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CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Sample Paper-02 (For 2012)

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Marks - 80

General Instructions :1. 2. 3. 4. This question paper contains three parts A, B and C. Part A is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates can attempt only one part of the remaining part B and C. All parts of a question should be attempted at one place.
Part A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Accounting for Not for Profit Organizations, Partnership Firms and Companies Name the account which shows the classified summary of transactions of a Cash Book in a not-for-profit organisation. (1) List two items that may appear on the Credit side of a partners fixed capital account.(1) Give two circumstances in which sacrificing ratio may be applied. Name any two factors affecting goodwill of a partnership firm. What is the nature of Interest on Debentures? (1) (1) (1)

On the basis of following information, calculate the amount of stationery to be shown in Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March, 2007. (3) Rs. Stock of stationery on 1.4.2006 Stock of stationery on 31.3.2007 Amount paid for stationery during the year Creditors for stationery on 1.4.2006 Creditors for stationery on 31.3.2007 50,000 40,000 2,00,000 20,000 10,000

7. 8.

State the exceptions to the creation of Debenture Redemption Reserve as per SEBI Guidelines. (3) Akash Ltd. issued 1,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each, payable as follows : Rs. 2 on application payable on 1st March, 2006; Rs. 3 on allotment payable on 1st May, 2006; Rs. 2 on first call payable on 1st August, 2006 and Rs. 3 on second and final call payable on 1st December, 2006. All these shares were subscribed for and amounts duly received. Akriti, who had 8,000 shares, paid the amount of both the calls alongwith allotment.


Suniti, who had 4,000 shares, paid the amount of second and final call with the first call. Calculate the amount of interest on calls-in-advance payable to Akriti and Suniti. The Company adopts Table A. 9. (3)

X, Y and Z are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. After the final accounts have been prepared, it was discovered that interest on drawings @ 5% p.a. had not been taken into consideration. The drawings of the Partners were : X Rs. 15,000; Y Rs. 12,600; Z Rs. 12,000.Give the necessary adjusting journal entry. (4) P, Q and R are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2. From 1st January, 2006, they decide to share profits and losses in equal proportion. The partnership deed provides that in the event of any change in profit sharing ratio, the goodwill should be valued at three years purchase of the average of five years profits. The profits and losses of the preceding five years are: Profits : 2001 - Rs. 60,000 Loss : 2005 - Rs. 70,000. Give the necessary journal entry to record the above change. (4) 2002 Rs. 1,50,000 2003 - Rs. 1,70,000 2004 - Rs. 1,90,000.



A company took a loan of Rs. 5,00,000 from State Bank of India and issued 10% debentures of Rs. 8,00,000 of Rs. 100 each as a collateral security. Explain how will you deal with issue of debentures in the books of company. (4) (a) Alpha Ltd. has 5,000 8% Debentures of Rs. 100 each due for redemption on March 31, 2007. Assume that Debenture Redemption Reserve has a balance of Rs. 1,90,000 on that date. Record the necessary entries at the time of redemption of debentures.




What journal entries should be made for the issue of debentures in the following cases: (i) X Limited issued 30,000 12% Debentures of Rs. 100 each at par, redeemable at a premium of 5%. (ii) Y Limited issued 50,000 12% Debentures of Rs 100 each at a premium of 5%, redeemable at par. (3+3=6) From the following extract of Receipts and Payments Account of Sonic club and the given additional information, show the Salaries items in the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st Dec. 2006 and the Balance Sheet as on 31st December, 2005 and 31st December, 2006. (6) An Extract of Receipts and Payments Account for the year ending 31st December, 2006 Receipts Rs. Payment By Salaries 2005 2006 2007 Rs. 20,000 2,80,000 18,000


Additional Information : Rs. a) b) c) 14. Salaries outstanding on 31.12.2005 Salaries outstanding on 31.12.2006 Salaries paid in advance on 31.12.2005 25,000 45,000 10,000

A and B Share profits and losses in the ratio of 5:2. They have decided to dissolve the firm. Assets and external liabilities have been transferred to Realization A/c. Pass the journal entries to effect the following : a) b) c) e) f) Bank Loan of Rs. 12,000 is paid off. A was to bear all expenses of realisation for which he is given a commission of Rs. 400/Deferred Advertisement Expenditure A/c appeared in the books at Rs. 28,000. An unrecorded computer realised Rs. 7000. There was an outstanding bill for repairs for Rs. 2000, which was paid off. (6)

d) Stock worth Rs. 1,600 was taken over by B at Rs. 1,200.


Metallic Ltd. invited applications for 40,000 equity shares of Rs. 50 each issued at a premium of Rs. 10 per share. The amount was payable as follows : On application and allotment Rs. 20 per share. Balance (including premium)- on first and final call. Applications for 70,000 shares were received. Applications for 20,000 shares were rejected and pro-rata allotment was made to the remaining applicants. First and final call was made and duly received except on 400 shares allotted to Nitesh and his shares were forfeited. Journalise the above transactions. (8) OR Arti Limited invited applications for issuing 80,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 4 per share. The amount was payable as follows On Application - Rs. 5 per share On Allotment - Rs. 9 per share (Including Premium) Applications were received for 1,40,000 shares. Allotment was made on the following basis : (i) To applicants for 80,000 shares - 60,000 shares (ii) To applicants for 60,000 shares - 20,000 shares



Money overpaid on applications was utilized towards sum due on allotment. Rajiv, belonging to category (i),/had applied for 1,200 Shares failed to pay his dues and his shares were forfeited. Pass journal entries in the books of Arti Limited to record the above transactions. (8) Rajat and Ravi are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 7:3. Their Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2007 is as follows : Liabilities Creditors Reserve Capital Accounts Rajat 1,00,000 Ravi 80,000 Rs. 60,000 10,000 Assets Cash in hand Cash at Bank Debtors Stock Furniture Rs. 36,000 90,000 44,000 50,000 30,000 2,50,000

1,80,000 2,50,000

On 1st April, 2007, they admit Rohan on the following terms : (i) Goodwill is valued at Rs. 40,000 and Rohan is to bring in the necessary amount in cash as premium for goodwill and Rs. 60,000 as Capital for 1/4 share in profits. (ii) Stock is to be reduced by 40% and furniture is to be reduced to 40%. (iii) Capitals of the partners shall be proportionate to their Profit Sharing Ratio taking Rohans Capital as base. Adjustments of Capitals to be made by cash. Prepare Revaluation Account, Partners Capital Accounts and Cash Account. (8) OR The Balance Sheet of X, Y and Z who were sharing profits in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2 as at March 31, 2007 : Liabilities Amount Assets Amount Creditors 50,000 Cash at Bank 40,000 Employees Provident Sundry Debtors 1,00,000 Fund 10,000 Stock 80,000 Profit & Loss A/c 85,000 Fixed Assets 60,000 Capital A/cs : X 40,000 Y 62,000 Z 33,000 1,35,000 2,80,000 2,80,000 X retired on March 31, 2007 and Y and Z decided to share profits in future in the ratio of 2:3 respectively. The other terms on retirement were as follows : (i) Goodwill of the firm is to be valued at Rs. 80,000. (ii) Fixed Assets are to be valued at Rs. 57,500 (iii) Make a provision for doubtful debts at 5% on debtors (iv) A liability for claim, included in creditors for Rs. 10,000, is settled at Rs. 8000.


The amount to be paid to X by Y and Z in such a way that their Capitals are proportionate to their profit sharing ratio and leave a balance of Rs. 15,000 in the Bank Account. Prepare Profit and Loss Adjustment Account and Partners Capital Accounts. (8) Part B Financial Statement Analysis Assuming that the Debt - Equity Ratio is 1:2, state giving reason, whether the ratio will improve, decline or will have no change in case equity shares are issued for cash. (1) Mention the net amount of Source or Use of cash when a fixed asset (having book value of Rs. 15,000) is sold at a loss of Rs. 5,000. (1) Dividend paid by a trading company is classified under which kind of activity while preparing cash flow statement. (1) Show the major headings into which the assets side of companys Balance Sheet is organised and presented as per Schedule VI Part I of the Companies Act, 1956. (3) Prepare the Common Size Income Statement from the following information : (4) Particulars Net Sales Cost of Goods Sold Operating Expenses Income Tax Rate 22. March 31, 2006 1,00,000 70% of sales 8,000 50% March 31, 2007 Rs. 1,00,000 74.8% of sales 9,800 50%

17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

A companys Stock Turnover is 5 times. Stock at the end is Rs. 20,000 more than that at the beginning. Sales are Rs. 8,00,000. Rate of Gross Profit on cost 1/4; Current Liabilities Rs. 2,40,000. Acid Test Ratio 0.75. Calculate Current Ratio. (4) The Balance Sheets of Kewal Ltd. as on 31st December, 2006 and 31st December, 2007 were as follows Liabilities 31.12.07 31.12.06 Assets 31.12.07 31.12.06 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Share Capital 10,00,000 7,00,000 Plant and P/L Account 2,50,000 1,50,000 Machinery 8,00,000 5,00,000 Stock 1,00,000 75,000 Proposed Dividend 50,000 40,000 Cash 4,00,000 3,15,000 13,00,000 8,90,000 13,00,000 8,90,000 Additional Information :(a) Rs. 50,000 depreciation has been charged to Plant and Machinery during the year 2007. (b) A Piece of machinery costing Rs.12,000 (book value Rs. 5,000) was sold at 60% profit on book value. Prepare Cash Flow Statement. (6) Part C Computerised Accounting



Marking Scheme Sample Question Paper Accountancy Class XII Set - II

1. 2.

Receipts and Payments Account. (i) (ii) Opening Capital. Additional Capital Introduced. Admission of a partner. Change in profit-sharing ratio of partners. Location of the business. Skill of the management.




(i) (ii)



(i) (ii)

(x2=1) (1)

5. 6.

It is a charge against profits. Consumption of Stationery =

Opening stock + Amount paid + Creditors (beginning) + Creditors (end) - Closing stock = Rs. 50,000+ 2,00,000- 20,000+10,000-40,000 = Rs. 2,00,000 ( mark for Formula ( mark for each adjustments x 5 = 2 marks = ( + 2 = 3) 7. SEBI guidelines would not apply : (i) To Infrastructure companies. (ii) A company issuing debentures with a maturity period of not more than 18 months. (iii) For debentures issued by All India Financial Institutions regulated by RBI. (iv) For debentures issued by Banking companies. (v) For Privately placed debentures (any three 1x3=3) Interest on calls-in-advance payable to Akriti.


On Ist Call (for three months)


On 2nd Call (for seven months)




Smriti On 2nd Call (for four months)


(1) mark
= (1+1+1=3)


Journal Particulars Zs Capital A/c To Xs Capital A/c To Ys Capital A/c (Interest on drawings omitted, now adjusted)

L. F. Dr.

Amount (Dr.) Amount (Cr.) 135 120 15

(2) marks Working Notes : (Interest is to be calculated for six months only.) Partners Dr. interest on drawings Cr. profits (Rs.) to Capital A/cs in the ratio of 3:2:1 to Capital A/cs X 375 495 Y 315 330 Z 300 165 990 Rs. 990

Net effect Dr. 135 135 Cr. 120 15 135 (2) (2+2 = 4)

10. (i)

Valuation of goodwill Average Profits = = Goodwill = Rs. 1,00,000x3 = Rs. 3,00,000 = Rs. 1,00,000 (1)
P 1/3 5/10 Q 1/3 3/10 R 1/3 2/10


Calculation of Gain/ Loss

New Share Old Share Difference P Sacrifice =


Qs Gain = Rs Gain= (iii) Compensation (5/30 x Rs. 3,00,000 = 50,000) payable by Q and R in the ratio of 1/30 and 4/30 of Rs. 3,00,000. i.e., Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 40,000 respectively. (1) JOURNAL



Qs Capital A/c Rs Capital A/c To Ps Capital A/c (Being adjustment made for goodwill on change in profit sharing ratio

Dr Dr

L. F.

Rs. 10,000 Rs. 40,000

Debit Rs. Credit Rs.

Rs. 50,000


(2) = (1+1+2 = 4) There are 2 methods to deal with issue of debentures as collateral security. They are given below : First Method Balance Sheet of Co. (Extract) Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.)

Secured Loans : Loan from SB India (Secured by 5,00,000 issued of 8000, 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each as collateral security) Note : No entry in the books of accounts. Second Method Journal Entries Date Particulars LF Amount (Rs.) Dr Debentures Suspense A/c Dr To 10% Debenture A/c (Being 8000 debentures of Rs. 100 each issued as collateral security to SBI Bank) 8,00,000


Amount (Rs.) Cr 8,00,000

Liabilities Loan from SBI Bank 10% Debentures 8,00,000 less Debenture 8,00,000 Suspense A/c

Balance Sheet of Co. (Extract) Amount (Rs.) Assets 5,00,000

1 marks Amount (Rs.)

Note : No entry in the books of accounts.


(1+1+1=4) 109

12. (a)


2007 Mar 31

Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. To Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c. (Being amount transfered to Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c) 8% Debentures A/c Dr. To Debentureholders A/c. (Being amount due to debentureholders) Debentureholders A/c. Dr. To Bank A/c (Being amount paid to the debentureholders) Debenture Redemption Reserve A/c Dr. To General Reserve A/c. (Being DRR transferred to general reserve)

L. F. Debit Rs.

Credit Rs.
60,000 (1)

2007 Mar 31 2007 Mar 31 2007 Mar 31











(1+++1= 3) JOURNAL

Date Particulars
Case (i) Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture Application and Allotment A/c (Being amount received on application) Debenture Application and Allotment A/c Dr. Loss on Issue of Debentures A/c Dr. To 12% Debentures A/c To Premium on Redemption of Debentures A/c (Being transfer of application money to debentures account redeemable at a premium) Case (ii) Bank A/c Dr. To Debenture Application and Allotment A/c (Being amount received on application) Debenture Application and Allotment A/c Dr. To 12% Debentures A/c To Securites Premium A/c (Being transfer of application money to Debentures, issued at a premium, redeemable at par)

L. F. Debit Rs. Credit Rs.

30,00,000 30,00,000 ()

30,00,000 1,50,000

30,00,000 1,50,000






50,00,000 2,50,000


(+1++1 = 3)



BALANCE SHEET As on 31st December, 2005

Dr. Particulars Salaries Outstanding

Amount 25,000

Particulars Salaries Prepaid

Cr. Amount 10,000


Dr. Particulars To Salaries (+) Advance at beginning

(+) Outstanding for 2006

INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the year ending 31.12.2006 Amount 2,80,000 10,000 2,90,000 40,000 3,30,000 BALANCE SHEET As on 31.12 2006 Amount Liabilities Salaries Prepaid for 2007 45,000 Particulars

Cr. Amount

(3) Amount 18,000 (2) (1+3+2 = 6)

Assets Salaries Outstanding for 2005 5,000 for 2006 40,000

14. Date a. Particulars Realisation A/c To Bank A/c (Being bank loan discharged) Realisation A/c To As Capital A/c (Being commission credited to A) Dr. Dr. (Rs.) 12,000 Cr. (Rs.) 12,000






As Capital A/c Dr. Bs Capital A/c Dr. To Deferred Advertisement Expenditure A/c (Being the deferred advertisement expenditure written off Bs Capital A/c To stock A/c (Being stock taken our by B at Rs. 1,200) Dr.

20,000 8,000







Bank A/c Dr. To Realisation A/c (Being unrecorded computer sold for Rs. 7,000) Realisation A/c To Bank A/c (Being outstanding repair bill paid) Dr.






(1x6 = 6) 15. JOURNAL

Date Particulars
i. Bank A/c Dr. To Share Application & Allotment A/c (Being application money received on 70,000 shares @ Rs. 20 per share) Share Application and Allotment A/c. Dr. To Share Capital A/c To Calls in advance A/c To Bank A/c (Being application and allotment money adjusted towards share capital; first & final call account and refunded on 20,000 shares) Share First & Final A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c (Being amount due on share first & final call) Bank A/c Dr. Calls in Advance A/c Dr. To Share First and Final Call A/c (Being share first & final call money received on 39,600 shares @ Rs. 40 per share less received in advance with share application and allotment money) Share capital A/c Dr. Securities premium A/c Dr. To Share first & final call A/c To Share forfeited A/c (Being 400 shares forfeited for non-payment of share first & final call money)

L. F.

Debit Rs.

Credit Rs.



8,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000


16,00,000 12,00,000 4,00,000 13,86,000 2,00,000




20,000 4,000

14,000 10,000

(1+2+1+2+2 = 8)


Working Note : Application recd. No of shares

Application Rejected for

No of shares Allotted


70,000 20,000 40,000 to Applicants for 50,000 shares Hence Prorata Ratio is 5:4 So Nitesh applied for 500 shares and paid Application and allotment money @ Rs. 20 =10,000 but required application and allotment money on his 400 shares (400x20) Rs.8,000. So his excess Rs. 2,000 is adjusted in advance of share first & final call money. So Share First & Final Call Money due on 400 shares Rs. 16,000 @ Rs. 40 Less - Excess Money Received Rs. 2,000 First & Final Call Money Rs. 14,000 not received on 400 shares. OR IN THE BOOKS OF ARTI LIMITED JOURNAL


Bank A/c Dr. To Share Application A/c (Being application money received on 1,40,000 shares @ Rs. 5 per Share) Share Application A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c To Share Allotment A/c To Bank A/c (Being application money transferred to share capital and excess application money adjusted to share allotment and returned the balance) Share Allotment A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c (Being allotment money due on 80,000 Share @ Rs.9 per share including premium @ Rs.4 per share) Bank A./c Dr. To Share Allotment A/c (Being allotment money received) Share Capital A/c Dr. Securities Premium A/c Dr. To Share Allotment A/c To Share Forfeited A/c (Being 900 shares of Rajiv forfeited on non-payment of allotment money)

L. F.

Debit Rs. Credit Rs.

7,00,000 7,00,000



4,00,000 2,80,000 20,000



4,00,000 3,20,000





9,000 3,600

6,600 6,000

[1+2+1+2+2 = 8]


Working Note (i) Utilization of excess money received on application Rs. (a) for pro rata cetegory of 4:3 Money received on application 80000xRs.5 = 4,00,000 Money required on application 60000xRs.5 = 3,00,000 Excess money received = 1,00,000 Amount due on allotment 60000xRs.9 = 5,40,000 So entire excess money (Rs.1,00,000) is adjusted towards allotment. Rs. (b) for pro-rata category of 3:1 Money received on application 60000xRs.5 = 3,00,000 Money required on application 20000xRs.5 = 1,00,000 Excess money received = 2,00,000 Amount due on allotment 20000x9 = 1,80,000 So only Rs. 1,80,000 out of excess application money of Rs. 2,00,000 can be adjusted towards allotment and remaining Rs. 20,000 is to be returned. Hence, Total excess application money adjusted towards allotment is Rs. 2,80,000 [i.e. Rs. 1,00,000 + Rs. 1,80,000] It also shows that defaulter Rajiv belongs to pro-rata category of 4:3. Rajivs applied number of shares = 1,200 So shares alloted to him = (ii) Amount not paid by Rajiv. Application money received 1200xRs.5 Less application money due 900xRs.5 Excess application money adjusted to allotment Allotment money due 900xRs.9 Allotment money not received (Rs. 8,100 Rs. 1500) Calculation of Amount Received on Allotment Total allotment money due 80,000xRs.9 Less allotment money already received Less allotment money not received Amount received on allotment REVALUATION A/c Amount Rs. 20,000 18,000 38,000 Particulars By Loss : Rajats Cap A/c Ravis Cap A/c = = = = = Rs. 6,000 4,500 1,500 8,100 6,600


= 7,20,000 = 2,80,000 = 6,600 = 4,33,400


Dr. Particulars
To Stock To Furniture

Cr. Amount Rs.

26,600 11,400 38,000 (2)


PARTNERS CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Particulars To Revalution A/c To Cash A/c Rajat Rs. 26,600 Ravi Rs. 11,400 20,600 Rohan Rs. By Balance b/d By Reserve By Cash By Premium By Cash A/c. Particulars Rajat Rs. 7,000 7,000 38,600 1,52,600 86,000 60,000 (3) Ravi Rs. 3,000 3,000 Rohan Rs . 60,000 -

1,00,000 80,000

To Balance c/d 1,26,000 1,52,600 Working Notes :

54000 86,000

60,000 60,000

Total capital

Rohans Capital for 1/4 th share = Rs. 60,000 = Rs. 60,000 x 4 = Rs. 2,40,000 , and Ravis share = = Rs. 1,26,000

Rajat share in profits = Hence, Rajats Capital = Rs. 2,40,000 x Ravis Capital = Rs. 2,40,000 x

= Rs. 54,000 CASH A/C Amount Particulars Rs. 36,000 By Ravis Capital A/c 60,000 By Bal. c/d 10,000 38,600 1,44,600


Dr. Particulars
To Bal b/d To Rohans Capital A/c To Premium To Rajats Capital A/c

Cr. Amount Rs. 20,600

1,24,000 1,44,600 (1)

Dr. Particulars

To Fixed Assets A/c To Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c

OR PROFIT AND LOSS ADJUSTMENT A/C Amount Particulars Rs. By Creditors A/c By Loss transferred to : 2,500 Xs Capital A./c 2,750 Ys Capital A/c 1,650 5,000 Zs Capital A/c 1,100 7,500


Cr. Amount Rs. 2,000

5,500 7,500 (2)



To P & L Adjustment A/c 2,750 1,650 1,100 To X Cap A/c - 8,000 32,000 To Bank A/c 1,19,750 To Bank A/c - 2,050 To Balance c/d 75,800 1,13,700 1,22,500 87,500 1,46,800

PARTNERS CAPITAL A/C Y Z Particulars By Balance b/d By P& L A/c By Ys Cap A/c By Zs Cap A/c By Bank A/c

X Y 40,000 62,000 42,500 25,500 8,000 32,000

Z 33,000 17,000


Working Notes : Total Capital = Rs.77,850+ Rs.16,900+Rs. 94,750 = Rs.1,89,500 Total Capital of the new firm = 1,89,500 Ys Capital = Rs. 1,89,500 x Zs Capital = Rs. 1,89,500 x = Rs. 75,800 = Rs. 1,13,700

1,22,500 87,500 1,46,800 (2x3=6) (2+6 = 8)

Shortage of cash at Bank Opening Bal of Cash = Rs. 40,000 Less Minimum Balance Required = Rs. 1,5000 Amount available Rs. 25000 to pay to X Amount payable to X = Rs. 1,19,750 Less Available at Bank Rs. 25,000 Shortage to be brought in By Y and Z = Rs. 94,750 Issue of Equity Shares Debt equity ratio = The ratio will decline Reason :- Debt remains unchanged. Equity increases. 18. 19. Source - Rs. 10,000 Financing Activity


( mark for answer and mark for reason) (1) (1)



Major headings on the asset side are : 1. 2. 3. Fixed Assets Investments Current Assets, Loans and Advances (a) Current Assets (b) Loans and Advances Miscellaneous Expenditure Profit and Loss A/c. (Dr.) COMMON SIZE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2006 & 2007 Particulars Net Sales Less: Cost of goods sold Gross Profit Less: Operating Exp. Opereting Profit Less: Tax Net Profit Absolute Amounts 2006 (Rs.) 2007(Rs.) 1,00,000 1,00,000 70,000 74,800 30,000 8000 22,000 11,000 11,000 25,200 9,800 15,400 7,700 7,700 Percentage of Net Sales 2006 (%) 2007(%) 100 100 70 74.8 30 8 22 11 11 25.2 9.8 15.4 7.7 7.7

4. 5. 21.

(x6= 3)

2 marks for % of 2006 2 marks for % of 2007 (2+2= 4) 22. Stock Turnover Ratio = ()

5= (Let Opening stock= X) 5= 10x + 1,00,000 = 12,80,000 10x = Rs. 11,80,000


x = Rs. 1,18,000 Closing Stock = Opening Stock + 20,000 Rs. 1,18,000 + 20,000 = Rs. 1,38,000 Acid Test Ratio = 0.75 = Liquid Asset = 2,40,000 x 0.75 = Rs. 1,80,000 Current Assets = Liquid Assets + Closing Stock Rs. 1,80,000 + Rs. 1,38,000 = Rs. 3,18,000 Current Ratio = Current Ratio = 23. Cash Flow Statement


( ) ( )

( +1+=2)

() () () ( ++ = 2) (2+2 = 4) Rs. 1

Particulars Rs. (A) Cash Flow from Operating Activities Profit before tax 1,50,000 Adjustments: Add : Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 50,000 Less : Profit on sale of Plant and Machinery (3,000) Operating Profit before working capital changes 1,97,000 Less : Increase in stock (25,000) Cash generated from operations 1,72,000 () Tax Paid. Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities (B) Cash Flow from Investing Activities Sale of Plant and Machinery 8,000 Purchase of Plant and Machinery (3,55,000) Net Cash used in Investing Activities (C) Cash Flow from Financing Activities Issue of Share Capital 3,00,000 Dividend paid (40,000) Net Cash flow from Financing Activities Net Increase/Decrease in cash and cash equivalents Add : Opening cash and cash equivalents Closing cash and cash equivalent

1,72,000 1 1 (3,47,000) 2,60,000 85,000 3,15,000 4,00,000


(1++++1+1+++= 6)

Working Notes : (1) Profit Before Tax Profit as per P/L Account Add Proposed Dividend (2) Plant and Machinery Account Rs. 5,00,000 3,000 3,55,000 8,58,000 Particulars By Depreciation A/c By Bank A/c (Sale) By Balance c/d

Rs. 1,00,000 50,000 1,50,000

Dr. Particulars To Balance b/d To Profit and Loss A/c To Bank A/c (Purchase) (Balancing/figure)

Cr. Rs. 50,000 8,000

8,00,000 8,58,000 (2)



Subject : Accountancy

Class XII

Max. Marks 80

Time : 3 hrs.


S. No of question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Unit/Ch. Number 1 2 2 3 4 1 4 4 2 3 4 4 1 3 4 3 5 6

Marks allotted 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 1 1

Estimated time (Minutes) 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 6 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes 16 minutes 16 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes

Estimated Difficulty level A A A A B A A B B B C B B B C B A A


S. No of question 19 20 21 22 23

Unit/Ch. Number 6 5 5 5 6

Marks allotted 1 3 4 4 6

Estimated time (Minutes) 2 minutes 6 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 12 minutes

Estimated Difficulty level A A B C B

Reference for abbreviations to Difficulty Level A B C Easy Average Difficult 20% 60% 20% 16 48 16


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