcement to be generally as specified. Cover over
Fig. 11-58: Concrete deterioration at a joint in the Clark Memorial terrace

reinforcement was generally 13 mm in slabs and 38 mm in beams, with some localized areas
less than 6 mm.
Diagonal cracks were observed on the sides of stepped girders framing between the terrace
and columns supporting the memorial building. Computer analysis verified that the cracks
were caused by thermal expansion and contraction of the structure.
e) Half-cell potential tests verified a low probability of active corrosion of embedded
reinforcement in areas away from locations of visible corrosion damage.
f) Concrete cores were tested in compression and for chloride ion content and were subjected to
petrohgraphic examination. The compressive strength of concrete averaged 57.9 MPa.
Chloride ion contents were lower than the threshold generally regarded as the level at which
corrosion of reinforcement would occur. The microscopic evaluation verified good quality.
3) Water leakage through the terrace occurred at random cracks in the support slabs but especially
severe at construction joints has resulted in corrosion of the reinforcement with subsequent
delamination and spalling of cover concrete.
4) Recommended repairs to the structural elements included conventional repairs to corrosion-
damaged members. Also recommended were repairs to the terrace waterproofing system,
including the removal of concrete and stone surfaces to allow for the installation of new
waterproofing and drainage materials. The evaluation also recommended that only non-chloride-
based deicing chemicals be used on the terrace surfaces.

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