Merritt Morning Market-Oct26/09#1937
Merritt Morning Market-Oct26/09#1937
Merritt Morning Market-Oct26/09#1937
OPEN Our beat is local... our bend, up! The classifieds are free! Box 313, Merritt BC V1K 1B8 BROOKMERE VINTAGE
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
YEAR One size,
treated to interactive displays & activi- tickets $15. The cast will perform from
ties on energy conservation. BC Hydro’s their upcoming A Thousand Clowns
Power the Games tour, which travelled production some readings. Tickets to
the province all summer, will be set up the play will be sold, 50-50 tickets & OPEN 7am-9pm DAILY
at the NV Memorial Arena. Attendees memberships… Check out Merritt Live
can make a personal commitment to Theatre: A Thousand Clowns on Facebook. Full breakfast
Auto • Light Truck • Trailer • Tires energy efficiency by joining Team Power Info, 378-1614.
Smart and be entered into a draw for a Fall costume fun night for kids menu available
chance at winning Olympic tickets. Fri., Oct 30, 7-8:30pm, Merritt Baptist •From 7am-11am •Seniors’ menu
Valley for the past 5 years, after serving some costumes! Admission is free, but a
(250) 280-9432
prison, you do what you have to do to Dollar Store With More, next to Coopers
Available at
Jack Andreasen Bev Veale
a judge ruled that police in a Mr. Big ization. They’ll be on display/silent auc-
[email protected]
supported by
Q: What is a planet? A: A body of earth surrounded by sky.
Straight Up
ing a firm base for yourself. development & social life. You earnings sorted out as you you express yourself &
get 10% OFF
FISH & CHIPS! Communications with friends &
relatives bring you revealing &
will be active in contacting
people & meeting local
examine ways to make the
most of your natural skills and
progress your everyday
affairs. Rely on intuition & gut
encouraging info that helps to abilities. feel to solve dilemmas.
Seniors movers and shakers. Your
$ 99
Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
personal ARROW canopy fits 5.5' bx, 04 or nwr CRNR tv unit, 5’tall, rose-col., vry gd
F150, lw profile wht w/ tinted side shape, hlds 32” tv $150 378-5977
MISSNG: Chihuahua, lst seen Oct. 20, wndws, lk nw cond. $500obo. 378-0470 SML dsk w/ chair. 6-drwr drssr. Tri-
Rocky Pines/LN area, "Joey", tan col., blk 2 WILD Country LT-245/75R16 wntr light brs lmp, 2 shades. Rose loveseat
collr. Brandy 378-6127, (250)574-8127 tires, used 1 seas. $80/pr. Len 315-9974 w/ blue flwrs. Recliner rckr. Sml
MISSNG: orange tabby, wht chst, ear 4 FACT. alloy whls, 16x7, 5-spk, 6-blt., incl. microwave. Idea sofa chair 378-8383
tattoo “Tigger” 280-1482 caps, fit 92-99 Chev/GMC trcks/Suburbans, ANT. tbl w/ matchng china cab.
Black’s Pharmacy
FND: big, fat blk neut’d male cat, 1400 nw $650, sell $350obo 315-2255 aft 5pm Glassware 378-8326
blck Quilchena/Granite 378-2966 4 EXC. wntr tires P175/70R13 m&s $300 QU-sz matt. & bx sprng, gd shape 378-5806
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
TRU trades student lookng to commute OTF P185/70R14” exc wntr tires 378-6312 WHITE capt's bd $40 315-6063
TEL (250)378-5151
378-2157 Chris, Shelley, CLC schl dsk 378-5275
$24,000 315-2508
DAD & young sons looking for fall yrd cln- 87 MAZDA prts vehicle. 88 Mazda 4x4 for sale - electronics/software
Ford rims, 80% tread $120 378-3779
— Newly expanded
resp. frnt dsk/clnr for aft./eves/some auto, roof rck, cruise $6200 378-2498
wknds. Drop resume @ 1901 Quilchena $90obo 378-9626
“Providing a complete
85 CHEV S10 4x4 $3000 firm 280-1482 5-CD disc plyr RCA stereo syt., mp3, 300w,
WAITERS & waitresses wtd @ Red
SET 4 Hankook wntr tires 225/50R16, 6 mos. old, pd $200, sell $50 378-9676
range of employment
Top Rest., mat., rel., wage commensu-
rate with exper. 2099 Nicola Ave. pd $900, sell $500 315-0046 PR Cabela’s 8x25 contact binoculars, lk
Nicola Valley”
“Funded in whole or part through hlpr (250)936-8244
4 BLIZZAK wntr tires 205/70R15, FREE: lrg Radio Shck tv antenna. Kenwd
the Canada-British Columbia EXPER’D kitch. hlp needed @ Yaki Joe’s, f-
Labour Market Development t & p-t, & deliv. drvr, no tel. calls, apply in prsn 75% tread $275 378-2703 quad am/fm/rcrd, 2-4 chnl & spkrs $100.
60 tapes $100. (250)295-3642
rates. Dan 315-4762, 280-1804
FORD 4x4 77-80 prts: rear axle bckr
Diagno y
•Over 60 plus years experience
hr emerg. serv. Brian 378-4892, 936-8330
plat $75, altern. $20, dist. $25 378-6027 Mobile pay-as-you-go. $60. Nokia 3221
BOOKKPNG, payroll, gov’t remit., wrd unlocked camera phone $50. 378-5004
s tic
FREE scrap car removal. We buy all
Christine’s Office Services 250-315-3805 EXPRESS Vu dsh, 2 rcvrs (4500 +2700)
EAVESTROUGH, press. wshr, bobcat, 05 SLVR Grnd Caravan, 66k, exc cnd,
frnt/rear air, quad seats & bnch, p/l, p/w, w/ crds & wrkng remotes $50 378-9650
dmp trlr, snw removal, reas rates. 378-3496 p/drvr seat, tw pkg, alloy whls, 4 wntr COMPUTER’D typewriter $50 378-2247
PAINTER 35+ yrs exper., inter./exter. tires on rims $12,500 315-0111 MAC Powerbook G4 17” Pro, exc
Admission by donation
homes. Mike, Melissa 315-4477
prov’d. Cody 378-6442 FISH: guppies, swordtails, guppaswords, OFF-rd/on-rd dirtbiketrade for gd [email protected]
Winter Hours:
WTD: reliable, p-t sitter, eves/some bright yllw African chiclids, bright blue skidoo 280-1482
wknds. Theresa 280-1670 HANDS-on steppr exerciser w/ mtr
Mon. to Fri.
African chiclids, convict chiclids, vry lrg
for sale - appliances plecostomus, lrg oscars 378-2540 $40 315-1428
10am to 3pm
2 MALE Jck Russell puppies $500 378-0306 583 97 Summit snwmbl $2500obo 378-5977
FREE: smlr stove, works 378-6115
Tel: (250)378-4145
COW hay, approx. 100 bales @ ELECT. treadmill, nvr used $250obo
WSHR & dryer, wht 315-4954 $3.50/bale. 2nd cut alfalfa hay, approx. days 315-7183, aft 4pm 378-6492
DRYER, prfct wrkng ordr $75obo 378-6840 140 bales @$7/bale 378-2124 5TH-whl htch $400 378-9509
NWR 24” wshr $175. Match. w&d $225. 7-YR old unbroke, stndrd-brd bay male, 11’6” alum. boat, oars, 2 nw lifejckts
THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Whrlpl dryer lk nw $200 378-8802 16.1hnds $300 378-6383 $495obo. Savage 308 cal. w/ 3-9x
ADMIRAL wshr & dryer $50. Elect. 2 TEACUP male & female Yorkies for Bushnell Lgnd scope & case $350 firm.
Honest, sincere gent. Home, yard, stove $25 378-2435, 315-7550 adoption, Akc regist'd to someone who will Lakefld 10-shot, blt-action 22-cal. w/ Tasco
ODD garage & auto; forestry. Will take on any DRYER, 81 Inglis, wrks, lk nw $100 take care of them. [email protected] 4x scope w/ case $200 firm, lots ammo for
378-6840 both, must have valid FAC 378-9626
of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, 33-GAL fsh tnk, lots fsh, food, stnd
03 YAMAHA SX Viper, nw 151” l. trck,
FREE: 2-yr stove, ovn not wrkng/4 $150obo 378-5973
always available. Reasonable. Refs. brnrs all wrk. 378-8380 2” paddles, piped, exc. cond $4500. 09
2 COCKATIELS, 1 grey, 1 wht, w/ cage
Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398 17CF refrigerator, hrdly used. BBQ w/ $100 378-0064 Ducks Unltd Ed. Rhino, camo in
dome lid, burns briquette & prop. 315-9711 LYNX Garden or dog run fnc panels,
color,hlf wndw, wnch, 4x4, exc cond,
only 300k, not using/collecting dust, wrth
•classified deadlines:
ADMIRAL hvy duty wshr & dryer 378-5806 chainlnk, 3' h: 2x5, 10x4, 2 gates + con- $17,000 nw, sacr. $16,000obo 378-6533 10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
KITCHAID dp cap. wshr $80 378-9567 nectors, wrth $1000+, offrs 378-3569
COLEMAN 1800w port. generator •garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
for sale - automotive Free
delivery in Merritt 378-9650
$350obo 378-8758 •to get on the current garage sale
Baillie House
06 YAMAHA YFZ 450 Sport Quad, spec.
FOUR 31x10.50R15 LT m&s tires on 15” TROPICAL fsh: 2 slvr dollars 378-9912 ed. yllw, prfct cond., nw tires $4600 378-6212 email list: email us
Let us know what your think of our new website!
Chev stl rims, 60% tread $350obo 378-6312 3 9-wk old litter-trained kittns, free &
FOUR 235/85R16 Traction T tires on 97 HONDA 400 Foreman quad, snw plow/
beautiful 315-4477 wndshld/tool bx/wnch $3000 378-5661
Chev 8-blt rims $200 315-2829
Tel 378-5717 • Fax 378-4700 • Email [email protected]
BRDR collie/Engl. sprngr span. x, 1 yr BOAT & tndm trlr, 21’ 315-1474
4 SNW tires on rims, balanced 215/60R15 old, free 378-9443
Blizzaks. Ron, Carol 378-2353 96 FORD 3/4-tn F250 w/ 8’ Frontier
CONVICT cichlids 2/$10 Cory 378-6091
cmpr $2500. 7’x14’ car hauler, 7000lb
FOUR 215/70R15 Gdyr wntrs 95% ARTIC Cat youth sled, Kitty Cat $800.
16% POULTRY grower crumbles, 99 Ski-Doo Mini Z, 118cc 4-strk, exc
remaining $300. 4 whls, 5 on 100mm, fit
52¢/kg 378-6692 cond $1800 378-6527
WINTER HOURS: paint and carpet. Will stagger rent for new
gd $1500 cash. Canopy for lngbx $200 FIREWOOD the Wood Man 378-4053
firm. 4 all-seas. tires 185/65R14 THULE boat rck, lk nw, 1/2 price 378-4950
CUST.-ordered firewd, reas. James 280-6615
used/exc cond. $500 378-0902
OTC syst. mntr 2000 for GM, Ford & nice nghbrhd $900 315-4454
WNTR potatoes, organic/local 378-1336 TIRED of rntng? Will hlp you own your
10’X12’ vinyl/stl shd w/ foundation kit, SML 1-bdrm cottage avail. immed.,
LEATHR sewing mach. Ant. treadle sewing mbl home Ser. inq only. Dwnpaymnt
repair man. 80-02, lk nw $1200 OTF nw in bx, pd $1000, sell $500 firm. Len n/p, n/s, refs req’d $375 378-9595
mach., wrks/nds tlc. Many 331/3 vinyl LPs, 315-9974 re’d. Pls call 1-800-361-8111, 315-1000
WHY. 81 Westfalia cmpr van, 39k on many used vry little, several sets. Ant. rcrd BSMT 2 rms, shared kitch. & lndry,
nw mtr $7500 378-8802 500-GAL. fuel tnk w with raised stnd. HOME on 1.79 ac., 3 bdrm, 1 bth, bsmt,
playr w/rcvr. Exerc. mach., rower. Solid wd hrdwd flrs $500,000 378-2197 aft 5pm Bnch, nr college & schl $600 315-2508
Celebrating Art and Culture in our Community 4 WNTR tires, m/s/ice P175/70R13
$300obo 315-1321 100-YR old treadle Singer sew. mach SEARS 6hp rear-baggr slf-prop. lwn- lrg lot, priv./fncd for ret’d/semi-ret’d cple n/s, n/p, shared kitch./bth 378-2906
$500 Jim 315-0082 mwr, exc cnd $150obo 378-3496 only, $975, dep. 1-800-361-8111 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, immed. ht
Gdyr Nordic 90% wear $100obo. Stl 30” insul. Carhart cover-alls, brnd nw wanted/wanted to buy NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms, wtr ht, w/d hk-up, n/p, n/s 378-6524
Arnold Mosley Evelyn Armstrong 93 JEEP Grand Cherokee, lots nw prts
rims off 06 Vibe, 16” $100. 378-6731
Available at
$100. Men’s sz 7 Baffin wntr stl-toe nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in 2-BDRM ste, Low. Nic 378-0990
Jack Andreasen Bev Veale
boots $100 378-6882 60-GAL. fish tnk fltr, reas., gd cnd. Oldr bonus (250)378-9880
mtl lawn darts, reas. 378-6312 RM $450 util incl, on bus route,
for sale - furniture
$3500obo. 378-3908, 936-8097 Corey
Bill Edmonds Georgina Beatty
ROOMS @ Coldwtr Hotel, starting n/drgs, n/s 378-5128
SET 4 mounted Hankook snw tires for NAT.gas stove, ovn. Kitch. cupbrds 378-2540 from $400/mo 378-2821
Roger Kamp John Taylor
1/2 DPLX 3-bdrm, 1.5 bths, f//w/d,
Pon. Vibe w/ tire press. mntr syst., 205- SNGLbd, matt., bx sprng, frame $50 378-1361 SET 16” tire rims. Suzy 378-2128
FREE: tv stnd 48”hx48”w 378-4569 TO RNT: wrkng cpl w/ 5-yr old son wnt 3- 3-BDRM hse, f/s, nr CMS, immed pln kitch., refs req’d $750 (604)845-2770
loaded, rns well, gd condi. 378-4916 4 bdrm hse, pets must be ok, exc refs, must
Pius Chong Surinder Panghali
TODDLER’S car bd $60 378-9021 315-2345, 525-0240 MAT. woman wnts to share 2-bdrm