Cold Infinity - Main Rulebook
Cold Infinity - Main Rulebook
Cold Infinity - Main Rulebook
Main Rulebook
by Kevin A. Muoz {Beta Version 01.08.2013}
1.0 Introduction
Cold Innity is a tabletop ship-to-ship space combat game, focusing on small engagements at the tactical level. The Main Rulebook and the Ship Systems Book (abbreviated SSB) provide all the rules and tables required to create and play in virtually any space-faring science ction universe you can imagine. The Campaign Rulebook adds additional layers to the standard game, providing rules for conducting long-term campaign games and eet-level combat. The Universe Book contains a whole background universe (and ships) that you can use in your games. If you dont wish to use the supplied background, you are welcome to develop your own ships: the ship design options are presented at the end of the Main Rulebook. Many of the rules presented in this rulebook are considered advanced rules. The headings for these rules are indicated in red, as opposed to the blue headings for the basic rules. Once you have gotten a few games under your belt and feel condent that you understand the basic structure of the game, begin adding advanced rules to your play so that you can experience the full range of possibilities. If you are an experienced tabletop space combat gamer, feel free to dive right into the red rules.
cubes are provided for 1 hexes and 1/2 hexes. As noted above, the 1 cubes are much easier to handle; they are also a lot harder to crush accidentally. Paper and pencils: Each player will need scratch paper and printouts of the ship designation silhouette sheet for each ship in play, as well as turn-by-turn control sheets for each ship. You may also wish to print out copies of the various data sheets found in the SSB. Firing arc cubes and section selection cubes: These are found at the back of the SSB and, like the counter cubes, should be printed on card stock, cut out and folded into cubes. FA cubes and SS cubes are needed only when playing with advanced rules, as they are needed primarily for games that use three dimensional movement.
Because Cold Innity is a universal system, you are free and encouraged to design your own shipsperhaps ships from an existing roleplaying universe, video game, television show or movie. Ship and weapon design assumes that you are using the advanced rules, so you should understand how the full set of rules works before diving into the ship and weapon design instructions. Prefabricated ships (both Basic and Advanced) can be found in the Universe Book, which includes a narrative history that you may wish to use as the basis of your games. The Universe Book also contains a collection of weapon systems designed for that universe, which you may use to build your own ships inside or outside the Cold Innity Universe.
1.3 Terminology
The following terms are used throughout the rulebook. Additional terms will be dened as they appear. DRM: Die roll modier. A DRM is a positive or negative number that is applied to the result of a roll of one or more dice. Facing: The direction in which a line passes between the center of a hex and an adjacent hex. Each hex has six facings, numbered 1 through 6 in a clockwise fashion. The term also refers to the boundary line between a units hex and an adjacent hex (called a hex side). Hex: A single space on the hex map. Ship: A unit with thrusters (i.e., not a stationary structure) capable of movement from one hex to another. Starships and small vessels are all considered ships. Small Vessel: A ghter or shuttle. Starship: A unit with thrusters that is larger than a ghter or shuttle. The largest of these are often called First Rates, Capital Ships or Ships of the Line.
Stationary Structure: A unit without thrusters that cannot move outside its original hex. Stationary structures are not part of the Basic game. Unit: A ghter, shuttle, stationary structure or starship.
Minimum Acceleration
Hex Size
Turn Length
15 seconds 45 seconds 2.5 minutes 7.5 minutes 7 seconds 20 seconds 1 minute 3.5 minutes 4.5 seconds 15 seconds 45 seconds 140 seconds 3 seconds 10 seconds 32 seconds 100 seconds
The units of distance and time in Cold Innity are arbitrary, in order to preserve the universality of the game. Different universes may have thrusters and weapons with different base speeds, and designating the size of a hex beforehand may limit players ability to simulate their favorite universes. However, in the absence of a predetermined map and time scale, players may wish to treat the distance across one hex to be 1 kilometer and the time scale of a single turn to be 15 seconds. Using this scale, accelerating from zero velocity to a Speed of 1 is equivalent to an acceleration of 1 g (9.8 m/s2). For most purposes, the exact map and time scales used will not matter for the mechanics of the game. If your Cold Innity game is part of a larger roleplaying campaign, however, it may matter to know how long the various characters have between turns. For exceptionally long turn lengths (such as the 7.5 minute turns of a minimum-1g game with 1,000km hexes), it may be worthwhile to think of each turn of combat as consisting of dozens if not hundreds of short maneuvers and ring volleys. Each game turn, therefore, only represents the meaningful events during each period. Some baseline options are presented below:
Bouzdykan In Service 2220 12.7 25 3 1 3 Matter (Spd 1) 50cm Utility Railgun 50cm Railgun Missile Racks Cong Dmg Rng RoF Acc Burst 1d6 1/2hex 3+0 +3 Slow Targeting II; Special Ammunition Burst 1d6 1/2hex 3+0 +3 Slow Targeting II Acc +3 +2 DF Pwr 0/0/0 1 0/0/0 1
1 3 4 Forward Armor Hull Forward Thruster F/P Thruster F/S Thruster 50cm Utility Railgun #1 50cm Utility Railgun #2 Reaper #1 Reaper #2 Core Armor Hull Bridge Engine Reactor Sensors (4 pwr) Aft Armor Hull Aft Thruster A/P Thruster A/S Thruster 50cm Railgun #1 50cm Railgun #2 Harbinger #1 Harbinger #2 Structure Data 4 20 8 6 6 2 2 5 5 Structure Data 6 20 10 8 8 16 TL2 4/2 8 8/4 4 3 3
Mag Boost RoF 40 2+0 Harbinger Mk III Specic Munitions 20 1+0 Reaper Mk II Specic Munitions Missiles Harbinger Mk III Reaper Mk IIA Dmg 30 Rng 30
Max Amp x3 +2 x2 +2
20 30 Wild Weasel II
Structure Data 4 20 8 6 6 2 2 10 10 4 3 3
There are three basic hull categories in Cold Innity: Small Vessels (ghters and shuttles), Starships (First through Fourth Rate) and Stationary Structures. Within these categories there are different hull types. These are listed below: Small Vessels Light Fighter Stationary Structures Satellite
Some satellites and weapon platforms will have microthrusters (without engines) that allow them to maneuver slowly within their own hexes. In the advanced rules there is an additional starship type: the mobile base or hyper-dreadnought (the terms are interchangeable). Mobile bases and hyper-dreadnoughts are stationary structures with large thrusters that permit them to travel across hexes very slowly.
Heavy Fighter
Light Shuttle
Light Cruiser Cruiser (2nd Rate) Heavy Cruiser Battlecruiser Battleship Dreadnought (1st Rate) SuperDreadnought
Space Station
First rate ships have seven sections, second rate ships have ve sections, third rate ships have three sections and fourth rate ships have a single section. The hull type of a ship also determines how quickly it can accelerate, how maneuverable it is, how much damage it can take and how many ship systems it can carry (its total allowable Mass).
Cold Innity is turn based. Movement, weapons re and other operations occur at various points during each turn, as specied by the Turn Sequence Outline. Every operation in the game has a place in the Turn Sequence, and cannot be performed outside its place in the sequence. The Basic Turn Sequence is used for games that do not use the advanced red rules. The Advanced Turn Sequence Outline is also found on SSB32. What follows is a brief overview of the Turn Sequence. More detail will be provided in subsequent sections. Many of the terms used here will be dened and described later in the Rulebook. Many of the terms used here will be dened and described later in the Rulebook.
Small vessels (ghters and shuttles) are not involved in the power allocation phase. Trans-Light Drives In addition to standard power allocation, players may activate one or more trans-light drives on their ships during this phase. Trans-light drives that are activated in this phase do not engage until later in the turn (during the Final Actions Step).
During this phase, every ship on the map determines initiative order. Initiative is used to determine the order in
During the Preliminary Actions Step, players prepare their ships for movement and weapons re by allocating power, determining play order (initiative) and assigning electronic warfare points. Guided weapons are also launched during this step (and then strike their targets during the Weapons Fire Step).
During this phase, starships allocate power from their power plants, making sure to cover shortages by deactivating systems. They may also add power to systems that can receive extra power for extended or improved operation.
of different aspects of ship operation, including speed and maneuverability. Lower Initiative ratings are better. Initiative is determined for each ship, not once per side. Base initiative (the initiative a ship possesses at the start of the battle) is equal to the ships Mass (rounded to the nearest whole number), as indicated on the ships SDS, which will in most cases be a number between 1 and 50. Subtract from this number half of the ships speed, up to a maximum of 10 (speed 20), rounded up. Then roll 1d6. Add the resulting number to get the ships current initiative. For small vessels, initial base initiative is equal to the Mass of the vessel multiplied by the number of vessels in the group. On every turn after the rst, treat the previous turns initiative as the Base Initiative and apply the speed and die roll modiers described above. It is possible for a ships initiative rating to go below zero, but initiative may not
vary by more than 20 points above or below the ships Mass. If two ships are determined to have the same Initiative, the one with the higher Mass will move before the other. If both have the same Mass, the one with the higher Initiative on the previous turn will move before the other. If the result is still a tie (or in the case of the rst turn, there was no previous Initiative), both ships roll 1d6 and whichever result is higher moves before the other. It will be clear fairly early that ships that continue to move (and move quickly) will tend to have lower initiative scores over time. The results of Initiative determination must be announced to all players. Fighter Base Initiative Fighters, which are grouped as vanguards, ights and strike forces (see Rule 12), determine their Base Initiative differently. Multiply the Mass of one ghter by the total number of ghters in the group (3, 6 or 12) to determine Base Initiative. Bridge Control Transfer Before initiative is determined, players may choose to transfer ship control from one bridge to another, if their ships have more than one bridge. (If control of a ship has not been transferred from a destroyed bridge, that ship becomes derelict.) Bridge control transfers increase the current initiative of the transferring ship by +5. This penalty is not applied on subsequent turns, although the penalty is included in determining base initiative on the following turn.
secret, only revealed later in the turn, but guided weapon markers are placed in the hexes where they are launched. Stationary Weapon Launch Units deploying stationary weapons (mines, beacons and weapon platforms) begin to do so at this point, after guided weapon launch. The actual deployment does not occur until the Final Actions Step. (Stationary weapon counters are not placed at this time.)
For added realism, players may choose to ignore Initiative and simultaneously plot the movements of their vessels. During this step, each player writes down the maneuvers and accelerations/decelerations that he intends to make, then reveals the movement plot simultaneously with the other players. All movement plots are nal (with the exception of Snap Maneuvers, Rule 5.5.1), and all vessels move at the same time. No changes to a movement plot may be made after the initial reveal. However, in the event that two or more vessels enter the same hex during the same turn, one or more players may choose to ram the other unit(s). If this occurs, immediately suspend movement and complete the actions in Rule 15.4. Once the ramming situation has been resolved, continue resolving movement. Nimble Small Vessels Option To preserve the games assumption that small vessels are more agile and maneuverable than starships, players wishing to use simultaneous movement may choose to have all starships move rst, then all small vessels. Movement plots for all starships are revealed before small vessel movement plots are written down, and once small vessel movement plots are revealed, all vessels move.
During this phase, all players secretly determine the direct re (non-guided) attacks that they are going to make. They also secretly determine which weapons are going to be assigned to defensive re (DF) duties.
After attacks and DF are declared, units may switch from offensive to defensive re (if they have that capability). Then, defensive re is allocated against specic incoming shots. Finally, all players announce how their electronic warfare points were assigned during the Preliminary Actions Step. Other Announcements and Effects After defensive re allocation, players may announce that they are using anti-missile rockets, chaff or ares against specic guided weapons. After EW points are declared, units elding EW Detectors may activate their effects.
Guided weapons launched earlier in the turn attempt to hit their targets. Guided Weapon Intercept Before guided weapons make their to-hit roll, target units may attempt to intercept the weapons using their Defensive Fire-capable systems. In addition, units may re anti-missile rockets or deploy chaff and ares that were declared during the Fire Determination Phase. Once the effects of these systems have been determined, any surviving guided weapons make their tohit roll attempts.
During this phase, repair systems resolve their effects. Heat sinks and radiators (HSRs) accumulate heat, and overheating is checked. HSRs then check for capacity overload and radiate heat if possible. HSRs that are melting down do damage and can then be jettisoned. Finally, any hacking attempts are resolved.
All direct re weapons re from starships is resolved at this point. Starships may re on any target.
Before small vessel weapons can be red, players must determine whether any of their small vessels systems have failed due to incoming re from previous phases. All previously declared weapons that are still functioning may now be red. Fighter and shuttle weapons are resolved in two stages: Fighter vs. Fighter: Fighters and shuttles resolve weapons re against one another. Fighter vs. Other: Fighters and shuttles resolve weapons re against starships and stationary structures.
Every unit requires a power source in order to provide the necessary energy to perform combat and other tasks. Different eets use different types of power sources, but most starships and stationary structures are designed with enough power to manage the basic operations of every onboard system. Small vessels do not require power allocation.
3.1.1 Reactors
A reactor generates a number of points of power each turn equal to its Rating. Its structure is also equal to its Rating, and damage to the structure will reduce the reactors power output at a 1:1 ratio, one damaged structure point removing one point of power. Reactors ll up completely at the beginning of each turn, to the limits of their Rating (and accounting for power reduction due to damage). This means that they can provide as much power as their Rating allows on every turn, regardless of how much power was used on previous turns.
over many turns will quickly drain a capacitors charge. Use of weapons on a unit with a capacitor that has a recharge rate equal to the power requirement of its basic systems will require the deactivation of at least one of those systems in order to fully recharge the capacitor. Example: Consider a unit with a capacitor rated at 30/10 that has basic systems requiring a total of 10 power per turn. This means that at the end of each turn, the capacitor is holding 20 points of power, and at the beginning of the next turn will recharge to 30 (ten of which will be used again for the basic systems.) If the unit then res a weapon that requires 4 power to operate, at the end of the turn the unit will have 16 power, which recharges to 26 at the beginning of the next turn. If the unit res this weapon once every turn for four more turns, the capacitor will drain to zero points of powerjust enough to power basic systems, since it will have 10 points at the beginning of each turn. If the unit needs to re the weapon again, it will have to deactivate 4 points worth of basic systems (such as sensors) for a full turn in order to have 14 points at the beginning of the next, which would allow basic systems and the weapon to be powered. Damaged capacitors lose power output at a rate of 2 points for every point of damage suffered. Capacitors and reactors cannot be installed together on one unit.
3.1.3 Batteries
3.1.2 Capacitors
Capacitors hold signicantly more power than reactors, but they recharge at a slower rate. This recharge rate is indicated in their Rating, after the slash. Example: a capacitor with a Rating of 30/10 holds a maximum of thirty points of power and recharges at a rate of ten points per turn. Typically, a capacitors recharge rate will at least equal the amount of power required each turn by a units basic, non-combat systems. Since capacitors have signicantly more power available at peak capacity than is necessary to operate basic systems, units using them will often have considerably more powerful weapons. However, since weapons require power to activate, ring them repeatedly
Batteries are short-term power sources that do not recharge themselves. Batteries may only be installed on units that already have self-charging power plants. On any given turn, the unit may divert some of its power from a self-charging power plant (a reactor or capacitor, for example) into a battery. The battery receives the amount of power diverted to it, and stores that power for later use. On any future turn, a batterys power may be used to activate or boost a system, in place of another power plants energy. The capacity Rating of a battery indicates the total number of points it may store. The convert Rating reects how many points of power must be sent to the battery to store one point of power in that battery. Example: A battery with a capacity Rating of 20 and a convert Rating of 2 (listed as 20/2) may hold up to 20 points of power, and two points of power from a reactor or capacitor will convert to one point of battery power. This means that in order to ll the battery, a reactor would need to send 40 points of power to it. Damaged batteries lose maximum capacity at a rate of 1 battery point for every point of damage suffered.
System batteries are, essentially, small batteries designed to work with only one system each. The power they store may only be used to power the systems to which they are attached. System batteries will either be extremely efcient but have low capacity (e.g., a Rating of 5/1) or be highly inefcient with great capacity (e.g., a Rating of 50/5). A system battery may power one system only. On any given turn, that system may be powered by the system battery or another power plant, at the players discretion. Because system batteries are housed with their systems and are extremely volatile (due to either their high efciency or high capacity), they are instantly destroyed on the rst hit to the attached system, taking one point of damage. System batteries cannot be targeted separately from their systems, and cannot be destroyed by any other means.
immediately available for use (or, in the case of weapons, can be armed). Weapons that require an arming period may begin the arming procedure on that turn. Weapons may only re on their activation turn if they have a rate of re of at least 1+0. Weapons that are activated but not armed still draw power. If they are deactivated, the arming sequence is reset and must begin again once the weapon is reactivated. If there is not enough power available to the unit to keep all of its systems activated, you must immediately deactivate systems until the power imbalance is corrected. A unit may never have systems activated that cannot be given power by the units power plants. If a unit loses all of its power, all systems that require power are immediately deactivated. Players must announce the deactivation and activation of systems during the Preliminary Actions Step.
Collector panels generate power by gathering energy sources such as solar particles, psychic energy or ambient hydrogen. They do not store power on their own; they must transfer it immediately to batteries (or system batteries). Most are also very inefcient, collecting no more than one point of power each turn. (The sole exception is the weapon collector panel.) Damaged collectors lose capacity at a rate of 2 collector points for every point of damage suffered. In most cases this means that a single penetrating hit of any strength will destroy the collector. The advantage to collector panels, however, is that they are highly redundant: an array of panels can function as well as a reactor, but damage to a single panel will not adversely affect the rest of the array.
Some systems are listed as requiring zero power. If there is no power available from any power plants (as in the case of the complete destruction of a units power plants), zero-power systems are also deactivated. Voluntarily deactivating a zero-power system does not return any power to general availability. Although zero power systems do not draw signicant power from power plants, if a battery is powering a zero power system, it consumes 1 point of power every 10 turns. System batteries may not be attached to zero power systems. Some systems are listed as being unpowered. Unlike zero-power systems, unpowered systems do not draw power from power plants. They do not need to be deactivated, and will not return power to general availability if they are deactivated.
use the Overheating limitation, as it adds considerably to the bookkeeping of the game.
3.6 Overheating
Some power plants will have the Overheating limitation (SSB9). An overheating power plant generates one point of heat for every two points of power used, every turn. Example: If a power plant with an output Rating of 25 uses 20 of those points for 2 turns, it will generate 10 points of heat per turn, for a total of 20 points of heat. Once a power plant generates as many points of heat as it has points of power, it automatically shuts down during the Final Actions step. Once the power plant is shut down, it dissipates two points of heat per turn. Units with overheating power plants may use heat sinks and radiators, as described in Rule 16.8.2, to mitigate the effect. It is recommended that only advanced players
Electronic Warfare or EW involves the use of sensor suites and jamming equipment to defend against enemy weapons and punch through the defenses of enemy units. The primary source of EW is a units sensor suite (which includes rudimentary jamming equipment), represented as EW points. The rst part of a sensors Rating indicates how many EW points may be spent by a starship or stationary structure on any given turn. A unit may spend its EW points to create EW shrouds or create electronic interference against enemy shrouds. Small vessels do not normally use electronic warfare; see Rule 4.3.1 for the exception.
4.1 EW Shrouds
An EW shroud is an envelope of space surrounding a unit that has been painted by the units sensors, so that it can identify and track targets in real time. If an EW shroud is active, the unit is automatically locked onto all enemy units within the shrouds range. To activate an EW shroud, apply 1 point of EW for every 10 hexes of shroud range. Thus, 3 points would be required to generate a 30-hex shroud. The shroud covers every hex within its range, including the hex in which the unit is currently situated. If a shroud is kept active from turn to turn, it moves with the unit. A unit may change the range of its shroud on each turn, or turn it off completely. Additional EW points can be assigned to the shroud, as many as the unit has available. Each EW point adds one level of target amplication against every enemy unit that is within the shroud during the Weapons Fire Step. Each level of target amplication gives a +1 DRM to hit. Example: A ship generates a shroud using 3 points, extending it to 30 hexes. This gives a lock-on to every enemy unit within 30 hexes. The ship then expends 2 more points, which provides +2 target amplication (+2 DRM) against every enemy unit within the shroud. Units that are outside the range of the EW shroud cannot be locked onto or amplied. Against units that are not locked onto, all weapons double their range penalty.
Some ghters will include high-density sensors that function according to the same rules as the sensors of other units. A ghter may switch between the high-density sensors and visual targeting once per turn. When a ghter is using high-density sensors, it does require a lock-on to avoid increased range penalties, and its weapons cannot ignore ECM. Fighters using high-density sensors may use EW points for ECM, as per the rules for other units. High-density sensors may not be boosted with extra power (Rule 4.4). Activation of high-density sensors is announced during the Preliminary Actions Step, but EW levels are announced during the Weapons Fire Step (as normal). Any weapon that targets sensor systems will affect high-density sensors when the weapon successfully hits an equipped ghter, along with any other effects of the weapon.
A units sensors may be enhanced on any given turn by applying extra power to the system. The cost for an additional point of EW is indicated by the second part of the sensors Rating. Example: A sensor with a Rating of 6/4 will have 6 EW points available under normal conditions, and each additional EW point will cost 4 points of power.
For increased challenge, and to make the game feel more like a naval battle, players may agree to use ship signatures. Under this rule, every unit has a signature of electronic noise that it produces equal to the amount of power it used for all systems (including weapons and extra power allocation) on the previous turn. This signature value is applied as a bonus on all attempts to hit the unit. When using this rule, units should be built with considerably more powerful sensor suites, or with multiple sensor systems, in order to allow for greater ECM allocation. Alternatively, players may choose to use standard sensor suites but double their sensor Ratings (and possibly cut their boost Ratings in half). ECM allocation will become signicantly more important, as it must now also mask the units power output from enemy sensors. (The alternative is to run silent, i.e., with reduced power output.)
amplication as if it were their own, in addition to any target amplication they generate themselves. The enemy unit being amplied must be within the ESS shroud.
An ESS unit may use its points to generate ECM for friendly units. For every 3 ESS points spent, every friendly unit within the units ESS shroud (including small vessels) receives a point of ECM (1 DRM to hit).
An ESS unit may use its points to prevent enemy units from locking onto other units. It can only do so on a unitby-unit basis, however. It requires 3 ESS points to jam one enemy unit (which cannot be a ghter or shuttle) within the ESS shroud. The enemy unit may continue to use target amplication, but it loses all lock-ons (regardless of source).
An ESS unit may use its points to negate an enemy units ESS functions. The enemy unit must be within the ESS units ESS shroud. It requires 5 ESS points to negate one enemy ESS unit. A negated ESS unit cannot provide ESS amplication, countermeasures or jamming. A negated ESS units ESS shroud remains active but does not provide lock-on. The only function an ESS unit can operate while negated is its own ESS negation. If two ESS units are negating each other, the functions cancel each other out. So long as both ESS units are negating each other, both can continue to operate as if they were not being negated.
An ESS unit may use its ESS EW points to create a shroud similar to a standard sensors EW shroud. For every point spent, the ESS shroud extends 8 hexes/layers out from the unit. Thus, they are more expensive to maintain than EW shrouds. All friendly units within the ESS shroud (except for small vessels) automatically gain lock-ons to all enemy units that are also within the ESS shroud. ESS shrouds are a prerequisite for all other ESS functions. Because of this, ESS units tend to be ag ships or ag escorts, operating at the center of their respective task force.
ESS beacons are mine-sized stationary units that provide ESS functions. For the purposes of ESS they function as standard ESS units. Computers on board a beacon will use sophisticated articial intelligence to operate its functions in an appropriate fashion (at the players command).
An ESS unit may use its ESS points to target-amplify specic enemy units. All friendly units within the ESS units ESS shroud (except for small vessels) may use this target
If two or more ESS units are being used on one side, only the strongest effect is applied to any given ship (friend or foe). ESS negation does not cancel out unless the two ESS units are negating each other. Example: If ESS A is negating ESS B and ESS B is negating ESS C, ESS A may operate all of its other ESS functions but ESSs B and C may only operate their negation functions. If ESS B shifts its negation points
to ESS A, all three units will be able to operate the full suite of ESS functions.
It should be noted that the unit identication rule is relatively unrealistic for any maps with hex diameters less than 1,000 km. Simple telescopes not much more powerful than those owned by 21st century amateur astronomers would sufce to fully identify ships only a few hundred kilometers away!
4.8.1 EW Detectors
EW detectors are special sensor systems that permit the detecting unit to identify enemy EW allocation. During the Electronic Warfare Phase, a unit with an EW detector may choose to withhold allocation of up to half of its sensors EW points. Then, after EW levels are announced during the Fire Determination Phase, the detecting unit may allocate the reserved points to EW as desired.
Masking sensors transmit false sensor data to enemy units, preventing them from fully determining the units combat stance. Operation of a masking sensor requires two EW points (allocated from basic sensors). While the sensor is operating, the unit is not required to declare system activations/deactivations during Power Allocation. In addition, enemies must allocate 1 more point of EW to piercing attacks against the unit than normally required.
5.0 Movement
In the Movement Step, all ships move in Initiative order, highest to lowest. Because movement in space is unimpeded by atmosphere, ships will continue along their current trajectories indenitely until thrust is applied in another direction. Also, ships do not turn in the manner of cars or airplanes: they pivot, tumble and roll instead, and accelerating thrust is applied afterwards to change the direction of travel. As a result of this, players should make a habit of planning their maneuvers well ahead of time, as it will usually take at least two turns to make drastic direction changes. A ships Speed determines how many hexes it may travel each turn. The Speed of a ship may be changed by accelerating and decelerating. A ships direction of travel determines the direction it will travel when it moves. Together, Speed and direction of travel constitute the ships vector. The ships vector may be changed by maneuvering the ship (usually by pivoting) and then accelerating or decelerating.
ship channels thrust through an aft acceleration thruster, the ship will begin to move forward. If it then channels thrust through a forward acceleration thruster, the ship will slow down. The number of thrust points needed to add (or subtract) one hex of speed depends on the ships hull type. The cost chart is found on SSB2. If a ship has more than one acceleration thruster on a side, the player may distribute the required thrust points among them. The distribution does not have to be balanced. Example: An application of 6 thrust through paired thrusters could be distributed 3-3, but also 4-2, 5-1 or even 6-0, as long as the thruster(s) can handle that amount of thrust. Deflection Vanes Deection vanes allow an acceleration thruster to be used as a maneuvering thruster. If an acceleration thruster (or thruster group) is tted with deection vanes, the ship may pivot, roll or tumble using those thrusters, using the thrust cost of a slide. Forward acceleration thrusters may function as forward/port or forward/starboard maneuvering thrusters. Aft acceleration thrusters may function as aft/port or aft/starboard maneuvering thrusters.
5.1 Thrusters
Ships are tted with two kinds of thrusters: acceleration thrusters and maneuvering thrusters . Acceleration thrusters are generally larger and more powerful, but cannot be used to change direction. Maneuvering thrusters are used mainly to rotate a ship around one of its axes. They can be used to accelerate, but they do so much less efciently. Acceleration thrusters are typically tted fore and aft on a ships hull, making it possible to accelerate and decelerate. Maneuvering thrusters are typically tted at multiple points. Under the Basic rules, maneuvering thrusters will be placed on the port and starboard sides of the ship. This will allow the ship to pivot (turn clockwise or counter-clockwise) or roll (spin like an American football). Thrusters are rated in thrust points. The thrust channel Rating of a thruster indicates how many points of thrust may be safely channeled from the ships engine(s) through the thruster on each turn. (For games using the three-dimensional rules, ships should have at least four maneuvering thrusters: forward/ port, forward/starboard, aft/port and aft/starboard. This will permit pivots, rolls and tumbles, as well as slides along the Z axis. See Rule and Rule 5.4.2.)
As with acceleration thrusters, banks of maneuvering thrusters may receive distributed thrust. See Rule 5.4.2 for more on pivots, rolls and tumbles.
To accelerate or decelerate, a ship channels thrust though one or more acceleration thrusters. Example: if a Pivots The number of thrust points needed to pivot one facing per turn also depends on the ships hull type. See SSB2 for the cost chart. To stop the pivot, the ship must apply equal maneuvering thrust in the opposite direction. Most ships use port maneuvering thrusters to pivot clockwise and starboard maneuvering thrusters to pivot counter-clockwise (and the opposite thrusters to stop the pivot). Example: A cruiser wishing to pivot clockwise to a reverse facing (pivoting across 3 facings) over three turns will apply 2 points of thrust to the port maneuvering thruster at the beginning of the pivot. At the beginning of the fourth turn, the ship will apply 2 points of thrust to the starboard thruster to stop the pivot. (If the ship does not choose or is unable to re the starboard thruster, the ship will continue to pivot one facing clockwise each turn.) If the same ship instead wishes to pivot 3 facings over one turn, it will apply 6 points of thrust to port on turn 1 and 6 points of thrust starboard on turn 2. Rolls A ship may also use its maneuvering thrusters to roll along its Y-axis. Port or starboard thrusters (or both) may be used to start or stop a roll in either direction. The cost to roll 90 per turn is found on the chart on SSB2. Slides A ship may use its maneuvering thrusters to slide forward or aft and to port or starboard at the same time. See Rule for more detail. The costs to increase sideways acceleration by 1 hex per turn is found on the chart on SSB2. Tumbles With correctly placed maneuvering thrusters, it is possible to tumble (pitch) along the X axis. The thrust cost for tumbles is the same as the thrust cost for rolls. Maneuvering Thruster Placement Maneuvering thrusters may be placed in a number of different locations. The most basic solution is to place one maneuvering thruster each on the port and starboard sides. The port thrusters would pivot clockwise (and could roll port or starboard). The starboard thrusters would pivot counterclockwise (and could roll port or starboard). An alternative solution, adding redundancy, places two maneuvering thrusters on either side: one pair forward, one pair aft. The fore/port thruster pivots clockwise. The fore/ starboard thruster pivots counterclockwise. The aft thrusters pivot in opposite directions. A combination of both port thrusters or both starboard thrusters permits rolling (in either direction). A combination of both forward thrusters or both aft thrusters permits tumbling (in either direction). If tumbling is permitted in the game but the ship has only single port and starboard maneuvering thrusters, the ship will also need fore and aft maneuvering thrusters to be able to tumble. See the chart on SSB35 for a complete list of the maneuvers available to each thruster. Dark gray blocks indicate that the thruster can perform the maneuver on its own. Light gray blocks indicate that the thruster can only perform the maneuver in conjunction with the other thruster(s) with the same letter code. Example: On the SSB35 chart, the G block under Tumble Fore indicates that the forward tumble maneuver may be performed by a combination of fore/port and fore/ starboard maneuvering thrusters. The two C blocks under Roll Port indicate that the maneuver may be performed by a combination of fore/port and aft/port maneuvering thrusters. Maneuvered Acceleration It is possible to use maneuvering thrusters to accelerate or decelerate. This is treated as a slide (see Rule for thrust cost purposes, even though the ships acceleration is along its Y axis (and not to the side).
5.2 Engines
Thrust points are not generated by thrusters themselves. They are generated instead by the ships engines. The rst portion of an engine systems Rating indicates how many thrust points it generates on each turn. Thrusters regularly are able to channel far more thrust than their engines output, and a ships movements are usually limited signicantly by the Ratings of its engines. The number of thrust points an engine can produce may be affected by damage to the system. For every two structure points lost, the engine loses one point of thrust production. Engines may provide thrust to any number of thrusters on the ship. Any given thruster may receive thrust points from one or more engines. Example: Consider a cruiser with four aft thrusters, each with a thrust channel Rating of 3, and an engine with a Rating of 10. Although the set of aft thrusters can receive a total of 12 thrust points (4 x 3), since the engine only has a Rating of 10, the cruiser (which requires 3 points of thrust to accelerate by one hex) can only accelerate at most 3 hexes on one turn (3 x 3 = 9).
5.3.1 Overthrusting
If necessary, a player may channel more thrust through a given thruster than it can normally take; this is called overthrusting. Overthrusting may be desirable in cases where a ship needs to make an emergency acceleration, or when a ship has lost one or more of the thrusters needed to perform a maneuver. Doing this creates signicant strain on the thruster. During the Damage Effects Step, roll 2d6 and add the amount of overthrust used. If the result is 10-12, the thruster takes 1 point of damage to structure. If the result is 13 or higher, the thruster takes 2 points of damage.
engine has not been destroyed. The second portion of an engines Rating indicates how many points of power convert to one point of thrust. Example: An engine Rating of 6/2 will generate 6 points of thrust per turn, and 2 points of extra power channeled from a power plant through the engine will create an additional point of thrust, for a total of 7. Other than the power plants output, there is no limit to the amount of power that may be converted to thrust.
The Speed of the new vector is the sum of the Speeds indicated by the notation. Example: In the diagram below, the ship is traveling at Speed 4 in direction 2. The ships vector notation would be written as 2+4 (direction+speed).
After a player has assigned thrust points to various thrusters and once the ships turn has come up in the Initiative order, it will move and maneuver according to the assigned thrust.
5.4.1 Moving
If the ship turns two facings counter-clockwise at the start of its turn, it will reach its destination four hexes away with its new facing:
If a ship is stationary or moving in the direction of its forward facing, acceleration thrust applied forward or aft will either increase or decrease the ships speed. (If a ship is stationary and applies thrust to the forward thrusters, it will begin to move in reverse.) Move the ship in the appropriate direction a number of hexes equal to the ships speed. Example: If a ship has accelerated to speed 5, the player will move the ship counter ve hexes in its forward direction. In many cases, a ship will not be facing its direction of travel. A ship will always move across the map according to its direction of travel, regardless of the orientation of the ships nose. The vector of a ship is how far it will travel on each turn (its Speed) combined with the direction in which it will travel. The notation of a ships vector is Direction +Speed. A ship may apply acceleration thrust while it is not facing its vector or the reverse of its vector (facing 180 away from its direction of travel). In such a case, an additional step is necessary to determine its new vector. First, locate the hex to which the ship would have traveled if it had not applied the new acceleration thrust. This is Target A. Next, starting from the Target A hex, locate the hex to which the ship would travel based solely on the new acceleration thrust. This is Target B. The ships new vector is now the line between its current position and Target B. For the purposes of recordkeeping, the vector can be understood as the shortest hex path between the current position and Target B, and can be recorded as a combination of two speeds and directions. No matter how many times a ship thrusts, the resulting notation will never be more complicated than two directions and two speeds.
If, however, the ship turns two facings counterclockwise and accelerates by 3, its vector will change:
At the end of its turn, the ships new vector will be 1+3,2+1:
(The new vector could also be identied as 2+1,1+3: direction 2 for one hex, direction 1 for three hexes.)
On subsequent turns, until another vector or facing change, the ship will be traveling along vector 1+3,2+1 and facing in direction 6. Its speed is the sum of its vector speeds, i.e, speed 4.
5.4.2 Maneuvering
If a ships maneuvering thrusters are activated, the ship will rotate around one of its axes. Pivots The most common rotation is a pivot around the Z-axis (a vertical line perpendicular to the table, going through the center of the counter cube), spinning the ships counter cube clockwise or counter-clockwise a number of facings. As long as a ship has not applied opposite maneuvering thrust to stop a pivot, it will continue to spin in that direction each turn. Rolls Rolls are made in 90 increments, spinning the ship around the Y-axis (a center line down the middle of the counter cube, front to back), like a thrown American football. To indicate that a unit is rolling, ip the counter cube onto the appropriate side. Under the Basic rules, it is not permitted to pivot a ship while it is rolling, and a ship may not pivot unless it is face up or exactly 180 ipped over. (In the latter case, a pivot is possible, but would require maneuvering thrusters opposite the usual ones). However, a ship that is already pivoting may roll, so long as it does not attempt to stop or increase the pivot until it has rolled through 180 (or 360) and ended the roll. Because port and starboard maneuvering thrusters may be used for either roll direction, it is possible to use a roll to stop a pivot when the usual maneuvering thrusters needed to stop that pivot have been destroyed. To do this, the ship uses the remaining maneuvering thrusters to roll through 180 (over one turn or multiple turnsthough in the latter case the pivot will continue while the roll is in progress). Then, those thrusters are used to stop the pivot (since now the pivots angle of motion is reversed relative to the ships thrusters). Finally, another roll is applied, through 180, to bring the ship back to its original roll state. Ships may accelerate or decelerate while rolling, as normal. Slides It is possible for a ship to use its maneuvering thrusters as if they were acceleration thrusters. This also permits a
ship to accelerate into a hex different from the one toward which it is facing. This is called sliding. In many cases, slides will only be possible with considerable overthrusting. The maneuvering thrusters used are those opposite the facing toward which the ship is sliding, just as with acceleration thrusters. Acceleration to starboard (along the map plane) may move the ship through facing 2 or 3, at the players discretion. Acceleration to port may move the ship through facing 5 or 6. Slides have the same effect on a ships vector as acceleration away from the direction of travel. Tumbles If a ship has the necessary maneuvering thrusters, it may tumble forward or aft in the same manner that it rolls. Thrust may be applied through either the forward or aft maneuvering thrusters, just as with rolls. A ship may not pivot or roll unless it is either face up or 180 ipped over and no longer tumbling. A ship that is already pivoting may tumble, but a ship that is already rolling may not tumble unless it is face up or 180 ipped over. Unless the optional three-dimensional movement rules are being used, a ship may not accelerate or decelerate while it is tumbling unless it is face up or 180 ipped over. If the three-dimensional rules are being used, a ship may accelerate or decelerate up or down while in a tumbled position 90 away from the plane of the map. Mid-Step Acceleration (Optional Rule) In the standard rules, acceleration thrust may only be applied at the start of the Movement Step. However, this prevents ships from changing vectors more than once per turn, and players must plan the changes well in advance. Optionally, acceleration thrust may be applied at up to two points during movement (at the beginning and at one other point in the step). This optional rule adds complexity to the game. Players must mark the ships starting hex at the beginning of each movement step and keep the marker on the map until the end of movement. To perform a mid-step acceleration, decide (in hexes) how far along the initial path the ship will be before it makes its turn. Count partial hexes or hex boundaries as full hexes. Now do a new vector calculation using the ships current (partially moved) location. This determines the ships new vector for subsequent turns. However, since the current movement is already partially completed, a
separate vector must be determined for this turn only. To do this, subtract the distance the ship has already traveled from its new vector, subtracting one hex and/or hex boundary (even partial ones) for each hex of previously completed movement. If this temporary vector lands the ship on a hex boundary instead of a hex, the player may choose which hex to use as the endpoint for the current turn. This selection has no effect on subsequent turns, or on the ships new vector. Because all movement takes place on a hex grid but the movement vectors themselves are not on the hex grid, a ship making a mid-step acceleration may end up in a hex that is only glanced by the vector (see the example below). This is normal and to be expected. Good players will nd ways to take advantage of these hex shifts. Example: A ship is traveling along vector 1+3,2+1, facing direction 6, moving at speed 4, as shown below:
Finally, the player subtracts the two hexes of prior movement from the new vector to determine the ships endpoint for the current turn:
The player decides to move two hexes (out of four) along the ships path before accelerating by 2 along direction 6:
The ship is now traveling along vector 1+4,6+1 at speed 5. Off-Axis Maneuvering (Optional Rule) The standard rules do not permit maneuvering while rolled or tumbled. Adding this advanced optional rule increases complexity but also increases tactical exibility. Any maneuver can be made while the ship is in any orientation. Maneuvers that spin the ship along the map plane use the pivot cost for thrusting. Maneuvers that spin the ship off the map plane use the roll/tumble cost for thrusting. One maneuver must be halted before the next maneuver can begin. Example: A ship rolls to port and halts the roll, leaving it in a rolled state. It may tumble across facings for the cost it would pay to pivot the same distance under normal conditions. Example: A ship is tumbled forward. It may roll across facings for the cost it would pay to pivot. Partial Thrusting (Optional Rule) If a ship cannot fully apply the necessary thrust for a maneuver or acceleration/deceleration, it may apply a portion of the necessary thrust in exchange for a slower
The player determines the new vector based on the ships current location. This new vector is 1+4,6+1:
maneuver. If a ship pays 1/2 the thrust cost (rounded up), it will take two turns to complete the chosen maneuver or to achieve the speed change. If a ship pays 1/3 or 1/4 the thrust cost (rounded up), it will take three or four turns, respectively. The ship does not need to apply the remaining thrust on the current or any subsequent turn. If it does, however, the rate of the maneuver or speed change increases accordingly. Example: A ship requires 4 thrust to pivot one facing. It applies 2 thrust on Turn 1. On Turn 2, it pivots one facing. If it applies no more thrust, it will pivot again on Turn 4, then Turn 6, and so on. If it applies 2 thrust on Turn 1 and 2 thrust again on Turn 2, it will pivot one facing on Turn 2 (as expected), and then again on every subsequent turn until the ship ends the pivot. Partial thrust may be used to slowly end existing maneuvers as well. Example: The ship from the previous example is pivoting one facing per turn. On Turn 5 it applies 2 thrust to end the pivot. On Turn 6 it will not pivot, but on Turn 7 (then 9, 11, etc.) it will pivot unless the ship applies the remaining 2 thrust to fully complete the maneuver. If off-axis maneuvering is permitted, partial thrusting is included in the restriction against multiple concurrent maneuvers.
Fighters and shuttles move according to the same rules as starships. However, thrusters are treated abstractly. Thrust allocated for acceleration or maneuvering is assumed to be delivered to the correct thruster(s), which are not represented individually on a ghter or shuttle SDS. The number of thrust points the ships engine produces will be indicated on the SDS. These points may be used in any manner the player sees t; there is no need to worry about overthrusting, and it is not possible to convert power into thrust on a small vessel. The thrust cost for accelerations, decelerations and all maneuvers is 1. Because ghters and shuttles are so small, they require minute amounts of thrust to perform maneuvers. Therefore, the cost of a maneuver only needs to be paid once, at the start of the maneuver. A maneuver may be halted at any time without any additional expenditure of thrust (because it has been paid for by the original allocation).
To help visualize and keep track of movement and vector changes, you are encouraged to use vector markers to keep track of future positions. At the end of each movement, each places a unique counter (associated with the ship counter cube) in the hex where the unit will be at the end of its next movement, assuming no vector changes. By using a vector marker, you can determine Speed by counting the hexes between the ship counter cube and the vector marker. When a unit thrusts during any given movement, the change (direction and speed) is determined based on the position of the vector marker. Using vector markers does not change the rules regarding movement in any way. Rather, it functions as a visual alternative for recording vectors and Speeds, and makes it possible for all players to visualize positions on subsequent turns. Vector markers are most effectively used in games that involve two dimensional combat. To use vector markers with three dimensional combat, it will be necessary to lay a second marker on top, indicating the layer.
Fighters (but not shuttles) are permitted to make a single snap maneuver after all other units have completed their movement. This snap maneuvera pivot, roll or tumblemust be paid as normal, using any thrust remaining for the turn. If there is insufcient thrust available, the ghter may not snap maneuver. Snap maneuvers from multiple ghters must be declared (and are performed) at the same time.
Note that thrust used for evasive maneuvers is not available for acceleration or other maneuvers, and a ship may not use more thrust for evasive maneuvers than is available to it.
Small vessels and gunboats are able to perform barnstorming maneuvers against any dreadnought or larger hull type (super-dreadnoughts and the larger stationary structures). The small units will y so close to the large unit that it cannot be red upon, skimming the surface of the ship or structure. To attempt a barnstorming maneuver, the smaller vessel or vessels must end movement in the same hex as the larger unit. Then roll 3d6 and apply the following modiers: Barnstormers Speed 6-10: +2 Speed 11-15: +3 Speed 16-20: +5 Speed 21 or greater: +8 Barnstormer is facing off vector: +5 Target unit is facing off vector: +5 Per lost thruster on barnstormer: +2 Evasive maneuvers: +3 per level used If the result (after modiers) is 15 or below, the barnstorming is successful and the following take effect: The barnstormer(s) may not re on any other targets using forward weapons. Exception: if opposing units are barnstorming the same larger unit, they may re at one another with any weapons at their disposal. Attempts to hit the barnstormer(s) with a direct re weapon suffer a called shot penalty (6). If the weapon misses, the larger unit being barnstormed will take a full hull structure hit instead, automatically. Guided weapons launched against the barnstormer(s) before movement will attempt to hit, but if the weapon misses, the larger unit being barnstormed will take a full hull structure hit instead, automatically, with no roll required. Forward-facing weapons re from the barnstormer(s) aimed at the barnstormed unit will automatically hit. The barnstormed unit may not re defensively against these attacks. (This does not include guided weapons red earlier in the turn.) The barnstormer(s) may not guide guided weapons for the remainder of the turn. Guided weapons red by the barnstormer(s) earlier in the turn may still attempt to hit their targets, but do not gain any guidance bonus. On a result of 16-20, the barnstorming is unsuccessful but successfully disengaged. The above effects do not apply and the units attempting to barnstorm are considered
sufciently far away from their target that they can be red upon without limitation. On any other result (21 or higher), the barnstorming is unsuccessful and unsuccessfully disengaged. If the barnstormer is a single ship, it automatically rams the larger unit. (See Rule 15.4.) If the barnstormer is a ghter group, one ghter rams the larger unit for every 5 points of failure above 20, rounded up (21-25, one ghter; 26-30, two ghters; etc.). The surviving ghters successfully disengage but cannot re for the rest of the turn. Any guided weapons being guided by the disengaged ghters automatically miss their targets.
A better solution for simulating cinematic motion would be to design larger starships with engine output and/ or thruster channels that are similar to those of smaller starships. A gunboat with an engine Rating of 10/10 will be much more maneuverable than a super-dreadnought with the same engine, given the thrust costs imposed on those hull types. The most effective way to mandate this is to permit only a single engine Rating across every ship in the campaign (such as 10/10).
If a ship in motion has been disabled due to engine failure or a loss of thrusters, or has become derelict due to a destruction of its active bridge, it will continue to travel along its current vector until it impacts something or is able to restore its thrust capability. If the ship is not in a continuous maneuver (pivoting, rolling or tumbling), roll 1d10 on every turn that it has no thrust capability. On a roll of 1, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1-2, it begins to pivot. On a roll of 3-4, it begins to roll. On a roll of 5-6, it begins to tumble. Roll a third time to determine the direction of the maneuver. Do not perform the 1d10 maneuver check on subsequent turns. This involuntary maneuver is the result of a failure to perform the micro-thrusting adjustments necessary to maintain position.
Beginners who are not yet familiar with most of the rules should consider playing only with ships carrying noninertial engines and thrusters until they understand the rest of the game, or treating all engines and thrusters as if they were non-inertial.
Some ships may have engines and thrusters that do not use exhaust thrust in the manner that is assumed by the preceding rules.
Non-inertial thrusters permit signicantly smoother maneuvers and, overall, require less thrust (but usually more power) to operate. Ships with non-inertial engines and thrusters can combine a pivot and vector change in one maneuver. If desired, a player may announce that s/he is turning the non-inertial ship. The ship then pivots as normal (using maneuvering thrusters) and additionally expends half the required thrust to accelerate by one hex per turn (rounded up), channeled through any of the ships acceleration thrusters. (This expenditure does not accelerate the ship.) The direction of travel immediately changes by the same number of facings as the pivot. So, for example, a ship traveling along vector 1+4 that turns one facing to starboard will now be traveling along vector 2+4, and will not need a Target A-Target B calculation to determine its new vector. This vector change takes signicantly less thrust and time than an identical vector change on inertial ships. However, there is a tradeoff: low engine efciency prevents a ship from making as many or as drastic (high thrust) maneuvers, and any energy conversions allocated by the player will require signicant amounts of power for minimal thrust results. A non-inertial engine will typically have a low Rating for thrust generation and a high Rating for energy conversion, adapted to its thrust efciency but reecting its power-hungry technology.
The standard game assumes all combat is taking place on the same two-dimensional plane. However, this is unrealistic given that space is three-dimensional and gravity is not an issue. Although three-dimensional movement (and three-dimensional combat generally) is more complex, it is more realistic and offers more interesting tactical options.
Z-axis movement is represented, similar to the layers, as a double sign and a number. So, 1 means the ship is traveling downward at a rate of 1 layer per turn. ++2 means the ship is traveling upward at a rate of 2 layers per turn. When noting a ships full three-dimensional vector, this Zaxis notation is included. So, for example, a ship traveling along vector 1+3,6+2 that is also moving upwards at a rate of 3 layers per turn would carry the notation 1+3,6+2,++3.
6.1 Terminology
Map Plane: The map plane is the playing surface. Distance on the map plane is counted in hexes. Each Z-axis Layer uses the map plane for calculating horizontal distance. Z-Axis: The Z-axis is the vertical axis, extending above and below the playing surface. If a ship is moving along the Z-axis, it is moving up or down relative to the map plane. Z-Axis Layer: Distance along the Z-axis is counted in layers instead of hexes. The distance across one layer is equal to the distance across one hex. Z-axis layers are identied by a sign and number combination. The map plane layer (the layer used in a twodimensional game) is layer 0 (zero). Layers above the map plane are given positive numbers, starting at +1. Layers below the map plane are given negative numbers, starting at 1. Up/Down: Up and down are terms that are used relative to a given layer. For example, layer +3 is down from layer +6, but up from layer 4. Dorsal/Keel: The dorsal side of a ship is the top surface. The keel side of a ship is the bottom surface. When a ship counter cube is set face up on the map plane, the dorsal surface is up and the keel surface is down relative to the center of the ship.
Use the calculation below to determine distance between two units in three-dimensional space. This calculation is necessary for EW/ESS shrouds, guided launch/maximum ranges and direct re target ranges. Count the number of hexes between the two units on the map plane. Then calculate the difference in Z-axis layers. Sum the square of these two numbers, then take the
square root of the sum. Round to the nearest whole number. This is the range to the target. For easier calculation, consult the table on SSB34. Range 1 is the shorter distance (either map plane or Z-axis). Range 2 is the longer distance. Range 3 is equal to Range 2 plus the number listed. Use Range 3 as the nal calculation. Example: Ship A is 14 hexes away from Ship B. Ship A is at Z-axis layer +4 and Ship B is at Z-axis layer 6. The difference in Z-axis levels is 10. Therefore R1 is 10 and R2 is 14. Consulting the table, the result for R3 is R2+3, or 17. Thus, the range between the two ships is 17. In a friendly game, players may choose to calculate three-dimensional range more simply, by summing the distances (in hexes and layers). However, this will tend to produce exaggerated distances (in the above example, the result would be 24). It will signicantly reduce the range of weapons and EW/ESS shrouds.
There are two major types of weapons re: direct re and guided. Rules relevant to both types are found in this section. Rules specic to each type are found in Rule 8 and Rule 9. Stationary weapon rules (mines, micro-platforms, etc.) are treated in Rule 10. The application of defensive re is treated in Rule 11 and the rules for small vessel combat are covered in Rule 12.
7.1 Preparation
In order to be able to re a weapon during the Weapons Fire Step, it must meet the following criteria: The weapon is activated (Rule 7.1.1) The weapon is powered (Rule 7.1.2) The weapon is armed (Rule 7.1.3) The weapons target is within its ring arc (Rule 7.1.4) The weapons target is in line of sight (Rule 7.1.5) If any one of these criteria is not met, the weapon cannot re on the current turn. In the case of a guided weapon, it must have been activated, powered and armed at the Guided Weapon Launch point of the Preliminary Actions Step.
A weapon is considered activated if a player has determined that the weapon is on. Deactivated weapons may divert their power requirement to other ship systems; activated weapons may not. Cooldown Some weapons must be deactivated between shots; others must be deactivated after being used for special purposes. Such weapons are said to have a cooldown period.
Weapon power and activation are directly related to one another. An activated weapon must also be powered; a powered weapon is automatically activated. If a ship does not have sufcient power to keep a weapon activated, the weapon will immediately become deactivated unless power can be diverted to the weapon from another system. Weapons are powered (and activated) during the Power Allocation Step. In most cases, players will only need to keep track of which weapons are powered. Cooldown Weapons with cooldown periods cannot be powered during cooldown; for this reason they must be deactivated. Space Terrain Some space terrain features (Rule CXXX) may interfere with a ships systems, occasionally deactivating weapons without returning power to the ships available pool. Under these conditions, it is possible for a ship to enter such terrain during the Movement Step and as a result have the weapon be deactivated (after the Power Allocation Step).
A weapon is listed as 1+3. If it is red on Turn 1, it will take three turns to arm (Turns 2, 3 and 4) and be available to re again on Turn 4. Unlike the 1+2 C-1 weapon, it must remain activated and powered during the entire arming cycle. It cannot deactivate on one of the turns to divert power to another system without resetting the arming cycle. Cooldown vs. Arming Weapon arming and weapon cooldown are not identical. A weapon that is in cooldown (deactivated and unpowered) is not arming; a weapon that is arming (activated and powered) is not in cooldown. Some weapons may have the Emergency Arming enhancement. This permits the weapon to rapidly arm faster than its regular Rate of Fire, at a damage or Accuracy penalty. Example: A weapon is listed as 1+2 C-1. If it is red on Turn 1, it must be deactivated and unpowered on Turn 2 to satisfy the cooldown period. On Turn 3 it may be activated and powered again, beginning the arming cycle. It will arm on Turns 3 and 4, becoming available for re on Turn 5.
Every weapon has a Rate of Fire, indicated by X+Y. X is the number of shots that can be red on a turn, and Y is the number of turns the weapon must wait before it can re again. A rate of re of 1+0 indicates that the weapon can re once every turn. A RoF of 1+1 means the weapon can re every other turn. A RoF of 2+0 means the weapon can re twice every turn. During the turns that a weapon is unable to re, it is said to be arming . A weapon will begin arming immediately after being red, and will continue to arm (until it can re again) as long as it is activated and powered. If it becomes deactivated or loses power, the arming sequence is aborted and must be started from scratch once the weapon is activated and powered again. At the beginning of an engagement during wartime, every activated and powered weapon is assumed to have been armed prior to the engagement. Thus, every weapon is capable of being red on the rst turn of the engagement. Examples A weapon is listed as 1+2. If it is red on Turn 1, it will take two two turns to arm (Turns 2 and 3) and be available to re again on Turn 4. If on either Turn 2 or Turn 3 the weapon is deactivated and/or de-powered, the arming cycle is reset. On the turn that the weapon is activated and powered again, it will begin arming again. If the weapon in this example is deactivated on Turns 3, 4 and 5 and activated again on Turn 6, it will go through its arming cycle on Turns 6 and 7. It will be capable of ring on Turn 8. A weapon is listed as 1+2 C-1. If it is red on Turn 1, it must be deactivated and unpowered on Turn 2 to satisfy the cooldown period. On Turn 3 it may be activated and powered again, beginning the arming cycle. It will arm on Turns 3 and 4, becoming available for re on Turn 5.
Every weapon has a ring arc, which refers to the facings out of which the weapon is permitted to re (facing) and the hexes into which the weapon is permitted to re (shape). Under the advanced rules, there are four ring arc shapes: xed, narrow, standard and wide. The diagrams below show each of these shapes, using facing 1 for the example. The hexes that are shaded (in whole or in part) can be red into by weapons using that shape. Note that the shapes extend beyond the edges of the diagrams.
There is also a Turret shape, which can target any hex around the ship. On SDS sheets these are indicated as DT (Dorsal Turret) or KT (Keel Turret). (The distinction between
dorsal and keel turrets is not relevant for two-dimensional combat. Treat all turrets as dorsal turrets.) Rolling or Tumbling Ships Visual aids are available to help determine the ring arcs of rolling or tumbling ships. The full set of ring arc cubes can be found on SSB51-58. If you are only using two-dimensional combat, print the two-dimensional ring arc cubes at the back of the Advanced Ship Systems Book (preferably onto card stock), cut them out and fold them into cubes. Consult the ring arc cubes to determine the ring arcs of rolled or tumbled ships. To use the cubes, place the appropriate cube in the same orientation as the ring ship (i.e., tumbled or rolled) and use the ring arc diagram shown on the upper face. If a ship is rolled to port, all dorsal turrets become Firing Arc 5/6 Wide (i.e, a Wide arc pointing to the left). If a ship is rolled to starboard, they become Firing Arc 2/3 Wide (pointing to the right). If tumbled forward, turrets become Firing Arc 1 Wide. If tumbled aft, turrets become Firing Arc 4 Wide. The opposite is the case for keel turrets. Abstracted Firing Arcs (Optional Rule) For a faster game, players may wish to use an abstracted ring arc system instead of the full set of ring arc cubes. Note that these two abstracted systems will change the effectiveness of various tactics that are dependent on precise ring arc information. Use only one system at a time; they are not compatible with one another. Abstracted System 1. For the purposes of determining whether or not a weapon may re at its target, treat every ring arc for every weapon as a Wide arc. If the weapons actual ring arc is Standard, apply a -1 DRM to hit. If the weapons arc is Narrow, apply a -2 DRM to hit. If the weapon arc is Fixed, apply a -3 DRM to hit. Abstracted System 2. Individual weapons do not use ring arcs and do not have facings. Using the Standard ring arc cube, determine which weapon facing can be used to attack the target. If the facing is 1, every weapon may re at the target without penalty. For all other facings, use the following table:
To Hit DRM -1 -2 -3 -4 Three-Dimensional Firing Arcs (Optional Rule) If the optional three-dimensional rules are being used, print out the three-dimensional ring arc cubes, using the following key: Gray: ships current layer Light blue: one layer down Bright blue: two layers down Green: four layers down Orange: one layer up Red: two layers up Purple: four layers up Brown: region from one layer down to one layer up Black: region from two layers down to two layers up 0: region from ships layer to color layer +: color layer and all layers up : color layer and all layers down + : all layers The progressions continue past the edges of the diagrams. Facings 1 and 2 are marked for guidance purposes. The Port (P) and Starboard (S) sides of the ship are also indicated, and the gray arrow indicates the ships nose facing. If a panel only shows the P indicator, the port side of the ship is facing up from the panel. If it only shows the S indicator, the starboard side of the ship is facing up. If a panel indicates (Fore), then the ships nose is facing up from the panel. If a panel indicates (Aft), then the ships nose is facing down from the panel. To use the cubes, place the appropriate cube in the same orientation as the ring ship and use the ring arc diagram shown on the upper panel. Examples Consider the 3D Narrow ring arc 2/3 (pointing directly to starboard). If the ship is in a starting position (no roll or tumble), use the following panel on the ring arc cube:
Note that the port side of the ship is to the left and the nose is pointing forward (toward the top). Facing 1 is at the top and facing 2 is two arcs clockwise from facing 1. Firing arc 2/3 Narrow is on the right side, in the middle. One hex out from the ships hex, a weapon with ring arc 2/3 Narrow can strike targets on the same layer, in the two hexes partially lled in with gray. Two hexes out from the ships hex, the weapon can strike targets on the same layer and one layer up and one layer down, in the three hexes partially or fully lled in with brown. Following this progression, at three hexes out, the weapon can strike targets between two layers up and two layers down, in the four hexes that would be partially or fully lled in. Now consider the same ship rolled 90 to starboard, using the following panel on the same ring arc cube:
indicates that the weapon can strike any target in those hexes as long as it is at least four layers below the ship. Following the progression, three hexes out, the weapon can strike any target that is at least six layers below the ship. Rotating the ring arc cube again to show a ipped over position, notice that the panel is a mirror image of the rst. Weapon location is therefore reversed: facing 2 is on the left side of the panel. Turret shapes can re at targets at any level above or below the ship, but not both. If a turret normally res above the ship (dorsal turret), it follows the rules in for determining shifts from rolling and tumbling. If a turret normally res below the ship (keel turret), the arc facings listed there are mirrored (facing 1 becomes facing 4, facings 2-3 become facings 5-6).
Given the vastness of space, most targets will be visible to the ring unit. However, there are a few exceptions: If a straight line between the ring ship and its target passes through any object that is at least half the Mass of the target and closer to the ring ship than the target, line of sight is blocked. If the same straight line passes through any object that has a Mass equal to or greater than the targets Mass, line of sight is blocked, regardless of range.
On this panel, the P in the center indicates that the port side of the ship is pointing up out of the panel. The nose of the ship is facing the top of the panel. Although the ships weapons are now rolled 90, the panel displays them as they would be seen from above the ship. Looking again at ring arc 2/3 Narrow: the display now shows gray, green and bright blue hexes, with negative () signs in each hex. The center gray hex with the sign indicates that the weapon can strike any target in the same hex and layer, as well as any target in the same hex but in layers below the ring ship. One hex out, the hexes are bright blue with signs. This indicates that the weapon can strike any target in those hexes as long as it is at least two layers below the ship. Two hexes out, the hexes are green with signs. This Three Dimensional Line of Sight If three-dimensional movement is being used, determination of line of sight is slightly more complex. In order to block line of sight, a unit must t two conditions: A straight line along the map plane passes through the potentially blocking unit (according to Rule 7.1.5). The Z-axis level of the potentially blocking unit is between the Z-axis levels of the ring unit and the target. Optionally, the second condition may be made more complex to improve realism. Divide the straight line between ship and target into two or more segments. Also divide the Z-axis difference between the ring unit and the target into the same number of segments. (For example, if unit A is at Z +10 and unit B is at Z +4 and there are three segments, the segments are Z +10 to Z +8, Z +8 to Z +6, Z +6 to Z +4.) If the potentially blocking unit is in the same segment of both the map plane line and the Z-axis line, it blocks line of sight. Otherwise it does not block line of sight. If the line of sight to the target is blocked, the weapon may not re at the target.
During the Fire Determination Phase, every player writes down which weapons will re and at which targets, as well as any defensive re settings. Once all players have marked their weapons, targets and defensive re, the information is revealed and weapons re is resolved.
Finally, every player announces their EW point assignments for the current turn. Resolve EW Detector Uses Activated EW Detectors (see Rule 4.8.1) are declared and resolved after all players have revealed their EW point assignments.
which to re multiple weapons if more than one are being red. First, determine the targets dice roll modier (DRM). The DRM is determined as follows: Add the targets silhouette Rating (Rule Apply EW points (positive and negative) (Rule 4) Apply Accuracy modiers (Rule 7.5) Apply Range penalties (Rule 7.5) Apply Evasive Maneuver effects (Rule 5.5.2) Apply Defensive Fire from the target or any assisting units (Rule 11) Apply all relevant Terrain Effect modiers (Rule CXXX) Once the DRM is determined, roll 3d6 and add (or subtract) the DRM. If the result is 10 or below, the weapon misses. The average result of a 3d6 roll is 10.5. This means that a DRM of zero or greater produces a greater than 50% chance of hitting the target. A DRM less than zero produces a less than 50% chance of hitting the target. Silhouette Rating Each ship has two silhouette Ratings: Forward/Aft (F/ A) and Port/Starboard (P/S). These ratings indicate how much of the ship is exposed to the attackers weapon. Use the diagrams below to determine the Rating used during hit resolution. (Treat the black hex as the target units hex.) For targets with a P/S Rating larger than the F/A Rating, use the diagram on the left. For targets with a F/A Rating larger than the P/S Rating, use the diagram on the right. Fire incoming through the white hexes uses the P/S Rating. Fire incoming through the gray hexes uses the F/A Rating. The attacker may select which Rating to use if the re is coming from a hex that is mixed white and gray.
Target Status
When determining whether a guided weapon hits its target, the silhouette Rating used is based on the line of sight between the weapons launch point and the target, not the current line of sight between the ring ship and the target. Three-Dimensional Silhouette Selection For three-dimensional combat, determine the silhouette Rating based on the table below. If the attacker and target units are on the same Z-axis layer, treat the attack as two-dimensional.
Target Status
Not Rolled or Tumbled Tumbled Rolled
Most ships are divided into three or more sections, with ship systems arranged within these sections. Fighters and shuttles take damage differently. (See Rule 12.)
3 Sections
5 Sections
7 Sections Unit Sections Fourth Rate ships have a single section, which will take damage from any direction. Third Rate ships have three sections, usually forward, aft and core. Weapons re originating from in front of the center of the ship will strike the forward section. Weapons re originating from behind the center of the ship will strike the aft section. The core section will be hit either due to a very good shot (Rule or due to the loss of one of the outer sections. Some Third Rate ships will have port and starboard sections instead of forward and aft. Second Rate ships have ve sections: forward, aft, port, starboard and core. If weapons re used the F/S silhouette for the to-hit roll, the damage affects the forward or aft section. If it used the P/S silhouette, the damage affects the port or starboard section. First Rate ships have seven sections. The rst six are labeled (clockwise) forward, forward starboard, aft starboard, aft, aft port and forward port. These sections correspond to facings 1 through 6, respectively. The seventh section is the core section. Large stationary structures have nine or eleven sections: three or ve core sections with six outer facing sections. A unit with nine sections has a core of three sections congured like a third rate ship. A unit with eleven sections has a core of ve sections congured like a second rate ship. Basic Section Selection Use the section selection diagrams below for the target ship to determine which section is struck by weapons re. Weapons that strike the seam between sections will strike whichever of the two sections the attacker chooses. Ships with ve or seven sections that are rolled 90 are treated like ships with three sections: re originating from the front will strike the forward section (or section #1), while re originating from the rear will strike the aft section (or section #4). Note that the diagram used for ships with ve sections will depend on their Silhouette Ratings, as in Rule Advanced Section Selection Visual aids are available to help determine which section is hit by incoming re. Print the three section selection cubes at the back of the Advanced Ship Systems Book (preferably onto card stock), cut them out and fold them into cubes. The rst cube reects attacks on a ship with three sections. In the upright position (the ship is not rolled or tumbled), attacks originating from the front of the ship hit the forward section. Attacks originating from the rear of the ship hit the aft section. Tip the counter cube to the left or right to show the effects of being rolled to port (Roll P) or starboard (Roll S). In the case of a ship with three sections, there is no change. The same is true for rolls or tumbles that leave the ship at at 180 position relative to upright. As with ring arcs, attacks from hexes that are partly shaded and partly unshaded may choose the target section. If the ship is tumbled forward (tip the counter forward), attackers on the same Z-axis layer as the defending ship may select which section to hit. In three-dimensional combat, attacks coming from below the ship will hit the forward section, while attacks coming from above will hit the aft section. If the ship is tumbled aft (Tumble A), the sections are reversed. The section selection cube for ships with ve sections is slightly more complex. The upright and 180 section hits depend on the overall shape of the defending ship (whether the F/A silhouette is greater than the P/S silhouette, or the reverse). The effects of rolls to port or starboard depend on whether or not the attacker is above or below the ship. If the attacker is on the same Z-axis layer, either the forward or aft section will be hit. If the attacker is above or below, weapons will strike either the port or aft section. If the defending ship is tumbled forward or aft and the attacker is above or below, calculate the vertical and horizontal distances between the two units. Resolve the
section hit based on which distance is greater, and whether the attacker is above or below the ship. If the defending unit has seven or more sections, use the 7+ section selection cube. The six outer sections are numbered according to their facing when the ship is upright. The position of the attacker on the map plane and on the Z-axis determines which section is hit based on the facing arcs on the section selection cube. Occasionally, a weapons impact will hit one of the seams between sections. Example: A weapon incoming directly along facing 2 will strike between the fore and starboad sections of a 5-section ship that is not rolled or tumbled. In such cases, the attacker may choose which section to hit. Stationary structures with nine or eleven sections have inner sections that encapsulate the core section. If a weapon penetrates past the outer sections on a stardock, either the port or starboard core section will be struck rst. If the appropriate core side section is destroyed, the incoming re passes through to the primary core section. If a core section hit is called for on a starbase or space station, one of the four core side sections will be struck rst. Determine which core side section is hit in a similar manner to the above: for units with 9 sections (i.e., two core sides), use the section selection cube for 3-section units. For units with 11 sections (i.e., four core sides), use the section selection cube for 5-section units. Examples
A heavy cruiser (ve sections) is tumbled forward. An enemy corvette on the same layer (or in two-dimensional combat) attacks, the weapon incoming along facing 5 on the map plane. According to the section selection cube, the weapon strikes the heavy cruisers port section. A dreadnought (seven sections) is rolled to port, on layer ++3. It is attacked along facing 2 by a weapon platform on layer 8 (below the dreadnought). According to the section selection cube, the incoming shot will strike section 6. Hit Locations Chart Once the attacker has determined which section is damaged, the player determines what part of the section is hit. If the original roll (including DRM) to hit result was 11-14, the weapon hits hull structure. If the original result (including DRM) was 15 or higher, consult the Hit Location Chart (next page for basic rules, SSB33 for advanced) to determine which system type is hit. Depending on the weapon conguration, this step may be required for every volley in the shot. Pulse weapons strike the same system multiple times. Advanced: for each volley of a slashing weapon, move one column to the right on the hit locations chart. For each section struck by a piercing weapon, move one column to the right. For are weapons that strike multiple systems (through are overkill), move one column to the right for each system. Slicing weapons that strike hull structure do half their total damage to hull structure and the other half to all other systems in the
section. For each turn of a tracking weapon, move one column to the right on the hit locations chart. If the resulting system type does not exist on the target section, move to the right on the chart until an existing system is reached. If the section contains no systems (only hull structure), the damage goes to the core section (or to core hull structure, if the core was initially hit). Use the same roll result against the core section. If the resulting system type exists (whether resulting from the initial roll or from moving along the chart) but all such systems in the section have been destroyed, damage passes immediately through to the nearest core section. (There are exceptions to this, found in Rule 8.1.) Use the same roll result against the core section. If the system type exists in the core section as well but all such systems have been destroyed, the damage passes to core hull structure. (If the core section was struck initially, the damage passes directly to core hull structure.) If there are multiple systems of the same type, the defender chooses which system is hit. If the roll (including DRM) was 25 or higher, the weapon penetrates immediately to the (nearest) core section and proceeds as normal, to the right on the hit locations chart. Examples A burst weapon rolls 8 to hit. Since this is below 11, the weapon misses its target. A burst weapon rolls 12 to hit. The weapon strikes the targets hull structure but only does half damage. A slashing weapon with a slashing Rating of 10 rolls 20 to hit. The damage roll results in 32. The rst volley of 10 damage points hits the targets thruster. The second volley of 10 hits the targets bridge. The third volley of 10 hits the targets sensors or ESS. The nal volley of 2 points hits a weapon. A burst weapon rolls 16 to hit. The target does not have a trans-light drive in the section hit by the burst; it also does not have a cargo hold or hangar. It does have a weapon, however, so the weapon system takes the damage. A slicing weapon rolls 23 to hit. Because slicing weapons affect all systems in the section, the hit locations chart is ignored and damage is applied evenly to the sections systems. Damage to destroyed systems is lost (damage does not pass through to the nearest core). A burst weapon rolls 20 to hit. There are three thrusters in the struck section, but all have been previously destroyed. The damage therefore passes to the nearest core section, which happens to be the port core section. There are no cargo or hangar systems in the port core section, or
a trans-light drive or weapons. The weapon would strike the sensors but these have been destroyed. Since this is a core section, damage does not pass through; instead, the damage hits the port core hull structure.
7.4.1 Mitigation
Before damage can penetrate to the struck system or hull structure, it must pass through a series of mitigators in an order of impact. Not all ships will have every mitigator; most will at least have defensive re and armor. Once hit location has been determined, the order of impact is as follows: Ablative Defensive Fire Shield(s) Collector Panel(s) Armor System/Hull Structure At each level along the order of impact, the damage that passes through to the next level is reduced. If the target does not have one or more of the mitigators in the order of impact (shields, panels, armor), the damage passes through that level without interference. Ablative Defensive Fire Rule 11.1.5 covers ablative defensive re. Shields Some ships are equipped with shields that deect, absorb or otherwise prevent weapons from striking the ship itself. These are described in more detail in Rule 11.2. If a ship has shields and at least one shield is active where the weapon intends to strike, the weapon strikes the shield rst. Any excess damage that gets past the shield will then continue down the order of impact. Shields can be assigned in three ways, depending on their type. They can be assigned to individual systems, in which case they will only intercept incoming re if the systems they are protecting are the target of the weapon. They can be assigned to sections (called a shield arc), in which case they will only intercept incoming re if the section they are protecting is hit by the weapon. Last, they can be assigned to the entire ship (encapsulating), and will intercept all incoming re regardless of direction. Shields mitigate incoming re on a per-volley basis (Rule Collector Panels If the target ship has no functioning shields, or its shields have been penetrated by the weapons damage, the
attack hits its collector panels next (if it has any). See Rule 11.3. If the target ship has extended heat sinks and radiators, they are struck in the same order as collector panels (Rule 16.8.2). If a ship has both collectors and an extended HSR system, the HSR system is struck rst. It is not protected by armor. Armor After shields and panels are penetrated, the damage passes to the armor installed in the section. See Rule 11.4 for more information. Each section is protected by an armor value (though in some cases that armor value is zero). Subtract the armor value from the amount of damage rolled to determine the amount of damage that reaches the underlying system(s) or hull structure. Some weapons ignore or otherwise alter the armor values that are used against those weapons. This information is listed with the relevant weapons. Armor mitigates incoming re on a per-volley basis (Rule Enveloping and Wave Attacks Enveloping and wave attacks will usually strike more than one section. The damage effects of these attacks will be reduced by shields and/or armor only when damage to those protected sections is calculated. Sections that are not protected by shields and/or armor do not have their damage reduced even if other sections subject to the attack are protected by shields and/or armor.
Enveloping and Wave: Reduce the damage done to each system or hull structure hit (each system/hull hit is a separate volley).
Once the target system or hull structure has been determined, damage is applied according to the rules for the weapon being used.
Hull structure may be damaged by weapons re under three conditions: The hit location result indicates hull structure damage A ships system is destroyed but damage points remain to be allocated (Rule 7.4.5) The hit location result indicates a ships system that has already been destroyed and the weapon is striking the core section (Rule In the latter two cases, damage is applied to the hull structure in the same section as the destroyed system. If all hull structure points in a single section are lost, that entire section is destroyed. All systems in the section are destroyed as well. If the core hull structure is destroyed, the entire ship is destroyed. Volleys By default, a single weapon hit will constitute a single damage volley. Some weapons, however, are able to strike with multiple volleys in the same hit. Each volley has its own damage value, and each volley strikes armor (and shields) independently of the other volleys, as follows: Burst and Flare: Reduce the total amount of damage from the hit (all damage is a single volley). Pulse: Reduce the damage done by each pulse independently. Slicing and Slashing: Reduce the damage done by each damage group independently. Piercing: Reduce the damage done to the line-ofsight section only. Repairs Repairs are not possible on any system in a destroyed section.
If a system is destroyed with damage points remaining to allocate, the damage will usually cause overkill. The excess, unallocated damage is applied to the hull structure in the same section as the destroyed system. If that sections hull structure is destroyed, any remaining overkill damage is lost (and that section is destroyed). Exceptions Some weapons (such as those in a slicing conguration) do not produce overkill damage. A few weapons will produce a variant form of overkill damage, in
which a new hit location is identied to apply the remaining damage (as in the case of are weapons).
Positive accuracy Ratings with negative signs (such as +3 ) are usually found only on anti-ghter weapons. Negative accuracy Ratings with positive signs (such as 4 +) are usually found only on anti-base weapons. Missile Accuracy Missile racks have accuracy Ratings like other weapons. However, the accuracy Rating of a missile rack is added to the chance to hit only if the target is within the racks ring arc and line of sight during the Guided Weapons Phase. (The launch hex of the missile itself has no bearing on this.) Fighter/Shuttle Accuracy Small vessel weapons will always have an unsigned accuracy Rating. Small vessel missile racks add their accuracy Rating if the target is in the vessels line of sight during the Guided Weapons Phase. The target does not need to be within the racks ring arc at that time.
7.5.2 Lock-Ons
If a unit does not have a lock-on to its target (via an EW or ESS shroud), all range penalties are doubled against that target.
If this optional rule is used, units may only target systems that have been made known to the attackers side of the battle. These include such systems as weapons that have been red on previous turns and shields that have deected/absorbed on previous turns. It is always possible to make a called shot against hull structure.
two units remain in the same hex across multiple turns, continue to use the same relative positions. The range of same-hex combat is always zero. When using three-dimensional combat, note that two units will only be in the same hex if they are also on the same Z-axis layer.
7.7.1 Fighters
Due to their greater maneuverability, ghters may choose which enemy unit section to attack when ring in the same hex. Units attacking ghters must target them based on standard same-hex combat rules. Fighter vs. ghter combat is considered dogghting. Both sides roll 1d6 and add their current initiative Ratings. The group with the lower result may choose its angle of attack (forward, aft, port or starboard) and the angle of attack that its opponent may use. This dogghting roll is required on every turn that the two ghter groups are in the same hex.
roll of 11 (plus DRM). If the DRM is less than zero, roll 3d6 as normal. Other rolls that rely on the to-hit DRM (such as pulse count determination) are not affected by the setting to eleven rule. Use of this optional rule means that players can guarantee weapon hits if they can place themselves in tactical positions where their DRMs are zero or positive (usually through small range penalties and high EW amplication), and are not as subject to the effects of bad rolls when the DRM is small or zero. The drawback is that EW is tied up for each weapon that is set to eleven, and cannot be used for shrouds or amplication. The setting to eleven rule, if it is used frequently, can greatly accelerate the pace of combat. However, it strongly favors units that have large sensors and weapons with low range penalties, and can become unbalanced if used during games where the sides are not evenly matched in this regard.
Under the standard optional rule, any weapon can be set to eleven with 1 point of EW, and that point will guarantee an 11 for all shots made by the weapon on the current turn. This greatly advantages weapons with high rates of re. To mitigate this advantage, this variant of the setting to eleven rule requires that 1 point of EW be applied per shot rather than per weapon. The EW must still be applied to specic weapons, but weapons with high rates of re (greater than 1+0) must have multiple EW points assigned in order to set all shots to eleven.
Each column represents a Pulse Accuracy Interval. Match the pulse roll (including DRM) to the correct column to determine the number of pulses that hit the target. The progression may continue past 30, if necessary.
below 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
1 1 2 1 1 3 2 4 1
5 3
2 7
9 3 10 5 4
pulse accuracy roll result. The total cannot go above the pulse maximum.
8.1.3 Slicing
Slicing weapons strike their targets in a wide arc, striking every system in the struck section. The amount of damage a slicing weapon does is distributed evenly across these systems (with excess damage ignored). Because slicing weapons do not linger on a single system for very long, they cannot produce overkill damage: if a slicing weapon destroys a system but there is damage left to be allocated to that system, the excess damage is lost. Damage is also lost against previously destroyed systems; this damage is not passed through to a core section. If the to-hit roll results in a hull structure hit, slicing weapons do half their total damage to hull structure and the other half to the other systems. If the to-hit roll results in a system hit, the weapon does all of its damage to the systems in the section.
8.1.1 Burst
A burst weapon res a single shot at its target, giving it one to-hit roll and one damage roll. Many laser, particle and plasma weapons are burst weapons. Most matter weapons are burst weapons.
8.1.2 Pulse
A pulse weapon res a series of small, rapid bursts. The number of pulses that strike the target depends on the weapons pulse Rating and its accuracy on the given shot. Only a single to-hit roll is made for a pulse weapon. Even though the weapon may strike with more than one pulse, it will only strike one system (or hull structure). Each pulse is considered an independent volley, however, for armor purposes. If a system is destroyed before all of the pulses have been accounted for, the remaining pulses do overkill damage. To determine how many pulses hit the target, look at the weapons pulse Rating. This Rating is divided into two parts: the rst part indicates the maximum number of pulses the weapon res. The second part indicates the pulse accuracy of the weapon. On a successful hit, roll 3d6 again and add the to-hit DRM. One pulse strikes the target for every accuracy interval (full or partial) rolled above ten, including the DRM. The minimum is always 1. Example: Suppose a weapons pulse Rating is 5/4. On a pulse accuracy roll of 14 or below, one pulse hits. On a roll of 15-18, two pulses hit. On a roll of 19-22, three pulses hit. On a roll of 23-26, four pulses hit. On a roll of 27 or higher, ve pulses hit. There is a chart on the following page and on SSB36 that gives the progression. Alternatively, it is possible to use a quick equation to determine the number of pulses that hit. Subtract 10 from the roll (plus DRM), divide by the pulse accuracy interval, and round up if needed. Some pulse weapons will have an additional element to their pulse Rating. If the Rating is listed as including a die roll, roll the die and add that number of pulses to the
8.1.4 Slashing
Slashing weapons are similar to slicing weapons in that they strike their targets in a wide arc, though the arc is smaller than that of a slicing weapon. A slashing weapons damage is divided into volleys containing damage equal to the slashing Rating, with any leftover damage applied as a smaller separate volley. On the hit locations chart, each volley moves to the rst existing system to the right of the previous volley. Each volley can produce overkill damage. Volleys that strike destroyed systems affect hull structure instead. If a slashing weapon strikes hull structure only, damage is applied as separate volleys (each reduced by armor). If the hit location result reaches a core section (either through hit location shifting or due to a very high hit location result), apply the results to the outer section regardless, unless the outer section is destroyed.
8.1.5 Piercing
Piercing weapons are the opposite of slicing weapons. Rather than ring wide and shallow, a piercing weapon res narrow and deep. A piercing weapon has one to-hit roll and one damage roll, but multiple hit locations (if applicable). One hit location is selected for each section the shot passes through on its way to the opposite side of the target ship. To select a hit location, begin with the rst system listed in the hit location result. For each section, move to the rst existing system to the right. Damage is then divided by three, with each portion applied to one sections hit location. Any excess damage is applied to the section in line of sight of the attacking ship. If there are
fewer than three sections being hit (either due to the ships hull type or the earlier destruction of a section), the damage applied to the missing sections is lost. If there are more than three sections within the path of the piercing weapon, the weapon only penetrates the nearest three sections. The resulting hits are treated as individual volleys. Piercing weapons do not cause overkill damage; they are too tightly focused. Overkill damage is lost. If one of the struck ship sections is already destroyed, the damage applied to that section is lost. If the weapon strikes an existing but destroyed ship system, the damage to that system is lost (not applied to hull structure). Piercing weapons cannot be used against ghters or shuttles. To use a piercing weapon, the ship must assign two EW points to the weapon. These EW points must not have been allocated during the Electronic Warfare Phase; they cannot be used for ECM or EW shrouds. If the EW points are not assigned, the piercing weapon cannot be red on the target.
8.1.8 Wave
Wave-based weapons are capable of striking any and all ships within its range and ring arc. Beginning with the attackers hex and moving outward along the ring arc, the attacker rolls to hit once for each ship (friend or foe) in the weapons path. (Note that, as with other direct re weapons, the Range DRM will worsen as the distance from the ring unit increases.) This continues for each hex distance until the attackers modied to-hit roll results in a miss, or the weapons maximum range is reached. If the weapon misses at a given range and there are other units at the same range that have not yet been checked for a hit, the attacker may roll to hit against those units (but not against any units at a greater distance from the ring unit). For the purposes of damage allocation, treat the wave weapon as a slicing weapon against each ship that it successfully hits. Defensive Fire cannot be used against wave weapons.
8.1.6 Flare
Flare weapons do not penetrate very deeply, but they affect multiple systems at once. A are weapon cannot produce overkill damage. Instead, excess damage is applied to the rst existing, intact system to the right of the initial hit on the hit locations chart; the damage is considered a separate volley. This process continues until there is no excess damage remaining. If a are hits hull structure, treat the hit as a burst conguration. If a ares hit location would produce core damage (by hitting a destroyed system) and there are still intact systems and structure in the hit section, shift the hit location (according to the normal rules) until an intact system is hit. If no intact system is available, the are hits hull structure. Only once there are no systems or structure points left on the struck side will a are be able to penetrate to the core of a ship.
8.1.9 Tracking
Tracking weapons re over multiple turns. In order for a tracking weapon to re in its tracking conguration, it must be armed at double power for the duration of its attack. This extra power must have been assigned during the Power Allocation Phase. Roll to-hit as normal. To determine the number of turns the weapon will hit its target (assuming the weapon maintains line of sight, ring arc and viable range), roll 3d6 again and add the to-hit DRM. Consult the following chart: Number of Turns 1 2 3 4
8.1.7 Enveloping
Enveloping weapons are expensive to build and activate. Enveloping weapons are the only conguration that can directly strike targets on sides other than the one in line of sight. Enveloping weapons are treated as slicing weapons that affect every facing ship section (that is, excluding the core sections). Damage is divided evenly among all sections, with excess damage lost.
If the weapons tracking Rating is lower than the resulting number of turns, use the tracking Rating. The tracking weapon will stop ring if line of sight is broken or the target ship moves out of the weapons ring
arc. The weapon will also stop ring if it is unpowered or takes any damage during its ring period. For all other purposes a tracking weapon is considered a burst weapon unless otherwise specied. Damage is rolled on each turn that the tracking weapon hits its target, using the hit location result from the initial to-hit roll. If the result was a system hit, move one column to the right on each turn. Tracking weapons may be red as standard weapons (using a burst conguration unless otherwise specied), but do not benet from multi-turn tracking. Tracking weapons cannot track in a wave conguration.
8.2.4 Radiation
Radiation-based weapons (sometimes called nuclear weapons) are highly effective against living crews (and living ships). They are most commonly congured as are, enveloping or wave weapons. Some missiles are tted with nuclear warheads. Contrary to popular belief, a nuclear warhead explosion in space does not produce a massive reball like the mushroom clouds of a thermonuclear detonation in atmosphere. (The restorm of a nuclear explosion requires air to fuel it.) However, a space-bound guided nuclear weapon can still cause signicant radiation damage to its targets. Special Rules: Radiation weapons do not have special rules.
8.2.5 Electromagnetic
EM weapons create strong discharges of electricity essentially bolts of lightning over long distances. Although the physical damage caused by EM is relatively low, numerous special effects are possible with these weapons. Special Rules: EM weapons may only use d4 dice for damage rolls. EM weapons treat EM shields as if the shields were at half strength.
8.2.1 Matter
Matter weapons re material projectiles of various sizes. Matter weapons that re small projectiles are usually treated as pulse or are weapons. Larger weapons that re large-caliber shells usually use the rules for burst weapons. Special Rules: Matter weapons ignore armor, but do not cause overkill. Matter weapons cannot be used for Defensive Fire except with the addition of certain enhancements.
8.2.6 Plasma
Plasma weapons rely on superheating quarks and gluons and then aiming them at a target. Most torpedoes are treated as plasma weapons. Special Rules: Plasma weapons (not including most plasma-based torpedoes) tend to have very short ranges, and their damage decreases the farther they must travel to the target. However, they inict double damage to hull structure. They also treat armor as having half its value (rounded up). A plasma weapons Rating indicates how much damage is lost per hex.
8.2.2 Laser
Laser weapons re bursts of focused photons. Special Rules: Because laser weapons take a moment to charge, they cannot be used as Defensive Fire weapons and rate of re construction costs for lasers are doubled.
8.2.7 Gravitic
8.2.3 Particle
Particle weapons re dense bursts of atoms at sub-light speeds; they are frequently called atom lasers. Because they are slower (but more agile) than true lasers, they can be intercepted by Defensive Fire and can be used as Defensive Fire weapons. Special Rules: Particle weapons do not have special rules.
Gravitic weapons manipulate the molecules of their targets by forcing them to bend and distort. Some gravitic weapons are able to attract or repel entire ships. Special Rules: Many gravitic weapons can be used to produce shields, in addition to their use in offensive and defensive re. A gravitic weapon capable of functioning as a shield may not be used as a weapon in the same turn. A gravitic weapon being used for Emergency Defensive Fire can be converted to shield mode (if capable) in exchange for incurring a point of damage. Gravitic weapons treat Gravitic shields as if the shields were at half strength.
Guided weapons are launched prior to movement, during the Preliminary Actions Step. A guided weapon travels more slowly than other weapons, under its own power. In order to launch a guided weapon, a units guided weapon launcher (the weapon rack) must meet all of the requirements listed in Rule 7.1 at the time of launch. For missile systems, the weapon rack must have missiles remaining and available to re. A unit that has red guided weapons is not required to maintain these requirements past the Preliminary Actions Step of that turn. A guided weapon will still be able to roll to hit even if the ring unit has pivoted away from the target, bringing the target out of arc of the ring rack. However, during the Weapons Fire Step, the guided weapon itself must have line of sight to its target. Missiles do not use the launching ships target amplication: the missiles themselves receive a at +2 EW target amplication from their own sensors. (This can be increased using a special missile enhancement.) The ring ship does not need to be locked onto its target to re a missile. Torpedoes use the launching ships EW target amplication, and require a lock-on to re. There are two additional requirements for guided weapons, both involving range. During the Preliminary Actions Step, the target must be within the launch range of the ring units guided weapon. If it is not, the weapon may not re at that target. During the Weapons Fire Step, the target must be within the maximum range of the guided weapon. If not, it deactivates and does not strike its target.
determination treat the guided weapon as if the new target were the original target.
9.2.2 Torpedoes
Torpedoes are ad hoc guided weapons: the ammunition for a single shot is created by the system when the weapon is red. For this reason, torpedoes do not have racks (and do not use reload racks). The main advantage of this feature is that a torpedo system will never run out of ammunition. The main drawback is that the torpedo systems weapons are of a xed type: alternative torpedoes may not be loaded onto the system the way missiles can be loaded into a missile rack.
9.2.3 Drones
Drones are low-speed missiles. Instead of striking on the same turn they are red, they travel across the map, taking the shortest route to their targets. Drones have a speed Rating that determines the maximum number of hexes (and levels, if three-dimensional movement is used) they may travel each turn. Drones move at the end of the Movement Step. They can move in any direction, and it is not necessary to keep track of a drones facing. A drone will continue to move toward its target on each turn, until it has expended its maximum range. If the drone enters its targets hex during its movement, it rolls to hit like a guided weapon. Because of their slow speed, drones do not need to maintain line of sight to their targets after they have been launched; they do not attempt to target new ships if line of sight is lost. If a drone loses line of sight to its target, it will continue to move toward the hex in which its target last appeared to its tracking computer. If it does not regain line of sight by the time it reaches that hex, it will deactivate and fail to detonate. Weapon Attachments Some drones are built with direct re weapon attachments. These weapons are standard small vessel
weapons and are powered by the drones own power source. They are always mounted as Turrets and are treated as being both on dorsal and keel sides of the drone. That is, they can re out of every facing. Drone weapon attachments may be red at any target, not only the target of the drone itself. Unlike small vessel weapons, drone weapon attachments are subject to ECM. Against a drones target, a weapon attachment has an target Amplication of +1. Against all other targets it has no Amplication. Weapon attachments are red after small vessel direct re. On the turn after a weapon attachment has red, any weapon targeting the drone gains a +1 to hit, per shot red.
Some units are capable of deploying stationary weapons. This category includes mines, weapon platforms and ESS beacons, among other devices. There are two ways that stationary weapons may be deployed, depending on the system (called a drum) that releases them: ejected or deposited. Both deployments occur during the Final Action Step of the turn, but must be announced during the Preliminary Actions step. Direction and distance do not have to be announced, only the fact that the weapon is being deployed. Once deployed, a stationary weapon will become live (activated and powered) on the following turn. An ejected stationary weapon is red from its weapon drum through the drums ring arc. Once red, it will travel to up to its maximum range, at the players discretion, then re small stabilizing thrusters (useful only for keeping the weapon in position). The ejecting unit must have line of sight to the location on the map where the weapon is being deployed. Place the appropriate stationary weapon counter on the map at that point. A deposited stationary weapon is red from its weapon drum directly onto the center of the ring units counter, where it remains. A depositing drum has no ring arc and cannot propel the weapon. Drums carry a limited number of munitions, usually between 1 and 5, although the drums aboard minelayer ships tend to be considerably larger.
10.1 Mines
Mines detonate when enemy units come within range of their rudimentary sensor suite. When playing with the three-dimensional movement option, players should keep in mind that creating barriers with mineelds is signicantly more time-consuming and requires considerably more mines. Occasionally, superior eet commanders will nd ways to herd enemy ships into a mineeld by knocking out the thrusters needed to evade the mines as the ships are chased into the seeded region of space. Mines activate during the Movement Step, as soon as they are triggered by an enemys presence.
If an enemy ship passes within range of a proximity mine during its movement, the mine detonates and the attack is resolved immediately, before the ship completes its movement. Determine which section is struck based on the ships approach.
All types of mines are too small to be detected automatically. To attempt to detect a mine, a ship must activate an EW or ESS shroud and select a hex within the shrouds range. The base chance to detect a mine within the hex (if there is one present) is 6 if using an EW shroud. The base chance is 9 if using an ESS shroud. Roll 3d6. On a roll equal to or less than the chance to detect, any mine(s) in the target hex are detected. Once a mine is detected, treat its silhouette Rating and total section count as zero. They cannot use ECM (not even the ESS beacons) or DF of any kind.
10.2 Micro-Platforms
Micro-platforms are treated like weapon platforms (Rule 10.4) with a single weapon installed. A microplatform activates as soon as an enemy target enters its range, which by default is 2 hexes. The micro-platform resolves its re during the Weapons Fire Step, along with weapon platforms. After a micro-platform has red once, its weapon systems power source expires and it is destroyed. Defenders may use any Defensive Fire that can be used against the weapon installed on the micro-platform.
ESS beacons are mine-sized devices with somewhat more complex sensor suites and ESS functions. They last for a number of turns equal to the power requirement of their ESS system.
Weapon platforms are independent, computercontrolled units that do not move but are able to re like ships. Typically, they have two or three weapons mounted on turrets. Weapon platforms will re at any and all possible enemy targets.
Defensive Fire, or DF, is weapons re directed at incoming attacks. The energy or material of most types of weapons re can be deected, diminished or absorbed by Defensive Fire. Lasers are the major exception: they cannot be intercepted by Defensive Fire, and they cannot be used for Defensive Fire. When an attack is made against a players unit, s/he may attempt to use one or more weapons to reduce the enemys chance to hit a vital location by deecting the incoming re. In order to use a given weapon, all of the following criteria must be met: The attacking unit is within the defending weapons ring arc. The defending weapon has not and will not re offensively on the current turn. The defending weapon is activated and able to re. The defending weapon has a Rating that permits it to provide Defensive Fire. The attacking weapon is of a type that can be intercepted. (Lasers are the major exception.) The defending weapon has not red defensively on the current turn. The defending weapons Speed Rating is equal to or greater than the attacking weapons Speed Rating. There are three types of Defensive Fire: standard, ad hoc and emergency. Every weapon will have a three-part Defensive Fire Rating corresponding to each of these types.
most cases, a weapons AHDF Rating will be lower than a similar interceptors SDF Rating. In addition to the standard criteria, two additional restrictions limit the usefulness of Ad Hoc Defensive Fire. First, any weapon that is going to be used for AHDF must be declared as such during the Fire Determination Phase. AHDF weapons being red offensively may not be switched to AHDF after declaration. Second, while any number of weapons may be used for AHDF, the total modier from AHDF against a single incoming attack cannot exceed four times the lowest AHDF Rating among those weapons being used to deect the attack.
Some weapons will be capable of ablative defensive re. This form of defensive re (available only to SDF and AHDF) does not reduce the chance to hit. Rather, if an incoming direct re weapon successfully strikes, all engaged ablative DF weapons reduce the resulting damage by ten percent of the total damage rolled per 1 of DF, rounded up. Example: A weapon with 2 SDF against a weapon doing 12 points of damage will reduce the damage by 4 points: 10% of 12 is 1.2, rounded up to 2. Since the SDF is 2, reduction is twice the 2 points, for a total of 4 points of reduction. The resulting damage is 8 points. Against guided weapons, ablative defensive re functions as normal defensive re (to-hit DRM penalty).
unsuccessful, the guided weapon may then roll to hit its target. Weapon Restrictions If a weapon is being used for normal Defensive Fire, it cannot attempt an intercept. If a weapon is unable to target small vessels, it may not target a guided weapon. Wavecongured weapons may not attempt intercepts. Weapons that do no damage may not attempt intercepts. Intercepting Drones Drones may be shot down at any point during their travel to the target. Treat the drone as a standard guided weapon, except for its range: use its current distance from the intercepting weapon.
In addition to normal defensive re (SDF, AHDF or EDF) against guided weapons, it is possible to attempt to shoot down (intercept) the missile or torpedo before it strikes its target. This is attempted during the Guided Weapons Phase, prior to regular direct re attacks. To make the attempt, the guided weapons launch hex must be within the ring arc (and range) of the defending weapon. The weapon must be a direct re system and it must be able to re on the current turn. Any unit (not only the target) may attempt to intercept any missile or torpedo, as long as its weapon ts the requirements. The intercept attempt must be declared during the Fire Determination Phase, and is completed during the Guided Weapons Phase. The weapon may not target any other unit during the current turn. Treat the guided weapon as having a Silhouette of zero and a total section count of zero. Apply any EW amplication (or the missiles built-in EW) as a negative DRM, as well as any Accuracy bonus that the guided weapon receives from its launcher. The attacking unit does not lend its ECM to the guided weapon. The intercepting unit may use any available EW amplication, and will suffer the doubled range penalty if its EW shroud does not extend to the guided weapons launch hex. For the purposes of determining the range penalty, use a range of 4 hexes or the range to the launch hex, whichever is lower. A weapon with a RoF of 2+0 or greater may attempt more than one intercept. On the second attempt, treat the range to the guided weapon as 2 hexes (or less, if the launch hex is nearer than 2 hexes). On a third or fourth attempt, treat the range as 1 hex. If the intercept is successful, the guided weapon is destroyed before it strikes its intended target. If the attack is
Weapons belonging to units that are not the current target may be used to defend against incoming attacks (against the current target) under certain circumstances. This is called screening. In order for a unit to use one or more of its weapons as defensive re to protect another unit, the following conditions must be met: The weapon must have an SDF Rating. The weapon must be assigned to SDF on the current turn (and must be allocated to the correct incoming attack during re determination). The range penalty of the defending weapon (between the defending unit and the targeted unit) must be no greater than 1 for each point of weapon Speed (e.g., a Plasma weapon, which has a Speed of 2, may have a range penalty up to 2). The weapons ring arc must include the target unit or the attacking unit (or both). The range between the defending unit and the attacking unit must be less than the range between the target unit and the attacking unit. (That is, the screening defender must be closer to the attacker than the target.) Screening DF is resolved according to the normal rules for Defensive Fire, at the time that the attack is resolved. Screening weapons may implement ablative DF if the option is available to them. Note that the range penalty check has no bearing on the effectiveness of the screening DF. It is only used to determine whether or not the weapon is permitted to screen for the target unit. Guardian Enhancement The Guardian enhancement increases the maximum range penalty per point of weapon Speed to 2.
11.2 Shields
Shields offer two kinds of protection against incoming re. Some shield types only use one kind; others use both. The rst kind of protection is active, generating a negative modier to the enemys to-hit roll. This is called deection. The second kind of protection is passive: once an opponent has successfully rolled to hit, the incoming shot will strike any applicable shield before it can reach the ship itself. This is called absorption. Shields come in three different congurations: arc, point defense and encapsulating. Arc shields protect individual sections. Point defense shields protect individual systems. Encapsulating shields protect the entire ship, in all directions. Shields require considerable amounts of power. Some shields can offer partial protection while under partial power; others must be fully powered in order to offer any protection.
Rating at half its current strength. A buffering shield cannot lose more than half of its current strength to an Anti-Shield weapon. Example: A weapon with the Anti-Shield enhancement does 50 points of damage against a buffering shield that currently holds 80 absorption points. 40 points of damage are absorbed by the shield (reducing it to 40 points) and 10 points of damage pass through the shield and strike the unit.
Some shields are able to provide both deection and absorption effects. These shields will have a dual Rating, with the deection Rating appearing before the slash. Incoming re will be adjusted by both Ratings (to-hit chance and volley damage). Some hybrid shields can shift their effectiveness between the two functions. If a hybrid shield is capable of doing this, its Rating will appear as a single number. The player can assign the points of the Rating to deection and absorption as s/he chooses during the Power Allocation step. This assignment cannot be changed until the next turn. A few high technology hybrid shields can shift point assignments more rapidly, and do not need to wait until Power Allocation. Point assignment is selected after all weapons re has been declared but before any rolls are resolved. Once the points are assigned (at the beginning of the Weapons Fire Step) they cannot be changed until the next Weapons Fire Step.
Absorption shields function like armor. If an incoming shot successfully hits the section or facing that an absorption shield is protecting, reduce the total damage of each volley by an amount equal to the shields absorption Rating. If an absorption shield is capable of and currently operating under partial power, it will reduce damage by only half of its Rating.
Arc shields protect against re striking the section in which the arc shield resides. Arc shields cannot protect core sections. Arc shields can only protect a single section. Buffering Shields A subtype of the absorption shield exists, called a buffering shield. Buffering shields absorb damage like standard absorption shields, but lose an amount of protection equal to the amount of damage absorbed. Buffering shields recharge over time, returning eventually to their maximum strength. As with standard absorption shields, against weapons with the Anti-Shield enhancement, treat the absorption
Point defense shields are small, low-powered shields that protect individual ship systems. Point defense shields are always absorption shields; they are never capable of deection. There are two types of point defense shields: stationary and roaming. Stationary point defense shields are assigned to a single ship system. They will not have any defensive effect on any system other than the one to which they have been assigned. Stationary point defense shields are able to protect core systems under all circumstances. Roaming point defense shields are not assigned to individual ship systems. Instead, they travel across a given ship section to protect all systems in that section. Once an
incoming shot has rolled for hit location, the defender rolls 3d6. If this roll is equal to or less than the roaming point defense shields speed Rating, it successfully travels to the hit system and applies its absoption Rating. If the roll is higher than the speed Rating, the incoming shot strikes the system without interference from the shield. Although point defense shields require very little power, their small size allows for concentrated effect: they tend to be far more effective than larger arc shields. As with arc shields, they may not protect systems in core sections.
11.4 Armor
Unlike other systems, sectional armor does not appear on the hit locations chart. Instead, it is always the rst system struck by incoming re (after shields have applied their defensive capabilities). There are three kinds of armor: standard, ablative and adaptive. In addition, specialized armor is effective against certain weapon technologies. Standard armor works according to the basic rules for armor.
Some shields may be over-loaded to provide additional protection against incoming attacks. If a ships shield can be over-loaded, applying 1 point of additional power during Power Allocation will increase its Ratings by 50% (rounded down) for the current turn.
The effectiveness of ablative armor is reduced by one point each time it is hit. Once the armors Rating has dropped to zero, the system is destroyed and no longer protects the section. Weapons that affect armor in special ways affect ablative armor in the same ways. The 1-point reduction in armor effectiveness is not altered by such weapons. Some but not all forms of ablative armor can be repaired. Because ablative armor does not use structure points, repair systems that are used to restore structure have no effect on ablative armor. Ablative armor protects only the section in which it has been installed. It can be installed in core sections. Individual system armor works as normal: incoming re must penetrate both types of armor before it can affect the underlying system.
The effectiveness of adaptive armor changes based on the amount and type of damage the ship receives during battle.
Each weapon technology (matter, plasma, etc.) is listed on the adaptive armor Control Panel. Each time a weapon strikes the section being protected by the adaptive armor and does at least 1 point of damage, one point of defense is added to that weapon technologys row on the Control Panel. If a shield absorbs all of an attacks damage, the adaptive armor does not gain a point. If a systems armor absorbs all of an attacks damage, the adaptive armor will still receive 1 defense point. The next time the section being protected by the adaptive armor is struck with the same weapon technology, the armors defense points against that technology are used as standard armor to mitigate the damage. After damage has been reduced, the adaptive armor then gains another point of defense against that weapon technology. (Incoming shots are not mitigated by the point of defense that they themselves give to the adaptive armor.) Adaptive armor points dissipate after a battle has ended. In some scenarios a ships adaptive armor will enter battle with an existing conguration of defense points, but this is not a common occurrence. Adaptive armor will have a maximum number of points that can be added to each technology and a maximum number that can be used overall, listed as its Rating. Some forms of adaptive armor are linked. Each linked adaptive armor system will gain a point of defense whenever another adaptive armor system to which it is linked receives a point. Collective adaptive armor is a more advanced form of adaptive armor. Instead of receiving defense points against specic weapon technologies, it receives all defense points into a general pool. The player may then assign these points to individual weapon technologies as s/he chooses. Once a point has been assigned, it cannot be re-assigned until all of the adaptive armors points have dissipated (after battle). When an adaptive armor point is generated, this information is made public during the next EW allocation step. Players may choose to store the adaptive armor point rather than apply it as armor. If the armor point is stored, its existence is not made public. Once a stored point is converted to actual adaptive armor, it cannot be removed except by the normal dissipation process. Stealth adaptive armor can create adaptive armor points (or convert stored points) without revealing their existence to other ships. Adaptive armor systems are limited in the total number of adaptive armor points they can produce, and in the number of points that can be applied against each weapon technology.
If a ship with adaptive armor uses specialized armor, the effects are the same as with other armor types. Each point of adaptive armor against a given attack is adjusted, if applicable, by the relevant specialization. Individual weapons that ignore armor do not ignore adaptive armor that has been assigned to the weapons technology. However, if an entire weapon technology ignores armor, it also ignores adaptive armor unless that armor has been specialized.
Some forms of armor are specialized. Specialized armor is made from specic materials geared toward better defense against a specic weapon technology or conguration. Armor specialization gives all armor in the ship a 50% increase against the designated weapon type (rounded up). Example: A ship with armor specialized against Radiation weapons is attacked by that technology. The weapon strikes a system with 3 points of armor. Against this weapon, the armor is treated as having 5 points (50% of 3 points is 1.5, rounded up to 2). Exceptions: Specialized armor that is effective against Matter weapons removes their ability to ignore armor. Treat the armor Rating as 1/2 its normal value. Additional specializations function as per the above rule. Specialized armor effective against Plasma weapons removes their ability to treat armor at 1/2 value. Use the armors true Rating instead.
Anti-missile rocket systems (AMRS) re small, highvelocity rockets against incoming guided weapons. They may be used to defend the unit elding the AMRS, or any other unit up to 4 hexes away. The standard Rate of Fire of an AMRS is 1+0, but this may be increased during ship construction. The target missiles launch hex and the missiles target must both be within the AMRSs ring arc. To determine whether the AMRS intercepts the missile or torpedo, roll to hit as if it were attempting a guided
weapon intercept (Rule 11.1.4). The AMRS has no range DRM penalty, but it also may not use the elding units EW amplication as a DRM bonus. (The AMRS does not require an EW shroud to operate.) The AMRS has an accuracy Rating of 0. On a roll of 11 or higher (including DRM), the missile or torpedo is destroyed.
11.5.2 Chaff
Chaff provides a DRM penalty to hit for any guided weapon red against any targets in the chaff-deploying units hex. The standard DRM penalty is 1, but this may be increased during ship construction.
11.5.3 Flares
Flares, like chaff, provide a DRM penalty to hit. However, they are directed only against a single incoming weapon, and may be used to defend the unit elding the are or any other unit up to 1 hex away. The standard DRM penalty is 2, but this may be increased during ship construction.
12.1.2 Shuttles
Shuttles are always represented individually on the map, unlike ghters. However, for the purposes of the rules, they are treated as vanguards with two ghters missing.
The accuracy Ratings for ghter weapons assume that they are being red by a vanguard. If a weapon is being red by a ight, the accuracy value goes up by 2. If a weapon is being red by a strike force, the accuracy value goes up by 4. Fighters may not have signed accuracy Ratings.
Linked weapons are partially controlled by a computer network that links together the ghters of a single group. If a ghter group of at least 3 ghters res a linked weapon, its chance to hit gains a +2 bonus.
Guided weapons re from ghter groups is handled according to the rules for ships. Each shot rolls to hit separately, and damage is rolled independently for each shot.
12.3.2 Armor
Fighters and shuttles have four armor Ratings: fore, aft, port and starboard. Determine the direction of incoming re to identify which armor side is hit, using the section selection cube for 5 sections, according to the rules for starships.
If a ghter groups target uses DF against its attack, the DF value is modied based on the size of the group. Against ghter vanguards, the DF is not reduced. Against ghter ights, the DF is reduced by 1. Against ghter strike forces, the DF is reduced by 2.
If any damage penetrates armor, it passes through to the ghter or shuttles hull structure. If a ghter or shuttles hull structure is fully destroyed, the individual ghter or shuttle is destroyed.
12.4 Hangars
Shuttle and ghter bays, collectively called hangars, carry a total Mass of shuttles or ghters equal to the amount of structure on the system. Each structure point represents one bay. Example: A ghter hangar with 6 bays could carry 6 light ghters, 3 heavy ghters or 2 light ghters + 2 heavy ghters. If a hangar takes damage to its structure, any ghter or shuttle in the destroyed bay(s) is destroyed along with the structure point. Fighters and shuttles with a Mass greater than 1 occupy more than one bay, and are destroyed when any one of the bays in which they are housed is destroyed. A hangars Rating indicates how many hangar operations it may perform each turn. There are four hangar operations: Launch one ghter/shuttle Land one ghter/shuttle Load one missile/mine onto ghter/shuttle Unload one missile/mine from ghter/shuttle
12.4.1 Launch/Land
A ship may only launch or receive a ghter or shuttle if it has not pivoted, rolled or tumbled on the current turn. The maneuvers of the ghter or shuttle do not affect its ability to land. Launched units appear in the same hex as the launching ship. If the hangars arc is xed, the unit will appear facing in the direction of the arc. If the arc is wider than a xed arc, the unit may appear facing in any direction covered by the arc. The launched units vector (Speed and direction of travel) is the same as the launching ships vector, regardless of facing. Landing units must end their movement in the same hex as the ship on which they are landing. They must be traveling at the same speed as the ship or greater, and they must enter the hex through a facing accessible by the hangars arc.
If the landing units speed is greater than the ships speed by an amount equal to its thrust Rating or more, it receives one point of damage as it lands. If a shuttle or ghter attempts to land in a hangar that is full, it and one of the units in the hanger are destroyed. If a shuttle or ghter attempts to land in a hangar that does not carry units of its type, the landing unit is destroyed. Initiative Effects On the turn after a shuttle/ghter launch, the launched vessels initiative is increased by 10 and the launching units initiative increases by 5.
turn. If the result is 9 or higher, the ghter or shuttle fails to escape and is destroyed. All remaining ghters/shuttles are also destroyed. (No further escape attempts may be made.) For hangars with launch tubes, escape is permissible under two conditions. If at least one launch tube is operational, escape may be attempted. If all launch tubes are destroyed but the hangar is currently exposed to space (i.e., an adjacent outer section has been destroyed), escape may be attempted. Under no other circumstances may vessels escape from a hangar with destroyed launch tubes.
External launchers may launch shuttles and ghters. Most launchers may not receive landing units. No external launcher may load or unload ordnance. External launchers cause no initiative penalty to the launched unit or the launching ship. However, each time a launcher receives a unit (if it is capable of doing so), the ships initiative increases by 3 on the subsequent turn. Shuttles and ghters may be transferred from a hangar to an external launcher, but not from a launcher to a hangar. This process requires 1 operation per vessel for three turns.
Under normal circumstances, hangars may only be mounted to an outer section (non-core). Hangar launch tubes (HLTs) permit hangars to be placed in the units interior, though there are tradeoffs. HLTs must be located in an outer section nearest to the hangar to which it is attached. The arc of an HLT is always Fixed. Multiple launch tubes may be attached to a single hangar. If all of a hangars launch tubes are destroyed, the hangar may not launch or land any units. Each time a launch tube is used, the action counts as two hangar operations. Hangars that only permit one operation per turn cannot launch or land vessels via launch tubes.
12.4.4 Escape
Upon the destruction of a section in which a hangar is installed, ghters and shuttles currently landed in the hangar may attempt to escape. In order of Mass (low to high), roll 3d6 for each ghter and shuttle attempting to escape. Add 1 to the roll for each ghter/shuttle after the rst. If the result is equal to or less than 8, the ghter or shuttle successfully escapes. This counts as a launch for the purposes of initiative on the next
If three of the dice show a 1, the hyper drive melts down. Roll 2d10 and destroy that amount of structure in the section where the hyper drive is installed, ignoring armor. The hyper drive is destroyed and cannot be repaired. If four or more of the dice show a 1, the hyper drive explodes, destroying the ship. Shift and Snap Drives Treat shift and snap drives as hyper drives for purposes of damage effects. Warp Drives Treat warp drives as hyper drives for purposes of damage effects. The roll is also required on each turn that a warp bubble is maintained.
13.1.2 Thrusters
A thrusters Rating is equal to half the undamaged structure in the system, rounded down.
13.1.3 Engines
An engines Rating is equal to half the undamaged structure in the system, rounded down.
Any ghter or shuttle stored in a destroyed bay is also destroyed. Any unit of cargo stored in a destroyed container is also destroyed.
13.1.8 Bridge
An ESS devices Rating is equal to three times the undamaged structure in the system. Advanced Bridge Rules If the active bridge loses one third of its structure (rounded down), the accuracy Rating of every weapon on the ship is reduced by 1. If the active bridge loses one half of its structure (rounded down), the ships total sensor Rating is reduced by 1, regardless of the state of the sensor system(s). If the bridge is completely destroyed, the ship becomes derelict. If the ship has more than one bridge, control of the ship may be transferred to that bridge at any time prior to the total destruction of the rst bridge. Weapon accuracy and sensor Rating penalties are always applied based on damage to the currently active bridge.
For every point of damage to a docking clamp, docking operations (attaching and detaching) takes one additional turn.
Fighters and shuttles can suffer systems failure. If the original roll to hit (not including DRM) was 17 or 18, roll 3d6. Add to this roll the amount of destroyed hull structure on the ghter or shuttle. If the result is greater than 18, the ghter or shuttle suffers systems failure. It is not destroyed, but it is immediately removed from play, left to tumble helplessly in space waiting for rescue. Fighters and shuttles that have suffered systems failure can be retrieved after the battle ends, by whichever side takes the eld.
13.2.1 Fires
Roll 1d10. For a number of turns equal to the result, the hull structure block that suffered catastrophic damage is considered to be on re. One point of structure is destroyed each turn until the re goes out. The hull structure blockand the shipcan be destroyed as a result. Repair systems can extinguish res.
Trans-light drives of various kinds permit ships to travel faster than the speed of light. There are four types of translight drive. Hyper drives create hyperspace tunnels in space that can be entered by one or more ships (none of which are required to be equipped with a dimensional drive). These hyperspace tunnels lead to a parallel dimension (such as hyperspace) that is much smaller than normal space. Shift drives are similar to hyper drives in that they lead to a parallel dimension. However, only the ship that activates a shift drive is able to make the transition: the shift drive swallows the ship without creating an independent hyperspace tunnel. Warp drives warp spacetime around the activating ship. The ship does not shift or hyper-transition to a different dimension. Snap drives, based on wormhole physics, provide nearly instantaneous travel between points.
tunnel only by passing through the hyperspace tunnels hex facing. Ships entering a hyperspace tunnel hex are not required to enter the hyperspace tunnel. Once a ship has entered a hyperspace tunnel, it is removed from the board for the remainder of the battle.
Hyper Drives with the transferable hyperspace tunnels enhancement may transfer control of a hyperspace tunnel to another hyper drive with the same enhancement (on another ship). The second ship must meet the necessary conditions to begin opening a hyperspace tunnel of its own, and must be within range of the existing hyperspace tunnel. The second drive must not already be in the process of opening or maintaining a hyperspace tunnel. Control transfer is announced and attempted during the Power Allocation Phase. If successful, transfer is immediate. To attempt to transfer control, roll a number of d10 dice equal to the second drives hyper Rating. If the total is 7 or less, the transfer fails. Both hyper drives reset to zero power and the hyperspace tunnel closes during Final Actions. If the total is greater than 7, the transfer is successful. The rst hyper drive remains active and fully powered, but no longer controls the hyperspace tunnel. It is free to open another hyperspace tunnel (by the normal rules).
Partial shifting is only possible using shift drives with a shift Rating of zero. The drive must also have the partial shifting enhancement. By applying added power equal to 20% of the drives normal power requirement, the ship may attempt to partially shift for the duration of the turn. A ship may not attempt partial shifting if its shift drive is damaged in any way. Partial shifting begins when the ship begins its movement. The ship cannot be targeted or attacked while it is partially shifted. Guided weapons that were previously targeted on the ship automatically miss. (Drones targeted on the ship will halt movement for the duration of the partial shifting, but lose range equal to their Speed.) A partially shifting vessel cannot launch ghters or shuttles or use its weapons. It may ram other partially shifted ships, but it may not ram or be rammed by non-shifted ships. Partial shifting ends during Final Actions. It cannot be sustained past this point (but it may be attempted again on the next turn). If the ship ends its partial shifting in the same hex as any unit of Mass 500 or higher, it is destroyed (but the other unit is not harmed).
the board for the remainder of the battle. If a ship is stationary when the bubble is created but accelerates to any speed, it is removed from the board. If more than one unit on the board is within a warp bubble, they may interact with one another as normal (as long as they do not move). Ships within warp bubbles can be detected by nonwarped ships, but cannot be locked onto, targeted, jammed or attacked (among other things). If all units on the board are within warp bubbles, treat the combat as a normal un-warped battle. If any ship powers down its warp bubble, it is removed from the board.
A non-inertial warp drive uses technology similar to that found in non-inertial engines and thrusters. Noninertial warp drives can be found on ships that do not have non-inertial engines or thrusters. While a ship is within a non-inertial warp bubble, its movement becomes noninertial, as per the rules in Rule 5.5.1, regardless of its engine/thruster technology.
14.5.1 Wormholes
If a ship is shifting into combat, it will begin to appear during the Power Allocation Phase and fully arrive during Final Actions. It cannot interact with any units and no units may interact with it during the turn on which it is shifting into combat. If a ship is warping into combat (by creating or removing a warp bubble, as appropriate), it will appear in the same fashion as a shifting ship. Ships that are snapping into combat appear during Final Actions, but their incoming presence is not announced during Power Allocation.
This Rule covers a number of systems and procedures that are available to players of the advanced rules. It can be skipped by those playing with the basic rules.
15.1 Bridge
The bridge of a vessel is its
ship is operated by ofcers, they will be located on the bridge. Some ships have more than one bridge, only one of which will be active at any given time. If a bridge is destroyed while it is active, the ship becomes derelict. Active control may be transferred from one bridge to another during the Initiative Determination Phase at an initiative penalty of +5.
Some bridges are categorized as ag bridges. Only agship vessels have ag bridges. A ag bridge increases the accuracy of all weapons on the ship by +1 and increases the ships total sensor Rating by +1. In addition, a ag bridge automatically provides an EW shroud out to 4 hexes. This shroud does not require EW allocation to produce. EW points allocated to a shroud will add to this range.
If all players agree, occupied cargo holds can add to the Mass of the ship. For every container containing cargo, the Mass of the ship increases by 0.5. This increase has no effect on ship hull type, but does affect thrust requirements.
do not maneuver, and so even in combat they continue to rotate. A single structure may rotate around one axis, at most. Z-axis rotation is called saucer rotation. X- and Y-axis rotation is called barrel rotation.
15.4 Ramming
The volume of a single hex/layer is considerably greater than the space taken up by even the largest capital ship. Only starbases and space stations are large enough to ll an entire hex (with space stations usually lling two hexes). Fighters, shuttles and starships may attempt to ram enemy targets. The target must have at least the same number of sections as the ramming unit. To make the attempt, the ramming vessel must be moving at a speed of at least 1 and end its movement in the targets hex (and layer). Rams are resolved during the Boarding Actions Step. Roll 3d6. Add twice the difference in the number of sections of both units. Then subtract the difference in the speeds of both units. If both units involved are attempting to ram one another, double the result. Consult the following chart to determine the results: <6 Ships do damage to each other equal to half their ramming values. Ships do not entangle. Ships do damage to each other equal to their ramming values. Ships may entangle. Ships do damage to each other equal to twice their ramming values. Ships may entangle. Ships do damage to each other equal to three times their ramming values. Ships may entangle.
Damage is applied as a matter attack. The larger ship receives the damage in a burst conguration; the smaller ship receives the damage in a are conguration. If both ships have the same number of sections, both receive the damage in are conguration. Fighters may attack as a group or as individual ghters. In either event, each ghter resolves its ram attempt separately. Fighters ramming another ghter group may choose their targets within the group. All ram attacks on a given turn are resolved simultaneously.
15.4.1 Entanglement
If both vessels involved in a ram survive the impact and the ramming roll result was 6 or above, the vessels may become entangled. Roll 3d6 again, using the same DRM. On a result of 6 or above, the vessels become entangled.
Both vessels receive a new vector, calculated as the combination of both vectors. Example: Vessel A traveling along vector 1+2, 2+4 rams Vessel B, traveling along vector 4+1, 5+3. The combination vector for both vessels is 1+1, 2+1. Entangled vessels become attached to one another for the remainder of combat and cannot alter their speed or direction of travel. The two vessels are attached at an entanglement point: the sections of each unit that rst impacted the other unit. Entanglement points can be used for marine boarding; see the Campaign Book.
repair attempt is aborted. On a roll of 7 or 8, one structure point is restored in exchange for two hull structure points.
15.6 Hacking
Using their sensors offensively, ships may attempt to hack the bridge computers controlling the systems of enemy ships. To do so, the hacker must have a lock-on to the target. The hacker must target a specic system on the enemy vessel. Any system with a technology level (Rule 16.2) can be hacked. (If a system does not have a technology level, it is immune to hacking attempts.) Hacking attempts are resolved during Final Actions. Calculate the hacking attempt value as follows: Start with the hackers target amplication on the target (including points gained from ESS) Add the bridge technology level of the hacker ship Subtract the targets ECM (including points gained from ESS) Subtract the targets bridge technology level Roll a number of d6 dice equal to the hacking attempt value. (If the hacking attempt value is zero or below, the attempt is an automatic failure.) For every die roll of 1, the target system is disabled for one turn. If any die roll is 6, the hacker may not attempt to hack the target ship again for the remainder of the battle. (If both 1 and 6 come up, the current attempt is successful but no further attempts may be made for the remainder of the battle.) Each ship may attempt to hack at most one system per turn. Ships with a bridge technology level of 1 may attempt to hack enemies once every 4 turns (a rate of re of 1+3). Ships with a bridge technology level of 2 may attempt once every 3 turns (RoF 1+2). Ships with a tech level of 3 may attempt once every 2 turns (1+1). Ships with a tech level of 4 or higher may attempt once every turn (1+0).
Ad hoc repair does not require a specialized system, relying instead on the ingenuity of the crew. If the player wishes, s/he may roll 3d6 once each turn for each unit. On a roll of 3 or 4, one structure point in one undestroyed system is restored. On a roll of 5 or 6, one structure point in one undestroyed system is restored, but one hull structure point in the same section is lost (cannibalized for parts). If this would result in the loss of the section, the
15.7 Docking
15.7.1 Docking Clamps
A docking clamp is similar to an external launcher, but designed for starships. A docking clamp can be used to
dock one ship at a time, regardless of the ships Mass. To attach a ship to a stationary structures docking clamp, the ship must enter the structures hex going no faster than speed 1. At the end of the turn (during Final Actions), the ship becomes docked to the structures clamp. Detaching from a docking clamp takes one full turn. At the end of the turn (during Final Actions), the ship becomes undocked and on the next turn may accelerate away from the structures hex. If a ship is currently using a docking clamp, any incoming re that would hit the clamp hits the ship instead.
docking bay will strike Ship B on its exposed side. Incoming re that crosses facing 4 will hit Ship A. If a third ship, Ship C, docks in the same bay by approaching along vector direction 1, its exposed side will be at facing 4 (as with Ship A). If incoming re striking the bocking bay crosses facing 4, the attacking player must randomly determine (using a die roll) whether Ship A or Ship C is struck. Exiting a docking bay takes one full turn. The ship must move no faster than speed 1. The ship is considered to be un-docked as soon as it leaves the structures hex.
A dry dock is a massive hangar that completely removes the docked ship from exposure to space. Where a docking bay is like a parking lot, a dry dock is like a parking deck. Dry docks have arcs like hangars, and can only be entered/exited through that arc. Docking into a dry dock (a process called enclosure) takes two full turns. Once a ship has been enclosed, it is fully protected by the dry docks armor. As with docking bays, any damage that penetrates the dry docks armor strikes the enclosed vessel. In the absence of an enclosed vessel, the dry dock takes damage as a standard hangar. During the docking procedure (for the two full turns before the ship is completely enclosed), one facing must remain exposed, according to the rules for docking bays. The vessel cannot be directly targeted by enemy re. Exiting a docking bay takes two full turns. On the rst turn, the ship must not move. On the second turn, the ship must move no faster than speed 1. The ship is considered to be un-docked as soon as it leaves the structures hex.
Ships that are docked to stationary structures may perform the following operations: Transfer of crew to/from the structure Transfer of munitions to/from the structure (special ammunition, missile rack munitions and reload rack munitions) Transfer of ghters/shuttles to/from the structure Stationary structures may use their own automatic repair systems, ad hoc repair and re brigades to repair docked ships. Docking clamps are limited to one docked operation per turn. Docking bays and dry docks are not limited in this way.
Some ships are stealth-capable. Stealth capability is not the same as invisibility or cloaking (see Expansion B). If a ship has stealth capability, its hull is designed in such a way as to make the ship more difcult to detect at long ranges. In order for a stealth ship to remain undetected, it must power down all sensors (including ESS and specialized sensors), weapons and trans-light drives. If any such system is powered, the ship loses its stealth capability while the system has power. Ships that are in stealth mode do not appear on the map. Instead, stealth ship players must keep a private record of their movement in the event that another player wishes to contest it. Stealth ships are detected at the end of the Movement Step once they enter an enemy units EW shroud range, and must be placed on the map on the next turn after EW allocation. A stealth ship may enter stealth mode again only if it is outside all enemy EW shrouds and no enemy units have line-of-sight to it. Even when a stealth ship is detected, it continues to benet from its hull conguration. Enemy ships may not lock onto a stealth ship until it is closer than half the range of the enemys EW shroud. (Enemy small vessels, which do not require lock-ons, are not affected by this.)
Mass 10-19.9: three sections Mass 20-39.9: ve sections Mass 40-50: seven sections Stationary structures of Mass 50 and higher usually have 6 facing sections and a core section, but not always. When adding a system to a ship, it will be placed into one of the ships sections.
Shield Schedules, adding the construction point cost to the base cost of the system. If the shield is to be a hybrid system (Rule 11.2.4), use the hybrid shield enhancement shown on the lower left chart. If the shield is to be a buffering shield system (Rule 11.2.2), use the buffering shield schedules on the upper right chart and add either the buffering I or buffering II enhancement. Buffering shields do not use the standard absorption shield schedule. Apply the enhancement cost increase after all other CP costs have been applied. When the system is designed, shield type must be specied. There are two default options: gravitic (G Shield) and electromagnetic (EM Shield). This list may be expanded through the creation of new weapon and shield technologies (Rule 17.5). Shields may not be placed in the core sections of a unit. Arc shields must be placed in the section that it is intended to protect. Encapsulating shields must be placed in a non-core section. Units with one section may be fully encapsulated by a single arc shield. Units with three sections may be fully encapsulated by two arc shields. Beyond this, encapsulating shields are more cost-effective than multiple arc shields. However, encapsulating shields have a single system location and are therefore more easily destroyed than an array of arc shields. Additional Power Requirement The power requirement of an encapsulating shield system increases based on the type of unit to which it is attached. Once the base power requirement is determined, determine the nal power requirement by adding half the number of sections in the unit (rounded up). This additional power requirement does not apply to Point Defense or Arc shields.
16.4.3 Armor
16.4.2 Shields
If the ship is to have shields, use the charts and schedules on SSB5. Begin by selecting which type of shield will appear on the ship, using the chart in the upper left corner of SSB5. The basic shield will have no deection or absorption Rating. To add these Ratings, use the Standard
If the ship is to have armor, use the charts and schedules on SSB6. Select the type of armor from the chart on the left. The cost of standard and ablative armor depends on the overall size (number of sections) of the unit. For larger units, ablative armor is considerably cheaper than standard armor. The Ratings for adaptive armor (per-technology adaptive armor points and total adaptive armor points) can be increased using the adaptive armor schedules. Armor Mass is 0.1 per point of armor. Two enhancements are available for armor, applied after all other CP costs are calculated.
The basic sensor has a Rating of 1/16 (1 EW point available, 16 power to boost EW by 1). Use the sensor schedules on SSB7 to modify the basic sensor. ESS Devices The basic ESS device has a Rating of 9. See SSB7 for the modication schedule. Specialized Sensors The Specialized Sensors entry in the chart on SSB3 contain all the necessary information for EW Detectors and Masking Sensors. Hangar Launch Tubes The arc of a hangar to which an HLT is attached is Fixed, but paid for as if it were a Standard arc (i.e., no modier). HLTs are considered Hangar systems on the hit locations chart. An HLT has the following statistics: Structure: 1 Tech Level: 1 Mass: None Cost: 1 CP Hangars may have multiple launch tubes attached, with the addition of a Turret arc on the hangar (paid for fully). The launch tubes will have their own Fixed arcs (no cost adjustment). There may be multiple tubes for the same arc, or each tube may have its own arc. Each additional tube (for each hangar) costs an additional 1 CP (e.g., three launch tubes will cost a total of 6 CP). Even if all launch tubes are using the same Fixed arc, the attached hangar must use a Turret arc (though it may only launch through the tubes).
16.4.6 Bridge
Bridges do not require power from the reactor; they are powered by their own integrated system. The technology level of a bridge is always (automatically) minimally equal to the highest technology level on the ship. It may be increased for 50 CP per level. Chaff A chaff deployment system costs 50 CP for a DRM of 1. Each additional 1 costs 25 CP, to a maximum of 4. The magazine size of a chaff deployment system is 20. A chaff deployment system has 1 point of structure and a Mass of 0.5. Flares A are deployment system costs 50 CP for a DRM of 2. Each additional 2 costs 25 CP, to a maximum of 6. The magazine size of a are deployment system is 20. A are deployment system has 1 point of structure and a Mass of 0.5.
Collectors have a collection Rating of 1/turn; this cannot be modied unless the collector has the Weapon Collector enhancement. If the collector does not have this enhancement, it is not worthwhile to increase its maximum capacity beyond 1.
16.4.11 Engines
The engine charts are listed on SSB10. The basic engine has a thrust output of 0 and a power-to-thrust conversion rate of 10 power per 1 point of thrust. Thrust output, conversion rate and tech level can be adjusted using the engine customizations table. Engines are zeropower systems (requiring a functional power plant). Note that increasing the thrust output or decreasing the conversion rate of a non-inertial engine costs double the usual amount. The maximum size of an engine is 30 points of structure. If a ship requires more than 15 points of thrust (as is often necessary for rst rate ships), it should be tted with additional engines. The Mass of a single engine is 1, regardless of its size.
In addition to the various systems, a ship will also include hull structure. Hull structure is more than just excess space: it comprises everything from crew quarters to ventilation shafts to waste disposal containers. Hull structure is not critical for the operation of a ships systems, but it is necessary for the continued survival of the ship and its crew. Hull structure can be added to any section. Each point costs 0.5 construction point and has a Mass of 0.05 (so that twenty structure points count as a Mass of 1). Hull structure points are always collected into a single group for each section. Each section must have at least one hull structure point. Although it is possible to design a ship that has only one hull structure point per section, this is not considered a good idea. Hull structure keeps a ship intact: once it is destroyed, its associated section is sliced off the ship.
16.4.12 Thrusters
The thruster charts are listed on SSB10. There are two types of thruster: acceleration and maneuvering, as described in Rule 5.1. The thrust channel Rating indicates how much thrust can be sent from the engines through the thruster without overthrusting. There is no intrinsic limit to the number of thrusters of either kind that can appear in one section. The Mass of a thruster is negligible; treat it as Mass 0. Basic thrusters have a channel Rating of 0, which can be increased by 1 point for every 4 CP spent. Note that increasing the thrust channel Rating of a non-inertial thruster costs double the usual amount. See Rule for thruster placement options. If the ship being designed is a conversion from a system that does not permit three-dimensional movement, the thruster placement will likely not permit such movement. If all players agree, the converted ships acceleration thrusters may double as maneuvering thrusters without additional cost. This should only be permitted if every ship being used in the game shares this feature (otherwise construction point costs will not be comparable).
See SSB11 for a table listing the options and their costs. If more than one adjustment is applied, the percentage increases in CP are additive. Example: A ships Mass is decreased by 0.3 and its armor is specialized against laser weapons. The Mass adjustment cost is +3% and the armor specialization cost is +5%, for a total adjustment cost of +9%. Mass Adjustment The nal Mass of a ship may be slightly increased or decreased. For an increase or decrease of 0.1, increase the total cost of the ship by 1%. The maximum increase or decrease in Mass is 2.5 (+25%). Armor Specialization A ship may have one armor specialization per Technology Level. The ship must have a Technology Level sufcient to eld the weapon technology against which the armor is specialized (e.g., anti-Gravitic armor requires TL 4). Each specialization adds 5% to the overall CP cost of the unit. Evasive Maneuvers Fighters automatically gain the ability to use up to 4 points of thrust for evasive maneuvers. This may be enhanced. The cost per level depends on the ghter size: 3 CP for light ghters, 5 CP for heavy ghters. Example: A heavy ghter with 15 CP spent on evasive maneuver capability will be able to use up to 7 points of thrust for evasive maneuvers (4+3). A light ghter with 15 CP spent will be able to use up to 9 points of thrust (4+5).
Fighter armor is assigned to each of the four sections on a ghter (forward, aft, port and starboard). Armor costs 5 CP per point. Light ghters may have up to 5 points of armor on each section, while heavy ghters may have up to 10 points of armor on each section. Fighters may only use standard armor. The ramming value of a ghter is equal to twice its forward armor value plus twice its Mass.
Fighters and shuttles may have hull structure up to fteen times their Mass (so, for example, a medium shuttle could have 30 points of hull structure). The cost is 1 CP per point.
16.5.4 Shuttles
The ramming value of a ship is equal to twice its Mass, rounded up.
Shuttles may only eld a single weapon, but they may carry special systems such as ESS devices. Such systems do not have structure. (Shuttle systems are destroyed when the shuttle is destroyed.) Shuttle armor is assigned to each of the four sections on a shuttle. Armor costs 5 CP per point. Shuttles may have at most 5 points of armor on each section, regardless of Mass. Shuttles may only use standard armor. The ramming value of a shuttle is equal to twice its forward armor value. Thrust costs 3 CP per point. Shuttles may mount thrust equal to 6 minus their Mass (so, for example, a shuttle with Mass 3 could mount 3 points of thrust). Non-inertial shuttles cost an additional 50 CP, with a thrust cost of 6 CP per point. Shuttles may carry a number of systems equal to their Mass. Shuttles do not require bridge or sensor systems. They may not carry trans-light drives or hangars. They may eld at most one weapon system.
weapons). Small vessels are permitted one enhancement per point of Mass.
A structure may have more than one docking bay, but the total structure across all bays cannot exceed the 1/3 Mass limitation. Docking bays must have docking arcs, using the ring arc costs (like hangars). Only starbases and space stations may have docking bays. Dry Docks Dry docks may house a total Mass of ships equal to their structure, which costs 2 CP per point. The maximum structure permitted is 1/3 the total Mass of the stationary structure not including the Mass of the dry dock, rounded up. A structure may have more than one dry dock, but the total structure across all docks cannot exceed the 1/3 Mass limitation. Dry docks must have have docking arcs, using the ring arc costs (like hangars). Only space stations may have dry docks. Rotating Sections Section rotation is permitted for any stationary structure larger than a weapon platform. There is no additional cost associated with section rotation (the advantages and disadvantages more or less cancel out). Select a rotation Rating for the unit based on Rule 15.3.
Weapon platforms have a single (core) section and contain, at minimum, a power plant and sensors. They may also carry shields, armor and weapons (except weapon drums). They must have at least one point of hull structure.
Stardocks have nine sections: six facing sections, an inner port section, an inner starboard section and a core section. Starbases and space stations have eleven sections: six facing sections, inner sections forward, aft, port and starboard, and a core section. Most systems may be attached to a stardock, starbase or space station. Engines and thrusters may not be attached. Weapons may be attached either to the outer facing sections or to the inner sections, but not both.
ATLGs (Rule 14.5) are specialized stardock stationary structures. However, they are treated abstractly in Cold Innity and are considered stationary units with one section and no systems (only hull structure). ATLGs cost 500 CP plus 1 CP per point of hull structure. Armor may be added according to the standard rules. Regardless of structure, all ATLGs have a Mass of 60 and a total Silhouette of 24. Docking Clamps Stardocks, starbases and space stations may have docking clamps. Docking Bays Docking bays may house a total Mass of ships equal to their structure, which costs 2 CP per point. The maximum structure permitted is 1/3 the total Mass of the stationary structure not including the Mass of the docking bay, rounded up. Example: A stardock with a Mass of 80 may have a docking bay with 27 structure points. Since a 27point docking bay has a Mass of 4.5, this increases the overall Mass of the stardock to 84.5.
upon impact with the target, triples the shuttles ramming value.
The use of breaching shuttles is treated in the Campaign Rulebook. Breaching shuttles require a special system: the breach cutter. Breach cutters cost 20 CP per Tech Level.
The use of assault shuttles is treated in the Campaign Rulebook. Assault shuttles are designed like specialized suicide shuttles: 20 points of armor distributed primarily into the forward armor section.
Stardocks, starbases and space stations may be permitted to carry thrusters. Such units are called mobile bases or hyper-dreadnoughts . (The two terms are interchangeable, used only as a conceptual distinction.) In addition to the cost of the thrusters, the overall CP cost of the unit increases by 5% (after any Mass adjustment). Thruster output requirements are based directly on the total Mass of the mobile base. See SSB2 for the calculations.
Solar sails are essentially low-power engine/thruster combinations. They are generally not used during combat, as their maximum acceleration is 1 hex per 100 turns, and they cannot be used for maneuvering. Solar sails have little mass but are extremely large. If a solar sail is deployed (unfurled) when combat begins, any weapon hit will damage the sail before striking the rest of the ship. A deployed solar sail has 1 point of structure, and is immediately destroyed upon impact. The weapons remaining damage is then applied to the ship normally (to the hull structure or another system). Shields and armor cannot protect an unfurled solar sail. It takes three turns to completely secure a solar sail. If a ship is hit by a weapon on the rst turn, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1-5, the sail is struck rst (as above). On the second turn, the sail is struck on a roll of 1-3. On the third turn, the sail is struck on a roll of 1. It takes three turns to unfurl a sail, with the same chances to hit on each turn, in reverse. Solar sails are stowed within a solar sail deployment casing. The casing is treated as an Other system on the hit locations chart. The casing may be hit whether or not the sail is stowed. If a ship is equipped with a solar sail, the casing has the following statistics: Structure: 5 Tech Level: 1 Mass: 0.2 Cost: 1 CP
Any ship may be given stealth capability (Rule 15.8). The construction point cost for this is equal to twenty times the total silhouette Rating of the ship.
Heat sinks and radiators may be used to offset some of the heat generated by an overheating power plant (Rule 3.7). A heat sink and radiator system (HSR) consists of heat-absorbing plates that can be extended outside the ship to radiate the heat off into space. While an HSR is retracted, it can receive heat from one or more power plants, up to the total number of structure points in the HSR. That received heat is not counted against the total for the power plant when determining whether or not the power plant must shut down. If an HSR is full with heat, it cannot receive more heat until some or all of the existing heat has dissipated. Heat dissipates from an HSR at a rate of 1 point of heat for every 4 full points of structure, during Final Actions. To dissipate heat more rapidly, the HSR must be extended. It takes one full turn to extend an HSR (and one full turn to retract it). Once extended, the HSR loses heat at a rate of 1 point of heat for every 2 full points of structure, during Final Actions. While an HSR is extended, it is not
protected by armor. It can still be protected by shields. In the order of impact, an extended HSR is struck at the same time as collector panels (Rule 7.5.2). Example: An HSR with 10 points of structure has a Rating of 2/5: two points per turn retracted, ve points per turn extended. If an HSR is kept at full heat capacity for ten consecutive turns (checked during the Final Actions step), it begins to boil and melt down, destroying one point of hull structure in its section on each subsequent turn. This is an irreversible process and will continue even if the HSR is no longer at full capacity. An HSR may be jettisoned from the ship during Final Actions to prevent further damage. HSRs are considered Other systems on the hit locations chart. An HSR has the following statistics: Structure: varies Tech Level: 1 Mass: 0.05 per point of structure Cost: 1 CP per point of structure A ship may have more than one HSR on board, and may extend or retract each HSR independently. All HSRs must be located on outer (non-core) sections.
Although players are welcome to build ships using the weapons provided in the Universe Book, it is also possible to design new weapons from scratch.
Each statistic can be improved by using the various weapon schedules. Begin by selecting a conguration. More than one conguration is allowed, but each additional conguration adds +50% to the system cost. If the systems base conguration is Tracking, it must also take the add conguration enhancement in order to acquire a Tracking subtype (without which the weapon will not re). Weapon damage can be adjusted using the weapon damage schedules. There are ve schedules: d4, d6, d8, d10 and Fixed. Systems at Tech Level 1 may only use the d4, d6 and Fixed schedules. Systems at Tech Level 2 or higher may use the d8 schedules. Systems at Tech Level 3 may use the d10 schedule. To determine the cost for each schedule, use the number in parentheses. The cost for the Fixed schedule is the Fixed value itself. (Strictly speaking, the CP cost is the average die roll, rounded down. So, the CP cost of 3d6 is 10, since the average result of 3d6 is 10.5.) Although most basic weapons will only use one schedule, it is possible to add damage schedules to create combination damage (for example, 1d10+5). It is acceptable to subdivide the Fixed damage schedule into 1-point increments, each of which is a +1 differential. However, any xed damage above one of the +5 increments counts as the subsequent row for purposes
of power/structure requirements. See Rule 17.1.2. Example: Fixed damage +10 requires 1 power and 2 structure points. Fixed damage +12 requires 2 power and 4 structure points. Enhancements and limitations may be applied to a weapon as well, using the charts available to the weapon technology and conguration. The percentage increase or decrease from all enhancements and limitations are combined and then applied to the total CP cost of the weapon system. The combination of enhancements and limitations may never result in a modier below 80%: any excess limitation value is ignored. Some campaign universes may assume certain enhancements or limitations apply to all weapon systems. In such cases, players may choose not to charge the cost of these enhancements (or reclaim construction points from these limitations). A common example of this would be the use of the Guardian enhancement, which allows ships to more frequently use defensive re in support of other friendly ships. Default enhancements and limitations do not count toward the enhancement limit (Rule 17.1.1). Technology enhancements and limitations may only be applied to specic technology types, based on whether they are considered matter-based weapons, energy-based weapons or special weapons. These broad categories are identied for each default technology type on SSB30. Some enhancements and limitations will not be available to a weapon system due to its existing technology design limitations (Rule 17.5).
each schedule. A weapons structure can be increased or decreased by 1 point per CP. A weapons power requirement can be decreased by one point per +3, and increased by one point per 3. Power Multipliers If a weapons Rate of Fire is greater than 1+0, the nal power requirement for the weapon increases via a multiplier, as indicated on SSB13. If a weapons Maximum Pulse Rating is 4 or higher, the nal power requirement for the weapon increases via a multiplier, as indicated on SSB12. If a weapons Wave Rating is 5 hexes or greater, the nal power requirement for the weapon increases via a multiplier, as indicated on SSB12. It is possible to apply both the RoF and Pulse or Wave power multipliers. The multipliers are not additive (a multiplier of x2 and a multiplier of x3 becomes x6, not x5.) The same calculation should be made for Enveloping weapons with high range Ratings, as indicated on SSB13. The optional power requirement adjustment described in 17.1.2 is applied after any power multipliers. Enhancement Increases For every +100% in enhancements, the power requirement of the system goes up by 1 and the amount of structure goes up by 2. Enhancement power adjustment is applied after any Pulse, Wave or Rate of Fire multipliers.
Weapon systems may have a number of enhancements equal to their technology level. Limitations count as 1 against that total. In other words, if the total number of enhancements minus the total number of limitations is greater than the base technology level of the weapon system, the true technology level of the weapon system is equal to that calculation. Example: A particle weapon system with a base technology level of 2 has four enhancements and one limitation. This results in a minimum technology level of 3 (4 - 1 = 3, which is greater than the base tech level of 2). For players who are not using rules that require strict adherence to technology levels, such as hacking or campaign rules, this enhancement limit may be ignored.
The Mass of a weapon system is equal to 1/10 its power requirement or 1/10 its structure, whichever is greater. Thus, a weapon with 8 structure and requiring 12 power would have a Mass of 1.2.
Guided weapon systems are designed in a manner different from that of direct re, non-guided weapons. There are two kinds of guided weapons: missiles and torpedoes.
17.2.1 Missiles
A weapons base power and structure requirement is listed on the weapon damage schedules chart, to the left of the schedules. If a system uses more than one damage schedule, add all power and structure requirements for
Each missile weapon system consists of two parts: the missile rack and the missile type. Missiles (of any type) are loaded into missile racks before battle. If more than one type are loaded into a rack, the player must record the quantity and order of each missile type in the rack. Missiles cannot be red out of order. Missile racks begin with a cost of zero construction points. Consult the missile rack schedules on SSB24 to determine the nal cost of the missile rack.
Magazine capacity refers to the maximum number of missiles that may be loaded into the rack. If a rack is given range boosting capabilities, the launch range of the missile (and its maximum range, by extension) is increased. A missile rack may be given an accuracy bonus as well, which will improve its missiles accuracy Rating values. Missile racks may not have signed accuracy Ratings. The base RoF of a missile rack is 1+4. The base construction point cost of an individual missile type is 5 CP. Missile types begin with a damage Rating of zero, a launch range of zero and a max range of x1. Use the missile schedules to improve the damage, launch range and max ranges. The construction point cost of a missile type reects the CP cost for 20 missiles of that type. Missile types can be given enhancements by the same method that direct re weapons use. Only one enhancement may be used per type. The standard missile weapon technology is Matter. An enhancement may be added (+30%) to a missile type to change its weapon technology to Electromagnetic, Radiation or Plasma. Target armor, hull and the like will react to a missile according to its technology type. (Plasma missiles do not have reduced strength over range.) This enhancement does not count toward the single enhancement allowance. The technology level of a missile or missile rack is equal to 1/30 its construction point cost (rounded down, to a minimum of 1). If a missiles damage type is other than Matter, the minimum technology level minimum depends on the technology type. Missile rack ring arcs are determined when they are placed onto a specic ship, as per Rule 16.4.1. All missile racks have 0 point power requirements (they must be powered and activated, but do not require points from the power plant). Missile racks always have a Mass equal to 1/20 the magazine size. Missile racks have structure equal to 1/4 their magazine size (rounded up). Drones Missile types can be converted to drones according to the drone modication chart. The reduction in CP cost from drone modication is calculated after all differentials and enhancements are calculated. Drones may be tted with a single weapon attachment, which has the same CP cost as the equivalent small vessel direct re weapon. Drones may only be tted with small vessel direct re weapons, and may not be tted with
weapons that require ammunition (such as Matter weapons). There is no cost increase for the Turret mounting.
17.2.2 Torpedoes
Torpedoes do not require solid ammunition like missiles, and as such only consist of the ring system. Torpedo systems begin with a cost of zero construction points. Damage: Use the weapon damage schedules on SSB13. Decide which schedule to use when the system is designed: only one is permitted. Torpedoes normally re in a burst conguration. A special kind of torpedothe swarm torpedores in a pulse conguration. In all other ways the swarm torpedo functions like a standard torpedo (and has the same base cost). Rate of Fire: Use the missile rack RoF schedule on SSB24. Launch Range: Use the missile Launch Range schedule on SSB24. The maximum range of a torpedo is always equal to its launch range (there is no multiplier). Accuracy: Use the value/sign customizations on SSB13. Defensive Fire: DF is not possible with torpedoes. Torpedo systems are considered Radiation weapons, but may be enhanced to shift technologies (+30% to shift to Electromagnetic, Plasma or Gravitic). Target armor, hull and the like will react to a torpedo according to its technology type. (Plasma torpedoes do not have reduced strength over range unless they have the Weak Casing limitation.) Torpedo systems can be enhanced or limited using the chart on SSB26. Torpedoes may have one enhancement and one limitation each, not including the technology shift enhancement. Torpedo power and structure may be modied in the same manner as direct re weapons, using the chart on SSB13. This modication is applied after the current construction point cost is determined (which determines preliminary power and structure). The technology level of a torpedo system is equal to 1/30 the total CP cost, rounded down, to a minimum of 1. If a torpedo systems damage type is other than Radiation, the minimum technology level minimum depends on the technology type. This calculation is made after power and structure modication costs are determined.
Reload racks cost 18 CP plus 2 CP per reload operation per turn. Multiply this by 1/20 the number of missiles the rack can hold. Reload racks have structure equal to 1/4 their magazine size (rounded up) and Mass
equal to 1/20 their magazine size. Reload racks require zero power.
Weapon drums that deposit are zero-power systems. Ejecting minelayers and beacon launchers require 1 point of power per hex of range. Ejecting WPDS drums require power equal to 1/3 the platforms Mass, rounded up. When attached to a ship, ejecting drums use the ring arc costs in Rule 16.4.1.
17.4.2 Munitions
Use the schedules on SSB27. The basic proximity mine does 1d6 Wave damage with a wave range of 1 hex, with an activation range of 1 hex. The wave range cannot be less than the activation range. 15 construction points per mine. The basic swarm mine does 1d6 Pulse 4/1 damage with an activation range of 1 hex. 10 construction points per mine. Micro-platforms may be constructed from any weapon system that requires less than 4 points of power. The cost of a micro-platform is 1/10 the cost of the weapon system, rounded up. Use the swarm mine activation range schedule. ESS beacons may be constructed from any ESS system that requires less than 11 points of power. The cost of an ESS beacon is 1/10 the cost of the ESS system, rounded up. See Rule 16.6.2 for rules on designing weapon platforms.
Availability of new/changed technologies for guided weapons (missiles and torpedoes) does not affect cost. Expansions to the main ruleset will include new technologies as well as new enhancements and limitations. Some of these enhancements and limitations will be designated as available for the seven standard technologies.
For each new weapon technology, a new specialized armor type will need to be created. Armor that is specialized against a technology that ignores armor is treated as half armor against that technology. Armor that is specialized against a technology that treats armor at half value is treated as full armor against that technology.