Bro. Bakht Singh The Apostle of

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The passage provides an overview of the life and teachings of Bro. Bakht Singh, who is described as the 'Apostle of India'. It details his journey from strongly opposing Christianity to establishing churches across India based on biblical teachings.

When he was younger, Bro. Bakht Singh hated Christianity and tore pages from a Bible he was given. He spoke words of blasphemy against the Bible and Jesus Christ for about 10 years.

Bro. Bakht Singh always wanted to go abroad for higher education. He convinced his mother to convince his father to let him travel to England to pursue this, promising not to change his religion.


Apostle of

Born June 6th 1903

Called to Glory September
17, 2000
The Apostle of India
There are but few men in this contemporary world who
are in the order of the apostles of the early church, who
are without a blemish, whom no man can point a finger
at, who solely depended on God and God alone for
every need and every want, who walked by faith, who
moved nations and who brought thousands and even
millions of people to the saving knowledge of our lord
JESUS CHRIST. One such unbelievably real man, with
whom God blessed this world, especially India, even
more so Andhra Pradesh, was Brother Bakht Singh. If
you look at his life and his Testimony, You will come to
understand why many call him the Apostle of India.
Bro. Bakht Singh was
born on June 6, 1903,
of well-to-do parents,
Jawahar Mal Chabra and
Lakshmi Bai, in the
northern sector of Punjab
that later became part of

In this region
Bro. Bakht Singh
was born to Hindu
Parents but he was
raised as a Sikh. He
had a Staunch Belief
in His religion and
he was very proud
of the same.
One thing that
Bro Bakht Singh really
hated as he was growing
up was Christianity. He
never liked Christians and
he never made friends
with them. When he was
presented a Bible
at his school for his
academic excellence,
He tore all of its pages
and kept the Cover,
because it was really
“I had torn the Bible in the
year 1919 in my blindness.
And for full ten years I was
speaking words of
blasphemy against Bible
and Lord Jesus Christ, in my
Travel to England for Higher
Bro Bakht Singh always wanted to go abroad for his
higher education. He loved the western culture and
their rich lifestyle. But his Father strongly opposed the
idea of his son leaving the country. His Mom feared
that he will loose his religion if he goes to the West.
But Bro Bakht Singh was fervent in his pursuit and
finally convinced his Mother to convince his Father to
let him go to England. He Finally set out on his Voyage
to England after promising his Mother that he will not
change his religion whatever may come his way.
Soon Bro. Bakht Singh got accustomed to
the rich life style of the English. He
indulged in every pleasure and threw away
money like water. Sometimes He would
shop a whole day for a Single ‘Tie’. He also
learnt how to show false expenses and get
more money from his father. There is
nothing an English could do and he
couldn’t. He finally declared to himself
that he is now completely English.
Though he thought he learnt every thing
and indulged in every pleasure he still
felt some thing is lacking. He could never
find true peace and happiness and the
restlessness seemed to grow even more.
He was still searching for true happiness.
Coming to the Lord.
In his own words.
And with out any man coming to
me and with out my going to any
meeting, on December the 16th
1929, I was in Canada, Winnipeg. In
my own room I could feel some
body coming to me and uncovering
all my sins and my body dead
spots. And there came a very fishy
And the voice came “Bakht Singh,
these spots you are seeing, the smell
you are smelling is because of your
sins”. And one by one God uncovered
all my sins. I trembled. I said, “O God
it’s quite true. I have done these
shameful things, I defiled my body, I
have money but no peace. I have
education, but my life is a failure.
Any hope for a man like me ??
And the voice came “This is my body
broken for you, This is my blood shed
for the remission of your sins”. I
replied “Lord !! These words are
beyond my understanding. I don’t
know what they mean, But one thing,
no man can say such like words to
me. Either my friends or my relations
or my even Sikh gurus...
“Lord they are your words and with
out understanding I believe. Your
body was broken for me and your
blood was shed for the remission of
my sins”. And the voice came ”Lo
your sins be forgiven“. To me it was
a Miracle. I lost all desire in a second
for cinema theatre, dancing, drinking
and smoking..
I read the whole Bible in Six weeks. From Genesis
to Revelation. I was so much drawn to it. There is
one segment in the beginning, “And God Said, And
God said, And God Said” that affected me. It was
written 558 times in the first five books. And I said
Lord Speak With me. I recognize the Living Savior
and the Loving Savior and Mighty Savior. At that
time I had Nasal Catarrh for 12 years. I prayed One
night “Lord Thou art the same, Thy word says so,
And I believe it. “Heal my Nose and My Throat” and
like that, He healed the me very same evening.
He commits himself to the lord
I said “Lord I am not qualified. I have
no gifts, no talents, I am not worthy
to be your servant. How can I be?
Now you want me, I am ready. I have
no choice. You can keep me any
where, I will go. Send me to any
country, I am ready. I don’t know
what I can do.”
The lord’s conditions
• Lord said to me “I accept you for my Service on three
conditions” .The first condition was “withdraw your
claim from your property in Punjab”. “My father had at
that time a factory and property .I m in the family
eldest son we are six brothers .God said to me “leave
the property. And never tell any human being friends
or relations by letter or by hint about your personal
needs .Tell me about it”.
• Secondly ,”serve all equally as I command you. Don't
serve a society , serve all”
• And thirdly, “do not make your one plans ,let me lead
you day by day” and I replied, “Lord I agree”.
Living church
He always had a vision for a living church. A
church built on the foundation of Christ, and is
according to the will of the God. He had to make
sure that the newly born Christians are growing
in the Lord. Which again means a Living Church.
He believed that, the job of the preacher is not
over, just with conversion. That’s what he
ministered and that’s what he established.
In His Own Words
We have no longing for a building
and a property. We only want to
be sure, we are building the
living church, we have seen of
the God’s word, a living church. A
living church that can help
people to grow spiritually. They
will never go by themselves.
They need fellowship, they need
prayer, they need worship, they
need witness, they need
suffering and persecution, they
need oneness, together they
need all the gifts, necessary for
the growth of the whole church.
His Ministry
He professed “Simple Faith, like that of a child”.
And that the only way any one can be made
righteous, is through Faith. He believed in and
preached the power of resurrection.

He never asked any human being for money or any

kind of financial support. It’s God who provided all
the needs in abundance
In his own words
Never given the least hint anybody
about money. The word money I have
never mentioned, any meeting. No
Subscription, no membership fee, no
fee of any kind, no cameras no
reports any kind. All these years God
has supplied every need in
Fervent Prayers
He was very fervent in his prayers and
would never cease to pray until God
He always waited on
God, and always made
sure that what ever he
did, was according to
the Will of the God.
And he had much
burden for others.
Started saying “Lord Give the Answer, Give
the Answer” Lord wont speak to me. One night
very late after mid night, I said “Lord I give
thee promise, Give thee a solemn promise, I
will obey you, I will pay any price, I don’t care
if I am never invited by any body else to
conduct any campaign, Its not my calling, your
business Lord give, me the answer.
I promise you solemnly upon my face, I
will obey it. I will pay any price. I want to
be sure of thy heavenly plan for thy
people. I cant see people just going
backwards and back sliding and have been
received by false teaching and false
doctrine. Lord give the answer. I said I’ll
pay the price. Lord Spoke to me”
God’s Answer to his prayers.
Revival in martinpur

I believe God has an answer. God has an

answer. I believed it . So on 14th of June
1937. I said Friends this is my last evening. I
am going away tomorrow. I feel my stay here
wouldn’t be any use to you. Let’s just pray. I
told them, would you all please stand for
prayer. Its summer time, Open Field. They all
Stood up and I began to pray.
With a heavy heart, feeling very sad and
discouraged as I saw people’s condition, making
fun of God's word. As I was praying, one man
standing in front of me just fell like a log. I
thought may be he was stung by a scorpion. In
villages it happens quite often. Then after, a
second man fell down. Again a log of wood on
the ground. A Huge cry. One by one they all
began to roll on the ground. crying for mercy.
Oh God have mercy up on me I am a great
More than I don’t know how many people
were crying. One pastor, elder came
running to me “stop this, stop this, stop
this”. I cant stop it, Ask God to Stop it. How
can I stop it?” And it went on for three
Next day I told them “Friends, God has
spoken to you. You must obey him. You
have to make peace. Go and make peace.”
There was a great procession, First time in
the whole district, more than two thousand
people went marching, giving the gospel. It
became like heaven upon earth.
His teachings were very precise and His
Knowledge of the word was
Who are pastors ? .. pastors who are loving
shepherds, kind shepherds, large heart kind
heart, who suffer with them like a shepherd
with sheep. I have seen shepherds in Punjab
who stay with their sheep day and night. They
won’t come home for two days. They sacrifice
to be shepherd of Gods flock. they are
pastors, not only preachers we need men like
that who knew how to shepherd God’s flock,
feed them in love and grace and care and
prayers, diligence share their burdens.

Who are the apostles?

Those who have the
authority to build and
establish churches.
His Teachings…
• He Preached Nothing but the Bible.
• He Established many churches which are in the
order of the early church of the apostles.
• He Stressed on the importance of Personalized
Worship and how Lord seeks those that worship
him in Spirit and in Truth.
• He insisted on taking part in the Lords Table every
week and cleansing ourselves as oft as we could
Holy convocation

• He held his first "Holy Convocation," based on Leviticus 23, in Madras

in 1941. After this convocation were held annually in Madras and
Hyderabad in the South, and in Ahmadabad and Kalimpong in the
North. And thousands were saved during these convocations.
• Even Today’s Holy Convocation is a continuation of what he Started
Years ago.
Remarks about him
"I have never seen a man who has a
greater knowledge and understanding of
the Bible than Bro. Bakht Singh. All our
Western preachers and teachers seem to
be children before this great man of God,"
said Dr. Bob Finley, President of Christian
Aid Mission, an agency that assisted Bro.
Bakht Singh in the earlier days of his
After visiting Bro Bakht Singh and some of his
churches, missionary statesman, author and
teacher Norman Grubb, commented "In all my
missionary experience, I think these churches are
on the New Testament foundation, the nearest I
have seen to a replica of the early church and a
pattern for the birth and growth of the young
churches in all the countries which we used to
talk about as mission fields."
Passing on to glory

• Brother Bakht Singh the great man of God, went home to

glory on September 17, 2000. at his home and
headquarters in Hyderabad, India, which left so many of his
fellow believers in great grief. Over 600,000 people
gathered in Hyderabad over a period of 5 days to pay their
last tribute to the departed spiritual Leader.
We remember him today and give thanks to the
Lord for him. Though he is not in our midst today,
we still have his example, his ministry, his Faith and
the very many living Testimonies who are the Fruits
of His Ministry. And most of all we have the blessed
hope of Salvation that one day we all will be in the
presence of the LAMB upholding HIS beauty and
worshiping HIM along with the other saints, with full
of Joy and everlasting peace.
Glory to God and God alone, for ever and ever.

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