Merilyn B. Agne: Career Objective

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Merilyn B.


242G Uytengso St., Jones Avenue, Sambag 1, Cebu City Mobile Number: + !"1#$$% %1& , + !"2 "12 %12 'mail A((ress: [email protected]



)o buil( a long*term +areer in a ,osition -.ere my ,assion an( e/,erien+e a+0uire( -ill be utili1e( an( to 2ee, u, -it. o,,ortunities 3or +areer gro-t. an( ,ersonal (evelo,ment.

My 3our years o3 -or2ing e/,ose( me to t.ree ty,es o3 4obs: a(ministrative, an( +ustomer su,,ort agent. ).ese 4obs taug.t me to (eal -it. (i33erent +lients an( ma(e me versatile enoug. to be+ome 3ast learner in (i33erent 3iel(s. 6 ma2e sure every +lient is serve( -ell t.roug. 0uality +ustomer servi+e. 6 value integrity an( (is+i,line an( 6 -or2 .ar( -it. little or no su,ervision.


7osition: 8uration: Com,any: Com,any 6n(ustry: A((ress: Customer Service Representative 9+tober 2#1!*7resent Convergys Philippines :79 :ana-a, Cebu City, 7.ili,,ines

8uties an( ;es,onsibilities: Ans-er +alls in a ,rom,tly manner an( treating +ustomers 3airly< avoi(ing (is+rimination o3 all ty,es. A((ressing +ustomer=s +on+erns by ,rovi(ing +om,lete, +om,liant an( a++urate in3ormation. >ollo-ing all t.e ,oli+ies an( ,ro+e(ures issue( by t.e management to ensure goo( +ustomer=s e/,erien+e Maintaining goo( s+.e(ule a(.eren+e an( goo( ,er3orman+e in(ivi(ually or as team. Ans-er +ustomer?s 0uestions about t.e ,ro(u+t. Assists on 3i/ing ,roblems o3 t.e ,ro(u+t @e.g. ,.one, insuran+e, ,.one ,lansA )a2es note o3 +all ,ro+ee(ings an( resolution ,rovi(e( 6ntro(u+es ne- ,ro(u+t o33ers 3it +ustomer=s nee(s. Ans-er inboun( +alls an( ma2e outboun( +alls

7osition: 8uration: Com,any: Com,any 6n(ustry: A((ress:

Private Communications Teacher >ebruary 2#12 B Se,tember 2#1! )C7AD Mining Com,any )aganito, Surigao City, 7.ili,,ines

8uties an( ;es,onsibilities: Con(u+ts assessment o3 stu(ent t.roug. -ritten an( oral tests. 8esigns ,ros,e+tus or ,rogram ,er stu(ent level @basi+, interme(iate, a(van+eA Eee,s re+or( o3 (aily evaluation an( +lass -it. stu(ent 8esigns tests an( e/ams. Can(les +lass using intera+tive an( +ontent*base( instru+tion

7osition: 8uration: Com,any: Com,any 6n(ustry: A((ress: 8e,artment:

Customer Service&Technical Agent August 2#11 B 8e+ember 2#11 Stream 'lo(al Services) #nc. :usiness 7ro+ess 9utsour+ing Cebu City, 7.ili,,ines 9,erations

8uties an( ;es,onsibilities: Ans-er +alls in a ,rom,tly manner an( treating +ustomers 3airly< avoi(ing (is+rimination in all ty,es. A((ressing +ustomer=s +on+erns by ,rovi(ing +om,lete, +om,liant an( a++urate in3ormation. >ollo-ing all t.e ,oli+ies an( ,ro+e(ures issue( by t.e management to ensure goo( +ustomer=s e/,erien+e. Maintaining goo( s+.e(ule a(.eren+e an( goo( ,er3orman+e. Ans-er +ustomer?s 0uestions about t.e ,ro(u+t. Assists on 3i/ing ,roblems o3 t.e ,ro(u+t @e.g. internet, ,.oneA )a2es notes o3 +all ,ro+ee(ings 6ntro(u+es ne- ,ro(u+t o33ers Ans-er inboun( +alls an( ma2e outboun( +alls

7osition: 8uration: Com,any: Com,any 6n(ustry: A((ress: 8e,artment:

Legislative Sta** July 2#1# B July 2#11 Bayugan City Local 'overnment Do+al Government :ayugan City, 7.ili,,ines Degislative 8e,artment

8uties an( ;es,onsibilities: 8ra3ts an( e(its resolution an( or(inan+e. 9rgani1es ,ubli+ity o3 ne- la-s ,asse( @e.g. Ne-s,a,er ,ubli+ity, mass +on3eren+e, ,ostingsA A+ts as se+retary (uring legislative sessions. Frites minutes an( 4ournals. A+ts as 96C in manager?s absen+e @un(ersigns 4ournals an( la-sA. 7re,ares meeting agen(a an( ,o-er ,oint ,resentation. Eee,s re+or(s in $S system. 8o+2ets ne- la-s an( or(inan+es 3rom ,assing to a,,roval. 'ntertains -al2*in +lients an( o33i+ials as2ing 3or ,ubli+ re+or(s. Ans-er ,.one +alls.


Certi*icate o* Eligi(ility A,ril 2#1# Legislative Training *or Secretaries Mar+. 2#11

Cum Dau(e @SG 2##"*2#11A :est Un(ergra(uate ).esis


'(u+ation Devel: 7ost Gra(uate

'(u+ation >iel(: Course: S+.ool5University: A((ress: '(u+ation Devel: '(u+ation >iel(: Course: S+.ool5University: A((ress: '(u+ation Devel: S+.ool5University: A((ress: '(u+ation Devel: S+.ool5University: A((ress:

Master=s 8egree Pu(lic A.ministration St. 7aul University Surigao City, 7.ili,,ines College 8egree :a+.elor o3 Arts Ma/or in English Min(anao State University*6ligan 6nstitute o3 )e+.nology 6ligan City, Danao 8el Norte, 7.ili,,ines Se+on(ary :ayugan National Com,re.ensive Cig. S+.ool :ayugan City, Agusan (el Sur, 7.ili,,ines 'lementary :ayugan Central 'lementary S+.ool :ayugan City, Agusan (el Sur, 7.ili,,ines


7ro3i+ient in ma4or relevant +om,uter a,,li+ations li2e MS For(, MS '/+el, 7o-er7oint 7resentation 7ro3i+ient in -ritten an( verbal 'nglis. an( is +a,able o3 s,ea2ing in 3ront o3 large +ro-(s ;esear+. @-it. +on+entrations in Ne-s an( 'vents an( Current A33airsA


Age: 8ate o3 :irt.: Gen(er: Civil Status: Ceig.t:
Feig.t: Nationality: ;eligion:

24 2 Se,tember 1"%" >emale Single 4=11==

%2 lbs >ili,ino :ible :a,tist C.ristian

Masahisa Miya0a1a A(viser 3or A(ministration )aganito C7AD Ni+2el Cor,. Claver, Surigao City, 7.ili,,ines + !"1&$%4%"1 Ms. +atima $oy Almare2 A(viser, A: 'nglis. MSU*6ligan 6nstitute o3 )e+.nology 6ligan City, 7.ili,,ines + !"1$4#!!4&! %enus Parmisana) M.A. ).esis A(viser MSU*6ligan 6nstitute o3 )e+.nology 6ligan City, 7.ili,,ines + !"!2!1 4$" I possess a positive outlook with the willingness to work above and beyond the call of duty.

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