Transit NZ Bridge Manual 2nd Edition
Transit NZ Bridge Manual 2nd Edition
Transit NZ Bridge Manual 2nd Edition
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June 2003
September 2004
1. Design Statement............................................................................... June 2003
2. Design General Requirements.............................................. September 2004
3. Design Loading........................................................................ September 2004
4. Analysis and Design Criteria.................................................... September 2004
5. Earthquake Resistant Design................................................... September 2004
6. Evaluation of Bridges and Culverts .......................................... September 2004
7. Structural Strengthening .................................................................... June 2003
Appendix A: Bridge Widths and Clearances........................................ June 2003
Appendix B: Bridge Side Protection .................................................... June 2004
Appendix C: Toroidal Rubber Buffer.................................................... June 2003
Appendix D: Lightly Trafficked Rural Bridges ...................................... June 2003
Appendix E: Bridge Site nformation Summary ................................... June 2003
June 2003
This Bridge Manual sets out the criteria Ior the design oI new structures and evaluation oI
existing structures. It covers those carrying road and/or pedestrian traIIic, in which the main
supporting members are oI reinIorced or prestressed concrete, structural steel, timber or
aluminium, utilising beam or arch action, and spanning up to 100 m. It includes the design oI
culverts. It does not include cable supported structures, nor bridges subject to railway
It has been written as a perIormance speciIication, and methods have only been speciIied
where they are considered essential to achieving a satisIactory design.
This edition supersedes the Iollowing previously published documents:
1933: "Road Bridges: Loads and Allowable Stresses", Public Works Department.
1943: "Highway Bridge Design Loadings and Tentative Preliminary Code",
Technical Memorandum No.8, Public Works Department.
1956: "Bridge Manual", Ministry oI Works.
1971, 1972,
1973, 1978:
"Highway Bridge Design BrieI", CDP 701, Ministry oI Works and
1973: "Bridge ClassiIication and Deck Grading Ior Overweight Permits", CDP 703,
Ministry oI Works and Development.
1974: "Posting Weight Limits Ior Highway Bridges", CDP 704, Ministry oI Works
and Development.
1984: "Bridge Deck Widths and Side Protection", CDP 710, Ministry oI Works and
1989: "Bridge Manual", National Roads Board.
1991: "Bridge Manual : Design and Evaluation", (DraIt Ior comment), Transit New
1994, 2000: Bridge Manual, Transit New Zealand
This edition incorporates major amendments to Sections 1, and a new clause 2.6. The manual
has also been reIormatted to Iacilitate Iuture web based publication.
June 2003
Section 5 contains text, Iigures and tables Irom NZS 4203:1992(4) with or without
modiIication. The main items adopted are Clause 5.2.1, Figures 5.2 (a), (b), and (c), Figure
5.3, and Figure 5.5 (replotted). Reprinted with permission oI Standards New Zealand.
Table 6.2 is taken Irom D B Owen, Handbook oI Statistical Tables, 1962, by Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co, Inc, Reading, Massachusetts, being part oI Table 5.3 on page 126.
Reprinted with permission oI the publisher.
Figures 6.1 - 6.5 are taken Irom the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code, 3rd Edition.
Reprinted with the permission oI the Ministry oI Transportation oI Ontario.
Appendix B contains text, Iigures and tables taken Irom the DraIt Austroads Bridge Design
Code. Reprinted with the permission oI Vic Roads and Austroads Inc.
The assistance provided by Opus International Consultants Ltd in the preparation oI this
manual is acknowledged.
June 2003
June 2003
TabIe of Contents
1.1 Preliminary.................................................................................................. 1-3
1.2 Predesign lnformation................................................................................. 1-3
1.3 Design Statement Content.......................................................................... 1-4
1.4 Responsibility, Endorsement and Certification ........................................... 1-7
1.5 References ................................................................................................. 1-7
1 Design Statement
June 2003
June 2003
11 PreIiminary
The initial step in the design oI each structure shall be the consideration oI various
possible types oI bridge or other highway structure, and the preparation oI a Design
Statement. This shall be an engineering appreciation oI the need Ior the new bridge,
the Iactors which inIluence the design, the alternative Iorms the design can take, the
reasons Ior selection oI one oI these alternatives as being more suitable than the
others, and an assessment oI the cost.
The Design Statement, once endorsed by Transit New Zealand, sets out the agreed
Iorm and nature oI the structure to be designed during Iinal design Ior construction.
During Iinal design, should the designer deviate signiIicantly Irom the Iorm and
nature oI structure set out in the Design Statement, a revised Design Statement shall
be submitted Ior endorsement by Transit New Zealand.
A Design Statement shall be prepared Ior all new bridges and major culverts, bridge
alterations, and other major highway structures such as retaining walls and sign
gantries. A major culvert is deIined as a culvert with a waterway area greater than
3.4 m
. A major highway structure is deIined as a structure with a construction value
exceeding $200,000, or where the contingent liability cost associated with Iailure
could exceed $970,000, or where there is potential Ior signiIicant traIIic disruption
during construction resulting in traIIic delay costs exceeding $970,000. (Costs
quoted are at a -- - -
Construction Index 1908 as Ior March 2003).
Eor a bridge or other highway structure to be designed under a design and construct
contract, or oIIered as an alternative tender, a Design Statement shall be prepared Ior
the speciIic structural Iorm proposed. In the case oI a design and build contract, the
proposed solution, iI varied Irom the specimen design, need only be compared to the
specimen design. In the case oI a tendered alternative design, the alternative design
shall be compared against the conIorming design. The Design Statement may take
the Iorm oI being an amendment to, or update oI, a previously existing Design
Statement. The Design Statement should accompany the tender submission.
The Design Statement is to be addressed to the relevant executive oIIicer oI the road
controlling authority. In the case oI State Highway bridges, this is the Regional
Manager, Transit New Zealand.
12 Predesign Information
(a) Scheme Assessment
Prior to a brieI being issued Ior design oI a structure, a Scheme Assessment
will generally have been prepared, to establish the need, requirements and
constraints on construction oI the new structure. Depending on the situation,
the Scheme Assessment may address a length oI highway oI which the
structure is a part, or it may reIer only to the structure itselI.
The Scheme Assessment will generally establish preIerred geometry Ior the
alignment, deIine roadway and Iootpath widths (iI any), and identiIy speciIic
June 2003
matters to be addressed during the design. It may be based on limited site
investigations, where unknown geological conditions might inIluence the
Ieasibility oI scheme options. Where appropriate, it will include input Irom
other authorities such as a regional authority.
(b) Site Information
The designer shall ensure that there is suIIicient site inIormation to Iorm the
basis oI the Design Statement. The Bridge Site InIormation Summary given in
Appendix E is a suitable checklist. However, it is the designer's responsibility
to ensure that the inIormation is suIIiciently comprehensive to enable sound
judgement to be made on all aspects oI the design. This applies particularly to
subsurIace and hydrological inIormation, and iI these or other data are not
adequate, the designer shall obtain the necessary inIormation beIore the Design
Statement is Iinalised.
13 Design Statement Content
The Design Statement shall provide suIIicient data to permit a Iull review oI the
proposal, and shall consist oI the Iollowing sections:
(a) Introduction
Reasons Ior the construction oI the bridge shall be given, and a general
description oI the site provided.
(b) Factors Which InfIuence the Design
All signiIicant Iactors that aIIect the design shall be discussed. These include:
Service requirements (e.g. traIIic volume, pedestrians, cyclists, utilities to
be provided Ior)
Eoundation conditions
Constraints on span arrangement and clearances
Constraints on construction methods
Constraints on construction materials
The interaction oI construction with traIIic Ilows
Site seismic hazard, including subsoil conditions, and the potential Ior
site instability or liqueIaction
Environmental considerations and constraints (including the inIluence
these have on aesthetic requirements Ior the structure)
Side protection requirements
Eor a bridge over a road or railway, exposure to potential vehicle/train
collision with the bridge supports or superstructure
Access Ior inspection and maintenance
Any territorial authority requirements additional to the requirements oI
Transit New Zealand.
June 2003
(c) Design Options
Generally, at least two design options shall be considered. Principal Ieatures oI
the design options considered shall be described, including:
the structural Iorm and its mode oI behaviour
how the design addresses each oI the above Iactors inIluencing the design
likely methods oI construction
construction materials and durability
the tolerance oI the structure to overloading under critical load conditions
aesthetics oI the structure, and their suitability Ior the location
maintenance requirements.
In the event that an alternative design is tendered, the Design Statement Ior the
alternative design shall identiIy the primary variance/s Irom the conIorming
design and the eIIect that each oI these will have on durability, seismic
perIormance, waterway design, structural integrity, ability oI the structure to
resist the loads speciIied in Section 3, and, where relevant, the ability oI the
bridge supports and superstructure to resist collision by vehicle and or train, as
compared with the conIorming design. Evidence shall be presented that shows
the alternative design is oI superior quality and perIormance compared with the
conIorming design.
An estimate oI cost shall be given Ior each option, showing the total cost and
cost per m
oI overall deck area. The date oI the estimate Ior each option shall
be stated. Eor the purpose oI economic comparison between options, including
any diIIerences in the approaches, the requirements oI the
shall be met, and includes consideration oI Iuture maintenance costs.
(d) Recommendation
An option shall be recommended Ior Iinal design with supporting justiIication
provided. This shall be the design that is the most appropriate solution and
gives the best value Ior money, taking account oI both construction and
maintenance costs. This is not necessarily the cheapest. The designer shall
also recommend such Iurther investigation as is considered necessary Ior
completion oI the Iinal design.
(e) Design Statement Drawings
The recommended option shall be shown on the Design Statement drawings.
Other options considered may also be shown in less detail. The drawings oI the
recommended option shall include a plan, elevation and cross-section oI the
bridge showing all relevant geometric, traIIic clearances (as appropriate),
hydrological (as appropriate), Ioundation, structural layout, and side protection
data. Seismic design Ieatures, materials, Iinishes, and Ieatures important to the
structures aesthetics, shall be identiIied. A locality plan shall also be included.
June 2003
(f) Recommended Option - AdditionaI Information
Eor the recommended option, the Iollowing shall also be stated or described:
Details oI the Proposed Structure
Proposed details relevant to the structural behaviour, including details
related to the provision oI seismic protection, accommodation oI thermal
and settlement eIIects, and articulation oI the structure
Proposed arrangements Ior inspection and maintenance
Proposed detailing in respect to the aesthetic design oI the structure.
Design Criteria
Design codes and standards to be applied to the design
Any proposed departures Irom design codes and standards, together with
reasons Ior the departures Ior Transit approval
Proposed methods Ior dealing with aspects not covered by design codes
or standards
Structural Modelling and Analysis
Methods oI analysis Ior the superstructure, substructure and Ioundations
The Iorm oI analysis models
Assumptions Ior calculation oI structural stiIIness
Soil parameters and earth pressure coeIIicients adopted Ior the modelling
oI soil-structure interaction and Ior design oI soil retaining structures.
Ground Conditions and Eoundations
Extent oI geotechnical investigations undertaken and proposed
Acceptance oI the geotechnical interpretive report recommendations, or
reasons Ior departures
Description oI the strata in which Iounding, and proposed allowable or
limiting bearing pressures Ior end bearing and lateral bearing, and skin
Iriction on piles
DiIIerential settlement to be allowed Ior in design
Anticipated ground movements or settlements due to embankment
loading, etc.
Results oI groundwater tests and any counteracting measures proposed
Categorisation oI the site subsoil conditions Ior earthquake loading
Aesthetics oI the Structure
Where required by the contract or design brieI, Ior structures that are
expected to have a signiIicant visual impact on their environment,
perspective drawings, a photomontage, or a scale model shall be
June 2003
14 ResponsibiIity, Endorsement and Certification
Each Design Statement shall be approved, signed and dated by a senior design
representative who has the authority to sign on behalI oI the consultancy or
contractor providing the design service. The names oI the author(s) oI the Design
Statement shall also be included on the cover page. Space shall be leIt at the end Ior
endorsement and comments by Transit New Zealand's oIIicer.
On completion oI the Iinal design Ior the structure, the designer shall supply
certiIication to Transit New Zealand that the design complies with the Design
Statement and any subsequent amendments agreed with Transit New Zealands
1 References
(1) ____, - -, Department oI Statistics, published quarterly.
(2) ____, 1997, , Manual No.PEM2, TransIund New Zealand,
September 2004
TabIe of Contents
2.1 Design Philosophy ...................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.1 General....................................................................................................2-3
2.1.2 Definition of Terms ..................................................................................2-3
2.1.3 Basis of Design........................................................................................2-3
2.1.4 Design Codes ..........................................................................................2-8
2.1.5 Design Working Life Requirements .........................................................2-8
2.1.6 Limit State Requirements.........................................................................2-8
2.1.7 Durability Requirements...........................................................................2-8
2.1.8 Structural Robustness .............................................................................2-8
2.2 Geometric and Side Protection Requirements............................................ 2-9
2.3 Waterway Design........................................................................................ 2-9
2.3.1 General....................................................................................................2-9
2.3.2 Design Floods..........................................................................................2-9
2.3.3 Hydrology ..............................................................................................2-10
2.3.4 Hydraulics..............................................................................................2-11
2.3.5 Scour .....................................................................................................2-13
2.4 Site nvestigations..................................................................................... 2-13
2.5 nfluence of Approaches........................................................................... 2-13
2.6 Aesthetics ................................................................................................. 2-13
2.7 Special Studies ......................................................................................... 2-14
2.8 References ............................................................................................... 2-14
2 Design - GeneraI Reuirements
September 2004
September 2004
21 Design PhiIosophy
211 GeneraI
Bridges shall be designed to satisIy the requirements oI both the ultimate and the
serviceability limit states when acted on by any oI the combinations oI loading
deIined in this document.
During the design process all relevant Iactors aIIecting the design, such as those
listed in broad terms in 1.3(b), shall be taken into account to ensure compliance with
all relevant legislation and regulations, including the Resource Consent Ior the
project and the
. Detailing shall be such
that it promotes ease oI construction and ease oI maintenance.
Construction methods shall be considered, in order to avoid undue expense due to
unnecessarily complicated procedures. However, methods shall not be speciIied
unless they contain Ieatures essential to the design assumptions.
212 Definition of Terms
The state at which a structure becomes unIit Ior its
intended use through deIormation, vibratory response, degradation, or other
operational inadequacy.
The state at which the strength or ductility capacity oI the
structure is exceeded, or when it cannot maintain equilibrium and becomes unstable.
- The design working liIe oI a bridge is that liIe beyond which
the bridge will be expected to have become Iunctionally obsolete or to have become
uneconomic to maintain in a condition adequate Ior it to perIorm its Iunctional
Major renovation is maintenance work necessary to maintain
the strength, ductility capacity, or serviceability oI a bridge to enable it to IulIill its
Iunctional requirements, which exceeds 20 oI the replacement value oI the bridge.
213 Basis of Design
Design to this document is based on limit state principles adopting where possible a
statistical approach to the derivation oI design loads and material strengths.
Design actions other than earthquake, wind, snow and Iloodwater are based on a
statistical distribution appropriate to a 100 year design working liIe. Where statistical
distributions are not available, design actions are based on judgment and experience.
For dead and live load, the target probability oI exceedance within 100 years that has
been adopted is 5.
For wind, snow and Ilood water actions, bridges shall be categorised into an
importance level Ior which the assigned annual probabilities oI exceedance Ior these
actions shall be as given in Table 2.1. ReIer to 2.1.6 Ior deIinitions oI the ultimate
and serviceability limit states. The bridge shall remain operationally Iunctional
September 2004
Iollowing Ilood events up to an SLS I event, and both the structure and non-structural
elements shall remain undamaged Iollowing wind, snow and Ilood events up to an
SLS II event. SLS I and SLS II events are serviceability limit state events deIined by
the annual probabilities oI exceedance given in Table 2.1(a) and 2.1(b). Earthquake
actions are included in Section 5: Earthquake Resistant Design.
Permanent 1/5000 1/100 1/25
Bridges oI high importance to
post-disaster recovery (e.g.
bridges in major urban areas
providing direct access to
hospitals and emergency
services, or to a port or airport
Irom within a 10 km radius.)
Bridges with a construction cost
exceeding $10 million (as at
Temporary 1/1000 1/100 1/25
Permanent 1/2500 1/100 1/25
Bridges on the primary liIeline
routes identiIied in Figure
2.1(a), 2.1(b), and 2.1(c),
categorised on the basis oI
volume oI traIIic carried
route strategic importance
(e.g. inter-connection oI
centres oI population)
redundancy oI the regional
roading network
Temporary 1/500 1/25
Permanent 1/1000 1/50 1/25
Normal bridges, not Ialling into
other levels
Temporary 1/250 1/25
Permanent 1/500 1/25 1/25
Bridges on no-exit or loop rural
roads, not serving a through
road Iunction, and serving
populations 50
Temporary 1/25
* Permanent bridge: design working liIe 100 years
Temporary bridge: design working liIe 5 years
September 2004
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September 2004
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September 2004
- -
September 2004
214 Design Codes
This document deIines design loadings, load combinations and load Iactors, together
with criteria Ior earthquake resistant design, and other miscellaneous items. It does
not deIine detailed design criteria Ior the various materials, but reIers to standard
codes such as those produced by Standards New Zealand, Standards Australia and the
British Standards Institution. The standards reIerred to shall be the editions
reIerenced, including all current amendments. The speciIied portions oI these
standards are to be read as part oI this document, but any reIerences in such standards
to speciIic loads or load combinations shall be disregarded.
21 Design Working Life Reuirements
For the purpose oI assessing probabilistic eIIects oI loading such as wind,
earthquake, Ilood and live load Iatigue, and Ior consideration oI long term eIIects
such as corrosion, creep and shrinkage, the design working liIe oI a bridge is
assumed to be 100 years in normal circumstances. This may be varied by the
controlling authority iI circumstances require it, Ior example Ior temporary structures
or Ior strengthening oI existing structures. It should be noted that the 100 year design
working liIe exceeds the minimum requirement oI the
and the design liIe adopted as the basis Ior durability requirements by
Standards New Zealand materials design standards.
21 Limit State Reuirements
The structure and its component members shall be
designed Ior the serviceability limit state by limiting deIlection, vibration, cracking
and structural damage, as appropriate, providing adequate durability, and maintaining
operational Iunction in accordance with the requirements oI this document and the
material design standards reIerred to in this document.
The structure and its component members shall be designed
Ior the ultimate limit state by providing adequate strength and ductility, ensuring
stability, and providing adequate durability, in accordance with the requirements oI
this document and the material design standards reIerred to in this document.
217 DurabiIity Reuirements
The structure and its component members shall be designed to provide adequate
durability in accordance with the requirements oI the material design codes, except
where speciIic requirements are included in this document, which shall take
Structures shall be suIIiciently durable to ensure that, without reconstruction or major
renovation, they continue to IulIill their intended Iunction throughout their design
218 StructuraI Robustness
All parts oI the structure shall be interconnected, in both horizontal and vertical
planes, to provide the structure with the robustness to adequately withstand
September 2004
unanticipated extreme loading events such as extreme Ilood, earthquake or vehicle
The Designer, in detailing the various elements oI a structure, shall consider the
eIIect oI that detailing on the robustness oI the structure as a whole to unanticipated
extreme loading events and seek to ensure robustness oI the structure.
22 Geometric and Side Protection Reuirements
Roadway and Iootpath widths and horizontal and vertical clearances shall comply
with Appendix A as a minimum.
(a) Side protection to all new bridges, and where it is decided to replace side
protection on existing bridges, shall be provided in accordance with the
requirements oI AS/NZS 3845 --
as implemented
by TNZ M/23 --
and modiIied by
Appendix B oI this manual.
(b) Side protection is deIined as the rail or barrier systems by which users oI the
bridge are restrained Irom leaving the area oI deck or approach roadway
allotted to them. A risk management approach to side protection selection is
described in Appendix B, Clause B2. Means oI compliance with the
requirements, which are mandatory Ior Transit New Zealand Iunded work, are
given in Clauses B3 to B5.
(c) Clearances over railways shall comply with the requirements oI Tranz Rail
Limited and other network operators.
23 Waterway Design
231 GeneraI
The waterway design oI bridges and culverts shall comply with the requirements oI
the Austroads publication: - -
- - -
except as amended below:
232 Design FIoods
(a) GeneraI
- - - -
provides recommendations Ior the recurrence intervals oI the
Iloods that should be used Ior the various aspects oI design, but does not
provide speciIic standards, instead leaving these to roading authorities to
deIine. This clause details Transit New Zealands standards Ior the recurrence
intervals oI Iloods Ior waterway design.
In designing a stream crossing, consideration should be given to the type oI
structure, typically a bridge or culvert, and to the impact oI the structure on the
waterway and surrounding environment, due to the structure and its
September 2004
(b) OveraII Design of TotaI Waterway
In the design oI a stream crossing, the total waterway shall be designed to pass
a 100 year Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) Ilood without signiIicant
damage to the road and waterway structure(s). The Regional Council or
Territorial Authority responsible Ior the waterway shall be consulted to
determine iI the waterway needs to be designed Ior a Ilood greater than the 100
year ARI event. Although the minimum total waterway design Ilood is a 100
year ARI event, the Level oI Serviceability to TraIIic may provide Ior the
crossing to be impassable with a lower ARI Ilood.
(c) ServiceabiIity Limit State
State highway stream crossings shall pass
Iloods oI the ARI corresponding to the annual probability oI exceedance Ior the
SLS I given in Table 2.1 without interruption or disruption to traIIic.
(ARI 1/(annual probability oI exceedance))
Bridges shall be designed to withstand the eIIects oI a 25
year ARI Ilood without sustaining damage.
(d) UItimate Limit State
For the Ultimate Limit State, bridges shall be designed Ior the eIIects oI the
ARI Ilood corresponding to the importance oI the bridge and the annual
probability oI exceedance given in Table 2.1.
In situations where the design Ilood Ior the Ultimate Limit State will
substantially overtop the bridge structure, the design engineer shall also
investigate the intermediate stages in the Ilood height and consider those stage
heights that are most critical.
233 HydroIogy
(a) FIood Estimation Methods
The Iollowing two methods replace the methods outlined in Section 3 oI
- - - -
The Rational Method in which a peak Ilow oI a selected ARI is estimated
Irom the average rainIall intensity oI the same ARI.
The Regional Method -
by McKerchar
and Pearson.
(b) RationaI Method
The Rational Method is only applicable to small catchments, because oI its
inability to account Ior the eIIects oI catchment storage in attenuating the Ilood
hydrograph. The recommended maximum size oI the catchment to which the
method should be applied is 25 km
in urban catchments, and between 3 and
10 km
Ior rural catchments. The Rational Method is described in -
and the
September 2004
(c) RegionaI Method
is a regional method suitable Ior all rural
catchments except those in which there is snow-melt, glaciers, lake storage or
ponding. It should be used Ior rural catchments greater than 10 km
, and can
also be used Ior rural catchments between 3 km
and 10 km
, but should be
checked against the Rational Method.
(d) For Catchments Other Than Those Covered by (b) and (c) Above
For catchments other than those covered by (b) and (c) above, the
determination oI design Iloods should be the subject oI detailed hydrological
(e) Estimation of the UItimate Limit State Design FIood
The estimation oI the ULS design Ilood shall be made based on a probability
analysis oI available data using more than one recognised probability analysis
method. Wherever possible the data shall be obtained Irom a hydrology Ilow
station at or near the site oI the proposed bridge. Recognised probability
analysis methods include the Gumbel, Log Pearson and Generalised Extreme
Value (GEV) methods. Probability analysis methods are described in the
. It should be noted that predictions beyond the 100
year ARI are not precise and estimates Ior the ULS event shall be checked
against other nearby gauging stations and inIormation Irom other nearby
catchments and rivers.
II there is no hydrology Ilow inIormation available at the bridge site, then an
upstream site on the same river, or alternatively a gauging site on a nearby river
with similar hydrological characteristics, should be used. Data Irom more than
one site should be used to ensure that a degree oI smoothing oI extreme values
occurs. Scaling oI Ilood Ilows should be perIormed to adjust Ior diIIerences in
catchment areas. Flood Ilows should be scaled by the ratio oI the catchment
area to the power 0.8, as discussed in
Section 3 - Mean Annual Floods, i.e.
8 . 0
2 1 2 1
) / ( /
where is the Ilood discharge and is the catchment area.
234 HydrauIics
(a) Freeboard for LeveI of ServiceabiIity to Traffic
When considering the Level oI Serviceability to TraIIic required by 2.3.2 (c),
the Iollowing Ireeboards given in Table 2.2 shall be used.
September 2004
- -
Normal circumstances 0.6
Where the possibility
that large trees may be
carried down the
waterway exists
From the predicted
Ilood stage to the
underside oI the
Culvert All situations
From the predicted
Ilood stage to the road
(b) Waterways
In low-gradient silt- and sand-bed rivers, determinations oI Mannings Irom
sets oI photographs, Ior example, Irom -- --
, or Irom tables oI values such as Table 4.1 oI
- - - -
, should be taken as approximate only. Any possible backwater
eIIects Irom downstream Ieatures should be investigated. Direct measurements
should be obtained whenever possible.
In gravel-bed rivers, estimates oI Mannings shall be made using at least one
Iormula, (Ior example, one oI the rigid bed Iormulae by GriIIiths, reIer (c)
below), as well as using -- -- -
- - - -
, Table 4.1 is not appropriate to New Zealand rivers with gravel
beds and shall not be used. II the Iormula in
is used, a
Iactor oI 1.2 should be applied to the calculated values oI Mannings .
In all other rivers, the estimation oI Mannings shall be the subject oI a
detailed hydraulic investigation.
(c) Griffiths FormuIae
The GriIIiths Iormulae noted above are taken Irom -- -
. The two rigid-bed Iormulae recommended by GriIIiths
287 . 0
/ 33 . 1 1
0.76 R/d 1.98log I 1/
50 10
where is the Darcy-Weisbach Iriction Iactor, is the hydraulic radius and
is the size Ior which 50 oI the bed material is smaller. is related to
Mannings by the Iollowing Iormula:
6 / 1
113 . 0
September 2004
23 Scour
The estimation oI scour should be based on the
. This
publication replaces section 6 oI -
- - - -
24 Site Investigations
All bridge sites shall be subject to appropriate geotechnical and geological
investigations, suIIicient to ensure that a saIe, economical and practical design can be
developed. The investigations shall establish the characteristics oI the surIace and
subsurIace soils, their behaviour when loaded, the nature and location oI any Iaulting,
and the groundwater conditions. Site conditions and materials aIIecting the
construction oI the structure shall also be determined.
Investigations normally consist oI three phases:
(a) Preliminary investigations, consisting oI compilation oI general data, walkover
survey, and where appropriate, some boreholes and laboratory tests.
(b) Detailed Iield investigations and laboratory tests usually aIter completion oI the
Design Statement and beIore Iinal design.
(c) Investigations during construction, as appropriate.
InIormation obtained Irom site investigations shall be presented in an Investigation
Report. Borelogs, soil descriptions and testing shall comply with current practice, as
presented in documents published by Standards New Zealand, New Zealand
Geotechnical Society, or similar. These investigations shall include interpretation oI
all available data by suitably qualiIied personnel, and recommendations as to
Ioundation types and design parameters, and the need Ior prooI testing, pilot drilling
or other conIirmatory investigation during construction.
2 InfIuence of Approaches
The designer shall consider the inIluence oI approach embankments and cuttings on
the bridge structure, including:
immediate gravity eIIects;
seismic eIIects;
long term settlement eIIects;
loading Irom slope material, which may Iall onto the deck.
The eIIects oI approach settlement and stability on the riding characteristics, traIIic
saIety and perIormance oI abutment components shall be considered.
2 Aesthetics
The designer shall give careIul consideration to the aesthetics oI the structure.
Guidance on the principles involved may be obtained Irom the Iollowing reIerences:
September 2004
Fdration Internationale du Bton publication:
Hong Kong Government Highways Department publication: - -
- -
(available Irom the internet website: - Chapter 17, Figures 21 29
and Plates 1 - 11).
UK Department oI Transportation Advice Note: BA 41/98, -
UK Highways Agency publication: -
27 SpeciaI Studies
Special studies are required when:
A structural Iorm or method oI construction is proposed which is not covered
by accepted standards or design criteria (eg. to determine design parameters,
saIety Iactors or durability).
New materials are to be applied, the technology oI which is still undergoing
signiIicant development.
Special studies shall be documented in complete reports, included as Appendices to
the Design Statement. This documentation shall include, as appropriate:
The source oI all data.
Demonstration that the study has provided appropriate evaluation oI the
particular structural perIormance being investigated.
ReIerence to relevant national and international standards and guidelines, and
published peer reviewed papers.
Comparison oI the results with other data.
A description oI the analytical methods used.
28 References
(1) BIA, 1992, , Building Industry Authority,
(2) AS/NZS 3845, 2002, --, Standards Australia and Standards
New Zealand, jointly.
(3) TNZ M/23, 2002, --, Transit New
(4) Austroads, 1994, - - -
- -, Austroads Inc., Sydney.
(5) McKerchar, A.I., Pearson, C.P., 1989, , Hydrology
Centre Publication 20, Hydrology Centre, DSIR Division oI Water Sciences,
September 2004
(6) IEA, 1987, - , Volume 1, Institution oI Engineers
(7) Maidment, D.R., 1993, , McGraw- Hill Inc.
(8) Hicks, D.M., Mason, P.D., 1991, -- -- -,
DSIR Marine & Freshwater, Wellington
(9) Henderson, F.M., 1996, , MacMillan, New York.
(10) GriIIiths, G.A., 1981, -- - -, Proc. ASCE
107HY7, pp 899-918.
(11) Melville, B., Coleman, S., 2000, , Water Resources
Publications, LLC.
(12) FIB, 2000, - Fdration Internationale du Bton,
Lausanne, Switzerland.
(13) , 1997, - - - -, (2
Ed.), Hong
Kong Government Highways Department (available Irom the internet website: - Chapter 17, Figures 21 29 and
Plates 1 - 11).
(14) DOT (UK), 1998, - - UK Department oI
Transportation Advice Note: BA 41/98.
(15) , 1996, - -, The
Highways Agency, London.
September 2004
TabIe of Contents
3.1 ntroduction................................................................................................. 3-3
3.2 Traffic Loads - Gravity Effects..................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 General....................................................................................................3-3
3.2.2 Loads.......................................................................................................3-3
3.2.3 Transverse Load Position ........................................................................3-5
3.2.4 Combination of Traffic Loads...................................................................3-6
3.2.5 Dynamic Load Factor...............................................................................3-6
3.2.6 Fatigue ....................................................................................................3-7
3.3 Traffic Loads - Horizontal Effects................................................................ 3-8
3.3.1 Braking and Traction................................................................................3-8
3.3.2 Centrifugal Force.....................................................................................3-8
3.4 Loads Other Than Traffic............................................................................ 3-8
3.4.1 Dead Load...............................................................................................3-8
3.4.2 Superimposed Dead Load .......................................................................3-8
3.4.3 Earthquake ..............................................................................................3-9
3.4.4 Shortening ...............................................................................................3-9
3.4.5 Wind........................................................................................................3-9
3.4.6 Temperature Effects ..............................................................................3-10
3.4.7 Construction Loads................................................................................3-11
3.4.8 Water Pressure......................................................................................3-12
3.4.9 Groundwater on Buried Surfaces...........................................................3-13
3.4.10 Water Ponding.......................................................................................3-13
3.4.11 Snow......................................................................................................3-13
3.4.12 Earth Loads ...........................................................................................3-14
3 Design Loading
September 2004
3.4.13 Loads on Kerbs, Guardrails, Barriers and Handrails ..............................3-14
3.4.14 Loads on Footpaths and Cycle Tracks...................................................3-14
3.4.15 Vibration ................................................................................................3-15
3.4.16 Settlement, Subsidence and Ground Deformation .................................3-15
3.4.17 Forces Locked-n by the Erection Sequence .........................................3-15
3.4.18 Collision Loads ......................................................................................3-16
3.5 Combination of Load Effects.....................................................................3-17
3.6 References................................................................................................3-20
September 2004
31 Introduction
All structures shall be designed Ior the Iollowing loads, which shall be considered to
act in various combinations, as set out in 3.5, except Ior lightly traIIicked rural
bridges - reIer to Appendix D.
32 Traffic Loads - Gravity Effects
321 GeneraI
TraIIic loading shall be HN-HO-72. A detailed description oI this loading and its
application is given below. The loads described shall be used Ior design oI all
members Irom deck slabs to main members and Ioundations.
322 Loads
(a) HN (NormaI) Loading
An element oI normal loading represents a single stream oI legal traIIic, and is
the load applied to a 3m wide strip oI deck, running the entire length oI the
structure. It is shown diagrammatically in Figure 3.1. The element consists oI
two parts.
The Iirst is a uniIorm load oI 3.5 kN/m
, 3m wide, which may be continuous or
discontinuous over the length oI the bridge, as necessary to produce the worst
eIIect on the member under consideration.
In addition to the uniIorm load, a pair oI axle loads oI 120 kN each, spaced at
5m, shall be placed to give the worst eIIect on the member being designed.
Only one pair oI axle loads shall exist in each load element, regardless oI the
length oI bridge or number oI spans. For design oI deck slabs, the wheel
contact areas shown shall be used, but Ior design oI other members, such detail
is unnecessary and point or line loads may be assumed.
(b) HO (OverIoad) Loading
An element oI overweight loading is also shown diagrammatically in Figure
3.1. It consists oI, Iirstly, the same uniIorm load as described above. In
addition, there is a pair oI axle loads oI 240 kN each, spaced at 5m. In this
case, there are two alternative wheel contact areas, and the one that has the
most adverse eIIect on the member being considered shall be used.
September 2004
September 2004
323 Transverse Load Position
(a) The above load elements shall be applied to an area deIined as the roadway.
The roadway includes carriageway and shoulders. II the bridge carries a cycle
track adjacent to and on the same level as the carriageway and shoulders, the
cycle track shall also be included in the roadway Ior design purposes, whether
or not it is in the Iirst instance separated by a guardrail. A raised median shall
not be included in the roadway. The roadway is bounded by either the Iace oI a
kerb or the Iace oI a guardrail or other barrier.
(b) The roadway shall be divided into a number oI load lanes oI equal width as
Less than 6.0m 1
6.0m but less than 9.7m 2
9.7m but less than 13.4m 3
13.4m but less than 17.1m 4
17.1m but less than 20.8m 5
Note: Load lanes as deIined above are not to be conIused with traIIic lanes as
physically marked on the road surIace.
(c) For design oI main members, the load elements shall be applied within each
load lane as deIined above, but may have as much eccentricity within the lane
as their width oI 3m allows. Even iI the number oI traIIic lanes as Iinally
marked on the bridge will be diIIerent Irom that obtained Irom the table above,
the number tabulated shall be used Ior design purposes.
(d) For design oI deck slabs and median slabs and their immediate supporting
members, load elements are not restricted by the lanes as above, but shall be
placed anywhere within the roadway and on the median, at such spacing as will
give the worst eIIect, but not less than 3m centres transversely.
In order to represent a vehicle which has penetrated the guardrail or handrail
and mounted the kerb, iI any, the slab shall also be checked under an HN wheel
load Iactored by the dynamic load Iactor. The wheel shall be positioned with
its outer edge at the outer edge oI the slab or kerb. This may be treated as a
Group 4 (overload) combination.
September 2004
324 Combination of Traffic Loads
Two combinations oI traIIic loads shall be used Ior design purposes.
(a) NormaI Live Load
In this combination, as many elements oI HN loading shall be placed on the
bridge as will give the worst eIIect on the member being considered, complying
with the rules Ior positioning set out in 3.2.3.
(b) OverIoad
In this combination, any one element oI HN loading in the live load
combination shall be replaced by an element oI HO loading, chosen so as to
give the most adverse eIIect on the member being considered.
To allow Ior the improbability oI concurrent loading, where appropriate, the total
loading may be multiplied by a Iactor varying according to the number oI elements in
the load case, thus:
1 1.0
2 0.9
3 0.8
4 0.7
5 0.6
6 or more 0.55
This reduction Iactor shall be applied to the overload as well as the normal live load.
The number oI design lanes that are loaded shall be selected to maximise the load
aIIect on the structural member under consideration.
32 Dynamic Load Factor
Normal live load and overload shall be multiplied by the dynamic load Iactor
applicable to the material and location in the structure oI the member being designed.
The dynamic load Iactor Ior use in the design oI all components which are above
ground level shall be taken Irom Figure 3.2.
The dynamic load Iactor Ior use in the design oI components which are below ground
level shall be 1.0, to allow Ior the Iact that vibration is damped out by the soil, except
that Ior top slabs oI culvert type structures, the dynamic load Iactor shall be reduced
linearly with depth oI Iill, Irom 1.30 Ior zero Iill to 1.00 Ior 1m oI Iill.
September 2004
L is the span length Ior positive moment, and the
average oI adjacent span lengths Ior negative moment.
32 Fatigue
The loading used in the Iatigue assessment shall at least represent the expected
service loading over the design liIe oI the structure, including dynamic eIIects. This
should be simulated by a set oI nominal loading events described by the distribution
oI the loads, their magnitudes, and the number oI applications oI each nominal
loading event.
A standard Iatigue load spectrum Ior New Zealand traIIic conditions is not available.
The loading in BS 5400: Part 10: 1980
clause 7.2.2 may be used, but is likely to
predict Iatigue lives shorter than those which would be achieved in practice.
In a case where Iatigue details signiIicantly inIluence the design, an appropriate
loading spectrum shall be developed, taking account oI current and likely Iuture
September 2004
33 Traffic Loads - HoriontaI Effects
331 Braking and Traction
For local eIIects, a horizontal longitudinal Iorce, equal to 70 oI an HN axle load,
shall be applied across the width oI any load lane, at any position on the deck surIace,
to represent a skidding axle.
For eIIects on the bridge as a whole, a horizontal longitudinal Iorce shall be applied
at deck surIace level in each section oI superstructure between expansion joints. The
magnitude oI the Iorce shall be the greater oI two skidding axle loads as above, or
10 oI the live load which is applied to the section oI superstructure, in each lane
containing traIIic headed in the same direction. In some cases, e.g., on the approach
to an intersection, or Ior a bridge on a grade, it may be appropriate to allow Ior a
greater Iorce.
Consequent displacement oI the structure shall be allowed Ior.
332 CentrifugaI Force
A structure on a curve shall be designed Ior a horizontal radial Iorce equal to the
Iollowing proportion oI the live load. The reduction Iactors oI 3.2.4 shall be applied,
but the dynamic load Iactor oI 3.2.5 shall not be applied.
/ 008 . 0
Where : centriIugal Iorce as a proportion oI live load
design speed, km/h
radius, m.
The Iorce shall be applied 2m above the road surIace level, but the consequent
variation in wheel loads need not be considered in deck design. Consequent
displacement oI the structure shall be allowed Ior.
34 Loads Other Than Traffic
341 Dead Load
This shall consist oI the weight oI the structural members, and any other permanent
load added or removed beIore the structural system becomes complete. When
calculating the weight oI concrete members, care shall be taken to use a density
appropriate to the aggregates available in the area, plus an allowance Ior embedded
342 Superimposed Dead Load
This shall consist oI all permanent loads added aIter the structural system becomes
complete. It shall include handrails, guardrails, lamp standards, kerbs, services and
September 2004
road surIacing. SurIacing shall be allowed Ior at 1.5 kN/m
, whether the intention is
to surIace the bridge immediately or not.
An allowance shall be made Ior Iuture services in addition to the weight oI actual
services installed at the time oI construction. A minimum allowance oI 0.25 kN/m
shall be applied as a uniIormly distributed load over the Iull width and length oI the
bridge deck.
343 Earthuake
The design shall allow Ior the eIIects oI earthquakes, by considering:
The possibility oI earthquake motions in any horizontal direction
The potential eIIects oI vertical earthquake motions
The available structure ductility.
The magnitude oI the Iorce and the required structure ductility shall be obtained Irom
Section 5.
344 Shortening
The eIIects oI shrinkage and creep oI concrete, and shortening due to prestressing
shall be taken into account. Transmission oI horizontal Iorces Irom superstructure to
substructure by bearing restraint shall be allowed Ior.
The section rigidity assumed Ior a reinIorced concrete pier which resists the resulting
Iorces shall be that oI the cracked section. The eIIects oI creep in the pier in reducing
the Iorces may be taken into account.
In composite structures, diIIerential shrinkage between elements shall be allowed Ior.
The secondary eIIects oI shrinkage, creep and prestressing shall be allowed Ior in
continuous and statically indeterminate structures.
34 Wind
(a) Wind load shall be applied to a bridge in accordance with the principles set out
in BS 5400, Part 2, SpeciIication Ior Loads
, Clause 5.3, contained within BD
37/01 Appendix A
, giving consideration to wind acting on adverse and
relieving areas as deIined in Clause 3.2.5 oI that standard. For Iootbridges with
spans exceeding 30 m, Ior which aerodynamic eIIects may be critical, the
principles Iorming the basis oI BD 49/01, - -
- -
shall be applied.
(b) The design gust wind speeds acting on adverse areas oI a bridge without live
load being present, Ior the ultimate and serviceability limit states, shall be
calculated in accordance with AS/NZS 1170, Part 2
, Clause 2.2 to 2.3 Ior the
annual probability oI exceedance corresponding to the importance oI the bridge
as deIined in 2.1.3.
September 2004
The design gust wind speeds acting on relieving areas oI a bridge without live
load being present shall be derived Irom the Iollowing equation:
, and
m/s and
ClassiIication 25 30 40 50
Minimum required cover (mm)
A1 30 25 20 20
A2 35 30 25 25
B1 50 40 35 30
B2 65 60 50 40
C*** 70
Cast in contact with non-aggressive ground 75 75 75 75
Cast with damp prooI course in contact with non-aggressive ground 50 50 50 50
- - -
Exposure SpeciIied compressive strength I
ClassiIication 25 30 40 50
Minimum required cover (mm)
A1 25 20 20 20
A2 35 30 25 25
B1 45 35 30 30
B2 55 50 40 35
C*** 70
Part A shall apply where concrete is cast in Iormwork complying with AS 3610
and is transported,
placed and compacted so as to:
- limit segregation or loss oI materials;
- limit premature stiIIening;
- produce a monolithic mass between joints, the extremities oI members, or both;
- completely Iill the Iormwork to the intended level, expel entrapped air, and closely surround
all reinIorcement, tendons, ducts, anchorages and embedments; and provide the speciIied
Iinish to the Iormed areas oI the concrete.
** Part B shall apply where the concrete is cast in rigid Iorms and subjected to intense compaction, such
as obtained with vibrating tables or Iorm vibrators.
*** In addition to the speciIied cover, a type GP Portland cement content oI 350 kg/m3 and water cement
ratio not exceeding 0.4 is required.
Standards oI Iormwork and compaction are as adopted by the AS 5100: -
September 2004
(c) Friction Losses (CIause 132)
It should be noted that the apparent coeIIicient oI Iriction Ior post-tensioned
cables deIlected at isolated points is likely to be signiIicantly higher than that
Ior equivalent cables curved over their whole length.
(d) Reinforced Concrete Deck SIab Thickness (TabIe 33)
For a uniIorm concrete slab, monolithic with concrete webs,
shall be taken
as the clear span.
For a haunched slab, monolithic with concrete webs, or tied down to steel
girders, where thickness at root oI haunch is at least 1.5 times thickness at
centre oI slab,
shall be taken as the distance between midpoints oI opposite
For a uniIorm slab on steel girders,
shall be taken as the average oI the
distance between webs and the clear distance between Ilange edges.
For deck slabs designed by the empirical method oI 4.2.2 oI this document, the
minimum slab thickness requirements oI 4.2.2 oI this document shall take
precedence over the requirements oI NZS 3101
422 Reinforced Concrete Deck SIab Design
Two methods oI deck slab panel design are available Ior reinIorced concrete deck
slabs on beams or girders.
The methods are an empirical design based on assumed membrane action, and design
based on an elastic plate bending analysis, as outlined below. Where the dimensional
and structural limitations oI the empirical design method are not met, or Ior deck
cantilevers, the elastic plate bending analysis design method shall be used.
(a) EmpiricaI Design Based on Assumed Membrane Action
Slabs satisIying the requirements below and designed in accordance with this
method need not be analysed, and the requirements oI NZS 3101
clauses and 3.3.3 and Sections 8 and 9 shall be waived. The requirements oI
NZS 3101
clauses and shall not be applied to the
reinIorcement aligned perpendicular to the direction oI traIIic Ilow unless that
reinIorcement contributes to the strength oI a member supporting the deck slab.
The durability requirements oI NZS 3101
shall otherwise be satisIied.
Empirical design may be used only iI the Iollowing conditions are satisIied:
the supporting components are made oI steel and/or concrete,
there are at least three longitudinal girder webs in the system,
the deck is Iully cast-in-place,
the deck is oI uniIorm depth, except Ior haunches at beam Ilanges and
other local thickening,
the deck is made composite with the supporting structural components,
September 2004
all cross Irames or diaphragms extend throughout the cross section oI the
bridge between external girders, and the maximum spacing oI such cross
Irames or diaphragms shall be as Iollows:
Steel I and Box Girders: 8.0m
ReinIorced and prestressed concrete girders: at support lines
the ratio oI span length,
, to slab thickness, (excluding a sacriIicial
wearing surIace where applicable), shall not exceed 15,
the maximum span length,
, does not exceed 4.0m,
the minimum slab thickness is not less than 165mm excluding a sacriIicial
wearing surIace where applicable,
the core depth is not less than 90mm. The core depth slab thickness -
(wearing surIace top and bottom cover thicknesses),
there is an overhang beyond the centreline oI the outside beam oI at least 5
times the slab thickness. This condition may be considered satisIied iI the
overhang is at least 3 times the slab thickness and a structurally continuous
concrete kerb or barrier is made composite with the overhang,
the speciIied 28 day compressive strength oI the deck concrete is not less
than 30 MPa.
For slabs meeting the above conditions, the deck reinIorcement shall comprise:
two layers oI isotropic reinIorcement
reinIorcing steel shall be Grade 430 or better
the outer layer oI reinIorcement in each Iace oI the slab shall be placed
normal to the beams
the minimum amount oI reinIorcing shall be 0.3 in each layer oI each
orthotropic direction. The reinIorcement ratio shall be determined using
the eIIective depth oI slab, , being the distance Irom the extreme
compression Iibre (excluding any wearing surIace) to the centroid oI the
tension reinIorcement. For the purposes oI a layer oI isotropic
reinIorcement, shall be the average oI the eIIective depths, at the
midspan oI the slab, in the two reinIorcing directions.
the maximum spacing oI the reinIorcement shall be 300mm
bars shall be spliced by lapping or by butt welding only
Ior skew angles greater than
Ior the ultimate limit state Ior each load eIIect shall be taken as equal to the
product . These shall be taken Irom Table 3.2 oI this document, where is the
Iactor outside the bracket, and is the Iactor attached to the load eIIect in each case.
In design oI composite sections, the value oI
in BS 5400
: Part 5 shall be taken
as 1.4
. The term
effect load Rating
x R
effect load Posting
x R
The minimum value Ior any member in
the bridge except the deck, shall be
recorded in a structural inventory as the
CLASS Ior manual calculations during
processing oI overweight permits in
accordance with the Overweight Permit
. Eor this purpose, any value oI
CLASS more than 120 shall be
recorded as 120.
The minimum value Ior any member in
the bridge except the deck, shall be
rounded to the nearest 10. II this value
is less than 100, it shall be recorded
aIter the word GROSS in Panel 2 oI the
Heavy Motor Vehicle Bridge Limit Sign,
shown in Diagram 4 oI the 4th Schedule
oI the Heavy Motor Jehicle
II the speed is restricted by inserting a
value in Panel 3 oI the sign, the impact
Iactor used in the calculation may be
reduced as Iollows:
Speed Impact Eactor
30 km/h
10 km/h
(I - 1) x 0.67 1
(I - 1) x 0.33 1
Where I is the Impact Eactor appropriate
Ior unrestricted heavy traIIic.
4 Highway Permits Data
In the particular case oI State Highway bridges, and some bypass routes, the basic
Rating data described above is stored in the Highway Permits system database. A
description oI the Iorm in which the data is required, and the calculations which the
program perIorms, is contained in Highway Permits Assurance Manual
Deck Capacity and EvaIuation
1 GeneraI
The Iollowing three procedures are given in this clause:
ReinIorced concrete decks by empirical method, based on assumed membrane
September 2004
ReinIorced concrete decks by elastic plate bending analysis
Timber decks.
Generally, a reinIorced concrete deck panel which is supported on Iour sides should
be evaluated by the empirical method iI it meets the criteria listed in 6.5.2(a). All
other reinIorced concrete deck panels should be evaluated by the elastic plate
bending analysis method. In addition, reinIorced concrete deck slabs shall be
evaluated Ior their punching shear capacity Ior wheel loads, taking into account
deterioration oI the bridge deck using the Iactors in Table 6.5.
It shall be assumed that vehicle wheels can be transversely positioned anywhere
between the kerbs or guardrails, but not closer to them than the restriction imposed
by the 3m wide load lane oI HN-HO-72 loading (Eigure 3.1).
2 Reinforced Concrete DecksEmpiricaI EvaIuation Method
(a) Criteria for Determining AppIicabiIity of the EmpiricaI Method
The empirical method takes account oI membrane action in the slab, and is
based on test results. Evaluation oI both composite and non-composite
reinIorced concrete deck slab panels may be determined by this method
provided the Iollowing conditions are satisIied:
the supporting beams or girders shall be steel or concrete,
cross Irames or diaphragms shall be continuous between external beams
or girders, and the maximum spacing oI such cross Irames or diaphragms
shall be as Iollows:
Steel I beams and Box Girders oI steel or concrete: 8.0 m
ReinIorced and prestressed concrete beams: at supports
the ratio oI span length (
L ) to minimum slab thickness shall not exceed
20. In skew slabs where the reinIorcing has been placed parallel with the
skew, the skew span, Cos L
/ shall be used, where angle oI skew.
the span length (
L ) or Cos L
/ shall not exceed 4.5 m,
the concrete compressive strength shall not be less than 20 MPa,
the slab thickness, or Ior slabs oI variable thickness the minimum slab
thickness, shall be not less than 150 mm.
there shall be an overhang beyond the centreline oI the outside beam oI at
least 0.80 m, measured perpendicular to the beam. The overhang shall be
oI the minimum slab thickness used to determine the span to thickness
ratio above. This condition may be considered satisIied iI there is an
integral continuous concrete kerb or barrier which provides a combined
cross sectional area oI slab and kerb or barrier not less than the cross
sectional area oI 0.80 m oI deck slab.
September 2004
(b) Deck Strength in Terms of WheeI Load
Eor rating (HO wheel contact area Alternative (b) oI Eigure 3.1 assumed), the
unIactored ultimate resistance,
R , oI a composite or non-composite deck slab
shall be obtained Irom Eigures 6.1 to 6.5.
Eor posting (HN wheel contact area assumed), the value Irom the charts shall
be multiplied by 0.6.
The value oI reinIorcement percentage, q, used to determine
R shall be the
average oI the lower layer reinIorcement percentages at the mid span oI the
slab, in the two directions in which the reinIorcement is placed. Values oI
Ior slab depths or concrete strengths intermediate between those on the charts
shall be obtained by interpolation. The dead load and other load eIIects are
ignored in this method.
The strength reduction Iactor,
, Ior design by the empirical method is 0.5.
The strength reduction Iactor, , used Ior evaluation shall be taken Irom Table
6.6, by multiplying
by the appropriate Iactor. In this table, deck
deterioration is quantiIied by the Crack-to-ReinIorcing Ratio, CRR, deIined as
CRR 1otal length of visible cracks x 100
1otal length of bottom reinforcement in both directions
The above lengths shall be measured in a 1.2 m square area on the bottom oI
the slab, central between supports.
- -
Slab Section Properties based on:
Construction drawings
and assessed sound
Measured dimensions
or veriIied as-built
drawings, and
measured sound
Good or Eair
(CRR 40)
(CRR 70)
Seriously Deteriorated
(CRR 100)
September 2004
(c) EvaIuation
Eor each type oI slab panel in the bridge, the parameters shall be calculated as
Iollows. Rating and posting wheel loads shall be taken Irom Tables 6.7 and
6.8. Impact Iactor, I, shall be as described in 6.2.2.
shall be taken
Irom Table 6.3.
Eor Rating Eor Posting
Deck Capacity Eactor (DCE) Allowable Axle Load (kg)
effect load Rating
capacity load wheel Overload
8200 x
effect load Posting
capacity load wheel Liveload
95 I x x
) 6 . 0 (
I x x
R x
September 2004
September 2004
September 2004
September 2004
September 2004
September 2004
3 Reinforced Concrete DecksPIate Bending AnaIysis
(a) Section Capacity at CriticaI Locations
The deck slab live load or overload Ilexural capacity shall be determined using
serviceability limit state criteria, in moment per unit width at critical locations
in the slab. A simpliIication may be made in the case oI a slab which is
considered to act as a one-way slab, that is, iI it has an aspect ratio oI at least 4.
Provided it has a positive moment capacity in the long span direction at least
50 oI that in the short span direction, all moment capacities in the long span
direction may be ignored.
(b) Live Loading and AnaIysis
Eor Rating Eor Posting
The deck shall be considered to be
loaded with the most adverse oI the
axles or axle groups listed in the
Overweight Permit Manual
, at a
Vehicle Axle Index oI 1.3. Eor deck
spans up to 3 m, these may be reduced
to the three alternatives described in
Table 6.7.
The deck shall be considered to be
loaded with the most adverse oI the
axles or axle sets described in the
Heavy Motor Jehicle Regulations
Second Schedule, Tables 1, 2 and 3,
as amended by Amendment No 5. Eor
deck spans up to 3 m, these may be
reduced to two alternatives described
in Table 6.8.
Twin-tyred 105 As Ior HN axle
Single tyred, large tyres 190* As Ior HO axle,
alternative (b)
2/8-tyred oscillating
axles, spaced 1.0 m
133 As Ior HO axle,
alternative (a)
- -
Twin-tyred 80* As Ior HN axle
Eour-tyred oscillating 93 4/250 x 150 mm areas
equally spaced within
2500 mm overall width
* Wheel loads Irom these axles are used Ior evaluation by the empirical
method in 6.5.2(c).
September 2004
The slab shall be analysed Ior the loads given in Tables 6.7 and/or 6.8
assuming elastic behaviour, and shall be assumed to act as a thin plate in which
membrane action is not taken into account. The moment eIIects oI the various
loads on the critical locations shall be calculated.
(c) EvaIuation
Eor each critical location in the slab, the evaluation shall be calculated as
described below. In both calculations, the denominator shall include impact
aIIects as in 6.2.2, and the numerator shall be as described in (a). The value oI
DCE or axle load adopted shall be the minimum Ior the bridge.
Eor Rating Eor Posting
Deck Capacity Eactor (DCE) Allowable Axle Load (kg)
effect load Rating
Location Critical
at Capacity Overload
8200 x
effect load Posting
Location Critical
at Capacity Load Live
The minimum value Ior the bridge
shall be recorded as the DCE Ior the
The minimum value Ior the bridge
shall be rounded to the nearest 500
kg, and iI less than 8200 kg, shall be
recorded aIter the word AXLES, in
Panel 1 oI the Heavy Motor Vehicle
Bridge Limit sign, shown in
Diagram 4 oI the 4th Schedule oI the
Heavy Motor Jehicle Regulations
4 Timber Decks
(a) Section Capacity of NominaI Width
It is assumed that timber decks generally consist oI a plank system spanning
transversely between longitudinal main beams. Other systems shall be
evaluated using the principles described, varying the details to suit.
Unless data are to be entered into the Highway Permits system (see 6.4.6), the
live load or overload moment capacity Ior timber decks consisting oI planks
spanning transversely between main beams shall be determined Ior the nominal
width oI section considered to carry one axle. The nominal widths given in (i)
to (vi) below may be assumed unless investigations indicate other criteria. II
the timber deck planks are continuous over two or more spans, the section
capacity may be assumed increased by 25, provided live load moments are
calculated on a simple span basis.
September 2004
Terms are deIined as Iollows:
Plank Width is the larger cross sectional dimension oI a deck plank,
regardless oI its orientation, in metres. It is the actual
dimension, not the call dimension.
Deck Span is the span oI the planks between the centres oI areas oI
bearing, in metres.
Contact Length is the dimension, perpendicular to the plank span, oI a
wheel contact area, and is assumed to be 0.250 m.
Nominal Width
(i) Eor planks laid Ilat, without running planks at least 50 mm thick, the
nominal width is equal to the width oI a whole number oI planks, and is
greater than the contact length by not more than one plank width.
(i) Eor planks laid Ilat, with running planks at least 50 mm thick, the
nominal width is equal to the width oI a whole number oI planks, and is
greater than the contact length by not more than two plank widths.
(ii) Eor nail laminated deck, with planks on edge, Iabricated into baulks with
no shear connection between them, the nominal width is:
0.250 m 0.4 x (Plank width) x (Deck span).
(iii) Eor nail laminated deck, with planks on edge, end laminations well
supported and:
either Iabricated in baulks with shear connection between them by
steel dowels or other means; or
Iabricated in baulks and having running planks over them more than
50 mm thick; or
Iabricated in-situ, continuously across the beam span, with no
unconnected joints between laminations, the nominal width is:
0.250 m 0.8 x (Plank width) x (Deck span)
(iv) Eor glue laminated deck, with planks on edge, Iabricated in baulks with
no shear connection between them, the nominal width is:
0.250 m 1.5 x (Plank width) x (Deck span)
(v) Eor glue laminated deck, with planks on edge, otherwise as Ior (iv), the
nominal width is:
0.250 m 3.0 x (Plank width) x (Deck span)
Dead load may be neglected in the above calculation.
(b) Live Loading and AnaIysis
The transverse moments due to the various axles described in Tables 6.7 and/or
6.8 on the span between beams shall be calculated assuming the deck planks
are simply supported.
September 2004
(c) EvaIuation
Eor the nominal width at the mid-span section oI a timber deck span, the
evaluation shall be calculated as described below. In both calculations, the
numerator shall be as described in (a).
The value oI DCE or axial load adopted shall be the minimum Ior the bridge.
Eor Rating Eor Posting
Deck Capacity Eactor (DCE) Allowable Axle Load (kg)
eIIect load Rating
Width Nominal oI Capacity Overload
eIIect load Posting
Width Nominal oI Capacity Load Live
The minimum value Ior the bridge
shall be recorded as the DCE Ior
the bridge.
The minimum value Ior the bridge shall
be rounded to the nearest 500 kg, and iI
less than 8200 kg, shall be recorded aIter
the word AXLES, in Panel 1 oI the
Heavy Motor Vehicle Bridge Limit sign,
shown in Diagram 4 oI the 4th Schedule
oI the Heavy Motor Jehicle
Deck Grade
In 6.5.2(c), 6.5.3(c) and 6.5.4(c), the rating calculation has produced a Deck Capacity
Eactor (DCE). Eor issue oI permits by the manual method, the DCE shall be
converted to a Grade, using the relationship given in Table 6.9.
DCE 1.00 A
1.00 > DCE 0.89 B
0.89 > DCE 0.78 C
0.78 > DCE 0.67 D
0.67 > DCE E
September 2004
Highway Permits Data
The statement in 6.4.6 applies but, Ior decks, the Deck Capacity Eactor is required in
addition to the moment capacity and geometric data.
Proof Loading
ProoI loading may be undertaken in addition to the procedure described in 6.1 to 6.5,
either to veriIy the theoretical Iindings and assumptions made, or to extend the load
limits where the results oI the procedure are considered to be not representative oI the
structure's actual behaviour.
ProoI loading shall not be relied on to determine load limits Ior bridges with Ieatures
such as those described in 6.6.2(a)(vi) and (v), without either modiIying the structure,
or multiplying the load Iactors oI 6.4.2 by 1.5.
1 PreIiminary
(a) Obective
The objective oI prooI loading shall be to determine experimentally the saIe
load limit Ior either overweight loads or normal loads or both, expressed as
deIined in 6.4.5, 6.5.2(c), 6.5.3(c) and 6.5.4(c).
(b) Scope
These requirements apply to main member spans oI all materials up to 30 m,
and to decks. ProoI loading oI spans larger than 30 m may require additional
(c) AnaIysis
BeIore testing oI any bridge, adequate analysis shall be perIormed to determine
its likely behaviour, including its Iailure mode.
(d) PersonneI
Personnel engaged in prooI loading shall be experienced and competent, in
order to minimise the risk associated with loading beyond the linear range.
(e) Risk
The risk oI Iailure or damage being induced by testing shall be clearly stated to
the controlling authority.
2 AnaIysis
(a) Obectives
The objectives oI the analysis shall be:
(i) To model the structural behaviour up to yield level.
(ii) To assess the amount oI redundancy in the structural system, and its
implications Ior behaviour.
(iii) To determine iI the bridge Iailure mode is likely to be ductile or not.
September 2004
(iv) To identiIy and evaluate Ieatures which would give an apparent
enhancement oI strength up to prooI load level, but which could be
Iollowed by sudden Iailure. Such Ieatures may include a non-composite
deck as described in 6.4.4(d).
(v) To identiIy and evaluate Ieatures which are likely to aIIect the
distribution oI loads diIIerently at prooI load level and at yield load level,
such as a stiII concrete handrail, as described in 6.4.4(c).
(b) EvaIuation of Main Members
The bridge shall be analysed Ior the rating and/or posting load as described in
6.4.3, to determine the load eIIects at the critical location. It shall also be
analysed Ior the actual test loading conIiguration proposed to be used. This
shall be chosen so that it will produce approximately the same relative eIIects
on critical members as the evaluation loading described in 6.4.3. II there is
more than one critical eIIect to be monitored, the load may need to be applied
in more than one place, e.g., to induce both maximum moment and shear in a
(c) EvaIuation of Decks
SuIIicient analysis shall be carried out to determine which oI the axle
conIigurations in Table 6.7 or 6.8 is most critical, and the critical load
position(s). The likely Iailure mode(s) shall be determined.
3 Load AppIication, Instrumentation and Procedure
(a) The nature and magnitude oI the prooI load, and/or any prior modiIication oI
the structure, shall be consistent with the objectives oI 6.6.2 (a).
(b) Eor evaluation oI main members lanes shall be loaded to represent the eIIects
oI the evaluation loads described in 6.4.3, including impact Iactors as in 6.2.2.
Eor evaluation oI decks, contact areas corresponding to the most critical oI the
axle loads oI Tables 6.7 or 6.8 shall be loaded, to represent the evaluation load
including impact.
(c) II the Iailure mode is likely to be non-ductile or there is little redundancy in the
structure, a jacking system shall be used to apply the load in preIerence to
gravity because oI the added control it gives against inadvertent Iailure.
(d) Appropriate strains, deIlections and crack widths shall be recorded, and
correlated with the applied load. Care shall be taken to eliminate errors due to
thermal movement. A plot oI critical eIIect(s) against load, shall be monitored,
to ensure that the limits set in 6.6.4 are not exceeded. The test load shall be
applied in approximately equal increments, at least Iour oI which shall lie on
the anticipated linear part oI the response curve. Critical eIIects shall be
recorded in a consistent manner, immediately aIter the application oI each load
September 2004
(e) During incremental loading, the next increment oI load shall not be applied
until displacement under the previous increment oI load has stabilised.
Eollowing application oI the Iinal increment oI load the total prooI load shall
be applied Ior not less than IiIteen minutes aIter the displacement has
4 Load Limit Criteria
(a) Main Members
Loading shall not exceed either:
(i) the load which, together with dead load eIIects, produces 80 oI the
yield load on the critical member, as determined by the analysis oI
(ii) that at which the response oI the critical member deIlection exceeds the
value which would be predicted by linear extrapolation oI the initial
part oI the load/response curve by the Iollowing percentage
Structural Steel 10
Prestressed Concrete 15
ReinIorced concrete,
composite steel/concrete
Timber 25
(b) Decks
Loading shall not exceed either:
(i) 80 oI the load (on the same contact area) calculated to produce yield
in the deck.
(ii) that at which the deck local deIlection exceeds a value determined as in
(a)(ii) above.
(c) Concrete Cracking Criteria
At the maximum load, critical crack widths oI reinIorced concrete and
prestressed concrete shall be recorded. II such cracks either:
(i) are wider than allowed under Category IV oI Table 3.4 in NZS 3101
(ii) in reinIorced concrete, do not close to less than one-third oI the values
in (i) aIter load removal; or
(iii) in prestressed concrete, do not close completely aIter load removal;
September 2004
then regular inspection shall be instituted, speciIically to detect possible
(a) CorreIation of AnaIysis and Test ResuIts
The results oI testing shall be compared with predicted results Irom the analysis
oI 6.6.2. The reasons Ior major diIIerences between predicted and actual
behaviour shall be resolved beIore adoption oI rating or posting parameters
based on tests.
(b) Main Members
Rating and Posting parameters shall be calculated as in 6.4.5. In the
R shall be the calculated eIIect at the critical location, oI the
maximum applied test load, divided by (0.8 x
R shall be the same value
divided by (0.8 x
Rating and Posting Load eIIects shall be taken Irom the analysis oI 6.6.2, and
shall include impact.
(c) Decks
Parameters shall be calculated as Iollows:
Eor Rating Eor Posting
Deck Capacity Eactor (DCE) Allowable Axle Load (kg)
I x x x
Load Rating 8 . 0 I x x x
x 1
Load Posting 8 . 0
1 and
1 are the maximum applied wheel or axle loads on the contact
areas speciIied in Tables 6.7 and 6.8 respectively. Rating and posting loads are
the appropriate wheel or axle loads Irom Tables 6.7 and 6.8.
7 References
(1) TNZ, 1994, Overweight Permit Manual, Transit New Zealand, Wellington.
(2) NZ Government, 1974, Heavy Motor Jehicle Regulations, Order in Council,
Government Printer, Wellington.
(3) VCS, 1994, Highway Permits Assurance Manual, Vogel Computing Services
Limited, Wellington.
(4) DOT (UK), 1983, Bridge Inspection Guide, Department oI Transport, HMSO,
(5) NZS 3112:1982, Methods of 1ests for Concrete, Part 2 Tests Relating to the
Determination oI Strength Concrete, Standards New Zealand.
(6) BS EN 10002-1:1990, 1ensile 1esting of Metallic Materials. Method of 1est at
Ambient 1emperature, British Standards Institution.
(7) BS 5896:1980, Specification for High 1ensile Wire and Strand for the Prestressing of
Concrete, British Standards Institution.
(8) NZS 3603:1993, 1imber Structures Standard, Standards New Zealand.
September 2004
(9) AS 1720:____, 1imber Structures,
Part 1: 1997 Design Methods
Part 2: 1990 Timber Properties
Standards Australia.
(10) AS 2878:1986, 1imber Classification into Strength Groups, Standards Australia.
(11) NZS 3631:1988, New Zealand National 1imber Grading Rules, Standards New
(12) AS 2082:1979, Jisually Stress-Graded Hardwood for Structural Purposes, Standards
(13) AS 2858:1986, 1imber Softwood Jisually Stress-Graded for Structural Purposes,
Standards Australia.
(14) RRU, 1989, Strength and Durability of 1imber Bridges, RRU Bulletin 80, Road
Research Unit, Transit New Zealand, Wellington.
(15) NZS 3101:1995, Concrete Structures Standard, Standards New Zealand.
June 2003
TabIe of Contents
7.1 lntroduction................................................................................................. 7-3
7.2 Approvals.................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3 Durability..................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3.1 General....................................................................................................7-3
7.3.2 Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites and Adhesives ............................7-4
7.4 Existing Structure Material Strengths.......................................................... 7-4
7.5 Strengthening of Flexural Members............................................................ 7-4
7.5.1 General Requirements for the Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete
and Prestressed Concrete Members .......................................................7-4
7.5.2 General Requirements for the Strengthening of Steel Members..............7-4
7.5.3 Flexural Strengthening of Plastic Hinge Zones ........................................7-4
7.5.4 Strengthening Using Bonded Steel Plates ...............................................7-5
7.5.5 Strengthening Using Bonded Fibre Reinforced Composite Materials.......7-8
7.5.6 Strengthening Using External Prestressing............................................7-12
7.6 Shear Strengthening and Ductility Enhancement of Reinforced
Concrete Columns .................................................................................... 7-14
7.6.1 General..................................................................................................7-14
7.6.2 Shear Strengthening and Ductility Enhancement of Reinforced
Concrete Columns Using Steel Sleeves ................................................7-14
7.6.3 Shear Strengthening and Ductility Enhancement of Reinforced
Concrete Columns Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite
7.7 References ............................................................................................... 7-15
7 StructuraI Strengthening
June 2003
(Blank Page)
June 2003
71 Introduction
Strengthening or increase in ductility oI bridge members may be required Ior a
variety oI reasons including increasing capacity Ior vehicle loads and improving
earthquake resistance.
This chapter sets out criteria Ior the design oI strengthening Ior concrete or steel
bridge members Ior the Iollowing situations, materials and techniques:
the strengthening oI members using bonded steel plates or Iibre reinIorced
polymer composite materials;
the strengthening oI members using external prestressing;
the shear strengthening and ductility enhancement oI reinIorced concrete
columns using steel sleeves or Iibre reinIorced polymer composite materials.
72 ApprovaIs
Technologies Ior the strengthening oI structures are continually under development.
This chapter provides design criteria and guidance based on published inIormation
available at the time oI preparation.
Where a bridge is to be strengthened, a Design Statement, as set out in Section 1 oI
this manual, shall be prepared and submitted Ior Transit New Zealand approval. The
materials and procedures Ior the proposed strengthening shall be Iully described,
including the criteria Iorming the basis oI the design. The Iollowing shall be
the mode oI Iailure at the ultimate limit state, and measures to be taken to
ensure that other modes oI Iailure are precluded;
the strength reduction Iactors to be adopted Ior the various modes oI action;
design standards and reIerence papers setting out and / or supporting the design
criteria and design approach proposed;
durability issues, and proposed mitigation measures;
intended remaining liIe oI the structure and design liIe oI the strengthening
73 DurabiIity
731 GeneraI
The requirements oI 2.1.7 oI this manual shall be satisIied. Design liIe in this
context shall be taken to be the intended remaining liIe oI the strengthened structure.
Consideration shall be given to the vulnerability oI the strengthening system to
harmIul hazards associated with the operational environment, including, but not
limited to: exposure to water (marine, Iresh, or Irom industrial sources, and including
the eIIects oI wetting and drying), the eIIects oI ground water and soil chemistry, the
passage oI water and abrasion Irom material transported, abrasion by traIIic, cycles oI
June 2003
temperature variation, Ireeze-thaw cycles, heat or cold associated with the
construction, maintenance or operation oI the structure, Iatigue, stress corrosion,
strain aging, galvanic corrosion, exposure to Iire, exposure to lightening and stray
electric currents, acts oI vandalism, accidental impact, and chemical spillage.
Appropriate mitigation measures shall be implemented.
732 Fibre Reinforced PoIymer Composites and Adhesives
In addition to the requirements oI 7.3.1, consideration shall be given to the eIIects oI
exposure to the Iollowing, as appropriate:
ultra violet light
contact with alkaline materials
stress rupture
74 Eisting Structure MateriaI Strengths
Where the characteristic strengths oI the existing concrete and reinIorcement or
structural steel are not known they shall be determined Irom testing as set out in 6.3.
The characteristic strength oI prestressing steel shall be determined as set out in
7 Strengthening of FIeuraI Members
71 GeneraI Reuirements for the Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete and
Prestressed Concrete Members
Strengthening shall, where appropriate, comply with, and be consistent with the
requirements oI the NZS 3101, Concrete Structures Standard
Strength reduction Iactors used Ior assessment oI the reliable strength at the ultimate
limit state shall not exceed those given by NZS 3101
72 GeneraI Reuirements for the Strengthening of SteeI Members
Strengthening shall, where appropriate, comply with, and not be inconsistent with the
requirements oI the relevant standard Ior structural steel design as set out in 4.3.1.
Strength reduction Iactors or partial saIety Iactors used Ior the assessment oI reliable
strength at the ultimate limit state shall not exceed those given by the relevant
structural steel standard set out in 4.3.1.
73 FIeuraI Strengthening of PIastic Hinge Zones
Bonded steel plates, providing Ilexural strengthening at member sections at which
plastic hinging is likely to occur under response to a design intensity earthquake
event, shall be Iully anchored outside the zone oI plastic hinging. The bonded steel
plates shall be Iully conIined over their length against buckling in accordance with
June 2003
the principles on which NZS 3101
requirements Ior conIining reinIorcement are
Elexural strengthening using Iibre reinIorced polymer composites as primary Ilexural
reinIorcement, or using prestressing to increase the axial load on the section, shall not
be applied at member sections at which plastic hinging is likely to occur under
response to a design intensity earthquake event.
74 Strengthening Using Bonded SteeI PIates
(a) GeneraI and Design PrincipIes
Design Ior the strengthening shall be undertaken at the serviceability limit
state, based on the principles oI elastic superposition and strain compatibility,
and also at the ultimate limit state to ensure adequacy oI strength and Iactor oI
saIety against Iailure, with consideration to the mode oI Iailure. The adequacy
oI the strengthened member Ior shear shall be conIirmed.
The United Kingdom Department oI Transport Advice Note BA 30/94,
- -
, provides guidance on design Ior strengthening using bonded steel
plates and may be adopted subject to the modiIications noted herein.
(b) AppIicabiIity of Strengthening using Bonded SteeI PIates
In the event oI unexpected Iailure oI the strengthening system, the structure
shall remain capable oI supporting its permanent loads plus nominal live load.
A member shall only be considered suitable Ior strengthening by plate bonding
iI it can be shown to be at least capable oI supporting 1.20 (DL EP OW
SG ST) LLxI EP when checked at the ultimate limit state. (ReIer to 3.5
Ior deIinitions oI the individual loadings).
(This amends BA 30/94 Cl. 2.1).
Bonded steel plates shall not normally be used to provide resistance Ior
signiIicant permanent loads on the structure.
(c) Strength Reduction Factors
Strength reduction Iactors Ior section design at the ultimate limit state shall not
exceed those given in NZS 3101
Cl. or the relevant standard Ior
structural steel design as appropriate. Where the structure is deteriorated, the
design strength reduction Iactors shall be modiIied as set out in Table 6.5. The
strength reduction Iactor, , shall not exceed 0.75 Ior the Iollowing aspects oI
(i) plate peeling
(ii) plate development
June 2003
The strength reduction Iactors adopted shall ensure that a Ilexural mode oI
Iailure (i.e. by plate yielding or concrete crushing) precedes Iailure by plate
peeling or bond Iailure.
(This amends BA 30/94 Cl. 3.2).
(d) BrittIe FaiIure
The over-reinIorcement oI a concrete section can result in brittle Iailure.
Sections to be strengthened should thereIore be checked to ensure that this does
not occur. NZS 3101
Cl. 8.4.2 shall be complied with.
(This amends BA 30/94 Cl. 3.3).
(e) Fatigue
Eatigue oI the bonded steel plate, the bonding material, and the reinIorcement
or structural steel section oI the original member, under Irequently repetitive
imposed loads and Iorces on the structure shall be considered. Eor concrete
members, NZS 3101
Cl. 3.7.2 shall be complied with. Cl. shall also
apply to the stress range within the bonded steel plates. Eor steel members, the
requirements oI the relevant standard Ior structural steel design shall be
complied with.
(This amends BA 30/94 Cl. 3.5).
Where the strengthening is applied to the top surIace oI a bridge deck,
consideration shall also be given to the Iatigue eIIect Irom individual vehicle
wheels applying normal and traction Iorces to the strengthening.
(f) ieIding of OriginaI Member Reinforcement or Section
The manner oI strengthening shall be such that the reinIorcement oI an original
concrete member, or part oI the section oI an original steel member, shall not
be subjected to yielding under service loads to be imposed on the strengthened
(g) PIate PeeIing
The phenomenon oI premature Iailure oI the bonded steel plates by plate
peeling shall be taken into account and guarded against. The Iollowing
principles are relevant:
(i) When a beam is subjected to a load perpendicular to its length, reactions
are developed at its supports and the beam takes up a deIlected shape. II
strengthening in the Iorm oI bonded plates are added to the beam, to
enable it to resist the load, then the plates must also take up a compatible
deIlected shape to that oI the beam. This is brought about through the
mobilisation oI normal Iorces acting across the interIace between the
beam and the bonded plate, compressive towards the centre oI the span,
and tensile in the end regions oI the plate.
June 2003
(ii) Eor the bonded plate to act as composite strengthening, it must take up
strain such that as the beam deIlects, plane sections remain plane,
developing longitudinal shear stresses on the interIace between the plate,
adhesive and the Iace oI the beam to achieve strain compatibility.
Eixings shall be used to develop the normal Iorces and longitudinal shear
stresses involved. In reinIorced concrete members, tension in the cover
concrete shall not be relied on Ior these actions. Where BA 30/94
Cl. 3.7 is
adopted as the basis Ior the design oI Iixings, the requirements oI BA 30/94
Cl. 3.4 shall also be satisIied. Eixings detailed in accordance with BA 30/94
Cl. 3.7 shall be conIirmed to provided adequate Iixing Ior the normal Iorces in
addition to the longitudinal shear Iorces, and shall also be detailed and
conIirmed to satisIy the other requirements oI this clause, including (h) below.
In addition, the eIIect oI yielding oI the reinIorcement in the original concrete
member, or oI the original section oI a steel member, at the ultimate limit state,
on the level and distribution oI bond stress along the member shall be taken
into account and provided Ior. ( - -
- -
provides a presentation oI this eIIect in
respect to reinIorced concrete members.)
(h) Truss AnaIogy for Reinforced Concrete Members
The mode oI behaviour oI a reinIorced concrete beam can be considered to be
analogous to a truss. When plate reinIorcement is added to the soIIit Iace oI a
reinIorced concrete beam it lies outside the beam shear reinIorcement, and in
eIIect, the truss web. A mechanism, other than tension in the cover concrete,
shall be provided to incorporate that plate into the truss action oI the concrete
Approaches that may be used to incorporate the plate into the truss action oI
the concrete beam, eIIectively by extending the truss web down to the level
oI the strengthening plate, include:
bolting, lapped a development length with the beam shear reinIorcement;
plates bonded to the side Iaces oI the beam and attached to the Ilexural
strengthening soIIit plate, lapped a development length with the beam
shear reinIorcement; or
Iibre reinIorced polymer strips wrapped around the Ilexural strengthening
soIIit plate and bonded up the side Iaces oI the beam, lapped a
development length with the beam shear reinIorcement.
Where plates or Iibre reinIorced polymer strips bonded up the side Iaces oI the
beam are used to incorporate the soIIit plate into the beams truss action, the
top ends oI these plates or strips shall be mechanically Iixed to prevent them
Irom also peeling. On wide beams, a combination oI side plates / strips and
bolting may be necessary to prevent the soIIit plate cross-section Irom bowing
and to adequately incorporate the soIIit plate into the beams truss action.
June 2003
(i) Effect of Loading During Curing on Adhesive Strength
Where the structure is subjected to live loading or other environmental loadings
during curing oI the adhesive, Iollowing installation oI the steel plates, the
eIIect oI such loading on the Iinal strength oI the adhesive shall be taken into
() IrreguIarity of the Surface to Which PIates are to be Bonded
The eIIect oI irregularity oI the bonding surIace on the strengthening shall be
taken into account, including the eIIects arising Irom deviation oI the
strengthening plate Irom perIect alignment (giving rise to a tendency Ior the
plate to initially straighten when taking up load). The eIIect on the bond
stresses Irom the strengthening plate not being perIectly aligned shall also be
taken into account.
(k) MateriaIs
Materials shall comply with BA 30/94
Section 4.
(I) Surface Preparation and Corrosion Protection
SurIace preparation oI the concrete and steel surIaces shall comply with BA
Section 5.
InterIace steel surIaces may be protected against corrosion using a primer that
is compatible with the initial bond primer and adhesive. Where a corrosion
protection system is used, its eIIect on the bond strength oI the interIace shall
be taken into account.
7 Strengthening Using Bonded Fibre Reinforced Composite MateriaIs
(a) GeneraI
Eibre reinIorced polymer composite materials encompass a wide range oI
materials, manuIactured by a number oI diIIerent processes. The most
commonly used Iibre and resin materials, used to make up the composite
materials covered by this clause, include the Iollowing:
Eibre types: carbon, aramid, glass, and polyethylene;
Resins: epoxy and vinyl ester.
Strengthening using bonded Iibre reinIorced polymer composites shall be in
accordance with the same principles and requirements as set out in 7.5.4 Ior
strengthening using bonded steel plates, except as modiIied below.
- - -
provides useIul guidance on Ilexural and shear strengthening using
Iibre reinIorced polymer composite materials, but note that 7.5.4 (a) Iirst
paragraph and 7.5.4 (b) shall apply.
June 2003
(b) Track Record, Manufacturing Processes and uaIity ControI
The Iibre reinIorced polymer composite material to be used shall have a track
record oI use in service that has demonstrated adequate durability, or
alternatively the durability oI the material shall be substantiated by test data.
The material shall be oI adequate quality. This requires the choice oI
appropriate Iibres and resins, combined in an appropriate manuIacturing
process with the necessary quality controls. The strength properties adopted Ior
design shall be statistically based and have a conIidence limit oI not less than
95, (i.e. not more than 5 oI the test results will Iall below the adopted
design properties). The elastic modulus assumed Ior design shall be the mean
(As a guide to quality, reIerences (4) and (5) present tables oI typical Iibre
properties Ior the diIIerent types oI Iibre reinIorced polymers. Eibres oI a Iibre-
reinIorced polymer would be expected to conIorm to these typical properties.
Some diIIerences exist between the tables contained in the two reIerences.)
(c) MateriaI Characteristics, Mode of FaiIure, and Strength Reduction
In general, Iibre reinIorced polymer composite materials behave in a linearly
elastic manner up to Iailure. They also, generally, have a signiIicantly lower
strength in compression than in tension. Externally bonded laminates or sheets
are generally unsuitable Ior use in compression due to the impracticality oI
providing suIIicient restraint against buckling.
The elastic modulii oI Iibre reinIorced polymer composite materials vary
widely dependent on the particular Iibre type and on the mode oI manuIacture
oI the Iibre reinIorced polymer material. The elastic modulus oI the particular
composite material to be used Ior the strengthening shall be taken into account
in the design.
Eor a reinIorced or prestressed concrete beam strengthened using a Iibre
reinIorced polymer composite material, three modes oI Iailure are possible:
(i) by extensive yielding oI the beams original steel reinIorcement, spalling
oI the compression cover concrete and moment capacity drop-oII;
(ii) by rupture oI the Iibre reinIorced polymer composite Ilexural
strengthening material; or
(iii) by brittle Iailure oI the concrete in the member compression zone.
Where possible, Ior a strengthened concrete or steel section, the desired mode
oI behaviour is Ior the Ilexural steel reinIorcement or structural steel section to
yield prior to Iailure oI the section, providing a noticeable increase in deIlection
and thereby warning oI imminent Iailure.
June 2003
In the case oI Iailure oI a concrete member by rupture oI the Iibre reinIorced
polymer composite Ilexural strengthening, the strain in the extreme concrete
Iibre in compression may be 0.003 when the ultimate tensile strain in the
Iibre reinIorced polymer composite material is reached. As a result, the
equivalent rectangular stress block adopted Ior concrete in the standard design
procedure cannot be used.
A moment-curvature analysis, involving calculation oI the neutral axis depth
and strains in all the contributing materials, should be used Ior the analysis oI
the strengthened section.
Strength reduction Iactors appropriate to Iibre reinIorced polymer materials are
currently undergoing development. Appropriate strength reduction Iactors Ior
application at the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state Ior the
diIIerent modes oI behaviour shall be developed Irom a review oI current
international literature Irom reputable sources (e.g. American Concrete
Institute, UK Concrete Society, Eederation International du Beton) and on the
basis oI sound engineering principles. The strength reduction Iactors proposed
to be applied in the design shall be submitted to Transit Ior approval.
Eor reinIorced concrete, prestressed concrete, and structural steel members, the
strength reduction Iactors Ior Ilexural design oI Iibre reinIorced polymer
composite strengthening, at the ultimate limit state, shall be as Iollows:
(i) Where Iailure is preceded by a signiIicant amount oI ductile yielding,
the strength reduction Iactor shall not be greater than 0.85.
(ii) Where the mode oI Iailure is non-ductile, the strength reduction Iactor
shall not be greater than 0.75.
The strength reduction Iactor, , shall not be greater than 0.75 Ior the
Iollowing aspects oI design:
(i) Laminate or sheet peeling;
(ii) Laminate or sheet development.
The strength reduction Iactors adopted shall ensure that a Ilexural mode oI
Iailure (e.g. by rupture oI the Iibre reinIorced polymer composite material or
concrete crushing) precedes Iailure by peeling or bond Iailure.
(d) Method of AnaIysis
Elastic analysis shall be used to analyse the structure, and no redistribution oI
the elastic bending moments and shear Iorces is permitted in view oI the lack oI
ductility oI the Iibre reinIorced polymer composite material.
(This amends NZS 3101 Cl.
June 2003
(e) Strengthening of Concrete Members for Shear
Concrete members strengthened Ior shear by using strips oI Iibre reinIorced
polymer composite material shall be designed Ior shear in accordance with the
requirements oI NZS 3101
Chapter 9. Under these requirements, Iibre
reinIorced polymer composite strip reinIorcement shall be treated in the same
manner as steel reinIorcement with the stress in the Iibre reinIorcement
corresponding to a strain oI 0.004 substituted in place oI the steel yield stress.
Under these conditions, the contributions to shear reinIorcement oI the existing
steel reinIorcement and oI the Iibre reinIorced polymer composite strip
reinIorcement may be considered additive.
The ends oI Iibre reinIorced polymer composite strips shall be adequately
anchored to develop the design Iorces in the strips. In situations where a slab
overlies a beam being strengthened (as with a T- beam), the preIerred approach
is Ior intermittent slots to be cut in the slab and the Iibre reinIorced polymer
strips passed through the slab and anchored on the slab top surIace. Where the
strips are to be terminated below a slab, consideration shall be given to the
transIer oI the Iorce in the Iibre reinIorced polymer strips to the truss
mechanism oI the reinIorced concrete member, and to the shear that may be
induced in the concrete member above the level oI the ends oI the strips.
(ReIerence 3 provides guidance on this issue.) Where proprietary mechanical
anchors or clamps are used to develop the design Iorce in the strips, the
perIormance oI proprietary mechanical anchors or clamps shall have been
substantiated by testing and their reliability established by statistical analysis.
Anchor capacities adopted as the basis Ior design shall have a probability oI
being exceeded oI not less than 95.
Depending on the manuIacturing process, the strength oI Iibre reinIorced
polymer composite material shear reinIorcement may be signiIicantly less
locally at corners than within straight portions. This shall be taken into account
in the design.
(f) Design GuideIines
A number oI design guidelines related to bonded Iibre reinIorced composite
materials have been published internationally. There are diIIerences in
approach between the guidelines, and it is recommended that reIerence be
made to several guidelines and reIerences in seeking guidance on the
application oI these materials. These design guidelines are reIerences 3, 4, 5
and 6.
It should be noted that the latter three publications have been published since
preparation oI this section.
June 2003
7 Strengthening Using EternaI Prestressing
(a) AppIicabiIity
This clause is applicable to strengthening by externally prestressing members
using conventional systems based on steel prestressing. This clause does not
cover the use oI Iibre-reinIorced polymer prestressing systems.
(b) Inspection, Maintenance and DemoIition
Adequate provision shall be made Ior the inspection and maintenance oI
external tendons.
All external and unbonded tendons shall be individually replaceable without
having to restrict traIIic on the highway wherever possible. Where the
detailing does not enable tendons to be removed and replaced without damage
to either the tendons or the structure, or without restricting traIIic, a method
statement deIining how the tendons can be replaced shall be provided in the
Design Statement. A method statement deIining how the structure can be
demolished shall also be provided.
(c) Strengthening of Concrete Members
NZS 3101, -
, provides explicitly Ior the design
oI structures with unbonded high strength steel tendons and shall be complied
with Ior this Iorm oI strengthening, except as modiIied herein.
Conventionally reinIorced, non-prestressed concrete members, that are
strengthened by external unbonded prestressing, shall satisIy the serviceability
limit state crack width criteria Ior reinIorced concrete set out in NZS 3101
Cl. The more stringent criteria Ior prestressed concrete need not be
complied with.
(d) Strengthening of SteeI and Composite SteeI - Concrete Members
7.5.2 shall apply in respect to stresses induced in the steel sections and to the
design oI anchorages and deviators. In the consideration oI buckling oI the
steel section, the prestress Iorce may be considered as an externally applied
Eor the design oI the stressing tendons, the principles and requirements oI NZS
Clauses 16.3.1 to 16.3.6 should be applied as appropriate.
The strengthened members shall meet both the serviceability and ultimate limit
state requirements oI the relevant standard Ior structural steel design, and
where the members include a composite concrete element, the relevant
serviceability and ultimate limit state requirements oI NZS 3101
The strength reduction Iactor, , adopted Ior determining the reliable Ilexural
capacity at the ultimate limit state shall be derived Irom the relevant standard
Ior structural steel design.
June 2003
(e) Anchorages and Deviators
Anchorages and deviators Ior external tendons shall be designed at the ultimate
limit state Ior a load equal to at least the 95 oI the ultimate tensile strength oI
the tendons with a value oI 0.85 Where serviceability checks are required,
as Ior Ilexural cracking in concrete deviator beams, the design service load in
the tendons shall be taken as the tendon load beIore long-term losses.
The design shall ensure that bi-metallic corrosion between the tendons and
their anchorages is prevented.
(f) Tendons Pretensioned Before Being DefIected
Eor single tendons the deIlector in contact with the tendon shall produce a
radius oI not less than 5 times the tendon diameter Ior wire, or 10 times the
diameter Ior strand. The total angle oI deIlection should not exceed 15.
(g) Post-Tensioned Tendons ProfiIe
In the absence oI test results or other investigation justiIying smaller values, the
radius oI curvature oI tendons in deviators should not be less than the Iollowing
minimum values:
Table 7.1: Radius of Curvature for Tendons
Tendon (Strand Number Size) Minimum Radius (m)
19 13mm and 12 15mm 2.5
31 13mm and 19 15mm 3.0
53 13mm and 37 15mm 5.0
(h) Tendon Restraint
External tendons shall be restrained in all necessary directions to avoid
unacceptable second order eIIects due to beam deIlections and tendon
(i) Corrosion Protection
Tendons shall be protected to ensure that their liIe is compatible with the liIe oI
the structure.
() Further Considerations to be Taken Into Account
The design takes into account the Iollowing:
The eIIects oI end restraint oI the spans / beams being stressed, whether
due to the spans being constructed integral with supports, or due to Iriction
or elastomeric shear strain oI bearings.
June 2003
The distribution oI the prestress Iorce and induced moment across all the
beams making up the total cross-section, as inIluenced by:
which beams are to be prestressed and by how much;
the relative stiIIness oI the beam elements making up the total cross-
within each span, the length over which the prestressing is to be applied
and shear lag eIIects across the bridge deck.
The eIIects oI secondary moments arising Irom continuity oI the span or
Irom spans being constructed integral with supports.
The eIIects oI shortening oI the spans due to the initial prestress Iorce and
long term creep.
(k) Guidance Documents
General guidance on considerations related to the design oI systems Ior
external prestressing is - --
(1) This summary, together with accompanying drawings and documents, contains the basic
data needed Ior the start oI detailed design action Ior the proposed structure.
(2) Both the scheme plan and the site plan shall accompany the bridge site inIormation
(3) Section 2 can be omitted in its entirety Ior road and railway overbridges and
(4) The "Designated Person" reIerred to at the start oI Sections 1 to 5 below would typically
Section 1, Basic InIormation: An engineering consultant Iamiliar with the site
Section 2, River Data
2.1 to 2.4:
2.5 to 2.8:
An engineering consultant Iamiliar with the site.
Regional Council or Territorial Authority
Section 3, Site Investigations: A site investigator
Section 4, Recommendations: A senior proIessional engineer
Section 5, Approvals: A senior proIessional engineer
June 2003
To be completed by the Designated Person
.01 Name oI bridge or culvert
.02 State Highway number and section, or other route
.03 Route position; ie reIerence station plus
.04 Name oI river to be bridged or name and position oI
road or railway to be crossed
.05 Roads District
.06 Local Authorities
Regional Council and / or Territorial Authority
.07 Scheme plan
(a) Number
(b) Date oI submission to TNZ
(c) TNZ approval date
.08 Site plan number
.09 Level datum used Ior
(a) Scheme plan
(b) Site Plan
.10 Map ReIerence (NZMS 260 series)
Map number
East North
Co-ordinates oI bridge site
Photographic reIerences
(a) TNZ State Highway aerial strip
Survey number
Run number
Photograph number
(b) Supply site photographs with date/s taken
June 2003
.01 Details
(a) Plan number
(b) Where held
(c) When built
(d) Deck level or reIerence level on deck using site
plan datum
(e) SoIIit level
.02 Where drawings are not available, provide brieI
description oI existing bridge
.03 Overload rating
(a) Bridge classiIication
(b) Deck grading
.04 Bridge posting limits
(a) Wheel base load
(b) Axle load
(c) Speed restriction
.05 Eoundations
(i) Type
(ii) Has perIormance been adequate?
(iii) Any known problems during construction?
(iv) Append detailed inIormation iI available, e.g.,
pile size, length, penetration, driving records,
borelogs, design bearing values, or other as
(v) Do existing Ioundations restrict the location oI
new piers and abutments?
(vi) Should they be removed?
(vii) To what level?
(viii) Why?
.06 Are there special problems at the site oI the existing
bridge, e.g.:
(a) Scour
(b) Settlement
(c) Eill stability
(d) Eloating debris
(e) Corrosion
(f) Other. SpeciIy. (Provide report as appropriate).
June 2003
.01 Nature and volume oI present traIIic
.02 Vehicle Route Importance Category
Level oI Serviceability to TraIIic
Is this diIIerent Irom the recommended value.
II yes, speciIy.
.03 Nature and extent oI stock traIIic
.04 Is stock or other access required under the
.05 Services to be carried on the bridge
Side oI
Number Nominal
(a) Sewer mains
(b) Telecom cables
(c) Water mains
(d) Gas mains, state high or low pressure
(e) Power cables
(f) Other services
.06 Has each authority been inIormed oI Transit
NZ policy Ior cost sharing?
.07 Lighting requirements
.08 Extreme shade temperatures
.09 Has an environmental impact assessment been
prepared? II so, attach copy
.10 Does the appearance oI the bridge in elevation
warrant special consideration?
.11 PreIerred construction materials
.12 PreIerred deck surIace material and Iinish
.13 Restrictions on transport and access to site
.14 Construction restraints at the site, e.g., Ilash
Iloods, dewatering etc.
.15 Other Iactors to be considered
June 2003
.16 Waterway recommendation. Suggested
length oI bridge Ior consistency with:
(a) the existing channel OR
(b) Any existing or planned river training
Elood clearance recommendation Irom natural
Ilood stage to underside oI superstructure.
Clearances Ior tidal and navigable waterways
(a) Type oI craIt, e.g. yachts, jet boats,
barges, etc.
(b) Recommend the highest water level at
the stie above which navigational
clearance should be provided. Use site
plan datum. Give reasons Ior choice.
(c) What is the minimum clearance and
width restriction imposed by:
(i) existing bridge
(ii) other nearby structures
(d) Irom the local knowledge, what is your
recommendation Ior the navigational
(i) vertical clearance
(ii) centreline location and width oI
navigation channel
Prepared by: Designation:
CertiIied by: Designation:
June 2003
To be completed by the Designated Person and the
Regional Council or Territorial Authority as appropriate
.01 (a) Area oI catchment above site
(b) How was area obtained?
.02 General slope (e.g. Ilat, gently rolling, rolling,
hilly, mountainous, etc)
.03 Range oI heights above sea level
.04 Shape oI catchment (e.g. long, circular, pear, Ian
.05 SurIace soil and subsoil (e.g. pumice, clay, loam,
sand, rock etc). Give approximate percentage oI
catchment area Ior each type.
.06 Percentage cover:
(a) in bush, scrub or Iorest
(b) in pasture
(c) in cultivation
(d) cleared but reverting
(e) in urban development
.07 Are these percentages likely to vary in the liIe oI
the structure?
.08 Any general comments on catchment
.01 (a) Normal water level, i.e. water level
exceeded Ior 30 oI the time, using site
plan datum
(b) Mean velocity and orientation oI this Ilow
(show on diagram)
(c) How was this assessed?
June 2003
.02 (a) Lowest known water level using site plan
(b) Date
(c) How was value obtained?
.03 (a) List highest known Ilood levels using site
plan datum
(b) Orientation oI Ilow (show on diagram)
(c) Date/s
(d) How were values obtained?
.04 Tidal sites: Levels at the site in terms oI site
plan datum. Give as many oI the Iollowing
levels as possible and state how data were
obtained, including tide gauge reIerence.
(a) Highest known tide and data
(b) Lowest known tide and data
(c) Mean high water spring tide
(d) Mean high water neap tide
(e) Mean low water neap tide
(f) Mean low water spring tide
.05 What is the approximate maximum wave height
at the site?
.06 Is water level aIIected by wind? Give details.
.07 Maximum size oI driItwood carried at high Ilood
.08 Bed gradient/Length over which measurements
were taken.
.09 Gradient oI water surIace at proposed site Ior:
(a) Low to medium Ilow, speciIy water level at
site when gradient obtained
(b) High Ilow, speciIy water levels at site when
gradient obtained
(c) Gradients measured over what length oI
(d) Is length oI Iloodway straight? II not,
provide details.
June 2003
.10 (a) Are there diIIerences between low and high
water surIace slopes?
(b) II so, what are they and what are the reasons?
.01 (a) Waterway area to highest known Ilood level
at existing or nearby bridge on same stream,
normal to Ilow.
(b) Has this proved adequate? Give wetted
(c) Is Ilood gradient at this site similar to that
in 2.2.09(b)? II not, speciIy.
.02 (a) Cross section area oI channel to highest
known Ilood level at site oI new bridge
(b) Is cross-section at proposed site typical oI
channel and Iloodway over a length up and
downstream oI at least Iive times width oI
Ilood waterway in each direction?
(c) II not, comment on variation and supply
typical sections with the site drawings.
.03 Bed material at bridge site (eg, silt, sand, Iine or
coarse gravel etc), provide typical grading oI bed
.04 Preliminary estimate oI Mannings Ior
(a) Channel
(b) Berm
(c) how were values obtained?
.05 (a) Summarise measurements or records oI
local scour measured Irom general bed
level with corresponding location, water
levels and general bed level in terms oI site
plan datum.
(b) How were values obtained?
.06 Is the depth oI scour aIIected by:
(a) direction oI Ilow?
(b) local riverbed shape?
(c) other local eIIects (speciIy)?
.07 Are moderate Ilood conditions critical Ior scour?
e.g., with the main channel at bank Iull Ilow.
June 2003
.01 Is the river channel braided, meandering,
.02 (a) Are the banks stable over a length oI 1 km
upstream and downstream oI bridge site
(erosion, slumping, slips, etc)?
(b) Are the banks stable at the existing bridge
site (erosion, slumping, slips etc)?
(c) Is there any existing protection or riverbed
control work aIIecting conditions at the
proposed site?
(d) Is bank/abutment protection suggested? II
so, indicate type oI protection.
.03 Is there any possibility oI river tending to cut oII
.04 Is there any escape oI Iloodwaters upstream, and
is there any possibility oI this being reduced or
prevented in Iuture by a river control scheme?
Give appropriate details.
.05 Give details oI current and/or projected
extraction oI riverbed material.
.06 Is the riverbed aggrading, degrading or stable?
Give results oI measurements or estimates, the
period involved and indicate how results were
.07 Describe the inIluence oI any Iuture river
improvement or catchment control or
development works or other activities likely to
aIIect bridge location, area oI waterway, Ilood
stages, scour depths, layout etc.
June 2003
.01 Indicate variability oI rainIall distribution
expressed as a percentage oI the average over the
entire catchment.
.02 (a) Location and map reIerence Ior the nearest
rain gauge
(b) Length oI time that records have been taken
(c) Type oI gauge
(d) Relationship oI records to catchment
average intensity
.03 Maximum recorded or known rainIall in mm
(a) in 1 hour
(b) in 2 hours
(c) in 12 hours
(d) in 24 hours
(e) above to catchment average intensity. How
were records obtained?
(f) corresponding return period.
.04 (a) Where is the nearest staII gauge or recorder
station on this river?
(b) What is its number?
(c) Period over which water level records have
been kept
(d) Supply stage/discharge stage/velocity and
stage/area curves iI available
.01 Is discharge aIIected by:
(a) snow on catchment?
(b) ponding upstream?
(c) overIlow Irom other catchments?
(d) backwater Irom major river downstream, or
Irom lake, sea or beach barrier?
.02 Estimated time oI concentration at the site (Ior
Rational Method).
June 2003
.03 Eor Ilood levels given in 2.2.03:
(a) Elood discharge
(b) Elood velocity
(c) Orientation oI Ilow (show on diagram)
(d) Method used, i.e., estimate, timing debris,
special measurements, rating curve,
(e) Give estimate oI reliability oI results
(f) Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) oI
.01 Design rainIall in mm per hour Ior the time oI
concentration (2.6.02) on the basis oI catchment
average intensity. SpeciIy standard deviation iI
.02 Total Waterway Design Elood
Design Ilood at the site with the recommended
structure in place.
Non Tidal Sites Tidal Sites
(a) Discharge
(b) Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)
(c) Mean velocity
(d) Water level in terms oI site plan datum
(e) Orientation oI Ilow (show on diagram)
Attach calculations.
.03 Level oI Serviceability to TraIIic Design Ilood
Design Ilood to be passed without Interruption to
Non Tidal Sites Tidal Sites
(a) Discharge
(b) Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)
(c) Mean velocity
(d) Water level in terms oI site plan datum
(e) Orientation oI Ilow (show on diagram)
Attach calculations
June 2003
.04 Serviceability Limit State Design Elood
Design Ilood to be used Ior the Serviceability
limit state oI the bridge
Non Tidal Sites Tidal Sites
(a) Discharge
(b) Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)
(c) Mean velocity
(d) Water level in terms oI site plan datum
(e) Orientation oI Ilow (show on diagram)
Attach calculations
.05 Ultimate Limit State Design Elood
Design Ilood to be used Ior the Ultimate Limit
State oI the bridge
Non Tidal Sites Tidal Sites
(a) Discharge
(b) Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)
(c) Mean velocity
(d) Water level in terms oI site plan datum
(e) Orientation oI Ilow (show on diagram)
(f) How was the estimate oI the Ultimate Limit
State Design Elood obtained?
Attach calculations.
Design Ilood to be used Ior the Ultimate limit
state oI the bridge when the bridge deck level is
overtopped by 200mm
(a) Discharge
(b) Average Recurrence Interval (ARI)
(c) Mean velocity
(d) Water level in terms oI site plan datum
(e) Orientation oI Ilow (show on diagram)
(f) Detail the nature oI any elements oI the
bridge likely to cause retention oI debris at
overtopping oI the deck.
Attach calculations.
June 2003
.06 State the calculated level oI general scour at the
proposed site (in terms oI the site plan datum)
under the design Ilood conditions assuming that
the proposed structural elements constrict Ilow
less than 10. In addition, Ior cases where
proposed approaches and Iills are likely to
constrict Ilow, the eIIects oI these constrictions
are to be calculated. Attach calculations and
.07 State the calculated levels oI local and abutment
scour at the proposed site (in terms oI the site plan
datum) under the design Ilood conditions.
Calculations are to take into account the eIIect at
constrictions. Attach calculations and sketches.
.08 Are the estimates oI scour Ior the design Iloods
appropriate Ior the site and the nature oI the
recommended structure?
Should a more conservative level oI scour be
considered? SpeciIy
.09 General comments on the determination oI scour
and bank stability.
.10 Describe the anticipated levels oI scour under
Ultimate Limit State Design Eloods.
Is the structure overtopped at a lower ARI Ilood
than the Ultimate Limit State Design Elood?
Describe the anticipated levels oI scour under the
overtopping Design Elood.
.01 (a) Are Resource Consents required?
(b) II so, what is the status oI the application?
Any general comments on river characteristics or
June 2003
Prepared by: Designation:
CertiIied by: Designation:
June 2003
To be completed by the Designated Person
.01 Where some investigations have been carried out on
the site:
(a) Type oI investigations:
(i) Walkover survey
(ii) Test pits
(iii) Penetrometer tests
(iv) Bores
(v) Test piles
(vi) Other, speciIy
(b) Show locations on site plan and provide a record
oI number, locations, depths, results,
interpretation and conclusions.
(c) Outline Iurther investigations proposed.
.02 Where no investigations have been carried out at the
(a) Describe the surIace and anticipated subsurIace
conditions at the site Ior design report purposes.
(b) What investigations are proposed?
.03 What is the depth oI scourable material in the
.04 (a) Are atmospheric, water and soil conditions
likely to be aggressive to construction
(b) II so, state details.
.05 Position oI abutments to provide saIety against
Iailure oI banks caused by superimposed loading.
.06 Recommended saIe batter slopes Ior approach
earthworks (with allowance Ior seismic conditions)
.07 Is consolidation or diIIerential settlement likely at the
bridge or approaches? II so, give details
.08 Density oI concrete made Irom local materials
.09 Probable abrasive eIIect oI material transported by
the river on concrete and steel.
.10 Comment on presence oI active geological Iaults
June 2003
Prepared by: Designation:
CertiIied by: Designation:
June 2003
To be completed by the Designated Person
.01 State any speciIic environmental (including aesthetic)
considerations which should be allowed Ior in the
.02 Is a landscape design required? II so, who will be
.03 Length oI bridge or size oI culvert
.04 Clearance Irom natural Ilood stage to soIIit oI
.05 State the preIerred construction material and
structural Iorm
.06 Do site conditions indicate speciIic pier or abutment
locations? II so, show on site plan and state reasons
.07 Suggested bridge Ioundations:
(a) Type
(b) Depth
(c) Capacity
(d) General comments
.08 (a) PreIerred type oI surIace drainage layout Ior
bridge and approaches.
(b) Type, size, location oI channels.
(c) PreIerred type and size oI kerb.
(d) PreIerred type and size oI side protection.
Provide sketches as appropriate.
.09 General comment
June 2003
To be completed by the Designated Person
.01 Have proposals been discussed in detail with:
(a) Regional Council
(b) Territorial Authority. SpeciIy.
(c) Other interested parties. SpeciIy.
.02 Give Iile reIerence and date oI the agreement or
(a) Regional Council
(b) Territorial Authority. SpeciIy.
(c) Other interested parties. SpeciIy.
.03 (a) Where over tidal or navigable waters have
details been submitted to the Maritime SaIety
Authority Ior marine approval?
(b) Has marine approval in Iact been granted?
.04 General comments and Iactors arising Irom 5.01 and
5.02 which should be considered in the design
Prepared by: Designation:
CertiIied by: Designation:
June 2003