Nepal Taxation
Nepal Taxation
Nepal Taxation
This Nepal Tax Facts 2010/11 booklet aims at providing a brief overview of the Nepalese Taxation system based on Finance Ordinance 2067. The information contained in this booklet is intended as a quick reference guide, specifically designed for our clients. Details of the relevant legislation have not been included. Specific professional advice should be obtained before taking any action. An electronic version of this publication can be downloaded from our website This booklet does not cover: Amendments in Indirect Taxes, like VAT, Excise, Customs etc. Minor amendments in Income Tax Act Amendments in Income Tax Rules not available at the time of publication. This booklet shall be updated for changes in Income Tax Rules, if necessary.
1. Major Amendments in Income Tax Act 2058 2. Tax Calculation of Natural Persons 3. Tax Calculation of Entities 4. Presumptive Taxation 5. Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) rates 6. Due Dates for Payment of Tax and Filing of Tax Return 7. Fees and Interest
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8. Can We Help?
Amount threshold Rs.50 lakhs and 10 years ownership and living in the building.
Amount threshold reduced to Rs.30 lakhs in case of land, land & building and personal house. Personal house means house and land occupied by house or one ropani land whichever is lower.
No specific provision. Mergers attracted tax and Changes in Control provision affected mergers as previous losses etc. were not allowed to be carried forward.
50% reduction in applicable tax rate to employees in case of group retirement of employees due to merger No capital gain till two years on disposal of shares by shareholders of merged entity. No tax on dividend till two years which is paid to shareholders of the time of merger Notification to IRD should be
done within 2068 Kartik and merger should be done within 2070 kartik Removed from Sec. 89. However, service payment attracts TDS at 15% as per Sec.88 in cases where there is no VAT bill. Sec.89Ka & Sec.89Kha removed and new section 95(Ka) introduced with similar provisions. Provision of penal interest inserted in Sec.117(1)(Kha) Within 25th of end of Nepali month in which TDS is made The tax need to be deposited in separate revenue account as Social Security Cost.
6. TDS on disposal of shares & TDS on NBCA 7. TDS Payment 8. 1% tax on minimum exemption limit for employees 9. Additional Tax for natural persons having taxable income exceeding Rs 25 lakhs 10. Remote Area Benefit 11. Installment tax for businesses
No provision.
40% of normal tax liability as additional tax need to be paid if taxable income exceeds Rs.25 lakhs.
Maximum Rs.30,000
Maximum Rs.50,000
Interest charged on shortfall if Interest charged on shortfall if estimated installment paid is estimated installment paid is lower than 80% of installment as lower than 90% of installment as per final tax liability. per final tax liability.
2. Additional tax of 40% for taxable income exceeding Rs.25 lakhs If the natural person has taxable income of Rs.25 lakhs & above, income tax will be levied at 35%.
3. Tax Rate for Non Resident Natural Person Taxable income of a non resident natural person shall be taxed at 25%. 4. Rebate on Tax Liability for Resident Female with only employment income A female resident natural person having only remuneration income from employment shall be provided with a rebate of 10% on the tax liability. 5. Tax Rate for Non Business Chargeable Assets Gain from disposal of Non Business Chargeable Assets are taxed at 10% after taking into consideration exemption limit (i.e Rs.1,60,000 for individual and Rs.2,00,000 for couples). In case of land and buildings, if the disposed land & buildings has been owned for more than 5 years, tax rate of 5% shall apply. Gain from Non Business Chargeable Assets includes