The Great Red Ganapati
The Great Red Ganapati
The Great Red Ganapati
-rom one*s heart . as one*s 'idam or Butadamara %a&ra$ani /, light rays invoke Gana$ati +ho resides at the Gods* 7ealm of the Thrity0Three +ho returns as a multitude of Ganeshas +ho are a sor ed into the -ront Generation. 8hile kee$ing this visuali)ation, ring the ell and recite the follo+ing mantra as much as one can, GAGA S#++!# S#++!# SAR(A ARTA M, $AR SA++!A&A ! "G ! "G -A -A SO!A Merging of the .isuali/ed 0'isdom Beings1 into the 0$ledge Being1 ( the *ront Generation )2 -A ! "G BAM !O Offering of the Seat2 OM $A+MA 3AMA4A&A T M SAMA&A !O
Consecration of Ganesha #gain, from one*s heart, light issues, invoking the -ive 9onsecration Buddhas +ith the :dra+ing forth; mudra, OM (A)RA SAMA-A (ne no+ re<uests the lessings of the vase and says, OM AB!# 3#"-A T MAM SAR(A TAT!AGATA =$on hearing this, the Tathagatas say, OM (A)R# BA'A AB!# S!,3A ! "G5 +hile $ouring the consecrated +ater over one*s head. The +ater fills the ody, $urifying all o scurations, and flo+s over the to$ +here Buddha #mita ha a$$ears. Offering OM GA"A$AT# ARG!AM $ART#-A SO!A OM GA"A$AT# $A+&AM $ART#-A SO!A OM GA"A$AT# $ S!$, $ART#-A SO!A OM GA"A$AT# +! $, $ART#-A SO!A OM GA"A$AT# A4O3, $ART#-A SO!A OM GA"A$AT# GA"+!, $ART#-A SO!A OM GA"A$AT# "A#(,+&, $ART#-A SO!A OM GA"A$AT# S!AB+A $ART#-A SO!A $raise S$rung from non0dual 8isdom of The va'ras of the 9on<uerors* Body, S$eech, Mind, Po+erful Gatherer, 3ord of the #ssem lage, Gana$ati. 9hief of ( structers, +orshi$ and $raise> Please acce$t these offerings of flo+ers and s+eets, 3ord of the 8orldly Protectors, $lease esto+ the siddhis> Mantra Recitation OM A! GA ! "G S'A!A ?
OM BA RA 3A TA &A S'A!A OM 'A 3A T, 3A TAM 3A TA B#"+!A ! "G $!AT S'A!A ( One then recites the short mantra as many times as &ossible, while holding the same visuali ation as with the longer mantra) * OM B!R M GA"A$AT#&, S'A!A Re6uesting pra7er2 Please esto+ all common and uncommon siddhis to all sentient eings and myself. Concluding practice2
Ganapati as visualized in front may be stabilized within holy images with Om Supra Tishta Vajra Ye Soha or dispatched back to His Pure Abode with Om Vajra Muh.
+edication Due to this merit, May I soon attain the Enlighten0State of Ganesha, So that I may e a le to li erate all eings, Into this Enlighten State. @ust as the lessed Buddhas of the $ast have dedicated, @ust as the lessed Buddhas $resently e4isting is dedicating, @ust as the lessed Buddhas of the future +ill dedicate, So do I hum ly learn, follo+ and dedicate like+ise. May the $recious Bodhi0Mind Aot yet orn may rise and gro+5 May that orn have no decline, But increase forever more.
+rinted for limited, free circulation for initiates by the ,haritable Assistance -ociety of "housand$Arm ,henre ig ( ,A- *, on the occasion of the bestowal of .ord !ana&atis &ermission$initiation in /ecember 0112, by 3is 4minence the .uding 5hen 6in&oche, "hrone$3older of the holy -a%ya$7gor Order of "ibetan Buddhism.