Eee In-Depth Mahana Pass-1

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Lesson Plan Outline

Class being taught: EIL

Prepared on: October 21,2013 To be used on :

Evening English Exchange

Sponsor Teacher (if applicable): Sister Bunker

Pre-Assessment For the 4/3/ 2 activityThe tutor will assign the students to work in pairs. The tutor will first, discuss the objective of the task. They will introduce the topic which is, How they can build friendship from different nations while studying at BYUH and while working at PCC? They students will start at the same time. The tutors will set the timer to make sure that everyone will speak at the same length and to help them develop their speaking fluency. Student A will and student A will take turns in speaking. Both A and B students will be given same time and same opportunity to speak. Both will be given same topics. For Akeelah and the BeeThe tutor will explain why this video is very useful for their learners. Then, they will share their own thoughts and their own experience how this video help them in learning new vocabulary words in the target language. After watching the video, the tutors will discuss what the students like about the video and how it can help them motivate to learn more vocabulary words in the target language. Materials Akeelah and the Bee video Timer

Course Objective For 4/3/2 activity-To help the learners increase their

speed of speaking, decrease hesitations in speaking the target language, and reduced errors in repeated parts of the speaking. For Akeelah and the BeeTo help the learners increase their motivation in leaning new words in the target language. To help the learners learn new strategies in learning new vocabulary words in the target language. To help the learners realize that they can have mentors to help them achieve their goal in learning the target language. Lesson Objective(s) For 4/3/2 activityThe students will be able to encourage to speak faster. For Akeelah and the Beethe students will be able to learn new strategies in learning new vocabulary words in the target language and will increase their motivation to learn the target language. Overview
For 4/3/2 activity--Explain why it

Housekeeping Take the attendance Announce the next schedule

Technology Component Computer Projector

is important to learn new

vocabulary words in the target language. For Akeelah and the Bee-Explain why it is important to learn different

for the next EEE. Inform about the utilities that can help them improve their speaking and writing skills. Promote Reading/writing

techniques/strategies in learning words in the target language and why motivation serves as a driving force in leaning the target language.

center and Language/Speech Center.

Review/Development, and Time For the 4/3/2 activity- Tutors will set up the room before the actual activity. The first task is in pair so the room is set up in two by two, chairs facing each other. The directions of each task is written in advance on the board in order to make sure that they will understand the directions from the tutors (for the sake of low level learners). The learning work in pairs. Each learners has a few minutes to mentally prepare a talk on a given topic. Learner A will then takes four minutes to present her talk to learner B. Then, they change partners. They will follow the same routine but the time length will be three minutes and then, two minutes. The decreasing time adds a challenge to the activity, and encourage the learner to speak faster. For the Akeelah and the BeeThe tutors will discuss the purpose why they prepare the video. They will give an overview of the video. They will share their thoughts and experience of how the video help them learn new strategies in learning new vocabulary words in the target language. The tutors will challenge the students to pay attention to the strategies in the video and announce they will have discussions about it after watching it. The discussions after the video will start by asking each one of them which strategies stood out and they think they can use in learning new words in the target language.

Assignment/Practice -For the 4/3/2 activity they will

Philosophical Justification Help the students develop their fluency in speaking.

look for someone where they can practice their speaking skills, someone they are comfortable talking to and someone they can trust. -For Akeelah and the Bee they will identify the strategies that they learn from the video and will apply it.

Teach the students on how to learn new words in the target language effectively. Teach the students new technique/strategies how to learn new words and how to use them and keep them.

Summary The students enjoyed the activity so much and no one leave during the full hour. They asked us when we will teach again. Ryan said that it was the highest number of attendance for EEE.

Self-evaluation The students enjoyed the tasks we prepared for them. The students were encouraged to speak faster and we help them decrease their hesitation in speaking the target language. The students learned new vocabulary words in the target language. The students also learned new techniques/strategies on how to learn new words and how to keep them in the target language. It would be better if the students are asked to write the things they have learned in their learner's journal so they won't forget their experience in learning new language.

Contingency Plan Have the students read different articles provided by the tutors and share the best one to their partners.

Have the students answer the worksheets (learning new vocabulary words) provided by the tutors.

Lesson Plan Outline

Class being taught: EIL Sponsor Teacher : Sister Bunker

Prepared on : October 28, 2013 To be used on : Evening English Exchange

Materials Worksheets (Finding the meaning with clue words) Books (From the reading/writing center) and personal books. Board eraser

Pre-Assessment The tutors will introduce the theme for the night which is Extensive Reading They will discuss how extensive reading can help them improve their vocabulary skills and explain to them how to engage to do large quantities of reading. Then, the tutor will discuss the first task which is to train learners in guessing from the context. The tutor will discuss what context clue means and show several examples of how to predict or guess meaning of unknown words from the context clues. The tutor will explain that this is the most useful strategy because it can be applied to thousands of words and can be done incidentally while reading and listening. The tutors will then discuss clue words that may help their students. The tutor will give some examples and then, ask the learners to answer the worksheets provided by the tutor. The tutor will give them enough time to answer the worksheets. After answering they will discuss the answer and each student will have an opportunity to

answer. Then, they will proceed with the other activities provided by the other tutors. Course Objective The students will be able to learn the importance of extensive reading in learning the target language, improving their vocabulary, learning the most useful strategy of all vocabulary strategies and engage themselves in large quantities of reading. Lesson Objective(s) The students will be able to guess the meaning of the unknown words from context clues. Overview Housekeeping Explain why it is important to -Get the attendance learn strategies in guessing the meaning of unknown words from context clues. Explain the importance of the role of extensive reading in learning the target language. -Announce the next EEE -Advertise reading/writing center Spread the good news that they can check out up to 26 books in two weeks. The books are classified into different levels.

Technology Component Laptop projector

Review/Development, and Time The tutors will prepare the room in advance and make sure that the temperature is just right. The tutors will pass the roll call in order to keep the record of who attended that night. The tutors will show different books to the learners. Then, they will discuss the theme of the night which is, Extensive reading they will explain the important role it plays in learning new words in the target language. And explain that there are many interesting books suitable for their levels available in the reading/writing center. And most, importantly point out the joy you get from reading extensively. The tutor will then introduce the first task, Finding the meaning with clue words. The teacher will discuss what context clues mean and will cite examples in order to help the

learners understand it better. The tutor will pass the worksheet and will give 5 minutes to answer. The tutor will discuss the answer to class providing that each of the learners will be part of the discussion. The teacher will point out that the most useful of the vocabulary strategies is guessing the meaning of unknown words from context clues. Then, the other tutor will introduce the next task also related to extensive reading. Assignment/Practice -Go to the reading /writing center and look at the books and identify which books they want to check out that will help them learn new words of the target language. (Make sure that the books are appropriate to their levels). Philosophical Justification Teach the students the importance of extensive reading in learning the target language. Help the students understand that it can help them improve their vocabulary in the target language and it will give them new information. Express the joy we get from reading extensively. To engage students in large quantities of reading. Help the students utilize the facilities provided by this institution (reading/writing center and language/speech center).

Summary Self-evaluation The students enjoyed the tasks and Both the students and the tutors enjoyed the night. The tasks were able to see the important role of extensive reading in learning new words in the target language. They also learn the importance of context clues in guessing the meaning of unknown words. Contingency Plan Using the laptop and projector, have each students read one sentence and identify the clues provided by the tutors are all related to extensive reading. All the tutors were given equal amount of time to execute their tasks. The students were able to participate in the discussion. The students even asked us when we will teach again. This is really a good indication that they enjoyed it. We suggested that they come to EEE regularly and we pointed out that whoever will teach does not matter, they will learn something for sure.

words and have them find the meaning of the word. Each of the students will get an opportunity to answer ask help from their seat mate if they do not know the answer.

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