Comparative Study of Bajaj Vs Hero Honda
Comparative Study of Bajaj Vs Hero Honda
Comparative Study of Bajaj Vs Hero Honda
Roll No. 7116223117 MBA 2ND Semester
This is to certify that M#. A$%&t Ra$a has completed his project report title Comparative Study of Ba a V/S !ero !o"da' u der my super!isio " To the #est of my $ o%led&e a d #elief this is his ori&i al %or$ a d this' %holly or partially' has ot #ee su#mitted for a y de&ree of this or a y other ( i!ersity"
The research o /Compa#at&0e St*+1 2etwee$ 3a(a( a$+ He#o Ho$+a' has #ee &i!e to me as part of the curriculum i *+,ears Bachelor De&ree i Busi ess Admi istratio "
I ha!e tried my #est to prese t this i formatio as clearly as possi#le usi & #asic terms that I hope %ill #e comprehe ded #y the %idest spectrum of researchers' a alysts a d stude ts for further studies" I ha!e completed this study u der the a#le &uida ce a d super!isio of M#. Ra(esh Chawla I %ill #e failed i my duty if I do ot ac$ o%led&e the esteemed scholarly &uida ce' assista ce a d $ o%led&e" I ha!e recei!ed from them to%ards fruitful a d timely completio of this %or$" Mere ac$ o%led&eme t may ot redeem the de#t I o%e to my pare ts for their direct.i direct support duri & the e tire course of this project" I also tha $ful to my frie d %ho helped me a lot i the completio of this project"
A!-"T RA!A
Sr No. 1. 2. Particu ars Pa#$ %o !ISTORY O" BAJAJ - Profile - Key Perso - !"#"# I $ro - Co%&" y His$ory - Ti%eli e of e' rele"ses
!ISTORY O" !ERO !ONDA - !o"r( of Dire)$ors - Co%&" y Profile RESEAR)! MET!ODO*O+Y - D"$" So*r)e - Rese"r)+ A&&ro")+ - S"%&li , * i$ - D"$" Co%&le$io " ( A "lysis - S)o&e OBJE)TIVE O" T!E STUDY ANA*YSIS AND INTERPRETATION
,. 2, -. &. .. /. 10. 11. BIB*IO+RAP!Y ANNEXURE RE)OMMENDATION )ON)*USION *IMITATION O" RESEAR)! STUDY (1 (' (, 2& '/
!"#"# A*$o li%i$e( is o e of $+e l"r,es$ $'o '+eeler %" *f")$*ri , )o%&" y i I (i" "&"r$ fro% &ro(*)i , $'o '+eelers $+ey "lso %" *f")$*re $+ree '+eelersT+e )o%&" y +"( s$"r$e( '"y .")/ i 0123- I i$i"lly i$ *se( $o i%&or$ $+e $'o '+eelers fro% o*$si(e4 .*$ fro% 0131 i$ s$"r$e( %" *f")$*ri , of $'o '+eelers i $+e )o* $ry- !y $+e ye"r 0156 !"#"# A*$o +"( rolle( o*$ $+eir 0664666$+ 7e+i)le!"#"# s)oo$ers " ( %o$or )y)les +"7e .e)o%e " i $e,r"l &"r$ of $+e I (i" %ilie* " ( o7er $+e ye"rs +"7e )o%e $o re&rese $ $+e "s&ir"$io s of %o(er I (i"- !"#"# A*$o "lso +"s " $e)+ i)"l $ie *& 'i$+ K"'"s"/i +e"7y i (*s$ries of 8"&" $o &ro(*)e $+e l"$es$ %o$or)y)les i I (i" '+i)+ "re of 'orl( )l"ss 9*"li$y T+e !"#"# K"'"s"/i eli%i "$or +"s e%er,e( s$r"i,+$ o*$ of $+e (r"'i , .o"r( of K"'"s"/i +e"7y i (*s$ries- T+e )ore .r" ( 7"l*es of !"#"# A*$o li%i$e( i )l*(es Le"r i ,4 I o7"$io 4 Perfe)$io 4 S&ee( " ( Tr" s&"re )y!"#"# A*$o +"s $+ree %" *f")$*ri , * i$s i $+e )o* $ry "$ A/*r(i4 :"l*# " ( C+"/" i M"+"r"s+$r"4 'es$er I (i"4 '+i)+ &ro(*)e( ;4<0245=5 7e+i)les i ;663-6>- T+e s"les "re .")/e( .y " e$'or/ of "f$er s"les ser7i)e " ( %"i $e " )e 'or/ s+o&s "ll o7er $+e )o* $ry!"#"# A*$o +"s &ro(*)$s '+i)+ )"$er $o e7ery se,%e $ of $+e I (i" $'o '+eeler %"r/e$ !"#"# CT 066 Dl? offers " ,re"$ 7"l*e for %o ey "$ $+e e $ry le7elSi%il"rly !"#"# Dis)o7er 0;3 offers $+e )o s*%er " ,re"$ &erfor%" )e 'i$+o*$ %"/i , " .i, +ole i $+e &o)/e$-
Fo* (er Ye"r of Es$".lis+%e $ I (*s$ry !*si ess Gro*& Lis$i ,s A i$s )o(es Prese )e 8"% "l"l !"#"# 01;> A*$o%o$i7e - T'o A T+ree :+eelers T+e !"#"# Gro*& !SE B Co(e@ 366216C NSE - Co(e@ !A8A8AUTO Dis$ri.*$io e$'or/ )o7ers 36 )o* $riesDo%i " $ &rese )e i Sri L" /"4 !" ,l"(es+4 Col*%.i"4 G*"$e%"l"4 Per*4 E,y&$4 Ir" " ( I (o esi"K"'"s"/i He"7y I (*s$ries of 8"&" A/*r(i P* e - 2006<3 I (i" Tel-@ E(10)-(;6)-;525;=30 F"?@ E(10)-(;6)-;525<<1=
A/*r(i4 P* e 2006<3 !"#"# N","r4 :"l*# A*r" ,"."( 2<00<> C+"/" I (*s$ri"l Are"4 C+"/" 4 P* e 200360
r"+*l."#"#F."#"#"*$o-)o-i '''-."#"#"*$o-)o%
Boar1 of Dir$ctors R"+*l !"#"# M"(+*r !"#"# R"#i7 !"#"# S" #i7 !"#"# D-S- Me+$" K" $i/*%"r R- Po("r S+e/+"r !"#"# D-8- !"l"#i R"o 8-N- Go(re# S-H- K+" Mrs- S*%" Kirlos/"r N"res+ C+" (r" N" oo P"% " i M" is+ Ke#ri'"l P M*r"ri Nir"# !"#"# )o22itt$$s of t3$ Boar1 Au1it )o22itt$$ S-H- K+" D-8- !"l"#i R"o 8-N- Go(re# N"res+ C+" (r" N" oo P"% " i C+"ir%" Di)e C+"ir%" A :+ole-Ti%e Dire)$or M" ",i , Dire)$or E?e)*$i7e Dire)$or :+ole-Ti%e Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or Dire)$or
S3ar$3o 1$rs4 5 I%6$stors4 +ri$6a%c$ co22itt$$ C+"ir%" D-8- !"l"#i R"o 8-N- Go(re# N"res+ C+" (r" S- H- K+"
R$2u%$ratio% co22itt$$ D-8- !"l"#i R"o S-H- K+" N"res+ C+" (r" C+"ir%"
Re,is$ere( * (er $+e I (i" Co%&" ies A)$4 DII of 010< REGISTERED OFFICE A/*r(i4 P* e 200 6<3 :ORKS A/*r(i4 P* e 200 6<3 !"#"# N","r4 :"l*# A*r" ,"."( 2<0 0<> C+"/" I (*s$ri"l Are"4 C+"/" 4 P* e 200 360
T1pe Fo*$+e+ Hea+4*a#te#s -e1 people Re0e$*e !et &$come Emplo1ees .e2s&te
7u#lic 14/0 7u e' I dia Rahul Bajaj 89hairma : Rs" 1'51'51- #illio 8*551: or (;D 1"32 #illio Rs" 12'511 #illio <<< %%%"#ajajauto"com
3a(a( A*to is a major I dia automo#ile ma ufacturer" It is I dia=s lar&est a d the %orld=s /th lar&est t%o+ a d three+%heeler ma$er" It is #ased i 7u e' Maharashtra' %ith pla ts i >aluj ear Aura &a#ad' A$urdi a d 9ha$a ' ear 7u e" Bajaj Auto ma$es motorscooters' motorcycles a d the auto ric$sha%"
Compa$15s h&sto#1
Bajaj Auto came i to e?iste ce o No!em#er *4' 14/0 as M.s Bachraj Tradi & 9orporatio 7ri!ate 6imited" It started off #y selli & imported t%o+ a d three+%heelers i I dia" I 1404' it o#tai ed lice se from the Go!er me t of I dia to ma ufacture t%o+ a d three+%heelers a d it %e t pu#lic i 1415" I 1425' it rolled out its 155'555th !ehicle" I 1422' it ma a&ed to produce a d sell 155'555 !ehicles i a si &le fi a cial year" I 1430' it started produci & at >aluj i Aura &a#ad" I 1431' it ma a&ed to produce a d sell 055'555 !ehicles i a si &le fi a cial year" I 1440' it rolled out its te millio th !ehicle a d produced a d sold 1 millio !ehicles i a year"
1421 + three+%heeler &oods carrier 142* + Bajaj 9heta$ 1421 + Bajaj ;uper 1422 + Rear e &i e Autoric$sha% 1431 + Bajaj M+05 1431 + Bajaj M+35' @a%asa$i Bajaj @B155 1445 + Bajaj ;u y 144/ + Bajaj 9lassic 1440 + Bajaj ;uper A?cel 1442 + @a%asa$i Bajaj Bo?er' Rear A &i e Diesel Autoric$sha% 1443 + @a%asa$i Bajaj 9ali#er' 6e&e d8I dia=s first four+stro$e scooter: *555 + Bajaj ;affire *551 + Alimi ator' 7ulsar *55- + 9ali#er110' Bajaj >i d 1*0' Bajaj 7ulsar *55/ + Bajaj 9T 155' Ne% Bajaj 9heta$ /+stro$e %ith >o der Gear' Bajaj Disco!er DT;+i *550 + Bajaj >a!e' Bajaj A!e &er' Bajaj Disco!er *551 + Bajaj 7lati a *552 + Bajaj 7ulsar+*55
;ome of the models that Bajaj ma$es 8or has made: are)
o o o o o o
Bajaj ;u y Bajaj 9heta$ Bajaj 9u# Bajaj ;uper Bajaj >a!e Bajaj 6e&e d
o o o o o o o o o
@a%asa$i Alimi ator Bajaj 7ulsar Bajaj @a%asa$i >i d 1*0 Bajaj Bo?er Bajaj 9T 155 Bajaj 7lati a Bajaj 9ali#er Bajaj Disco!er Bajaj A!e &er
7pcom&$g Mo+els
!ew "mage
The compa y' o!er the last decade has successfully cha &ed its ima&e from a scooter ma ufacturer to a t%o %heeler ma ufacturer' product ra &e ra &i & from ;cooterettes to ;cooters to Motorcycle" Its real &ro%th i um#ers has come i the last / years after successful i troductio of a fe% models i the motorcycle se&me t" The compa y is headed #y Rahul Bajaj %ho is %orth more tha (;C1"0 #illio "
I dia has the lar&est um#er of t%o %heelers i the %orld %ith /1"1 millio !ehicles" I dia has a mi? of -5 perce t automo#iles a d 25 perce t t%o %heelers i the cou try" I dia %as the seco d lar&est t%o %heeler ma ufacturer i the %orld starti & i the 1405Ds %ith the #irth of Automo#ile 7roducts of I dia 8A7I: that ma ufactured scooters" A7I ma ufactured the 6am#rettas #ut' a other compa y' Bajaj Auto 6td" surpassed A7I a d remai ed throu&h the tur of the ce tury from its associatio %ith 7ia&&io of Italy 8ma ufacturer of Eespa:" The lice se raj that e?isted #et%ee the14/5s to1435s i I dia' did ot allo% forei& compa ies to e ter the mar$et a d imports %ere ti&htly co trolled" This re&ulatory maFe' #efore the eco omic li#eraliFatio ' made #usi ess easier for local players to ha!e a sellerDs mar$et" 9ustomers i I dia %ere forced to %ait 1* years to #uy a scooter from Bajaj" The 9AO of Bajaj comme ted that he did ot eed a mar$eti & departme t' o ly a dispatch departme t" By the year 1445' Bajaj had a %aiti & list that %as t%e ty+si? times its a ual output for scooters" The motorcycle se&me t had the same lo & %ait times %ith three ma ufacturersG Royal A field' Ideal Ha%a' a d Ascorts" Royal A field made a -05cc Bullet %ith the o ly four+ stro$e e &i e at that time a d too$ the hi&her e d of the mar$et #ut' there %as little competitio for their customers" Ideal Ha%a a d Ascorts too$ the middle a d lo%er e d of the mar$et respecti!ely" I the mid+1435s' the I dia &o!er me t re&ulatio s cha &ed a d permitted forei& compa ies to e ter the I dia mar$et throu&h mi ority joi t !e tures" The t%o+%heeler mar$et cha &ed %ith four I do+Hapa ese joi t !e tures) Hero Ho da' TE; ;uFu$i' Bajaj @a%asa$i a d @i etic Ho da" The e try of these forei& compa ies cha &ed the I dia mar$et dy amics from the supply side to the dema d side" >ith a lar&er selectio of t%o+%heelers o the I dia mar$et' co sumers started to &ai i flue ce o!er the products they #ou&ht a d raised hi&her customer e?pectatio s" The i dustry produced more models' styli & optio s' prices' a d differe t fuel efficie cies" The forei& compa ies e% tech olo&ies helped ma$e the products more relia#le a d %ith #etter Iuality" I dia compa ies had to cha &e to $eep up %ith their &lo#al cou terparts"
No. Na2$ of t3$ Dir$ctors 0 ; < 2 3 > 5 = 1 06 00 0; 0< 02 03 Mr- !ri#%o+" L"ll M* #"l Mr- P"'" M* #"l Mr- Tos+i"/i N"/","'" Mr- T"/"o E,*)+i Mr- S"$y" " ( M* #"l Mr- O% Pr"/"s+ M* #"l Mr- T"$s*+iro Oy"%" Mr- M"s"+iro T"/e(","'" Mr- N"ri (er N"$+ Do+r" Mr- Pr"(ee& Di o(i" Ge -(Re$(-) De( Pr"/"s+ M"li/ Mr- A "l#i$ Si ,+ Dr- Pri$"% Si ,+ Ms- S+o.+" " !+"r$i" Dr- Di#"y L"?%" Kel/"r D$si#%atio% C+"ir%" A :+ole-$i%e Dire)$or M" ",i , Dire)$or 8$- M" ",i , Dire)$or :+ole-$i%e Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e A I (e&e (e $ Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e A I (e&e (e $ Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e A I (e&e (e $ Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e A I (e&e (e $ Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e A I (e&e (e $ Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e A I (e&e (e $ Dire)$or No -e?e)*$i7e A I (e&e (e $ Dire)$or
T1pe Fo*$+e+
7u#lic compa y B;A)HAROHONDA M Ha uary 14' 143/ i Gur&ao ' Harya a' I dia
Hea+4*a#te#s Harya a' I dia Om 7ra$ash Mu jal' Bou der Mr" Brijmoha 6all Mu jal' 9hairma Mr" Toshia$i Na$a&a%a' Hoi t Ma a&i & Director Mr" 7a%a Mu jal' Ma a&i & Director Automoti!e Motorcycles' ;cooters (C *"3 #illio http)..%%%"heroho da""asp
-e1 people
He#o Ho$+a Moto#c1cles L&m&te+ is a I dia ma ufacturer of motorcycles a d scooters" Hero Ho da is a joi t !e ture that #e&a i 143/ #et%ee the Hero &roup of I dia a d Ho da from Hapa " It has #ee the %orld=s #i&&est ma ufacturer of *+%heeled motoriFed !ehicles si ce *551' %he it produced 1"- millio motor#i$es i a si &le year" Hero Ho da=s ;ple dor is the %orld=s lar&est selli & motorcycle Jcitation neededK" Its * pla ts are i Dharuhera a d Gur&ao ' #oth i Harya a' I dia" It specialiFes i dual use motorcycles that are lo% po%ered #ut !ery fuel efficie t"
Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho Hero Ho
da ;ple dor 7lus da 7assio 7lus da @ariFma da 9BL da ;uper ;ple dor da 9D Da% da 9D Delu?e da Achie!er da Glamour da Am#itio
Compa$1 P#o6&le
HeroN' is the #ra d ame used #y the Mu jal #rothers i the year 1401 %ith the fla&ship compa y Hero 9ycles" The t%o+%heeler ma ufacturi & #usi ess of #icycle compo e ts had ori&i ally started i the 14/5Ds a d tur ed i to the %orldDs lar&est #icycle ma ufacturer today" Hero' is a ame sy o ymous %ith t%o+%heelers i I dia today" The Mu jals roll their o% steel' ma$e free %heel #icycle critical compo e ts a d ha!e di!ersified i to differe t !e tures li$e product desi& " The Hero Group philosophy is) To pro!ide e?celle t tra sportatio to the commo ma at easily afforda#le prices a d
to pro!ide total satisfactio i all its spheres of acti!ityN" The Hero &roup !isio is to #uild lo & lasti & relatio ships %ith e!eryo e 8customers' %or$ers' dealers a d !e dors:" The Hero Group has a passio for setti & hi&her sta dards a d A &i eeri & ;atisfactio N is the prime moti!atio ' %ay of life a d %or$ culture of the Group" I the year 143/' Mr" Brijmoha 6al Mu jal' the 9hairma a d Ma a&i & Director of Hero Ho da Motors 8HHM:' headed a allia ce #et%ee the Mu jal family a d Ho da Motor 9ompa y 6td" 8HM9:" HHM Missio ;tateme t is) >e' at Hero Ho da' are co ti uously stri!i & for sy er&y #et%ee tech olo&y' systems' a d huma resources to pro!ide products a d ser!ices that meet the Iuality' performa ce' a d price aspiratio s of our customers" >hile doi & so' %e mai tai the hi&hest sta dards of ethics a d societal respo si#ilities' co sta tly i o!ate products a d processes' a d de!elop teams that $eep the mome tum &oi & to ta$e the compa y to e?celle ce i the e% mille iumN" This allia ce #ecame o e of the most successful joi t !e tures i I dia' u til the year 1444 %he HM9 had a ou ced a 155O su#sidiary' Ho da Motorcycle P ;cooter I dia 8HM;I:" This a ou ceme t caused the HHM stoc$ price to decrease #y -5 perce t that same day" Mu jal had to come up %ith some e% strate&ic decisio s as' HM;I a d other forei& e% e try compa ies %ere causi & i creased i te sity of ri!alry for HHM" 99 G#owth 99 The #usi ess &ro%th of Hero Ho da has #ee phe ome al throu&hout its early days" The Mu jal family started a modest #usi ess of #icycle compo e ts" Hero Group e?pa ded so #i& that #y *55* they had sold 31 millio #icycles produci & 11555 #icycles a day" Today Hero Ho da has a assem#ly li e of 4 differe t models of motorcycles a!aila#le" It holds the record for most popular #i$e i the %orld #y sales for Its ;ple dor model" Hero Ho da Motors 6imited %as esta#lished i joi t !e ture %ith Ho da Motors of Hapa i 143/' to ma ufacture motorcycles" It is curre tly the lar&est producer of T%o >heelers i the %orld" It sold - millio #i$es i the year *550+*551" Rece tly it has also e tered i scooter ma ufacturi &' %ith its model 76AA;(RA mai ly aimed at &irls" The Hero Group has do e #usi ess differe tly ri&ht from the start a d that is %hat has helped them to achie!e #rea$+throu&h i the competiti!e t%o+ %heeler mar$et" The Group=s lo% $ey' #ut focused' style of ma a&eme t has ear ed the compa y plaudits amidst i !estors' employees' !e dors a d dealers' as also %orld%ide reco& itio " The &ro%th of the Group throu&h the years has #ee i flue ced #y a um#er of factors)
: J*st;&$;T&me <
The Hero Group throu&h the Hero 9ycles Di!isio %as the first to i troduce the co cept of just+i +time i !e tory" The Group #oasts of super# operatio al efficie cies" A!ery assem#ly li e %or$er operates t%o machi es simulta eously to sa!e time a d impro!e producti!ity" The fact that most of the machi es are either de!eloped or fa#ricated i + house' has resulted i lo% i !e tory le!els" I Hero 9ycles 6imited' the just+i +time
i !e tory pri ciple has #ee %or$i & si ce the #e&i i & of productio i the u it a d is fu ctio al e!e till date"" This is the Hapa ese style of productio a d i I diaG Hero is pro#a#ly the o ly compa y to ha!e mastered the art of the just+i +time i !e tory pri ciple"
: A$c&lla#&sat&o$ <
A i te&ral part of the Group strate&y of doi & #usi ess differe tly %as pro!idi & support to a cillary u its" There are o!er -55 a cillary u its today' %hose productio is dedicated to Hero=s reIuireme ts a d also a lar&e um#er of other !e dors' %hich i clude some of the #etter $ o% compa ies i the automoti!e se&me t" Amployee 7olicy) A other ;tri$i & feature %ithi the Hero Group is the commitme t a d dedicatio of its %or$ers" There is o or&a iFed la#or u io a d family mem#ers of employees fi d ready employme t %ithi Hero" The philosophy %ith re&ard to la#or ma a&eme t is MHero is &ro%i &' &ro% %ith Hero"M >he it comes to %or$ers= #e efits' the Hero Group is $ o% for pro!idi & facilities' further ahead of the i dustry orms" 6o & #efore other compa ies did so' Hero %as &i!i & its employees a u iform allo%a ce' as %ell as House Re t Allo%a ce 8HRA: a d 6ea!e Tra!el Allo%a ce 86TA:" A?tra #e efits too$ the form of medical chec$+ups' ot just for %or$ers' #ut also for the immediate family mem#ers"
: 8*al&t1 <
Quality at Hero is attai ed ot just #y moder pla ts a d eIuipme t a d throu&h latest tech olo&y' #ut #y e forci & a strict discipli e" At the Group factories' attai i & Iuality sta dards is a e!eryday practice + a strictly pursued discipli e" It comes from a
amal&amatio of the latest tech olo&y %ith deep+rooted e?perie ce deri!ed from early four decades of hard la#or" It is a attitude that masters the challe &e of &ro%th a d cha &e + cha &e i co sumers= perceptio s a#out products a d e% aspiratio s arisi & from a e% &e eratio of #uyers" 9o sta t tech olo&y up &radatio e sures that the Group stays i the &lo#al mai stream a d mai tai s its competiti!e ed&e" >ith each of its forei& colla#oratio s' the Group &oes o to stre &the its Iuality measures as per the #oo$" The Group also employs the ser!ices of i depe de t e?perts from arou d the %orld to assist i e% desi& a d productio processes"
: D&0e#s&6&cat&o$ <
Throu&hout the years of e ormous &ro%th' the Group 9hairma ' Mr" 6all has acti!ely loo$ed at di!ersificatio " A co sidera#le le!el of #ac$%ard i te&ratio i its ma ufacturi & acti!ities has #ee ample i the Group=s &ro%th a d led to the esta#lishme t of the Hero 9ycles 9old Rolli & Di!isio ' Mu jal a d ;u #eam 9asti &s' Mu jal Auto 9ompo e ts a d Mu jal ;ho%a 6imited amo &st other compo e t+ ma ufacturi & u its" The there %ere the e?pa sio i to the automoti!e se&me t %ith the setti & up of Majestic Auto 6imited' %here the first i di&e ously desi& ed moped' Hero Majestic' %e t i to commercial productio i 1423" The came Hero Motors %hich i troduced Hero 7uch' i colla#oratio %ith &lo#al tech olo&y leader ;teyr Daimler 7uch of Austria" Hero Ho da Motors %as esta#lished i 143/ to ma ufacture 155 cc motorcycles" The Hero Group also too$ a !e ture i to other se&me ts li$e e?ports' fi a cial ser!ices' i formatio tech olo&y' %hich i cludes customer respo se ser!ices a d soft%are de!elopme t" Burther e?pa sio is e?pected i the areas of I sura ce a d Telecommu icatio " The Hero Group=s phe ome al &ro%th is the result of co sta t i o!atio s' a close %atch o costs a d the dy amic leadership of the Group 9hairma ' characteriFed #y a culture of e trepre eurship' of ri&ht attitudes a d #uildi & stro &er relatio ships %ith i !estors' part ers' !e dors a d dealers a d customers
It is %ell $ o% fact that the most importa t step i mar$eti & research process is to defi e the pro#lem" 9hoose for i !esti&atio #ecause a pro#lem %ell defi ed is half sol!ed" That %as the reaso that at most care %as ta$e %hile defi i & !arious parameters of the pro#lem" After &i!i & throu&h #rai stormi & sessio ' o#jecti!es %ere selected a d the set o the #ase of these o#jecti!es" A Iuestio aire %as desi& ed major emphasis of %hich %as &atheri & e% ideas or i si&ht so as to determi e a d #i d out solutio to the pro#lems" DATA SO7RCE Research i cluded &atheri & #oth 7rimary a d ;eco dary data" P#&ma#1 +ata is the first ha d data' %hich are selected a fresh a d thus happe to #e ori&i al i character" 7rimary Data %as crucial to $ o% !arious customers a d past co sumer !ie%s a#out #i$es a d to calculate the mar$et share of this #ra d i re&ards to other #ra ds" Seco$+a#1 +ata are those %hich has #ee collected #y some o e else a d %hich already ha!e #ee passed throu&h statistical process" ;eco dary data has #ee ta$e from i ter et' e%spaper' ma&aFi es a d compa ies %e# sites" RESEARCH APPROACH The research approach %as used sur!ey method %hich is a %idely used method for data collectio a d #est suited for descripti!e type of research sur!ey i cludes research i strume t li$e Iuestio aire %hich ca #e structured a d u structured" Tar&et populatio is %ell ide tified a d !arious methods li$e perso al i ter!ie%s a d telepho e i ter!ie%s are employed" SAMPL"!G 7!"T It &i!es the tar&et populatio that %ill #e sampled" This research %as carried i Mu$tsar 8Distt Mu$tsar: These %ere 155 respo de ts" DATA COMPLET"O! A!D A!AL S"S After the data has #ee collected' it %as ta#ulated a d fi di &s of the project %ere prese ted follo%ed #y a alysis a d i terpretatio to reach certai co clusio s"
1" To $ o% the mar$et share of Bajaj P Hero Ho da" *" To $ o% the perceptio of customers re&ardi & #i$es" -" To determi e the customers satisfactio re&ardi & #i$es" /" To determi e the factors i flue ci & the choice of customers re&ardi & #i$es"
718 93ic3 :i;$ 1o <ou 3a6$= Hero Ho (" !"#"# A y o$+er 25 <= 03
728 93ic3 Mo1$ 1o <ou !a6$= !$ro !o%1a S&le (er P"ssio K"riG%" A y o$+er ;0 0< 5 > Ba>a> CT 066 Dis)o7er P*ls"r A y o$+er 5 0; 00 =
7'8 I% ?3ic3 fa2i < I%co2$ $6$ 1o <ou "a = 066666-;66666 ;66666-<66666 <66666-266666 ".o7e 266666 ;; 23 ;< 06
7(8 "or 3o? o%# 1o <ou o?% a :i;$= 6-0 ye"r 0-; ye"r ;-< ye"r ".o7e < ye"r <2 ;1 ;> 00
7,8 "or ?3at @ur@os$ 1o <ou us$ <our Motor Bi;$= Offi)e P*r&ose Perso "l &*r&ose 8oy P*r&ose O$+er !$ro !o%1a 1 0< 01 > Ba>a> 2 03 0> <
7-8 !o? 1o <ou co2$ to ;%o? a:out t3is Motor Bi;$= Ne's&"&er Tele7isio M","Gi e Frie (s A Rel"$i7e !$ro !o%1a 2 ;< ; 0= Ba>a> ; 0> 0 01
7&8 Do$s A16$rtis$2$%t I%f u$%c$ <our 1$cisio% i% c3oosi%# a Motor Bi;$= Yes No C" $ s"y =5H 3H =H
7.8 Do <ou 3a6$ fu ;%o? $1#$ a:out Bi;$s :$for$ :u<i%#= !$ro !o%1a Yes No ;3 ;;
Ba>a> ;< 03
7/8 93ic3 "actor :$ o? I%f u$%c$ <our 1$cisio%= !$ro !o%1a Pri)e Mile",e I*"li$y Res"le D"l*e S$"$*s sy%.ol 5;H 5=H >3H 26H 06H Ba>a> 5=H >2H 2=H ;=H 5H
7108 !o? ?ou 1 <ou rat$ t3$ fo o?i%# factors of Bi;$s ?it3 r$s@$ct to 1iff$r$%t co2@a%<= !$ro !o%1a Mile",e Pri)e Pi)/ *& M"i $e " )e Loo/ A S+"&e !r" ( I%",e 52H >=H 56H 3=H =3H 3<H Ba>a> 5;H >3H =6H >;H =6H 33H
7118 If %$? Bi;$ ?it3 #oo1 f$atur$s co2$s i%A t3$% ?ou 1 <ou i;$ to c3a%#$ <our :i;$= !$ro !o%1a Yes No C" $ s"y 01 05 00 Ba>a> ;0 02 <
1" Most of the 7ulsar' 9BL P @ariFma are purchased #y you & &e eratio 13 to -5 #ecause they prefer stylish loo$s a d rest of the models of Hero Ho da are purchased more #y daily users %ho eeds more a!era&e of #i$es tha loo$s" Hero Ho da is co sidered to #e most fuel+efficie t #i$e o I dia roads" ;er!ice P ;pare parts are a!aila#le throu&hout I dia i local mar$ets also" >hile #uyi & a motorcycle' eco omy is the mai co sideratio i form of mai te a ce cost' fuel efficie cy" Majority of the respo de t had #ou&ht their motorcycle more tha years"
1" *" -" /" 0" 1" Bajaj should i troduce some more models ha!i & more e &i e po%er" Hero Ho da should thi $ a#out fuel efficie cy i se&me t #i$es" More ser!ice ce ters should #e ope ed" Mai te a ce cost a d the a!aila#ility of the spare parts should also #e &i!e due importa ce" They also i troduce some &ood fi a ce.discou t schemes for stude ts" The price should #e eco omic" case of upper
>. www.he#oho$
Amployee Other
Q1: >hich Bi$e do you ha!e< Hero Ho da Q*: >hich Model do you ha!e< Hero Ho da) + ;ple dor @ariFma Bajaj) + 9T 155 7ulsar Q-: I %hich Bamily I come do you Ball< 155555+*55555 -55555+/55555 Q/: Bor ho% lo & do you o% a Bi$e< *55555+-55555 A#o!e /55555 7assio Other Disco!er Other Bajaj A y Other
5+1 year *+- year 1+* year a#o!e - years
Q0: Bor %hat purpose do you use your Motor Bi$e< Office 7urpose Hoy 7urpose 7erso al 7urpose Other
Q1: Ho% do you come to $ o% a#out this Motor Bi$e< Ne%spaper Ma&aFi es Tele!isio Brie ds.Relati!es
Q2: Does Ad!ertiseme t I flue ce your decisio i choosi & a Motor Bi$e< ,es No 9a Dt say
Q3: Do you ha!e full $ o%led&e a#out Bi$es #efore #uyi &< ,es No
Q4: >hich factor #elo% i flue ce your decisio < 7rice Resale Ealue Milea&e ;tatus ;ym#ol Quality
Q15: Ho% %ould you rate the follo%i & factors of #i$es %ith respect to differe t compa ies< Hero Ho da Bajaj Milea&e 7rice 7ic$ up Mai te a ce 6oo$.;hape Bra d Ima&e Q11: I e% #i$e %ith &ood feature comes i ' the %ould you li$e to cha &e your #i$es< ,es No 9a Dt say
8;i& ature: