Merritt Morning Market-Oct26/09#1937

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97 00
FROM Protect your
Winter Rims investment with a
all makes & sizes wheel alignment
Please recycle
per tire + taxes from $50 check $1999 with pur-
& installation plus taxes chase of
2 or more tires
SERVING IT UP FRESH… 3 TIMES A WEEK! 2049 Nicola Ave, Merritt. •
Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255



OPEN Our beat is local... our bend, up! The classifieds are free! Box 313, Merritt BC V1K 1B8 BROOKMERE VINTAGE
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
YEAR One size,

‘ROUND! black or Hockey partners with Community

Frame your memories
energy conservation TaiBeginners
Tai Chi, Mondays, 12:15 at
Fans attending the Merritt the Seniors Centre behind Mandolin’s.
Centennials game on Oct. 30 will leave
the building as energy conservation
NV Community Arts Council AGM
They're grrreat!! Courthouse Art Gallery, Tues. Oct 27,
experts. Thanks to a new partnership •Best Quality
7pm. Welcome all current & new mem-
QUILCHENA STORE between the BC Hockey League and BC •Free •Personal
bers. More info 378-6515. Conservation
estimates Service
Hydro, Power Smart representatives Framing
Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt • will be on site to educate attendees on
OPEN 7 DAYS • 378-2753 • [email protected] Live Theatre steak dinner fundraiser
energy efficiency. Hockey fans will be At the Grand 5-9pm, Wed. Oct. 28, 2001 Voght St. • (250)378-5900 •

treated to interactive displays & activi- tickets $15. The cast will perform from
ties on energy conservation. BC Hydro’s their upcoming A Thousand Clowns
Power the Games tour, which travelled production some readings. Tickets to
the province all summer, will be set up the play will be sold, 50-50 tickets & OPEN 7am-9pm DAILY
at the NV Memorial Arena. Attendees memberships… Check out Merritt Live
can make a personal commitment to Theatre: A Thousand Clowns on Facebook. Full breakfast
Auto • Light Truck • Trailer • Tires energy efficiency by joining Team Power Info, 378-1614.
Smart and be entered into a draw for a Fall costume fun night for kids menu available
chance at winning Olympic tickets. Fri., Oct 30, 7-8:30pm, Merritt Baptist •From 7am-11am •Seniors’ menu

Church, 2499 Coutlee Ave. For children

Get a “jumpstart” to your day — have breakfast at Han’s
Fo r be st va lue &
se rv ic e in to w n,
co nt ac t… Kyle Unger acquitted preschool-grade 8. Games, crafts, cos-
tume contests, prizes, no scary/grue-
Kyle has been living in the Nicola
Mike Wainwright

Valley for the past 5 years, after serving some costumes! Admission is free, but a
(250) 280-9432

14 years in jail for a murder he didn’t $1 donation is appreciated. Info 378-2464.

[email protected]
commit. In 2005, DNA testing on a hair, NVWI Fall Fashion Show
the only physical evidence police had Join the fun Saturday, Nov. 7,
linking Kyle to the murder of a Manitoba 1:30pm, in the Merritt Seniors Hall. Call
teen in 1990, confirmed it was not a Bev 378-2536, Carol 378-5446 or June
match, and he was released on bail. 378-5225 for tickets, $4 each.
Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
On Friday, he was formally acquitted
in Winnipeg. Typically, wrongful-con- Specialists
SPACE FOR YOUR AD Christmas fair
Beta Sigma Phi annual Christmas fair
viction cases result in stayed charges or is for crafters and home-based business- ICBC Claims
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
new trials — with Kyle’s case it’s the es, on Sat. Nov 7, 10am-3pm, Merritt
•Commercial •Residential
[email protected]
first time in Canadian history that there Civic Centre. Admission by donation to
has been an acquittal. •Automotive •Industrial
Food Bank, door prize, home-made
But Manitoba’s Justice Minister said lunch available. For tables contact Dian 2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
Kyle isn’t eligible for compensation for
wrongful emprisonment, since he con-
378-6925 or Debbie 378-5538. 378-4531
fessed to the crime. "Without his confes-
Fairy Godmothers’ Casino Royale
On Sat. November 7, the Fairy
SAGEBRUSH SPINNERS AND WEAVERS sion he would not have been charged.
Godmothers of Merritt will hold a casi-
Without the confession he would not
at the Courthouse Art Gallery no night to raise money to help support
have been convicted. Twelve men and
those grads who may not otherwise be
women in a jury convicted him."
able to afford the costs associated with
EXHIBIT, Kyle was convicted after he con-
graduation activities. Tickets are $25
fessed to the murder during an elabo-
each (which includes snacks & play
rate RCMP ‘Mr. Big’ sting operation, in
money for casino games), and are avail- S!
SALE & which officers posed as gang members, GIFT
able at Merritt Drycleaners, Spaner &
along with testimony from a jailhouse XMAS
informant. Kyle says: "When you're Webb, Work & Play, and Planet Hair. It’s G R E AT
DEMONSTRATIONS young, naive and desperate for money, at the Merritt Desert Inn banquet room. MAKE
For more info, call 315-1122.
they (police) hold a lot of promises to
you — you say and do what you have to Country Christmas Wreath Walk Visual Artists of the Nicola Valley
do to survive," he said. "Just like in Pre-register your wreath at Your Celebrating Art and Culture in our Community

prison, you do what you have to do to Dollar Store With More, next to Coopers

up to 3 wreaths per individual or organ-

Arnold Mosley Evelyn Armstrong
October 9 - 31, 2009 survive." In fact, in 2000 in another case,

Available at
Jack Andreasen Bev Veale
a judge ruled that police in a Mr. Big ization. They’ll be on display/silent auc-

Bill Edmonds Georgina Beatty

operation provided ‘overwhelming tion at the Civic Ctre, Nov. 27 & 28. FMI,
RECEPTION Friday, Oct. 9, 7pm Roger Kamp John Taylor
denise 378-2266 days, 378-0475 eves.

inducement’ for a false confession. Mary Longman Leonard A. George

•Baillie House Info Booth
Opie Oppenheim Cindy Trent
•Country Bug Books
SHEEP'S WOOL Q: Name the four seasons. A: Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. Pius Chong Surinder Panghali
Doug Strand Joslyn Freels
FRI. & SAT. 10am-4pm

•Courthouse Art Gallery

Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.
Cass Dolen Les Hampton
International Year
A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like
Shannon Kilroy Bobbi Parkes
of Natural Fibres
MK Dahlquist-Gray Gwayne Point
grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.
Jean Kiegerl Nancy Saddleman
NV community arts
Q: How is dew formed? A: Certain areas of the dessert are cultivated by irrita- This project &

NV Arts Council Ellen Norgaard Jana Sasaki

1840 Nicola Ave.
tion. Then the sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.
Barbara Rode

[email protected]
supported by
Q: What is a planet? A: A body of earth surrounded by sky.

his Week’s Horoscope COSTUMES AND WIGS NOW IN!

Feel, taste Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -
& enjoy the - April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22

difference You discover your own powers

& resources, as well as those of
life itself. Listen to what people
You can fully engage with
partners & employers, while
any projects you have been
Concentrate on issues to do
with health &work as you create
order and priorities, all of which
You are under the sway of your
emotional side, expressing
feelings with vigor & heartfelt
at tell you and to the media, it can working on in the workplace is helped by the support and passion. Changes to routine &

Red Top Restaurant

prove enlightening thanks to start to reveal your own spe- encouragement you get from priorities help bring back bal-

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

some info you come across. cial touch and gifts. children & close relationships. ance between work & leisure.

July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct. 23 - Railyard Mall • 378-2266 With More

Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21
During OCTOBER Now FRIDAY NIGHTS You are interested in establish- Emphasis is on your mental A chance to get finances & You enjoy a clear run in how

Straight Up
ing a firm base for yourself. development & social life. You earnings sorted out as you you express yourself &
get 10% OFF

FISH & CHIPS! Communications with friends &
relatives bring you revealing &
will be active in contacting
people & meeting local
examine ways to make the
most of your natural skills and
progress your everyday
affairs. Rely on intuition & gut
encouraging info that helps to abilities. feel to solve dilemmas.
Seniors movers and shakers. Your

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

20% OFF •Breakfast served heal old hurts. communication improves. OCT. 30 & 31 •Texas Hold’em
Wed 7pm
all the time! from 8am •Fun Darts Mondays,
• Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 - drop-ins welcome
•Lunch from 11am Dec 21 Jan 19 Feb 18 Mar 20 •Karaoke Tuesdays
If it’s your •We do STEAK
You will dig deep within to You are aware of social oppor- At work, people notice your abil- You'll explore new horizons
birthday, your access your inner wisdom & tunities that lie before you ities and give you their backing and improve your appreciation FUNDRAISERS, call
meal is free! 2099 Nicola Ave., Merritt what it is that you really need to when you join up with like- and you can make progress if of what life is all about, and the office
progress. Info you get from you look at new ways to present discover more of the innate • OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
(Min. 2 people) (250) 315-3737 friends could prove very enlight-
minded people. You can make
progress at work thanks to your ideas and projects. powers you have for appreci- •RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
ening. your powers of persuasion. ating life.
MONDAY EDITION — OCTOBER 26, 2009 #1937 Cold, Flu or Sinus

$ 99
Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
personal ARROW canopy fits 5.5' bx, 04 or nwr CRNR tv unit, 5’tall, rose-col., vry gd
F150, lw profile wht w/ tinted side shape, hlds 32” tv $150 378-5977
MISSNG: Chihuahua, lst seen Oct. 20, wndws, lk nw cond. $500obo. 378-0470 SML dsk w/ chair. 6-drwr drssr. Tri-
Rocky Pines/LN area, "Joey", tan col., blk 2 WILD Country LT-245/75R16 wntr light brs lmp, 2 shades. Rose loveseat
collr. Brandy 378-6127, (250)574-8127 tires, used 1 seas. $80/pr. Len 315-9974 w/ blue flwrs. Recliner rckr. Sml
MISSNG: orange tabby, wht chst, ear 4 FACT. alloy whls, 16x7, 5-spk, 6-blt., incl. microwave. Idea sofa chair 378-8383
tattoo “Tigger” 280-1482 caps, fit 92-99 Chev/GMC trcks/Suburbans, ANT. tbl w/ matchng china cab.

Black’s Pharmacy
FND: big, fat blk neut’d male cat, 1400 nw $650, sell $350obo 315-2255 aft 5pm Glassware 378-8326
blck Quilchena/Granite 378-2966 4 EXC. wntr tires P175/70R13 m&s $300 QU-sz matt. & bx sprng, gd shape 378-5806
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
TRU trades student lookng to commute OTF P185/70R14” exc wntr tires 378-6312 WHITE capt's bd $40 315-6063


7am-3pm range. Jonathan 315-2003 4-CYL. 2.5L turbo-charged Plym. FREE loveseat, hvy coffee tbl 315-2336
MISSING since Oct. 12, Sage/Telemon Acclaim, a/c syst. nwr environ.-friendly ARMOIRE for tv w/ 2 drwrs below
area, blue collar, ear tattoo, "Alex". Vry 12A, nw all-seas. radials tires, lots nw $375obo 378-4729
worried family 280-0671 prts $2000obo 378-0902 ULTIMATIC sngl bd $350 378-4384


LOST: Pr blk presc. glasses & red/blk 07 NISSAN Titan, 4x4 xtra cab, loaded, LOVESEAT, rckng chair, comp. dsk,
LG cell phone, DV area, Sun Oct 11 blk, 38,000mi, tw pkg, bck-sensors.

TEL (250)378-5151
378-2157 Chris, Shelley, CLC schl dsk 378-5275
$24,000 315-2508
DAD & young sons looking for fall yrd cln- 87 MAZDA prts vehicle. 88 Mazda 4x4 for sale - electronics/software

Looking for work? Vintage, antique,

up, odd jobs, errnds etc, have trck for garb. w/ xtra mtr, blwn mtr/mech.’s dream. 97 JVC tv 32" w/ sat. rcvr & dsh $200 378-3987
trips, moving, recycling etc. Barney 378-6740 Plym. Voyageur, rns gd $1000. 378-2307

new & used

Start here!
25" oldr flr mdl tv, gd for rec. rm
employment P175 70/R13 Nordic wntr tires on 4-blt $25obo days 315-7183, aft 4 378-6492

Ford rims, 80% tread $120 378-3779

Our services are FREE!

PLANET Fitness 3 lookng for mat., GAME Cube Plat. Ed., still in bx, w/
02 PT Cruiser, premium cnd, 140k, a/c, Zelda game, mem. chip, sp. ed. guidebk

— Newly expanded
resp. frnt dsk/clnr for aft./eves/some auto, roof rck, cruise $6200 378-2498
wknds. Drop resume @ 1901 Quilchena $90obo 378-9626

“Providing a complete
85 CHEV S10 4x4 $3000 firm 280-1482 5-CD disc plyr RCA stereo syt., mp3, 300w,

WAITERS & waitresses wtd @ Red
SET 4 Hankook wntr tires 225/50R16, 6 mos. old, pd $200, sell $50 378-9676

range of employment
Top Rest., mat., rel., wage commensu-
rate with exper. 2099 Nicola Ave. pd $900, sell $500 315-0046 PR Cabela’s 8x25 contact binoculars, lk

services to Merritt and the

HLP wtd: journeyman plumbr & const. 4 STUDDED wntr tires P175/65R14 on nw $95. Pentax SLR 35mm camera w/

2071 Quilchena Ave •

rims, fit Ford Escort $150obo 378-6769 28-90 zoom, lk nw $345 378-9614

Nicola Valley”
“Funded in whole or part through hlpr (250)936-8244
4 BLIZZAK wntr tires 205/70R15, FREE: lrg Radio Shck tv antenna. Kenwd
the Canada-British Columbia EXPER’D kitch. hlp needed @ Yaki Joe’s, f-
Labour Market Development t & p-t, & deliv. drvr, no tel. calls, apply in prsn 75% tread $275 378-2703 quad am/fm/rcrd, 2-4 chnl & spkrs $100.
60 tapes $100. (250)295-3642

Merritt’s ONLY transmission shop!

Agreement”. 89 PLYMOUTH Voyageuur van, rngs
grt $800 378-4335 GE radio tape dck $15 378-6027
TILESETTER w/ 23 yrs exper., reas. 94 FORD Aspre 4-dr sdn $1200 378-4468 3 NINTNDO DS kids games $30 315-6063
81 CHEV Camaro, t-top, 360 sml blck, NEW nokia 6061 flip cell phone w/ nw sim-

rates. Dan 315-4762, 280-1804


Trani Tech Mechanic PIPE IT Plmbng, res., comm., renos, 24- 373 posi $2300obo 378-1904 card on Fido pay-as-you-go $45. Samsung
M300 flip camera cell phone on Virgin

FORD 4x4 77-80 prts: rear axle bckr

Diagno y
•Over 60 plus years experience
hr emerg. serv. Brian 378-4892, 936-8330
plat $75, altern. $20, dist. $25 378-6027 Mobile pay-as-you-go. $60. Nokia 3221
BOOKKPNG, payroll, gov’t remit., wrd unlocked camera phone $50. 378-5004

s tic
FREE scrap car removal. We buy all

• Servicing all makes & models

processing, rprts, spreadsheets/grphs, lttrs, 13” SAMSUNG tv, nwr mdl, hrdly
scrap metal 378-9241

• Guaranteed prrofessional workmanship Road Te

assist. w/ filling out forms, bnk & mail rns used, vry gd cnd $65 378-5813
FULL-sz canopy fits F150 378-8317

Christine’s Office Services 250-315-3805 EXPRESS Vu dsh, 2 rcvrs (4500 +2700)
EAVESTROUGH, press. wshr, bobcat, 05 SLVR Grnd Caravan, 66k, exc cnd,
frnt/rear air, quad seats & bnch, p/l, p/w, w/ crds & wrkng remotes $50 378-9650
dmp trlr, snw removal, reas rates. 378-3496 p/drvr seat, tw pkg, alloy whls, 4 wntr COMPUTER’D typewriter $50 378-2247
PAINTER 35+ yrs exper., inter./exter. tires on rims $12,500 315-0111 MAC Powerbook G4 17” Pro, exc


Bob McBee 378-2164 87 CHEV Caprice wgn, v8 4-spd auto, prop. shape $500 firm Julie 280-8888
for sale - recreational
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. fuel only, 226k, ex-RCMP (250)458-2513
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 FOUR 205/65R15 m&d tires fit 99 Ford


RENT A HUSBAND Fences, lawn care, Taurus $125. Ken 378-8842 41' FBRGLS boat mold, could be used
rubbish removal, hsehold moving, rototilling, for in-grnd swmmng pool or build a pwr
FORD F150 pck up 4x4 378-5387, 315-2094 boat. $500 378-6787
250.378.9241 | 2676 Nicola Ave. 2070 QUILCHENA AVE., (250)378-6993
wndw & gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, 89 DODGE Crvn, 4-cyl. trubo $500 378-0868
int/ext. painting. Lance (250)378-4614 24+ duck decoys $85 378-1361
4 WNTR tires w/o rims m+s P215-60R15 10’ alum. boat w/ elect. mtr, batt., oars
TREE toppng, pruning, removal, lnd- $150obo from 99 Grand Am 378-0979
scpng, rototilling 378-2067 $400 315-1090
SET 8 305 fuel injectors, brnd nw, wrth AIRhockey tbl $60. Foosball tbl$100 378-6312
ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. $900, sell $400obo 315-5690
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- 77 PACE Arrow, 89,000 orig. mi., 440 on
4.3L lw km eng. 280-0584 prop, cls A, 31’, spls 6 $3500 firm 315-2465
scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit 95 DODGE Neon, 160k $1500. 85 Dodge
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 ELAN PSX 188 Reactor Parabolic alpine
Aries $500. Melanie (780)760-6682
skis w/ Tyrolia SL100 bndngs, Filmar ski
livestock/pets & access. bag & Elan 125cm poles. $250 378-4853
STEP UP New aftrschl program, 2175 MEAL worms, elect. yllw cichlids HORIZON fld-away treadmill, hrdly
Nicola Ave (Family place), ages 5-12 $5ea., blk cnvct cichlids $2.50ea. Beaut. used $300 firm 378-9225
1675 Tutill Court
providing kindercare & afterschl care, 55-gal aquarium w/ everythng $300, SLATE pool tbl used 3 mos, snookr & #'d
11:30am-6pm M-F. Jody 378-2973 can email pics 378-6312 balls, rck, cues, brs lt fixt., wrth $6000,

(formerly 2201 Coldwater Ave.) Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700

HIDEE-HO Daycare, LN, acceptng 3 CUTE, healthy kittens read for gd sell $1500. Zodiak 1 pontoon boat, oars,
kids f-t & p-t, lic’d, 1st aid, lnch/sncks pmp mtr, batt., hrd flr $900 280-1440

Admission by donation
homes. Mike, Melissa 315-4477
prov’d. Cody 378-6442 FISH: guppies, swordtails, guppaswords, OFF-rd/on-rd dirtbiketrade for gd [email protected]
Winter Hours:
WTD: reliable, p-t sitter, eves/some bright yllw African chiclids, bright blue skidoo 280-1482
wknds. Theresa 280-1670 HANDS-on steppr exerciser w/ mtr
Mon. to Fri.
African chiclids, convict chiclids, vry lrg
for sale - appliances plecostomus, lrg oscars 378-2540 $40 315-1428

10am to 3pm
2 MALE Jck Russell puppies $500 378-0306 583 97 Summit snwmbl $2500obo 378-5977
FREE: smlr stove, works 378-6115
Tel: (250)378-4145
COW hay, approx. 100 bales @ ELECT. treadmill, nvr used $250obo
WSHR & dryer, wht 315-4954 $3.50/bale. 2nd cut alfalfa hay, approx. days 315-7183, aft 4pm 378-6492
DRYER, prfct wrkng ordr $75obo 378-6840 140 bales @$7/bale 378-2124 5TH-whl htch $400 378-9509
NWR 24” wshr $175. Match. w&d $225. 7-YR old unbroke, stndrd-brd bay male, 11’6” alum. boat, oars, 2 nw lifejckts

THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Whrlpl dryer lk nw $200 378-8802 16.1hnds $300 378-6383 $495obo. Savage 308 cal. w/ 3-9x
ADMIRAL wshr & dryer $50. Elect. 2 TEACUP male & female Yorkies for Bushnell Lgnd scope & case $350 firm.
Honest, sincere gent. Home, yard, stove $25 378-2435, 315-7550 adoption, Akc regist'd to someone who will Lakefld 10-shot, blt-action 22-cal. w/ Tasco

ODD garage & auto; forestry. Will take on any DRYER, 81 Inglis, wrks, lk nw $100 take care of them. [email protected] 4x scope w/ case $200 firm, lots ammo for
378-6840 both, must have valid FAC 378-9626
of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, 33-GAL fsh tnk, lots fsh, food, stnd
03 YAMAHA SX Viper, nw 151” l. trck,

FREE: 2-yr stove, ovn not wrkng/4 $150obo 378-5973
always available. Reasonable. Refs. brnrs all wrk. 378-8380 2” paddles, piped, exc. cond $4500. 09
2 COCKATIELS, 1 grey, 1 wht, w/ cage
Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398 17CF refrigerator, hrdly used. BBQ w/ $100 378-0064 Ducks Unltd Ed. Rhino, camo in
dome lid, burns briquette & prop. 315-9711 LYNX Garden or dog run fnc panels,
color,hlf wndw, wnch, 4x4, exc cond,
only 300k, not using/collecting dust, wrth
•classified deadlines:
ADMIRAL hvy duty wshr & dryer 378-5806 chainlnk, 3' h: 2x5, 10x4, 2 gates + con- $17,000 nw, sacr. $16,000obo 378-6533 10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
KITCHAID dp cap. wshr $80 378-9567 nectors, wrth $1000+, offrs 378-3569
COLEMAN 1800w port. generator •garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
for sale - automotive Free
delivery in Merritt 378-9650
$350obo 378-8758 •to get on the current garage sale

Baillie House
06 YAMAHA YFZ 450 Sport Quad, spec.
FOUR 31x10.50R15 LT m&s tires on 15” TROPICAL fsh: 2 slvr dollars 378-9912 ed. yllw, prfct cond., nw tires $4600 378-6212 email list: email us
Let us know what your think of our new website!
Chev stl rims, 60% tread $350obo 378-6312 3 9-wk old litter-trained kittns, free &
FOUR 235/85R16 Traction T tires on 97 HONDA 400 Foreman quad, snw plow/
beautiful 315-4477 wndshld/tool bx/wnch $3000 378-5661
Chev 8-blt rims $200 315-2829
Tel 378-5717 • Fax 378-4700 • Email [email protected]
BRDR collie/Engl. sprngr span. x, 1 yr BOAT & tndm trlr, 21’ 315-1474
4 SNW tires on rims, balanced 215/60R15 old, free 378-9443
Blizzaks. Ron, Carol 378-2353 96 FORD 3/4-tn F250 w/ 8’ Frontier
CONVICT cichlids 2/$10 Cory 378-6091

cmpr $2500. 7’x14’ car hauler, 7000lb

Heritage Site &

4 TIRES on rims LT235/85R16 M&S, 40% SULPHUR-crested parrot, cage &
tread, 1 rim damaged $125obo. 378-9225 axle $2000 378-2889
access. $600 firm 936-8346

FOUR 215/70R15 Gdyr wntrs 95% ARTIC Cat youth sled, Kitty Cat $800.
16% POULTRY grower crumbles, 99 Ski-Doo Mini Z, 118cc 4-strk, exc
remaining $300. 4 whls, 5 on 100mm, fit

52¢/kg 378-6692 cond $1800 378-6527

I will work with you to help

Pont. Grnd Am or sim. $40ea. 378-4315
HAPPY PUPPY Dog Grooming. Sml BOAT rck, blk, quad loading ht $250. Dry
FORD Ranger, nds some wrk, ext cab,

establish your new business!

dogs $35 378-6289 bx tool bx, blk, lckable ends $225 378-6962
$2600 worth nw prts, offrs 378-2067
for sale - miscellaneous 94 YAMAHA Warrior racng quad,

Downtown commercial/retail space available on

SET 4 14” Univ. racng rims $500obo
280-1482 400cc, top end $1800obo 378-1904
FIREWOOD sale, get your wood for

busy Quilchena Ave. Newly renovated with new

19” Dodge 318 motor evrythng wrks next year now, $120/cord 378-5379 TREADMILL, lk nw $300obo 315-
7183 days, 378-6492 eves.

WINTER HOURS: paint and carpet. Will stagger rent for new
gd $1500 cash. Canopy for lngbx $200 FIREWOOD the Wood Man 378-4053
firm. 4 all-seas. tires 185/65R14 THULE boat rck, lk nw, 1/2 price 378-4950
CUST.-ordered firewd, reas. James 280-6615

Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm start-up of business - with lease.

Motomstr SE, 90% $100. 280-1440 583 SUMMIT skidoo $2500 378-5977
SET Pearl drums, offrs. Chainsaw. RUGER 77-22 w/ Loupold 4-pwr
2 SETS tires: 195/60R15, 195/75R14

Large windows, washroom, semi-kitchen &

Canoe 378-2067 scope, lk nw $799. 378-9614
on rims 378-6539
for sale - tools/equipment
CEDAR fncng: 4' x8', 6'x8', solid or lat-

Corner of Voght & Mammette 100 amp service.

89 FORD 4x4 stndrd, 33” summr tires, tice 378-5745, 378-9766
wntr tires, cnpy $2000obo 378-2768

(250) 378-0349 604-533-6905

PMPKNS$1-$5. Pie pmpkns$2.50 378-2124 DELTA 12.5” planer $175 378-1361
96 DODGE 1/2-tn 4x4 ext cab, shrt-
bx, blk sport mdl, 2 sets tires, well- ALUM. outside strm/scrn dr 79x33.25 $20. 6’X8’ shed, 1 yr old $350 378-5489
maint’d $3000 378-2221 Elect. pnls w/ brkrs $50 & up 378-8802 U-BUILT tilt bd boat trlr, can convert
SET 4 wntr tires used 1 seas. 225/50R16 DBL-paned wd wndws: 1 @ 48"x48" & for ATV or snomo, 3" L angle frame
2 @ 30"x48", offrs 378-2874
for sale house/property
Hankook, pd $900, sell $450 315-0146 w/ 3" sq. tow bar. $400 378-4853 SML 2-bdrm house $500 378-8101
01 DODGE Caravan SE, cln in/out, OAK crib, chnge tbl & drssr set, exc cnd WD splitter, nw 378-4135 1/2 dplx LN, 1 lvl, nw flrng, 5 appl,
wntr tires, 92k, $7500obo 378-4345 $300. Joggng strollr $100 378-6295 MBL home nw Coleman gas furn. w/ chm- DPLX beaut. renos, 2 bdrms, rear fncd yrd, shd, u/g sprnklr, paved prkng,
90-95 FORD Flo-thru tailgate, used 3 MVNG: brnd nw hi qual., nvr used wtr ney, used 4 mos $1200. Ht wtr tnk 105l, 240v prkng, grnd, shd, nr schls/prk/bus n/s, n/p, lngtrm tenants pref. 378-6283
mos. $350. Canopy for 80-86 Chev/Ford, ionizer/alkalizer, pd $1099, sell $450. Brnd $90. Mbl home prop. furn. $500 378-8802 top/rvr. Both units rntd 1730 Hill 2-BDRM ste, cln/spacious, reno'd.,
nds tlc $50obo 315-9317, 378-5144 nw qu pillow top matt./bx sprng & frame, OLDR style wd drafting tbl 378-6740 St.. $229,000. 3-bdrm home, dbl lot incl. lndry/util., 2563 Coldwater
still in plstc $725. Solid wd stdnt's dsk/comp. 4’X6’X2’H st frame bx w/ drp taiage Collttville, 2700sq, fin. bsmt, 2 bths, nw Ave. refs req'd, n/p 378-2881
WRCKNG: 98 Subaru Forrestr awd, grt shape $38. Solid wd ant. baby hichair
2.5l a/t, 136k, prts $5 & up. 97 Ply Grnd suit. fo rutil trlr $75. 2 elect. mtrs: 1hp oak kitch., flrng, wndw & foyer entr., 3-BDRM, 4 appl., 2 bths, priv. lot,
lk nw $95. Solid oak bevelled wall mirrors $95, .5hp $65 378-6027 fruit trees, grdn, lrg detachd gar., bth
Voyageur prts $5 & up 378-8802 37x27 & 38x31 $69ea. Comp. dsk/hutch, 15 mins south of twn, 315-9711
BRYANT nat. gas furnace (mid eff.) alley entr., priv. yrd/nw fncnd, crprt
92 SUBARU Loyale, 4wd, $1100 wrth bleached oak col., grt shape $45. Misc. prkng in frnt 1720 Hill St. $349,000 or 3-BDRM dplx, reno'd, cln, 1968sf,

A B L E Chryslr $50. Set imprt Mtchll auto

nw prts, gd tires $2000obo 378-4177 hsehld items, even the car 378-2752 suit. for 4500-6000sf area, hrdly as pgn $500,000. 378-2247, 525-1555 fncd yrd, nw f/s/w/d, nr amenities,

used/exc cond. $500 378-0902

OTC syst. mntr 2000 for GM, Ford & nice nghbrhd $900 315-4454

WNTR potatoes, organic/local 378-1336 TIRED of rntng? Will hlp you own your

10’X12’ vinyl/stl shd w/ foundation kit, SML 1-bdrm cottage avail. immed.,

LEATHR sewing mach. Ant. treadle sewing mbl home Ser. inq only. Dwnpaymnt

repair man. 80-02, lk nw $1200 OTF nw in bx, pd $1000, sell $500 firm. Len n/p, n/s, refs req’d $375 378-9595

mach., wrks/nds tlc. Many 331/3 vinyl LPs, 315-9974 re’d. Pls call 1-800-361-8111, 315-1000
WHY. 81 Westfalia cmpr van, 39k on many used vry little, several sets. Ant. rcrd BSMT 2 rms, shared kitch. & lndry,
nw mtr $7500 378-8802 500-GAL. fuel tnk w with raised stnd. HOME on 1.79 ac., 3 bdrm, 1 bth, bsmt,
playr w/rcvr. Exerc. mach., rower. Solid wd hrdwd flrs $500,000 378-2197 aft 5pm Bnch, nr college & schl $600 315-2508

Visual Artists of the Nicola Valley

2 NORDIC m&s studded wntr tires Fuel hose & nozzle, nw, indust. 315-9711
for rent
coff. & end tbls. Lrg acoustic guitar. 4-6 1-BDRM ste $500 Jim 315-0082
P105/70R15 $200 Mark 315-0315 closet drs, vry gd cond. Cedar root baskets. CENTURY Mig wldr, 120v, 15amp MAT. woman will share 3-bdrm hse,
99 DODGE Caravan lone trans. Opie & other framed prints 315-9711 wall outlet, nr nw $100obo 378-1904 MANUF’D home, 3-bdrm, 2-bth, sndck, 20 min. to twn, incl $375 util. incl.,

Celebrating Art and Culture in our Community 4 WNTR tires, m/s/ice P175/70R13
$300obo 315-1321 100-YR old treadle Singer sew. mach SEARS 6hp rear-baggr slf-prop. lwn- lrg lot, priv./fncd for ret’d/semi-ret’d cple n/s, n/p, shared kitch./bth 378-2906
$500 Jim 315-0082 mwr, exc cnd $150obo 378-3496 only, $975, dep. 1-800-361-8111 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, immed. ht
Gdyr Nordic 90% wear $100obo. Stl 30” insul. Carhart cover-alls, brnd nw wanted/wanted to buy NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms, wtr ht, w/d hk-up, n/p, n/s 378-6524
Arnold Mosley Evelyn Armstrong 93 JEEP Grand Cherokee, lots nw prts
rims off 06 Vibe, 16” $100. 378-6731

Available at
$100. Men’s sz 7 Baffin wntr stl-toe nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in 2-BDRM ste, Low. Nic 378-0990
Jack Andreasen Bev Veale
boots $100 378-6882 60-GAL. fish tnk fltr, reas., gd cnd. Oldr bonus (250)378-9880
mtl lawn darts, reas. 378-6312 RM $450 util incl, on bus route,
for sale - furniture
$3500obo. 378-3908, 936-8097 Corey
Bill Edmonds Georgina Beatty
ROOMS @ Coldwtr Hotel, starting n/drgs, n/s 378-5128
SET 4 mounted Hankook snw tires for NAT.gas stove, ovn. Kitch. cupbrds 378-2540 from $400/mo 378-2821
Roger Kamp John Taylor
1/2 DPLX 3-bdrm, 1.5 bths, f//w/d,
Pon. Vibe w/ tire press. mntr syst., 205- SNGLbd, matt., bx sprng, frame $50 378-1361 SET 16” tire rims. Suzy 378-2128

Baillie House Info Booth Opie Oppenheim Cindy Trent

2-BDRM bsmt ste, n/s, f/s, util/sat. Nov 1, fncd yrd $950 (250)769-7243
Mary Longman Leonard A. George 97 HONDA CRV 254k, blk, awd, auto,
55R16 $500obo 378-3993 SETgls coff. tbl & 2 end tbls $125obo 378-9225 BLK ballet shoes, ladies sz 8. 378-0902 Nov 15 $700 378-9755 LRG 3-bdrm, dnsck, gncd bck yrd, open

FREE: tv stnd 48”hx48”w 378-4569 TO RNT: wrkng cpl w/ 5-yr old son wnt 3- 3-BDRM hse, f/s, nr CMS, immed pln kitch., refs req’d $750 (604)845-2770
loaded, rns well, gd condi. 378-4916 4 bdrm hse, pets must be ok, exc refs, must
Pius Chong Surinder Panghali
TODDLER’S car bd $60 378-9021 315-2345, 525-0240 MAT. woman wnts to share 2-bdrm

Courthouse Art Gallery

86 JEEP 4x4, v6 $1000obo. Dune QU-sz sleigh bd, knotty pine solid wd, not be for sale. Richard, Michelle 315-1321 3-BDRM & lndry hkup main flr unit. apt with n/s, n/drgs prsn, $450 incl.
Doug Strand Joslyn Freels
buggy 378-8308 bs sprng & matt. not incl $125 315-9491 WAGON or cart whls, wd, 2 @ 42", 2 nr sch/Cooper's/twn, fncd yrd, n/p, n/s, hydrointernt/tel., lndry, must be cat
Cass Dolen Les Hampton
@ 36" [email protected]
1840 Nicola Ave., Merritt, BC
2 TIRES: 145/80R12, gd shape on rims ANT. oak/gls display case 378-4141 n/prties, refs $750 Nov 1 Joe 378-9560 friendly, bus stop nearby 315-8439

Shannon Kilroy Bobbi Parkes

378-5120 aft 5:30pm LOVESEAT 4 yrs old, multi-blk/grey TO RNT: wrkng family nds 3-bdrm w/ bsmt LRG 2-bdrm bsmt ste, cln/mdrn open 1-BDRM w/ dn, nr schl/prk, nicely
FBRGLS canopy for sml trk w/ boat rck or 4-bdrm hse/twnhse ASAP, n/p. 378-6016
MK Dahlquist-Gray Gwayne Point
$100 firm 315-1428 lvng space incl. lndry/util/cbl. 1041 reno’d $675 525-1555, 378-2247
(250)295-3642 4 RIMS to fit Chev Sprnt/Pont. Firefly/ Coldwater Rd. $975 Will 378-1360 2-BDRM hse dwntwn, n/p, n/s, n/parties,
Jean Kiegerl Nancy Saddleman
DLX dingrm chars, 4. Mrbl/gls dingrm tbl.
Suzuki Swift, will pay $10ea 378-8156
This project &
DRY box $100 378-6925 Crnr unit, hrdwd w/ lts. 11’x18’ British 5-BDRM hse, lrg yrd, wd stove, hi-eff. fncd yrd, nr schls $800 + dep. 378-0842
Ellen Norgaard Jana Sasaki
USED bmx bike, gd cnd 378-4706 furn., nw wndws/rugs $1000 378-5224
NV Arts Council
TRCK tire carrier $15. 378-6027 India wool rug, exc cnd. Oak counter. Tv, NWLY reno’d 4-bdrm bsmt ste nr CMS,
Barbara Rode
TRUMPET for grd 9 stdnt 378-1586 1-BDRM bsmt ste, end Oct. nr Cntrl w/d neg., n/dogs, n/s $950 315-9490
supported by
4 ALL-SEAS. tires for Vibe, nw/used 27”. Sofa loveseat. Qu-sz bdrm suite w/ bd
part. seas. 78 Ford 1-tn, rns. 315-9711 compl.. Much more 315-0209 SML 2-3 bdrm hse, Merr. area 378-9614 schl $600 incl gas/hydro (250)554-2392 1-BDRM bsmt ste, Nov 1, cln, reno’d, nr
87 NISSAN pck-up for prts 315-1474 COUCH & coff. tbl, offrs 378-2606 GD quality dog houses 378-5379 BSMT ste, Coldwater Ave. 378-4623 dwntwn $600+1/4 util (250)574-7964

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