Popular Sanskrit Shlokas
Popular Sanskrit Shlokas
Popular Sanskrit Shlokas
u"a#$n%ra Haaram Sa%aa Vasantam Hr&%'aa Rav&n%$ !avam !avaam& Sa!&tam Namaam& Trans(at&on: I prostrat$ )$*or$ Lor% S!&va an% Mot!$r Parvat$$. O Lor%+ You ar$ *a&r,-omp($.&on$% as t!$ /!&t$ -amp!or+ an% You ar$ -ompass&on &n-arnat$. You ar$ t!$ on$ /!o r$v$a(s t!$ m'st$r&$s o* t!$ -'-($ o* mun%an$ $.&st$n-$+ an% /$ars t!$ s$rp$nt o* %$stru-t&on as a #ar(an%. D$ar Lor%+ ma' You a(/a's r$s&%$ &n t!$ (otus o* m' !$art. 000000000000000 VISHNU STUTI : S!aantaa1aaram !u"a#as!a'anam Pa%manaa)!am Sur$s!am V&s!vaa%!aaram Ga#ansa%ras!am M$#!avarNam S!u)!aan#am La.m&1aantam Kama(ana'anam Yo#&)!&r%!'aana#am'am Van%$ V&s!nu !ava)!a'a!aram Sarva(o1a&1anaat!am Sa(utat&ons to S!r& V&s!nu+ /!o r$-(&n$s p$a-$*u((' on t!$ )$% o* t!$ s$rp$nt S!$&s!a+ /&t! t!$ Lotus on H&s Nav$(. H$ &s t!$ Lor% o* -$($st&a( )$&n#s+ t!$ ta)$rna-($ o* t!$ un&v$rs$. H$ &s as &mm$ns$ as t!$ *&rmam$nt+ H&s -o(our &s t!at o* a %ar1 -(ou%2 H&s (&m)s ar$ ausp&-&ous+ H$ &s t!$ Lor% o* S!r& La1s!m& t!$ on$ /&t! Lotus E'$s. O)"$-t o* t!$ m$%&tat&on o* t!$ sa#$s+ t!$ on$ /!o )an&s!$s a(( *$ars o* t!$ -'-($ o* r$)&rt! an% su**$r&n#. H$ &s t!$ Lor% o* a(( 3or(%s. 00000000000000000 SHANTI MANTRA : Om Sa!naa vavatu Sa!nau )!una1tu Sa!v&r'am Karvaa va!$ T$"asv&naav a%!&tamastu Maav&%/&s!aava!$ Om s!aant&!& s!aant&!& s!aant&!& L$t us (&v$ to#$t!$r+ L$t us )$ nour&s!$% to#$t!$r L$t us )$ a)($ to %o #r$at %$$%s to#$t!$r L$t us )$ )r&((&ant to#$t!$r &n our stu%' L$t us )$ (ov&n# P$a-$+ p$a-$+ p$a-$ GAYATRI MANTRA OM !oor !uva S/a!a Tat Sav&tur Var$n'am !ar#o D$vas'a D!&ma!& D!&'o Yo Na! Pra-!o%a'at!
3$ -ont$mp(at$ t!at U(t&mat$ R$a(&t' 3!&-! &s t!$ $art!+ t!$ s1'+ t!$ !$av$n4 L$t us )r&n# our m&n%s to m$%&tat$ &n T!$ G(or' o* t!$ D&v&n$ Trut!. Ma' Trut! &nsp&r$ our r$*($-t&on. OM , &n%&-at$s t!$ U(t&mat$ R$a(&t' , t!$ a(( p$rva%&n# Et$rna( Sp&r&t. !oor , Eart! !uva!a , S1' S/a!a , H$av$n Tat , T!at Sav&tur , o* t!$ D&v&n&t' 5poss$ss&v$ *orm o* Sav&ta6 Var$n'am , D$s&ra)($7A%ora)($ 5D$s&r$%6 !ar#o 5 !ar#a!a6 , G(or' or E**u(#$n-$ D$vas'a , O* t!$ D&v&n$ On$ D!&ma!& , L$t us -ont$mp(at$ or m$%&tat$ D!&'o 5D!&'a!a6 , Kno/($%#$ or Trut! Yo 5Ya!a6 , 3!&-! Na! , Our Pra-!o%a'at! , 3ou(% &nsp&r$ or mot&vat$ 000000000000000000 KRISHNA STUTI mu1am 1arot& va-!a(am pan#um (an#!a'at$ #&r&m 'at,1r&pa tama!am van%$ s!r&,#urum %&na,taranam 8I o**$r m' r$sp$-t*u( o)$&san-$s unto m' sp&r&tua( mast$r+ t!$ %$(&v$r$r o* t!$ *a(($n sou(s. H&s m$r-' turns t!$ %um) &nto $(o9u$nt sp$a1$rs an% $na)($s t!$ (am$ to -ross mounta&ns.8 00000000000000000 HANUMANA UPASANA Mano"a'am Maaruta Tu('av$#am :&t$n%r&'am u%%!&mataam Var&s!tam ; Vaa%aatma"am Vaanara'oot!a Mu1!'am S!r$$ Raama Dootam S!&rasa Namaam& ;; T!$ Last (&n$ ma' a(t$rnat$(' )$ r$a% as: S!r$$ Raama Dootam S!aranam Prapa%'$ ;;
000000000000000 GANESHA STUTI 8A"am N&rv&1a(pam N&raa1aaram$1am N$raanan%!amanan%!am A%!va&t!a Poornam Param N&r#unam N&rv&s$s!am N&r$$!am Para ra!ma roopam Gan$s!am !a"$ma. Gunaat!$$t!amanam <!&%!anan%a roopam -!&%!a )!asa1amsarva#am #nana #am'am mun&%!'$'am aa1asa roopam par$s!am para ra!ma roopam Gan$s!am )!a"$ma. :a#at! 1aaranam 1aaran #nana roopam suraa%!&m su1!a%!&m #un$sam #an$sam "a#at!/aap&nam v&s/a van%!'am sur$s!am para ra!ma roopam Gan$s!am )!a"$ ma.8 000000000000000 ($t us ($arn Sans1r&t+ ($t us sp$a1 Sans1r&t &n $a-! an% $v$r' !ous$+ a#a&n an% a#a&n. 000000000
Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mangalam Bhagavan Vishnum Mangalam Garudadhwajah Mangalam Bhagavan Vishnum Mangalam Garudadhwajah Mangalam Bhagavan Vishnum Mangalam Garudadhwajah Mangalam Pundareekaksham Mangalayatano Hari Mangalam Pundareekaksham Mangalayatano Hari Mangalam Pundareekaksham Mangalayatano Hari
SHANTI MANTRAS Karpur Gauran#+ Karuna Ast!aram+ Sansar Sarum+ !u" G$n%ra Haaram+ Sa%a Vasantam+ Hr&%a' Arv&n%$+ !a/an !a/an&+ Sa!&tam Namam& Om Man#a(am !a#/an V&s!nu Man#a(am Garu% D!/a"a+ Man#a(am Pun%ar&1aa1s!a Man#a(am Tano Har&!. Sarva Man#a(a Maan#a('$ S!&v$'sarvaart! Saa%!&1$'+ S!arna'$ Tra'am)a1$' Gaur& Naaraa'an& Namostut$'+ Gaur& Naaraa'an& Namostut$'+ Gaur& Naaraa'an& Namostut$' Om Tr$'am)!a1am Ya"ama!$ Su#an%!&m Pus!t&var%!anam Urvaru1am&va an%!anam Mr&t'or Mu1s!&'a Maamr&tat Om Sarv$s!am Svast&r !avatu Sarv$s!am S!ant&r !avatu Sarv$s!am Purnam !avatu Sarv$s!am Man#a(am !avatu Sarv$ !avantu Su1!&na+ Sarv$ Santu N&rama'a+ Sarv$ !a%ran& Pas!a'antu+ Maa Kas!-!&%,Du1!a)!av)!av$ta Om Asato Ma Sat Gama'a Tamaso Ma :'ot&r Gama'a Mr&t'or Ma Amr&tam Gama'a Om S!ant& S!ant& S!ant&!& Om Purnama%a! Purnam&%am Purnat Purnamu%a-!'at$ Purnas'a Purnama%a'a Purnam$vavas!&s!at$ Om S!ant&+ S!ant&+ S!ant& T/am$va Mata+ <!a P&ta T/am$va T/am$va !an%u <!aa Su1!a T/am$va T/am$va V&%'a Drav&nam T/am$va T/am$va Sarvam Mama D$va D$va Om D'au! S!ant&+ Antar&1s!a#um S!ant&+ Pr&t!&v$$ S!ant&+ Rapa! S!ant&+ Ros!a%!a'a! S!ant&+ Vanaspata'a! S!ant&+ V&s!va%$vaa! S!ant&+ ra!ma S!ant&+ Sarv$#um S!ant&+ S!ant& r$va+ S!ant& Sama+ S!ant& R$%!& Om S!ant& S!ant& S!ant& Om Asato ma sat #ama'a Tamaso ma "'ot&r #ama'a mr&t'or ma amr&tam #ama'a Om S!ant& S!ant& S!ant&!& Lead us from the unreal to the real Lead us from darkness to light Lead us from death to imortality May there be Peace Peace Peace T/am$va mata+ -!a p&ta t/am$va T/am$va )!an%u -!aa su1!a t/am$va T/am$va v&%'a %rav&nam t/am$va T/am$va sarvam mama %$va %$va
You are my mother and my father You are my family and my friend You are my wisdom and my wealth You are my all in all, Light of lights Om %'au! s!ant&+ Antar&1s!a#um s!ant&+ Pr&t!&v$$ s!ant&+ Rapa! s!ant&+ Ros!a%!a'a! s!ant&+ Vanaspata'a! s!ant&+ V&s!va%$vaa! s!ant&+ ra!ma s!ant&+ Sarv$#um s!ant&+ S!aant& r$va+ s!ant& Sama+ s!ant& r$%!& Om S!ant& S!ant& S!ant& May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere. May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers. May peace flow over the whole universe. May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman. nd may there always e!ist in all peace and peace alone. "m peace, peace and peace to us and all beings# Ga'atr& Mantra Om !ur+ !uva!+Sva!a Tat Sav&tur Var$n&'am !ar#o D$vas'a D!&ma!& D!&'o Yo Na! Pra-!o%a'at Most worthy of worship $e meditate upon you %emove our ignorance nd illuminate our minds VEGETARIANISM = DIET V$#$tar&an&sm2 &s &t "ust a r$(&#&ous &ssu$> People often ask which one of our scriptures say what humans should eat and what they should not. $e must understand that being a vegetarian is not an issue of weather or not you are a &indu. lthough modern science tends to promote non'vegetarianism to a certain e!tent, there is a vast amount of evidence demonstrating that vegetables and fruits have sufficient nutrients to sustain us, and give us a better life. $e will all agree that to find Bhakti (devotion) in our lives, we need satwic food. So from a health and a religious perspective, vegetarianism is a better choice. &indus place a lot of credence on Srimad Bhagavad *ita in their lives, because of its importance of being on of the two granths (holy books) to have been narrated by the Supreme *od (the other granth being *adrur Puran ' which was narrated directly by Lord vishnu to Lord *adrur. Lord +rishna,s Bhagavad *ita teaches us how to live this present life, where *adrur Puran teaches about the afterlife) !a#ava% G&ta $hile preaching *ita to r-una, Lord +rishna asserted. nyone who eats anything without offering to him is committing a sin. By offering edibles to the Lord before consuming yourself, takes away all ill effects from the item and at the same time it derives blessing of the Lord himself. /hus we arrive at a dilemma. $hat can we and what can,t we offer to the Lord0 Lord +rishna continues. ll 1 need from my devotees are. $ater (2alam), Leaves (Patram), cow,s milk and 3ruits (3alam). 1f we believe in Lord +rishna,s *ita ' then without doubt we have to accept his preachings for only then are we giving him and the *ita due respect.
Lord +rishna argues that the whole universe with its populous rotates on karma, so we shall each reap the conse4uences of our deeds. Rama'ana Lord %am in his tretha yugh also preached on similar lines. $hen 5evi Shabri asked the Lord for his advice on ways of living a Satwic life ' with high level of spirituality, he outlined 6aodha bhakti ' the nine commandments of bhakti. "ne such commandment is. See the Lord in every living soul ' be it human or another. n important lesson from that is do not kill or have another living being (animal of lesser ability) killed for your own taste buds. Some people have the misconception that being vegetarian one or two days a week is acceptable enough to give credence to what Lord %am or Lord +rishna preached in %amayan or *ita. 6owhere in *ita or %amayan is it e!plicitly stated that practicing vegetarianism on a part time basis is sufficient for a person,s devotional practice (bhakti). Human P!'s&o(o#' 1t has long been a generally held belief in some science theories that the human dental and digestive structure is not meant for the chewing and processing of flesh foods. &uman teeth are considered that of a frugivore ' who relies on vegetables and fruits for foods. /he length of the human digestive tract is consistent with that of vegetarian species of animals, not carnivorous ones who,s digestive tract is much shorter than ours, due to the need to get digested flesh out of the body as 4uickly as possible before it putrefies in the body of the animal. /he long digestive tract of humans and herbivorous animals is designed to e!tract as much nutrition as possible out of vegetable matter as it goes through the different areas of the digestive tract. /his is a much longer process than the 4uick carnivorous digestive process, as there is not so much need to worry about the putrefaction of vegetables in the system. 3rom this we can see that the consumption of flesh foods is very unhealthy due to the e!tended time flesh will be sitting in the human digestive system and putrefying, causing many to!ins to enter the blood. D&s$as$s $hen eating meat, there is no way of ensuring that you are not taking on the dead animals illnesses as well. %ecent cases of mad cow disease have proven that diseases can be transmitted from animals to humans through their consumption. Prevalence of cancer heart disease A!&msa /he concept of himsa (non'violence) as it is known today was preached by Mahatma *andhi ' voted man of the century in the 78th 9. himsa is the first of the ten edicts which make up the Yamas and 6iyamas (restraints and observances) in &induism. $hen human beings who can survive without the consumption of animal corpses purposefully slaughter animals to feed themselves, this is himsa (violence). 1n the eating of flesh, the violent act they have committed becomes a part of every cell of their body and affects their mind and spiritual life. T/$(v$ Y$ars $*or$ 'ou ar$ Pur$ 1t is often preached that any sacrifice ' be it mantra -apa or food cleansing has to be done for twelve years before its benefits are realised. 1n other words it takes twelve years to cleanse the body of the vibrational residue of meat eating. Pur&t' o* D&$t Purity of diet is of great importance in &induism due to the significant effects food can have on our physical, mental and spiritual health. 3oods are generally classified into three groups, Satwic, %a-asic and /amasic. ' Satwic food is food that is obtained in a non'violent manner and has a peaceful and positive effect on the body, mind and soul and on the entire cosmos. ' %a-asic food has a more aggressive and active effect. ' /amasic food has the vibration of indolence, lethargy, staleness and death. 3or thousands of years the effects of food on the human consciousness have been studied by great yogis in 1ndia, and due to their awareness of the profound effects of food on the individual and
society, these individuals choose a Satwic, pure vegetarian diet to enhance their spiritual practice and assist the world in its evolution. /he best form of diet for the devotee is pure vegetarian, meaning no eggs, no flesh and no onions and garlic or other tamasic foods. /his is a Satwic diet. lso important is the observance of :kadasis and other times for fasting, to the degree that is possible. /he conse4uences of the foods we eat are felt not only in our own bodies and homes, but throughout the entire world. 9ompassion towards our fellow creatures is a fundamental feature of a spiritual life. :very religion preaches compassion in one way or another, and every human intuitively understands the importance of compassion. 1t is therefore an act of conscious and intentional ignorance and denial to eat meat when we know how it is procured. $e cannot claim to be honouring the natural human tendency for compassion when we are involved in animal slaughter for pleasure.
VEGETARIANISM ?UOTES r-una, those who eat too much or eat too little, who sleep too much or sleep too little, will not succeed in meditation. But those who are temperate in eating and sleeping, work and recreation, will come to the end of sorrow through meditation. /hrough constant effort they learn to withdraw the mind from selfish cravings and absorb it in the Self. /hus they attain the state of union. !a#ava% G&ta @:A@,AB &e who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth. Mahabharat AAC.DE /hose high'souled persons who desire beauty, faultlessness of limbs, long life, understanding, mental and physical strength and memory should abstain from acts of in-ury. Mahabharat AB.AAC.B /he very name of cow is ghnya ;<not to be killed<=, indicating that they should never be slaughtered. $ho, then could slay them0 Surely, one who kills a cow or a bull commits a heinous crime. Mahabharat S!ant&parv [email protected] /he purchaser of flesh performs &insa (violence) by his wealth> he who eats flesh does so by en-oying its taste> the killer does &insa by actually tying and killing the animal. /hus, there are three forms of killing. he who brings flesh or sends for it, he who cuts off the limbs of an animal, and he who purchases, sells or cooks flesh and eats it ' all of these are to be considered meat eaters. Mahabharat Anu AAC.DG <3lesh'eating is simply immoral, as it involves the performance of an act which is contrary to moral feeling ' killing.< L$o To(sto' 5Russ&an aut!or6 <?egetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. 1f the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of mankind.< A()$rt E&nst$&n /hose who eat cooked or uncooked flesh, who eat eggs and embryos are following an evil addiction that must be put to an end At!arva V$%a [email protected] /hat wretch among men who pretending to follow the path of righteousness prescribed in the ?edas, would kill living creatures from greed of flesh would certainly go to hellish regions. Ma!a)!arata+ Anusasana,parva+ AAC.DH ,[email protected]
HO3 SHOULD 3E DO PU:A AT HOME Just as Hindu believe in 16 sacraments in one's life, so too we should follow 16 steps in our worship of a God Each step has its special significance and one leads to another. It should be understood the same step can be followed for worshipping of an God ! be it the five main, Sri Ganesh, Sri Shivaji, Sri Hari Vishnu, Sri Surya Narayan or Sri Durga Devi . "he first of the 16 steps starts with invo#ing life in the relevant $evi or $evta statue followed b offering assan to the God and the final step involves offering of some darv da#shina %mone & whilst as#ing for forgiveness to the God. However, I have added 1' other optional steps in the prathna below as I have found these additional rituals are at times used b purohits and saints. Here is the Daily List... 1. (m $h anam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesh a %can be interchanged with an God name depending on pu*a& +amaha! put hands together and imagine the form of the relevant God in our mind. 2. (m $iv a ,ssanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha ! 3. (m -adh am samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 4. (m ,rdham samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 5. (m ,chmanium samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 6. (m Gow $uud )nanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha . (m $adhi)nanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha !. (m Ghreet )nanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha ". (m .adhuram )nanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 1#. (m )ha#ra )nanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 11. (m -anchaminute )nanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 12. (m )hudh Ganga*al )nanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 13. (m /astram samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 14. (m 0upwastram samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 15. (m 1a*opavitram samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 16. (m 2handanam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 1 . (m ,chataram samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 1!. (m -ushp malam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 1". (m -ushpam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 2#. (m -atram samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha !(ffer durwa to )ri Ganesh, belva leaf to )ri )hiv or $urga $evi and tulsi leaf to )ri 3ishnu and ,vtaars
21. (m $hupam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 22. (m $eepam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 23. (m +aivedham samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 24. (m )hudh *alam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 25. (m +ari#el falam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 26. (m "ambuul -ungifalam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 2 . (m $arv $achinam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 2!. (m .antra -ushpan*ali chama patranam samarpa ami, (m )ri Ganesha a +amaha 2". (m ,wahanam +a Janami +eo Janami -u*anam 3isar*anam +a Janami 2hametso -armeshwaram. 3#. (m .antra hinam #ri a hinam 4ha#ti hinam )ureshwaram at -u*itam .a a devi -aripuran "adastu .e, 31. (m )hanti, (m )hanti, (m )hanti,
.,+"5,) 6avourite mantras of 7ord )hiva8 (m +amah )hiva a and (m "re am 4a#am 1a*ah .ahe
)ugandith -usti 3ardanam, /urwa 5u#imiwa 3andhana, .irtue .oche .aa .irtaat )hanti .antras (m purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudach ate purnas a purnamada a purnamevavashishate (m )hanti, )hanti, )hanti (m "hat %God& is infinite, this %world& is infinite. 6rom the infinite %God&, the infinite %world& becomes manifest. 6rom the infinite %God&, the infinite %world& is negated, what remains is again the infinite
,nother translation is8 "hat is fullness ! this is fullness 6ullness comes from fullness "a#e fullness from fullness and fullness remains .a there be -eace -eace -eace (m ,sato ma sat gama a "amaso ma * otir gama a mrit or ma amritam gama a (m )hanti )hanti )hantihi
7ead us from the unreal to the real 7ead us from dar#ness to light 7ead us from death to imortalit .a there be -eace -eace -eace "wameva mata, cha pita twameva "wameva bhandu chaa su#ha twameva "wameva vid a dravinam twameva "wameva sarvam mama deva deva
1ou are m mother and m father 1ou are m famil and m friend 1ou are m wisdom and m wealth 1ou are m all in all, 7ight of lights (m d auh shanti, ,ntari#shagum shanti, -rithivee shanti, 5apah shanti, 5oshadha ah shanti, 3anaspata ah shanti, 3ishvadevaah shanti, 4rahma shanti, )arvegum shanti, )haanti reva, shanti )ama, shanti redhi
.a peace radiate there in the whole s# as well as in the vast ethereal space ever where. .a peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers. .a peace flow over the whole universe. .a peace be in the )upreme 4eing 4rahman. ,nd ma there alwa s e9ist in all peace and peace alone. (m peace, peace and peace to us and all beings: Ga atri .antra (m 4hur, 4huvah,)vaha "at )avitur 3areni am 4hargo $evas a $himahi $hi o 1o +ah -rachoda at (mnipresent 7ord, .ost worth of worship /e meditate upon ou 5emove our ignorance ,nd illuminate our minds
)H,+"I .,+"5,) ;arpur Gaurang, ;aruna ,stharam, )ansar )arum, 4hu* Gendra Haaram, )ada 3asantam, Hrida ,rvinde, 4hawan 4hawani, )ahitam +amami (m .angalam 4hagwan 3ishnu .angalam Garud $hwa*a, .angalam -undari#aa#sha .angalam "ano Harih.
)arva .angala .aangal e )hive sarvaarth )aadhi#e , )harna e "ra amba#e Gauri +aaraa ani +amostute , Gauri +aaraa ani +amostute , Gauri +aaraa ani +amostute (m "re ambha#am 1a*amahe )ugandhim -ushtivardhanam 0rvaru#amiva 4andhanam .rit or .u#shi a .aamritat (m )arvesham )vastir 4havatu )arvesham )hantir 4havatu )arvesham -urnam 4havatu )arvesham .angalam 4havatu )arve 4havantu )u#hina, )arve )antu +irama a, )arve 4hadrani -asha antu, .aa ;ashchid!$u#habhavbhaveta (m ,sato .a )at Gama a "amaso .a J otir Gama a .rit or .a ,mritam Gama a (m )hanti )hanti )hantihi (m -urnamadah -urnamidam -urnat -urnamudach ate -urnas a -urnamada a -urnamevavashishate (m )hanti, )hanti, )hanti "wameva .ata, 2ha -ita "wameva "wameva 4handu 2haa )u#ha "wameva "wameva 3id a $ravinam "wameva "wameva )arvam .ama $eva $eva (m $ auh )hanti, ,ntari#shagum )hanti, -rithivee )hanti,
5apah )hanti, 5oshadha ah )hanti, 3anaspata ah )hanti, 3ishvadevaah )hanti, 4rahma )hanti, )arvegum )hanti, )hanti reva, )hanti )ama, )hanti 5edhi (m )hanti )hanti )hanti
(m ,sato ma sat gama a "amaso ma * otir gama a mrit or ma amritam gama a (m )hanti )hanti )hantihi
7ead us from the unreal to the real 7ead us from dar#ness to light 7ead us from death to imortalit .a there be -eace -eace -eace "wameva mata, cha pita twameva "wameva bhandu chaa su#ha twameva "wameva vid a dravinam twameva "wameva sarvam mama deva deva
1ou are m mother and m father 1ou are m famil and m friend 1ou are m wisdom and m wealth 1ou are m all in all, 7ight of lights (m d auh shanti, ,ntari#shagum shanti, -rithivee shanti, 5apah shanti, 5oshadha ah shanti, 3anaspata ah shanti, 3ishvadevaah shanti, 4rahma shanti, )arvegum shanti, )haanti reva, shanti )ama, shanti redhi (m )hanti )hanti )hanti
.a peace radiate there in the whole s# as well as in the vast ethereal space ever where. .a peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers. .a peace flow over the whole universe. .a peace be in the )upreme 4eing 4rahman. ,nd ma there alwa s e9ist in all peace and peace alone. (m peace, peace and peace to us and all beings:
Ga atri .antra (m 4hur, 4huvah,)vaha "at )avitur 3areni am 4hargo $evas a $himahi $hi o 1o +ah -rachoda at
(mnipresent 7ord, .ost worth of worship /e meditate upon ou 5emove our ignorance ,nd illuminate our minds
4H,J,+) 5aghupati 5aghava 5a*a 5am -atita -avana )ita 5am )ita 5am Ja a )ita 5am 4ha*a - are "u )ita 5am Ishvara ,llah "ere +am )ab ;o )anmati $e 4hagavan
3ictor to ou, 7ord 5ama, ;ing of the 5aghu d nast , and 7ord of )ita, the protector of the poor and helpless. )ing praises to our beloved 7ord )ita 5am, #nown also as Ishvara and ,llah. ( 7ord, please endow us with intelligence.
Govind 4olo Hari Gopal 4olo )ri 5adha 5aman Hari Govind 4olo Govind 4olo Hari Gopal 4olo Govind Ja Ja Gopal Ja Ja )ri 5adha ;i Ja Ja , 5u#hmani ;i Ja Ja .or .u#ut /ansai 3ale ;i Ja Ja Govind Ja Ja Gopal Jai Jai. Hare ;rishna Hare ;rishna Hare ;rishna ;rishna ;rishna Hare Hare, Hare 5am Hare 5am, 5am 5am Hare
)ri ;rishna Govind Hare .urari He +ath +ara an 3asudeva )ri ;rishna Govind Hare .urari He +ath +ara an 3asudeva He +ath +ara an 3asu $eva, He +ath +ara an 3asudeva. )ri ;rishna Govind Hare .urari He +ath +ara an 3asudeva Govind Ja Ja Gopal Jai Jai, )ri 5adha 5aman Hari Govind Jai Jai )ri ;rishna Govind Hare .urari He +ath +ara an 3asudeva 5adhe 5adhe Govind Gopal 5adhe, Govind 5adhe Gopal 5adhe )ri ;rishna Govind Hare .urari He +ath +ara an 3asudeva Hari (m "atsat +ara ana, (m +amo 4hagvate +ara ana )ri ;rishna Govind Hare .urari He +ath +ara an 3asudeva Hare ;rishna Hare ;rishna, ;rishna ;rishna Hare Hare, Hare 5am Hare 5am, 5am 5am Hare Hare )ri ;rishna Govind Hare .urari He +ath +ara an 3asudeva
)ignificance of this ;rishna 4ha*an8 b chanting the first line ou<re reciting the 7ord<s name eight times. "he are8 1& )ri '& ;rishna =& Govind >& Hare ?& .urari 6& He +ath @& +ara an ,nd A& 3asudeva )riman +ara an, +ara an +ara ana )riman +ara an, +ara an +ara ana 7a9mi +ara an, +ara an, +ara an 4ha*man +ara an, +ara an, +ara an (m +ara an, +ara ana, +ara an 4ha*man +ara an, +ara an, +ara an )ur a +ara an, +ara an, +ara an, +ara an 4ha*man +ara an, +ara an, +ara an 4adri +ara an 4ha*man +ara an, +ara an, +ara an 3asudev +ara an, +ara an, +ara an 4ha*man +ara an, +ara an, +ara an
5adhe 5adhe 5adhe 5adhe 5adhe 5adhe 5adhe 5adhe 5adhe $ovinda 3rindavana 2handa, 3rindavana 2handa, ,nathanatha $eenabandhu 5adhe Govinda +anda#umara, +avaneethachora 5adhe Govinda 3rindavana 2handa, 3rindavana 2handa, ,nathanatha $eenabandhu 5adhe Govinda -urana -urusha -un ashlo#a 5adhe Govinda 3rindavana 2handa, 3rindavana 2handa, ,nathanatha $eenabandhu 5adhe Govinda -andarinatha -anduranga 5adhe Govinda 3rindavana 2handa, 3rindavana 2handa, ,nathanatha $eenabandhu 5adhe Govinda Ja a Ja a 3ittala, Ja a Hari 3ittala, 5adhe Govinda
3rindavana 2handa, 3rindavana 2handa, ,nathanatha $eenabandhu 5adhe Govinda 5adhe Govinda 4a*o 5adhe Govinda 4a*o 5adhe Gopal, 5adhe Govinda 4a*o 5adhe Gopal )h ama )undara .adana .ohana 5adhe Gopal .urali .anohara 5adhe Gopal 5adhe Govinda )han#ha 2ha#ra Gadadhara, 5adhe Gopal .urali .anohara 5adhe Gopal Hari bol hari bol Hari bol hari bol hari hari bol .u#hunda madhava govinda bol 5ama bol rama bol rama rama bol )eeta sameta shree ramachandra bol ;rishna bol ;rishna bol ;rishna ;rishna bol 5adha samethi sri radhe ;rishna bol )hiva bol shiva bol shiva shiva bol Gauree samethi shri samba shiva bol 3itthal bol vitthal bol vitthal vitthal bol 5a#uma sametha shri pandharinatha bol 3ittahla Hare 3ittahla 3ittahla Hare 3ittahla 5anga 5anga 3ittahla -anduranga 3ittahla 5u#mani )ametha pandarinatha -anduranaga 3ittahla deenabandhu vittahla Govind Jai Jai Gopal Jai Jai Govind Jai Jai 4olo Gopal Jai Jai 5adha 5aman Hari Govinda *ai Jai
.u#hund .adav Govind 4ol ;eshav .adhav Hari Hari bol 5am 5am bol #rishna #rishna bol Jaana#i Jeevana 5am Jaana#i Jeevana 5am, -athitha -avana 5am Jaana#i Jeevan -athitha -aavana, "aara#a )u*ana 5am ;amala +a ana 5am ;amala 3adhana 5am ;amala +a ana, ;amala 3adhana, ;amala 2harana 5am , odh a 3aasi 5am , odh a 3aasi 5am , odh a 3aasi 5am 5am 5am $asharatha +andana 5am 5am 5am -athitha -aavana Jana#i Jeevana )eetha .ohana 5am 5am 5am )hri 5ama chandra )hri 5ama chandra #ripalu bha*a mana harana bhava bha a darunam +ava #an*a lochana #an*a mu#ha #ara #an*a pada #an*arunam %)hri& ;andarp aganit amita chabi nava neela neer*a sundaram -ata peet manahu tadita ruchi shuchi navmi *ana#a sutavaram %)hri& 4ha*a deena bandhu dinesha danav dait a vansha ni#handanam 5aghu nanda ananda #anda #aushala chanda $asharatha nandanam %)hri& )hir mu#ut #undala tila# chaaru udara anga vibhooshanam ,*anu bhu*a shar chaap dhar sangram *it #har dooshanam %)hri& Iti vadat "ulasidas )han#ar shesha muni mana ran*anam .am hruda #an* nivas #aru #amadi #hal dal gan*anam %)hri& -rema .udita .anse ;aho
-rema mudita manse #aho 5ama 5ama 5am )ri 5ama 5ama 5am B )ri 5ama 5ama 5am %)ri 5ama 5ama& -apa ;ate du#ha mite leta 5ama 5am 4hava samudra su#adha nava a#e 5ama +am %)ri 5ama 5ama& -arama shanti su#ha nidana leta 5ama +am +iradhar#o adhar a#e 5ama +am %)ri 5ama 5ama& -arama gop a parama ishta mantra 5ama +am )anta hruda a sada basatha a#e 5ama +am %)ri 5ama 5ama& .ahadeva satata *apata div a 5ama +am -rema sumana vi#asa *eevana a#e 5ama +am %)ri 5ama 5ama& .ata pita bandhu sa#ha saba hi 5ama +am 4ha#ta *ana *eevana dhana a#e 5ama +am %)ri 5ama 5ama& (m )hiva (m )hiva (m )hiva (m )hiva -aratpara )hiva (m ;aara )hiva "ava )haranam +amaami )han#ara 4a*aami )han#ara 0ma .aheshwara "ava )haranam Gauri )han#ara )hambo )han#ara )amba )adaashiva "ava )haranam He )hiva )han#ara He )hiva )han#ara +amami )han#ara )hiva )han#ara )hambo He Giri*apathi 4havani )han#ara )hiva )han#ara )hambo .aanasa 4ha*are .aanasa 4ha*are Guru )haranam $hustara 4hava )aagara "aranam Guru .ahara* Guru Jai Jai
)waminaatha )adguru Jai Jai (m +amah )hiva a (m +amah )hiva a (m +amah )hiva a )hiva a +amah (m ,runachala )hiva ,runachala )hiva ,runachala )hiva ,runa )hivo )hiva a -arameshwara a )hiva a -arameshwara a )hashi )he#ara a +amah (m 4hava a Guna )ambhava a )hiva "andava a +amah (m )hiva a -arameshwara a 2handrashe#ara a +amah (m 4hava a Guna )ambhava a )hiva "andava a +amah (m
Hanuman 2halisa D Hanuman ,arti Hanuman 2halisa /ith English "ranslation )hree Guru 2haran )aro* 5a*, +i* .an .u#ar )udhari, 4arnau 5aghuvar 4imal Jasu, Jo da a#u -hal 2hari /ith the dust of Guru's 7otus feet, I clean the mirror of m mind and then narrate the sacred glor of )ri 5am 2handra, "he )upereme among the 5aghu d nast . "he giver of the four attainments of life. 4udhi heen "anu Jani#e, )umirow, -avan ;umar, 4al 4uddhi 3id a $ehu .ohi, Harahu ;alesh 4i#aar ;nowing m self to be ignorent, I urge ou, ( Hanuman, "he son of -avan: ( 7ord: #indl 4estow on me strength, wisdom and #nowledge, removing all m miseries and blemishes. Jai Hanuman G an Guna )agar Jai ;ipis "ihun 7o# 0*gaar
3ictor of "hee, ( Hanuman, (cean of wisdom and virtue, victor to the 7ord of mon#e s who is well #nown in all the three worlds 5amdoot ,tulit 4al $hamaa, ,n*ani -utra -avansut naamaa. 1ou, the $ivine messager of 5am and repositor of immeasurable strength, are also #nown as ,n*aniputra and #nown as the son of the wind ! -avanputra. .ahebeer 4i#ram 4a*rangi, ;umati +ivaar )umati ;e )angi. (h Hanuman*i: 1ou are valiant and brave, with a bod li#e lightening. 1ou are the dispeller of dar#ness of evil thoughts and companion of good sense and wisdom. ;anchan 4aran 4iraa* )ubesaa, ;anan #undal #unchit #esa. )hri Hanuman*i's ph siEue is golden coloured. His dress is prett , wearing ';undals' ear!rings and his hairs are long and curl . Hath 4a*ra ,ur $hva*a 4ir*ai, ;andhe .oon* Janeu saage. )hri Hanuman*i is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other a banner with sacred thread across his shoulder. )han#ar )uvna ;esari +andan, "e* -ratap .aha Jag 3andan. (h Hanuman*i: 1ou are the emanation of ')HI3,' and ou delight )hri ;eshri. 4eing ever effulgent, ou and hold vast swa over the universe. "he entire world proptiates. 1ou are adorable of all. 3id avaan Guni ,ti 2hatur, 5am ;a* ;aribe ;o ,tur (h: )hri Hanuman*i: 1ou are the repositor learning, virtuous, ver wise and highl #een to do the wor# of )hri 5am, -rabhu 2harittra )unibe ;o 5asi a, 5am 7a#han )ita man bas ia. 1ou are intensel greed for listening to the naration of 7ord 5am's lifestor and revel on its en*o ment. 1ou ever dwell in the hearts of )hri 5am!)ita and )hri 7a#shman. )u#shma roop $hari )i ahi $i#hwana, 4i#at roop $hari 7an# Jarawa 1ou appeared beofre )ita in a diminutive form and spo#e to her, while ou assumed an awesome form and struc# terror b setting 7an#a on fire. 4him roop $hari ,sur )anhare, 5amchandra ;e #aa* )avare. He, with his terrible form, #illed demons in 7an#a and performed all acts of )hri 5am. 7a e )a*ivan 7a#han Ji a e, )hri 5aghubir harashi ur la e. /hen Hanuman*i made 7a#shman alive after bringing ')an*ivni herb' )hri 5am too# him in his deep embrace, his heart full of *o . 5aghupati ;inhi 4ahut 4adaai, "um .ama -ri a 4harat )am 4ahi. )hri 5am lustil e9tolled Hanuman*i's e9cellence and remar#ed, F ou are as dear to me as m own brother 4haratF )ahastra 4adan "umharo Jas Gaave, ,sa #ahi )hripati ;anth 7aagave. )hri 5am embraced Hanuman*i sa ing8 F 7et the thousand ! tongued sheshnaag sing our gloriesF )an#adi# 4rahmadi .uneesa, +arad )arad )ahit ,heesa )ana# and the sages, saints. 7ord 4rahma, the great hermits +arad and Goddess )araswati along with )heshnag the cosmic serpent, fail to sing the glories of Hanuman*i e9actl Jam ;uber $igpal Jahan "e, ;abi ;abid ;ahin )a#e ;ahan "e /hat to tal# of deniGens of the earth li#e poets and scholars ones etc even Gods li#e 1amra*, ;uber, and $igpal fail to narrate Hanman's greatness in toto. "um 0p#ar )ugrivahi ;eenha, 5am .iali 5a*pad $eenha
Hanuman*i: 1ou rendered a great service for )ugriva, It were ou who united him with )H5I 5,. and installed him on the 5o al "hrone. "umharo .antro 4ibhishan .aana, 7an#eshwar 4ha e )ab Jag Jaana. 4 heeding our advice. 3ibhushan became 7ord of 7an#a, which is #nown all over the universe. Juug )ahastra Jo*an -ar 4haanu, 7eel o "aahi .adhur -hal Jaanu Hanuman*i gulped, the )0+ at distance of si9teen thousand miles considering it to be a sweet fruit. -rabhu .udri#a .eli .u#ha .aaheen, Jaladhi 7anghi Ga e ,chara* +aheen. 2arr ing the 7ord's ring in his mouth, he went across the ocean. "here is no wonder in that. $urgam ;aa* Jagat ;e Jeete, )ugam ,nugrah "umhre "e "e. (h Hanuman*i: all the difficult tas#s in the world are rendered easiest b our grace. 5am $uware "um 5a#havare, Hot +a ,ag a 4in -aisare. (h Hanuman*i: 1ou are the sentinel at the door of 5am's merc mansion or His divine abode. +o one ma enter without our permission. )ab )u#h 7ahen "umhari )arna, "um 5a#sha# ;aahu ;o $arnaa. 4 our grace one can en*o all happiness and one need not have an fear under our protection. ,apan "e* )amharo ,apei, "anau 7o# Han# "e ;anpei /hen ou roar all the three worlds tremble and onl ou can control our might. 4hoot -isaach +i#at +ahi ,vei, .ahabir Jab +aam )unavei. Great 4rave on. Hanuman*i's name #eeps all the Ghosts, $emons C evils spirits awa from his devotees. +asei 5og Hare )ab -eera, Japat +iranter Hanumant 4eera (n reciting Hanuman*i's hol name regularl all the maladies perish the entire pain disappears. )an#at "e Hanuman 2hhudavei, .an ;ram 4achan $h an Jo 7avei. "hose who rembember Hanuman*i in thought, word and deed are well guarded against their odds in life. )ub -ar 5am "apasvee 5aa*a, "in#e ;aa* )a#al "um )aa*a (h Hanuman*i: 1ou are the careta#er of even 7ord 5ama, who has been hailed as the )upreme 7ord and the .onarch of all those devoted in penances. ,ur .anorath Jo ;oi 7ave, )oi ,mit Jivan -hal -ave. (h Hanuman*i: 1ou fulfill the desires of those who come to ou and bestow the eternal nectar the highest fruit of life. 2haro Juung -artap "umhara, Hai -arsiddha Jagat 0*i ara. (h Hanuman*i: 1ou magnificent glor is acclaimed far and wide all through the four ages and our fame is radianlt noted all over the cosmos. )adho )ant ;e "um 5a#hvare, ,sur +i#andan 5am $ulare. (h Hanuman*i: 1ou are the saviour and the guardian angel of saints and sages and destro all the $emons, ou are the seraphic darling of )hri 5am. ,shta )iddhi +au +idhi ;e $ata, ,sa 4ar $in Jan#i .ata. Hanuman*i has been blessed with mother Jan#i to grant to an one an 1(GI2 power of eight )idhis and +ava +idhis as per choice. 5am 5asa an "umhare -asa, )adaa 5aho 5aghupati ;e $asa. (h Hanuman*i: 1ou hold the essence of devotion to 5,., alwa s remaining His )ervant. "umhare 4ha*an 5am#o -avei. Janam Janam ;e $u#h 4isravei.
(h Hanuman*i: through devotion to ou, one comes to 5,. and becames free from suffering of several lives. ,nta ;aal 5aghubar -ur Jai, Jahan Janma Hari 4ha#ta ;ahai. ,fter death he enters the eternal abode of )ri 5am and remains a devotee of him, whenever, ta#ing new birth on earth. ,ur $evata 2hitt +a $harai, Hanumant )ei )arva )u#h ;arai 1ou need not hold an other demigod in mind. Hanuman*i alone will give all happiness. )an#at ;ate .ite )ab -eera, Jo )umirei Hanumant 4albeera (h -owerful Hanuman*i: 1ou end the sufferings and remove all the pain from those who remember ou. Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai ;ripa ;arahu Gurudev ;i +aiee Hail!Hail!Hail!7ord Hanuman*i: I beseech ou Honour to bless me in the capacit of m supreme 'G050' %teacher&. Jo )at 4aar -aath ;ar ;oi, 2hhutahi 4andi .aha )u#h Hoi. (ne who recites this Hanuman 2halisa one hundred times dail for one hundred da s becames free from the bondage of life and death and e*o s the highest bliss at last. Jo 1ah -adhe Hanuman 2halisa, Ho )iddhi )a#hi Gaurisa ,s 7ord )han#ar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman 2halisa regularl are sure to be benedicted "ulsidas )ada Hari 2hera, ;ee*e +ath Hrida .ah $era. ;ee*e +ath Hrida .ah $era. "ulsidas alwa s the servant of 7ord pra s. F(h m 7ord: 1ou enshrine within m heart.: 2hopai -avan "ana )an#at Haran, .angal .urti 5oop. 5am 7a#han )ita )ahit, Hrida 4asahu )ur 4hoop. ( )hri Hanuman, "he )on of -avan, )aviour "he Embodiment of blessings, reside in m heart together with )hri 5am, 7a9man and )ita Hanuman ,arti ,arti #i*ai Hanuman lala #i, $usht dalan 5aghunath #ala #i, ,arti ;i*ai.... Ja#e bal se girivar #anpe bhut pishach ni#at nahin *han#e $e bida 5aghunath pathae 7an#a *arae )i a sudhi lae 7an#a si #ot samudra si #hai *at -avan sut bar na lai 4ain bhu*a se asur sanhare dahini bhu*a sur sant ubare 7an#a *arai asur sanhare 5a*aram #e #a* sanvare ,n*aniputra mahabaldai dev sant #e sada sahai 7a#shman murchhit pade sa#are 7ai san*ivan pran ubare -aithi patal tori an #are ,hiravan #i bhu*a u#hare )ur nar muni *an arti utaren *ai *ai *ai #apira* ucharen ;anchan thar #apur suhai ,rati #arat ,n*ani mai Jo Hanuman *i#i arti gave 4is bai#unth param pad pave ,arti #i*ai....
Ganesha 2halisa D Ganesha ,arti Ganesha 2halisa /ith English "ranslation Jai Jai vandana bhuvana nandana gauri ganesha du#ha dvandvana phandana harana sundara suvana mahesha Glor , glor , all glor to 1ou, ( GaneshaH to 1ou, the whole world pa s homage, for 1ou are the delight of Gauri and the charming son of )hiva. 1ou are the e9tirpator of all pairs of contraries %such as *o and sorrow, birth and death, attraction and repulsion, etc.& and deliverer from them. Ja ati sambhu!suta gauri!nandana vighna harana nasana bhava!phandana *ai ganana a#a *anasu#ha da a#a vishva vina a#a buddhi!vidha a#a Glor to 1ou, ( son of )hambu and delight of GauriH 1ou are the destro er of all obstacles and deliverer of all from the c cle of birth and death. Glor to 1ou, ( leader of )hiva's henchmen, bestower of happiness on all our votaries, teachor of all and operator of the intellect : E#a radana ga*a badana vira*ata va#ratunda suchi sumda susa*ata tila#a tripunda bhala sasi sohata chabi sa#hi sura nara muni mana mohata ( Ganesh %3a#ratunda&, resplendent is the onl tus# which 1ou have on 1our elephant face and well adorned is 1our sacred trun#H the crescent shaped triple mar# on 1our forehead is as beautiful as the .oon, and the celestials, men and ascetic who beheld 1our loveliness cannot of it spell. 0ra mani!mala sarohuna lochana ratna mu#uta sira socha vimochana #ara #uthara suchi subhaga trishulam moda#a bhoga sugandhita phulam (n 1our bosom is a garland of *ewels, in 1our e es the beaut of the full!blown lotus and on 1our head a crowd of gems. 1ou deliver 1our devotees from an9iet and wield a sacred a9e and a beautiful trident in 1our hands. )weet laddus among delicacies and fragrant blossoms among flowers are 1our favorites. )undara pitambara tana sa*ita charana padu#a muni mana ra*ita dhani shiva!suvana bhuvana su#ha data gauri!lalana sadanana bharata 4lessed are 1ou, ( ;artti#e a's brother and beloved son of )hiva and GauriH elegantl attired in a beautiful ellow sil#en dress and wearing a pair of wooden sandals all studded with gems on 1our feet, 1ou are the source of all the blessings of the world. 5iddhi siddhi tava chamvara sudharahim musha#a vahana sohita dvarahim
tava mahima #o varne par *anma charitra vichitra tumhara 4oth -rosperit and ,ccomplishment wave ro al whis#s %chowries& over 1ou %as if the were chowrie! burdars&, and 1our vehicle, the mouse, adds to 1our splendor at 1our door. ,s the stor of 1our life is so strange and m sterious, who can venture to describe 1our magnificence which passes all telling I E#a asura shiva rupa bavanai gaurihim chalana hetu tavam avai aha #arana te shri shiva!p ari ni*a tana!maila murti rachi dari , demon, disguised as )hiva, often came to delude GauriH in order to foil his design, Gauri, the beloved consort of )hiva, created a divine form from the scurf of Her bod . )o ni*a suta #ari griha ra#havare dvarapala sama tehim baithare *abahim sva am shri shiva taham a e binu pahichana *ana nahim pa e ,s#ing Her son to #eep watch, )he stationed Him at the palace door, li#e a door!#eeper. /hen )hiva Himself came there, He wasn't recogniGed and was denied entrance into the house. -uch o shiva ho #ina#e lala bolata bhe tuma vachana rasala main hum gauri!suta suni li*ai age paga na bhavana hita di*ai )hiva as#ed 8F"ell me, who is our father IF. In a voice sweet as hone , 1ou replied 8 FHear#en, sir, I am Gauri's sonH don't ou dare advance even a step be ond this pointF. ,vahim matu bhu*i taba *ao bala#a se *ani bata ba5hao chalana chah o shiva bachana na man o taba hvai #ruddha uddha tuma than o F( sir : 7et ta#e m mother's permission before I allow ou to go insideH wrangling with a mere stripling li#e me will be of no availF. +ot listening to 1our behest, )hiva attempted to rush towards the house, which so ve9ed 1ou that 1ou, wa9ing furious, threw the gautlet down. "at#shana nahi #achu sambhu bichar o gahi trishula bhula vasa mar o )risha phula sama sira #ati ga au chata u5i lopa gagana maham bha au In a fit of rage, )hiva pic#ed up His trident and driven b delusion, hurled it on 1ou. 1our head, tender li#e the sirisha flower, was severed and instantl it soared into the s# and disappeared there. Ga o sambhu *aba bhavana mam*hari *aham baithi girira*a!#umari puche shiva ni*a mana musha#a e #ahahu sati suta #aham te *a e /hen )hiva went happil inside where Gauri, daughter of .ountain ;ing, was sitting, He smilingl as#ed 8 F"ell me, )ati, how did ou give birth to a son IF ;hulige bheda #atha suni sari giri vi#ala girira*a dulari #i o na bhala svami aba *ao lao sisa *aham se pao (n hearing the whole episode, the m ster cleared. Gauri, though daughter of the Great .ountain ;ing %celebrated for immobilit & was so moved and distraught that she fell to the ground and said 8F1ou have done me a great disfavor, m 7ordH now go and fetch the severed head of m son from wherever 1ou find itF. 2hal o vishnu samga shiva vi*nani mil o na so hastihim sira ani dha5a upara sthita #ara dinh om prana!va u samchalana #inh om )hiva, e9pert in all s#ills, too# His departure accompanied b 3ishnu, but having failed to find the head, the brought one of an elephant and placed it upon the trun# and breathed life into it. )hri ganeshashiva nama dhara o vid a buddhi amara pa o bhe prabhu prathama pu* a su#hada a#a vighna vinasha#a buddhi vidha a#a
It was 7ord )hiva who named 1ou )hri Ganesha and blessed 1ou with #nowledge, wisdom and immortalit . 1ou are, ( 7ord, the first among those who are worshippedH 1ou bring *o to the faithful, destro all obstructions, and cause the operation of the intellect. -rathamahim nama leta tava *oi *aga #aham sa#ala sidha hoi sumirahim tumahim milahim su#ha nana binu tava #ripa na #ahum #al ana /hosoever remembers 1ou before embar#ing on an mission finds all his tas#s accomplished in the world. "he ver remembrance of 1our name brings all happinessH whitout 1our all!pardoning grace, there is no securit and well!being an where in the world. "umharahim sapa bha o *aga am#ita bhadavam chauthi chandra a#alam#ita Jabahim pari#sha shiva tuhim linha prada#shina prithvi #ahi dinha 2urled b 1ou, the .oon's face was tarnished with the blac# reflection of the earth as it appears on the fourth da in the bright half of 4hadrapada, which none would dare loo# at. /hen )hiva wanted to test 1our might and intelligence, He as#ed 1ou to circumambulate the Earth. )admu#ha chal o ma ura u5ai baithi rache tuma saha*a upai rama nama mahi para li#hi an#a #inha prada#shina ta*i mana shan#a /hile )atmu#ha %1our brother ;artti#e a& went fl ing on His peacoc#, 1ou adapted an easier curse without budgingH 1ou scribbled the name of 5ama on the ground and, abandoning all misgivings, circumambulated it. )hri pithu!matu!charana dhari linh o ta #aham sata prada#shina #inh o prithvi pari#rama phala pa o asa la#hi surana sumana varsa o /ith utmost devotion, ou clasped the feet of our parents and circumambulated then seven times. "hus, 1ou were rewarded with the fruit of having circumambulated the Earth, a feat that made the gods shower the flowers on 1ou. FsundaradasaF ram #e chera durvasa ashrama dhari dera virach o shri ganesha chalisa shiva purana varnita ogisha /hile dwelling in the hermitage of the )age $urvasa, )undaradasa, a devotee of 5ama, composed this h mn to Ganesha in fort verses *ust as the foremost among the adepts in the )hiva -urana had done. +it a ga*anana *o guna gavata griha vasi sumati parama su#ha pavata *ana!dhana!dhan a suvana su#ha da a#a dehim sa#ala subha shri ganana a#a "he wise who h mn the glor of Ganesha ever da are blessed with supreme bliss. "he 7ord of )hiva's henchmen who blesses His votaries with wealth, progen and happiness, also bestows upon them ever auspicious ob*ect. %$oha& )hri ganesa aha chalisa, patha #arai dhari dh ana nita nava mamgala moda lahi milai *agata sammana He who repeats this h mn with earnestness is blessed with all felicit and gracious gifts, the novelt of which grows ever greater, as well as great honour. Ganesha ,arti Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh, Jai Ganesh deva .ata *a#i -arvati, -ita .ahadeva. E# dant da avant, char bhu*a dhari .athe sindur sohai, muse #i savari, Jai Ganesh... ,ndhan #o an#h det, #odhin #o #a a
4an*han #o putra det, nirdhan #o ma a, Jai Ganesh.... -an chadhe, phul chadhe, aur chadhe meva 7adduan #a bhog lage, saht #are seva, ,Jai Ganesh.... Jai Ganesh, Jai Ganesh, Jai Ganesh deva, .ata *a#i -arvata, -ita .ahadeva. $05G, 2H,7I), C ,,5"I
$urga 2halisa D $urga ,arti $urga 2halisa /ith English "ranslation +amo +amo $urge )u#h ;arani +amo +amo ,mbe $u#h Harani I bow to ou ( Goddess $urga, the bestower of all happiness: I bow to ou ( Goddess ,mba: /ho ends all miseries. +ira#ar Hai J oti "umhari "ihun 7o# -aheli 0*a ari "he radiance of our light is limitless and pervading and all the three realms %Earth, Heaven and the +ether /orld& are enlightened b thee. )hashi 7alt .u#h .aha 3ishala +etra 7al 4hri#utee 3i#arala 1our 3isage is li#e the moon and mouth ver huge. 1our e es are bedight with a red glow with the frightening frown. 5oop .atu ;o ,dhi#a )uhava $aras ;arat Jan ,ti )u#h -ave ( .other: 1our view is enchanting, the ver sight of which ensures welfare of the devout. "um )ansar )ha#ti 7a a ;ina -alan Hetu ,nna $han $ina ,ll the powers of the world repose in thee and it is ou who provide food and mone for the world<s survival. ,nnapurna Hui Jag -ala "umhi ,di )undari 4ala 7i#e the feeding mother ,nnapurna ou nurture the whole universe and ou are the one who appear li#e the
timeless 4ala )undari % oung girl of e9treme beaut &. -rala a ;ala )ab +ashan Hari "um Gauri )hiv!)han#ar - ari ,t the time of $issolution it is ou, ( .other, who destro s ever thing. 1ou are the beloved consort of 7ord )hiva, Gauri %-arvathi& )hiv 1ogi "umhre Guna Gaven 4rahma 3ishnu "umhen +it $h a eb 7ord )hiva and all ogis alwa s chant our praise, 4rahma, 3ishnu and all other Gods ever meditate on ou. 5oop )araswati ;o "um $har $e )ubuddhi 5ishi .unina 0bara 1ou also appear in the form of Goddess )araswati to grant wisdom to the sages and thus ensure their welfare. $har o 5oop +arsimha ;o ,mba -ragat 4ha in -har ;ar ;hamba ( .other ,mba, it was ou who appeared in the form of +arismha, sundering the pillar. 5a#sha ;ari -rahiaad 4acha o Hirana#ush ;o )warga -atha o "hus, ou saved -rahlaad and Hiran a#ash ap also went to Heaven as he was #illed b 7a#shmi 5oop $haro Jag .ahin )hree +ara an ,nga )amhahin In the form of Goddess 7a#shmi, ( .other, ou appear in this world and repose b the side of )hree! +ara an. ;sheer )indhu .ain ;arat 3ilasa $a a )indhu $ee*e .an ,sa $welling on the )ea of mil#, ( Goddess,with 7ord 3ishnu, please fulfil m desires. Hingala*a .ain "umhin 4havani .ahima ,mit +a Jat 4a#hani ( 4havani, the famous goddess of Hingala*a is no one else but ou ourself. Illimitable is our glor , def ing description. .atangi $hoomavati .ata 4huvneshwari 4agala )u#hdata 1ou are ourself .atangi and $hoomavati .ata. It is ou who appear as 4huvenshwari and 4agalamu#hi $evi to bestow happiness to all. )hree 4hairav "ara Jag "arani 2hhinna 4hala 4hav $u#h +ivarani It is ou, who redeem the world, appearing in the form of )hree 4hairavi, "radevi and 2hhinamasta $evi, and end its sorrows. ;ehari 3ahan )oh 4havani 7angur 3eer 2halat ,gavani our hands.
5eposing Gracefull upon our vehicle of 7ion. ( Goddess 4havani, oua re welcomed b the brave 7angur %7ord Hanuman&. ;ar .ain ;happar ;hadag 3ira*e Ja#o $e#h ;al $ar 4ha*e /hen ou appear in the form of Goddess ;ali with sword in one hand and a cupel in the other, even time flees in panic. )ohe ,stra ,ur "rishoola Jase 0thata )hatru Hi a )hoola 4eholding ou well!armed, with a "rident in our hand, the enem <s heart aches with the sting of fear. +agar#ot .ain "umhi 3ira*at "ihun 7o# .ain $an#a 4a*at 1ou also repose in the form of the $evi at +agar#ot in ;angara. "hus all the three realms shudder in the might of our glor . )humbhu +ishumbhu $anu*a "um .are 5a#ta!4ee*a )han#han )amhare 1ou sla ed the demons li#e )humbhu and +ishumbhu and masacred the thousand forms of the dreaded demon 5a#tabee*a. .ahishasur +ripa ,ti ,bhimani Jehi ,gha 4har .ahi ,#ulani /hen the earth was severtl distressed bearing the load of the sins of the arrogant .ahishasur. 5oop ;aral ;ali#a $hara )en )ahita "um "in )amhara 1ou assumed the dreadful form of Goddess ;ali and massacred him along with his arm . -ari Garha )antan -ar Jab Jab 4ha i )aha a.atu "um "ab "ab "hus whenever the noble saints were distressed, it is ou ( .other, who came to their rescue. ,marpuri ,ru 4asava 7o#a "ava .ahima )ab 5ahen ,so#a ,ll the realms including the ,marpuri %divine realm& remain sorrowless and happ b Goddess: Jwala .ain Hai J oti "umhari "umhen )ada -oo*an +ar +ari It is the s mbol of our glor that is burning brightl at )hree Jwala *i. ,ll men and women ever worship ou, ( .other: -rem 4ha#ti )e Jo 1ah Gave $u#h!daridra +i#at +ahin ,ve He who sings our glor with devotion of love and sincerit remains be ond the reach of grief and povert . our grace, (
$h ava "umhen Jo +ar .an 7ai Janam!maran "a#o 2huti Jai He who meditates upon our form with concentration goes be ond the c cle of births and deaths. Jogi )ur!muni ;ahat -u#ari Jog +a Ho! 4in )ha#ti "umhari ,ll the 1ogis, Gods and )ages openl declare that without our favour one can<t establish communication with God. )han#ar ,achara* "ap ;eenhon ;am ;rodha Jeet )ab 7eenhon )han#arachar a had performed once a special penance caled ,achara* and b the virtue of which he had subdued his anger and desire. +isidin $h an $haro )han#ar ;o ;ahu ;al +ahin )umiro "um ;o He ever worshipped 7ord )han#ar and never for a moment concentrated his mind on ou. )ha#ti 5oop ;o .aram +o -a a )ha#ti Ga i "ab .an -achita o )ince he did not realise our immense glor , his all powers waned and the repented hitherto. )harnagat Hui ;eerti 4a#hani Jai Jai Jai Jagdamb 4havani "hen, he sought refuge in ou, chanted our glor and sang Jvictor , victor , victor < to "hee ( Jagdamba 4havani. 4ha i -rasanna ,adi Jagdamba $a i )ha#ti +ahin ;een 3ilamba "hen, ( -rimal Goddesses Jagdamba *i, ou were propitiated and in no time ou bestowed him with his lost powers. .o#on .atu ;ashta ,ti Ghero "um 4in ;aun Hare $u#h .ero ( .other: )evere affictions distress me and no one e9cept 1our Honoured )elf can provide relief. -lease end m afflictions. ,asha "rishna +ipat )ataven .oh .adadi# )ab 4insaven Hopes and longings ever borture me. ,ll sort of passions and lust torment m beart ever. )hatru +ash ;ee*e .aharani )umiron E#achita "umhen 4havani ( merciful .other: )how me our favour and ma#e me feel happ b bestowing me with all sorts of riches and powers. ;aro ;ripa He .atu $a ala 5iddhi!)iddhi $e ;arahu +ihala
( .erciful .other: )how me our favour and ma#e me feel happ b bestowing me with all sorts of riches and powers. Jab 7agi Ji on $a a -hal -aoon "umhro 1ash .ai )ada )unaoon ( .other: .a I be the receptacle of our grace as long as I live, ever recounting the feats of our glor to all. $urga 2halisa Jo Gave )ab )u#h 4hog -arampad -ave "his, wa he who ever sings this $urga 2halisa shall ever en*o all sorts of pleasures and shall attain the highest state in the end. J$evidas< )haran +i* Jani ;arahu ;ripa Jagdamb 4havani $eeming J$evidas< to have sought our shelter, ( 4havani grant me our favour: $urga ,arti Jai ,mbe Gauri mai a, *aa )h ama Gauri +ishdin tum#o dh avat, Hari 4rahma )hiv*i, Jai ,mbe.... .ang sindur bira*at, ti#o mrigmad#o, u**valse dou naina, chandravadan ni#o, Jai ,mbe.... ;ana# saman #alevar, ra#tambar ra*e, 5a#tapushp galmala, #anthhar sa*e, Jai ,mbe.... ;ehari vahan ra*at, #hadg #happar dhari sur nar muni*an sevat, tin#e du#hahari, Jai ,mbe.... ;anan #undal shobhit, nasagre moti ;oti# chandra diva#ar, samra*at * oti, Jai ,mbe.... )humbh! nishumbh vidare, .ahisha)ur ghatia $humra!vilochan naina, nishdin madmati Jai ,mbe.... 4rahmani, 5udrani tum ;amala 5ani, ,gam!nigam ba#hani. turn )hiv patrani, Jai ,mbe.... 2haunsath ogini gavat, nrit a #arat 4hairon, 4a*at tab mridanga, aur ba*at damru, Jai ,mbe... "um ho *ag #i mata, tum hi ho bharta, 4ha#tan #i du#h harta, su#h sampati #arta, Jai ,mbe.... 4hu*a char ati shobhit, var mudra dhari, .anvanchhit phal pavat, sevat nar nari, Jai ,mbe.... #anchan thal vira*at, agaru #apur bati .al#etu men ra*at, #otiratan * oti, Jai ,mbe.... "une into -undit!Ji's bi!wee#l Hindu -arv )uchi programmes on 5adio +avtarang
)hiva 2halisa D )hiva ,arti )hiva 2halisa /ith English "ranslation Jai Ganesh Giri*a )uvan .angal .ul )u*an ;ahat , odh a $as "um $ev ,bha a 3aradan Glor to 7ord Ganesh, the $ivine )on of Goddess Giri*a, the cause of all auspiciousness and intelligence. , odha $ass %the composer of these verses& humbl reEuests that ever one be blessed with the boon of being fearless. Jai Giri*a -ati $inada ala )ada ;arat )antan -ratipala 4hala 2handrama )ohat +i#e ;anan ;undal +agaphani ;e ( Glorious 7ord, consort of -arvati 1ou are most merciful . 1ou alwa s bless the poor and pious devotees. 1our beautiful form is adorned with the moon on 1our forehead and on our ears are earrings of sna#es' hood. ,nga Gaur )hira Ganga 4aha e .undamala "an 2hhara 7aga e 3astra ;hala 4aghambar )ohain 2hhavi ;o $e#ha +aga .uni .ohain "he hol Ganges flows from our matted hair. "he saints and sages are attracted b 1our splendid appearance. ,round 1our nec# is a garland of s#ulls. /hite ash beautifies 1our $ivine form and clothing of lion's s#in adorns 1our bod . .aina .atu ;i Havai $ulari 3ama ,nga )ohat 2hhavi + ari ;ara "rishul )ohat 2hhavi 4hari ;arat )ada )hatrun 2hha a#ari ( 7ord, the beloved daughter of .aina on 1our left adds to 1our splendid appearance. ( /earer of the lion's s#in, the trishul in 1our hand destro s all enemies. +andi Ganesh )ohain "ahan ;aise )agar .adh a ;amal Hain Jaise ;arti# )h am ,ur Ganara!0 1a 2hhavi ;o ;ahi Jata +a ;a!0 +andi and )hri Ganesh along with 7ord )hiva appear as beautiful as two lotuses in the middle of an ocean.-oets and philosophers cannot describe the wonderful appearance of 7ord ;arti#e a and the dar# comple9ioned Ganas %attendants&. $evan Jabahi Ja a -u#ara "abahi $u#ha -rabhu ,pa +ivara ;i a 0padrav "ara# 4hari $evan )ab .ili "umahi Juhari ( 7ord, whenever the $eities humbl sought 1our assistance, 1ou #indl and graciousl uprooted all their problems. 1ou blessed the $eities with 1our generous help when the demon "ara# outraged them and 1ou destro ed him. "urata )hadanana ,pa -atha au 7ava!+i!.esh .ahan .ari Gira au ,pa Jalandhara ,sura )anhara )u ash "umhara 3idit )ansara ( 7ord, 1ou sent )hadanan without dela and thus destro ed the evil ones 7ava and +imesh. 1ou also destro ed the demon Jalandhara. 1our renown is #nown throughout the world. "ripurasur )ana 1udha .acha!I )abhi ;ripa#ar 7ina 4acha!I ;i a "apahin 4hagiratha 4hari -urva -ratig a "asu -urari ( 7ord, -urari, 1ou saved all $eities and man#ind b defeating and destro ing the demons "ripurasura. 1ou blessed 1our devotee 4hagirath and he was able to accomplish his vow after rigorous penance.
$anin .ahan "um )ama ;ou +ahin )eva# ,stuti ;arat )adahin 3eda +am .ahima "ab Ga!I ,#atha ,nandi 4hed +ahin -a!I ( Gracious (ne, devotees alwa s sing 1our glor . Even the 3edas are unable to describe 1our greatness. +o one is as generous as 1ou. -ragate 0dadhi .antan .en Jvala Jarat )ura!)ur 4ha e 3ihala ;inha $a a "ahan ;ari )ara!I +ila#antha "ab +am ;aha!I 7ord, when the ocean was churned and the deadl poison emerged, out of 1our deep compassion for all, 1ou dran# the poison and saved the world from destruction. 1our throat became blue, thus 1ou are #nown as +ila#antha. -u*an 5amchandra Jab ;inha Jiti ;e 7an#a 3ibhishan $inhi )ahas ;amal .en Ho 5ahe $hari ;inha -ari#sha "abahin -urari /hen 7ord 5ama worshipped 1ou, He became victorious over the #ing of demons, 5avan. /hen 7ord 5ama wished to worship "hee with one thousand lotus flowers, the $ivine .other, to test the devotion of )hri 5am, hid all the flowers at 1our reEuest. E# ;amal -rabhu 5a#heu Joi ;ushal!+ain -u*an 2haha )oi ;athin 4ha#ti $e#hi -rabhu )han#ar 4ha e -rasanna $i e!Ichchhit 3ar ( 7ord, 1ou #ept on loo#ing at )hri 5am, who wished to offer His lotus!li#e e es to worship "hee. /hen 1ou observed such intense devotion, 1ou were delighted and blessed Him. 1ou granted His heart's desire. Jai Jai Jai ,nant ,vinashi ;arat ;ripa )aba#e Ghat 3asi $ushta )a#al +it .ohin )atavai 4hramat 5ahe .ohin 2hain +a ,vai Glor be unto 1ou ( Gracious, Infinite, Immortal, ,ll!pervading 7ord. Evil thoughts torture me and I #eep on travelling aimlessl in this world of mundane e9istence. +o relief seems to be coming m wa . "rahi!"rahi .ain +ath -u#aro 1ahi ,vasar .ohi ,na 0baro 7ai "rishul )hatrun ;o .aro )an#at )e .ohin ,na 0baro ( 7ord: I beseech 1our help and seel our divine blessing at this ver moment. )ave and protect me. $estro m enemies with 1our "rishul. 5elease me from the torture of evil thoughts. .ata -ita 4hrata )ab Hoi )an#at .en -uchhat +ahin ;oi )vami E# Hai ,sha "umhari ,va Harahu ,ba )an#at 4hari ( 7ord, when I am in distress, neither m parents, brothers, sisters nor loved ones can relieve m suffering. I depend onl on 1ou. 1ou are m hpe. Eliminate the cause of this tremendous torture and bless me with 1our compassion. $han +irdhan ;o $eta )adahin Jo ;oi Janche )o -hal -ahin ,stuti ;ehi 3idhi ;arai "umhari ;shamahu +ath ,ba 2hu#a Hamari ( 7ord, 1ou bless the down!trodden with prosperit and grant wisdom to the ignorant. 7ord, due to m limited #nowledge, I omitted to worship "hee. -lease forgive me and shower 1our grace upon me. )han#ar Ho )an#at ;e +ishan 3ighna 3inashan .angal ;aran 1ogi 1ati .uni $h an 7agavan )harad +arad )hisha +avavain ( 7ord )an#ar, 1ou are the destro er of all miseries. 1ou remove the cause of all obstacles and grant 1our devotees eternal bliss. "he saints ans sages meditate upon "h most beautiful form. Even celestial beings li#e )harad and +arad bow in reverence to 1ou. +amo +amo Jai +amah )hiva a )ura 4rahmadi# -ar +a -a a Jo 1ah -atha ;arai .an 7ai "apar Hota Hai )hambhu )aha!I
( 7ord, prostrations to 1ou. Even 4rahma is unable to describe "h greatness. /hosoever recites these verses with faith and devotion receives 1our infinite blessings. 5ini an Jo ;oi Ho ,dhi#ari -atha ;arai )o -avan Hari -utra!hin Ichchha ;ar ;oi +ischa a )hiva -rasad "ehin Hoi $evotees who chant these verses with intense love become prosperous b the grace of 7ord )hiva. Even the childless wishing to have children, have their desires fulfilled after parta#ing of )hiva!prasad with faith and devotion. -andit "ra odashi ;o 7avai $h an!-urva# Homa ;aravai "ra odashi 3rat ;are Hamesha "an +ahin "a#e 5ahe ;alesha (n "ra odashi %1=th da of the dar# and bright fortnights& one should invite a pandit and devotedl ma#e offerings to 7ord )hiva. "hose who fast and pra to 7ord )hiva on "ra odashi are alwa s health and prosperous. $hupa $ipa +aived a 2harhavai ,nta 3asa )hivapur .en -avai ;ahai , odh a ,sha "umhari Jani )a#al $u#ha Harahu Hamari /hosoever offers incense, prasad and performs arti to 7ord )hiva, with love and devotion, en*o s material happiness and spiritual bliss in this world and hereafter ascends to the abode of 7ord )hiva. "he poet pra s that 7ord )hiva removed the suffering of all and grants them eternal bliss. +it a +ema #ari -ratahi -atha #arau 2halis "um .eri .an ;amana -urna ;arahu Jagadish ( 0niversal 7ord, ever morning as a rule I recite this 2halisa with devotion. -lease bless me so that I ma be able to accomplish m material and spiritual desires. )hiv ,arti Jai )hiv on#ara, -rabhu *ai )hiv om#ara 4rahma 3ishnu )adashiv ardhangi dhara, (m Har Har .ahadev.... E#anan, chaturanan, panchanan ra*e, Hansasan Garuda)an 3rishvahan sa*e, (m Har Har .ahadev.... $o bhu*, charu chaturbhui dashmu#h ati sohe "inon rup nira#hte tribhuvan *anmohe, (m Har Har .ahadev.... ,#sh amala banamala mundmal dhari 2handan mrigmad sohai, bhale shubh#ari, (m Har Har .ahadev.... )hvetambar -itambar 4agambar ange, 4rahmadi# )an#adi# -retadi# sange, (m Har Har .ahadev.... ;ar madh e #amandalu au trishul bhari, )u#h#ari du#hahari *agpalan#ari, (m Har Har .ahadev.... 4rahma 3ishnu )adashiv *anat avive#a, -ranava#shar men shobhit e tinon e#a, (m Har Har .ahadev.... "rigun svami #i arti *o #oi nar gave ;ahat )hivanand svami man vanchhit phal pave, (m Har Har .ahadev.... "une into -undit!Ji's bi!wee#l Hindu -arv )uchi programmes on 5adio +avtarang
)H5I )H,+I 2H,7I), C ,,5"I 2halisa D ,arti $ohaa Ja a Ganesha giri*aa suvana ma.ngala #arana #ripaala diinana #e du#ha duura #ari #ii*ai naatha nihaala Ja a Ja a shrii shanideva prabhu sunahu vina a mahaaraa*a #arahu #5ipaa he ravi tana a raa#hahu *ana#ii laa*a Ja ati Ja ati shanideva da aalaa #arata sadaa bha#tana pratipaalaa chaari bhu*aa tanu sh aama viraa*ai maathe ratana mu#u"a chhabi chhaa*ai parama vishaala manohara bhaalaa "e.$hii drishti bhri#uti vi#araalaa #u+$ala shrava+a chamaachama chama#e hi e maala mu#tana ma+i dama#ai #ara me.n gadaa trishuula #u"haaraa pala bicha #arai.n arihi.n sa.nhaaraa pi.ngala #rishno chhaa aa nandana ama #o+astha raudra du#ha bha.n*ana saurii manda shanii dasha naamaa bhaanu putra puu*ahi.n saba #aamaa *aapara prabhu prasanna havai.n *aahii.n ra.n#ahu.+ raava #arai.n #)ha+a maahii.n -arvatahuu t5Ki+a hoLi nihaarata t5Ki+ahuu #o parvata #ari $aarata raa*a milata bana raamahi.n diinha o #ai#eLihu.+ #ii mati hari liinha o banahuu.+ me.n m5Kiga #apa"a di#haaLI maatu *aana#ii gaLI churaaLI la)ha+ahi.n sha#ti vi#ala #ari$aaraa machigaa dala me.n haahaa#aaraa raava+a #ii gati! mati bauraaLI raamachandra so.n baira ba.$haaLI di o #ii"a #ari #a.nchana la.n#aa ba*i ba*ara.nga biira #ii $a.n#aa n5Kipa vi#rama para tuhi.n pagu dhaaraa chitra ma uura nigali gai haaraa haara nau.nla#haa laag o chorii haatha paira $aravaa o torii
bhaarii dashaa ni#5Ki)h"a di#haa o telahi.n ghara #olhuu chalavaa o vina a raaga diipa#a maha.+ #iinha o.n taba prasanna prabhu hvai su#ha diinha o.n Harishcha.ndra n5Kipa naari bi#aanii aapahu.n bhare.n $oma ghara paanii taise nala para dashaa siraanii bhuu.n*ii! miina #uuda gaLI paanii shrii sha.n#arahi.n gah o *aba *aaLI paaravatii #o satii #araaLI tani#a volo#ata hii #ari riisaa nabha u.$i ga o gaurisuta siisaa paa+$ava para bhai dashaa tumhaarii bachii draupadii hoti ughaarii #aurava #e bhii gati mati maara o uddha mahaabhaarata #ari $aara o ravi #aha.+ mu#ha maha.+ dhari tat#aalaa le#ara #uudi para o paataalaa she)ha deva! la#hi vinati laaLI ravi #o mu#ha te di o chhu.$aaLI vaahana prabhu #e saata su*aanaa *aga digga*a gardabha m5Kiga svaanaa *ambu#a si.nha aadi na#ha dhaarii so phala * oti)ha #ahata pu#aarii ga*a vaahana la#)hmii g5Kiha aavai.n ha a te su#ha sampatti upa*aavai.n gardabha haani #arai bahu #aa*aa si.nha siddha#ara raa*a samaa*aa *ambu#a buddhi na)h"a #ara $aarai m5Kiga de #a)h"a praa+a sa.nhaarai *aba aavahi.n prabhu svaana savaarii chorii aadi ho a $ara bhaarii taisahi chaarii chara+a aha naamaa svar+a lauha chaa.+di aru taamaa lauha chara+a para *aba prabhu aavai.n dhana *ana sampatti na)h"a #araavai.n samataa taamra ra*ata shubha#aarii svar+a sarva su#ha ma.ngala bhaarii *o aha shani charitra nita gaavai #abahu.n na dashaa ni#5Ki)h"a sataavai
ad.hLbhuuta naatha di#haavai.n liilaa #arai.n shatru #e nashiba bali $hiilaa *o pa+$ita su og a bulavaaLI vidhivata shani graha shaa.nti #araaLI piipala *ala shani divasa cha.$haavata diipa daana dai bahu su#ha paavata #ahata raama sundara prabhu daasaa shani sumirata su#ha hota pra#aashaa $ohaa -aa"ha shaniishchara deva #o #iinho.n ' vimala ' ta aara #arata paa"ha chaaliisa dina ho bhavasaagara paara *o stuti dasharatha *ii #i o sammu#ha shani nihaara sarasa subhaa)ha me.n vahii lalitaa li#he.n sudhaara )hri )hani $eva ,arti Ja a Ja a shrii shanideva bha#tana hita#aarii suura*a #e putra prabhuu chhaa aa mahataarii Ja a sh aama a.n#a va#ra dri)hta chaturbhu*aa dhaarii niilaambara dhaara naatha ga*a #ii asavaarii Ja a #irita mu#u"a shiisha ra*ita dipata hai lilaarii mu#tana #ii maalaa gale shobhita balihaarii Ja a moda#a mishthaana paana cha.$hata hai.n supaarii lohaa tila tela u.$ada mahishii ati p aarii Ja a deva danu*a 5ishii munii sumarina nara naarii vishvanaatha dharata dh aana sharana hai.n tumhaarii Ja a
)araswati 2halisa D )araswati ,arti )araswati 2halisa /ith English "ranslation Ja ati Ja ati Jai 4haarati, )arasvati Jaga $evi Ja ati ,mita 3aradaa ini, )ura +ara .uni Jana )evi Glor , glor , all glor to ou, ( 4harati, who are )araswati, the goddess of )peech, who are revered throughout the world. Glor to ou, ( .other, who are the ine9haustible fountainhead of blessings and on whom the gods, men, hermits and votaries wait. Jai )ata 3aadini )haambhavi, 3inaa 3aadini ,mba -admapri -arameshavari, I#a "umhaari Hi ,valamba Glor to ou, ( .other )hambhavi ou are creative sound and sacred speechH ou pla on the veena and love lotusesH ou are the supreme goddess of the world and the onl support of the poet. Jai Jai )arasvati Jagadambaa ;arahu .aatu Jani ,a*a 3ilambaa 4asi .ama ;antha $ehu )ada 3aani +i*a )uta Jaani E#a ,*naani Glor , all glor to ou, ( )araswati, the mother of the world: "arr not toda , ( .other, but come at once %to deliver me from ignorance&. .a#e m throat our dwelling and bless me with sacred speech, considering that I, our own son am ignorant. ;arahu ;aa*a -uurana $ai 4ha#ti 4harahu 4uddhi 4ala, 3id aa )ha#ti 7ahaun 3i*a a Jaga .ahan 1asha -aauun "ava +ita .aatu 2harana )hira +aauun Grant me faith and bringing m efforts to fruition bless me with the strength of wisdom and the power of #nowledge, so that I ma win victor and become a universal celebrit . "his I sa , ( .other, with m head bowed ever da to our feet. )apta )urana 5asnaamruta 3aani 1aha "ava 2haranaamruta .ahaaraani )harachchandra )ama "ava "ana )ohata )hveta Hansavaahana .ana .ohata ( Mueen consort, all the seven musical notes and all mellifluous speech, which is sweet as nectar, are but the ambrosial water with which our feet are washed %or the sacred water flowing from our feet&. 1our appearance is as beautiful as the fair, full autumnal moon and the swan our white vehicle loo#s charming. +a ana ;amala )hobhita )hashi 4haalaa 3inaa Hasta .aalati .aalaa )hesha .ahesha )u asha +ita Gaavai 2havi 7a#hi ;otihun ;aama 7a*aavai 1our shapel and beautiful e es rival the loveliness of the lotus and our right forehead the luster of the moon. "he 3eena in our hand and the wreath of the malati flowers are two of our other adornments. "he )erpent!;ing and the great god .ahesha sing our praise ever da , while m riad of 7oves %;ama& feel abashed when the behold our beaut . Jai Ho 5achanaa )aa*ana 3aali 5asanaa 4icha 3iraa*ana 3aali
Ja ati ;aushi#i Gaura $ulaari Ja ati Ja ati 2haturaanana - aari Glor to ou, ( goddess of creative art and its embellisherH ou dwell on the tongues of the poet and the minstrel. Glor to ou, ( ;aushi#i and beloved of Gauri: Glor , all glor to ou, ( beloved of the four!faced 4rahma: )hri )arasvat ai +amah Japata Jana )vapnahun 5oga +a 3 aadhi 5ahata "ana 1adi "a*i ;umati ;usangati ;oi 3id aarthi -adhahin 1aha Joi )aphala -ari#shaa .ahan Hvai Jaavai 3id aa 4uddhi 4adhai )u#ha -aavai /hosoever repeats the sacred formula N)hri )arasvat ai +amahO never succumbs to an sic#ness even in a dream. "he student who sha#es off perversit and evil compan and chants the mantra %regularl &, succeeds in all e9aminations, finds himself happier, and his #nowledge and intellect grow richer and sharper. ;ahun Gahi ;umati +a 4ane Ganvaaraa ;handai 3ir a +a E#ahu 4aaraa ,shtapra#aara -rasangana .ein )e Jo +a ;arai -rasanga 4huulahun )e Ho +iroga 4aala#a "anu )oi "aa#ahun )vapnadosha +ahin Hoi +ever does he ield to indiscretion and become stupid, nor does he ever brea# the vow of celibac . "here are eight wa s of gratif ing one<s se9ual urge, one of which is indulgence in imaginar coitus. He who does not indulge in an of these several modes of se9ual gratification even b mista#e, comes to possess a bod free from all infirmit such as that of involuntar nocturnal emission. 4ramachar a ;ari 4isa 4arisaa 4uddhi 4ala .ahan 4anai ,vaishaa +ibha aa Ju +i ama -achisa -ramaanaa )o Hovai Hanumaana )amaanaa Having observed the vow of celibac for twent ears, he attains supremac in intellectual e9cellence %both wisdom and power&. If he holds on to the rules of purit and se9ual continence for twent !five ears, he veril becomes as invincible as Hanuman. 4rahmachar a ,sa 4aala#a )aa*ain )arasvati "ehi Jivhaa 5aa*ain 4anai ,ashu#avi ,ti )u#ha -aavain )uta 4hi .ahaavira 0pa*aavain "he student who does not transgress the rules of celibac , finds )araswati shedding her lustre on his tongue. He becomes an impromptu and read poet en*o ing great creative contentment, a poet who also fathers renowned and valiant sons. 3eda -uraana )ubhaashita 3aani ,vasi 7aabhi ;ari $e#hahin -raani Jo +asi 3ira*a 4aalaapana .ein 4hari 3ihcaara 3 abhicharahin .ana .ein )arasvatihin ;ahan $harahin +a $h aanaa +ita ,shilahin Gaavahin Gaanaa 3aha 4aala#a ,tisha a $u#ha -aavai 5oga Grasita Ho Janama Ganvaavai )vapnadosha "ehin .rita#a 4anaavai 3ir a ;osha "ana "i#a +a -aavai
He acEuires competence in the 3edas, -uranas and all other poetic utterances, a feat appreciated b people around him. He who wastes the sap of life in adolescence, who fills his mind with promiscuous thoughts, remembers not the Goddess )araswati and sings lewd songs, becomes e9tremel unhapp , a victim of wasting diseases, who sEuanders awa his priceless life. /ith his bod refusing to retain the vital fluid, involuntar nocturnal emissions precipitate his death. 1adi -uni .ana ;o 3asha ;ari -raani $h aavai )aravatihin Hatha "haani 2halahin 2heta ,tisha a )u#ha -aavahin Jo +a 7i#hita 0padesha 4hulaavahin ;arai )upuu*ana $evahin $evaa ,ru Guru .aatu -itaa ;i )evaa "aahi +a 3 aadhi )ataavahi ;aa aa Jaapara )arasvati ;i $aa aa If he realiGes his error and puts a bridle on his mind with unflinching devotion to )araswati and understandable wariness %of his wasteful past&, he becomes e9ceedingl happ once again. )imilarl , he who does not forget the written instructions %of the scriptures or of the enlightened sages and gurus&, who worships gods and goddesses and who attends on his teachers and parents never succumbs to ph sical infirmitiesH )araswati lavishes man a #indl favour on him. 1adi 1aha )hi#shaa .an -itu $evain 4anai -utra 7aa a#a )u#ha $evain Jo +ara -adhahin )arasvatichaalisaa Gunahin ,ru +aavahin )hishaa 3ishvamaahin 4ala 3id aa .aahin "aason Jiti )a#e ;ou +aahin If these instructions are given b the parents at home, ever child will grow into a worth man and contribute to their happiness. He who reads this h mn to )araswati and bears its instructions in mind with bowed head, becomes so great an embodiment of learning and valor in the world that none can overthrow him. 4anai .ahipa ;avisishvara )oi 3achana )iddhi +idhi +ava Graha Hoi 7e#ha#a )ha#ti )hastra -adhi $e#h o "aba 1aha 3id aarthina Hita 7i#h o He becomes the most renowned poet whose writings enrapture the whole world and ma#e him rule over all heartsH he attains not onl perfection of speech but also all the nine treasures at home. "he )hastras read b the author revealed to him the overpowering influence of the creative arts. Having realiGed this he wrote these lines for the edification of all students. Gahata +i ama )u#ha 7ahata )hariraa ;arata 3ishva 5a#shaa 4ani 3iraa )undaradaasa +avaavata )hishaa .aan 2haalisaa $i o 2haalisaa ,dherence to the rules %of conduct and discipline& is conducive to ph sical health and happiness. It is in a disciplined life that the bod acEuires lustiness and becomes capable of protecting all. )undardasa bows his head to )araswati, who, being the goddess of all creative writings %including chaalisa& inspired him to compose this h mn. $hani $hani )arasa )arasvati ,mbaa +i*a Jana Hetu +a ;arata 3ilambaa 3aani 4inaa 3aadini .aataa 3id aa 3aaridhi 4uddhi 3idhaataa 4lessed, blessed are ou, ( )weet .other )araswati, who do not tarr when our votaries cr for help. 1ou are, ( Goddess of speech, ( .other who pla on the 3eena, the ver ocean of learning and controller of the
human intellect. "umahin Ganesha )umiri Jo $h aavata ,ru Hanumantahi )hisha +avaavata ;athina )e ;athina ;aar a ;ari $aarata )at a )at a ,sa 3eda -u#aarata He who sets his mind on Ganesha and then meditates on ou and also bows his head to Hanuman , finds himself accomplishing the most difficult underta#ing!so testif the 3edas, sa ing that all this is true, true and true. $oha +i*a )eva#a ;o .aan "umahin $inh o -ingala G aana 2haalisaa 3idhi 2haalisahin 7i#ha, 7inh o )u asha .ahaana ( .other, ou imparted to me, our own devotee, a #nowledge of prosod , which enabled me to compose this h mn in its fort modes and earn great renown. )arasvati 1aha 2haalisaa, 3irachita )undaradaasa +it a -adhata 3id aa 4adhata, -uurana Hota )hubha ,asa )undardasa has composed this h mn to )araswati, the recitation of which regularl causes learning and happiness to grow and all proper e9pectations to be fulfilled. Guru -itu .aatu -adhai )uta, Jo 1ahi )hi#hsaa $ehin 4ala 4uddhi 3id aa )umati ;i, .aan )e 4hi#shaa 7ehin If teachers and parents instruct a child in it, he receives from .other the blessings of moral strength, wisdom, learning and intelligence. .ata )araswati ,rati Jai )arasvati .aataa, Jai Jai He )arasvati .aataa )adguna 3aibhava )haalini, "ribhuvana 3i#h aataa Glor , glor , all glor to ou, ( .other )araswatiH ou are renowned throughout the three spheres as the treasure!house of all great noble virtues. 7et all sing to the glor of our name: 2handravadani -admaasini $ uti .angala#are )ohe )hubha Hansa )avare, ,tula "e*adhare ( infinitel radiant Goddess, ou are beautiful and right as the moon and are seated in lotus postureH ou are lustrous in appearance and source of all blessingsH our vehicle, the auspicious swan, loo#s elegant. 4aa e ;ara .ein 3inaa, $aa en ;ara .aalaa )hisha .u#uta .ani )ohe, Gala .oti ana .aalaa In our left hand, ( .other )araswati, is the 3eena and in the right a wreathH on our head lies a splendid coronet of gems and around our nec# a string of pearls. $evi )harana Jo ,ae 0na#aa 0ddhaaram ;i aa -aithi .antharaa $aasi, 5aavana )anhaara ;i aa ( Goddess, whosoever sought refuge in ou was released from the c cle of birth and death. 4 perverting the mind of ;ai#a ee<s dull!witted handmaid, .anthara, ou became instrumental in the destruction of 5avana. 3id aa G aana -radaa ini, Jaga .ein G aana -ra#aasha 4haro .oha ,ura ,*naana "imira ;aa Jaga )e +aasha ;aro ( bestower of learning and s#ill, illumine the world with light of #nowledge and dispel the dar#ness of
ignorance and infatuation. $huupa $ipa -hala .evaa .aan )vi#aara ;aro G aana 2ha#shu $e .aataa, Jaga +istaara ;aro ( .other, pra accept m gift of incense, light, both green and dr fruits and endowing the world with e es of #nowledge ferr it across the ocean of this phenomenal world. .aan )arasvati ;i ,rati, Jo ;oi Jana Gaavai Hita#aari )u#ha#aari G aana Ha#ti -aavai /hosoever sings this h mn to .other )araswati becomes a recipient of #nowledge and devotion, both of which are beneficial and ield great happiness. "une into -undit!Ji's bi!wee#l Hindu -arv )uchi programmes on 5adio +avtarang 1PPP +,.E) (6 7(5$ G,+E)H, Shree Ganeshaya Na$ah Shreee Devi Saras%ateya Na$ah Shree Guru&hyu Na$ah
(m Ganeshwarai +amah(m Gan#rid a +amah(m Gannatha a +amah(m Ganadhipa a +amah (m E#drishta a +amah (m 3a#ratunda a +amah (m Ga*va#ra a +amah (m .ahodara +amah (m 7ambodara a +amah(m $humravarana a +amah (m 3i#ata a +amah (m 3ighnana ana#a a +amah(m )umu#ha a +amah (m $umu +amah (m 4uddha a +amah (m 3ighnara*a a +amah(m Ga*anana a +amah(m 4hima a +amah(m -ramoda a +amah (m ,anoda a +amah(m )urananda a +amah(m .ohat#ata a +amah(m Herambha a +amah (m )hambara a +amah(m )hambhave +amah(m 7amba#arana a +amah (m .ahabala a +amah(m +andana a +amah(m ,lampata a +amah(m ,bhirve +amah (m .eghnada a +amah(m Ganga*a a +amah(m 3ina a#a a +amah(m 3irupa#sha a +amah (m $hirshura a +amah(m 3arprada a +amah(m .aha Ganpat e +amah (m 4uddhipri a a +amah(m )hipra -rasadna a +amah(m 5udra -ri a a +amah (m Ganadh a#sha a +amah(m 0maputra a +amah(m ,aghnasha a +amah (m ;umar Gurve +amah(m Eshaan -utra a +amah(m .usha# 3ahana a +amah (m )iddhi -ri a a +amah(m )iddhi 3ina a#a a +amah(m ,vigha a +amah (m "umbarve +amah(m )imhavahana a +amah(m .ohini -ri a a +amah (m ;atag#anta a +amah(m 5a* -utra a +amah(m )haal#a a +amah(m )ammita a +amah (m ,mita a +amah(m ;ushma .andsamsambhoot e +amah(m $ur*a a +amah (m $hur*a a +amah(m Ja a a +amah(m 4hoopat e +amah(m 4hoovanpat e +amah (m 4hootnapat e +amah(m ,v a a +amah(m 3ishwa#atre +amah(m 3ishwa .u#ha a +amah (m 3ishwa 5upa a +amah(m +idh e +amah(m Ghrun e +amah(m ;ar e +amah (m ;avina .rushbha a +amah(m 4hramana a +amah(m 4hramanaspat e +amah (m J eshta 5a*a a +amah(m +iddhi -at e +amah(m +iddhi -ri a -ati -ri a a +amah (m Hiranma a -uratansta a +amah(m )ur a .andal .adh a Ga a +amah (m ;arahatidhavsta )indhu )alila a +amah(m )aamaghoshapri a a +amah (m -ushdantabhide +amah(m 0mang#eli#utu#ine +amah(m .u#rida a +amah (m ;ulpalna a +amah(m ;iritine +amah(m ;undaline +amah(m Harine +amah (m 3anmaline +amah(m .anoma a +amah(m 3 mu#h ahatd atshri e +amah (m -adahati*itshit e +amah(m )adh o*aatsvarnamu* ame#line +amah (m $udirmithrite +amah(m $uswapnahrite +amah(m -rashana a +amah (m Gunine +amah(m +adapratisthita a +amah(m )urupa a +amah (m )arvanetradhivasa a +amah(m 3ivasana )hrava a +amah(m -itambara a +amah (m ;handarda a +amah(m ;handendu#rutshe#har a +amah (m 2hitrangdash amdashna a +amah(m 4haalchandra a +amah(m 2haturbhur*a a +amah (m 1ogadhipa a +amah(m "ar#sta a +amah(m -ursha a +amah(m Ga*a#arna a +amah (m Ganadhira*a a +amah(m 3i*a ,sthira*a a +amah(m Ga*patidwa*ine +amah (m $evdeva a +amah(m )amarprandip#a a +amah(m 3a u#il#a a +amah
(m 3ippaschidvarda a +amah(m +andonandbhihnaalaha#a a +amah (m 3arahardana a +amah(m .rit uin*a a +amah(m 3 aghra*inambara a +amah (m Ecchasha#tidhar a +amah(m $evtrate +amah(m $ atavimardana a +amah (m )hambhuva#rodh a a +amah(m )hambhu#opagne +amah(m )hambhuhas abhuve +amah (m )hambhute*se +amah(m )hivsho#harine +amah(m Guarisu#ha a +amah (m 0mangmali*a a +amah(m Gauri "e* 4huve +amah(m )wadhumibhava a +amah (m 1agna ;a a a +amah(m .ahanda a +amah(m Girivashmarne namah (m )hubana a +amah(m )arvaatman e +amah(m )arvadevatman e namah (m 4rahma .urghane +amah(m ;u#upshrut e +amah(m 4rahmad#umbha a +amah (m 2hil (mbhala a namah(m )at ashiroruha a namah (m JaggaGmadhlo ameshnimesha a +amah(m ,gne a#asomdrushe +amah (m Girindre#arda a +amah(m Gharmagharmeshta a +amah(m )ambrubitha a +amah (m Grahatshardashna a +amah(m 3ani*ivha a +amah(m 3asavanasi#a a +amah (m ;ulachalansa a +amah(m )oma#arghanta a +amah(m 5udrashiroghara a +amah (m +adinandabhu*a a +amah(m "ar#ansa#a a +amah(m 4hrumdh asansthith#ara a +amah (m 4rahmavid amadot#a a +amah(m 3 omanabha e +amah(m )hrihridha a +amah (m .eru -rushta a +amah(m ,rnavodara a +amah(m -rithvi#at e +amah (m )rishtilinga a +amah(m )helorve +amah(m $asra*aano#a a +amah (m -atal*hanga a +amah(m .unipad e +amah(m ;alanghoshta a +amah (m "ri atnave +amah(m J otirnarnda 7a 7alangula a +amah (m Hrida alanirshala a +amah(m Hripadma#arni#ashalivi at#elisarovara a +amah (m )adbha#tdh anigadha a +amah(m -u*avarinivirta a +amah (m -ratapine +amah(m ;ash apsuta a +amah(m Ganpa a +amah(m 3ishtpine +amah (m 4aline +amah(m 1ashvasvine +amah(m $harm#a a +amah(m )vo*hase +amah (m -rathma +amah(m -rathameshvara a namah(m 2hintamandivipat e +amah (m ;alpadromvanala a +amah(m 5atnamandapamdh asta a +amah (m 5atna )inha )hra a a +amah(m "rivashivodhrutpada a +amah (m Jwalini .aulilalita a +amah(m +andananditpithshri e +amah (m 4hogdabhushitasana a +amah(m )a#amda inipitha a +amah (m )phurdugrasanashra a +amah(m "e*ovatishiroratna a +amah (m )at anit avatisita a +amah(m )arvavighanashinipitha a +amah (m )arvasha#ta ambi*ashra a +amah(m 7ipipadamasanadhara a +amah (m 3anithadhamtra ashra a +amah(m 0nnataprapada a +amah (m Gudagulpha a +amah(m )avavrutpashirn#a a +amah (m -in*hanga a +amah(m )hlishta*hhanve +amah(m )thulorve +amah(m -ronmat#at e +amah (m +imnabha e +amah(m )thool#u#shave +amah(m -inva#shase +amah (m 4rihutbhu*a a +amah(m -inas#anda a +amah(m ;ambu#anta a +amah (m 7ambovashta a +amah(m 7ambanasi#a a +amah(m 4hagnavamarda a +amah (m "ungasav adanta a +amah(m .ahahanve +amah(m Hrasvanetratra a +amah (m )hoorpa#arna#a a +amah(m +ibidmast#a a +amah (m )tab#a#aar#umbhagra a +amah(m 5atnamaul e +amah (m +irang#usha a +amah(m )arpahar#atisutra a +amah(m )arpa agnopavitve +amah (m )arpa#otir#ata a +amah(m )arpagreva a#atanga a +amah (m )arpa#a#shodarabandhana a +amah (m )arpara*otari a#a a +amah(m 5a#ta a +amah(m 5a#tambdhara a +amah (m 5a#tamal avibhusha a +amah(m 5a#ta#shena a +amah(m 5a#ta#ara +amah (m 5a#talvoshtapallava aa +amah(m )hveta a +amah(m )hvetambdhara a +amah (m )hvetmal avibhushna a +amah(m )hvetatpatraruchira a +amah (m )hvetchaamravi*ita a +amah(m )arvanva asampurnala#shna +amah (m )arvanbharanshobhada ala#shita +amah(m )arvashobhasamvita a +amah (m )arvamangalmaangla a +amah(m )arva#arna#arna a +amah(m )hangirne +amah (m 4i*apurine +amah(m Gadadhar a +amah(m I#shuchaapadhara a +amah (m )hooline +amah(m 2ha#rapan e +amah(m )hro*bhrute +amah(m -asshine +amah
(m $hritdpala a +amah(m )haaliman*aribhrute +amah(m )vadantabhrute +amah (m ;alpavallidhara a +amah(m 3ishwabha adai#ara a +amah(m 3ashine +amah (m ,#shamaladhara a +amah(m +a an .udravate +amah(m .udgara audha a +amah (m -urna -atrine +amah(m ;ambudhara a +amah(m 3idh utalisamud#a a +amah (m .atrulingadhara a +amah(m ;ootharvat e +amah (m -ush#ar )tasvarnaghatipurnaratnabhi 3arsha#a a +amah(m 4harati )undari +atha a +amah (m 3ina a#ratipri a a +amah(m .ahala#shmi -ri atama a +amah (m )iddha 7a#shmi .anorama a +amah(m 5ama 5amesh -uruvanga a +amah (m $a#shinomamaheswara a +amah(m .ahivaraha 3amanga a +amah (m 5ati ;andarpaschima a +amah(m ,amodamod*ana a +amah (m )pramod -ramodana a +amah(m )amedhitsmrudhishri e +amah (m 5iddhi )iddhi -ravart#a a +amah(m $attasaumu#h asumu#ha a +amah (m ;anti#andlitashra a +amah(m .andanavat ashritangrah e +amah (m ;rutdaumu#h adumur#ha a +amah(m 3ighnasampallvopghan a +amah (m )evonnidramadrav a a +amah(m 3ighna#rutighancharana a namah (m $ravinisha#ti )at#ruta a +amah(m "rivaprasana ana a +amah (m Jwalinipalinile#dhrush e +amah(m .ohinimohana a +amah (m 4hogda ini#antimandita a +amah(m ;amini#antava#rashri e +amah (m ,dhishtavasundhara a +amah(m 3asandharamdondhamahashangindhiprabhave +amah (m +anidsumatimaulimahapadminidhiprabhave +amah(m )arva )adguru )amnve a a +amah (m )hochis#eshahahrid ashra a +amah(m Eshaanmurghne +amah (m $evendrashi#ha e +amah(m -avananda a +amah (m ,graprat egrana ana a +amah(m $iv astranapra ogride +amah (m ,iravatadisvaarsha 3arnavarnpri a a +amah(m 3*ra adastraparivara a +amah (m Ganachandasamashra a +amah(m Ja a*a parivara a +amah (m 3i*a avi*a avaha a +amah(m ,*itachirtpadab*a a +amah (m +it anit awantsita a +amah(m 3ilasini#rutlaasa a +amah (m )haundisaundar amandita a +amah(m anantaanantsu#hda a +amah (m )umangalsumangala a +amah(m Icchasha#tin ,nsha#ti#ri asha#tiniveshita a +amah (m )ubhagashanshritpada a +amah(m 7alita 7alitashra a +amah (m ;amini#amana a +amah(m ;mmalini ;elilalat a +amah (m )araswatashra a +amah(m Gaurinandana a +amah (m )hreeni#etana a +amah(m Guru Guptapada a +amah (m 3achasiddha a +amah(m 3ashieshwaripat e +amah (m +alini#am a#a a +amah(m 3amrama a +amah(m J esthmanorma a +amah (m 5audrimudripadab*a a +amah(m Humbi*a a +amah(m "ung )ha#ti#a a +amah (m 3ishwadi*annatrana a +amah(m )wahasha#te e +amah(m )a#il#a a +amah (m ,mritabidh ;rutvasa a +amah(m .addhurnitlochana a +amah (m 0chistgana a +amah(m 0chistgana a +amah(m Ganna a#a a +amah (m )arva#ali#asansadhi e +amah(m +it ashaiva a +amah(m $igambara a +amah (m ,anpa a a +amah(m ,nantdrusta a +amah(m ,prema a +amah (m ,*ramara a +amah(m ,anavila a +amah(m ,pratir a a +amah (m ,hachuta a +amah(m ,mrita +amah(m ,#shar a +amah(m ,prat#ara a +amah (m ,#sha a a +amha(m ,*aa a a +amah(m ,nadhara a +amah(m ,naam a a +amah (m ,mala a +amah(m ,moghsiddh e +amah(m ,dveta a +amah(m ,ghora a +amah (m ,pramitanana +amah(m ,nana#ara a +amah(m ,bdhibhoom ,gribalghn a a +amah (m , a#tala#shanana +amah(m ,dharpitha a +amah(m ,dhara a +amah (m ,dhar 5adhe a 3ar*ita a +amah(m ,a#ho#etanana namah (m ,sha -ur#a a +amah(m ,a#ho .aha 5atha a +amah(m I#shu )agarmadh asta a +amah (m I#shu 4ha#shan 7alsa a +amah(m I#shuchaaptrie#shri e +amah (m I#shuchaapnivesvita a +amah(m Indranil )amdh ut e +amah(m Indivaradalshama a +amah (m Indumandalinirmala a +amah(m Indhmapri a a +amah(m Idabhaga a +amah (m Iradhamne +amah(m Indirapri a a +amah(m Ishwa#u 3ighna 3idhwanisne +amah (m Iti#arta atepista a +amah(m Ishaanmaula e +amah
(m Ishaana e +amah(m Ishaanuta a +amah(m Itighne (m Ishatra a ;alpanta +amah(m Ihamatra vivar*ita a (m 0pendra a +amah(m 0ddabhrunmaula e +amah(m 0nder#ablipri a a (m 0nnatanna a +amah(m 0ttunga a +amah(m 0darravidashargrane (m 0r*swate +amah(m 0shmamalamda a namah(m 0shapohadurasda a (m 5idhisiddhiprada #a +amah(m 5intra a 3imoch#a a (m 7upta 3ighna asavabha#tana +amah(m 7upta )ha#ta a )urdvisha (m 7upta 3isphot +ashana a +amah(m E#ar -itha .adh asa a (m E#paad#rutasma a +amah(m E*ita#hild atshri e (m Edhita#hilamsshre a a +amah(m ,ishwariam +idh e (m ,ishwar a a +amah(m Ehi#amush#imprada a (m Erambhdasmunmesha a +amah(m Erawatnibhanna a (m (m#ar 3acha a +amah(m (m#ara a +amah(m (*aswate +amah(m (shdhipat e (m ,udar anidh e +amah(m ,aud atdhura a +amah(m ,aunat aniswana a (m ,n#usha asuragana +amah(m ,n#usha asurvidhvisham (m ,amast 3isargantpadeshoopari#ritita a +amah(m ;amandaloodhara a (m ;alpa a +amah(m ;arpadane +amah(m ;albhanna a +amah(m ;armasha#shine (m ;arma#art e +amah(m ;arma ;armaphalprad a +amah(m ;adamgol#a#ara a (m ;ushmandganna a#a a +amah(m ;arun adheha a +amah(m ;apila a (m ;a #a a +amah(m ;atisutrabhoote +amah(m )arva a +amah(m ;hadagapri a a (m ;hadag#hantantasa a +amah(m ;hanimarla a +amah(m ;halvaatshrungnila a a (m ;hatvanghine +amah(m ;hadurasda aa +amah(m Gunadh a a (m Gahana a +amah(m Gastha a +amah(m Gad a -ad a )urdharnava a (m Gad a Gaan -ri a a +amah(m Gar*a a +amah(m Geetgirvanapurva*a a (m Gh achaarrata a +amah(m Ghu ha a +amah(m Ghu agamanirupita a (m Ghu asha a +amah(m Ghuabdhis a +amah(m Gurugmahava a (m Gurorgurve +amah(m Ghantagharghari#amaline +amah(m Ghat#umbha a (m Ghatodhara a +amah(m 2handa a +amah(m 2handeshwar )urude (m 2handisha a +amah(m 2hand 3i#rama a +amah(m 2haracharpat e (m 2hintamani 2harvanlalsa a +amah(m 2handse +amah(m 2handvopuse (m 2handodurla#sha a +amah(m 2handvighraha a +amah(m Jagadhd ona e (m Jagadhsha#shine +amah(m Jgadisha a +amah(m Jagan .a a a (m Japa a +amah(m Jappara a +amah(m Jap a a +amah(m Jhinvasimnhasanaprabhve (m QhalaGalolsadanaGhan#aribhramara ;ula a +amah(m "anGhan#arspharsaurava a (m "anGhan#armaninupura a +amah(m "adhvipallavanthansta )arva (m .antre# )iddhida a +amah(m $indimunda a +amah(m $a#inisha a +amah (m $amra a +amah(m $indimpri a a +amah(m $ha##aninadmudita a (m $hau#a a +amah(m $hundi 3ina a#a a +amah(m "atvanaamprama atatva a (m "atvampadnirupita a namah(m "ar#ant#a a +amah(m "ar#a a (m "ar#ant#a a +amah(m )thanwa +ama (m )thanupri a a (m )thattre +amah(m )thavara a*ungma a*agte +amah(m $a#sha 1adhapramathna a (m $aatre namah(m $anvamohana a +amah(m $a a 3at e (m $iv a 3ibha a a +amah(m $andabhrute +amah(m $andana a#a a (m $attaprabhinnabhramala a +amah(m $ at a 3aarnadarna a (m $rastamlagnadvipghata a +amah(m $evartha nrug*a#rut e (m $han a a +amah(m $handa a +amah(m $harnidhara a (m $han e#pra#ata a +amah(m $h e a a +amah(m $h ana a +amah (m $h anpara ana a +amah(m +and a a +amah(m +andipri a (m +ada a +amah(m +admadh aprathista a +amah(m +is#ala a (m +irmala a +amah(m +it a a namah(m +it anit a a (m +irama a a +amah(m -rasma e omne +amah(m -arasma edhamne (m -armatman e +amah(m -arasma epada a +amah(m -aratpara a (m -ashupat e +amah(m -ashupashvimocha#a a (m -urnananda a +amah(m -arananda a
+amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah namah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah namah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah
(m -uranpuroshtama a +amah(m -admaprasn ena a +amah(m -rantan anmochana a (m -ramanprat ati a a +amah(m -ranatatinivarna a +amah(m -halhasta a (m -hanipat e +amah(m -het#ara a +amah(m -hanitpri a a +amah (m 4aanarchitangi ugula a +amah(m 4aal#eli#utuhaline (m 4rahmane +amah(m 4rahmarchitpada a +amah(m brahmachaarine (m 4hruhaspat e +amah(m 4rihanada agra achit#ara a +amah (m 4rahmandavalime#hala a +amah(m 4hru#eshapdatala#shmi#a a (m 4harga a +amah(m 4hadra a +amah(m 4h apha a (m 4hagwate +amah(m 4hagtisulabha a +amah(m 4hutida a (m 4hutibhushana a +amah(m 4hav a a +amah(m 4hootal a a (m 4hogmadmatmanorama a +amah(m .e#hlavate +amah(m .andagat e (m .atit#amale#shana a +amah(m adhn a a +amah(m 1adhn apat e (m 1adn agoptre +amah(m 1andn aphalprada a +amah(m ashas#ara a (m 1ogagam a a +amah(m 1agni#a a +amah(m 1ach#apri a a (m 5asa a +amah(m 5aspri a a +amah(m 5as a a +amah(m 5an*#a a (m 5avanarchita a +amah(m 5a*ora#sha#ara a +amah(m 5athnagharbha a (m 5a* asu#hprad a +amah(m 7a#sha a +amah(m 7a#shaprada a (m 7a#sha a +amah(m 7a astha a +amah(m 7addu#pri a a (m 7aas apara a +amah(m 7abh#ullo#avishruta a +amah(m 3aran a a (m 3annivadana a +amah(m 3aran a a +amah(m 3annivddanan a (m 3ann a a +amah(m 3edantgochara a +amah(m 3edangochara a (m 3i#arne +amah(m 3ishwatasch acha#shushe +amah(m 3idhatre (m 3ishwatomu#ha a +amah(m 3aamdeva a +amah(m 3ishwanetre (m 3a*riva*ranivana a +amah(m 3ishwabandhanvisha#ambhadhara a (m 3ishweswarprabhave +amah(m )habdhabrahmne +amah(m )hamprap a a +amah (m )hambhusha#tiganeshwara a +amah(m )hastre +amah(m )hi#hagranila a (m )haran a a +amah(m )hi#reswara a +amah(m )hadhrutu#usumastragvine (m )hadadhara a +amah(m )hada#shara a +amah(m )ausarnanda a (m )aruvadna a +amah(m )arvbheshe*bhes*a a +amah(m )rushtistitila a#rida a (m )ru#un*arbhedna a +amah(m )indhuritmaha#umbha a +amah (m )adsva ad#rida a#a a +amah(m )a#shine +amah(m )amuradamanthana a (m )vaswamved a a +amah(m )vada#shina a +amah(m )watantra a (m )at asan#alpa a +amah(m )aamgaanarta a +amah(m )u#hine (m Havsa a +amah(m Hastipisachisa a +amah(m Havana a (m Hav a#av abhu*e +amah(m Hav a a +amah(m Hutatpri a a (m Harsha a +amah(m Hale#hamantramadh aga a +amah(m ;sherradhipa a +amah (m )hamabharte +amah(m )hamaparpara ana a +amah(m )hipra#shem#ara a +amah (m )hemananda a +amah(m )honisurdhrubha a +amah(m $hrmapada a (m ,rthda a +amah(m ;aamdaatre +amah(m )aubhag avardhana a (m 3id aprada a +amah(m 3ibhavda a +amah(m 4hu#imu#tiphalprada a (m ,abhirup a#ara a +amah(m 3irshriprada a +amah(m 3i*a prada a (m )arvavash a#ara a +amah(m Garbhadoshghne +amah(m -utra -autrada a (m .edhada a +amah(m ;irtida a +amah(m )ho#hanine (m $orbhag anaashina a +amah(m -rativadimu#hastambha a (m 5ushtachiprasadna a +amah(m -arabhichaarshamna a (m $u#hbhan*an#ar#a a +amah(m 7ava a +amah(m "rute +amah(m ;ala e (m ;asta e +amah(m +imisha a +amah(m "atpara a +amah(m ;shana a (m Ghata e +amah(m .uhurta e +amah(m -rahara a +amah(m $iva (m +a#ta +amah(m ,harnisham +amah(m -a#sha a +amah(m .asa a (m , ana a +amah(m 3arsha a +amah(m 1uga a namah(m ;alpa a (m .ahala a +amah(m 5ash e +amah(m "ara e +amah(m "itha e (m 1oga a +amah(m 3ara a +amah(m ;arna a +amah(m ,aunsha#a a (m 7agna a +amah(m Hora a e +amah(m ;aalcha#ra a +amah(m .erve (m )aptarshibh o +amah(m $hruva a +amah(m 5ahave +amah(m .anda a
+amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah
(m ;av e +amah(m Ji a a +amah(m 4udha a +amah(m 4hauma a +amah (m )hashine +amah(m 5a a e +amah(m ;ala a +amah(m )hrust e +amah (m )thit e +amah(m 3ishwasthavar*ungmanch ate +amah(m 4huve +amah (m ,drupbh o +amah(m ,gna e +amah(m .arute +amah(m 3 omne +amah (m ,hang#rut e +amah(m -ra#rut e +amah(m -unse +amah(m 4rahmne +amah (m 3ishnawe +amah(m )hiva a +amah(m 5udra a +amah(m Isha a +amah (m )ha#t e +amah(m )adashiva a +amah(m "ridashebh o +amah(m -itrubh o +amah (m 1a#sh ebh o +amah(m 5a#sh obh o +amah(m ;innarebh o +amah (m )adh ebh o +amah(m 3id adharebh o +amah(m 4hootebh o +amah (m .an ushebh o +amah(m -ashubh o +amah(m ;hagebh o +amah (m )amudrebh o +amah(m )aridhh o +amah(m )hailebh o +amah (m 4hoota a +amah(m 4hav a a +amah(m 4havodbhava a +amah (m )angh#h a a +amah(m -atan*ala a +amah(m 1oga a +amah(m -uranebh o +amah (m )hrut e +amah(m )mrut e +amah(m 3edangebh o +amah(m )adachaara a +amah (m .imawsa e +amah(m + a vistara a +amah(m , urveda a +amah (m $hanurveda a +amah(m Gandharva a +amah(m ;av anat#a a +amah (m 3ai#hansa a +amah(m 4hagvata a +amah(m )atvata a +amah(m -ancharan#a a +amah (m )haiva a +amah(m -ashupata a +amah(m ;aalmu#ha a +amah (m 4hairavshsana a +amah(m )haa#ta a +amah(m 3aina a#a a +amah (m )aura a +amah(m Jaina a +amah(m ,ahantasaunhita a +amah(m )at e +amah (m ,asat e +amah(m 3 a#ta a +amah(m , a#ta a +amah(m )achetna a +amah (m ,chetna a +amah(m 3andha a namah(m .o#sha a +amah(m )u#ha a +amah (m 4hoga a +amah(m , oga a +amah(m )at a a +amah(m ,anve +amah (m .ahate namah(m )wasit +amah(m Hu +amah(m 6annum +amah(m )vadha +amah (m )vaha +amah(m )hraushnaam +amah(m 3owshnaam +amah(m 3ashanaam +amah (m +amo +amah(m + ana a +amaha(m 3idn ana a +amah(m ,nanda a +amah (m 4odha a +amah(m )avanvide +amah(m )hama a +amah(m 1ama a +amah (m E#asma e +amah(m E#ashdhara a +amah(m E#ashparanara ana a +amah (m E#agradhi e +amah(m E#vira a +amah(m E#ane#swaroopdhrushe +amah (m $wi 5upa a namah(m $wi 4hu*a a +amah(m 3 adha#sha a +amah (m $wirda a +amah(m $wipva#sha#a a +amah(m $wematura a +amah (m $widna a +amah(m $wandantita a +amah(m $wa atiga a +amah (m "ridhamne +amah(m "ri#ara a +amah(m "retatrivargaphalda a +amah (m "rigunatmane +amah(m "rilo#da e +amah(m "risha#tisha a +amah (m "rilochana a +amah(m 2haturbhaharve +amah(m 2hatudantarna a +amah (m 2haturtamane +amah(m 2haturmu#ha a +amah(m 2hatuvirdhopa ama a a +amah (m 2haturvarnashramashra a +amah(m 2hatu 3irdhav 2hovrutti -arivruttipravart#a a +amah (m 2haturthi -u*an -rita a +amah(m 2haturthi "ithi )ambhava a +amah (m -ancha#sharatmane +amah(m -anchatmane +amah(m -anchas a a +amah (m -anch#rut a#rute +amah(m -anchadhara a +amah(m -anchavarana a +amah (m -ancha#sharpara ana a +amah(m -anchtala a +amah(m -anch#ara a +amah (m -anchpranavbhavita a +amah(m -panchbhrama asphurt e +amah (m -anchavaranvarita a +amah(m -anchbha#shapri a a +amah(m -anchbana a +amah (m -anchshivatma#a a +amah(m )hasta#onpitha a +amah(m )hastacha#radhamne +amah (m )hastagranithbhedada a +amah(m )hadadhvadhvantvidhwansine +amah (m )handgulmahahr ada a +amah(m )hanmu#ha a +amah(m )hanmu#hbhrave +amah (m )hastasha#liparivarita a +amah(m )hadavairivargvidhwansine +amah (m )hadamirbha abhan*ana a +amah(m )hastat#ardura a +amah (m )hasta#armanirta a +amah(m )hadrashasra a +amah(m )aptapatalcharana a +amah (m )aptadviporupmandala a +amah(m )aptaswarlo#mu#uta a +amah (m )aptangra* asu#hda a +amah(m )aptarshiganmandita a +amah (m )aptachandonidh e +amah(m )aptahotre +amah(m )aptasvarashra a +amah (m )aptadhi#eli#asara a +amah(m )aptagatrunishevita a +amah (m )aptachandomodmada a +amah(m )aptachandoma#hphrabhve +amah
(m ,astamurtidhe amurt e +amah(m ,astapra#urti#arna a (m ,astang ogphalbhuve +amah(m ,astpatrambu*asana a (m ,asstasha#tisamrudhishri e +amah(m ,ashta eaishwari aprad #a a (m ,astaphitopphitshri e +amah(m ,astamatrusamavruta a (m ,astabhairavsevv a a +amah(m ,astavasuvandha a +amah(m ,astamurtibhrute (m ,astacha#rasphuranmurt e +amah(m ,astadrav ahavimpri aa a (m +avnagasanadh asine +amah(m +avnidh anushasitre (m +avdwarpuradhara a +amah(m +avadharni#etana a (m +avnara anshita a +amah(m +avdurganishevita a (m +avanathmahanatha a +amah(m +avnagvibhusna a (m +avratnavichitranga a +amah(m +avsha#tishirodhruta a (m $ashatma#a a +amah(m $ashabhu*a a +amah(m $ashadi#apativandita a (m $ashadh a a a +amah(m $ashaprana a +amah(m $ashendri aam#a a (m $asha#sharmahamantra a +amah(m $ashashav apivigraha a (m E#adashadibhirudremstuta a +amah(m E#adasha#shara a (m $wadashdandadodarnda a +amah(m $wedshantani#etana a (m "ra odasbhidabhinnavishwedevadhidevata a +amah(m 2hatushendravarda a (m 2hatudarshamanuprabhave +amah(m 2hatudarshadivid adh a a +amah (m 2hatudarsha*agatprabhave +amah(m )aampanchddasha a (m -anchadashshitanshunimarla a +amah(m )hodadarnila a (m )hodasswarmatru#a a +amah(m -rodshantpadvasa a (m )hodshendu#alama#a a +amah(m ;aalsaptadash e +amah(m )aptadasha a (m )aptadasha#shara a +amah(m ,ashtadashdvippat e +amah(m ,astadashapuran#rute (m ,astadashosdhisrust e +amah(m ,astadashvidhismruta a (m ,ashtadashalipi ashtimsamisthan an#ovida a +amah(m E#vinsha aunse (m E#vinsht angullipallava a +amah(m 2hatuvirshatitatvatmane (m -anchvinshasha# apursha a +amah(m )aptavinshanitaresha a (m )aptavinshanti og#rute +amah(m $watrinshatbhairavadhisha a (m 2hatunishtrashanmamahahrida a +amah(m )hastatrinshattatvasambhoot e (m ,astatrinshat#alanatve +amah(m +amode#onpanchashanmarudvarganirgarla a (m -anchashda#sharshren e +amah(m -anchasdrudravigraha a (m -anchashamatru#ala a +amah(m $vipanchasdvapushren e (m "rishasta a#sharsanshra a +amah(m 2hatrumshasta arnaninetre +amah (m 2hatushshasti#alridh e +amah(m 2hatushshastimahasidhi oginivrindhvandita a (m ,astashastimahatrithshe#trabhairavbhavana a +amah(m 2haturnarvatimantratmane (m )haanvat adhi#phrabhave +amah(m )hantananda a +amah(m )hatdhrut e (m )hatpatra ate#shana a +amah(m )hatani#a a +amah(m )hatma#ha a (m )hatdharav udha a +amah(m )ahastrapatranila a +amah(m )ahastraphanmushna a (m )ahastrashirnepursha a +amah(m )ahastrasha#asha a +amah(m )ahastrapad e (m )ahastranaamsanstuta a +amah(m )ahastra#shapalapaha a (m $ashasahastraphanbhritphaniraa*#rutasana a +amah (m ,astashitisahastra adhmaharshistotra anitrata a (m 7a#shadishpri adhava a +amah(m 7a#shadharmanoma a a (m 2haturla#shapra#ashita a +amah(m 2haturla#sha*apprita a (m 2haturshitila#shana*ivanadehsansthita a +amah(m ;otisur aprati#asha a (m ;otichandrashunirmala a +amah(m )hivabhavadh usta#otivina a#dhurandhara a (m )apta#otimahamantramanitratava adh ute +amah (m "ra asintrashat#otisurshrenipranatpadu#a a (m ,nantatmane +amah(m ,nantshri e +amah(m Harasunave +amah(m Guhagra*a a (m E#adanta a +amah(m Ga*adanta a +amah(m 4atave +amah(m )uragran a a (m 2haturbhu*a a +amah(m 3ina a#a a +amah(m )arvesvara a +amah
+amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah +amah
7(5$ ;5I)H+,
,vatar of 7ord 3ishnu 4orn to 3asudev and $eva#i, raised b +andalal and 1ashoda in Go#ula (ther siblings8 elder brother, 4alram, considered to be an avatar of )heshnagh His Guru8 )ri )andipani!*i His favourite mantras8
'$ Na$o (hagvate Vasu)eva and '$ Vasu)eva$ suta$ )eva$ *ansa +harur var)ana$ Deva,i -ar$a nan)a$ *rishna$ van)e jagatguru $a of 4irth8 /ednesda at midnight "ime of 4irth8 ?PPP ears ago -lace of birth8 in a prison in .athura 3rindavan, three hours drive from +ew $elhi %site open for darshan ever da & 6avorite da 8 /ednesda 6avorite scripture8 4hagavad Gita and )rimad 4hagavatam 6avorite offerings8 "ulsi leaves, 2ow mil#, curd, misri %sugar cand &, ellow flowers, ellow clothes, bananas .onthl fasting8 E#adasi, twice a month /ives8 16,1PA B favorites ! 5u#hmani and 5adha 6avorite pastime while on earth8 loo#ing after cows, from which he derives the name Gopal 6estivals in his honour8 )ri ;rishna Janam ,shtami
Highlights of his life on earth8 ;illing 5a*ah ;ansa B the demon ;ing ;illing -utna B who was sent b 5a*ah ;ansa to capture 7ord ;rishna 5aising Govardhan mountain on one finger for seven da s to protect the people of 3rindavan from floods. 2hasing awa ;ali +agh from 1amuna 5iver. ;ali nagh used to terrorise the people of 3rindavan ,ssisting ,r*una in .ahabharat war 5eciting 4hagavad Gita to ,r*una in ;uru#shetra before the start of the .ahabharat battle.
HE,7I+G -(/E5) (6 "07)I 7E,6! H(71 4,)I7 .he /n+o$-ara&le 0ueen o1 Her&s
,ll of us #now too well that "ulsi or sometimes referred as Hol 4asil is so divine for )ri Hari 3ishnu bha#ti. "he tulsi leaves or its seeds are offered to all )ri Hari 3ishnu avtaars ! li#e )ri 5am, )ri ;rishna and )ri +arsingh. ,rdent )ri 5am's bha#t, )ri Hanuman*i is also easil pleased with the offering of "ulsi patram. "he "ulsi 7eaf is also a herbal remed for a lot of common human bod ailments. /23'4.5N. 657.S 5('8. .8LS/ 35.452 What you Should DO: 1. (ffer the patram to Sri Hari Vishnu and his avtaars dail . If fresh leaves are not available then use leaves pic#ed previous da or those fallen on ground. 2. 4e ta#en in mouth after offering to Gods as prasad. $o not bite on this auspicious leaf, rather swallow if unable to #eep in mouth for long. 3. 7ight a di a %lamp out of ghee& under "ulsi plant dail or =6? di as on ;arti# -urnima to ma#e up for da s missed during the ear. What you Should NOT DO: 1. -ic# the leaves on8 a. "uesda s, 6rida s and )unda s b. (n -urnima and E#adashi da s c. 4efore sunrise or after sunset d. $uring )uuta#!ie times of mourning after a famil death e. ,fter birth of a new born 2. )hould +(" pic#ed with shoes on or without ta#ing a shower. 29D/7/N5L (9N96/.S '6 8S/NG .8LS/ L956 :Holy (asil; "he tulsi or hol basil is an important s mbol in the Hindu religious tradition and is worshipped in the morning and evening b Hindus at large. "he hol basil is also a herbal remed for a lot of common ailments. "he list below has some of the important medicinal uses of tulsi. 1. Healing 3o%er< "ulsi plant has multiple medicinal elements. "he leaves are a nerve tonic and also sharpen memor . "he promote the removal of the catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. "he leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. "he seed of the plant are mucilaginous. 2. 6ever = 7o$$on 7ol)< "he leaves of basil are specific for man fevers. In parts of India, during the rain season, when malaria and dengue fever are widel prevalent, tender leaves, boiled with tea, act as preventive against these diseases. In case of acute fevers, a decoction of the leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in half a litre of water and mi9ed with sugar and mil# brings down the temperature. "he *uice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever. E9tracts of tulsi leaves in fresh water should be given ever ' to = hours. In between one can #eep giving sips of cold water. In children, it is ver effective in bringing down the temperature. 3. 7oughs< "ulsi is an important constituent of man , urvedic cough s rups and e9pectorants. It helps to mobiliGe mucus in bronchitis and asthma. 2hewing tulsi leaves relieves cold and flu. 4. Sore .hroat< /ater boiled with basil leaves can be ta#en as drin# in case of sore throat. "his water can also be used as a gargle. 5. 4es-iratory Disor)er< "he herb is useful in the treatment of respirator s stem disorder. , decoction of the leaves, with hone and ginger is an effective remed for bronchitis, asthma, influenGa, cough and cold. , decoction of the leaves, cloves and common salt also gives immediate relief in case of influenGa. "he should be boiled in half a litre of water till onl half the water is left and add then ta#en. 6. *i)ney Stone< has strengthening effect on the #idne . In case of renal stone the *uice of basil leaves and hone , if ta#en regularl for 6 months it will e9pel them via the urinar tract.
. Heart Disor)er< 4asil has a beneficial effect in cardiac disease and the wea#ness resulting from them. It reduces the level of blood cholesterol. !. 7hil)ren>s 5il$ents< 2ommon paediatrics problems li#e cough cold, fever, diarrhoea and vomiting respond favourabl to the *uice of basil leaves. If pustules of chic#en po9 dela their appearance, basil leaves ta#en with saffron will hasten them. ". Stress< "ulsi leaves are regarded as an FadaptogenF or anti!stress agent. 5ecent studies have shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress. Even health persons can chew 1' leaves of basil, twice a da , to prevent stress. It purifies blood and helps prevent several common elements. 1#. 2outh /n1e+tions< "he leaves are Euite effective for the ulcer and infections in the mouth. , few leaves dail will help cure these conditions. 11. /nse+t (ites< "he herb is a proph lactic or preventive and curative for insect stings or bites. , teaspoonful of the *uice of the leaves is ta#en and is repeated after a few hours. 6resh *uice must also be applied to the affected parts. , paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches. 12. S,in Disor)ers< ,pplied locall , basil *uice is beneficial in the treatment of ringworm and other s#in diseases. It has also been tried successfull b some naturopaths in the treatment of leucoderma. 13. .eeth Disor)er< "he herb is useful in teeth disorders. -owdered Rdr the leaves in sun and grind to powderS leaves can be used for brushing teeth. It can also be mi9ed with mustered oil to ma#e a paste and used as toothpaste. "his is ver good for maintaining dental health, counteracting bad breath and for massaging the gums. It is also useful in p orrhoea and other teeth disorders. 14. Hea)a+hes< 4asil ma#es a good medicine for headache. , decoction of the leaves can be given for this disorder. -ounded leaves mi9ed with sandalwood paste can also be applied on the forehead for getting relief from heat, headache, and for providing coolness in general. 15. 9ye Disor)ers< "ulsi *uice is an effective remed for sore e es and night!blindness, which is generall caused b deficienc of vitamin ,. "wo drops of blac# basil *uice are put into the e es dail at bedtime. '.H94 /23'4.5N. D9.5/LS .' N'.9 :1; "07)I patram should not be offered to all other Gods and Godesses as "ulsi or Vrinda Devi gained her blessings onl from )ri Hari 3ishnu. :2; "07)I patram should not be mi9ed with -an+ha< $int as it is used for 5vishe, of all Gods and Godesses'. :3; "07)I mala or bead should be worn around nec# at all times. "he beads made out of dr tulsi stem have divine Eualities that guarantee $o,sha or li&eration to the wearer of such mala. :4; "07)I is always pure and unli#e other flowersTleaves should not be washed before offering. .