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Trace Level Hydrocarbon Impurities in Ethylene and Propylene

Gas Chromatography March 1997

Vince Giarrocco and Roger Firor Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2850 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808-1610 USA

An Agilent 6890 Series gas chromatography system was used to determine trace (low ppm) levels of hydrocarbon impurities in high-purity ethylene and propylene. The gas chromatograph (GC) was equipped with a heated gas sample valve, split/splitless inlet, and flame ionization detector (FID). An Agilent HP-PLOT Al2O3 column was used for separation of the trace hydrocarbons. Impurity levels below 10 ppm (mole) were easily detected in both ethylene and propylene.

Typically, these low molecular weight monomers are of very high purity (99.9+ percent). However, hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds, and other impurities in feed streams can cause such problems as reduced catalyst lifetime and changes to product quality. Process yields can also be adversely affected. Many impurities have been identified as potential contaminants (1,2). Recently, ASTM has proposed several procedures to determine trace hydrocarbon impurities in both ethylene and propylene (3). These methods, currently in the investigation stage, use alumina porous layer open tubular (PLOT) columns. This application note describes the suggested Agilent configuration for such methods and illustrates resulting separations of both quantitative calibration blends and actual process samples. These proposed methods should be valuable in meeting commercial specifications.

ionization detector (FID). All gas flows and pressures within the GC were controlled electronically. Gas sample injections were made using an automated sample valve placed in the 6890 valve oven (80 C). The gas sample valve was interfaced to the capillary inlet using an aluminum tube (1/8-in.) that jacketed the stainless steel transfer line (option 860). The inlet was fitted with a split/splitless liner (part no. 19241-60540). All injections were made in the split mode. A 50-m 0.53-mm, HP-PLOT Al2O3 M column was used for separation. For ethylene analysis only, a 30-m 0.53-mm, 5-m HP-1 column was placed directly behind the HP-PLOT column. The two columns were joined using a glass press-fit connector. The Agilent ChemStation was used to control the 6890 Series GC and to provide data acquisition and peak integration. The ChemStation was operated at a data acquisition rate of 10 Hz.

High-purity ethylene and propylene are commonly used as feedstocks for production of polyethylene, polypropylene, and other chemicals.

All experiments were performed on an 6890 Series gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a split/splitless inlet and capillary optimized flame

Standards for retention time and response factor calculation were obtained from DCG Partnership (Houston, Texas, USA 77061). Samples used for this work were obtained from commercial sources. Table 1 lists the entire set of equipment and conditions.

Table 1.

Instrument Configuration and Operating Conditions

Description 6890 Series GC Split/splitless inlet Capillary optimized FID 6-port gas sample valve and automation Valve oven Valve to inlet interface 50-m x 0.53-mm HP-PLOT Al2O3 M (part no. 19095P-M25) 30-m x 0.53-mm, 5- m HP-1 (part no. 19091Z-236), used for ethylene analysis only Agilent ChemStation 200 C 250 C 10/1 to 50/1 depending on sample 30 mL/min hydrogen, 350 mL/min air, nitrogen make-up (25 mL/min column + makeup) Ethylene: 35 C (2 min), 4 C/min to 190 C Propylene: 40 C (2 min), 4 C/min to 190 C Ethylene: 0.5 mL Propylene: 0.25 mL Ethylene: 6 mL/min constant flow (10 psi) Propylene: 3.5 mL/min constant flow (4 psi) 80 C

Item Gas Chromatograph G1540A Option 112 Option 211 Option 701 Option 751 Option 860 Column

Results and Discussion

The configuration used for ethylene analysis is found in figure 1. The HP-PLOT Al2O3 column was used for hydrocarbon separation. The use of HP-PLOT Al2O3 columns for light hydrocarbon analyses has been previously described (4). These columns exhibit excellent separation characteristics for the C1 through C5isomers. The proposed method for ethylene specifies the use of a second nonpolar column placed after the HP-PLOT alumina column to improve the separation of impurity peaks eluting on the tail of ethylene. This nonpolar column gains importance for trace level analysis, where higher concentrations of ethylene (99.9 percent and higher) exhibit increased tailing. No attempt was made to compare separations without the nonpolar Agilent HP-1 column.
Data Acquisition G2070AA Operating Parameters Injection port temperature Detector temperature Split ratio FID conditions Temperature program Injection volume Column flow Valve temperature

Split Inlet 10/1 to 40/1 Helium 4 5 6 1 3 2 30-m x 0.53-mm, 5- m HP-1

FID 0.5-cc Loop Sample In/Out 50-m x 0.53-mm HP-PLOT Al 2 O 3M

Figure 1. Valve drawing for impurities in ethylene.

Figure 2 shows the chromatogram of an ethylene calibration blend containing most of the major hydrocarbon impurities. This sample was analyzed at a split ratio of 10/1. The concentration of most components (except for ethane) ranges from 8 to 12 ppm (mole). For this analysis, baseline separation is achieved for all the impurities except for propane. Total analysis time is approximately 30 minutes. Because this separation is more than adequate, analysis time can be reduced by increasing the temperature program rate. Based upon conditions used for this analysis, most components can be detected at the 1-ppm level. Chromatographic results for two process ethylene samples are given in figures 3 and 4. The sample presented in figure 3 contains only methane, ethane, and propylene as impurities. Less than 1-ppm methane was detected. The ethylene sample in figure 4 shows a high concentration of methane, with trace amounts of ethane, propane, and propylene.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Methane (10 ppm) Ethane (219 ppm) Ethylene Propane (12 ppm) Propylene (9 ppm),

6. Isobutane (10 ppm) 7. n-Butane (10 ppm) 8. Propadiene (10 ppm) 9. Acetylene (10 ppm) 10. t-2-Butene (8 ppm)

11. 1-Butene (8 ppm) 12. Isobutylene (9 ppm) 13. c-2-Butene (9 ppm) 14. 1,3-Butadiene (10 ppm) 15. Methylacetylene (9 ppm)

Figure 2. Chromatogram of ethylene calibration blend, split ratio 10/1.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Methane (<1 ppm) Ethane (5 ppm) Ethylene Propylene (113 ppm)

Figure 3. Chromatogram of process ethylene sample, split ratio 20/1.

The configuration used for propylene analysis is illustrated in figure 5. This configuration is essentially the same as for ethylene, but without the HP-1 column. The sample volume was reduced to 0.25 mL. Propylene was sampled in the gas state.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Methane (4969 ppm) Ethane (18 ppm) Ethylene Propane (2 ppm) Propylene (5 ppm)

Figure 4. Chromatogram of process ethylene sample.

Split Inlet 10/1 to 40/1 Helium 4 5 6 1 3 2 FID

0.25-cc Loop Sample In/Out

50-m x 0.53-mm HP-PLOT Al 2 O 3 PLOT M

Figure 5. Valve drawing for impurities in propylene.

A chromatogram representing the trace hydrocarbon impurities in propylene is shown in figure 6. This sample was analyzed at a split ratio of 20/1. The concentration of most impurities range from 8 to 20 ppm. Ethylene is present at a higher concentration level. Most of the impurities in the sample are well separated using the conditions described in table 1. Cyclopropane elutes just before propylene and is baseline separated under these conditions. Several of the C4 hydrocarbons elute on the tail of the high-purity propylene. This affects the lower limit of detection for these peaks, compared to those components that are baseline separated. The remainder of the C4 and C5 impurities are well separated.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Methane Ethane (10 ppm) Ethylene (50 ppm) Propane Cyclopropane (10 ppm) Propylene Isobutane (10 ppm) n-Butane (7 ppm) Propadiene

10. Acetylene 11. t-2-Butene (10 ppm) 12. 1-Butene 13. neo-Pentane 14. Isobutylene (9 ppm) 15. Isopentane 16. c-2-Butene (9 ppm) 17. n-Pentane (10 ppm) 18. 1,3-Butadiene (9 ppm)

Figure 6. Chromatogram of propylene calibration standard.

For comparison, figure 7 shows the analysis of a second calibration blend containing a higher level of impurities (50 to 1000 ppm). Figure 8 presents the chromatographic results for a high-purity propylene process sample. This sample contains only ethane and propane impurities.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Methane Ethane Ethylene Propane (988 ppm) Cyclopropane (100 ppm) Propylene Isobutane (129 ppm) n-Butane Propadiene (62 ppm)

10. Acetylene (48 ppm) 11. t-2-Butene 12. 1-Butene 13. Isobutylene 15. Isopentane 16. c-2-Butene 17. 1,3-Butadiene 18. Methylacetylene (100 ppm)

This application note describes two methods for analyzing trace hydrocarbon impurities in ethylene and propylene. These methods use a gas sample valve with split injection, an Agilent HP-PLOT Al2O3 and HP-1 (for ethylene only) column, and an FID. Impurities below the 10-ppm mole level can be easily quantitated using these methods. For some impurities, especially those that are well separated from the large ethylene or propylene peaks, detection limits were estimated to be about 1 ppm.

Figure 7. Chromatogram of propylene calibration blend containing higher levels of impurities.

1. Ethane (82 ppm) 2. Propane (4358 ppm) 3. Propylene

Figure 8. Chromatogram of process propylene sample.

1. ASTM Method D 5325, Standard Guide for the Analysis of Ethylene Product, Annual Book of Standards, Volume 5, ASTM, 100 Bar Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 USA. 2. ASTM Method D 5273, Standard Guide for the Analysis of Propylene Concentrates, Annual Book of Standards, Volume 5, ASTM, 100 Bar Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 USA. 3. Proposed methods for hydrocarbon impurities in ethylene and propylene by gas chromatography are being investigated under ASTM committee D-2, subcommittee D. 4. Optimized Determination of C1C6 Impurities in Propylene and Ethylene Using HP-PLOT/Al2O3 Columns, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Publication (43) 5062-8417E, March 1994.

Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2000 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Printed in the USA 3/2000 5965-7824E

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