Nicola Tesla Brochure
Nicola Tesla Brochure
Nicola Tesla Brochure
In the years 1898 to 1917 (Tesla aged 42 to 62), Tesla received $150000 (over 3 million today) backing from the philanthropist J.P Morgan to construct a tower that could transmit wireless energy over the Atlantic and even distribute limitless wireless energy to the world. This invention was probably Teslas greatest out of 300 patents. esla started planning the project in 1898 and he went and searched for land and ended up finding 2000 acres of it on Long Island. Tesla named the site Wardenclyffe. The tower was planned to be over 30 metres tall but ended up being nearly 60 metres tall. Unfortunately during 1906 to 1912 Teslas financial stature slowly declined and he lost several law suits including one against George Westinghouse, who had supplied Tesla with materials, where Tesla had $23000 (nearly 3 million dollars today) worth of equipment removed from the site. To continue living in his house, Tesla signed two mortgages to pay for $20000 worth of bills. Eventually J.P Morgan realised that there was no way to regulate the power and therefore no way to make a profit from it. J.P Morgan stopped funding the project immediately and the tower ended up being demolished by the US government. Over the next 25 years Tesla found little opportunities to regain some of his former wealth and he eventually died in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel aged 86 on the 7th of January 1943.