(Bio) Chemistry of Bacterial Leaching-Direct vs. Indirect Bioleaching
(Bio) Chemistry of Bacterial Leaching-Direct vs. Indirect Bioleaching
(Bio) Chemistry of Bacterial Leaching-Direct vs. Indirect Bioleaching
Abteilung Mikrobiologie, Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik, Uniersitat Hamburg, Ohnhorststrae 18, D-22609 Hamburg, Germany b Max-Planck-Institut fur Marine Mikrobiologie, Celsiusstrae 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany Received 2 November 1999; accepted 31 March 2000
Abstract Bioleaching of metal sulfides is effected by bacteria, like Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Sulfolobus r Acidianus, etc., via the re.generation of ironIII. ions and sulfuric acid. According to the new integral model for bioleaching presented here, metal sulfides are degraded by a chemical attack of ironIII. ions andror protons on the crystal lattice. The primary ironIII. ions are supplied by the bacterial extracellular polymeric substances, where they are complexed to glucuronic acid residues. The mechanism and chemistry of the degradation is determined by the mineral structure. The disulfides pyrite FeS 2 ., molybdenite MoS 2 ., and tungstenite WS 2 . are degraded via the main intermediate thiosulfate. Exclusively ironIII. ions are the oxidizing agents for the dissolution. Thiosulfate is, consequently, degraded in a cyclic process to sulfate, with elemental sulfur being a side product. This explains, why only ironII. ion-oxidizing bacteria are able to oxidize these metal sulfides. The metal sulfides galena PbS., sphalerite ZnS., chalcopyrite CuFeS 2 ., hauerite MnS 2 ., orpiment As 2 S 3 ., and realgar As 4 S 4 . are degradable by ironIII. ion and proton attack. Consequently, the main intermediates are polysulfides and elemental sulfur thiosulfate is only a by-product of further degradation steps.. The dissolution proceeds via a H 2 S )q-radical and polysulfides to elemental sulfur. Thus, these metal sulfides are degradable by all bacteria able to oxidize sulfur compounds like T. thiooxidans, etc... The kinetics of these processes are dependent on the concentration of the ironIII. ions and, in the latter case, on the solubility product of the metal sulfide. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Chemolithotrophic bacteria; Bioleaching; Extracellular polymeric substances
1. Introduction The bacterial dissolution of metal sulfides, termed bioleaching, is effected by bacteria like Thiobacillus
Corresponding author. Tel.: q 49-040-42816-423; fax: q 4940-82816-423. E-mail address: [email protected] W. Sand..
ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, T. thiooxidans, Metallogenium, AcidianusrSulfolobus spp. and some others. Most work with regard to the mechanisms of dissolution has been done with T. ferrooxidans w1x. Almost since the discovery of this bacterium in acid mine drainage w2x, two dissolution mechanisms are discussed: the direct one and the indirect one. According to the definitions., which are to some extent imprecise and equivocal, the direct mecha-
0304-386Xr01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 3 8 6 X 0 0 . 0 0 1 8 0 - 8
nism assumes the action of a metal sulfide-attached cell oxidizing the mineral by an enzyme system with oxygen to sulfate and metal cations. The sulfur moiety of the mineral is supposed to be biologically oxidized to sulfate without any detectable intermediate occurring. In contrast, the indirect mechanism basically comprises the oxidizing action of ironIII. ions dissolving a metal sulfide. In the course of this chemical reaction, ironII. ions and elemental sulfur S 8 . shall be generated. These compounds then are biologically oxidized to ironIII. ions and sulfate. This mechanism does not require the attachment of cells to the sulfide mineral. The following equations summarize the two mechanisms: a. Direct: FeS 2 q 3.5O 2 q H 2 O 2Fe 2q
2y 4 ,
1. 2.
MS q 2Fe 3q
2y q 16Hqq 2SO4 , 2q
3. 4. 5.
S 0 q 1.5O 2 q H 2 O
2H q SO
q S 0 q 2Fe 2q ,
2y 4 .
In addition, two other mechanisms exist contributing to bioleaching, namely acid leaching and galvanic leaching. Both will not be considered in this context, since the biologically dominated direct andror indirect ones are considered to be most important. Especially the hypothesis of the direct mechanism remained under question, and many workers have reported about experiments either confirming or rejecting that hypothesis w38x. Consequently, up to now this discussion is still pending. New insights may, however, be derived from recent research, which integrated for the first time advanced techniques for the unequivocal analysis of degradation products occurring in the course of metal sulfide dissolution and the analysis of extracellular poly-
meric substances, EPS, allowing for cell attachment and biofilm formation. A combination of this new evidence with previous knowledge, obtained from scientific areas like sulfur chemistry, mineralogy, and solid state physics w914x, resulted in the new, integral model for bioleaching, which will be described and discussed in the following paragraphs. The main characteristic of this model is the hypothesis that ironIII. ions andror protons are the only chemical. agents dissolving a metal sulfide. The mechanism is, thus, sensu strictu an indirect one. The bacteria have the functions to i. regenerate the ironIII. ions andror protons, and to ii. concentrate them at the interface mineralrwater or mineralrbacterial cell in order to enhance the degradationrattack. The determining factor is, thus, the tiny exopolymer layer, the glycocalyx, with a thickness in the nanometer range, surrounding the cells. In this layer, the chemical processes take place, which cause metal sulfide dissolution. Due to the concentration of the degradative agents at the interface, the acceleration of the dissolution in the presence of bacteria over the chemical attack becomes explainable. Furthermore, the integral model does not need hypothetical assumptions of enzymes, factors, etc., which up to now have never been detected. In contrast, it allows without any contradiction to chemistry or physics to integrate all known facts into a Anatural bioleaching modelB. Based on key intermediates, two indirect leach mechanisms need to be differentiated: the thiosulfate and the polysulfide mechanism, both of which will be described in detail. Since the electronic structure of a metal sulfide, explained by valence bond and molecular orbital theories, is a decisive factor for the bio.leaching mechanism, some background information is given in the next chapter.
2. Electronic structure and solubility of metal sulfides Most metal sulfides are semiconductors. The metal and sulfur atoms are bound in the crystal lattice. According to molecular orbital and valence bond theories, the orbitals of single atoms or molecules form electron bands with different energy levels. The
band with the highest energy level, which is still filled with electrons, is the valence band. In the case of pyrite, molybdenite, and tungstenite the valence bands are only derived from orbitals of metal atoms, whereas the valence bands of all other metal sulfides are derived from both, metal and sulfur orbitals. This is illustrated for pyrite and chalcopyrite in Fig. 1. Consequently, the valence bands of pyrite, molybdenite, and tungstenite do not contribute to the bond-
ing between metal and sulfur moiety of the metal sulfide. This bonding can, thus, only be broken by several oxidation steps with the attacking agent ironIII. hexahydrate ion. In case of the other metal sulfides, in addition to ironIII. ions, protons can remove electrons from the valence band, causing a break of the bonding between the metal and the sulfur moiety of the sulfide. Consequently, these metal sulfides are more or less soluble in acid,
Fig. 1. Electron band diagrams for pyrite a and chalcopyrite b reprinted from Crundwell w11x and Torma w15x.. a: The non-bonding valence 2y band t 2g is derived from Fe 2q atomic orbitals only. b: The bonding valence band is derived from Cu2q and S 2 atomic orbitals.
Fig. 2. Acid insolubility of FeS 2 and acid dissolution of ZnS. 1 g of each mineral grain size 3650 m m. was added to 50 ml H 2 SO4 at pH 1.5, 1.9, or 2.5 in shake flasks. Concentrations of ZnII. ions for ZnS, and FeII. ions for FeS 2 , and pH at the beginning and the end of each experiment were measured. Dissolution of ZnS increases with decreasing pH, whereas FeS 2 remained, independent of pH, almost insoluble curves are upon each other..
whereas pyrite, molybdenite, and tungstenite are insoluble. This is demonstrated for pyrite and sphalerite in Fig. 2.
3. Thiosulfate mechanism in (bio)leaching Studies on molybdenite, tungstenite, and pyrite degradation indicated that these metal sulfides are only degradable by an oxidizing attack, e.g. by ironIII. ions w1,9,10,16x. Pyrite was chosen as model substance to elucidate the oxidation mechanism and the intermediary sulfur compounds. 3.1. Pyrite oxidation Pyrite is the most frequently occurring and for the sulfur cycle most important metal sulfide. In contrast to most metal sulfides the complete oxidation of pyrite causes an acidification of leach biotopes and a formation of acid rock drainage. Countermeasures have been developed to protect the environment w17,18x. Pyrite is also of economic interest, because uranium and gold are often closely associated with pyrite in the ore. Furthermore, pyrite is one of the main sulfur compounds in coal w3,4x and, thus, needs to be removed.
Generally, dissolved oxygen or ironIII. ions are oxidizing agents for pyrite in leaching operations and in the environment. In the literature see reviews w35,8,17,1921x., chemical or biological pyrite oxidation by molecular oxygen or by ironIII. ions is described by Eqs. 1. 5.. At low pH, the chemical pyrite oxidation rate is controlled by ironIII. ions and not by molecular oxygen w2124x. Based on molecular orbital considerations, Luther w25x explains, why at low pH ironIII. ions preferentially react with the pyrite surface. Accordingly, hydrated ironIII. ions are, in contrast to dissolved oxygen, connected with the pyrite surface via s-bondings. These bondings shall facilitate an electron transfer from the sulfur moiety of the pyrite to the ironIII. ions. On the other hand, based on the valence bond theory, electrons shall be extracted from the t 2g valence band, formed by the iron atoms, and not directly from the sulfur valence band. Crundwell w11x proposes that in this process holes are initially injected into the t 2g valence band by the oxidizing agent, e.g. ironIII. ions. These holes are able to form hydroxyl radicals by splitting water. The strongly oxidizing hydroxyl radicals can now react with the sulfur valence band causing the sulfur moiety to become oxidized. Tributsch w26x proposes that iron hydroxides or oxides, formed at the pyrite
surface, accumulate charges by extraction of electrons from the t 2g valence band. This accumulation shall cause a shift of the electronic states to such positive potentials that the sulfur moiety will be oxidized. Whereas the latter two explanations for the oxidation of the pyritic sulfur moiety by ironIII. ions are similar, the first one is fairly different. Up to now, the detailed mechanisms have not been clarified yet. Nevertheless, all theories are congruent in the fact that pyrite can only be solubilized by an oxidizing attack, namely by ironIII. ions. Furthermore, even at neutral pH ironIII. ions are the preferred electron acceptor in comparison to molecular oxygen w27x. At neutral pH, the ironII. ions remain adsorbed at the pyrite surface and are reoxidized by dissolved oxygen. Because of kinetic data and molecular orbital considerations it became obvious that ironIII. ions instead of dissolved oxygen are the decisive pyrite attacking agents at low and also at high pH. Thus, Eq. 1. is an inadequate description of pyrite oxidation. The formation of sulfate or elemental sulfur as products of ironIII. ion mediated pyrite dissolution is described by Eqs. 3. and 4.. However, these are summarizing equations and cannot explain the underlying mechanisms. Especially the formation of polythionates, detected in chemical and biological pyrite oxidation, remains unclear from these equations w22,28x. Consequently, the leach equations have to be revised.
3.2. (Bio)leaching of pyrite Shake flask leaching experiments were performed to study the degradability of pyrite by different lithotrophic bacteria. The results are shown in Fig. 3. Pyrite dissolution was shown for pure cultures of the lithotrophic, acidophilic ironII. ion oxidizing bacteria T. ferrooxidans, L. ferrooxidans w30,31x, and a thermophilic archaea of the genus Sulfolobus r Acidianus. L. ferrooxidans, lacking sulfurrcompound oxidizing activity, is nearly as effective in pyrite oxidation as is T. ferrooxidans. This is in agreement with results of Sand et al. w32x, and also with calorimetric reaction energy measurements of pyrite oxidation w33,34x. In contrast, T. thiooxidans, lacking ironII. oxidizing activity, cannot dissolve pyrite. This finding is in agreement with results of Norris and Kelly w35x and Norris w36x, but contradicts the results of Lizama and Suzuki w37x, who concluded from oxygen consumption measurements that T. thiooxidans is able to oxidize pyrite. Lizama and Suzuki did not remove the elemental sulfur, which is formed on the pyrite surface in the course of grinding w3840x, by washing their pyrite with an organic solvent. Thus, the detected oxygen consumption resulted probably from sulfur and not from pyrite oxidation. The finding that only ironII. ion oxidizing bacteria are able to dissolve pyrite elucidates the importance of ironIII. ions as the pyrite attacking agent
Fig. 3. Pyrite dissolution by T. ferrooxidans T.f.., L. ferrooxidans L.f.., T. thiooxidans T.t.., Sulfolobus r Acidianus sp. S.rA.., and in sterile control assays c.. determined as dissolved iron after one week of incubation. Assay conditions: 1 g pyrite, grain size 3650 m m, 50 ml salt solution, pH 1.9. Assays at 288C were inoculated with 1 = 10 9 cells and shaken at 150 rpm, assays at 608C were inoculated with 2 = 10 8 cells and not shaken reprinted from Schippers and Sand w29x..
Fig. 4. Crystal structure of the disulfide pyrite reprinted from Vaughan and Craig w13x..
and, consequently, supports the hypothesis of the indirect leaching mechanism as the basic one being active in bioleaching. To explain the importance of ironIII. ions, mineralogy, molecular orbital, and valence bond theories need to be considered. In the crystal lattice of pyrite, the sulfur moiety occurs as a disulfide. The structure is shown in Fig. 4. According to molecular orbital considerations, ironIII. hexahydrate ions shall cleave the chemical bonding between the iron and the disulfide in the pyrite lattice, after the disulfide group has been oxidized to a thiosulfate group. As a consequence,
thiosulfate and ironII. hexahydrate ions occur as dissolution products w7,22,25,28x. Whereas the ironII. hexahydrate ions are oxidized by T. ferrooxidans, L. ferrooxidans, Sulfolobus r Acidianus, or other ironII. ion oxidizing bacteria to regenerate ironIII. ions for further attack, thiosulfate is oxidized via tetrathionate, disulfane-monosulfonic acid, and trithionate to mainly sulfate in a cyclic mechanism. Besides, minor amounts of elemental sulfur and pentathionate occur as by-products w28,41x. Because thiosulfate is the key compound in the oxidation of the sulfur moiety of pyrite, the mechanism has recently been defined as thiosulfate mechanism w1x. A simplified scheme is presented in Fig. 5. All reactions, comprising the thiosulfate mechanism, have been shown to occur on a purely chemical basis. However, sulfur compound oxidizing enzymes, like the tetrathionate hydrolase of T. ferrooxidans, T. thiooxidans, or T. acidophilus, may be involved w4246x. It still needs to be elucidated, to what extent these enzymes catalyze the reactions in competition with chemistry. If research in this field would allow to manipulate the flux of intermediary sulfur compounds, the accumulation of elemental sulfur in bioleaching and coal desulfurization processes could be prevented w47x, or sulfate formation in bioleaching plants could be enhanced e.g. sulfur formation in gold recovery increases costly cyanide consumption and lowers leaching rates w4850x.. Thus, considerable environmental and economical benefits would result.
Fig. 5. Simplified scheme of the thiosulfate mechanism in pyrite oxidation adapted from Schippers et al. w28x..
The thiosulfate mechanism is also valid for chemical pyrite oxidation at neutral pH, e.g. in carbonate and pyrite containing mine waste w51,52x. At neutral pH, the chemical pyrite oxidation rate is about 10 times higher than the one under acidic conditions w20,21x. Thiosulfate, trithionate, and tetrathionate are the main products of pyrite oxidation in carbonate buffered solutions. These substances are suitable substrates for moderately acidophilic, sulfur compound oxidizing bacteria w53x. Consequently, T. neapolitanus, T. noellus, and Thiomonas intermedia are able to grow with the dissolution products of pyrite, but are not able to increase pyrite dissolution, because of the lack of ironII. ion oxidizing activity w52x. These bacteria live from the Aenergy gapB between the incomplete chemical oxidation of the sulfur moiety of pyrite at neutral pH values and its complete oxidation to sulfuric acid. In addition, by acid production the pH is lowered, allowing acidophilic leaching bacteria, like T. ferrooxidans, to grow w54x and to oxidize pyrite. 3.3. (Bio)leaching of molybdenite (MoS2 ) and tungstenite (WS2 ) Chemical leach experiments have been performed with pyrite and molybdenite. The results are shown in Table 1. Because with molybdenite the same
end-products were obtained as with pyrite and because of the same electronic structure, it is obvious that molybdenite is degraded by the same mechanism. Tungstenite is, because of the identical electronic structure, included in this group of metal sulfides, which are degraded via the key intermediate thiosulfate. Accordingly, the main end-product of the sulfur moiety of molybdenite and tungstenite degradation is sulfate.
4. Polysulfide mechanism in (bio)leaching 4.1. Oxidation of metal sulfides with different crystal and electronic structure Based on molecular orbital and valence bond theories, the previously discussed metal sulfides, like pyrite, are unique in their structure, because they can only be degraded by an oxidizing attack. Most other metal sulfides are, however, amenable to a proton attack too. Thus, six metal sulfides differing in crystal and electronic structure from pyrite were selected for dissolution experiments. These metal sulfides were sphalerite ZnS., chalcopyrite CuFeS 2 ., galena PbS., hauerite MnS 2 ., orpiment As 2 S 3 ., and realgar As 4 S 4 .. The structures of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena are shown in Fig. 6.
Table 1 Formation of sulfur compounds resulting from chemical metal sulfide oxidation Metal sulfide Pyrite Molybdenite Hauerite Sphalerite Chalcopyrite Galena Orpiment Realgar Formula FeS 2 MoS 2 MnS 2 ZnS CuFeS 2 PbS As 2 S 3 As 4 S 4 Structurea disulfide layer disulfide sphalerite sphalerite halite layer ring Purity %. b ) 99 93 ) 99 95 ) 99 ) 99 ) 99 ) 99 S 8 %. c 16.1 8.4 93.6 94.9 92.2 99.9 94.8 92.5
2y SO4 %. c 2y S 4 O6 %. c 2y S 5 O6 %. c
Oxidizing agent 10 mM FeIII. chloride, pH 1.9, 288C. Reprinted from Schippers and Sand w1x. a Mineralogical structure type w13x. b Purity calculations base on ICP measurements of elemental composition. Impurities were not detected by X-ray diffraction except some geerite Cu 8 S 5 . in case of chalcopyrite. c Percentage values were calculated after 24 h incubation except for galena 1 h., hauerite 5 h., and realgar 168 h., due to the different reaction rates. In case of hauerite, traces of hexathionate were detectable, too. Experiments with ironIII. sulfate instead of ironIII. chloride under anaerobic conditions in a glove-box with four selected metal sulfides gave similar results data not shown..
Fig. 6. Crystal structure of sphalerite a, chalcopyrite b, and galena NaCl structure. c reprinted from Vaughan and Craig w13x..
The formation of sulfur compounds in the course of ironIII. ion mediated chemical oxidation of these metal sulfides was analyzed. The results are shown in Table 1. Whereas the oxidation products in the case of pyrite and molybdenite consisted of up to 90% of sulfate and to about 1% to 2% of polythionates, the other metal sulfides yielded elemental sulfur in amounts of more than 90% as the main intermediate. This result is caused by a mechanism, in which the metal sulfides are degraded via polysulfides as key intermediate. Due to their principal solubility in acid, the first reaction is assumed to be: MS q 2H
tion are dependent on the solubility product of the respective metal sulfide. Here only the general concept will be discussed w11x. The ensuing oxidation mechanism of aqueous sulfide has been described in detail by Steudel w12x. According to his work, the H 2 S is subjected to a one electron oxidation by an ironIII. ion: H 2 S q Fe 3q
q Fe 2q.
The cation radical H 2 S )q may also directly be formed by an attack of ironIII. ions on a metal sulfide: MS q Fe 3qq 2Hq
q H 2 S.
q H 2 S )qq Fe 2q.
In contrast to pyrite oxidation, in these metal sulfides the MS bonding is cleaved, before the sulfidic sulfur is oxidized. The kinetics of this reac-
H O q HS .
q )
Fig. 7. Simplified scheme of the polysulfide mechanism Schippers and Sand w1x..
q HSy 2 qH .
10 .
The disulfide ion can further be oxidized by an ironIII. ion Eq. 7.. or a HS ) radical:
) HSy 2 q HS
HS q HS .
) 2 y
11 .
Tetrasulfide can occur by dimerization of two ) ) HS 2 or trisulfide by reaction of HS 2 with HS ) radicals. Chain elongation of the polysulfides may proceed by analogous reactions. In acidic solutions, polysulfides decompose, liberating rings of elemental sulfur, mainly S 8 ) 99%.: HSy 9
molecule is also possible. The O 2 molecule is reduced via a superoxide radical and a peroxide molecule to water w56x. However, ironIII. ions are generally much more efficient in extracting electrons from a metal sulfide lattice than O 2 w9,10x. The reactions 712 inherently explain the formation of elemental sulfur as the main sulfur compound. Minor amounts of sulfate and polythionates are products of thiosulfate reactions w12,28,57,58x. Thiosulfate may arise by a side reaction w12x: HSy n q 3r2O 2
HS q S .
y 8
HS O q n y 2. r8 S ,
2 y 3 8
13 . 14 .
12 .
This mechanism does not necessarily function only in the presence of ironIII. ions. An electron transfer from a semiconductor metal sulfide to an O 2
HS O .
2 y 3
Also under anaerobic conditions only minor amounts of sulfate and polythionates were formed,
Fig. 8. Leaching of ZnS by T. thiooxidans strain R20 w60x. The organism was pregrown on ZnS, before the experiment was started by addition of 10 9 cells to 1 g ZnS fine grained. in 50 ml salt solution in shake flasks at 288C in the dark. Concentrations of ZnII. ions, S 8 , sulfate, and pH were measured. Tt, assays with T. thiooxidans; c., sterile control assays. Sulfuric acid for ZnS dissolution originates from biological oxidation of chemically formed elemental sulfur S8.. In sterile control assays elemental sulfur accumulates, simultaneously the pH increases, both lowering the dissolution rate of ZnS. Reprinted from Schippers and Sand w1x.
Fig. 9. Scheme of thiosulfate and polysulfide mechanism in bio.leaching of metal sulfides. MS s metal sulfide; M 2qs metal ion; 2y y . S2 O3 s thiosulfate; S 2 n s polysulfide with chain length n ; S 8 s elemental sulfur; Tf, Lf, Tt s enzymatic reaction by T. ferrooxidans, L. ferrooxidans, andror T. thiooxidans; Tf, Tt. s enzymatic reaction possible reprinted from Schippers and Sand w1x..
e.g. in the reaction of sphalerite or chalcopyrite with ironIII. ions results not shown.. To study whether thiosulfate polythionates. may also be generated in the course of an anaerobic oxidation of polysulfides by ironIII. ions, polysulfides synthesized according to Steudel et al. w59x. were added to an ironIII. ion containing, acidic solution under anaerobic conditions glove-box.. Formation of polythionates was detected, in contrast to control assays without ironIII. ions results not shown.. A reaction analogous to Eq. 13. with ironIII. ions instead of O 2 as oxidizing agent may explain this result:
3q HSy n q 6Fe q 3H 2 O
HS O q n y 2. r8 S
2 y 3
In any case, the main end-product is elemental sulfur. The latter is biologically oxidized to sulfuric acid. This explains the ability of T. thiooxidans to leach some metal sulfides, e.g. sphalerite Fig. 8.. The strain, with which the data in Fig. 8 have been produced, was not optimized by numerous precultures to grow on sphalerite. Thus, kinetics may not be derived from the graphs. The data only demonstrate the general mechanism of oxidationrdissolution. As a consequence, two indirect oxidation mechanisms for metal sulfides exist, which are summarized by the following equations w1x: 1. Thiosulfate mechanism FeS 2 , MoS 2 , and WS 2 . FeS 2 q 6Fe 3qq 3H 2 O
15 .
Summarizing, thiosulfate and polythionates play a key role in the thiosulfate mechanism; however, these compounds play only a side role in the polysulfide mechanism. The complex mechanism is simplified in the following scheme Fig. 7..
2y 2q q 3 q 7Fe q 6H ,
16 .
2y 2q q 4 q 8Fe q 10H ;
2y S2 O3 q 8Fe 3qq 5H 2 O
17 .
q 0.5H 2 S n q Fe 2q
n G 2. ,
18 . 19 . 20 .
The scheme in Fig. 9 gives an overview, including some knowledge about biologically andror chemically catalyzed parts.
5. Involvement of extracellular polymeric substances in (bio)leaching Although much work has been done to elucidate the interfacial degradation process of metal sulfides w7,9,10x from the point of chemistry and physics w55x the importance and involvement of extracellular polymeric substances EPS., excreted by leach bacteria, has almost been overlooked up to now. However, since electrochemical, biochemical, and surface specific mechanisms are jointly interacting, the function of the EPS needs to be taken into account. For the bacterial attack on the metal sulfide surface, the presence of EPS in the contact area between the bacterial cell and the sulfidic energy source seems to be a prerequisite. There is sufficient evidence for a critical role of organic film formation in bacterium substratum interaction w61x. Such films have been observed with cells of T. ferrooxidans growing on pyrite w62x. In order to understand their functional sense for the bioleaching process, the chemical composition of these films EPS. was analyzed for T. ferrooxidans grown on pyrite w16,63x. To achieve the dissolution of pyrite, cells of T. ferrooxidans attach to the mineral surface by means of excreted exopolymeric substances lipopolysaccharides. and oxidize the mineral to sulfuric acid plus ironIII. ions. The primary attachment to pyrite at pH 2. is mediated by exopolymer-complexed ironIII. ions as an electrochemical interaction with the negatively charged surface of the substratersubstratum. Cells, devoid of exopolymeric substances, neither attach to nor oxidize pyrite. The iron species are presumably bound
by glucuronic acid subunits of the carbohydrate moiety. The molar ratio of both constituents amounted to 2 moles glucuronic acid to 1 mole ironIII. ions suggesting the formation of stable complexes w64x. These complexes render the cells with a net positive charge three times positive, two times negative charge. and, thus, allow them to attach to the negatively charged pyrite surface in the course of an electrostatic interaction. Furthermore, cells grown on sulfur exhibit a different composition of the exopolymers leading to strongly hydrophobic surface properties. and do not attach to pyrite anymore. Glucuronic acids and iron species were, consequently, not detectable. However, a slight, but significant, increase of the phosphate content of the EPS was noted. Thus, the substrater substratum influences the chemical structure of the exopolymers. The mechanism of regulation still needs to be clarified. Possibly, chaperones w65x are involved, because the change of substrate means physiological stress for the cells. Considering the bacterial surface properties, attachment to sulfur is presumably dominated by hydrophobic van der Waals. attraction forces, while sorption to pyrite is due to electrostatic interactions, probably combined with some involvement of hydrophobic forces. The involvement of charge effects is corroborated by earlier studies on the molecular structure of pyrite w25x, indicating that those cations or molecules, which act as Lewis acids willing to accept the unshared pair of electrons of pyritic sulfur., e.g. EPS bound. iron species, will be preferentially attracted. Obviously, ironIII. ions are of pivotal importance for cell attachment. In addition, these ions also mediate the primary steps in the degradation of metal sulfides. For the start of bioleaching, a sufficient amount of ironIII. ions in the medium is necessary. It could be demonstrated that the rate of pyrite oxidation remained negligible, until the ironIII. ion concentration had increased by chemical oxidation of solubilized ironII. ions or by supplementation. to a threshold value of G 0.2 grl data not shown.. In Fig. 10, the effect of an addition of ironIII. ions to the medium 0.5 grl. is demonstrated. If a sufficient concentration of these ions was present, leaching of pyrite by cells of T. ferrooxidans. started without lag phase.
Fig. 10. Importance of ironIII. ions for pyrite dissolution by cells of T. ferrooxidans. Pyrite dissolution was measured as an increase of iron ion and sulfate concentration. IronIII. ions 0.5 grl. were added at the beginning of the experiment 1. or after 7 days 2.. v s total iron ion concentration, ' s sulfate concentration, start cell concentration 10 9 rml from Gehrke et al. w63x..
Consequently, the exopolymeric layer containing complexed ironIII. ions comprises a reaction space, in which the dissolution process takes place. It may be interpreted as a compartment, where special, up to now unknown conditions prevail, e.g. pH, redox potential, ion concentration, etc. The amount of the iron species in this layer was estimated to be approximately 53 grl. This concentration can only be maintained by the formation of complexes, to avoid a precipitation of iron compounds. Again, only the indirect leaching mechanism, i.e. the catalytic effect of ironIII. ions, can unequivocally explain the findings. Another aspect of bacterial leaching, which has not been extensively studied, is the attachment characteristics. Since attachment of cells of T. ferrooxidans was observed to be specific to nutrient enriched. sulfide phase regions e.g. FeS 2 . on waste rock surfaces w66x, there have been no further attempts to determine the location of attachment. Atomic force microscopy AFM. images of colonized pyrite cubes illustrate that the mineral is only partially colonized by bacteria Fig. 11.. In addition, visual inspection of attachment sites indicated that the majority of the cells adhered to locations with visible imperfections A faultsB , AriversB, etc... These findings suggest the occurrence of preferential attachment sites. Similar evidence was presented by Dziurla et al. w67x. Crystal defects, such as corroding. emergences of dislocations and cracks, are probably the respective sites. In Fig. 12 the AFM
image clearly illustrates that adhesion was specifically associated with a distinct indentation of a dislocation area fault.. Corroding surface regions exhibiting anodes and cathodes., thus, seem to be the preferential attachment sites for net positively charged bacteria like T. ferrooxidans, because an electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged cathode becomes possible. Furthermore, at the anode the substrate ironII. ions are available. This hypothesis is in agreement with Berry and Murr w66x, who reported that the crystal structure of a sulfide. mineral is an important factor influencing the bioleaching process. An attempt to determine localized anodic and cathodic sites by using the scanning vibrating electrode technique failed, because the anodes and cathodes seem to be separated by less than 10 m m below the lateral resolution of the scan motor.. Analysis of the current maps obtained showed neither distinguishable anodic nor cathodic activities data not shown., thus suggesting the predominance of general, flat-spread corrosion phenomena. Since electrically active sites of corrosion were not detectable, additional surface potential measurements have been performed using a Kelvin probe. These experiments demonstrated that the biologically driven process of pyrite degradation is electrochemical in nature. The experiments were repeated several times under different conditions, to evaluate the importance of EPS and the complexed ironIII. ions. The results are summarized in Table 2.
Fig. 11. Atomic force microscopy image of a pyrite surface with attached cells of T. ferrooxidans. The cells some are indicated by arrows. are sparsely distributed over the surface.
The surface potential strongly increased over time in the presence of living, EPS-and ironIII. ion-containing bacteria, whereas EPS-deficient cells, although in the presence of ironIII. ions, caused a significantly reduced potential increase. Obviously, the latter cells had to produce their capsular material EPS. prior to the onset of bio-oxidation w16,63x. Dead cells, containing EPS and ironIII. ions, did only negligibly influence the surface potential. The same was valid for living cells, which had been stripped of their EPS and been kept without ironIII. ions. Since the increased surface potentials can only be explained by the rapid bacterial re.oxidation of the ironII. ions originating from the anode pyrite dissolution. andror from ironIII. ion reduction at the cathode, the results clearly demonstrate the function of living, metabolically active bacteria in keeping the iron ions in an oxidized state. Moreover, the results, although obtained by a totally different method, allowed to draw the same conclusion as before, namely that exopolymers are a prerequisite for attachment and solubilization of a sulfide mineral.
Another important organism for bioleaching is L. ferrooxidans. Although thriving in the same habitat, T. ferrooxidans and L. ferrooxidans are genetically not related. Whereas T. ferrooxidans belongs to the beta-or gamma-subclass of the proteobacteria w68 70x, L. ferrooxidans together with Nitrospira moscoiensis forms another class w71x. Consequently, the enzymes for ironII. ion oxidation, causing metal sulfide dissolution under strongly acidic conditions, are completely different w72x. However, the attachment to a metal sulfide surface combined with EPS formation, prior to the onset of leaching, is achieved by a similar mechanism w16,63x. Again, glucuronic acids and ironIII. ions are key components of the EPS. Furthermore, these findings allow to explain, why L. ferrooxidans exhibited increased leaching results enhanced dissolution., when growing in mixed culture with Acidiphilium sp. w73x, a chemoorganotrophic bacterium, on pyrite. Acidiphilium seems on one hand to further, by an up to now unknown mechanism possibly quorum sensing., the EPS-production of L. ferrooxidans. This clearly would result
Fig. 12. Atomic force microscopy image of a cell of T. ferrooxidans being specifically attached to a dislocation area surface fault..
in enhanced attachment. On the other hand Acidiphilium possesses and excretes exoenzymes, which are able to degrade the exopolymers of L. ferrooxidans mainly lipopolysaccharides.. The most frequently occurring neutral sugar in the EPS of L.
Table 2 Importance of EPS and metabolism for the onset of pyrite degradation bioleaching. by cells of T. ferrooxidans Pyrite surface covered with Dead cellsqEPS, qironIII. ions Living cellsqEPS, qironIII. ions Living cellsyEPS, qironIII. ions Living cellsyEPS, yironIII. ions Increase of surface potential wmVx After 4 h After 18 h 48 245 150 5 59 344 212 18
Pyrite degradation was measured 4 and 18 h after inoculation with EPS-containing or EPS-deficient, living or dead ironII. sulfate grown cells as an increase of the surface potential on a pyrite crystal adapted from Gehrke et al. w16x..
ferrooxidans is glucose, the preferred carbon and energy source of Acidiphilium w74x. This is of special importance, since L. ferrooxidans seems to produce in general considerably more EPS than T. ferrooxidans. By digesting some of the exopolymers, parts of the metal sulfide surface may become available for other cells of L. ferrooxidans for attachment again and degradation . . The EPS, which Acidiphilium degrades, may either result from living, active cells of L. ferrooxidans w75x andror simply be remaining footprints of predecessors. Because T. ferrooxidans produced only minor amounts of EPS, this finding may also explain, why enhancement of leaching was only noted for L. ferrooxidans in mixed culture, but not for mixed ones with T. ferrooxidans w73x. In the light of these data, the discussion about metabolic inhibition of acidophilic lithotrophs by excreted organic acids like pyruvate becomes questionable too. An overflow of carbon compounds in these environments, which could result in an excretion of such compounds, seems highly unlikely.
However, the coating of the nutrient source by exopolymers seems to be much more likely. As a consequence, the planktonic leach bacteria would not be able anymore to attach to the metal sulfide and to degrade it, consequently, simply because they are facing an exopolymeric surface, not a mineral one. The above-described attachment mechanisms do not work under these circumstances. It may also be assumed that the EPS constitute nucleation sites for the precipitation of minerals, as described by Douglas and Beveridge w76x. Consequently, precipitates like jarosites are formed, because of an interaction between the ironIII. ions and iron sulfates andror hydroxides, etc., and, thus, would be of biogenic nature. Summarizing, the ironIII. ion binding compounds glucuronic acid. of the EPS of T. ferrooxidans and L. ferrooxidans are decisive for the interactions between cells and substratersubstratum. Geesey and Jang w64x reported too that the polysaccharides of bacterial EPS are commonly responsible for binding of metal ions through glucuronic acid subunits. The latter exhibit high complexation capacities. Similar evidence has been presented w77x, especially for ironIII. ions. Oxygen atoms of hydroxyl groups of neighboring neutral sugars e.g. glucose. shall also contribute to the coordinative binding of metal ions. Thus, the formation of stable complexes is promoted. The glucuronic acid content of the exopolymers provides, obviously, some selective ecological advantage, allowing the acidophilic iron oxidizers to attach to and to grow on metal sulfides. It may even be speculated that in other cases, like microbially influenced corrosion processes MIC., the glucuronic acid components of the EPS of the relevant microorganisms have a comparable function in the adhesion and, finally, in the biocorrosion process w83x.
6. Resume and outlook The two different indirect oxidation mechanisms together with the role of the EPS have a fundamental importance for the debate about the AdirectB or AindirectB mechanism of bacterial leaching. It becomes evident that a AdirectB, i.e. enzymatic attack, mechanism does not exist. The possibility of T. ferrooxidans to oxidize synthetic metal sulfides in
the absence of iron ions w9,10,78,79x and the attachment of the bacterium to the mineral sulfide w66x were used up to now to prove the existence of a direct mechanism. However, the data presented here clearly demonstrate that without iron ions T. ferrooxidans does not oxidize FeS 2 , MoS 2 and WS 2 , whereas the leaching of sulfides, like ZnS, CdS, NiS, CoS, CuS, or Cu 2 S, is correlated with their solubility products w9,10,16,79x. The addition of ironIII. ions to the cultures generally enhanced the leaching rates. Furthermore, it becomes obvious, why T. thiooxidans, a bacterium closely related to T. ferrooxidans, but without ironII. ion oxidizing capacity, cannot leach FeS 2 see above.. In contrast, acid leaching of ZnS by T. thiooxidans has been confirmed here and in previous studies w80,81x. In the absence of iron ions T. ferrooxidans acts in the same manner as T. thiooxidans by oxidation of sulfur.. Consequently, the often cited AdirectB mechanism of metal sulfide leaching is nothing else than the biological oxidation of the chemically formed elemental sulfur to sulfate. This conclusion is also supported by the recent finding that the solubilization of Cu2q from a copper ore is determined by the sulfur oxidizing activity of T. ferrooxidans w82x. Summarizing, the findings discussed here end in a leaching model consisting only of the indirect thiosulfate or the indirect polysulfide mechanism. In both cases, the EPS with their ironIII. ions, probably complexed by glucuronic acid residues, play a pivotal role in the cell attachment to a metal sulfide surface and the ensuing degradation. The composition of the EPS is adapted to the respective substratersubstratum. Consequently, the EPS constitute an enlargement of the cells radius of action, and may be considered as a special reaction compartment. Future research, in order to enhance bio.leaching for precious metal winning, or to inhibit bio.leaching for reducing the environmental impact, like acid rock drainage, must focus on the biochemical reactions in the course of metal sulfide degradation. Further research is needed to address the interfacial processes occurring between EPS, complexed ironIII. ions, and the metal sulfide. The latter clearly needs input from sources like electrochemistry, solid state physics, etc. From the present point of view, this future work clearly has the potential to allow for considerable achievements in bioleaching.
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Acknowledgements The authors appreciate the support of BMBF UBA. and of DBU. The AFM images are a result of a GermanHungarian cooperation UNG-013-97. with E. Kalman, J. Telegdi, and Zs. Keresztes in Budapest, Hungary.
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