Cohesive Zone Models vs. XFEM
Cohesive Zone Models vs. XFEM
Cohesive Zone Models vs. XFEM
JOINT CENTER OF EXCELLENCE for ADVANCED MATERIALS, FAA Cooperative Agreement 04-C-AM-PU. Damage Tolerance and Durability of Adhesively Bonded Composite Structures Technical Monitor: Curt Davies Cost share: Purdue University Additional Funding: Catterpillar Inc.
T. Siegmund, Purdue
Research Accomplishements
Compare cohesive zone model approach to XFEM. Implement fatigue crack growth in XFEM Study contact fatigue failure
T. Siegmund, Purdue
eXtended Finite Element Method Extension of conventional FEM based on the concept of partition of unity;
T. Siegmund, Purdue
u = N I ( x ) [ u I + H ( x )a I ]
I =1 N
T. Siegmund, Purdue
Traction-Sparation Law
Tn,0 K 0 = Tt ,0 0 0 n K0 t =1
T. Siegmund, Purdue
T. Siegmund, Purdue