Author Study Rubric and Books
Author Study Rubric and Books
Author Study Rubric and Books
Shows Depth of Thought, Clarity and Analysis (4 points/section) Outstanding writing based on the 6-trait model. Provides clear text-to-text connections that typify the author's work ie: their use of element/s, their artistic style or use of illustration; examines the commonalities and differences across the author's work. Uses a graphic organizer to clearly compare ideas. Exhibits a thorough reading of background information on the author and their contributions to children's literature. Includes awards and recognitions, total number of works, source of inspiration for their writing, and tidbits of interest. Demonstrates a clear emotional and/or philosophical connection between examples of the author's work and self, includes examples from the texts and impact on self. Answers the question; What about this author's work resonates with me? Almost There (3 points/section) Writing adequate based on 6-trait model. Provides some examples of elements and style without a clear connection between texts. Makes little attempt at comparisons across the body of work. Marginal (1 points/section) Writing needs revision and correction of conventions. Provides little references to the author's style and use of elements and makes no connection to specific texts. Shows little attempt at drawing comparisons across texts. Includes little information regarding the author and their contributions to children's literature. No information regarding awards or recognitions. Writes only about the enjoyment they find in the authors work without going into a deep connection. Examples vaguely connected to self.
Biographic Information
Exhibits limited background information was read. Includes some aspects of author's life as a writer. Could be more complete. Exhibits some emotional or philosophical connection to the author's body of work. Does not include examples to specific text or impact on self.
Book List
Read and record appropriate number of texts. Provide analysis of the authors use of literary crafts, (elements, imagery, word choice, theme, characterization etc.) includes genre, and grade level.
Read required number of books and documents some of the literary elements. Limited identification of author's style, and use of crafts.
Read most of the books, little effort put into the analysis of craft. Required information missing.
Synopsis This is a story about a boy who is making a gingerbread man but opens the oven too soon and the gingerbread Baby escapes. The story continues on to tell how the boy captures the runaway gingerbread man. This story is about a boy who loses his mitten while playing outside. Meanwhile, some animals decide to make his mitten their home for the winter. This story is about a hedgehog that finds a lost hat and gets it stuck on his head. After being made fun of by the other animals throughout the book, at the end, all of the animals decide to start wearing clothing on their heads. This is the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, retold by Jan Brett. Its
Picture Book
Preschool and up
Picture Book
Preschool and up
Preschool and up
Trouble with Trolls (1992) Hedgie Loves to Read (2006) Berlioz the Bear (1991)
Picture Book
Preschool and up
Beauty and the Beast (1989) Daisy Comes Home (2002) Gingerbread Friends (2006) Hedgie Blasts Off (2006) The Umbrella (2004) Christmas Treasury (2001) Hedgies Surprise ( 2000) Comets Nine Lives (1996) Armadillo Rodeo (1995) Christmas Trolls (19913 The Wild Christmas Reindeer (1990)
Picture Book/ Traditional Lit Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book
Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up
about a young girl who sneaks into a family of bears house and they are shocked to find her asleep in their bed when they return. This story is about a young girl who takes her dog into the mountains and runs into trouble when she encounters a group of trolls. This is a story about a hedge hog who loves to read. This story is about a bear who is trying to make it to an orchestra when his wagon gets stuck in a hole and it takes a group of animals and one small bee to get them out, just in time for the orchestra. This story is about a boy who finds a dog in the woods that follows him around and saves his life more than once. At the end of the book he realizes how lucky he is to have a dog like this. This is the classic story of Beauty and the Beast, retold by Jan Brett. This is a story about a hen that gets lost from her owner and eventually makes her way back home.
Annie and the Wild Animals (1985) Fritz and the Beautiful Horses (1981) The Three Snow Bears (2007) HoneyHoneyLion (2005) Oh Noahs Ark (2003) Whos that knocking on Christmas Eve (2002) Town Mouse, Country Mouse (1994) The Night Before Christmas (1998) The Owl and the Pussycat (1991) Happy Birthday Dear Duck (1988) The Twelve Days of Christmas (1986) Scary, Scary Halloween (1986) Mothers Day Mice (1986) Noelle of the Nutcracker (1986) Valentine Bears (1983) St. Patricks Day in the Morning (1980)
Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book Picture Book
Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up Preschool and up
Preschool and up Picture Preschool Book/Traditional and up Lit Picture Book Preschool and up Picture Book Preschool and up Picture Book Preschool and up Picture Book Preschool and up Picture Book Preschool and up Picture Book Preschool and up Picture Book Preschool and up Picture Book Preschool and up
The presentation should be an engaging glimpse of what makes this author fascinating to you an advertisement for the author so to speak. It should also provide an analysis of the author's work and literary aspects of their work.
Outstanding overall Visual Display Media of Choice Display is visually appealing, uses elements of style, color, and visual effects, and reflects thoughtful and careful effort. Generally Adequate Visual display reflects moderate effort. Mediocre Effort
Presentation introduces audience to the author's body of work with examples from a selection of texts, awards or recognitions and through glimpses into the author's life. Examples from author's work demonstrate the best aspects of their writing, and or analytical reflection.
Presentation provides limited information about the author's life. Examples of author's work are cited without analysis or comparison.
Makes a basic attempt to organize a review of the author's life, work and contributions. Little effort put into presentation.