MCC Minutes
MCC Minutes
MCC Minutes
MCC Officers and Members present: 1.) Bonifacio, Alpha 2.) Calayan, Bea 3.) Chavez, Myra 4.) Gabot, Andrea Adelle 5.) orre!, Al"eane #. $.) %a!on, &anelle MIN !"# O$ !%" M""!IN& he 'eetin( co''enced at 3)45 p'. *re!. Andrea Gabot !tarted it off by a!!i(nin( ta!+! to the other ne,ly elected officer! pre!ent. 1.) M!. Bonifacio, ,ho ,a! elected a! -ice.*re!ident /e0ternal), ,a! a!+ed to obtain contact n%'ber! of la, !t%dent! in other la, !chool! ,ho are active in debatin( and 'ootin( for the p%rpo!e of or(anizin( e0erci!e! ,ith the' a! part of the trainin( of MCC Me'ber!. 2.) M!. %a!on, the ne,ly elected -ice.pre!ident /internal), ,a! directed to foc%! on recr%it'ent. *re!. Gabot told M!. %a!on that if anyone e0pre!!ed their intere!t in "oinin( MCC, then !he ,o%ld have to i''ediately (ive that per!on one ,ee+ to prepare a po!ition paper. he topic of the po!ition paper ,ill co'e fro' M!. Calayan /trainin( 1irector) and it ,ill be i''ediately co''%nicated to the intere!ted applicant. 2e ,ere al!o infor'ed that the inco'in( fre!h'en ,ill be ho%!ed in Ma+ati and that ,e co%ld train there ,itho%t havin( to ,orry abo%t the ti'e beca%!e the Ma+ati Ca'p%! i! available 2434. 3.) M!. orre! /1oc%'entation 5fficer) ,a! in!tr%cted to handle MCC6! doc%'ent!, incl%din( b%t not li'ited to) 70c%!e letter!, letter of re8%e!t!, 'in%te! of the 'eetin(!. *re!. Gabot a!+ed M!. orre! to (ive !pecial attention to MCC! re(i!tration in 59AC9 ,hich ,a! not done la!t !chool year. he re(i!tration ,ill entitle the MCC to have it! o,n office and b%d(et fro' the !chool. :t ,a! e0pected that the re(i!tration ,ill be acco'pli!hed ,ithin the t,o 'onth! !%''er brea+. 4.) M!. Chavez, the #inance 5fficer of MCC, ,a! a!+ed to ta+e care of the 'onthly d%e!. 9he ,a! al!o in!tr%cted to e0a'ine the or(anization6! o%t!tandin( obli(ation! to n%'ero%! individ%al! and to have it paid thr% collection of 'e'ber!hip d%e!. 5.) 5%r trainin( 1irector, M!. Calayan, ,a! in char(e of co'in( %p ,ith idea! on ho, to have re(%lar trainin( !ched%le! and the e0erci!e! nece!!ary to prepare the 'e'ber! for co'petition! ,ithin and o%t!ide the !chool. M!. Calayan ,a! told to have her idea! pre!ented in the ne0t 'eetin(.
=.) :n line ,ith thi!, 1ean 9ta. Maria in!tr%cted the officer! to hold 'oot co%rt drill! e!pecially thi! !%''er ,here he can a!!i!t in the trainin( once a 'onth. *re!. Gabot ,a! told to properly or(anize the !ched%le! of the e0erci!e! that the MCC ,o%ld co'e %p ,ith and infor' hi' abo%t the !a'e. he 'eetin( ad"o%rned at 5)4>p'.