The Covenant Apr 2014
The Covenant Apr 2014
The Covenant Apr 2014
One of the ways the enemy uproots Gods people is through Defamation of Character. He slanders God and keeps bombarding the saints with the same lie until they begin to believe it. He wears them down. Look at the definition of defamation: Defamation- Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces Grace be multiplied to you in the disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against name of Yeshua. a person. I am exposing the enemy by showing how he uproots saints and causes them to become castaways. I spoke with a friend In the Garden of Eden, the serwho says her father was a minis- pent is the first character we see ter long ago but now he is an old who defames the character of Elohim. See below: man who will not even attend church because of so many prob- Gen 3:1-5 Now the serpent was lems he saw. He used to go from more crafty (slick) than any of the wild animals the Lord God church to church finding fault had made. He said to the with everybody else and never woman, "Did God really say, 'You addressed the corrections that must not eat from any tree in the he needed to make in his own life. He may have had valid con- garden'?" 2 The woman said to cerns and a heart to please God the serpent, "We may eat fruit with excellence but he never let from the trees in the garden, 3 the Lord do His complete work. but God did say, 'You must not Now the old man who was once eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and zealous for God, looks for guidance from the lips of fortune tell- you must not touch it, or you will ers and he seeks favor from play- die.'" 4 "You will not surely die," ing the lottery. What a sad testi- the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you mony.
April 2014
eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." NIV This is what the King, Yeshua, said about the devil: John 8:44; He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. NIV The devil (accuser) intentionally communicated falsely regarding the character of Elohim to destroy His reputation in the eyes of His people. He wanted to lower their respect for Him while at the same time slip in his deadly venom. It really is a classic magic trick. The magician is directing your attention in one place while he is doing something else right under your nose. While you are looking at one thing, he is after the destruction of your children. It is the art of deception. It is a trap hidden in plain sight. Entire families have been uprooted from places where their children would suffer the most but the parent cannot discern the craftiness of the wicked one. The Lord wants you to know that there is no truth in this slanderer. If he will slander and defame the character of God
what do you think he will do to you? He is a liar. Dont trust him. Did Satan attack the reputation of God just because he hated him? Well, he is full of hatred but he is not that simple minded. He was not just throwing a hissy fit; he was going after something more real and tangible. He wanted the keys of authority. He wanted the crown of humanity. He wanted to be god over their offspring. Was the whole world brought under darkness over some fruit? No. Power and authority is what the real discussion of the forbidden fruit was about. He planted a seed of doubt and really challenged the character of God. Did God have the right (authority) to deprive them of supposed power? While He was challenging and questioning power, his goal was to steal theirs. First, he had to get it from Adam. In order to do that He had to persuade both of them to see authority differently. He re-casted the vision of authority as something that hindered them instead of something that was a blessing to them. His message was a message of lawlessness. How many people have spiritually withered away because Satan has slithered in and whispered repetitive chants of distrust? What is he telling us to distrust? He wants us to believe that we are not under the government and authority that we need. The scripture says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Witchcraft is a work of the flesh. If the devil can get you to operate in your flesh and cause you to be open to sorcery then he can seduce you into bondage
and take your power away from you. How does this work? If you are not connected to power then you cannot produce or convey power. The enemy is a master at uprooting powerful people from the source of their power. He has been doing it for years. At first you may not realize that you have been disconnected. It takes a while before you see the results of your decision. But trust and believe that at some point you will notice that you have become too weak to overlook an offense. When you were strong you used to say things like dont be easily offended. You would even mediate and help people overcome conflicts but now you cannot seem to shake it. Now the offense speaks louder than the still small voice that you used to chase after. I speak life to your ears and eyes. I speak clear vision and hearing. Awaken from your sleep and dont be ignorant concerning your enemys schemes. He is a low down dirty scoundrel. If he has accomplished this kind of trickery in your life, I command you in the name of Christ to wake up and reconnect to Divine Government. It is for your protection. Dont despise the authority that He placed in your life to be your power source. Try not to cringe at the word authority. Embrace the government that He has placed upon you. Being rightly placed under right government authorizes you to act righteously on the behalf of Christ. Our kingdom status is not static, it is dynamic. What we do in the here and now is what determines where we are
actively located. It is not what we have done but it is about what space we are in right now. Christ came so that He could get us realigned under proper government and give us authority and power as the congregation of the mighty. Mighty people are not confused about the character of God. We will uphold His Institutions of Authority and remain faithful and loyal not only to the Lawgiver by delighting ourselves in His Law and in His Courts. Silence the Snake who is lying to you about the government you are under. Cultivate your garden. Worship and serve your Lord. Walk in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Terrance L. Frederick, Apostle.
which was with me. (NKJV) The grace of God in Pauls life produced something. What we need to understand is that Gods grace is given that we might attain to the measure of the stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:7-16). Grace should be defined as divine enablement. He enables us to become what we could never attain through our own efforts. This is why what we are in our flesh nature is not a hindrance to becoming. His grace releases us from the requirements of the law and renders it invalid in its claims upon our lives. It is His grace that enables us to see the Adam Nature crucified. We are free to be all that God has purposed for us.
excuse when we understand the grace Cost: $60.00 of God. Of course we cant do it, but Sign-up deadline; Sun. May 4th Gods grace (divine enablement) makes a way for the completion of Recurring Events Gods provision in us. God has provided the means, but its our responsiWomen Of Warfare bility to make it happen. 2 Peter 3:18 Empowering women, meeting tells us to grow in grace. needs, and promoting sisterhood Gods grace enables us to bear what we could not otherwise bear and do what we could not otherwise do. We are to grow in grace until we overcome self-centeredness. We are to grow in grace until our problems seem as though they are nothing in the light of Gods love. To grow in grace means that we perceive that God is greater than anything that we might face in this world. Lets use the grace of God to reach our fullest potential in Christ!
Strong Men Manhood and Christ-likeness are synonymous 9:30 am Every 3rd Saturday
God has made provision for us. Grace is the divine enablement to walk in Deacon Harold M. Brogdon, Jr. that provision. God has nothing less than our perfection in mind. We are called that we might be conformed to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29). Being conformed to His image means bearUpcoming Events ing His Nature. For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Eph. 2:8 (NKJV). Grace through faith is the key. All of Gods provision for us lies dormant until we begin to exercise faith to experience it. Faith working through divine enablement is what brings us into the fulfillment of all Gods provision for us. Grace should be considered an action word, not a passive acceptance of mercy. Because God has provided everything we need to be conformed to the image of His son, we have the responsibility to appropriate it through faith. Our faith will be continually energized by divine enablement to attain Gods perfect will for our lives if we step out and believe. I cant do it or change myself is no
A Fundraiser Supporting and empowering our youth Every 1st and 3rd Sunday Every Month After Service
A Lock-In Fri. Apr. 4th @ 7pm Youth Fellowship A time of fun and fellowship for the young people
Last Sunday of every month @ 4:30 pm