Simulation of Microstrip Patch Antenna
Simulation of Microstrip Patch Antenna
Simulation of Microstrip Patch Antenna
To Simulate and estimate the parameters of microstrip antenna using ADS Software.
1. Personal computer. 2. ADS Software.
A microstrip patch antenna in its simplest configuration consists of radiating patch on one of the dielectric substrate, which has ground plane on the other side. The Patch conductors usually made of copper or gold can be virtually assumed to be of any shape. However, convectional shapes are normally used to simplify analysis and performance prediction .The radiating elements and the feed line are usually photo etched on the dielectric substrate. The basic configuration of a microstrip patch antenna is shown in Fig 1.
The radiating patch may square, rectangular, circular, elliptical or any other configuration .Square, rectangular, and circular shapes are the most common because of ease of analysis and fabrication .Some of the advantages of the microstrip antennas compared to convectional microwave antennas are 1) Low weight, low volume, 2) Low fabrication cost, 3) Easy mass production, 4) Linear and circular polarization is possible with simple feed, 5) Easily integrated with MIC, 6) Feed lines and matching networks can be fabricated simultaneously with
antenna structure.
Patch antennas find a variety of application starting from military to commercial, because of there ease of design and fabrication. Patch arrays are Extensively used in phased array radar application and in applications requiring high directivity and narrow beam width.
1) Select an appropriate substrate of thickness (h) and dielectric constant ( ) for the design of the patch antenna.
2) Calculate the physical parameters of the patch antenna as shown in the geometry in fig 2 using the given formula.
SIMULATION USING ADS Calculate the physical parameters of the antenna like length ,width, depth inset feed etc.Using the above given design equations . Create a model of the patch antennas in the layout windows of ADS.The model can be created as follows. Click insert >> rectangle and the cursor appears on the screen with dotted lines .Now click insert>>coordinate entry and give the coordinates for the
of the
rectangle as shown in fig 3.For example to create a square patch of width and length of 29.2mm the coordinates may be (0,0) and (29.2,29.2).
Complete the layout model of the antenna by drawing the feed line using the above method as shown in fig 4.
Define the substrate parameters for the antenna by clicking Momentum>> Substrate>>Create /modify. This opens the create /modify substrate dialog box. Give the appropriate values for the thickness and dielectric constant of the substrate in the create/modify substrate dialog box as shown in fig 5( for example ,enter the values of dielectric constant to be 4.6 and the thickness of the substrate to be 1.6).
Apply ports to the feed line of the antenna divider by clicking the port icon in bar of ADS layout window or by clicking insert >>component >> port .
the tool
The properties of the port can be varied by selecting the required port and then clicking momentum >> port editor as shown in fig 6.The port properties window opens where the properties for the port like type,impedance etc can be changed .Enter the port type to be single and impedance real to be 50.
8. Simulate the circuit by clicking momentum >> simulation >>S Parameter.This opens the simulation control dialog box .In the dialog box enter the sweep type to be adaptive ,start frequency to be 0.5 GHZ,stop frequency as 4 GHZ and sample points limits to be 25.Update the value by clicking update button on the simulation control dialog box,save the data set by a name and then press simulate.
9.The momentum engine of the ADS simulates the circuit and the status of the simulation will be displayed as shown in fig 8.
10.After the simualation is complete the ADS automatically opens the data display window displaying the results .If the data display window does not open click window >>new data display.In the data display window select a rectangular plot and this automatically opens the place attributes dialog box .Select the traces to be plotted in the dialog box and press ok to plot the graph as shown in fig 9.
It can be seen from the above figure that the patch antenna has a return loss of only 6dB.Thus the antenna has to be optimized for performances.In the design insert feed length H is optimized for different lengths.After optimization the final length of H =12mm was found to have better return loss as shown in fig 11.
11. To
the view
radiation pattern of the antenna click momentum >>post processing >> radiation pattern as shown in fig 11.
12.The radiation pattern control dialog box opens .Enter the appropriate values of the impedance ,frequency etc in dialog box as shown in fig 12 and press compute.This opens the momentum post processing window as shown in fig 13.
13.To view the radiation pattern click Far field >> Far field plot.A new dialog box in select the E in the E field list and click ok.This displays the radiation pattern of the antenna as shown in fig 14.
14. To view the Antenna parameters click far field >>Antenna parameters. The window displaying the various antenna parameters like gain, directivity etc.appaears as shown in fig 15.