The American Revolution Powerpoint
The American Revolution Powerpoint
The American Revolution Powerpoint
Sarah Jalbert
EQ: What are the causes of the American Revolution and how was South Carolina involved?
Independence Patriot Proprietor Treaty
Gaining Independence
King Charles rewarded his friends by giving them land. Eight of his friends became proprietors, or owners of the Carolina colony.
Gaining Independence
The settlers did not like how the owners ran the colony. The British government took control of the colony. In 1729 the colony was divided into North and South Carolina.
Unhappy Colonists
South Carolina and the other 13 colonies grew and did well, but they were unhappy with the British governments unfair laws. Some of the unfair laws included taxes and housing troops.
Unhappy Colonists
The colonists had no say in the making of laws.
Declaring Independence
The colonists tried to come to a fair agreement with the British. The British did not want to settle their differences and tried to take the colonists ammunition.
Declaring Independence
Important Battles in SC
The Battle of Charles Town The Battle of Cowpens The Battle of Camden The Battle of Kings Mtn. The Battles of Ninety Six The Battle of Eutaw Springs The Battle of Orangeburg
A New Nation
The victories in South Carolina were an important part of the American Revolution. When the war was over, a treaty was signed. South Carolina and the rest of the colonies gained their independence from Great Britain. The colonies became states in the new nation known as the United States of America.
Resources (American Revolution) (British flag) (Angry Colonists) (Declaring Independence) (Battles in SC) (Francis M) (Thomas S) (Andrew P) (New Nation) (School House Rock Video)
Standard 3-3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the American Revolution and SCs role in the dev. of the new American nation. Indicator 3-3.1 Summarize the causes of the American Revolution, including Britains passage of the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and the Intolerable Acts; the rebellion of the colonists; and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. 3-3.3 Summarize the course of the American Revolution in South Carolina, including the role of William Jasper and Fort Moultrie; the occupation of Charles Town by the British; the partisan warfare of Thomas Sumter, Andrew Pickens, and Francis Marion; and the battles of Cowpens, Kings Mountain, and Eutaw Springs.