Bridon Service Procedures SP - 45

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Revision Amendment Detail Prepared By E !oe"ield

MMSL-0 !

P"#$ 1 %& !
Approved By ! #ain Date !uly $ %

C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ S,$.*&*."'*%+5L$#*/-"'*%+ A,,-*."8-$ T$/' P(%%& L%"7/

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MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ E<"2*+"'*%+ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/

MMSL-0 !

P"#$ 2 %& !

S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$(5P"--$' T(1.65H)7("1-*. F-%%( C("+$ T4%(%1#4 E<"2*+"'*%+ (=*/1"-)

T&e t&orou'& examination (ill comprise o" )ut not limited to t&e "ollo(in'* 1>0 +,+ +,$ +,/ +,0 +,1 +,% +,2 +,3 +,6 +,+ +,++ +,+$ E<"2*+"'*%+ P(%.$71($/ (S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$() Examine t&e 'eneral condition o" t&e mac&ine structure- ensurin' t&at it is "ree "rom contamination and t&at it is not de"ormed or t(isted in any (ay (&ic& could a""ect t&e sa"e operation o" t&e mac&ine, Examine all (&eels and )earin's "or smoot&ness o" operation- (ear- de"ormation and crac.s, Examine )ra.e "or operation, Examine "or.s "or de"ormation and t(ists- ensure t&at "or.s are level, Examine t&e "or. support "rame- mast and )ase steel(or. "or impact dama'e and distortion, Ensure t&at mast roller 'uides rotate "reely, Examine all &ydraulic pipe (or. "ittin's "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and lea.s at seals- ensure t&at t&ey are correctly "itted and secure, Examine &ydraulic pump "or mec&anical dama'e- c&ec. oil level is correct, 4unction test to c&ec. operation o" non5return valve, Examine pump piston "or lea.s and seals, Examine &ydraulic cylinder "or (ear- mec&anical dama'e and corrosion, Pump ram up to its "ull stro.e and examine "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and corrosion, 4unction test mac&ine t&rou'& its complete ran'e o" operations, NOTE? ") E<"2*+$ '4$ 3*($ (%,$9 .4"*+ "+7 /4$"@$/ *+ "..%(7"+.$ 3*'4 '4$ ($-$@"+' $<"2*+"'*%+ ,(%.$71($/> 8) S4%1-7 '4$ 2".4*+$ 8$ 2"+1"- *+ %,$("'*%+9 *' 3*-- 8$ &*''$7 3*'4 " 3*+.4 1+*'9 '4$ 3*+.4 /4%1-7 8$ $<"2*+$7 *+ "..%(7"+.$ 3*'4 '4$ ($-$@"+' $<"2*+"'*%+ ,(%.$71($>

MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ E<"2*+"'*%+ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/

MMSL-0 !

P"#$ 3 %& !

S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$(5P"--$' T(1.65H)7("1-*. F-%%( C("+$ T4%(%1#4 E<"2*+"'*%+ (=*/1"-)

E<"2*+"'*%+ (S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$() (C%+'*+1$7) 2>0 $,+ $,$ $,/ $,0 E<"2*+"'*%+ P(%.$71($ (P"--$' T(1.6) Examine t&e 'eneral condition o" t&e truc. structure- ensure t&at it is "ree "rom contamination and t&at it is not distorted- de"ormed or t(isted in any (ay (&ic& (ould a""ect t&e sa"e operation, Examine all (&eels and )earin's "or smoot&ness o" operation- (ear- de"ormation and crac.s, Examine "or.s- ensure t&at t&ey are not de"ormed or t(isted and t&at t&ey are in t&e same plane and level, Raise t&e truc. and examine t&e cylinder "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and lea.s at seal- t&ere s&ould )e a t&in "ilm o" oil t&at lu)ricates t&e piston, I" lea.a'e occurs- a ne( seal .it "or t&e pump and li"t piston s&ould )e "itted and t&e pallet truc. tested, Ensure t&at t&e controls are clearly mar.ed (it& direction o" operation, 4unction test to ensure truc. raises and lo(ers correctly, E<"2*+"'*%+ P(%.$71($ (H)7("1-*. F-%%( C("+$) Examine t&e structure "or (ear- impact dama'e and corrosion- ensure t&at all "ixin' )olts are correctly "itted and secure- all (elds are intact and "ree "rom crac.s, Examine t&e 7i) and extensions "or (ear- impact dama'e and corrosion- ensure "reedom o" movement and t&at t&e locatin' &oles line up properly and are not elon'ated, Examine t&e &oo. "or (ear- distortion- stretc&- nic.s- 'ou'es and scores- ensure t&at it rotates /% de'rees t&at t&e sa"ety catc& is "itted and "unctions correctly, Examine t&e &ydraulic pump unit "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and lea.s at seals- ensure t&at it &as )een correctly "itted and is secure and t&at t&e operatin' &andle is not (orn or distorted, Examine t&e (&eels "or (ear and ensure t&at t&ey are properly "itted- secure and s(ivel and rotate correctly, Examine &oses and "ittin's "or nic.s- 'ou'es- corrosion or lea.a'e, Ensure oil levels are satis"actory,

$,1 3>0 /,+ /,$ /,/ /,0 /,1 /,% /,2

MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ E<"2*+"'*%+ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/

MMSL-0 !


%& !

S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$(5P"--$' T(1.65H)7("1-*. F-%%( C("+$ T4%(%1#4 E<"2*+"'*%+ (=*/1"-)

E<"2*+"'*%+ (S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$() (C%+'*+1$7) >0 I& "+) &"1-'/ "($ &%1+7 "' '4$ '*2$ %& $<"2*+"'*%+9 34*.4 3%1-7 "&&$.' '4$ /"&$ 1/$ %& '4$ *'$29 '4$+ *' 21/' 8$ 3*'47("3+ &(%2 /$(@*.$ "+7 7$'"*-/ ($.%(7$7 %+ '4$ I+/,$.'*%+ R$,%('>

MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ T$/' 1>0 +,+ +,$ +,/ +,0 +,1 +,% +,2 +,3 2>0 $,+ $,$ $,/ T$/' P(%.$71($ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/

MMSL-0 !

P"#$ ! %& !

S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$(5P"--$' T(1.65H)7("1-*. F-%%( C("+$ N$39 R$,"*(9 M%7*&*$7

Pallet Stac.ers 8 S(itc& 9ear :i"ters 8 ;<D 4loor Crane #anual Pallet Stac.ers 8 S(itc& 9ear :i"ters T&e (inc& unit s&ould )e load tested to S=: > 1 ? prior to installation, It s&ould also )e operated so t&at one complete revolution o" all (' parts is attained, Re5inspect ensurin' load test &as s&o(n any de"ects, S&ould t&e unit &ave &ydraulic rams "unction test t&ese to ensure no de"ects o" lea.s are apparent, =&en re5assem)ly is completed set up t&e units "or proo" testin', :oc. caster8(&eels- load t&e units to S=: > $1? and raise to maximum li"t &ei'&ts to prove sta)ility, @T&e client may (is& to (itness testsA, Re5examine unit a"ter test to ensure all is secure @BDT8#PI examination may )e reCuestedA, I" all correct &ard stamp ID Bo and S=:, Issue T&orou'& Examination Report, Ensure t&e security o" &oldin' do(n )olts- c&ec. t&e (eldin'8clampin' is adeCuate and "ree "rom corrosion8distortion, P"--$' T(1.6 (M"+1"-) 4unction test t&e pallet t&rou'& all motions- i" all correct proceed (it& proo" test, :oad t&e truc. evenly across t&e "or. to its "ull S=:, Carry out "unction t&rou'& all motions, I" all is correct &ard stamp ID Bo and S=:, Issue T&orou'& Examination Report,

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