Bridon Service Procedures SP - 45
Bridon Service Procedures SP - 45
Bridon Service Procedures SP - 45
MMSL-0 !
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Approved By ! #ain Date !uly $ %
L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/ S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$(5P"--$' T(1.65H)7("1-*. F-%%( C("+$ M"+1&".'1($(/ S,$.*&*."'*%+ NDT I+/,$.'*%+ P(%.$71($ N$39 R$,"*($79 M%7*&*$7 SWL : 2!; H"+7 W*+.4 - SWL : !0; P"--$' T(1.6 - SWL O+-) A/ ,$( SI 2307 LOLER C-*$+'/ P-"++$7 M"*+'$+"+.$ S.4$2$ C-*$+' U+*01$ ID N%9 SWL9 T$/' D"'$9 C%-%1( C%7$ EC D$.-"("'*%+ %& C%+&%(2*') D$.-"("'*%+ %& I+.%(,%("'*%+ T4%(%1#4 E<"2*+"'*%+ R$,%(' &%( C4"*+/ T4%(%1#4 E<"2*+"'*%+ R$,%(' &%( F%(6/ "+7 T(1.6 NDT E<"2*+"'*%+ R$,%('
MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ E<"2*+"'*%+ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/
MMSL-0 !
P"#$ 2 %& !
T&e t&orou'& examination (ill comprise o" )ut not limited to t&e "ollo(in'* 1>0 +,+ +,$ +,/ +,0 +,1 +,% +,2 +,3 +,6 +,+ +,++ +,+$ E<"2*+"'*%+ P(%.$71($/ (S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$() Examine t&e 'eneral condition o" t&e mac&ine structure- ensurin' t&at it is "ree "rom contamination and t&at it is not de"ormed or t(isted in any (ay (&ic& could a""ect t&e sa"e operation o" t&e mac&ine, Examine all (&eels and )earin's "or smoot&ness o" operation- (ear- de"ormation and crac.s, Examine )ra.e "or operation, Examine "or.s "or de"ormation and t(ists- ensure t&at "or.s are level, Examine t&e "or. support "rame- mast and )ase steel(or. "or impact dama'e and distortion, Ensure t&at mast roller 'uides rotate "reely, Examine all &ydraulic pipe (or. "ittin's "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and lea.s at seals- ensure t&at t&ey are correctly "itted and secure, Examine &ydraulic pump "or mec&anical dama'e- c&ec. oil level is correct, 4unction test to c&ec. operation o" non5return valve, Examine pump piston "or lea.s and seals, Examine &ydraulic cylinder "or (ear- mec&anical dama'e and corrosion, Pump ram up to its "ull stro.e and examine "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and corrosion, 4unction test mac&ine t&rou'& its complete ran'e o" operations, NOTE? ") E<"2*+$ '4$ 3*($ (%,$9 .4"*+ "+7 /4$"@$/ *+ "..%(7"+.$ 3*'4 '4$ ($-$@"+' $<"2*+"'*%+ ,(%.$71($/> 8) S4%1-7 '4$ 2".4*+$ 8$ 2"+1"- *+ %,$("'*%+9 *' 3*-- 8$ &*''$7 3*'4 " 3*+.4 1+*'9 '4$ 3*+.4 /4%1-7 8$ $<"2*+$7 *+ "..%(7"+.$ 3*'4 '4$ ($-$@"+' $<"2*+"'*%+ ,(%.$71($>
MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ E<"2*+"'*%+ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/
MMSL-0 !
P"#$ 3 %& !
E<"2*+"'*%+ (S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$() (C%+'*+1$7) 2>0 $,+ $,$ $,/ $,0 E<"2*+"'*%+ P(%.$71($ (P"--$' T(1.6) Examine t&e 'eneral condition o" t&e truc. structure- ensure t&at it is "ree "rom contamination and t&at it is not distorted- de"ormed or t(isted in any (ay (&ic& (ould a""ect t&e sa"e operation, Examine all (&eels and )earin's "or smoot&ness o" operation- (ear- de"ormation and crac.s, Examine "or.s- ensure t&at t&ey are not de"ormed or t(isted and t&at t&ey are in t&e same plane and level, Raise t&e truc. and examine t&e cylinder "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and lea.s at seal- t&ere s&ould )e a t&in "ilm o" oil t&at lu)ricates t&e piston, I" lea.a'e occurs- a ne( seal .it "or t&e pump and li"t piston s&ould )e "itted and t&e pallet truc. tested, Ensure t&at t&e controls are clearly mar.ed (it& direction o" operation, 4unction test to ensure truc. raises and lo(ers correctly, E<"2*+"'*%+ P(%.$71($ (H)7("1-*. F-%%( C("+$) Examine t&e structure "or (ear- impact dama'e and corrosion- ensure t&at all "ixin' )olts are correctly "itted and secure- all (elds are intact and "ree "rom crac.s, Examine t&e 7i) and extensions "or (ear- impact dama'e and corrosion- ensure "reedom o" movement and t&at t&e locatin' &oles line up properly and are not elon'ated, Examine t&e &oo. "or (ear- distortion- stretc&- nic.s- 'ou'es and scores- ensure t&at it rotates /% de'rees t&at t&e sa"ety catc& is "itted and "unctions correctly, Examine t&e &ydraulic pump unit "or mec&anical dama'e- scorin' and lea.s at seals- ensure t&at it &as )een correctly "itted and is secure and t&at t&e operatin' &andle is not (orn or distorted, Examine t&e (&eels "or (ear and ensure t&at t&ey are properly "itted- secure and s(ivel and rotate correctly, Examine &oses and "ittin's "or nic.s- 'ou'es- corrosion or lea.a'e, Ensure oil levels are satis"actory,
MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ E<"2*+"'*%+ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/
MMSL-0 !
%& !
E<"2*+"'*%+ (S3*'.4 G$"( L*&'$() (C%+'*+1$7) >0 I& "+) &"1-'/ "($ &%1+7 "' '4$ '*2$ %& $<"2*+"'*%+9 34*.4 3%1-7 "&&$.' '4$ /"&$ 1/$ %& '4$ *'$29 '4$+ *' 21/' 8$ 3*'47("3+ &(%2 /$(@*.$ "+7 7$'"*-/ ($.%(7$7 %+ '4$ I+/,$.'*%+ R$,%('>
MMSL SERVICE PROCEDURES Examination and Test Procedures THOROUGH EXAMINATION AND TEST OF LIFTING APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SI2306 (PUWER) SI2307 1998 (LOLER) C"'$#%() E01*,2$+' D$/.(*,'*%+ T$/' 1>0 +,+ +,$ +,/ +,0 +,1 +,% +,2 +,3 2>0 $,+ $,$ $,/ T$/' P(%.$71($ L*&'*+# A,,-*"+.$/
MMSL-0 !
P"#$ ! %& !
Pallet Stac.ers 8 S(itc& 9ear :i"ters 8 ;<D 4loor Crane #anual Pallet Stac.ers 8 S(itc& 9ear :i"ters T&e (inc& unit s&ould )e load tested to S=: > 1 ? prior to installation, It s&ould also )e operated so t&at one complete revolution o" all (' parts is attained, Re5inspect ensurin' load test &as s&o(n any de"ects, S&ould t&e unit &ave &ydraulic rams "unction test t&ese to ensure no de"ects o" lea.s are apparent, =&en re5assem)ly is completed set up t&e units "or proo" testin', :oc. caster8(&eels- load t&e units to S=: > $1? and raise to maximum li"t &ei'&ts to prove sta)ility, @T&e client may (is& to (itness testsA, Re5examine unit a"ter test to ensure all is secure @BDT8#PI examination may )e reCuestedA, I" all correct &ard stamp ID Bo and S=:, Issue T&orou'& Examination Report, Ensure t&e security o" &oldin' do(n )olts- c&ec. t&e (eldin'8clampin' is adeCuate and "ree "rom corrosion8distortion, P"--$' T(1.6 (M"+1"-) 4unction test t&e pallet t&rou'& all motions- i" all correct proceed (it& proo" test, :oad t&e truc. evenly across t&e "or. to its "ull S=:, Carry out "unction t&rou'& all motions, I" all is correct &ard stamp ID Bo and S=:, Issue T&orou'& Examination Report,