Do Birds of A Feather Disperse Plants Together?
Do Birds of A Feather Disperse Plants Together?
Do Birds of A Feather Disperse Plants Together?
SU M M A R Y 1. Dispersal of propagules by waterbirds is thought to be important for wetland plants because of the abundance of birds and their frequent movements among aquatic habitats. Differences in bird characteristics (size, movement, feeding ecology) were expected to lead to different outcomes for plant dispersal. 2. We investigated heterogeneity in plant dispersal by ducks (Anas superciliosa, Anas gracilis, Anas castanea). We calculated the probability of transport of viable seeds by germinating propagules retrieved from feathers and feet (epizoochory) and the contents of the oesophagus, gizzard and lower gut (endozoochory). 3. The abundance and richness of seeds carried internally and externally did not differ among sympatric bird species. We used estimates from the literature of movements of Anas species to approximate dispersal kernels for the transport of plant propagules. 4. Heterogeneity in the abundance and movement ecology of disperser species will result in differing patterns and degrees of connectivity for wetland plant metacommunities. Sedentary waterfowl are likely to have an important role in replenishing propagules and connecting aquatic metacommunities over small distances. Nomadic waterfowl may facilitate long-distance dispersal. We discuss the implications of differences between duck species in movement patterns for connectivity of aquatic plant metacommunities across landscapes.
Keywords: aquatic macrophytes, biotic connectivity, metacommunities, waterbird dispersal
Aquatic habitats such as rivers, oodplains and wetlands are connected biotically across landscapes by dispersal of aquatic plants (Amezaga, Santamaria & Green, 2002). Dispersal via waterbirds may be crucial for the exchange of seeds and vegetative fragments (collectively, plant propagules) because of the abundance, widespread distribution and high frequency of movement of waterbirds within and among habitats (Amezaga et al., 2002). Waterbirds disperse plant propagules in three ways: rst, by attachment to feathers, feet and bill (epizoochory or external dispersal), second, in the crop or oesophagus
Correspondence: Elisa Raulings, Australian Centre for Biodiversity, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Vic. 3800, Australia. E-mail: [email protected]
coupled with regurgitation (endozoochory or internal dispersal) and third, through gut passage and subsequent faecal deposition (also endozoochory). Differences in foraging mode and movement patterns among waterbirds may inuence the plant species dispersed and the frequency, distance and direction of their dispersal (Green, Figuerola & Sanchez, 2002). As such, different bird species may produce different patterns of biotic connectivity across landscapes. Several factors suggest that waterbird species may disperse different plant taxa or disperse similar taxa but with different frequencies. Co-occurring waterbird species may forage in different vegetation communities and consume different food sources (Marchant & Higgins, 1990; Green et al., 2002). Duck species with heavier gizzards may destroy a higher proportion of ingested seeds (Figuerola, Green & Santamaria, 2002), and differences in mechanical or chemical digestion among waterbird species may
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movements of waterbird species to construct approximate dispersal kernels for propagules transported by these ducks. We hypothesized that interspecic differences in dispersal ecology of waterbird species would result in differences in the dispersal kernels for aquatic plants.
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Fig. 1 Map of the study area showing the collection sites for gut samples (Dowd Morass, Heart Morass, Clydebank Morass, Lake Wellington and Lake Victoria) and the collection site for external transport (Dowd Morass).
seeds from plants growing in or overhanging the water and ltering seeds from the surface (Frith, 1968; Goodrick, 1979). They occasionally make long journeys (e.g. between New Zealand and Australia), although they are typically more local and sedentary than Grey Teal and can remain in the same waterbody for long periods (Frith, 1968; Marchant & Higgins, 1990). Grey Teal are highly nomadic, move in response to local conditions and occasionally move from Australia to neighbouring parts of Asia (Frith, 1968; Norris et al., 1983; Tracey et al., 2004). They are common and widely distributed across Australia in a range of habitats from mangrove estuaries on the coast to deep cold lakes in the highlands and inland Australia. Grey Teal consume fallen seeds, although some animal material is often also taken (Goodrick, 1979). Grey Teal rarely stay in the same wetland for extended periods of time (Frith, 1968) and can move hundreds of kilometres overnight (Slater, Slater & Slater, 2002; Roshier et al., 2008). Chestnut Teal are most common in brackish coastal lagoons, saltwater estuaries and the lower reaches of creeks around coastal areas. In contrast to the highly nomadic Grey Teal, Chestnut Teal are more or less sedentary with some summer movement (Norris et al., 1983). They are common in south-eastern and south-western Australia, but vagrants may occur elsewhere. They feed in and around the margins of
wetlands and tend to be non-selective and opportunistic in their feeding preferences (Norman & Mumford, 1982).
We sampled Pacic Black Duck, Chestnut Teal and Grey Teal harvested by licensed Field and Game Australia hunters on the opening morning of the legal duck-hunting season (21 March 2009). Ducks were collected in early morning as they returned from feeding areas. Waterbirds were shot during ight over Dowd Morass and Heart Morass State Game reserves, with occasional samples from Lake Wellington and Clydebank Morass (Fig. 1). Birds were shot in-ight, so propagules recovered from these birds were in the process of dispersal. Further sampling throughout duck hunting season was not feasible because sample sizes would have been too small to compare among waterbird species. To assess external transport, seeds were removed from the feathers and feet of three Black Duck, 22 Chestnut Teal and one Grey Teal harvested at Dowd Morass. Waterbirds were retrieved immediately and placed by hunters into clean plastic bags. If ducks had been placed on the ground or on other surfaces, they were excluded from external propagule sampling. The feet were placed in water to the ankle and scrubbed with a toothbrush. The bird then was held
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used to control for any seeds blown into the glasshouse. Germination was followed for 4 months. Seedlings were checked daily and removed from trays when they could be identied and prior to owering. Eleocharis pusilla R.Br. rapidly produces clonal growth after germinating, and it was difcult to distinguish whether new emergents were a consequence of seed germination or subsequent clonal growth. Where possible, clonally produced plants were identied from connecting rhizomes and counted as one individual. Plants were formally identied by staff at the Royal Botanic Gardens (Melbourne) and taxonomic nomenclature follows Ross & Walsh (2003).
Statistical analyses
Grey Teal were eliminated from the analysis of external transport because there was just one individual. Mann Whitney U-tests were used to compare differences among Black Duck and Chestnut Teal in the abundance and richness of seedlings emerging from feather and feet samples. KruskalWallis tests were used to compare differences in the abundance and richness of seedlings emerging from different gut regions and among all three bird species. Data were pooled across localities because birds were harvested in-ight and had not necessarily been feeding at the location from which the samples were obtained. We used logistic regression with a binomial error distribution to determine the probability that a species of bird could disperse at least one viable seed (i.e. presence absence) internally (in its lower gut) or externally (on its feet and feathers). We assumed internal and external carriage of viable propagules were not mutually exclusive. Therefore, we calculated the probability that a single bird (i.e. the dispersal unit) would transport 1 viable propagule (Pt) internally (i) or externally (e) or both as Pi [ e Pi Pe Pi \ e We did not collect externally and internally carried propagules from the same waterbirds, so we do not have an estimate of P(i \ e). Therefore, we report the minimum probability as the larger value of P(i) or P(e) and the maximum probability as P(i) + P(e). Data were analysed in S Y S T A T version 10 (SPSS, 2000). To test whether there were interspecic differences in the composition and abundance of plant taxa
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Figuerola et al., 2010) to 60 h (Pollux, Santamaria & Ouborg, 2005), but up to 94% of seeds are evacuated within 12 h (Brochet et al., 2010a). Satellite tracking of Grey Teal showed that they regularly make longdistance movements; one individual moved 502 km in 6.6 h and was travelling at 99 km h)1 for the rst half of this period (Roshier et al., 2008). To calculate the range of distances Grey Teal may travel before propagules may be egested, we used the average ight speed (76 km h)1) rather than the maximum ight speed (99 km h)1; Roshier et al., 2008) because individual birds may not be able to sustain this speed over longer distances. Reliable ight speeds were not available for Chestnut Teal or Pacic Black Duck.
in the gizzards of waterbirds, a one-way A N O S I M analysis was undertaken using P R I M E R version 5 (Clarke & Gorley, 2001).
Feathers Pacic Black Duck (n = 3) Grasses Lachnagrostis liformis (G. Forst.) Trin. Herbs Trifolium cf. glomeratum L.* Plantago coronopus L.* Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist* Senecio glomeratus Desf. ex Poir. Unidentied taxa Species 1 Total number of germinants *An introduced species. Chestnut Teal (n = 22)
1 (3)
4 (12)
1 (1)
1 2
2 (2) 15
2 1 3
H test = 38.1, 2 d.f., P < 0.001) and seedling richness (KruskalWallis H test = 37.9, 2 d.f., P < 0.001) differed signicantly among oesophagus, gizzard and lower gut samples. At least 60% of plant taxa were carried by two or more duck species. However, six of the 22 species were unique to different disperser species; in each of these cases, only one individual carried seed. The oesophagus was often missing from gut samples (n = 25) or, where present, was empty (i.e. digestive contents were absent and presumably lost during gut removal from the body cavity, n = 23). Overall, 45 seedlings from ve plant species emerged from 18 oesophageal samples. Most of the seedlings (40) were E. pusilla, which were from a single Grey Teal (Table 2). Four birds carried one or more seeds and the probability of carrying 1 seed in the oesophagus also was 0.22, and did not differ among bird species (v2 = 3.175, 2 d.f., P = 0.20). One Grey Teal had two species (E. pusilla and Isolepis sp.) emerge from the oesophagus sample. Seedling emergence from gizzards showed that waterbirds consumed a varied diet of grasses, sedges, rushes and herbs (Table 2). Some 396 seedlings emerged from gizzard samples from 19 plant taxa (Table 2). The probability of 1 seedling emerging
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from a gizzard sample was 0.61, and seven gizzard samples had the maximum of three plant species germinate. Eleocharis pusilla was the most abundant taxon, representing 70% of all seedlings. This species was present in 19% of Black Duck gizzards and 24% of Grey Teal gizzards, but was not found in Chestnut Teal gizzards. After germination, E. pusilla rapidly produced clonal growth and it was difcult to distinguish vegetative spread from seedlings, but at least 125 seeds germinated from the gizzard of one Black Duck. The introduced plant Water Buttons (Cotula coronopifolia) was abundant in the gizzards of all bird species, with several other introduced species (Table 2). The species composition of the seedlings germinating from the contents of duck gizzards was similar among bird species based on abundance (A N O S I M global R = 0.011, P = 0.16) and diversity (A N O S I M global R = 0.019, P = 0.08). That is, the ducks consumed similar plants. Thirteen plants, from seven plant taxa, germinated from the lower gut contents (Table 2). These taxa were native sedges and introduced herbs, and were a mixture of aquatic and terrestrial species. The number of seedlings emerging from the lower gut contents was typically one per bird, but one Black Duck carried four seeds of E. pusilla. Only a few individuals of
Table 2 List of plant taxa that germinated from the oesophagus (O), gizzard (G) and lower gut (LG) samples of Pacic Black Duck, Grey Teal and Chestnut Teal. Values given are the number of birds with germinants (total number of germinants). Some birds carried one or more plant species Total number of birds carrying germinants
Chestnut Teal
Grey Teal
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Plant taxa
O (n = 7)
G (n = 21)
LG (n = 21)
O (n = 6)
G (n = 24)
LG (n = 22)
O (n = 5)
G (n = 21)
LG (n = 20)
Grasses Poaceae 1 (4) 1 (1) 4 (129 + ) 3 (5) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (2) 1 (14) 1 (1) 1 (4) 1 (2) 1 (40) 1 (1)
Sedges Cyperaceae
Eleocharis pusilla R.Br. Bolboschoenus medianus Sojak Eleocharis acuta R. Br. Isolepis sp. Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Palla 1 (1) 1 (2) 6 (8) 1(5) 1(1) 1 (1) 2 (3) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (4) 6 (24) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Rushes Juncaceae
Herbs Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Polygonaceae Chenopodiaceae Fabaceae 2 (7) 1 (1)
Aster subulatus Michx. Conyza sp. Cotula coronopifolia* L. Lactuca serriola* L. Sonchus sp.* Persicaria prostrata (R.Br.) Sojak Atriplex prostrata DC. Trifolium glomeratum* L. Trifolium cernuum* Brot. Triglochin striata Ruiz & Pav.
1 (1) 54
*An introduced species. Eleocharis pusilla species were extensively and rapidly clonal; individual seedlings were counted, but where they could not be distinguished they are indicated with a +.
1h 60 h
301500 5011000
Fig. 2 Dispersal kernels for seed carriage by Pacic Black Duck and Grey Teal. Dispersal kernels assume 100% retention of externally and internally transported seed. Externally transported seed may be detached anywhere along the dispersal kernel. Internally transported seeds will be egested at a given distance along this curve depending on gut retention time and ight speeds. The range of distances potentially travelled by Grey Teal between the minimum (c. 1 h) and maximum (60 h) retention times is illustrated here. Distances travelled by recovered Pacic Black Duck and Grey Teal individuals that were banded by Frith (1959) and Norman (1971) at locations across Australia are presented as a mean SE.
wetland after 24 h if the bird is able to y continuously during this period (Fig. 2).
The duck species considered have the potential to spread large numbers of viable seeds, although the rates of transport both internally and externally were low, seeds remained viable in both means of transport. The large number of birds moving between habitats means that the total number of propagules moved among metacommunities is likely to be high, but disperser species did not differ in their capacity to transport seed. For these three closely related duck species, different patterns of connectivity of aquatic plant metacommunities arise from differences in the abundance and movement patterns of dispersers. Plant taxa dispersed by waterfowl were aquatic and terrestrial plants [e.g. sedges (Cyperaceae), grasses (Poaceae) and amphibious herbs (particularly Asteraceae)]. Relatively few individuals of each plant species germinated from external (feather and feet)
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conditions. In arid Australia, the abundance of plant propagules in faecal samples differed between Black Swan, Eurasian Coot, Grey Teal and Pelican (Green et al., 2008). The probability of a waterbird carrying 1 viable seed(s) in the lower gut at any time was low (0.14), although the likelihood of internally mediated dispersal is likely to have been underestimated. Ducks were hunted after early morning feeding and a large proportion of the previous days food would have been egested when they were hunted, or within 12 h of consumption (Charalamabidou et al., 2003; Pollux et al., 2005; Brochet et al., 2010a). The probability of a waterbird carrying 1 viable seed(s) in the gizzard was higher (0.61) and many seedlings emerged from some gizzard samples (up to 125 seedlings per gizzard). Many of these propagules were likely to have remained viable and subsequently egested had they not been hunted. In captive experiments, for example, 32% of diaspores ingested by teal were recovered intact (Brochet et al., 2010a). It is difcult to compare the proportion of samples in which one or more seeds survived digestion in our study with other studies because of small sample sizes and differences in sampling approaches (e.g. visual identication versus germination), seed viability and waterbirds sampled (Figuerola & Green, 2002a). However, estimates vary from 28% of faecal samples containing propagules collected from ve waterbird species in a, 2005), to 33% Europe (Charalambidou & Santamar of hunted ducks in Louisiana, U.S.A. (Powers, Noble & Chabreck, 1978), to 66% of faecal samples collected from six duck species in the prairie potholes of North America (Holt Mueller & Van Der Valk, 2002). We may have underestimated the probability of internally mediated dispersal if the large numbers of seeds in the gizzard pass through the lower gut intact and remain viable. Our study and others (Figuerola & Green, 2002b) have found no differences among waterbirds in numbers of seed attached externally, despite differences in waterbird size. The percentage of birds carrying 1 seeds on feathers or feet was 22% for Black Duck and Chestnut Teal. This is much lower than that found by Vivian-Smith & Stiles (1994), who reported seeds adhering to feathers and feet of 78% of Brant Geese Branta bernicla (L.) and ducks. The latter estimates are likely to be inated because viability was not measured, but differences in substratum
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samples, which restricted our capacity to determine whether different ducks disperse a similar suite of plant species externally. The ducks consumed similar numbers and species of seeds, but only a few individuals of each species survived gut passage. It is plausible that differences in digestion or physiology among the duck species may result in different germination and subsequently, dispersal of plants species. However, ingestion rate may be the best predictor of seed viability in the lower gut, and all plant species present in the gizzard have dispersal potential (Brochet et al., 2009). Dispersers consumed similar numbers and species of seeds in this study, despite differences in body size and reportedly feeding in different habitats within a swamp. Therefore, these disperser species probably transport similar types of plant taxa between wetland metacommunities. Occasionally, plant taxa were represented by a single germinant; for these taxa, it is difcult to interpret whether this reects real differences among waterbird diets, the effects of ducks on seed viability, or incidental ingestion of propagules.
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manuscript and Alan Lill, Birgita Hansen, Zachary Powell, Gary Howard and Field and Game Australia members for their assistance. This paper is contribution number 223 from the Australian Centre for Biodiversity, Monash University.
concurs with estimated internal dispersal distances of Ruppia maritima L. seed by mallard (3001400 km; Holt Mueller & Van Der Valk, 2002) and invertebrate propagules by waterfowl (601800 km; Green & Figuerola, 2005). The maximum recorded distance own by a Grey Teal within the range of retention times was 978 km in 1.8 days in the Lake Eyre Basin (Roshier et al., 2008). Whether Grey Teal can actually y 1800 km without a stopover or in-ight egestion is unknown, and seeds are likely to fall in unsuitable places for germination and survival if deposited en route. At these broader spatial scales (1001000 km), dispersal limitation may constrain the geographical ranges of aquatic plants and inuence the structure of aquatic plant metacommunities. For the rst time, we have been able to provide an integrated assessment of the effects of waterbirds on propagule transport at landscape scales. Further research is required to reduce uncertainties associated with propagule retention and frequency of duck movements between habitats. The realized impact of dispersal by waterfowl on aquatic plant population dynamics is also difcult to evaluate without information on how dispersal subsequently translates into plant tness (Figuerola & Green, 2002a). We mimicked water regime conditions that simulate requirements for germination in moist or aquatic habitats, but whether species subsequently persist and reproduce in such environments depends on a suitable water regime and water quality over long periods. Our research provides the rst step in understanding how landscape scale connectivity of wetland plant communities may be mediated by animals.
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This work was funded by ARC grant no. LPO776494 with contributions from Parks Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Victoria, West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, Gippsland Lakes Taskforce, Royal Botanic Gardens (Victoria), Australian Ecosystems and Field and Game Victoria. Research was conducted under the specications of the Department of Sustainability and Environment Wildlife Act Research Permit 10004314 and Monash University School of Biological Sciences Animal Ethics Committee application BSCI 2008 19. We thank Andy Green and an anonymous reviewer for their comments on the
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