Tourism Code Edited
Tourism Code Edited
Tourism Code Edited
17th City Council Series of 2013 Republika ng Pilipinas Sangguniang Panlungsod Lungsod ng Daba
&e it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Da'ao City in session asse(bled that) ARTICLE I TITLE OF THE ORDINANCE S*C+,!" 1# S-!R+ +,+L* . +his ordinance shall be kno n as the /(ended +ouris( De'elop(ent Code of Da'ao City# ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF POLICY S*C+,!" 2# D*CL/R/+,!" !0 PR,"C,PL*S. +his ordinance shall obser'e the global code of ethics for +ouris( and shall be guided by the follo ing principles) balance conser'ation1 de'elop(ent1 ecological integrity and fa(ily oriented hile it protects its cultural heritage through the pro(otion of sustainable touris(# ARTICLE III DEFINITION OF TERMS S*C+,!" 3# D*0,",+,!" . 0or purposes of this ordinance1 the follo ing ter(s shall (ean) CITY 2 refers to the city of Da'ao3 OFFICE 2 refers to the City +ouris( !perations !ffice3 DEPARTMENT 2 refers to the Depart(ent of +ouris(3 COUNCIL 2 refers to the +ouris( Council of Da'ao City3 LICENSE 2 shall (ean the pri'ilege or the authority granted by the office of the City 4ayor1 through a reco((endation fro( the City +ouris( !ffice1 to o n1 generate and (aintain a tourist.related establish(ent and5or facility co'ered by this ordinance3 REGISTRATION . refers to the act of listing of all touris( related establish(ents including those acti'ities and pro(otion progra(s1 after such touris( related establish(ents ha'e been certified by the City 6o'ern(ent of Da'ao1 through the City +ouris( !perations !ffice1 as ha'ing confor(ed ith the (ini(u( standards5re7uire(ents in accordance ith the !rdinance3 ACCREDITATION 2 a certification issued by the Depart(ent to a touris( enterprise that officially recogni8es it as ha'ing co(plied ith the (ini(u( standards for the operation of touris( facilities and ser'ices3 TOURISM ENTERPRISES 2 refers to facilities1 ser'ices and attractions in'ol'ed in touris(1 such as1 but not li(ited to) tra'el and tour ser'ices3 tourist transport ser'ices1 hether for land1 sea or air transportation3 tour guides3 ad'enture sports ser'ices in'ol'ing such sports as (ountaineering1 spelunking1 scuba di'ing and other sports acti'ities of significant touris( potential3 con'ention organi8ers3 acco((odation establish(ents1 including1 but not li(ited to hotels1 resorts1 apartelles1 tourist inns1 (otels1 pension houses and ho(e stay operators3 touris( estate (anage(ent ser'ices1
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restaurants1 shops and depart(ent stores1 sports and recreational centers1 spas1 (useu(s and galleries1 the(e parks1 con'ention centers and 8oos3 PRIMARY TOURISM ENTERPRISE 2 refers to facilities1 ser'ices and attractions that are directly related or in'ol'ed to touris( such as1 but not li(ited to the follo ing) 1# -!+*L 2 refers to full ser'ice acco((odation ith reception and guest roo(s generally offering pri'ate facilities ith an onsite restaurant1 roo( and bar ser'ices a'ailable# /dditional facilities such as business centers and conference roo(s are e9pected3 2# R*S!R+ 2 refers to full ser'ice acco((odation located in a (ore natural1 rela9ed en'iron(ent1 ith reception and guest roo(s generally offering pri'ate facilities ith an onsite restaurant1 roo( and bar ser'ice a'ailable# /dditional recreation facilities and tour ser'ices are e9pected3 3# S*L0.S+:L*D /CC!4!D/+,!" *S+/&L,S-4*"+ 2 refers to any edifice or pre(ises or a co(pletely independent part thereof1 hich is used for the regular reception1 acco((odation or lodging of tra'elers and tourists for a fee hich is not other ise classified as a hotel1 including but not li(ited to the follo ing1 to it) /P/R+4*"+ -!+*L ;/P/R+*L<1 C!"D!+*L1 D!R4,+*L1 -!S+*L1 -!4*+*L1 -!4*S+/:1 &*D = &R*/>0/S+ and P*"S,!" -!?S*5,""3 %# 4!+!R,S+ -!+*L ;4!+*L< 2 any structure ith se'eral separate units1 pri(arily located along the high ay ith indi'idual or co((on parking spaces1 at hich (otorists (ay obtain lodging and1 in so(e instances1 (eals3 @# +R/A*L /"D +!?R /6*"C: 2 an entity hich (ay either be a single proprietorship1 partnership or corporation regularly engaged in the business of e9tending to indi'idual or groups1 such ser'ices pertaining to docu(entation of tra'el papers1 ticketing1 sales and5or acco((odation1 handling and5or conduct of tours ithin or outside the Philippines1 hether for a fee1 co((ission or any for( of co(pensation3 B# +!?R,S+ +R/"SP!R+ !P*R/+!R 2 an entity that (ay either be a single proprietorship1 partnership or corporation e9tending to indi'iduals or groups such ser'ices pertaining to tourist transportation3 7# +,C>*+,"6 /6*"+5+,C>*+,"6 C!4P/": 2 a co((ercial enterprise engaged solely in selling tickets for land1 air and sea transportation ser'ices3 C# +!?R 6?,D* 2 an indi'idual licensed by the city to guide tourists for a fee3 D# C!"A*"+,!" C*"+*RS. are typically large buildings ith enough space to host public and pri'ate businesses and social e'ents for their surrounding population areas that contain one or (ore conference halls# Con'ention centers typically offer enough floor area to acco((odate se'eral thousand attendees and rent space for (eetings such as corporate conferences1 industry trade sho s1 entertain(ent and concert halls 10# 4,C* 2 refers to 4eetings1 ,ncenti'es1 Con'ention and *'ents ser'ices and facilities3 11# 4,C* !R6/",E*R 2 shall (ean to include Professional Con'ention !rgani8er1 Professional *9hibition !rgani8er and *'ent !rgani8er a# Professional Convention Organizer (PCO) 2 an enterprise pro'iding professional ser'ices in organi8ing and (anaging (eetings and con'entions5congresses1 hether creating and organi8ing its o n (eeting1 con'ention or congress or for another entity# ,ts capability is to pro'ide ser'ices fro( conceptuali8ation to i(ple(entation of an e'ent3 b# Professional Exhibition Organizer (PEO) 2 an enterprise pro'iding professional ser'ices in organi8ing and (anaging e9hibitions or trade fairs5trade sho s hether creating and organi8ing its o n e9hibition or (anaging an e9hibition for another entity# ,ts capability is to pro'ide ser'ices fro( one conceptuali8ation to i(ple(entation of an e'ent3 c# Special Event Organizer 2 an enterprise pro'iding professional ser'ices in organi8ing and (anaging special e'ents or sho s1 hether creating and organi8ing its o n e'ent or (anaging an e'ent for another entity# ,ts capability is to pro'ide ser'ices fro( conceptuali8ation to i(ple(entation of an e'ent3 SECONDARY TOURISM ENTERPRISE 2facilities and ser'ices that (ay be related to touris( such as1 but not li(ited to the follo ing) 1# R*S+/?R/"+ . any co((ercial establish(ents offering (eals1 be'erages and drinks to the public3 2# 4/LL 2 an establish(ent1 usually a large1 often enclosed area co(prising of a depart(ent store1 grocery1 shops1 fast food and food stations1 as ell as recreational facilities3 3# S-!P 2 a retail establish(ent offering specific lines of goods and ser'ices such as crafts1 sou'enirs1
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fruit stands and other si(ilar ite(s3 %# D*P/R+4*"+ S+!R*. a store that sells or carries se'eral lines of (erchandise and that is organi8ed into separate sections for the purpose of pro(otion1 ser'ice1 accounting and control3 @# SP!R+S /"D R*CR*/+,!"/L 0/C,L,+,*S 2 these include a7uatic and ater sports facilities1 golf courses1 di'ing spots1 and other si(ilar facilities for(ing part of a property3 B# *C!+!?R,S4 . a for( of sustainable touris( ithin a natural and cultural heritage area here co((unity participation1 protection and (anage(ent of natural resources1 culture and indigenous kno ledge and practices1 en'iron(ental education and ethics1 as ell as econo(ic benefits are fostered and pursued for the enrich(ent of host co((unities and the satisfaction of 'isitors3 B# -*/L+- = F*LL"*SS C*"+*R . is an establish(ent that has a holistic approach to health and ellness1 rest and rela9ation that ai(s to treat the body1 (ind and spirit by integrating a range of professionally ad(inistered health1 ellness1 fitness and beauty1 ater treat(ent and ser'ices1 such as1 but not li(ited to) a# Spa 2 a facility that e9udes a tran7uil en'iron(ent offering 'arious a(enities and ser'ices intended to relie'e stress1 pa(per the body and (ake one feel rela9ed and reGu'enated to pro(ote a healthier ay of life3 b# Day Spa 2 a spa offering a 'ariety of professionally ad(inistered spa ser'ices to clients on a day use basis3 c# Destination Spa 2 a spa hich has for its sole purpose to pro'ide clients ith lifestyle i(pro'e(ent and health enhance(ent through professionally ad(inistered spa ser'ices1 physical fitness1 education progra((ing and acco((odations here spa cuisine or healthy food is offered3 d# Resort/Hotel Spa 2 a spa o ned by and located ithin a resort or hotel pro'iding professionally ad(inistered spa ser'ices1 fitness and ellness co(ponents3 7# 4?S*?4 . a structure1 open to the public and is intended for educational purpose# ,t displays per(anent collections hich are being preser'ed and depict the i((ediate lifestyle1 culture and tradition of the co((unity# ,t is either a public or pri'ate institution ith collections ranging fro( children1 art1 'isual1 science and ethnographic3 ARTICLE IV ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS CHAPTER I - GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS S*C+,!" % 2 C!D* !0 *+-,CS 2 &oth pri(ary and secondary enterprises1 o ners5keepers5(anagers and5or their sectoral associations1 if any1 shall for(ulate a Code of ethics1 hich shall go'ern the conduct of their respecti'e (e(bers in dealing ith one another and the conduct to be obser'ed by their staff or e(ployees to ards each other and5or their clients# S*C+,!" @ 2 *"L,S+4*"+ !0 /,D1 /SS,S+/"C* /"D S?PP!R+ !0 !+-*R 6!A*R"4*"+ /6*"C,*S . ,n the i(ple(entation of the pro'isions of this ordinance and circulars and enforce(ent of orders and decisions1 the office (ay enlist the aid1 assistance and support of any and all go'ern(ent agencies1 hether ci'il or (ilitary# S*C+,!" B. C!4PL,/"C* F,+- *H,S+,"6 L/FS1 !RD,"/"C*S1 R?L*S1 /"D R*6?L/+,!"S2 /ll pri(ary =secondary touris( enterprise (ust co(ply ith e9isting la s1 ordinances1 rules = regulations co'ering their business operations in the City of Da'ao# CHAPTER II- CITY TOURISM OPERATIONS OFFICE- POWERS AND FUNCTIONS S*C+,!" 7 2 C,+: +!?R,S4 !00,C* 2 +he City +ouris( !ffice shall process and reco((end to the City 4ayor for appro'al the application of any person1 partnership1 or corporation or other entity to (aintain1 operate1 or engage in the business of the pri(ary and secondary touris( enterprise ithin the territorial li(its of the City# +he obGecti'es of these pro'isions are) a< +o ensure the proper de'elop(ent of the tourist and hospitality industries1 bearing in (ind the interest of co((unity and the i(plications of such3 b< +o establish the City +ouris( !ffice as the body to ad(inister and carry out the for(al re7uire(ents of the ordinance and be responsible to the City 4ayor to (onitor and (ake policy adGust(ent to (eet the ongoing needs of the public and the industry3
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c< +o pro'ide a ta9able syste( ad(inistration of this ordinance3 ith for(ality or legal technicality as (ay be practicable for the hich ill (ini(i8e any 'iolation of this ordinance#
S*C+,!" C2 C!"0,D*"+,/L C-/R/C+*R !0 C*R+/," D/+/ 2 ,nfor(ation and docu(ents recei'ed by and filed under this ordinance shall be treated as confidential and shall not be di'ulged to any pri'ate party ithout the consent of the party concerned or upon the order of the City +ouris( !ffice# S*C+,!" D2 P!F*R +! -*/R /"D R*S!LA* C!4PL/,"+S 2 +he City +ouris( !perations !ffice shall recei'e1 hear and resol'e co(plaints filed against touris( enterprises# ,f necessary1 the !ffice shall refer the sa(e to the concerned agency or office for their appropriate action and resolution of the said subGect (atter# S*C+,!" 102 4/"D/+!R: S?&4,SS,!" !0 R*P!R+S 2 *'ery acco((odation facility and other touris( enterprise that (ay be re7uired shall (andatorily sub(it their (onthly !ccupancy Report1 indicating therein the nu(ber of roo(s occupied for a (onth1 the a'erage length of stay of guests1 the breakdo n of guest by nationality1 and other infor(ation as (ay be re7uired by the !ffice and5or the Depart(ent# +our operators and 4,C* facilities shall like ise sub(it (onthly the necessary data or report as (ay be re7uired of the( by the !ffice# CHAPTER III REGISTRATION
S*C+,!" 112 R*6,S+R/+,!" /"D 4/:!RIS P*R4,+ 2 "o person1 natural or Guridical1 shall keep1 (anage or operate any building1 edifice or pre(ises or a co(pletely independent part thereof1 for the purpose of engaging in the business of touris( enterprises ithout first ha'ing issued a Certificate of Registration by the !ffice and a 4ayorIs Per(it to operate as such by the City 4ayor# Such application for registration and (ayorIs per(it shall be processed in accordance ith the procedures pro'ided in the Re'enue Code and in this !rdinance# S*C+,!" 12. /PPL,C/+,!" 0!R R*6,S+R/+,!"./ny person1 partnership1 corporation or other entity desiring to keep1 (anage or operate any building1 edifice1 pre(ises or an independent part thereof1 for the purpose of engaging in a touris( enterprise shall acco(plish in 7uadruplicate and file ith the Da'ao City +ouris( !perations !ffice an application for( for registration prescribed for the purpose# S*C+,!" 13 2 /PPL,C/+,!" *H*C?+*D ?"D*R !/+- 2 Fhere the application is (ade by a corporate body1 partnership1 association or other entity1 it shall be signed by the person duly authori8ed to conduct for and in behalf of the applicant# S*C+,!" 1% 2 S?PP!R+,"6 D!C?4*"+S +! &* S?&4,++*D F,+- +-* /PPL,C/+,!" 2 /n application to operate a touris( enterprise shall be supported ith docu(ents as pro'ided in the ,(ple(enting Rules and Regulations of this !rdinance# S*C+,!" 1@2 /PPL,C/+,!" *"+R: &!!> 2 +he !ffice shall pro'ide itself ith a ell.bound application entry book in hich shall be entered1 in chronological order1 na(es of applicants applying for registration and the corresponding filing date and hour of application# S*C+,!" 1B 2 ,"SP*C+,!" C!44,++** !R +*/4 2 ,f the application for( has been duly acco(plished by the applicant for purposes of operating a touris( enterprise1 the !ffice should create an inspection co((ittee or tea( co(posed of the follo ing) a# b# c# d# e# f# g# !ne representati'e fro( the office of the City 4ayor !ne representati'e fro( the City -ealth Depart(ent !ne representati'e fro( the !ffice of the &uilding !fficial !ne representati'e fro( the City +ouris( !perations !ffice !ne representati'e fro( the Per(its and Licensing Di'ision of the &usiness &ureau !ffice !ne representati'e fro( the City *n'iron(ent and "atural Resources !ffice1 and Such other person5s and officers as (ay be re7uired by pertinent la s1 rules regulations and circulars# and
+he City +ouris( !perations !ffice shall be the lead office of the afore(entioned inspection co((ittee or tea(# S*C+,!" 172 !C?L/R ,"SP*C+,!" 2 ?pon receipt of its assign(ent1 the inspection tea( shall conduct an ocular inspection of the property and its i((ediate pre(ises for the purpose of deter(ining hether it has co(plied ith the pro'isions of the ordinance and its ,(ple(enting Rules and Regulations#
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Fithin fi'e ;@< days fro( the date of the inspection of the building5edifice and its i((ediate pre(ises1 the co((ittee or tea( shall render a report of its findings and5or reco((endations to the office concerned# +he applicant shall be furnished a copy of the report of the tea( ithin three ;3< orking days fro( the receipt of the copy of the report of the tea(# +he applicant (ay sub(it a co((ent thereon1 specifying in detail the portion5s of the report here there are any obGections# +he co((ent of the applicant shall be coursed through the !ffice# S*C+,!" 1C 2 D*C,S,!" !0 +-* !00,C* 2 +he !ffice shall decide the contested findings or case as stated abo'e ithin thirty ;30< days upon receipt of the reco((endations1 in such (anner that the applicant (ay kno the 'arious issues in'ol'ed and the reasons for the decision rendered# S*C+,!" 1D 2 C!"D,+,!" +! &* S/+,S0,*D +! 4*R,+ ,SS?/"C* !0 C*R+,0,C/+* !0 R*6,S+R/+,!" 2 "o certificate of registration as a touris( enterprise shall be issued unless the applicant has passed all the conditions pro'ided in this ordinance1 the 0ire and &uilding Codes1 and other city ordinances1 including the re7uire(ents set forth in the pro'isions of Republic /ct "o# D@D3 for D!+ /ccreditation# S*C+,!" 202 ,SS?/"C* &: +-* !00,C* 2 ,f in the opinion of the !ffice the applicant has satisfactorily co(plied ith the re7uire(ents prescribed for the business for hich registration is applied for1 the office shall issue the certificate of registration to operate as a touris( enterprise upon pay(ent of the registration fees prescribed in this ordinance and its i(ple(enting rules and regulations# S*C+,!" 212 A/L,D,+: !0 C*R+,0,C/+* !0 R*6,S+R/+,!" 2 +he certificate of registration shall be applied ith the office once1 at the start of operation of the business# ,t should be reapplied if the business has ceased operation for at least si9 ;B< (onths or if its 4ayorJs per(it has been re'oked# +he business establish(ent shall only pay the registration fee once1 unless it has reapplied for reasons cited# S*C+,!" 22 2 +R/"S0*R !0 C*R+,0,C/+* !0 R*6,S+R/+,!" 2 "o o ner or operator shall transfer or alienate in any other (anner the certificate of registration of the property ithout the prior appro'al of the !ffice# S*C+,!" 23 2 +R/"S0*R !0 !F"*RS-,P. /ny transfer of shares in the touris( enterprise shall be reported to the !ffice ithin ten ;10< orking days fro( the date of transfer# S*C+,!" 2% 2 D,SPL/: !0 C*R+,0,C/+* !0 R*6,S+R/+,!" 2 +he certificate of registration of the property shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the public part of the establish(ent# TITLE I: PRIMARY ENTERPRISE ARTICLE V ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS
CHAPTER I CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS S*C+,!" 2@2 CL/SS,0,C/+,!" !0 /CC!44!D/+,!" *S+/&L,S-4*"+ . 0or purposes of registration and licensing1 all co((ercial te(porary acco((odation properties shall be classified into the follo ing categories) /# -!+*L &# R*S!R+ C# /P/R+4*"+ -!+*L ;/P/R+*L< D# C!"D!+*L5 D!R4,+*L 5 -!S+*L5 -!4*+*L 5 &*D /"D &R*/>0/S+ *# P*"S,!" ,"" 0# 4!+*L CHAPTER II STANDARD REQUIREMENT FOR EACH CLASS OF ACCOMMODATION S*C+,!" 2B. &/S,C 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+ . +he classification of hotels as ell as the (ini(u( re7uire(ents for their establish(ent1 operation and (aintenance shall be in accordance ith the "ational Standards as defined by the Depart(ent# ,f these (ini(u( re7uire(ents are satisfied by the acco((odation establish(ent1 it shall then be accredited by the Depart(ent# Such accreditation shall be a sine 7ua non re7uire(ent for the registration of the acco((odation establish(ent in accordance ith Section 1D of this Code#
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S*C+,!" 27 2 4/"D/+!R: S?&4,SS,!" !0 !CC?P/"C: R*P!R+ 2 /ll acco((odation establish(ents shall sub(it to the !ffice a copy of their (onthly !ccupancy Report# 0ailure to do so ould subGect the enterprise to the follo ing penalties) 0irst !ffense 2 0ine of not less than P31000#00 and5or i(prison(ent of three ;3< (onths1 at the discretion of the court3 Second !ffense 2 Suspension of their Registration1 a fine of not less than P%1000#00 and5or i(prison(ent of si9 (onths1 at the discretion of the court3 and Last !ffense 2 Cancellation of their Registration and re'ocation of their License1 a fine of not less than P@1000#00 and5or i(prison(ent of t el'e ;12< (onths1 at the discretion of the court#
CHAPTER III - INSPECTION OF ACCOMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS S*C+,!" 2C 2 ,"SP*C+,!" !0 +-* PR!P*R+,*S 2 ,nspections for registration by the ,nspection +ea( (ay be done during the day1 but ordinary inspections to check hether or not they are co(plying ith la s and ordinances (ay be done any ti(e# Surprise inspections1 e'en during night ti(e1 should be done especially in cases here there are reports of illegal acti'ities# S*C+,!" 2D 2 /CC*SS !0 ,"SP*C+,!" +*/4 +! R*C!RDS /"D PR*4,S*S 2 +he inspection tea( shall ha'e access to the registry book or cards1 the property building and all parts thereof1 the facilities for cooking1 and the right to inter'ie any e(ployees of the property and in'estigate any fact1 conditions or (atter hich (ay be necessary to deter(ine any 'iolation to arri'e at a Gust and correct conclusion# S*C+,!" 30 2 D*0*C+S /"D D*0,C,*"C*S 0!?"D D?R,"6 +-* ,"SP*C+,!" 2 Fhen certain defects or deficiencies ha'e been found in the course of the periodic inspection1 the office shall gi'e to the property keeper1 (anager or operator a reasonable ti(e fro( the date of notice to rectify the defects or deficiencies# !ther ise1 necessary sanctions or penalties shall be i(posed as pro'ided for in this !rdinance# S*C+,!" 31 2 *H+*"S,!" !0 +-* P*R,!D 2 +he !ffice (ay1 for good cause1 e9tend the period a reasonable period to re(edy the defects or deficiencies# ithin
S*C+,!" 32 2 P*"/L+: 0!R 0/,L?R* +! R*4*D: +-* D*0*C+S 2 ,f the property (anage(ent failed to re(edy the defects or deficiencies noted ithin the period pro'ided1 the !ffice shall reco((end to the City 4ayor or to the appropriate agencies such fact for the i(position of the proper sanctions# Pro'ided1 that here the property (anage(ent has continuously failed to rectify the defects or deficiencies noted1 the City 4ayor upon reco((endation of the !ffice1 shall re'oke or suspend the Certificate of Registration and the License of the establish(ent for such period as (ay be Gustified under the circu(stances# S*C+,!" 33 2 L,/&,L,+: !0 +-* /CC!44!D/+,!" PR!P*R+: >**P*RS 5 4/"/6*RS 0!R /C+S !R !4,SS,!"S !0 *4PL!:**S 2 Fithout preGudice to the pro'ision of e9isting la s1 property keepers5 (anagers and their assistants shall be ad(inistrati'ely liable for the acts or o(ission of any (e(ber of the staff co((itted against the guests5clients of the property# +hey (ay1 ho e'er be e9e(pted fro( liability if it can be established that they e9ercised the diligence of a good father of a fa(ily in the selection or super'ision of the erring e(ployee# CHAPTER IV SANCTIONS S*C+,!" 3% 2 6R!?"DS 0!R +-* ,4P!S,+,!" !0 0,"*S5 S?SP*"S,!"5 C/"C*LL/+,!" !0 R*6,S+R/+,!" /"D5 !R "!".R*"*F/L !0 4/:!RS P*R4,+ 2 /ny of the follo ing acts1 o(ission of offense shall be sufficient ground for the i(position of fine5 suspension5cancellation of the certificate of registration1 grant or rene al1 1# 4aking any false declaration or state(ent1 or (aking use of any such declaration or state(ent or any docu(ent containing fraud or any act of (isrepresentation for the purpose of obtaining the issuance1 grant1 or rene al of any certificate of registration of (ayorJs per(it3 2# 0ailure to co(ply ith or to contra'ene any of the conditions set forth in the 4ayorJs Per(it3
3# 0ailure to (eet the standards and the re7uire(ents for the operation of the property1 as prescribed by the Depart(ent or these rules3 %# Serious physical inGury or loss of life of any guest due to the fault or negligence of any official or e(ployee of the property3
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@# /llo ing or per(itting the property1 including any of its facilities1 to be used for illegal1 i((oral or illicit acti'ities3 B# Aiolation or ith any of the pro'isions of these rules1 including the non. sub(ission of touris( data such as the (onthly !ccupancy Report as prescribed by the Depart(ent# ARTICLE VI RESORTS CHAPTER I CLASSIFICATION OF RESORTS S*C+,!" 3@2 CL/SS,0,C/+,!" !0 R*S!R+ 2 Resorts (ay be categori8ed in accordance "ational Standards as prescribed by the Depart(ent# CHAPTER II REGISTRATION OF RESORTS S*C+,!" 3B. &/S,C 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+ . 0or purposes of their registration1 resorts (ust co(ply ith the re7uire(ents as set forth in the "ational Standards of the Depart(ent# CHAPTER III INSPECTION OF RESORTS S*C+,!" 372 ,"SP*C+,!" !0 +-* R*S!R+ 2 Fhen necessary and upon 'alid reason1 the !ffice ill conduct a periodic spot check or inspection of the resort to deter(ine hether they are being kept and5or (anaged in accordance ith the standards set by the Depart(ent for the class for hich they are accredited or hether it follo s the e9isting !rdinances of the City# ?pon its finding of any 'iolation of this !rdinance or any of the standards of the Depart(ent1 including any defects in the establish(ent1 the !ffice shall report the sa(e to the proper agencies or local authorities for the enforce(ent of the appropriate sanctions# S*C+,!" 3C 2 -!?RS !0 ,"SP*C+,!" 2 ,nspections for registration (ay be done during the day but ordinary inspections to check hether or not they are co(plying ith la s and ordinances (ay be done at any ti(e# Surprise inspections1 e'en during night ti(e1 should be done especially in case here there are reports of illegal acti'ities# S*C+,!" 3D2 /CC*SS !0 ,"SP*C+!RS +! R*C!RDS /"D PR*4,S*S 2 +he !ffice or its inspection tea( shall ha'e access to the resortJs records and pre(ises1 and the right to copy there fro(1 to the person in charge1 and in'estigate any fact1 condition or (atter hich (ay be necessary to deter(ine co(pliance ith1 or in aid of1 the enforce(ent of any pro'ision of this ordinance or circulars issued by the !ffice# S*C+,!" %0 2 D*0*C+S /"D D*0,C,*"C,*S 0!?"D D?R,"6 +-* ,"SP*C+,!" 2 Fhen certain defects and deficiencies ha'e been found in the course of the periodic inspection1 the !ffice shall gi'e obGecti'es to the resort operator or (anager to rectify the defects or deficiencies# !ther ise1 necessary sanctions or penalties shall be i(posed as pro'ided for in this !rdinance# S*C+,!" %1 2 *H+*"S,!" !0 +-* P*R,!D 2 +he !ffice (ay1 for good cause1 e9tend the period a reasonable period to re(edy the defects or deficiencies# ithin ith the
S*C+,!" %2 . P*"/L+: 0!R 0/,L?R* +! R*4*D: +-* D*0*C+S 2 ,f the resort (anage(ent fails to re(edy the defects or deficiencies noted1 the !ffice shall reco((end to the City 4ayor or to the appropriate agencies such fact for the i(position of the proper sanctions# Pro'ided1 that here the resort (anage(ent has continuously failed to rectify the defects or deficiencies noted1 the City 4ayor upon reco((endation of the !ffice1 shall re'oke or suspend the Certificate of Registration and the License of the establish(ent for such period as (ay be Gustified under the circu(stances# CHAPTER IV IMPOSITION OF FINES, SUSPENSION, CANCELLATION AND/OR NON RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION S*C+,!" %3 2 6R!?"DS 0!R +-* ,4P!S,+,!" !0 0,"*S5 S?SP*"S,!"5 C/"C*LL/+,!" /"D5!R "!".R*"*F/L !0 C*R+,0,C/+* !0 R*6,S+R/+,!" 2 /ny of the follo ing acts1 o(ission1 or offense shall be sufficient ground for the i(position of fines5 suspension5 cancellation or non.rene al of any certificate of registration# 1# 4aking any false declaration or state(ent or (aking use of any such declaration or state(ent or any docu(ent containing the sa(e co((itting fraud or any act of (isrepresentation for the purpose of obtaining the issuance or rene al of any certificate or registration3 2# 0ailure to co(ply ith any of the conditions set forth in the per(it3
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3# 0ailure to (eet the standards and the re7uire(ents for the operation of the resort1 as prescribed in the "ational Standards of the Depart(ent and this ordinance3 %# Serious physical inGury or loss of life of any guest due to fault or negligence of any official or e(ployee of the resort3 @# /llo ing or per(itting the resort1 including any of its facilities1 to be used for illegal1 i((oral or illicit acti'ities3 B# Aiolation of1 or !ffice3 ith1 any of the pro'isions of these rules and circulars issued by the
7# Aiolation of any of the e9isting !rdinances of the City# ARTICLE VII TRAVEL AND TOUR AGENCIES CHAPTER I REGULATION OF TRAVEL AND TOUR AGENCIES S*C+,!" %% 2 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+ 2 *'ery tra'el and tour agency shall establish and (aintain a principal office in a co((ercial district ithin the City of Da'ao# / branch office (ay be established by any tra'el and tour agency in the sa(e (anner# +ra'el and tour agencies (ust like ise co(ply ith the (ini(u( re7uire(ents set forth by the Depart(ent# S*C+,!" %@ 2 R*6,S+R/+,!" /"D L,C*"S* 2 /n application to operate a tra'el agency1 tour operator and tour guiding ser'ices shall be supported by docu(ents as pro'ided in the ,(ple(enting Rules and Regulations of this !rdinance# +he rules as stated in /rticle ,A Chapter ,,, of this !rdinance (ust like ise be follo ed# S*C+,!" %B 2 ,"SP*C+,!" !0 /6*"C:JS R*C!RDS 2 Fithin a reasonable ti(e and during regular business hours1 the books1 accounts and other pertinent records of the agency (ay be e9a(ined by the concerned authori8ed representati'es of the go'ern(ent in order to deter(ine their co(pliance ith the applicable la s and ordinances# S*C+,!" %7 2 +!?R,S4 /C+,A,+,*S 2 +ouris( acti'ities organi8ed and conducted by tra'el agencies and local tour operators duly accredited1 registered and licensed by the Local 6o'ern(ent of the City of Da'ao or those tra'el agencies and tour operators affiliated ith the latter shall be entitled to pri'ileges1 incenti'es and ta9 e9e(ption upon the reco((endation of the City +ouris( !perations !ffice and as it (ay be dee(ed proper by la # /ny and all non.local tour operators shall be subGect to the standard (andate of this !rdinance such as1 but not li(ited to the follo ing) a# b# c# d# Registration ith the City +ouris( !perations !ffice3
/ccreditation of non.local tra'el agencies1 tour operators and tour guides including tour coordinators as ell as their tour packages and pro(otions3 Certification of appro'al of the Da'ao +our pro(otional packages offered to both do(estic and foreign residents of the City3 and Proper pay(ent of applicable local ta9es i(posed on any and all touris( acti'ities they operate in the City#
CHAPTER II PROHIBITED ACTS AND PENAL PROVISIONS S*C+,!" %C 2 P?",S-/&L* /C+S 2 /ny of the follo ing acts1 o(ission or offenses shall be a sufficient ground for the cancellation of the certificate of registration and non.rene al of 4ayorJs Per(it or license) a# b# c# d# e# 0ailure to rene the per(it as re7uired under this !rdinance or re7uire(ents pro'ided under this !rdinance3 ith the
0raudulent representation1 ritten or oral1 by the Chief *9ecuti'e !fficer or 4anager of the agency for the purpose of securing the issuance of any license3 6ross and e'ident bad faith in dealing business3 *(ploy(ent or hiring of tour guides ith their client or fraudulent solicitation of
4aking any false declaration or state(ent or (aking use of any such declaration or state(ent or any docu(ent containing the sa(e for co((itting fraud or any act of (isrepresentation for the purpose of obtaining the issuance1 grant or rene al of any certificate of registration or license3
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f# g# h# i# 0ailure to co(ply or contra'ention of any of the conditions set forth in the license3 0ailure to (eet the standards and re7uire(ents for the operation of tour and tra'el agencies as prescribed by these Rules3 Serious physical inGury or loss of life of any guest due to the fault or negligence of its officials or e(ployees3 /llo ing1 pro(oting or per(itting tour and tra'el agency1 including any of its facilities1 to be used for illegal1 i((oral1 illicit acti'ities1 such as1 but not li(ited to ga(bling1 prostitution1 se9 tours and the like3 +olerance of gross (isconduct1 discourtesy1 dishonesty or (isrepresentation and5or fraudulent solicitation of business co((itted by any of the officers or e(ployees against their clients to the detri(ent of the touris( industry3 Fillful 'iolation of agree(ents and5or contracts entered into by the tour and tra'el agency and its clients3 0ailure to pay fine1 as ell as fees1 dues and contributions i(posed under e9isting rules3 ithin fifteen ;1@< orking days
k# l#
(# 0ailure to sub(it a notice of any change in its personnel fro( such change3 n#
*(ploy(ent5hiring of e(ployees ho are not holders of a license issued by the licensing agency or non.0ilipino e(ployees1 hether contractual or per(anent1 ithout 'alid orking 'isa and ork per(it3 !pening of any branch ithout prior registration ith the City +ouris( !perations !ffice3
o# p#
ARTICLE VIII TOUR GUIDES CHAPTER I CLASSIFICATION OF TOUR GUIDES S*C+,!" %D 2 CL/SS,0,C/+,!" !0 +!?R 6?,D*S 2 +our guides (ay be categori8ed in accordance ith the "ational Standards as prescribed by the Depart(ent# CHAPTER II MINIMUM REQUIREMENT S*C+,!" @0 . &/S,C 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+ 2 ,n order to be licensed and registered by the !ffice1 a tour guide applicant (ust sho proof that he or she has passed a se(inar for tour guides duly conducted by the Depart(ent or other agencies duly authori8ed by the Depart(ent to conduct the se(inar# !ther docu(ents to support their application ill be identified by the !ffice# S*C+,!" @1 2 +!?R 6?,D,"6 C/RD 2 / +our 6uiding Card shall be pro'ided by the !ffice to the applicant upon his5her co(pliance ith all the re7uire(ents needed for his5her per(it or license# Such card shall be orn by the tour guide at all ti(es hile in the perfor(ance of his5her duties# ARTICLE IX TOURIST TRANSPORT OPERATORS CHAPTER I TOURIST LAND TRANSPORT VEHICLES S*C+,!" @2 2 R*K?,R*4*"+S 2 +ourist land transport 'ehicles shall confor( +ouris( Standard as set forth by the Depart(ent# ith the "ational
S*C+,!" @3 2 CL*/R/"C* 2 ,n case of original registration and5 or transfer of o nership of tourist transport1 the necessary clearance fro( the appropriate unit of the Land +ransportation 0ranchising and Regulatory &oard ;L+0R&< shall be secured prior to its registration# CHAPTER II REGULATION, CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF TOURIST TRANSPORT OPERATORS S*C+,!" @% 2 4/"D/+!R: 4/:!RJS P*R4,+ 2 "o person1 natural or Guridical1 shall (anage1 operate or engage in the business of tourist transport ser'ices ithout first ha'ing secured a 'alid 4ayorJs Per(it to operate the sa(e# +he re7uire(ents for such application shall be deter(ined by the !ffice together ith the &usiness &ureau# +he 4ayorJs Per(it shall be 'alid for a period of one ;1< year fro(
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its date of issue until the 31 st day of Dece(ber of the year of issuance of the license unless sooner re'oked for a cause by the !ffice# CHAPTER III IMPOSITION OF FINES, SUSPENSION, CANCELLATION AND/ OR NONRENEWAL OF LICENSE S*C+,!" @@ 2 6R!?"DS 0!R +-* ,4P!S,+,!" !0 0,"*S1 S?SP*"S,!"1 C/"C*LL/+,!" /"D5 !R "!".R*"*F/L !0 L,C*"S* 2 /ny of the follo ing facts or o(issions shall be sufficient ground for the i(position of fines1 forfeiture of bond1 suspension or cancellation of license of a tourist transport operator depending on the circu(stances and gra'ity of each case) a# Aiolation of any of the pro'isions of this !rdinance1 circulars and orders of the !ffice1 and 'iolation of any of the Conditions of the L+0R& franchise3 b# 0raudulent representation1 ritten or oral by the o ner5 general (anager of the co(pany1 for the purpose of securing issuance or rene al of license3 c# +olerance or gross (isconduct1 discourtesy1 dishonestly or (isrepresentation co((itted by any of the operatorJs officers or e(ployees against its passenger to the detri(ent of the touris( industry3 d# Fillful 'iolation of the agree(ent or contact entered into by tourist operators and its clients or passengers3 e## 0ailure to pay fines1 as ell as fees1 dues and contributions i(posed under e9isting la s3 orks against the interest of the touris( industry3 ithout the re7uired 4ayorJs Per(it#
S*C+,!" @B 2 A,S,+!R,/L P!F*R 2 ,n the discharge of the regulatory functions1 the !ffice shall e9ercise 'isitorial po ers o'er the operations of the licensed transport operations# CHAPTER IV- TOURIST WATER TRANSPORT VESSELS S*C+,!" @7. 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+. 0or purposes of accreditation1 the (ini(u( re7uire(ents for the operation and (aintenance of ater transport 'essels (ust co(ply ith the standards of the 4/R,"/ and the Depart(ent# S*C+,!" @C . ,D*"+,0,C/+,!". ,t shall be (andatory for all tourist ater transport 'essels to print on its sides identifying (arks for the easy identification of the 'essel as a tourist ater transport 'essel# S*C+,!" @D . /CCR*D,+/+,!" 0** /"D A/L,D,+:. / certificate of accreditation shall be issued to a 7ualified operator for a fee hich shall be 'alid for one ;1< year fro( the date of issuance# S*C+,!" B0 . R*SP!"S,&,L,+,*S. ,t shall be the responsibility of the operator to (aintain the standards set by the !ffice# 0ailure to do so shall be a sufficient ground for the cancellation of its license# ARTICLE X MEETINGS, INCENTIVES, CONVENTION AND EVENTS (MICE) ORGANI ER CHAPTER I LICENSING S*C+,!" B1 . 4/"D/+!R: L,C*"S,"6 2 "o person1 natural or Guridical1 shall operate as a 4eetings1 ,ncenti'es1 Con'ention and *'ents ;4,C*< !rgani8er1 to include the Professional Con'ention !rgani8er ;PC!<1 Professional *9hibition !rgani8er ;P*!< and Special *'ent !rgani8er1 ithout first being accredited by the Depart(ent and registered and licensed by the !ffice# S*C+,!" B2 . 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+. +he basic re7uire(ents to be a licensed 4,C* !rgani8er are those pro'ided for under the "ational +ouris( Standard of the Depart(ent1 R#/# D@D3# S*C+,!" B3 2 L,C*"S* 0** 2 ?pon appro'al of the application1 a license shall be issued to the applicant upon pay(ent of an annual fee to be deter(ined by the !ffice# S*C+,!" B% . A/L,D,+: !0 R*6,S+R/+,!"5L,C*"S* 2 +he certificate of registration or license shall be 'alid for a period of one ;1< year fro( the date of issuance thereof# /pplication for the rene al of license shall be supported by the docu(ents as listed by the Depart(ent in their "ational Standards# CHAPTER II- REGULATION, CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF MICE ORGANI ER S*C+,!" B@ 2 A,S,+!R,/L P!F*RS 2 ,n the discharge of regulatory functions1 the !ffice shall
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e9ercise 'isitorial po ers o'er the operations of the licensed 4,C* !rgani8er# S*C+,!" BB 2 +R/"S0*R !0 L,C*"S* 2 "o 4,C* organi8er shall transfer or alienate in (anner its license ithout prior appro'al of the !ffice# /ny transfer shall co(ply re7uire(ents and procedures for the issuance of license as prescribed herein# hate'er ith the
S*C+,!" B7 2 D,SPL/: !0 L,C*"S* 2 +he license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the !ffice of the 4,C* organi8er# TITLE II: SECONDARY ENTERPRISE ARTICLE XI RESTAURANTS S*C+,!" BC 2 +:P*S !0 R*S+/?R/"+S 2 0or the purpose of this ordinance1 Restaurants shall be classified in accordance ith the e9isting standards of the Depart(ent# S*C+,!" BD. 4,",4?4 &/S,C R*K?,R*4*"+S 2 /ll fi9ed5per(anent restaurants (ust confor( to the "ational Standards as set forth by the Depart(ent# 0urther1 fi9ed5per(anent restaurants (ust follo other ordinances i(posed by the City# /ny 'iolation of the said standards1 la s and ordinances ill arrant a cancellation or re'ocation of the registration and per(it to operate# S*C+,!" 70 . R*K?,R*4*"+S 0!R R*S+/?R/"+S +-/+ /R* +*4P!R/R: ," "/+?R* 2 Restaurants that are te(porary in nature are allo ed to operate on specific location allo ed by la and per(itted by the city go'ern(ent# +he o ners5'endors of such restaurant (ust co(ply ith the ordinances of the City as ell as the rules of the City -ealth !ffice on sanitation# /ny 'iolation thereof ill arrant a cancellation or re'ocation of their per(it to sell# ARTICLE XII MALLS, SHOPS AND DEPARTMENT STORES S*C+,!" 71 2 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+ . 4alls1 shops and Depart(ent Stores shall confor( e9isting standards as pro'ided for by the Depart(ent# ARTICLE XIII SPORTS, AMUSEMENT AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES S*C+,!" 72 2 +:P*S and CL/SS,0,C/+,!" !0 SP!R+S1 /4?S*4*"+ /"D R*CR*/+,!"/L 0/C,L,+,*S) 0or purposes of accreditation and licensing1 sports1 a(use(ent and recreational facilities (aybe of t o types) 1# ,ndoor 2 situated in an enclosed space or building such as SP/1 gy( or bad(inton courts# 2# !utdoor 2 are those facilities that are situated in an open space or is conducted in an open space# +hese facilities are further classified into the follo ing sports) 1# *co./d'enture5*9tre(e Sports ;close to nature< 2 this includes cli(bing1 Spelunking1 &iking1 Eip line1 bungee Gu(ping and ca(ping# 2# /7ua Sports 2 includes di'ing1 surfing1 rafting1 tubing1 parasailing and akeboarding ith the
3# !ther Recreational Sports such as dart1 off road1 shooting1 golf and (otorcross# S*C+,!" 73 . 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+. Sports1 /(use(ent and Recreational 0acilities shall confor( ith the standards as set forth by the Depart(ent# Sports1 a(use(ent and recreational facilities (ust also co(ply ith the e9isting la s and ordinances of the City prior to the appro'al of their registration# ARTICLE XIV MUSEUMS S*C+,!" 7% 2 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+ 2 +he operation and (aintenance of (useu(s shall confor( ith the standards of the Depart(ent# ,t (ust like ise be a (e(ber of the "ational Co((ittee on 4useu(s# ARTICLE XV HEALTH ! WELLNESS CENTER
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S*C+,!" 7@ 2 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+. 0or purposes of accreditation and registration1 the operation and (aintenance of the health and ellness centers shall confor( to the standards as pro'ided for by the Depart(ent# +hey (ust also satisfy the re7uire(ents of other la s and ordinances of the City# ARTICLE XVI MEETINGS, INCENTIVES, CONVENTION AND EVENTS (MICE) FACILITIES S*C+,!" 7B 2 4,",4?4 R*K?,R*4*"+ 2 4eetings1 ,ncenti'es1 Con'ention and *'ents ;4,C*< facilities (ust confor( ith the e9isting (ini(u( standards stipulated by the Depart(ent# S*C+,!" 77 2 /CCR*D,+/+,!" 2 0or the 4,C* facilities to be accredited1 it (ust satisfy all the re7uire(ents needed by the Depart(ent# S*C+,!" 7C 2 4/"D/+!R: S?&4,SS,!" !0 R*P!R+ 2 /ll 4,C* facilities (ust sub(it on a (onthly basis their 4,C* ?tili8ation Report to the Depart(ent and the !ffice# ARTICLE XVII ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TOURIST POLICE S*C+,!" 7D 2 C,+: +!?R,S+ P!L,C* 2 / special city tourist police force shall be established under the super'ision and control of the Philippine "ational Police in Da'ao City in coordination ith the City +ouris( !ffice to i((ediately address the concerns of 'isitors5tourists 'isiting the City1 in support of the +ouris( !riented Police for Co((unity !rder and Protection ;+!PC!P< of the Depart(ent# ARTICLE XVIII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS S*C+,!" C0 . P*"/L+,*S 0!R A,!L/+,!"S) a#< A,!L/+,!" &: / L,C*"S** !R -!LD*R !0 /?+-!R,+: 2 /ny person1 hether natural or Guridical1 licensed by the City 4ayors to engage in the operation of the establish(ents or business (entioned herein ho shall 'iolate or cause another to 'iolate any of the pro'isions of this ordinance shall1 upon con'iction by a co(petent court1 suffer the penalty of i(prison(ent of not less than si9 ;B< (oths or a fine of fi'e thousand pesos ;P@1000#00< or both1 at the discretion of the court# ,n additional thereto1 the license issued by the City 4ayor shall be dee(ed auto(atically ithdra n and re'oked# b#< A,!L/+,!" &: "!".-!LD*R !0 /?+-!R,+: 2 /ny person ho is not a holder of a license issued by the City 4ayors ho shall 'iolate any pro'ision of this !rdinance or circulars pro(ulgated by the !ffice shall1 upon con'iction by a co(petent court1 suffer the penalty of i(prison(ent of not less than one ;1< year1 a fine of not less than t o thousand pesos ;P21000#00< nor (ore than fi'e thousand pesos ;P@1000#00<1 or both1 at the discretion of the court# c#< P*"/L+: ,4P!S*D ?P!" !00,C*RS !R L?R,D,C/L P*RS!" 2 ,f the offender is a corporation1 partnership1 fir( or association1 the penalty shall be i(posed upon the officer or officers ho ha'e been responsible for the 'iolation1 and if such or officers is5 are alien1 he5 they shall1 in addition1 be subGected to deportation# S*C+,!" C1 2 /D4,",S+R/+,A* P*"/L+,*S 2 Fithout preGudice to the application of the abo'e sanctions1 the City 4ayor (ay i(pose an ad(inistrati'e fine of not less than one thousand pesos ;P11000#00< nor (ore than fi'e thousand pesos ;P@1000#00< against any person ho shall 'iolate any pro'ision of this ordinance and circulars1 or suspend or re'oke the license of the person# S*C+,!" C2 2 ,4PL*4*"+,"6 R?L*S /"D R*6?L/+,!"S 2 +he City +ouris( !ffice1 the Depart(ent and the City Legal !fficer in consultation ith the City +ouris( Council and sectoral associations1 shall draft the ,(ple(enting Rules and Regulations for the purpose of enforcing the pro'isions contained in this ordinance# S*C+,!" C3 2 S*P/R/&,L,+: CL/?S* 2 +he pro'ision of this !rdinance are hereby declared 'alid1 and in the e'ent that one or (ore of such pro'ision are declared in'alid1 the 'alidity of all our pro'isions shall not be affected thereby# S*C+,!" C% 2 R*P*/L,"6 CL/?S* 2 /ny !rdinance1 rules or regulations1 or any parts thereof not consistent ith this ordinance are hereby repealed1 a(ended or dee(ed (odified# S*C+,!" C@ 2 *00*C+,A,+: 2 +his ordinance shall take effect 1@ days after its publication in a local functional ne spaper of general circulation# *nacted1 $$$$$$$$$$$1 by a (aGority 'ote of all the 4e(bers of the Sangguniang Panlungsod#
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C*R+,0,*D C!RR*C+
C-/R,+! S/"+!S Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod ;City 6o'ern(ent Depart(ent -ead ,,<
/++*S+*D &:)
/PPR!A*D &:)$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
/++*S+*D &:)