2014-2015 Registration Form

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Jeune Attente Dance Company Class Registration

September 2014-April 2015

Jeune Attente Dance Company classes are officially sponsored by the Fine Arts Department of the Dysart Womens Club. Classes will be held on Saturdays beginning September 6, 2014 at the Dysart Community Building e!cept for selected "aturdays when classes will be held at #nion $iddle "chool in Dysart. Classes are offered for %&year&olds 'must be age % by (o)ember * +,*%- through high school. "tudents study ballet tap .a// and clog depending on their class le)el. $onthly dance fees are as follows0 1e)el *'2, minutes-0 3*4.,,5 1e)els +&6 '6, minutes-0 3+6.,,5 and 1e)els 4 7 8 '9, minutes-0 32+.,,.

Dancers Name:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Date of birth:::::::::::;rade 'Fall +,*%-:::::::: $ailing Address::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<&mail Address:::::::::::::::::::::::: City::::::::::::::::::=ip:::::::::::>hone:::::::::::::::::::::::Cell :::::::::::::::::::::: arent!"uardian Name#s$:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Address and >hone 'if different than dancers- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (ew to Jeune Attente Dance Company? @<" (A Bf new pre)ious dance e!perience0 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $edical conditions the instructor should be aware of0 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: &egistrati'n (ees #)'stume d'*n-payment$ @our child will be considered registered and a spot will be held for himCher once the costume fee has been paid. Registrations must be postmarDed or recei)ed by July *6 +,*%. A +50 late ,ee *ill be added ,'r registrati'ns p'stmar-ed 'r recei.ed a,ter /uly 15, 2014 . >lease maDe checDs or money orders payable to JADCA for the amount below0
>reschool E 6th ;rade0 Registrations recei)edCpostmarDed by July *6 +,*%0 3%,.,, each dancer Registrations recei)edCpostmarDed after July *6 +,*% 3F,.,, each dancer 4th ;rade E Gigh "chool0 Registrations recei)edCpostmarDed by July *6 +,*%0 34,.,, each dancer Registrations recei)edCpostmarDed after July *6 +,*%0 3**,.,, each dancer :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::::

H@our costume fee is non&refundable after "eptember 2, +,*%. Class times will be assigned following the registration deadline. @ou will recei)e a mailing that will state your class le)el and dance fees along with further information. 0'ur registrati'n ,ee d'esnt include any part ', y'ur tuiti'n1 2 *ill n't 3'ld t3e (ine Arts Department, t3e Dysart 4'mens )lub, t3e instruct'rs, 'r any member ', t3e /eune Attente Dance )'mpany parent b'ard resp'nsible in case ', accidents 'r in5uries t3at 'ccur during dance class1

Choose *0 B plan to maDe payments for dance monthly ::::::: semi&annually::::::::yearly::::::: B willC will not allow my childs picture to be posted in the newspaper or on a JADCA internet site. "ignature of parentCguardian::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Date::::::::::::::
lease c'mplete t3is ,'rm and attac3 y'ur payment1 6ail t' /enn Alpers, 1207 4ils'n1, Dysart, 2A 522241 8uesti'ns9 )all /enn Alpers at #641$751-51061

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