Understanding OTDR

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Understanding Optical Time Domain Reflectometry

OTDR Block Diagram

Pulse Generator Laser Diodes

The optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) injects an optical pulse into one end of the fiber and analyzes the returning backscattered and reflected signal. An operator at one end of a fiber span can measure and localize attenuation, event loss, reflectance, and ORL.

1 2

Coupler Photodiode Detector Amplifier

1 Front-end reflective event
Connection between the OTDR and the patchcord or launch cable.

OTDR Trace Analysis

Injection Level

Time Base Control Unit

Sampling ADC Averaging Processing

2 Connector
Mechanically mates two fibers together and creates a reflective event. Reflectance: Polished Connector: ~ 45 dB Ultra Polished Connector: ~ 55 dB Angled Polished Connector: up to 65 dB Insertion loss: ~0.5 dB (Loss = 0.2 dB with a very good connector)

Noise Level (RMS) (SNR = 1)

RMS Dynamic Range



7 Mechanical splice

A schematic diagram showing OTDR technology



An unexpected event resulting from a strong reflection causing echoes on the trace.

Mechanically aligns two fibers together using a self-contained assembly. Reflectance: ~ 55 dB Insertion loss: ~ 0.5 dB

Dynamic Range and Injection Level

Dynamic range determines the observable length of the fiber and depends upon the OTDR design and settings. The injection level refers to the power level in which the OTDR injects light into the fiber under test. Poor launch conditions, resulting in low injection levels, are the primary reason for reductions in dynamic range and, therefore, measurement accuracy.

What Does an OTDR Measure?

An OTDR detects, locates, and measures events on fiber links, requiring access to only one end of the fiber. Attenuation (also called fiber loss) Expressed in dB or dB/km, attenuation represents the loss or the rate of loss between two points along the fiber span. Event Loss The difference in the optical power level before and after an event, expressed in dB. Reflectance The ratio of reflected power to incident power of an event, expressed as a negative dB value. Optical Return Loss (ORL) The ratio of the reflected power to the incident power from a fiber optic link or system, expressed as a positive dB value.
Loss 1550 nm 1310 nm

When it appears, it is often seen after the fiber end. Reflectance: lower than echo source Insertion loss: none

6 Gainer
A splice gain that appears after splicing together two fibers with different backscatter coefficients. Reflectance: none Insertion Loss: small gain


3 Macro bend
Macro bending results from physical constraints on the fiber. Bending loss is higher as wavelength increases. Distinguishing a bend from a splice requires using two different wavelengths. Reflectance: none (generally) Insertion loss: varies according to wavelength

9 Fiber end or break

A fiber end or break refers to where the fiber terminates. The end reflection depends on the fiber end cleavage and its environment. Reflectance: PC open to air: ~ 14 dB APC open to air: ~ 45 dB Insertion loss: high (generally)


1550 nm 0.19 dB/km


> 0.5dB

How to Configure the Main OTDR Settings

Pulse Width The pulse width controls the amount of light injected into a fiber. A short pulse width enables high resolution and short dead zones but less dynamic range. A long pulse width enables high dynamic range but less resolution and large dead zones. Acquisition Time The time during which the OTDR acquires and averages data points from the fiber under test. Increasing the acquisition time improves the dynamic range without affecting resolution or dead zones. Index of Refraction (loR) The IoR converts the time that the OTDR measures to distance and displays it on the trace. Entering the appropriate value for the fiber under test will ensure accurate measurements of fiber length.
Launch cable Using a launch cable allows for characterizing the connector at the origin of the link by moving it outside the dead zone of the OTDR connector. The last connector can also be tested using a receive cable.


Event is hidden

1310 nm 0.33 dB/km

5 Fusion splice

4 Attenuation Dead Zone

The Attenuation Dead Zone (ADZ) is the minimum distance after a reflective event where a non-reflective event (splice) can be measured (usually 0.5 dB). In this case, the events are more closely spaced than the ADZ and shown as one event. ADZ can be reduced using smaller pulse widths.

A fusion splice uses a splicing machine to thermally fuse two fibers together. Reflectance: none Insertion loss: < 0.1 dB

8 Event Dead Zone

1.5 dB

Bidirectional Analysis
Splice loss

The Event Dead Zone (EDZ) is the minimum distance that distinguishes two consecutive unsaturated reflective events. Here the events are more closely spaced than the EDZ and are shown as one event. It can be reduced using smaller pulse widths.

Fiber backscatter coefficient mismatches can cause a splice to appear as a gain or as a loss, depending upon the test direction. Bidirectional analysis is used to minimize possible mismatches by measuring the splice loss in both directions and averaging the result to obtain the true splice loss.


Event is hidden


To obtain accurate measurements, always clean connectors prior to OTDR testing!

Splice gain

Distance Range specifies the distance that the OTDR will display on the X axis

Launch cable

2 3
OTU-8000 Optical Test Unit for ONMSi T-BERD/MTS-8000E/-6000 Optical Test Platforms T-BERD/MTS-2000/4000 Handheld Optical Test Platforms

Macro bend Connector pair Fusion splice

Fiber link

Fusion splice

Mechanical splice

Connector pairs

Fiber end

Front-end reflective event

Connector pair

Understanding Optical Time Domain Reflectometry

To learn more, visit www.jdsu.com/fibertest

Note: Specifications, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice. 30149186 002 0811 OTDR.PO.FOP.TM.AE

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