Beginning Percussion Lesson Plan
Beginning Percussion Lesson Plan
Beginning Percussion Lesson Plan
Name: Paige Fleming Class: Beginning Percussion Date of Lesson: 3/4/14 Primary Goal: The students will be more familiar with the C Major and Bb Major scale Secondary Goal: The students will be more familiar with reading music in the key of C and Bb TEKS to be addressed in this lesson:
Performance/Expression I.2.1 (A) Posture, breathing vowel formation, hand positions, embouchure (etc.) The student will sing/play with correct posture, breathing technique, vowel formation, hand positions, embouchure, etc. at all times Performance/Expression I.2.1 (B) Perform expressively using correct technique The student will perform with musicality and using healthy singing/playing technique Performance/Expression I.2.2 (B) Read melodies and rhythms using standard music symbols The student will sight read a melody individually, in a small group, and with the ensemble
Materials or Resources: Goldenberg Scale Sheet with Melodies Warm-ups: Time Needed: 3min 1. Exercise #1: Major C Scale a. Objectives: Review the notes in the C Major Scale b. Assessment (informal or formal): Listen to see if all are playing the correct notes. Rehearsal/Review Previous Assignments: Time Needed: 12min Title of Piece/Exercise #1: Major C Melody 1. Objectives: Review the Melody notes and where they are on the keyboard. 2. Activities/strategies/review: Review the last line and allow the students time to go over the notes with their partner. 3. Items to Anticipate: Some students may not remember or have a hard time understanding where the notes are on the staff and keyboard. 4. Assessment (informal or formal): Make sure each student is playing the correct notes. New Skill/Concept (optional): Time Needed: 7min 1. Objectives: Learn the F Scale using the warm up (Finger and say the note names, then play) 2. Items to anticipate: The students may have a hard time with notes that are played by a skip instead of a step. 3. Assessment (informal or formal): Listen to make sure all students are playing the correct notes. Sight-Reading/New Assignment: Time Needed: 13min Title of Piece/Exercise #1: F Major Melody 1. Objectives: Learn the F Major Melody with correct notes and rhythms. 2. Process: a. Have the students say the note names and finger along. b. Have the students play two measures at a time. c. Put every four measure together by fingering along and playing. 3. Items to anticipate: Some students may not grasp the notes as quickly so allow time for their partners to show them. 4. Assessment (informal or formal): Listen and watch the students as they follow along to see if they are hitting the correct notes. Closure: Time Needed: 1min 1. Summarize objectives of lesson: We have gone through the C major and Bb scale and melody. 2. Communicate objectives for the next rehearsal: Tomorrow we will finish the Bb scale and hopefully move on to a Bb etude.