O u n c e s 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 OUNCES PRODUCTION PROFILE Carachugo Maqui Maqui Yanacocha La Quinua Total Yanacocha Overview Discovered in 1985 Production started 1993 Current Ownership Newmont 51.35% Buenaventura 43.65% IFC 5% Peru Lima Cajamarca Peru Lima Cajamarca Current Operations Standard open-pit mining Oxide and Transition run of mine heap leach Carbon and Merrill-Crowe processing 15,000 m3/h combined recovery plant capacity Process and acid water treatment 4,800 m3/h treatment capacity Oxide / Transition mill Future Snapshot Open pit and potential underground mining Oxide and Transition heap leach Oxide / Transition / Sulfide mill Gold / Silver / Copper concentrate production Yanacocha Overview YANACOCHA OXIDES PIT Deep Transition Mineral/GoldMill Sulfides Mill Process Yanacocha Gold Mill Opening Yanacocha Overview Gold Mill Project Project Safety Project Environmental Project Overview Comminution Circuit CCD SART/AVR Tailings Operation Results Close Project Safety Construction achieved safety excellence on the project 3.6 million manhours without a lost time accident TRAFR actual of 0.70 Vs planned of 0.76 LTAFR actual of 0.03 Vs planned of 0.05 Implemented a site specific electrical storm warning alert system which protected the work force from electrical storms permitting working in safe conditions during construction. Safety Trends 0.00 0.30 0.60 0.90 1.20 1.50 N o v -0 5 J a n -0 6 M a r - 0 6 M a y - 0 6 J u l- 0 6 S e p -0 6 N o v -0 6 J a n -0 7 M a r - 0 7 M a y - 0 7 J u l- 0 7 S e p -0 7 N o v -0 7 J a n -0 8 M a r - 0 8 M a y - 0 8 TRAFR Target Cum. TRAFR Cum. LTAFR LTAFR Target 0.76 0.05 Project Environmental Construction achieved environmental excellence on the project Environmental CPI actual of 92% Vs a planned of 89% Reclaimed areas immediately after areas construction complete. Environmental Friendly Design Tailings placement with active La Quinua leach pad a world first Tailings containment uses common liner and drainage system incorporated with the leach pad design. Tailings solutions are fully contained same as the La Quinua leach pad. Project Overview Business Objectives Improve financial returns Prepare for complex ores Efficiently exploit the resource potential Provides infrastructure and skills base to support future sulfide ore processing Capital Costs P50 Initial Capital Budget $240 M Initial Capital Forecast $228 M Total Capital Budget $250 M Total Capital Forecast $245 M Initial capital includes feasibility, engineering, construction, commissioning Total project capital includes capital interest, pre-production costs and pre- production revenue before project achieves commercial production. Project achieved commercial production in one month, pre-production revenue not credited to project but to operations Construction Schedule Startup (first ore only) Budget Q1 2008 Actual Q1 2008 Commercial Production (first ore only) Budget Q2 2008 Actual Q2 2008 (Plant achieved commercial production) Project completed within P50 Budget Construction Statistics Earthworks 1,175,000 M Concrete 31,000 M S/Steel 1,700 ton Piping 35,000 lm Cable Tray 8,500 lm Electrical cable 240,000 lm Contractors All contractors Peruvian Earthworks Translei Concrete Works GYM Tanks Haug Structural/Mechanical SSK Piping/Electrical Local area contractors used promoting local work Consitel Hurteco Angeles Ceyca Transporte Durant Reclamation, fencing, drainage rip- rap, general cleaning executed by Community Contractors YGM Construction Progress 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% J u l- 0 6 S e p - 0 6 N o v - 0 6 J a n - 0 7 M a r - 0 7 M a y - 0 7 J u l- 0 7 S e p - 0 7 N o v - 0 7 J a n - 0 8 M a r - 0 8 M a y - 0 8 %
C o m p l e t e Recovery Plan Early Plan Late Plan Actual Recovery Target Actual Ore to Mill Commercial Production Oxidos Mixto Sulfuros AuCN/AuFA CuCN SS ratio ppm % Oxide >0.6 <250 <1.5 Transitional <0.6 <1500 <1.5 Sulfide >1500 >10 Ore Characterization Process Flow Sheet Crusher Feed Bin Jaw Crusher Stockpile Feed Conveyor Crushed Ore Stockpile (11 hr Storage) Mill Feed Conveyor Single Stage SAG Mill (620tph) 16.5MW Gearless Drive Cyclones Linear Trash Screens Sump & Pump Pre-Leach Thickener Process Water Tank Lime & Cyanide Mill Sands Disposal at La Quinua Leach Pad Flocculant NaHS & H2SO4 Flocculant Carbon Treatment At La Quinua NaOH Recovered NaCN To Process Water Tank Flocculant CONCENTRATE SALES Feeder & Vibrating Grizzly EXISTING AT AGGLOMERATOR Leach Circuit (6 Tanks @ 24 hrs) Dilution Water Precip Thickener SART Neutralization Tanks (4 Stages) Gypsum Recycle Stripping & Adsorption Columns (1 Set installed Initially, 5 eventually) La Quinua Carbon Adsorption Circuit CCD Wash Solution (LQ Barren) AVR CIRCUIT SART CIRCUIT GOLD LEACH PRIMARY CRUSHER (Existing) Lime & Cyanide CCD CIRCUIT 5 Stages Precip Filter and Bagging Plant Gypsum Recycle to Pre-leach Thickener SAG MILLING CRUSHED ORE STOCKPILE Flocculant PRE-LEACH THICKENER Flocculant Gypsum Thickener Lime Copper Sulfide Precipitate Eluate Treatment at Yanacocha Norte Carbon Eluate SART & AVR Bypass (Oxide Ores) AVR Bypass NaCN Recycle LQ Barren Solution for CCD Wash and Process Water Make-Up Pregnant Solution Transfer to LQ Reclaimed Water to LQ Leach Pads SART NEUTRALIZATION Raw Water Supply From LQ AWTP Existing Water Tank at LQ Agglomeration Lime Storage Tank Lime Slurry From Lime Slaker at LQ AWTP Crusher Feed Bin Jaw Crusher Stockpile Feed Conveyor Crushed Ore Stockpile (11 hr Storage) Mill Feed Conveyor Single Stage SAG Mill (620tph) 16.5MW Gearless Drive Cyclones Linear Trash Screens Sump & Pump Pre-Leach Thickener Process Water Tank Lime & Cyanide Mill Sands Disposal at La Quinua Leach Pad Flocculant NaHS & H2SO4 Flocculant Carbon Treatment At La Quinua NaOH Recovered NaCN To Process Water Tank Flocculant CONCENTRATE SALES Feeder & Vibrating Grizzly EXISTING AT AGGLOMERATOR Leach Circuit (6 Tanks @ 24 hrs) Dilution Water Precip Thickener SART Neutralization Tanks (4 Stages) Gypsum Recycle Stripping & Adsorption Columns (1 Set installed Initially, 5 eventually) La Quinua Carbon Adsorption Circuit CCD Wash Solution (LQ Barren) AVR CIRCUIT SART CIRCUIT GOLD LEACH PRIMARY CRUSHER (Existing) Lime & Cyanide CCD CIRCUIT 5 Stages Precip Filter and Bagging Plant Gypsum Recycle to Pre-leach Thickener SAG MILLING CRUSHED ORE STOCKPILE Flocculant PRE-LEACH THICKENER Flocculant Gypsum Thickener Lime Copper Sulfide Precipitate Eluate Treatment at Yanacocha Norte Carbon Eluate SART & AVR Bypass (Oxide Ores) AVR Bypass NaCN Recycle LQ Barren Solution for CCD Wash and Process Water Make-Up Pregnant Solution Transfer to LQ Reclaimed Water to LQ Leach Pads SART NEUTRALIZATION Raw Water Supply From LQ AWTP Existing Water Tank at LQ Agglomeration Lime Storage Tank Lime Slurry From Lime Slaker at LQ AWTP Circuit Description D-26 Krebs Cyclone Single Stage SAG Mill Primary Crushing Feed Stockpile Circuit Description Pre-leaching Tickener CCD Circuit Leaching SART Tailing Pumps Circuit Description SART AVR Reagent Facilities La Quinua CIC Facilities Comminution Circuit Installation of a Single Stage SAG Mill with Gearless 16.5 MW Drive Technically superior to SAG and Ball Mill circuit with pinion drives Simpler operation and maintenance than a SAB mill circuit Simplified layout, providing improved access for maintenance Reduced capital costs vs. SAB circuit Reduced operating costs grinding media, maintenance consumables Reduced requirement for capital spares Comminution Circuit Single Stage SAG achieves greater power draw variation At much lower ball charge as much as 500 tonnes Due to higher AG component in power draw More flexible, faster response to ore variations Lower steel media / liner working inventory for steel consumables Forecast 0.3 0.6 kg/t lower steel media consumption vs equivalent SAB circuit Forecast 0.03 0.07 kg/t lower steel liner consumption higher availability with fewer liner changes Lower unit operating costs Comminution Circuit Wraparound drives provide operational advantages over pinion drives Availability Power efficiency Energy utilization Reduced maintenance and lubrication inputs Inching capability Sophisticated frozen charge protection Variable speed and direction A 16.5 MW twin pinion drive arrangement is considered to be at the limits of current drive technology Tailings Overview Tailings management system consists of three components: the tailings storage facility, pipeline corridor and tailings pump system. Tailings Storage Facility Tailings Pipeline Corridor Tailings Pump System Tailings Storage Facility 48 million tones capacity. Located within the LQ heap leach facility. Fully lined facility ties into the LQ leach pad liner system. Constructed in 3 Stages Stage 1 deposition elevation 3612m provides storage capacity for +2 years. Stage 2 deposition elevation 3628m starting in January 2010. Stage 3 deposition elevation 3660meters starting mid 2011. Tailings Liner and Drainage Systems Backup Drainage System Deposition Distribution YGM Ramp Up Tracker - Gold Production Ounces Cumulative 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 1 - F e b 8 - F e b 1 5 - F e b 2 2 - F e b 2 9 - F e b 7 - M a r 1 4 - M a r 2 1 - M a r 2 8 - M a r 4 - A p r 1 1 - A p r 1 8 - A p r 2 5 - A p r 2 - M a y 9 - M a y 1 6 - M a y 2 3 - M a y 3 0 - M a y Budget Forecast Actual YGMill - Ramp Up Tracker Gold Recovery % 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 - F e b 8 - F e b 1 5 - F e b 2 2 - F e b 2 9 - F e b 7 - M a r 1 4 - M a r 2 1 - M a r 2 8 - M a r 4 - A p r 1 1 - A p r 1 8 - A p r 2 5 - A p r 2 - M a y 9 - M a y 1 6 - M a y 2 3 - M a y 3 0 - M a y Actual Budget Forecast Recovery Silver 70% Cooper 35% Mercury 14% YGM - Mill Availability - Daily % 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 - F e b 8 - F e b 1 5 - F e b 2 2 - F e b 2 9 - F e b 7 - M a r 1 4 - M a r 2 1 - M a r 2 8 - M a r 4 - A p r 1 1 - A p r 1 8 - A p r 2 5 - A p r 2 - M a y 9 - M a y 1 6 - M a y 2 3 - M a y 3 0 - M a y Actual Budget Forecast YGM - Tonnes per Hour Milled DTPH 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1 - F e b 8 - F e b 1 5 - F e b 2 2 - F e b 2 9 - F e b 7 - M a r 1 4 - M a r 2 1 - M a r 2 8 - M a r 4 - A p r 1 1 - A p r 1 8 - A p r 2 5 - A p r 2 - M a y 9 - M a y 1 6 - M a y 2 3 - M a y 3 0 - M a y Actual Budget Forecast LOM Gold Mill Production - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 O u n c e s
1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g r
A u / t o n Gold Production Head Grade Gold Production 277 331 269 532 517 807 769 263 204 3,969 Head Grade 2.99 2.69 2.09 3.99 4.07 5.75 5.73 2.97 2.85 3.73 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Yanacocha Total Silver Production Ounces x 1000 - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 1 9 9 3 1 9 9 4 1 9 9 5 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 Gold Mill Ag Leaching Ag Yanacocha Total Gold Production Ounces x 1000 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 1 9 9 3 1 9 9 4 1 9 9 5 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 Gold Mill Au Leaching Au Yanacocha Production - Period until 2016 Control on Line : PI Control Room People 78 people (Operation + Maintenance) from actual operations Performance Associate: Specific Topic (2 months) General Concepts (1 month) Stage in Phoenix, Nevada (13 Technicians, 3 months) Stage in Mines of Peru (Cuajone, Toquepala, Antamina, Orcopampa, Chacua, Antapite, Poderosa, Marsa, Horizonte y Cerro Verde) 2 to 4 weeks, 78 people. Vendors Training Final Construction (2 month) Commissioning and Pre operations (1 month). Star up people support : 5 Inti Raymi, 3 Batu Hijau, 1Twin Creek, 1Jundee and 2 Denver. Yanacocha Gold Mill Opening Yanacocha Overview Gold Mill Project Project Safety Project Environmental Project Overview Comminution Circuit CCD SART/AVR Tailings Operation Results Close